HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting Held April 1, 2014MINUTES
April 1, 2014, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Grogan. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen (absent), Mayor Vandergrift,
Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Keller.
Proclamation — Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Mayor Vandergrift proclaimed April 2014 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Proclamation — Arbor Day — April 25, 2014
Mayor Vandergrift proclaimed April 25, 2014, as Arbor Day. The proclamation was presented
to Parks and Recreation Hayes and Utilities Director Smith.
Proclamation — Water Conservation Month
Mayor Vandergrift proclaimed April 2014 as Water Conservation Month. The proclamation
was presented to Utilities Director Smith and Water Conservation Coordinator Justice.
Presentation by Scott Randolph, Oran1le County Tax Collector
Scott Randolph, Orange County Tax Collector, briefly spoke in regards to the issues of non -ad
valorem taxes on churches and non -profit organizations, county held tax certificates, and the tax
collector task force.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired about the tax deed for the Forest Ridge Cemetery and if the City
could offer $5 to have it transferred into the City's name. Mr. Randolph briefly explained that it
will have to go through the tax deed process. He will speak with his property tax manager to see
how the City can go about to apply for the tax deed. Mr. Randolph explained there are heirs
listed as the owner so he would like to contact the City Attorney to figure something out since he
does feel it is an important piece of property. Mayor Vandergrift advised there is always the
method of advertising to see who shows up. Without objection, Mayor Vandergrift said
he would like the City Attorney to look into the Forest Ridge Cemetery tax deed
Commissioner Johnson briefly commented that the tax collector agency should consider a sub
location for just driver's license issues verses having an all -in -one location which causes a longer
wait time. He further complained about the recent rate hikes with tag renewals and lack of
staffing in their facilities. Mr. Randolph briefly explained some the change that occurred prior
to his appointment as Tax Collector and shared that he has been addressing has many of the
recent concerns that he can. More staffing has been added to their facilities, as well as pay raises
implemented amongst their employees.
Regular Commission Meeting
April 1, 2014
City Manager Frank announced the following:
1) The Parks and Recreation Department will be sponsoring its Annual Easter
Eggstravaganza on Saturday, April 19th at the Jim Beech Recreation Center from 10:00
a.m. to noon. There will be Easter Egg Hunts for children from infants to 12 years of age;
along with prizes, bounce houses, arts & crafts, face painting, coloring contest, clowns
and pictures with the Easter Bunny.
2) City residents may begin registering for the Parks and Recreation Department's popular
swimming lesson program on Saturday, May 10th from 10:00 am. to 5:00 pm. Non-
resident registration will begin May 17th from 9:30am to 5:00pm.
3) The Parks and Recreation Department will begin accepting registration for its Summer
Camp Program. Registration for residents will begin on April 7th, and open registration
(for residents and non - residents) will begin April 14th. The Summer Camp is open to
children from 5 to 14 years of age and will run from June 9th to August 15th. For more
information contact the Beech Recreation Center at 407 - 905 -3180.
Commissioner Keller — 1) thanked the Ocoee Police Department for allowing him to do a ride
along Friday evening. It was a DUI run and he is happy to say they did not catch many. 2)
Inaugural Citizen's Public Safety Academy — Starts Wednesday April 16, 2014, from 6:00pm to
9:00pm. The Ocoee Police Department and Ocoee Fire Department are proud to announce the
inaugural Citizen's Public Safety Academy. This course will be held every Wednesday evening
for ten straight weeks at both the police department and at the main fire station. The academy is
taught by City of Ocoee Police Officers, Firefighters and industry experts. The academy is
funded by donations, is free to residents, and participants will be eligible for one ride along with
an officer on patrol. There will also be a graduation banquet that will take place upon completion
of the academy. For more information please contact: Ofc. Patera Scott at (407) 905 -3160 ext.
