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Item #02 Approval for Award of RFP#14-001 Citywide Wrecker Towing Services
1 1111 WN � Z/� fl0 ido AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: December 17, 2013 Item # Reviewed By: Contact Name: Joyce Tolbert Department Director: Contact Number: 1516 City Manager: Subject: Award of RFP #14 -001 Citywide Wrecker Towing Services Background Summary: The City's current contract for wrecker towing services for public roads and City vehicles expires on December 31, 2013. In conformance with Chapter 21 (Purchasing Code) of the City Code of Ordinances, and in the best interest of the public and the City, the City solicited competitive proposals from experienced Contractors to establish a multi -year Contract for City- wide Wrecker Towing Services. Services solicited included the removal and storage of vehicles that are a) creating a traffic hazard, b) abandoned, c) disabled from a traffic crash or d) for non- consensual removal of vehicles frorn public streets and areas within the City. This contract is for public roads and City vehicles only and does not include private towing. Additionally, this contract includes the towing, storage, and roadside assistance for City vehicles. The City intends to award this contract to a single experienced Contractor. The contract shall have an initial three (3) year period with two automatic one -year renewable extensions, for a maximum of five (5) total years; unless otherwise terminated by the City, in writing, at least sixty (60) days' prior to the annual renewal date(s). The contract may include a clause authorizing price adjustments after the initial 3 -year period. "There were approximately (626) public tows in the past year, and the cost for towing of City vehicles was approximately $2,220 over the past two years. This contract would continue to provide for the towing of City vehicles at a reduced cost, with no charge for Class A (up to 10,000 pounds) vehicles within the City. The public will continue to be charged across the board rates at reduced costs. The RFP was advertised on October 13, 2013 and was publicly opened on November 6, 2013. There were a total of four (4) proposals submitted. The Public Works and Finance Departments reviewed the proposals and all but one were considered responsive. One (1) proposal was considered non - responsive for failure to provide the required bid security, see attached proposal checklist. Complete copies of all responses are available in the Finance Department for your review. The three (3) responses were evaluated by the RFP Evaluation Committee, which was comprised of seven (7) members appointed by the City Manager: Michael Bryant, PD Lieutenant; Brad Dreasher, PD Lieutenant; Doug Gaines, Deputy Director of Support Services; Tim Hoover, Deputy Fire Chief, Mark Johnson, Parks & Recreation Operations Manager; Steve Krug, Public Works Director; and Bill Simmons, Fleet /Sanitation Operations Manager. The Evaluation Committee meeting to discuss evaluation and negotiation strategies was held on November 7, 2013. The Evaluation Committee also conducted site /facility inspections and interviews with each Respondent on November 13, 2013. The RFP evaluation committee meeting was held on November 20, 2013 with the Evaluation Committee evaluating and short- listing the firms on specific evaluation criteria. Please see the attached shortlist/evaluation form. The Evaluation Committee short- listed the following firms in ranked order, and recommends contracting with the top ranked firm, Car Store of West Orange Inc., per the attached award recommendation from the Public Works Director. The Table below is the Evaluation Committee's rankings: Rank/Respondent 1. The Car Store of West Orange Inc. 2. Ace Wrecker Service 3. SI 's Towing & Recovery LLC The Car Store has been in business for over 30 years in Central Florida and is the city's current vendor for towing services. The City has had a positive experience with The Car Store under the current contract. Issue: Award the term contract for city -wide wrecker towing services for public roads and City vehicles to The Car Store of West Orange Inc., as recommended by the Evaluation Committee. Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission award the term contract for RFP #14 -001 Citywide Wrecker Towing Services to the Car Store of West Orange Inc. in the amount of unit prices proposed, and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and staff to execute all necessary contract documents; and issue purchase orders or use the City's purchasing card for the City vehicles portion up to the budgeted amount each fiscal year. Attachments: 1. RFP # 14 -001 2. Addendum #1 Car Store Proposal Sly's Towing Proposal Ace Wrecker Proposal Shortlist /Evaluation Form Checklist /Tabulation Form Award Recommendation from Public Works Director Financial Impact: This contract would continue to provide for the towing of City vehicles at a reduced cost, with no charge for Class A (up to 10,000 pounds) vehicles within the City. The public will continue to be charged across the board rates at reduced costs. Type of Item: (please mark with an Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Dept Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda Original Document /Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk X Original Document /Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 2 I I ks N Z/� 0('0(?(> florido Ma S. Scott Vandergrift Commissioners John Grogan District t Rosemary Wilsen District 2 Rusty Johnson District 3 Joel F. Keller District 4 MEMORANDUM Date: November 21, 2013 �CDee Public Works Team To: Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agent i From: Stephen C. Krug, Public Works Directdf' -.. - -- ' RE: Contract Award Recommendation. Improving a great community City Manager Public Works recommends award of the City Wide Wrecker Towing Robert D. Frank Services to The Car Store of West Orange, Inc. (Car Store), of Winter Garden, Florida. The City received three responsive bids from vendors. Following a review of the proposals, the seven (7) person RFP Evaluation Committee inspected the respondents' facilities. Based on the tabulation of the evaluator's individual rankings, Car Store was the overwhelmingly clear choice for the recommendation. All evaluators concurred with the recommendation. The respondents' proposals adhered to the requirements of the RFP. The site inspections revealed areas where some of the respondents failed to meet the requirements detailed in the scope of services, such as no lift on site for vehicles impounded for evidence, unsecure evidence areas and payment procedures for citizens to retrieve their vehicles that do not adhere to the RFP. Car Store provides the most comprehensive service which completely addressed all the requirements of the RFP. Car Store has been in business for over 30 years in Central Florida and is the City's current vendor for towing services. The City has had a positive experience with Car Store under the current contract. City of Ocoee • 301 Maguire Road • Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905 -3170 • www.ocoee.org ■■ N X n A O O_ L C7 F r C �v O m z� m O X m 0 U) m m 0-4 ;uO r� (� Z � G7 Cn m M C n m Cn o m m m m m m m DO E w m v w v v w ni v v v v O O Z O O O O O O O (n m --I 0) cn A W N D C C7 C7 CD N A W N N N N N 0 (D fl1 C/) Z. :� CL CD 0 7 CD � 3 c� n m O y co � � N m 0 � O (O (DD O -h N rt Cn v; O W Co N W W W W W W r� r n go x CD 0 O CD X n A O O_ L C7 F r C �v O m z� m O X m 0 U) m m 0-4 ;uO r� (� Z � G7 Cn m M C n m Cn m v c v 0 to � 1 ( C -. E: (77 - s- 0 O Cn CD C .Z7 CD ^ 0 a 3 M O Cn O O CD - O a .D m SU N' O O -_ (D _ O 1] E3 CD (D X 0 Cr v M O (D < O Q N 71 '6 O p Sv 0< (p m < ° n O C D O O 0 Q �. ?, 6 CD � N< � CD N C:) .0,- - T. 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(D d N(D m N (D v x (D cn N d (D O O N T n 0 (D O (D N O (D m = (D O C (D m O CD CD y O O f :E 0 y _m N W N N D N m (� � o n F o m d to o m � (It O 0 0 N EA u, O 0 0 0 0 fA (O (T O 0 0 0 0 EA N 0 0 0 0 o 0 EA 4� 0 0 0 0 0 0 EA 6A 0 0 0 0 o 0 2 a (� Q (D N CD n 0 (o 0 C O 0 O O O 0 0 O O EA A O 00 00 0 0 O O O O ( O O 00 O O cA EA A O 00 0 0 O N � (D O O N G (D (D cn CD 05. d 1 E i 2 CD p I N 0 (D O (D EA W Un O O Hi EA m N (n Ut O O O O EA A EA A (P O co loo fA N EA O A O 00 010 fA 69 A O O O 0 0 fA W Ui O O O O r C7 o a m n 3 a c d n n o = m m 0 A x r 0 y7, :.-I m D -4 W 0 C 0 �Z O, Z N M X 0 m y The Car Store of West Orange, Inc. Q r c i ha.r The Car Store of West Orange, Inc has been providing quality towing, storage, and recovery to law enforcement and the community for over forty years. Unlike other companies, we employ all of our people from within the local economic area which helps supply much needed jobs within the geographic area this contract covers. We have proven this with the large area we cover for Florida's Turnpike Enterprise under the STARR (Specialized Towing and Roadside Repair) contract. With the addition of the STARR program, we are able to employ drivers in the Kissimmee and Wildwood areas. With the scope of work required during this contract it will become necessary to seek additional employees within the local area. The Car Store of West Orange, Inc. has been the Only Rotation Towing Service that has been providing casualty vehicles for the education and advancement of the city's fire and rescue personnel. We do this free of charge as a public service to the city, along with its residents who travel the city's roadways. A traffic crash with entrapment can happen to anyone of us, and the knowledge gained through this hands on training saves lives. We sponsor quarterly seminars at our facility; where our operators cross train with fire rescue personnel. After all, we are all Incident Responders working towards the same goal. Work safe, clearing the road to prevent secondary traffic crashes and providing professional service to the residents of the city. As a current service provider to The City of Ocoee, we have maintained a professional relationship with the POLICE DEPARTMENT, FIRE DEPARTMENT, PUBLIC WORKS, and all city employees we come in contact with. We look forward to continuing our service to the Police Department not only in providing fast and professional service for Consent and Non - Consent Towing. We will continue to stock the spare tires for Police Vehicles provided by the public works department. This keeps the officers from having extended periods of out of service time while waiting on other service providers. We look forward to continuing our longstanding relationship with the City of Ocoee and hope that our past performance will help you in making the choice for who will provide service to the City of Ocoee and its residents for the next 5 years. Why Car Store of West Orange, Inc is the Continued Right Choice for the City of Ocoee • Owned by the same family for over forty years • Three Generations of Towing Professionals which shows the longevity of our company, • All equitable owners have been involved in towing for over thirty years each • In 2000 we were the first company in the Central Florida Area to provide an air conditioned and heated climate controlled vehicle lockup / evidence building. • Largest Fleet of Towing Equipment Based within the West Orange County Area • Largest employer of Towing related services in West Orange County Area • Largest Impound Facility dedicated for Towing and Recovery a Our Facility is located on West Colonial drive just off Florida's Turnpike and SR429 which makes us easy to locate when customers are retrieving belongings or their vehicles The Car Store of W Orange, Inc. • We have been providing service to the city for many years which allows our staff to have the knowledge needed to continue to provide quality service • Community Involvement has been one of the many benefits we have been able to provide through our business, we donate to local schools the police explorer program. Drug and Alcohol Safety Programs. • Donation of vehicles to law enforcement to use for crime prevention activities • Featured article written about us in the Orlando Sentinel's Consumer Corner dated I I /14/2010 Titled " Towing Company Cuts Fee for Grieving Family" • "A" Rating with Orlando BBB hi (p: orlando bhb or • On -Site Fueling independent of Power, keeping us operating when other companies are in search of fuel during times of Emergency. • As a vendor for Florida's Turnpike Hurricane Evacuation Plan, we have priority drop fueling from our fuel supplier which allows us to provide un- interrupted service to all of our law enforcement agencies. The Car Store of West Orange, Inc. 12811 West Colonial Dr. Winter Garden, FI 34787 • Established 1969 • Began Towing 1972 • Heavy Duty Towing 1972 • Family Owned And Operated For 40 Years • Established 2nd Location In Lake County, FI 1989 • Service All Police Agencies For Lake And Orange Counties A Drug Free Work place Todd Paquette Owner / Vice President & Director • Owner And Director Of Operations Companywide 1998 • Towing And Recovery Since 1985 • Director Of Orange County Operations 1996 TO Present • Certified By PWOF / NATA Light Medium Heavy, Ultra Heavy Duty 2004 • Member Of PWOF • Degree In Business Georgia Southwestern State University 1985 • 8 Hour Hazmat Certification Corporate Liaison To Orange County Sheriff's Office, Oakland Police Dept., Winter Garden Police Dept., Ocoee Police Dept., Windermere Police Dept. • Certified In Mitigation Of Fluids / Florida Open Roads Policy • Maintenance Of Traffic • Maintain Employee Files Payroll Administrator • Insurance Liaison For Group Health Care Benefits • President of West Orange Kiwanis Club 2004 Maintain Communication Between Employer And Employee Spouse / Family When Necessary Susan Frost Office Manager Orange County Location • Responsible Orange County Police Impound Inventory • Performs Notification of Impounded Vehicles to Multiple Agencies • Head of Receivables Dept. Orange County Location The Car Store of West Orange, Inc City of Ocoee Garrett Paquette Owner President • Towing And Recovery Since 1981 • Director Of Lake County Operations 1989 • Owner And Director Of Operations Companywide 1998 • Certified In Light Medium Heavy Duty Towing 1984, Kinnman School • Certified By PWOF / NATA Light Medium Heavy Duty Ultra Heavy Duty 2005 • Member Of PWOF(Professional Wrecker Operators Of Florida) • Founding Member of Sunshine State Towing Association • Trainer for Sunshine State Towing Association • Trainer SHRP2 (Strategic Highway Research Program) • 40 Hazmat Certification, She Solutions,LLC • Train The Trainer Certification NATA 2007 • Instructor Light & Medium Duty Towing, NATA (North American Towing Academy) • Instructor & Author Of Heavy Duty Instruction Manual NATA • Recognized Instructor for Florida's Turnpike Enterprise RISC Heavy Duty Recovery Program • Certification From Global Aircraft Recovery, 2008 Boise Idaho • In -House Instructor for The Car Store Of West Orange, Inc. • Instruct Mitigation Of Fluids And Florida Open Roads Policy NATA • Owner of Towing & Recovery Concepts, Florida Corporation. • Inventor Of "The Flip Stick" Tool Used For Single Lane Rollovers With Car Carrier • Corporate Liaison to Lake County Schools, Lake County Sheriff's Office/ Lake County Fire Rescue, Contract Administrator. • Corporate Liaison To Florida Turnpike Enterprise RISC Contract • Tim Team for Tri- County, Lake Sumter, And Turnpike. • Maintenance Of Traffic Certified • Instruct "On Scene Traffic Safety" For NATA As Part Of Heavy Duty Training • Involved In Multiple RISC Quick Clearance Jobs Florida's Turnpike • AAA Service Provider 2001 To 2003.... 2008 to Present • Provided Quick Clearance Training To City of Memphis Tennessee Operators for the Tennessee Tow Truck Association • Provided Quick Safe Towing And Recovery Practices for South Dakota Tow Truck Association. • Past President Minneola Kiwanis Club • Current President Lake Minneola High School Athletic Boosters Club • Member of Masonic Lodge since 1998 • Millennium (2000) Class Orlando Bahia Shrine The Car Store of West Orange, Inc City of Ocoee Deneice Warr Office Manager Lake County • Responsible Lake County Police Impound Inventory • Head of Receivables Dept. • Handles Certified Notification Of Vehicle Owners, Lien Holder, Ins. Companies Per Florida Statute 713.78 Or 713.785 • Prepares Title And Lien Paperwork For Local Tag Agencies Re: Lien Notification • Prepares All Legal Ad Notification Per Florida Statute 713.78 Or 713.785 Virgil Dempsey Light Mod & Heavy Duty Recovery Supervisor • Has Run Roadside Assistance Calls Since 1995 • Been Involved In Business Since 1999 • Light Medium Duty Certified Operator PWOF • NATA Heavy Duty Certified • Mitigation Of Fluids / Florida Open Roads Policy Training • 8 Hour Hazmat Certification • Certified in Maintenance of Traffic Involved In Multiple Quick Clearance Calls Florida's Turnpike. • Dispatch Coordinator for Lake County Location 2003 -2010 • Dispatch Coordinator fo Orange County Location 2010- Present The Car Store of West Orange, Inc r City of Ocoee Rnfaranr_pc Police and State Contracts Orange County Sheriff's Office Contracted Towing and Impound services 1981 to Present City of Winter Garden Rotation Towing and Impound services 2005 to Present Town of Oakland Rotation Towing and Impound services 2003 to present Florida Highway Patrol Troop D Rotation Towing and Impound services 1972 to present Florida Turnpike Enterprise STARR (Specialized Towing and Roadside Repair) 2008 to present Florida Turnpike Enterprise RISC (Rapid Incident Scene Clearance) Ultra Heavy Roadway Clearance Program) City of Ocoee Rotation Towing and Impound services 1995 to 2011 Exclusive Towing and Impound services 2011 to present Company References C & W Trucking Kevin Creeden 407- 877 -2600 Florida Turnpike Enterprise Mike Washburn 954- 934 -1621 Solomon's Auto Body Ali Nesaralli's 407 -656 -4223 Ford of Clermont Marie Svc Mgr 352 -394 -6161 Prestige AB Ready Mix Roger Duggins 386 -527 -9162 Auto Nation Winter Garden Tim Fitzgerald 407 - 654 -4554 The Car Store of West Orange, Inc City of Ocoee The Car Store of West Orange, Inc Operator Roster Last Name First Name TRAA NATA IN HOUSE Barbaro Joseph Bonilla William Beveridge Tim Bowman Charlie Burkhaulter Jason Crosby David Dempsey Virgil Jr Halidy Melvin Lease Donnie Marin Carlos Nemkovich Stephen Paqu Garrett Paquette Todd Shoff Tim The Car Store of West Orange, Inc Equipment List • 4 Class A Extended Cab 21ft Car Carrier /Rollback • 3 Class A Regular Cab 2 1 ft Car Carrier/ Rollbacks • 1 Regular Cab Class A 4x4 Tow Truck Dual Line • 1 Crew Cab Class A 4x4 Tow Truck Dual Line • 1 Regular Cab Class A Tow Truck Single Line Self Load • 1 Regular Cab Class B 22ft Car Carrier /Rollback • 1 Regular Cab Class C 28ft Car Carrier /Rollback/Transport 2 Regular Cab 12 Ton Recovery/Tow Trucks • 2 50 Ton Class C Recovery/Tow Trucks • 160 Ton Ultra Heavy Duty Class C/D Recovery Truck 360 Degree Rotator • 2 50 Ton Detach Equipment Lowboys • 1 Sliding Axle Bus /Fire Truck Transport Trailer • 1 Support Vehicle Maintenance Of Traffic /Air Cushion • 1 Heavy Duty Skid Steer And Transporter With Broom Forks & Bucket • 12.5 Yard Front End Loader W /Forks Client#: 1408025 131 CARSTO DATE (MMIDONYY11 ACORD,. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 10/28/2013 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lie of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTAC NAME: BB &T -J. Rolfe Davis Insurance ac ,Exl: 407 691 -9600 21 N , ; 888 -635 -4183 PO Box 4927 E -MAIL ADDRESS: Orlando, FL 32802 -4927 INSURER (8) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC M 407 691 -9600 INSURER A: Westfield Insurance Company 24112 INSURED INSURER B • Bridgefleld Employers Insurance 10701 Car Store of West Orange Inc INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, E XCLUSIO NS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAI CLAIMS. Car Store Transport Company* A INSURER C: CPS5081569 12/2312012 P O Box 121638 EACH OCCURRENCE O INSURER D: X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS -MADE I F71V OCCUR INSURER E: PREfd 9ES Ea occu nce Clermont, FL 34712 MED EXP (Any one person) $5,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY s2 INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 12113 Master wf13 -14 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, E XCLUSIO NS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAI CLAIMS. INSR ADDLSUBR POLICYEFF POUCYEXP LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE IN SR WVD POLICY NUMBER MMIDD [YYYYI 1MWOD1YYYY1 LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY CPS5081569 12/2312012 12/2312013 EACH OCCURRENCE O s2 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS -MADE I F71V OCCUR PREfd 9ES Ea occu nce $100,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $5,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY s2 GENERAL AGGREGATE s4,000000 GEN'LAGGREGATE L IMITAPPLIESPER: PRODUCTS - COMP /OP AGG $4,000,000 P GLIC_Y� J €a L _ _ A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X CPS5081569 12123/2012 12/23/201 £ B LE LIMIT 51,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per acclderrl) $ ALL OWNED X SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE Per accldenl $ NON -OWNED X HIRED AUTOS X AUTOS EACH OCCURRENCE $ $ X IP $10,000 UMBRELLA LIAR OCCUR AGGREGATE s EXCESS LTAB CLAIMS -MADE DED RETENTION $ NIA B WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNERlFXECUTIVE Y I N OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory In NH) 83020931 03/13/2013 031131201 X TO Y S LIMIT OTH- ER E.L EACH ACCIDENT $1 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEEI $100, E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 1 $5D0, 000 It yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, If more space Is required) *Car Store Transport Company applies to Workers Compensation Only Additional Insured status is granted with respect to Auto Liability if required by written contract per endorsement 'Business Auto Expanded Endorsement' Form #CA7078(07112) CtRI IFIGAI It ttULUtM I.AINI.CLLAI IUN City of Ocoee SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE y THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 150 N. Lakshore Drive ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Ocoee, FL 34761 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE © 1988 -2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2010105) 1 of 1 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD #S11288543/M10745333 PSBE Ma S. Scott Vandergrift City Mana er Robert Frank October 31, 2013 Commissioners John Grogan, District 1 Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Feller, District 4 ADDENDUM NO: ONE (1) CITY OF OCOEE RFP #14 -001 CITY WIDE WRECKER TOWING SERVICES This addendum consists of one (1) page, and shall modify and become a part of the original RFP documents for the City Wide Wrecker Towing Services. Respondents shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on p.19 of the RFP documents, Failure to do so may subject the Respondent to disqualification. Answers to questions received and /or amendments to the RFP documents are as follows: Q uestions; Q1, As we understand, a qualifying vendor must own a total of four tow trucks; two Class A trucks, one Class B truck and one class C truck. Page 37 Number 23, it allows for a truck with higher class to be substituted for a truck with a lower class. It is our understanding that the purpose of this is if a vendor's fleet consists of multiple trucks with the larger Class C rating, one of those could be designated as a Class B or Class A as long as the charge to the customer is calculated at the rate of the lower class. However, if a vendor's fleet consists of only Class A trucks and one Class C, the allotted amount of Class B /Class C trucks cannot be met. Can a single truck be used for multiple designations of classes allowing it to be calculated into the total number of tow bucks several times? Example, can a singular Class C be designated as a Class C, Class B, Class A, and count as 3 trucks per classification? At. No, as a single Class C wrecker cannot count as Class A& B wrecker at the same time. Section 23 describes the minimum number of vehicles to be maintained in a vendor's fleet to provide the required service levels, le 5,yce V t /eirt, PPB Purchasing Agent cc: ILFl Selection Commiltee City of Ocoee • 150 N Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905 -3100 • fax: (407) 905 -3194 • NvNvw.ocoee.org The Car Store of West Orange, Inc. ►V p DBA Car Store 24 HR. WRECKER SERVICE 12811 WEST COLONIAL WINTER GARDEN, FL 347878 7 (407) 656 -2624 DAY OR NIGHT CASE NUMBER: SOURCE: C °� ��a RELEA E UMBER: DRIV R TRK Z NE: PO # P09N 03 DATE 0CA NAME l DE za ., 02 Per YEAR MAKE MODEL CO R i TA �Ltl STATE Il MILEAGE: START/ INISH To INGCHAGE TIME ON SCENE: T MILEAGE CHARGE TIME LEFT SCENE: DOLLIES CHARGE T ED F / IuTk�'AA A-0(-�lkl EXTRA TIME TOWEDTO: Cc V Ll STCRA 3c ?� R ARKS ADMIN FEE 41 t) 00 TOLLS D IVERS LICENSE NUMBER: L PAID OUT T R CEIV Q PERSON L BEL S. X i' E PERMISSION FOR THE INS R OMPANY TO FIX OR DISPOSE OF VEHICLE. X SAL q!)7/fi 73 14003 8 L ' TOTA T" PROFESSIONALWHbOKLHUPLHAIVHSOh YLUHIU .lNI -UHL NUU, "LU ..q pgor The Car Store of West Orange, Inc. DBA Car Store �. 24 HR. WRECKER SERVICE 12811 WEST COLONIAL DR. W F WINTER GARDEN, FL34787 (407) 656 -2624 DAY OR NIGHT D CASE NUMBER: SOURCE: P C K RELEASE NUMBER: DRIVER TRK H ZONE: PO k PHONE DATE NAME Inc ADDRESS YEAR MAKE MODEL COLOR ,VIN 1, 1 J r ` "V (� `A TYAGp� (K 1 S LEAGE: START /FINISH TOWING CHARGE O� TIME ON SCENE: MILEAGE CHARGE TIME LEFT SCENE: DOLLIES CHARGE TOWED FROM: EXTRA TIME TOWED O: , STORAGE R MARKS - TSB$ Ml Z9 ADMIN FEE TOLLS DRIVE S LICENSE NUMBER: STATE: PAID OUT T & L LETTER RECEIVED PERSONAL BELONGINGS. X REHAUL SUBTOTAL I GIVE PERMISSION FOR THE INSURANCE ICO� Y F OF VEHICLE TO X ES TAX 140040 PHUYtSSiUNAL WHt:HtH UPEHATUHS OF t INU. - URLANDU, FLORIDA 20. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid disputes, or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the Proposer in the past five (5) years that is related to the services that the Proposer provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, please so state. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary and write "see attached ") 21. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA: Proposer acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: No. Dated 31 No. Dated N o. Dated 22. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS: SUBCONTRACTOR and /or TEMPORARY WORKER AGENCY NAME /ADDRESS /FEDERAL I.D. NO./CONTACT PERSON /PHONE #: (Attach additional sheets if necessary and write "see attached ") The Bidder certifies that the Bidder has investigated each subcontractor /temporary worker agency listed and has received and has in the Bidder's files evidence that each subcontractor /temporary worker agency RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 19 maintains a fully- equipped organization capable, technically and financially, of performing the pertinent work and that the subcontractor /temporary agency has done similar work in a satisfactory manner. It is further acknowledged by the contractor that any CHANGE or OMISSIONS in the subcontractors listed above shall require the City of Ocoee's approval before any work shall commence by the additional subcontractor on this project. 23. EQUIPMENT LISTING: Please list year, make & model of all equipment that will be used on City of Ocoee properties, including whether owned or leased. If leased please provide name of lessor, attach additional sheets if necessary and write "see attached ". a c 24. REFERENCES /EXPERIENCE OF PROPOSER WITH SIMILAR WORK: The Bidder shall complete the following blanks regarding experience with similar type of work. Bidder must demonstrate ability to perform services of similar complexity, nature, and size of this project within past three (3) years, attach additional sheets if necessary and write "see attached ". DATE OF CONTRACT /AMOUNT OF PROJECT /CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESS/ TELPHONE NUMBER /EMAIL ADDRESS /NAME OF CONTACT 3r-e— AtT�ehez( Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes_,LPNo _. 1 4 Length of time in business years months. SGe_ 4 * "il Bank or other financial references: 0,44w 4M ,^ 3 g737 RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 20 EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSALFORM SERVICE RATES The maximum rates to be charged for vehicles or trailer owners or their designees for towing, Storage and standby wrecker service as a specified in Exhibit "C. Services are to be provided at no charge to the vehicle or trailer, owner or his designee whenever service was requested in error pursuant to an Ocoee Police Department request. Such charges are to be billed to the Ocoee Police Department at the rates as specified herein. THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE FOR TOWING VEHICLES OR TRAILERS SEIZED FOR FORFEITURE. AT THE REQUEST OF CITY PERSONNEL / NON -CITY OWNED VEHICLES (Estimated 740 tows annually) CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT 1. Class A: Standard Tow — Towing Passenger Cars, Trailers, Trucks, and Special Service Vehicles, up to 10,000 pounds G\W, and Motorcycles and /or Motor Scooters, up to 10 miles: 00 Rate $ 6 5 per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ Y_ LO per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ 3 On Q r-+ Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ 50= O Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $ 30- c r O 2. Class B: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, Trailers and Special Service Vehicles, over 10,001 pounds GVW up to 19,500 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles. Rate $ 5 00 per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over10 miles is $ yam' per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ /10 Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ SO 7 0 ' 0 RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 41 OO Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $ CATEGORY TWO - HEAVY 3. Class C: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, Over 19,500 pounds GVW up to25, 000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ ,ZD J2 � 2 per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ — = per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ 50 Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $ /0 4. Class D: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles over 25,000 pounds G1/W, up to 10 miles: Rate $ 2 00;V per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ Ai per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ g fo Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ TQf A Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour STORAGE RATE The daily rate for storing a vehicle in storage is based on a Twenty -four (24) hour day. The first six (6) hours of each storage shall be free (i.e., from time of arrival at the storage facility through the sixth hour thereafter). Subsequently, and for each twenty -four (24) hour or portion thereof, a storage fee may be assessed in accordance with the bid. The maximum rates the Vendor is to charge vehicle or trailer owners or their designees for storage is as specified in Exhibit "C ". THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE FOR STORAGE FOR VEHICLES OR TRAILERS SEIZED FOR FORFEITURE IF THE OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT OBTAINS A FINAL JUDGEMENT OR FORFEITURE. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 42 HOURLY CHARGE In addition to the maximum rates charged owners or their designees for towing services, the Vendor is allowed to charge a additional rate as specified below to cover all charges for any and all additional equipment including additional -tow trucks, tools and consumable items to perform any and all of the following: Servicing rollovers or submerged vehicles or trailers. Dropping (releasing) drive shafts on vehicles over one (1) ton only. Removing bumpers on vehicles one (1) ton and over only. Airing up brakes. Providing air bags. Note: 1, The Vendor is not allowed to charge separately for each of the above items; only one additional hourly rate is to be charged regardless of the number of circumstances involved and services performed. 2. The Vendor is not allowed to charge in addition to the tow fee for: Dropping (releasing) drive shafts on vehicles up to one (1) ton, or for Double hookups. HOURLY RATE CHARGE FOR ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT AND CONSUMABLES CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT $ A 6 per hour for Passenger Cars, Trailers, Trucks, and Special. Service Vehicles, up to 10,000 pounds GVW, and Motorcycles and /or Motor Scooters. ao $ ND ""' per hour for Towing Trucks, Trailers and Special- Service Vehicles, over 10,001 pounds GV1N up to 19,500 pounds GV1N. CATEGORY TWO – HEAVY $ Aw 0 per hour for Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 19,500 pounds GVW up to 25,OOOGVW oe $ per hour for Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 25,000 pounds. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 43 AIR BAGS $ W - !!F 3 per hour for use of air bags for trucks and special service vehicles over two and one -half (2,5) tons. FIXED RATE CHARGES In addition to maximum rates charged owners or their designees for towing services, the Vendor is allowed to charge an additional fixed fee of $ per tow to utilize dollies. At the request of the City, written justification is to be submitte for use of dollies under circumstances in question by the City. WAITING TIME The Vendor may charge for waiting time after the first (30) minutes at the hourly rate specified in this section on a pro -rate basis in fifteen (15) minute increments as further specified below: Total Waiting Time Pro -Rata After the First Thirty Minute- Amount$ 31 to 45 minutes - One quarter of the hourly rate. 46 to 60 minutes - One half the hourly rate. 61 to 75 minutes - Three quarters the hourly rate. 76 to 90 minutes - One full hourly rate. ADDITIONAL SERVICES The Vendor is to respond to request from the Ocoee Police Department officer at the scene to unlock a vehicle door by means of a slim Jim or other similar device when no tow is required. The Vendor agrees to charge a flat fixed fee specified below to unlock vehicles when no tow is required: The Flat Fixed Fee to Unlock Vehicle Doors is $ r'O 00 the Vendor is unable to unlock the vehicle door(s), no charge for this service is to be incurred by either the city or the vehicle owner or his designee. The Vendor agrees to charge a fixed flat Fee specified below to weatherproof a vehicle when advised to do so by the owner and/ or the Ocoee Police department of $ , The Vendor agrees to charge a flat fixed Fee to Immobilize (Booting) a vehicle of $ The vendor agrees to charge only the actual cost incurred for Hazardous waste removal. Documentation will be provided upon request. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 44 WINCH RECOVERY (Vehicle not towed and all times are for actually on scene) CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT : Class A for first 30 minutes. $ 1652 additional 30 minutes O Op Class B for the first 30 minutes $ SD �"' Each additional 30 minutes $ `20- CATEGORY TWO - HEAVY eo 00 Class C for the first 30 minutes $ 'SQge Each additional 30 minutes $ '2O" Class D for the first 30 minutes $ _1. D f)� Each additional 30 minutes $ -' (Remainder of page left blank intentionally.) RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 45 AT THE REQUEST OF CITY PERSONNEL / CITY OWNED VEHICLES (Estimated 85 tows annually) The maximum rates to be charged the City for towing, road service or storage services for any vehicle or trailer which is owned, operated, or leased by the City (except leased vehicles or trailers where the leaser is responsible for the required towing) from its point of disability (whether same be within the City or in an outlying area within Orange or Seminole or Lake County, usual and customary to the particular usage of the vehicle by the City) to any point within the City, as may be directed. CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT Class A: Standard Tow - Towing Passenger Cars, Trailers, Trucks, and Special Service Vehicles, up to 10,000 pounds GVW, and Motorcycles and /or Motor Scooters, up to 10 miles: Rate $ X per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ 1 4A per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Class B: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, Trailers and Special Service Vehicles, over 10,001 pounds GV1N up to 19,500 pounds GVIN, up to 10 miles: Rate $ S"D!°' per tow, per vehicle or trailer, Each additional mile over 10 miles is $_ per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. CATEGORY TWO - HEAVY Class C: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 19,500 pounds GVIN up to 25,000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ Do �V(�� per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 46 Class D: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 25,000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ 104) per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ 4,' per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. THE CITY -WILL NOT ACCEPT ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR ANY TOWING SERVICES PROVIDED. STORAGE RATE The daily rate for storing a vehicle is based on a twenty -four (24) hour day. The first six (6) hours of each storage shall be free (i.e., from time of arrival at the storage facility through the sixth hour thereafter). Subsequently, and for each twenty -four (24) hour or portion thereof, a storage fee may be assessed in accordance with the bid. The maximum rates the Vendor is to charge a vehicle or trailer owned by the City of Ocoee for storage is: 1. General Storage rate for a City of Ocoee vehicle per space on a twenty -four (24) hour basis is: $ ROAD SERVICES The Vendor is allowed to charge a fixed flat rate for road Services as specified below: Battery Boost $ 5 S0 Tire Changing $ -60. 0 (Remainder of page left blank intentionally.) RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 47 0 RFP #14 -001 COMPANY INFORMATION & SIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE RFP INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR PROPOSAL. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL RFP INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT THE PRICES REFLECTED ON THE "SCOPE OF WORK/ FEE RATES PROPOSAL FORM" ARE ACCURATE AND WITHOUT COLLUSION. The, C ar Sfax a-� /()GSt 0 o•i,L�1.,G X07- GSA - 262 COMPANY NAME TELEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) 1Z81l w.Cale Or. U.)tnir-r Coaen, 3 AUTIIORIZE SIGNATURE (manual) 4 N A ME 4TL (PLEASE PRINT) 12 2r 11 w . c010.1;4I A6 STREET ADDRESS 51 -07- 4-6-(,-yeS32 FAX (INCLUDE AREA COD ) G :� o�tcG mai) . c oo" E -MAIL ADDRESS IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: CITY STATE I ZIP FEDERAL ID ## 5 7 9 -13230 a3 Individual; Corporation; Partnership; Other (Specify) Sworn to and subscribed before me this _ (g day of V ewt�e'� , 20 1 1 e, . Personally Known or Produced Identification ✓ �L Dr t �ce�s L—t Gan. S .e,_ Notary Public -State of County of Or c,na, (Type of Identification) Signature of Notary Public (U SEAN ALLEN ° �; Notary Public - State of Florida My Comm. Expires Oct 27, 2015 �� - /y fl Commission # EE 141982 Printed, typed or stamped '' Bonded Through National Notary ssn. y Commissioned name of Notary Public RFP 14-001 Wrecker Services 52 ,� �,,r� 64- 79/611 11111t SUNTRUST Official Cbeck 2132024868 1x7346 2157511 -'� by Positive Pay • - Purchaser THE CAR STORE OF WEST ORANGE INC Date Initials (type) Center /� Nov. 5, 2013 PAY �k7Y" *$11000.00 **** $* *1,000.00 ** CM OF OCOSS � To the SunTrust Banks, Inc: by its Authorized Agent 8 Order SunTrusl Bank of L FOR: RFP#14 -001 _] Payable at SunTrust Bank _ autnorizeG NP Ure 2 3 20 21, 86811' 1:06 1 100 ?901: ?O 190 1999611' BXM 13ECURZTY RTCEXXm..W FOR: *Z # BIDDER: CrA il DATE• Finance Cc f ACCOUNT #XXX -36 -0000 AMOUNT $ coo a- MISC. REVENUE CODE #500 CITY OF OCOEE 11/06/13 206 PM apeiffer BID 14- 001 /CAR STORE RECEIPT NO:FIV080847 AMOUNT FMSD DID 14 -001 /CAR STORE 1,000.00 500 PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 2132024858 1,000.00 TOTAL ---------------------------------- 3 - - - - -- 11/07/2013 13:44 FAX 4076562002 S1ysTotiving & Recovery,LL Z0002/0002 20. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid disputes, or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the Proposer in the past five (5),years that is related to the services that the Proposer provides in the regular course of business. The summary.shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. if none, please so state. (Attach addifronal sheets, if necessary and write `see attached ") 21. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA: Proposer acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: n No. Dated _ /_ 0 No. Dated No. Dated 22. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS: SUBCONTRACTOR and /or TEMPORARY WORKER AGENCY NAME/ADDRESS /FEDERAL I.D. NO. /CONTACT PERSON /PHONE #: The Bidder certifies that the Bidder has investigated each subcontractor/temporary worker agency fisted and has received and has in the Bidder's files evidence that each subcontractor/temporary worker agency RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 19 (Attach additional sheets if necessary and write "see attached) City of Ocoee RFP 14 -001 City Wide Wrecker Towing Services Ace Wrecker Service 101 Bay St O FL 34761 Ace Wrecker Service Section 1 Company History RSC Corp dba Ace Wrecker Service (hereinafter Are Wrecker Service) was established in 1970. We have been towing for over 40 years. The company has been under the same primary management since that time. We have grown to be one of the largest service providers of law enforcement, commercial and fleet towing services in Central Florida. We have been a service provider for the Florida Highway Patrol and the Orange County Sheriff's office since our inception. We pride ourselves in providing prompt and professional service. We have also maintained a facility within the city of Ocoee for over 15 years. We have one of the largest fleets of state of the art equipment in Central Florida. From our 75 ton rotating wrecker down to our motorcycle trailer we have the right piece of equipment to get the job done. Our highly qualified and experienced management team is always available to our employees, the City and its citizens. We are the only licensed Corporation in the city limits for towing and storage. • Became Incorporated in 1981 • We have been recognized as one of the oldest towing corporations in the United States. • We have supported the Orange County Fire Departments' training programs with vehicles all throughout are existence. • We have been recognized by the City of Edgewood and the City of Belle Isle for support during the many storms the area received in the past. • Three generations of towing professionals are involved in daily operation. • Active supporter of Police Athletic League "P.A.L." and the Children's Safety Village • Largest towing impound yard and storage facility in the City of Ocoee • Been actively involved in the community for over 15 years • Central location within the city provides easy access for citizen and law enforcement access without having to drive to neighboring cities. Save on fuel costs • Our facility is clean, spacious and customer friendly • On site fueling enables us to remain operational during power outages/ fuel shortages • Already employ several Ocoee residents and with expansion will be in the need for several more employees. • More than half our employees have been with the company more than five years. • Our more than 40 years of law enforcement towing shows our ability to serve the community • Over the last 20 years we have grown from 8 tow trucks and 1 service location to 4 locations and more than 50 trucks and pieces of specialized equipment Ace Wrecker Service Corporate Address 5601 S Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, FL 32839 407 - 855 -6631 Service location for the City Hours of Operation Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 101 Bay St Ocoee, FL 34761 407 -654 -6400 Facility Condition Our Facility is clean, spacious and customer friendly. The perimeter is secured by chain link fence and security cameras are in place. There is on -site secure indoor storage for vehicles with processing holds. Management Robert Faulk Sole Shareholder/ President of RSC Corporation dba Ace Wrecker Service • 2" generation tower. • Been towing for over 40 years. • Received honorary deputy status from Sheriff Kevin Beary when he was in office for tireless support of the Sheriff's Office and the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation. • Received commendation from the Sheriff's Office for assistance with American Cancer Society's Rock n' Ride Event. • Active Platinum level member of the Sunshine State Towing Association • Received recognition for service excellence from Chevrolet. • Has been involved in daily operations of the company from day one until present. • Corporate Liaison to the Sheriff's office and the Highway Patrol • Consultant to Miller Industries (wrecker manufacturer) in implementation of new designs Supports daily operations of the Corporation c Ace Wrecker Service Management Cont'd Joe Reek Operations Manager • 30 years towing experience • Regional manager for our Brevard County divisions • Professional Wrecker Operators of Florida certified • Liaison to our multiple commercial accounts • Provides on -site training to our light duty drivers • Been with the Company for 20+ years Mike Caldarera General Manager • 20 years towing experience • General manager over all of our operations • Miller Industries rotator wrecker trained • Wreckmaster Certified • Crosby Rigging Certified • Certified EMT John Clark Towing and Recovery Supervisor • 18 years towing experience • Wreckmaster Certified • Maintenance of Traffic Certified • Hazmat Training • TWIC Cardholder • Provides support and supplements driver training t All supervisory personnel are active drivers with Class A CDLs and provide support to our team of drivers as needed. Ace Wrecker Service Management Cont'd Deborah Kubis Office Manager • In charge of Impound operations • Provides record keeping • Handles all lien processes and title work • 15 years experience in towing Diane Goodpaster Staff Accountant • Cash flow manager • Handles Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payable Professional Organizations Ace Wrecker Service is an active member of the Sunshine State Towing Association Subcontractor Incident Management Solutions PO Box 391 Minneola, FL 34755 1- 866 - 734 -5796 Provides Incident Management support such as • Fuel extraction • Non hazardous spill clean up • Environmental assessment • Maintenance of traffic • Photo documentation of crash scenes Ace Wrecker Service Equipment List 4 Light Duty Wreckers 06 Ford F450 Century Wheel lift 07 Ford F450 Century Wheel lift 04 Ford F550 Century Wheel lift 06 Ford F450 Century Wheel lift 4 Wheel Drive 2 Medium Duty Wreckers 07 International 4300 Century 16 ton Wrecker 09 Sterling 8500 Century 30 ton Wrecker 1 Medium /Heavy Duty Carrier 14 Kenworth T800 Century Carrier 20k lb carrier deck S Heavy Duty Wreckers 10 International LoneStar lerr Dan 30 ton Wrecker 08 Peterbilt 367 Century 30 ton Rotator Wrecker 08 Peterbilt 367 Century 50 ton Wrecker 14 Peterbilt 367 Century 35 ton Wrecker 11 Peterbilt 388 Century 75 ton Rotator Wrecker 60k lb Winches Twin Steer Axles Equipment List Cont'd 3 Heavy Duty Road Tractors 12 International ProStar Tandem Axle Sleeper 06 Freightliner Columbia Tandem Axle 05 Peterbilt 379 Tri Axle 6 Flatbed Wreckers/ Car Carriers 08 Freightliner M2 Century Flatbed 21' Carrier 06 International 4300 Century Flatbed 21' Carrier 12 International DuraStar JerrDan Flatbed 21' Carrier 10 International 4300 Century Flatbed 21' Carrier 14 Freightliner M2 Crew Cab Century Flatbed 21' Carrier 07 Hino 258 Century 21' Flatbed 10 pcs Specialized Equipment 08 Talbert Detach Trailer Tri Axle 08 Landoll 435 Lowboy Trailer 53' 02 Landoll 660 Lowboy Trailer 53' 08 Landoll 660 Lowboy Trailer 53' 07 Corn Pro Heavy Duty Utility Trailer 03 General 3 -car Auto Transport Trailer 96 Kendall Motorcycle Trailer 08 Case Skid Steer 02 John Deere Front End Loader Complete Air Cushion Recovery System w /Support Vehicle Ace Wrecker Service Section 2 Company Experience We have been towing for the following law enforcement and private agencies Orange County Sheriff's Office current contract 7/1/13 to present Contact person J Sue Robertson 407 -254 -7000 Florida Highway Patrol in West Orange area since 2005 Contact person Solomon Heard 407 -737 -2200 solomonheard @flhsmv.com Edgewood Police Department from 1976 to present Contact person Pete Marcus 407 - 851 -2820 pmarcus @ edgewood- fl.gov .4 Belle Isle Police Department from 2005 to present Contact person Chief Jackson 407- 851 -7730 Osceola County Sheriffs Office from 4/1/2012 to present Contact person John Holl Sr 407 - 348 -1100 Orange County Public Schools current contract 9/28/12 to present Contact person Nahid Shahnami 407 - 317 -3200 nahid.shahnami @ocps.net Disney World Wide Services current contract from 10/8/13 to present Contact person Natalia Talaa 407 - 939 -4623 natalia.g.talaa @disney.com This is just a small portion of the organizations we have been providing services to that reflect our capabilities to service the City of Ocoee. Most of these contracts and agreements have been renewed several times throughout our years in business. Ace Wrecker Service Client References Orange County Fire Department Randy Schweikart Project Coordinator 407 -836 -9126 Randy,Schwelkart@ocfl. net Mears Transportation Russ Mercer — , Safety Director 407- 422 -4561 rmercer @mearstransp Edgewood Police Department Pete Marcus Chief of Police 407 - 851 -2820 pmarcus @ edgewood- fl.gov Ace Wrecker Service Litigation Summary The only litigation that Ace Wrecker has been involved in during the last five (5) years that Is related to the provision of towing services to a public entity was Orange County School Board v. RSC Corporation dba Ace Wrecker Service, Case # 2012 -CA- 13102 -0. That case involved an accident during the towing of a school bus that caused damage to the bus. There was a dispute over the amount of damages that could be recovered by the School Board and the dispute was settled with Ace Wrecker's Insurance company paying the settlement amount (with Ace Wrecker contributing the deductible required under the policy). Ace Wrecker can provide a copy of the release executed by Orange County School Board if necessary. The only other litigation Ace Wrecker has had during this time period involving towing services has related to the collection of fees owed to Ace Wrecker and issues dealing with liens arising out of automobiles towed by Ace Wrecker. Most of these cases were relatively minor and all but one case (RSC Corporation dba Ace Wrecker v. AAA Construction Managers, Inc. currently pending in Orange County) have been resolved through settlement or by judgment in favor of Ace Wrecker. EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSALFORM SERVICE RATES The maximum rates to be charged for vehicles or trailer owners or their designees for towing, Storage and standby wrecker service as a specified in Exhibit "C ". Services are to be provided at no charge to the vehicle or trailer, owner or his designee whenever service was requested in error pursuant to an Ocoee Police Department request. Such charges are to be billed to the Ocoee Police Department at the rates as specified herein, THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE FOR TOWING VEHICLES OR TRAILERS SEIZED FOR FORFEITURE. AT THE REQUEST OF CITY PERSONNEL / NON -CITY OWNED VEHICLES (Estimated 740 tows annually) CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT 1. Class A: Standard Tow — Towing Passenger Cars, Trailers, Trucks, and Special Service Vehicles, up to 10,000 pounds GVW, and Motorcycles and/or Motor Scooters, up to 10 miles: Rate $ U - 50 per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ J 00 per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ ?0 00;; Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $ 15.