HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #04 Approval of Bluford Avenue Drainange Project Purchase Agreement - Kalsi Property111%ka %.M�f 0C0(>e_ florida AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: January 21, 2014 Item # �}— Reviewed By Contact Name: Stephen C. Krug Department Director: Contact Number: 6002 City Manager: Subject: Bluford Avenue Drainage Project Purchase Agreement — Kalsi Property. Commissioner Johnson, District 3. Background Summary: The City Commission approved the acquisition of right of way required for the Bluford Avenue Stormwater Project at the November 19, 2013 meeting, authorizing the Attorney to make the statutorily required pre- condemnation offer letters at the appraised values and then proceed to eminent domain. Mr. Jasbir Kalsi, Parcels 102 & 702, has agreed to accept the appraised values for both parcels totaling $17,160.00. Public Works recommends the Commission approve the attached Purchase Agreement in order to begin the property acquisition phase of the project. This is the first of five acquisitions required for the project. The property acquisition is adequately funded in the project budget. Issue: Request the City Commission approve right of way purchase agreement for the Kalsi parcels required to construct the Bluford Avenue Stormwater project from Columbus Street to 7 Street. Recommendations: Recommend approval of the Purchase Agreement for the Kalsi parcels, nos. 102 & 702, at the appraised value of $17,160.00, authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement and to authorize Staff to take all further action necessary to close the purchase. Attachments: Doty Solik Law Memorandum, January 7, 2014, Bluford Ave. Improvement Project. Purchase Agreement — Kalsi property, Parcels 102 & 702. Appraisal — Kalsi property, Parcels 102 & 702. Financial Impact: The property acquisition is adequately funded in the Stormwater Division budget for the project. Type of Item: (please mark with an 'Y) Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk X Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 2 DOT LAW Mary Doty Solik, Esq, 407- 367 -7868 121 S. Orange Ave.. STE 1500 msolikCdotysoliklaw.com Orlando, FL 32801 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor & Commissioners of the City of Ocoee FROM: Mary D. Solik, Esq. Special Counsel DATE: January 7, 2014 RE: Bluford Ave nue Stormwater & Utility Improvement Project Pursuant to City Commission direction, offer letters to purchase the necessary right -of -way for the referenced project were sent to the 5 affected property owners in late November. We have received a signed Purchase Agreement from Jasbir Kalsi, one of the affected owners. Mr. Kalsi has agreed to convey his property to the City at its appraised value of $17,160.00. The Purchase Agreement is attached. RE It is respectfully recommend that the City Commission approve the attached Purchase Agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement and to authorize Staff to take all further action necessary to close the purchase. cc: Steve Krug, Public Works Director Scott Cookson, City Attorney 1 U RCI LA SE AC RE. FAIENJ This Purchase _Agreement (tile ":vgrecmem ") is made and entered into this -- day of 201 in and between Kisbir S, KaW whose address is 620 Ferguson 1), I I 2TS1014 (hcrcin.W referral w as the "Seller")- and the CITY OF O(`OEE, a 1-blia municipal corporation. �khosc address is 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocote. t-hWi 32761 (hereinafter related to as the \Y ITNESS EA 11: \NrlIFAEAS, the Seller is the o«ner of fee simply title to certain real property IUCated in ('ounQ. 1 loriila, as more particulark desc'rihcd in Exhibit "A" Ithe . hopemf * I, and attached hereto and b j this reference wade apart hereon: a \VIjF11 E.XS, the City is a l kKka municipal corporation "hich is authorized to c\ercise condemnation pov�ers pur,uant to ('haptcr I6(i- Florida Statutes: and U11EREAS, the Cit) is constructing the 1NAn "chic Storntwater anti I TiN ' Intptorcment Protect (the "Pnict l and in umnecabn Tew"ith need, to acquire from the Seller title to the 1'r Taq 1AW stornn\ater. utiliQ, and roadcvzQ purposes: and %1WREAS, the (its ha, a& ised Seller that if the (IQ and the Seller do not enter into an agI cemcnl for the purchase and sale of the Property that the (its intend, to use its power of eminent domain to condemn its required intcrc,t in the I'ropert�: and \\'t1F.ttl':�kS. Sella'- under threat of condcnmation. has a,Irced to sell the Proper to the ('its, and the (its has igrccd to purchase the I'ropert), to�,'cthcr Stith am and all impro\emcnts. stntcture . fixture, and appurtcnaices thereto on the terms and conditions stated be&vv NOT, TIIEREMRE, in con,idcration of the promkv and other good and yaIIt all lc consideration, C\changed bet%cccn the parties hereto. the receipt and sul'fi Cie nct of yyhich is licrchy acknoy%lcdged. the panics hereto agree as ti�llrnls: 1. Recitals the ahoye recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference. ,_ The Purchase — The Proyert- Seller. under threat of am.lcrrtnation. aurces to sell and 111c City agrees to purchase. for the purchase price and on the terns, and conditions herein set too - th. the Propert�. together with all tenement,. hereditanients. mpreyement ,nvctunts, li\tttres. tCe,. ,hruhherc, roads and easentcin, appertaining thereto and all of the Scller's right. title, and interest thcrcin I he Se11CI shall auttcc to the City marketable. loc simple title to the Property by special "arrmtty decd free and clear of all liens, mortgage, and cncumhranCCS. C\Cept lit restrictions, rescrvations and ca,Cntcnt< of rccurd. it any lhr in,trument of Conveyiutce shall t<unfcr all of Seller', interest in and to all III pT- emCnts. Iistures. Ca ;emCnt ". tree,. shrtthhcn, rights- , }t - %vay. tenement, luld appurtenances hclon ;zginL or to the Property, ittcludinz? yyitltout limiuUion of we Owpoinp, all right. title and intcre,t of Seller in and to any land lying in the hcd of any ;Ircci_ alley, road or INcnuc (before or alter tacition thereof. and yyhethcr prey iously ihandoned or tacMeLi or hereafter abandoncd or %aLmekI Purchase Price the Purchase Pricc for the Property shall be tit ;VF.N'I'G1 ?N I'HUt SAND ONE HIENDI2ED SIN'fl' AND NOI100 DOLLARS (j17,160.00) (the *Purcha,c Pricc I he panic, heresy; acknovklcdpc and agree that ihC PUIChl,1,C puce•: (it) constitutCS lull Compensation to the SCIIeT fit the rxluc of the Property and the rc,tltant damage, it' any . to the remainder of the lands adjacent thcrcto (Mlled bN the Seller: (b) include, full compensation to the Seller ibr all frees_,hruhhcry and other improvements on the PropertN. all of Nellich maN be ICIII -cd h% the Ofy in connection e\ith the Project and (c) iucludes compensation and reimbursement to the Seller 1 201 - all cost, and expenses incurred or to be incurred incident to thi, ng,reenlenl anti the closing, hereof. inrludilIL' but not limited to attorneys' tees and appraisal ices. 4. Clusim Costs; Tax Proration 1 he OtN shall pat all closin-z costs a,sociatcd with this A includinu all rccordimg, fee, and docurncntarc stamp taxes relatim- to of resulting from the translcr of title to the City of the Property Real properte law, in connection eeith the comeNance of the Property shall he prorated a, of tile day of the acceptance of tite comev ance bN the City and the prorated amount ,hail he paid by the Seller and shall be e,c (mcd in accortlancc «ith the prop isions of Section 1e16.? >, Horida Statutes. Maintenance of Access 1 hroug,hoin the Projcct. the Cite e. %ill maintain t� Seller's benefit access to the adjacent 1<alds omicd by the Seller as of the data hereof (the " P crew I Tact")_ prat ided, HIM till' SrIICr ark110%v ledge Ihat there 111m be temporary periods durin,,, v%I)ich access to the Parent .I ract ma} he temporarily rerouted due to comu acticniC, associated Keith the Project - 6. Closing C losin, of title for the Property shall take phcc at the offices of Scan Cookson_ City Attorneti. Shufficid. I ownrtn fi t0 ilson. P -A -. 111tH) Legion P1acc, StritC 1700, Orlando. hlorida on or before June ?U. 2014. 1 he (M ', leLA COun,ei shale be respon,ibie fir the preparation of cio,ing document,. at the Cit�", expen,e 7- Additional Documentation ht connection v.ith the conveyance of the Propert\ the Seller shall execute such closin' doClli11Cn15 as ma} reasonahk he rceluircd b% the City. including but nett limited to a standard ti,rm no -lien affidavit. a non - foreign certification_ and a closing: statement. R- Use of Propertk Prior to Closin . From the date hera?fthn)(Igh the date k)f acquisition apt the Prt)pertq. the (ity through its con;ttltants. cmilractors and rntplo�cc,. will he and are hcrob% authuri /rd to enter upon the Property for the purposes �f Ila%ing. sciellnhe investigation, sur%c�ing and the taking of soil h(lrings in connectiml % %ith the Project, "Am burin , hk)lcs made hN the ('it shall he pi ntptIN tilled and packed to the Surrounding earth Icv cl h% the ('it%. U. Further Documentation the parties auree that at am imc litlloming a request therekm by the i partv. rash shalt eseeutr and deliver to the other parts such further dUCUmt'nt5 and insh•umrnt;_ in form and sub;tattcc rea, necessary to cunlirm and m efIectuate the obligations ufeither party hereunder and the cunsunu»ation 411 the transacti„ns amtemplatted hereh\ the pnwisiott; t tilk parae.raph ;hail ;uni�e the clu ;im�- t U. Specific Performance Boob the ( it} and the Seller shall have the right to cntorce tite terms and cemditions t,I this ALircenient h� an action ltor specific prrfornruicc. 1 I Cone of fasenee I ime i, ut the essence liar tlli; Agrrement and in the pertimnartee of all ceInditions, ro%rnantS. reyuhrements. obligatituts and %tian wit ies to he performed or satisfied by the parties hereto I'. :',arccmcnt-, Amendment Ilu, rVgrerment cemstitute., the entire a rcemcnt l,cuceen the parties, and supersede, all previous di;CLI;Si011s, tutder;tandi W and agrccntent,. with respect ti) the .subject matter hcreot. rlmcndrnrnts to and ti�ai�a> of the pray isions of this Agreement shall be prole h� the parties oniti in v%riting b� formal amendment 1 I. Applicable Law phis Agreement shall be a>nstrued and interpreted in accordance kt ith the Lms of the `;late of Florida. ld_ Disclosure of Beneficial Interest ('ontcmporancou> with the execution of this Aureement. Sella shall deliver to the ('its a pohlic disclosure of its henclicial o"ncrship which shall comply "ith the requirements set forth in Section 286.2 1. Florida Statute 1 his Agrectnem constitutes a \4rittcn notice from the ('its to Seller requesting the foregoing dISCIQSnrc and informing Seller that such disclosure nnut he made under oath. subject to the penalties prescribed for perjure. 15. Successors and Assigns This Agrectnent shall he binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto. their respcc(kc legal rcpresentati�es. ascccssors. heirs and assigns 16. 10-'otiated Price to be «'ithout Nreiudice I he purchase price specified heicin NwU ncgotcucd b) the parties on the hark of trial price IN the t'e ywj and shall he Xtithout prejudice to am part}. and inadmissable in am comicnutation proccedings «hich might hcrcinalter he hrcwght if this transaction is not closed liar am rca,un \ +hatsoe\ er. 17. Time for Acceptance the Stiller is irrc\ocabl� executing this g Icement prior to appriWA h1 the ( Q: prodded. 