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Item #05 Park Place at Maguire - Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan and Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Lot 1
florid. AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: April 1, 2014 Item # Contact Name: Contact Number Michael Rumer 011� Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: 407 - 905 - 3100/1018 Subject: Park Place at Maguire (Park Place PUD) Preliminary/Final Large -Scale Site Plan Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan Project # LS- 2013 -004 Commission District # 3 — Rusty Johnson Background /Summary The subject property is located on the northeast corner of Maguire Road and Tomyn Blvd. The parcel is identified as parcel number 29- 22 -28- 8895 -01 -001. The parcel is 14.11 acres in size. The Park Place Planned Unit Development (PUD) is comprised of 242 multi - family units and a 2 ' /2 acre commercial outparcel. The subject property consists of undeveloped land. The Future Land Use designation for the subject site is "Commercial ". The preliminary /final subdivision plan proposes to create three lots. Lot 1 will consist of the 242 multifamily units. Lot 2 & Lot 3 are commercial out parcels. The preliminary /final site plan is for the construction of 242 multi - family units on Lot 1. The surrounding properties are comprised of the following: Direction Future Land Use Zoning Classification Existing Land Use North Road right-of-way Road right-of-way Florida Turnpike East Commercial C -3 (General Commercial ) Master stormwater pond for the Villages of Wesmere South High Density Residential PUD (Planned Unit Development Villages of Wesmere West Commercial C -3 (General Commercial Vacant Parcel The Preliminary /Final Large Scale Site Plan will consist of 242 multifamily units on 11.35 acres (Lot 1). The subject parcel is adjacent to the Florida Turnpike on the north, R -3 multifamily on the south, vacant C -3 (Commercial) on the west, and a stormwater pond on the east. The minimum front setback to Maguire Road is 50 feet. The closest unit is setback more than 90 feet from Maguire Road. The site will be accessed via a right in /out on Maguire Road, and an additional access on Tomyn Blvd is provided. All entrances will be gated. A 25 foot landscape buffer will be provided along Maguire and Tomyn Blvd and will consist of a Brick wall with landscaping. The entrance on Maguire Road will provide a masonry wall with development signage and landscaping to compliment. The overall development will include a clubhouse and fitness center, pool, and other recreation and open space amenities. Water, sanitary sewer, reclaimed water, solid waste and police & fire protection will all be provided by the City of Ocoee. The Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan will consist of three lots. No stormwater ponds are proposed as there is an existing master stormwater facility. The final development of all three lots is scheduled to be under the maximum impervious allotted to the overall property, so no issues are expected with the water management district. The subdivision has received school capacity and concurrency approval and the applicant has already pre -paid some of the school impact fees. Several off -site improvements will be constructed or mitigated through payments based on the proposed development and previous development agreement commitments. The first improvement is a right turn lane on Maguire Road at Maguire and Old Winter Garden Road. The applicant will either construct the improvement or pay the City $400,000 to construct the improvement. The second improvement is a mitigation payment of $20,000 toward landscaping the medians on Maguire Road. The third improvement is a 50 -foot extension of the left turn lane from Maguire Rd on to Tomyn Blvd. The last improvement is the construction of a right turn lane on Tomyn Blvd to north bound Maguire Road. As a result of the construction plans indicating the physical issues with making the improvement and staffs concerns with the after effects of the improvement, this item is proposed to be removed from consideration. Issue Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary /Final Large Scale Site Plan and Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan for Park Place at Maguire located in the Park Place PUD? Development Review Committee Recommendation: The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on March 4, 2014, and reviewed the Preliminary /Final Site Plan and Preliminary /Final Subdivision plan for Park Place at Maguire. There was one technical issue discussed by the City Engineer and Public Works Director in relation to the right turn lane addition on Tomyn Blvd. When the discussion was finished, the Committee voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Preliminary /Final Large -Scale Site Plan and Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan, subject to the changes discussed at the DRC meeting. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed Preliminary /Final Site Plan and Preliminary /Final Subdivision plan for Park Place at Maguire on March 11, 2014. City Staff presented a brief summary and overview of the requested actions. City Staff answered several questions regarding the site's access for pedestrians. No one spoke in opposition to the plan. After finishing its deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Preliminary/Final Site Plan and Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan subject to resolving the outstanding staff comments before the City Commission meeting. Staff Recommendation Based on the recommendation of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the City Commission approval of the Preliminary /Final Large -Scale Site Plan and Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan for Park Place at Maguire, subject to resolving any remaining outstanding staff comments. Attachments Aerial Map Future Land Use Map Color Elevation Preliminary/Final Large -Scale Site Plan and Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for Park Place at Maguire Financial Impact None. Type of Item : ( please mark with an `k') X Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Cleric's Dept Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. X N/A Reviewed by ( ) N/A cm 0 3 U0 . s 41 u 0 0 a' i m LL A N 'I Ak 0005 ■■■ A L 11 is -bi A H ll 7iwk - Mi A I .. 