+00 2. Class B: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, Trailers and Special Service Vehicles, over 10,001 pounds GVW up to 19,500 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles. Rate $ 4 0 per tow, per vehicle or trailer, Each additional mile over10 miles is $ .._�0, i:. per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 41 Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour CATEGORY TWO - HEAVY 3. Class C: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, Over 19,500 pounds GVW up to25, 000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ 50 Q'O per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ ' . 0'0 per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ , 00 Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $- ID 00 4. Class D: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles over 25,000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ . 2 00 00 :' per tow, per vehicle or trailer. C Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ `A. 50 per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ .! Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ ::?0 O;Q: Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $ 5..0 :00' .: STORAGE RATE The daily rate for storing a vehicle in storage is based on a Twenty -four (24) hour day. The first six (6) hours of each storage shall be free (i.e., from time of arrival at the storage facility through the sixth hour thereafter). Subsequently, and for each twenty -four (24) hour or portion thereof, a storage fee may be assessed in accordance with the bid. The maximum rates the Vendor is to charge vehicle or trailer owners or their designees for storage is as specified in Exhibit "C'. THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE FOR STORAGE FOR VEHICLES OR TRAILERS SEIZED FOR FORFEITURE IF THE OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT OBTAINS A FINAL JUDGEMENT OR FORFEITURE. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 42 HOURLY CHARGE In addition to the maximum rates charged owners or their designees for towing services, the Vendor is allowed to charge a additional rate as specified below to cover all charges for any and all additional equipment including additional -tow trucks, tools and consumable items to perform any and all of the following: Servicing rollovers or submerged vehicles or trailers. Dropping (releasing) drive shafts on vehicles over one (1) ton only. Removing bumpers on vehicles one (1) ton and over only. Airing up brakes. Providing air bags. Note: 1. The Vendor is not allowed to charge separately for each of the above items; only one additional hourly rate is to be charged regardless of the number of circumstances involved and services performed. 2. The Vendor is not allowed to charge in addition to the tow fee for: Dropping (releasing) drive shafts on vehicles up to one (1) ton, or for Double hookups. HOURLY RATE CHARGE FOR ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT AND CONSUMABLES CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT $ 60.00 per hour for Passenger Cars, Trailers, Trucks, and Special. Service Vehicles, up to 10,000 pounds GVW, and Motorcycles and /or Motor Scooters. $ 40.00 per hour for Towing Trucks, Trailers and Special- Service Vehicles, over 10,001 pounds GV1N up to 19,500 pounds GV1N. CATEGORY TWO — HEAVY $ 40.00 ' per hour for Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 19,500 pounds GVW up to 25,000GVW $ 200.00 per hour for Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 25,000 pounds. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 43 AIR BAGS $ 300.00 per hour for use of air bags for trucks and special service vehicles over two and one -half (2.5) tons, FIXED RATE CHARGES In addition to maximum rates charged owners or their designees for towing services, the Vendor is allowed to charge an additional fixed fee of $ ::: per tow to utilize dollies. At the request of the City, written justification is to be submitted for use of dollies under circumstances in question by the City. WAITING TIME The Vendor may charge for waiting time after the first (30) minutes at the hourly rate specified in this section on a pro -rate basis in fifteen (15) minute increments as further specified below: Total Waiting Time Pro -Rata After the First Thirty Minute- Amount$ ;75:00 31 to 45 minutes - One quarter of the hourly rate. 46 to 60 minutes - One half the hourly rate. 61 to 75 minutes - Three quarters the hourly rate. 76 to 90 minutes - One full hourly rate. ADDITIONAL SERVICES The Vendor is to respond to request from the Ocoee Police Department officer at the scene to unlock a vehicle door by means of a slim Jim or other similar device when no tow is required. The Vendor agrees to charge a flat fixed fee specified below to unlock vehicles when no tow is required: The Flat Fixed Fee to Unlock Vehicle Doors is $ 50.00 If the Vendor is unable to unlock the vehicle door(s), no charge for this service is to be incurred by either the city or the vehicle owner or his designee. The Vendor agrees to charge a fixed flat Fee specified below to weatherproof a vehicle when advised to do so by the owner and/ or the Ocoee Police department of $ 20.00. The Vendor agrees to charge a flat fixed Fee to Immobilize (Booting) a vehicle of $ 50.00 The vendor agrees to charge only the actual cost incurred for Hazardous waste removal. Documentation will be provided upon request. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 44 WINCH RECOVERY (Vehicle not towed CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT Class A for first 30 minutes. $ 60.00 Class B for the first 30 minutes $ 50:00 CATEGORY TWO - HEAVY Class C for the first 30 minutes $ 50.00 Class D for the first 30 minutes $ ' `20000 and all times are for actually on scene) Each additional 30 minutes Each additional 30 minutes $ -10.00 Each additional 30 minutes $ 10.00 Each additional 30 minutes $ 100 -00 (Remainder of page left blank intentionally.) RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 45 AT THE REQUEST OF CITY PERSONNEL 1 CITY OWNED VEHICLES (Estimated 85 tows annually) The maximum rates to be charged the City for towing, road service or storage services for any vehicle or trailer which is owned, operated, or leased by the City (except leased vehicles or trailers where the leaser is responsible for the required towing) from its point of disability (whether same be within the City or in an outlying area within Orange or Seminole or Lake County, usual and customary to the particular usage of the vehicle by the City) to any point within the City, as may be directed. CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT Class A: Standard Tow - Towing Passenger Cars, Trailers, Trucks, and Special Service Vehicles, up to 10,000 pounds GVW, and Motorcycles and /or Motor Scooters, up to 10 miles: Rate $ =0- per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ ,;0- per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Class B: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, Trailers and Special Service Vehicles, over 10,001 pounds GVIN up to 19,500 pounds GVIN, up to 10 miles: Rate $ 50.00 per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ 0-� ' per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. CATEGORY TWO - HEAVY Class C: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 19,500 pounds GVIN up to 25,000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ 1 50.00. 1 per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ o per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 46 Class D: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 25,000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ --2 0 . 00 per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ 5:00 per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. THE CITY -WILL NOT ACCEPT ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR ANY TOWING SERVICES PROVIDED. STORAGE RATE The daily rate for storing a vehicle is based on a twenty -four (24) hour day. The first six (6) hours of each storage shall be free (i.e., from time of arrival at the storage facility through the sixth hour thereafter). Subsequently, and for each twenty -four (24) hour or portion thereof, a storage fee may be assessed in accordance with the bid, The maximum rates the Vendor is to charge a vehicle or trailer owned by the City of Ocoee for storage is: 1. General Storage rate for a City of Ocoee vehicle per space on a twenty -four (24) hour basis is: $ -0- ROAD SERVICES The Vendor is allowed to charge a fixed flat rate for road Services as specified below: Battery Boost $ -- Z5.00 Tire Changing $ . 50.00 (Remainder of page left blank intentionally.) RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 47 Ace Wrecker Service Implementation Plan /Technical Approach Our management team is ready for immediate takeover of the City of Ocoee's towing needs. Upon award of the contract we will be immediately available to provide response to any incidents that may arise. Our facility is already operational and ready to accommodate any of the City's vehicle storage needs. We are already providing services to the Florida Highway Patrol and numerous commercial accounts from this location. There is also office staff, drivers, and additional manpower in place. Phone, internet and fax service is also currently in place. r— 1 The hours of operation already meet or exceed the City's requirements. Our phones for dispatch are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year. Our objective is to provide prompt, reliable service to the city and its citizens in a safe manner. We also want to be cost effective for all parties involved. Ace Wrecker Service Record keeping and Billing Procedures We utilize computer software to maintain a database of all ongoing and completed service calls. Every tow, impound and call for service gets immediately entered into the computer system by the person taking the call. This allows for easy retrieval of any information needed, information can be obtained by simply searching any field in the database such as date of service, vehicle identification number etc. We have contracted IT support in the event of any disruptions. In addition to the computer database we have and always will maintain paper logs and invoices to insure there is always an accurate source for maintaining information as needed. All of our statements for accounts receivables are computer generated and go out monthly on the first business day of the month. Payment is expected within 30 days or less. We will accept credit card payments from the City of Ocoee and its citizens. 20. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: 21 22 Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid disputes, or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the Proposer in the past five (5) years that .is related to the services that the Proposer provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, please so state. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary and write "see attached ") see attached section 2) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA: Proposer acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: No. ONE (1) Dated 10 -31 -13 No. Dated No. Dated LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS: SUBCONTRACTOR and /or TEMPORARY WORKER AGENCY NAME /ADDRESS /FEDERAL I.D. NO. /CONTACT PERSON /PHONE #: Incident Management Solutions PO Box 39 Minneola, FL 34755 54- 207994 Dave Yeager 866 -734 -5796 (Attach additional sheets if necessary and write "see attached ") The Bidder certifies that the Bidder has investigated each subcontractor /temporary worker agency listed and has received and has in the Bidder's files evidence that each subcontractor /temporary worker agency RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 19 maintains a fully- equipped organization capable, technically and financially, of performing the pertinent work and that the subcontractor /temporary agency has done similar work in a satisfactory manner. it is further acknowledged by the contractor that any CHANGE or OMISSIONS in the subcontractors listed above shall require the City of Ocoee's approval before any work shall commence by the additional subcontractor on this project. 23. EQUIPMENT LISTING: Please list year, make & model of all equipment that will be used on City of Ocoee properties, including whether owned or leased. If leased please provide name of lessor, attach additional sheets if necessary and write "see attached ". see attached (section 1) ALL VEV41C,1_SS Aike COMPANY OWk1e,p 24. REFERENCES /EXPERIENCE OF PROPOSER WITH SIMILAR WORK: The Bidder shall complete the following blanks regarding experience with similar type of work. Bidder must demonstrate ability to perform services of similar (- complexity, nature, and size of this project within past three (3) years, attach additional sheets if necessary and write "see attached ". DATE OF CONTRACT /AMOUNT OF PROJECT /CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESS/ TELPHONE NUMBER/EMAIL ADDRESS /NAME OF CONTACT see attached ( section 2 ) Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes X No Length of time in business 42 years months. Bank or other financial references: New Traditions Bank 407 -206 -7800 RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 20 RFP 914 -001 COMPANY INFORMATION & SIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE RFP INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR PROPOSAL. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL RFP INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT THE PRICES REFLECTED ON THE "SCOPE OF WORK/ FEE RATES PROPOSAL FORM" ARE ACCURATE AND WITHOUT COLLUSION. RSC Corp dba Ace Wrecker Servi COMPANY NAME 407 -855 -663 TELEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) 407 -8 55 -0848 FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) AfJTHORIZED SIGNATURE (manual) R obert A F aulk President NAME /TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) 5601 S Orange Blossom Tr ail STREET ADDRESS Orlando FL 32839 CITY STATE ZIP FEDERAL ID # 59-2128393 acewreckerl@aol.com E -MAIL ADDRESS IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: Individual; -- -- Corporation; Partnership; Other (Specify) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 04th day of November 20 13 . Personally Known X or Produced Identification Notary Public - State of FL County of _ . Orange. (Type of Identification) ignature of Notary ub Debra Kubis Printed, typed or stamped Commissioned name of Notary Public RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services ' DEBRA KUBIS 52 MY COMMISSION i EES77037 EXPIRES; vd rmny 21, 2037 a 0 cr 0 r (3 n GH r'Li 01 LU ru Ln r Ln 03 L - - off � � a� �y. � alfrr ,�..Nir �j e NO cr o X 4 1 R7 co cr co > IM =r "g R.) a F-L > to CP 0 CD Ul El) IM CERTIFICATION REGARDING DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS The grantee certifies that it will provide a drug -free workplace by: (a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawfid manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; (b) Establishing a drug -free awareness program to inform employees about — (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs, and (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace. (c) Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (a); (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a) that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee wiIl— (1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and (2) Notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after each conviction; (e) Notifying the agency within ten days after receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction; (f) Taking one of the following actions, within 30 days of receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2), with respect to any employee who is so convicted- - (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination; or (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; (g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f). tA©suzT A, VAv, L_y, I D ErJr Typed Name and Title of Certification Official Signature Date '`*- �_ CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DAT �,,,,,,.."' 6/13 /DIYYVYJ 06!13!2013 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT. If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policyfles) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsemen s . PRODUCER YOUZOOm Insurance Services Inc. 7045 College Blvd., 4th Floor CONTACT Arrowhead Automotive Aftermarket Service Center NAME: ONE EXT : 888- 240 -8803 No l : 877.836 -1833 arc Overland Park, KS 66211 Fax:877- 835 -1833; PH: 888- 240 -8803, Option 1 E - MAIL AMServiceCenter arrowhead r com ADDRESS: 9 P INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED 0147801 INSURERA: Universal Underwriters Insurance Compan y 41181 RSC CORPORATION DBA INSURER B: Universal Underwriters of Texas Ins. Co. MED EXP (Any one person) ACE WRECKER SERVICES, INSURER C: _40643 5601 S ORANGE BLOSSOM TRAIL INSURERD: I ORLANDO, FL 32839 INSURER E: L,UVtKALat?i C1_'H I IFICA I I- NUMBI -H_ RFVISIr7N III IMRFR- 1 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. MSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE AOD'L;UER s o POLICY NUMBER - POLICY EFF MWDDlYYYY POLICY EXP MMIODNYYY LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY ® COMMERICAL GENERAL LIABILITY ❑❑ CLAIMS MADE ®OCCUR ❑ — ❑ - ❑ ❑ 324325 07/08/2013 07108/2014 EACH OCCURE14CE .$1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES Ea occurrence)$ MED EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: ❑ POLICY❑ PROJECT ❑ LUC PRODUCTS - GOMPIOP AGG $ A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY ❑ ANY AUTO El COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea Accident) $1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ ❑ ALL BODILY INJURY (Per accdent) $ ® SCHEDULED Auros ® HIRED AUTOS 324325 07108/2013 07/08/2014 PROPERTY DAMAGE Per accident $ ® NON -OWNED AUTOS $ $ COMPICO DED 5 1 ❑ UMBRELLA LIAR ® OCCUR ®EXCESS LIAR ❑ CLAIMS -MADE ❑ ❑ EACHOCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 AGGREGATE $ ❑DEDUCTIBLE PRODUCTS - COMP(OPAGG $3,000,000 $ ® RETENTION $Q WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETONPARTNERIErECUTNE Y1 N OFFICENMEMBER EXCLUDED? ❑ (Mandatory in NH) If yes, deecdbe under N/A ❑ ❑ WC STATU- TORY UWTS ❑ OTH- ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L. DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below A GARAGE LIABILITY 1:1 ❑ 324325 07/08/2013 07/08/2014 OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY EACHACC $1'000'000 ,. A CUSTOMER AUTO DfRECT PRIMARY ❑ ❑ 324325 07108/2013 07/0812014 $1,300,000 Limit Includes On -Hook Coverage DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS t LOCATIONS (VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, If more space Is required) Reason for Certificate: GENERAL LIABILITY. See Additional Remarks Schedule Attached talmal:l 1 4WA I[t1=1 III 1\IreT. ©1988 -2010 ACORD CORPORATION, All rights reserved ACORD 25 (201010 5) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Attn - AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Fax: YOUZOOm Insurance Services Inc. ©1988 -2010 ACORD CORPORATION, All rights reserved ACORD 25 (201010 5) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Chief Thomas Jackson November 5, 2013 E Re: RSC Corporation d /b /a Ace Wrecker Services To Whom it May Concern: DE T RSC Corporation d /b /a Ace Wrecker Services ( "Ace ") has contracted for the towing, storage and related services for the City of Belle Isle Police Department since the department was created in 2009. Ace Wrecker has provided service to our agency 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week to tow vehicles on short notice. Ace has been responsive to all our requests and has provided excellent service to the City of Belle Isle. Please contact me with any questions you may have. Sincerely, Cam•, � ��. Chief Tho a Jackson Belle Isle Police Department Ace Wrecker 5601 South Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, FL 32839 Attn: Robbie Faulk May 9, 2013 Dear Mr. Faulk: Chief Thomas Jackson I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the truly outstanding job your staff did in assisting the Belle Isle Police Department with a recent traffic crash that involved multiple vehicles and road blockage caused by an enormous oak tree. In a freak event, a large oak tree fell across Hoffner Avenue directly on two vehicles traveling on the roadway, The huge canopy of the tree completely engulfed both vehicles, trapping the occupants inside. Your company's rapid response provided for the safe, expeditious rescue of the occupants. Once they were safely relocated by fire rescue personnel, your staff, with the use of your rotator, heavy tow vehicle, was able to work with our public works personnel to remove the large sections of tree from the vehicles and help with the rapid clearing of the roadway. Without the assistance of Ace Wrecker's heavy lift vehicle, the road clearing would have taken several hours instead of 35 minutes. As a direct result of your assistance, the roadway was quickly reopened for traffic. Routinely, your staff is courteous and helpful, but in this event they truly went above and beyond what one would have expected. Thank you very much for Ace Wrecker's continued professional service to our community. Sincerely, Chief Th as Jackson Belle Isle olice Departm CITY OF EDGEWOOD POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE November 5, 2013 To Whom It May Concern: The Edgewood Police Department has utilized the services of RSC Corporation dba: Ace Wrecker (hereafter referred to as Ace Wrecker) for more than seven (7) years. Ace Wrecker has been the only towing and recovery service utilized by the Edgewood Police Department. We have a fifteen (15) minute response requirement for our wrecker service and have never had a problem with Ace Wrecker adhering to that provision. The personnel employed by Ace Wrecker have always been extremely competent and professional. We have never experienced any administrative problems during our relationship with Ace Wrecker. I would recommend Ace Wrecker without any reservations what so ever. Sincerely, Peter Marcus Chief of Police 5565 S. ORANGE AVENUE PHONE: 407 -851 -2820 EDGEWODD, FL 32809 -3406 FAX: 407 -B51 -0604 WWW.EDGEWOOD- FL.GOV OR AN P`` C G 0 V'E1tN Nl ENT V L () li 1 I) A ORANGE COUNTY FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT Allen R.Schweikart Logistics / Fire Facilities P.O. Box 5879 Winter Park Florida 32793 "Telephone: 407 - 836 -9126 ♦ Fax: 407 - 836 -9150 Email: i ocfl.net November 6, 2013 TO: To Whom It May Concern RE: Ace Wrecker Service The Orange County Fire Rescue Department has used Ace Wrecker Service over the years in many different capacities and they have always provided us with excellent service. They have been a contracted vendor for towing and recovery for our County Fleet Division and have also provided invaluable training in the use of heavy equipment for our personell, Ace Wrecker Service has also played a very active role in making our Mock DUI Program a success by both their particpation and the level of ease at which they interact with our Public Information Officers. I would highly recommend them as one of the best wrecking /towing companies in Central Florida. Please f I free to contact me for further information, Sincerely, Allen R. Schweikart Project Coordinator, Infrastructure Support L - .1s c .,.7�t •TXj ,.•, �C ' ti }! cq� ,.l�I' °'T "y f s 'f ` f � a1 � � i/•* _. :ice rt.. - '`i ' > _ it xh .,. !-: C ' • � + . M y1 r - -T ,.Zr •v.7� a'F CD 41 1i CD �, �' "mot (�P ,. .• g f,�� r CD �, F•J _ y� 4PW+ anti ca CD w CD CD CD CD oN �•• • ot� CD CD CD CD `h4 44 � 11D rf { T �� y •!��t cr F,' d 41 p CD "mss CD CD .3 CD e L • r ". n., rt r.. - '' z ti 's e:.e '. cS r ' "ir d 'i.:' •' c ,'�[ r � �',� d j it cial Check u 64791611 2132157258 by Posn ; �73r Purchaser Rw. : — - - -- -.i. } / Date fn'4i ials - _ { 1o!V b� (hype) Center PAY r To the SunTrust Baal, its Aulhonzed Agent LJ I °" Order SunTrust Ba of Payable at SunTrust Bank Authonzed Si ce ae BZZI H774cURZTY xuoc2a pT FOR: $ P # (U BIDDER: DATE: ACCOUNT #XXX-36 -0000 AMOUNT $ L �c MISC. REVENUE CODE #500 Finance CITY OF OCOEE 11/06/13 2:45 PM apeiffer BID 14 -001 /ACE WRECK RECEIPT NO:FIV080846 AMOUNT FMSD DID 14- 001 /ACE WRECK 1,000.00 500 PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 2132157258 1,000.00 TOTAL 1 ---------------------------------- - - - - -- 11' 2 13 2 15 7 2 58o i:06 1 100 790j: 70 190 199 9611' Ace Wrecker $601 So. O.B. Tr, Orlando, FL 32839 407-855-66311 FAX: 407- 855 -0848 BILL TO: CUSTOMER: Jones Daniel P Jones Daniel P 3720 W 85th St 3720 vV 85th St Chicago, IL 60652 Chicago, IL 60652 INVOICE 131111014 (SATE: I 1 /13/13 VEHICLE Red 2006 deep Grand Cherokee m� LICENSE - VIN I 11411RMN06C24048 TRUCK - DRIVER 35 - SAMMY TOWED FROM Holden / Oran a Behind Action Cator Orlando, FL ST ART TIMtr 08:56 TOWED TO 1 Lot;5601 So. O.B.T. Orlando, IFL END TIME 09:45 POLICY NUMBER . ORDER # AGENCY )Ed ewood Pn AGENT lCardinal CASE# 13- 700554 DATE QTY PRICE DESCRIPTION SUB -TOTAL 11/11/13 1.00 $125.00 Impound -]?oli $125.00 11/11/13 1,00 $45.00 in Adm (lie>n)1t $45.00 11/11/13 6.00 $5.00 Certifi 'I 1 $30.00 11/11/13 1100 $3.00 bMV AR H $3.00 11/11/13 3.00 $20.0 Stor Ou ide $60,00 Sub $263.00 Tax: $0.00 Total: $263.00 Payment: - $020,0j, Balance Due: y signing, 19{ate th t I am the true and legal owner o e said vehicle, I hold Ace Wrecker y re5pon l ay to pay all charges. if oharges pro t paid on the vehicle, t am responsible Service harmless of any and all liability. l understand it is not only for said charges, but also for fees incurtgd in a we. VEHICLE RELEASE INFO RELEASED BY _ REL SE D TO DRIVERS LIr_# ID )DKVU1S TowTreoft Software; inv5l,rpt 060131 custom Pdnted. 11 11312073 - 11;06 PAYOR ORIGINATION: DESTINATION: VEHICLE MAKE MODEL YEAR UNIT PROBLEM: MILEAGE TOW TRUCK# DRIVER# UNIT# ENDING VIN# MILEAGE BEGINNING LICENSE MILEAGE STATE NUMBER TOTAL POP MILEAGE RO# ❑ CASH ❑ CHECK # ❑ ON ACCOUNT ❑ CHARGE, AUTH # SERVICE CALLITOW ADMIN COST MILEAGE ® STORAGE DRIVELINE PAIDOUT /SUBLET - TOLLS TAX REMARKS .