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Item #05 Award of RFP#14-003-R Air Conditioning & Heating Maintenance Term Contract
lw z Florida AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: May 6, 2014 Item # Reviewed By: Contact Name: Joyce Tolbert Department Director: Contact Number: 1516 City Manager: Subject: Award of RFP #14 -003 -R Air Conditioning & Heating MaintenanceFTerm Contract Background Summary: The City's current air conditioning and heating maintenance term contract with Apple Air Conditioning and Heating Inc. expired January 5, 2014. The cost of the previous contract for maintenance was $9,000 annually. In compliance with the City of Ocoee Purchasing Code Chapter 21, proposals were solicited from qualified and licensed contractors to provide the necessary services for scheduled and emergency repair, and installation of air conditioning and heating systems throughout the City. The Contract requires the Contractor to provide maintenance services for all Air Conditioning & Heating units, Ice Machines, and Water Coolers City -wide. The City intends to award the term contract to a single qualified and licensed contractor. The term contract will be for three (3) years with two (2) one (1) year automatic renewal options. The contract labor rates may be escalated up to 3% upon renewal of the contract each year. All other provisions of the contract shall remain constant for the life of the contract. An RFP was advertised on December 22, 2013, and the City received a single response on February 4, 2014. Staff's decision was to return the single response unopened and re- advertise for proposals. The RFP was re- advertised on February 16, 2014, and was publicly opened on March 18, 2014. There were a total of three (3) proposals received. The Public Works and Finance Departments reviewed the proposals and both were considered responsive, see attached proposal checklist. Complete copies of all responses are available in the Finance Department for your review. The three (3) responses were evaluated by the RFP Evaluation Committee, which was comprised of four (4) members appointed by the City Manager: Bob Briggs, Chief Accountant; Doug Gaines, Assistant Support Services Director; Steve Krug, Public Works Director; and Terry Reed, Public Works Operations Manager. The RFP evaluation committee meeting was held on April 10, 2014 with the Evaluation Committee evaluating and short - listing the firms on specific evaluation criteria. Please see the attached shortlist/evaluation form. The Evaluation Committee short- listed the following firms in ranked order, and recommends contracting with the top ranked firm, Apple Air Conditioning and Heating Inc. per the attached award recommendation from the Public Works Director, The Table below is the Evaluation Committee's rankings: Rank/Respondent Annual Maintenance Cost Normal Hourly Rate for Re airs 1. Apple Air Conditioning and Heating Inc. $ 9,000 $76.50/hr. 2. Air Mechanical & Service Corp. $33,500 $88.00 /hr. 3. Climate Control Mechanical Services Inc. $32,300 $72.00 /hr. Issue: Should the City Commission award the term contract for City -Wide Air Conditioning and Heating Maintenance services to Apple Air Conditioning and Heating Inc., as recommended by the Evaluation Committee? Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission award the term contract for RFP #14 -003 -R City -Wide Air Conditioning and Heating Maintenance Term Contract to Apple Air Conditioning and Heating Inc. in the amount $9,000 for annual maintenance and hourly rates proposed for repairs and installations, and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and staff to execute all necessary contract documents; and issue purchase orders or use the City's purchasing card up to the budgeted amount each fiscal year. Attachments: 1. RFP # 14 -003 -R Apple Air Proposal Air Mechanical Proposal Climate Control Proposal Shortlist /Evaluation Form Checklist/Tabulation Form Award Recommendation from Public Works Director Financial Impact: As budgeted each fiscal year. There was approximately $37,000 expensed for these services last fiscal year. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x ) Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Dept Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda Original Document /Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk X Original Document /Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 2 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift Commissioners John Grogan District t Rosemary Wilsen� District 2 Rusty Johnson District 3 Joel F. Keller District 4 MEMORANDUM Date: April 10, 2014 O�pee Public Works Tea To: Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agent ��"� From: Stephen C. Krug, Public Works Director Improving a great community RE: Contract Award Recommendation. City Manager Public Works recommends award of the City Wide Air Conditioning & Robert D. Frank Heating Maintenance Term Contract to Apple Air conditioning & Heating, Inc. (Apple Air), of Winter Garden, Florida. The City received three responsive bids from vendors. Following a review of the proposals by the four (4) person RFP Evaluation Committee, and based on the tabulation of the evaluator's individual rankings, Apple Air was the unanimous choice for the recommendation. All evaluators concurred with the recommendation. The respondents' proposals adhered to the requirements of the RFP. Based on the location of service office, price proposal, contractor's resources and experience, Apple Air provides the most comprehensive service which completely addressed all the requirements of the RFP. Apple Air has been in business for over 10 years in Central Florida and is the City's current vendor for HVAC maintenance services. The City has had a positive experience with Apple Air under the current contract. Cily of Ocoee • 301 Maguire Road - Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905 -3170 - www.ocoee.org RFP #14 -003 -R CITY -WIDE AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID EVALUATION FORM /SHORTLIST Respondent Air Mechanical & Service Corp. Apple Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Climate Control Mechanical Services Inc. Evaluator 1 1 2 1 3 Evaluator 2 2 1 3 Evaluator 3 2 1 3 Evaluator 4 2 1 3 TOTAL 8 4 12 RANKING * 2 1 1 3 *Lowest total is highest ranking. EI d L,CCd.f r RFP #14 -003 -R CITY -WIDE AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID INDIVIDUAL EVALUATION FORM Individual Evaluation Form Evaluator Evaluator Air Mechanical & Service Climate Control Evaluation Criteria Corp. Apple Air Conditioning & Inc. Mechanical Services Inc. Location of Service Office (0 -30 points) Contractor's Resources (0 -20 points) Price Proposal (0 -30 points) / Contractor's Experience (0 -20 points) ( I t ! TOTAL POINTS (0 -100 points) 0 0 r; 0 f.) Member Ranking (1- 3 ) C ` Evaluator Evaluator 67�, cca J-- RFP #14 -003 -R CITY -WIDE AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID INDIVIDUAL EVALUATION FORM Individual Evaluation Form Evaluation Criteria Air Mechanical & Service Corp. Apple Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Climate Control Mechanical Services Inc. Location of Service Office (0 -30 points) 27 30 18 Contractor's Resources (0 -20 points) 19 16 20 Price Proposal (0 -30 points) 16 30 18 Contractor's Experience (0 -20 points) 20 20 20 TOTAL POINTS (0 -100 points) 82 96 76 Member Ranking (1- 3) 2 1 1 1 3 Evaluator Name �Q�C �/ tG ��s Evaluator Signature RFP #14 -003 -R CITY -WIDE AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID INDIVIDUAL EVALUATION FORM Individual Evaluation Form Evaluation Criteria Air Mechanical & Service Corp. Apple Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Climate Control Mechanical Services Inc. Location of Service Office (0 -30 points) 1 20 29 10 Contractor's Resources (0 -20 points) 20 20 20 Price Proposal (0 -30 points) 15 30 17 Contractor's Experience (0 -20 points) 20 20 20 TOTAL POINTS (0 -100 points) 75 99 67 Member Ranking (1- 3) 2 1 3 Evaluator Name r— Doug Gaines Evaluator Signature RFP #14 -003 -R CITY -WIDE AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID INDIVIDUAL EVALUATION FORM Inalvtdual; tvatuanon rorm Evaluation Criteria Air Mechanical & Service Corp. Apple Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Climate Control Mechanical Services Inc. Location of Service Office (0 -30 points) 30 d Contractor's Resources 1 /1) to (0 -20 points) Price Proposal 5 30 (0 -30 points) Contractor's Experience j 2 0 r 5 (0 -20 points) TOTAL POINTS (0 -100 points) 0 S 30( Member Ranking (1- 3) Evaluator Name ),�, ` R�� Evaluator RFP #14 -003 -R CITY -WIDE AIR CONDITIONING HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID PROPOSAL CHECKLIST 3/18/14 2:00 pm BIDDER Air Mechanical & Service Corp Apple Air Conditioning & Heating Inc Climate Control Mechanical Svc No Addenda Issued n/a n/a n/a Submission Requirements /Forms ✓ ✓ ✓ Bid Security $1,000 or Waived w /Minimum 3 yrs active with State of FL Sec of State 1982 - Requirement Waived 1997 - Requirement Waived 2001 - Requirement Waived, Bid Bond also provided License Check Active Active Active Quarterly Maintenance Cost $8,375.00 $2,250.00 $8,075.00 Annual Maintenance Cost $33,500.00 $9,000.00 $32,300.00 Normal Rate $88.00 $76.50 $72.00 Non - Business Hr & Holiday Rate $108.00 $76.50 $108.00 Markup /Discount % for Parts 25/0 25/10 17/0 Contractor offers 24hr Live Dispatch Yes Yes Yes Distance to City Hall 22 miles 2 miles 68.5 miles Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift City 'Manm e r Robert Frank CITY OF OCOEE Commissioners John Grogan, District 1 Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Feller, District , 4 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RF P #14 -003 -R CITY -WIDE AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID TABLE OF CONTENTS RFP #14- 003 -R CITY -WIDE AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID RFP DOCUMENTS Section Page Legal Advertisement 3 Proposal Instructions 4-6 General Terms & Conditions 7-20 Summary of Litigation *, p. 16 Acknowledgement of Addenda*, p.16 List of Subcontractors *, p. 16 Equipment Listing *, p. 17 References /Experience *, p. 17 SCOPE OF WORK, PROPOSAL FORM, AND PROPOSED CONTRACT Section Page Exhibit A — Scope of Work Exhibit B — Price Proposal Form* Exhibit C — List of Equipment Company Information and Signature Sheet *, p. 28 Exhibit D — Proposed Contract *Submit with Proposal End Table of Contents 21 —23 24 25 -27 29-35 RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 2 Request for Proposals, Legal Advertisement The City of Ocoee, Florida (City) is re- soliciting sealed proposals for RFP 04 -003 -R City -Wide Air Conditioning & Heating Maintenance Term Contract Re -Bid. Proposals will be received at the office of Joyce Tolbert, CPPB Purchasing Agent, Finance Department /Purchasing, Second Floor, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 until 2:00 pm, local time, on March 18, 2014. Proposals received after that time will not be accepted under any circumstances. Sealed proposals that have been timely received will be publicly opened and the names of the responding firms read aloud at that time. No Pre -bid conference is scheduled at this time. If needed, Contractors may contact the Purchasing Agent to schedule inspection of any of the units. Prospective respondents may secure a copy of the documents required for submitting a proposal through Onvia /Demandstar by accessing the City's website at http: / /www.ocoee.or�, under Finance Department /Purchasing. Partial sets of the documents required for submitting a proposal will not be issued. By using Onvia /Demandstar, prospective respondents will be provided with all information regarding this RFP and addenda and changes to the project requirements. Membership with Onvia/Demandstar is not required to submit a proposal; fees may apply for non - members. Persons other than prospective respondents may inspect the documents required for submitting a proposal at the Ocoee City Hall City Clerk's Office, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761. Persons inspecting the documents at the City Clerk's office that request copies will be required to pay a fee, as prescribed by statute. Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk, Orlando Sentinel, February 16, 2014. RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 3 CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) #14 -003 -R CITY -WIDE AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID A. Sealed proposals for RFP #14 -003 -R will be received by the City of Ocoee, hereinafter called "City," from any person, firm, corporation, or agency, hereinafter called "Respondent," submitting a proposal for the services being solicited. Each Respondent shall furnish the information required on the proposal form supplied and each accompanying sheet thereof on which an entry is made. Proposals submitted on any other format shall be disqualified. Proposals must be typewritten or handwritten using ink; do not use pencil. Proposal documents must be submitted under the signature of a legally responsible representative, officer, or employee and should be properly witnessed and attested. All proposals should also include the name and business address of any person, firm, or corporation interested in the proposal, either as a principal, member of the firm, or general partner. If the Respondent is a corporation, the proposal should include the name and business address of each officer, director, and holder of 10% or more of the stock of such corporation. B. Any questions or concerns regarding this RFP should be addressed in writing to the Finance Department/Purchasing, City of Ocoee, FL, Attention: Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agent (407) 905 -3100, extension 1516 and email jtolbert(d�ci.ocoee.fl.us and must be received not later than March 11, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. in order to receive an answer. Any clarifications /changes will be only through written addenda issued by the Purchasing Agent. Respondents should not contact City staff, with the exception of the Purchasing Agent, or other City consultants for information regarding this RFP before the proposal award date. Any contact with any other member of the City Staff, City Commission, or its agents during the solicitation, award, and protest period may be grounds for disqualification. C. Proposals must describe the qualifications of the firm planning to provide services. The proposal shall be presented as one (1) original and four (4) copies. The entire proposal package shall be received by the Finance Department /Purchasing not later than 2:00 P.M., local time, on March 18, 2014. Proposals received by the Finance Department/Purchasing after the time and date specified will not be considered, but will be returned unopened. "Postage Due" items will not be accepted. Proposals or any information transmitted by fax or e -mail will not be accepted. Proposals shall be delivered in a single sealed envelope /package, clearly marked with the RFP number, title, and closing date and time, to: City of Ocoee Finance Department /Purchasing Attention: Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agent 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 -2258 D. No Pre -bid conference is scheduled at this time. If needed, Contractors may contact the Purchasing Agent to schedule inspection of any of the units. E. Proposals will be reviewed by an evaluation committee appointed by the City Manager and will be ranked in accordance with the established evaluation criteria. Date, time, and location of any scheduled evaluation committee meeting(s) for this RFP will be noticed publicly and on Demandstar. The evaluation committee shall supply a ranked list of the proposing firms and a recommendation regarding which firm should be awarded the term contract by the City Commission. The City Commission's decision to endorse or modify the ranking by staff shall be final. Please be aware that all City Commission meetings are duly noticed public meetings and that all documents submitted to the City as a part of a proposal constitute RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 4 public records under Florida law. F. All Respondents shall thoroughly examine and become familiar with this RFP package and carefully note the items specifically required for submission of a complete proposal. G. Submission of a proposal shall constitute an acknowledgment that the Respondent has complied with the instructions of this RFP. The failure or neglect of a Respondent to receive or examine a document shall in no way relieve it from any obligations under its proposal or the contract. No claim for additional compensation will be allowed based upon a lack of knowledge or understanding of any of the contract documents or the scope of services. Proposals shall be in compliance with the contract documents and scope of services. All costs to prepare and submit proposals shall be the responsibility of the Respondent and the City shall make no reimbursement of any kind. H. Any response by the City to a request for information or correction will be made in the form of a written addendum, which will be distributed via Demandstar. It shall be the responsibility of each Respondent to obtain a copy of all issued Addenda. The City reserves the right to issue Addenda concerning the date and time when proposal acceptance shall close at any time up to the date and time set for proposal closing. In this case, proposals that have been received by the City prior to such an addendum being issued will be returned to the Respondent, if requested, unopened. In case any Respondent fails to acknowledge receipt of any such Addendum in the space provided in the RFP documents, its proposal will nevertheless be construed as though the Addendum had been received and acknowledged. Submission of a proposal will constitute acknowledgment of the receipt of the RFP Documents and all Addenda. Only interpretations or corrections provided by written Addenda shall be binding on the City. Respondents are cautioned that any other source by which a Respondent receives information concerning, explaining, or interpreting the RFP Documents shall not bind the City. Any of the following causes may be considered sufficient for the disqualification and rejection of a proposal: a) Submission of more than one (1) proposal for the same work by an individual, firm, partnership, or corporation under the same or different name. For purposes of this subparagraph, firms, partnerships, or corporations under common control may be considered to be the same entity; b) Evidence of collusion between or among the Respondents; c) Being in arrears on any existing contracts with the City or in litigation with the City, or having defaulted on a previous contract with the City; d) Poor, defective, or otherwise unsatisfactory performance of work for the City or any other party on prior projects that, in the City's judgment and sole discretion, raises doubts as to the Respondent's ability to properly perform the services; or e) Any other cause that, in the City's judgment and sole discretion, is sufficient to justify disqualification of Respondent or the rejection of its proposal. CONVICTED VENDOR LIST (PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME). A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal on an award to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a proposal on an award with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit proposals on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a Contractor, Supplier, Subcontractor, or Consultant under an award with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in section 287.017 for Category Two for a period of RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 5 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. [See Florida Statute 287.133 (2) (a).] K. FLORIDA PUBLIC RECORDS LAW. In accordance with Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes, and, except as may be provided by Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes and other applicable State and Federal Laws, all Respondents should be aware that the proposal and the responses thereto are in the public domain and are available for public inspection. Respondents are requested, however, to identify specifically any information contained in their proposal that they consider confidential and /or proprietary and which they believe to be exempt from disclosure, citing specifically the applicable exempting law. All proposals received in response to this request for proposals become the property of the City of Ocoee and will not be returned. In the event of an award, all documentation produced as part of the contract will become the exclusive property of the City. ACCEPTANCE AND AWARD. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive formalities, technicalities or irregularities, to request clarification of information submitted in any proposal, or to re- advertise for new proposals. The City may accept any item or group of items of any proposal, unless the Respondent qualifies its proposal by specific limitations. The City may accept one or more proposals if, in the City's discretion, the City determines that it is in the City's best interest to do so. The City reserves the right to award the contract to the Respondent(s) which, in the City's sole discretion, is (are) the most responsive and responsible. The City reserves the right, as an aid in determining which proposals are responsible, to require a Respondent to submit such additional evidence of Respondent's qualifications as the City may deem necessary, and may consider any evidence available to the City of the financial, technical, and other qualifications and abilities of a Respondent, including past performance (experience) with the City and others. The City Commission shall be the final authority in the selection of any and all proposals for acceptance and award. (Remainder of page left blank intentionally) RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid g RFP #14 -003 -R GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS: BID SECURITY: a) In lieu of providing a bid security, the Respondent may provide documentation that their business has been active with the Secretary of the State of Florida for a minimum of three (3) years. Respondent warrants by virtue of bidding the prices in his bid response will be good for an evaluation period of ninety (90) days from the date of bid opening, or: b) Each proposal must be accompanied by a Cashier's /Certified Check upon an incorporated bank or trust company or a Bid Bond in an amount equal to ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00). A combination of any of the former is not acceptable. Cash or company check will not be accepted as Bid Security. The cashier's check or Bid Bond is submitted as a guarantee that the Respondent, if awarded the Contract, will, after written notice of such award, enter into a written Contract with the City and as a guarantee that the Respondent will not withdraw its proposal for a period of ninety (90) days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of proposals, in accordance with the accepted proposal and RFP documents. c) In the event of withdrawal of said proposal within ninety (90) days following the opening of proposals, or Respondent's failure to enter into said contract with the City or failure to provide the City with other requirements of the contract documents or the RFP after issuance of Notice of Intent to Award by the City, then such Respondent shall be liable to the City in the full amount of the check or Bid Bond and the City shall be entitled to retain the full amount of the check or to demand from the Surety the penal sum of the Bid Bond as liquidated damages and not a penalty. d) Surety companies executing bonds shall be duly insured by an insurer or corporate surety and signed by a licensed agent who holds a current Power of Attorney from the surety company issuing the bond. e) The cost of the required Bid Bond and required insurance coverage is to be included in the Respondent's overhead and is not eligible for reimbursement as a separate cost by the City. The checks of the three (3) most favorable Respondents will be returned within three (3) days after the City and the successful Respondent have executed the contract for work or until the 91S day after proposal opening, whichever is earlier. The remaining checks will be returned within thirty (30) days after the opening of proposals. Bid Bonds will be returned upon request following the same criteria as a check PERFORMANCE BOND: Performance and Payment Bonds are not required. PATENT INDEMNITY: Except as otherwise provided, the successful Respondent agrees to indemnify the City and its officers, agents, and employees against liability, including costs and expenses, for infringement upon any letters patent of the United States arising out of the performance of this contract. Further, the Respondent shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents, and employees from any suits, actions, damages, and costs of every name and description, including attorneys' fees, arising from or relating to violation or infringement of a trademark, copyright, patent, trade secret, unpatented invention, or intellectual property right. If the Respondent uses any design, device, or materials covered by letters, patent, or RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 7 copyright, it is mutually agreed and understood without exception that the proposal price shall include all royalties or cost arising from the use of such design, device, or materials. 4. DEFAULT: As a result of proposals received under this RFP, the award of the contract may be based, in whole or in part, on delivery and specification factors. Accordingly, should the Contractor not meet the delivery deadline(s) set forth in the specifications or should the Contractor fail to perform any of the other provisions of the specifications and /or other contract documents, the City may declare the Contractor in default and terminate the whole or any part of the contract. Upon declaring the Contractor in default and the contract in whole or in part, the City may procure and /or cause to be delivered the equipment, supplies, or materials specified, or any substitutions thereof and the Contractor shall be liable to the City for any excess costs resulting therefrom. In the event the Contractor has been declared in default of a portion of the contract, the Contractor shall continue the performance of the contract to the extent not terminated under the provisions of this paragraph. Where the Contractor fails to comply with any of the specifications, except for delivery deadline(s), the City may, in its discretion, provide the Contractor with written notification of its intention to terminate for default unless prescribed deficiencies are corrected within a specified period of time. Such notification shall not constitute a waiver of any of the City's rights and remedies hereunder. 5. PRICING: Pricing should be provided as indicated on the Proposal Form attached as Exhibit B. Please note that alternate price proposals will not be accepted unless specifically called for on the Scope of Work and /or Proposal Form. Cost of preparation of a response to this RFP is solely that of the Respondent and the City assumes no responsibility for such costs incurred by the Respondent. The Proposal Form may not be completed in pencil. All entries on the Proposal Form shall be legible. The City reserves the right, but does not assume the obligation, to ask a Respondent to clarify an illegible entry on the Proposal Form. If the Proposal Form requires that the proposed price, or constituent portions of the proposed price, be stated in unit prices and total price; the unit prices and the total price for the stated number of units identified on the Proposal Form should be provided by the Respondent and be correctly computed. If there is an arithmetical conflict between the unit price stated by the Respondent on the Proposal Form and the total price stated by the Respondent on the Proposal Form, the unit price stated by the Respondent on the Proposal Form shall take precedence. The City may unilaterally correct such arithmetical conflict on the Proposal Form to calculate the total price, utilizing the unit prices that have been identified by the Respondent. The taking of such action by the City shall not constitute grounds for the Respondent to withdraw its proposal nor shall it provide a defense constituting discharge of the proposal bond. The City reserves the right, but does not assume the obligation, to waive any mistake, omission, error, or other irregularity that may appear on the Proposal Form. However, the City reserves the right to reject Proposal Forms that are incomplete or contain information that is not required as being non - responsive. a) The prices have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restriction competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other Respondent or with any competitor; b) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this proposal have not been knowingly disclosed by the Respondent and will not knowingly be RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid $ disclosed by the Respondent prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Respondent or to any competitor; c) No attempt has been made or will be made by the Respondent to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition. Every contract, combination or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce in this State is unlawful (s. 542.18, Florida Statutes, and all applicable federal regulations); d) Respondent warrants the prices set forth herein do not exceed the prices charged by the Respondent under a contract with the State of Florida Purchasing Division; and e) Respondent agrees that supplies /services furnished under this proposal, if awarded, shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranties the Respondent gives to any customer for such supplies /services and that rights and remedies provided herein are in addition to and do not limit any rights offered to the City by any other provision of the proposal award. f) The Respondent represents that the article(s) to be furnished under this RFP is (are) new and unused (unless specifically so stated) and that the quality has not deteriorated so as to impair its usefulness. DISCOUNTS: a) Trade and time payment discounts will be considered in arriving at new prices and in making awards, except that discounts for payments within less than 30 days will not be considered in evaluation of proposals. However, offered discounts will be taken for less than 30 days if payment is made within discount period. b) In connections with any discount offered, time will be computed from date of delivery and acceptance at destination, or from the date correct invoice is received in the office of Finance, whichever is later. Payment is deemed to be made, for the purpose of earning the discount, on the date of City Check. SAMPLES: Samples of items, when required, must be furnished free of expense to the City and, if not called for within fifteen days from date of proposal opening, same will be disposed of in the best interest of the City. AWARD CRITERIA: The contract will be recommended to be awarded in accordance to the Evaluation Criteria contained in this RFP. 9. LITERATURE: If required by the scope of work or the specifications, descriptive literature /brochures shall be included with this proposal in order to properly evaluate make /model offered. Proposals submitted without same may be considered non - responsive and disqualified. 10. BID PROTESTS: All Bid Protests shall be submitted to the Purchasing Agent in the following manner: a) A Respondent shall file a written proposal protest under this Article or be barred any relief; oral protests shall not be acknowledged. RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid g b) A bid protest shall be limited to the following grounds: (a) issues arising from the procurement provisions of the RFP, its addenda, and other proposal documents; and /or (b) applicable federal, state, or local law. No bid protest may be based upon questions concerning the design documents (drawings and specifications), if any. The Respondent shall clarify all questions concerning the design documents of the project prior to submitting its proposal. c) The content of the bid protest shall fully state the factual and legal grounds for the protest and the legal basis for the relief requested. d) The bid protest shall be filed with the Purchasing Agent not later than three (3) calendar days after the posting of the notice of intent to award or recommendation of award by staff, whichever is earlier. e) The Purchasing Agent, on behalf of the City, shall make a determination of the merits of the protest not later than five (5) business days after receipt of the protest. If Owner denies the protest, Owner may proceed with award of the contract unless enjoined by order of a court of competent jurisdiction. ]I. PAYMENT TERMS: a) No payment will be made for materials ordered without proper purchase order authorization or City of Ocoee Visa Purchasing Card. Payment cannot be made until materials, goods, or services have been received and accepted by the City in the quality and quantity ordered. Purchase Order terms are Net 30 days after receipt of approved invoice. b) Any contract resulting from this solicitation is deemed effective only to the extent of appropriations available for the work. c) The City of Ocoee, Florida has Florida Sales & Use Tax Exemption Certificate No. 85- 8013779974C-0; and, pursuant to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, is exempt from federal excise, state, and local sales taxes. 12. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: The Respondent guarantees that the services to be performed and the goods to be provided herein shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees, including, without limitation, such of the following acts as may be applicable: Federal Consumer Product Safety Act, Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, Federal Hazardous Substances Labeling Act, Federal Flammable Fabrics Act, and any applicable environmental regulations. a) All contractors are required to comply with the Congressional Federal Register (CFR) of the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Construction Industry, Part 1926, and CFR 1910 - General Industry Standards that are applicable in construction work. b) The prime contractor is not only responsible for the safety aspects of his operation and employees, but also that of all subcontractors on the job site. c) The Contractor must assure that a certified first aid person is designated, phone numbers of physicians, hospital, and ambulance services are posted (copy to Personnel Director, City of Ocoee), and that a first aid kit is available. d) All individuals are required to wear hard hats on all construction sites. e) Provide personal protective equipment that may be required for jobs in progress (e.g.: hard hats, safety glasses, respirators, ear protection, long pants and shirts, etc.). f) Observe the speed limit on City property. RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 10 g) Construction areas cleaned daily excavations must be barricaded or flagged until backfilled. In some cases, bracing, shoring and sloping may be required. h) Scaffolds shall have guard rails on all open sides and be secured to prevent displacement. i) Welding and cutting - a fire watch and appropriate fire extinguisher shall be provided and combustible materials cleaned up. j) All heavy equipment must have, where applicable: (a) back -up alarms, (b) boom angle indicator, (c) load chart, (d) reeving, (e) fire extinguisher, and (f) condition of hook and other items in accordance with OSHA 1926.550 and ANSI B30.5. k) Personal fall protection must be provided at elevations exceeding ten (10) feet. 13. DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE: If applicable, provide a statement concerning the Respondent's status as a Drug -Free Work Place or evidence of an implemented drug -free workplace program. 