HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #11 Approval of Most Valuable Partnership GrantsAGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: February 4, 2014 Item # Reviewed By. Contact Name: Joy P. Wright Department Director: Contact Number: 407 - 905 -3100 x9 -1530 City Manager: Subject: Most Valuable Partnership Grants — Cycle 2013/2014 Background Summary: The Most Valuable Partnership Grants Program has been in operation for several years. The grant program assists Ocoee neighborhoods and organizations with projects that will enhance property values and improve the quality of life in Ocoee. The MVP grant program is a matching grant program held once each year. The maximum matching grant award is $2,000. Funding is not given up front, but is reimbursed at the completion of the organization's project. Applicants fund their improvement projects and then get a portion back, up to a maximum of $2,000. Seven applications were received for this year's cycle. The total amount of grant monies requested from the seven applicants is $13,182. There is $12,000 funded for this year's MVP Grant Program. Seven organizations were recommended to receive grants in varying amounts that use the total amount of available funding. The seven applicants are: Admiral Pointe HOA; Lake Olympia Club; Rose Hill Phase 3 HOA; Rotary Club of Ocoee; Sleepy Harbour HOA; Silver Glenn HOA and Woman's Club of Ocoee. Issue: Should the Mayor and Commissioners approve the funding recommendations made by staff. Recommendations Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve staff's recommendations for funding the listed applicants in the amounts shown below. Below are the seven organizations that staff recommends receive an MVP Grant 1. Admiral Pointe HOA Landscape upgrades to (3) street islands Amount requested: $2,000 2. Lake Olympia Club HOA Replace entrance sign, electrical repairs Amount requested: $2,000 Staff recommendation: $2,000 Staff recommendation: $2,000 3. Rose Hill Phase 3 HOA Security cameras for entrance to Phase 3 Amount requested: $2,000 Staff recommendation: $2,000 4. Rotary Club of Ocoee College scholarships for three Ocoee High School seniors Amount requested: $1,500 Staff recommendation: $1,500 5. Sleepy Harbour HOA Landscape entrance, dock repair Amount requested: $1,682 6. Silver Glen HOA Replace (2) entrance signs Amount requested: $2,000 7. Woman's Club of Ocoee Staff recommendation: $1,100 Staff recommendation: $2,000 Four scholarships to Ocoee and West Orange High school students who live in Ocoee Amount requested: $2,000 Staff recommendation: $1,400 Total Requested $13,182 Attachments: MVP Grant Applications Staff Recommendation $12,000 Financial Impact: The grant money requested, $13,182, exceeds the funding that is available. There is $12,000 available for the MVP Grant program in FY 2013/14. Issue: Should the Mayor and Commissioners approve the $12,000 funding recommendation. Recommendations Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the recommendation. 2 Type of Item: (please mark with an 'Y) Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by For Clerk's Dept Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda N/A N/A N/A 3 A I City of Ocoe NlostValuable Matnerships (NINT) --kwarxb Ocoee's Neighborhood Alatching Grants Progmin 2013 2014 A--rlkatlon Form and 11 Dead linc ifi)r - kp I: licatl 1S � p c)n 2 1' 1 rc-\�(�T �L� IS Cil-le YlluEll-st �4 A ppacatio I i , i R 0Z accq (a by nrdl of hand dehv�-rvtlo� P Wiigin- ConnamityRelatims. !NO N. Lakeshore Drin Ocoee. Florida 141 7 61 RECEIVED NOT2 5 2M3 November 25. 2013 Ms. joy Wright City of Ocoee Community Relations Re: '10ost Valuable Partnership Grant (MVP) application; � �� n�i� : � -1 014 NINT Nam A I lice. un ":i T c�.e _zi,Ci alt--clie(. le ct .;ip�et�c? _ f r r 1.iT lily of Admiral Poi"''_e. t }:'oC ` crida. in addition to the completed apphcatioi and lorrns. the foflovying dC. t.irnents are als included: ># A� project pho tos m NOW .haft renderings • Project cost estimates a LIM meeting notes On behalf of the residents of Admiral Pointe, thank you for your considc (ion of or r cin r�>nosal. Should you need additional information or cial'ifi�aliOYl re`? r f:ilf> !' ' , 1s1'a.I c �' in ,iIi On :oii mad contact nivselt. Stec R"sk - ,k' Ass" ect l_e, Id, i i� (4 07) 309 -3959 or A% We Qiinn. Pr oject Leader ai (407) 625 -1078 �twt?ni> -Steve" Propamn Description The basic preullise of the N' VP Atvprds b linprove the quality of life In Oc assistxw_ Ocoee residents and ori-,mizati(Ml-, Ili iriakillg linprowellients to their n ' hborhoods or creating- prograniswl lich benefit our citizens. eWy �Xlio is Eligible? Ni e_ hborhoods, cB' clubs, rehalous groups and other organizations iiiaN appty as tong as fliev can demonstrate that their project provides a benefit to the connnutlit These i2ro should be, located in Owe%- and sense the Ocoee con AdditionalRequired Doc Eac Il or2anizatioia must have its or,zmlizai ional stmeture c le oill ".111(i -al a Illo lc.!l 'a I - L is L �_- -A i jx�a ill the '_'� n prograiii. Mlinute ref --cting_ flie vote ini - 1) al t to the - ic t,�rl Each orL�anv_atioii inti-st have Tax dei'Itification (TIN"i wl Me L at a it n , er N, �ET ) oil fie -, flie City of Ocoee. .m. ou m obtain aan apphcatio .l ,T)rrii S S 4) - I for an EIN bv contactiftia the IRS at (77 0) 45 or visiting then' vvebsite at their - Applicants Nvillbe required to submit a W-9 vvirlitht' application Pleas e p hi ahead tl couYt take tip to 4 weeks'. For those applicalits vv-ho doii't have a foriiial or st-nical.re vhC appllcatloil irl"Ust Cont:_ 371 1 (as outhiled 1i the application) U'l place of-the inceting illinuteS . ' F ic , se a p l) '" e , 1 11ts 1 -ill ase the City's ptirchas' I T l 11 A mia, system so the\ do not reed to stimm-v a ­11N F.T\ or W-9. Eligible Projects Pr e;-!s -liould a celtaill Of ute pooLdati()T r'i Oct c llleth�,�":]_L Ne n othcr 2roup. Igi sidews, or oi­Lj3n]7s0,1011 LIIMI Oel'S sho br d1rectly L I'LlalIvIlases. ProlfectS sholth" be oble !0 be com,rleled P) Sr' [(,. 1412&' I mow"I"Is. GraiitfLiiidsiiii AFni - mlReportini-istbe submitted to receriVe grant monies. 'Final Report is due by August 1, 241- ApplkatiOli Process o\ ember 2013. No late applicitioits vvillhe accepted. REMOVE THIS INSTRUCTION PAGE BEFORE st YOUR.WPLICATION Application Process Re quire nw nts (1) -4 11 applicants are strongly encouraged to contact citt staffwith and questions srhile completing their application. (2) Grant applicator, must dete .ill necessarNT permit< requ for the projectG z and Al permit casts ' 1101 110, ale reflected ttl tt.e pr- ct bud get sul- mxsian (3) Each organization is required to have at least sevetr volunteers rsho mill assist in coulpleting the project. Voltm,, eers vil be req rep? to siUli a t ol miteer lilt that w -7? be 4ubn&Lt;o ? part of tl:c av cation. Oi one sI- Piature_l)erhouscliolt-1_ «ill, be_allowcf-1. NIaitw_mlellt CollWa' ill' s cl.i be used to file report . obta�i quotes. alul astiht xith the proiect mmiaaelnent: file sh tilcl be at least seven lllelllt?er O the oraPaiizatloi2 3 '; ho are fatnilial: with the proJect srecif cs mcl v, to adc toimiiiltte d to e I Is tU tilt 1 0`secf is cC?Illa%Lted 0n t 1iK, (4) Applicants must submit no fewer than 2 and no mlore than - 5 photographs sho-sving the physical location of their project. These will be considered photo -s. Once grant recil)icnts are chosen, the v as ill also be require to Submit 2 -5 photos devictillg «°orUtat s. These � �s ill Le collsiclered `L�ti? it " l�l�c�tos. Lastly ? -5 photos shoe illII the turd product or cull re -tilt of tl_e = ai wi be required as the # t- -1 ;photos. Each organization must submit o o ss quotes for any cost of more than 51,000 on a proposed project. The aht?lic:ai,t "Cloesll'thaye to go the lowest __quote, al- long as rllu e is a vah(I reason for tisilla Another busllles,�. RENIOVE TM INSTRUCTION P_ -ktaF BEFORE gUBMIT4l \G YOUR PPIACATION City Ci ocoe,, Most Valuable Parinershal)s { lT'P) wards oet s Ne_, bor 1oc- C1 \ itL iii" ELI 1tz� P.o a rain PLEASE PRINT O TYPE I� aerie of � emi iborhood or Ora mizatior1: Project Leader: , AJ5- 00-,H it b') Cl J SIC V 14 l u W-S J1 I _address for Pr *cc* Leader:_ 1 Cu u��_Y_L C �` - -- -.� �_ l�� v y n !�- - - - -� w 0C,Ce� FL3y�� i cc/ y 7) P ig e :, , off c= 7 c —le Dat,) 6A 1�? � �:��U S ��� _7_? Ilti3 Address: _� -d—te V 1 - �_ l t -`1 - -� C �' j � -- - 5 �ti v L 1 y�i' J � �IQI l•i ni D escribe die iie= }1bc i "I?tiV�� i�r )tUjC� }U17I1 +. "� T "1 5 L'� t? S I its t ?Ci ?It3i i Me 0011i1cl tIc lc,i1 4'i ! .tl t<:_ Sf as r z J S S h __L - - -- J I_ h �—, � -1- U �1q ° B� - --- - w o �.— c r, � .11 X � cue I I I/ v„ I- e y l o t- r' F- wy. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORML -IiL AND INFORMAL HOMEONVNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE NSIVER THE SECTIO FOLLO'\tT \G THAT. Does tour r�ei�lL }c�rl?c?c�c? �a� e ur t�t'ticia h rrizc,�: ��e,7' as.oc .teen per l e:r?tti If des : (If No. skip to sectUn on the next page. 'Mieti Nvas, it formed.' How mair, nil- iiibcrs are 1i c `VildI s 1;v t f f ' ._ ', .. ?: ?�_' 1. c3i:1« ._ _ , ,: s ar.. 1 c:._ I I tr:. }_. *_z ell C Y Y CSi Lk i ce 0 ,lf 7 -L� "1 h e �^ hcc,► SL_L�_ w it t,',' fides t11� �SOC?�3130n �ZC: 1ts � <`ii�C:r ��'�'! � ���Ileil �311t 17� +tt' Ottcll �li'c c lech: 3_ �l?3l T cj wiL) C, e c f-,h, [ If- o: Y r• o ��otl ]nti�nctlSre nel? " h�)orhvrl �rOt)� - -- _ 1'ilcl� t'i-SS It OrQ41173Z%d.� Holy many me `b rs irf I1 the arOti h Ho Ii -UI f 110 _ '; T'C 132 r hat VC, O - C ID lFMI`1ZItl 11.� �T= �l.li__.•�,.) t� �i? - 1 i; _fir. - _ _ 2� �G - cl ^'. _ZS, Con Ln1l?tccs. Ho -,v does `eom ne' hborhood grol -1 elect 1tS 1caderslll 'I When ?:C'. 1 .10E '' o fl en are dt- t101ts €?�k For community° oroarizations NAhich arc not - neiahborhoo (k" please answer the followima questions: I V GN' l3t 1S the Ilame of yota or arazaticm I1 " _ -- IS Vol-: orgaraznon 21 f0FIl 211 €1 0 11- 11170lit� _ £111 1146:111 ;fl civic 2111111). or otl)er' "Plcase exp'121W oo v iin` iv people are i11cn'bers or Clients of Your ol"ganizatiol .° Are allmenit)ers or clients ofyoir orgm either businesses or rc-4dcrits of the C'itv of OcovL , If not, hoe, rni'3 y (either by nrnnber or percentage) are' /� / All Applicants S hould Complete the Remainder of the Application: Pk-as-- lltst - L!- , C U r ne' hborhood 0- oM qIUZ'9t IC) I I 1 --as a ccon- I-) - I le. ', i I -,,� 13as Vol 19 years. - 1 L ) _� �� c��� , f �-'w L �i Please desc2ie x etc.) N�Ihlt IS t1le 'percentage o flion le ow tiers III to the iici.gliborliood grotip's fluids'? L ( Mily-Ct qr ""f k �V\ e- �,kliar is ffie dollar aniotitit b,�]*Ilisz requested` (Remember-, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/org and any pannet The maximum grant a ivard is 52,000.) Qject A BI l�T describe the proj)osed v.r ' - 1 � A 'k,4, "K, , czaz h) 1q) U cL, YJ C- T 7k f C. - Uj e, ric--C (tu 0(- 65 c sly —PAC. 1�C� � _� �d±!�t l - -� �i II � P � v - ���'� f 1 CYTr G ���, LIS-L th,- ,)ro 0 --- 4�T e yj -- l..l S `t'. ���'� t' a c o 0) ANN 5 N, 0 C C c an er S �1 I li4 111WARIU-ni of four 1 N� , to OA �C' anink liTy orgcianizati n N DA T, vl wiR ,en - e as tli;-- "Vil --kv. PrOlect - J\T ne o - iaz ure .1e - )vided tbr each person. 1phone i or eina il acidress mus t be pr( I P,O S MON Ni AN I E ADDRESS Volunteer SIGN A Pled Ped �q5j q L. car. Pro` I C 0 c u e 1 0 H - is tor fl 1p Ocoee f 476 j C Oc ql Cir - hif C_ 0 613 Q a c i-En"'ARepo j - 1 .... ... ,?,F .. -- ------- 9 tCCc pk-y. Par-mer (40 7) e ' �ti i13t � � �r -3� c C Fore ilh q) Ou" N 5 pi CQ c o FL 317( 1, /h qhje r L C V i 5c)c L Tq h c q I C_ oq-slqL C- i � C, 0 c_ ee.7 rL_ Ho v,7iU the nei-ahborhood res idems conummity organization. niembtrs be in=ked with the proj ;eel Please be sT-)ecific. e- Cie 41 — A—k1 Vic- r i q j ( j \kliat - rs ?Ile location oft - lieproi-)osLcil) pr ift -,I i 1-0 ' �j - - ic n Irm xe. ple ase proville de, criptioi of -,vhom it ivill se-.-7 U' - what general 1) ( area. All Lu yscu ^z s qf / � A-1 t, L Q t . j k s c- -17 L C, I (VS L tL 0 IL 1' k hS L) A c- e C4 b4L 1 1 i Ii = proposed prcject is a ph a I u I - I ic*� I! hi'discal,"irie— S ett 237-i� D 0- etc. - ). please define thj� cxoct site Iccation(s U se st*L,-Ct *ILM-Iqes 0-vic", ii t'le club, Mcir-d measurements from - 10 l�, sine.. if applicible. )roll. "I Uc - :,urei lcnts dranjM. (Please be specific v, de rails cit'phv Exact Localicn: l on attached dral:vR \.1casure hc)N� on, �lttach,--,d dr i ' nicias Cif Proposed hiiprov�- (s � 111 9) If thie propo-sed pr 'ect - a p' 's - al - 1 11 t I-, -- 1 , , �a I e I 1"; -IN 1C mrp V� - r Pul-Ak Rvht-of'Wav- Pm' 7ate Propem-: Common Area Owned b% the Homeowners' Association: � - 0 - will 11ted to include %vriaeil P. enlu"SS-1011 E die appropl-late --�overnlnellt ag-ei for dl,- pub lvi 1 Nht- of or me ov. of t1h prri- propert or conullcyll ln.A. ) pkast collr"Acft the p 'ect Plan and Thielitie. the 'Cohm-icerli PLdge Sh4z�et(- the Pro* e--t 311cl2e 17 0) - I - L. arid Partner's L-'Iterj ) olflnte n histrilctk), ft.) These ionns are listed on the f pa afer z-ach folin. Y(- )u 111LIST aua :h the iiiecW*vg" 1 reLlectriig the inembers'Piq) vote of yprc—al for the proposcci graiit project. t S,�o belk- if you don't have a for as ociationj We cerTiR. dint (-)Lr inelubenl - voied arid approved this 2(�' 13 - 14 MVP A applicat' Up 1011 1 (date). arid attached are die n nAlectilig this tat mt ncm of p�nsoii pj'eJd,11 apphcation si—'—naturc PI Nalir of Nei-Jiborhood Or--panizatVii Presii;mt �21 i t Date: 1 1 . Date: 2 C o i i rp, le te d N n 'PA v, - a rd s a i i i i-vs t b e recent - c d L) N p ill..,__ N o v e i i ib e - 2 7. _2 D live person i or mal t .100 P. Wrl it, 1 C Oil flilun Re bt Ions, 1 0 Nca i re D - mi O t F rid - I �- 10 'Ud 3A Pka>e Ca ll T C)\T P. lit at (407) qo -_3100 if \,O, I - - p it _7 question CITY STAFF USE ONL NT-s No Has the applicant lefi ain quz-stiou�, i-am yswered Has tht h,ted dhe 'Pro I cr-Team n3ine, the +-'LXa2d:'--st- -mcly I -, --nnb-cr _u*111'MLu Il i Are allt ; _,- '-e oflnt,-'1-1�tlacl:ed' -' I a anc Dii tht , %l Pbn 3 Til„ -'!;' D ig t Ie a, soc iat ion a ttach the coin"Itted "'o knreer Ho v, Pled Sh et Did the as.,ucrtli�n attach thf conVlet-d BudLet" Tfll,-,_ -project i5 ? i3ht icad II111m, ha 3 d2�cri��tion anC drawm2 t)rnvided' If -Line ,'roic't i a i,. al mm- jtjjj. j th '7,--.'jtt?t - pelinvssicq f thf properF ov atlachv,7 thf, ov, - by t1h-- and aie thevuC ilie apphca )T! <iMile�.' b, "11c 0 RECEIVED NOV. 2 5 2013 Iw rd Q �_. X _� � � � Qy ( � � -I--i � '`-� -� -�-- S i t c Oj i ry), ` y 'J' E � • � � V 1 f VI arl Ii Q �_. X _� � � � MOST VALUABLE PART-NERSMP (- ANYARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhooti Matching Grants Program 2013/2014 Proposed AIN AN-vards Pro iect Budge Ora " ati n: it - 19luz 10 AAA PrQ) PROJECT RENT-NUES: Lqtjs C ;�, sl I E III 1�- C it Cash from the '.4eL OrvmIzation: ,-1 iom P� C - 1 7 - ash — - tri ers (List of Parmen, and Cash Contrilnition's): TOTAL CA-SH REVENUES: 1z 3(o PROJECT EXPENSES: (List aHexpense, separatefv AiwZxpens° over SI-000 must be su,1,- b "o Please attach the written quotes to fills project butiget) s - z 60 S S TQTA1- OF PROJECT EXPENSES: S Total Ca Revenues should be equal to or orcater than totalprojtct expenses. OD- labor -- u-- - 5� — lotus x 510 lir S-",�� ADMIRAL