HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #07 - Consideration of Recommendation of OSAB for Removal of Member
Agenda 8/01/06
Education Commission Meeting Item 7
July 10, 2006
Chairman Conklin announced that Joy Stribling was the newest member to the Ocoee School Advisory
Board and asked her to tell the board a little about herself. Member Stribling said that she was an
instructional coach at Shingle Creek Elementary School. She described her educational background and
said that she is a four year resident of Ocoee with one school age son. She stated her interest in being a
member of the board stemmed from her being a life-long learner herself and education is very important
to her and her family. She thought it would be nice to have an input and be able to support the educational
decisions in Ocoee.
I Review and Discussion of Draft Letter to OCSB
Chairman Conklin said he read the minutes from June's meeting, which said that Member Quinones was
going to draft a letter to OCSB discussing the K-8 and School Nurse Resolution. He said that Member
Quinones had passed out two handouts and asked which one they are to be reviewing. Member
Quinones said the handout they are to be reviewing addresses the board members on the first line.
Chairman Conklin said he did not receive the handout ahead of time, but briefly read through it and it
looks to address a few more issues than the K-8 Resolution and the School Nurse Resolution. He inquired
if there was a reason for that. Member Quinones stated that the letter addresses issues that he believes
are pertinent to education of the community. Chairman Conklin said that he was not present at the June
meeting; however, he understood the minutes to claim that the letter was to be addressed to the Orange
County School Board, from the City of Ocoee, asking for the their reply to the K-8 and School Nurse
Resolutions that had been forwarded to them from the City of Ocoee and have received no response. He
asked the board members for clarification. Member Grammer said that understanding was correct, that
was what they had discussed.
Chairman Conklin stated the other issues mentioned in the handout were personal issues. Member
Quinones said those issues are concerning their resolutions to the OCSB, and they addressing the issues
that concern this board. He asked how this board gets issues heard by the OCSB. Member Grammer
inquired as to what Member Quinones is doing because he was supposed to address the two resolutions
and their status.
Member Quinones said that the Resolution 2005-009 and 2005-010 were created one year ago and the
OCSB and the Administration Department have refused to answer. He said the only person responsible
for putting those resolutions in front of the OCSB is Ron Blocker, which is why they need to redact a
letter demanding that he no longer sit on those resolutions. He stated that Jeb Bush signed a bill, the only
bill that concerns our education. Chairman Conklin interrupted stating that we are only talking about the
two resolutions and other items can be brought up on another agenda.
Member Quinones inquired what the purpose of this board is. Chairman Conklin explained that they
are discussing the two resolutions of which Member Quinones was asked to draft a letter regarding only
the two resolutions; his draft lists a lot of other information. Member Quinones said on the first page it
states specifically what they should write to the Superintendent and he would be happy to answer any
questions. He stated that if the board did not want to discuss what he wrote, then that was fine and they
could just complete the meeting. Chairman Conklin said that the issue is that the handout he drafted
included a lot more than the two resolutions they discussed and he cannot support that; however, he is
only one voice and said it would be up to the board.
Education Commission Meeting
July 10, 2006
Member Grammer said she would like to make a motion to not consider the other issues that Member
Quinones wrote in the draft because the board has not had time to read all of his handouts and they were
not what he was directed to do. She said she would not be comfortable voting for something that she has
not had time to review. Member Quinones stated that there is no speed reading necessary and they are
issues that have been on the news for the past month. Member Grammer expressed that they are not on
this board's agenda.
Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order. He said standard practice is that when write-ups and
research is done, that it be sent out ahead of time for all to review prior to the meeting. He said that this
would have to be pushed to next month's meeting and readdressed. Member Quinones asked if the
Chairman was asking him a question. Chairman Conklin stated that another interruption would result in
disciplinary action. He explained that what Member Quinones handed out was not what the board had
discussed in the June meeting. Member Quinones repeatedly stated that the Chairman was not present at
the June meeting.
Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order again and asked for a vote to remove Member Quinones
from the Ocoee School Advisory Board. He stated per the Roberts Rules of Order there would be no
discussion from the board members regarding the vote and offered Member Quinones two minutes to state
his case prior to a vote taking place.
Member Quinones told Chairman Conklin that he was not present in June and that he said he would
leave it the members who were present discuss his draft letter. He asked Chairman Conklin if he watched
the June meeting and Chairman Conklin said he did watch the meeting and read the minutes thereof.
Member Grammer explained to Member Quinones that he should be speaking to the entire board and not
only the Chairman. Member Quinones said he has no purpose other than the work that he has done and
has worked an entire month on the letter he has presented to the board. He said that the letter is clear,
specific, and short and relates to the work that he has done in the past month.
Chairman Conklin said that Member Quinones had one more minute to defend his position before the
board votes on his removal. Member Quinones stated he had no idea why he is being asked to be
removed from the board and the Chairman is out of line.
Chairman Conklin stated that lJursuant to the Roberts Rules of Order the members of the board have an
eQual vote. Chairman Conklin then called for a vote to remove Member Quinones from the Ocoee
School Advisorv Board. As no members were olJlJosed. Member Quinones was removed from the Ocoee
School Advisorv Board.
Chairman Conklin explained to Member Quinones that he was removed from the board; however, he
was more than welcome to sit in the public and listen to the meeting, as long as he does not interrupt.