3024 or Patera. Scottnocoee.org or Lt. Cory Bowles (Ocoee Fire) at 407 - 905 -3140 or
Commissioner Johnson — shared a "Thank You" letter addressed to him, the City and Fire
Department staff from the Ungaro Family regarding the Donnie Ungaro dedication.
Commissioner Grogan — announced the Ocoee Lions Club 10` Annual Golf Tournament at the
Forest Lake Golf Course on May 3 Registration begins at 7:00 a.m. and shot gun start will be
at 8:15 a.m. Entry deadline is April 30 "; please contact David Wheeler or Jim Sills for more
information. Lions Club Member Wheeler inquired if the City was going to be a Hole
Sponsor. It was discussed that this was budgeted and a motion was not required.
Regular Commission Meeting
April 1, 2014
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan, moved to approve the
Consent Agenda Items #1 through #4. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner
Wilsen absent.
1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting Held March 18, 2014. (Cj
Clerk Eikenberry)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
2. Award of RFQ #1402 Professional Hydrological & Water Supply/Planning Services.
(Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The City's contract for professional hydrological services with SMW Geosciences has expired. In compliance
with the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA), Florida Statutes Section 287.055 and Chapter 21
of the City's Code of Ordinances, the City solicited statements of qualifications from professional engineering
firms or individuals that are interested in providing professional services in assisting the City's efforts to
comply with City C.U.P. conditions and may require: groundwater modeling, water demand projections, reuse
projections and planning, environmental impact assessment, permit application and supporting documentation
preparation, supporting City staff with public presentations, and meetings; and permitting and compliance with
The RFQ was advertised on January 26, 2014, and was publicly opened on February 25, 2014. There were four
(4) responses submitted. The Finance Department and Utilities Department reviewed the proposals and all were
considered responsive. The four (4) responses were evaluated by the RFQ Evaluation Committee. The
Evaluation Committee short- listed the following firms in ranked order, and recommends contracting with the
top ranked firm, SMW Geosciences Inc. Staff recommends that the City Commission award RFQ 41402
Professional Hydrological and Water Supply /Planning Services to SMW Geosciences Inc., as budgeted each
fiscal year; approximately $30,000 annually.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
Schools. (Police Chief Brown)
The Ocoee Police Department provides one (1) DARE officer to five (5) elementary schools, one (l) School
Resource Officer to one (1) middle school, and two (2) School Resource Officers to one (l) high school, all of
which are located within the city limits of Ocoee. An annual agreement between the City and the School Board
of Orange County is required in order for the Police Department to understand its officers' responsibilities and
for the City to be reimbursed by the School Board of Orange County for a portion of the officers' salaries. This
agreement is effective from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. A similar agreement was previously reviewed by the
City Attorney and approved by the City Commission for 2012 -2013.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
Annravnl of Cnerinl Event Permit far Rand C'lacnre !nf Tavlr
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In order to temporarily close a public street, the approval of the Honorable Mayor and City Commission is
required. Mr. David Wheeler of Ocoee Lions Club has made application to the City for a Special Events Permit
for the Ocoee Lions Club Train Rides that would require the temporary closing of a City owned street. The
event will be held on April 5, 2014, from 10:00 AM — 5:30 PM & April 6, 2014, from 11:00 AM — 5:30 PM.
The street to be closed is Taylor Street at Oakland & Kissimmee Avenue.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
Regular Commission Meeting
April 1, 2014
5. Park Place at Maguire Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan and Preliminary/Final Site
Plan for Lot 1. (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, March 20, 2014). (City Plattner
The subject property is located on the northeast corner of Maguire Road and Tomyn Blvd. The parcel is
identified as parcel number 29- 22 -28- 8895 -01 -001. The parcel is 14.11 acres in size. The Park Place Planned
Unit Development (PUD) is comprised of 242 multi - family units and a 2 ' / 2 acre commercial outparcel. The
subject property consists of undeveloped land. The Future Land Use designation for the subject site is
"Commercial ". The preliminary/final subdivision plan proposes to create three lots. Lot l will consist of the 242
multifamily units. Lot 2 & Lot 3 are commercial out parcels. The preliminary /final site plan is for the
construction of 242 multi - family units on Lot 1.
