HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2000-14 RESOLUTION 2000-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELATING TO INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIENCIES UNDER THE CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM; ACCEPTING A CONCURRENCY ASSSESSMENT OF INFRASTUCTURE AND SERVICES; FINDING THAT THERE ARE NO INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIENCIES WITHIN THE CITY; ADOPTING AN INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIENCIES MAP; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee has received a report on the status of all infrastructure covered under the Ocoee Concurrency Management System, said report being attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference made a part hereof ("the Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services"); and WHEREAS, information has been collected and made available to the public on certain infrastructure facilities as required by Article IX of Chapter 180 of the Ocoee City Code; and WHEREAS, based upon the Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 9-5 of Article IX of Chapter 180 of the Ocoee City Code, an Infrastructure Deficiencies Map has been prepared, said map being attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference made a part here of ("the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map"); and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has been advised that, as of October 17, 2000, there are no infrastructure deficiencies with respect to the level of service --.. standards established by the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. EXHIBIT "A" INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITIES AND LEVELS OF SERVICE INVENTORY FOR CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA The following inventories, in conjunction with the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map, shall be maintained by the Development Administrator to be used for the concurrency assessment of new development: I. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION A. Design capacity of the roadway network as defined by the current Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) Generalized Level Of Service (LOS) Tables. Table 1 outlines the vehicle volumes and capacities of all of the roadway segments monitored by the City of Ocoee's Concurrency Management System (eMS). The shaded roadways in Table 1 are non-CMS roadways that may need to be monitored for concurrency in the future. It is believed that these roadways will become increasingly important in Ocoee's future traffic circulation needs. For this reason, they are being included as potential CMS roadways in the most recent monitoring program. The total capacity (vehicles per day) shown for all roadway segments is based on the adopted LOS as set in the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. All of the monitored roadway segments have an adopted LOS 0 or LOS E. Identified below is a summarized version of FOOT's definitions of LOS A through LOS F: . LOS A - Primarily free flow of traffic; vehicles operate almost completely unimpeded. . LOS B - Reasonably free flow of traffic; vehicle movement is only slightly restricted. . LOS C - Vehicle speed still at or near free flow; vehicle movement is noticeably restricted. . LOS 0 - Speeds begin to decline slightly with increasing traffic; freedom to maneuver is noticeably limited. . LOS E - Speeds are noticeably reduced; operation is at capacity with little room to maneuver. . LOS F - Breakdown in vehicular flow; roadway is "gridlocked". ""', _1''''' _ _ _ _ 1....._...,.""....1,,"".. ,-.,.....,.."_0",..." M~n::an&1rn&1nt PaaeJ TABLE 1 OCOEE ROAD CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Traffic Volumes and Capacities by Road Segments Overall Summary Road Se men! AD. Mims Rd Wursl RdlClarke Rd E 2 7,545 157 7,702 17,400 9,698 44% Clarke RdlApopka-Vineland Rd E 2 4,357 160 4,517 17,400 12,883 26% AdairSt Wursl RdlClarcona-Ocoee Rd 0 2 3,011 3 3,014 9,200 6,186 33% Apopka-Vineland Rd S.R. 4381AO, Mims Rd E 2 13,886 252 14,118 15,500 1,382 91% AD. Mims RdlClarcona-Ocoee Rd E 2 11,488 180 11,868 15,500 3,832 75% Clarcona-Ocoee RdlMcCormick Rd E 2 13,319 85 13,404 15,500 2,096 86% Blackwood Ave OkfWinler Gatden Rd.toSR 50 ..' 0 4 7,379 2,752 10,131 34,200 1\' 24,069 i 3O"A. Bluford Ave S.R 5O(Geneva SI 0 2 11,034 1,329 12,363 13,000 637 95% Geneva StNv1'l~e Rd-Orlando Ave 0 2 11,079 1,063 12,142 13,000 858 93% lNhite Rei-Orlando AvefMcKey St 0 2 10,485 582 11,067 13,000 1,933 85% McKey SlIS.R 438 0 2 10,425 427 10,852 13,000 2,148 83% Bowness Rd Story RdlKissimmee Ave 0 2 16,031 554 16,585 15,400 (1,185) 108% Kissimmee Ave/S.R. 438 0 2 12,702 273 12,975 15,400 2,425 84% Citrus Oaks Av& OIdWinler Garden Rdtl65R50' D '.2 3,191 .;i 0 a,191 9,200" 6,009 >36% Lakewood Ave S.R 4381Rewis 51 E 2 8,968 116 9,084 15,200 6,116 60% Rewis SlIWursl Rd E 2 7,298 116 7,414 15,200 7,786 49% Wursl RdlFuller's Cross Rd E 2 2,773 133 2,906 15,200 12,294 19% Clarcona-Ocoee Rd Fuller's Cross RdlAdair St E 2 4,601 4,411 9,012 15,200 6,188 59% Adair SlIClarke Rd E 2 5,083 294 5,377 15,200 9,823 35% Clarke RdlApopka-Vineland Rd E 2 9,022 473 9,495 15,200 5,705 62% Clarke Rd S.R 5O(\Nh~e Rd 0 4 22,659 4,951 27,610 34,200 6,590 81% lNhile RdlS, R. 438 0 4 27,210 2,901 30,111 34,200 4,089 88% S.R 4381AO. Mims Rd 0 4 16,136 2,529 18,865 34,200 15,535 55% AD. Mims RdlHackney-Prairie Rd 0 2 7,526 2,005 9,531 15,200 5,869 63% Hacknev-Prairie RdlClarcona-Ocoee Rd 0 2 5,770 1,630 7,400 15,200 7,800 49% Flewelling St Fullers Cross Rd Geneva St Kissimmee RdlBluford Rd 0 2 10,797 348 11,145 15,100 3,955 74% Good Homes Rd Old WinlarGard9l) RdlE"sl-Wesl Expwy E........... 2 13,396 484 13;880 ,. 