POINTE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 7 :00pm Location: 694 Statenville Ct. Ocoee, EL 34761 MINUTES I, Call To Order Gary Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. II, Certify Quorum n o �)'uri't Lvas eStc JI;Srlid lviilt 4 of r. Bvar'_+ n1eIT ?uefS tirl'SEn'.. Board members present: Clint Boyd, Jordan Labadie, Steve Labadie and Gary smith. One Board vacancy. Berrie Dickson represented Sentry Management, Inc. III. Proof of Notice of Meeting Gary Smith certified that the meeting was noticed in advance in accordance with the Association documents and Florida statutes. ICJ. Approval of Meeting Minutes JoFd3n Labadie motioned to approve the October 8, 201.3 rninutes as writ�e;n. s✓iotion seco .coed ily S*el/t' i lz :. Vk -, tion passed unar rnousiv. V, Treasurer's Report Board reviewed the October financial report. The MVP Grant that was received by the City of Ocoee was originally coded as a credit to the MVP Grant line item "COA 8490). Management will have it coded as an income line item Instead. rl. Manager's Report Board reviewed Manager's Report. Gary Smith reported that the surveillance cameras and equipment still need some repairs and /or adjustments. Currently there is no Playback and the license plate camera is very dark and choppy. V!L Committee Reports ARB— Horne-owner 1C3' Coastal Cir ;nas rest bm—itted ARB app Lion tc inciuu° =xist ng color !v h -h is different than what '',vas approved). Board is reques ing thnat the co =or be lightened and tt?e o erlakl that was installed over the apron (between sidewalk and street) he brought back to its original Condition;. Once ARB signs the application, Management will send a letter demanding a plan of action "e Cor.nmunicated within 30 days. Social — Management v!as provided with receipts from Nek Nikolova, Sue Adkinson and Jeanninle Labadie for reimbursemert for supplies for recent co nillUn :ty event. Beautification — Eddie Quinn was in attendance and presented estimates for improvements to be completed and paid in 2013. Improvements Include upgrades to the Chauncey Ct. is' :.and; gulch installation at the entrance; improvements to the North wall; replacement of landscaping at Bismark Ct. island. Steve Labadie motioned to approve the improvements (not to exceed $6,000). Motion seconded by Gary Smith. Motion passed unanimously. F ^'r Eddie Quin � also presented improvements to be included in the application for the 2014 MVP Grant. The estimates included mulch and new plants for the park area; upgrades to the upper Chauncey Ct. island; upgrades upgrades to the Statenville Ct. island; upgrades to the Bloomington Ct. islands. Gary Smith motioned to approve landscape improvements. Motion seconded by Steve Labadie. Motion passed unanimously. Vill. Business R tification of Vote to Approve Cost Deposit: On 10%31/13, the -Board voted to approve a post de -posit '_he amc: lent of $.''J to proceed �i }! ! en foreclosure for 08� Coastal Cir (Gary, Steve, Srr r! Mr c in Clint were in favor). Jordan Labadie motioned to ratify the "0/31/13 e vote. M Lion seconded by Steve Labadie. Motion passed unanimously. Landscape Scope of Work: Board and Management reviewed the scope of work and added a few items. U.I.Jer 1. Specify that there are 5 ponds; under 7. Have palm trees trimmed twice per year; under 9 Add that there will De monthiv Inspections of complete irr igatiori Sys ern and that repor (tom; "u:1 Vii: ley , .. any pro len- d ') b2 SUbm!t[e iJriti ° :fy. k Vii . send cu is co;itractors for pro; osais. Larsen & Associates Invoice: Jordan Labadie motioned to approved invoice # 7317e in the amount of $44. Motion seconded by Clint Boyd. Motion passed unanimously. Attorney Update: board reviewed status report from Larsen & Associates x. Open Forum No discussion at this time. X. Next Meeting "he next meeting is tentativeiv scheduled for Le :e.mber '-0 , 2013 at 7 :00pr,n. M. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm. ft V V � C i i 1. V 2 Giiard Envirantrenta! servi(es, inc. 8 - J, t 4 1; I Admiral Pointe HOA 2180 W State Road 4134, Suite 5000 Longwood, IFL 32779 Authorization for Extra Work 88912 Dj B -A Admiral Pointe HOA 1001 Coastal Circie 0 - coee, l 34761 , V 1 30 Oty ra, h, c- ci AI How Art, 'Ne Dww Tot,fl Arr-IU� 5 1"-8 it it Environmental Services, Inc, `�anf iz 712 Adrniral Pointe HOA 2180 W State Road 434, Suite 50d1)() Longwood, �, 3277SI Authorization foi Admiral Pointe HOA 1001 Coast Circle r% C-Caeo, h, 34761 M� Extra Work 10/24/2013 889 1 DJ B S -�`i e le- cl �-"Ow Arc V�'e D,"It Ta'al Amow S To A o -,, r cA o i r, 'W o r 9 a v a a ni O ro CL L/) .................. Girlird Environmental Services, Inc Q n: K, 11 so" 44 - 1 ptnoHm y Adrnirad Poioto HO)JI 2180 VY Soft Road 43i Suke 5000 Longwood, F'L 32779 !44 Althorization for Extra Work. 090>�—KPO 1012412011 K 'i WnNn 889V lull qo—! 5, Dif; Admirol Point(,! HGA 1001 Coastal Circle Ocoee, FL 34761 NET M HOW Fatal Amoun�� H' q _ ewl too 'A, 1" Wv AW HOM 0 -0" h '0' Pont Nam, t-AKt UyMt City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2013/2014 Application Form and Instructions Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on November 27, 2013 Final Resort to receive grant monies is due August 1, 2014 Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 RECEIVED NOV 2'7 2w Date Received: By: City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE (� Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Project Leader: o') C Address for Project Leader: t ) U U Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) Evening) 7 r"k Email Address: li 111 �� ,;1 1 ` U % (ll; �, U f 1 `; Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the o ulation served: p p l t Y' �y 1 G' l" Y 1 ll1.�A (I ��(.�. oc xI ���t►� � ��sue �� �V��n�ti ��ti Zc'� FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? i If Yes (If No, skip to section on the next page.) �7 When was it formed? "' How many members are in the association? / Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.): .� ,. , 1. � •�._ 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? C� P L klY7 1�C' f i_"L a v a v- --J C✓ V ,001 w- If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? V - When was it organized? ( �� How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood ?_ What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice - President, Committees, etc.) How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? M , 0 f'� n For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods ", please answer the following questions: � � � � U What is the name of your organization. Is your organization a formal "non- profit ", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): I l�l'1C'_CJtn� , 0/. C_ How many people are members or clients of your organization? Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee ?�' S If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? .. 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years. OeCoCCi e Lard 'cq Please describe how your homeowners' association /neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? QVLG� What is the name of the proposed project? L-Dl X�C �7 ,� d C 1 (2 & G What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood /organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,000.) 9 2 U UCP Briefly describe the proposed proiect: eVA Ic t List the project goals: (2) ( 6 List a minimum of four homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. POSITION NAME ADDRESS Volunteer SIGNATURE Hours Pledged Project Leader 4A Historian /71 �11 (Photographer) Quarterly & Final Report L Coordinator Partner/ L- (4 Volunteer Coordinator iv Y C r C 9 to? �1 � ���� � �� �,� L,�,� 1 17/ J L 5 7 How will the neighborhood residents /community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. ����� ��' � ;� If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right -of -Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: _ -I/ P (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right -of -way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 (A V\(l C] F'l; n ` What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. ����� ��' � ;� If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right -of -Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: _ -I/ P (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right -of -way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) of Intent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify that our membership voted and approved this 2013/2014 MVP Awards application on (date), and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. �avyk to Print name of person preparing application , C'1 Print Name of Neighborhood/Or nation President /�x Signature oe erson preparing application Date: ' 1 — 13 Signature of Neigh Organization President Date: Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on November 27, 2013 Deliver in person or mail to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Joy P. Wright at (407) 905 -3100 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY YES NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Has the association listed the Project Team names, their full addresses and phone numbers? (7 minimum) Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? - - -- Have all the association's cash and in -kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? - - -- Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? - -- If the project is a physical improvement, has a description and drawing been provided? __— If the project is a physical improvement, is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? 9 bA O 3 a C/1 n5; H v ai � W C a+ z Wz� � M O O H ■ N O 2 U O O 6 O O N c� O O O O bA N Q Q qJ J zz W Q.y w F Q 0 (11 H Q P- Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given a le i. t l 1166 � — m — to avoid backup withholding. For individuals, this is your social security number (SSN). ). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Part I instructions on page 3. For other entities, it is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a TIN on page 3. Employer identification number Note. If the account is in more than one name, see the chart on page 4 for guidelines on whose r_T__1 number to enter. 1 5 1 9 1- 1 3 10 1 5 1 7 1 3 1 3 1 9 F=11 Certification Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and 2. 1 am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and 3. 1 am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below), and 4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA), and generally, payments other than interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the instructions on page 3. Here Signature of U.S. person ► Date ► withholding tax on foreign partners' share of effectively connected income, and 4. Certify that FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that you are exempt from the FATCA reporting, is correct. Note. If you are a U.S. person and a requester gives you a form other than Form W -9 to request your TIN, you must use the requester's form if it is substantially similar to this Form W -9. Definition of a U.S. person. For federal tax purposes, you are considered a U.S. person if you are: • An individual who is a U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien, • A partnership, corporation, company, or association created or organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States, • An estate (other than a foreign estate), or • A domestic trust (as defined in Regulations section 301.7701 -7). Special rules for partnerships. Partnerships that conduct a trade or business in the United States are generally required to pay a withholding tax under section 1446 on any foreign partners' share of effectively connected taxable income from such business. Further, in certain cases where a Form W -9 has not been received, the rules under section 1446 require a partnership to presume that a partner is a foreign person, and pay the section 1446 withholding tax. Therefore, if you are a U.S. person that is a partner in a partnership conducting a trade or business in the United States, provide Form W -9 to the partnership to establish your U.S. status and avoid section 1446 withholding on your share of partnership income. General Instructions Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. Future developments. The IRS has created a page on IRS.gov for information about Form W -9, at www.irs.90v /w9. Information about any future developments affecting Form W -9 (such as legislation enacted after we release it) will be posted on that page. Purpose of Form A person who is required to file an information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer identification number (TIN) to report, for example, income paid to you, payments made to you in settlement of payment card and third party network transactions, real estate transactions, mortgage interest you paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, or contributions you made to an IRA. Use Form W -9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN to the person requesting it (the requester) and, when applicable, to: 1. Certify that the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are waiting for a number to be issued), 2. Certify that you are not subject to backup withholding, or 3. Claim exemption from backup withholding if you are a U.S. exempt payee. If applicable, you are also certifying that as a U.S. person, your allocable share of _...........,,..��,�., f,,- a I I S trarie or business is not subject to the Cat. No. 10231X W -9 Request for Taxpayer Give Form to the Form requester. Do not (Rev. August 2013) Identification Number and Certification send to the IRS. Department of the Treasury Intemal Revenue Service Name (as shown on your income tax return) Lake Olympia Club Homeowners Association, INC. N Business name /disregarded entity name, if different from above N 0 CU Exemptions (see instructions): cl- 0 Check appropriate box for federal tax classification: ❑ ❑ C Corporation ❑ S Corporation ❑ Partnership Trustlestate m Individualfsole proprietor Exempt payee code (if any) CL 0 r p) E] Limited liability company. Enter the tax classification (C =C corporation, S =S corporation, P= partnershi ► Exemption from FATCA reporting p code (if any) a Q Other (see instructions) 11- Florida Non - Profit Corporation v Address (number, street, and apt. or suite no.) Requester's name and address (optional) N 108 Olympus Dr. City, state, and ZIP code Ocoee, FL 34761 List account number(s) here (optional) 1111 -0 0 .5111 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) C.v'nl -urifv number Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given a le i. t l 1166 � — m — to avoid backup withholding. For individuals, this is your social security number (SSN). ). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Part I instructions on page 3. For other entities, it is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a TIN on page 3. Employer identification number Note. If the account is in more than one name, see the chart on page 4 for guidelines on whose r_T__1 number to enter. 1 5 1 9 1- 1 3 10 1 5 1 7 1 3 1 3 1 9 F=11 Certification Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and 2. 1 am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and 3. 