110 "CArr. that in the nvm the % does not appro%c and execute this - 1I_ on or bef6rc March _'S. 3014. than the Seller's ememon hereof shall he autontaticull> terminated and the On shall immcdiaick return to the Seller the executed ori�linals hcreuY: 18. EffectiN c Date I l 1A'tCcfi\c Date of this Aurccniciii shall be the date []I'll it is executed bN the ( it and such date shall he inserted on the front page of this Au rCelli ell t, IN kX I UNEISS NN 11FIRFOV the parties hereto ha%k: duk C\CCUICd this \ to become ct as of the date and \car first chow \\riucn. Siuned. scaled and deh%ered in I tile presence of: SEILLEA JASBIR S. KA p"S11 si scaled and deh crcd in the j1;'0'A!jjCC k1f: CITN : CITN OF 000FL, it I 101 - itil 1111-1111CIP,11 S scoll 'Mawr \ttcsl Bolt [Actiberr\ Ot% ('1crk JAITIX I wcuted oll, m for use and reliance only h, the ('its of Ocoee. Florida. Appro%cd a; to lornt and Icplit� this da< of 201 lip- Name: - - - Citti Attornc� APPROVED BV THE OCOEE. CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING FIELD ON 201_ UNDER AGENDA ITEM NA SCH PARM 1 0z FL;,�PcSF Pi � V—V EXHIBIT A I Page 1 of 4 rec,ldej n Pic' A" c je County. VJD (tt, - ) ce rt tr:e North-es' c� - ne- (J -1, kocc D Yjqes )CC W 2 1 0 fect clona the Ecist ng cl soi^. P, �-t I0 ,:) .3eyin sc paint bung on fme Nr -e W •h `52, pu - 0 E �1 u` F ec�� - f�c Pcccrcs cf Oro -�;c Ccj 7 - r(I tirc ot sad 1 !r ,4' 39 4 4 59 1 L, ! % of C" 495P, ! 5 SURVEYORS REPQKT )esc r pt G, hes �0 I DESCRIPTION F0 R CITY C;F OCOEF 01/ 1 20Vj KH 6 tj 6 0 1' THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. N `-J! S�-[t V IT {' .'e • 1 % 'V,V8ER LB2 1 Ot3 A MAPPING CORPORATION 500 All An B -d. 32fflo- .35c e , , �17 0 I a 20 111 41-1 i-AND SURVEYOR NUMBER 1791 S K F 7 1" P F L 1002 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT NW C,7PN[R CF R I T,'11hN • ^LA' 6 'A PAGES 100 10', PO—' ' C:' O;Nf;f CnUWN, 0 R 7TH STREET -1-1 -GW �^ n c 1 � v5;. 1k' � Flfi' N% t "I qk.FC7 2 OF I ;, 0es—ot 41, SCALE 4() - A SOUTHEASTERS SURVEYINI; AND MAPPING CORPORATION 500 ' All American Ri-l—r , I C i 0,1.. 1', Florid. 32610- 4A. (407) 292 8580 faX(407)292 01 C'ertl(wation Number LA Z108 EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 4 POINT OF BEGINNING PfCfDi:05 1 00 F 9� pg I N 8 9* N' All A IC c 4 ICA" r z >y 4 A LU cc 1 � v5;. 1k' � Flfi' N% t "I qk.FC7 2 OF I ;, 0es—ot 41, SCALE 4() - A SOUTHEASTERS SURVEYINI; AND MAPPING CORPORATION 500 ' All American Ri-l—r , I C i 0,1.. 1', Florid. 32610- 4A. (407) 292 8580 faX(407)292 01 C'ertl(wation Number LA Z108 EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 4 All A >y 4 A O U- m p t r t A 1 V i N) WASHINGTON STREET A,' A P I'A, 4 d'. • 4 (,55 1 � v5;. 1k' � Flfi' N% t "I qk.FC7 2 OF I ;, 0es—ot 41, SCALE 4() - A SOUTHEASTERS SURVEYINI; AND MAPPING CORPORATION 500 ' All American Ri-l—r , I C i 0,1.. 1', Florid. 32610- 4A. (407) 292 8580 faX(407)292 01 C'ertl(wation Number LA Z108 EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 4 Lj 11 - ri EXHIBIT A Page 3 of 4 Vc —qtc r fJcOcc -ne pfct C 1 k1-, , ,-,f1 SYRYMEYoR5--tTiW A DESCRIPTION 4 ect clorg st :ox. . of !c c ;c,;,t lnt ul ;e of io(�I, tf'ence N c c s t,� c Q sa �jrd� 1 40 1TY CF 0 CO I'll, SCIM(EASTERN SURW.YING U 1 AN2 A I 1 ING COHPURATiON Vi A 11 A--- 13-1--d SYRYMEYoR5--tTiW A DESCRIPTION 0 18, , 'O13 KR FOR 56 1 40 1TY CF 0 CO I'll, SCIM(EASTERN SURW.YING U 1 AN2 A I 1 ING COHPURATiON Vi A 11 A--- 13-1--d THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. -4F AM E 1. f;iTEWS N I , !t 1 7 , :, "I'l .1 - KW:11 IANI) — NUMliKk 9751 ' URVEYOK API--E: 702 - -';- VPOR A RY CON c TP, t F Ni POINT OF COMMENCEMENT �PNFR 0� EILQCK 4 EXHIBIT A new 0' JV A . Act 111101 !C11. ;"„FN Page 4 of 4 7TH STREET f,:Clam' 11 COO 'A" "A,L' POINT OF BEGINNING 3�, H. 4 �._ h l .., }. �1� Ut3�n Q A:: Ptk 0 i:—A, 1 !1 P1(3 46'�' WASHINGTON STREET 6; 4t nq %o I t , cte 0'/'81 !3-ECT r 2 pt,c- SCALE o 7 AND MAPPING CORPORATION 6500 All American Orlando Florida 326;0 - 4350 (.407)292 8580 faXf407,,292 0141 C—hf—ti— N.-b— L13 2100, -n. 1. I In, APPRAISAL OF: PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PREPARED FOR: CITY OF OCOEE C/O MS. MARY DOTY SOLIK DOTY SOLIK LAW 121 SOUTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 1500 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 PREPARED BY: DERANGO, BEST & ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS, ADVISORS & CONSULTANTS 160 1 EAST AMELIA STREET ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803 (407) 895 -6650 DANIEL R. DERANGO, MAI, CCIM CERT GEN RZ 1054 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 DERANGO, BEST & ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS, ADVISORS & CONSULTANTS 160 1 EAST AMELIA STREET, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803 October 28, 2013 City of Ocoee c/o Ms. Mary Doty Solik Doty Solik Law 121 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1500 Orlando, Florida 32801 RE: Appraisal of the Kalsi property, Parcel Nos. 102 and 702 Bluford Avenue Project, Ocoee, Orange County, Florida. Dear Ms. Solik: We have personally inspected and appraised the above referenced property and proposed acquisition by the City of Ocoee for the Bluford Avenue Project. The purpose of our appraisal is to estimate the market value of the property to be acquired along with any associated cost to cure or damages which may accrue to the remainder property. The intended use of our appraisal is to assist the City of Ocoee in negotiations with the property owner for the acquisition. There are no other intended users or uses for our appraisal. Our value estimates, which are documented in the attached report, are summarized as follows: Value of Taking 102 702 Total Use ROW TICE Land Value $6,621 $1,639 $8,260 Improvements $8,900 $0 $8,900 Damages to Remainder $0 $0 $0 Cost to Cure Net $0 1 $0 $0 Total Value of Acquisition 1 $15,521 1 $1,639 $17,160 Effective date of valuation October 21, 2013. The values cited above are subject to the assumptions, limiting conditions, certification statements and definitions presented within the attached summary report. Sincerely, DERANGO, BEST & ASSOCIATES Daniel R. DeRango, MAI, CCIM Cert Gen RZ1054 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 (407) 895 -6650 • FAX (407) 898 -8467 • MAIL @DERANGOBEST.COM TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATE OF VALUE PARCEL 102 ....................................................................... ..............................1 CERTIFICATE OF VALUE PARCEL 701 ....................................................................... ..............................3 CONDITIONS AND CONTINGENCIES .......................................................................... ..............................5 SPECIAL ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................................. ............................... 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ ..............................6 PROPERTYPHOTOGRAPHS ....................................................................................... ..............................8 Fr iftlelelljoiN1` PURPOSE AND INTENDED USE OF APPRAISAL ....................................................... ..............................9 SCOPE OF APPRAISAL AND VALUATION METHODOLOGY .................................... ............................... 9 REPORTTYPE .............................................................................................................. .............................10 PROPERTY INTEREST APPRAISED ........................................................................... .............................10 LEGALDESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................ .............................10 HISTORY OF PROPERTY (LAST FIVE YEARS) .......................................................... .............................11 PROPERTYINSPECTION ............................................................................................. .............................11 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BEFORE THE TAKING ................................................... .............................12 SITE DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................... .............................12 LOCATION..................................................................................................................... .............................12 SITE DESCRIPTION (PARENT TRACT) ...................................................................... .............................12 TOPOGRAPHY & DRAINAGE ..................................................................................... ............................... 13 ASSESSMENTS AND TAXES ..................................................................................... ............................... 15 ZONING, LAND USE PLANNING, CONCURRENCY ................................................... .............................16 HIGHESTAND BEST USE ............................................................................................ .............................17 VALUATIONMETHODOLOGY ..................................................................................... .............................18 LANDVALUATION ........................................................................................................ .............................18 ANALYSIS& CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................... .............................22 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................. .............................23 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACQUISITION ........................................................................ .............................24 PARCEL102 .................................................................................................................. .............................24 LANDWITHIN ACQUISITION ....................................................................................... .............................28 IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN ACQUISITION .................................................................... .............................28 VALUATIONOF PART TAKEN .................................................................................... .............................29 SUMMARY OF VALUE OF PART TAKEN ..................................................................... .............................29 VALUE OF REMAINDER LAND AS PART OF WHOLE .............................................. .............................30 APPRAISALOF REMAINDER ...................................................................................... .............................30 APPRAISALPROBLEM ................................................................................................. .............................30 DESCRIPTIONOF REMAINDER .................................................................................. .............................30 VALUATIONOF REMAINDER ...................................................................................... .............................31 LAND VALUE .... COST TO CURE 31 31 SPECIALBENEFITS .................................................................................................... ............................... 31 LAND VALUATION OF THE TCE PARCEL 702 ........................................................... .............................31 LAND WITHIN ACQUISITION ..................................................................................... ............................... 