15,900 2,020 i; ;S;Y;il7% Easl'Wesl Expwy/S.R;50 E 2 14,629 241 14,870 15,900 1,030 LD94% S.R SOIBalboa Dr. E 2 15,175 496 15,671 16,600 929 94% Balboa Orl\toh1ile Rd E 2 14,296 227 14,523 15,900 1,377 91% lNh~e RdlS.R 438 E 2 7,072 39 7,111 15,900 8,789 45% Clarke RdlApopka-Vineland Rd GOthilRdlOkfWinler GardElri Rd.' Kissimmee Ave Maguire Rd Gotha RdlRoberson Rd 0 2 11,081 1,747 12,828 17,400 4,572 74% Roberson RdfT omyn Rd 0 2 15,695 1,629 17,324 34,200 16,876 51% Tomyn RdlProfessional Prkwy 0 2 19,355 1,992 21,347 34,200 12,853 62% Professional PrkwyIS.R 50 0 2 18,491 1,054 19,545 34,200 14,655 57% S,R SOIMarshall Farms Rd 0 2 13,581 579 14,140 34,200 20,060 41% Marshall Farms RdlStory Rd 0 2 19,931 2,846 22,777 34,200 11,423 67% Marshall Farms Rd S.R SOIMaguire Rd 0 2 6,337 3,975 10,312 12,100 1,788 85% McCormickRd OcoElEl4\popkaHdlApoPk",VinElland Rd 2 2,876 Li.......O 2,876 12,100 9,224 '24% McKey St Kissimmee Ave/Bluford Ave E " 2 4,372 48 4,418 11,700 7,282 38% Ocoee-Apopka Rd Ocoee Hills Rd Old Winter Garden Rd Orlando Ave RElWisSt Roberson Rd Russell Dr Ocoee Planning Depl. Page 1 10/6/00 TABLE 1 OCOEE ROAD CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Traffic Volumes and Capacities by Road Segments Overall Summary Adopted No. of Oai! Volumes" POI Caoacltv fVPO Road SeClment LOS Lanes ExistinQ Reserved Combined Total RemaininCl % Used S.R. 50 9th StlWofford Rd D 4 46,616 1,362 47,978 49,900 1,922 96% (West Colonial Dr) Wofford RdlMarshall Farms Rd 0 4 47,425 1,421 48,848 49,900 1,054 98% Marshall Farms RdlMaguire Rd 0 4 45,342 2,134 47,476 49,900 2,424 95% Maguire RdlOld Winter Garden Rd 0 4 45,901 2,933 48,834 49,900 1,066 98% Old Winter Garden RdlBlackwood Ave 0 4 44,248 5,209 49,457 54,300 4,843 91% Blackwood Ave/Clarke Rd 0 4 49,775 6,182 55,957 54,300 (1,657) 103% Clarke RdlGood Homes Rd 0 4 38,933 5,538 44,471 54,300 9,829 82% S.R 438 E. Crown Point RdlBowness Rd E 2 12,686 0 12,686 16,600 3,914 76% (Silver Star Rd) Bowness RdlOcoee-Apopka Rd E 2 17,885 36 17,921 16,600 (1,321) 108% Ocoee-Apopka RdlBluford Ave E 2 13,945 122 14,067 16,600 2,533 85% Bluford Ave/Ocoee-Hills Rd E 2 14,736 1,848 16,583 16,600 17 100% Ocoee-Hills RdlClarke Rd E 2 16,595 616 17,211 16,600 (611) 104% Clarke RdI Johio Shores Rd E 2 17,258 1,145 18,403 21,243 2,840 87% Johio Shores RdlGood Homes Rd E 2 17,700 1,143 18,843 21,243 2,400 89% Slory Rd 9th StlWofford Rd E 2 9,541 985 10,526 15,100 4,574 70% Wofford RdlKissimmee Ave E 2 11,567 219 11,786 15,100 3,314 78% Ta lor St FrsIlklirfSlIMck 3,095 3,095 '11,700 lNhile Rd Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 0 2 6,640 1,496 8,136 14,000 5,864 58% ( Orlando Ave) Clarke RdlGood Homes Rd 0 2 7,a44 1,319 8,663 14,000 5,337 62% Willow Creek Rd Russell Dr/Wursl Rd 0 2 730 4 734 9,400 8,666 8% Wurst Rd Lakewood Ave/Adair SI 0 2 5,994 24 6,018 11,900 5,882 51% Adair SlIAO, Mims Rd 0 2 7,406 21 7,427 11,900 4,473 62% Note: Shaded roadway segments indicate those roadways which are not included in the Ocoee Concurrency Manegament System. Although these roadway segments are included for informa60n purposes only, they may need to be included in the CMS at some point in the future to monilor growth more efeclively. Ocoee Planning Dep\. Page 2 10/6/00 B. The existing level of service measured by the average annual number of trips per day on a roadway as provided by annual traffic counts performed by the City of Ocoee's consultants. If a roadway has reached the maximum capacity as defined by the FOOT Generalized LOS Tables, the applicant may provide a more detailed LOS analysis based on the current FOOT LOS Standards and Guidelines or the current FOOT Manual for Uniform Traffic Studies. The detailed LOS analysis may include the procedure described for a Speed and Delay Study. The volumes for existing daily traffic on the various road segments are shown on Table 1 under the heading Existing Daily Volumes (vehicles per day). These volumes were established by 24 hour traffic counts collected by the City's transportation planning consultant in June 2000. Comparing this existing count data with the Total Allowable Capacity, only two segments have existing counts that exceed the FOOT generalized LOS capacity. The two segments are listed below: . Bowness Road from Story Road to Kissimmee A venue . Silver Star Road (SR438) from Bowness Road to Ocoee-Apopka Road Because of the margin of error involved in counting daily traffic, the State actually allows cities to "cap" the daily volumes higher than the roadway