�'n"'C P BY: ORLANDO ❑ COCOA 0 DAVENPORT ❑ PALM BAY 0 OCOEE I hereby certify the company specified above to tow this vehicle and acknowledge that said company will not be responsible for personal articles or in case of fire or theft. Accepted By: SUBMIT PAYMENT TO: 5601 SOUTH O.B.T. • ORLANDO, FL 32839 TEL 407 -855 -6631 FAX 407 - 855 -0848 t I 11/07/2013 13:44 FAX 4076562002 SlysTowing & Recovery,LL x0001 /0002 SLY'S TOWING &RECOVERY 1 � 9 FIFTH STREET WINTER GARDEN, 'FL, 34787 407- 656- 1996/FAX 407 - 656 -2002 FAX T0= To y GL— FAX N0= L l � o S — / � FROM: SLR` S �G` FAX NO: ___. X07- 656- DAI E L f — C� 7 — f . NUMBER OF P-4GES 0 z • (Including cover) -RE: iz��n -��� �99yAoGcb/7. e� Thankyoul Sty's Towing £t Recovery t 021G 1 A A�-. SLY'S TOWING & RECOVERY, LLC DOCUMENTATION FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSAL 14 -001 -- CITY OF OCOEE: CITY WIDE WRECKER TOWING SERVICES TTN: Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing/Finance Department Due: November 6, 2013 at 2 :00 pm SL YS TOWING & RECOVERY, LL 119 S " STREET WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 Phone (407) 656 -1996 Fax (407) 656 -2002 November 4, 2013 Ms. Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing /Finance Dept City of Ocoee RE: RFP #14 -001 City Wide Wrecker Towing Services Dear Ms. Tolbert: Enclosed please find the documentation we are submitting for the above referenced proposal. - I appreciate the opportunity to submit our proposal for the wrecker bid. I am confident and can assure that the City of Ocoee would receive dependable, honest and professional service from our companyl I look forward to hearing from you in the near future! Sincerely, Sly Cawley lowmom1994@,gol. com HAND DELIVERY SLY'S TOWING & RECOVERY, LLC 119 5TH STREET WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 (407) 656 -1996 Fax (407) 656 -2002 November 4, 2013 City of Ocoee Finance /Purchasing 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, F134761 Atha: Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agent Re: RFP4 14 -001 City Wide Wrecker Towing Services To Whom It May Concern: The following information is provided for the submission of the above referenced proposal: Company Information: • Sly's Towing & Recovery, LLC has been in business for 19 years. • Owned and operated by Sly Cawley and his wife Jan of 30 years. • Located at 119 5 "' Street, Winter Garden, Fl 34787 • Towing 24/7 • Office hours are Monday — Friday 8 am to 6 pm • After hours and weekends, phone calls are personally answered and dispatched by a employee • Available after hours and weekends to meet with customers that vehicles at our storage facilities within a 30 minute time frame • Facilities consist of a 3,900 square foot enclosed warehouse, including a 900 square foot office. • Approximately two acres of outside storage, possibility of storing 150 vehicles • Six foot chain link fencing topped with barbed wire with private mesh covering on fence securing outside storage • Inside storage is adequate for approximately ten cars • Forensics /white room for Police processing of vehicles that have been involved in a crime scene, traffic fatality, etc. • ADT security system • Exterior cameras • Night and weekend watchman • Office, warehouse and storage facilities are in excellent, clean condition that was built in 2004 • Members of the Professional Wreckers of Florida Sup ervisory Emnlovees Sly Cawley Owner /Wrecker operator, Operations Manager; 29 years towing experience; Certifications for North American Towing Academy; BMW, Mercedes and Porsche. Founded the company in 1994. Sly's duties will include, but not limited too, personally managing the account, towing of vehicles, assisting with customers, and personally dispatching after hours and weekends. Tommy Bitten; Safety/Maintenance Supervisor; 47 years towing experience; Certification with North American Towing Academy; Employed for 18 years. He will managing the maintenance on the wreckers and safety issues to provide dependable and safe drivers and wreckers for the contract. Fred Minor: Wrecker Operator; 32 years towing experience; Certifications for North American Towing Academy; BMW, Mercedes and Porsche. Employed for 13 years. Fred will provide professional and knowledgeable towing the vehicles, scene cleanup and customer service at the scene. Jan Cawley, Owner /Office Manager. Duties will include customer service, dispatching, human resources, insurance administrator and financial manager. Jan founded the company with Sly in 1994. Yvonne Richards:Administrative Assistant; Duties to include in person and phone customer service, dispatching and accounts receivables. Yvonne has been with the company for 8 years. Amber Jackson: Administrative Assistant; Duties to include in personal and phone customer service, dispatching. Amber has been with the company for 6 months. Equipment 2014 Freightliner Flatbed/Rollback 2006 International 4300 Flatbed/Rollback 2006 International 4300 Flatbed/Rollback 2000 Freightliner 20 ton Century Wrecker Company Experience /Reference /Qualifications Florida Highway Patrol, Lt Heard, 407 -580 -8230; rotation contract towing of wrecked, disabled, abandoned or recovery of vehicles. Rotation contract since 1994 Winter Garden Police Department, Chief Brenna, 407- 656 -3636, rotation contract towing of wrecked, disabled, abandoned or recovery of vehicles. Also provides free towing for the city. Contract since 1994 Ocoee Police Department, Chief Brown, 407 - 905 -3160, rotation contact towing of wrecked, disabled, abandoned or recovery of vehicles. Rotation contract from 1994 to 2011. Oakland Police Department, Chief Thomas, 407 - 656 -9797, rotation contract towing of wrecked, disabled, abandoned or recovery of vehicles. Rotation contract since 1994 Duston and Roberts Paint and Body, Farrell Duncan, 407- 877 -0577, towing of wrecked vehicles for repairs at his request for repair, since 1994. Crawfords Tire Service, Gary Crawford, 407 -656 -4575, towing of disabled vehicles for repair to his facilities, since 1994. Progressive Insurance, Richard Mayer, 407- 466 -2969, towing of wrecked vehicles to paint and body shops at his request since 1996. Client References Winter Garden Police Department, Chief Brennan, 407 -656 -3636, gbrennan@cwadn.com John Rees, Mayor of Winter Garden, 407 - 256- 04445, irees @wintergarden -fly Budget Auto Parts, Bill Rutherford, 407- 656 -4707, bapobill(d,aol.eom Farrell Duncan, 321- 689 -8864; dustonandroberts Oa)embargmail.com We have no past or present litigation, claims, bid or contract disputes. Please see the attached for the service rates proposal Record Keeping and Billing Procedures • Invoices of impounds or tows are immediately input to our networked computers that have a specialized, custom towing software program. • Operating on the same towing software since 1998, we are able to readily retrieve every invoice since 1998 which makes our record keeping extremely efficient. • lowing software automatically generates the certified letters every five business days as required by FS 713.78 for vehicles at the storage facility. • Customers with vehicles at our storage facilities can make payment with cash, credit card, billing or check, depending on the the individual situation. • Customers will receive a receipt upon payment. • Original written invoices contain original documents and personal information and are kept filed numerically in a secured, locked cabinet. • Statements are mailed the last day of the month to the customers that have an accounts receivables with the company. • Payments on accounts receivables are requested to be paid net 15 by cash, check or credit card. Proposed Implementation Plan/Technical Approach It is Sly's Towing & Recovery, desire to service and assist the Ocoee Police Department for the need of towing vehicles that have been in an accident, disabled, recovery, or for any other assistance that may be required. It is our intention, to expeditiously arrive at the accident scene and remove the vehicles, clear the roadway and clean any debris. Being in prior law enforcement, Sly recognizes the importance of clearing the roadways as quickly as possible and relieving the Ocoee Police Officers to return back to patrol duties. Services will also provide towing or roadside service of any vehicles owned by the City of Ocoee to there required destination, as outlined in the contract. Also, upon the request of Code Enforcement we will be available to tow away property removals to help the City of Ocoee remain beautiful! 20. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid disputes, or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the Proposer in the past five (5) years that is related to the services that the Proposer provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, please so state. (Attach additional sheets, if n ecessary and write "see attached ") q U+ - (car t ool , d 00.5 Cic. rk, Dr 4e or oAy u+('0.L.t N[-� r\ rr4C�- 21. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA: Proposer acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: No. Dated No. Dated No. _ Dated 22. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS: SUBCONTRACTOR and /or TEMPORARY WORKER AGENCY NAME /ADDRESS /FEDERAL I.D. NO. /CONTACT PERSON /PHONE #: (Attach additional sheets if necessary and write "see attached ") The Bidder certifies that the Bidder has investigated each subcontractor /temporary worker agency listed and has received and has in the Bidder's files evidence that each subcontractor /temporary worker agency RFP14-001 Wrecker Services 19 - Z (O -ka( Se¢vLC maintains a fully- equipped organization capable, technically and financially, of performing the pertinent work and that the subcontractor /temporary agency has done similar work in a satisfactory manner. It is further acknowledged by the contractor that any CHANGE or OMISSIONS in the subcontractors listed above shall require the City of Ocoee's approval before any work shall commence by the additional subcontractor on this project. 23. EQUIPMENT LISTING: 24. REFERENCES/EXPERIENCE OF PROPOSER WITH SIMILAR WORK: The Bidder shall complete the following blanks regarding experience with similar type of work. Bidder must demonstrate ability to perform services of similar complexity, nature, and size of this project within past three (3) years, attach additional sheets if necessary and write "see attached ". DATE OF CONTRACT /AMOUNT OF PROJECT /CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESS/ TELPHONE NUMBER /EMAIL ADDRESS /NAME OF CONTACT { wfi G�r2I6r� ' I c�6 h2pt aS1 W - t�fcvrv � Chi C f�r�nnar, t q R 2'44. l?�� g._ e vK.o-�a -✓i rglJc� Sfe. /� _ r�r - 1_�L 37�a'1' Stncz IqQ� al ---T" I-k��d ��• �D°8Z3v yr � uor7- 538 -'1o o •$� S ocA f� Q d la Da r r, X40 6 DcLK.lt" 0 0)41 3W`71ee) -S -- � 'i"h e m�c.s a� • l� -q � R � �' �� c�cx� `' Q q_ A (o rso r c wtz t * 1. a au 0 4 D eZ C�i«F (do'n 146-?- gos- 31(e6 V /?t Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes V_ No Length of time in busines years months. Bank or other financial references: RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 20 Please list year, make & model of all equipment that will be used on City of Ocoee properties, including whether owned or leased. If leased please provide name of lessor, attach additional sheets if necessary and write "see attached ". EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSALFORM SERVICE RATES The maximum rates to be charged for vehicles or trailer owners or their designees for towing, Storage and standby wrecker service as a specified in Exhibit "C. Services are to be provided at no charge to the vehicle or trailer, owner or his designee whenever service was requested in error pursuant to an Ocoee Police Department request. Such charges are to be billed to the Ocoee Police Department at the rates as specified herein. THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE FOR TOWING VEHICLES OR TRAILERS SEIZED FOR FORFEITURE. AT THE REQUEST OF CITY PERSONNEL / NON -CITY OWNED VEHICLES (Estimated 740 tows annually) CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT 1. Class A: Standard Tow — Towing Passenger Cars, Trailers, Trucks, and Special Service Vehicles, up to 10,000 pounds GWV, and Motorcycles and /or Motor Scooters, up to 10 miles: Rate $ per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ U ° Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $ iS_ 2. Class B: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, Trailers and Special Service Vehicles, over 10,001 pounds GVW up to 19,500 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles. Rate $ aa,O - per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over10 miles is $ "= per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ L4 '5 RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 41 Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $ 0 -`'= CATEGORY TWO - HEAVY 3. Class C: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, Over 19,500 pounds GWV up to25, 000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ X30 `'% per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ U- per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ d - U0 Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ 45 ' 00 Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $ rIS- 4. Class D: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles over 25,000 pounds GWV, up to 10 miles: Rate $ 414D,vo per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ � • per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ S ufl„� Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $ Imo' STORAGE RATE The daily rate for storing a vehicle in storage is based on a Twenty -four (24) hour day. The first six (6) hours of each storage shall be free (i.e., from time of arrival at the storage facility through the sixth hour thereafter). Subsequently, and for each twenty -four (24) hour or portion thereof, a storage fee may be assessed in accordance with the bid. The maximum rates the Vendor is to charge vehicle or trailer owners or their designees for storage is as specified in Exhibit "C. THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE FOR STORAGE FOR VEHICLES OR TRAILERS SEIZED FOR FORFEITURE IF THE OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT OBTAINS A FINAL JUDGEMENT OR FORFEITURE. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 42 HOURLY CHARGE In addition to the maximum rates charged owners or their designees for towing services, the Vendor is allowed to charge a additional rate as specified below to cover all charges for any and all additional equipment including additional -tow trucks, tools and consumable items to perform any and all of the following: Servicing rollovers or submerged vehicles or trailers. Dropping (releasing) drive shafts on vehicles over one (1) ton only. Removing bumpers on vehicles one (1) ton and over only. Airing up brakes. Providing air bags. Note: 1. The Vendor is not allowed to charge separately for each of the above items; only one additional hourly rate is to be charged regardless of the number of circumstances involved and services performed. 2. The Vendor is not allowed to charge in addition to the tow fee for: Dropping (releasing) drive shafts on vehicles up to one (1) ton, or for Double hookups. HOURLY RATE CHARGE FOR ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT AND CONSUMABLES CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT $ )00 % per hour for Passenger Cars, Trailers, Trucks, and Special. Service Vehicles, up to 10,000 pounds GVW, and Motorcycles and /or Motor Scooters. $ 1 r75 per hour for Towing Trucks, Trailers and Special - Service Vehicles, over 10,001 pounds GV1N up to 19,500 pounds GVIN. CATEGORY TWO — HEAVY $ 300 'c per hour for Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 19,500 pounds GVW up to 25,000GVW $ 40 per hour for Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 25,000 pounds. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 43 AIR BAGS $ per hour for use of air bags for trucks and special service vehicles over two and one -half (2.5) tons. FIXED RATE CHARGES In addition to maximum rates charged owners or their designees for towing services, the Vendor is allowed to charge an additional fixed fee of $ 6b , per tow to utilize dollies. At the request of the City, written justification is to be submitted for use of dollies under circumstances in question by the City. WAITING TIME The Vendor may charge for waiting time after the first (30) minutes at the hourly rate specified in this section on a pro -rate basis in fifteen (15) minute increments as further specified below: Total Waiting Time Pro -Rata After the First Thirty Minute- Amount$ !S - "� 31 to 45 minutes - One quarter of the hourly rate. 46 to 60 minutes - One half the hourly rate. 61 to 75 minutes - Three quarters the hourly rate. 76 to 90 minutes - One full hourly rate. ADDITIONAL SERVICES The Vendor is to respond to request from the Ocoee Police Department officer at the scene to unlock a vehicle door by means of a slim Jim or other similar device when no tow is required. The Vendor agrees to charge a flat fixed fee specified below to unlock vehicles when no tow is required: The Flat Fixed Fee to Unlock Vehicle Doors is $ S5 ` If the Vendor is unable to unlock the vehicle door(s), no charge for this service is to be incurred by either the city or the vehicle owner or his designee. The Vendor agrees to charge a fixed flat Fee specified below to weatherproof a vehicle when advised to do so by the owner and/ or the Ocoee Police department of $ o'� d • , The Vendor agrees to charge a flat fixed Fee to Immobilize (Booting) a vehicle of $ W �- The vendor agrees to charge only the actual cost incurred for Hazardous waste removal. Documentation will be provided upon request. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 44 WINCH RECOVERY (Vehicle not towed and all times are for actually on scene) CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT Class A for first 30 minutes. $ 6 1 Each additional 30 minutes $ 30 - Class B for the first 30 minutes $ ZkV' 10 Each additional 30 minutes $ 60 ( 00 — CATEGORY TWO - HEAVY Class C for the first 30 minutes $ Each additional 30 minutes $ Class D for the first 30 minutes $ - - ° ' 0 Each additional 30 minutes $ 0`2 (Remainder of page left blank intentionally.) RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 45 AT THE REQUEST OF CITY PERSONNEL / CITY OWNED VEHICLES (Estimated 85 tows annually) The maximum rates to be charged the City for towing, road service or storage services for any vehicle or trailer which is owned, operated, or leased by the City (except leased vehicles or trailers where the leaser is responsible for the required towing) from its point of disability (whether same be within the City or in an outlying area within Orange or Seminole or Lake County, usual and customary to the particular usage of the vehicle by the City) to any point within the City, as may be directed. CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT Class A: Standard Tow - Towing Passenger Cars, Trailers, Trucks, and Special Service Vehicles, up to 10,000 pounds GVW, and Motorcycles and /or Motor Scooters, up to 10 miles: Rate $ b5 : per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ 3•`' per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Class B: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, Trailers and Special Service Vehicles, over 10,001 pounds GV1N up to 19,500 pounds GVIN, up to 10 miles: Rate $ 6 per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. CATEGORY TWO - HEAVY Class C: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 19,500 pounds GVIN up to 25,000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ 02 - per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ � per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 46 Class D: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 25,000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ f5-, (.Aj-T per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. THE CITY -WILL NOT ACCEPT ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR ANY TOWING SERVICES PROVIDED. STORAGE RATE The daily rate for storing a vehicle is based on a twenty -four (24) hour day. The first six (6) hours of each storage shall be free (i.e., from time of arrival at the storage facility through the sixth hour thereafter). Subsequently, and for each twenty -four (24) hour or portion thereof, a storage fee may be assessed in accordance with the bid. The maximum rates the Vendor is to charge a vehicle or trailer owned by the City of Ocoee for storage is: 1. General �Jorage rate for a City of Ocoee vehicle per space on a twenty -four (24) hour basis is: $ &5 ROAD SERVICES The Vendor is allowed to charge a fixed flat rate for road Services as specified below: Battery Boost $ QCs' Tire Changing $ (tom , �� (Remainder of page left blank intentionally.) RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 47 RFP #14001 COMPANY INFORMATION & SIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE RFP INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR PROPOSAL. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL RFP INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT THE PRICES REFLECTED ON THE "SCOPE OF WORK/ FEE RATES PROPOSAL FORM" ARE ACCURATE AND WITHOUT COLLUSION. Skj /- COMPANY NAME Vi 3 �- 6 , � - AIJT146RIZED SIGNA'f E (manual) NAME /TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) f 1 q 5 111, �5t&l STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP FEDERAL ID 00) 0 41 4•W I"° "l��fn - lRq le, TELEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) 401 le5'b 2),W- _ FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) E -MAIL ADDRESS IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: Individual; Corporation; ] , " Partnership; Other (Specify Sworn to and subscribed before me this Personally Known or ��. - Produced Identification (Type of Identification) RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services k* day of ITOM t b4" - , 20 Q . Notary Public - State f F of (� . to e of Notary Public Printed, typed or stamped fwpng� uinued o n — - al P11 9 1 .c S. JAN CAWLEY �♦ AM PU Notary Public • State of Florida 52 My Comm. Expires Oct 8. 2018 s3, Commission # EE 841478 ' • Bonded Through Nallonal Notary Assn. 0140004w-o" I CASHIER'S CHECK AREGIONS ° ' " 620 5006557789 10/31/2013 SLY'S TOWING 8 RECOVERY, LL f Purchaser ! Purchased For ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS PAY TO THE ORDER OF: CITY OF OCOEE $1,000.00 h.v,n Regions Bank -. ma ed Signature ranch FL00318 l" S006 5 S ? ?89 1:06200001,,91: 0000 ? 4 2(655 Lii' BZD BECURZTY RECEXXmW FOR: "PII -Q # 7 `J BIDDER: DATE: \ `} - l • - 1 I Finance ACCOUNT # XXX -36 -0000 AMOUNT $ C MISC. REVENUE CcRpp ffyp 11/06/13 2:44 PA apeiffer BID 14 -001/ SLYS RECEIPT NO:FIU980845 AMOUNT FMSD BID 14 -001/ SLYS 1.000.00 500 PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 5006557783 1,000.00 TOTAL 1.000.00 ---------------------------------- - - - - -- w x \ \ ( a c q 7 ( \ ) ) \ ( c [ 0 9 2 ; - E§ ¥ j o >,% ` f { e k 5 3 / m ;§ ƒ / z / a � { ` m y m 7 ) / � f b o / > m � ) ) % . m ` / $) % \ ¥ 7 G / m ƒ / \ / a � { ` ; d 7 ) / � f b o / > m � ) ) % . m ` W \ j ¥ $ 7 o \ § ¢ R § ~ 7 ( A L / ® X /� ±� # 'D -� -0 -z! ��/� R «� ( n q a) ~ kto < N \w m 4 �2 @ { � SLY'S TOWING & RECOVERY, LLC. 119 FIFTH STREET WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 407 656 -1996 TOW TICK. #: 38419 DATE: 10/01/10 PAGE 1 YEAR 2010 L/H MAKE FORD MODEL F150 NAME MONTE CRAIG TOOR STYLE VAN ADDRESS 1125 ROYAL MARQUIS CIR COLOR BLUE CITY OCOEE V.I.N. 1FMNEIBW7ADA30519 STATE FL LTCFNSE # M961EJ EXP: ZIP 34'761 - STATE FL HOME PHONE - - ODOMETER WORK PHONE - - X REASON CASH VALUE $0.00 PO # SALE /AUCT# SALE DATE CALL# STATUS MEMBERSHIP #; MEMBER EXP. DRIVER SCOTT NEED RELEASE: N TRUCK # 24 RELEASE DATE: TIME: TYPE OF TOW LD W /LIFT RELEASE # REQUESTED BY: OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT RELEASED TO LOCATION LITTLE SPRING HILL DESTINATION PD /PU OWNER 10 /1 @ 1:35 SIGNED TIME OF' CALL: 18:00 TIME DISPTCH: 18:00 ARRIVAL TIME: 18:00 HOOK TIME 18:00 DROP TIME 18;00 COMPI, TIME 18:00 TOTAL HOURS 24.00 HOURLY RATE $0.00 TOWING :$ DOLLY :$ LABOR :$ I WINCH :$ MISC :$ BEG. MILE: END. MILE: TOTAL MILES; RATE: 2ND TOW :$ 0 0 0 $ 0.00 PER = UNL MILE:$ 0 5 5 $ 3.00 PER - LD MILE :$ DISCOUNT:$ SUBTOTAL;$ DATE IN: DATE OUT: TOTAL DAYS: RATE: Admin :$ 10/01/10 10/01/10 1.0 $25.00 PER = STORAGE :$ PAYOUT :$ TAX :$ TOTAL :$ BILLED TO: AMT PAID:$ CASH BAL DUE :$ NOTES: 125.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 134.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 10.34 169,34 169.34- 0.00 in c6 10/18/11 SALES BY REQUESTED BY PAGE 01 FROM: 10/01/10 TO: 10/18/11 TICK # DATE TR YR MAKE NET TOW LABOR WINCH MILEAGE OTHER ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- REQUESTED BY: OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT 38419 10 /01 /10 24 10 FORD 125.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 38461 10/05/10 24 06 FORD 125.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.00 38472 10/09/10 24 03 FORD 125.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 75.00 38508 10/09/10 31 96 FORD 125.00 0.00 0,00 3.00 50,00 38528 10/15/10 24 95 OLDS 125.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 90.00 38531 10/16/10 24 99 NISS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 650.00 38549 10/16/10 31 03 CHEV 125.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 125.00 38553 10/17/10 31 02 CHRY 125.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 120.00 38583 10/20/10 24 01 GMC 85.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38592 10/23/10 24 96 NISS 125.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 50.00 38613 10/27/10 31 05 FORD 125.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 90.00 38614 10/27/10 31 06 DODG 125.00 0.00 0.00 3,00 75.00 38622 10/30/10 31 87 MERC 125.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 '75.00 38650 11/06/10 24 05 CHEV 125.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 50.00 38691 11/12/10 31 04 CHEV 125,00 0.00 0.00 6.00 175.00 38692 11/12/10 31 99 CHEV 125.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 75.00 38696 11/14/10 31 02 TOYO 125,00 0.00 0.00 6,00 50.00 38716 11/18/10 31 05 CHRY 125.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 100.00 38802 11/24/10 31 03 FORD 125.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 50.00 38745 11/27/10 24 00 PONT 125,00 0.00 0.00 3.00 50.00 38842 12/06/10 24 97 VOLV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 700.00 38887 12/09/10 31 99 FORD 125.