32 IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN ACQUISITION .................................................................... .............................32 ANNUALECONOMIC RENT ......................................................................................... .............................33 DISCOUNTRATE .......................................................................................................... .............................33 PRESENT VALUE OF MARKET RENT ......................................................................... .............................33 COMMENTS .................................................................................................................. .............................34 SUMMARYOF VALUES ................................................................................................ .............................34 ADDENDUM .................................................................................................................. .............................35 NEIGHBORHOOD OVERVIEW ..................................................................................... .............................36 LANDSALE DATA SHEET ........................................................................................... .............................42 QUALIFICATIONS OF APPRAISER APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 1 CERTIFICATE OF VALUE PARCEL 102 certify to the best of my knowledge and belief, that: The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. 2. The reported analyses, opinion, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions and are my personal, unbiased, professional analyses, opinion, and conclusions. 3. 1 have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved. 4. My compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of value estimate, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event. 5. My analyses, opinion, or conclusions were developed and this report has been prepared in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice, and the provisions of Chapter 475, Part II, Florida Statutes. 6. 1 have made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report and I have afforded the property owner the opportunity to accompany me at the time of the inspection. I have also made a personal field inspection of the comparable sales relied upon in making this appraisal. The subject and the comparable sales relied upon in making this appraisal are represented by the photographs contained in this appraisal. 7. Heather Lynn Haas, who is State - certified general real estate appraiser # RZ3203, provided professional assistance including sales research, preparation and verification of comparable sales information, general gathering of supporting data for the appraisal and further assistance in the writing of said appraisal. 8. 1 understand that this appraisal is to be used in connection with the acquisition of real property by the City of Ocoee. 9. This appraisal has been made in conformity with the appropriate State laws, regulations, policies, and procedures applicable to appraisal of right -of -way transportation purposes; and to the best of my knowledge, no portion of the property value entered on this certificate consists of items which are non - compensable under the established law of the State of Florida. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2 PARCEL 102 CERTIFICATE OF VALUE (CONTINUED) 10. 1 have not revealed the findings or results of this appraisal to anyone other than the proper officials of the City of Ocoee and I will not do so until so authorized by city officials, or until I am required by due process of law or until I am released from this obligation by having publicly testified as to such findings. 11. Regardless of any stated limiting conditions or assumptions, I acknowledge that this appraisal report and all maps, data, summaries, charts, and other exhibits collected or prepared under this agreement shall become the property of the City of Ocoee without restriction or limitation on their use. 12. Statements supplemental to this certification required by membership or candidacy in a professional appraisal organization are described on an Addendum to this certificate and, by reference, are made a part hereof. 13. 1 have not performed an appraisal, or any other service, on this property in the past three years. Based upon my independent appraisal and the exercise of my professional judgment, my opinion of the market value for the part taken, including net severance damages after special benefits, if any, of the property appraised as of the 21 St day of October 2013, is: $15,521 Market value should be allocated as follows: Land Area: 2,207± SF Value of Taking 102 Land Value $6,621 Improvements $8,900 Damages to Remainder $0 Cost to Cure Net $0 Total Value of Acquisition $15,521 10/28/2013 Daniel R. DeRango, MAI, CCIM Date Cert Gen RZ1054 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 3 CERTIFICATE OF VALUE PARCEL 701 certify to the best of my knowledge and belief, that: The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. 2. The reported analyses, opinion, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions and are my personal, unbiased, professional analyses, opinion, and conclusions. 3. 1 have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved. 4. My compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of value estimate, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event. 5. My analyses, opinion, or conclusions were developed and this report has been prepared in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice, and the provisions of Chapter 475, Part 11, Florida Statutes. 6. 1 have made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report and I have afforded the property owner the opportunity to accompany me at the time of the inspection. I have also made a personal field inspection of the comparable sales relied upon in making this appraisal. The subject and the comparable sales relied upon in making this appraisal are represented by the photographs contained in this appraisal. 7. Heather Lynn Haas, who is State - certified general real estate appraiser # RZ3203, provided professional assistance including sales research, preparation and verification of comparable sales information, general gathering of supporting data for the appraisal and further assistance in the writing of said appraisal. 8. 1 understand that this appraisal is to be used in connection with the acquisition of real property by the City of Ocoee. 9. This appraisal has been made in conformity with the appropriate State laws, regulations, policies, and procedures applicable to appraisal of right -of -way transportation purposes, and to the best of my knowledge, no portion of the property value entered on this certificate consists of items which are non - compensable under the established law of the State of Florida. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 4 PARCEL 701 CERTIFICATE OF VALUE (CONTINUED) 10. 1 have not revealed the findings or results of this appraisal to anyone other than the proper officials of the City of Ocoee and I will not do so until so authorized by city officials, or until I am required by due process of law or until I am released from this obligation by having publicly testified as to such findings. 11. Regardless of any stated limiting conditions or assumptions, I acknowledge that this appraisal report and all maps, data, summaries, charts, and other exhibits collected or prepared under this agreement shall become the property of the City of Ocoee without restriction or limitation on their use. 12. Statements supplemental to this certification required by membership or candidacy in a professional appraisal organization are described on an Addendum to this certificate and, by reference, are made a part hereof. 13. 1 have not performed an appraisal, or any other service, on this property in the past three years. Based upon my independent appraisal and the exercise of my professional judgment, my opinion of the market value for the part taken, including net severance damages after special benefits, if any, of the property appraised as of the 21 day of October 2013, is: $1,639 Market value should be allocated as follows: Land Area: 1,875± SF Value of Taking 702 Land Value $1,639 Improvements $0 Damages to Remainder $0 Cost to Cure Net $0 Total Value of Acquisition $1,639 10/28/2013 Daniel R. DeRango, MAI, CCIM Date Cert Gen RZ1054 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 5 CONDITIONS AND CONTINGENCIES SPECIAL ASSUMPTIONS 1. The appraisers have relied upon a survey and legal description prepared by Southeastern Surveying, as shown herein. We have relied on the estimates provided in the survey and have used the graphics to locate potential improvements within the taking areas. We have assumed these estimates to be accurate for purposes of our appraisal. 2. We have relied on final roadway construction plans provided by the City of Ocoee dated June 2013. We have also relied on the graphics within the plans to locate potential improvements within the taking areas. 3. We have relied upon title information, as supplied by Fidelity Title Insurance Company 4. We do not have the required expertise for determining the presence or absence of hazardous substances, defined as all hazardous or toxic materials, wastes, pollutants or contaminants (including, but not limited to, asbestos, PCB, UFFI, or other raw materials or chemicals) used in construction, or otherwise present on the property. We assume no responsibility for the studies or analyses, which would be required to determine the presence or absence of such substances. We do not assume responsibility for loss as a result of the presence of such substances. The value estimate is based on the assumption that the subject property is not so affected. 5. The 1985 amendment to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes requires local governments to adopt Comprehensive Land Use Plans that must include adopted levels of service for seven types of public services and facilities: roads, mass transit, sanitary sewer, storm water, potable water, solid waste, and parks /recreation. Chapter 163 prohibits local governments from issuing development permits if the development's impact would cause levels of service to fall below the adopted levels. In other words, the availability of the public services must be concurrent with the impact of the proposed or future develop- ment. 6. This report is subject to a Concurrency Verification, and assumes that the subject will not be affected by concurrency at this time. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROPERTY LOCATION: The larger property is located along the east side of Bluford Avenue south of 7 th Street in Ocoee, Orange County, Florida. The street address is 474 South Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, Florida 34761. PARENT TRACT OVERVIEW: The larger property is a vacant 0.99± acre site. The parcel is rectangular in shape and the western boundary abuts Bluford Avenue. OWNER AND ADDRESS: According to the information provided by Orange County public records, the current property owner is: Jasbir S. Kalsi 620 Ferguson Drive Orlando, Florida 32805 -1014 PARENT TRACT SIZE (BEFORE CONDITION): 0.99± Acres, 43,114± SF 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 7 ZONING (BEFORE CONDITION): R -1AA, Single Family Dwelling, City of Ocoee FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION (BEFORE CONDITION): Low Density Residential HIGHEST AND BEST USE (BEFORE CONDITION): As Vacant Low density residential development As Improved: Continued use as improved. ACQUISITION OVERVIEW: Parcel No. 102 702 Use Right -of -Way Temporary Construction Interest Acquired Fee Simple Easement Interest Size (SF) 2,207 1,875 Size (AC) 0.051 0.043 COMMENTS: The acquisition area is slightly irregular in shape. The parcel is a strip of land along the road frontage. Some minor site improvements are within the area of the taking. REMAINDER PARCEL SIZE (AFTER CONDITION): HIGHEST AND BEST USE (AFTER CONDITION): REMAINDER CONDITION: VALUE CONCLUSIONS: 0.94± Acres, 40,907± SF The Highest & Best Use of the property remains unchanged after the acquisition. The remainder is generally the same as before the taking. Value of Taking 102 702 Total Use ROW TC E Land Value $6,621 $1,639 $8,260 Improvements $8,900 $0 $8,900 Damages to Remainder $0 $0 $0 Cost to Cure Net $0 $0 $0 Total Value of Acquisition 1 $15,521 $1,639 $17,160 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 8 PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS VIEW OF PROPERTY FROM BLUFORD AVENUE VIEW OF AREA OF TAKING 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 9 INTRODUCTION Floral St m 4 Lafayette ®`P Ohio St E ( y N Q Lan Y Delaware St Ocoee E Lakeshore Q� s Dr kith St X r7 a Ha m Orlando Ave SUbj @Ct Hormigas St Bernadino Dr N > p p } p Q 3 p o 0 m Butterfly Creek D U) ` ° Sabinal St `t M 0 W Gene+tz St Geneva St E o_ PURPOSE AND INTENDED USE OF APPRAISAL The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the market value of the unencumbered fee simple interest in the parent tract, subject to the underlying assumptions and limiting conditions previously mentioned. We have then estimated the value of the portion of the property to be acquired for the described project. The appraisal refers to the value of taking, the effect on market value of the taking, and the damages, if any, to the remainder. The intended use of this appraisal is for use in negotiations with the current property owner for acquisition of a portion of land for right -of -way and a temporary construction easement by the City of Ocoee. There are no other intended users or uses for our appraisal. SCOPE OF APPRAISAL AND VALUATION METHODOLOGY Since the area of Parcels 102 and 702 were determined to have no impact on the remainder property, we have prepared a summary appraisal of the property to determine land value and any improvements in the takings for the parcels to be acquired. The only approach deemed to apply was the Sales Comparison Approach in estimating land value. A Sales Comparison Approach was used in establishing the value of the underlying land for the partial taking based on the taking as part of the whole, "as if vacant ". 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 10 REPORT TYPE This is a Summary Appraisal Report, which is intended to comply with the reporting requirements set forth under Standards Rule 2 -2(b) of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice for a Summary Appraisal Report. PROPERTY INTEREST APPRAISED • Parent Tract: Fee Simple Interest. • Parcel 102: Fee Simple Interest. • Parcel 702: Easement Interest. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS Parent Tract THE NORTH I OF LOT 36, L ESS THE NORTH 34.00 FEET, AND THE SOUTH 4.00 FEET OF THE NORTH 34.00 FEET OF LOT 36, LESS THE EAST 88,00 FEET, IN BLOCK 4, "TOWN OF OCOEE" ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT SOAK "A" AT PAGE 100 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Source: Orange County Official Records Book 4460 Page 252. Parcel 102 Right -of -Way tne(E recoroe0 '7 l.jco ,.��. -OBE.> LU Cti "O�Oi" :� "� L..''C _!"., 'r i � :', f,4e �...,_ y�, i r _ ` Is ;; v:'� �i .:C .. ;:i: : � ..i 'i:;;f "c" f, i ,. _ the ,.;t Soy o L,�`17� T ^vE ^ue i ^ar.� ...� �.�"� .7!Y3t tG tn6 L .,� ., `CJ ��.'�Q, S C; * - _ , � JP_� fG OC ?gS�. rL. �� � �� �. .r >' GIr(' 1 r= �P_:Cr tir.J'" CUOIy, O'17 t;,�6 'd 4F. _ M G'r tri e G` q.7�4 __, O'7ny „!" in- e` ;o r ,.. r F _.r t. _:,e _ F _ _'1 . d .F., :,F ?i, ^7 `ee tr F Source: Sketch and Legal prepared by Southeastern Surveying. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KA LS1 PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11 Parcel 702 Temporary Construction Easement i .`5, C" D =u 4 ,,n:J o tr,,. e "r'csn; -3t�n _ rCe iwrn c :ce =_ I C re;, 7 cr° i.c t o- y ri' er a t" •x i a, +-- r, .j' t �' • IE; i, •t(:; tr =e r c ; t r _Est r of wny 'ire o` „`-own on sn'd )!nt to c nt Re_, �� C?tJO,c �Cr';.,. Pq .�. 'SG, �..r' ?ecc 0 _ e.nGc �OLni'. ��iGv :(; „� . n 4F 2'� O disCQ -c£ ":. J °_et :.; .Dnc ! � rt .ne 5� � Jr)rs CO tn@ inence -ue "J ' t,_nce c. c;o -.0 sj,d Il_ to f. -e tc, o fli ^� C �, < n rlo t.�,, .-k n` <•. 1. `f.'!3 ", tY' inf., .� ..v ,. `+4 / ! o7, :, 9P?22 gee' [:; Z.c„tP , : ; rw W of ♦r... s :j .tib• ,. O d.� C J` ...,.v. „ �} o,of sc i1'e L(: c po 'N , i .. / ,� ,.�_. .� .- 95 f =r.:r, .. r„ :i'�S_y'C. S "1 r.t >i.1�it.E'. c'a x "E:e`; rri•c;`- �, a Jn.tw c : "A : �erc.' 'r; t' Source Sketch and Legal prepared by Southeastern Surveying. HISTORY OF PROPERTY (LAST FIVE YEARS) The property is under the ownership of Jasbir S. Kalsi, who acquired the property in July of 1992 via a Quit Claim Deed from Allen & Jeri Hayhurst. The transaction was recorded in the Orange County Official Records Book 4460 Page 252. There have been no transactions recorded for the property in the last five years. PROPERTY INSPECTION Names of Those Present at Inspection Mr. Daniel R. DeRango (DeRango, Best & Associates) inspected the property on July 11, 2013. Mr. DeRango has viewed the site on a few occasions since that time, most recently on October 21, 2013. No owner was present during the inspection. Extent of Inspection Daniel R. DeRango, MAI, made a complete inspection of the land, including the area of the takings. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BEFORE THE TAKING SITE DESCRIPTION Location PAGE 12 The property is located along the east side of Bluford Avenue south of 7th Street in Ocoee, Orange County, Florida. The street address is 474 South Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, Florida 34761. SITE DESCRIPTION (PARENT TRACT) Land Area 0.99± Acres or 43,114± SF Shape The parent tract is rectangular in shape with approximately 180± feet of frontage along the east side of Bluford Avenue. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13 Boundary Dimensions North: 238± South: 238± West: 180± East: 178± Ingress /Egress The property has ingress and egress along the east side of Bluford Avenue. Topography & Drainage The site is generally level and appears to drain well. Subject .� °,r✓�,.�.» 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 14 Flood Hazard Data According to the Flood Insurance Rate Maps, Community Panel No. 12095CO210 F, dated September 25, 2009, the property is located within a Zone "X ", an area of minimal flooding. Soil Characteristics There appears to be no adverse soil conditions on the property. Easement/Encroachments Based on our review of the Title report prepared by Fidelity Title & Guarantee Company there do not appear to be any adverse easements or encumbrances affecting the property. Environmental Hazards After review of the title search and a physical inspection of the property, we are not aware of any environmental hazards that may exist. However, the detection of any environmental hazards is beyond our area of expertise. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 15 Utilities Potable water is available to the property and is serviced by the City of Ocoee. Public sewer is not available and the site relies on a private septic system. ASSESSMENTS AND TAXES The property is assessed for property taxes by Orange County. Taxes for the year 2012 are as follows: 2012 Property Taxes Parcel ID 17- 22 -28- 6144 -04 -361 Land Value $43,017 Building Value N/A Features Value N/A Total Assessed Value $43,017 Millage Rate 19.4648 Ad Valorem Taxes $837.32 Other Assessments $120.00 Gross Tax Amounts $957.32 Proposed 2013 $43,017 Assessed Value All taxes have been paid and there are no delinquencies reported for the property. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 16 ZONING, LAND USE PLANNING, CONCURRENCY Zoning The parent tract is zoned R -1AA, Single Family Dwelling, by the City of Ocoee. According to the Orange County Code of Ordinances: CS) R-1-AA and R -1 -AAA Single - Family Dwelling Districts. The areas included within R -1 -AA and R-1 -AAA- Single - family Dwelling Districts are intended to be single- family residential areas with larger lots and lower population densities_ Certain structures and uses required to serve educational, religious, utilities and noncommercial recreational needs of such areas are permitted This district is primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as "Low Density Residential Future Land Use Designation The Future Land Use designation is Low Density Residential. The zoning and future land use designations are consistent. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 17 HIGHEST AND BEST USE In estimating the highest and best use of the property, we have considered those uses that are legally permissible, physically possible, economically supported, and which would result in the highest return to the land. We have considered the features of the land such as zoning, size, shape, location, access to roadways, and the availability of utilities. We have also reviewed surrounding land patterns and the demand for property in the current real estate market. In appraisal practice, the Highest and Best Use Analysis is the foundation upon which the valuation of a property is based. Legal Considerations The property is zoned R -1AA, Single Family Dwelling, by the City of Ocoee. The future land use designation of the site is Low Density Residential. The legally permitted uses of the site are for single family residential use. Physical Considerations The site contains 43,114 square feet (0.99± acres) and is rectangular in shape with a shape /configuration suitable for development. The topography of the site is adequate. The site has public water service and would require a private septic system. The site has good frontage and exposure on Bluford Avenue. Therefore, the site is physically suitable for development. Economic Considerations In analyzing those uses which would be economically feasible and maximally productive, we have taken into consideration the locational characteristics of the property and current trends in the market. The site is located within a residential area in the City of Ocoee. The economy is currently weak but has been showing signs of modest improvement over the past year. CONCLUSIONS Based on our analysis, the highest and best use of the site is for single family residential development consistent with zoning and surrounding land uses. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 18 VALUATION METHODOLOGY As discussed in the next section of our report, the proposed acquisition will not have a residual impact on the land or the improvements on the property and we have therefore prepared a simple analysis of the acquisition. In our opinion the preparation of a "before and after" analysis is not required for this assignment. LAND VALUATION The first step in our valuation is to estimate the value of the underlying land before the taking. The land value is used to establish a value of the parts of the parcel within the proposed taking. The land has been valued by the Sales Comparison (Market) Approach. Based on our highest and best use of the site as vacant for residential development we have researched and evaluated sales of similar future single family sites in the area for comparison to the appraised tract. Since the neighborhood is older and established, we have expanded our search to include similar areas of Greater Orlando. The sales in our analysis are discussed as follows: 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 "p s ; i � ur y 0 a brs++ Sl E 'a .ss �oaMe Subject b ate. a sn Sales 1 & 2 Prr ; V9Q"8 1= /��' S`I E UalmedV •»•i Wtao kd 51 (,Ff*•! S ly E .�"rtu'r' Rif )mY tcd 4" � it. ryry {kit •T to 4 fukame ''9f Sale 3 u.ti ,ea ,.. me t az" - 53f O440 Pe J1v 1 - - 4 rJbrA(X Ad a, 0 Raw Pd �" � r Sale 4 44 tar's to r *Aver t,*# P-1 *t*% F 6 r 3[ ortxndo 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 19 COMPARABLE LAND SALES Subject 1 2 3 4 Location Along the east side of Bluford Avenue south of 7th Street At the northwest corner of Rewis Street and Lyman Avenue At the northeast corner of Rewis Street and Lyman Avenue Along the west side of Main Street south of Maple Street Along the east side of Edgewood Ranch Road south of Old Winter Garden Road City, County Ocoee, Orange County Ocoee, Orange County Ocoee, Orange County Winter Garden, Orange County Orlando, Orange Buyer Juan Maldonado Regino Garcia Akers Custom Homes, Inc. Robert A. Zarate Seller Enrique Zepeda Jorge Delatorre Michael Lemos Allen G. Liang Sale Date Mar -13 Jun -13 Sep -12 Feb -13 Sale Price $23,000 $22,000 $31,500 $52,000 Terror of Sale Cash to Seller Cash to Seller Cash to Seller Cash to Seller O.R. Book/Page 10550/910 10592/214 10450/2334 10526/6189 Size (AC) 0.99 0.46 0.25 0.22 0.50 Size (SF) 43,114 19,993 10,910 9,799 21,783 Configuration Rectangular Slightly Irregular Slightly Irregular Rectangular Rectangular Frontage Bluford Avenue Rewis & Lyman Rewis & Lyman Main Street Edgewood Ranch Road Utilities Water / Septic All Available All Available All Available Water / Septic Zoning R -1AA, Ocoee R -1, Ocoee R -1, Ocoee R -2, Winter Garden A -1, Orange County Future Land Use (FLU) designation Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Low Residential Low Density Residential Topography Generally level Generally level Generally level Generally level Generally level Access Good Good Good Good Good Exposure Good Good Good Good Good Price /SF $1.15 $2.02 $3.21 $2.39 COMPARISON Marketing Conditions Sep -13 Similar Similar Similar Similar Terms of Sale Market Similar Similar Similar Similar Location Bluford Avenue Somewhat Inferior Somewhat Inferior Somewhat Superior Somewhat Inferior Access Good Similar Similar Similar Similar Exposure Good Similar Similar Similar Similar Utilities Water / Septic Somewhat Superior Somewhat Superior Somewhat Superior Similar Size (AC) 0.99 Smaller ( -) Smaller ( -) Smaller ( -) Smaller ( -) Configuration Rectangular Similar Similar Similar Similar Topography Generally level Similar Similar Similar Similar Overall Comparison Subject Inferior Inferior Superior Somewhat Inferior 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 20 Comparable Land Sale No. 1 is located at the northwest corner of Rewis Street and Lyman Avenue. This is the sale of 0.46 acres of land to Juan Maldonado for $23,000. The sale took place in March of 2013. The sale equates to $1.15/SF of land area. The indication from this sale is considered to be below expectations for the appraised property. This site is smaller in size and is in a slightly inferior location. Comparable Land Sale No. 2 is located at the northeast corner of Rewis Street and Lyman Avenue. This is the sale of 0.25 acres of land to Regino Garcia for $22,000. The sale took place in June of 2013. The sale equates to $2.02 /SF of land area. The indication from this sale is considered to be below expectations for the appraised property. This site is smaller in size and is in a slightly inferior location. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 21 Comparable Land Sale No. 3 is located along the west side of Main Street south of Maple Street. This is the sale of 0.22 acres of land to Akers Custom Homes, Inc. for $31,500. The sale took place in September of 2012. The sale equates to $3.21/SF of land area. The indication from this sale is considered to be above expectations for the appraised property, due mainly to its smaller size and superior location. Comparable Land Sale No. 4 is located along the east side of Edgewood Ranch Road south of Old Winter Garden Road. This is the sale of 0.50 acres of land to Robert A. Zarate for $52,000. The sale took place in February of 2013. The sale equates to $2.39/SF of land area. The indication from this sale is considered to be below expectations for the appraised property, due mainly to its inferior zoning and somewhat inferior location. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 22 ANALYSIS & CONCLUSIONS The comparable land sales cited indicate a value range from $22,000 to $52,000 or from $1.15/SF to $3.21/SF with an average of $2.19/SF. • The property is located along Bluford Avenue near the center of the City of Ocoee. • The property is in a long established neighborhood and there are few available vacant lots. VALUE CONCLUSION: FEE SIMPLE After evaluating all of the described sales data and based on our review of market trends we would expect that the value of the fee simple interest in the land would fall near the upper part of the range shown by the comparables. Based on our analysis our value is expressed as follows: Land Value Before the Takina Land Size (SF) Price Per SF Value Indication (Rounded) 43,114 $3.00 $129,342 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 23 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Bluford Avenue project includes a widening the roadway to permit stormwater and utility improvements along the roadway. 4.38 � 438 a K LU c �'1CdJ('E' Subject J PROJECT ;A �V4� a ?' E 0datWid Ave a: Ocoee ct metefy 1 PROJECT ALIGNMENT 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 24 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACQUISITION PARCEL 102 Property sketches and construction drawings are as follows: 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KA LSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 25 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 a 3 � x x e I i A r r PAGE 25 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 26 r ' V o l k* i ®i 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 JIM 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KA LSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 27 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 f 9 } �SF7 Via- f i � 1 { i t . 4 S LEI ... . 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 f 9 } Via- f i � 1 { ... . s n '1 All _ 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 28 LAND WITHIN ACQUISITION Parcel 102 consists of a 2,207± SF strip for a right -of -way for Bluford Avenue road project. The taking is a slightly irregular piece at the west end of the property. Improvements within Acquisition Improvements in the taking include two mature trees, a Live Oak and a Laurel Oak. There are also two Golden Rain Trees (Koelreuteria paniculata) in the taking. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 29 VALUATION OF PART TAKEN The Parcel 102 right -of way strip will be acquired in fee simple. The land value of the parent tract has been estimated at $3.00 /SF. Thus, the estimated value of the part taken for land is as follows: Land Parcel No. Interest Appraised Land Area (SF) Estimated Value 102 Fee Simple 2,207 $6,621 TOTAL $6,621 Improvements The values of improvements in the taking have been estimated using guidelines provided by the Marshall Valuation Service, and a review of costs from local sources including landscapers. The improvements within the taking have been depreciated to reflect their age and condition at the date of taking. Improvements in Parcel 102 Item Cost New % Depreciated $ Depreciation Depreciated Cost Quercus Laurifolia - Laurel Oak 41" $5,370 0.00% $0 $5,370 Quercus Virginiana - Live Oak 28" $2,500 0.00% $0 $2,500 Koelreuteria Panniculata - Golden Rain Tree 15" $890 0.00% $0 $890 Koelreuteria Panniculata - Golden Rain Tree 6" $140 0.00% $0 $140 Total $8,900 N/A 0 $8,900 SUMMARY OF VALUE OF PART TAKEN Parcel 102 Total Land Value: $6,621 Improvements Value $8,900 Total Value: $15,521 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 30 VALUE OF REMAINDER LAND AS PART OF WHOLE Value of Whole Property: $129,342 Value of Acquisition (Land Only): $6,621 Value of remainder as Part of Whole: 1$122,721 APPRAISAL OF REMAINDER APPRAISAL PROBLEM The appraisal problem is to estimate the market value of the remainder and to substantiate damages, or special benefits due to the acquisition, if any. DESCRIPTION OF REMAINDER The remainder site is generally similar to the property before the taking in physical attributes. The small area of taking is at the undeveloped west end of the site and the configuration of the site after the acquisition is still suitable for development to a density similar to that which could have been achieved prior to the taking. Highest and Best Use "As Vacant' The remainder's slightly reduced size does not reduce the market appeal of the property for residential development. The highest and best use after the taking is the same as before the taking. Highest and Best Use, "As Improved" iE 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 31 VALUATION OF REMAINDER LAND VALUE We have reviewed the comparable sales information provided earlier in determining the land value for the property after the fee simple taking. Given that the reduced size of the property will not affect the build -out potential or utility of the site, we have not reduced our value estimate on a per square foot basis. Therefore, the value of the remainder is as follows: Land Value After the Taking Land Size (SF) Price Per SF Value Indication (Rounded) 40,907 $3.00 $122,721 We estimate that the remainder value and the value of the remainder as part of the whole are the same and therefore there are no severance damages or cures required accruing to the remainder property as a result of the taking. Value of Remainder as Part of Whole: $122,721 Remainder Value $122,721 Damages to Remainder: $0 COST TO CURE MAI SPECIAL BENEFITS N/A LAND VALUATION OF THE TCE PARCEL 702 The value of the Temporary Construction Easement (Parcel 702) over a finite period of time is a possessory interest that can be likened to a land lease. We have therefore estimated a rental rate for the area within the TCE to determine a value for the three years that the land will be encumbered. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 32 LAND WITHIN ACQUISITION Parcel 702 consists of a 1,875± SF strip for a temporary construction easement for the Bluford Avenue road project. The taking is a slightly irregular piece near the west end of the property. i Improvements within Acquisition There are no improvements within the Parcel 702 taking. Any trees within this area are expected to remain undisturbed. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 33 ANNUAL ECONOMIC RENT We have researched the Central Florida area for recent land leases of properties considered similar to the parent tract with regard to location, size, and legally permitted uses. Our research has not produced any leases of land considered comparable to the parent tract. In our experience, land leases are typically long -term commitments that are priced as a percentage or yield rate based on the underlying fee simple value of the land to be encumbered. We have used a similar method to determine the economic rent of the easement parcel. We have included our estimate of the value of the fee simple interest in the land. The underlying land value for the parent tract was estimated at $3.00 per square foot. Based on the temporary construction easement size, the fee simple value would be as follows: 1,875± SF @ $3.00 /SF = $5,625 Considering land lease data within the Central Florida area and alternative returns in the market for various investments, a 10% rate of return has been estimated. Therefore, the annual rent for the temporary construction easement is estimated as follows: $5,625 X 10% = $562.50/Year ($46.875 per month) DISCOUNT RATE The three years of rental payments have been discounted to a present value at the date of value. In order to ascertain the discount rate, we have utilized the interest rate on a U.S. Government Security Notes of similar terms. We have selected a base rate of 1.4% for our 3 -year easement term. To this "safe rate," we have added a premium to reflect the lack of liquidity and ownership carrying costs arriving at a discount rate of 2 %. The applicable present value factor for a 2% discount rate for 3 years, payable in advance as follows: PRESENT VALUE OF MARKET RENT Estimated Monthly Rent: Present Value Factor: $ 46.875 Y 'AA Q71 Total Value of Land Within Temporary Easement (R): $ 1,639 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 34 COMMENTS There are no improvements within the TCE and there are no impacts from the TCE on the remainder property. As previously noted, it is our understanding that trees within the TCE will remain undisturbed. SUMMARY OF VALUES Value of Taking 102 702 Total Use ROW TCE Land Value $6,621 $1,639 $8,260 Improvements $8,900 $0 $8,900 Damages to Remainder $0 $0 $0 Cost to Cure Net $0 $0 $0 Total Value of Acquisition $15,521 1 $1,639 $17,160 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 35 ADDENDUM Neighborhood Overview Comparable Land Sales Details Qualifications of Appraiser 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALS|PROPERTY F»ROJECT'x�|TYOF��COEE'K�LUFOROAA/ENUE�nROJECT ' , NEIGHBORHOOD OVERVIEW Subject " _ ^ lee GENERAL DISCUSSION A neighborhood is defined as @ grouping Of complimentary |@Od uses. The neighborhood iS bounded by the follow • Northern Boundary - Story Road • Southern Boundary - Florida's Turnpike • VVeShernBOuOd@ry - Winter Garden-Vineland Road • Eastern Boundary - Clarke Road The neighborhood is defined as the City Of [)coa8. Florida. C}C0ee is located just SOUUleaSt Of the [jtv of Winter Garden. BOUl Ocoee and Winter Garden have Seen much grow in oornnnerCi2| properties over the last few years. Many new residential subdivisions have been constructed in this area over the |8at five to ten years. TherefOFe, this immediate area is considered to be in @ growth stage hOxvever, growth is currently stalled due t0 the weak economy. 1x-184 Parcels 102uno =���- " _ ^ lee GENERAL DISCUSSION A neighborhood is defined as @ grouping Of complimentary |@Od uses. The neighborhood iS bounded by the follow • Northern Boundary - Story Road • Southern Boundary - Florida's Turnpike • VVeShernBOuOd@ry - Winter Garden-Vineland Road • Eastern Boundary - Clarke Road The neighborhood is defined as the City Of [)coa8. Florida. C}C0ee is located just SOUUleaSt Of the [jtv of Winter Garden. BOUl Ocoee and Winter Garden have Seen much grow in oornnnerCi2| properties over the last few years. Many new residential subdivisions have been constructed in this area over the |8at five to ten years. TherefOFe, this immediate area is considered to be in @ growth stage hOxvever, growth is currently stalled due t0 the weak economy. 1x-184 Parcels 102uno APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 37 Access State Road 50 (Colonial Drive) is a four -lane, east -west highway that runs across the entire state of Florida, connecting the Gulf Coast on the west to the Atlantic Ocean on the east. Located south of State Road 50 is Florida's Turnpike (Ronald Reagan Highway). This stretch of roadway runs north and south throughout Florida from Ocala down to Miami. This road intersects Interstate 4 in the Orlando /Disney World area. Just south of the appraised property, the Florida Turnpike also connects with the East -West Expressway, which runs straight into the heart of Downtown Orlando. The Western Beltway (State Road 429) is located west of the property. This toll road is part of the larger beltway system that, when completed, will encircle the greater Orlando area. The Western Beltway has exchanges with the Florida Turnpike and several smaller roadways, and currently terminates at State Road 441 in Apopka. Commercial Development West Orange County is provided with hospital care via the Health Central Hospital, located just east and north of Old Winter Garden Road on the south side of West Colonial Drive (SR 50), about a mile east of the appraised property. This hospital contains 153 beds, 449 staff doctors, and 550 total employees. Other features of the hospital include women's, pediatrics and obstetrics centers. Also to the east is a Wal -Mart Supercenter and several small strip centers. This commercial development is located between the appraised property and the Health Central Hospital. Newer commercial development in the area includes the West Oaks Mall and the Winter Garden Village at Fowler Groves. The West Oaks Mall was constructed in 1996 and is located east of the property on State Road 50 in Ocoee. It is anchored by Dillard's, Sears, Belk, JC Penney, and AMC Theatres, and contains 130 stores. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 38 Winter Garden Village at Fowler Groves is an open -air shopping plaza divided into three sections: The Exchange, The Crossings, and The Grove. The center contains nearly 1.2 million square feet of retail space, and over 80 restaurants and shops. The center opened for business in late 2007. It is located along the east and west sides of Daniels Road just north of State Road 429 (the Western Beltway), approximately three miles southwest of the appraised property. The West Orange Trail is a recreational trail that runs approximately 22 miles from the Lake County line through Oakland, Winter Garden, and Apopka, and was built primarily on old railroad spurs. Several bridges crossing over major highways have been built or repurposed for the trail. The appraised property is in the West Orange Commercial Center, a self- contained industrial /commercial business park with approximately 18 lots. Most of these lots have been developed over the last few years, with predominate uses for medical - related businesses. This type of land development within West Orange Commercial Center is fueled by the Health Central Hospital. Beside the West Orange Commercial Center Development, the Ocoee Commerce Center is also a major medical park located in proximity to the hospital. This development contains 14 lots, several of which have been developed. The Central Business District of Orlando is located approximately ten miles east and the Orlando International Airport is located approximately 16 miles southeast of the property. To the west of the property is the proposed City Place at Maguire project which contains frontage along Maguire Road. The City Place at Maguire is planned to provide a mix of upscale retail, luxury residential, Class A offices, a business class hotel and an array of restaurants. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 39 Highlights of the project include a planned expansive open -air retail space, a 2 -acre courtyard that will accommodate community events, and 16 -story condominium complexes. Project Details: • 90,000 SF of general retail shopping • Two 6,000 SF spaces for Roof -Top dining locations • 65,000 SF for a 5 -story hotel, including 131 rooms • 49,000 SF of Class A office space • 3,500 SF bank site • 2,500 SF Pad for retail site • Sixteen story luxury condominium, including 100 individual units and a 5 -story parking garage with 400 spaces • 2 acre courtyard with limited kiosks locations, designed for community events, including art and music shows • 594 parking spaces in a 7 -story parking garage • Surface parking to include 117 spaces The City of Ocoee has been working on a Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) plan for the area around this project. Depending on what the City approves for the plan, the City Place project may change. The project has essentially been on hold given the weak economy. The City has yet to finalize CRA plans for the area. REAL ESTATE MARKET The market was weak for several years after the collapse of the housing market; however, conditions have stabilized and in some areas seen modest improvement. 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 CONCEPT PLAN FOR CITY PLACE AT MAGUIRE APPRAISAL DF PARCEL Nos. 102&7O2 THE KALS|PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OFOCOEE;BLUFDRD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE40 The f0UOVVOg COOt8iOS graphics and 8 diSCUSSi0O of the VV8St CO|0Di@| retail market in pGrUCU|3[ WEST COLONIIAL MARKET The black line in the graphic above Sh0VVS the v8C8OCV [@t8 for retail Sp@C8 in the West C0|OOi@| area. \/8C8OCy currently St@OdS at 11. 1%. The following chart shows the drop in residential sales volume and pricing in the area. 13-184 Parcels 102 & 702 Home Sales in Zip Code 34761 SSG SMOOD 530 VW,001) 22 $120.000 1 008 2009 201CI 2011 20 12 2013 13-184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALG|PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OFOCOEE', BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 41 According t0 @ [8CgOt report published by the UOkne[Sit« of Central Florida (UCF) Institute for Economic Competitiveness (dated July 2013), itiSexpected that payroll job growth ye8FOveFye8[iSexpected to average 2.0Y6 in 2013. 2.1% in 2014. and 2.596 in 2O15.|t will be the second quarter of2O18 before payrolls recover tO their pre-recession levels. Housing St@[tS are expected to have average @ODU@| growth Of 31.4% during the 2013-2016 period. The fOUOvvOg chart from the report ShovvS the historic and projected G[OSS State CONCLUSION The long term prognosis for the neighborhood is stable to positive. As previously noted, the ne@| estate market is beginning to ShOvv Signs Of modest improvement. This trend is expected t0continue. 13-184 Parcels 102a702 Floncla Real Gross State Product IN MA CONCLUSION The long term prognosis for the neighborhood is stable to positive. As previously noted, the ne@| estate market is beginning to ShOvv Signs Of modest improvement. This trend is expected t0continue. 