9- -P- A. # um- I Hme me. foil MIN OF t7 ii�� iL°M!�" 1 Ili ��, 4k I I Y 04 �/ florida March 5, 2014 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift City Manager Robert Frank Marc D. Stehli, P.E. MillerLegg 631 S Orlando Avenue, Suite 200 Winter Park, Florida 32789 -7122 RE: PARK PLACE AT MAGUIRE PRELIMINARY /FINAL SITE PLAN REVIEW LS- 2013 -004 3 REVIEW Dear Marc Stehli: Commissioners John Grogan, District 1 Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Keller, District 4 Thank you for your submittal for the above - mentioned project. We have attached staff comments that are in response to your submittal. At your convenience, please call me at (407) 905 -3100 extension 1021 to schedule a Technical Staff Review Committee Meeting (TSRC). During this meeting, the appropriate staff members will go over any of their comments to facilitate the re- submittal. In your written response, we ask that you indicate how each comment was addressed. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you! Sincerely, Sherry Seaver Sherry Seaver, Development Review Coordinator Planning Division Attachment Cc: Mike Rumer, City Planner Engineering Department Project File City of Ocoee - 150 North Lakeshore Drive - Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905 -3100 - fax: (407) 905 -3167 - www.ocoee.org MICHAEL RUMER CITY PLANNER (407) 905 -3157 These comments list the concerns of the Planning Division related to the current plan submittal, received February 14, 2014. 1. Please provide a rendering or elevation of the multi - family buildings in the plan sheets 2. Please note the conditions and commitments of the Development Agreement and First Amendment to the Development Agreement that run with the property. The Development Agreement is recorded in ORB. 9714 and PG. 5734. The First Amendment to Development Agreement is recorded in ORB. 10632 and PG. 2974. 3. NEW COMMENT: With respect to the possible removal of the left turn lane on Tomyn Blvd, staff has identified a potential traffic movement issue created to the west at the intersection of Maguire Road and Tomyn Blvd due to the after effects of the lane shifts and new traffic. To this point, staff would like to discuss extending the paved portion of the additional lane on Tomyn Blvd west to a defined point in order to handle the additional traffic making a western movement. DAVID WHEELER CITY ENGINEER (407) 905 -3100 Extension 1504 The following are the results of your submittal for the above referenced project that was received on February 14, 2014. 1. Resolved 2. On sheet 2 of 31, the last sentence of COA #8 may need expanding. The COA should clearly state who owns and maintains the gravity sanitary sewer up to but not including structure S -11. 3. Resolved 4. Resolved 5. Resolved 6. Resolved 7. Resolved 8. Resolved 9. Resolved 10. Resolved 11. Resolved 12. Resolved 13. Resolved 14. Resolved 15. Resolved 16. Resolved 17. On sheet 12 of 31, the traffic signal in the northeast corner will need to be moved back and away from the new curb line of the new turn lane. On Hold 18. On sheet 12 of 31, it appears that new drainage structure D -101 will come into conflict with the reuse pipeline and the force main. Provide a detail to be used by the contractor to alleviate these conflicts. On Hold 19. On sheet 12 of 31, provide a section view through the existing /new storm pipeline. The section view can also be used to show the grading plan for matching slopes. On Hold 20. On sheet 12 of 31, is the old catch basin to be replaced with a new manhole or what is proposed for this structure? On Hold 21. On sheet 12 of 31, the striping for the turn shall be completely removed and the new straight arrows put down. On Hold 22. Resolved 23. Resolved 24. Resolved 25. Resolved 26. Resolved 27. Resolved 28. Resolved 29. Resolved 30. Resolved 31. Resolved 32. Resolved 33. Resolved 34. Resolved 35. Resolved 36. Resolved 37. Resolved 38. Resolved 39. Resolved 40. Resolved 41. Resolved 42. Resolved 43. Resolved 44. Resolved ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 45. Resolved 46. Resolved 47. Resolved CHARLES SMITH, UTILITIES (407) 905 -3100 Extension 4015 No comments at this time. SCOTT A. COOKSON CITY ATTORNEY (407) 581 -9800 Based upon our review of the documents noted above and pursuant to the Land Development Code of the City of Ocoee, we have the following comments: 1. Please revise the Survey exceptions so that the numbering and exceptions are consistent with those on the Title Opinion. 2. [Repeat Comment] Please revise item # 22 of the Schedule B II- Easement and Exceptions on the Survey to include the reference to the First Amendment to Development Agreement recorded September 10, 2013 in Official Records Book 10632, Page 2974 and to reference Ordinance No. 2013 -008 (Rezoning Ordinance for Park Place) recorded in Book 10587, Page 4014 all as provided in the Title Opinion. 3. [Revised Comment] We look forward to receipt of the signed and sealed copy of the final Survey with the final submittal of the Subdivision Plan to the City. 4. [Revised Comment] We look forward to receipt of the revision to the existing utility easement reflecting that the conveyance of the right of way is not encumbered by the utility easement (comment 14). 5. [Repeat Comment] The Response Letter indicates that draft easement documents have been provided to City Staff for review. We look forward to receipt of these document for review. 6. [Revised Comment] We look forward to receipt of the redline showing the changes to the Conditions of Approval shown on the Subdivision Plan from those shown on the PUD Land Use Plan and attached as an exhibit to the Development Agreement. 7. Thank you for providing the draft CCRs. Please revise to include the following provisions in the CCRs: "The assessments, charges and liens created herein shall not apply to any property dedicated to and accepted for maintenance by a public or governmental authority or agency, any property owned by a public or private utility company or public or governmental body or agency and any property owned by a charitable or non - profit agency. No property owned by the City of Ocoee subject to the Declaration shall be subject to assessments levied by the Association." and "Any amendment to this Declaration or any supplementary Declaration which would alter any provision relating to the rights of the City of Ocoee under this Declaration must have prior written approval of the City of Ocoee before becoming effective." PARCEL I.