HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-06-2014CITY OF OCOEE
Chairman Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in Room 109 of City Hall, 150
North Lakeshore Drive. Following a moment of personal reflection and the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, a quorum was declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Hopkins, Chair -Elect Dawkins, Past Chairman Maxwell, and
Members Boudokhane, Curry, Freeman and Foster,
ALSO PRESENT: Staff - Liaison Wright and Recording Clerk Turner
ABSENT: Members Calloway (A /E), McKenzie (A /U) and Singh (A /U)
January 2, 2014
Minutes of the January 2 2014 meeting were accepted as written.
Chairman Hopkins welcomed special guest Braxton Freeman, the son of Member
Staff - Liaison Wright informed the board that the HRDB account balance is $10,054.98.
This account balance reflects the $7,000 community events fund deposit from the City;
however, the account balance does not reflect pending expenditures. She continued
by saying that expenditures that have not posted to the HRDB's account balance total
approximately $3,000. She explained that she underestimated the cost for the MLK
parade signage, which totaled $1,300. This amount exceeded the board's approved
amount of $800. Additional pending expenditures are $1,195 for the poll banners, $200
for the stage rental, and approximately $495 for Kirby Rentals.
Chairman Hopkins entertained a motion to expend the additional funds for the MLK
Parade event signage.
Member Foster arrived to the meeting at 7:13 p.m.
Membe Boudokhane seconded by Member Freemen moved to ap prove an
additional $500 expenditure for the MLK Parade event signage.
Past Chairman Maxwell asked that the board discuss the honorariums for Master of
Ceremonies Allie Braswell, the Ocoee High School Band, and the Garden Community
Choir. Additionally, he asked to discuss the pending expenditure for the plant life
displayed on the stage.
Chairman Hopkins asked that the discussion for honorariums be made after voting on
the motion, as they are separate line items.
Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes
February 6, 2014
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Chair -Elect Dawkins asked that a budget report be provided to the board after each
event. Staff - Liaison Wright agreed to provide the board with a budget report showing
expenditures and deposits after each event.
After board discussion the motion carried unanimously.
Board discussion ensued regarding the pending expenditure from Betty J's Florist for the
plant life. Chairman Maxwell stated that an invoice will be received by the board
which will reflect a 50% discount from the actual cost. He continued by saying that the
expenditure should be approximately $150.
Chair Elect Dawkins seconded by Member Curry moved to designate up to $ 150 to
cover the expense for the MLK Parade event flowers and plants once invoic by Be
J's Florist Motion carried unanimously.
Board discussion ensued regarding the amounts of the honorariums for the Ocoee High
School Band, Master of Ceremonies Allie Braswell, and the Garden Community Choir.
Chair Elect Dawkins seconded by Member Boudokhane moved to expend $500
honor ariums each for the Ocoee High School Band Garden Community Choir, and the
Master of Ceremonies Allie Braswell Motion carried unanimou
Staff - Liaison Wright informed the board that the traditional board shirts are no longer
available. She suggested that new shirts with the new City logo be ordered for all
members. This will ensure the uniformity of the board members.
Chair -Elect Dawkins gave Staff - Liaison Wright the business card of a uniform
representative that she met at the MLK event. Chairman Hopkins requested that Staff -
Liaison Wright bring to the next meeting options and pricing for new shirts.
Member Boudokhane asked if the board would entertain changing the master of
ceremonies. Chairman Hopkins stated that it can be entertained for next year. Board
discussion ensued regarding entertaining changes to the parade activities and /or
participants. Chairman Hopkins suggested that board members research other options
if they would like to see a change in activities or participants.
Staff - Liaison Wright stated that if the board wishes to make event changes, then sub-
committees need to be established as soon as possible to begin researching new
activities and /or participants.
Past Chairman Maxwell opined that making such changes may be very challenging.
He cautioned the board against abrupt changes as it may also injure established
relationships. Member Foster shared that although changes may be challenging, they
can also be positive.
Chair -Elect Dawkins stated that a lot of the event participants have become household
names and have become the foundation of the event.
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February 6, 2014
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Staff - liaison Wright presented the board with a list of prominent African - American
speakers with the American Program Bureau. She continued by saying there may be a
fee associated with this service, but may serve as a good resource for future keynote
speakers. The board was very pleased with this option, and she was directed to
research the program.
Past Chairman Maxwell informed the board that he has ongoing communication with
Congressman John Lewis' Office, and intends to pen a letter to the Congressman.
Board discussion ensued regarding the high success of the event. Members shared the
response of gratitude from the attendees.
Chair -Elect Dawkins informed the board that she was approached by event attendees
that showed interest in either becoming board members or approaching the board
with special interests. She continued to say that she will contact them, and invite them
to the March meeting.
Past Chairman Maxwell suggested soliciting Judge Perry for recommendations for
keynote speakers.
Board discussion ensued regarding the board's history and that of the City of Ocoee.
Past Chairman Maxwell offered a brief narrative of the board's creation and history.
Chairman Hopkins thanked the board members and Staff - Liaison Wright for their hard
work and dedication. Staff - Liaison Wright added that Judge Perry commented that this
was the best MLK Parade and Celebration he has ever attended.
Staff - liaison Wright informed the board that the deadline given to the schools to submit
the essays is February 14, 2014. She continued by saying that six local schools have
committed to participating in the event: Hope Charter, Ocoee, Spring Lake, Citrus,
Thornebrooke and Westbrooke Elementary Schools.