1 am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below), and 4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA), and generally, payments other than interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the instructions on page 3. Here Signature of U.S. person ► Date ► withholding tax on foreign partners' share of effectively connected income, and 4. Certify that FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that you are exempt from the FATCA reporting, is correct. Note. If you are a U.S. person and a requester gives you a form other than Form W -9 to request your TIN, you must use the requester's form if it is substantially similar to this Form W -9. Definition of a U.S. person. For federal tax purposes, you are considered a U.S. person if you are: • An individual who is a U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien, • A partnership, corporation, company, or association created or organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States, • An estate (other than a foreign estate), or • A domestic trust (as defined in Regulations section 301.7701 -7). Special rules for partnerships. Partnerships that conduct a trade or business in the United States are generally required to pay a withholding tax under section 1446 on any foreign partners' share of effectively connected taxable income from such business. Further, in certain cases where a Form W -9 has not been received, the rules under section 1446 require a partnership to presume that a partner is a foreign person, and pay the section 1446 withholding tax. Therefore, if you are a U.S. person that is a partner in a partnership conducting a trade or business in the United States, provide Form W -9 to the partnership to establish your U.S. status and avoid section 1446 withholding on your share of partnership income. General Instructions Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. Future developments. The IRS has created a page on IRS.gov for information about Form W -9, at www.irs.90v /w9. Information about any future developments affecting Form W -9 (such as legislation enacted after we release it) will be posted on that page. Purpose of Form A person who is required to file an information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer identification number (TIN) to report, for example, income paid to you, payments made to you in settlement of payment card and third party network transactions, real estate transactions, mortgage interest you paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, or contributions you made to an IRA. Use Form W -9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN to the person requesting it (the requester) and, when applicable, to: 1. Certify that the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are waiting for a number to be issued), 2. Certify that you are not subject to backup withholding, or 3. Claim exemption from backup withholding if you are a U.S. exempt payee. If applicable, you are also certifying that as a U.S. person, your allocable share of _...........,,..��,�., f,,- a I I S trarie or business is not subject to the Cat. No. 10231X LAKE OLYMPIA CLUB HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S MEETING 102 Olympus Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 Thursday, November 21, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDER II. SECRETARY'S REPORT Approval of Minutes for Board of Directors Meeting September 26, 2013 II1. TREASURER'S REPORT Financial Reports through October 31, 2013 IV. COMMITTEE REPORTS Architectural Review V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VI. NEW BUSINESS Entrance Light - Repair Holiday Decorations Landscaping Next Meeting Date — Annual Membership Meeting — January 2014 Any other business that may come before the Board VII. ADJOURNMENT OPEN FLOOR — MEMBERS' CONCERNS LAKE OLYMPIA CLUB HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIOIN, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING The Vaughn Residence, 102 Olympus Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 Thursday, September 26, 2013 at 7 :00 P.M. MINUTES Directors Present Members Pr esent Galliot "Joe" Joseph, President Four Members including: Pamela Vaughn, Vice President John Finger Pam Ryan, Secretary Gerdine Joseph Tony Jagmohan, Treasurer Representing Central Property Management: Miriam Russell, LCAM. Meeting Notice was mailed to membership as required by law. CALL TO ORDER Galliot "Joe" Joseph, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. SECRETARY'S REP ORT: Pam Vaughn made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 21, 2013 meeting as written. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT Tony Jagmohan, Treasurer, reported the balances through August 31, 2013 in the operating account were $25,732.00 and $6,698.00 in the contingency reserve account. BUDGET A budget worksheet with the itemized 2013 budget, actual expenditures year -to -date through August, projected year -end total expenditures and 2014 proposed budgets with a 5% increase and with a 10% increase, the maximum allowed by the documents without a membership vote, was e- mailed to all Directors in the board packet by the Manager for reference. Projected year -end total is shown as 22,814.00. Joe drafted and e-mailed a single - column 2014 budget with a 10% increase to include landscape maintenance at $10,800.00 and management at $5,184.00 to cover additional costs for new companies to provide these services. He advised that he had received proposals from other landscape services and would terminate Carol King Landscape. Also, he has researched other management companies and will align the services of Sutherland Management of Apopka. He stated that they do not send violation letters, but use an internet or similar method for covenant enforcement. These proposals were not presented for Board approval at this meeting. Copies were not given to the Manager for the Association's records. Joe's budget draft did not include funds for legal fees. The Manager advised that she had allocated funds in the worksheet for this line item to cover the cost of education for Directors to comply with the amendment to Florida Statute 720 requiring that all directors must certify that they have read and will uphold the covenants, conditions and restrictions and other sections of the association documents. Each director is required to sign a certificate within ninety (90) days after being elected or appointed or complete a course within the year prior to being elected or appointed. The Manager advised that an Attorney, who handles legal matters for other associations, will meet with the board and explicate the association's documents and provide a certificate for each attendee for a $200.00 fee. Therefore, $400.00 was shown in the budget worksheet for the certification of directors elected in January to serve in 2014 and any additional charges for reviewing the documents and /or other legal matters. Amending the Declaration (CC &R's) to eliminate reference to the developer was suggested. There are other changes that may need to be made to the documents and the "developer" could be deleted at the same time. Pam Vaughn made a motion to approve the 2014 budget Joe presented with a 10% increase or a total of $31,680.00 for a per lot annual assessment of $440.00. Pam Ryan seconded the motion which passed unanimously. COVENANT ENFORCEMENT Pam Vaughn advised that she had discussed an alternative to the owner at 115 Olympus to the PVC fence section in her driveway; however, this has not been followed. The Duke Energy truck with dual rear wheels continues to be parked overnight in the driveway at 130 Olympus. Also, there are vehicles parked on the grass and easement areas at various times of the day and night. The owner has been cited for these violations and Code Enforcement has been called. The violations continue without resolution, UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. N BUSINESS Joe sent an informal letter to the Manager over his signature as President of LOC Homeowners Association to advise that the Central Property Management contract would not be renewed. He offered an option to terminate the contract now (certified mailing was received on September 24, 2013 in the CPM office) with a buyout in the amount of one month payment of $350.00. The Manager's signature was requested for agreement to the terms and conditions. The letter was misdirected to the manager rather than the President of Central Property Management. Joe requested and received a copy of the contract in January 2014. He advised at this meeting that the copy sent to him was not signed. He did not request a fully- executed contract which is not available to the manager. The unsigned, not fully executed copy contains the same terms and conditions and inception and expiration dates as that which is fully- executed. The agreement expires January 31, 2014 and the Manager advised that the letter should be sent the Marilyn Campbell, President, at the office address at the bottom of all e -mail communications from the Manager. The "buyout" amount through the end of the contract is $1,102.50. The Manager advised that amount would be acceptable for CPM services to be terminated at the end of September. We need to be informed in writing who is authorized to pick up all Association records now in our office. After discussion of the issue Pam Vaughn made a motion not to renew the Central Property Management agreement at the termination date of January 31, 2014. The motion was seconded by Pam Ryan and passed unanimously. Joe will send an updated letter to the proper authority with this advice. Meetings held at the City of Ocoee City Hall recently: 1. Update on the status of Lake Olympia It was reported that the City is replenishing the lake with water from Starke Lake. The control gate has been opened and clear water has been flowing into Lake Olympia, raising the level approximately three feet (3') to date. This has been accomplished with a single pipe between the lakes at the control gate. The plan is to add two pipes on either side of the existing pipe in the future to accelerate the process and prevent flooding around Starke Lake. 2. Possible development of the vacant property adjacent to the Winn -Dixie shop ip na ce nter on the south si de of Silver Star at Olympus Drive. There are no immediate plans for this six -acre plot zoned for commercial development. The meeting was an opportunity for the surrounding communities to have input regarding what type of business would be acceptable to them as neighboring residential communities. The repair of Olympus Drive and uneven sidewalk sections that need to be replaced or ground down have been scheduled by the City for 2015. The entry sign is in poor condition and needs to be replaced. John Finger, former Board President, suggested that 50% of the cost could be offset via the City of Ocoee MVP program. Pam Ryan volunteered to write the MVP grant to submit to the City. Pam Vaughn made a motion to approve applying for a grant with Pam Ryan completing the paperwork. Pam Ryan seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Joe allowed $1,500.00 for sign repair in his 2014 budget. Pam Vaughn suggested that there should be a work day to spread mulch where needed in the common. area. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 PM, Miriam Russell, LCAM Central Property Management Quote # 1513 11/25/2013 Prepared for: Lake Olympia Club HOA Attn: Pam Ryan -MVP Grant Coordinator 1508 Adriatic Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Phone: (407) 290 -8850 Prepared by: Skywatch Signs LLC Salesperson: Bob Stephens 5016 Airport Road Zephyrhills, FL 33542 Phone: 813- 780 -8078 Fax: 813- 788 -3027 Description: Fabricate (1) new 4'h. X 10'w. X 12 "d. double face dimensional sign as per original design. Sign will be CNC machined from two solid 3/4" frontier board faces with an aluminum enclosure. Logo and lettering will be raised prismatic in dimension along with the border. The old sign will be removed and disposed of and the new one installed on site. The new sign will be finished using a single stage automotive quality urethane paint system to be matched to clients color specifications. Sign will carry a 5 year warrantee against any material defects or workmanship from date of install. Damages incurred by grounds maintenance or vandalism are not covered. Should a permit be required that would be additional and based on your local ordinance. We use a state licensed third party contractor for permitting and install. Quantity: Description Each Amount lax $4,320.00 $ 302.40 Delivery: Production time for the following item(s) will be 3-4 weeks from approval, or sooner if possible. Terms: By my signature below, I authorize work to begin and agree to pay above amount in full according to the terms on this agreement. SIGNED DATE " AMT. PAID TODAY: 900 Central Park Dr., Sanford, FL 32771 • Phone 407- 830 -8861 • Fax 407 - 830 -5569 Submitted to LAKE OLYMPIA CLUB HOA Project Detail - Page 1 SIGNAGE PANELS ON MONUMENT SIGN ENTRY Items DESCRIPTION LABOR / INSTALLATION, TRIP - ORLANDO, LOCAL - SEMINOLE & ORANGE COUNTIES INSTALLATION OF NEW PANELS INTO FRAMES ON EACH SIDE. 1- 13- 142362 11/19/2013 GARY HOENIG DEPOSIT REQUIRED PRICE EACH QTY TOTAL $410.00 1 $410.00 $200.00 2 $400.00 SIGNAGE / DISPLAY, ORACAL 3640M VINYL. DIBOND, 3MM, GLOSS LAM, 1.0 SIDED, CUSTOM 1 SQ 2 ALUMINUM DIBOND PANEL WITH FULL COLOR GRAPHICS AND DESIGN FOR THE FLOWER ELEMENT PANELS TO FIT INTO THE REVEAL FRAMES CURRENTLY ON THE SIGN NOW. SIGNAGE / DISPLAY, ORACAL 3640M VINYL, DIBOND, 3MM, GLOSS LAM, 1.0 SIDED, CUSTOM 28 3 117'W X 36 "H ALUMINUM DIBOND PANEL WITH FULL COLOR GRAPHICS AND DESIGN. PANELS TO FIT INTO THE REVEAL FRAMES CURRENTLY ON THE SIGN NOW. $350.00 2 Total Due ( plus applicable taxes ) $700.00 $1,510.00 Approval like manner according to standard practice. All agreements are contingent upon delays and material cost increases beyond our TERMS & CONDITIONS AN work wig be completed in a workman - Pricing in this propo al r reed b c�tedR tow sd coal days and is red befo work is commence. - pependmg upon tthh�e g - If a d_ eposit is to be paid by credit card. you authorize OnSight, Inc. to charge 50% of the total project cost upfront and the balance of the project immediately upon com on. - Any labor and install ppnndog is approximate and subject to change based upon actual time into med - Excessive delays in instagation by the diem may result in the diem being invoiced for completed pmdud. Product will be stored until the client is ready and invoiced for the labor and in ry sh stallation upon completion. - Delive charges - ippngg and handling charges - and/or applipde sales tax are rrot included in this estimate Unless otherwnse noted, Brent assumes aA responsrbdrry for permitting antl utility locator services as necessary. _. ustomer is responsible for vari from customer supplied architectural drawn s & hardscapes. - i are due p pon receipt Any unpaid fmoirBS sre subject to a ees gre r � t equal to 1. % of the balance due per month (18% per year) , collection fees and/or court costs. ONSIGHT. INC. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE The above prices, specifications and conditions are hereby accepted - Onsight Inc. is authorized to proceed with the project as stated. Payment will be made as outlined above. _— ..._.. _ __. 