City Planner Rumer gave a brief summary of the proposed project including site location and
future land use designation. The PUD approval was received back in 2013 so tonight's approval
is a follow -up for the site plan approval. City Planner Rumer explained the several off -site
improvements that would be constructed or mitigated through payments based on the proposed
development and previous development agreement commitments. The subdivision has received
school capacity and concurrency approval and the applicant has already pre -paid some of the
school impact fees.
Commissioner Keller inquired if the turn before Maguire Road was a gated turn. City Planner
Rumer explained that the gates would be located back off the entrance so that there would be no
stacking onto Maguire Road. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if the apartments would be wood
structures. It was answered by the applicant that it would be a wood structure. Mayor
Vandergrift shared his concerns of a wood structure due to the recent tragic condo fire in
Orlando that killed three children. Further discussion ensued regarding fire sprinkler and roofing
Mayor Vandergrift opened the public hearing.
Mark Skorman briefly advised he is available to answer any questions.
Mayor Vandergrift closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Johnson said he would like to inquire from the Commission if they could have
staff look at some kind of remedy with the plan review fee because it is high. Explanation was
given by staff on the ' / 2 of 1% plan review fee for building and the additional '/z of 1% plan
review fee for fire that is due at time of submittal. City Planner Rumer advised that they are
finding that this fee is causing conflict with funding in that banks will not lend this money if a
permit is not issued. City Planner Rumer further advised the Commission did temporarily
waive the ' /z of 1% of the fire plan review fee; however, he feels they may want to look at doing
something more comprehensive and not a temporary relief. It was further explained that this
review fee has stopped development of several projects. Commissioner Johnson said he would
like staff to come up with a study to see how they can handle future plan review fees; however,
for this project he would like to see if the City could defer the plan review fee as was done in
January. City Manager Frank advised they only had a brief chance to look at this particular
project so he does not feel they have enough information at this time for a recommendation. He
further advised they could possibly allow this developer to pay the fee at a later date with
commission authorization but would have to do further research in order to proceed with
Regular Commission Meeting
April 1, 2014
changing the ordinance. Further discussion ensued. City Attorney Cookson advised it seems
they are looking at deferring the payment of the plan review fee from time of submittal, to the
time the plans are approved. Mr. Skorman asked for clarification on when he is to have all fees
paid. City Manager Frank inquired if he anticipated all fees being paid by the end of May when
he is really to develop. Mr. Skorman answered in the affirmative. City Manager Frank said he
feels it is best to authorize staff to figure out the appropriate fees and after Commission's action
at the next meeting, they can then figure out the rest of the fees which can be paid by the end of
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve
the Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan and Preliminary /Final Site Plan for Lot 1 at
Park Place at Maguire per staff's recommendation and to defer the plan review
and building permit fees until no later than the end of May, as negotiated between
staff and the developer. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
City Attorney Cookson advised that he feels they should also have a motion to direct City staff
to look at other cities so they can bring a recommendation back before them on deferring the
plan review fees. Mayor Vandergrift said without objection he would like for staff to
look at what other cities are doing in regards to plan review fees. City Manager
Frank said he is assuming that staff is to bring back the re- structuring of the fees as a first
reading ordinance or resolution to the next meeting. The Mayor concurred.
6. Potential Sale of Real Property Owned by the City of Ocoee on S. Bluford Avenue.'
(Support Services Director Butler)
The City of Ocoee has two potential offers for the property located on South Bluford Avenue just south of
Oakwood Plaza (parcel 419- 22 -28- 0000 -00 -080). One offer is from Satish Somwaru with Help My Auto LLC
in the amount of $70,000 for the entire parcel. The second offer is from Steve Mitchell with RMR Investors Inc.
as Trustee of S. Bluford Land Trust in the amount of $60,000 for a portion of the parcel. We are asking the
Commission how they would like to proceed.