13-184 Parcels 102a702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 42 LAND SALE DATA SHEET 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 1 Location At the northwest corner of Rewis Street and Lyman Avenue City, County Ocoee, Orange n Buyer Juan Maldonado Seller Enrique Zepeda Sale Date Mar -13 Sale Price $23,000 Terms of Sale Cash to Seller O.R. Book /Page 10550/910 Size (AC) 0.46 Size (SF) 19,993 Configuration Slightly Irregular Frontage Rewis & Lyman Utilities All Available Zoning R -1, Ocoee Future Land Use (FLU) designation Low Density Residential Topography Generally level Access Good Exposure Good Price/SF $1.15 Comments VERIFICATION Date Verified 8/12/2013 Verified By Heather Lynn Haas Verified With Juan Maldonado - Buyer Contact Information 845 - 483 -7225 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL PIGS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 43 040 a 23 LEE ST M 3 8 r 3 i Q p LL 5 J 7 . °. \G�� 4 !1V M 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 3 d t i M 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL BIOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 44 Rd o a lk Circle I St Bay St E Enterprise St ' Anderson Pi Capitol Ct ply SAnig Sale m rue,vo** Fleweltmg Ave m za' `) m 10550/910 ¢' Mobile Ln � � Apricot Or m ro o o Oakwood Ln m » ?; 4s Cemetery 6t �. o Q a D £ Center St » g n, r m �- Cer� 1z �r 438 a`, rfi u, U 1N: Silver Star Rd ..a - f.:StiverStar Rd = 438 E Silver t frenkhn St m Ds a3a = ;flankhn Si C Starke Lake m 429 ,q N Subject L�eay,rpa r W Oak St Enterprise St ' Orlando Ave Capitol Ct Geneva St E Story Rd Ocoee Cemetery �a White Rd o m � U � o m K R m O 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT This Warranty Deed Vf*k 0-."",U, ul htaw, A 1t t,I ; h. P•rfgsa 7.rpeda and h4th" Zeptds. Not," " w,re. 1 hrrr na''ur t.I W . . 'v're,u;7,*r s 1„ 5osm M*1000s44, a tr..afTrrcl rmars. Mf W lwJ of&C aeMrcts u 1 Rt�wen kuarJ a hrrcmar5cr a-at?cd ftrt "lsvarfrt °t 'ancr.,sr +.rrd �s axi ak x•,m 1; l'. —4 1-11 - au& 01 T.r t'+• *n r. h , x,. sw'ar rwr2 ,dal .rp,.+xracr.a, and nmtsa �.f dam At. _--, uj ne4*5 - --p r. , 1ti.wrswk that 0% l nnkit tan art„ ^ ,W 111xfalaua A IN 3u.Tx M f VOW att4 Aw- ratafble crr+ dert/rxrs. the anvil and M uh%ti is txrrbr st:♦s�.u�A�11ad '�r?r} gr crux. itar;ai;xa, -11, xlrrn, Tern,n, i ks rrlex— e+.vs t' s aza7 cvrdL•etn wfix ttrc ("a-Arc ail of'he ( ngm We am -ekreu to t'aa crrua yr ees r—,-rl, 9 it 0rarz�7c comr r- 1 b>x pin. *1r lto IAM'A) 4 fret of 1.x I and tre Last a) { fete aI I14 " stlxi7}' +x7t 1f ik rvc.i tart,,na Naa! of R1 FIT \ KI "fd I S WFIDIVISi 4\ ercxsdtt+a Ise fiat Plat r'hercv; as r'etm,*J m Plat 1 . A. at Pape I I F r >! @1e NISI c Rcc, J, a' OfIlUpr ( ou,, -I, f bsr"t, NMI) PR+:01lkil IS %tie [tit WNT4fl - Art (# M c,RANIOR SAID J-901*1.9I1 IN Hit%(, i- oN'kLYLll AT THER1tp1 1.S1 I'W THT 6RANTfIR AND flit GRAA11_L IAT11I NlY MILE SL R f \.,bt1 NA r ION (* INM R 1 k Ni r N A IS,, IV i N R Fred I S I1 1) OR PRi >Yl tit r> Io"llocr — aii !Ic :rttetrrnt7 K- 4eamrrr: 4,f arrr+vrwanrC thrrrtr t^r. ,x 10 4%.1'r ap}+ertas !10v. To Hsvt sod f Hald, the sfmc in irr h.Mp. torr "r Asd ;Lc t,ratln:+r be, ml, c *,ccrunre r.rsh the eerae,rrr OW I* oarfrrt I >a**f11t1I xlrxd al sa:+,l rc.. M m irr ti n,plc -hat the ("Amt, Ka, grail right axed !"fat votticrrlt) t4 nr31 " i;mw,rr w4 real pajutr), the: Or (, Wart, NV, s*attrnta the 1 0, to $4 .1 Mal rf"pr" aad w` "rkir+arf 11um wtnc j,)1w the hlafw aetnc> •,! a111taa.�> wha�ntYrx.ct ,m.1 that xa� =raI rttryrrrrs is fret al rM?ri;hronCe4. car.rrr tal.r1 1KUUiftE aut*xcy,uat w Dmrmt" i1 Mil t aat zuhiere m eJ* rnz, comvf. r, . rel2rxf nNra 'N k- st— Irsastata�.x scr9 3vvf,1rr»t1 car rrt, M 11 art IS %darn ti'brf4.r. CK »~e l.c+a IrI . .,r-xw! afsj t "-j f#xx pe strf,' !t+. 9a;+ s=wat ,vW fir at,+:...r arrkn Maas h., & -t „fcin a., ° >t �n ,iva fi�aan.a ��en 44whNa ta., ,_ %IAiL 1)4 1i 1MIDA t 1�i '\IY Of OR A \a4 a aprds _ k ants 1pr I h.rcg'srly imittatrerA sxs xkooc.kdarl I'dorr r, f 1a : ' da} ui Sdar<4 dUtZ h, hsrigar lrprat* a0 Meiva Lrprds K. fa.r 1 ,4wr i 1 hx,da 13n.en 11.enwrr a« r <5rxriff +r, ;do<r,- Em t Rrobsitk tam odes" d 111®1 55 rapttel tum 15,2015 Nw r r x W-4 PAGE 45 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 Ro urd atai Rrtruv 11 own Sol" 1" / "to 3htgsrrd 9;, 1.nt t. Itrie►ordi, Est'.. W I u .1 let's 1st 1 MMN7l1as M a" Poo 110 �Q�O & 1 1 1 M 51@ 52w b Dillard strtsi.'1Wir 1;9 W bier t Itt 5+1'71' intar+llll♦ 1� ardre. Platlyy� itaass 14ri M�ayrtrs tom { O troller i'srrrl In %f I Lil 1Nt lo' t Mtop"aAI This Warranty Deed Vf*k 0-."",U, ul htaw, A 1t t,I ; h. P•rfgsa 7.rpeda and h4th" Zeptds. Not," " w,re. 1 hrrr na''ur t.I W . . 'v're,u;7,*r s 1„ 5osm M*1000s44, a tr..afTrrcl rmars. Mf W lwJ of&C aeMrcts u 1 Rt�wen kuarJ a hrrcmar5cr a-at?cd ftrt "lsvarfrt °t 'ancr.,sr +.rrd �s axi ak x•,m 1; l'. —4 1-11 - au& 01 T.r t'+• *n r. h , x,. sw'ar rwr2 ,dal .rp,.+xracr.a, and nmtsa �.f dam At. _--, uj ne4*5 - --p r. , 1ti.wrswk that 0% l nnkit tan art„ ^ ,W 111xfalaua A IN 3u.Tx M f VOW att4 Aw- ratafble crr+ dert/rxrs. the anvil and M uh%ti is txrrbr st:♦s�.u�A�11ad '�r?r} gr crux. itar;ai;xa, -11, xlrrn, Tern,n, i ks rrlex— e+.vs t' s aza7 cvrdL•etn wfix ttrc ("a-Arc ail of'he ( ngm We am -ekreu to t'aa crrua yr ees r—,-rl, 9 it 0rarz�7c comr r- 1 b>x pin. *1r lto IAM'A) 4 fret of 1.x I and tre Last a) { fete aI I14 " stlxi7}' +x7t 1f ik rvc.i tart,,na Naa! of R1 FIT \ KI "fd I S WFIDIVISi 4\ ercxsdtt+a Ise fiat Plat r'hercv; as r'etm,*J m Plat 1 . A. at Pape I I F r >! @1e NISI c Rcc, J, a' OfIlUpr ( ou,, -I, f bsr"t, NMI) PR+:01lkil IS %tie [tit WNT4fl - Art (# M c,RANIOR SAID J-901*1.9I1 IN Hit%(, i- oN'kLYLll AT THER1tp1 1.S1 I'W THT 6RANTfIR AND flit GRAA11_L IAT11I NlY MILE SL R f \.,bt1 NA r ION (* INM R 1 k Ni r N A IS,, IV i N R Fred I S I1 1) OR PRi >Yl tit r> Io"llocr — aii !Ic :rttetrrnt7 K- 4eamrrr: 4,f arrr+vrwanrC thrrrtr t^r. ,x 10 4%.1'r ap}+ertas !10v. To Hsvt sod f Hald, the sfmc in irr h.Mp. torr "r Asd ;Lc t,ratln:+r be, ml, c *,ccrunre r.rsh the eerae,rrr OW I* oarfrrt I >a**f11t1I xlrxd al sa:+,l rc.. M m irr ti n,plc -hat the ("Amt, Ka, grail right axed !"fat votticrrlt) t4 nr31 " i;mw,rr w4 real pajutr), the: Or (, Wart, NV, s*attrnta the 1 0, to $4 .1 Mal rf"pr" aad w` "rkir+arf 11um wtnc j,)1w the hlafw aetnc> •,! a111taa.�> wha�ntYrx.ct ,m.1 that xa� =raI rttryrrrrs is fret al rM?ri;hronCe4. car.rrr tal.r1 1KUUiftE aut*xcy,uat w Dmrmt" i1 Mil t aat zuhiere m eJ* rnz, comvf. r, . rel2rxf nNra 'N k- st— Irsastata�.x scr9 3vvf,1rr»t1 car rrt, M 11 art IS %darn ti'brf4.r. CK »~e l.c+a IrI . .,r-xw! afsj t "-j f#xx pe strf,' !t+. 9a;+ s=wat ,vW fir at,+:...r arrkn Maas h., & -t „fcin a., ° >t �n ,iva fi�aan.a ��en 44whNa ta., ,_ %IAiL 1)4 1i 1MIDA t 1�i '\IY Of OR A \a4 a aprds _ k ants 1pr I h.rcg'srly imittatrerA sxs xkooc.kdarl I'dorr r, f 1a : ' da} ui Sdar<4 dUtZ h, hsrigar lrprat* a0 Meiva Lrprds K. fa.r 1 ,4wr i 1 hx,da 13n.en 11.enwrr a« r <5rxriff +r, ;do<r,- Em t Rrobsitk tam odes" d 111®1 55 rapttel tum 15,2015 Nw r r x W-4 PAGE 45 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 46 LAND SALE DATA SHEET 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 2 Location At the northeast corner of Rewis Street and Lyman Avenue City, County Ocoee, Orange Coun Buyer Regino Garcia Seller Jorge Delatorre Sale Date Jun -13 Sale Price $22,000 Terms of Sale Cash to Seller O.R. Book /Page 10592/214 Size (AC) 0.25 Size (SF) 10,910 Configuration Slightly Irregular Frontage Rewis & Lyman Utilities All Available Zoning R -1, Ocoee Future Land Use (FLU) designation Low Density Residential Topography Generally level Access Good Exposure Good Price /SF $2.02 Comments VERIFICATION Date Verified 8/8/2013 Verified By Heather Lynn Haas Verified With Public Records Contact Information N/A 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 47 6 1 23 100 iG sorts ---- _ j 913 roo LEE ST �" jo X12 ` t 7 6 "} T � 5 17 is 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 48 Anderson Pt spa SpnngLike v 6 Sale z �e ss Rd s. m Fleomiling Ave M. 2 i 10592/214 ¢' Apricot Dr Mobile Ln 3 rn Oakwood Ln Circle K+ > Center St n, w m m Canfe 4, 4 m rn� v 1N Silver Staff $d z— E v°dwBr StarRd -.: 4m _ESihr a) St F 4311- flankUd St ! Fran %tin St o Ogee C We W Or 0 Starke Lake a: aden W R r',,.. .cS� Gragsd 429 ,Q N � P:,.,d j. En Subject LakeO"pia Oak St Sap St E t P q3y 23 r+24 Enterprise St Orlando Ave n White Rd Capitol Gt U if J D � m f t Stacy Rd Geneva St f ° g Ocoee 1 1 Cemetery m 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT P4 11) - I A -'L -9 '91Xi4f50� AURA N 17Y Of TO 011inTIVIT)l A]'# PAGE 49 OOC 111 20130335M 8: 18392 P: 0214 SO X 0 1" C�XW,)' ; L ke? I n 'S ul., , 1, t �,, 7�hl'a 'A AkR-NN )star l'? Jvfgt Miawrte. a inarTkd Man, M�,i�x rww mfz ',r 4 4,� Stu Terror, WiNti"' (1 I't 3 harem4ficl c;41cd t) 6KAN I OR, %-� Rrxix. Garcia, a marri"I man, 07! vises is 2?2411"?tifagoraa t 1rdC0011t,FI W61 xM dal! %jude at= rwlie 'n $s, Jw OLANIOW !w v n C0r4;dmbwi i! V,- s�T i sAoo fiml (vk, v3 Cm"w:cw1--n whervorislwnb a ikj.w ltd o M j p,, it *_ j,, rc � m re rlsc±, Lonvv., ai'd Lwirrws wito Tt^r UKA!" I I E, 41: el rea ai lan" w,xaKr iv Olziipf f ol,v, F rye "i A,',C X, - It .xk I , Stelia: i,.hd,, i, r:, Ae iK- ;1 Y,, - j , p;.,j 15,,1, fade F'u hdir 0'r,"gr CL"I'm I k vd. 1", N4,11t , fret w AI * a!— L't, "SUBJECT PROPERTY IS VACANT LAND— WbJECT £(? L-c,alt, sue, tAxr-s and ,vsJ Ax Ora ore: 7, and wtus Arid to W iiprh,Ibic 4n Pr za Arwi ix fcwicwni wd vriyvh1wm ar'.y I 06 I Ilt-k a; at: t1w 1r rmc"!T ano 37 t` i--- "'f i sc ;"tcf� 1 M I'"— TO l i WF ANO 10 Hot ,) the ,t, i t, AND T14F 6RAN W;( tjt;rrt-s wit a3A 6RAN I I-F d x rant , aht,,c P !Ird, 01- c,RA% TOR is lav fa s uttvd vf sv - 1 4MI 01 fec 09MVIC. L!W tK: GRAN MR right 1,a yC;I Oj ojn%eN !tml 1',r ( I t * fatvh, fully warwa� the tv' , to iavl w. mi 1 'irfind 'IW A;13c ai3". Ow lw dwm� nfall mwna "Wwl IN 'A I P0 WMI ORAN Ii IR hdi vgwd dnc yza IN TKL„Fkl fill t o I o%kus(, N Gerdou SIAN GIFFLOMDA C01 N TY I0 OR A%(,; ti Iw I—ir-A - witt sud o prW *,kyx-Wjrj t-,fvTc rv ,� !fn 1 �1 aa, ot J N11 I k, ) ITrl ivcxc Afuq -W f! J,per SUSAN I NOTARY PAM ilMk IEST^IV oF r-LORD' EEM3001 13-184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 50 LAND SALE DATA SHEET 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 3 Location Along the west side of Main Street south of Maple Street City, County Winter Garden, Orange Coun Buyer Akers Custom Homes, Inc. Seller Michael Lemos Sale Date Sep -12 Sale Price $31,500 Terms of Sale Cash to Seller O.R. Book /Page 10450/2334 Size (AC) 0.22 Size (SF) 9 799 Configuration Rectangular Frontage Main Street Utilities All Available zoning R -2, Winter Garden Future Land Use (FLU) designation Low Residential Topography Generally level Access Good Exposure Good Price/SF $ 3.21 Comments VERIFICATION Date Verified 8/12/2013 Verified By Heather Lynn Haas Verified With Sherrie Stenger, Realtor Contact Information sclark7 cfl.rr.com 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 51 154 "1211111 go *21111 yu E III I f7 I? q T 13-184 Parcels 102 & 702 E MAPLE ST W MAPLE,ST 15225 wS 77 70 70 1 2 2 1 151 15..$ 3 14 *47 3R 152 120 M 25 - 162,Z 7 6 153 154 "1211111 go *21111 yu E III I f7 I? q T 13-184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 52 pi iu MCA X-* 17tA A�* Z, t &fai st 4- MAJD* Fit 13-184 Parcels 102 & 702 c. f"I" " =Subje 410 Sale z. 10450/2334 ro Mirer It W M 171 rd F-A W, S1 MCA X-* 17tA A�* Z, t &fai st 4- MAJD* Fit 13-184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 1 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT --o w a k—., hri* Icaswu, §vw. .4 itrlk% it. 44-11 to m14l, VIANI IM) a "111 t it I.AHDl: 4, i kcal. U-V rae mutea Nq—t J.v— i — ' 11 rMAN IIICk Ntlill /�t.t UAfY Af t, lt( ale M).or PI.ANI+llt4).1 sit N tl rlt 4.iMG1 A. f 4trtb 34!1'" v utm..e+: m » tart u,,,r - nee ,war tuxes a.,w :s t,� it Pj, tftdal)Ngrih t1a1 2 - - -14 6t4UwkVIif S #(If i itc NLaaegi26218 WARRANT% DfTD PAGE 53 =MUM l'.pT9 ! l"M ► Ih- FC tfi goal O.s o > Di uM y1! WM na.'. FN So N 17.fts.t. Stw p feilu 9.iff.tt.9 Mar%rtt +. :a°.9t ,,; , VuurMM/ Ting 11tuvw4ftowmil Thi. Warr.aty Utxd M1l t1c the :715 dat .