HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #04 Request from the Rotary Club of Ocoee to Have Fees Waived for Use of the Tom Ison Seniors and Veterans Center for Texas Hold'em Fundraiser Event on May 9, 2014lk4R
Meeting Date: March 18, 2014
Item # 4
Reviewed By
Contact Name: Jeffrey Hayes Department Director:
Contact Number: 407 - 877 -5803 City Manager:
Subject: Request from the Rotary Club of Ocoee to have the fees waivdd for use the Tom Ison
Seniors and Veterans Center for a Texas Hold'em fundraising event on May 9, 2014.
Background Summary:
The City of Ocoee, Parks and Recreation Department, has received a Facility Use Permit application from the
Rotary Club of Ocoee requesting the use of the Tom Ison Seniors & Veterans Center for a fundraising event to
take place on Friday, May 9, 2014. The Rotary Club of Ocoee has requested to have the rental fees associated
with the use of the Tom Ison Seniors & Veterans Center be waived for this event.
Staff has prepared a list of the fees associated with this permit, which are typically paid three weeks prior to the
occurrence of the event; these fees include:
• Facility Use Fee, based upon six (6) hours totaling $560.00.
• $25.00 AV Rental Fee.
• 6.5% Sales Tax ($36.40).
• $100.00 Alcohol Convenience Fee.
The total for the aforementioned fees is $721.40. In addition to these fees each renter is required to pay a
Security Deposit of $250, which is refundable if there is no damage to the facility.
In the past, the City Commission has waived the user fees for civic and community based organizations.
Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve waiving the fees associated with the use of the
Tom Ison Seniors & Veterans Center for the Rotary Club of Ocoee to conduct a fundraising event on May 9,
Staff is seeking the City Commission's direction on this item.
Facility Use Permit Application.
Financial Impact:
Waiver of revenue totaling $721.40.
Type of Item: (please mark with an `k')
Public Hearing
_ Ordinance First Reading
Ordinance Second Reading
Commission Approval
X Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's Dept Use
Consent Agenda
Public Hearing
Regular Agenda
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney N/A
Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A
Reviewed by () N/A
�\ 1 6 Park and Facility Use Permit j
�, `'w' Ocoee Parks & Recreation Department /'
QCclee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 0coQ
flortdo florldo
407 - 877 -5803
5lreelAddress ' t Cify(State Gip
Phone; t f �i t Cell: 4 _ Fat:
E -mail Address;
Date /s of Evenl;
Park Requested:
FnciliE , /Gazebo Requested: d?
Pavilion Requested:
Field Requested; - - --
Hours Qf Event: Prom: ' 1 . e.nr. / ).m. To: a.m . hxm
Set up Time ofEvenl:______ __ Breakdo�en'!'ime:
Purpose ofHvenl:
�sliriJnted .Attendance; - �� �
Street Address: t City /Slave . Zip
E -wail Address; _
Conlact Name;
Street Address;
E -mail Address:
0 Picnic / Party
❑ Exhibit /Show
Cc] 1:
❑ Wedding / Reception
❑ Carnival /Fair /Festival
❑ Meeting / Seniinar
❑ Tournament /Conipetition
❑ Other:
Please hark "yes" or `no" for each statement. ( if "yes" is cheelced you may be required to obtain a special event permit through the Build-
ing Division)
The event will extend beyond normal park flours (7 ;00 ant. to 11:00 pm,).
Yes 17
The'event will require exclusive use of the park,
Yes R. ;
No ❑
The event will be open fo the general public,
No Cl
Admission to the event will be charged,
Yes ❑`
Tetnporaty stage /s or structure /s ivill be used, 1
Yes ❑
The event is a "safe" or display of products (rummage sale, tent sale, etc,),
Yes ❑
(Confinucd on each)
City /Slate
Please inerk "yes" or "no" for each statement, (If "yes" is checked you may be required to obtain a special event permit through the
Building Division)
Event will he adyerlized. (Newspaper, Posters, Radio, TV, Etc.)
No ❑
Sound anrplifieation will be used,
Yes D
Live performaoce (musical, theatre, circus group) will be part of fire event,
Yes ❑
No 13
Tents, canopies, or EZ -Ups will be used.
Yes ❑
Pyrotechnics (firerworks) will be used.
Yes ❑
No ,
Propane gas (e,g. BBQ's) will be used for cooking/heating.
Yes ❑
Compressed gas cylinders (helium) will be used,
Yes ❑
Open flames (e,g, candles, sterho cans, fire pits, grills) will be used,
Yes ❑
Bonfire or ceremonial type fire to be used.
Yes ❑
No, M,
Electric power or generators will be required,
Yes ❑
No , Q
Additional tables, chairs, trash containers will be used.
Yes ❑
Signs, bauners, decorations, or special lighting will be used.
Yes brtl
No ❑
Vehicles rvill be parked on unpaved areas.
Yes C)
Activity booths will beset up (bounce house, dunk tanks, rock climbing, etc,).
Yes 0
7\ 1 0,R
A circus, carnival, or amusement rides are part of file event.
Yes ❑
Animals will be part of fire event (petting zoo, pony rides, etc.).
Yes ❑
No 13,
Food will be cooked or prepared at the event (BBQ, chili- cook -off, etc.).