Support Services Director Butler explained that the city -owned property is located on the west
side of Bluford Avenue, between Geneva Street and SR 50. He stated it is part of the old
railroad right of way that used to run along Bluford Avenue. The current assessed value is
$105,000. He explained the two offers that have been received for the property.
1) Satish Somwaru with Help My Auto LLC in the amount of $70,000 for the entire parcel with the city
retaining drainage easements and access, contingent him obtaining an appraisal and being able to modify
his offer or get first right of refusal.
2) Steve Mitchell with RMR Investors Inc. as Trustee of S. Bluford Land Trust in the amount of $60,000 for a
portion of the parcel, adjacent to the shopping center to be used mainly for parking and truck access.
Mr. Butler noted they could opt to sell the property by accepting one of the two offers, noting
that sale of the whole property would require a public hearing. We could also go through a
formal bidding process to sell the property. The appraisal being over the $100,000 threshold will
require a public hearing. He discussed some temporary plans that had been discussed to have a
community garden with the rotary club, but those plans did not pan out.
Regular Commission Meeting
April 1, 2014
Commissioner Johnson asked if the two parties had met to discuss usage of the property. Mr.
Butler stated that they are going to meet to discuss the possibility of Mr. Somwaru purchasing
the property and being able to give access to the businesses in the shopping center.
City Manager Frank noted that Commissioner Wilsen asked him to convey that she is in favor
of going out to bid on this property, noting that since we have two interested parties at this time
there would probably be more. Commissioner Grogan asked what the difference in revenues to
the city would be if an actual business was there as opposed to a parking lot. Mr. Butler said
property taxes would be approximately $300 per year. Commissioner Johnson said he would
like to see these two parties work something out so that we could sell the whole parcel to Mr.
Somwaru and he would be able to give Mr. Mitchell the access needed for the shopping center.
Commissioner Keller started a discussion with regard to the appraised value of the property.
City Attorney Cookson said the city will have to sell it at the appraised value.
Satish Somwaru said he is meeting on Saturday with the shopping center owner. Initially, Mr.
Mitchell had said that he needs 77 feet for access. Mr. Somwaru said he does not know if he
can do this until he gets it appraised, purchases the property, and then gets an architect to lay out
the design for his business.
Commissioner Johnson asked Mr. Mitchell if he is willing to bid on the whole property. Mr.
Mitchell stated the whole property won't do then any good, they just need enough room for the
tractor trailers to turn around. Commissioner Grogan said it would be in the best interest of the
city to have a business there rather than a parking lot; he would like to get these two parties to
work together. There was discussion about the tractor trailers drivers who have been using the
property to deliver to the two restaurants and grocery store in the shopping center for many
years. Steve Mitchell and Jack Richards noted that they originally wanted a parcel that was
even smaller; however they may be interested in the whole parcel if it is $70,000. He noted that
if they don't get to buy the property and can't make an arrangement with Mr. Somwaru, the
existing shopping center and businesses will go down. Commissioner Johnson said that the
shopping center owner created the problem by overloading the shopping center and putting too
many businesses in there when they could not provide proper access and parking for them.
Mayor Vandergrift said they will discuss this at the next meeting between now and then they
need to attempt to see if they can work together. City Attorney Cookson confirmed that we are
tonight deciding to hold off on any sale of the property. Support Services Director Butler
stated that Mr. Somwaru and Mr. Mitchell cannot have a useful conversation unless Mr.
Somwaru has an indication from the city that we are willing to sell the entire property. He would
then be able to move forward with the appraisal so he can have a clearer idea of cost and design
of the building on the property and be able to figure out how much space he could provide for
the shopping center. Mayor Vandergrift stated the city will most likely sell the entire parcel,
and he can move forward with the appraisal if he chooses to within the next two weeks. Mr.