Staff - Liaison Wright solicited board members to volunteer for refreshments and master of
ceremony for the Black History Month Essay Contest. She also asked that a sub-
committee be formed to officially judge the essays.
Board discussion ensued to establish a date and time for the official essay contest
judging. Board consensus was to hold the judging on February 17, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in
the Conference Room of City Hall.
Member Foster left the meeting 8:18 p.m.
After board discussion, it was decided that the following members would serve as essay
contest judges: Chairman Hopkins, and Members Freeman, Dawkins, Calloway, Foster,
and Boudokhane.
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February 6, 2014
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Staff - liaison Wright informed the board that refreshments will include cookie trays,
granola bars, juice and water. She asked that the board allocate funds to provide
refreshments for the essay contest attendees. Chairman Hopkins stated the board
could solicit for donated refreshments; however, the board should allocate funds if
Member Boudokhane seconded by Member Curry, moved to allocate up to $ 150 for
refreshments for the Black History Month Essay Contest.
Member Freeman volunteered to contact Subway Restaurant to solicit for donations.
After board discussion the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Hopkins asked Staff - Liaison Wright if she will be preparing the certificates of
participation. Staff - liaison Wright confirmed.
Board discussion ensued regarding the amounts of gift cards to award the first, second,
and third place winners for each school, and the grand -prize winner of the essay
contest. It was discussed that the gift cards would be purchased from Barnes & Noble
bookstore, and the amounts of the gift cards per participating school will be as follows:
third place winner will receive a $20 gift card, second place winner will receive a $40
gift card, third place winner will receive a $60 gift card, and the grand prize winner will
receive an $80 gift card. There will be a first, second and third place winner per
participating school, and one grand prize winner. Chairman Hopkins stated that
although only six schools have confirmed participation, it is best to plan to allocate the
funds should all ten schools choose to participate. She continued by saying it will be
$120 per school, for ten schools, plus the $80 grand prize, totaling a maximum of $1280.
Chair Elect Dawkins seconded by Member Curry , moved to establish a prize value of
$20 $40 $60 increments and one grand prize of $80 in addition to their fi prize
winnings for 10 schools not to exceed $1280 Motion carried unanimou
Staff - liaison Wright asked for a member to preside over the Black History Month Essay
Contest presentation. Chairman Hopkins explained that Staff - Liaison Wright will provide
a script for the presenter with the names of the participants. Chair -Elect Dawkins
offered to preside over the presentation. Chair -Elect Dawkins asked if the Past
Chairman would mind putting together a brief historical speech for presentation. Past
Chairman Maxwell accepted. Member Boudokhane volunteered to assist Chair -Elect
Dawkins with the presentation.
Staff - Liaison Wright informed the board that the event will be broadcasted live.
Staff - Liaison Wright informed the board that the Spring Fling event will be held March 8,
2014, from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Members Boudokhane and Curry volunteered to set -up for the event. Members
Freeman and Curry volunteered to attend the event and to close down the event.
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February 6, 2014
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Staff - Liaison Wright asked that a board member come to City Hall on Friday, March 7t"
to pick -up the board's promotional items. Member Boudokhane volunteered to do this.
Chairman Hopkins volunteered to attend the event. Chair -Elect Dawkins stated she
believes she can attend, but will confirm prior to the event.
Staff - Liaison Wright stated that if the board wishes to purchase more HRDB tote bags,
they will need to allocate funds to do so. Member Freeman opined it would be wise to
purchase enough tote bags to use at several events. She continued by saying that
there may be a cost savings with a bulk order. The board agreed. After board
discussion the board agreed to purchase 1,000 HRDB tote bags.
Me mber Curry, seconded by Member Freeman moved to allocate up to $ 1,000 for the
purchase of 1,000 HRDB tote bags for board events.
Past Chairman Maxwell asked if the tote bags can be safely stored in order to not have
them damaged. Staff - Liaison Wright stated she will ensure there proper safekeeping.
Chair -Elect Dawkins asked if there would be shipping and handling charges for the
order. Staff - Liaison Wright stated she assumed so. Chair -Elect Dawkins asked Member
Curry to amend his motion to allocate an additional $100 for shipping and handling
Memb Curry, seconded by Member Freeman moved to amend the or i g inal mo tion to
allo cate up to $1 100 for the purchase of 1,000 HRDB tote bags for board e instead
of $1,000 for 1,000 tote bags Mofion carried unanimously.
As Member Singh did not attend the meeting, this item was tabled to the next meeting.
NEXT AGENDA - March 6, 2014
Comments from Citizens /Public
Budget Report
Black History Month Essay Contest Debrief
Spring Fling
- Schedule of Member Participation and Duties
Asian Heritage Event Presentation by Member Singh
Set Next Agenda
Member Freeman asked that sub - committees for board events and a keynote speaker
be added to the next agenda. Chairman Hopkins directed the recording clerk to list
this item after the Spring Fling event.
Past Chairman Maxwell asked that International Culture Day and the African - American
Cemetery be added to the next agenda. Staff - Liaison Wright stated the City allocated
$22,000 towards the African - American Cemetery. Chairman Hopkins directed Staff -
Liaison Wright to reach out to Commissioner Grogan to see if he can attend the next
meeting to discuss the African - American Cemetery.
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February 6, 2014
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The meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m.
a Turner, Recording Clerk jennife op ins, Chairman