HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15-05 Minutes
September 15, 2005 at 7:00 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift
called the Special Session to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers
City Clerk Eikenberry
of City Hall. called roll and determined a quorum was present.
Roll Call:
Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Howell, Commissioner
Johnson, and Commissioner Parker.
Also Present:
City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry.
Mayor Vandergrift
announced that this is a public hearing on the tentative budget and proposed
millage rate for the City of Ocoee. Notice of this hearing was contained in the Notice of Proposed
Property Taxes mailed by the Property Appraiser. The City Commission has previously set a
proposed millage rate of 4.95 mills, which represents a 20.27% increase in millage over the rolled-
back rate of 4.1158 mills.
Briefing by Finance Director Horton on the percentage increase in millage over the rolled-
back rate necessary to fund the budget and the specific purpose for which ad valorem tax
revenues are being increased.
Finance Director Horton
advised the budget presented is balanced on a millage rate of 4.5789
mills, which represents an 11.25 increase in millage over the rolled-back rate of 4.1158. Ad
valorem tax revenues are being increased to provide funding for operating expenses, personnel,
capital improvement projects, and the purchase of equipment and vehicles. A list of general fund
projects that are not included in the proposed budget was presented to the Commission during the
budget workshops. These projects can be added, resulting in the millage being no greater than the
4.95 mills.
City Attorney Rosenthal
said, procedurally, the budget is based on the 4.5789 mills. If there are
no amendments to the budget, it would be adjusted to what is advertised. If there are
amendments to the tentative budget, then there would be a recalculation of the roll-back rate,
being somewhere between the 4.1158 mills (roll-back rate) and 4.95 mills (advertised rate). If a
tentative millage is approved for less than 4.95 mills, that would be the highest that you could
adopt at the final budget hearing, but you could go lower.
Mayor Vandergrift
opened the Public Hearing
Commissioner Howell
arrived at 7:10 p.m.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 15, 2005
1.Comments by Citizens.
R.P Monacky
, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., 1) asked about the change in positions in the City
City Manager Frank
Manager’s Office, particularly the Community Relations Division. said
what he is proposing is to add an Assistant City Manager, and delete positions of Assistant to the
City Manager, and Administrative Assistant, 2) asked about the new Administrative Assistant
Community Development Director Wagner
position in the Community Development, to which
said the City is growing and we need to change a part-time position to full time to keep up with
the demands, the cost is less than $16,000, 3) asked why another position is needed in the Police
Commissioner Parker
Department. said the number of officers in our Police force has not
grown since 1996, even though we have increased in population by one-third.
HowellPolice Chief
said we lose many officers because they are quitting for various reasons.
said at this time we have 69 sworn officers, and are asking for an increase of six, one will
be funded from an Aggressive Driving Officer Grant. Winter Park currently has over 90 officers,
and Apopka has over 80. Officers are stretched so thin that it is difficult to maintain good service,
Public Works Director Zaitooni
4) asked about new staff in Public Works. said he is requesting
several new staff members. The Assistant Public Works Director is needed to fill the gap and do
administrative work such as project preparation, scope of services, agenda items, and handling
various programs. The Fleet Department will be getting a new mechanic and clerk in order to
City Engineer Wheeler
maintain all City vehicles, 5) asked about the CIP Project Manager. said
the CIP Project Manager is to help manage all of the projects; we have a very aggressive capital
improvements program, and we need someone to work with the Engineering Department in
overseeing commercial or residential development projects, road projects, PUD projects, utility
projects, stormwater projects, and parks and recreation projects, and 6) asked about the Assistant
City Manager Frank
Parks and Recreation Director position. said there are many new parks
and facilities coming up in the future with the new Parks and Recreation Impact Fees, and we
need someone to assist with assessment, property acquisition, and planning for new facilities, and
to help in the day-to-day management of the department.
Rosemary Wilsen
, 1019 Shady Maple Circle, 1) does not believe an Assistant Parks and
Recreation Director position is needed, and thinks they need more lower level positions, not
City Manager Frank
management. said he agrees we need to fill more maintenance worker
positions, but at this time there is not sufficient managerial staff to establish the most efficient and
effective management of that department, and 2) said she hopes we will bring back our own
Sanitation Division.
Martha Lopez-Anderson
, 2438 Alclobe Circle, 1) said she is concerned we are sacrificing
City Manager Frank
Community Relations to get an Assistant City Manager. said the Assistant
City Manager wouldbe handling that division and he does not feel that a City of our size warrants
a Community Relations Department with three full-time positions, 2) she said we continue to train
Police Officers, only to have them leave and go somewhere else, and wants to know what we are
doing about that. She said safety is a major issue, and having under 10 officers on the road at a
City Manager Frank
time is not acceptable. said it is not uncommon for officers to leave small
cities to go to larger organizations with more opportunity and specialized squads. The new
Human Resources director is working diligently with the Police Chief to try to devise ways to
recruit and keep more officers, and 3) said she is glad Public Works Director Zaitooni stayed with
the City and hopes he will bring back an in-house sanitation division.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 15, 2005
Mayor Vandergrift
asked to see job descriptions for all new positions.