®.: 29- 22- 28- 8895 -01 -001 OW PARK ETR WEST A T SUITE, LLC ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32835 PHONE 14071253�2D01 1AX :140]1253 -2094 CONTACT: MARCSKORMAN CIVIL ENGINEER MILLER LEGG GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEE UNIVEARSA e ENGI aqo RING SCIENCES ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32811 PHONE: NON423 -0504 FAX: (407)123 -3106 CONTACT: TONY MERHES, M.S., P.E. APPLI PARK PLACE AT MAGUIRE, LLC 6,'D SKORMAN DEV. CORP 6600 METROWEST BLVD., SUITE 111 OHLANOO, FLORIDA 32835 PH NE: 140])25]2001 FA %: (407) 25Y29 p4 CONTACT: MARC SKORMAN SU RVEYOR ACCURIGHT SURVEYS ARCHITECT FUGLEBERG KOCH 2555 TEMPLE TRAIL WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 PHONE: (407) 629-0595 FAX (407) 628 -1471 CONTACT BOB KOCH MI LLER <:r LEGG POTABLE & REUSE WAT SHFFT LIST TABLE C ITY OF OCOEE 1 0 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE EE, FLORIDA 34761 PHONE: (407) 905 -3100 Sh- N-, eelD T- Sh scr On Letr_st lss 1 LAKE APOPKA NATURAL GAS O FIL DRI VE ORIDA 34761 COEE, a l � �, _I N F EP R�Pa GnDn1 ITS-1p P ID aT. nG 1 A -I n1 >_ N v M1nM1 �I s seP -1 Leolhsov PLnN z /l4 /IM1 s v -t un - rt 6ITE P Av 2/14/14 7 _uP wn 1a N PAN z /l1 /l1 USP -1 MA T_R DIIIIC -PAN 2/14/14 P -1 PnNNG. GRnDING nN6 ORAINAGF. PJ,N 2/11/16 FIN - PAVING. GrznplN'G ANp pRAINA6T Pau 21 t1/14 I. D5: -I A,NnGE 5iR iL.4 'A ITLI 2/t4/11 T -FF IT nN AN Pan 1 Ha T B 1 ITV "" z /t4 /ta 1 FF -1 A r SEVE-1 PGOTLIS z /IM1 /ln PoTABLC nAT_ _ Alts z /14/14 16 v -1 ANnna. s -w B DrTn._ z /14/11 1 P -1 anvlNG. rnE— Av0 O..TAILS 2/14/14 PPP -1 T""AT R P DTTiN PR.. Ni Ory P nN 2 /I4 /1< 7D 111 STORII —T 1 P - LIT N PC_ 41 N PL A1 2/14/1< I 1- - [4051 NTROL p�TATI 2/14/14 22 1 -nn DSCAPC PLn4 2/1< /IM1 LNP APF 'LAN 2 111/IM1 .M1 1P IL L nN AP P.44 2 /ta /fe -5 NP a nN n. PLAN 2/ta/14 6 rvP_ AN EP P 2/M1 /IM1 _ A 3/14/14 nP_1 t.A ., AP P ,n. -. 1R ATION PUN z /tM1 /1a _ II E- I' IOn N nN :N 7 /ta /tM1 m - ., IISI A.6 ry E1 711 1 a :4 4 nRl An. N . aN 2/14/11 11 Irt2 .1B ATI N Al 21IM1/14 6 In -1 .a,. aT, N TA 2/14/11 7 Ia - .art AT, N TAI 2/14/1: IN NST, 2/14/14 fiEFCRuN �n 111 1 I—AI'I OW PARK ETR WEST A T SUITE, LLC ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32835 PHONE 14071253�2D01 1AX :140]1253 -2094 CONTACT: MARCSKORMAN CIVIL ENGINEER MILLER LEGG GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEE UNIVEARSA e ENGI aqo RING SCIENCES ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32811 PHONE: NON423 -0504 FAX: (407)123 -3106 CONTACT: TONY MERHES, M.S., P.E. APPLI PARK PLACE AT MAGUIRE, LLC 6,'D SKORMAN DEV. CORP 6600 METROWEST BLVD., SUITE 111 OHLANOO, FLORIDA 32835 PH NE: 140])25]2001 FA %: (407) 25Y29 p4 CONTACT: MARC SKORMAN SU RVEYOR ACCURIGHT SURVEYS ARCHITECT FUGLEBERG KOCH 2555 TEMPLE TRAIL WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 PHONE: (407) 629-0595 FAX (407) 628 -1471 CONTACT BOB KOCH MI LLER <:r LEGG POTABLE & REUSE WAT TELE PHONE UTILITY C ITY OF OCOEE 1 0 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE EE, FLORIDA 34761 PHONE: (407) 905 -3100 CENTURY NTURY LINK 33 ORTH MAIN STREET WINTER GARDEN, FLORIDA 34787 RHONE: (407) 8145351 CONTACT: DAVID WHEELER. P.E. SA NITARY SEWER CONTACT: MIKE JERNIGAN GAS COMPANY CITY OF OCOEE LAKE APOPKA NATURAL GAS O FIL DRI VE ORIDA 34761 COEE, V WINTERGARDEN. F LORIDA 34777 ELECTRIC CABLE CO MPANY DUKE ENERGY BRIG THOUSE NETWORKS 42 CROWN POINT ROAD 767 ALL AMERICAN BOULEVARD WINTER GARDEN, FLORIDA 34737 ORLANDO FLORIDA32810 PH NE: H07)5366690 ONE (40]1532 8503 C NTACT: LILLIAN FIGUEROA CONTACT PJ KING Lu LLI L) Q. C7 I O 91 N R I_OCATION MAP s M o 1 9AMAGI 1`— 711 S AT "1 1111 IIIT IF lF T °aC,_,wF T.o_ 1111 S AN 11 IlLI CL cc O LLJ LLI U 0 Z cc Q cc Q O CC Y G¢ o o u <0U J J LL J LJW M or U LU 5 V O < O� J r � a Lu Y 0 U d Q a cc Y a C� O LL t7 C7 W m W J J O LL LL LL O z 0 h Z O U E4 17 -001; COA-1 ai<'a1i W W Z Q ® p O �6 Y � N Q O U CC �oJ LL J Lu W W CC U �Om Q s® W 3. U Q J Y Q LL tD C W W Y Z O h Q U LL U W a. (A eta N W H O Z EM 12 -CU ?31 NTS -1 zi 7 ( 0$ GRAPHIC SCALE - MAGUIREFOAD I . LOT 3 LOT 2 COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL C-3 ZONING C-3 ZONING LOT I A ARTM NT C OMPLEX /q{JJ�'� z I m LU CL cc 0 LLJ LU Z in <0 W LLI Id= QU 0 LU cc 0 LL cc LLI E. _ -tT a f I MAGUIRE ROAD 100 ROW -- — -- — r �o u O ?2 -- ' Iz i COMMERCIAL CO G320NING _xes G -3 ZONI G G ,.TO AC V ,N AC O CL �.so�n7. > z L o no _ x oro� w o cc �, o r '� 0 GRAPHIC SCALE N� e' .96 w. 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"�" WATER SERVICE VALVE COLLAR DETAIL_ CO NNECTION DETAIL_ GATE VALVE A ND BOX DETAIL o \ ( 7� �ovoano n aaan m, , wv o) �mx 'o ccr.x xm a,¢. 1 a.a Nr am v.ao y a •, vx :c a m-sr r>rPx„ n.? f�T° a" FIRE 41MRANf L a V BLOlYOFF VA DE iAJL TEMPOR JUMPER CON NECTION A$SCMBL D RED UCED PRESSURE BACKFLOVI PREVEN 1 21T o I's I 11 12 - — a « �3 o LU 11 12 uj o � 0 _ LU W � RESTR JOINT DE TAIL LU ' LLI ❑ [ 9 W 7 v � Q 0 J � a v J EL ir x� o TAPPING S LEEVE-AN D VALVE q pn - , _ LU __j u -- i cc LU ,3 ,a v. ,.x w.v v _I____�.•v wr s[w[a � � — r ��rcv.. rn —_ .. - a x. . rnss u,m,,o j a o .. .woo Q 12 001. W ATER &_SEWER LINE SEPARATION 0.I IEI I PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOL _PLAN AND _ SECTION _ y � 1' A , 1` vj— NG DET AIL - - - - - - - - - - TI I MANHOLE CONNECTION DETAILS TYPE A g DING AN TRENC G DETAIL PRI—E o "_ AN ELEVATIC` MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER_ IEE l', "s � —LE EEEEE SERVICE LATERAL. DETAIL to LU a cc ui 3: LU to Ir Z U) cl: cc 0 UJ LU Z in 0 CC <O 0 �- 0::r LL _j LU LU LL F CC OLUS Qom fs o < ui CL IL IS 0 Ll- LLI Lu E4 1 2 - 00'.31 SF—'l NORTHERN PROPERTY BOUNDARY N.T.S. EASTERN PROPERTY BOUNDARY N.T.S. WESTERN PROPERTY BOUNDARY N.T.S. A 1 1 TI 11 1 21 IT --D --1 1-1 11- 4 MAGUIRE ROAD RIGHT TURN LANE & PROPERTY BOUNDARY �SOUTHREN PROPERTY BOUNDARY -. . =9� j = �eo� Nus � 11 T (D�� $ TYPICAL PARKING AISLE � TOMYN ROAD 6' SIDEWALK (L 0 UI Lu LJJ Z 0 . n 0 0 1 J _ LL LLJ uj LLT M L) 0 0 < CL F- < LLI IL cc CY u LLI z � — jll 1 I'll 12 - 001,51 TYP iF r� N iuu�ac YD ®m' me n • mrt I r s «n ROOF DRAIN CLEANOUT DETAIL TYPE "F CURB AND GUTTER TYPE "D" CURB N.rs k.cs. H.TS. BOLLARD DETAIL I ,tea SIDEWALK W/ THICKEN EDGE CONTRACTION JOINT EXPANSION JOINT TYPICAL SIDEWALK N .v.ry,�uss me P��m. Eco-S�nul' O "r�N a�xnes +,aea wm M- u a xre, ...,e.. n P. 6 UHra•Debrls Screen �� gnrwwnwl,TM w'!blil le+.lb_ vmiec°EOV couvvnm CATCH BASIN DEBRIS SCREEN T CL ❑ O' U W LU W ❑ Z ' � R / Q v cr cr Q Y CC N CQ O QOM LL J W LU cc Uo5 Qo a a Y W U CL J Q Y a� a a aC O u J_ Q I— W ❑ � l ui Z LU 3ME o � s Z ,LU a Q J a3 "a 0 z 0 a U nnsl• 19.690 U J9c 9w z 12 -00131 Z_ � PDO 1 IL k wWrtom 9pEMW� � � �I YI wso .awn a� M E I'=gt. HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL n.r.s w.own � a 2 GUTTER Dltra- Debris Screen GRAPHIC SCALE v t I J ,� B Y s LOCATION MAP S-BOLS LEGEND .