HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2001-11 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, RELATING TO RECLAIMED WATER; ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES FOR THE USE OR AVAILABILITY OF THE CITY'S RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM; ESTABLISHING METER INSTALLATION FEES RELATED TO METERS USED TO MEASURE THE USE OF RECLAIMED WATER; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authoritv. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to Section 174-9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida; Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida; and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Reclaimed Water System Rates. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee hereby adopts and approves the RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM RATES as set forth in Exhibit" A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. "Bulk Customers" shall pay a Bulk Rate as shown on the attached rate schedule. All other customers shall pay a Retail Rate. For purposes of this section, "Bulk Customers" shall be defined as reclaimed water customers that receive reclaimed water on a bulk volume basis. These customers do not require a distribution system with individual meters to provide them service or they provide their own distribution system behind a bulk meter through which the City provides reclaimed water. 006.233711.1 SECTION 3. Meter Installation Fees. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee hereby adopts and approves a METER INST ALLA TION FEE in the amount of $350.00. SECTION 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. ,J 1'1 ~jJ PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of ()'~ r-o 8~ 2001. APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, F <,,-----''-l < ( . o. ") '-... -;:-: ..~ t/) S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS T~ AND LEGALITY this ~ day of () , , 20QL. APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION ON THE ABOVE DATE UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. VI.)). I. FO]0NER By: . Ur~ City Attorney 006.233711.1 -2- EXHIBIT A CITY OF OCOEE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM RATES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2001 RETAIL RATES: Usaae unal nR nl''!r 1 000 Gallons for all Usage Ratio to 5/8 x 3/4 Fixed Monthly Allowed Monthly above the Allowed Meter Size inch meter Charge Usage in Gallons Monthly Usage 5/8 x 3/4 1.00 $7.65 12,000 $0.38 3/4 1.00 $7.65 12,000 $0.38 1 2.50 $19.13 30,000 $0.38 1.5 5.00 $38.25 60,000 $0.38 2 8.00 $61.20 96,000 $0.38 3 15.00 $114.75 180,000 $0.38 BULK RATES: Usaae Charm'! Of!r 1000 Gallons for all Usage above the Allowed Ratio to 5/8 x 3/4 Fixed Monthly Allowed Monthly Monthly Usage Meter Size inch meter Charge Usage in Gallons Wholesale Customer 4 58.25 $295.69 699,000 $0.25 6 133.25 $676.40 1,599,000 $0.25 8 208.25 $1,057.12 2,499,000 $0.25 10 316.75 $1,607.88 3,801,000 $0.25 12 483.25 $2,453.07 5,799,000 $0.25 16 958.25 $4,864.25 11,499,000 $0.25 EXHIBIT A CITY OF OCOEE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM RATES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2002 RETAIL RATES: I J!':;::)nf! nt:>r~ Gallons for all Usage Ratio to 5/8 x 3/4 Fixed Monthly Allowed Monthly above the Allowed Meter