Member Quinones said he wanted the board to address the letter that he wrote. Chairman Conklin said
he was no longer part of the board and was allowed to move to the audience section of the chambers and
stay for the remainder of the meeting, as long as he does not interrupt.
Chairman Conklin apologized to the new member, Joy Stribling, for what she had to witness. He said
that, unfortunately, they have had problems in the past of deviating from the agenda and it will not happen
any longer. He said they attend to support the children and to build a better school system for the children
Education Commission Meeting
July 10, 2006
and he will not let anybody stand in the way of that. He said that if anybody had a personal agenda to
please make it an agenda item and do the proper research on it.
Chairman Conklin stated the issue of drafting a letter to the OCSB regarding the two resolutions was
still at hand. He reminded members that they are an advisory board to the City and have no government
authority, but can only do research and make recommendations to the City who can decide to act on those
or not. He asked for a volunteer to draft a letter to the OCSB, which the City can adopt, asking the OCSB
for their results on the two resolutions.
Recording Clerk Moseley informed the Chairman that at the June meeting there was discussion
regarding the City funding, but could not remember whether it was supposed to be mentioned on the letter
or not. Member Blank said that they had discussed the City fronting the funds to build the schools ahead
of schedule on the land that was already purchased. Member Grammer said they had decided to make a
separate letter regarding the City funding.
Chairman Conklin asked for someone to volunteer to draft a letter regarding the status of the two
resolutions. Staff Liaison Wright offered to draft the letter, email it to the board members for review,
and bring it to the next meeting. Chairman Conklin stated that he would like to have a second letter
drafted regarding the City funding. He asked that this item be put on the next agenda to discuss the issue
of the Ocoee school sites with the Mayor prior to taking any action.
Member Grammer inquired if they could research the Evans High School going in on Apopka- Vineland
Road and how that will affect the zoning of Ocoee. She asked if the board could gather some information
on that issue by asking that a school board representative attend a meeting. Chairman Conklin asked if
anyone could remember the guest speaker from the past that was in charge of pupil assignment; he wished
to ask her to attend next month's meeting. Recording Clerk Moseley stated she would contact Member
Booth to find out who the guest was and ask her to attend a future meeting.
Treasurer's Report
Staff Liaison Wright announced that she thought the Education Fund balance was $1,337.68 now due to
a deposit that was recently made. Recording Clerk Moseley said that $370 was recently deposited into
the fund, which was cash given to her from Member Booth a few months back to hold in the safe.
Chairman Conklin explained to new member Joy Stribling the fundraising efforts made by the Ocoee
School Advisory Board and that is the reasoning for the treasurer's report.
Update from Orant!e County School Board Meetint!
Chairman Conklin said that the Clerk's office had forwarded on some information from Member Booth
regarding the OCSB that everyone had a chance to review via email.
School Reports
Clarcona Elementary - Member Blank said that a PT A meeting would be held at 3 p.m. on July 19 in
the teacher's lounge. Also, meet the teacher would be held August 3: K-2, 6-7 p.m.; 3-5, 5-6 p.m.
Spring Lake Elementary - Member Grammer said a reminder for kindergarten registrations and
announced the meet the teacher would be held August 3 from 3-5 p.m. for all grades. She said that PT A
Education Commission Meeting
July 10,2006
was looking for members to sign up and would have a booth at the meet the teacher. She said that dues
are important, but they do not mandate members to participate 100% if they are not able to.
Ocoee High - Member Leitch said the FCA T results were sent home and the registration for the next
year was in progress. He asked family members to try to attend the PTSA meetings and to sign up in the
office, which is open during the summer.
Subcommittee Reports
Governmental Affairs Committee Report - No report
West Orange Chamber Education Committee Report - No report
Member Leitch said that he missed last month's meeting and wondered why the board name had
changed. Chairman Conklin explained the Mayor thought it would give the board more emphasis to
keep up with the OCSB. Member Leitch asked the clerk about ordering shirts with the new board name
on them. Staff Liaison Wright stated she would bring in a catalog for the next meeting for members to
decide on which shirts they would like to order.
Member Grammer thanked Chairman Conklin for taking charge like he did and relieving Member
Quinones from the board. She said she appreciated the work that Member Quinones was doing; however,
the meetings were distracting due to the way the issues were being brought forth. She thanked him for
putting the board back on track.
Member Leitch said he agreed, but said the board had been stagnated long before the member had been
on the board. He believed that the last few months were the reason that the board name was changed, a
result of that member's persistence. Staff Liaison Wright explained that the Mayor actually
recommended the name change to form a closer relationship with OCSB.
Member Blank inquired about the handouts they received from Member Quinones addressed to the
Orlando Sentinel. She asked what the rules were about regulating the board's views given out without
their knowledge. Member Grammer said that anything that has not been brought before the board and
approved by the board should not be published anywhere or presented to the OCSB. Chairman Conklin
said that the board has a resolution stating the guidelines. He said that he defends Member Quinones on
the letter to the Orlando Sentinel because he signed it as a board member, not the entire board, and
everyone has the freedom of speech.
Member Stribling stated she believes the best practice would be to bring issues before the board and
have an idea of where they are going with the issue prior to speaking to OCSB, so that they are all on the
same page. She said they should speak as a unit and not on a personal level.
Items for August 2006, Agenda:
Public Comments
New Business:
A. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting July 10, 2006.
B. Guest Speakers: Faye Norris and Jennifer Reeves.