Chairman McKey called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City
Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Vice Chair Laney led the Invocation and Chairman
McKey led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the roll was called and a quorum was declared.
PRESENT: Chairman McKey, Vice -Chair Laney, Member Zielinski (late arrival), and Member
Alcuri. Also present were Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander and Recording Clerk Garza.
ABSENT: Member Ball (unexcused), Member Yost (unexcused), Member Santana (excused).
Approval of CACOPD Minutes for July 25, 2013
Vice -Chair Laney made a motion to accept the minutes for July 25, 2013, seconded by Member
Alcuri. Motion passed unanimously.
Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated the S.A.F.E. class was held at the Ocoee Women's Club and
it is always a very popular class; no upcoming dates have been announced yet but maybe one
will be scheduled for the end of the year. The Gun Safety Class is a recurring event but there are
none scheduled yet. Chairman McKey informed Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander about a class,
similar to the S.A.F.E. class, except is not for women only, called Refuse To Be a Victim,
sponsored by the N.R.A. that also focuses on safety for older people. Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander replied he would look into that class.
Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
Chairman McKey stated volunteers are still needed for this program which takes place at the
Police Department; it can be very rewarding and very frustrating at the same time because
juveniles have to deal with outside influences and families who are not always supportive.
Anti - Bullying Campaign
Vice -Chair Laney informed the board she brought movie tickets for anyone interested in
attending any of the two free showings of the Fat Boy Chronicles movie, and also flyers to get
the word out, as well as flyers for Week of the Family. She continued by asking members take
the flyers and the Week of the Family calendars to post them at their place of employment,
church, or any venue they have access to. Discussions ensued on the movie tickets. Vice -Chair
Laney stated the showings are scheduled for Sunday, November 3 at 1:00 p.m. and Monday,
November 4 at 7:00 p.m. Member Alcuri stated he wanted tickets for Monday's showing and
Vice -Chair Laney continued by saying she passed tickets out at the Community Picnic and at
the Citizen's Police Academy. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander requested Vice -Chair Laney give
him a flyer to post at the Police Department. Vice -Chair Laney added she is hoping to pack the
theater and suggested the movie be also played as a Citizen Advisory Council of the Ocoee
Police Department sponsored event. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated he would get in touch
with the School Resource Officers to inquire about any groups in the schools that would be
interested in the movie and Vice -Chair Laney suggested Restorative Justice participants attend
CACOPD Meeting
October 24, 2013
because it will be beneficial to them; also, she informed the board of elected officials attending
the event, including Mayor Teresa Jacobs. Discussions ensued on this topic. Vice -Chair Laney
provided Chairman McKey with movie tickets to distribute at the Restorative Justice Program
meeting taking place next Tuesday; discussions ensued on this matter.
Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
Vice -Chair Laney shared with the board members she constantly attends events for community
associations and the reason she has not held the Neighborhood Safety Summit is that post
George Zimmerman, the whole Neighborhood Watch Program is being re- thought; she added it
could be held in conjunction with the Safety Spring Fling where most of the vendors are also
geared towards the same topic. Chairman McKey asked if this would take place sometime in
April and Vice -Chair Laney replied if done in conjunction with the Safety Spring Fling it would
probably be March; Chairman McKey added it could be held indoors at the new Community
Center. Vice -Chair Laney continued by explaining it is now a requirement for new officers to
at least read and be familiar with the covenants of their communities or to be certified by the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation (D.B.P.R.) and thinks it is a good idea to
merge the Neighborhood Safety Summit with the certification process, which became effective
as of July 1, 2013. Discussions ensued on the best time to hold this event.
Update on Community Picnic
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated the event was a success and no food was left. Vignetti Park
has lots of shaded areas, and also, there were a lot of vendors this year, including Home Depot
with a big tent. Chairman McKey continued by saying he is trying to get Home Depot to come
for Founders' Day but they are booked already. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander also said this
venue will definitely will be considered for future events and continued by saying the martial arts
exhibition was also a success. Vice -Chair Laney added the Home Depot hands -on crafts were
wonderful and shared with Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander she has contacted the Hobbies and
Crafts Association and will be receiving more crafts, in case he is interested, for next year's
Community Picnic. Discussions ensued on this matter. Vice -Chair Laney suggested door
prizes be given out every fifteen minutes, even if smaller, because patrons seem to like them.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander said he would try to do it that way next year and Vice -Chair
Laney continued by saying she would help solicit prizes to be able to do it. Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander added he needs prizes and help with the Poker Run as well.