capacity established for the adopted LOS. It is for this reason the City's concurrency management system does not place a road segment on the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map until it reaches 115 percent of the LOS of that particular roadway segment. (See Paragraph F below for a discussion of capacities of roadway segments after reserved trips are added to existing trips.) C. The adopted LOS standards (as defined by the current FOOT Generalized Tables) for all roads classified under the FOOT's roadway functional classification system. The adopted LOS for all roadways is listed on Table 1. If a roadway or road segment has reached the maximum capacity for vehicles per day, an applicant may opt to submit an alternative method of study using the current FOOT LOS Standards and Guidelines. D. The existing unallocated capacities or deficiencies of the roadway network. The available capacities under today's traffic conditions are obtained by subtracting existing daily volumes from the total roadway capacity. City ofOcoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management Page4 Other than the two segments listed under section B, all roads have capacity based on existing traffic ( before reserved trips are accounted for). E. The capacities reserved for those projects with a Final Certificate of Concurrency or Transportation Capacity Reservation Certificate. Trips are reserved for those projects with Final Certificates of Concurrency (FCC's) or Transportation Capacity Reservation Certificates (TCRC's). These projects with reserved trips are listed on Table 2. The total reserved trips for each road segment are also listed on Table 1. For those developments which are currently in the building stage, units which are already adding trips on the road (homes or businesses that are occupied) have been subtracted from the overall total trips that are concurrent (to avoid double counting). F. The projected capacities or deficiencies due to those projects with a Final Certificate of Concurrency or Transportation Capacity Reservation Certificate. The total trips generated by those projects with a FCC or a TCRC is recorded in the Reserved column of Table 1. When added to existing traffic, the combined amount must be less than 115 percent of the maximum allowable capacity for each road segment, or the segment is placed on the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map. Based on existing trips plus reserved trips, there are no segments that exceed the 115 percent threshold, however, there are five segments over 100 percent of the maximum capacity. Once a roadway segment reaches 115 percent, it must be placed on the infrastructure Deficiencies Map and development may not be approved which affects that roadway segment unless a project is vested, has a valid FCC or TCRC, or if an alternative study proves the segment would still operate at acceptable FOOT standards. The above discussion is based on the execution of a developer agreement between the City and Florida Auto Auction. This agreement provides funding for the four laning of Maguire Road from Marshall Farms Road to Story Road. The four laning provides additional capacity which removes this roadway segment from the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map. The five segments that exceed the 100% threshold are listed below. These segments will be monitored closely and if any of them (or any other segment) reaches 115 percent, the City Commission will be notified. City ofOcoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management Page5 ::l!: W.l!l In 5; >- E I/)tn .... .. zl/) W ::l!:"i.l!l wOe: e>0::.. oc( >. E :i .Q S, N::l!: .~.~O ~>-'5oc(E! al~",..:g <(wg.ECS I-!2U-5..... :J'C> ~ ;.!:! 0",:= o CD I! E.... o :s oc(- 00 0::> lJ ltl= Of! U.... o ;;; -0 ... .Q ::l '" ....0 '" NO", ~~ "' .:"Xl N ~ ~"'''' "' ~ '" 00 ",",0 NCO co....~ 00 000 '" '" "''''''' ~ .... N CO "'"'"' 0> ~~<q ~~ ." CD'lS 0::'" 811 .,,0:: C CD qO .. 8." 0; ..ld C qO:: C::E :> ~'O ~ OJ ~ E ..0:: CD'" ~~ ~! ~~ !20 Q~ ~~ ~o:: E .. 0::", ~~ - CD -.... E~ E . ~c3 ~:;; o. ~o ." 0:: ." ." 0:: C E 00 .. 0; C ~ '0; ~ ." ci <( .. 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Silver Star Road (SR438) from Bluford A venue to Ocoee-HiIIs Road . Silver Star Road (SR438) from Ocoee-HiIIs Road to Clarke Road G. The improvements to be made to the roadway network in the current fiscal year by any approved projects pursuant to previous development orders or permits and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. Concurrent with the construction of the Wal-Mart Supercenter, the developer will be responsible for building numerous intersection and access improvements that will improve the flow of traffic in the State Road 50 corridor. The improvements include: . Raise concrete median ( access management) on State Road 50 from Bluford Avenue to Blackwood Avenue. . Northbound left and southbound right at Bluford Avenue and State Road 50. . Northbound right and signalization improvements at State Road 50 and Blackwood Avenue. . Turn lanes at State Road 50 and new Hemple Avenue. . Turn lanes and signalization at