HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2003-33 ORDINANCE NO. 2003-33 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELATED TO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; AMENDING SECTION 38-2 OF CHAPTER 38 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR SPECIAL EVENTS PERMITS FOR THE CONSUMPTION AND POSSESSION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN PUBLIC PLACES AND IN ORDER TO ADDRESS THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OUTSIDE OF A BUILDING; AMENDING SECTION 38-5 OF THE CHAPTER 38 OF THE CITY CODE TO PROHIBIT PACKAGE LIQUOR STORES WITHIN 1,000 FEET FROM AN ESTABLISHED CHURCH OR SCHOOL; AMENDING SECTION 38-5.1 TO EXEMPT CERTAIN BUSINESSES FROM THE LOCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL BUSINESSES SELLING OR FURNISHING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WITHIN 1,000 FEET OF AN ESTABLISHED CHURCH OR SCHOOL; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Section 38-2 of Chapter 38 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): S 38-2. Prohibited acts. A__Exceptas_provi nedinSe.ctioll.J8::2 B_helo'N,~t shall be unlawful for any person to drink or have in his possession any unsealed alcoholic beverage in or on public places within the 006.303826.1 corporate limits of the city, except within authorized places of business licensed to sell and dispense such beverages. ~'m~!:l1Jj~r;tt9r;Q!DpliaI!r;~m~ithmal1::1,PI~Ur;::I,lJlem~!::I,!~Ji:l.w~lm::l, p.ers9Pmmi:lYmclI"illJ<:9Imhi:lY~ il!......hi~mP9s~~~~j9Pm!:lns~i:ll~clm::l,lcohOUr; lJ~Y~I::I,g~~jp.or Qg..p!:llJlir;pl::l,r;~.~....."Yithi1!Jh~mr;QIPor::l,t~...li!Dits ofJh~ r;ity .V!h.~.1!m<:l~p~c;i::l,lm~y~nt~p~p:gitJlas. ..lJ~~g.m.iSS!:l~clmlJY....th~mr;ity ~hir;h . sp~c;ifir;::I,HYP~Imit~~!:lc;hm::l,c;tiyity. . AnYm~!:lr;l1::1,r;ti.vi!Ym~h::l,ll Q~m S!:l1Jj~r;tJQmtl1~.. t~rm~m::l,l}clmr;()I!cliti91}~gL::I,I}Ym~!:lr;.l1m~peci::l,lm~Y~.m~ p~I!DitAIlY such.m~p.~r;ii:llm~y~m~mP~J;mit~mm~l1allm1J~mj~~!:led .il} i:lr;r;ordanr;~mV!i!hJ)9Ur;j~~ a.J1~lpIOr;~cllJreS aQ9P!~clmQY re~Ql\l!iQgO f !h~.r;i!yr;9m!Di~~iQP'm.JJlltil$l,!r;11..til1l~i:l~.Jl1~ . (:Ity .<:::9m!Di~~i()n i:ldopt~m~l,!c;hm::l,mI~~91!:l!iQl}lmtl1~ issuance of ~!:lc;hmm~p~r;ial ..~Y~I!t~ p~J;mit~m~hi:lHm1J~mPIQhiQi!~cl,. <:::.,~ff~c;tiY~._NQY~Illl:>er .Lm~Qm'm !h~... ~OI!~lJ!Dption of ::I,koh.olic;lJ~Y~J;::I,g~$jJ:1,mi:l1! i:lJ;~Clm9l,!t~jcl~ of. a builcliggjl}.whir;h.i:l lJl!~il}~$$mmlir;~p~~clmmt9m~~HmmCll}clmclisp~m~mm,!lcohol ir;.lJ~Y~J;i:lg~$.. i$ lOr;i:lt~clmQLj1!::I,Pi:lti 0 a[~i:lmi:l~lji:lCemm!9m::l,gYm~llcl11Juilclil}g.jI!~hir;11 ~l,!c;hmPli:l(;eof. l:>l,!~iness j$JQc;i:l!~cli~mPJ;Ol1i1Jit~cl. unl~ss.m..~l,!r;l1 r;91!~l,!!Dption Q.r;c;m$..withi1!::I,l}m::l,I~(itl1::1,ti~mmf~I!c;~clm9r other:\\,j~~ r;l~.(l[lY....~~.t(i1JUsh.e(t<:l~mi:lI}.. ~1}r;19~~Q....(iI~(il...i:ll}clm(ii)m~\.lr;11r;9P~l,!!DPtiQIl is other~i$~p~Imitt~clQY.....~.!i:lt~ml(iW, SECTION 3. Section 38-5 of Chapter 38 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): ~ 38-5. Locational requirements. Any place of business in which alcoholic beverages or intoxicating beverages are sold,. orr;91!