Update on Founders' Day
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board Founders' Day will take place on November 9,
2013. He continued by saying Sgt. Michael Alexander, Sgt. Bacon, will be set up as a vendor
and will be cooking and selling bacon - wrapped hotdogs and chicken kabobs as well as chocolate
covered bacon. All proceeds will benefit the Ocoee Police Department's Holiday Toys, for Kids
in Need program; the Police Department will buy the products for him and he will donate his
time. Also, Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated Ofc. Patera Scott and he will be assisting Sgt.
Alexander at his booth and requested volunteers for the CACOPD table to pass out pamphlets
and help with fingerprinting. Chairman McKey asked if the CACOPD can obtain a grant to
purchase an electronic portable fingerprinting device to be used at events. Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander replied he will look into that and added he is aware of companies that provide these
services and come to events but he is unaware of the cost. Chairman McKey stated this would
be a great tool to have to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied he will research it and will
get back with the board members when he has more information. Discussions ensued on this
CACOPD Meeting
October 24, 2013
subject. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by saying Ofc. Patera Scott will take the robot
to an upcoming event at Bill Breeze Park for mentally disabled children. Discussions ensued.
Chairman McKey reiterated the need to volunteer for Founders' Day.
Update on Poker Run
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board the Poker Run will take place on November 2,
2013 and the Citizen's Police Academy graduation is tomorrow. The Poker Run will start at the
Sandwich Shoppe located at S. Clarke Road and a volunteer is needed at Graffiti Junktion in
Clermont. The other stops are Redeye Bar and Grill in Ocoee, Mama Lillie's Pub & Subs in
Zellwood, and Al's Sand Bar in Tavares, to complete a 75 mile bike run. There is a big raffle
and all proceeds go to the Holiday Toys, for Kids in Need drive.
Update on Dodize Ball
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated this is an event the Police Department had last year. It is
scheduled for Saturday November 23 at the Jim Beech Center; registration begins at 9:30 a.m.
and the first game is at 10:00 a.m. The teams are made up of six players and it is a double
elimination tournament. He continued by saying medals will be given to the top teams and also
for the best costume, as participants are encouraged to dress up; all proceeds go to the Holiday
Toys, for Kids in Need program ant replaces the Teacher versus Cops Middle School Basketball
game. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by saying the Police Department is using dodge
ball during training for team - building skills and it has been a big hit among the officers, and also
a self - defense class at Victory Martial Arts. Discussions ensued. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander
also stated volunteers are needed for the Holiday Toys, for Kids in Need program to bag the toys,
and to repair bicycles that have been confiscated throughout the year. Also, volunteers are
needed for the Christmas Parade. People who participate in the Holiday Toys, for Kids in Need
program can sign up for a bag of toys, for a bicycle and for Shop with a Cop, which gives the
participants the opportunity to go shopping with a cop with a $75.00 gift card. Chairman
McKey stated the funds from the Poker Run benefit the toy program and Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander continued by saying the funds from the Dodge Ball Tournament and Sgt. Bacon as
well. He also added Walmart donated $2,500.00 for the Police Department's Shop with a Cop
program. Vice -Chair Laney asked if the toy program is exclusive to Ocoee residents to which
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied yes, it is. He added that volunteers will also be needed
when it is time to give out the toys but the dates for that have not yet been set but will send out
an email with the information when available.