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 50.00 38919 12/16/10 31 95 FORD 125,00 0.00 0.00 6,00 50.00 38856 12/18/10 24 95 FORD 125.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 50.00 38858 12/19/10 24 95 CADI 125.00 0.00 0,00 9,00 50.00 38937 12/21/10 31 08 TOYO 125.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 50.00 38943 1.2/24/10 31 01 FORD 125.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 1.10.00 38992 12/26/10 24 91 CHEV 125.00 0.00 0.00 18.00 50.00 38993 12/26/10 24 98 FORD 125.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 50.00 38957 12/29/10 31 05 CHEV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 747.00 38999 01/02/11 24 95 CHEV 125.00 0,00 0.00 12.00 50.00 38976 01/04/11 08 00 NISS 125.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 50.00 38981 01/06/11 31 93 DODG 125.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 50.00 38982 01/06/11 31 04 DODG 125,00 0.00 0.00 6.00 93.00 +39011 01/08/11 24 92 FORD 125.00 0.00 0.00 9,00 0.00 39016 01/09/11 24 97 GMC 125.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 50.00 39092 01/10/11 31 02 JEEP 125,00 0.00 0.00 6.00 100.00 39099 01/12/11 31 05 NISS 125.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 63.40 39045 01/18/11 24 94 BOND 125.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 90.00 39179 01/21/11 31 94 FORD 125.00 0.00 50.00 6.00 75.00 39188 01/24/11 31 07 NISS 125,00 0.00 50.00 9.00 75.00 39205 01/26/11 31 98 CADI 125.00 0.00 50.00 9.00 50.00 - -39204 01/27/11 31 93 JEEP 125.00 0.00 50.00 10.00 0.00 39215 01/29/11 31 07 FORD 0.00 55.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39228 02/01/11 31 95 BUIC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 350.00 39239 02/05/11 31 96 MITS 125.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 39241 02/05/11 31 07 FORD 125.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 101.25 39242 02/05/11 31 04 TOYO 125.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 100.00 39161 02/07/11 24 03 CHEV 125.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 50.00 39267 02/11/11 31 05 CHRY 125.00 0.00 0.00 3,00 90,00 39275 02/15/11 31 11 FORD 125.00 0.00 0.00 9,00 50.00 39285 02/18/11 31 01 FORD 125.00 0.00 0.00 9,00 100.00 °39320 02/19/11 24 00 PLYM 125.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 50.00 39321 02/20/11 24 95 FORD 125.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 50.00 Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift City Manager .k, o Robert Frank fIorida CITY OF OCOEE Commissioners John Grogan, District 1. Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Keller, District 4 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP #14 -001 CITY WIDE WRECKER TOWING SERVICES Moor S. Scott Vandergrift City Manager Robert Frank October 31, 2013 ADDENDUM NO: ONE (1) CITY OF OCOEE Commissioners John Grogan, District 1 Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Keller, District 4 RFP #14 -001 CITY WIDE WRECKER TOWING SERVICES This addendum consists of one (1) page, and shall modify and become a part of the original RFP documents for the City Wide Wrecker Towing Services. Respondents shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on p.19 of the RFP documents. Failure to do so may subject the Respondent to disqualification. Answers to questions received and /or amendments to the RFP documents are as follows: Questions: Q1, As we understand, a qualifying vendor must own a total of four tow trucks: two Class A trucks, one Class B truck and one class C truck. Page 37 Number 23, it allows for a truck with higher class to be substituted for a truck with a lower class. It is our understanding that the purpose of this is if a vendor's fleet consists of multiple trucks with the larger Class C rating, one of those could be designated as a Class B or Class A as long as the charge to the customer is calculated at the rate of the lower class. However, if a vendor's fleet consists of only Class A trucks and one Class C, the allotted amount of Class B /Class C trucks cannot be met. Can a single truck be used for multiple designations of classes allowing it to be calculated into the total number of tow trucks several times? Example, can a singular Class C be designated as a Class C, Class B, Class A, and count as 3 trucks per classification? Al. No, as a single Class C wrecker cannot count as Class A & B wrecker at the same time. Section 23 describes the minimum number of vehicles to be maintained in a vendor's fleet to provide the required service levels. 1 ce T t ertt CPPB Y Purchasing Agent cc'. RFP Selection Committee City of Ocoee • 150 N Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905 -3100 • fax: (407) 905 -3194 • \vww.ococc.org TABLE OF CONTENTS RFP #14 -001 CITY WIDE WRECKER TOWING SERVICES RFP DOCUMENTS Section Page Legal Advertisement Proposal Instructions General Terms & Conditions Summary of Litigation*, p. 19 Acknowledgement of Addenda* p.19 List of Subcontractors* P. 19 Equipment Listing*, P. 20 References/Experience, p. 20 SCOPE OF SERVICES, SERVICE RATES, OCOEE'S TOWING FEES 3 4 -7 8 -23 Section Page Exhibit A — Scope of Services Exhibit B — Service Rates (Proposal Form)* Exhibit C — Ocoee's Towing Fees 24-40 41 -47 48 -51 Company Information and Signature Sheet* 52 *Submit with Proposal End Table of Contents RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 2 Request for Proposals, Legal Advertisement The City of Ocoee, Florida, (City) is soliciting sealed proposals for RFP# 14 -001 City Wide Wrecker Towing Services. Proposals will be received at the office of Joyce Tolbert, CPPB Purchasing Agent, Finance Department /Purchasing, Second Floor, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 until 2:00 pm, local time, on November 6, 2013. Proposals received after that time will not be accepted under any circumstances. Sealed proposals that have been timely received will be publicly opened and the the name of the responding firms read aloud at that time. No pre - proposal conference is scheduled at this time. Prospective respondents may secure a copy of the documents required for submitting a proposal through Onvia /Demandstar by accessing the City's website at http: / /www.ocoee.org under Finance Department /Purchasing. Partial sets of the documents required for submitting a proposal will not be issued. By using Onvia /Demandstar, prospective respondents will be provided with all information regarding this RFP and addendums and changes to the project requirements. Membership with Onvia /Demandstar is not required to submit a proposal; fees may apply for non - members. Persons other than prospective respondents may inspect the documents required for submitting a proposal at the Ocoee City Hall City Clerk's Office, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761. Persons inspecting the documents at the City Clerk's office that request copies will be required to pay a fee, as prescribed by statute. Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk, October 13, 2013. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 3 CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) #14 -001 CITY WIDE WRECKER TOWING SERVICES A. Sealed proposals for RFP #14 -001 will be received by the City of Ocoee, hereinafter called "The City ", by any person, firm, corporation or agency submitting a RFP for the services proposed, hereinafter called "Respondent' or "Proposer" or "Bidder'. Each Proposer shall furnish the information required on the proposal form supplied and each accompanying sheet thereof on which an entry is made. Proposals submitted on any other format shall be disqualified. Proposals must be typewritten or handwritten using ink. Do not use pencil. Proposal documents must be submitted under the signature of a legally responsible representative, officer, or employee and should be properly witnessed and attested. All proposals should also include the name and business address of any person, firm, or corporation interested in the proposal either as a principal, member of the firm, or general partner. If the Proposer is a corporation, the proposal should include the name and business address of each officer, director, and holder of 10% or more of the stock of such corporation. B. Any questions or concerns regarding this RFP should be addressed in writing to the Finance /Purchasing Department, City of Ocoee, FL, Attention: Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agent (407) 905 -3100, extension 1516 and fax (407) 905 -3194 or email jtolbert @,ci.ocoee.fl.us and shall be received not later than October 30, 2013 at 2:00 P.M., local time. Any clarifications /changes will be through written addenda only, issued by the Purchasing Agent. Proposers should not contact City staff, with the exception of the Purchasing Agent, or other City consultants for information regarding this RFP before the bid award date. Any contact with any other member of the City Staff, City Commission, or its Agents during the bid, award, and protest period may be grounds for disqualification. C. Proposals must describe the qualifications of the firm to provide planning services. The proposal shall be presented as one (1) original and five (5) copies. The entire proposal package shall be received by the Finance Department not later than 2:00 P.M., local time, on November 6, 2013. Proposals received by the Finance Department/Purchasing after the time and date specified will not be considered, but will be returned unopened. "Postage Due" items will not be accepted. Proposals or any information transmitted by fax or e-mail will not be accepted. Proposals shall be delivered in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the RFP number, title, and closing date and time, to: City of Ocoee Finance Department /Purchasing Attention: Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agent 150 N Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 -2258 RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 4 D. Pre - Proposal Conference: None is scheduled at this time. E. Proposals will be reviewed by a evaluation committee appointed by the City Manager and will be ranked in accordance with the established evaluation criteria. Date, time, and location of any scheduled evaluation committee meeting(s) for this RFP will be noticed publicly and on Demandstar. The evaluation committee shall supply a ranked list of the proposing firms and a recommendation regarding which firms should be selected by the City Commission for negotiation of a contract. Please be aware that all City Commission meetings are duly noticed public meetings and that all documents submitted to the City as a part of a bid constitute public records under Florida law. F. All Proposers shall thoroughly examine and become familiar with this RFP package and carefully note the items specifically required for submission of a complete proposal. G. Submission of a proposal shall constitute an acknowledgment that the Proposer has complied with the instructions of this RFP. The failure or neglect of a Proposer to receive or examine a document shall in no way relieve it from any obligations under its proposal or the contract. No claim for additional compensation will be allowed based upon a lack of knowledge or understanding of any of the Contract Documents or the scope of services. Proposals shall be in compliance with the contract documents /scope of services. All costs to prepare and submit proposals shall be the responsibility of the Proposer and the City shall make no reimbursement of any kind. H. Any response by the City to a request for information or correction will be made in the form of a written addendum, which will be mailed, e- mailed, or faxed by Demandstar to all parties to whom the RFP package have been issued. It shall be the responsibility of each Proposer to obtain a copy of all issued Addenda. The City reserves the right to issue Addenda concerning the date and time when proposal acceptance shall close at any time up to the date and time set for proposal closing. In this case, proposals that have been received by the City prior to such an addendum being issued will be returned to the Proposer, if requested, unopened. In case any Proposer fails to acknowledge receipt of any such Addendum in the space provided in the RFP documents, its proposal will nevertheless be construed as though the Addendum had been received and acknowledged. Submission of a proposal will constitute acknowledgment of the receipt of the RFP Documents and all Addenda. Only interpretations or corrections provided by written Addenda shall be binding on the City. Proposers are cautioned that any other source by which a Proposer receives information concerning, explaining, or interpreting the RFP Documents shall not bind the City. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 5 Any of the following causes may be considered sufficient for the disqualification and rejection of a proposal: a) Submission of more than one (1) proposal for the same work by an individual, firm, partnership, or corporation under the same or different name. For purposes of this subparagraph, firms, partnerships, or corporations under common control may be considered to be the same entity; b) Evidence of collusion between or among the Proposers; c) Being in arrears on any existing contracts with the City or in litigation with the City, or having defaulted on a previous contract with the City; d) Poor, defective, or otherwise unsatisfactory performance of work for the City or any other party on prior projects that, in the City's judgment and sole discretion, raises doubts as to the Proposer's ability to properly perform the services; or e) Any other cause that, in the City's judgment and sole discretion, is sufficient to justify disqualification of Proposer or the rejection of its proposal. J. CONVICTED VENDOR LIST (PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME). A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal on an award to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a proposal on an award with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit proposals on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a Contractor, Supplier, Subcontractor, or Consultant under an award with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in section 287.017 for Category Two for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. [See Florida Statute 287.133 (2) (a).] K. FLORIDA PUBLIC RECORDS LAW. In accordance with Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes, and, except as may be provided by Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes and other applicable State and Federal Laws, all Proposers should be aware that the proposal and the responses thereto are in the public domain and are available for public inspection. Proposers are requested, however, to identify specifically any information contained in their proposal that they consider confidential and /or proprietary and which they believe to be exempt from disclosure, citing specifically the applicable exempting law. All proposals received in response to this request for proposals become the property of the City of Ocoee and will not be returned. In the event of an award, all documentation produced as part of the contract will become the exclusive property of the City. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive formalities, technicalities or irregularities, to request clarification of information submitted in any proposal, or to re- advertise for new proposals. The City may accept any item or group of items of any proposal, RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 6 unless the respondent qualifies its proposal by specific limitations. The City may accept one or more proposals if, in the City's discretion, the City determines that it is in the City's best interest to do so. The City reserves the right to award the contract to the Respondent which, in the City's sole discretion, is the most responsive and responsible Respondent The City reserves the right, as an aid in determining which proposal is responsible, to require a respondent to submit such additional evidence of Respondent's qualifications as the City may deem necessary, and may consider any evidence available to the City of the financial, technical, and other qualifications and abilities of a Respondent, including past performance (experience) with the City and others. The City Commission shall be the final authority in the selection of any and all proposals. (Remainder of page left blank intentionally). RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 7 RFP #14 -001 GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. BID SECURITY: a) Each proposal must be accompanied by a Cashier's /Certified Check upon an incorporated bank or trust company or a Bid Bond in an amount equal to ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00). A combination of any of the former is not acceptable. Cash or company check will not be accepted as Bid Security. The cashier's check or Bid Bond is submitted as a guarantee that the Proposer, if awarded the Contract, will after written notice of such award, enter into a written Contract with the City and as a guarantee that the Proposer will not withdraw its bid for a period of ninety (90) days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids, in accordance with the accepted bid and bid documents. b) In the event of withdrawal of said bid within ninety (90) days following the opening of bids, or Proposer's failure to enter into said contract with the City or failure to provide the City with other requirements of the contract documents or the bid invitation after issuance of Notice of Intent to Award by the City, then such Proposer shall be liable to the City in the full amount of the check or bid bond and the City shall be entitled to retain the full amount of the check or to demand from the Surety the penal sum of the bid bond as liquidated damages and not a penalty. c) Surety companies executing bonds shall be duly insured by an insurer or corporate surety and signed by a licensed agent who holds a current Power of Attorney from the surety company issuing the bond. d) The cost of the required bond and required insurance coverage is to be included in the Proposer's overhead and is not eligible for reimbursement as a separate cost by the City. The checks of the three (3) most favorable Proposers will be returned within three (3) days after the City and the successful Proposer have executed the contract for work or until the 91 day after bid opening, whichever is earlier. The remaining checks will be returned within thirty (30) days after the opening of bids. Bid Bonds will be returned upon request following the same criteria as a check 2. PERFORMANCE BOND: None required. 3. PATENT INDEMNITY: Except as otherwise provided, the successful Proposer agrees to indemnify the City and its officers, agents, and employees against liability, including costs and expenses, for infringement upon any letters patent of the United States arising out of the performance of this Contract. Further, the Proposer shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 8 and its officers, agents, and employees from any suits, actions, damages, and costs of every name and description, including attorneys' fees, arising from or relating to violation or infringement of a trademark, copyright, patent, trade secret, unpatented invention, or intellectual property right. If the bidder uses any design, device, or materials covered by letters, patent, or copyright, it is mutually agreed and understood without exception that the bid price shall include all royalties or cost arising from the use of such design, device, or materials. 4. DEFAULT: As a result of bids received under this Invitation, the award of the contract may be based, in whole or in part, on delivery and specification factors. Accordingly, should the Contractor not meet the delivery deadline(s) set forth in the specifications or should the Contractor fail to perform any of the other provisions of the specifications and /or other contract documents, the City may declare the Contractor in default and terminate the whole or any part of the contract. Upon declaring the Contractor in default and the contract in whole or in part, the City may procure and /or cause to be delivered the equipment, supplies, or materials specified, or any substitutions thereof and the Contractor shall be liable to the City for any excess costs resulting therefrom. In the event the Contractor has been declared in default of a portion of the contract, the Contractor shall continue the performance of the contract to the extent not terminated under the provisions of this paragraph. Where the Contractor fails to comply with any of the specifications, except for delivery deadline(s), the City may, in its discretion, provide the Contractor with written notification of its intention to terminate for default unless prescribed deficiencies are corrected within a specified period of time. Such notification shall not constitute a waiver of any of the City's rights and remedies hereunder. PRICING: Pricing should be provided as indicated on the Scope of Work /Proposal Form, Exhibit B, attached, to include any alternate bids. Please note that alternate bids will not be accepted unless specifically called for on the Scope of Work /Proposal Form. In case of a discrepancy between the unit price and extended price, the unit price will be presumed to be correct. Cost of preparation of a response to this bid is solely that of the bidder and the City assumes no responsibility for such costs incurred by the bidder. The Bid form may not be completed in pencil. All entries on the Bid form shall be legible. The City reserves the right, but does not assume the obligation, to ask a Bidder to clarify an illegible entry on the Bid form. If the Bid form requires that the Bid price, or constituent portions of the Bid price, be stated in unit prices and total price; the unit prices and the total price for the stated number of units identified on the Bid form should be provided by the Bidder and be correctly computed. If there is an arithmetical conflict, between the unit price stated by the RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 9 Bidder on the Bid form and the total price stated by the Bidder on the Bid form, the unit price stated by the Bidder on the Bid form shall take precedence. The City may unilaterally correct such arithmetical conflict on the Bid form to calculate the total price, utilizing the unit prices that have been identified by the Bidder. The taking of such action by the City shall not constitute grounds for the Bidder to withdraw its bid nor shall it provide a defense constituting discharge of the bid bond. The City reserves the right, but does not assume the obligation, to waive any mistake, omission, error or other irregularity that may appear on the Bid form. However, the City reserves the right to reject as non - responsive Bid forms that are incomplete or contain information that is not required. a) The Bidder represents that the article(s) to be furnished under this Invitation to Bid is (are) new and unused (unless specifically so stated) and that the quality has not deteriorated so as to impair its usefulness. b) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restriction competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other Bidder or with any competitor; c) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the Bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the Bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Bidder or to any competitor; d) No attempt has been made or will be made by the Bidder to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. Every contract, combination or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce in this State is unlawful (s. 542.18, Florida Statutes, and all applicable federal regulations); e) Bidder warrants the prices set forth herein do not exceed the prices charged by the Bidder under a contract with the State of Florida Purchasing Division; and f) Bidder agrees that supplies /services furnished under this quotation, if awarded, shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranties the Bidder gives to any customer for such supplies /services and that rights and remedies provided herein are in addition to and do not limit any rights offered to the City by any other provision of the bid award. 6. DISCOUNTS: a) Trade and time payment discounts will be considered in arriving at new prices and in making awards, except that discounts for payments within less than 30 days will not be considered in evaluation of bids. However, offered discounts will be taken for less than 30 days if payment is made within discount period. b) In connections with any discount offered, time will be computed from date of delivery and acceptance at destination, or from the date correct invoice is received in the office of Finance, whichever is later. Payment is deemed to be made, for the purpose of earning the discount, on the date of City Check. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 10 7. SAMPLES: Samples of items, when required, must be furnished free of expense to the City and, if not called for within fifteen days from date of bid opening, same will be disposed of in the best interest of the City. 8. AWARD CRITERIA: The contract will be recommended to be awarded to the overall lowest most responsive and responsible Bidder according to the following criteria: ■ Compliance with scope of work, specifications, terms, and conditions ■ Bid price ■ Experience with similar work ■ Successful reference check ■ Evaluation Criteria, Section 26 9. LITERATURE: If required by the scope of work, or the specifications, descriptive literature /brochures shall be included with this bid in order to properly evaluate make /model offered. Bids submitted without same may be considered non- responsive and disqualified. 