'l e . V a 4wa r C jY. f l IL J /�1y��I��� \V• A 1 V / 1 f F1 ��.�..._ e 60C ids hA ; UP ALL oL+ d Y S 1 I ow so am �a ke Olympia ub n DS +-k � City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2013/2014 Application Form and Instructions Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on November 27, 2013 Final Report to receive grant monies is due August 1, 2014 Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 RECEIVED NOV. 2 7 2013 Date Received: By: City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Lsc H + L-L PR ASE ASS PJ - Project Leader: Cl ) N ARa f GTP-k m ES Address for Project Leader: q 1Z3 C- Ca . (`* " Jg .A NDD I 1�, 3 Z3 j S Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 12 5Evening) ( c ff� 3 1 2 q3q Email Address: b►r%'t-Gh%'Lv-9c 0 4Ao - t(Y1a%'L - Corn - Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: At enixam-e _ rn dose_ l l Ql�a�e 3 �n-�er sechbvt t� (,� �►� � �cl � FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? le's If Yes (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? I q 2M How many members are in the association? r� Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? 1 as What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.): Pry i apf,t V,' ce_ V{e.s;clent , Serretc)Lau re1�8:nre�/, A . .49 -ate i sGMkt:" s 0-1 In If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice - President, Committees, etc.) How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods ", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non- profit ", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members or clients of your organization? Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 5 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? O AN DA - b - D UBS 100 e 10 What is the name of the proposed project? GeCLkR►TV l_.rC oV► Z.A P ZZ- CT What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood /organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,000.) Briefly describe the proposed project: PL.I iP — r N ASS A -Ab i I S L L — � +cri�C —ALA A — r A �hli'1 S N0 At iM�s�iTatC��C - � ��F CAF(- �('�.A F-W - GAGE List the project goals: (1) (2) U r a 0 re `�\ • 2 List a minimum of four homeowners' association/neighborhood group /community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature ture per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. POSITION NAME ADDRESS Volunteer SIGNATURE Hours Pledged Project Leaders- IA��^I Ght ,MEs o, -L-AiSDD, fi- 3Zgi 2 CGRS Historian A.(..c&C 112 � ' 3 (Photographer) St Q'RU4,� l Quarterly & Final Report ! 'Z ot� 30 Coordinator ��� ( L G� � 1 Partner / 'rte N y Volunteer Coordinator Z6\JAy LA IND� T '30 6 7U 14 A281 Clamg, .1G e.QSe �. 2 !g 3v � :9fivuv 15 7 How will the neighborhood residents /community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. MbAhv What is the locaiion of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. t 1..t_ Et-�CeAt -SCE AT W A1142: C&e- If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right -of -Way: Private Property: —NO _ _ J es Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: i' (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right - of -way or the owner of the private property or common area.) Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) of Intent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify t at our membership voted and approved this 2013/2014 MVP Awards application on i (date), and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. Print name of person preparing application Signature of person preparing application Date: I asI 1 _�5 Print Name of Neighborhood/Organization President J Signature of Neighborhood/Organization President Date: 1AC15113 - Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on November 27, 2013 Deliver in person or mail to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Joy P. Wright at (407) 905 -3100 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY YES NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Has the association listed the Project Team names, their full addresses and phone numbers? (7 minimum) Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? Have all the association's cash and in -kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? If the project is a physical improvement, has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement, is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? _ 9 Rose Hill Phase 3 Meeting Minutes September 14, 2013 Present: Tony Adams, Sharon Grimes, Crystal Garner, Dave Blastic Next meeting: December 14, 2013 — Location TBD I. Announcements Community Garage Sale set for Friday & Saturday, September 20 & 21, 2013. Halloween Costume Contest is scheduled for October 31 at the Big Tree. Ballots for Annual Election were distributed to all residents. Website is up and running, receiving resident emails. II. Discussion Ocoee Zip Code — waiting for decision from US Postmaster since they are rezoning mail districts. No further action at this time. Security Camera Project — President, Tony Adams brought City of Ocoee MVP grant to attention of board. Operating budget has some funds set aside for Security Camera Project. Sharon Grimes volunteered to head up the project, form a committee and apply for grant. Sharon Grimes motioned to apply for the grant and get the project off the ground. Second by: Crystal Garner. All board members voted in the affirmative. Amend bylaws & deed restrictions — need a due date to begin this project. We must form a committee and contact residents All board members agreed to table this project until a date to be determined in 2014. Meeting adjourned. bA 0 d � d L a � v �" cK rx w ° z� x� a� wz ci O O OU E" al cl ,— N O . cl bA N O z U � a z w o� j � � � S � ,p c� •� 01.0 Con q Q zz_ - �c ob a C-0 W H d z z � � �_ cn ro_ ZZ U . _9 Con eJ — RC p z :�_ } MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2013/2014 Proposed MVP Awards Project Budget Neighborhood/Organization: kosF, 4 PH ASr , � TI.DW4f ow ifjaes kssoc - Project Name: %�GU2aT`� 1� PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: $ Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: C Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): TOTAL CASH REVENUES: $ q PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $1,000 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) c, inn 4- c , n $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: $ Q- ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In -Kind Contributions: Estimated Value Volunteer Labor 1 Hours x $10/hr $_ 13 � t, i menttncazron numoer ana �ertmcaxion send to the IRS. nterai Revenue S4�'iCe { Name (as shown on your income tax return) B t1 5 / � [) $5� + nameidisregarded entity name, 4 different ( from above G 1 �V�G , a\V�— �'\U\ 1 ♦i , �'�L� �S J�.t (!\ 11 U1y Q. Check appropriate box for federal tax W classification (requved): ❑ Indm uaYSOle proprietor ❑ C Corporation ❑ s corporation ❑ Partnershp ❑ Tntsvestale m c CL o S=S P= ► El E � Darree ❑ mited riabarty company. Enter the tax classification (C--C corporation, corporation, partnership) Li C C d — ❑ Outer (see instructions) ► C U Address (rxxnber, street, and apt- or suite no.) Requester s name and address (optional) O CL N City, state. and ZIP code List accourit number(s) here (optional) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on the "Name" line SodM secttrRY member to avoid back wit For individuals, this is you social s minis (SSN)- However, fora � _M _ alien, sole proprietr, w disregarded entity, see the Part t I insinstnxtiorts on page 3. For other l ; alien, 1pro rie o F �_ i ( �( . entities it is your emolover identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to pet a TIN on page 3_ Note. If the account is in more than one name, see the chart on page 4 for guidelines on whose Employer ldendricaflon number number to enter. ( -Ta7 �r Certification Under penalties of perjury, 1 certify that 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and 2. 1 am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a resutt of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and 3. 1 am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below). Certification insti uctiorm You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return_ For rear estate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA), and generally, payments other than interest and diyi� ends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the instructions on page 4. -�/ He r n e ! LL fi JI /// I YI�R/i /Lf \ — Date b- l / /��L�1 �7Z General Instructions Section references are to the internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. Purpose of Form A person who is required to file an information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer Identification number (TIN) to report, for example, income paid to you, real estate transactions, mortgage interest you paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, or contributions you made to an IAA Use Form W-9 only it you are a U.S. person (including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN to the person requesting it (the requester) and, when applicable, to: 1. Certify that the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are waiting for a number to be issuer), 2. Cextrty that you are not subject to backup withholding, or 3. Claim exemption from backup withholding if you are a U.S. exempt payee. If applicable, you are also certifying that as a U -S. person. your allocable share of any partnership income from a U.S. trade or business is not subject to the withholding tax on foreign partners' share of effectively connected income. Note. If a requester gives you a form other than Form W -9 to request your TIN, you must use the requester's form it it is substarnialy similar to this Form W -9. -- - - — -- Defaftanof a U.S. person, For federal tax purposes, you are considered a U.S. persm if you are: • An individual who is a U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien, • A partnership, corporation, company, or association created or organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States, • An estate (other than a foreign estate), or • A domestic trust (as defined in Regulations section 301.7701 -7). Special rules for partnerships. Partnerships that conduct a trade or business in the United States are generally required to pay a withholding tax on any foreign partners' share of income from such business. Further, in certain cases where a Form W -9 has not been received. a partnership is required to presume that a partner is a foreign person, and pay the withholding tax. Therefore, if you are a U.S. person that is a partner in a partnership conducting a trade or business in the United States, provide Form W -9 to the partnership to establish your U.S_ status and avoid withholding on your share of partnership income. Cat. No. 10231X Fort W-9 (Rev. 1 -201 , %MW Sunshine State Security Inc. 8815 Conroy Windermere Rd Suite 207 Orlando ,fl 32835 Office407- 226 -8844 Cell 321 - 377 -0150 Office 407- 226 -8844 Cell 321 - 377 -0150 Fax 407 - 876 -9893 Frank@sunshinestatesecurity.com www.sunshinestatesecurity.com 2813 November 19, 2013 Tracking No Ship Date Ship Via FOB November 19, 2013 Code Description Quantity Rate Amount SD CARDS 16 GIGS Sd cards 64 gigs scan disk. Recording time is four weeks on motion. 4 $85.00 $340.00 AXIS P1354 BOX Outdoor box camera IP 1/3 progressive scan CMOS.with sd card slot. 4 $1,150.00 $4,600.00 CAMERA Day night ,include outdoor housing. 3 to 8 mm lens.cameras will be mounted on wall LENS VARFOCAL 12 to 50 mm lens varfocal low light 2 $187.00 $374.00 AXIS 8 PORT POE Power over Ethernet to supply camera power over the cat5 cable. Up 1 $675.00 $675.00 5012 -004 to 4 cameras. POLE FOR PLATE Pole for plate reader mount 1 $175.00 $175.00 READER . CAT5E Burial cat5 a wire 1 $285.00 $285.00 PLASTIC OUTDOOR Out door camera Poe storage box for modem and switch. 1 $375.00 $375.00 WEATHER PROOF BOXES WAP ACCESS Access point for ip cameras for wireless cameras to send signal to 1 $189.00 $189.00 router. LABOR CHARGE Labor charge for three guys $145 an hour 8 $145.00 $1,160.00' CEMENT SLAB 2x2 Cement slab to place pole on the top with lock and metal bar 1 $235.00 $235.00 Indicates non - taxable item The cameras that are quoted are the ip 720 lines high def cameras. They are true day night technology. The are recording to a sd card and can be remotely Subtotal $8,408.00 reviewed at anytime without a monthly fee. The only monthly fee is going to be TAX (6.50 %) $471.15 bright house for internet. Power will also need to be provided and may already be present on property . Camera warranty is three years on parts. Shipping $0.00 Total $8,879.15 For: Rose hill Phase 3 Ship To: Front Entrance Area 10/4/2013 Store: 1 Surveillance Plus LLC Quote/ Sales 67 South Dillard Street W inter Garden, FL 34787 www.SurveillancePlus.com 407 - 877 -3500 E LLA Order #30760 Ordered: 10/4/2013 Associate: BT Page 1 Bill To: RoseHill Phase III Sharon Grimes 9111 Pristine Circle Orlando, FL 32818 407 - 292 -1534 INSTRUCTIONS: Customer to suppy constant electric power 120VAC 5A within 100ft of unit. Underground cable installation will be an additional charge. Includes 4- cameras and specs as per the W ebW arrior Site - Sentinel brochure. Monthly Boardband and system status monitoring and maintenance is $99 per month. Order Status: Quote Order Item # Item Name Item Description MSRP Price Ext Price 1 1242 SYS- SITE4LPR Site Sentinel 4 with 4- channel recording, 2 hires nightvision $10,500.00 $6,995.00 $6,995.00 Site - Sentinel w/4 cameras 2 Sony Effio 700TVL Ultra -Night Vision 9 -22mm vari -focal and 1 700TVL Armored Domes 2.8 -10mm varifocal, one LPR LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION CAMERA, D1 Broadcast quality video, 500gb storage (2 months average recording) battery back -up, multi - power, wi -fi access to 100ft. (also requires monthly boardband maintenance $99) less: ($300.00) 10 6 SER -FIELD Field Service Hours $125.00 $120.00 $1 Total Qty Ordered: 11 0 11 Percent Unfilled: 100 Subtotal: $8,195.00 Local Sales Tax 6.5 % Tax: + $454.68 TOTAL: $8,649.68 Deposit Balance: $0.00 Balance Due: $8,649.68 Thank you for the opportunity to quote your Surveillance needs. All quotes are good for 30 days. System quotes with installation are subject to a 10% variance allowance for unforseen obstacles and include up to 1 -hour of networking service of customers equipment. 50% deposit required with order. TheSecurityCamxom Internet Surveillance Cameras and Internet Services Proposal / Contract Form Date: 10/25/13 To: Rose Hill Location: Cameras Contact: Jeff Abbott We are pleased to offer the following proposal for security cameras. These internet cameras may be viewed from any location that has internet access. The system will also record and store video.Please visit www.TheSecuri am.com for live demos. System Features 1. New security features. 2. Records even if internet is down. 3. Double the video quality.DI quality.with newest H264 compression. 4. Remote viewing of 1 month of camera video {2TB hard drive} 5. Easy one click to download video to your computer. 6. No delay when viewing or playing back video. 