HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2001-10 RESOLUTION NO. 2001 - 10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, RELATING TO JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND TITLES; REVISING THE JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND/OR TITLES FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: BUILDING CLERK AND FIRE INSPECTOR; SETTING FORTH THE TITLE AND JOB DESCRIPTION FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITION: SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee has previously approved and adopted job descriptions under the following titles for employment positions in the City of Ocoee; Building Clerk and Fire Inspector, and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to change the job descriptions and/or change the title of the employment positions set forth in the preceding paragraph, and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to approve and adopt an additional job description and title for: School Crossing Guard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: The City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida has the authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION TWO: Amendment of Certain Existin2 Job Descriptions and/or Titles. The City Commission hereby amends certain existing job descriptions and/or titles previously approved by the City Commission, the amended job descriptions and/or titles being as set forth in Exhibit" A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. SECTION THREE: Adoption of Additional Job Descriptions and Titles. The City Commission hereby adopts and approves the additional job descriptions and titles set forth in 006.192128.1 Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. SECTION FOUR: Conflicts. All Resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of any conflict. SECTION FIVE: Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION SIX: Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. ~ PASSED AND ADOPTED this If};day of s.cPrt:metL., 2001. APPROVED: ATTEST: ~ OF OCO:E. ~LrA ~,~J ~ < d;~/ S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY THIS JC6'M DAY OF ~~ ,2001. APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON THE ABOVE DATE UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. f1TT B FOLEY & LARDNER By: -2- 006.192128 Building Clerk Fire Inspector Exhibit "A" (Revised Job Descriptions and/or Titles) BUILDING CLERK MAJOR FUNCTION This is responsible technical, clerical, and public contact work in the preparation and issuance of various types of building permits. The work involves determining the type of permit required and preparing, issuing, and processing the various types of permits needed by builders, contractors, and individuals. The work also includes determining the fee required for the permit. Considerable public contact is involved in the issuance of the permits requiring the exercise of patience, tact, and good judgment. Instructions are received from the immediate Supervisor on new assignments and on matters of policy. Work is reviewed through observation, conferences, and by results obtained. ILLUSTRATIVE DUTIES Assists builders, contractors, and property owners in making applications of various permits and advises applicants on requirements. Logs permits, answers questions pertaining to the progress of permits, and advises applicants of data and submittals needed at locations to have the requirements checked. Reviews the permit application form for completeness and assures that submittals are attached. Assures that applicant is authorized to receive permit and provides completed application for data entry for preparing permit. Issues all certificates of occupancy for new and existing structures. Issues occupational licenses. Receives and investigates complaints regarding City occupational licenses. Prepares and maintains necessary reports. Performs other assigned duties as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge, Abilities, and Skills Considerable knowledge and understanding of common technical terms utilized in the construction industry. Considerable knowledge of permit policies, rules and regulations, codes, ordinances, and statutes. Knowledge of standard codes relating to building construction, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, gas, and related fields. Ability to assemble and organize data, prepare reports, and keep moderately complex records. Ability to make mathematical computations with speed and accuracy. Ability to operate a microcomputer at "an average" rate of speed. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships as necessitated by the work. Adopted 7-02-91 Revised 9-19-00 Revised 9-18-01 BUILDING CLERK MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS - Continued Minimum Training and Experience Graduation from High School and two years of clerical experience. Necessary Special Requirements Possession of an acceptable Florida Driver1s License. Adopted 7-02-91 Revised 9-19-00 Revised 9-18-01 FIRE INSPECTOR MAJOR FUNCTION This is responsible technical work involving fire prevention inspection, public education, and investigation. Work is of moderate difficulty and requires the application of specialized and previously acquired knowledge, abilities, and skills. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Support Division Chief and is reviewed through reports, observations, and results obtained. ILLUSTRATIVE DUTIES Makes regular inspections of businesses and all public buildings in the City. Serves notices to businesses for the purpose of correcting fire code violations. Makes re-inspections to determine progress on corrections as well as completion of corrections. Maintains record file of all inspections. Makes inspections of all new commercial construction and single-family attached housing and related blueprints for compliance with 101 Life Safety Code and Standard Fire Prevention Code. Makes investigations of suspected arson cases. Conducts investigations to establish causes for all structural fires in the City; prepares reports for court appearances. Develops fire evacuation plans on request. Develops and presents educational classes on fire prevention and safety. Meets with many groups for the purpose of giving fire extinguisher demonstrations and instructional classes. Conducts fire flow tests for engineering firms for calculating sprinkler systems. Approves or denies burn permits in the city limits of Ocoee. Performs other assigned duties as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge, Abilities, and Skills Thorough knowledge of fire hazards in various types of construction and in storage of flammable liquids and materials. Thorough knowledge of accepted practices of fire safety and inspection techniques. Thorough knowledge of the cause and origin of fire and investigative methods of suspected arson fires. Thorough knowledge of the Fire Department and its operations. Considerable working knowledge of fire codes. Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Ability to read blueprints, maintain appropriate records, and prepare reports. Minimum Training and Experience Graduation from High School. Adopted 5-07-91 Revised 9-02-97 Revised 9-18-01 FIRE INSPECTOR MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS - Continued Necessary Special Requirements State of Florida Municipal Fire Safety Inspector's certifications. Possession of an acceptable Florida driver license. Adopted 5-07-91 Revised 9-02-97 Revised 9-18-01 School Crossing Guard Exhibit "B" (Additional Job Descriptions and Titles) SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD MAJOR FUNCTION The incumbent in this position regulates, directs, and controls pedestrians at a designated school crossing while children are going to and from school past such intersections; determines movement of traffic when traffic signals are not controlling and remains alert to prevent children from attempting to cross street when traffic is moving; determines when children are able to cross intersections not equipped with traffic control devices and directs them to cross in a rapid orderly fashion; stops and holds vehicular traffic for sufficient amount of time to safely direct the children across the intersection; provides guidance to the children to assure good compliance with the regulation afforded by the traffic control device. ILLUSTRATIVE DUTIES Remains standing at the school crossing in full view of passing traffic during the times specified in the posting order. Reports for duty attired as prescribed by weather conditions. Wears and uses safety equipment as prescribed by regulations issued by the Supervisor. Reports emergencies, defects, and incidents according to regulations issued by the Supervisor. Performs other assigned duties as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge, Abilities and Skills School crossing guards must be able to work in a variety of weather conditions, possibly standing for several hours at a time. Must be able to successfully complete the school crossing guard training program as provided by the State of Florida Department of Transportation. Must exhibit concern for the safety of pedestrian, bicycle and motor vehicle traffic. Must be able to perceive potential traffic and safety hazards. Must be sufficiently agile to move swiftly to avoid danger. Must maintain a positive public image and set a good example to all for obeying traffic safety laws. Subsequent training is required to stay proficient in the job, including annual refresher training. Minimum Training and Experience Must be able to successfully complete the school crossing guard training program. Adopted 9-18-01 SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD Minimum Training and Experience - Continued as provided by the State of Florida Department of Transportation. Must pass a thorough criminal background investigation. Necessary Special Requirements Possession of preferred. an acceptable Florida Dri ver IS License is Adopted 9-18-01