Blackwood Avenue and Old Winter Garden Road. . Right-of-way dedications to allow for the widening of Old Winter Garden Road. Contained within the developers agreement between the City and the Florida Auto Auction is a funding source to widen Maguire Road from Mercantile Court to Story Road as well as, the dedication of right-of-way along Story Road, Maguire Road and Marshall Farms Road. These provisions will create needed roadway capacity in the Maguire Road corridor. H. The improvements to be made to the roadway network in the current fiscal year and the first three years of the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan by the City of Ocoee, Orange County, the FOOT, or other public agency and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. City ofOcoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management Page8 The first three phases of the Maguire Road widening, from Roberson Road to Mercantile Court (north of State Road 50) is planned to be completed during the Year 2001/02. The fourth phase of Maguire Road in still under design. Completion of this segment is dependent on funding from the developers agreement with the Florida Auto Auction. The construction of Professional Parkway / Old Winter Garden Road is slated to begin in the year 2001. The four laning of this roadway, as well as the intersection improvements at Maguire Road and Old Winter Garden Road will create a parallel roadway to State Road 50. The parallel roadway allows motorist in southern Ocoee to travel east/west without using State Road 50. The extension of Maine Street as a four lane roadway from Blackwood Avenue to Bluford Avenue and then to Maguire Road will create another parallel roadway to State Road 50. This roadway will function similar to Professional Parkway by allowing motorists to travel east/west without using State Road 50. This project is dependent on funding. Orange County has three proposed projects in its current CIP which will have an impact on Ocoee's road system. Clarcona-Ocoee Road from Hiawassee Road to Ocoee-Apopka Road is planned to be widened to four lane in the Year 2002/03. Old Winter Garden Road from Apopka-Vineland to Hemple Avenue is scheduled to be widened to four lanes in the Year 2002/03. The FOOT is in the right-of-way acquisition phase of its Silver Star Road (from Hiawassee Road to Clarke Road) widening project. This project and intersection improvements at the intersection of Silver Star and Ocoee-Apopka Road are both in the FOOT's current Five- Year Plan. The first segment of the Western Expressway, from US 441 in Apopka to State Road 50 in Ocoee, was completed in the summer of 2000. It is anticipated that the next segment from State Road 50 to the Turnpike will be completed by the year 2001. The extension from the Turnpike south to Disney should be under construction within five years. This roadway is anticipated to change the driving habits of many west Orange County residents. Changes in Ocoee's traffic patterns will be closely monitored when the project is complete. The State of Florida has recently allocated funding for two separate improvement projects along State Road 50. The first project will involve intersection improvements along the State Road 50 corridor from Pine Hills Road to the Lake County Line. These improvements should occur within the next few years. City ofOcoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management Page9 The second project involves design work that will ultimately result in the six laning of State Road 50. Although the design work has been funded, the funds necessary for right-of-way acquisition and construction have not been allocated. The completion of this project is still outside of the five year window. Progress on the above projects will be monitored and changes to the roadway capacities will be made as appropriate. I. Annual update of the City's transportation network as modeled using the Region's most recent OUA Ts model. During the fall of 1997, City staff and the City's transportation consultant, TransCore, began developing a Master Transportation Plan for the City of Ocoee. This plan is intended to identify the various transportation issues that will affect the City through the year 2020. The plan was adopted by the City Commission in the fall of 1998. City of Ocoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management PageJO II. SANITARY SEWER A. The design capacity of the wastewater treatment facility. The City of Ocoee has one wastewater treatment facility with a permitted treatment capacity of 3.0 million gallons per day (MGD). The current Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) operation permit limits treatment capacity to the current effluent disposal capacity of 2.35 MGD. This is the current permitted effluent disposal capacity of the combined wastewater treatment plant site effluent ponds and the golf course. B. The existing level of service standard for average daily flows per equivalent residential unit. The existing level of service (LOS) is calculated by dividing the number of equivalent residential units (ERUs) into the average daily flows represented