—R R PRE EVE LOENT AC E OPERiTQR / D PM CE clNT T02 a O U / J > Y. W z Q CC 0 In CQ O 0 U 4 :x0W We ALL cc � /q W V0 Q® � Q ' W U Q cc Q 4. 0 z Q J A z O z z W w a LLI W Wi JJ_ a ' z 0 J J 0 M cc W Q cc W 0 h N PPP -1 GENERAL E S acw. n �w, _nom xr. -.cs �u smx nu - - sc ns eccx -rn er sox ' SEQUENCE OF O NSTRUCT ON . �vs��x, cxu's LL 11 , I- _ ♦,wn- n n� or �n nr Tx n oc_ � nu nxo NAINT ENANCE .�, wo.as axoroa ax�,�,a� Ux a ,. d_ -. 1111 o. n„a s�,Tn,�s. GRAPHIC SCALE T 11 ITT Ill" 1-11 1— 111CL11 -1 IC-111 111L 111'111L_ 11 L E 1 1111 1— F1111 TI I - MAGUIRF ROAD - .___ 100'ROW -- l �rrrr� rl _ II�TIIIr1�u Ir I _7 I� r - I y p FT- r I � > I rt I I II I �v FR— T7, �ill��lll n ll.ulll �IIIIII.il II�� I� wmxx�w� _ �orvi �e eaeuew �aei c. e�_vnw x l EXISTING STOF.MWATEF POND n v woo L OCATION MAP s S YMBOLGLEGEND Tory F IRT oR i aev_RnL wmTe<cror.. CPi NSPE TWA JI' cc 0 LU LU >i FYI ❑ Z' �I cc o Y fn C4 01 U � �OJ LL J L LLI CC V W 0 0 Q U c7 oa LLI J I LL J EL cI I a' o J Z o_ F w cc LY D H _ J J J cc LU 12 -00131 O PPP-2 •NOTE: HAY BALES NOT TO BE UTILIZE AS AN EROSION CONTROL MEASURE. �� CIF �` u _ _�_. .n r =FVr s t�Arloia Ell AT - � n r+ N rA I` NOTE "... TA sIL FENC r7n . _ . �_ I_ —11 A -, -111 TF_MPORARY GRA— CONSTRUCPON E—ANCE �. o IARIAI ,Lr C.E P0V ARO Nl INLErS �R LAR Sj�CTL -S TT' Cl Cl k1 i f r, o E =a o ,<�<�s .,T 'E RARRIERS F9 FILI SLOPES —RIFR—lAVEO of Tl Fs a cc: O U' Lu W 1� Z it ¢I Q ° Y �a o 0 U Q 0 U O�! LL J W W L ULU= Q0l � a S / W LV J� Q a Y� 0 a x ' CL aC O C9 ° kD w � J J ¢ dp F- LLI a � „tm a w J J c} O CE O � — U - O e 6 " N 12 -00131 0 ECD -i cc ��E /M �,, � I II I � _.� ui \ ���I I ��f�'����s I i I I Imo/ ' � ��, f 7 J he - .T : ir7 z o u T: z ' 12 11V r W- Li T 7 e %� Fj O BEFORE YOU D 1 G , C APHIC SCALE -111Y -11 uu I cc 3: EE 1123 p. e <0 LL w LLJ 71 a L LU Lu RR cc �.�o�e,� .�,�,�.d.9.,�...� � t ae �� ❑ Mm ME LU mir LNP-1 SEE SHEET LNP -4 FOR CONTINUATION BEFOR CALL ) ® e BEFORE YOU O IG GRAPHIC ,.. � �,,.. �fl o _��i T �i ' I - �— n��" I�,,, — � �.. t t (k�1J ''s 1 c ;;;:.'•u''\ � I ' _ f I � _ - � �i O i `r te I y c ,4 cc o `f ry P° 0 a v � 4 c_ E; Z CIF Z 2 di — ®ciI u- :-I \\ ro, e.e Lu Cc LLJ i '� i t � � e N 2oXV w W n / ISM P� I F a LLI �a fl I ,Pe ,. >b >,� a Z Lu J - -� _ - u osc °rE —11 .o K M° scnPC ae�- IRM a Lu U U) �a 1 X0131 P I Y h SEE SHEET LNP -5 FOR CONTINUATION d, 777 r\ / TI J ALWAYS CALL 811 7) BEFORE YOU DIG SC ALE O O � n ^� 0 O OI, 1.1.E w � z cc Q cc 5 � N T Q 0 ❑ U cc U i OJ J i LL J W W W !E P1WM a0�' r Q' �® W S U ��p d � X ir Q a O oq l7 W - LLJ r�J e J o d a Q U � 112 -OQ131 Z —� z /ia /ia 243g� ALIiAYS CALL 811 P - -- a BEFORE YOU UIG v aLE nay +.c sc a o,a www.m zu�zn;�e.zon, a ®}� ; _ t — , y 00, PLnHrscar- � I -- _ —__ _ — _ _ _ —_— OI -_ - .... U > o J a o w��rF�o�FV 6 LI P�n�s wR n s J QD O — -- o - I Lu w OLUS 1 Dft EG U nN5 5. �y a C � 0 m. t ( CL ILL I fi s I 'D � I 3 � 09- I SEE SHEET LNP- 2 FOR CONTINUATION LLJ EM J �I �,� �, a v w �- (n 12 -00131 Z �LNP �b4 LU LU LU cc o LU �� Ir La Lij L F;/ GENERA o Z�i boa co 1 L NOTES a C�oU h R N f 0 (2' cal. and over) O LARGE TREE PLANTING DETA LARGE PALM PLANTING D ETAIL _ 1� LL W W LL U[ i LtJ 7 � — —T A -, �11 x 1xoo.° 1� �� —. �O 11-1 I O (2` cal. and under) CIGARED SABAL � SMALL TREE PLANTING DETAIL PALM PLANTING DETAIL Lu a 3 � 0 �' 0 0 n 000 �� p a�Oa Rio Tb a��: R o r�Jq ac 00 NOV O W ro MULTI- TRUNK AND SMALL TREE TREE PRESERVATION ( cal and under PLANTI DETAIL BARRICADE FENCING DETAIL i J D- CC M0 to o/ J e a du c it r� W ��ii ! 12 00 131 = I SHRUB GROUNDCOVER T I ,_ b SHRUB PLAN PLANTING DETAIL SPACING /PLANTING DE TAIL � LND t ,Te I R 1 ! I� — �, l eID I one / he om � _j 7 I Rw � 7 � L— �� i � �•-•— '_ r ,__�- � r� ---O� I —r--rJ `�� / i E eN .. oR .,E a �.s. [ %ISiIN[' WESMERE MASTCi P N, c`� ro L f S10RMWdTCR PONN ny GRAPHIC SCALE FE e 0 5_�0 f: cc O U uj >'I of � z � o � o O 0 J yy�� 9�IL J. 1.Y LL 00 a0< / � p � @.. Q i LU a. U J I ter, O LL V W "mg l J 4 < J_ < 5`RUGTU44L DESIGN OF WdLLS Q. 5 -4LL EE P40vIDED BY O?NERS. W IL Q U (n o Cl"- �— Izooi i 'T_ i P-1 OAK I'LL "'I For IDF F 10 C -) 947 G734 % c N DrnIL sFF �\ i LT —RD I'll 111P I RO F __� /B X / —r VNE e aErR a ����p�' L naOa cc �sl p ��i wn L UEEn S - 1 CIIII TI D,4 .T' ND D B � P Po.F sn � n hY C R CR - — 1 _ 1 11 — . EC Mo Tn= . NT — cJA3E CV -r �' -/R PAK D N_R 1R .DINT IT �RVE -IT P i —�- I � I I � II — NDRraIAL a IdITTIT B NCRwEAnN IJIRO BRIOK I -1I E G CONCRETE allo ED SIR Irll -1 7 R .TRE -- - I E All ,IGN 1 -1 L y Z. P '� II I III II :III I I 11— 1`I I1 1111 - II 1 111 1 111 1 171 vinLS STRUCCURAL 1 - 1 II II�II III= II CONCRETE c AN D ° u- -n R' D.: .. ,III l III -- C 0, R s ) 'El co — P LPN FOR Ip 1 ., CO-A-1 scRPnr ba II III - - n II_.I PL- II II 11 TTI _- �_ ncrcD suocanDE Fos. Locnr oN c BRICK WALL SECTION BRICK COLU SECTION NORTH ENTRANCE PEDESTRIAN GATE & ALUM. FENCE WA DET AIL 3 -- -- E - -� I 1 - T I ❑ — L L LLI_IJ-1 D RUNNING B..ND :n .0 'PTE3 N PLAN SECTION LC SONQPE D CiCL +. ,E EV?2A:.'CE -1 IL� 1 cnr ar acccc D cEVE E'� I I I E n AC TO — r P" I� �n D.vs C I P 'ODD \ % WAL MOUNTED ENTRANCE SIG ELEVATIO - ❑ F -- � BRIC WALL EL EVATION aT S B R r C IPL U MN P BI P �RRCK R S -R IFI "�I H R.,_ AN 0LO aN rvn - CONCIETE FOINN D of =_Iw .OiKF , j 7� WALL MOU NTED ENT RANCE SIGN SECTI 0" TLP. (VARIBI IN A E.T AIN APEA CCII TEN CAP .. — NIIIIIIAN 11 I Z � " R IOCE CO ?� _ 2 LC - -, N G —1 IA - TEFN L .. �fil'C�IiJ(I � llil A r - a - i i I I I _� PRECA CONE CAP MoarnR ca ToUn,�� Al raANUrn TUBE) NORWEG'AN SCLOILIR COURSE By JOH SON BRCS.'. (941) A17-6731 J WALL COLUMN CA P DETAIL OTE: sc�ur_ruruL oES:w of wdLLs S-IdLL .