Volunteer Program
Discussed under Update on Dodge Ball
Quarterly Award for Officer
Discussed after Activity Report
Activity Report
Staff Liaison Sgt. Nylander told the board members he spoke with the Police Department's
Detective Division and was informed that residential burglaries are on the rise at this time; there
appears to be no specific reason and these are taking place throughout the city but there are no
violent crimes to report. Chairman McKey asked if there have been reports of people getting
scammed by phone to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied he was not aware but will find
out. Chairman McKey continued by saying he heard about fictitious websites where people
CACOPD Meeting
October 24, 2013
were signing up for Obama Care and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander added there are many scams
out there. Discussions ensued about scams. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by saying
the best way to prevent burglaries is to lock your doors and windows, set up the alarm and be the
best witness you can be for your neighbors; if you see anything suspicious, call the Police
Department. Vice -Chair Laney informed the board she addressed the graduating class of the
Citizen's Police Academy and met with a University of Central Florida film student and thought
it would be a good idea to make a five to ten minute film to use as a recruiting tool showing
members of the CACOPD volunteering; it can also be used as a public service announcement
tool in Ocoee TV as well as showing what the CACOPD does. She continued by saying this
student has all the editing tools at his disposal and can edit footage, for example of the Officer
Award Presentations, and any other events. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander added this is
something the Police Department has not done but can do and Vice -Chair Laney continued by
saying it does not have to be a professional recording, perhaps an Explorer can record video at
the events. (Member Zielinski arrived at 7:50 p.m.). Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander expressed his
approval and agreed this is something that can be done, and also added Ofc. Patera Scott, the
Community Affairs Officer, has many ideas including creating a recruiting video for the Police
Department and asked Vice -Chair Laney if her contact may be able to help the Police
Department as well. Vice -Chair Laney replied he will most definitely help and will send Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Nylander the contact information. She continued by asking how much money does
the CACOPD have left to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied this is a new budget and
Vice -Chair Laney added the board needs to elect a new treasurer. Discussions ensued.
Quarterly Award for Officer
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander asked the board to take a few minutes to read the Nominations.
Vice -Chair Laney asked about Nomination # 2, if the blinds were moving because of the air
conditioning or was there someone else in the house. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander said he did
not believe there was anyone else in the house. Vice -Chair Laney asked if the person died of
natural causes to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied this is the case where the son
murdered the mother. Discussions ensued. Vice -Chair Laney stated these are all great
nominations and discussions ensued. Chairman McKey asked the board members if they were
ready to make a motion. Member Alcuri stated he likes Nomination # 1 and Nomination # 3.
Member Zielinski said he likes Nomination # 2 as well as Chairman McKey. Vice -Chair
Laney likes Nomination # 1 but acknowledges the criteria requires the officer go above and
beyond and in this case the officer was doing his job. Member Alcuri continued by saying the
Officer in Nomination # 3 went above and beyond. Member Zielinski thinks the officer in
Nomination # 2 really went above and beyond because he pursued this incident in his own time
and Chairman McKey agreed. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated both officers in Nomination
# 2 and Nomination # 3 went above and beyond and are quality officers. Discussions ensued on
the nominations.
Vice Chair Laney made a motion to select the officer in Nomination # 2 for Officer of the Third
Quarter 2013, seconded by Zielinski. Motion passed unanimously.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander revealed the name of the winner of the Officer of the Third Quarter
Award as Ofc. Eric Edwards. He continued by revealing the names of the officers in the other
nominations as follows:
Officer in Nomination # 3 — Ofc. Joseph Rodriguez
Officer in Nomination # 4 Det. Sean Walsh
CACOPD Meeting
October 24, 2013
Officer in Nomination # 1 — Ofc. Rabic Alzifite
Set Next Agenda
A. Election of Chairperson for 2014
B. Election of Vice - chairperson for 2014
C. Election of Treasurer for 2014
D. Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
E. Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
F. Anti - Bullying Campaign
G. Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
H. Update on Founders' Day
I. Update on Poker Run
J. Update on Dodge Ball
K. Volunteer Program
L. Update on Promotional CACOPD video
M. Quarterly Award for Officer, Officer of the
Volunteer of the Year Award
N. Activity Report
O. Set Next Agenda
Year Award, Civilian of the Year Award,
Chairman McKey asked the board members for any comments or questions. Member Alcuri
reminded the board he is graduating from the Citizens' Police Academy tomorrow at 7:00 p.m.
and Member Zielinski asked where will this take place and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied
at the Ocoee Women's Club, next to the Community Center on Lakeshore Drive. Member
Alcuri continued by saying this is a small class, 14 people. Discussions ensued.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:14 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Madeleine Garza, Recording Clerk
Rob McKey, Chairman