by the existing customer base. The average daily flow (daily flow counts taken from June 1999 through May 2000 and then averaged for the 12-month period) is 1.322 MGD (1,322,000 gallons per day). There are 5,109 sanitary sewer customers on record with the Utility Department, each with an existing LOS of 258 gallons per day (GPO) per ERU. C. The adopted level of service standard for average daily flows per equivalent residential unit. The adopted LOS per the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan is 270 gallons per day (GPO) per ERU. D. The existing capacities or deficiencies of the system. The limiting factor for Ocoee's wastewater treatment plant is its permitted effluent disposal capacity. To address the limiting factor, the City has begun the construction of Phase I of an effluent reuse project that will allow us to distribute reclaimed water to the homes and businesses along the Clarke Road corridor. Phase I of this effluent reuse project will increase the wastewater treatment facility's effluent disposal capacity to 1.5 MGD, and future phases of the project will bring our ultimate effluent disposal capacity to City ofOcoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management pagell approximately 3.5 MGD. Phase I will be completed by December 2000. E. The capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development. For concurrency purposes regarding sanitary sewer, the City of Ocoee defines approved but unbuilt development as those portions of a project which have not yet been built but which have sanitary sewer capacity reserved through a Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) permit. Currently, the City has 207,153 gallons of capacity that have been permitted I reserved and are still unused. The reserved capacity is tracked by the Finance Department. The current wastewater facility h~s a treatment capacity of 3.0 MGD. The system as currently permitted by DEP for effluent disposal can treat a total of 2.35 MGD or 8,704 ERUs. With the 1.322 MGD current use (which equates to 4,896 ERUs) and 207,153 gallons reserved (as permitted) for unbuilt development the total exiting and reserved demand on the wastewater facility is 1,529,153 gallons per day. Adequate permitted capacity still remains for over 820,000 gallons of wastewater treatment or for 3,040 ERUs. F. The improvements to be made to the facility in the current fiscal year by any approved projects pursuant to previous development orders and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. All new development along the Clarke Road corridor will be required to install reuse lines as part of their infrastructure improvements. This includes the Prairie Lakes developments, Remington Oaks, Olympia PUD, West Oaks Town Center and other property along Clarke Road. G. The improvements to be made to the facility in the current fiscal year by the City of Ocoee and the impacts of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. Construction of Phase I of the effluent reuse project has begun and will be completed by the end the year 2000. City of Ocoee - Inventory for Concurrency Management pagel2 III. POTABLE WATER A. The design capacity of the potable water treatment facilities. There are three water plants interconnected in the City' of Ocoee. The pumping capacity permitted by FDEP is as follows: South Water Plant: Forest Oaks Water Plant: Jamela Water Plant: Total for the 3 Plants: 5.076 MGD 3.096 MGD 2.880 MGD 11.052 MGD (36,840 ERUs) The St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) regulates the allowable water withdrawal for potable water production for the City's water system. The average annual daily flow (AADF) for 2000 as permitted by SJRWMD is 3.555 MGD (11,850 ERUs) and 3.656 MGD (12,186) for 2001. These are calendar year permits so the majority of our fiscal year will be measured against the 3.656 MGD. B. The existing level of service measured by the average number of gallons per day per unit based on the average flows experienced. The average number of gallons used per day based on the 12-month average from June 1999 through May 2000 was 5.618 MGD. Taking the 20 percent average deduction for unmetered losses for such things as hydrant flushing, leakage's, and calibration variances in the meters, the average daily number of gallons actually used by customers in the system is 4.494 MGD. (The American Waterworks Association Research Foundation has estimated that leakage's of up to 26 percent can be expected from a system of our size.) There are currently 8,704 customers representing approximately 14,980 ERUs in the system. Taking the number of ERUs and the average flow used by customers in the system, the existing LOS is 300 GPD/ERU. C. The existing potable water storage capabilities of the water system. The water storage capabilities are as follows: South Water Plant: 1,250,000 Gallons City ofOcoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management Page 13 Forest Oaks Water Plant: 1,050,000 Jamela Water Plant: 1.000.000 Total: 3,300,000 Gallons D. The existing minimum water pressure. The Land Development Code requires a minimum water