°.E F'cOVIDCD [3T OTFlERS. a ct O U W 7 �y W ■ ❑ Z cc CC N GQ o 2 CC U Q� j d W LI Er Lu / LU 1� V 0 0 ^ � F 1i Q w U CL J Q � E a a Ir O l7 J o cn Lu s v Lu � J Lu U 5 cc HRD -1 DECORATIVE RAIL FENCING /COL UMN DETAIL _..SYRIAN DATE T� -'1 IRATV bn 2 DL 1,N IAI. ,.L AUTO DOUB�F ��EE� / a. ETA,L MI .NN DETATL HALL s r E -- TOP " IMOERIN. 'OP RI 1 - 3 18' X , -1 /z" U_ CHANNEL TEAT_ r r/ SOTARE / . 1AA T- PT �A E ATL IEI AT C L EA � H F� o� IT S LJIPL --L'L —1 SOUTH ENTRANCE PE GATE & ALUM. FENC E/WALL DETAIL CO CK / C CO OLT -1 DECORATIVE 1AIL IENCE SEE DEST AA GATE SEE EA IV= AI TI DOU9Lf \ CATS ¢ SOUT E NTRAN CE ELEVATION E%Ii GA'' NORTH ENTRANCE ELEVATION a O LLI U O � z Q O CC Y cr C¢ o � U Q�J LL J W W m LLI U O QU O F- EL ¢ W U ¢ J Y a O V. �o tD W `gym ' Pn W E. T d oESIGh OP -LL-5 51111 5E PROVIDED BY --5 F C a W < " WI _- U) ® 17 -00131 � HRD-2 „wH POST TO �_ RltlG B2A11ET 1 KJ,OCYQOIl�67II6'{C 7. -g000A0�.'�KSOK"e I I i T I I I I I � I I - I V' �u 0 rtr tl i G" u u rM Ir- I r - 7 0 11 I� ITT _ _ ' I I = , I � I DECORATIVE RAIL FENCING /COL UMN DETAIL _..SYRIAN DATE T� -'1 IRATV bn 2 DL 1,N IAI. ,.L AUTO DOUB�F ��EE� / a. ETA,L MI .NN DETATL HALL s r E -- TOP " IMOERIN. 'OP RI 1 - 3 18' X , -1 /z" U_ CHANNEL TEAT_ r r/ SOTARE / . 1AA T- PT �A E ATL IEI AT C L EA � H F� o� IT S LJIPL --L'L —1 SOUTH ENTRANCE PE GATE & ALUM. FENC E/WALL DETAIL CO CK / C CO OLT -1 DECORATIVE 1AIL IENCE SEE DEST AA GATE SEE EA IV= AI TI DOU9Lf \ CATS ¢ SOUT E NTRAN CE ELEVATION E%Ii GA'' NORTH ENTRANCE ELEVATION a O LLI U O � z Q O CC Y cr C¢ o � U Q�J LL J W W m LLI U O QU O F- EL ¢ W U ¢ J Y a O V. �o tD W `gym ' Pn W E. T d oESIGh OP -LL-5 51111 5E PROVIDED BY --5 F C a W < " WI _- U) ® 17 -00131 � HRD-2 „wH POST TO �_ RltlG B2A11ET I } i I rt r. _ roxe xw LLC I I I — C j 1 !1; o N : in V 'mo �': I it Il hl II I z� -i,l� - v, �� ^ _ I- 1j.;�;'• Yrtr �-'� a:; W W = UoC7 % W Q uA 4 CL �1 - ,o ® a U- iLl LLJ I i � I _ j �� -f' E._ � _� _� _ 0_ �r�- � rtt• -- � —� ®-_� _ -- e' —.,.— _ a � -- � = - -Er�,v —� __ z I a - I � IRR -1 SEE SHEET IRRA FOR CONTINUATION 1 1 3 l q.7 rn�a a a kr II o z q o d - 6V ! r V z64 - �n l (v� n• U / - ,�� i I � � / W J J ' J C 131 RR 2 Y, �._ 32 ' — I—E s s � ALWAYS CALL 811 BCFOAE...e Y OU UIG 0 U w CC 0 � z a �Bv Qos LL J Liu Ld CC ' o ws (!) ' I U a J Il i a W J J ' J C 131 RR 2 Y, �._ 32 ' SEE SHEET IRR -5 FOR CONTINUATION [ '� G SCALE w ALWAYS CALL 811 e B ➢FORE YOU Dxc v: 0 ar< v 3 Q L >I � f z Q moo° o 0 IQ_IJ w i ¢ O.IJ ui oc LL � QOM ` °1 � \ W \ W j , J a 'L EE I RR-3 _ CSCALE o Eo z, �aAP�i Le a -- MAGUIRE ROAD ____ e BEFORE YOU DIG l ALWAYS CALL S11 Lu � Lu y- 1:7}- -�� �1 \�, i- �` r �_ �.�„ro-'`�.• -- -�_� - �l�ri.:. O II I X 1 9 1 ¢LA Lu o �.Y.� W CC I � "' S1 fo ui I � a lo 2'ALI 3'1 8� �. OI s nJJ ^Y C ^ W r I ��: 7 I �� c}- c�•;� ��s �--� / t I �r o� � SEE SHEET MR-2 FOR CONTINUATION � W = € d I li — � I IRR� -4 a - GRAPHIC SCAII a a ALWAYS CALL 811 a BEFORE YOU DIG lc� III LLJ www m i m. - -� — Z. — _ Q o c� Q` i �- `q LL Tt� -.mss O --0 W ¢ W — °� o O 2 ca �y LLI C, _ 1. GG � � Q a , \ 0 Yl � J 17♦ \ LJ m SEE SHEET IRR -3 FOR CONTINUATION a W n J 03. Z a IRRIGATION 5GHEDULE srMFOL nAW =eL aTY A¢G �I GPM RACIUs p Hm.cr PROSa0- 12 -LV -¢ sFOrt radFVS nozzles 3a IBO a0 I00 b' 40 m Hm,ar PR0540- 12 -LV -¢ sM1Ort radlvs nozzlos (u7, Nvn.er MPI000 w/ PR05 -06- PRSaOtV -R 22 90 0.52 6 a06 Pd� 40 13' Hm,or MPI000 w/ PROs -C6- PR540 -LV -R B 360 a0 0.15 13' (5 Hm,or MP_000 w/ PROs- O6-- 40 -LV -R 1 .4j 40 19 Qr. Hmter MP2000 w/PRO .- PRSac -cv -R 1..3 AdJ so 1, Hvn.or MP_000 w/ PROS- 06- PR540-LV-2 B 360 40 14l 19 (� Hunter MP300C rv/ PRO5 -O6- PR540 -LV -R 25 AdJ L7 Hm,or MP3C00 n/ PRA -06- "RSaO -cV -R. AdJ 3C' 0 Hvn[er MP Lorner n/ P¢05 -06- PR540 -LV -R 22 AdJ a0 13' 'J H., MP s'np w/ PR05 -O6- PR540 -LV -R 22 LLS r9 0.22 5.15 (9 Hm,or MP s!rlp rv/ PRC5 -C6- PR540 -cV -R 21 RLS a0 OJ_ 5.15 (!� Hvn.er MP s'r'p w/ 1ROS -O6- PR540 -LV -2 64 1ST <O 044 5.30' ','} Hm.or MPI000 w/ PR05 -12- PR590 -cV -R 553 � a0 13 360 r9 13' Humor MPICOO w/ PRp5 -12- P¢50 -cV -R Hvn.er MP2C00 w/ 1R01 -12- P¢540 -LV -R 0.15 1 AdJ 40 19' Q Yun.er MP2000 w/ 12- PR540 -LV -R Is AdJ eC .9 OI wn.er MP carnar w /PROS -¢- PRSaa -cv -R s3 AdJ ao 11 'd- Nun er MP s!r1p w/ PROS -12- PR540 -LV -R Ie0 _cs 47 0.22 5x15 (9 Hmter N. stcP w/ PRCS -I2- PRSaO-cv-R 1'0 ¢OS 40 022 1x15 ,^ Hun MP s.Y w /PROs 2 P 40-LV-R 213 111 40 044 5.30 srn� rAHUrncrvRE ® Hunter 1cv R IB (� uec0 P 6 9 Rn e KE O R nG cA.,r ROH GAre vALVe 4 'a OJck par Vove 4 © Hnter - Lantra a. L-600 PL I F�r I- ,E,,, /�LAR N 5Pw �a.er Meter 2. 1 -- Irrlgotbn Lo!eral Llno, PVC class 200 — 21 30,459 I.F. — — - - Irrg e: we c ass 200 sCR 21 2359 1 F. -- P1p 5 PVL ScM1eCVe 40 1545 I.P. 3,k - nve Va vo Paow er VALVE 5GHEDULE o xPr °s a P PRS E c _ P Hu� IGV F5 -Al- 1�m }rvh R�ntayy 49.60 50.69 1 5960 03h !nm IL 3 Hunter V- 11 -AS -R IS -AS -R LV-P -1/2" turf Rotary 49.16 4394 0 Rory 49.�I 516h 53.65 0.311- ta I_- A- 5• 1 -unto 1 s , Spra; 96 <4 0 2.62 - 6 Hunter ILV- FS -AS -R ILV- ES -AS -R Z" E-b ibLary 45 D3 41, 1 2641 2 4801 5 0.311nm H��ea- I icv Fs As Am a emm J,rrvb s w a os0 -a 1 ILV- PS -AS -R Rotary sO. I,m tart' 914 1102 50564 0331nm 5-A5 R Rq w 9 Hut V 5-A' R V - -ASR 2' t y 86 SC,90 032 n 2' Rotary h 22 49.03 .39 nm �t V s- 5 R 2' H' 1cvYs -AS-R B INn.or ILV- PS -AS -R Rotar so so. = Bev o.a11 I -1/2" —1, Rotar 4933 4968 2 0.391vF 2J SAME ZONE TIFES MAY POSS'6LE.0 I ATIQK9F FOSS 5LE SHR16.J O ZONCS O Lc VALVE ¢ 5 HAVE D IE! S TE i DA I F OR L4 RR RE D .M AREA& 11 TO 200' I'll `_5,. - — C 6EVOR .GR SR+c C� r varr[w LLEE n oa=z BLaR Srno_ /��Jro_- �aErvi wmo \' 2 � [-CORE CONTRO AN SOLAR SYNC DETAIL C""'� a xo Eire Paer- s_Exs x o e wre spat rG a \ s"� "' 1 �so,M1 >aR.Es E11 x e_ HE —1E s HE R� RE 1T iH Ri e sAe< THE 1 —T 11H__H_ aA, _ LL e E=TA. E FL4: = 4` s e x aJ y o. 1- Gv,T re o .are, THE E. wE s EHROa -.u• IR s �rewvo Pta. �/ �nTEftax _T ASIC GROUNDIN D ETAI L c - ¢o.MO Roo •ore eE_oL MX Hre. HE�,Ere.s oEEreEP. d CC O' L � •tee Z C a C G ! c � �e CQ o 20 CC Q U LL J; W WII Uo ao� a a LU Q J ^ d Yi CC I U LL N _J V Z '• J cn LU ��n o - W --- Ji 0 z O Q �, 12 CyC1 '1 pL 1 . IRD -1 ---------- 0cv 1� PR-ol -�PE C-1-015 ... ..... ... ... T —.1, IT— T' 11,11— b y UJ >; Ji TI- 11 —=,W ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE ICK COUPLING IN BOX ISOLATI�N VALVE (MAINLINE) __ C3 ) --Qu . N CC IETT 0 (2) IE-1-1 