7. Works with smart phones. (6� Entrance System 4 fixed focus, low light cameras with night vision .003 lux enclosed in vandal resistant steel housings. Cameras will be located on 2 12' poles Located in center island 2 Entry Tag capture, 2 Exit Tag capture 1 IP base station with camera monitoring software and hard drive located in our water tight box. Warranty 1 year on all equipment. warrant does NOT include Damage from Lightning, Vandalism, Theft. 1 signs "NOTICE VIDEO RECORDING" Total $ 4,600.00 Back Street System 7 fixed focus, low light cameras with night vision .003 lux enclosed in vandal resistant steel housings. Cameras will be located on 12' pole located where city/HOA permits. 2- tag and 1 overall view.. 1 IP base station with camera monitoring software and hard drive located in our water tight box. Warranty 1 year on all equipment. warrant does NOT include Damage from Lightning, Vandalism, Theft. 1 signs "NOTICE VIDEO RECORDING" Total $ 3,900.00 c, Terms: 50% deposit due with order. Work will begin within 7 days of receipt of Deposit. Balance of contract amount is due on completion of installation. Make check payable to Andrew Sang DBA TheSecurityCam.com. Use the enclosed Deposit Invoice for payment processing {just fill in the date} Support & maintenance {not included in above amount }$359.40 per year. This billing we be after the 12 months of service has been completed {not in advance }. This includes on -site and remote checking of all cameras and equipment, all labor for repairs, web hosting for remote access to cameras and a static IP address. {initial to accept} Owner is to provide: Broadband internet service at our recording boxs 11 Ov Power to our box at our recording boxs Not in Contract additional Items. Reviewing of customers video $25.00/hr. Disclaimer TheSecurityCam.com is in no way responsible for video capture on customer's equipment. Customer agrees that no action may be brought against TheSecurityCam.com for failure to capture any video event. Insurance TheSecurityCam.com maintains a $4,000,000.00 liability insurance policy. Certificates by request. Andy Sang O W TheSecurityCam corn 5327 Hansel Ave. Unit E22 Orlando, FL 32809 407.383.7305 email: Andy(&—TheSecurityCam.com Accepted By Customer Date: / / W 1 77 W 4 71 I bigi6m� F-Z � F Z� VY • � 'c,�� 3' Y` •- �� • . n � f • 'p � »�,�• 'c,�� � r=� ;� . �� �y � t`. ._ _ ++ } �` -, i� . °�,.• .y • mar �. , �� ;% ` �. �` s' f. �_...,. ,'.' ,� 4 t ' [ �3 t, Z C�,6 City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2013/2014 Application Form and Instructions Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on November 27, 2013 Final Report to receive grant monies is due August 1, 2014 Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 RECEIVED NOV, 2 0 ab Date Received: By: 1, 1 Rotary Club of Ocoee P.O. Box 931 Ocoee, FL 34 o, w vvw. OcoeeRolai y. or, November 20" , 2013 Present: Charlie, Eric, Eva, Fred, Miriam, Pam, Paul, Steve and Vania Absent: Sharon, Danielle and Greg Guest: Terry Ivey Speaker: Ruth Bowling Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation Happy $$'s 1. The minutes from 11/13/2013 were approved. 2. Paul asked the club to approve the MVP Grant application. The club is requesting $1,500.00 through the grant to go towards the 3 scholarships we provide. It was approved. 3. Our holiday party will be on December 11 at 7:OOpm 4. The Rotary Clubs of Dr. Phillips Noon, West Orlando and Winter Garden have agreed to partner with our club so we can send a Shelter Box to the typhoon ravaged Philippines. 5. Our last dictionary distribution is this Friday the 22 at Westbrooke Elementary School. Please be there by 8:45am. 6. Vania attended a class on how to set up a 501 -C 3. 7. Paul is working with the Ocoee High School Interact Club. 8. Charlie said the club made about $1,600.00 in wine sales at Founder's Day. 9. The club banner which was on the tent during Founder's Day is missing. Charlie will ask the Parks and Recreation Department if they have it. 10. We will have no meeting next Wednesday as it is the day before Thanksgiving and many will be travelling. 4 -Way Test and meeting adjourned. ,7 Pam Boz It rt, President President City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: The Rotary Club of Ocoee Project Leader: Paul Roy Address for Project Leader: 2743 Old Winter Garden Rd., Ocoee, FL 34761 Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407- 654 -3744 (Evening) 401 - 323 -1262 Email Address: pjroy@minutemanpress.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: The specific population served will be 3 seniors at Ocoee High School. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? How many members are in the association? Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees,etc.): How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? How many members are in the group? When was it organized? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice - President, Committees, etc.) How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods ", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? The Rotary Club of Ocoee Is your organization a formal "non- profit ", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 32,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. The Rotary Club of Ocoee is a civic group that is part of Rotary International. How many people are members or clients of your organization? The Rotary Club of Ocoee currently has 12 active members. Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? No. If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 11 of the active members either work, live in, or own and run a business in Ocoee. (919/0) All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years. The Rotary Club of Ocoee is an extremely active service organization. During the past three years the club has participated in the following activities: Relay for Life, Founder's Day and the Spring Fling. The club also raised money for, purchased then donated dictionaries to every 3 rd grade student enrolled in an Ocoee elementary school -(3590 dictionaries in the past 5 years. This will be our 7th consecutive year of providing scholarships to Ocoee High School Seniors. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? The Rotary Club of Ocoee is funded through member dues and contributions and through 3 fundraisers held through out the year. What is the name of the proposed project? "College Scholarships for Three Ocoee High School Seniors" What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood /organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) We are asking for $1500.00 to match the $1500.00 the Rotary Club of Ocoee is donating. Briefly describe the proposed project: As we did in the previous six years we will work with the OHS Guidance and Counseling Department and have seniors fill out application for the Scholarships. A REVIEW COMMITTEE comprised of Ocoee Rotarians will review the applications and select 10 applicants to be interviewed. Then the INTERVIEW COMMITTEE will personally interview the 10 applicants. Based on the interviews 3 scholarships of $1000.00 each will be rewarded. To receive the scholarship each recipient must provide written documentation from a higher education institution that they have enrolled and will be going to said institution. List the project goals: (1) To provide 3 - $1000.00 scholarships to 3 OHS seniors. (2) To provide an impetus for OHS seniors to continue their education after graduation. (3) To promote an on going collaboration with OHS. List a minimum of four homeowners' association /neighborhood group /community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. Volunteer POSITION NAME ADDRESS Hours SIGNATURE E -mail address Pledged Project Leader/ Paul Roy 2743 Old Winter Garden 40 pjroy @mintemanpress.com Secretary Rd., Ocoee, FL 34761 Historian Miriam 402 Orlando Ave, #13 -C 20 miriambaderian @gmail.com (Photographer) Baderian Ocoee, FI 34761 Quarterly & Pam pam @gosselinrealty.com Final Report Bozkurt 118 W. McKey St., 30 Coordinator Ocoee, FL 3761 ti Part ner/ Vania 2716 Rew Circle, Suite 30 \ I QQ vania @coatax.com Volunteer Colina 101, Ocoee, FL 34761 V Coordinator How will the neighborhood residents /community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. The Rotary Club members will be working closely with the administration and Counseling and Guidance Departments at OHS. All applications will be reviewed with OHS and each applicant must have letters of recommendations from various teachers at the school. There will be two ceremonies: One at OHS Annual Rewards Ceremony and the other at a club meeting where the family and friends of each recipient will be invited. After the scholarships are awarded each recipient will be asked to attend one of the club's meetings and inform the club on how the plan to utilize the scholarship.. What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. The project will take place at Ocoee High School. If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right -of -Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right -of -way or the owner of the private property or common area.) Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) of Intent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify that our membership voted and approved this 2012/2013 MVP Awards application on November 20 2013 and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. Paul Roy Print name of person prep rang application Signature of rson preparing application Pam Bozkurt Print Name of Neighborhood /Organization Pr '�ident t S gnatu of Neih rhood /Organization Preside At Date: // - - - - 26 i -3 Date: ( t / _vD / )-- u ) `I, If your neighborhood does not have a formal association, please attach a petition with names, addresses, and signatures of at least two- thirds of the people who live in or own property in your neighborhood stating they are in favor of the project. The petition should be accompanied by a list of all addresses within your neighborhood. Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, November 27, 2013. Deliver in person or mail to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Joy P. Wright at (407) 905 -3100 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY YES NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Has the association listed the Project Team names, their full addresses and phone numbers? (7 minimum) Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? Have all the association's cash and in -kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? If the project is a physical improvement, has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement, is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? R E C E I V E D NOV 2' 2013 ( 4 " */1,.,.-. 0 d � � d � C7 . � � E x � 0,0 o Z � � H � O d � Wz a as d04 0 ao >o O U E� c r v� ti O ti .S y y o c ` N � O S � C C � � O C3 ti bA O � 0 z o U 4-1 �o 'y a z Q � Q W cn N W - 0 o_ o v� L Ui 4- O U O O L (U L O O O S (D a C C O m O (6 O Y O O .� > > > > > O z �; U O wS- 0 O 0 ° >( �� 0 0 W 3 3 c � _0 cB � � z o 0 0C cn m a) U U O co ca cu E � o o c� W d Q O C) O N O N O O w (6 -C N N O :3 r L L C y _ L Q Q J co M co r' MM N O O N N C fiZ m Q Q (B O Q to Q N c a) Q 3 L- (n T- L 0 0 +� _0 N 2 O ca i L cy N U Q O C C _ C �O C m O (n co � L L) 3 tz Q — q O .— N m U) O cu 3 (D N N O Z 2 � N O C .�? D O 3-C ~ m 0 :3 _ N Q O CL U i � Q CL Q N O U O U CO O ca m 2013/2014 Application Form and Instructions Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on November 27, 2013 Final Resort to receive grant monies is due August 1, 2014 Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 RECEIVED NOV-2 7 2013 Date Received: By: City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Project Leader Address for Project Leader: Sleepy Harbour Home Owner Association Jim Wortham 104 Miller Court Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407 - 656 -7303 (Evening) Email Address: limpatwortham @cfl.rr.com • Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: Sleepy Harbour Community Lot. 717 E. Lakeshore Dr at Orlando Ave FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Yes Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? If Yes (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? 1974 How many members are in the association? 144 Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.): President, V.P., Treasurer, Secretary, Trustees 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? Annual Meeting in October with all Homeowners invited. Homeowners vote for Trustees on Board of Directors These Trustees meet to select the Officers of the Board If No: i Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice - President, Committees, etc.) How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods ", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non- profit ", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members or clients of your organization? Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years. Community Yard Sales, Community Easter Egg Hunt and Bunny Community Christmas with Santa Claus Crafts and Caroling Please describe how your homeowners' association /neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? Homeowner Dues $65. Approx 110 homes pay of 144 homes total What is the name of the proposed project? Landscaping, Entrance Lighting Repair, Dock Beautification What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neigh borhood/organ ization and any partners. The maxitpu grant award is $2,900.) -Vi Briefly describe the proposed project: i e a At rec lot and community entra replace declining an dead landscaping, fertilize existing lan dscape At Stinnett entFanee FepaiF e l e CtFie t - �JqZ;L L-I ILI _0 F n g aaa g . Dock Beautificatio - pressure wash, sand, waterseal List the project goals: (1) improve the appearance of the community entrance and the rec lot (2) build community (3) 6 List a minimum of foul• homeowners' association/nei group/community orgyanization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address Must be provided for each person. POSITION NAME ADDRESS Volunteer SIGNATURE Hours Pledged Project Leader. Jim Wortham 104 Miller Ct 407-656-7303 I jimpatwortham@cfl.rr.com 20 Historian (Photographer) Mike Smarrito 602 E. Lakeshore Dr 20 Mike.Smarrito@ba lonmalow.com Quarterly & I Doug Nachtsheim 610 E. Lakeshore Dr. Final Report 407-656-2084 dnachtsheim@cfl.rr.com 20 ('oordinator Partner/ Bonnie Bothell 406 E. Lakeshore Dr Volunteer 407-877-4789 bjbothell@embarqmaii.com 20 Coordinator landscaping Jerry Odom 400 E. Lakeshore Dr 407-656-6327 10 Dock wash Don Cox . . . ........ . . .. ....... . ..... 608 E. LakeshoreDr waterseal 407-506-3014 10 Electric Jim Wortham 104 Miller CT Repair 407-656-7303 jimpatwortham@cfl.rr.com 10 7 List a minimum of four homeowners' association /neighborhood group /community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. POSITION NAME ADDRESS Volunteer SIGNATURE Hours Pledged Project Leader Jim Wortham I 104 Miller Ct - 407 - 656 -7303 I jimpatwortham @cfl.rr.com 20 Historian (Photographer) Mike Smarrito 602 E. Lakeshore Dr 20 Mike.Smarrito @ba onmalow.com Quarterly & Final Report Doug Nachtsheim 407 - 656 -2084 610 E. Lakeshore Dr. dnachtsheim @cfl.rr.com 20� Coordinator Partner/ Bonnie Bothell 406 E. Lakeshore Dr Volunteer 407 - 877 -4789 bjbothell @embargmail.com 20 �.