Comments by Commissioners
Commissioner Anderson
asked the difference in the starting salaries for Police Officers
Chief Goclon
compared to other cities, and do we have any provisions for hiring new officers.
said under our new City Manager, we are now able to bring in new hires at a rate above the
Mayor Vandergrift
lowest level. asked what we are doing about attracting new hires with some
Human Resources Director Carnicella
experience. said we are starting people above entry
level, and we are currently having discussions in labor negotiations regarding those types of
Commissioner Anderson
discussed concerns about the methodology used in conducting the
Salary Survey, particularly the market study with other agencies. He also said as a Commission,
they need to decide where they want the employees to fall, whether it is in the median 50
Human Resources Director Carnicella
percentile, or higher or lower than that. said moving the
percentile up over 50% would cause a tremendous increase in the budget. We can discuss doing
that for the police, only as a budget impact issue, without discussing more details that would
Commissioner Anderson
interfere with discussions with the bargaining unit. said that, by voting
in favor of the budget, we are agreeing with the entire salary survey, for a total of $247,000 set
aside for its implementation. He felt that a workshop should be set up to discuss the salary
Police Department
Commissioner Howell
said that Police Officers are leaving for reasons other than just salary. One
of the things we should look into is take-home cars for police officers. He thinks we would loose
fewer officers if we considered this.
Mayor Vandergrift
said he cannot vote for six new officers when we are down twelve at this
time. He would also like the City to look into RoboCops for traffic enforcement. We should
look into things other than adding more personnel.
Commissioner Anderson
said he feels we can compete with Winter Park and other similar sized
agencies. He thinks we should look into being part of the state retirement plan, which can go
with an officer from job to job. Our current private plan may keep some officers from coming
Human Resources Director Carnicella
here. said may also want to look into changing our
private plan to incorporate some of those features.
Commissioner Parker
said we need to figure out how to get more officers. We have nights
when there are 2-6 officers covering 30 square miles and they don’t have time to do any pro-
active work when they are just answering calls.
Mayor Vandergrift
said we do have mutual aide with other cities to cover calls when we are
Commissioner Anderson
asked what the cost would be to go from the 50 percentile to 60
Mayor Vandergrift
percentile for the Police Department? asked Finance Director Horton if she
can come up with the number of what percentage of the $ 247,000 in the contingency fund is
allocated to the police department.
Parks and Recreation Department
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 15, 2005
Commissioner Anderson
asked if there was a copy of the job description for the Park Ranger.
Mayor VandergriftCommissioner Parker
He said he does not see the need for this position. ,
Commissioner Johnson
and spoke in favor of the Park Ranger position.
Commissioner Anderson
said he is not in favor of the Parks and Recreation Operations
Parks and Recreation Department Director Petrone
Manager. said this position would be to
oversee the day to day operations of the department and assist with the overall vision of where we
want to be in the future. The Department Head would be allowed more time to work on new
Commissioner Parker
facilities and acquisitions as the population continues to grow. said this is
not the correct place to spend time grilling staff, and asked the Commissioner to make a motion to
take this position out of the budget, if that is what he wants, and the Commission can vote.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift moved to amend the
tentative budget to remove the position of Parks and Recreation Operations
Manager, and move the funding to the contingency budget. Motion failed 2-3 with
Commissioner Howell, Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Parker
Commissioner Johnson
said the amount of work that goes into Founder’s Day and all the Parks
and Recreation Programs, necessitates additional management staff. Our parks are not in good
condition and we need to do more than just mow them. We need to trust the City Manager to
make decisions that will take this department to a higher level of service.
Mayor Vandergrift
closed the Public Hearing.
City Attorney Rosenthal
reminded the Commission that if any amendments are to be made to
the tentative budget, now is the time to do that.
Public Works Director Zaitooni
said he distributed a chart showing 3 levels of projects that will
require an additional level of funding above the 4.5789 millage rate.
Commissioner Johnson
said he would be willing to approve the projects in Level 2.
Mayor Vandergrift
said that the Starke Lake project could be done in phases.
Commissioner Parker
suggested we go with Level 2, except to add the Traffic Calming project
in and take money from the Starke Lake Project to cover it.