~l,!m~clmmmm9r.()thef\vise furnished at retail to the public by the glass or drink within-.the citY-'i:ll}clm(igY.pl::l,~~mm9fmbusig~~~mmWl1ir;hmj~mm(imJ Qr;::I,!~dmil}ma.fr~~ st.<i!lQil}gmm$tQJ;~m.i:ltwl1ir;h..m(ilr;Qh9Ur;.mQ~Y~[(ig~~mmOL. ip!Qxic(itigg lJ~Y~Ii:lg~~.(iI~~O 1<1 forQJf~~it~mc;9P~llmptiQ!l (ie, a "pac1c(ige Jiql,!O[ ~tQI~:] shall open directly and immediately upon the street, and no such place of business shall be less than 1,000 feet from an established church or school, which distance shall be measured by following the shortest route of ordinary pedestrian travel along the public thoroughfare from the main entrance of said place of business to the main entrance of the church and, in the case of a school, to the nearest point of the school grounds in use 006.303826.1 -2- as part of the school facilities ;mmpr()yiQ~<:lLh()YV~Y~I~.. tl1at.m!l1~ fQI~gOiIlg....PIoyision~.~h<:ll1mJ:1,Qtmi:lp.plYJQ::I,IlYJr:~~...~!<:lJ:1,diIlg~!OI~m<lt Wl1i(;hm(ll~oholic.Q~y~ra,ges QIjmQ2cicating1J~v~l"(lg~s. ::I,I~.~01<:l for: Off -:~i.!~c;OJ:1,~l,!Il1PtiQ1!mWl1icl1 stoI~j~~~ta1JJi~h~<:lm(ls ()fm!l1~mQate. oJ i:l<:lOp!iQJ:1,gfJhi$mQI<iiIl(lgc;~ . SECTION 4. Section 38-5.1 of Chapter 38 of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): ~ 38-5.1. Exemptions to locational requirements. [Added 12-1- 1998 by Ord. No. 98-32] A'mmln order to facilitate and encourage the location of schools and churches within planned unit developments and special overlay areas, the City Commission may, following an advertised public hearing, exempt land located within a planned unit development zoning district and/or a special overlay area from the provisions of ~ 38-5 of the City Code upon a finding that the granting of such exemption will facilitate and encourage the location of schools and churches within the planned unit development and/or special overlay area. In granting any such exemption, the City Commission may impose such conditions of approval as it deems necessary to protect school children and church members from unwarranted exposure to alcoholic and intoxicating beverages. It...Il1~PIOyisiOI!~m()f.. & 38- 5 ..~11i:ll1mgot..<i2ply. to :.m(D (lIlY mrestal,!I(lmm~ql,!ipp~<:lto .~~IyefulLc;Ollrs~m.meal$.atti:lQl~~mi:ln<:l Q~Iiyiggmi:ltl~i:l~t~lp~Ic~mgLit~mgl'()$~mI~Y~IlU.~ froIllthem~(ll~..of fOOQm(lPQmI!on -alc;9.110Uc;.1J~Y~rClg~~;m(~)mi:lI!Y1J.QJ:1,(lfi<:l~119J~Ll1!ot~1 OJ."mOl0J."..(;Ql,!J."Lwhichm<:l~IiY~~m(ltmJ~(l~t~lmP~Ic;l;ntQ f itsmj~IO~~ revenues from the rental of hotel or motel rooms and which is .. .............m................. .._______~._.._m........mmmm...mm_..______.....................m..._....._m___.__..._...............mmmmmmmmm.mmmm............mm......_m_m_._m_.__._.---.._____________ licens~<:lmi:l~m(lPlllJlic;JQ<:lgiJ:1,gm~st(lQli~l1l1!~glml:>Yll1~~tate OfPl QJ."iQ(l Qiyi$iQngLHQ1~1~m(lJ:1,<:lR~~t'1llI"(lI]J~;mm.(~.)mmlJQWUl!g~sta1Jlishm~Ilts l1ayiggml1QrmIl1()r~.....1.(lIJ.~~mm(lnQm(llL!!