10. BID PROTESTS: All Bid Protests shall be submitted to the Purchasing Agent in the following manner: a) A Bidder shall file a written bid protest under this Article or be barred any relief; oral protests shall not be acknowledged. b) A bid protest shall be limited to the following grounds: (a) issues arising from the procurement provisions of the Project Manual, its addenda, and other bidding documents; and /or (b) applicable federal, state, or local law. No bid protest may be based upon questions concerning the design documents (drawings and specifications). The Bidder shall clarify all questions concerning the design documents of the project prior to submitting its bid. c) The content of the bid protest shall fully state the factual and legal grounds for the protest and the legal basis for the relief requested. d) The bid protest shall be filed with the Purchasing Agent not later than three (3) calendar days after the posting of the notice of intent to award or recommendation of award by staff, whichever is earlier. e) The Purchasing Agent, on behalf of the City, shall make a determination of the merits of the protest not later than five (5) business days after receipt of RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 11 the protest. If Owner denies the protest, Owner may proceed with award of the contract unless enjoined by order of a court of competent jurisdiction. H. PAYMENT TERMS: a) No payment will be made for services without proper purchase order authorization or City of Ocoee Visa Purchasing Card. Payment cannot be made until materials, goods or services, have been received and accepted by the City in the quality and quantity ordered. b) Any contract resulting from this solicitation is deemed effective only to the extent of appropriations available for the work. c) The City of Ocoee, Florida has Florida Sales & Use Tax Exemption Certificate No. 85- 8013779974C -0; and, pursuant to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, is exempt from federal excise, state, and local sales taxes. d) Vendor must accept credit cards from the customer for the payment of storage and towing charges. 12. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: The Bidder guarantees that the services to be performed and the goods to be provided herein, shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, orders and decrees, including without limitation such of the following acts as may be applicable: Federal Consumer Product Safety Act, Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, Federal Hazardous Substances Labeling Act, Federal Flammable Fabrics Act, and any applicable environmental regulations. a) All contractors are required to comply with the Congressional Federal Register (CFR) of the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Construction Industry, Part 1926, and CFR 1910, General Industry Standards, that are applicable in construction work. b) The prime contractor is not only responsible for the safety aspects of his operation and employees, but also that of all subcontractors on the job site. c) Assure that a certified first aid person is designated, phone numbers of physicians, hospital and ambulance services are posted (copy to Personnel Director, City of Ocoee) and that a first aid kit is available. d) All individuals are required to wear hard hats on all construction sites. e) Provide personal protective equipment that may be required for jobs in progress (e.g.: hard hats, safety glasses, respirators, ear protection, long pants and shirts, etc.). f) Observe the speed limit on City property. g) Construction areas cleaned daily excavations must be barricaded or flagged until backfilled. In some cases, bracing, shoring and sloping may be required. h) Scaffolds shall have guard rails on all open sides and secured to prevent displacement. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 12 i) Powder actuated stud guns or low velocity and /or similar powder actuated tools require eye and ear protection as well as to ensure that all unauthorized personnel are well clear. j) Welding and cutting - a fire watch and appropriate fire extinguisher shall be provided and combustible materials cleaned up. k) All heavy equipment must have, where applicable, (a) back -up alarms, (b) boom angle indicator, ( c ) load chart, (d) reeving, (3) fire extinguisher, (f) condition of hook and other items in accordance with OSHA 1926.550 and ANSI B30.5. 1) Construction material shall not be stored so as to block exits. m) Ground fault circuit interrupters are required on all electrical circuits not part of the permanent wiring of the building. n) Personal fall protection must be provided at elevations exceeding ten (10) feet. 13. DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE: If applicable, provide a statement concerning the Proposer's status as a Drug - Free Work Place or evidence of an implemented drug -free workplace program. 14. CONTRACT: a) Each successful Proposer, hereinafter also referred to as Contractor, will be required to enter into a contract with the City. The contract shall have an initial three (3) year period with two automatic one -year renewable extensions, for a maximum of five (5) total years; unless otherwise terminated by the City, in writing, at least sixty (60) days' prior to the annual renewal date(s). The contract may include a clause authorizing price adjustments after the initial 3- year period. b) The City may, in its sole discretion, award any additional services, whether in the existing areas of the scope of work or in any area additional those in the existing scope of work, to any third party or the City's employees. Contractor will be expected to cooperate with any or all other contractors who may be performing services for the City. 15. CERTIFICATION OF NON - SEGREGATED FACILITIES a) Proposer certifies that it does not and will not maintain or provide any segregated facilities for the Proposer's employees at any of the Proposer's establishments, and that Proposer does not permit Proposer's employees to perform their services at any location under the Proposer's control where segregated facilities are maintained. Proposer agrees that a breach of this certification will be a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause in any contract resulting from acceptance of this Proposal. As used in this certification, the term "segregated facilities" means any waiting room, work areas, time clocks, RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 13 locker rooms, other storage and dressing areas, parking lots, or drinking facilities provided for employees that are segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, habit, local custom, or otherwise. Proposer agrees that (except where Proposer has obtained identical certification from proposed contractors for specific time periods) Proposer will obtain identical certifications from proposed subcontractors prior to the award of such contracts exceeding $10,000 that are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause, and that Proposer will retain such certifications in Proposer's files. b) The non - discriminatory guidelines as promulgated in Section 202, Executive Order 11246, and as amended by Executive Order 11375 and as amended, relative to Equal Opportunity for all persons and implementations of rules and regulations prescribed by the U.S. Secretary of labor, are incorporated herein. 16. STATEMENT OF AFFIRMATION AND INTENT: a) Proposer declares that the only persons or parties interested in their proposal are those named herein, that this proposal is, in all respects, fair and without fraud and that it is made without collusion with any other vendor or official of the City of Ocoee. Neither the Affiant nor the above -named entity has directly or indirectly entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive pricing in connection with the entity's submittal for the above project. This statement restricts the discussion of pricing data until the completion of negotiations and execution of a contract for the described services. b) Proposer certifies that no City Commissioner, other City Official, or City employee directly or indirectly owns assets or capital stock of the Responding entity, nor will directly or indirectly benefit by the profits or emoluments of this proposal. (For purposes of this paragraph, indirect ownership or benefit does not include ownership or benefit by a spouse or minor child.) c) Proposer certifies that no member of the entity's ownership or management is presently applying for an employee position or actively seeking an elected position with the City. In the event that a conflict of interest is identified in the provision of services, Proposer agrees to immediately notify the City in writing. d) Proposer further declares that a careful examination of the scope of services, instructions, and terms and conditions of this RFP has occurred, and that the proposal is made according to the provisions of the RFP documents, and will meet or exceed the scope of services, requirements, and standards contained in the RFP documents. e) Proposer agrees to abide by all conditions of the negotiation process. In conducting negotiations with the City, Proposer offers and agrees that if this negotiation is accepted, the Proposer will convey, sell, assign, or transfer to the City all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may now or hereafter acquire under the Anti -trust laws of the United States and the State of Florida for price fixing relating to the particular commodities or services RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 14 purchased or acquired by the City. At the City's discretion, such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the City tenders final payment to the Proposer. The proposal constitutes a firm and binding offer by the Proposer to perform the services as stated. 17. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME STATEMENT: a) All invitations to bid, as defined by Section 287.012(l 1), Florida Statutes, requests for proposals, as defined by Section 287.012(16), Florida Statutes, and any contract document described by Section 287.058, Florida Statutes, shall contain a statement informing persons of the provisions of paragraph (2)(a) of Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, which reads as follows: "A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of public building or public work, may not submit proposals on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list." b) All Proposers that submit a Bid or Proposal to the City of Ocoee are guaranteeing that they have read the previous statement and by signing the submitted documents are qualified to do so under Section 287.133, (2)(a), Florida Statutes. 18. PERMITS /LICENSES /FEES: a) Any permits, licenses or fees required will be the responsibility of the contractor; no separate payments will be made. Permit fees are waived for any City of Ocoee permits required. b) The City requires a City of Ocoee registration if permitting is required. Please contact the City's Building Department at (407)905 -3100 extension 1000, directly for information concerning this requirement. c) Adherence to all applicable code regulations (Federal, State, County, and City) is the responsibility of the contractor. 19. STANDARD INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor shall not commence any work in connection with an Agreement until all of the following types of insurance have been obtained and such insurance has been approved by the City, nor shall the Contractor allow any Subcontractor to commence work on a subcontract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor has been RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 15 so obtained and approved. Policies other than Workers' Compensation shall be issued only by companies authorized by subsisting certificates of authority issued to the companies by the Department of Insurance of Florida which maintain a Best's Rating of "A" or better and a Financial Size Category of "VII" or better according to the A.M. Best Company. Policies for Workers' Compensation may be issued by companies authorized as a group self- insurer by F.S. 440.57, Florida Statutes. a) Loss Deductible Clause: The City shall be exempt from, and in no way liable for, any sums of money which may represent a deductible in any insurance policy. The payment of such deductible shall be the sole responsibility of the General Contractor and /or subcontractor providing such insurance. b) Workers' Compensation Insurance The Contractor shall obtain during the life of this Agreement, Worker's Compensation Insurance with Employer's Liability Limits of $500,000/$500,000 /$500,000 for all the Contractor's employees connected with the work of this project and, in the event any work is sublet, the Contractor shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide Workers' Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. Such insurance shall comply fully with the Florida Workers' Compensation Law. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under this contract for the City is not protected under the Workers' Compensation statute, the Contractor shall provide, and cause each subcontractor to provide adequate insurance, satisfactory to the City, for the protection of the Contractor's employees not otherwise protected. ■ Include Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City of Ocoee c) Contractor's Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance The Contractor shall obtain during the life of this Agreement COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE COVERAGE, this policy should name the City of Ocoee as an additional insured, and shall protect the Contractor and the City from claims for damage for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as claims for property damages which may arise from operations under this Agreement whether such operations be by the Contractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Contractor, and the amounts of such insurance shall be the minimum limits as follows: 1) Automobile Bodily Injury Liability & Property Damage Liability • $1,000,000 Combined single limit per occurrence (each person, each accident) • All covered automobile will be covered via symbol 1 • Liability coverage will include hired & non -owned automobile liability • Include Waiver of Subrogation in favor of The City of Ocoee 2) Comprehensive General Liability (Occurrence Form) - this policy should name the City of Ocoee as an additional insured and should indicate that the insurance of the Contractor is primary and non - contributory. ■$2,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE ■$2,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS AGGREGATE ■$1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE ■$1,000,000 PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY -Include Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City of Ocoee 3) Subcontractor's Comprehensive General Liability, Automobile Liability and Worker's Compensation Insurance The Contractor shall require each subcontractor to procure and maintain during the life of this subcontract, insurance of the type specified above or insure the activities of these subcontractors in the Contractor's policy, as specified above. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 16 4) Owner's Protective Liability Insurance: (Not applicable for Towing Services) As applicable for construction projects, providing coverage for the named insured's liability that arises out of operations performed for the named insured by independent contractors and are directly imposed because of the named insured's general supervision of the independent contractor. The Contractor shall procure and furnish an Owner's Protective Liability Insurance Policy with the following limits: $1,000,000, and per occurrence, $2,000,000. Aggregate and naming the City of Ocoee as the Named Insured. 5) Contractual Liability If the project is not bonded, the Contractor's insurance shall also include contractual liability coverage to insure the fulfillment of the contract. NOTE: PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE AND AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE, THE CITY SHALL BE NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED. ■$1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE ■$2,000,000 AGGREGATE 6) Commercial Umbrella: ■$1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE ■$2,000,000 Aggregate ■Including Employer's Liability and Contractual Liability 7) Builders Risk: (Not applicable for Towing Services) w$1 00,000 Any (1) Location ■$1,000,000 Any (1) Occurrence 8) Certificates of Insurance Certificate of Insurance Form (see sample attached), naming the City of Ocoee as an additional insured will be furnished by the Contractor upon notice of award. These shall be completed by the authorized Resident Agent and returned to the Office of the Purchasing Agent. This certificate shall be dated and show: i) The name of the Insured contractor, the specific job by name and job number, the name of the insurer, the number of the policy, its effective date, its termination date. ii) Statement that the Insurer shall mail notice to the Owner at least thirty (30) days prior to any material changes in provisions or cancellation of the policy, except ten (10) days written notice of cancellation for non - payment of premium. (Remainder of page left blank intentionally.) RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 17 A_Cq VRAM Z04 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE E �," I, - - - THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS AMATT OF YNFORMATION PaooucEA ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AgFnRnPn BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC 0 Cqntractor's Name Address COVERAGES THE POICSis Of -SLAANCE LITIEDIBELOW HAVE SEEN MBUM TO THE *SUX O NAM-- 1— , OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH gjsn,; T TO WHICH Ti,tMCERrIFICATE MAY ISSUED 0A AW RgaumENtENT re� OR coNorno" of ANY CONTRACT MAY "SATAtN, THE iI4 R CE AFFORDED By 114 POLVES OESCkmED HMN 15 SUBJECT TO All THE TERM EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH PMICVES AGGAEQATE LINSTS SHOWN MAY HAVE SEEN fteX CEO BY PAC CLAUS, 1 POLICY NUMBER . zIli,, LASTS 6 A OPIKSUPAIKE EACH OCCURRENCE G0�01 000 7LTPk5AO GENERAL LAIMJTY X 7XJC2MMw— — DEkF UAEkwY 50 0 , 000 CI.ANAS MADE X71 OCCLOT "!- , j Pf RSONAL A AOV INJURY $1,000,000 OE.EX4 AGONEGATE s2,000,000 ��l AGGREGATE 1061 APK%3 PM 1 �'op AGO 1 2 00 , 0 0 0 K x Cf , - I r, 7. AUTOAIOeLE "ASSUITY COMBINED SINGLE tuff S1,000,000 X ANY AUTO I 800k, INJURY ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULEDAUTOS BODILY E(XJAv Homo AUTOS X "ON AUTOS PRO"JITY D. UUUS� I—_D— tt±c OTHER THAN AAA4E ANY AUTO I AUTO OKY AGO $ EACH OCCUMENCE 1 000, 000 i 11yr Swus"L"t"k— 7, — MADE 2 , 000, ; 9 DR i -71 . � — DECLICTSIF T. AND — 7 ,D,,KE" CW ENBAT 'O" vA.LoYffM'LIA8LM I El EACH ACCIDENT 11 500, 0 DO oMA3IE-EAEWLOY*A 3 500,000 ANY Q"APT=CUT� ER ExrI. L M. L—ku ' P—Oucy LAIM 5500, 00 OTHER c An I Lo 1001,000 !Builders Risk L Doe 1,000,000 oaxegmON or OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS IZ LEII 1 LWL5—SONS ADO" BY ENDORSEMENT )SPECIAL P*OVNSONS by this certificate shall name the certificate The insurance evidenced holders as an additional insured on the General Liability 4 Umbrella Liability, Workers' Compens ation, Employers Liability &General Liability s h a ll contain a Waiver of Subrogation i f avor o f th ce rtificate holder. The certificate holder is added as ■ I 1x0umd fcr PkIi I Fdsk� CANCELLATION CERTIFICATE HOLDER UIOULb ANY OF THE ABOVE DSSCr4MD POLCINS at CANCELLED SVPORR THE EXP T*" OCOSSO OATS y"Mof, THE *SLWG INSURER MALL ENDEAVOR TO"L 10 DAYSWW"Z" NOTC to THE C"TW4CATt KOLOM NAMED TO THU Lt". BUT FMLM TO 00 So " HALL City of Ocoee VAPOSE 90 OBLIGATION OR UASK MY OF ANY IWO UPON THE -SUBEIL rrs AGENTS OR 150 N. Lakeshore Drive REPRESENTATWW Ocoee rL 34761-2258 AUt "O r an Ar"IBENTATIVt ACORD 25 (200voel SA-'#'^ t o t. d RFP1 4-001 Wrecker Services 18 20. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid disputes, or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the Proposer in the past five (5) years that is related to the services that the Proposer provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, please so state. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary and write "see attached ") 21. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA: Proposer acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: No. Dated No. Dated No. Dated 22. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS: SUBCONTRACTOR and /or TEMPORARY WORKER AGENCY NAME /ADDRESS /FEDERAL I.D. NO. /CONTACT PERSON /PHONE #: (Attach additional sheets if necessary and write "see attached ") The Bidder certifies that the Bidder has investigated each subcontractor /temporary worker agency listed and has received and has in the Bidder's files evidence that each subcontractor /temporary worker agency RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 19 maintains a fully- equipped organization capable, technically and financially, of performing the pertinent work and that the subcontractor /temporary agency has done similar work in a satisfactory manner. It is further acknowledged by the contractor that any CHANGE or OMISSIONS in the subcontractors listed above shall require the City of Ocoee's approval before any work shall commence by the additional subcontractor on this project. 23. EQUIPMENT LISTING: Please list year, make & model of all equipment that will be used on City of Ocoee properties, including whether owned or leased. If leased please provide name of lessor, attach additional sheets if necessary and write "see attached ". 24. REFERENCES /EXPERIENCE OF PROPOSER WITH SIMILAR WORK: The Bidder shall complete the following blanks regarding experience with similar type of work. Bidder must demonstrate ability to perform services of similar complexity, nature, and size of this project within past three (3) years, attach additional sheets if necessary and write "see attached ". DATE OF CONTRACT /AMOUNT OF PROJECT /CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESS/ TELPHONE NUMBER /EMAIL ADDRESS /NAME OF CONTACT Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes No Length of time in business years months. Bank or other financial references: RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 20 25. SUBMITTALS: The City of Ocoee requires comprehensive responses to every section within this RFP. To facilitate the review of the responses, Proposers shall follow the described proposal format. The intent of the proposal format requirements is to expedite review and evaluation. It is not the intent to constrain Proposers with regard to content, but to assure that the specific requirements set forth in this RFP are addressed in a uniform manner amenable to review and evaluation. Submissions shall be limited to a total of twenty -five (25) 8.5 "x 11" pages (excluding front and back covers, dividers, and all forms included in this RFP, additional sheets to complete the forms are excluded), single- sided, portrait orientation, 12 -point font, and contained in a three -ring binder or other format amenable to easy photocopying. The person signing the RFP on behalf of the Proposer shall have the legal authority to bind the Proposer to the submitted Proposal. In order to simplify the review process and obtain the maximum degree of comparison, the Proposer must provide the following content when responding to the RFP: Section 1 — Company Information • Firm's history: include location and number of years in business, etc. • List location of principal compound, hours of operation, and condition of Facilities. • List of all firm's supervisory employees, their qualifications, and their role for this contract. • Firm and employee certifications and registrations with regulatory agencies, professional organizations, etc. • Firm's sub - contractors, their qualifications, and their role in providing services. • List and quantity of firm's (and firm's sub - contractors' if applicable) equipment to be used for this contract. Section 2 — Company Experience /References /Qualifications • List of firm's other current or recently completed similar services within the past three (3) years with other public or private agencies. • List of at least three (3) client references to include organization name, contact person, telephone number (s), and e-mail address. • Litigation Summary. Section 3 — Proposal • Proposed Service Rates, use Exhibit B Proposal Form. • Proposed Implementation Plan/Technical Approach. • Record Keeping and Billing Procedures. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 21 Section 4 — All Forms Included in the RFP Company Information /Signature Sheet Other forms listed on Table of Contents to be submitted with your proposal. Bid Security. 26. EVALUATION CRITERIA: The criteria for making an award recommendation are: 1. Vendor Location (0 — 10 points) 2. Facilities: Condition of facilities, convenience of principal compound location, hours of operation (0 — 20 points) 3. Equipment: Condition of equipment, availability and types of equipment to be used during the term of the contract. (0 — 20 points) 4. Experience, Staff, Technical approach, References - current and past performance of the proposing firm in providing directly related services of equal magnitude and complexity; competency of staff, owners and officers, and any subcontractors who will be directly involved managing the service on a daily basis, Number of full time staff assigned to this contract; Proposer's Qualifications and understanding of the Scope of this contract, Implementation Plan / Technical approach. (0 — 20 points) 5. Record keeping and billing procedures. (0 —10 points) 6. Service Rates. (0 — 20 points) As a part of the proposal evaluation process, the City may conduct a background investigation, including a record check by the Ocoee Police Department of the Proposer. Proposer's submission of a proposal constitutes acknowledgement of the process and consent to such investigation. The City may also conduct a site inspection of the Proposer's facilities as part of the evaluation process. No proposal shall be accepted from, nor will any contract be awarded to, any person, who is in arrears to the City, upon any debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the City, or who is deemed irresponsible or unreliable by the City. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 22 A City evaluation committee will review and evaluate each Respondent's proposals and will short -list and recommend to the City Commission one (1) qualified firm to provide the requested services. The City Commission's decision to accept, alter, or reject the evaluation committee's recommendation shall be final. The City reserves the right, before awarding the contract, to require a Proposer to submit such additional evidence of its qualifications, which may include oral presentations, as the City may deem necessary. The City shall be the sole judge of the competency of Proposers. All successful Proposers shall be required to execute an agreement that provides, among other things, for all plans, drawings, reports, and specifications resulting from Proposer's services to the City to become the property of the City. (Remainder of page left blank intentionally) RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 23 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY WIDE WRECKER TOWING SERVICES 1. Purpose The City Of Ocoee, Florida, in conformance with the policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee (City) and State of Florida Statutes, in the best interest of the public and the City, is soliciting proposals from experienced Contractors to establish a multi -year Contract for City -wide Wrecker Towing Services for the removal and storage of vehicles that are creating a traffic hazard, abandoned, disabled from a traffic crash or for non - consensual removal of vehicles from public streets and areas within the City. This contract is for public roads and City vehicles only and does not include private. Respondents must bid on ALL Categories, plus all other proposal items listed on the Proposal Form; failure to bid on all categories in their entirety will result in disqualification of your proposal. The City intends to award a contract to a single experienced Contractor. The contract shall have an initial three (3) year period with two automatic one -year renewable extensions, for a maximum of five (5) total years; unless otherwise terminated by the City, in writing, at least sixty (60) days' prior to the annual renewal date(s). The contract may include a clause authorizing price adjustments after the initial 3 -year period. 2. Eligibility To be considered responsive to this RFP, Proposers must comply with all of the minimum requirements set forth in this document. The City reserves the right to negotiate with any or all of the responsive Proposers. To be eligible to provide towing services for the City, the Proposer must demonstrate that they have successfully completed services similar to those specified in this proposal. The Proposer must be regularly engaged in the towing business within the geographic boundaries described herein, have prior successful experience in providing similar services during the past three (3) years, required equipment, and organization sufficient to ensure that they can satisfactorily provide the services if awarded a contract. Proposer shall not have any pending criminal charges against the firm, principal owners, partners, corporate officers, or management employees. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 24 3. Communications Contractor shall provide its own two -way radio or approved alternate communication system. The communications. system shall be between Contractor's base station and service trucks that provide towing services for the City. The communication system shall be regularly checked and remain fully operational during the term of the Contract. 4. Storage Facilities The vendor shall maintain storage and outside storage facilities complying with all applicable building and zoning regulations located within a ten (10) mile radius from the City of Ocoee Police Department located at 646 Ocoee Commerce Parkway, Ocoee, Florida 34761 and contiguous to the Vendors base of operations other than further specified in this section. Such Facility will meet or exceed the following criteria. 4.1. Inside Storage 4.1.1. Roof; wall; solid floor, i.e., concrete or asphalt, free of standing water and vegetation; lockable door; alarm system approved by the Police Department. The area shall be accessible to authorized personnel only 4.1.2. Working area of 9'x20' per vehicle with at least a 10' ceiling. 4.1.3. Have a hydraulic rack capable of lifting vehicles totally off the floor or equivalent facilities to permit Police investigators to stand below the vehicle to make thorough investigations. 4.1.4. Electrical lighting source sufficient to permit processing of vehicle 4.1.5. One (1) outside window or ventilation system. 4.1.6. May not be located on the physical plant (grounds) of another business without prior approval of the Police Department; i.e., inside storage must be located inside the physical plant of the Contractor's business. 4.1.7. Contain a minimum of two (2) inside enclosed and secure storage spaces for the exclusive use of the Police Department. 4.2. Outside Storage 4.2.1. To be kept and maintained to include: the removal of junk tires and auto parts, the trimming of all shrubbery, trees and lawns (fence line and grounds), adequate drainage to prevent standing water after rainstorms.2. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 25 Must contain a minimum of fifty (50) spaces and housed so that a person may reasonably walk around each vehicle or trailer in an unobstructed manner 4.2.2. Must be protected with an alarm system, guard dog, or approved equal and must be enclosed with a solid wall or a substantial wire fence not less than six (6) feet in height. 4.2.3. Contractor must provide outside storage, at outside storage rates, unless he receives written instructions from the City or vehicle owner to provide inside storage for that vehicle. 4.2.4. The fence shall screen the enclosed area from public view, storage shall be fully illuminated, and barriers shall be affixed to the top of the fence or wall to discourage access over the top. The fence or wall shall be kept in good repair throughout the contract term. Damage to the fence or wall shall be repaired within twenty -four (24) hours. 4.3. Crime Scene Storage 4.3.1. A storage facility for vehicles, which have been marked "hold" by the Ocoee City Police Department relative to a crime scene investigation shall be stored at the Contractor's Principal Compound in an enclosed, secure area. 4.3.2. Any vehicle towed, stored, and marked "hold ", relative to a crime scene investigation shall be handled with gloves, i.e. cloth, rubber or leather, by the wrecker operator, unless otherwise authorized by police personnel. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 26 4.3.3. Crime scene vehicles shall be stored to prevent physical contamination or degradable evidence from deteriorating by coverage of the vehicles with tarpaulin type covers, or their equivalent or by storage in an enclosed secure facility. 4.3.4. If laboratory work on a crime scene vehicle must be processed at the City of Ocoee Police Department or other local facility, the crime scene vehicle shall be transported at no charge to the city.All Contractor storage facilities shall be subject to inspection and must be approved by the City prior to the award of a contract. Storage facilities shall also be subjected to periodic inspection when deemed necessary by the Police Department or other authorized City personnel during the life of this contract. Any discrepancies in the sole opinion of the City shall be submitted in writing to the Contractor and tens (10) days shall be allowed by the contractor to correct the discrepancies to the satisfaction of the City. 4.4. Facilities Location Changes In the event all storage facilities of the Contractor are filled to capacity, the Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility to perform and is required to make such arrangements for storage as will fulfill the requirements of the City. All storage space used, which is not listed in the original proposal, must meet the requirements of the Contract. No storage space or area shall be used or changed unless prior written approval is obtained from the Police Department. 5. Equipment Contractor shall have access to a certified scale to weigh vehicles at the Police Department's request. Contractor shall have a minimum of eight (8) vehicle skates to allow for the movement and positioning of vehicles for investigative purposes. 6. Towing Service Requests for public towing service and removal of traffic hazards shall be routed through the Police Department or the Code Enforcement Division. The Police Department or the Code Enforcement Division reserves the right to cancel a request for services from Contractor at any time, including up to time of hookup. Except in situations where a vehicle has a police hold, if the registered owner or other legally authorized person in control of the vehicle arrives at the scene prior to the removal or towing of the vehicle, the vehicle shall be disconnected from the towing or removal apparatus, and that person shall be allowed to remove the vehicle without interference upon payment of a reasonable service fee of not more than one half of the posted rate for such towing service for which a receipt RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 27 shall be issued, unless that person refuses to remove a vehicle which is otherwise illegally or unlawfully parked. The Contractor agrees that the mere response to a service call scene without other action does not constitute a service for which charges are applicable. All vehicles being towed to Contractor's storage compound shall be taken directly to that area. Nothing herein will prevenl the owner of a vehicle from selecting his /her own tow service. However, the Officer on the scene may take any action deemed necessary to clear the scene, including, but not limited to, cancellation of a wrecker up to time of hookup upon an unreasonable delay or an emergency condition. The location of the towed vehicles must be retained in the designated compound and removed only with proper authorization from the City of Ocoee Police Department. Should Contractor furnish a wrecker in a higher class than the one required for a particular class of vehicle, the only charges that would be authorized would be those for the proper class of wrecker for vehicle being towed. 6.1. Delays The Contractor shall respond to requests for service within thirty (30) minutes of the receipt of request for service. If longer than thirty (30) minutes, a penalty may be imposed. The penalty shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) unless the Contractor has good cause in the opinion of an authorized Police Department Representative or the Contract Administrator. Penalty fees may be imposed following written notification of any delay of service beyond thirty (30) minutes. 7. Cleanup and Debris Removal After arrival at a scene, the tow truck operator shall remove any hazards and /or debris from the street as requested by the Police Officer. 7.1. Removal of Hazardous Waste Spills After arrival at a scene, the tow truck operator shall remove any hazards and /or debris from the street as requested by the Police Department. The Contractor must ensure all tow truck operators that perform hazardous materials cleanup meet all training and prescribed requirements of all applicable laws, rules and regulations. In addition, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to properly dispose of all hazardous materials and debris in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. An additional fee may be charged for hazardous material RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 28 removal in accordance with the current rates set forth by Ocoee's Towing Fees (Exhibit "C "). 8. Protection of Vehicles and Property In addition to the responsibility of providing security for stored vehicles, Contractor shall assume responsibility for any articles of value left in the vehicle and listed on the property receipt form. Contractor shall replace any such article upon verification of the loss by the designated investigative person representing the Police Department. Contractor shall assume total responsibility to ensure at time of tow that impounded vehicles shall remain in the same condition and retain the same equipment. The Contractor shall also assume responsibility for any articles of value left in the vehicle and listed on the Vehicle Inventory Receipt. Any complaints concerning thefts from a stored vehicle will be investigated by the Police Department and appropriate action taken. Provisions under this section do not preclude any aggrieved party from seeking remedy in the appropriate court. 8.1. Weatherproofing of Vehicle If, in the opinion of a Contractor and with the concurrence of the owner and /or the Police Department, the vehicle requires special weather protection, the Contractor will so note it on the vehicle storage receipt and the Contractor shall be required to completely cover the vehicle with a weatherproof material and shall be allowed to charge a one (1) time fee for this service per Ocoee's Towing Fees (Exhibit "C "). No additional charges will be allowed. 9. Release of Vehicles The Contractor shall directly release any vehicle which has not been marked "hold" provided that the proper proof of identification and ownership is presented and payment of appropriate fees is received. Any vehicle tow which is marked "hold" will not be released without written authority from the Police Department. The Contractor shall release any vehicle towed in at the request of the Police Department only to the person whose name appears on the title or registration certificate as the registered owner or lien holder of the vehicle, or to the authorized agent of such person. The vehicles released by the Contractor shall be delivered to the public right of way at no additional charge. This shall include the use of any necessary equipment. Vehicles shall be available for release between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays, excluding holidays. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 29 9.1. All motor vehicles which have not been reclaimed must be disposed of according to applicable State, City, and County laws. 10. Viewing of Impounded Vehicles Contractor agrees to allow the registered owner of an impounded vehicle or the registered owner's agent or insurance representative, upon proper identification, to view said vehicle on the premises of Contractor. Contractor shall allow every vehicle owner or authorized representative to inspect the towed vehicle within a reasonable time upon his /her arrival at the storage facility and before payment of any charges. The vehicle's owner or representative shall be permitted to remove from the vehicle any and all personal possessions not affixed to the vehicle, including but not limited to telephones, tapes, tools, etc., and Contractor shall assist any vehicle's owner /agent in doing so. Vehicle owner /authorized representative shall acknowledge receipt of such property on a form provided by Contractor. No Vehicle marked hold will be allowed viewing or access without written consent of the Ocoee Police Department. 11. Equipment Availability If the Contractor sub - contracts, the Contractor is still responsible for meeting all of the requirements of these rules and regulations. 11.1. Contractor must have adequate up -to -date equipment and personnel (including certified drivers) capable of handling all types of vehicles and equipment in the safest possible way and in any situation that may arise to include underwater recovery. 11.2. Contractor shall use all appropriate equipment and safety procedures required to provide the services required of this contract. Failure to use proper equipment and safety precautions for each tow or retrieval constitutes a violation of the contract. 11.3. Contractor shall be responsible for all damages resulting from use of improper procedures and /or equipment. 12. Signage Contractor must post a City approved sign in its facility indicating charges authorized by the City, in accordance with this Contract. The sign must be minimum one (1) inch lettering and permanently and conspicuously posted in the area where the charges are paid to the Contractor. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 30 12.1. The Contractor acknowledges it is an independent contractor and not an authorized agent, partner, affiliate, joint venture or representative of the City. The City is not responsible or liable for the acts, omissions, debts or default of the Contractor or its employees. 12.2. Contractor agrees that its tow sites or issued correspondence will not indicate any official relationship between the Contractor and the City Of Ocoee. 13. Forms The Contractor shall provide standardized, printed, sequentially numbered, City approved triplicate receipt forms listing the nature of the work performed. The rate schedule shall be printed on each copy of the form. The Contractor shall provide a separate invoice for each and every towing service provided under this contract. The basic information contained in the invoice shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A. Date of Service Call. B. Service call number assigned by City. C. Location where tow originated and destination. D. Vehicle VIN number. E. Vehicle make and model. F. Vehicle license number. G. Driver's name and I.D. number. H. Reason for the tow such as: crash, parking, road blockage, City vehicle, confiscated, abandoned /derelict, etc. Breakdown of all towing, recovery, or storage charges. J. The following information shall be printed or stamped on the invoice /receipt and provided to owner when vehicle is picked up: 1. A policy statement concerning rates, policies, and procedures provided by the City. 2. A list of all approved rates. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 31 3. City telephone numbers for questions or complaints regarding the contract. (The type size and content of this information is subject to City approval.) 14. Reports and Owner Notification The Police Officer, Community Service Aide or Code Enforcement Officer on scene will be Responsible for obtaining the information required on the vehicle towing /storage receipt for all Titled vehicles. The Police Officer, Community Service Aide or Code Enforcement Officer is required to submit a report describing the circumstances requiring the dispatch of a tow truck. The wrecker driver shall not remove a vehicle from the scene without a copy of a fully executed and legible receipt. If, at the time of removal, the name of the registered owner of the vehicle is not available, it shall be the responsibility of the Police Department to supply this information to the Contractor upon request. If the state of registration is unknown, the Contractor shall make a good faith effort to notify any potential owner or lien holder, and such notice shall be given with a reasonable period of time from the date of storage. Good faith effort means the following has been performed by the Contractor to establish ownership or interest in the towed vehicle: A. Check of vehicle for any type of tag, tag record, temporary tag, or regular tag. B. Check of Law Enforcement Report for tag number, if the vehicle was towed at the request of a Law Enforcement Officer. C. Check of trip sheet or tow ticket indicating if a tag was on vehicle at beginning of tow. D. If there is no address of the owner on the impound report, check of Law Enforcement Report to see if an out -of -state address is indicated from the driver license information. E. Check of vehicle for inspection sticker or other stickers and decals that may indicate a state of possible registration. F. Check of the interior of the vehicle for any papers that may be in the glove box, trunk, or other areas for a state of registration. 14.1. The Contractor shall maintain a separate log of vehicles in which the owner or lien holder cannot be determined. This log shall be maintained at the tow location listing the date, time, method of notification; location towed from and total towing and storage charges. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 32 14.2. The Contractor shall maintain, at his /her place of business, a file that will contain: 14.2.1. Vehicle towing /storage receipt of each vehicle on premises towed under this contract and proof of ownership notification and invoice of charges for all vehicles released. These receipts will be maintained sequentially according to the Police Case Number or Code Enforcement Case Number. Log of all calls for service on a monthly basis. 14.2.2. Notification log indicating date, time and method of notification to the registered owner of a towed, stored vehicle. Copies of all release forms. 14.2.3. Copies of all forms pertaining to the disposal of vehicles not claimed by owner(s). 14.2.4. A log indicating vehicles to be auctioned, date of auction, name and address of owner and /or lien holder, and date contacted. 14.3. The Contract Administrator or designee reserves the right to examine any and all records relative to the contract, and said files and logs shall be available for inspection and checking during normal working hours, during the entire term of this contract and for three (3) years thereafter. 14.4. The Contractor shall supply to the City: a Copy of public notice of sale prior to date of sale, a detailed listing of vehicle serial numbers, tow receipt number, year, make and model number of vehicle, moneys received, purchaser's name and address. 14.5. Copy of paid towing /storage receipt on a monthly basis identified by the towing receipt number. 15. Default and Cancellation 15.1. The occurrence of any of the following events shall constitute cause for canceling the Contract, and the Contract shall in fact automatically terminate upon the following: 15.2. Failing to respond three (3) times during the course of any year to City's request for tows.(A delayed response in excess of thirty (30) minutes may not be considered a failure to respond.) 15.3. The Contractor filing an Adjudication of Insolvency, reorganization or bankruptcy. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 33 15.4. Abandonment of the premises or discontinuance of operation. 15.5. The making of a general assignment for the benefit of creditors. 15.6. Exceeding rates authorized by this Contract. 15.7. An unsatisfactory annual review (by the Contract Administrator) specifying anyone of the following: 15.7.1. Deficient performance. 15.7.2. Criminal Conduct. 15.7.3. Violations of State, Federal or Municipal Laws or Regulations. 15.7.4. Sustained complaints of rude or discourteous service. 16. Competency of Contractor Pre - permit inspection of the existing or proposed facilities will be made after the submission of application. Applications shall be considered only from firms experienced in the towing business, and who can produce evidence that they have an established and satisfactory record of performance and have available the required equipment location, size and site and organization sufficient to ensure that they can properly execute the services required: Applicant must have all necessary county and local licenses and permits as may be required to operate the type of requisite business. The applicant is presumed to be familiar with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that may, in any way, affect the work. Ignorance of the foregoing on the part of the applicant will in no way relieve it from responsibility. Contractor shall provide standardized, printed sequentially numbered, City approved invoice forms listing the nature of the work performed, for the exclusive use of Police tows, Parking tows or Code Enforcement tows. A legible invoice shall be made for each and every vehicle towed. Contractor shall keep on file for three (3) years copies of all paid invoices, together with Vehicle Storage Receipts and any and all impound logs filed by sequentially incident numbered forms. These records shall be subject to inspection by designated City representatives during normal business hours. Contractor shall comply with all written procedures as issued jointly from time to time by the Parking Enforcement Division, the Police Department and the Code RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 34 Enforcement Division, which will facilitate the release of towed and /or impounded vehicles to the owner. 17. Vehicle Classifications For charges as stated herein, fees charged shall be based on gross vehicle weight as set forth by Ocoee's Towing Fees (Exhibit "C "): 17.1. Towing Charge(s) - Maximum fee to be charged for towing each class of vehicle as set forth by Ocoee's Towing Fees (Exhibit "C "). This maximum fee shall include services associated with towing, winching, waiting time, overturning or use of a dolly or flatbed for any vehicle subject to tow. Proposer must have the ability to accept credit cards from the customer for the payment of storage and towing charges. *Cancellation after tow services engaged (vehicle not towed from scene) only half of the towing fee may be collected. 17.2. Storage Charge(s) - Maximum fee to be charged for storage of each class of vehicle for each twenty -four (24) hour period, or portion thereof, after first six (6) hours, which is included in the above maximum towing fee as set forth by Ocoee's Towing Fees (Exhibit "C "). *Vehicles subject to forfeiture will not accrue storage or towing charges for the first thirty (30) days of storage. Proposer must have the ability to accept credit cards from the customer for the payment of storage and towing charges. 17.3. Service -call fees other than towing - A tow or hook -up fees and service -all fees are separate items. A service -call fee can be charged in addition to the tow service rendered i.e. repair flat or start vehicle. Any service call fee must be approved by vehicle owner prior to service provided. Service call fees are set forth by Ocoee's Towing Fees (Exhibit „ 17.4. Administration (After 48 Hours) Administrative charges referred to and include verification of a vehicle identification number, search of vehicle for ownership information, preparation of documents required by Florida Statutes, preparation and mailing of any applicable notification letters, preparation of vehicle for auction. Contractor must actually perform research to determine ownership of and notification to vehicle owner. Written documentation of the effort to ascertain ownership of the vehicle must be in the form of a TAVIS report and must be made available upon request. Administrative charges shall RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 35 not be imposed on vehicles with a police hold until or unless the hold is removed and such administrative services become applicable. 