Size inch meter Charge Usage in Gallons Monthly Usage 5/8 x 3/4 1.00 $7.65 12,000 $0.39 3/4 1.00 $7.65 12,000 $0.39 1 2.50 $19.13 30,000 $0.39 1.5 5.00 $38.25 60,000 $0.39 2 8.00 $61.20 96,000 $0.39 3 15.00 $114.75 180,000 $0.39 BULK RATES: Usaae Lnal nF' nt:>r 1 nnn Gallons for all Usage above the Allowed Ratio to 5/8 x 3/4 Fixed Monthly Allowed Monthly Monthly Usage Meter Size inch meter Charge Usage in Gallons Wholesale Customer 4 58.25 $295.69 699,000 $0.26 6 133.25 $676.40 1,599,000 $0.26 8 208.25 $1,057.12 2,499,000 $0.26 10 316.75 $1,607.88 3,801,000 $0.26 12 483.25 $2,453.07 5,799,000 $0.26 16 958.25 $4,864.25 11,499,000 $0.26 EXHIBIT A CITY OF OCOEE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM RATES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2003 RETAIL RATES: Usaae nl"r 1.000 Gallons for all Usage Ratio to 5/8 x 3/4 Fixed Monthly Allowed Monthly above the Allowed Meter Size inch meter Charge Usage in Gallons Monthly Usage 5/8 x 3/4 1.00 $7.65 12,000 $0.40 3/4 1.00 $7.65 12,000 $0.40 1 2.50 $19.13 30,000 $0.40 1.5 5.00 $38.25 60,000 $0.40 2 8.00 $61.20 96,000 $0.40 3 15.00 $114.75 180,000 $0.40 BULK RA TES: Usaae L,narae Der 1.000 Gallons for all Usage above the Allowed Ratio to 5/8 x 3/4 Fixed Monthly Allowed Monthly Monthly Usage Meter Size inch meter Charge Usage in Gallons Wholesale Customer 4 58.25 $295.69 699,000 $0.27 6 133.25 $676.40 1,599,000 $0.27 8 208.25 $1,057.12 2,499,000 $0.27 10 316.75 $1,607.88 3,801,000 $0.27 12 483.25 $2,453.07 5,799,000 $0.27 16 958.25 $4,864.25 11,499,000 $0.27 EXHIBIT A CITY OF OCOEE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM RATES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2004 RETAIL RATES: Usaaf! nt:>r 1 000 Gallons for all Usage Ratio to 5/8 x 3/4 Fixed Monthly Allowed Monthly above the Allowed Meter Size inch meter Charge Usage in Gallons Monthly Usage 5/8 x 3/4 1.00 $7.65 12,000 $0.41 3/4 1.00 $7.65 12,000 $0.41 1 2.50 $19.13 30,000 $0.41 1.5 5.00 $38.25 60,000 $0.41 2 8.00 $61.20 96,000 $0.41 3 15.00 $114.75 180,000 $0.41 BULK RA TES: Usaae . nI"r 1 nnn Gallons for all Usage above the Allowed Ratio to 5/8 x 3/4 Fixed Monthly Allowed Monthly Monthly Usage Meter Size inch meter Charge Usage in Gallons Wholesale Customer 4 58.25 $295.69 699,000 $0.28 6 133.25 $676.40 1,599,000 $0.28 8 208.25 $1,057.12 2,499,000 $0.28 10 316.75 $1,607.88 3,801,000 $0.28 12 483.25 $2,453.07 5,799,000 $0.28 16 958.25 $4,864.25 11,499,000 $0.28 EXHIBIT A CITY OF OCOEE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM RATES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2005 RETAIL RATES: Usaae Lrl~rnR nl"r 1 nnn Gallons for all Usage Ratio to 5/8 x 3/4 Fixed Monthly Allowed Monthly above the Allowed Meter Size inch meter Charge Usage in Gallons Monthly Usage 5/8 x 3/4 1.00 $7.65 12,000 $0.42 3/4 1.00 $7.65 12,000 $0.42 1 2.50 $19.13 30,000 $0.42 1.5 5.00 $38.25 60,000 $0.42 2 8.00 $61.20 96,000 $0.42 3 15.00 $114.75 180,000 $0.42 BULK RA TES: Usaae nt:>r 1 nnn Gallons for all Usage above the Allowed Ratio to 5/8 x 3/4 Fixed Monthly Allowed Monthly Monthly Usage Meter Size inch meter Charge Usage in Gallons Wholesale Customer 4 58.25 $295.69 699,000 $0.29 6 133.25 $676.40 1,599,000 $0.29 8 208.25 $1,057.12 2,499,000 $0.29 10 316.75 $1,607.88 3,801,000 $0.29 12 483.25 $2,453.07 5,799,000 $0.29 16 958.25 $4,864.25 11,499,000 $0.29