HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #02 Human Relations Diversity Board Appointments; Consideration of Reappointment of Four Current Members% OCO(?P florida AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: May 6, 2014 Item # 2. Reviewed By: Contact Name: Carla Westberry Department Director: Beth Contact Number: 1024 City Manager: Rob Frank , In Subject: Human Relations Diversity Board Appointments; Consideration or Reappointment of Four Current Members (three -vear terms). Background Summary: Upon the adoption of Resolution No. 2013 -007, Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board will serve three -year terms. The Resolution provides that the Human Relations Diversity Board membership shall consist of thirteen (13) members. The terms of Members Barbara Boudokhane, Ira Calloway, Nichole Dawkins and Morgan Curry will expire on May 2014. All four Members have indicated an interest in being considered for reappointment for another term ending May 2017. From 2012 -2013 Member Boudokhane attended 14 of 18 meetings, Member Calloway attended 15 of 17 meetings, Member Dawkins attended 13 of 19 meetings, and Member Curry attended 12 of 21. Issue: Should the honorable Mayor and City Commission reappoint Members Barbara Boudokhane, Ira Calloway, Nichole Dawkins and Morgan Curry to the Human Relations Diversity Board with a term ending May 2017? Recommendations Staff is recommending that the City Commission consider the reappointments of Members Barbara Boudokhane, Ira Calloway, Nichole Dawkins and Morgan Curry to the Human Relations Diversity Board with term ending May 2017? Attachments: Board List Board Attendance Financial Impact: None Type of Item: (please mark with an 'Y) Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval For Clerk's Dept Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by () N/A N/A N/A 2 Human Relations Diversity Board Attendance 2012 Board Member w ,r R Term �� R �r �� v o w m Expires Q > Q > > Q y O 2 O Q Shakeel Anjum May -12 May -08 P A/E A/E A/E� , u � � 1 of 4 William Maxwell (Chairman) May -13 Feb -07 P P P P P P P A/E P P P P 11 of 12 Jennifer Hopkins May -13 Oct -09 P P P A/E P P A/E P P A/E A/E P 8 of 1 1, 2 1, Rose -Nancy Joseph May -13 Feb -11 A/E P P P P P P P P P P P 11 of 12 S ridhar Rangaswamy May -13 Mar -11 A/E A/E 9 ", 0 of 2 �a Michael Snytkin May -13 Sep -11 A/E A/E� _ w 0 of 2 Barbara -Anne Boudokhane May -13 Oct -11 P P P P P P 'y 4 6 of 12 Michelle Turner May -13 Nov -11 P P P P P P A/E P P A/E P P 10 of 12 Patricia Cornell May -14 Jan -12 --; ° P P P P P P P P A/E P P 10 of 11 Gwendolyn King May -14 Mar -12 �� �a P P P P A/E P A/E P P 7 of 9 Carmen Ortiz May -14 Mar -12 a A/U A/U ,, 0 of 2 Morgan Curry May -14 Mar -12 hd �'B wr r 4 a• P P P A/E A/U A/U P P P 6 of 9 Narupa Tiwari May -14 Apr -12 F: P P A/E A/U A/U A/U m 2 of 8 _ µ x Ronald Pierce May-14 A r -12 war P P A/E A/U P P A/E P 5 of 8 Nicol Nicole Dawkins e May -14 May-12�N �: u , . .' aun k_ " a. r P P A/E P P A/E P 5 of 7 Mariann Zaccaro May -14 May -12 ,� �u, w'r ' � � ` T,� �,ae � P A/E P P P A/U P 5 of 7 Margarita Del Valle May -14 Jun -12r� ° A/E P A/E P A/U A/U A/E 2 of 7 p :,9111111_1%1 na Ira Calloway May -12 Jul -12 H 4 � A/E P P P P 4 of 5 W' . 4 , Derek Persad May -12 Aug -12 .. „' �r� �a w _ k4 & , :, � "," s P P P P 4 of 4 RSND = resigned Human Relations Diversity Board Attendance 2013 Board Member ii m lzi� .� Term C i� �+ r � " � l i t 1 0 0 Expires Q �� 4� 4 Q ` S � � Q p� p William Maxwell (Chairman) May -16 Feb -07 P P P P P P P AE AE P P 9/12 Jennifer Hopkins(VC) May -16 Oct -09 P P P P P P P P P P P 12/12 Rose -Nancy Joseph May -13 Feb -11 P AU P P P RSND Barbara -Anne Boudokhane May -14 Oct -11 P P P P P P AE P P AE AU 9/12 Michelle Turner May -16 Nov -11 P P AE P P AE P AU P RSND Patricia Cornell May -14 Jan -12 P P P P AE P P P P RSND Gwendolyn King May -14 Mar -12 P P AE P AE AE AE P RSND Morgan Curry May -14 Mar -12 P P AE AU P AE AU P AU P P 7/12 Ronald Pierce May -14 Apr -12 AE AE P P P P AE AE AU AU RSND 4/10 Nicole Dawkins May -14 May -12 P P P AE P AE P P P P AE 8/12 Mariann Zaccaro May -14 May -12 AU AU AU AU AE RSND Margarita Del Valle May -14 Jun -12 AU AU RSND Ira Calloway May -14 Jul -12 P P P P P P P P P P P 11/12 Derek Persad May -12 Aug -12 P P AE RSND Margaretta McKenzie May -16 May -13 P P AE AU P AU 3/7 Tim Henderson May-1 5 Jan -13 P P P P RSND Sandria Foster May-16 May-13 P P P P P P 5/6 Beth Freeman May-16 June -13 AE P P AE 316 Hari Singh I May-161 ptember-1 31 1 1 1 P 1 1/3 RSND = resigned HUMAN RELATIONS /DIVERSITY BOARD Created by Res. #2003 -21 on 9/16/2003 Res. 42003 -21 amended by Res. # 2004 -11 changing quorum to 50% plus (1) one; amended by 2010 -10 (residency for membership); amended by 2013 -07 changing terms to 3 years and membership to 13. No less than 7 members, no more than 13 members - (3 year terms) MEMBER DISTRICT CONTACT INFORMATION TERM ENDS 1. Barbara Anne Boudokhane 2 321 - 221 -0361 (H) May 2014 268 N. Lakeshore Drive, Apt.42 sacrebleu9091 a,gmail.com 2. Ira Calloway n/a 407 - 295 -1418 (H) May 2014 1306 Weston Wood Blvd i.callowaygatt.net Orlando, FL 32818 3. Morgan Curry 2 407 -535 -2559 (C) May 2014 10 E. Lakeview Street 4. Nichole Dawkins 4 407 - 860 -0639 (H) May 2014 1326 Plumgrass Circle 407 - 296 -0002 (W) tajena5 cr,aol.com 5. Sandria Foster 1 407 - 296- 5263(H) May 2016 3343 Atmore Terrace Fosteres32c yaoo.com 6. Sarah "Beth" Freeman 2 407 - 656 -5572 (H) May 2016 535 Woodson Avenue 407 - 656 -4397 ext. 114 (W) 407 - 448 -0387 (C) bethf(a�cortezinc.net 7. Jennifer Hopkins 2 407 - 293 -4159 (H) May 2016 2391 Alclobe Circle 407- 375 -5041 (C) hopkinsij c msn.com 8. William Maxwell 2 407 - 656 -0054 (H) May 2016 558 Woodson Avenue 407 - 447- 3117(W) 407 -694 -5905 (C) 407 - 447 -4746 (F) wemaxcom(a,aol.com 9. Margaretta McKenzie 2 407 - 877 -9393 (H) May 2016 807 Apricot Drive 321 - 297 -6920 (C) M EG 12221962n�yahoo.com 10. Harendra "Hari" Singh 1 407- 814 -7501 (W) May 2016 2585 Azzurra Lane 321 - 662 -1887 (C) indianhorizon0674Ayahoo.com Page 1 of 2 11. Billie Jean Daily 4 407 - 286 -2164 (C) 5037 Water Wheel Court 12. VACANT 13. VACANT STAFF LIAISON Joy Wright City Manager 407 - 905 -3100 ext. 9 -1530 Community Relations Manager joy.wrightD,ci.ocoee.fl.us EX- OFFICIO MEMBER Joel Keller Commission 407 - 905 -3100 ext. 9 -1040 Commissioner 4 JKeller a,ci.ocoee.fl.us RECORDING CLERK Carla Westberry City Clerk's 407 -905 -3100 ext. 9 -1024 Office Carla.WestbeM 2cocoee.or g EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT Al Butler, Director Support 407 - 905 -3100, ext. 9 -1543 Services AButler a,ci.ocoee.fl.us Doug Gaines, Assistant Director Support 407 - 905 -3100, ext. 9 -1503 Services dgaines(a May 2017 Page 2 of 2