pressure of 20 pounds per square inch (20 psi). New development is required to show that it meets this requirement (which is usually done through computer modeling). The existing system is tested by the Ocoee Fire Department on a regular basis through gauging fire hydrants. E. The adopted level of service standards for the potable water facilities. The adopted LOS is 300 GPD/ERU. F. The existing capacities or deficiencies of the system. The existing LOS of 300 GPD/ERU meets the adopted LOS as outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. In fact, this figure is a reduction of 17 GPD/ERU from the 317 GPD/ERU average last year. This decrease is largely attributed to the City's POWR program. Despite the carryover of last years drought, which leads to more water demand for the watering of yards, the City's water customers used less water. The overall water usage may continue to decrease once the effects of the drought are diminished and after the City's reuse system is in place and certain parts of the City start using reclaimed water for irrigating their lawns. (See Paragraph G below for a discussion of capacities remaining after reserved gallons are added to existing gallons in the system.) G. The capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development. For concurrency purposes regarding potable water, the City of Ocoee defines approved but unbuilt developments as those portions of a project which have not yet been built but which have potable water capacity reserved through a DEP permit. The Finance Department tracks the projects which fall under this category and the number of potable water gallons that have been reserved and are still unused for each of those projects. According to the City's records, 219,000 gallons per day have been reserved and not are still not used. With a permitted well pumping capacity of 3.656 MGD, the 4.494 MGD averaged for the past year and the 219,000 gallons reserved for approved but unbuilt development, put the system - as permitted - City ofOcoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management Pagel4 over capacity. This again is a result of having to use strictly potable water for irrigation purposes. As the reuse lines are put in place and the reclaimed water system becomes operational, the potable water demand will decline accordingly. Additionally, the City's POWR program has continued as a public information and education program in cooperation with the St. Johns River Water Management District. One of the goals of this program was to reduce potable water demand by 10 percent by the summer of 2000. It should also be noted that the reserved capacity for approved but unbuilt development will come on line over the next several years and should not impact the eity's water treatment capacity at one time. It is included in this report as a tool to helping plan for future needs of the system. H. The improvements to be made to the facilities in the current fiscal year by any approved projects pursuant to previous development orders or permits and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. There are no trunk line potable water system improvements scheduled to be made by developers in this fiscal year; however, as stated previously in this report, the installation of reuse lines by future developers along the Clarke Road corridor will help alleviate 30-to-40 percent of total residential flows for those future customers which can be directly attributed to irrigation purposes. I. The improvements to be made in the current fiscal year by the City of Ocoee and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. As part of the recent bond issue, the City has completed major upgrades to the South Water Plant and Forest Oaks Water Plant. These improvements include new wells and high service pumps. In late 1998 the City begun construction on major enhancements to the distribution system. The City has also begun construction of the first phase of the wastewater reuse project. The City will be able to supply reuse water to selected areas by the end of 2000. This will reduce the irrigation demand on the water system which will reduce the amount of water pumped. The wastewater reuse project will initially serve the mall area and Clarke Road medians with reclaimed water. That alone will cut the potable water consumption by some 250 ERUs. The 1997 Bond Issue included funds for the future retrofitting of several existing subdivisions along the Clarke Road corridor. The City of Ocoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management Pagel5 design of the retrofit is underway. That phase of the project will take another estimated 400 ERUs off the daily flows. We are also working on an agreement with Orlando and Orange County to allow us to tap into the Conserve line that runs along Roberson Road. This would allow us to provide reuse water for irrigation to Wesmere, Windermere Groves, and Cross Creek as well as other development that will occur south of the Turnpike along Maguire Road. This will further reduce our withdrawal from the aquifer and will bring us at or below the level of withdrawal permitted