Butler said it would probably take a month to get the appraisal. Commissioner Johnson noted
that Mr. Mitchell could get an appraisal for the entire property as well, if they are interested in
Regular Commission Meeting
April 1, 2014
7. Ocoee Crown Point PUD Letter of Intent — Taylor Morrison Homes. ! (Assistant City
Manager Shadrix)'
At the December 17, 2013, City Commission meeting, staff presented the City Commission with the City
Manager's top three respondents: i) Taylor Morrison, ii) Frontdoor Communities, and iii) Meritage Homes for
further interviews with staff. The Commission also added Elevation Development as an alternate if one of the
respondents dropped out. The City Manager and his designees conducted interviews with the top respondents.
After the interviews, Frontdoor Communities withdrew their name for consideration and a subsequent interview
with Elevation Development took place. The City Commission directed staff to proceed forward with Taylor
Morrison Homes as the number one selected proposal after seeing the presentation.
Since that time, staff has met several times with representatives of Taylor Morrison Homes and several issues
have become apparent. First, the housing market has slowed. Second, this lull in the housing market has
apparently affected the type of product that Taylor Morrison forecasts as economically feasible given their
purchase offer ($9.9 million). Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commission end negotiations
with Taylor Morrison Homes without prejudice and solicits letters of intent at such time as the market
commands better prices and products.
Assistant City Manager Shadrix explained the process that has taken place since December
2013 when the Commission voted to move forward with Taylor Morrison for development of the
Ocoee Crown Point property.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan moved to end
negotiations with Taylor Morrison Homes without prejudice per staff
recommendations, and to solicit letters of intent at such time as the market
commands better prices and products. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner
Wilsen absent.
Commissioner Johnson, after Item #8, brought back a discussion about this item. He said he
would like to see the city be more stringent with these developers who purchase the property
telling us they are going to build a certain product, and then come back later with a much less
desirable option and expect the city to just approve it. There was a brief discussion about the
history of this parcel and possible future uses. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to see
another RFP go out on it.
S. Election of Mayor Pro Tem. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Section C -9 of the Ocoee City Charter states: ...The Mayor pro tem shall be elected from among the
Commissioners by the City Commission but shall continue to represent the district in which such Commissioner
resides. The Mayor pro tern shall be elected at the first City Commission meeting following the swearing in of
the candidates elected at each general city election ... and shall serve as Mayor pro tem until the successor is
On March 20, 2007, the Commission created a policy to elect the Mayor Pro Tem annually, even in non -
election years, by rotating down through the seniority list, beginning with Commissioner Johnson for the term
of March 2007 -2008. The following elections have been made since 2007:
2007 -08 Commissioner Johnson 2011 -12 Commissioner Wilsen
2008 -09 Commissioner Hood 2012 -13 Commissioner Hood
2009 -10 Commissioner Keller 2013 -14 Commissioner Keller
2010-11 Commissioner Johnson
Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to appoint
Commissioner Johnson as Mayor Pro Tem for the election year 2014 -2015. Motion
carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
Regular Commission Meeting
April 1, 2014
9. Appointment of Commission Liaisons to Various Boards. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Each year in March, the Commission reviews the Liaisons Appointments to various boards and makes changes,
if needed. In 2013 the following appointments were made:
Parks and Recreation Board — Commissioner Wilsen
Citizens Advisory Board for the Police Department- Commissioner Grogan
Citizens Advisory Board for the Fire Department- Commissioner Johnson
Human Relations Diversity Board- Commissioner Keller
Personnel Board — Commissioner Johnson
Tri- County League of Cities — Commissioner Wilsen
West Orange Airport Authority - William Maxwell
W.O. Chamber of Commerce— City Manager Frank
MetroPlan Advisory Board- Commissioner Keller
Education Incentive Board — Commissioner Johnson
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner moved to approve the
appointments of the commission liaisons to continue for another year the same
as the current appointments. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Wilsen
Parks and Recreation Board — Commissioner Wilsen
Citizens Advisory Board for the Police Department- Commissioner Grogan
Citizens Advisory Board for the Fire Department- Commissioner Johnson
Human Relations Diversity Board- Commissioner Keller
Personnel Board — Commissioner Johnson
Tri - County League of Cities — Commissioner Wilsen
West Orange Airport Authority- William Maxwell
W.O. Chamber of Commerce — City Manager Frank
MetroPlan Advisory Board- Commissioner Keller
Education Incentive Board — Commissioner Johnson
Commissioner Grogan — announced that he would like to have staff to bring before the
commission at the next meeting a first reading of ordinance for the additional $25,000 homestead
exemption for low- income seniors per statute §196.075. All of the other cities in the county
except Edgewood and Ocoee have approved this and he feels Ocoee should offer this to the other
cities in Orange County. He has researched this and found the cost to the city will be an
estimated $30,000 impact to revenues. Consensus of the Commission was to bring
back this ordinance for first reading at the next commission meeting.