~c;~$~al'y~quip!Dent19 op~rate tl1~m;mmi:lJ:1,<:l (4)m<:lJ:1,Ym.bQIl(lJi<:l~mmQyi~ theater with 5or:]:110r~ screens. ~'mmmmm~ff~r;tiy.l;mNOY~!D1J~l'mmmL. .. 2Q.Q?LJl1~mf9l.lQ~iIJ.g 1'~.~ictiQJ:1,$m~11(l11mQ~i:lPpliC;(l1Jl~mtom(lI.}Y21i:l<::.~.mQLQl,!~iJ:1,~~~...iIlm~l1ic;h ::I,.lr;01101ic;1J~Y~J:'(lg~smgJ;.mjgto.x.ic;atiIlgm.. b~verag~~ i:lI~ _~Ql<:lmOI fi.J.mi~l1~Q<:lLreti:lil..!O.!l1~ Pl,!QliLWl1ic;1121::l,c;~.QLlJ!:l~iJ:1,~~~mi~mlQc;::I,!~Q ~itl1iJ:1,J,QQ.9 feetfI"Ql1!(ln~sti:lQli~11~<:l...c;l1llXr;l1QI~c;110Qt 006.303826.1 -3- 1 .:p~r:mi:lJ:1,~Il19ll:!clQQL$p~(l1c~rs sl1.i:lHQ~2rQl1il>it~~, 2 .Ql,!!QQ9Lm~Ilt~n(lil}Ill~Iltm~l1CllLl:>epermi!!~cl9nlY!:lP9J:1, iSSU~J:1,(;~mQYJl1~mc;itY9fmi:lm~pecii:l1~Y~Iltsp~l'mitmmm~9mSU~l1m2~Il11it shall be issued with respect to outdoor en!~rtainm~llt~l1ir;h...~m ...mm_.._m_________._____________............................mm._. _ ___ .................. mnom_____._.________________... ........................-..----.-..----------------- .........................--....---. !i:l1cempl~r;~mm . duriggJl1~ r~gl,!lCll'm'\Yeekcl::l,Yl1QlJl'SmO f .9P~ti:l.tiQP()f (lIly.such ~r;119QL9IQl,!IiJ:1,gth.er~gll:J(lLl1ours.~11~pr;hl,!ICh.~~l'Yil::es ~I~m$r;l1~cll,!l~Qi:lt(lJ:1,ymSl,!c;l1r;l1~l'c;l1, 9rWlcll,!l'iJ:1,g~.lJc;l1mQth~Ltim~~ (l~mmi:lyjm~l'f~t~ . witl1J:1,Ql'mi:ll.9P~l'::I,!iQJ:1,smQL(lgy..m~!:lr;h mSc;l1Cl91m91' church. 3 .mmmmm~igJ:1,~mmmi:lQy~rti~iJ:1,gmmm9I21'0Il1()ting . th~mmsi:ll~ or cO.1!~l,!mPtiQJ:1, 9[(llc;Ql1QUC:mm Q~Y~I(lg~sm9I.........i9:~gtifyiIlg......::I,lc;Ql1Q lic Q~Y~I(lg~mP1'9cl!:lc;!S (i). sl1i:lUmlJ~~1'911iQi!~clQJ:1,mtl1~~~!~1'.i9J;m9f agy ~l,!c;l1P1i:lc;e of bl!$iJ:1,~$s J..lii)$l1::1,Jl not .l>~J9r;(lt~cl. onJl1.eiJ:1,!~IioLQf al!)'.. ~!:l(;1121<lc~mgfmQ!:l~iIlesswitl1iJ:1,. six inc;l1~~m.o.LCl.. wiIlQo W'mClIlQ (Un~hi:lllJ:1,QtP~Yi~i1Jl~mfr9J:1,ltl1~Ql,!!~icl~.of the.PllUcliJ:1,g iIlW l1.icl1 sl,!r;l1pli:lc;~gf.lJl,!~iJ:1,~~~jsJ9r;Cl!~(t SECTION 5. Codification. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City; and that sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "chapter," "section," "article," or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and regardless of whether such inclusion in the code is accomplished, sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered and the correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent maybe authorized by the City Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or re- codified copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 6. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and 006.303826.1 -4- independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of ~bar" , 2003. APPROVED: ATTEST: ~~ CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Q ~_. S. Scott Van ergrift, Mayor (SEAL) ADVERTISED ~.M\~ U ,2003 READ FIRST T~, 2003 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED ~\OOr \lp , 2003 ER AGENDA ITEM NO.~ FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ~~GALITY("',A1 L..lr this {, day of,Xf "-If\VV , 2003. FOLEY!! LARDNER By: ifaJ City Attorney 006.303826.1 -5-