LL lo EL' W LU LITI— T- L J011T ITTAI LJ Cc Q 0 0 -,T -7 IT LE-1 11 - 7 LU -`� � ., - iii 0 '' a. 1 2" POP -UP SPRAY HEAD 6" EL BUBBLER O N FLEX HOSE RISER 6� Up 0 ILL 12 11715 TTI - —E TI L T11- 1� "l— El u�l W t WE Lu U) a -j m F— u . ' L— —j LIT— LN1 C I D LATERAL PIPING DETAIL PIP r E SLEEVING DETAIL 7) M AINLINE AN RD 2 TuIBP.4P,L.OLJLiC14R --i"K �9R�la`!P�' B•' <l.S�L�dIGLIPiENALL 4I.4YG NCPR PORA-E L - ��'Ra - f;J�IZR�r�ur- Pr_R� = =u i _.. �SPPE�QVa Y9l.:9. R n ypyL�QORR _v< u viHL?IL!E2RE?A �EyT ERR wn� Ei R c y y+F VVnTie Gro. ,- �LN� RUAT TS'E�2_��z PT�39, 9G4°Fc£ NO: Y L ELY PRO I OF ASIFIEL1,T411-171-FAAKFILLNG, THE AI D PLAR5 1- BEEN DESANII 71 SIT 1 111 111A I TUG EPA-, TION11- AN nTA'S I TIE 12 �°RENSES s o e 7 TO THE ITT11TION I IS _; IT711111 _t THE FE AT- ON TRACTOR SHALL 11SUIE R RGOL111 OR yN R cT , Z LL REPAIR OR R EPLIOE ALL FISTNU, S17 FLE—ANDLAT_RA_=TIROJGHw PAEpRE UHICH ARE B11-17 DUE TO INE11 Ill-RE ALL I-EIIES TO 1�" 77"A' ITEI F ON THE PAST OF THE 001711 EIAL- BE TAB "I II - cc.MECT�J PLo C? R S CAN BE HET PYI� I 5P5i_rvl� ESE A TI rETALCON1 ONTRAOTOR FT ET NO -E. THE DEGIG 4K� A1B 11 F R= O F THE AP �� ED wE SI-ALL BE PIPE SIZES 51ILL E FAAP 71E RTE It 'IE T111 OF SAID NEAECTI I IF Bu_TILB J DI1ITTINGS 16IZ_D PER LDN DEL PRIER IOLALS of wIR_. nAeE _L_eiRlc <_ ca.N -E 11 "' u,rtu , D DBYBR ERs REPRE°_NTAT r suALL Bc No EWER E1 J = isms. EACH WIT FOR EACH T PC AND EIZE NET <_LEO, RU BI N1 m TORS. IN S_ATIPH GOAT ONE. < LAKE - IT- Ell HEAD oE T URE REFER TH_ EDGE OE PAVEnENT RE AIL THE 1-0 11 E BATPNS. —E6 -- NBED RPADwA.s - _ 1IRLS RIsEE s w.0 FLAT oR GREEN TA T , FI GHLEAS _LAF A_ OR TO OIL 1ITF11T APP BY THE % _S — e—L. BE PLACEo A, TIE HEALFS s ALL BE MOUNTED ON FLEx 11 REG ULATED T <m JPINTS. Re. ALL PPP uP ALL ALL 11 I-ATTENT NOT OIHERUIIE BE-B LED 01 EPEED SHILL BE FTE, LATER IS ��t TO FN � 1ILlNI o LONGER TPI t,NTR 11 To PROVIDE_ N ' Ki uwu TIE LIED xl OvER TO .uE I ED 71 11-FATE THE 1-1- ALL-ILE -III EE-- -1 THE TTAI PA-5 TIE TEST, :HE LA ERAL LINES FTJI BE -LE1 AHD VIELALLI IF— FOR L-E, ANY IS 1FOI THE w PR cs - A icAUr Eft— I IT= IF -TANUzB AND THAT THE -ST., -TROLLER INS 1BIONSTRATION RE-1-1 TH E u �e E O ONFROUL11 wIL. BE SPLE. Z 'III 1EIER-IIIATIAN OF El IE1115 TO PUBILE OR RUI OFF. INS DETER - TILE lAN11 R O FAI11— HILL —1 N THESE OASES. OALOLLA E THE TIE usEO w 1 F A.ON srsTEr. 11lEOIFIOAT�ONS FOR ALL LDI,PON=NTS TO BE Lu w X M Z C a C G Q O Y � N Q O � U Q0J LL Lu W cc OO QU O F_ a a uj CL U Q J Q Y Q CL cc O LL V (/) W `� N J O ! a l U W o_B LL' J °i' U 0- O T 4 FM . „. 1 1? 00 IRN -1 BUILDING DATA LAND USE DATA RECREATION SPACE DATA FLO DATA . . .. . . . . TREE DATA ....... .... UTILITY SERVICE GRAPHIC SCALE PARKING DATA ZONING COMPATIBILITY OPEN SPACE DATA 1111 1 . 1 FIE - 1111 1 ly'll. III T .. 1 — 1.1 111 n 1111F I , ".1, . � 1 1 1 LANDSCAPE ,, 'E'q BUILDING SETBACKS .._, PHASING PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SCHOOL DATA 11AcZlll ROAD j- ROW) ti o Z 0 0 Lu 0 <oz , LLI 0 2 (L _j M u- R UJI UJI Lu > 0 Lu Ulm Mo 2 CL cc 0 Y (n cr 0 11 - uj W Q J _ Lu uj P � 0 in msp- VICINITY MAP N. T. S. PLA T OF S UR VE Y DESCRIPTION.• SCHEDULES 11- EASEMENTAND EXCEPT IONS: HE LANp RFFERREp TO NEPUN BFJ.OW IS SIMARD m THE CWNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF R, MO IE OESCRBED AS FIX a- 9, pEKLOPERS AORt2MENT FOR PROPERtt FAST OF MACUIRE ROM MMEON}ftY SWM W ME SUNSHINE PARKWAY OY MID PAREL 1, vN AGES to WESMErtE. MCORpNL ro ME PUT MEREb'. AS RELOWGED IN FUT BWK 70, PAGES 9 MROUf]I II. INCLUSrvE, OF iF1E PUBIJL RECORDS OF OP.WGE CWNrv. COPobI BOMT 361668, PAGE I . I6UB.IoiHETERNS R ANG Cp: piroN63ETFORrNMaGYiAFEO •ROVOMGYT #��1219H> m 2 rare CONAMS 611,310 SQUARE FEET OR 11.10) ACRES MORE OR Lf55. TOGETHER W/T/I: 10. ORANGE CWNtt/PHIIW NSTA Uiil.Itt COMPPNY. INC. SETYfR SEIWKE IEFMORNL aCREEMEM L'0.4HACT NO. 5 -0) -e MTED JWK H, 198) AND RELORpm JUNE 10. 198] IN 8001( 1894, PME IJ6J: 0.5 AMENDED BY DNi C£RTNN FlRST AMENDMENT GTED FEBRDAm 11 1994 Ax0 9RGOA� FEBRUARY IJ. 1994 IN PALE 2- MD -1 CE - SECOND xx� ENT GRD F£BRUaRI' T. RECORDED DECEM� N HOOK - Pa GE JSJI; ANO FURMER MLENa"' 2.. MDSE No- APPURTENWr GSENENT RIGHTS OfCLVlED. GREATEN AHO GPANTED -S- TO -1 OEMAM a- EASEMENT AGItEEMEM 5581. PAGE 191. AS AMENDED M OR"ICNL RECORDS BOON SBS, PAGE 4096 AND OFFroMI � s 1 - RECORMO JANWRY 11. TOOT IN 8001( 61.1T. PAGE 2130. RECONDEO OCTOBER 5. 199H Ix OFr1CNl RECORDS 9ofM( RECORDS BOOK 6099. PACE J)65. E PUDUC REODWEE GF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA: (yyyeGii0 ME1EAM AN�alandl nNO R[cmaD rv .1 oi.rAGE g 8 TOGETHER WITH.' SE NEN-fKLW51VE - TENANT EASEIAEN TIGHTS DE-M. CRGTED AND OeANWED PURSUANr TO THAT CERTAIN DI- EAS Mr AGREEMENT I . 196B�ix BDac 40 - 29 AND Rf goRDEOp USr 1. 11 EDDK tI J6); AS AMENpEO BY LINT CERTNN FlRST AMENOAIENT 6029 fEDR11MY I I, I RECORDED FE8R1/ARY TJ. 991 m e- DATED AN RECOROEIJ SITE (PARCEL RVI -e AND RR-9) RECORDED FFAtUARY T3, Z000 IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOM E.D. PAGE 38.W. OF ME PUBUC RECORDS OF ORM'Cf EDAM - FLOMG ,yLy2 Tf . 2 1W1 A iN BOOK E 61J E PAGE T" (1V�JFCTTOIHET - N EME N I ETFWiM W TOGETHER W/TN FIXt OR11xME RN pE9ELOPMENT AIL OF OWNERS RWM. RE AND INERLSI M M'O N ITNr CERTART CWWT Or EASEYENr DT AND BETWEEN SOOMMEAST n 12 NO �BE4 221. 9- µ R i ECOR0E0 A MMLrI J, BHB W 80 .PAGE 1868; AS - eY I CETTMN AMENDMENT iO W I DS WESMERE CgIMERCW., (LC. AND LNtE SURER PRDeESSroNN. DEN". LLC MFED JULY 2], RCCOROED JULY JI, ], m OFRCW. RECORDS K )2. PACE 2042. PUBLIC RECORDS OF OWMGE COIINTT aae- pEVELppfpS ACREENFNi FOR WaRF SERrICE CAGED AURGN T0, 1991 PNO RFCptOED MARCH JI. 199) m BO01( 5225. PACE 2669, (SLW I TOrNE -SANE-raNS- FOTM- NOTROrTA&E1 TOGETHER W/TM• IJ. DG GOFERS ALi+EEMf FOH SEwEft SERN[g BY M•0 PEIWEEN CRT CF OGOEE AYD HEU.ER &'ro3. GROVES G1R) �S E SN AND ETWEEN 59VMFP.SRRN ALL W OWNER'$ RTLN. ODE ANO INTEREST IN AND TO -1 -- M -1 OF ELSE 1 FOR ACCESS AND -I- WY B ECOROEO MARCH 89 N BOOK 4060. PME I. , ryUekC 10- TERMSAND SET NOA]IBER R, 1 0 1, 1 2 _ OEVLLOPMENT - WESMERE COMMERCAM. LLC. AND UK SURER PROFESbDWLL L'ENIER. LLC. DATED JULY 17. 200), RfLdNED JULY JT. T001 IN OFFKW. NE[ORDS BOON 9172. PAGE 2049. OF ME PU&.IC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNrv, ROFttN. FORM. OR J SIORY DPM AGREEMENT BY ANp D FARMERS LINKED BROS. GROVES AND PARK - - - NO TES. ' 1. BEARING SIHUCn/HE IS EASED M THE MONUMENR9 SOUM LINE OF PARCEL 19EMO SB9'15'4 W (PER PUT). 