Commissioner Johnson — said he would like to finalize the cost information with the
contractors for Lakeshore Center. Support Services Director Butler stated that they are working
on the punch list of 100 items that we gave them last month. Last week he supplied them with a
close out change order of the liquidated damages; the contractor asked a few questions but as of
yet has not sent a response. Commissioner Johnson also asked the commission to direct staff to
seal coat the parking lot and restripe it so it looks like it matches the building. City Manager
Frank said he will discuss it again with Public Works Director Krug with regard to repaving or
seal coating it and he will come back with a recommendation to the Commission. He noted that it
8 1Pagc
Regular Commission Meeting
April 1, 2014
also needs some parking bumpers in front of the gazebo as well. Mr. Butler said they added 10
new items to the punch list which includes adding lights next to the entrance walls on Oakland
Avenue and replacing the carpets in the lobby space. The contractor has given us prices for those
items and we have discussed how that will be paid for; they should be supplying a completion
date for each of those items. At this time it is his understanding that 90% of the punch list items
have been completed. The lighting and air conditioning issues have also been resolved.
Commissioner Keller — stated that the city property behind Lake Meadow is having some
problems with ATVs and other people trespassing. The police have advised that it is hard to
trespass anyone because it is not posted no trespassing. He would like to get some signs posted
on the property. Support Services Director Butler advised he will relay that information to
Public Works Director Krug. The property would need to be surveyed so the signs could be
posted along the property boundaries.
Mayor Vandergrift — asked if the $1500 fees for four hours for the Lakeshore Center includes
Bill Breese Park. Support Services Director Butler said they are tied together because of
parking issues. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes stated that events going on in the park
potentially prevents us from renting the Lakeshore Center and for that reason the park rentals
fees are as high as renting the building. There is a fee structure for renting both the building and
the park. There was discussion regarding the fees and the connection between the two venues.
If the Bill Breeze Park and the Lakeshore Center are rented out at the same time to two different
parties, there is no way to accommodate the parking. There was discussion that the Dunn
property recently purchased by the city had problems with asbestos in the siding of the home
which has delayed tearing down the home. The home should be torn down in the next two
months and that will provide additional parking. Assistant City Manager Shadrix said that we
have over 24 bookings and a lot of inquiries and interest on renting the Lakeshore Center.
Mayor Vandergrift said there is a problem on Jemima Avenue while we are working on it.
Commissioner Grogan said that Assistant Public Works Director Richard Campanale sent out a
letter explaining the work that needed to be done; there was a problem with the grade being
temporarily made too steep for cars to get in their driveways but it has sense been rectified. He
also noted that the round- abouts will be taken out and not put back in there. There will be one
traffic calming device placed there.
Mayor Vandergrift asked what the Joint Homicide Task Force was; Police Chief Brown and
Deputy Chief Silberstein explained. He would like to see press releases from this Task Force.
Chief Brown stated they gave out as much information they could without compromising the
Meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor