HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-18-2013 Minutes MINUTES OF THE OCOEE
The meeting came to order at 6:09 PM in the Withers-Maguire House, 16 E. Oakland, Ocoee, FL
34761. The roll was called and a quorum was declared at that time.
PRESENT: Vice -Chair Baxter, Members Applegate, Barber, Lewis, Gleason, Rainer & McKey, Parks
and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes (Director Hayes), Ex- Officio Member Rosemary Wilsen and Sr.
Administrative Assistant Dottie Godek.
ABSENT: Chairman Heard (unexcused)
Member McKey, seconded by Member Rainer, moved to accept the regular meeting minutes from
September 1/ 2012 with one correction. The motion passed unanimously.
Director Hayes said the Haunted House was held October 27, 28 & 29 During the 3 days
of the event there were over 4000 people attending. Director Hayes doesn't have the
numbers available of actual tours through the house but the event was successful. This year
concessions were divided between the youth organizations and they will do the same for next
year. The event may be expanded to 4 days, breaking it up on Friday and Saturday, 2 days
on each of 2 consecutive weekends instead of 3 nights on the same weekend. Member
Rainer asked why the city wanted to do that, and Director Hayes replied that other Haunted
House events are run 2 or 3 weekends, and we are looking at ways to expand the number of
days the house is open. It is difficult to staff the house during the week so that's why we are
thinking of the two weekends before Halloween. Member Rainer asked why we wouldn't
have it on Halloween night & Director Hayes said it goes back to staffing. He also said the
idea is still in the planning stages and as the event gets closer we'll have more definitive
information. There was no haunted walk as one of the people who did it was ill. Member
Gleason asked how much it cost the city to do the Haunted House. Director Hayes said that
he doesn't have the numbers off the top of his head but he could look it up. He also said that
they were looking at increasing the admission price. Member Rainer mentioned pre- selling
tickets at a bit of a discount and Director Hayes said that was a possibility. Director Hayes
said that if Halloween does fall on a Thursday, the board may want to do something at the
house — perhaps have it open for "trick or treaters" or maybe do something inside the house.
Member McKey asked if we could do a "ghost tour" of the house & grounds and Director
Hayes said it was just a thought and perhaps the board could discuss it.
Director Hayes said he wasn't sure exactly what the board wanted with the budget discussion
since it had been such a long time since there was an actual meeting. Director Hayes said that
the city budgeted $1000.00 for the advisory board. Sr. Administrative Assistant Dottie
Godek said that the only expense this year so far has been for the "Light Judging Prizes" and
said that we haven't received the invoice for the plaques yet. Director Hayes said that since
it had been a while since the board had a quorum they might want to discuss how to allocate
the remaining funds. Director Hayes said that there will be approximately $600.00 to use
and if the board wanted to allocate say $200.00 for crafts, $200.00 for purchases or
something like that the money will be allocated and could always be re directed later. There
was a short discussion on the possible uses of the board funds and Vice -Chair Baxter said to
go through the rest of the agenda items and then perhaps the board will have come up with
items to allocate the money for.
Director Hayes said that it was too bad that everyone didn't get to see the decorations and
that staff really did a nice job. Director Hayes said that we are in the process of making
modifications to the house to meet certain codes. Director Hayes also said we will have a
liquor license to cover the Withers- Maguire house and future community center. We have
obtained liquor licenses for the Ison, Vignetti & Beech centers as well. The plan is to be the
provider of the alcohol so the renter of the facilities will have to purchase their alcohol
through us and that we are doing that to generate some extra revenue. Member Barber
asked if there will be a bartender attached to the city at the events and Director Hayes said
that right now the caterer will provide the licensed bartender.
Director Hayes said we are developing the fee structure for the Withers- Maguire house and
the new community center and also possibly modify the fee structures for the other facilities.
At present the license will be for beer & wine only. Perhaps in the future mixed drinks will
be added. There are some necessary changes we have to make to the house and our facilities
department will be doing the changes. We will be closing in the back porch (when the house
was purchased in the 1980's the back porch was enclosed but it was modified later), adding a
couple of restrooms, modify the existing restrooms, adding a storage closet, a custodial
closet, an elevator lift and will make some improvements to the entry coming in off the north
parking lot and a short handicapped ramp on the west side of the building which will enable
wheelchairs to enter the front door instead of going in the back. Director Hayes is not sure
when the construction will begin so it's hard to say when the facility will be available. The
Parks & Recreation Department is going to be having a staff meeting to come up with
program ideas for the potential use of the house. There was a short discussion regarding
potential programs that might work in the building.
Director Hayes asked if everyone had seen the design plans. He brought the conceptual
layout plans and explained to the board the various areas of the building and grounds.
Member Lewis mentioned that the place she held her wedding at had a vendor open house to
get awareness of the facility to the public. Director Hayes said the completion date will be in
the end of October and that Founder's Day will be the first function of the new building.
Vice -Chair Baxter asked if both facilities will be open on Founder's Day and Director
Hayes said that yes he would like to see that happen. He also said that he hoped to have the
upstairs set up as a "museum" for tours.
Director Hayes said that the ordinance is going to the commission for its 1 reading on Feb.
19 and that he hopes that it will be well received . The second reading and public hearing
will be held in March. The ordinance is moving through the process.
Mary said that one of the crafts they picked didn't go over too well, but one of the other ones
was very popular. Member Rainer said that more signage was needed to bring the children
to the booth and since we have the big sign boards perhaps several of them could be used.
The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board area is sort of set back and last time there was a
truck right in front of the booth. Member Rainer said that she thought we needed to
advertise that the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board is doing free arts and crafts at the
event. Ex Officio Member Rosemary Wilsen said that maybe some vendors with children's
items could be put in the area but then she said that the vendors with children's items are
requesting to be placed close to the carnival. Member Rainer asked if the Parks &
Recreation Advisory Board can be advertised on the bottom of the Founder's Day flyers and
Director Hayes said its something that can certainly be looked into.
The event went well. Member Rainer asked if there were a lot of participants and the board
said yes and said that there were some new folks entered as well. Member Rainer asked
why the board decided not to allow neighbors to enter neighbors. There was a general
discussion regarding the possibility of allowing neighbors to enter other neighbors.
Member Gleason asked how it's done now — and it was explained that entries were turned in
and we go and judge the entries. Member Applegate asked how the person calling would
get the phone number of the nominated party and it was decided that the phone number must
be included on the application.
Member Rainer, seconded by Member McKey made a motion that neighbors can nominate
neighbors for the Holiday Light Judging Contest with someone calling to verify that the
nominated party wants to participate in the event. The motion passed unanimously.
I. Eggstravaganza Event
The date is March 30 Easter Weekend. Director Hayes said it will be at the Beech Center
again and the coloring contest will be held again as well. The Parks & Recreation Advisory
Board members will be judging the coloring contest on Friday night March 29 at the Beech
Center - judging will be at 5:00 PM. Member Barber asked if help was needed for the
Eggstravaganza event. Director Hayes said that he would check with the staff and let
everyone know. Vice -Chair Baxter asked how people found out about the coloring contest
and it was said that flyers go to the schools and it is on the city website. Vice -Chair Baxter
also mentioned that he has seen parents of all the age groups run in and help their children
when it should only be the "babies" that have parental assistance. In the past all the age
groups have been set up in advance but this year the staff will lay out the first area, and then
while that event is going on, then staff will go to the far end and lay out another section.
Instead of having all the events laid out they will do one area (age group) at a time to see if
that will help the situation. There was a general discussion of the best ideas of how to
control the event.
Member Rainer asked the theme of spring fling and Ex Officio Member Rosemary Wilsen
said it's totally free and it's used to educate. Parks & Recreation is going to be doing the
bike rodeo down by the lakeshore. There will also be rain barrel painting and perhaps plants
being given out. Vice -Chair Baxter asked if bike helmets will be given out and Ex Officio
Member Rosemary Wilsen said that Ocoee Police Department will be doing that again this
year. Member Rainer asked if bikes are going to be given out and Ex Officio Member
Rosemary Wilsen said that several organizations are donating bikes to be given away.
Director Hayes told the board that the organization that ran the bike rodeo last year are not
doing it anymore and the Parks & Recreation department got 40 or 50 bikes to use from that
organization. Several Parks & Recreation staff are certified to teach bike safety and the plan
is to eventually go out into the community and teach bike safety. Member Gleason asked the
date and was told it was March 23` from l 0 AM until 3 PM. Ex Officio Member Rosemary
Wilsen said there are 4 -5 citizens that work the spring fling but didn't know what assistance
Director Hayes may need with the rodeo. Director Hayes said that there are things that can
be done with the rodeo as well as with the entire event that volunteers can be used for.
Member Rainer said that the board should allocate a certain amount of money to several
projects. There was then a discussion about what funds should go in which areas.
Member Rainer, seconded by Member Gleason made a motion to allocate $200.00 for
Founders Day crafts, $300.00 for Parks & Recreation Advisory Board shirts and $100.00 as
miscellaneous funds of the remainder of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board's budget.
The motion passed unanimously.
Vice - Chair Baxter asked that we get an updated contact list. Director Hayes said that we
will include a roster for the board.
Member Applegate said that his question does not reflect on a person but on the position. He
said that as an ex chairman he feels that at least the chairman should at least be at each
meeting. The chair should be asked if there is still interest in participating. Director Hayes
said he will meet with Clerk & City Manager to discuss the situation and he said that he
thought the City Clerk then sends a letter to the member asking if they are still willing to
Member Applegate asked about elections. Director Hayes said that elections are held
every year. Member Applegate asked to have Elections put on the agenda.
Member Barber asked if we were meeting at the Withers - Maguire IIouse and Director
Hayes said yes.
Next meeting will be March 18`
The eeting was adjourned at 7 :48 pm.
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