Yes ❑
Food or beverages will be served
No ❑
Alcohol will be served enrlJoc -sntd grH}reevsnf
No ❑ 1
Helicopter or hot air balloon be part of the event,
Yes ❑
I certify that 1 have read this application and that all information contained in this application is true and correct, By filing this
application, 1, and the orgauizatiou on whose behalf I matte this application, contract and agree that rve will jointly and severally
indemnify and hold file City of Ocoee, its officials, officers, and cmployees harmless against liability, including court costs and
atforney's fees for' trial and on appeal, for any and all claims for damage to property or injury to, or death of persons arising out
of or resulting from the issuance of the permit or the conduct of the activity or any of its pal ticipants,
Printed Name of Representative Siguaturc of Representative — )Date
Departmental Use Only
Deposit Payment Date: / / Rental Payment Date:
Amount Received: $ Amount Received:
Staff Initial: Staff Initial:
Check # Check #
M/O # M/O #
General Rules & Regulations
1. Applicant will pay a separate security deposit of $250.00 for each event if required. The security deposit is to be
returned to applicant after the event, provided the facility is left in the same condition in which it was found i.e., paper
items, cans, bottles, all decorations and floors damp mopped, chairs and tables wiped down, folded and returned to
proper location; kitchen areas cleaned; equipment or personal belongings of applicant removed immediately following
event. Premises will be inspected by City Employee immediately thereafter.
2. Applicant is solely responsible for damages for any and all accidents or injuries to persons or property resulting
from applicant's use of the building. Applicant shall pay all costs resulting from said accidents or injuries. Applicant
shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Ocoee, its employees, agents, officials and contractors, harmless from
and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, loss damage, injury, liability cost or expense, including
without limitation, attorneys fees arising from the applicant's use of the facility.
3. Groups composed of minors will be approved only when adult requests such use and accepts the responsibility for
supervising the minors throughout the period covered in the facility use application. There shall be one adult
chaperone for each 15 minors. Chaperones shall remain on the premises until all minors have left the property.
Renter and the chaperones shall bear the legal responsibility of the minors attending the event. At least two days prior
to the use of the facilities, applicant shall provide the City a list of the chaperones by name, address, and telephone
number. Failure to provide the list two days in advance shall constitute a breach of the rental application, and the
application shall be revoked. Any and all fees paid by the applicant shall be forfeited by the applicant if this application
has been breached by applicant or revoked for cause by the City of Ocoee.
4. Control of the lights, thermostats, and other equipment will be administered by an employee of the City of Ocoee.
5. At no time will applicant remove chairs, tables, or any other equipment from the facility
6. The facility hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.rn.
All functions and clean -up must be complete within your scheduled rental time.
7. All applicants holding any outside activities must inquire at the building department as to whether a
'Special Event Permit' and /or 'Tent Permit' is required.
8. No Alcoholic Beverages are allowed on City Property.
9. Cancellation Fee for Facility Rental $25.00.
10. Cancellation Fee for Gazebo, Park Pavilion, Pool Party Pavilion and Field Rental $10.00
We understand that repairs for damages may be taken from the deposit and any additional amounts will be inv oiced
to us by the City. My Organization /Group agrees to comply with the conditions set forth in the General Rules and
Regulations Policy A copy of said Policy has been given to me and I have reviewed it
These guidelines will serve to highlight the responsibilities on the part of both the City of Ocoee Parks & Recreation
Department staff and the renter.
The City of Ocoee does provide staffing for all events. The primary function of the staff is to open and secure the
facility, and provide the tables and chairs needed for the event (staff is not responsible for any set -up or take down). A
staff member will remain on the premises for the duration of the event. The staff member will provide the renter with
guidance for the use and cleaning of the center. They will also provide any clean -up materials, such as brooms, mops,
soap and trash bags needed to clean the center
The renter bears the responsibility of leaving the center in the same condition as it was found and complying with the
criteria noted on the front of this form. The renter is responsible for vacating the premises by the time indicated on the
recreation facility use application. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations for the use of the center may lead to
the forfeiture of part or all of the renter's security deposit.
Signat re of Representative Date
In order to ensure a full reimbursement of the security deposit, the renter must meet the following criterla:
U Clean & fold all used tables
U Return all tables & chairs to their original place
❑ All trash bagged, removed and placed in the designated dumpster
U Remove all decorations, tape or adhesives
U Remove all signs andlor advertisements put up by your organization
U All Items must be removed by the end of your contracted rental time
U Floors are swept and mopped (if necessary), and restored to the same condition at the start of the event
U Kitchen area clean & cleared of any food or debris
The undersigned has read and will observe rules stated above. I understand that any loss or damage to the center, or
excessive cleaning as a result of this function will be deducted from my deposit, and that I will be billed for loss which
exceeds my deposit.
I further understand that the serving or consumption of alcoholic beverages at this event Is prohibited and may result
In a deduction from or forfeiture of my deposit.
Signature of Representative Date
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Official Use Only
Special Event Permit Required Yes _,__ No
Department Approved:
U agpap Upppp app puupaggqtltltlaoqqnnpnqnanpqqqntlqqptlnntltlqa otl tlutl gtlpp ggtlqtlqtl VOA ODUggoqatlollUtltlnatlqtl
Security Deposit Refund Information:
Facility Inspected by:
Estimated Attendance:
Rental Details:
Refund Authorized: Date: Amount of Refund: $
Directors Approval