11. ND INNOI 41 P M1 1.V01NC 10 (SU THAT HAOUmE. LID., W ED NOVEMBER EEO E Nr RECORDED O RECORDED / TARE 1T, Is 11D1 1116; !RERUN ONT CENq N SET TW T TER MREEMN! N' PACE t12B . B16cii ME rEF81.4AND .� AeLEI __ - py4Mp T. MI5 SURVEY RERECIS ONLY MAKERS Or -WE AS FRONDED Wr Mf CLIENT De ClILNIS IIEPRESENIATIVE. 5. NpV- EKCLUSWE PERPEiIYJ. F/SEMENT M FAVOW OF CTY OF 0 VEE. - DA20 -- 10. 1990 AND REC0.PoE0 JANUARY 25. 990 IN BOOK 4151. PAGE 1734. ( ArFECT451 .9JECTPROPERrvASEFrowNHEREON.) _ J M6 SURVEY wA5 MME ON ME GROUND. ME VNOERGROUNO UnLlnE3 SM'IWN HAVE DEE1V LOGGED fRON FFEID SURVEY INF'DRMAMIN AND EtlSrHFC WMCS. ME SUR.EYDR MMES NO GUARANTEE MAr ME ONOERLROONO UDUDES SHOWN CONI- ML SUCH UMTES IN ME ME , EIMER m SEWVSE OR IN. DRNNAGE F FMEM MREEMEN BY AND BRwEEN CENRX HONES AND TELLER OWES. - RECORDED OCIOBER�S• 199 S BppK 1.1. p 1 r I I AS AMENDED f INSIN -ENIS REro.VOEO IN BOOK .11, PAGE 1096 D fiWlt 6099, A J)b _ - � AtNNODa'ED. ME SURVEYOR FVRIHEH DOES NO! WAR T -1 THE ONDER;ROOND U11- SHOWN A M ME -1 LOG1roN INDICTED NMOLWN HE DOES CEMTrY MAT HEY ARE LOGTED AS ACCIIR Mr AS Po551Bt£ FRLTJ INFORNAIION A -ABLE. SUM£Y6R HAS NOT PHY4RMLY -TED ME f ImOPERrvAS AHIAVIRTTrPE GSEME � DRnwncE- NOTROTTAeIE AJxFw4 WavE eEHW HETFON INN USEMEN NEYMM SUBJECT PROPE L 3vAnuN EKHWn W OF SAID U _ _ _- UNOERGROUND UDLINES. N NnOx LY DE p, rt _: ®ur 1. MIS BVI WxG M ES m Z0.WE X. BAFD ON ROOD INSURANCE RATE MAO W0. I-SCU220F, CIX M MI1T NO. T201 B5, Cltt O DOE) OFANCE YIUFIrv, ROl6pA EFF£L9VE SEPTEMBER 23. 2Ctl9. I8. SLOPE EASEIVFM AGRf£NENi BY AND 9EIWEEN Nfl1IIt BROS. GROVES AND CRY OF OtOE£ DAZED FEBWUMY 18 2000 MID RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 2009 M BOOIT 1.1 PAGE Sta. NFFECT44U4 ,ECTmOFLmYA45HOWNNFAEON.) awnu AGCOR�WNC N FLOMG SIAMES, GRAPIER 4)I.0T5, A LANp SURVEYOR SHALL NOT AmK m5 SELL OR MaME 10 ANY PIAN OR DINNING MIIRI DEPICTS wOFK WHICH NE S NOI LICENSED Tp PERfORAI OR WNKH IS BEYOND HIS PROFESACN OR SPECNLIY HEREIN. FREFORE. WE ARE UNMLE TO [ERnFY AS . DeANALE EASE 1 A- (PMCEL RW -e AND RIY -9) WY AND FWEEN CITY OF DCOrf AND HEll£R BROS. GROVE RECOR o - - TO 1u-- -HE CIXIPUANCE, .RRPR WEN OF ZOMxC COPES OR ME DETERMIN - OF VKKAMJNS HEREOF. FEBRUARY 23. 2000 Ix BOq( 5919, PME -D. WIECr450BIEGTPRWERTY OrFSDFORAWADEEA3EAlEMNOT - MIS SURVEY M.DE WIM BENEFIT OF Fl115I AMETK'A.F 1RL£ INSURANCE CDNPANY'$ WMMIMENr FAST N0. 1062 - 2)2545 T. EFFErnVE: JUNE 1), .11. AS RENSED eY eEVISTW NO. 7. GTED JULY 5. 2011 AND TINT EEM- OPINION OF Nf£ PREPATED DY MARSHALL I EM45. 450. 20. 'NOM WJLY OEIEIEU. - n ). MIS SMRVEI' IS VALID LWLY FOR ME PMiiES N WHDY D 2 [ERnFlEO. 2T. -1 DFIETED. 8. MI5 SURVEY IXCEEDS HE ACCWADI REDNREMENi2 SR FYAWITJ M RORIM STAMES. 22. WTENIQWYly DEl£TFD. ® _ 6 B. EIEARIMS Bl¢0 OW ORANGE 4OUNry EENCNMARK /L9JJ0D4 INVMC M' REYA>NN CF I28.>)J RET (NAl9 88j. 21. mSIRIBUIIDN FAS m FAroR G RORrle POWER G018M 1K)N OdNC BUSMESS 0.S PROLR65 ENERCI RO.WOA MC. µ 10. INE WAFER BOUN6491ES SWONN HEREON ARE SUBJECT TO CINM1DE OUE N NANPM. GU LS AND AMY OR NAY NOT RElWESEN THE ACIWL COCOON G MNROED MAY r0. TOO) 1 M BOpf 9TSJ, PACE 188. (AFTECIS SVB.ECi PRp2NTYA96HUWIHU+EIM.I e - 1HE UFIIT OF HIE ON S 11. RIFIff ARE FKI STRIPED PARKML SPACES ME SITE AT ME WAS Dc URVEI'. OR4NAU BY -ETW 21. SOI AND FRN DE`A:L -1 1 LIMOS W'ESMERE COMMERC LLC, AND ZI. CRPtIt OF FASEMEN FEW E U9LE BUTTER RroRS510NA1 CENFER. ). 200) MYD RECORDED JULY J1. 7 m EN9 1 DE6cm THE IMFEDi5/JL CF iwACi aasA BI.wKEi n9+E DRAMAOE EASEMEN�NMPLOnA KTIeDa saD - - SU4EClPROPEAivJ LL ANO LINE HURER PRPRSSKMM LFMER, TED JULY 27 MO) aND RECpNED JULY J1, 200] IN BWK oo GRANT O GSEMENT E D MIEN AND UIM1E5 BY ER, -,, DATE S 27, ERN LKYEL REC NT ED W J1, 0372. - EASEMENTKEYMAP (SCALE: NTS/ . N HL cE m< 9J7T PAitacrs RTrassrroWNTEREIxN, LrnFOSOUrHETaroFSUBIECrPRwEaTrovER roMVN - _ 1 �' ``` -_ .•.Nn�._.. - - __ ._ LI- I 1 a v . A ss UFIx.nES.I - __ FACEPTI6Y's. ___ N g OF U RECOR SE 26TIERS Rt£CTm POIB ME FIAT Or V, WESMERE DED PTEMBER 5, 2001 IN PUT BOOK RI. PAGES 9 N Ef = - om - FASEIWfrj . I I O- OTS . INClUSNE. SUSIEnnxaERTYA44HOwHHEREON.1 RESTATED MASTER DECUW - OF COVENANTS AND RESMIMKMS FOR WESYERE CqE REt0ID1E0 ANY S, ow�"reioA.aw=cor ( I Mt 593). Po 1098 1 l (FXNT&r - C - TEIAPLNYR'f ORYfMLF EAttIRi! /{ W 0.SSE'SSYENR. (sIAiIECr TO ME 1W8 INN 2, PAGE 1)94, NCL PROV510N3 TOR A PR ATE CILMtGE Olt .ERNS 4SETFq+TH x MR� ) DFVELOPMEN AGREEMENT (-I BUYER PROFESSONAL CAAFPUS) RECLWDED JUNE It. POOH M BOOK 9)11. PAGE 5)N. _ ORB 593), PGI 1096 Y v ORB 60 ORB 5), PC 1098 (E%YBBT! • C T IElAP01M.WY ORMNAGE - l AR¢L - (IXII ®B "A � _ (E1(HI T "A I•) i -__ - -TWEyn AOSd f4UeffCTMMETERM4ANO CJM'mr1U`LSBET FORM NOIMGTTABIE/ 29. OROIWWCE x0 2009 0.0 aF ME CRY Of IX.OEE. RLRIDA RECORDED OECfA1[¢R 29, T009 M BOOR 9981, PACE 1118 19LwJECTTV MFrER,MSarm rnxwiloWS S�rI- vRM.NOraoTraeLEl i FM9 wen+ a r i �/ - J1. HoN Cwtan Mort9o9�from Lake BUfler Pnre=ereml Cenlee LLC, o Flmdo Ikn bd RopIiT, mmPVnY to r NHIHA, .-S 30 z � "`e Jaae opH a Ham nI ? / 1 1 SITE ,..<� / evr aaNeoe H:ow a c 11c. oemA a er SO la me aN aaI P Naa P ar . ,,,m or u,fiao op0 D0, aatl m. Ial,.r= `�P`eD�SB� o enl acam., .,IR a Foy. s IM1 aNi Leo.ee .aa Tom• O • aM OW S 51 - d .xv.eed m Rene= ecoreee in Sam 9)21. age J 4. m Deegnetl w BqE 6{ 4015 @Poe` 1 P in J6 5SVBIEGi OTIE ipWSANO CdwIrrcM43Ei FORTH IqT Book 9] Page J2J. a= a==Ignetl 1013). Poge m ._ °Yi V l AAO II( y .- (IXMBIr a �^ - PA9CEL - I e t - By ArcungM1t Su.»y= of Waneo. Inc tlolee June A 2DT2. Rer(xe "T y T3, T012, v.tler Jeb No. SJ ehoehe id romny aNelm -d UIIIy SU RVEY U ma •. M $ S ^ N E � f AT CItt CF OCOEF. : "'� I °w i. - F�i�F IME COM -a LOWM4N d WNSTNt. PA PPNY: 0 � Da NA. 6099 PC, 1711 =1+u u.M IaM -� CYI betake SHa.r -�. - W _ g BOUNDARY SURVEY DATE: 7 /t /ta 1 �L 1 �(. rte p�8r5J- 17.051(3)(b)3 Florid Code � i CEPrtoN ORe 365). 1 Mt6 -- y j -y J - ENOfPDOV 18 - ] J 1 J4JJ5 a00 nRE COMMIIMENI RESURVEY RJO 6099 1)63 j 12 10 1J 3.. .dm UMRIES RJG �W (�pg9l A -Y vl.'PARCEL ) u. .�na UeekB brad - __. 1• .. ACC INIF Sl1iRf DOUND4RY @ TOPOGR1PfIlC SURLY O3 nrT NP .m ^M O f aH -1-d0 1-.. LB 4475 E 2018 . RObi+MSOYS St. o,•ed96aO. EEO, -Era 3z8o3 ' 1- 6 12 cFIOC]D -s PMtcit I- 9 pREp LD µ �TE 6 DMWH er fDRi SKORMAN CONSTRUCTION, INC. www.ruc H 9htSU -W net mcu M ®b.z=th.enet SHEET 1 OF 2 OGRON: 640 MA DIRE OtnEe, Rafl L Seers+ z9, mwxsHm saiili, w9x:E zH PHONE: 407 894 -6314 FAX' 407 897 -3777 h� �p 0 h P / i�,71i�a _, an liw i rus �GC��IGIII fx) l'S of Ori d I -5 Y !O ! 