(S pt tiplwr, 2012_ f t MICIIAf I_ I F.M0S, A MAKROD PURSON Js)P ill ASK4), A MARRIED P Kti4)N, , a ip.arrYM1 lwrwo flrrvatafter a lt.4f d:, ttat:i,,r, vrpera lea u#1wr w.idte:� n a L' h',r I.ie'tt x t M tct f kF , F ' v7 - Fri . ^.yti rr -jr e: 1 1_,af.it. r)ur.is f:'47�7jq_ ai AKE,R.S CUSTOM 110,% ' INC. a +tr v tw ..&I Wir— r, 11,6 rERRA MAN4.4) i.INi1'. SITTY 200. QRI .ANIM). hoed. 321135, betenumr ejikJ Ow grtmev >t`iit+ 41Ill (lie tatd Fzania. I- aa1 in !t t!e bent t. S f °,dt 6ti l k,11m, a,tJ wd,, 'A wk, cc� ktatiura, mtyti trkitti t it hivmt mi.%At.kdgc4, ircr;r c fy im, two in :. acct sihnt.. !--i c,ae 1('666 m, hire t.1u txaattc. 40 tfatt ertum 6.3 14.4Ac m 01 Up ( -W11. I lnrnkt, ry 14 it VAIN AN11 -,IA 9 li{1.f'I A 1, At COR IN6i t) M- A1(1;t4 ;AP111191.iti .O'91l1 *1 It it UN Pt At 110% t-' PAIA "e t nul mutit lit vohv,(Kc;HiV-4 cs,b3 "NJ1.11,010ri.4 t1a ter..r+cex.. ,l e1K hr.<:..- .f, -w3 ut fdn- t a.a.t MAMMA - 11..11 .ir c •rcw #. � - .mr5awr.Yti> ur 1 r ��i,n,na - tKr; r.; t.i � u s .ga;,za�,�� 1. 11— w11. tight tAe rxar m itt —;,k kc vt A.d ft" rWA> l brIc t la) Ab -" f7—➢ tut t1,' pwl�. i» 4:l —' A,w+: w u kc ,x,144, dw 'b, Ci]ait:.t bas J e—d *rata and lea l+a luiiwx,n W :+:11 . W - a,c, wr 1-4, naa to fts,da, 1 s a • ;uih —1— it. u1k 1 tatd trnf I.: <.ili drlrnd Um :�,.. .t,�caa #r lurt i ,:unm• ni a3i r ,.i,,.� -z ,vs, W4 Q-. i.tru-..aarzumr sa.raawut s>i 12')! 21111 rrs,•r,aw.u.. ,c+cxczw:r.: ar' •^.l»'4$rNS . t c.w a. �1 wr V Lt iSDHf Yr1wwG l.ri.b! {sat R vS ,HtnL< 1-1 r+f —i the Age — — ro 4 an*a : aeftir.k 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT 20120 Page 202 A,,CJ, v:.Acd az93 �ka:wed ma wi p+,.�,eaKr ?T '� M14'IIA .'° � '""('i i'aastxwf Naux iaatcru l,au r f EL ilmo+ W �srvkas ;iK�tatt�rc ' primed Name — it GLASKO S1AlLOf FLORIDA COUNTY Of Qraazt f1w aa-►:iw- rikjrj hefxxx ,Tx #fxix _ "ti: djo S<pjj #as ''(W, M MK IIAf;1 LfIMON. A MARRIVI) Y).kS N JOE BLA.SKO, A MARRIED PLR_SON uivn W W ,w who hA%% pfud rural drov ti"-sua(s) as kkwfli atwn " My Comms"4x, I Apf'. f 1 f cn' ` Nrxia t NLf >,t� � n/ J . Z r G - ., f#j%f14 1RALEY ucm!e*ri�• t EE 2)SSBt l.r xe,a rwrwxaea+. -f PAGE 54 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 55 LAND SALE DATA SHEET 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 4 Location Along the east side of Edgewood Ranch Road south of Old Winter Garden Road City, County Orlando, Orange Buyer Robert A. Zarate Seller Allen G. Liang Sale Date Feb -13 Sale Price $52,000 Terms of Sale Cash to Seller O.R. Book /Page 10526/6189 Size (AC) 0.50 Size (SF) 21,783 Configuration Rectangular Frontage Edgewood Ranch Road Utilities Water / Septic Zoning A -1, Orange County Future Land Use (FLU) designation Low Density Residential Topography Generally level Access Good Exposure Good Price /SF $2.39 Comments VERIFICATION Date Verified 8/12/2013 Verified By Heather Lynn Haas Verified With Sidney Tse, Realtor Contact Information tse2909@aol.com 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL PIGS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 56 U= 2 Vk7 Lu o _ q TRACT C ;3 134 p _.. w Boa so a *', ''� ' • «� w � 81 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 57 S A "w Pe 434 13-184 Parcels 102 & 702 Subject W-*.ft I> 7 4, a t um two 4w raw Sale ri 10526/6189 X T P4 61h St to V zoo 13-184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL NOS. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 58 Doc* zn30141"n s: %pan P: asst THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY SVZZr2913 12,55:19 PA Pa t or a RETURN TO AFTER RECORDED: N os aI C.a :�fTM,99 ad tm Fos: Wee IM1.91►ia Taa: 1: so BWR IM. JOHNSON, P.A. Mortc�0 St omp 0 is. C"006ltar orany. Coun F- BLAIR M. JOHNSON, ESQUIRE SA - "t T.: itattt A JOHPGM Attomav Post Office Box 770496 F Rq m rM 1l Winter Garden, Florida 34777-0498 (407) 658.3521 Florida Bar No. 294171 Property Appraisers Parcel I.D. S: 35.22.28 -0000 -00 -036 WARRANTY DEED THIS WARRANTY DEED made the 18th day of February, 2013 by ALLEN G. LIANG and YVONNE K, LIANG, husband and wife, hereinafter called the Grantors, to ROBERT A. ZARATE, a single person, whose address is 7334 Catamaran Drive. Orlando, Florida 32835, hereinafter called the Grantee: WITNESSETH: That the Grantors, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and confirms unto the Grantee all that certain land situated in Orange County, State of Florida, viz. SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A' INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF, Together, with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining To Have And To Hold, the same in fee simple forever. And, the Grantors hereby covenant with said Grantee that the Grantors are lawfully seized of said land in fee simple, that the Grantors have good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land, and hereby warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all person whomsoever: and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except takes accruing subsequent to December 31, 2012 13 -184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT 20130105896 Page 2 of 3 and easements and restrictions of record, however, reference hereto shall not serve to reimpose same IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors have signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written, Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of W9 F Mffiii mum W EMMS I STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE 7 � The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1M day of F*brua!y. MI; by ALLEN G. LIANG and YVONNE K. LIANG who have produced their Florida Drivers Licenses as identification 1 Ng&r Name: Qlair M. - Johnson My commission *xplres: Warranty Deed -2- PAGE 59 13-184 Parcels 102 & 702 APPRAISAL OF PARCEL Nos. 102 & 702 THE KALSI PROPERTY PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE; BLUFORD AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 60 20130105896 Page 303 C N'(--hw%tc*rnu Of d`fNQr01Ca9 114 Cfth4 west 114 o 35, Te', 2: P-ngc 29 FAs. C artge County, fl q e p , , South Do degree 2547 £ast SiOng the WC41 direr Of Laid, V4 of the SO,,K: 114 a distance of 5H 25 feet, 1 1wet le-M& said Wc3t line, run Nomh 89 ft-titA 2.675' mss; a dtst,ca of 32,97 feet to a port on q, e E ast np M OfwAY 1 n of Edgewood RAr--h Road. said pont bving O p�j- ercc continue North 99 deVtcs 2675' Eau a distance 117 00 fact; ftme run Nort+ 00 ecptc 25 bcgtnr,in& L West a distance of 15 00 lee, L`-encc rm North 89 dcgmcs 26'25' E44 a dtswcie of I *,'JqC, feet, thence run S , C'tg:e43 4 Las, a distance of 1 9S feet, tl`iZ= FUM South 89 dr-pta 2624 'West a distance of 134,00 cwt a 6 F1 0 ' the atommid F,& right Of w IMM Of FA"ood Rana Road, henet -. I said FAst righ t c' w A t .4 00 duce 1. 547' W•� 4 1,m- d o f I fA) gg feet to t poiw. ( gi in Be 'In ng 27 ,1 11 13-184 Parcels 102 & 702 QUALIFICATIONS Daniel R. DeRango, MAI, CCIM DERANGO. BEST & ASSOCIATES 1 601 E. AMELIA STREET ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803 (407) 895 -6650 RESIDENT OF: Maitland, Florida EDUCATION: Graduate of Stetson University, Deland, Florida Bachelor of Business Administration - Major: Finance PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION: COURSES & SEMINARS - APPRAISAL INSTITUTE • Appraisal Principles • Basic Valuation Procedures • Direct Capitalization, Annuity Capitalization, and Mortgage Theory and Techniques • Case Studies in Real Estate Valuation • Valuation Analysis and Report Writing • Condemnation and Litigation Appraisal Practice • Standards of Professional Practice • Residential Valuation Procedures • Appraisal of Small Hotels and Motels • Sales Confirmation Methods • Discounted Cash Flow Analysis • Electronic Spreadsheets in Real Estate Appraising • Urban Planning and Development - University of Central Florida CCIM INSTITUTE • Financial Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate (Cl 101) • Market Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate (Cl 102) • User Decision Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate (Cl 103) • Investment Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate (CI 104) Equity Capitalization PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: Member of the Appraisal Institute, MAI No. 7557 Member CCIM Institute Florida State - Certified General Real Estate Appraiser No. RZ1054 Registered Real Estate Broker /State of Florida, License No. 0355191 Director — Appraisal Institute, East Central Florida Chapter Member of the Association of Eminent Domain Professionals Member of the American Association of Airport Executives QUALIFICATIONS Daniel R. DeRango, MAI, CCIM (Continued) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Qualified as an expert witness in Federal and State Courts. Special Master, Value Adjustment Board, Orange County, 1995, 1996, 2000 -2002 Present: President - DeRango, Best and Associates, Orlando, Florida 1984 -1997 V.P. /Partner, Matonis MacDermott DeRango Sorich & Co., Orlando, FL 1981 -1984 Staff Appraiser with Irwin Appraisal Consulting Services, Inc., Orlando, FL Former Member: Board of Directors - East Central Florida Chapter- Appraisal Institute PUBLISHED: "The Determination of Hotel Value Components for Ad Valorem Tax Assessment' The Appraisal Journal July, 1993 TYPE OF ASSIGNMENTS: I have appraised or provided counseling for a variety of commercial and residential properties throughout the U.S. (primarily in the Central Florida area). EXPERIENCE WITH: • Aviation /Aeronautical Properties • Apartments • Office buildings • Retail properties • Condemnation and litigation assignments • Industrial properties • Timeshare resorts • Hotels & resorts • Mobile home parks • Subdivisions • Mitigation lands • Warehouse facilities • Acreage tracts • Golf courses /country clubs • Special use facilities • Mixed use development • Coastal & island tracts • Aviation properties • Air cargo facilities • Large and small aircraft hangars • Fixed based operations • Condominium projects • Retail centers (including regional malls) Appraisal and consulting assignments have been prepared for a variety of lending institutions, corporations, law firms, governmental agencies, and individuals. PROPERTY LOCATIONS IN FLORIDA: • Central Florida (Orange, Seminole, Osceola, Lake, Polk and Volusia Counties) • South Florida (Dade, Broward & Palm Beach Counties) • South Central Florida (Brevard, Martin, St. Lucie & Indian River Counties) • Southwest Florida (Collier, Lee, Manatee, Sarasota, Pinellas, Hillsborough Counties) • Northeast Florida (Flagler, St. Johns and Duval Counties) • North Central Florida (Marion County, Putnam) • Florida Keys QUALIFICATIONS Daniel R. DeRango, MAI, CCIM (Continued) ASSIGNMENTS OUTSIDE OF FLORIDA: • Georgia • Texas • Maryland • Indiana • Minnesota • Ohio • New York • New Jersey • Pennsylvania • Illinois • California • Alabama • Connecticut • Tennessee • Colorado • Kentucky • South Carolina • Virginia • Pennsylvania • Washington State IMS .. A CO P APER AC # 7 7 5 5 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSYNESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION FLORIDA REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL BD SEQ#L121115d1970 DATE BATCH NUM gjR LICENSE NBR I1�15J2412 728197329 #RZ1054 The CERTIFIED GENERAL APPRAISER Named below IS CERTIFIED Under the provisions of Chapter 475 FS, Expiration date: NOV 34, 2014 . DERANGO, DANIEL ROBERT 1641 E AMELIA ST ORLANDO FL 32943 RICK SCOTT KEN LAWSON GOVERNOR DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LA* SECRETARY