3.Motions by Commissioners for amendments to the proposed tentative budget
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to amend the
tentative budget of the City of Ocoee, distributed along with the budget message
of the City Manager dated July 29, 2005, along with the changes resulting form
the budget Workshops in the following manner: to include additional funding
levels for completion of projects 1) Uniform Street Lighting ($175,000), 2)
Downtown Parking ($98,000), 3) Starke Lake Shoreline ($100,000), and 4) Traffic
Calming on Lady Avenue ($60,000). Vote was taken after the millage rate was
to recompute the proposed millage rate and rolled-back percentage increase.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 15, 2005
Announcement by Finance Director of the recomputed proposed millage rate and the percent
by which the recomputed proposed millage rate exceeds the rolled-back rate. This percentage
is the proposed tentative percentage increase in property taxes.
Finance Director Horton
said the proposed budget, as amended would result in a millage rate of
4.85 mills and represent a 17.8386 percentage increase over the roll-back rate.
Vote was then taken on previous motion. Motion carried 4-1, with Mayor
Vandergrift opposed.
Finance Director Horton
said that the budget would have to have an additional $159,000 placed
in contingency to keep the millage rate at 4.95 mills until the final budget hearing.
City Attorney Rosenthal
said that they started with a budget balanced at 4.5789 mills, and have
added items into the budget which brought the millage up to the advertised rate of 4.95 mills.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to amend
the tentative budget of the City of Ocoee, to add $159,000 to the contingency
fund to raise the millage rate back to 4.95 mills. Motion carried 3-2, with Mayor
Vandergrift and Commissioner Howell opposing.
City Attorney Rosenthal
said the tentative budget, as amended, would result in a millage rate of
4.95 mills and represents a 20.27 percentage increase over the roll-back rate of 4.1158. This
increase is the proposed percentage increase in property taxes.
1. Read title to Ordinance regarding millage rate.
City Attorney Rosenthal .
read the title of the Ordinance
ORDINANCE 2005-012
2. Motion to adopt the tentative millage rate.
Mayor Vandergrift Mayor
opened the public hearing. There being no one wishing to speak,
closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Johnson movedto adopt the tentative millage rate of 4.95 mills for
the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2005, and ending September 30,2006. Motion
died for lack of second.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 15, 2005
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson made a moved
the tentative millage rate of 4.95 mills for the fiscal year beginning October 1,
2005, and ending September 30, 2006. Motion carried 3-2, with Mayor Vandergrift
and Commissioner Howell opposed.
3. Read title to Ordinance regarding budget.
City Attorney Rosenthal
read the title of the Ordinance
4. Motion to adopt the tentative budget.
Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt the
tentative budget of the City of Ocoee, distributed along with the budget message
of the City Manager dated July 29, 2005, along with the changes resulting from
the Budget Workshops, and along with amendments adopted at this meeting,
such tentative budget being for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2005, and
ending September 30, 2006. Motion failed 2-3, with Mayor Vandergrift,
Commissioner Howell, and Commissioner Anderson opposed.
City Attorney Rosenthal
advised that they have adopted the tentative millage, and he
recommends that they adopt, in some form, a budget that appropriates the funds generated by that
millage. They can make amendments to move the funds around, or they can lower the funds, but
that would require reconsidering the tentative budget and recalculating the tentative millage rate.
Commissioner Anderson
said he is not happy with the budget the way it is. He wants to see a
different direction in the recreation department and police department.
Mayor Vandergrift
asked Commissioner Anderson to reconsider his last vote, which is in
contrast with the millage rate that he voted in favor of, and then he will have two weeks to go
over his issues before the final budget hearing.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 15, 2005
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to adopt the
tentative budget of the City of Ocoee, distributed along with the budget message
of the City Manager dated July 29, 2005, along with the changes resulting from
the Budget Workshops, and along with amendments adopted at this meeting,
such tentative budget being for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2005, and
ending September 30, 2006. Motion carried 3-2, with Mayor Vandergrift, and
Commissioner Howell opposed.
C. Motion to schedule the public hearing on September 29, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the
Commission Chambers to adopt the final millage rate and budget.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker made a motion that
a public hearing to consider the final millage rate and final budget be scheduled
for September 29, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. at a Special Meeting of the City of Ocoee City
Commission to be held at the Ocoee City Hall Commission Chambers, that the
hearing be advertised in accordance with the provisions of Section 200.065,
Florida Statutes, and Section C-37 of Article VI of the Ocoee City Charter, that the
appropriate Ordinances necessary to adopt the final millage rate and final budget
be prepared by the City staff, and that all other action necessary to comply with
the requirements of Section Florida Statutes, be undertaken.
D. Announcement by Mayor Vandergrift of end of hearing and date for final millage and
final budget hearing.
Mayor Vandergrift
announced that the date of the final budget and final millage hearing would
be held on September 29, 2005, at 7:00 p.m., at Ocoee City Hall.
Consensus of the Commission was to hold a workshop with regard to the Salary
Survey and Pay Plan, and have Executive Assistant Cowan coordinate a date and
City Attorney Rosenthal
. will advise if the meeting should be a workshop or a special
The meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
____________________________ _____________________________
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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