18. Annual Performance Review, Inspections and Audits The City may conduct an annual performance review of the Contractor. Criteria to be evaluated will consist of, but not be limited to, response times, complaints received, care and custody of vehicles and owners' possessions, condition of facilities and equipment, extent and clarity of records, and conduct of management and personnel. Such a review will be conducted ninety (90) days prior to the contract anniversary date and Contractor will be provided a written copy of the review. Within thirty (30) days of the sending of the review, Contractor shall respond to the review in writing, and the parties shall meet to discuss the review and other pertinent subjects. A final report that will consist of the review, Contractor's written response, and a summary of the annual review meeting will be prepared by City staff with a copy sent to the City Manager and Contractor. The Contractor agrees that all records, equipment, personnel, office and storage facilities shall be subject to periodic checks and quarterly audits by representatives of the City without prior notice. 19. General Terms 19.1. Any vehicle released at the scene by a Community Service Aide, a Code Enforcement Officer or a Police Officer may be towed to any location at owner or driver's request at towing rates in accordance with Ocoee's Towing Fees (Exhibit "C "). 19.2. Nothing herein will prevent the owner of a vehicle from selecting its own tow service. 19.3. Contractor shall abide by all applicable State, County and Municipal laws and regulations regarding impoundment and storage of vehicles. 20. Crime Victims Exemption If the towed vehicle is determined by the Police Department to be a crime scene and is being held for processing, no towing or storage charges shall be charged to the vehicle's owner. 21. Abandoned and Derelict Vehicles The Contractor may dispose of equipment to compensate for towing and storage charges after all responsibilities called for in accordance with Florida Statutes RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 36 713. The Contractor agrees to maintain a log at the place of business listing date, time, and method of notification. 22. Florida Statute Towing /Storage Guidelines Contractor will be required to follow the guidelines set forth in Florida State Statute 713.78 as it may be amended from time to time regarding liens for towing and storage. Contract will be required to comply with Florida State Statute 323.002 for municipal towing. 23. Equipment Requirements If awarded a contract, the Contractor is to provide the minimum number of wreckers in each classification listed below in accordance with the Rules of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Division of Florida Highway Patrol Wrecker Qualifications and Allocation System. Additional wreckers of a higher class may be substituted to meet the requirements for a lower class vehicle. If additional wreckers in any or all classes are required to handle the volume of tows requested under this contract, the Contractor is to provide them at no cost to the City. Contractor agrees to maintain a sufficient fleet of tow trucks and necessary equipment to perform the total contract service requirements, plus all other business including law enforcement and commercial. The City will be given preference on any call for service. All equipment shall be modern, commercially manufactured, and in good mechanical condition. No towing service equipment shall be used by the Contractor as an emergency vehicle. All towing vehicles must be equipped with a two -way radio or similar devise capable of covering all assigned territory and to the Contractor's Compound. Contractor shall have full control and total availability of all equipment listed below in his /her contract inventory. A. Class "A" Towing /Recovery Vehicle Specifications Quantity: 2, including flatbed car carriers 1. A truck chassis with a manufacturers rated capacity of at least 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight. A complete commercially manufactured crane and winch having a manufacturers rating of at least 4+ tons must be mounted on the chassis. Hand crank winches do not satisfy these requirements and will not be approved. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 37 2. A minimum of one hundred feet of 3/8 -inch cable. 3. Cradle or tow plate or tow sling to pick up vehicles. The cradle or tow plate is to be equipped with safety chains and so constructed that no further damage will occur when picking up vehicles. 4. Dual rear tires. 5. Vehicles, which are equipped with wheel lifts or equivalent, may also qualify as Class "A" tow trucks so long as all other applicable requirements are met. 6. In addition, Contractors should have sufficient roll -back or slide back car carriers with specifications and equipment as follows: A minimum of a one - ton truck with a sixteen foot bed, dual wheels and one winch with an 8,000 pound capacity. A minimum of 50 feet of 3/8 -inch cable. A brake lock device. A minimum of two safeties tie down chains twenty feet in length. Tow spot (flood) lights mounted on the rear. B. Class "B" Towing /Recovery Vehicle Specifications Quantity: 1 1. A truck chassis with a minimum manufacturer's capacity of 15,000 pounds GVW.A total boom capacity of not less than 6 tons. A power winch with a pulling capacity of not less than 10 tons 2. Minimum of 200 feet of at least 7/16 inch cable. 3. Cradle tow or tow sling to pick up vehicles. Cradle or tow plate to be equipped with safety chains 4. Double booms so constructed as to permit splitting or single boom, hydraulic elevated and extendible with 360 degrees swivel at end of boom 5. Dual rear tires. 6. Two snatch blocks — eight (8) ton rating. 7. Floor lights on the hoist. C. Class "C" Towing /Recovery Vehicle Specifications Quantity: 1 1. A truck chassis with a manufacturers rated capacity of at least 30,000 pounds gross vehicle weight for single axle trucks and 50,000 pounds RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 38 gross vehicle weight for tandem axle trucks. A complete twin winch, commercially manufactured crane and a winch having a manufacturers rating of at least 25+ ton capacity mounted on the chassis. 2. A minimum of two hundred (200) feet of at least 5/8 -inch cable on each drum. 3. Air brakes so constructed as to lock the rear wheels automatically upon failure. 4. Air brake system to supply air to disabled vehicles. 5. A cradle or tow plate or tow sling to pick up vehicle. The cradle or tow plate or tow sling is to be equipped with safety chain and so constructed that no further damage will occur when picking up vehicles. 6. Dual rear wheels. D. Special Equipment: Equipment such as a Lowboy, air cushions, or major street clean up equipment does not have to be part of the Contractor's inventory. However, Contractor must demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the City, that such equipment is immediately available to them when the need for this infrequently used equipment occurs. Lowboy specifications: 1. Hydraulic roll back, flatbed, tilt, self - loading with 50,000 minimum capacities. 60,000 pounds GVW. 2. Hydraulic winch capacity of 10,000 pounds minimum. 3. Size: 48 feet long and 102" wide. 4. Contractor must have access to a certified scale capable of weighing vehicles involved in serious or fatal accidents at the request of the investigator. Note: The COMPANY will be required to have a minimum of two (2) vehicles available at all times to respond within thirty (30) minutes to an emergency scene, on a twenty -four (24) hour basis, seven (7) days a week, to assist the Ocoee Police or Fire Departments with extrication. E. Miscellaneous Requirements 1. Wreckers shall be properly equipped with clearance and marker lights and all other equipment as required by the Florida Statutes. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 39 2. There shall be a rotor beam or strobe type light, amber in color, mounted on the wrecker in such a manner that it can be seen from the front, rear and both sides. 3. Dollies for all vehicles except for Class "C" and roll back carriers. 4. At least one heavy duty push broom with a minimum width of 24 inches on each vehicle. 5. Flood light on the hoist. 6. Minimum of one square shovel per each vehicle. 7. One crowbar or pry bar with a minimum length of thirty (30) inches per vehicle. 8. A minimum of one 5 pound CO2, or dry chemical fire extinguisher or equivalent. The extinguisher must be of an approved type and have attached a current inspection tag. The extinguisher must be mounted so as to be readily accessible on every vehicle 9. One pair of bolt cutters with a minimum ' / 2 inch opening per vehicle. 10. One set of jumper cables per vehicle. 11. One four -way lug wrench per vehicle. 12. One flashlight per vehicle. 13. Five thirty (30) minute fuses per vehicle. 14. One snatch block for each winch, manufacturers rating to match winch, except for roll back carrier. 15. External air hookup and hoses for Class "C" trucks. 16. Extra towing chain six to eight feet in length with hooks per vehicle. 17. At least six safety cones or triangle reflectors per vehicle. 18. Fifty pounds of sand or suitable equivalent per vehicle. 19. Motorcycle trailer. (Remainder of page left blank intentionally.) RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 40 EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSALFORM SERVICE RATES The maximum rates to be charged for vehicles or trailer owners or their designees for towing, Storage and standby wrecker service as a specified in Exhibit "C ". Services are to be provided at no charge to the vehicle or trailer, owner or his designee whenever service was requested in error pursuant to an Ocoee Police Department request. Such charges are to be billed to the Ocoee Police Department at the rates as specified herein. THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE FOR TOWING VEHICLES OR TRAILERS SEIZED FOR FORFEITURE. AT THE REQUEST OF CITY PERSONNEL / NON -CITY OWNED VEHICLES (Estimated 740 tows annually) CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT 1. Class A: Standard Tow — Towing Passenger Cars, Trailers, Trucks, and Special Service Vehicles, up to 10,000 pounds GVW, and Motorcycles and /or Motor Scooters, up to 10 miles: Rate $ per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) per mile, per Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $ 2. Class B: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, Trailers and Special Service Vehicles, over 10,001 pounds GVW up to 19,500 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles. Rate $ per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over10 miles is $ tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$, Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ per mile, per RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 41 Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $ CATEGORY TWO - HEAVY 3. Class C: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, Over 19,500 pounds GVW up to25, 000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$, Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $ per mile, per 4. Class D: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles over 25,000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ tow, per vehicle or trailer. Storage per day per vehicle or trailer$ Administrative Fee (after 48 hours) $ Time on scene (after first 30 minutes) per quarter hour $ STORAGE RATE The daily rate for storing a vehicle in storage is based on a Twenty -four (24) hour day. The first six (6) hours of each storage shall be free (i.e., from time of arrival at the storage facility through the sixth hour thereafter). Subsequently, and for each twenty -four (24) hour or portion thereof, a storage fee may be assessed in accordance with the bid. The maximum rates the Vendor is to charge vehicle or trailer owners or their designees for storage is as specified in Exhibit "C ". THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE FOR STORAGE FOR VEHICLES OR TRAILERS SEIZED FOR FORFEITURE IF THE OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT OBTAINS A FINAL JUDGEMENT OR FORFEITURE. per mile, per RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 42 HOURLY CHARGE In addition to the maximum rates charged owners or their designees for towing services, the Vendor is allowed to charge a additional rate as specified below to cover all charges for any and all additional equipment including additional -tow trucks, tools and consumable items to perform any and all of the following: Servicing rollovers or submerged vehicles or trailers. Dropping (releasing) drive shafts on vehicles over one (1) ton only. Removing bumpers on vehicles one (1) ton and over only. Airing up brakes. Providing air bags. Note: 1. The Vendor is not allowed to charge separately for each of the above items; only one additional hourly rate is to be charged regardless of the number of circumstances involved and services performed. 2. The Vendor is not allowed to charge in addition to the tow fee for: Dropping (releasing) drive shafts on vehicles up to one (1) ton, or for Double hookups. HOURLY RATE CHARGE FOR ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT AND CONSUMABLES CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT per hour for Passenger Cars, Trailers, Trucks, and Special. Service Vehicles, up to 10,000 pounds GVW, and Motorcycles and /or Motor Scooters. $ per hour for Towing Trucks, Trailers and Special- Service Vehicles, over 10,001 pounds GV\N up to 19,500 pounds GV\N. CATEGORY TWO — HEAVY $ per hour for Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 19,500 pounds GVW up to 25,000GVW 25,000 pounds. per hour for Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 43 AIR BAGS $ per hour for use of air bags for trucks and special service vehicles over two and one -half (2.5) tons. FIXED RATE CHARGES In addition to maximum rates charged owners or their designees for towing services, the Vendor is allowed to charge an additional fixed fee of $ per tow to utilize dollies. At the request of the City, written justification is to be submitted for use of dollies under circumstances in question by the City. WAITING TIME The Vendor may charge for waiting time after the first (30) minutes at the hourly rate specified in this section on a pro -rate basis in fifteen (15) minute increments as further specified below: Total Waiting Time Pro -Rata After the First Thirty Minute- Amount$ 31 to 45 minutes - One quarter of the hourly rate. 46 to 60 minutes - One half the hourly rate. 61 to 75 minutes - Three quarters the hourly rate. 76 to 90 minutes - One full hourly rate. ADDITIONAL SERVICES The Vendor is to respond to request from the Ocoee Police Department officer at the scene to unlock a vehicle door by means of a slim Jim or other similar device when no tow is required. The Vendor agrees to charge a flat fixed fee specified below to unlock vehicles when no tow is required: The Flat Fixed Fee to Unlock Vehicle Doors is $ If the Vendor is unable tc unlock the vehicle door(s), no charge for this service is to be incurred by either the city or the vehicle owner or his designee. The Vendor agrees to charge a fixed flat Fee specified below to weatherproof a vehicle when advised to do so by the owner and/ or the Ocoee Police department of $ The Vendor agrees to charge a flat fixed Fee to Immobilize (Booting) a vehicle of $ The vendor agrees to charge only the actual cost incurred for Hazardous waste removal. Documentation will be provided upon request. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 44 WINCH RECOVERY (Vehicle not towed and all times are for actually on scene) CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT Class A for first 30 minutes. $ Class B for the first 30 minutes $ CATEGORY TWO - HEAVY Class C for the first 30 minutes $ Class D for the first 30 minutes $ Each additional 30 minutes $ Each additional 30 minutes $ Each additional 30 minutes $ Each additional 30 minutes $ (Remainder of page left blank intentionally.) RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 45 AT THE REQUEST OF CITY PERSONNEL / CITY OWNED VEHICLES (Estimated 85 tows annually) The maximum rates to be charged the City for towing, road service or storage services for any vehicle or trailer which is owned, operated, or leased by the City (except leased vehicles or trailers where the leaser is responsible for the required towing) from its point of disability (whether same be within the City or in an outlying area within Orange or Seminole or Lake County, usual and customary to the particular usage of the vehicle by the City) to any point within the City, as may be directed. CATEGORY ONE - LIGHT Class A: Standard Tow - Towing Passenger Cars, Trailers, Trucks, and Special Service Vehicles, up to 10,000 pounds GVW, and Motorcycles and /or Motor Scooters, up to 10 miles: Rate $ per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Class B: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, Trailers and Special Service Vehicles, over 10,001 pounds GV\N up to 19,500 pounds GVIN, up to 10 miles: Rate $ per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ CATEGORY TWO - HEAVY per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Class C: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 19,500 pounds GVIN up to 25,000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 46 Class D: Standard Tow - Towing Trucks, trailers, and Special Service Vehicles, over 25,000 pounds GVW, up to 10 miles: Rate $ per tow, per vehicle or trailer. Each additional mile over 10 miles is $ per mile, per tow, per vehicle or trailer. THE CITY -WILL NOT ACCEPT ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR ANY TOWING SERVICES PROVIDED. STORAGE RATE The daily rate for storing a vehicle is based on a twenty -four (24) hour day. The first six (6) hours of each storage shall be free (i.e., from time of arrival at the storage facility through the sixth hour thereafter). Subsequently, and for each twenty -four (24) hour or portion thereof, a storage fee may be assessed in accordance with the bid. The maximum rates the Vendor is to charge a vehicle or trailer owned by the City of Ocoee for storage is: 1. General Storage rate for a City of Ocoee vehicle per space on a twenty -four (24) hour basis is: $ ROAD SERVICES The Vendor is allowed to charge a fixed flat rate for road Services as specified below: Battery Boost $ Tire Changing $ (Remainder of page left blank intentionally.) RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 47 EXHIBIT "C" OCOEE'S TOWING FEES TOWING FEES FOR NON CONSENT TOWS (I.P. TOWING) CATEGORIES AND MAXIMUM FEES FOR RECOVERY, TOWING, REMOVINGS, STORING OR IMMOBILIZATION OF VEHICLES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY Regulation Established The fees established below are the maximum dollar amounts that business enterprises are authorized to charge as fees to vehicle owners for recovering, towing, removing, or storing vehicles, which are taken into possession of business enterprises, or for the immobilization of vehicles. The definitions in the Towing and Immobilization Company Regulating Ordinance shall be applicable to this regulation. Categories and Fee Maximum fees for towing, removing, or storing vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 10,000 lbs. without regard to the classification of the towing vehicle removed, including tows directed by law enforcement or other municipal agencies. 1. Class A: Towed vehicle gross vehicle rating less than 10,000 lbs. (a) Towing: $125.00. (b) Time on scene after 30 minutes- $15.00 per quarter hour. (c) Storage per day $ 20.00. (d) Administration Fee (after 48 hours) $ 50.00. (e) Mileage over 10 miles $3.00 per full mile. 2. Class B: Vehicle in tow has a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 lbs. but less than 19,500 lbs. (a) Towing $250.00. (b) Storage, per day $ 30.00. (c) Time on scene after 30 minutes $50.00 per quarter hour. (d) Administration Fee (after 48 hours) $ 50.00. (e) Mileage after 10 miles- $4.00 per full mile. 3. Class C: Vehicle in tow has a gross vehicle weight rating of 19,500 lbs. but less than 25,000 lbs. (a) Towing $375.00. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 48 (b) Storage, per day $ 60.00. (c) Time on scene after first 30 minutes - $75.00 per quarter hour. (d) Administration Fee (after 48 hours) $ 50.00. (e) Mileage after first 10 miles $5.00 per full mile. 4. Class D: Vehicle in tow has a gross vehicle weight rating greater than 25,000 lbs. (a) Towing $500.00. (b) Storage, per day $ 60.00. (c) Time on scene after 30 minutes - $100.00 per quarter hour. (d) Administration Fee (after 48 hours) $ 60.00. (e) Mileage after 10 miles- $6.00 per full mile. ALL ACTUAL COST INCURRED IN OBTAINING OWERSHIP INFORMATION AND PROVIDING NOTICE. *Applicable only when company providing service must actually perform research to determine ownership of and notification to vehicle owner, lien holders or insurance companies. Written documentation of the effort to ascertain ownership of the vehicle must be in the form of a TAVIS report or similar documentation and be made available for inspection by the City upon request. Costs shall mean actual fees charged by the State of Florida for obtaining ownership information and shall include the cost of actual postage fees, advertising fees (if more than a single vehicle is advertised in the same advertisement the cost of the advertisement shall be prorated per vehicle), and title search for out -of -state vehicles. Proof of all costs incurred by company must be made available for inspection by the City upon request. Winch Recovery (Vehicle not towed and all times are for time actually on the scene). (1) Class "A" Vehicle: A. First 30 minutes $100.00. B. Each additional 30 minutes $50.00. (2) Class "B" Vehicle: A. First 30 minutes per truck $175.00. B. Each additional 30minutes$87.50. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 49 (3) Class "C" Vehicle: A. First 30 minutes per truck $300.00. B. Each additional 30minutes$150.00. (4) Class "D" Vehicle: A. First 30 minutes per truck $400.00. B. Each additional 30minutes$200.00. Immobilization (Booting). Twenty -Five Dollars ($25.00) per vehicle is hereby fixed as the maximum fee for each immobilization (booting) for any vehicle. Recovery Pursuant to Section 715.07(2) (a), 3. Florida Statutes, the vehicle shall be disconnected from the towing apparatus upon the payment of not more than one -half of the rate for towing service. For all classifications of vehicle recovery, where the vehicle is released at the scene, the maximum fee for the category of recovery shall be one -half of the applicable towing rates established by the vehicle's maximum gross vehicle weight rate under Item # 1, Categories and Fees. The category of recovery is hereby established and defined as follows: to take possession of a vehicle and its contents and to exercise control and supervision over the vehicle. This category is established to provide for those occasions where the vehicle owner arrives at the towing scene before towing and removal, or in the case of a non - consensual tow, where the recovery is directed by law or municipal enforcement. Storage Pursuant to Section 713.78 (2), Florida Statues, no storage fee shall be charged if the vehicle removed is stored for less than six (6) hours. Vehicle storage begins at the time the vehicle arrives at the storage facility and charges are based on each day which shall mean each consecutive twenty -four hour period from the time of arrival. The category of Storage for Vehicles removed at the request of an authorized agent, property owner or law enforcement officer, derived from the Ordinance definition of "store ", is hereby established and defined as follows: To place and to leave a vehicle towed at the direction of an agent authorized to make the direction to a site where the towing company, or a person on the initiation of the towing company, exercises control and supervision over the vehicle. IV. Exclusive Fees The amount of fees and the fee categories established by this Part shall be exclusive fees. In other words, there shall be no other fees or categories of service that business enterprises, may demand and collect from vehicle owners. V. Towing Rates The rates herein are based upon rates charge by Orange County. Shall Orange County rates be amended; the City Of Ocoee reserves the right to also amend rates herein. RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 50 VI. Personal Property An owner of a vehicle shall be allowed to remove personal unattached property from their vehicle on a "one time" only basis at no additional charge. An additional charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) may be assessed for each subsequent request to remove personal unattached property. No other charges may be imposed. (Remainder of page left blank intentionally.) RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 51 RFP #14 -001 COMPA INFORMATION & SIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE RFP INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR PROPOSAL. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL RFP INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT THE PRICES REFLECTED ON THE "SCOPE OF WORK/ FEE RATES PROPOSAL FORM" ARE ACCURATE AND WITHOUT COLLUSION. COMPANY NAME AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (manual) NAME /TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP FEDERAL ID # Individual; Corporation; _ Sworn to and subscribed before me this Personally Known or Produced Identification (Type of Identification) TELEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) E -MAIL ADDRESS IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: Partnership; day of Notary Public - State of Other (Specify) .20 County of Signature of Notary Public Printed, typed or stamped Commissioned name of Notary Public RFP14 -001 Wrecker Services 52