1 (}, P170N6: (407) 894 -6314 PAX: (407) 807 -3777 PLAT OF SURVEY VICINITY MAP N. T. S. N \ \� GRAPHIC SCALE Y SITE \\ 0' 25' SO' 100 150' 50 ' \ \ DE TAIL A Sol 111011 a r o s.R a., - ' BJQad PIA- _, - ----- - �- x ,..., . °�..� X / � x T �IZ. _� v ;: DETAIL "B" 1 \— e, -'3, 5 ' .rs w w,n Cu3 1 — , I _ n. 1 I � LINO CHApr tins „m r a{ BOUNDARY SURVEY DATE 7 11 , _ — r _ 1111 A � 5 _ -- J 77.057 3 7,v Flond, Mmi,iafrative Code S — �� � �' � s � ov _ surrvEr ✓c s� �T BOUNDARY & TOPOCRAMIC SURVEY «x Al IrA. o — SKORMAN CONSTRUCTION, INC. SHEET20F2 -1129 —PIS 11cr IS ._ A T�"',,,r;MF�� U � �� U� 1lUl u ul1J1 1111 11C f1 fl fl �ll�] ff in�l uull uu�� I�'uorau uuu� gnu y �: Date puHshed and Meda Name E:_ Orl�$en- _tlnel r. CITY OF OCOEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PARK PLACE PUB AKA PARK PIACE T MAGUIRE PRELIMINARYffINAL SUBDIVI ION PLAN & PRELIMSNAR /FI AL SITE PLAN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Sec- tion 4- 3A(4), Ocoee Land Development Code, that on TUESDAY, APflIL 1, 2014, et 71 r., The eafter 5 or as soon ther as practical, OCOEE CITY COMMISSION will hold a PUBLIC 1050 Norrt ake- shore Drive, Ocoee, Florida, to consid- er the Park Place Pl1D Preliminary/ Final Subdivision Plan & Prehminary/ Final Site Plan located on the north- east corner of Maguire Road an To- myn Blvd. The parcel is Identified as parcel number 29- 22 -28. 8895 -01 -001, lo- cated at 1650 Maguire Road. The par - DeveloPment comprsed of 242 multi.famlly units and a 2 1 /2 acre commercial outtparcel. Interested . parties may appear at the public hearing and be heard with re- spect to the proposed actions. The complete case file, including a com- plete legal description by metes and bounds, may be inspected at the Ocoee Development Services tm Deparent! Planning No Division, 150 rth Lake- shore Drive Ocoee, Florida, between The hours o{ 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays. The City Commission may continue the public hearings to other dates and . times, as it deems neces- sary. Any Interested party sholl.be ad- vised that the dates, times, and places of any continuation of these or contin- ued public hearings shall be an- nounced during the hearings and that no further notices regarding these matters will be published. You are ad- vised that any person who desires To appeal any decision made during the public hearings will need a record of the proceedings and for this purpose may need To ensure That a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made i . which includes the testimony and evi- dence upon appe which The al is based. Persons with disabilities needing as- sistance to participate in any of the proceedings should contact the City ri at (407 4) 905- 3105.vance of I e meet Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk COR1273773 03120/2014 THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 E� O rlando S entinel Publishe Daily f4�ct of ffl o dba S.S. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Jacqueline Lewis- Edwards who on oath says that he /she is the Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a daily newspaper published at Orlando in Orange County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Public Hearing in the matter of April 1 — LS- 2013 -004 in the Orange County was published in said newspaper in the issue; of 03/20/14 Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Orlando in said Orange County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Orange County, Florida, daily and has been entered as second -class mail matter at the post office in Orlando in said Orange County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he /she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. twas The foregoing instrumen owledge before me this 20 day of March, 2014, u�j ne Lewis - Edwards, who is personally known to mho did take an th. `ru - 4 ' ) Ic� 4 SEAL' CITY OF OCOEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PARK PLACE PUD ANA PARK PLACE AT MAGUIRE PRELIMINARY/FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN & PRELIMINARY/FINAL SITE PLAN LS- 2013 -004 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Sec- tion 4- 3A(4), Ocoee Land Development Code, That on TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014, al 7:15 pm., or as soon thereafter as practical, the OCOEE CITY COMMISSION will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at the Ocoee City Com- mission Chambers, 150 North Lake- shore Drive, Ocoee, Florida, to consid- er the Park Place PUD Preliminary/ Final Subdivision Plan 8, Preliminary/ Final Site Plan located on the north- east corner of Maguire Road and To- myn Blvd. The parcel is identified as parcel number 29- 22- 28- 8895 -01 -001, lo- cated at 1650 Maguire Road. The Par- cel is 14.11 acres. The Planned Unit Development (PUD) is comprised of 242 multi - family units and a 2 1 /2 acre commercial outparcel. Interested parties may appear at the Public hearing and be heard with re- spect to the proposed actions. The complete case file, including a com- plete legal description by metes and bounds, may be Inspected at the Ocoee Development Services Department/ Planning Division, 150 North Lake- shore Drive, Ocoee, Florida, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays. The City Commission may continue the public hearings to other dates and times, as it deems neces- sary. Any interested party shall be ad- vised that the dates, times, and places of any continuation of these or contin- ued public hearings shall be an- nounced during the hearings and that no further notices regarding these matters will be Published. You are ad- vised that any person who desires to appeal any decision made during the Public hearings will need a record of the proceedings and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes the testimony and evi- dence upon which the appeal is based. Persons with disabilities needing as- sistance to participate in any of the Proceedings should contact the City Clerk's Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting a1 (407) 905 -3105. Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk CORI273773 03/20/2014 Order #1273773