by SJRWMD. City ofOcoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management Page 1 6 IV. SOLID WASTE A. The percentage of the total amount of solid waste disposal capacity allocated to the City of Ocoee by Orange County or other applicable solid waste disposal facilities. The City of Ocoee currently provides residential solid waste collection services. Commercial garbage is franchised to a private contractor. The City of Ocoee does not have a contract with Orange County for a certain allotment of solid waste disposal capacity. Orange County has not notified the City of any limitation or of any maximum allowable waste that will be accepted from the City. To this end, the City will permit additional customers until notified otherwise by the County. B. The existing level of service measured by the solid waste per pound per capita per weekly collection. Orange County currently places no overall limitations on the amount of solid waste generated by the City of Ocoee; however, the City does limit the amount of solid waste it collects from its residential customers and anything over that limit is only collected after the customer pays an additional fee. The current adopted LOS for residential customers is 6.0 pounds per capita per day. Service is provided as required by state statute for the separation of Class 1 garbage from recyclable and yard waste. From July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000, a total of 8,424 tons of Class 1 residential garbage was transported by the City of Ocoee to the Orange County landfill. That figure averages out to 702 tons per month or 1,404,000 pounds per month or 46,800 pounds per day. There are currently 8,082 residential garbage customers (households) in Ocoee. At 41,538 pounds per day, that equates to 5.79 pounds per day per customer or 1.93 pounds per person per day. The pounds per day per customer figure is consistent with previous years. Yard waste is contracted out to Jennings Environmental. According to recent estimates, the average daily yard waste per customer is 2.98 pounds per customer per day or .99 pounds per person per day. That added to the above figure for Class 1 garbage equals 2.92 pounds per person per day. This is still well below the 6 pounds per person per day adopted LOS. City ofOcoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management Page 17 A total of 1103 tons of residential recyclables was collected from July 1999 to June 2000, That amounts to 5.25 pounds per household per week. This represents a 1/4 pound decrease in the amount of weekly recycling per household from the previous year. C. The projected capacities reserved for those projects with a Final Certificate of Concurrency. Because Orange County has not placed any limitation on the amount of solid waste generated by the City of Ocoee, the City will reserve capacity for approved but unbuilt development in one-year increments for those developments that receive Final Certificates of Concurrency. D. The existing recycling criteria as established by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Orange County. The City of Ocoee began its residential recycling program in July 1990 in accordance with state and local regulations. All businesses and all multi-family housing within Orange County began recycling in 1995. Multi-family garbage collection is provided by the City's commercial garbage collector. Recycling services for commercial and multi-family developments may be done by the City's private commercial garbage contractor or any independent recycling company as long as they are certified as a recovered materials dealer. City ofOcoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management pagel8 V. STORMWATER DRAINAGE The City's land Development Code requires that each new development design and install a stormwater management system that serves the project. In addition to projects associated with new development, the eity has begun several projects to help improve stormwater conditions in the City. These projects have been divided into several phases and groups. A. The existing level of service measured by storm event as determined by the City of Ocoee and its consulting engineers. The Phase I Group I drainage improvement projects are complete. These were mostly underdrain improvements to solve yard flooding. The Phase I Group II projects have gone to bid are in various stages of completion. These improvements address localized flooding at the intersection of the intersection of Flewelling and Russell (complete) , the Sullivan Ditch (complete), Pioneer Key I (ongoing process), and others. The climbing excavator has been used extensively to maintain ditches throughout the City. It can travel along the bottom of a ditch, through up to four feet of standing water. It allows routine custodial maintenance of ditches for which there is a limited right-of-way, by minimizing the need to travel along the top of the ditch bank. As reported previously, the City was a co-applicant with Orange County for both Part I and Part II of the U.S. EPA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permit application. The