� D�.n i 4 Coordinator landscaping Jerry Odom 400 E. Lakeshore Dr 407 - 656 -6327 10 TC ✓ v� Dock wash Don Cox 608 E. LakeshoreDr 10 mi waterseal 407 - 506 -3014 , Electric Jim Wortham 104 Miller CT Repair 407 - 656 -7303 jimpatwortham @cfl.rr.com 10 How will the neighborhood residents /community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. Distribute Newsletter and e-mail to inform homeowners and boardmembers ot upcoming Satirday workday and as nice y or peop e o vo un eer o There is usually a good turnout. We keep having workdays until the work What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. Community Lot - East Lakeshore Dr. and Orlando Ave. Subdivision Entrances at - East Lakeshore Dr. and Stinnett If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawing (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right -of -Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right - of -way or the owner of the private property or common area.) The Recreation Lot is at the corner of E. Lakeshore Dr and Orlando Ave. The address is 717 E. Lakeshore Dr. The Pavilion is the roofed structure on the lot. The Entrances are along Orlando Ave at E.Lakeshore and at Stinnet Dr. 8 Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) of Intent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify that our membership voted and approved this 2013/2014 MVP Awards application on November 11, 2013 (date), and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. Print name of person preparing application Signature of person preparing application Date: Nov 26, 2013 Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on November 27, 2013 Deliver in person or mail to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Joy P. Wright at (407) 905 -3100 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Has the association listed the Project Team names, their full addresses and phone numbers? (7 minimum) Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? Have all the association's cash and in -kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? If the project is a physical improvement, has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement, is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? YES NO Print Name of Neighborhood /Organization President Signature of Neighborhood /Organization President Nov 26, 2013 Date: r/ 0 Sleepy Harbour HOA Minutes from November 11th, 2013 Jim Wortham made a motion that Sleepy Harbour HOA should participate in the 2013 -14 MVP project. Doug Nachtsheim seconded the motion. All in favor. Doug Nachtsheim Presidient Sleepy Harbour HOA Project Name: f �C , /L Neighborhood /Organization: (c' i - ta h C / �L TASK START DATE COMPLETION DATE PERSON RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES NEEDED Landscaiping EntranCE s March 2013 May 2013 Jerry Odom Plants, Fertilizer Mulc i Hand Tools Trash Bag Stinnet Electrical March 2013 May 2013 Jim Wortham Breaker Box, Breake s, Cable to bur77 Dock Wash and Wat Pressure Washer, Se rseal March 2013 rider and sandpaper, Wz May 2013 terseal and brushes Don Cox 10 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2013/2014 Proposed MVP Awards Proiect Budget Neighborhood /Organization: Sleepy Harbour HOA Project Name: Landscapinq Entrances. Stinne Entrance Electrical, Dock Beautification PROJECT REVENUES: we are unsure about how to complete the math in this section attached is our expense estimate Cash from the City: e w Cash from the Neighborhood /Organization: $ Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): no inkind donations, no partners $ 0 1usT oa�ding cas 7F an r�ive�i — gym city TOTAL CASH REVENUES: $ 16 PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $1,000 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) {ale aS_e_See -ataaQ i-ri }au d g e t Landscaping at Entrances and Rec Lot $ 850 Stinnett Entrance Electric Repair 433 Aas"and 'A $ Misc Printing Lunch Trashbags etc $ 155 Tl1T A 7 /lT 7)7)/l TT rT L'VT)T ATQTC. A" l ZI&AJ "It A lxVJli x. A LiAl lil \UIiU. N 1682 y ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In -Kind Contributions: Estimated Value a $ Volunteer Labor 100 Hours x 0/hr $ 1000 13 2013 -14 Proposed MVP Awards Project Budget - Sleepy Harbour 2013 -14 MVP Landscaping at Entrances and Rec Lot. Stinnet entrance electrical repair, Dock Beautification by Doug Nachtsheim Nov 26, 2013 Landscaping at Entrances and Rec Lot - replace overgrown and declining plants Replace overgrown plants under Sleepy Harbour signs 20 plants x 2 sides x 2 entrances = 80 plants x $5 = 400 Replace declining gold mound plants 20 20 plants x $10 200 Replace broken sprinkler heads 20 $5 per head x 10 heads 50 Add fertilizer Rec Lot 80 Add mulch to gardens 60 Add 4 pots at Stinnet entrance for annual plants 60 Total: Landscaping at Entrances and Rec Lot 850 Stinnet entrance electrical repair - to get west side entrance lighting working Replace breaker box and breakers 40 100 feet underground cable to west side lights 93 Electrician - 3 hours x $100 300 Total: Stinnet entrance electrical repair 433 Dock Beautification - pressure wash, sand, waterseal Pressure washer rental 60 Belt sander rental 20 Sandpaper 10 Brushes 20 Waterseal - 2 gallons x $37 74 Construction film - I roll 60 Total: Dock Beautification 244 Other Misc Printing - Newsletter Flyers Copies 60 Lunch 50 Ice Drinks 20 Gloves & Trash Bags 25 Total: Other 155 Total Project Expenses 1682 2013 -14 MVP - Sleepy Harbour 1. Landscaping at Entrances and Rec Lot replace over- grown and declining plants Replace overgrown plants under the Sleepy Harbour let- ters, 20 plants x 2 sides x 2 entrances = 80 plants for under Sleepy Harbour x $5 = $400 Replace declining gold mound plants, 20x$10 =$200 Replace broken sprinkler heads, $5 per head x 10 heads = $50 Add Fertilizer Rec Lot = $80 Add mulch to gardens = $60 Add 4 pots at Stinnett entrance for annual plants = $60 Subtotal = $ 850 Ell � , A replace declining gold mound replace declining plants under` SLEEPY HARBOUR' E fix sprinkler heads . S € 3�� S,i: .�Yry I. Y'�i.' -f. _ � iet �.•r Y's =', �� i�R'aY � y � replace overgrown plants under f ,,,' Sleepy Harbour 2013 -14 MVP - Sleepy Harbour 2. Stinnet entrance electrical repair - to get west side en- trance lighting working. Replace breaker box and breakers $40 Replace 100 feet underground cable to west side lights = $93 Electrician -3 hours x $100/hr = $300 Subtotal $ 433 r 1 00 to able the to b ble 4r a 4 � :. e y et. "I 6VING. FREES M P R Hew; WK►N Ad, I Gift C� Chop - I IWas a NM*TOS &WW4$ MyLowe s K1tat are you looking for Home: Electrical: Electrical WKe d Cable: Armored Cable: . Your Store. Orlando, FL Store into v Change Store v Q • 100 -ft 1213 Aluminum MC Cable hem a'. 6ea6e 'Ar4el R 6SSS3d:3 t�nl �t G?IeC $92.96 ' chop was 8 Noes Tos - T Savilgs - I MyLowe's Home: Search "breaker boa": Electrical: Load Centers & Breakers Load Center Safety Switches: SwWare D WAmp hlonFusible Metal is Enclosed Grzu4 Breaker ® Your Store Orlando, FL FREE SHII Help I Weekty Ads I GM Card& what are you looking for? Store Inlo v Change Store v Q Square D 60 -Amp Non - Fusible Metallic Enclosed Circuit Breaker l.em aez rn eel n co oo�acv $16.24 A%_ 2013 -14 MVP -Sleepy Harbour 3. Dock Beautification - pressure wash, sand, waterseal Pressure washer rental - $60 Belt sander rent = $20 - sandpaper - $10 Brushes = $20 Waterseal - 2 gallons 37 = $74 Construction film -1 roll = $60 Subtotal = $244 IS1 " s &I NG Shop " Ideas -& How -Tos " Savings MyLowe's Home: Building Supplies. Insulation 8 Accessories: Plastic Sheeting B Film: Sure Hawk 1D-1t Y. 1D0-ft Construclion Film e L tLAA cAgl a , � , •"" FREE SI Help 1 Weekly Ads Gift Ca Blue Hawk 10-ft x 100 -ft Construction Film +lama: 16961 Mod" CFBF70510C zr,d'-.. $59.98 Olympic 1- Gallon Redwood Naturaltone Semi- Transparent Exterior Stain ems:20M Models 79663AID1 -', * O 24 reviews I W rte a review $36.98 O Enlarged Image Description Specifications Info & Guides Reviews Community O&A 10 -ft > 100 -11 Construction Film 6 Intl Clear Plastic Sheeting 'onstnletron Flm Film Type Construction film Film Tnickness $1,11ucetet4; 6.0 Fstn cow ciw FREESHI " WWVING HaIV Weekly Ads Grft Cartle Shop Ideas 6 How•TOi - SaWnpi hyLO1Aa'S Vthot are you looking for? Holm: Search - deck saalef: Paint: Stains & Seaters. Extenor Stains & Sealers. O irl I. Gallon Redwood Naloragone Semi- Transparent Exlerior Stain y y Your Store Orlando, FL Store Info v Change Store O © Enbrped Image 6 Vi WT~ d 9-1 c 2013 -14 MVP -Sleepy Harbour 4. Other Misc Lunch = $50 Printing Newsletter Flyers = $60 Ice Drinks = $20 Gloves Trashbags = $25 Subtotal = $155 S ► `ve P,- Senn City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2013/2014 Application Form and Instructions Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on November 27, 2013 Final Report to receive grant monies is due August 1, 2014 Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 RECEIVED NOV-27 By: Date Received: �.e-eJ City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Silver Glen Project Leader: Donna Leto Address for Project Leader: 1417 Center Street, Ocoee, FL 34761 Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407 - 292 - 4283 (Evening) Email Address dweebbie @yahoo.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: Our development is situated at the corner of Silver Star Road and Clarke Road, behin LA Fitness. We have entrances at Silver Crest, Bryce and S ullivan Street. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? If Yes (If No, skip to section on the next page.) Yes When was it formed? May 2, 1990 How many members are in the association? 241 Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? Yes What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.): President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? We have annual board meeting each August where board members are elected. We also send out absentee ballots. If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice - President, Committees, etc.) How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods ", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non - profit ", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members or clients of your organization? Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years. Each year we hold two garage sales. Every year we also work with our management company to identify families that are in need during the holiday season. During the last few years many of our neighbors join us in cleaning up litter and leaves and adding flowers and small scrubs. Please describe how your homeowners' association /neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? Our neighborhood is funded by mandatory dues. What is the name of the proposed project? Silver Glen Entrance Beautification What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood /organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,000.) $2,000.00 Briefly describe the proposed project: W e wa nt to re the en signs at our entrances. The current signs that we have now, have been repaired several times over the years. We want signs that the letters would not to be re- glued. We have looked at several different designs at a cost of $1,000.00 each, and we need 4, that is why we are requesting this grant. List the project goals: (1) New entrance signs at Clarke Road & Bryce (2) New signs at Silver Star & Silver Crest (3) 6 List a minimum of four homeowners' association /neighborhood group /community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one si nag_ture per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. POSITION NAME ADDRESS Volunteer Hours Pledged SIGNATURE Project Leader Donna Leto 1417 Center Street Historian (Photographer) Wendy Holder 1 '�I 0 Glenhaven Circle Quarterly & Final Report Coordinator Barry Isbelle 1408 Chaple Ridge Partner/ Volunteer Coordinator Greg Raduenz 401 Abby Ridge Court y g 7 How will the neighborhood residents /community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. We will get at least three companies to submit ideas and price and we will vote on it at a regularly scheduled meeting. What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. Silver Crest & Silver Crest - - - -- Clarke Road & If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right -of -Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: Yes -- See diagrams (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right - of -way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) of Intent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify that our membership voted and approved this 2013/2014 MVP Awards application on 9 _2 L_1 3 (date), and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. bodNA _1 LL ED Cy KE6Y RAD C N Print name of person preparing application Print Name of Neighborhood/Organization President / F - Signature o person preparing application Signature of Neighborhood rganization President Date: 1 �� Date: Z.0 ( 3 Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on November 27, 2013 Deliver in person or mail to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Joy P. Wright at (407) 905 -3100 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Ilas the association listed the Project Team names, their full addresses and phone numbers? (7 minimum) Are all the Partner letters of Intent attached? Have all the association's cash and in -kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? If the project is a physical improvement, has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement, is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? YES NO SILVER GLEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS/ ORGANIZATIONAL/BUDGET MEETING September 26, 2013 CALL TO ORDER • The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. at the Tom Ison Senior &Veterans Service Center, 1701 Adair Street, Ocoee, Florida 34761, by Vallery Harrison, Manager. Directors present were Greg Raduenz, Barry Isbelle Brian McCarthy, Donna Leto and Wendy Holder. Vallery Harrison represented Sentry Management. APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS • A motion was made by Barry Isbelle to appoint the following Directors to server as Officers until the next Annual meeting in 2014. Greg Raduenz - President Barry Isbelle - Vice President Secretary — Donna Leto Treasurer - Brian McCarthy Brian McCarthy seconded the motion. All in favor motion carried APPOINTMENT OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE + A motion was made by Greg Raduenz to appoint the following to server as Committee members for the ARC. Brian McCarthy — Chair Person Barry Isbelle Wendy Holder Rob Collins Donna Leto seconded the motion. All in favor; motion carried APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES • A motion was made by Greg Raduenz to approve the minutes from the July 25, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting. Donna Leto seconded the motion. All in favor; motion carried. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW • The Committee reported that one application was received for the month. The applications were as follows: + 334 Vickers Lake -- repaint House - Approved FINANCIAL REPORT • The monthly Financial was accepted as presented by Sentry Management. As of the August 31, 2013 financial there was $93,451.29 in the Operating account and $32,756.55 in the reserve account. The past due assessments are $23,156.55. The Association is currently under budget by $12,788.42 MANAGER'S REPORT The Manager's Report was accepted as presented by Vallery Harrison. OLD BUSINESS • Violation — Management along with violation committee are continuing to monitor violations. • Attorney Action - -Ms. Pearson has been served The Attorney has prepared a motion of default to present to the Judge. They are now await a date to present the motion. • Landscaping — There was nothing new to report at this time. • County Grant — The Association has the Engineer plans for the perimeter wall repairs. One bid has been received and Vallery Harrison is in the process of obtaining two additional bids. O nce th e packet completed, it will be subm tted__to_.Qran�e County -- --- - - .r G ._r Lp gram for consideration. A motion was made by Donna Leto for the Association to apply for a City Grant to replace the entry sign. Barry Isbelle seconded the motion. All in favor; motion carried. If the Grant is approved money will be set aside for the project. ' • Newsletter — The next newsletter is scheduled to go out with the Budget and coupon packet. Garage Sale —The next garage sale is scheduled for November 2. NEW BUSINESS • 2014 Proposed Budget —The Board reviewed each of the line items on the 2014 proposed I repairs that are needed. After the budget. They also took in to count the large wal discussion a motion was made by Brian McCarthy to amend the budget the budget as prepared by Sentry Management and to add a $20.00 per year increase, with the $20.00 going into the reserves which will help fund the necessary wall repairs. Barry Isbelle seconded the motion. All in favor; motion carried. Vallery Harrison will not mail out the Budget or coupons until she receives the newsletter. ADJOURNMENT • There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. All in favor; the meeting was adjourned. .� t • • 21 W 0 a CL u z z 0 F- v z ,y W a f .. W H Q LL W Q.. m $W + r 21 W 0 a CL u z z 0 F- v z ,y W a f .. W H Q LL W Q.. m Page 1 of 1 L X NCA t� +-h e3 e a.r e nn u se. 1. 2013/2014 � .I f A,-- S Application Form and Instructions Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on November 27, 2013 Final Report to receive grant monies is due August 1, 2014 Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 i Date Received: By: Prepared: November -.' 1, - ` 12- City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: GFWC Woan's Club of Ocoee Project Leader: Jackie N. Titus, Education Chairperson. Address for Project Leader: 1100 Malcom Rd. Ocoee, Fl. 34761 Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) (Evening) 407 - 656 -5454 Email Address: bklad 1 1004« a o_l .c oii1 Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: The GFWC Woman's Club of Ogee is located at 4 North Lakewood Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761, It is at the intersection of McKey and Lakewood, it is one block south of the City of Ocooe, City Hail. Project benefits sttuk"s at ovum High School and West Orange High School Scholarships. The recipients are City of Ocoee residents. The primary focus is on assisting High School fw"ther their education in college to achieve a Career and become an active member in the work world. The Woman's Club ofOcoee holds an Annual Birthday Luncheon and Fashion Show as a fundraiser to support these scholarships_ FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMALAND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? NO If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) Yes When was it formed? 1924 How many members are in the association? Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.): President First Vice President second Vice Presidcnt Treasurer Corresponding Secretary Recording S*Cretsry Board Members: immediate last President, and 3 elected Board Members 5 How does the association elect its lea crship? When and how often are elections held? The GFWC Woman's Club of Ocoee elects its' leadership for two year terms. At the February aW Mauch meetings, each member shall indicate their willingness to serve as an officer or board member. Eligibility to serve as an officer or board must be a member in good standing for a minimum of one year in the GFWC Woman's Club of Ocoee. At the March meeting, a nominating committee is created with five members, two of who shall be appointed by the President and three elected by the Club, at large. Before the April meeting, the nominating committee will meet. From the list of those willing to serve, the committee will contact members until a full slate of officers and board members is ready to be submitted to the members in attendance at the April meeting. At the April meeting, the floor shall be open for other nominations. If an office has a challenger, then that office will be voted on separately. If there are no challenges, then the slate stands as submitted for approval. The biennium election of officers takes place at the first business meeting in April. installation of officers takes places at the May meeting. Officers and other members of the Executive Board shall officially assume their respective duties on July 1. If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice - President, Committees, etc How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods ", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? GFWC: Woman's Club of Ocoee Is your organization a formal "non- profit ", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): We are a non- profit organization in one of the world's largest and oldest women's volunteer service Organizations. We work locally in supporting the arts, preserve natural resources, promote education, encourage healthy lifestyles, stress civic involvement and work toward world peace and understanding. Our club shapes our local agenda to suit specific community nee=ds and benefit from membership services, materials and program support from the state and national Federation levels. The GFWC Woman's Club of Ocoee was organized in 1924. flow many people are members or clients of your organization? 35 Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? NO If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? City of Ocoee: 24 6 All Applicants Should Complete the Remaindi'r of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years. A financial contribution to Hacienda Girls Ranch, The Hacienda Girls Ranch is a home for displaced and abused girls from 7 — 18 years of age. Our financial contribution assists the Ranch in providing a home and education for thew girls. A financial contribution to CAMP ROCK ( Reaching out to Cancer Kids) snakes it possible for children with various cancers to attend this camp. A financial contribution to Canine Companiows, to help provide trained dogs to assist disabled people in becoming more independent, Creative Expressions Celebration: Fifth grade students from local schools, Citrus, Clarcona, Lake Whitney, Spring Lake, Thornebrookc, Ocoee and Westbrooke, participate by writing essays, poems, songs and drawing artwork that reflects a theme chosen by the Woman's Club. The winners from each participating school are honored at a luncheon for the students and their families. A contribution is made to each participating school's media center. The Woman's Club of Ocoee hosts a Brunch, Baskets and Beauty event where members volunteer to decorate a table in a theme. Brunch is .wrved and a Chinese basket auction takes place. Proceeds from this event go to supporting our monetary contributions to the Creative Expressions Celebration, as well as other club projects, The Woman's Club of Owee established 4 scholarships to be used for tlw continued education of 4 young women who resides in the City of Ocoee. Each year the Woman's Club celebrates it's annual birthday with a luncheon and fashion show. Members volunteer to decorate tables reflecting a theme or event for each month of the year. Proceeds from this event assist in the monetary contribution to establish 4 Scholarships for Ocoee High School and West Orange High School. 2 for each school presented to participants picked by a committee of three members, as well as other club projects. Toys for Needy Children: A monetary donation is made to the City of Ocoee Police Department to aid in the purchase of toys for Needy Children. Political Forum: The Woman's Club of Ocoee organizes and conducts a political forurn tbr the City of Ocoee candidates. Warm and Fuzzies for Children: Gift packs for the Children's Cancer and Blood Center are assembled and donated by the club members. Each child receives a Gift Pack with a stuffed animal, blanket and children's book. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? The club members pay an annual due of $40 for an Active Mt."bmship, $75 for Associate Membership, VO of each membeTship due is paid to CFWC Florida. Our clubhouse is available for rent to the general public. Profits from the clubhouse rr.}ntals go towards twintenance and operating expenses of the building, as well as tVMing our monetary. contributions to our commitments to the community and GFWC. We host our Annual Birthday Luncheon and Fashion Show. Proceeds from this event benefit the 4 Scholarships for the 2 High Schools. The chosen participants will be 4 City of Ocoee residents We host a Brunch, Baskets and Beauty event. Proceeds from this event befit the Creative Exprcqsions Celebration hostel by the Woman's Club of Ocoee. Miscellaneous Fundraising Projects: FOUNDERS DAY PARKING BUNCO GAME NIGHT SCENTSY FUNDRAISER HAGAN O'REILLY WINE NITE OUT TEA. ON THE DAWN URBAN FLATS WINE NITS OUT What is the name of the proposed project? W Annual Birthday Luncheon to assist in funding the 4 scholarships. 2 for Ocoee High School and 2 for West Orange high School. What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood /organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,000.) Requesting $2,000 to match the $2.000 we have budgeted to the Scholarship 'Fund. This would give $4,000 to these seWlarships, which would cover four scholarship opportunities for young women who am residents of the City of Ocoee that are e=ntering College, and eventually the work force. Briefly describe the proposed project: 89' Annual Birthday Luncheon and Fashion Show will be held March 1, 2013. Proceeds from this event earned at our 88 d " Annual Birthday luncheon will be presented to 2 female students from Ocoee High School and 2 female students from the West Omgc High School. All four will be residents of Oct. List the project goals: (1) Set up 4 $1000.00 scholarships for 4 deserving young ladies from Ocoee High School and West Orange High School The recipients must be City of Ocoee residents. (2) Provide volunteer opportunities to high school students at Ocoee High Schwl Civitan Group. (3)Woman's Club of Ocoee numbers volunteering in our club and community, Last year our members contributed over i0,WM community service hours. Hospitals, schools, churches, committees and community copnizations bencritte d from the contributi(m of time from our members. 7 List a minimum of four homeowners' association/neighborhood group /community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. POSITION NAME ADDRESS Volunteer Hours Pledged SIGNATURE Project Leader -- Dottie (Rxiek and Mary Barberl. toff ltrs.each Historian — Myra. Kinnie — 504 West Ave, Ocoee., Fl, 34761 — 5 11rs (Photographer) -- Anna Miranda — 8261 Lexington View Mane, Orlando, FL 32835 -- 3 firs Quarterly & Final Report -- Teresa Lemons -9a7 Chapel Oaks Ct.Winter Gardcn Fl, -14761 -10 hg's. Coordinator Partner/ Volunteer Coordinator -- Cathy Silts — 205 S Lakeshore Dr, i coaa l Fl.. 34761 -- 80 l-Irs Ser -ond Coordinator — To Be Named -- 80 Hrs 8. How will the neighborhood residents /community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. Members are involved in the planning and executing of the event as follows- - Press Release - Letters to prospective sponsors - Fashion Shove Hostess - Ticket Sales ,- Decorating Birthday Tables Table Servers - Room monitors and rotators - Water /Coffee Servers - Table setup - Kitchen cleanup - lee Bread baskets filled anti placed on tables - Plate desserts Greeters/Ticket 'T'ake'rs - Programs (a copy of last years event is attached) Models - Door Prizes - Recap Event - Reporting What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide adescription of whom it will serve in what general area. `this project serves as 4 Scholarships in the amount of $1000.00 each to four deserving young ladies. Z from Ocoee high School and 2 from West Orange High School Which will be prmnk -d to 4 students entering College. If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street naives and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing): GPWC Woman's Club of Ocoee, 4 North 1.,akewood give, Ocoee, FL 34761 Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right -of -Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right -of -way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 9 Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) of Intent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each fonn. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify that our membership voted and approved this 2012/2013 MVP Awards application on (date), and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. Lynne Seigler President, GFWC Woman's Club of Ocoee Print name of person preparing application Print Name of Neighborhood /Organization President Signature of person preparing application Signature of Neighborhood/Organization President Date: 11/28/12 Date: Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on November 30, 2011 Deliver in person or mail to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Joy P. Wright at (407) 905 -3100 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY YES NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Has the association listed the Project Team names, their full addresses and phone numbers? (7 minimum) Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? Have all the association's cash and in -kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? If the project is a physical improvement, has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement, is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? 