final permit was issued on February 14, 1996. The permit was effective April 1, 1996 and is valid through February 28, 2001. It includes requirements for pollutant monitoring and drainage system improvements. B. The adopted level of service standard for storm drainage. The LOS for stormwater/drainage is the ability to contain a 25 year/24 hour storm event, consistent with Chapter 17-25 of the Florida Administrative Code. Development must meet all requirements for stormwater/drainage as outlined in the City of Ocoee's Land Development Code or other such stormwater drainage approvals as may be required by the Land Development Code or state agencies. City ofOcoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management Pagel9 VI. RECREATION A. The existing acreage of park land. There are 176.25 acres of park land in the City of Ocoee. The list of parks with the corresponding acres is included in Table 3. B. The existing level of service measured by the number of acres of park land available per 1,000 residents of the City of Ocoee based on an inventory of park lands in the City and the population of the City. According to the Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) at the University of Florida, the latest population figures for Ocoee show 23,531 permanent residents ( estimate as of 4/1/00. Actual figure will be released with the latest census report). With 176.25 acres of existing park land, that gives the City an existing LOS of 7.49 acres of park land per 1,000 residents. C. The existing capacities or deficiencies of the recreational facilities. The adopted LOS for recreation is 4 acres of park land per 1,000 residents. As stated above, the existing LOS is 7.49 acres of park land for every 1,000 current residents. This leaves sufficient capacity in the system for additional residents. In fact, there is sufficient capacity to add 23,486 residents without exceeding the adopted LOS of 4 acres of park land per 1,000 residents. D. The capacities reserved for those projects with a Final Certificate of Concurrency. There is a total of 3.18 acres reserved through Final Certificates of Concurrency. E. The projected capacities or deficiencies due to those projects with a Final Certificate of Concurrency. As stated above, there are 3.18 acres reserved for residential developments with Final Certificates of Concurrency. This equates to an additional 795 residents. Since the City has a recreation capacity that exceed 23,000 residents there are no deficiencies in park acreage as a result of planned development. City of Ocoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management Page20 Beech Recreational Complex (Phase 1) 13 +/- acres Central Park Complex 23 +/- acres Forest Lake Golf Club 60 +/- acres * Forest Oaks Park 0.25 +/- acres Hackney Prairie Park 12 +/- acres John Vignetti Park 22 +/- acres Municipal Park Complex 10 +/- acres Palm Drive Park 1 +/- acres Parkside/Coventry Park 4 +/- acres Peach Lake Park/Russell Drive Park Sorenson Junior / Senior League Baseball Field 3 +/- acres 8 +/- acres Silver Glen Park 5 +/- acres South Maguire Park 10 +/- acres Tiger Minor Park 5 +/- acres TOTAL ACRES OF PARK LAND 176.25 TOTAL ACRES *This presumes 25 percent of the total 240 acre site benefits Ocoee residents (based on the usage of the course). F. The improvements or additions of land to be made to the recreation system in the current fiscal year by any approved projects pursuant to previous development orders and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. City ofOcoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management Page2l There are no park lands scheduled to be added to the city-wide park system by developers in the 2000-01 fiscal year; however, residential subdivisions are still required by the Land Development Code to provide park land and facilities to serve the residents of their subdivision. This park land is not added to the city-wide system since it is private property owned and maintained by the individual homeowners associations, but it does reduce the demand on certain public facilities. G. The improvements or additions of land to be made to the recreation system in the current fiscal year by the City of Ocoee and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. The new recreational complex on A.D. Mims Road will operate under a lease arrangement with the Wastewater Fund for the land it will occupy. Since this lease arrangement is in place, and the first phase of the project is complete the 13 acres for Phase I has been included in the inventory of park lands. The City is also planning to add approximately 40 acres to the city- wide park system in the near future. At this time it is anticipated that the majority of the new park area will be in the northwest area of the City. Currently the City is in the process of purchasing the "Coke" property which should provide a significant boost in the total acreage. The 40 acres has not been included in the inventory. City of Ocoee -Inventory for Concurrency Management Page22 CITY OF OCOEE INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIENCIES MAP Updated November 7, 2000 -~