10 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2012/2013 Project Plan and Timeline Project Name: Neighborhood/Organization: TASK START DATE COMPLETION DATE PERSON RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES NEEDED 11 Instructions for Completing Project Plan and Timeline The purpose of this form is to identify the tasks and resources necessary to successfully complete the MVP Awards project. Please list the primary tasks needed to implement and manage your project. When completed, the Project Plan and Timeline serves as a guide for your project and a tool for monitoring project progress. The project team will be able to use this Project Plan and Timeline to delegate tasks and to use its resources, while monitoring the progress of the project. The Task column refers to primary tasks, which need to be completed. Some examples could include contacting a business who is providing in -kind services, or prepping a sign for painting, or scheduling a workday to install playground equipment. The Start Date column refers to the date when the task needs to begin in order to finish the project on time. The Completion Date column refers to the date the task is expected to be completed. The Person Responsible column refers to the person or group charged with carrying out a specific task or activity. The Resources column refers to the cash, type of in -kind services, and /or volunteers needed to accomplish the task. For example, the dollar amount, value of donated space, professional services, materials, plants, computer software, volunteer hours, etc. Please make additional copies of this form, if necessary. REMOVE THIS INSTRUCTION PAGE BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION 12 Instructions for Completing Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet Please list the name, complete address, and telephone number of each volunteer, along with the number of hours pledged and the task the volunteer will perform. The hours should reflect all volunteer hours including planning stages and project implementation. Some projects such as neighborhood entrance beautification will require on -going maintenance. Please include these additional hours. Volunteer hours must total a minimum of 25 % of the total neighborhood match, but cannot exceed 50% of the total of the neighborhood match amount. The 25% minimum total of the volunteer hours must be from residents or homeowners of the neighborhood. Additional hours can be derived from other organizations or individuals that do not reside within the neighborhood. Volunteer labor does not include in -kind services or goods that businesses donate. Please make additional copies of this form, if necessary. REMOVE THIS INSTRUCTION PAGE BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION 13 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2011/2012 Proposed MVP Awards Project Budget Neighborhood/Organization: GFWC Woman's Club of [Ic,� WX Project Name: 89P Annul Birthday Lunchcm and Fashion Show PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: S2,{)W Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: $2,000 Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): TOTAL CASH REVENUES: $ PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $1,000 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) Sec attuchW budget gh"-tl is onu and Expenv Ri=p $ $ $ TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: $ ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. Y* In -Kind Contributions: Estimated Value Foud/jesse Taylor Catering $300 Volunwr Hoam Estinuded $2,250 $ $ $ Volunteer Labor Hours x $10/hr $ 14 Instructions for Completing Project Budget Cash from the City is the amount requested by the applicant. The organization must match this amount. Cash from the Neighborhood /Organization is the amount of money the neighborhood/organization will be contributing toward the project. Cash from Partners is the amount of money others outside the neighborhood /organization will be contributing toward the project. Examples of partners who may be interested in contributing are: 1. The developer or builder who developed the subdivision or built the homes there. 2. A nearby business, church, or other who may benefit from the project as well. 3. Someone who may have rental property in the neighborhood who would benefit from the project. 4. Someone or a business who has a connection to someone who lives in the neighborhood. "Volunteer Labor is the amount of time people will donate towards accomplishing the project. Volunteer hours must total a minimum of 25% of the total neighborhood /organization match, but cannot exceed 50% of the total match. Take the total number of volunteer hours from your pledge sheet(s) and multiply it by $10 per hour. In -Kind Contributions are donations of any type from people outside the neighborhood/organization or special contributions made by members of the neighborhood/organization. A letter from the organization stating the in -kind service they are providing must be submitted with the Final Report. To illustrate examples of in -kind contributions, suppose a neighborhood is submitting a grant application to beautify its subdivision entrance. In -kind contributions could include: 1. The donation of irrigation pipe from a local supplier with a cash value of $40.00 2. A "free" tree for every two the neighborhood purchases for the project. Assuming the purchase of four trees, the two "free" trees would have a cash value of $100. 3. A person in the neighborhood happens to be a landscape architect and has donated her services to design the new landscaped entrance at a cash value of $200. ❑ The cash values above were made up strictly for this exercise. The in -kind contributions are important in that the City wants to create a sense of community through this MVP Program. It is felt that if residents work with local businesses, it may start new relationships that will benefit both parties now and in the future. Project Expenses are things the neighborhood /organization will have to pay for to complete the project. Things like plants, wood chips, paint, etc. would be included using the above example. NOTE: It is important to complete the proposed budget as thoroughly as possible, thinking through every facet of the project's revenues and expenses. Please make sure that the budget shows that you will have enough cash to cover your expenses. If there is a small amount of overage, this may be used for a "kick off' party for the project or for refreshments for volunteers. 15 Budget Worksheet GFWC Woman's Club of Ocoee 2012-2013 ITEM INCOME — 2011-2012 PROJECTED - -- 2011 2012 ACTUAL - -- - - -� 2012-2013 PROJECTED INCOME AND EXPENSES/ACTUAL FOR -DONATI-ONS - -- - - -- Birthday Luncheon 2800 3732 3500 Boat Races 0 0 0 BUNCO 500 533 500 Founder's Day Parking 500 565 500 Rummage Sale 400 309 0 Christmas Bake Sale 100 0 0 Brunch, Baskets & Beauty 1900 1882 1750 City of Ocoee Grants 2500 Scentsy Fundraiser 401 300 May Day Tea 0 1839 1800 Patriots Day 1000 1181 0 Urban Flats 0 1196 0 Total from Fundraisers 8000 12831 1085 Club Rentals 5000 4852 5000 Total Income 13000 17683 15850 Donations 2012 – 2013 Based on Actual Receipts from Fundraisers in 2011 2012 Westside Tech Scholarship 3100----.----3100 3200 Westside Tech Benefactors 0 0 0 Creative Expressions (7) Schools 2000 2140 2140 Hacienda 100 100 100 HOBY 175 175 - Rock Cam 250 5 5 STARS 100 0 0 Special Olympics 200 200 Canine Companions 200 200 IG& School Nurse Program 100 0 0 Ocoee Police E4qAmws 0 100 10 Ocoee Fire 6*p6ws 0 Ocoee High School CivitanJ Club 200 100 200 1895 Society 189.50 18.95 18.95 Sew Much Comfort 100 200 100 Big Orange Games 150 0 0 2d%. WitlAeld of ✓ Fundraising Income for Reserve Expenses 2570 1301 Total Donations 9434.50 Total Bequests — Bowness Foundation 0 0 0 EXPENSES Westfield Insurance 2000 1988 2000 State Filing Fee 61.25 70 70 PO Box and Safe Deposit Box 54 S4 54 WO Chamber Membership 100 100 100 GFWC Membership Dues 900 840 Amerigas 300 277 300 Website 250 *70 Paid for 2 Years 0 Embarq 870 941 850 Veolia 600 Lumpkin Pest Control 350 320 320 Creative Expressions 200 Membership Drive 50 0 25 Christmas Parade 50 0 0 Founder's Day Parking 50 0 0 Birthday Luncheon 700 1113 750 May Day Tea 0 726 400 Bunco 0 0 0 Urban 424 0 Brunch Basket & Beauty 0 650 Rummage Sale 0 0 0 Scentsy Fundraiser 0 32 30 o I Patriots Day Office & Officer Expenses 200 4S 0 District & State Expenses Club Supplies 500 --- 250 480 500 150 Building Maintenance A/C 100 160 ------------ 500 500 Floor Maintenance 800 800 800 Miscellaneous 500 500 Contingency 500 500- Bank Charges 60 243 Storage Unit 0 0 0 Wasteworks 0 Historical 0 250 Building Ren ovations /Improvements 10000 9057 Gas Lines/ Water Heater 0 Electrical 0 Bathroom Renovation 0 0 6:39 PM Woman's Club of Ocoee Inc. 08/03112 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis July 2011 through June 2012 Page 1 Jul '11 -Jun 12 Ordinary Income /Expense Income Direct Public Support Gifts in Kind - Goods 100.00 Individ, Business Contributions 5,000.00 Total Direct Public Support 5,100.00 Government Grants Local Government Grants 1,192.50 State Grants 15,000.00 Total Government Grants 16,192.50 Program Income Membership Dues 1,615.00 Total Program Income 1,615.00 Project Income May Tea 1,839.00 50150 Raffles 814.50 Urban Flats 1,196.00 Patriots Day 2011 1,180.87 Bunco Fundraiser 533.00 Scentsy Fundraiser 401.00 Quigley 44.26 Rummage Sale 309.00 Brunch, Baskets & Beauty Event 1,882.00 Founders Day Parking 565.00 Hacienda 84.52 Annual Bday Lunch & Fashion Sho 3,707.00 Total Project Income 12,556.15 Rentals Rental of Facility 4,851.50 Sales Tax - Rentals 671.00 Rental Security Deposit 8,580.50 Cleaning Fee 625.50 Total Rentals 14,728.50 Other Income RESERVE Funds 1,301.00 Total Other Income 1,301.00 Total Income 51,493.15 Gross Profit 51,493.15 Expense Program Expense - Member Exp 207.00 REFUND - Rental Security Deposits 8,437.00 Reconciliation Discrepancies -2.59 Project Expense May Tea 725.98 Scensty Fundraiser 31.95 50150 Raffles 593.65 Urban Flats 424.00 Patriots Day 2011 2,438.66 Spring Fling 122.96 Brunch, Basket and Beauty 671.87 Creative Expressions 2,140.16 Annual Bday Lunch & Fashion Sho 1,112.96 Total Project Expense 8,262.19 Page 1 6:39 PM Woman's Club of Ocoee Inc. 08103/12 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis July 2011 through June 2012 Page 2 Jul '11 - Jun 12 Business Expenses Advertising Expenses 360.00 Sales Tax 303.50 Bank Services Charges 153.01 Bad Debts 90.00 Business Registration Fees 70.00 Business Expenses - Other 0.00 Total Business Expenses 976.51 Contract Services Outside Contract Services 9,056.65 Total Contract Services 9,056.65 Facilities and Equipment Insurance - Liability, D and O 1,987.98 Earl K Wood - Stormwater 153.56 Gas Service 276.84 Repairs and maintenance 1,099.16 Pest Control 320.00 Fire Extinguisher Service 135.79 Janitorial Services 500.00 Total Facilities and Equipment 4,473.33 Operations Postage, Mailing Service 139.09 Printing and Copying 293.32 Supplies Trash Bags 32.00 Supplies - Other 72.26 Total Supplies 104.26 Telephone, Telecommunications 941.37 Total Operations 1,478.04 Other Types of Expenses Annual Filing -GFWC FL Emer Fund 5.00 Annual Filing -GFWC FL Publicat 5.00 Annual Filing -GFWC FL Travel 5.00 Annual Filing - GFWC FL Tour 5.00 Annual Filing - GFWC FL Archive 5.00 Annual Filing - FL Headqtrs Mnt 5.00 Annual Filing - GFWC FL LEADS 5.00 Annual Filing - GFWC FL Officer 5.00 Annual Filing -Sew Much Comfort 200.00 Annual Filing - Rock Camp 5.00 Annual Filing - Florida Hoby 175.00 Annual Filing - Special Olympic 200.00 Annual Filing - Canine Compan 200.00 Annual Filing - Hacienda Girls 100.00 Annual Filing- Paving the Way 5.00 Annual Filing -1895 Society 18.95 Donations - Ocoee Police Explor 100.00 Donations - OHS Civitan Club 100.00 Donations - Westside Tech Scholar 3,100.00 Annual Filing - President's Proj 100.00 Annual Filing - Member Dues 840.00 Other Types of Expenses - Other 52.00 Total Other Types of Expenses 5,235.95 Travel and Meetings Conference, Convention, Meeting 639.00 Total Travel and Meetings 639.00 Total Expense 38,763.08 Net Ordinary Income 12,730.07 Page 2 6:39 PM Woman's Club of Ocoee Inc. 08103112 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis July 2011 through June 2012 Other Income /Expense Other Income convention income Total Other Income Other Expense Additions to Reserves Capital Purchases Grant Capital Purchase - Bldg Total Capital Purchases Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income Jul '11 -Jun 12 159.00 159.00 1,301.00 8,955.00 8,955.00 10,256.00 - 10,097.00 2, 633.07 Page 3 GFWC Woman's Club of Ocoee General Membership Meeting September 11, 2012 The General Membership meeting of the GFWC Woman's Club of Ocoee, Florida was called to order at 7:OOpm, September 11, 2012 at the Woman's Club of Ocoee's clubhouse by President Lynne Seigler. Recording Secretary Joann Vann was present. The devotional was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Roll call was taken with 21 members present. The floor opened for member concerns. The minutes were read. A motion was made to accept the minutes as read. The motion was seconded. There was no discussion and the motion carried. A motion was made to move WCO bank account from Bank of America to Chase, the motion was seconded. Discussion followed. Motion carried. Teresa Lemons, Treasurer submitted the Treasures Report. Discussion followed and the report will be filed as submitted. Reports from Officers: Lynne Seigler gave her President's Report. • Important calendar dates were provided. Barbara Milazzo gave the First Vice President's Report. • A motion was made to accept Patricia (Pat) Primrose and Gladys Waters as Members of the Woman's Club of Ocoee, the motion was seconded. Discussion followed. Motion carried. • A motion was made to accept Judy Lewis as an Associate Member, the motion was seconded. Discussion followed. Motion carried. • Membership Mixer is Friday, October 9, 2012 at 7:00 pm. Diane Bonanno gave the Corresponding Secretary Report. Reports from Department Chairmen: Barbara Milazzo gave Art Department update. • Reminded members of Arts & Crafts competition is in January. Dottie Godek gave Conservation Department update. Jackie Titus gave Education Department update. • The City of Ocoee has given us a $500 grant to be used for the media centers for the schools participating in our Creative Expressions event. • Jackie is working with counselors at both West Orange High School and Ocoee High School for the WCO to give college scholarships to graduating girls. Cathy Sills gave Public Issues Department update. • Speakers at the next Business Meeting. • Political Forum update. 1 Lynne Seigler gave, in the absence of Mary Black, the International Outreach Department update. An explanation of the "Clean the World" project was given. We have elected to participate in the project. Reports from Committee Chairmen. Barbara Milazzo gave Brunch with Benefits explanatioh and update. • Saturday, November 17, 2012 at 10:OOam • Fall theme Myra Kinnie gave Wreaths Across America explanation and update. • Saturday, December 15, 2012. New Business: A motion was made to have a fund raiser on Wednesday, October 17, 2012 at Hagan O'Reilly's Irish Pub and Restaurant from 6:30pm to 9:OOpm with $20 per person tickets. The motion was seconded. Discussion followed and motion carried. Myra Kinnie is Chair. Dottie Godek gave an update on the Birthday Luncheon to take place on the first Saturday in March. An overview of our involvement with Health Central and its Board of Directors was discussed. Health Central is asking for WCO members to attend a meeting to submit and select potential candidates for Health Central Board of Directors. Seven positions need to be filled. These names will be presented to the Governor of Florida for approval /selection. Linda Anderson and Mary Black are interested in attending the meeting and being members of the Board. Announcements were made. The next General Meeting is October 9, 2012 hosted by Public Issues Department. The Collect was recited. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm by President, Lynne Seigler. 1 Joann Vann, Recording Secreta Approved Date Attest