14. CONTRACT: a) The successful Respondents, herein also referred to as Contractor, will be required to enter into a contract with the City along the terms and conditions included in the proposed contract for the initial period of three (3) years, with two (2) automatic one -year extensions. The contract labor rates may be escalated up to 3% upon renewal of the contract each year. All other provisions of the contract shall remain constant for the life of the contract. b) The City may, in its sole discretion, award any additional services, whether in the existing areas of the scope of work or in any area additional to those in the existing scope of work, to any third party or the City's own employees. Contractor will be expected to cooperate with any or all other contractors who may be performing services for the City. 15. CERTIFICATION OF NON - SEGREGATED FACILITIES a) Respondent certifies that it does not and will not maintain or provide any segregated facilities for the Respondent's employees at any of the Respondent's establishments, and that Respondent does not permit Respondent's employees to perform their services at any location under the Respondent's control where segregated facilities are maintained. Respondent agrees that a breach of this certification will be a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause in any contract resulting from acceptance of its Proposal. As used in this certification, the term "segregated facilities" means any waiting room, work areas, time clocks, locker rooms, other storage and dressing areas, parking lots, or drinking facilities provided for employees that are segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, habit, local custom, or otherwise. Respondent agrees that (except where Respondent has obtained identical certification from proposed contractors for specific time periods) Respondent will obtain identical certifications from proposed subcontractors prior to the award of such contracts exceeding $10,000 that are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause, and that Respondent will retain such certifications in Respondent's files. b) The non - discriminatory guidelines as promulgated in Section 202, Executive Order 11246, and as amended by Executive Order 11375 and as amended, relative to Equal Opportunity for all persons and implementations of rules and regulations prescribed by the U.S. Secretary of labor, are incorporated herein. RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 11 16. STATEMENT OF AFFIRMATION AND INTENT: a) Respondent declares that the only persons or parties interested in their proposal are those named herein, that this proposal is, in all respects, fair and without fraud and that it is made without collusion with any other vendor or official of the City of Ocoee. Neither the Affiant nor the above -named entity has directly or indirectly entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive pricing in connection with the entity's submittal for the above project. This statement restricts the discussion of pricing data until the completion of negotiations and execution of a contract for the described services. b) Respondent certifies that no City Commissioner, other City Official, or City employee directly or indirectly owns assets or capital stock of the Responding entity, nor will directly or indirectly benefit by the profits or emoluments of this proposal. (For purposes of this paragraph, indirect ownership or benefit does not include ownership or benefit by a spouse or minor child.) c) Respondent certifies that no member of the entity's ownership or management is presently applying for an employee position or actively seeking an elected position with the City. In the event that a conflict of interest is identified in the provision of services, Respondent agrees to immediately notify the City in writing. d) Respondent further declares that a careful examination of the scope of services, instructions, and terms and conditions of this RFP has occurred, and that the proposal is made according to the provisions of the RFP documents, and will meet or exceed the scope of services, requirements, and standards contained in the RFP documents. e) Respondent agrees to abide by all conditions of the negotiation process. In conducting negotiations with the City, Respondent offers and agrees that if this negotiation is accepted, the Respondent will convey, sell, assign, or transfer to the City all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may now or hereafter acquire under the anti- trust laws of the United States and the State of Florida for price fixing relating to the particular commodities or services purchased or acquired by the City. At the City's discretion, such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the City tenders final payment to the Respondent. The proposal constitutes a firm and binding offer by the Respondent to perform the services as stated. 17. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME STATEMENT: a) All invitations to proposal, as defined by Section 287.012(l 1), Florida Statutes, requests for proposals, as defined by Section 287.012(16), Florida Statutes, and any contract document described by Section 287.058, Florida Statutes, shall contain a statement informing persons of the provisions of paragraph (2)(a) of Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, which reads as follows: "A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a proposal on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of public building or public work, may not submit proposals on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list." RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 12 b) All Respondents that submit a Bid or Proposal to the City of Ocoee are guaranteeing that they have read the previous statement and by signing the submitted documents are qualified to do so under Section 287.133, (2)(a), Florida Statutes. 18. PERMITS /LICENSES /FEES: a) Any permits, licenses or fees required will be the responsibility of the Contractor; no separate payments will be made. Permit fees are waived for any City of Ocoee permits required. b) The City requires a City of Ocoee contractor registration if permitting is required. Please contact the City's Building Department at (407)905 -3100 extension 1000, directly for information concerning this requirement. c) Adherence to all applicable code regulations (Federal, State, County, and City) is the responsibility of the Contractor. 19. STANDARD INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor shall not commence any work in connection with an Agreement until all of the following types of insurance have been obtained and such insurance has been approved by the City, nor shall the Contractor allow any Subcontractor to commence work on a subcontract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor has been so obtained and approved. Policies other than Workers' Compensation shall be issued only by companies authorized by subsisting certificates of authority issued to the companies by the Department of Insurance of Florida which maintain a Best's Rating of "A" or better and a Financial Size Category of "VII" or better according to the A.M. Best Company. Policies for Workers' Compensation may be issued by companies authorized as a group self- insurer by F.S. 440.57, Florida Statutes. a) Loss Deductible Clause: The City shall be exempt from, and in no way liable for, any sums of money which may represent a deductible in any insurance policy. The payment of such deductible shall be the sole responsibility of the General Contractor and /or subcontractor providing such insurance. b) Workers' Compensation Insurance The Contractor shall obtain during the life of this Agreement, Worker's Compensation Insurance with Employer's Liability Limits of $500,000/$500,000 /$500,000 for all the Contractor's employees connected with the work of this project and, in the event any work is sublet, the Contractor shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide Workers' Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. Such insurance shall comply fully with the Florida Workers' Compensation Law. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under this contract for the City is not protected under the Workers' Compensation statute, the Contractor shall provide, and cause each subcontractor to provide adequate insurance, satisfactory to the City, for the protection of the Contractor's employees not otherwise protected. • Include Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City of Ocoee c) Contractor's Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance The Contractor shall obtain during the life of this Agreement COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE COVERAGE, this policy should name the City of Ocoee as an additional insured, and shall protect the Contractor and the City from claims for damage for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as claims for property damages which may arise from operations under this Agreement whether such operations be by the Contractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Contractor, and the amounts of such insurance shall be the minimum limits as follows: RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 13 1) Automobile Bodily Injury Liability & Property Damage Liability • $1,000,000 Combined single limit per occurrence (each person, each accident) • All covered automobile will be covered via symbol 1 • Liability coverage will include hired & non -owned automobile liability • Include Waiver of Subrogation in favor of The City of Ocoee 2) Comprehensive General Liability (Occurrence Form) - this policy should name the City of Ocoee as an additional insured and should indicate that the insurance of the Contractor is primary and non - contributory. ■$2,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE ■$2,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS AGGREGATE ■$1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE ■$1,000,000 PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY -include Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City of Ocoee 3) Subcontractor's Comprehensive General Liability Automobile Liability and Worker's Compensation Insurance The Contractor shall require each subcontractor to procure and maintain during the life of this subcontract, insurance of the type specified above or insure the activities of these subcontractors in the Contractor's policy, as specified above. 4) Owner's Protective Liability Insurance As applicable for construction projects, providing coverage for the named insured's liability that arises out of operations performed for the named insured by independent contractors and are directly imposed because of the named insured's general supervision of the independent contractor. The Contractor shall procure and furnish an Owner's Protective Liability Insurance Policy with the following limits: $1,000,000, and per occurrence, $2,000,000. Aggregate and naming the City of Ocoee as the Named Insured. 5) Contractual Liability If the project is not bonded, the Contractor's insurance shall also include contractual liability coverage to insure the fulfillment of the contract. NOTE: FOR PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE AND AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE, THE CITY SHALL BE NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED. ■$1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE ■$2,000,000 AGGREGATE 6) Commercial Umbrella: ■$1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE ■$2,000,000 Aggregate -Including Employer's Liability and Contractual Liability 7) Builders Risk: ■$100,000 Any (1) Location ■$1,000,000 Any (1) Occurrence 8) Certificates of Insurance Certificate of Insurance Form (see sample below), naming the City of Ocoee as an additional insured will be furnished by the Contractor upon notice of award. These shall be completed by the authorized Resident Agent and returned to the Office of the Purchasing Agent. This certificate shall be dated and show: i) The name of the Insured contractor, the specific job by name and job number, the name of the insurer, the number of the policy, its effective date, its termination date. ii) Statement that the Insurer shall mail notice to the Owner at least thirty (30) days prior to any material changes in provisions or cancellation of the policy, except ten (10) days written notice of cancellation for non - payment of premium. RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 14 CERTIF ICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CPO sq ACQRD. �____ PRAZZ -1 111 00 --- ------- � " w OF W fORAW tiON CERTiFAtx IS ISSUED AS A WT1ER TNi$ IO ONLYMO CONFERS NO RIONTS UPON THE CERT —ATE I MOLDER TNIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT WEND. EXTEND OR A1TER THE COYENAOE AFFORDED HY T11k PGLICIES HF.LOW. MSOR1!RS AE FOROiNC COVERAGE Na"C s Cppppt actor's Nam• wN � T w4 x s ' AGdr•ss .. .. 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Norkara' Compaasation, maployare' LS ab 111 ty G D•aaral Liability �sha11 contain a p. aver of Subrogation is Cavor of the c•rtificat• holder. The a +rtificate holder if added a nSSA SrEAIxxi fix EWIdxs Reid e C_ERTIi1CATE HOIOE ) _ CANCELLATION �_ T OCO9901 own as rw germ cesrR[EO w[xxa ss LN+c[i5so a— eau90 ro �is 9U'S fuLLas is W ea usLLL City of Ocoee n f M 4e +rsrwts �u.aEA [ao[f NOwEnErc«on LUall'r or our yaw S.oN +w �.[wa. ms fcerrtso+ 150 N. Lak•sha re Drive u eats[Nefrn fe Ocoee fL 3 4TE1 -2258 __`....—.._...__ ..___�....._._....____......__. Ga e[eNitN+f!u4 ACORO ti 52Ca, Mel J a A.,/yk P t C RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 15 20. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), proposal disputes, or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the Respondent in the past five (5) years that is related to the services that the Respondent provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, please so state. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) 21. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA: Respondent acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: No. Dated No. Dated No. Dated 22. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS: SUBCONTRACTOR and /or TEMPORARY WORKER AGENCY NAME /ADDRESS /FEDERAL I.D. NO. /CONTACT PERSON /PHONE #: (Attach additional sheets if necessary) By submitting a proposal, the Respondent certifies that it has investigated any subcontractor /temporary worker agency listed and has received and has in the Respondent's files evidence that each subcontractor /temporary worker agency maintains a fully- equipped organization capable, technically and financially, of performing the pertinent work and that the subcontractor /temporary agency has done similar work in a satisfactory manner. It is further acknowledged by the contractor that any CHANGE or OMISSIONS in the subcontractors listed above shall require the City of Ocoee's approval before any work shall commence by the additional subcontractor on this project. RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 16 23. EQUIPMENT LISTING: Please list year, make & model of all equipment that will be used on City of Ocoee properties, including whether owned or leased. If leased please provide name of lessor. 24. REFERENCES /EXPERIENCE OF RESPONDENT WITH SIMILAR CONTRACTS: The Respondent shall provide at least three (3) separate references of previous contracts with similar scope of work within the past five (5) years, preferably with a governmental agency. Respondent must demonstrate ability to perform services of similar complexity, nature, and size. For each previous contract, the Respondent must provide a description of the scope, its location, and a contact person willing and able to discuss the Respondent's performance for that contract. Letters of References may also be provided. Only contracts for which the Respondent was the prime contractor will be considered to be relevant. DATE OF CONTRACT /AMOUNT OF PROJECT /CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE NUMBER /EMAIL ADDRESS /NAME OF CONTACT, ETC (attach additional sheets if necessary). Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes_ No Length of time in business years months. Bank or other financial references: RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 17 25. SUBMITTALS: The City of Ocoee requires comprehensive responses to every section within this RFP. To facilitate the review of the responses, Respondents shall follow the described proposal format. The intent of the proposal format requirements is to expedite review and evaluation. It is not the intent to constrain Respondents with regard to content, but to assure that the specific requirements set forth in this RFP are addressed in a uniform manner amenable to review and evaluation. Submissions shall be limited to a total of forty (40) 8.5 "x 11" pages (excluding front and back covers, dividers, and all forms included in this RFP), single- sided, portrait orientation, 12 -point font, and contained in a three -ring binder or other format amenable to easy photocopying. The page limit applies to the material contained in sections 1 and 2 of the proposal, as described below. The person signing the proposal on behalf of the Respondent shall have the legal authority to bind the Respondent to the submitted proposal. Failure to adhere to the stated page limit or provide the required content may subject your proposal to disqualification. In order to simplify the review process and obtain the maximum degree of comparison, the Respondent must provide the following content when responding to the RFP: Section 1 - Company Information 1) Provide name, address, contact (office and emergency contact) information for the prime, and all sub - contractors, see also Section 22. 2) If more than one (1) office, state the location of the headquarters and the office responsible for this contract and the distance in nearest one -way miles from the responsible office to Ocoee City Hall. 3) Provide copies of the appropriate State mechanical, electrical, heating & cooling licenses for the prime and sub - contractors (if applicable). 4) Provide the number and the names of certified technicians, the office where they are located, and the area of expertise and certification. Section 2 — Company Experience 1) Provide company history, number of years in business, the main focus of the company, etc. 2) Provide at least three (3) recent projects completed within the past five (5) years in Florida. For each project, provide client name, client contact information, description of service, project budget, and date completed, see Section 24. 3) Describe the type and quantity of service vehicles, specialized tools, etc. as relevant to this contract, see Section 23. 4) State and describe any litigation to which the Contractor was a party to and the outcome for the past five (5) years, see Section 20. Section 3 — Service Rates 1) Provide a lump sum amount for the annual scheduled maintenance for all units listed on "Exhibit C — List of AC & Heating Units, Ice Machines, and Water Coolers; on "Price Proposal Form — Exhibit B" provided. 2) Provide loaded service rates, dollars per hour for regular (non- emergency) call outs and emergency call outs as described under "Scope of Services." RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 18 3) Provide percentage mark -up for parts. 4) Describe and provide amount for any other fees, travel expenses (if any), delivery charge, surcharges, disposal fees, etc. that may appear on company invoice. Section 4 — Other Required Content 1) Forms listed on Table of Contents as to be submitted with your proposal. 2) Bid Security, see Section 1. 3) Acknowledgement of Addenda, see Section 21. 26. EVALUATION CRITERIA: The criteria for making an award recommendation are: a) Location of service office (0 — 30 points) 1) Distance (one -way miles) from contractor's office responsible for providing service to the City Hall. 2) Response time to City request for emergency and non - emergency service. b) Contractor's resources (0 — 20 points) 1) Active State licenses in specialty areas (AC & Heating, mechanical, electrical, etc.) 2) Number of certified technicians and area of certification. 3) Number of service vehicles, spare vehicles, specialized equipment, etc. 4) Brand of AC & Heating equipment supported, manufacturer certification (if applicable). c) Price proposal (0 — 30 points) 1) Lump sum price proposal for scheduled maintenance. 2) Service call rate for emergency service. 3) Contractor mark -up on parts. d) Contractors experience (0 — 20 points) 1) Experience with similar service contracts. 2) Overall experience of Contractor in AC & Heating maintenance and installation. 3) Contractor's references. The City reserves the right, before awarding the contract, to require a Respondent to submit such evidence of its qualifications, as the City may deem necessary and may require oral presentations or interviews of firms. The City shall be the sole judge of the competency of Respondents. A City evaluation committee will evaluate each respondent's qualifications and will short-list and recommend to the City Commission a primary and secondary firm, in ranked order of qualifications based upon the evaluation committee's evaluation of the responses and any client references. All Respondents shall be notified via Onvia /Demandstar or other means of staff's recommended ranking of firms to the City Commission. The City Commission's decision to endorse or modify the ranking by staff shall be final. RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 19 The successful Respondent shall be required to execute an agreement which provides, among other things, that any plans, drawings, reports, and specifications that result from Respondent's services shall become the property of the City. Upon the successful negotiation of an agreement, a formal contract will be prepared and subsequent executed by both parties. ANTICIPATED SELECTION SCHEDULE 2/16/14 Request for Proposals advertised 3/11/14 Last day for questions 3/18/14 Proposal submission deadline 2 days later Proposals distributed to Evaluation Committee 3 -4 weeks later Evaluation committee meeting held Next meeting Top- ranked firms recommended to City Commission This schedule is subject to change at the discretion of the City. Remainder of page left blank intentionally. RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 20 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK RFP #14 -003 -R CITY -WIDE AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID SCOPE OF SERVICES The City of Ocoee, Florida, in conformance with the policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee (City) is soliciting proposals from qualified and licensed contractors (Contractor) that have experience in providing the necessary services for scheduled and emergency repair, and installation of air conditioning and heating systems throughout the City. The term contract will be for three (3) years with two (2) one (1) year automatic renewal options. The City intends to award a contract to single qualified and licensed contractor based on factors including, but not limited to (1) response time to routine and emergency calls, (2) number of certified AC & Heating Technicians, (3) distance from Contractor's office to City Hall, (4) similar experience maintenance /repair term contracts, (5) lump sum amount for scheduled maintenance & service rate for emergency repairs, (6) Contractor's mark -up on parts, and (7) satisfactory reference check. The Contract requires the Contractor to provide various scheduled maintenance services and emergency repairs for all AC & Heating units, Ice Machines, and Water Coolers City -wide. 1. Scheduled Quarterly Maintenance Contractor shall visit each unit listed on Exhibit C (list of city -wide AC & Heating, Ice - Machines, and Water Coolers), every 3- months and perform the following minimum tasks: a) Clean all refrigerant coils as necessary b) Clean blower wheels and fan blades as necessary c) Clean pan and condensation drains. d) Check refrigerant level and add refrigerant to AC & Heating units as necessary. The refrigerant level does not need to be checked on ice machines and water coolers. e) Check and adjust belts f) Check current amperage draw for all motors g) Check bearings in motors for wear h) Clean or replace filters as necessary i) Electrically check compressor motor windings for breakdown j) Visually inspect electrical parts and connections k) Exercise machinery for all possible functions to insure proper function 1) Visibly inspect ducts and pipes for damage and contaminants Upon completion of the scheduled maintenance, Contractor shall submit a report indicating the condition of all units inspected and providing a list of items in need of repair and cost of repair in accordance with the terms of the Contract. Upon authorization to proceed, Contractor shall make the necessary repairs within 5 working days of the authorization. RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 21 Contractor shall make every attempt to schedule maintenance activities to avoid or minimize interference with City operations and minimize discomfort to the City employees. Activities for major AC & Heating Units for City Hall, Police Department, Community and Recreation Centers shall be scheduled for non - business hours if the maintenance requires shut down of the system. City may add additional units to the list provided on Exhibit C at a negotiated charge to satisfaction of both parties. Revisions to the list shall require approval by the Public Works Director and the City Manager on behalf of the City and authorized representative on behalf of the Contractor. 2. Emergency Response Contractor is required to respond to request for service under emergency conditions within 2 hours of the request. Contractor shall provide 24 -hours live dispatch service or a 24 -hour cellular number for a licensed and qualified "on- duty" technician for contact by City staff. If calls for service are answered by voicemail, the maximum wait time for a call back to a recorded voicemail shall be 15 minutes which shall be included in the 2 -hour response time. Failure to respond in specified time period to a request for service shall constitute violation of the contract subject to the following penalties: Tardiness Penalt 15 to 60 minutes Yz of Service call Rate 60 to 120 minutes 3 /4 of service call rate More than 120 minutes No charge for service call Three (3) or more violations in a 12 -month period may result in termination of the contract at the discretion of the City. The "on- duty" technician shall have the means to diagnose the trouble and make temporary repairs as needed to make the system operational. Major repairs and part replacement shall begin no later than the next business day or as soon as the part is available. Contractor shall maintain adequate diagnostic equipment and an inventory of common parts for immediate repairs at all times. For repairs or replacement exceeding $4,999.99, Contractor shall submit a written proposal to the Public Works Director for review and authorization no later than the next business day and prior to commencement of work. Contractor shall submit an invoice after the completion of the work, which shall describe the work performed, time called, time, arrived, time work complete, labor, and parts. PERMITS & INSPECTIONS Scheduled maintenance activities and minor repairs will not require a permit. The Contractor shall be responsible for filing the necessary permit application for non - emergency major component replacement with the City's Building Department. Under emergency conditions, the permit may be filed within 48 -hours of the service call. The City permit fees are waived. RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 22 The Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling, attending, and complete all necessary inspections to satisfy the permit requirements. LICENSES All contractors and sub - contractors proposed for this project shall be fully licensed in their discipline in the State of Florida as required by Florida law. A copy of the license for the prime and all sub- contractors shall accompany the bid. Failure of the firm to follow the guidelines specified above may result in disqualification from the selection process. AIR CONDITIONING FILTERS The filters are provided by the Contractor. There is no list of current sizes or quantities. Most of the filters are located in the air handling units. Some locations have filters in the ceiling instead of AH unit. The filter media is l" or 2 ", as required, polyester (white /blue) that is cut to size from a large roll or precut pads and placed into a pad holding frame. The exception to that would be ice machines, water coolers or mini splits that usually have cleanable filters. End of Scope RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 23 EXHIBIT "B" PRICE PROPOSAL FORM RFP 14 -003 -R CITY -WIDE AC & HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID 1. Lump sum amount for quarterly maintenance for all items listed on EXHIBIT C: N dollars and 2. Lump sum amount for annual maintenance for all items listed on EXHIBIT C: (Bid Item number I amount multiplied by (4) quarters). dollars and cents 3. Rate to be charged for service during business hours (Monday- Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM): dollars and 4. Rate to be charged for service during non - business hours & holidays: S cents dollars and cents 5. Mark -up or discount offered for parts: % Mark -up %Discount 6. Distance in one -way miles from Contractor's Service office to City Hall: Miles 7. Contractor offers 24 -hour live dispatch: Yes No The City reserves the right to delete any portion of the hid items above in order to meet budget constraints. Company Name Contractor's License Number Authorized Officer (print) Authorized Signature Date cents RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 24 EXHIBIT "C" LIST OF EQUIPMENT - AC 8, HEATING UNITS RFP #14 -003 -R CITY -WIDE AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID MADE MODEL SERIAL # UNIT LOCATION /AREA /TYPE CITY 11ALL TRANS TRANS, '!'RANE TRANS TRANT I' UJIT.SU GOODA4AN GOODA1AN TTA I 8013300FA 325326RAD MCC13Ol2UAOAOUA K 031`87307 RAUCC20Ff3XO00 CO3F05459 MCCB017UA0AOUA K 031`87302 TC112I OC300DA 207100281D AOU12C1 F009085 GSX130481BB 1209639785 ARUF486016CA 1104042970 small Southside unit- Comm.Cham- outside CDU small Southside unit- Comm.Cham- inside 2 " FL AHU large Southside unit -2 " FL- outside CDU large Southside unit -2 " FL- inside AHU Northside unit -I" FL AH /CDU Southwest unit -I FL TV -media room- mini split Northside unit -2 FL computer room CDU Northside unit -2 " FL computer room AHU IIR/P &R TRANS TRANE TRANS EU.II7SU MAGUIRE HOUSE CARRIER CARRIER CARRIER CARRIER CARRIER YIGNITY RECREATION CENTER TRA.AE TWEI20BIOOFL 7'RAA7i 2TTB3060A1000AA TRANS 2TT l33060A1000AA MCCBOZIUAOAOUA K041125871 Northwest corner unit -whole bldg. inside AHU TTA150B300EA 4063KCAADtunitl Northwest corner unit -whole bldg. outside CDU TTA150B300EA 4071 YEKADunit2 Northwest corner unit -whole bldg. outside CDU AOU30C1 T004688 North side unit- communications -mini split 420960075 Northside Lg. outside CDU 3909U20907 Northside 2 nd FL -attic AHU 2809E20943 Northside Sm. outside CDU 4109A69656 Northside 2 " FL AHU 4009630350 Northside Package Unit 65121Z.I131) AHU 717371-,X21" CDU 6431 KP21 F CDU 38ARQ008 ... 501 40RMQ008 ... B61 I I IC 25HCB336A300 FY4ANF036 5OfIJQ006 ... 521 LAKESHORE. CENTER (NENY) • Carrier AquaSnap high - efficiency air - cooled rotary scroll chiller, Model No. 30RAPO40 Serial # 1334- 00005, rated at 39 tons with dual 3 HP pumps and 241 gallon chilled water storage tank (chiller is mounted on top of tank in exterior enclosure). Warranty for first year covers parts, labor, and refrigerant on everything; compressor -only warranty for years 2 -5. • Carrier Aero indoor air handler unit, Model No. 39MN, using 12 16 "x25" filters, 10 HP motor, and ABB Model No. ACI1550 pulse -width modulator adjustable speed AC drive controller. Warranty covers parts and labor for 24 months after start -up. • Six Carrier variable air volume terminal boxes with electric heat. Model No. 35E; four different sixed units are installed: 2 a Size 12 and one each of sizes 10, 14, and 16. One -year parts warranty. • Kitchen exhaust fan, Greenheck Model No. SQ- IOO -A, with Greenheck Model No. CUBE- 161HP -4 through- the -roof exhaust fan. BEECII CENTER TRANS TRAA TRANS TRANS THANE TRANS TRA A'E GOODMAN' GOODA19N CARRIER CARRIER FIRE. STATION #25 (BLUFORD AVE) Support Chief Lobby Offices /Lib /Meeting P216LC1 V Northwest unit inside- offices -AII[J3 P] 332GO I V Northwest unit inside- offices -AHU4 TMO7OOO528O Northside unit ceiling- studio inside AHU TMO7OOO5281 Northside unit ceiling- workout inside AHU P1435RC511 Southside unit ceiling- storage inside -AHU 1) 163K8DFF Northwest outside unit Offices CU3 P 105T8C2F Northwest outside unit Lobby CU4 1306006547 Northwest outside unit Work out CU 1 1105656342 Northwest outside unit Dance rm. CU2 4609G401 I B Southeast outside unit Storage CU 0612005015 Southeast -Gym package unit HIRA048525AunitI outside CDU - inside AHU HIRA042525Aunit2 IIIRA060525Aunit3 outside CDU - inside AIIU: F21 TWF042Cl4FCO TWE06OP13FBO W411 IA24.f I INFBAI WBI IA24J I INFBAI TW F 120A3OOCA I 'l AO421)3O0BO TTAO42D3OOAO GSC13060IDB GSC 130601 CB 38ARD012 ... 501 50A413O4OBRG6l I EE RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 25 Training HIRA024506Dunit4 outside CDU - inside AHU: F2RPO24N06B Corridor /Batt. Chief' HIRA076525Aunit5 outside CDU - inside A1fUK4EU090A33A H2RCO18506Aunit6 outside CDU - inside AHU: F2RP018N06B IHRA048525Aunit7 outside CDU - inside AHU: F2FPO48N06B FIRE STATION #26 (CLARKE RD) ADDPSON PCA061S -3E IRANF, TTAO9OA3OOCC /BANE "ITAl2OA3OOBC G00DA1,4N CR22KF -PFV -230 TRANS TWEO9OA3OOCA GOOD111,41% ARUF024- 00A -IA FIRE STATION #39 (MAGUIRE RD) GOODM,IX GSC13O181AE GOODHTV CUl C:1 RRIER CU2 SOUTH WATER PLANT CU3 4305E31080 2 "IWI300361000AB WASTEWATER PLANT GSC130421AC 7RANE. 'TWA 120A30013A TR"I NE T7B024C I OOA2 %BANE TWF120A300BA TRANS TWF0124C14FBO IIACKNEY- PRAIRIE WATER PLANT P WE12A33E -A WATER PLANT ADMINISTRATION TRANS TWAl20A300BA TRII NE TTB024C OOA2 IRANE TWE120A300BA TRAIXE IWE0I24C14FBO ISON S &V CARRIER FK4DNB006 CARRIER FA413NF036 CARRIER FA4BNF036 C. FA4BNF060 CARRIF,R 38CKC060370 CARRIER 38CKC060370 CARRIER 38CKCO36350 CARRIER 38CKCO36350 CLINIC GOODM,TV ARUF486016AB GOODM,4N GSC130601BC 990606801002 M3O6I,M8Abl M3O3NYXAI I 05B 1014513 M244P245b1 506042781 Eastside unit outside -AH /CDU Southeast unit outside -CDU 1 NOT IN USE Southeast unit outside -CDU 2 Northwest unit outside- CDU Ilallway attic unit inside -Al IU Northwest unit inside bay storage- AHU 0808554170 CDU Bay AIIU Bay 7.5 TN Package unit Eastside 5162UJM4F North outside CDU- inside AHU H48198601 Westside outside I feat Pump /CDU 3131 WDGSF Westside outside CDU H40170310 inside AHU 3126AX72V in ceiling AHU LBCR19003 Window Unit H48198601 Westside outside heat pump /CDU 3131 WDGSF Westside outside CDU H40170310 inside AMU 3126AX72V in ceiling AHU 0306A87420 AHU l 4605A71908 AIIU2 4605A71914 AHU3 4405A84828 AlIU4 4205E23476 CUl 4205E23518 CU2 4305E31083 CU3 4305E31080 CU4 4305E31080 0710254275 WNW' ADMIN 7R,9 NE 2 "IEC31-60131000AA 8015SP2V 7RANE 2TFC3F42C1000AA TRANF; 2T'I B3060AI000AA 81518RY2F TRANS 2TIB3042A I OOOAA 84057394F JAMELA STORAGE GOOD194N ARUF364216AB 0707716789 GOODMAN ARUF364216AA 0612660712 GOODMAN GSC130421AC 0709053507 GOODMAN GSC130421AC 0709053508 PUBLIC WORKS CARRIER 40RN- 012- 1361111C 2706U 151 1 1 AIIU CU AIIUI AHU 2 CDU 1 CDU 2 AI I east All west CU east CU west AH 1 ADMIN RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 26 End of Equipment List RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 27 CARRIER 38ARD012 -501 2206G40165 CU 1 ADMIN CARRIER FA4CNF024 2806A76549 Ali 2 sign shop C- IRRIER 24ABR324A310 0706E10895 CU 2 sign shop CARRIER FA4CNB060 2006A85646 All 3 fleet COODh14N GSC130601CB 1205030566 CU 3 fleet POLICE DEPARTMENT PA 13NRO36 -I1 3708X72925 CUTA Computer Room CARRIER FB4CNF060 4211AB4079 AIIU 1 CARRIER E114CNF060 0312A85547 At U 2 CARRIER FY4AN84735 051OA84735 AFIU 3 LEN'NOX C1321V -51 -21 5894G15568 AHU 4 CARRIER FB4CNF060 231 1 A85230 AI IU 5 LEN'NOX CB21V -65 -2P 58941`26080 AIIU 6 LEN,V0X C1121 V -51 -21' 5894H13567 AHU 7 CARRIER 24ABB360A520 4311600703 Cu 1 CARRIER 24ABB36OA520 0512E01199 CU 2 CARRIER 251IBC36OA500 11101 "19072 CU 3 LENNOX HP29- 048 -7Y 5806KOI 147 CU 4 CARRIER 24ABB36OA520 21 I I E21170 CU 5 LENNOX HP29- 060 -7Y 5807AO9603 CU 6 LENNOX 1-11 048 -7Y 5806KO1 145 CU 7 BARD WEI184 -AO4 257AO92594802 -02 Holding Area Package unit ICE MAKERS CH ICF_ O MA'I'IC ICI: U 150HA2 1)438- 00455 -/. 2 ' FL Break room PW ICI? O MA'I"1C ICE0500HA5 13051280011387 Bay FS I MANI'I'OWOC S400 030320606 Garage Bay FS 2 MANITOWOC S400 030320108 Garage Bay FS 3 ICE O MA'FIC KC:4001IAPB 1 V71202993 /. Garage Bay WW HOSHIZAKI KM500MAII M25674K North side outside BC SCOTSMAN CO522MA -1113 12081320016710 KITCIIEN IC SCOTSMAN CU1526SA -IA 13061320010307 KI'I'C[I EN WATER COOLERS CH Halsey 2 units 74158365001 1 st Moor lobby & second floor hallway FLT OASIS P8AM -1)101 22351 165 Service bay FS 1 SUNROC 2 Units Dual Service bay & lobby FS 2 ELKAY Service bay FS 3 F.LKAY Service bay WW ELKAY Upright Unit PD I falsey 79158365001 Hallway PD Halsey "Saylor Dual Lobby PD I lalsey Taylor 4421855001 Hall PD I false) 'Taylor I IAC-81-'S -Q 940534183 Hall WP ELKAY Upright Unit Maguire Road Water Plant PW EBCO /OASIS DP7WMPE 8413068415 Bay BC ELKAY I?ZFSTL8I B 070431 118 LOBBY IC ELKAY EXFSTL8IB 060416583 LOBBY CL Halsey Taylor II'l'V- 8- Q -'I'TG LOBBY PW ELKAY E /,FS I'LR81 B 060912311 LOBBY PW F.LKAY E /FS]'I,R8113 060823551 BAY FS = F IRE STAT10N PN' = PUBLIC WORKS NYASTENYATER PLANT CH = CITY 11ALL PD = POLICE, DEPARTMENT WP= WATER PLANT B('= BEECH CENTER I('= ISON CENTER CL = CLINIC End of Equipment List RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 27 RFP #14 -003 -R COMPANY INFORMATION /SIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE RFP INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR PROPOSAL. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL RFP INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUCCESSFUL RESPONDENT WILL BE REQUIRED TO ENTER INTO A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF OCOEE. COMPANY NAME AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (manual) NAME /TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP FF.,DERAL ID 4 Individual Corporation _ Sworn to and subscribed before me this Personally Known or Produced Identification (Type of Identification) TELEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) E -MAIL ADDRESS IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: Partnership _ day of Other (Specify)_ ,20 Notary Public - State of County of Signature of Notary Public Printed, Typed or Stamped Commissioned Name of Notary Public RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 28 EXHIBIT "D" PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR RFP #14 -003 -R AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID THIS AGREEMENT FOR AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT (this "Agreement ") is made this day of , 2014, by and between the CITY OF OCOEE, a Florida municipal corporation, whose mailing address is 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 (hereinafter referred to as the "City ") and a corporation, whose mailing address is (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor "). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City desires to enter into an Agreement with the Contractor to perform the work set forth in that certain Request for Proposals RFP #14 -003 -R (the "Work "), and any amendments thereto being attached hereto as Exhibit "A " ; and WHEREAS, the Contractor is capable of performing the Work and agrees to perform the Work pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, and for the amounts specified in the Contractor's Proposal, the Contractor's Proposal and any amendments thereto being attached hereto as Exhibit "B " . NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other good and valuable considerations exchanged between the parties hereto, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section 1. Scope of Agreement. The terms and conditions of Exhibit "A attached hereto as well as the terms and conditions of Exhibit "B" attached hereto are incorporated by reference herein as fully as if herein set forth. Unless otherwise specified herein, the Contractor is to furnish all materials, tools, equipment, labor, supervision, and consumables to complete the Work. Section 2. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall consist of one (1) initial three (3) year term beginning on (the "Effective Date "), with two (2) separate automatic one -year extensions, for a total of five (5) years, unless terminated by the City upon the issuance of written notice by the City to the Contractor provided not later than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of any renewal year term. The City shall have the option of extending the term an additional one (1) year. Each term is renewable with the condition that the City's obligation to pay under this Agreement for each year is contingent upon the City in its good faith judgment having sufficient funds to make an annual appropriation for the work to be provided under this agreement. Section 3. Compensation. Contractor agrees to provide the services and materials as specified in Exhibit "A" for the amount specified in Exhibit "B ". The amount as specified in Exhibit "B" may be increased or decreased by the City under the Extra Work provision of this Agreement, through the issuance of an Addendum, if applicable. Any prices specified in this Agreement, will remain firm for the first year of this Agreement. Price adjustments will be allowed pursuant to the Price Adjustment provision of this Agreement. Section 4. Payment. All invoices received by the City are payable within (30) days from receipt, provided they have first been approved by the City, and the City has accepted the Work for which RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 29 payment is sought. The City reserves the right, with justification, to partially pay any invoice submitted by the Contractor. All invoices shall be in duplicate and directed to: City of Ocoee, Accounts Payable, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 -2258. All invoices must be clearly marked: City Agreement #RFP 14 -003 -R Air Conditioning & Heating Maintenance Term Contract. Section 5. General Conditions. A. Patents and Copyrights. The Contractor shall pay all royalties and assume all costs arising from the use of any invention, design, process, materials, equipment, product or device in performance of the Work, which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights. Contractor shall, at its own expense, hold harmless and defend the City against any claim, suit or proceeding brought against the City which is based upon a claim, whether rightful or otherwise, that the Work, or any part thereof, furnished under this Agreement, constitutes an infringement of any patent or copyright of the United States. The Contractor shall pay all damages and costs awarded against the City. B. Termination for Default. 1) The performance of Work under this Agreement may be terminated by the City, in whole or in part, in writing, whenever the City shall determine that the Contractor has failed to meet the performance requirements of this Agreement. 2) The City has a right to terminate for default if the Contractor fails to perform the Work, or if the Contractor fails to perform the Work within the time specified in the Agreement, or if the Contractor fails to perform any other provisions of the Agreement. 3) Failure of a Contractor to perform the required Work within the time specified, or within a reasonable time as determined by the City or failure to redo the Work when so requested, immediately or as directed by the City, shall constitute authority for the City to hire another contractor to perform the Work. In all such cases, the Contractor or his surety, shall reimburse the City, within a reasonable time specified by the City, for any expense incurred in excess of the Agreement prices. 4) Should public necessity demand it, the City reserves the right to utilize services which are substandard in quality, subject to an adjustment in price to be determined by the City. The Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs if acceptable evidence has been submitted to the City that failure to perform the Work was due to causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor. 5) Termination for Convenience. The City may terminate this Agreement at its convenience with thirty (30) days advance written notice to the Contractor. In the event of such a termination by the City, the City shall be liable for the payment of all Work properly performed prior to the effective date of termination and for all portions of materials, supplies, services, and facility orders which cannot be cancelled and were placed prior to the effective date of termination and other reasonable costs associated with the termination. C. Warranty. The Contractor warrants that the Work including equipment and materials provided shall conform to professional standards of care and practice in- effect at the time the Work is performed, be of the highest quality, and be free from all faults, defects or errors. If the Contractor is notified in writing of a fault, deficiency or error in the Work provided within one (1) year from completion of the Work, the Contractor shall, at the City's option, either RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 30 redo such portions of the Work to correct such fault, defect or error, at no additional cost to the City or refund to the City the charge paid by the City which is attributable to such portions of the faulty, defective or erroneous Work, including the costs for obtaining another Contractor to redo the Work. ALL MATERIALS PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR, SHALL BE MERCHANTABLE AND BE FIT FOR THE PURPOSE INTENDED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE LIABLE FOR SECONDARY, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE RESULTING FROM ANY WORK PERFORMED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. D. Time of Completion. The parties understand and agree that time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. The Contractor agrees that all Work shall be performed regularly, diligently, and uninterrupted within the time specified. The Contractor or City, respectively, shall not be liable for any loss or damage, resulting from any delay or failure to perform its contractual obligations within the time specified, due to acts of God, actions or regulations by any governmental entity or representative, strikes or other labor trouble, fire, embargoes, or other transportation delays, damage to or destruction in whole or in part, of equipment or manufacturing plant, lack of or ability to obtain raw materials, labor, fuel or supplies for any reason including default of suppliers, or any other causes, contingencies or circumstances not subject to the Contractor's or City's control, respectively, whether of a similar or dissimilar nature, which prevent or hinder the performance of the Contractor's or City's contractual obligations, respectively. Any such causes of delay shall extend the time of the Contractor's or City's performance respectively, by the length of the delays occasioned thereby, including delays reasonably incident to the resumption of normal Work schedules. However, under such circumstances as described herein, the City may at its discretion, cancel this Agreement for the convenience of the City. E. Indemnification. To the fullest extent provided by law, Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City and all of its officers, agents and employees from all claims, loss, damage, cost, charges or expense including, but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness or intentional wrongful misconduct of Contractor, its agents, employees, or subcontractors during the performance of the Agreement. The City shall use its best efforts to promptly notify the Contractor in writing of any Claims and shall provide the Contractor with information regarding the Claims as the Contractor may reasonably request, but the failure to give such notice or provide such information shall not diminish the obligations of the Contractor under this Section. No Claims whatsoever shall be made or asserted against the City by the Contractor for or on account of anything done or as a result of anything done or omitted to be done in connection with this Agreement. F. Correction of Work. The Contractor shall promptly correct all Work rejected by the City as faulty, defective, or failing to conform to this Agreement whether observed before or after substantial completion of the Work. The Contractor shall bear all costs of correcting such rejected Work. In the event that Contractor fails to timely mow or otherwise maintain a portion of the work, then the City, at its sole discretion and without waiving any other rights RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 31 or remedies under this Agreement, may deduct from any amounts due under this Agreement, the actual cost paid by the City to a third party to perform the work. If the City performs such work with its own personnel then the City may deduct from any amounts due under this Agreement such amount equal to what the Contractor would have charged for doing the work, plus 15% of such amount. G. Right to Audit Records. The City shall be entitled to audit the books and records of the Contractor or any sub - contractor to the extent that such books and records relate to the performance of this Agreement or any sub - contract to this Agreement. Such books and records shall be maintained by the Contractor for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement and by the sub - contractor for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under the sub - contract unless a shorter period is otherwise authorized in writing. H. Information. All information, data, designs, plans, drawings, and specifications furnished to or developed for the City by the Contractor or its employees, pursuant to this Agreement, shall be the sole property of the City and all rights therein are reserved by the City, except that the Contractor may disclose any such information to its corporate affiliates and their agents. I. Safety Measures. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of the City's and Contractor's employees and the general public and shall erect and properly maintain at all times all necessary vehicular and facility safeguards for the protection of the workers and public. If necessary, the Contractor shall post signs warning against hazards in and around the work site. J. Extra Work. The City, without invalidating this Agreement, may order changes in the Work within the general scope of this Agreement consisting of additions, deletions, or other revisions, the Agreement price and time being adjusted accordingly. All such changes in the Work shall be authorized by a written Addendum to this Agreement, and shall be executed under the applicable conditions of the Agreement. K. Price Adjustments. Pricing is firm for first year term of this agreement. The contract labor rates may increase up to 3% upon renewal of the contract each year. All other provisions of the contract shall remain constant for the life of the contract. For the renewal terms of this Agreement, if the Contractor proposes to make a price adjustment, the Contractor shall first give the City written notice thereof, with explanations stated for the price adjustment, and such notice shall be given at least one hundred - twenty (120) calendar days prior to the one (l) year renewal term for which the price adjustment is sought. Nothing contained herein shall affect the City's right to terminate this Agreement for Convenience as provided herein. RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 32 L. Familiarity with The Work. The Contractor by executing this Agreement, acknowledges full understanding of the extent and character of the Work required and the conditions surrounding the performance thereof. The City will not be responsible for any alleged misunderstanding of the Work to be furnished or completed, or any misunderstanding of conditions surrounding the performance thereof. It is understood that the execution of this Agreement by the Contractor serves as the Contractor's stated commitment to fulfill all the conditions referred to in this Agreement. Section 6. Miscellaneous Provisions. A. The Contractor shall not employ subcontractors without the advance written permission of the Cit B. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under, or interests in, the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically, but without limitation, moneys that may become due, and moneys that are due, may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Owner may assign this contract to the State of Florida or any political subdivision, municipality, special district or authority thereof without Contractor's consent and without recourse. C. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the performance of Work under this Agreement. D. No waiver, alterations, consent or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by the City. E. The Contractor is to procure all permits, licenses, and certificates, or any such approvals of plans or specifications as may be required by federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations, for the proper execution and completion of the Work under this Agreement. F. The Contractor shall at all times, keep the Work area free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by its operations, and promptly remove any such materials to an approved disposal location. G. The Contractor is responsible for all damage or loss by fire, theft or otherwise, to materials, tools, equipment, and consumables, left on City property by the Contractor. H. This Agreement is considered a non - exclusive Agreement between the parties. 1. This Agreement is deemed to be under and shall be governed by, and construed according to, the laws of the State of Florida. The parties agree that the provisions of Chapter 558, Florida Statutes are not applicable to this Agreement. J. Waiver of Jury Trial; Legal Costs. It is mutually agreed by and between the Contractor and Owner that each of the parties do hereby waive trial by jury in any action, proceeding or claim which may be brought by either of the parties hereto against the other on any matters concerning or arising out of this Agreement. The parties further agree that the sole and exclusive venue for any action to enforce this agreement shall be in The Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. K. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon Owner and Contractor, who agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 33 to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. L. The undersigned hereby certify that this Agreement is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation, firm or person who submitted proposals for the Work covered by this Agreement and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. As to Contractor, the undersigned hereby warrants and certifies that it is authorized to enter into this Agreement and to execute same on behalf of the Contractor as the act of the said Contractor. M. This Agreement, including Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B ", contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other agreements, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind either party hereto. (Signature Page Follows) RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 34 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Contractor and the City have caused this Agreement for Air Conditioning and Heating Maintenance Term Contract to be executed by their duly authorized officers as of the day and year first above written. CONTRACTOR: BY: PRINT NAME: TITLE: WITNESSES: NAME: TITLE: OWNER: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ATTEST: BY: NAME: Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of 2014 SHUFFIELD, LOWMAN & WILSON, P.A. BY: Scott A. Cookson, City Attorney TITLE: APPROVED: BY: S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor APPROVED BY CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD on , 2014, under Agenda Item END OF SECTION RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 35 RFP #14 -003 -R COMPANY INFO RMATIONISIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITII THE RFP INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR PROPOSAL. ?[.EASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL RFP INS'T'RUCTIONS AND THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUCCESSFUL RESPONDENT WILL BE REQUIRED TO ENTER INTO A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF OCOEE. _Ab /r,,- 1-i07 - Asti - 3 777 C 1 ANY NAME TF,LEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) AUT a. E (manual) NAME/`I'ITLE (P EASE PRINT) i '-i9 S, &k rov. STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP FEDERAL ID II 5q 3 �/ 75 / 9 e Individual V Corporation 1-/07 - f; - 4 0 1,- P r FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) E -MAIL ADDRESS IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM PURCI IASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: Partnership Other (Specify Sworn to and subscribed before me this I/___ day of M oy r c 4-, 20 Personally Known 4 or Produced Identification (T of Identification) RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid o KELLY L LEGROS Printed, T }�' . te��183180 Name of f lie EXPIRES March 18. 2016 40 588-016 partMN Notary Public - State of County of Signature o Notary Public 28 RFP DOCUMENTS Section Pacie Legal Advertisement 3 Proposal Instructions 4-6 General Terms & Conditions 7-20 Summary of Litigation", p. 16 Acknowledgement of Addenda *, p.16 List of Subcontractors`, P. 16 Equipment Listing *, P. 17 References/Experience * , p. 17 SCOPE OF WORK, PROPOSAL FORM, AND PROPOSED CONTRACT _ Sect Page Exhibit A — Scope of Work 21-23 Exhibit B — Price Proposal Form 24 Exhibit C — List of Equipment 25-27 Company Information and Signature Sheet *, p. 28 Exhibit D — Proposed Contract *Submit with Proposal End Table of Contents 29-35 RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 2 RFP14 -003 -R City Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid SUBMITTALS Section 1 — Company Information 1. Apple Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. 149 South Woodland Street Winter Garden, FL 34787 Office # 407 - 654 -3777 Fax # 407 - 654 -4828 2. n/a 3. State of Florida Mechanical License # CMCO56836 attached 4. 1. Don Armstrong Winter Garden, FL HVAC, Refrigeration Universal & Nate Certified 2. Brett Bowers, Winter Garden, FL HVAC Universal & Nate Certified 3. Rishi Jagnarine Winter Garden, FL HVAC, Refrigeration & Nate Certified 4. Thomas Williams, Winter Garden FL HVAC, Universal 5. Lance Hamilton, Winter Garden FL HVAC Universal Section 2 — Company Experience 1. Apple Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. has been in business in 17 Years. The main focus of the company is HVAC services including residential and commercial Service, Maintenance & Equipment including New Construction and retro -fits. 2.. Compeleted in Section 24 3. Compeleted in Section 23 4. Commpleted in Section 20 Section 3 — Service Rates All pricing provided on Price Proposal Form — Exhibit B Provided 20. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), proposal disputes, or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the Respondent in the past five (5) years that is related to the services that the Respondent provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, please so state. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) 21. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA: Respondent acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: No. Dated No. Dated No. Dated 22, LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS: (Attach additional sheets if necessary) By submitting a proposal, the Respondent certifies that it has investigated any subcontractor /temporary worker agency listed and has received and has in the Respondent's files evidence that each subcontractor /temporary worker agency maintains a fully - equipped organization capable, technically and financially, of performing the pertinent work and that the subcontractor /temporary agency has done similar work in a satisfactory manner. It Is further acknowledged by the contractor that any CHANGE or OMISSIONS in the subcontractors listed above shall require the City of Ocoee's approval before any work shall commence by the additional subcontractor on this project. RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 16 SUBCONTRACTOR and /or TEMPORARY WORKER AGENCY NAME /ADDRESS /FEDERAL I.D. NO.ICONTACT PERSON /PHONE #: 23. EQUIPMENT LISTING; Please list year, make & model of all equipment that will be used on City of Ocoee properties, including whether owned or leased. If leased please provide name of lessor. a - — — •_. 24. REFERENCES /EXPERIENCE OF RESPONDENT WITH SIMILAR CONTRACTS: The Respondent shall provide at least three (3) separate references of previous contracts with similar scope of work within the past five (5) years, preferably with a governmental agency. Respondent must demonstrate ability to perform services of similar complexity, nature, and size. For each previous contract, the Respondent must provide a description of the scope, its location, and a contact person willing and able to discuss the Respondent's performance for that contract. Letters of References may also be provided. Only contracts for which the Respondent was the prime contractor will be considered to be relevant. DATE OF CONTPACT /AMOUNT OF PROJECT /CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE NUMBER /EMAIL ADDRESS /NAME OF CONTACT, ETC (attach additional sheets if necessary). I j ' 6 O 10V RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 1 7 -� - e'i013 av• 1 ` p o soo ! uf` Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes Length of time in busines years months. EXHIBIT `B" PRICE PROPOSAL FORM RFP 14 -003 -R CITY -WIDE AC & HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT RE -BID 1. Lump sum amount for quarterly maintenance for all items listed on EXHIBIT C: A kA, 0 6% dollars and 0 cents 2. Lump sum amount for annual maintenance for all items listed on EXHIBIT C: (Bid Item number I amount multiplied by (4) quarters). S 9, OOo o a C i i dollars and 0 cents 3. Rate to be charged for service during business hours (Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM): � �•Sa s c&q b -,T X_ dollars and So cents 4. Rate to be charged for service during non - business hours & holidays: - X, So dollars and 60 cents 5. Mark -up or discount offered for parts: % Mark -up 6. Distance in one -way miles from Contractor's Service office to City Hall: a Miles 7. Contractor offers 24 -hour live dispatch: Yes No The City reserves the right to delete any portion of the bid items above in order to meet budget constraints. �- nl� n rte c. ompany Name Contractor's License Number Authorized Officer (print) A4tr iz Date RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 24 DATE (MMIDD/YYYY) A O CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 10/30/2013 THIS CERTIFICATE 13 ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED 13Y THE POLICIIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION WAIVED, subject to n the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certif[cate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement (s). CONTACT P Rigsby PRODUCER NAME: ggy PHONE (800) 845 -8437 FA C No; (89t178B3 -8660 Lassiter -Ware Insurance of Tampa Bay EMAIL ODREss: pe3rGgla a sit er -ware . com 4401 West Kennedy Blvd # Suite 200 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIL Tampa FL 33609 INSURERA__United Fire & Casualt Com an 13021 -- INSURER B :FOCI Insurance Com an 10178 INSURED Apple Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. INSURERC; P. O. BOX 246 INSURER D; _ Ocoee FL 34761 -0246 1 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATENUMBER:13 -14 All Lines REVISION NUMBER: IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD THIS THIS 1 T O. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. L1µ175 AODL OR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP NSR TYPEOFINSURANCE POLICY NUMBER MAIDDIYYYY MMIO i ry . 1,000,000 T EACH OCCURRENCE $ GENERAL LIABILITY AMAG _RENT D 100,000 A X COMMERCIAL LAIMS -MADEE LIABILITY OCCUR I X I X 60397658 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY A X ANY AUTO ALL OWNEO SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS NONAWNED HIRED AUTOS AUTOS 1/1/2013 B 1/2014 ` MED EXP (Anyone person) S PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGG BODILY INJURY (Per person) S X 160397658 111/1/2013 1/1/2014 BODILY INJURY(Peraccident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE g p ccidenl 5,000 1"900,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 X UMBRELLA LIAR [XI OCCUR A EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE — — Tin m5t 10,00 6 0797658 B WORKERS COMPENSATION X AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVE F—N I NIA OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? 001WC13A68864 (Mandatory in NH) if yes, describe under nF RCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS helow EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 AGGREGATE $ 1,000,000 /1/2013 1/1/2014 $ E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1 000 /22/2013 /22/2014 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYE $ 1 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, it more space is required) TIFI (407)905 -319 CANCELLA SHOULD POLICIES BE OR DELIVERED THE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. City of Ocoee Attn: Finance / Purchasing AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Crystal Conley 150 N Lakeshore Drive - - _ Ocoee, FL 34761 Tee Grizzard /PEGR ©1988 -2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2010/05) Th. GRflRfl namo anff innn Ora rentetarnrl mnr4c of pRrlRfl INS026mmnn5:m AC 6 3 7, � Q a STATEyO FLORIDA i ; bEPARTI ENT 'C? �IISYNESS AND P1 OF'ESSTONAL REGULATION_ ,CONS INP_IISTRY I,ICENS� I BOARD SEQ #zrazoso2a2Ill ..P LICENSE NBR , 1 DATE BATCH NUMBER' 02 X0;1.2. 128024' 2 56 : CMG05'b83 „! �. - - C 5 r F TheMEQHANICAL CO NT3�ACTOR �,; , .Named b ] ow +IS CERT7`IFIEI7� �,.. Under the "provisions. of �Chapter.S§'"= RS .Expiration date: AUG. 31., 2014 �w�a�._..,�,p 4LATTNER,' PETER r LEE APPLE� °CflNMDIT.'IONING; & HEAT�IN r 149 SOUTH WOODLAND STREET f3D WINTER. QARDE FL- 3,4787 ,� t` Rica ,,... GOVERNOR Q ISP 7 1 AV AS_REQUIRE BY LAW KEN LAWSON SECRETARY .j 3/11/2014 Detail by Entity Name Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation APPLE AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING, INC. Filina Information Document Number P97000093845 FEI/EIN Number 593475198 Date Filed 10/31/1997 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event CANCEL ADM DISS /REV Event Date Filed 10/18/2004 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 149 S. WOODLAND STREET WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 Changed: 10/18/2004 Mailing Address POST OFFICE BOX 246 OCOEE, FL 34761 Registered Agent Name & Address LATTNER, PETER LJR. 16902 WINTER ROAD MONTVERDE, FL 34756 Address Changed: 10/18/2004 Officer /Director Detail Name & Address I Title P LATTNER, PETER LJR. 16902 WINTER ROAD MONTVERDE, FL 34756 5 C C, LK I, http:l / search's unbiz.org /inq ui r�CorporationSearcNSearchResultD etai I/ EntityNameldomp- p97000093845-d8Ccd6f8- 62Ua- 4cb3- bgbc,28e77a39928b/Apple %2OAi... 112 3/11/2014 1 Titlo'V BUTLER, JOHN K 3 DELAWARE STREET OCOEE, FL 34761 Annual Resorts Report Year Filed Date 2011 02/02/2011 2012 03/01/2012 2013 04/29/2013 Document Images 04/29/2013 --ANNUAL REPORT 03/01/2012 -- ANNUAL REPORT 02/02/2011 -- ANNUAL REPORT 02/18/2010 -- ANNUAL REPORT 04/17/2009 -- ANNUAL REPORT 02/25/2008 -- ANNUAL REPORT 07/24/2007 -- ANNUAL REPORT 04/20/2006 --ANNUAL REPORT 01/06/2005 -- ANNUAL REPORT 10/18/2004 -- REINSTATEMENT 01 /09/2003 -- ANNUAL REPORT 01 /24/2002 --ANNUAL REPORT 04/23/2001 --ANNUAL REPORT 03/17/2000 --ANNUAL REPORT 03/10/1999 --ANNUAL REPORT 12/08/1998 --ANNUAL REPORT 10/31/1997 -- Domestic Profit Detail by Entity Name View image in PDF format View image in PDF formaf View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF for View image in PDF format View image in PDF for Vie image in PDF format View image in PDF form View image in PDF forma View image in PDF format View image In PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format Copyright n and PrivacY Policies State of Florlda, Department of State http:l /search,sunbiz.org llnq ui rVCorporati onSearc[VSearchResultDctai llEntityN ant PJdomp- p97000093845- dBOcd6f8- 620a- 4cb3- b9bc-28e77a39928b !Apple° /a20Ai... 2!2 j b� (r Q D AIR MECHANICAL & SERVICE CORP. Company Information Air Mechanical & Service Corporation 325 Anchor Road Casselberry, FL 32707 (407) 699 -0454 Office (407) 699 -0690 Fax www.amsco- ac.com Office Hours: • Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 5:01 pm - 7:59 am Dispatch Contact: Kimberley Melton, Service Coordinator (407) 699 -0454 Office (321) 689 -6152 Cellular kmelton(aamsco- ac.com Standard Business Hours Non - Standard Business Hours When a service technician needs to be dispatched you can make requests to Kim Melton either by calling directly or emailing the requests. Requests received during non- standard business hours will be routed through the answering service and they will dispatch the on -call technician. • After Hours Emergency Service Contact: (407) 699 -0454 Service Manager Eric Parker eparke a amsco- ac.com Phone: 407 -699 -0454 Mobile: 321- 231 -0325 Fax: 407 - 331 -6304 Driving Directions from 325 Anchor Rd, Casselberry, Florida 32707 to 150 N Lakeshore ... Page 1 of 1 Notes maplquest Trip to: 150 N Lakeshore Dr Ocoee, FL 34761 -2223 21.97 miles / 29 minutes Q 150 N Lakeshore Dr, Ocoee, FL 34761 -2223 Total Travel Estimate: 21.97 mites - about 29 minutes 02014 MapQuesl, Inc. Use of directions and maps is subject to the MapQuest Terms of Use. We make no guarantee of the accuracy of their content, road conditions or route usability. You assume all risk of use. View Terms of Use http: / /www.mapquest.cornl print ?a= app.core.babeafa298a9eb293 71 a89d9 3/13/2014 1 430 325 Anchor Rd, Casselberry, FL 32707 -3230 ownload Dee App 434 10. Turn right onto N Bluford Ave / FI- 439. Map 0.2 Mi 1. Start out going south on Anchor Rd toward W Melody Ln. Map 0.7 Mi 11. Take the 2nd left onto E Franklin St. Map 0.1 Mi 436 2. Turn left onto E Altamonte Dr / FL -436. Map 0.2 Mi r o j T 17_ 3. Turn right onto S US Highway 171921 US -17 S I US -92 W. Map 1.7 Mi rWiF 414 4. Merge onto FL-414 W (Portions toll). Map 11.5 Mi 5. Merge onto FL-429 S / Daniel Webster Western Beltway S via EXIT 4B toward 4.2 Mi 424 Tampa (Portions toll). Map H 6. Take the West Rd exit, EXIT 26, toward Clarcona -Ocoee Rd. Map 0.4 MI 7, Turn right onto West Rd. Map 0.5 Mi 8. Turn left onto Ocoee Apopka Rd / County Hwy -437. Map 2.1 Mi Q 150 N Lakeshore Dr, Ocoee, FL 34761 -2223 Total Travel Estimate: 21.97 mites - about 29 minutes 02014 MapQuesl, Inc. Use of directions and maps is subject to the MapQuest Terms of Use. We make no guarantee of the accuracy of their content, road conditions or route usability. You assume all risk of use. View Terms of Use http: / /www.mapquest.cornl print ?a= app.core.babeafa298a9eb293 71 a89d9 3/13/2014 1 430 9. Turn left onto W Silver Star Rd 1 FL -438. Map 0.4 Mi 434 10. Turn right onto N Bluford Ave / FI- 439. Map 0.2 Mi 11. Take the 2nd left onto E Franklin St. Map 0.1 Mi 12. Turn right onto N Lakeshore Dr. Map 0.03 Mi ■ 13. 150 N LAKESHORE DR is on the right. Map Q 150 N Lakeshore Dr, Ocoee, FL 34761 -2223 Total Travel Estimate: 21.97 mites - about 29 minutes 02014 MapQuesl, Inc. Use of directions and maps is subject to the MapQuest Terms of Use. We make no guarantee of the accuracy of their content, road conditions or route usability. You assume all risk of use. View Terms of Use http: / /www.mapquest.cornl print ?a= app.core.babeafa298a9eb293 71 a89d9 3/13/2014 TWS DOCUMENT HAS A COLORED SACKWOUNDs WHCROPRMINO • LINEMAW PATEMED PAPER • • + • •' • DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD SEQ #L12062001096 DATE BATCH NUMBER LICENSE NBR mmomm- 06/2C ICMC044825 The MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Named below IS CERTIFIED Under the provisions of Chapter 489 FS. Expiration date: AUG 31, 2014 SPAW, HAROLD THOMAS AIR MECHANICAL & SERVICE CORP. 2806 W SITKA ST TAMPA FL 33514 RICK SCOTT KEN LAWSON GOVERNOR SECRETARY DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAIN March 13, 2014 aW 0 AIR MECHANICAL & SERVICE CORP. City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 RE: RFP # 14 -003 -R City -Wide Air Conditioning & Heating Maintenance To Whom It May Concern: Air Mechanical & Service Corporation has a high level of skilled technician's companywide. They each have various responsibilities depending on their workload. Most of our employees have been employed at Air Mechanical for over 2 years and some have been here for over a decade. We offer a competitive benefits package and salary to minimiz a high turnover rate. We are also very pleased to offer our employees ongoing mechanical training and periodically, learning seminars as well as OSHA /Safety classes. Our technicians have assigned company vehicles containing a small inventory of stock such as refrigerant and nitrogen. We do require them to carry a number of their own personal hand tools including but not limited to leak detectors and gauges. We also supply the major tools such as recovery tanks, vacuum pumps and tube brush machines if they are needed. Our service technicians are full time employees and are on a weekly rotating on -call schedule to effectively meet the needs of our customers at any time. Our operating office for this contract is located just 22 miles from the Ocoee City Hall and we ensure that we can meet the timeframe specified in the bid documents. Currently our service department has approximately 60% of maintenance and repairs of commercial HVAC systems as opposed to installation. Following is our organizational chart showing key employees of the service team. We assure you that our staff members have the skills and training to effectively maintain this contract at all times. Thank you for allowing AMSCO the opportunity to be your mechanical services provider. Sinc Eric Parker Service Manager 4311 W. Ida Street LJ 4525 N.W. Capital Circle, Ste. J -3 J 325 Anchor Rd, Tampa, Florida 33614 Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Casselberry, Florida 32707 Phone (813) 875 -0782 Phone (850) 329 -7366 Phone (407) 699 -0454 Fax (813) 873 -2275 Fax (850) 329 -7615 Fax (407) 699 -0690 LJ 2700 Avenue of the Americas Englewood, Florida 34224 Phone (941) 475 -3715 Fax (941) 475 -3725 im n 0 7) _a 0 n 0 3 3 0 v C CL C T Cn o� (. m v 0 0 - 1 0 N o' m m v M M 3 m m m ;v 0 b�(r 0 P A IR MECHANICAL & SERVICE CORP. 325 Anchor Rd. Casselberry, FL 32707 Service Department Organizational Chart Resume Submittal Form Name of Individual: Eric Parker Educational Background Check Highest Degree Attained: D Post Secondary / Vocational ❑ Associates ❑ Bachelors ❑ Masters 0 Ph.D. ❑ Ed.D. ❑ Other (describe) Special Certifications: Describe any special training or certifications attained: Trane Helical Rotary (RTAA) Chiller Course Daikin AC VRV Install & Commissioning American Heart Association AED /CPR/FA Training i - Name of Employer: Air Mechanical & Service Corporation Dates of Employment: From: September 2002 To: Present Basic Description of Duties: HVAC Manager and Contract Manager _ Oversee day to day operation of service department. Negotiate contracts, bids and RFP's. Maintain customer retention programs. Delegate continuing education programs and employee retention programs. Contact Person: Lance Gorney Contact Telephone: (407) 699 -0454 Email: lance(@amsco- ac.com Resume Submittal Form Name of Individual: Lendell Zollicoffer Educational Background: Check Highest Degree Attained: R1 Post Secondary / Vocational ❑ Associates ❑ Bachelors ❑ Masters ❑ Ph.D. ❑ Ed.D, ❑ Other (describe) Special Certifications: Describe any special training or certifications attained: Technical training in refrigeration, heating and air conditioning RSES Certified and certification in heating EPA Certified Ice machine certified Mitsubishi Electrical certified Liebert Controls OSHA - Construction Safety & Health Name of Employer: Air Mechanical & Service Corporation Dates of Employment: From: 2002 To: Present Basic Description of Duties: Installation of commercial air duct systems and condensing units Service technician performing preventative maintenance and repairs on commercial a/c units, reach -in freezers a ice makers. Contact Person: Contact Telephone: Email: Eric P arker 407- 699 -0454 eparker(@amsco- ac.com Resume Submittal Form Name of Individual: Bob Francisco Educational Background: Check Highest Degree Attained: 2 Post Secondary / Vocational ❑ Associates ❑ Bachelors [] Masters ❑ Ph.D. ❑ Ed.D. ❑ Other (describe) Special Certifications: Describe any special training or certifications attained: EPA / Universal Certification Carrier centrifugal teardown training Centrifugal chillers Name of Employer: Air Mechanical & Service Corporation Dates of Employment: From: 2011 To: Present Basic Description of Duties: HVAC Service Technician for maintenance, repairs and installations of all types of chiller and rooftop equipment. Contact Person: Contact Telephone: Email: Eric Parker (407) 699 -0454 eparker @amsco- ac.com Resume Submittal Form Name of Individual: Frank R. Diaz Educational Background: Check Highest Degree Attained: 2 Post Secondary / Vocational ❑ Associates ❑ Bachelors ❑ Masters ❑ Ph.D. ❑ Ed.D. U Other (describe) Special Certifications: Describe any special training or certifications attained: E'PA Certification NATE Certification Heating & Air Conditioning Installer/ Service Certification Name of Employer: Air Mechanical & Service Corporation Dates of Employment: From: 2011 To: Present Basic Description of Duties: Service technician performing preventative maintenance and repairs on commercial air conditioning equipment as well as installation of commercial air duct system and condensing units. Contact Person: Eric Parker, Service Manager Contact Telephone: (407) 699 -0454 Email: eparker &Msco- ac,com Resume Submittal Form Name of Individual: Educational Background: Rod Acosta Check Highest Degree Attained: El Associates ❑ Bachelors [ Other (describe) Special Certifications: Describe any special training or certifications attained: EPA Certification 2008 Trane R- Series Chillers Name of Employer: Air Mechanical & Service Corporation Dates of Employment: Prom: 2013 To: Present Basic Description of Duties: Service technician performing preventative maintenance and repairs on commercial air conditioning equipment as well as installation of commercial air duct systems and condensing units. Contact Person: Eric Parker Contact Telephone: (407) 699 -0454 Email: eparker@amsco-ac.com ❑ Post Secondary / Vocational ❑ Masters ❑ Ph.D. ❑ Ed.D. Resume Submittal Form Name of Individual: Educational Background Danny Looney Check highest Degree Attained: ❑ Associates ❑ Bachelors ❑ Other (describe) Special Certifications: Describe any special training or certifications attained: Universal Certification Manitowoc Ice Machines & Reach -Ins Name of Employer: Air Mechanical & Service Corporation Dates of Employment: From: 2013 To: Present Basic Description of Duties: Installation of commercial air duct systems and condensing units. Service technician performing preventative maintenance and repairs on commercial air conditioning units, reach -in freezers and coolers as well as ice machines. p Post Secondary / Vocational ❑ Masters ❑ Ph.D. ❑ Ed.D. Contact Person: Eric Parker, Service Manager Contact Telephone: (407) 699 -0454 Email: eparker@amsco- ac.com D AIR MECHANICAL &SERVICE CORP. CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE PRINCIPAL'S NAME TITLE YEARS OF CONSTRUCTION IN WHAT CAPACITY AND WITH WHOM Vice President EXPERIENCE Project Principal / AMSCO Warren Byers President 40 President / AMSCO Neil Connelly Vice President 30 Project Principal / AMSCO Harold Spa w Vice President 45 Project Manager / AMSCO Andy Citek Vice President 30 PM VP /AMSCO Lance Gorne Vice President 30 PM VP /AMSCO SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL Eric Parker Service Manager 20 Service Manager / AMSCO Donald Grace Project Manager 20 PM, AMSCO Clay Butler Project Manager 27 Superintendant PM AM SCO Robert Hord Superintendant 18 Foreman /Superintendant, AMSCO Statement of Contractors Experience and Personnel AMSCO, established in 1982 is one of Florida's largest mechanical contractors, with four locations throughout FL to service our valued customers. Our offices are located in Tampa, Orlando, Tallahassee and Englewood, FL. Within our offices we have all of the tools necessary to perform all phases of preventative maintenance tasks and repairs to any equipment throughout Florida. Some of these items include, but not limited to, pressure washers, refrigerant gauges, refrigerant reclamation machines, vacuum pumps, hand tools, power tools and specialty tools required to complete the job. AMSCO has over 120 employees and maintains a fleet of over 80 mechanical and service support vehicles. Approximately 40% of these vehicles are in direct relation to the service side of the industry and are ready in a moments notice to respond to our customer's needs. y Lance Gorney Vice President State of Florida County of Semino Before me appeared Lance Gorney who is the Vice President of Air Mechanical & Service Corporation and is personally known to me, being duly sworn, deposes and says that this statement of contractors experience and personnel are true and correct as of a6 A Sworn to and subscribed before me this /I day of G f I 2014. NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF FL Printpr N ;ime p N olary Public y ) r`' ° �. MICHELE MALONE -;7O }LE (Signature of Notary Public ; o.- � : -'-. MY COMMISSION #FR)36�03 (Seal) EXPIRES July 75. 20f7 (407) 3980153 Roridalloia $4:1*.com Form (Rev. Deport Interna CV m m CL C 0 r � e a� U7 W -9 Request for Taxpayer Give form to the ) ctober 2007) Identification Number and Certification requester Do not rent of the Treasury send to the IRS. Revenue Service Name (as shown on your income tax return) Air Mechanical & Service Corp. Business name, if different from above Check appropriate box: ❑ Indlvldu.VSole proprietor V1 Corporation ❑ Partnership Exempt ❑ Limited liabirrty company. Enter the tax classification (D--disregarded entity, (3--corporation, P= partnership) ► ....... ❑ payee ❑ Other (see instructions) ► Address (number, street, and apt. or suite no.) Requester's name and address (optional) 4311 W. Ida Street City, state, and ZIP code T ampa, Flo rida 33614 List account numbers) here (optionao Number Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on Line 1 to avoid Social security number backup withholding. For individuals, this Is your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Part I instructions on page 3. For other entities, it is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see Now to get a 77N on page 3. or Note. If the account Is In more than one name, see the chart on page 4 for guidelines on whose r mployer Identification number number to enter. ; 2158902 Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form Is my correct taxpayer Identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be Issued to me), and 2. 1 am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and 3. 1 am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below). Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For mortgage Interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA), and generally, payments other than Interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the Certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the tamqtions on page 4. Sign Signature of Here I U.S. Person ► Date ► General Instructions Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. Purpose of Form A person who is required to file an information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer Identification number (TIN) to report, for example, Income paid to you, real estate transactions, mortgage Interest you paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, or contributions you made to an IRA. Use Form W -9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN to the person requesting it (the requester) and, when applicable, to: 1. Certify that the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are waiting for a number to be issued), 2. Certify that you are not subject to backup withholding, or 3. Claim exemption from backup withholding if you are a U.S. exempt payee. If applicable, you are also certifying that as a U.S, person, your allocable share of any partnership income from a U.S. trade or business is not subject to the withholding tax on foreign partners' share of effectively connected income. Note. If a requester gives you a form other than Form W -9 to request your TIN, you must use the requester's form if it is substantially similar to this Form W -9. • The U.S. owner of a disregarded entity and not the entity, Cat. No. 10231X Form W - 9 (Rev. 10 - 2007) Definition of a U.S. person. For federal tax purposes, you are considered a U.S. person if you are: • An individual who Is a U.S, citizen or U.S. resident alien, • A partnership, corporation, company, or association created or organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States, • An estate (other than a foreign estate), or • A domestic trust (as defined In Regulations section 301.7701 -7). Special rules for partnerships. Partnerships that conduct a trade or business in the United States are generally required to pay a withholding tax on any foreign partners' share of Income from such business. Further, in certain cases where a Form W -9 has not been received, a partnership is required to presume that a partner is a foreign person, and pay the withholding tax. Therefore, if you are a U.S. person that Is a partner In a partnership conducting a trade or business in the United States, provide Form W -9 to the partnership to establish your U.S. status and avoid withholding on your share of partnership income. The person who gives Form W -9 to the partnership for purposes of establishing its U.S. status and avoiding withholding on Its allocable share of net income from the partnership conducting a trade or business In the United States is in the following cases: P 0 AIR MECHANICAL & SERVICE CORP Reference # 1 Client Name: Orange County Real Estate Management Address: 400 East South Street Orlando, Florida 32803 Contact: Gary Roberts Phone: 407 - 836 -7090 Email: Gary.Roberts(@ocfl.net Fax: 407 -836 -5969 Contract Start Date: 2010 End Date: Current Project Description: HVAC preventative maintenance, repairs and new installations on multiple Orange County leased buildings. Reference # 2 Client Name: Orange County Government (Convention Center) Address: 9860 International Drive Orlando, Florida 32819 Contact: David Wharton Phone: 407 - 685 -7408 Email: david.wharton@occc.net Contract Start Date: 2012 End Date: Current Project Description: HVAC preventative maintenance, repairs and new installations on multipe units at the Orange County Convention Center. Reference # 3 Client Name: Orange County Utilities Address: 9100 Curry Ford Road Orlando, Florida 32809 Contact: Felipe Hernandez Phone: 407 -254 -9508 Email: Felipe.Hernandez@oclf.net Fax: 407- 254 -9510 Contract Start Date: 2013 End Date: Current Project Description: As needed repairs and scheduled preventative maintenance at Orange County Eastern Water Supply Facility. b 0 0 AIR MECHANICAL & SERVICE CORP. March 14, 2014 City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 RE: RFP # I4 -003 -R City -Wide Air Conditioning & Heating Maintenance To Whom It May Concern: AMSCO provides monthly, bi- monthly, quarterly and annual full maintenance and preventative maintenance contracts. We currently perform maintenance services and repairs at many government entities and our references are included in this submittal. - -,Ve have several professional service technicians on our staff and will assign one of them to be the main point of contact for maintenance services. We currently have existing contracts throughout central Florida and have technicians in the area daily. If repairs are requested we may choose to send another one of our qualified technicians if the main contact is unavailable. Our staff (company owned) vehicle information is included with our bid submittal as requested in Section 23. AMSCO provides our customers with on time service and repairs and has over 90 technicians with over 1,000 combined years of experience. All of our technicians are located in and around central Florida. All AMSCO technicians receive regular training to ensure they are well versed in the latest service, repair techniques and diagnostics. The training ensures that the AMSCO service technician is tentative and diligent in their maintenance procedures to ensure our customers satisfaction. Z' o" C7 0 3 ro Q cn cn Cn ro z ro o� 0 0 N ro n� 0 m 71 0 v CD ro 3 ro ro ro v 0 Lj 4311 W. Ida Street Lj 4525 N.W. Capital Circle, Ste. J -3 21 325 Anchor Rd. ❑ 2700 Avenue of the Americas Tampa, Florida 33614 Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Casselberry, Florida 32707 Englewood, Florida 34224 Phone (813) 875 -0782 Phone (850) 329 -7366 Phone (407) 699 -0454 Phone (941) 475 -3715 Fax (813) 873 -2275 Fax (850) 329 -7615 Fax (407) 699 -0690 Fax (941) 475 -3725 Projects are completed on time every time and our craftsmanship always exceeds our customer's expectations. We fully understand all of the terms and conditions as specified in your bid documents for RFP number 14 -003 -R for citywide air conditioning &, heating maintenance. Thank you for the opportunity to allow us to present our credentials for your consideration in becoming one of your vendors. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, 2� - - Lance Gorney Vice President / Branch Manager of Casselberry Air Mechanical & Service Corporation AMSCO Casselberry - Vehicle Information Form ID Number LAST 4 YEAR MAKE MODEL UNIT # NAME PLATE # EXPIRES . LOCATION POSITION 1GCEC14V86E287995 7995 2006 Chev Pickup 45 Amodei, Joseph V159NT Jun -2013 AMSCO -0RL SM Foreman 1GCGG25C391103347 3347 2009 Chevy Van 129 Amodei, Robert 415LYL Dec - 2013 AMSCO -0RL Lead Mechanic 1GTEC14C18Z901487 1487 2008 GMC Pickup 28 Bass, Fred 445YSA Jun -2013 AM5CO -ORL PM 1FTNE24W27DA43310 2007 Ford Van 127 Bouck, Jason 957LCQ Dec - 2013 AMSCO -0RL Service Tech 1GCGG25CX81132925 2925 2008 Chevy Van 29 Brown, Robert 223JPX Dec - 2013 AMSCO -0RL Superintendent 2HGFA1F87AH313486 3846 2010 Honda Civic black civic Butler, Clay (Edward) 917VUS Jun -2013 AMSCO -0RL PM /Estimator 1FTNE24W67DA43309 3309 2007 Ford Van 75 Diaz, Frank 901LCQ Dec - 2013 AMSCO -0RL Service Tech 1GCGG25V971127344 2007 Chevy Van 116 Francisco, Bob V026N1 Dec - 2013 AMSCO -0RL Service Tech 1HGCP26328A162080 2080 2008 Honda Accord pewter Honda Gorney, Lance 923LYF Jun -2013 AMSCO -0RL Branch Manager 1G1ZB5EB6A4113334 3334 2010 Chevy I Malibu chevy malibu Grace, Donald ABUY07 Jun -2013 AMSCO -ORL PM 1GTEC14C38Z900390 0390 2008 GMC Sierra 42 Hord, Robert 446YSA Jun -2013 AMSCO -ORL Superintendent 1GCEC14X79Z195937 5937 2009 Chevy Pickup 4 Hufford, James (Scott) R134TS Jun -2013 AMSCO -0RL SM Foreman 1FTNE24WX7DA35522 2007 Ford Van 50 Looney, Danny 712LCR Jun -2013 AMSCO -0RL Service Tech IGCGG25V561199141 9141 2006 Chevy Van 104 Mathis, Leroy U60 IVY Dec - 2013 AMSCO -ORL SM Foreman HMCP26358CO52285 2285 2008 Honda Accord black Honda Parker, Eric 944LCP Jun -2013 AMSCO -ORL Service Manager 1GCCS149588108830 8830 Chevy Pickup 23 Perez, Francisco 44OHMP Jun -2013 AMSCO -0RL Piping Div. 1GCGG25V961154543 4543 2006 Chevy Van 106 Acosta, Rodney U649VY Dec - 2013 AMSCO -ORL Service Tech 1FTNE24W57DA43303 3303 2007 Ford an 70 Roberson, Bobby Joe 902 LCQ Dec - 2013 AMSCO -ORL Const /Service 1FTNE24W57DA48999 8999 2007 Ford Van 64 Tooker, Thomas 905LCQ Dec - 2013 AMSCO -0RL SM Foreman SFTNE2EW98DA87604 7604 72011 Ford Van 36 Zollicoffer, Lendell TP9B31 Dec - 2013 AMSCO -ORL Service Tech UNASSIGNED - TRUCK POOL 1GCHC24K48E112820 2820 2008 Chevy Pickup 20 Warehouse Vehicle AARX90 I Jun -2013 AMSCO -0RL 3GBKC34F72M105249 5249 2002 Chevy 3500 22 Warehouse - Flatbed U231TJ I Dec -2012 AMSC- ORL X:Wir MechanicahOffice Information and FomislVehidesTmployee VEHICLE Info Sheet 08.07.2013.zis 3/1412014 TOOLS / EQUIPMENT MODEUCOLOR SERIAL # Dewalt angle drill 4 112 765463 2008 -41-47 1 14' Ladder 1 1 -7 /8 wrench (1 ) 48' pipe wrench red 1 car jack blue 1 Concrete mixer 1 Dirt Devil vac 1 double headed light gre 1 Flowhood CFM -83 4953 1 Gantry crane and hand pulleys 1 Genie lift GL -8 53176 1 grease gun HECO 1) halogen light Green 1) homelite blower UT08520 ATL0870815 1 Hydraulic jack Yellow 1 metal rake 24' (1) meter man 4512 1) pic axe ( 1 pipe cart cricket 1 pipe hole digger 1) Plasma cutter Slue force cut TM- LP -50P 1 Rid id 960 pipe threader (1) R obi weed eater C526 RY26500b ATM1470586 1 safte tie -off clip Green 1) Shock bun ie tie -off 1 sledge hammer 10 lbs. (yellow 1 wall sander 24' 12 8' Ladders 2 12' Ladders 2 32' Ladders (2 ) brushes wash brooms 24' 2) fax and phone copiers Brother M8K276260 2) fire beam SAE -we -92 FB35m (2) floorsqueegees (2) hand floats 2 low -boy halogen (2 ) red double headed light (2 ) saw horses Yellow 2) sumner roll pipe stands (2)ldeal pipe bender (blue) 74 -046 3 hand edgers 3) Johnson bars 2 wood (1) metal (3) large floor fans Orange 3 power care 27' wand and ti 3 Rid id tri -stand 118 -6 3 shovels 24' 3 spade drain shovels 3 Westward bottle jacks (blue) 4 50' Garden hose TOOLS / EQUIPMENT MODEUCOLOR SERIAL # 4 caulk guns misc) 4 double headed halogen light Yellow 4 hand trucks 4 lanyards (2 ) miller 2) titan 4 lock -out tag-out (grey) 4 metal scrapers 24' 4) Plunger pumps Pressure washer 2840809 03762 22857 5 4 wheeled carts (6 ) 10' Ladders (6) 6' Ladders 6 wheel barrels 9 pipe stands 9) saftey vest (orange Abatement hepa vac 3037409 Abatement portable monitor PH678- 8894200 HCPDPM A06212741898 Abatement Predator 1200 502A Am robe ADS -1 20100228 Baftery charger SE -1275A Bosh hammer drill (Bull) 11234 VSR 0611 234739 Bosch plus SDS 0 601 194 739 96616 3661 Brother intei fax 2820 Brother toner cartridge to -350 Carbid bit 112,13 07 -L -12 1711143 Cardbid drill bit 1777526 07 -L -12 CPS compute-a- charge scale CC220 662968 CPS compute-a- charge scale CC220 591692 need repair Dewalt reciprocating saw 1 118 Dw3l l Dewalt reci vocation saw 1 118 Dw304p 975167 2009 2949 Dewalt 112 Hammer drill Dw505 914253 2002 -36 -49 Dewalt 14' chop saw D28715 99281 Dewalt angle grinder 4 1/2 D28110 693513 2009 28-47 Dewalt Hammer drill 7.8 Dw511 815796 2009 24 -49 -11 Dewalt impact wrench 1/2 DW292 699531 Dewalt reciprocation saw DW304P #109 Dewalt rotary drywall drill DW660 99135 200111 E Dewalt sawzaw Dw304P 238097 2008 -32-49 Excell 2500 VR2522 GJAEA 5754341 Exell 2500 pressure washer 4567H 2551618058 Fatmax laser plumb bob PB2 77 -189 GB 1' pipe bender BIG BEN red Genie lift 2118 15836 Genie lift 2118 15834 Genie su eriift SLC -18 9599 -7597 Genie superlift SLC -18 C07 -37817 Good way ream -a- matic RAM4 -60 29574 Goodway cable rem- a -matic GTC- 703 -25 Goodway ream -a- matic AQ -R1500 1554 Hammer core bit (body only) 3" 4 -1/2 OAL. 6" CBT -48 Hammer core bit starter point) 4" CBSP -64 186401 20020 TOOLS / EQUIPMENT MODEL/COLOR SERIAL # HILTI grease gun MD 2000 Hitachi rotary hammer drill DH24VB 650213 Lance G. Hobart welder LJ380495Y Hobart welder LJ380495Y 500500 Home light home broom II UT081209 AH0640247 Home lite weed eater (zip start ) UT20772 AE2111848 Husky 2600 pressure washer 89F AL1810252 Husky power washer 1550 704091102 Husky 026 26 al compressor 417270 FL841 0925A Husk 2600 pressure washer 89C GJAEA 6703833 JB platinum 208 JB platinum 707 Lincoln Electric welder K1419 -4 11151 Lincoln Electric welder ideal arc 9992 C195 100168 Makita 318 angle drill DA3000R Miller trail blazer 302 welder LJ380137Q 907216 Milwaukee 14' cutoff saw 6176 -20 96BA999 Lance G. Milwaukee band saw 678407223410 Monarch nova strobe DB plus 2424810 moving cool office pro 18) 4070271180 NRP recovery machine G52000 R04K2169 Power Fastener PA3500 Pred 1200 abatement neg air 502A Promax recovery machine RG5410A 82000003000 Reftech recove machine MRH- 500 33793 Reftech recovery machine HPS- C -D243 5194 Rid id 300 pipe threader Rid id weUd vac Wd09450 05133 C1174 RIDGID wet/dry vac WD12450 06189 C2375 Rid id wet/d vac WD1245 Roper Whitney unch 8 in 1 R obi weed eater RY 30550 AtI1041102 Skil saw 5400 7 1/4 48714 Spline carbid bit 1 1/2.22 07 -L4 1777543 Stilhl street saw Ts 420 Tradesman 10' bench saw 24251 40D Whacker chipping hammer 1430214 WP 1540 Whacker B7066 Yellow Jacket su ervac pump 93560 T 376994 2840809 03754 22857 2840809 03755 22857 2840809 03763 22857 e b� Cr 0 AIR MECHANICAL & SERVICE CORP. March 13, 2014 City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 RE: RFP # 14 -003 -R City -Wide Air Conditioning & Heating Maintenance Summary of Litigations To Whom It May Concern: AMSCO is one of Florida's largest mechanical contractors and we are pleased to inform you that our company has never been involved in any i litigation, claims or contract disputes. Thank you for considering AMSCO for all of your service, repairs and preventative maintenance needs. Sincerely, Lance Gorney Vice President 0 a o' :' n 0 CL U) N Cn z n' (D N N SU 0 C) 0 0 X v o' M m v d CD v 0 Lj 4311 W. Ida Street j 4525 N.W. Capital Circle, Ste. J -3 ❑ 325 Anchor Rd. Tampa, Florida 33614 Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Casselberry, Florida 32707 Phone (813) 875 -0782 Phone (850) 329 -7366 Phone (407) 699 -0454 Fax (813) 873 -2275 Fax (850) 329 -7615 Fax (407) 699 -0690 LJ 2700 Avenue of the Americas Englewood, Florida 34224 Phone (941) 475 -3715 Fax(941)475 -3725 EXHIBIT "B" PRICE PROPOSAL FORM RFP 14 -003 -R CITY -WIDE AC & HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT REBID 1. Lump sum amount for quarterly maintenance for all items listed on EXHIBIT C: $ _ 8,375.00 Eight thoSisand three- hundred seventv five dollars and no cents 2. Lump sum amount for annual maintenance for all items listed on EXHIBIT C: (Bid Item number 1 amount multiplied by (4) quarters). $ 33,500.00 Thirty three thousand five hundred dollars and no cents 3. Rate to be charged for service during business hours (Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM): $ 18.00 Eighty-eight dollars and no cents 4. Rate to be charged for service during non - business hours & holidays: $ _108.00 One hundred eight dollars and 110 cents 5. Mark -up or discount offered for parts: 25 % Mark -up 0 %Discount 6. Distance in one -way miles from Contractor's Service office to City Hall: 22 Miles 7. Contractor offers 24 -hour live dispatch: x Yes No The City reserves the right to delete any portion of the bid items above in order to meet budget constraints. Air Mechanical & Service Corgi ration Company Name CMC044825 Contractor's License Number Lance Gorney Autho ' ficer (print) Authorized Signature 03/17/2014 Date RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re-Bid 24 RFP #14 -003 -R COMPANY INFORMATIONISIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE RFP INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR PROPOSAL, PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL RFP INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUCCESSFUL RESPONDENT WILL BE REQUIRED TO ENTER INTO A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF OCOEE. Air Mechanical & Service Corporation COMPANY NAME AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (manual) Lance Gorney, Vice Pre NAME/TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) 325 Anchor Road STREET ADDRESS Casselberr, FL 32707 CITY STATE ZIP FEDERAL ID # 59- 2158902 Individual X Corporation Partnership Other (Specify rN Sworn to and subscribed before me this / / day of - 10' 'Chi ) 20 / L 1 . Personally Known or Produced Identification Notary Public - State of A/ (Type of Identification) �County of 4 de E 390.01 6 3 Signature of Notary Public HELE MALONE ]017 COMMISSION #F �1 677j - TOU/y EXPIRES July 15 Printed, Typed or Stamped Commissione Flor 1. t. Name of Notary Public (407) 699 - 044 TELEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) _(407 6) 99 -0690 _ FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) iance@amsco- ac.com E -MAIL ADDRESS IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: RFP14 -003 -R Cily -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 28 20. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), proposal disputes, or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the Respondent in the past five (5) years that is related to the services that the Respondent provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved, If none, please so state. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) None 21. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA: Respondent acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: No. Dated No_ Dated No. Dated 22, LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS: SUBCONTRACTOR and /or TEMPORARY WORKER AGENCY NAME /ADDRESS /FEDERAL I.D. NO.ICONTACT PERSON /PHONE #: AMSCO does not intend to use subcontractors or temporary worker agencies for the maintenance. If there are any repairs that require the use of a crane company or similar rental equipment company we will provide the names upon approval to proceed with repairs at that time. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) By submitting a proposal, the Respondent certifies that It has investigated any subcontractor/temporary worker agency listed and has received and has in the Respondent's files evidence that each subcontractor /temporary worker agency maintains a fully-equipped organization capable, technically and financially, of performing the pertinent work and that the subcontractor /temporary agency has done similar work in a satisfactory manner. It Is further acknowledged by the contractor that any CHANGE or OMISSIONS In the subcontractors listed above shall require the City of Ocoee's approval before any work shall commence by the additional subcontractor on this project. RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 16 23. EQUIPMENT LISTING: Please list year, make & model of all equipment that will be used on City of Ocoee properties, including whether owned or leased. If leased please provide name of lessor. PIease see attached vehicle information list. Our service technicians assigned vehicles have been jjighlighted. - -- _ 24. REFERENCES/EXPERIENCE OF RESPONDENT WITH SIMILAR CONTRACTS: The Respondent shall provide at least three (3) separate references of previous contracts with similar scope of work within the past five (5) years, preferably with a governmental agency. Respondent must demonstrate ability to perform services of similar complexity, nature, and size. For each previous contract, the Respondent must provide a description of the scope, its location, and a contact person willing and able to discuss the Respondent's performance for that contract. Letters of References may also be provided. Only contracts for which the Respondent was the prime contractor will be considered to be relevant. DATE OF CONTRACT /AMOUNT OF PROJECT /CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE NUMBER/EMAIL ADDRESS /NAME OF CONTACT, ETC (attach additional sheets if necessary). Please see attached list of references. Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes x No _ Length of time in business 32 years 2 months. Bank or other financial references: PNC Bank (813) 931 -8855 Contact Nicole Fielder _ Tampa, Florida RFP14 -003 -R City -Wide A/C & Heating Re -Bid 17 Detail by Entity Name Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation AIR MECHANICAL & SERVICE CORP. Filing Information Document Number FEI /EIN Number Date Filed State Status Last Event Event Date Filed Event Effective Date Principal Address 4311 W. IDA ST. TAMPA, FL 33614 Changed: 03/13/1985 Mailing Address 4311 W. IDA ST. TAMPA, FL 33614 F64810 592158902 01/27/1982 FL ACTIVE REINSTATEMENT 11/13/1998 NONE Changed: 03/13/1985 Registered Agent Name & Address BYERS, LINDSAY W. 4311 W. IDA STREET TAMPA, FL 33614 Name Changed: 05/13/1986 Address Changed: 01/06/2004 Officer /Director Detail Name & Address Title V GORNEY, LANCE 14126 PORTRUSH DRIVE ORLANDO, FL 32828 Title V GOLDSTEIN, LYNN M 5356 SOUTHWICK DRIVE TAMPA, FL 33624 Page 1 of 3 http: / /search. sunbiz.org/ Inquiry/ CorporationSearch /SearchResultDetail/EntityName /domp -... 3/1 2/2014 Detail by Entity Name Title V CITEK, ANDREW H 8572 109TH STREET NORTH SEMINOLE, FL 33772 Title PD BYERS, LINDSAY W 7950 COQUINA WAY ST. PETE BEACH, FL 33706 Title STD BYERS, JOHN L. 2535 TENNESSEE AVENUE TAMPA, FL 33629 Title V CONNELLY, NEIL 15620 HAMPTON VILLAGE DRIVE TAMPA, FL 33618 Title VP Spaw, Harold T 2806 W. Sitka Street Tampa, FL 33614 Title VP Castellano, Mark 802 Oak Pond Drive Osprey, FL 34229 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2013 0211812013 2013 05/28/2013 2014 01/1012014 Document Images 01/10/2014 -- ANNUAL REPOR F View image in PDF format 05/28/2013 -- AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT View Image in PDF format 02/18/2013 --AMENDED ANNUAL REPOR View image in PDF format 01107/2013 --ANN JAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/09/2012 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/14/2012 — ANNUAL REPORT F View image in PDF format 01/27/2011 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/11/2010 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/25/2009 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 08/12/2008 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format Page 2 of 3 http: // search. sunbiz.org/ Inquiryl CorporationSearch /SearchResultDetail /EntityName /dome - ... 3/12/2014 Detail by Entity Name 01/04/2008 -- ANNUAL REPORT 04/30/2007 ANNUAL REPORT 04/30/2006 --ANNUAL REPORT 07/23/2005 --ANNUAL REPORT 01/06/2004 -- ANNUAL REPORT 01/16/2003 -- ANNUAL REP ORT 03/25/2002 --ANNUAL REPORT 02/06/2001 --AN REPORT 01 /28/2000 -- ANNUAL REPORT 02/ 10/1999 -- ANNUAL REPORT 11/13/1998 -- REINSTATEMENT 01/24/1 -- ANNUAL REPORT 02/21 - AN NUAL REPORT 03/03/1995 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image In PDF format View image in PDF format Copyright Q and Priva Policies artment of State State of Florl Page 3 of 3 http:llsearch. sunbiz. orgllnquirylCorporationSearch/ SearchResultDetail /EntityName /domp -... 3/12/2014 ^. ClimateControl MECHANICAL SERVICES SECTION X COMPANY INFORMATION Climate Control Mechanical Services Address: 2695 NW 4 th Street Ocala, FL 34475 Phone: 352 -291 -0185 Fax 352- 351 -0219 Office Contact: Robert Dobrik 352 - 843 -5589 (mobile) rdobrik @climatecontrolflorida.com Emergency Contact: CCMS has a 24/7 response system in place for meeting customer needs. Our office phone system is staffed from 8 am to 5 pm each day. During times before or after this time frame, our phone system has an option to go to our afterhours attendant who will go through a series of questions, phone calls, and emails. If a customer place a call which isn't during normal business hours or on a holiday, the attendant will take the call with information about who, what, where, and when related to the call. From there, two technicians are on call all the time. The attendant calls both technicians and informs them of the call and customer contact information. Concurrently, 8 emails go out to the company two on call technicians, the president, two vice presidents, 3 division managers who may need to respond to the call. This has been our policy for all our municipal, hospital, and critical need customers who can't suffer an outage of services. Distance: From Our Office to Ocoee City Hall (one way): 68.5 miles 2695 NW 4th Street • Ocala, FL 34475 • www.ClimateControlFlorida.com 888.711.4822 • 0: 352.291.0185 • F: 352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 • An InTec Company RFP #14 -003 COMPANY INFORMATION /SIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE RFP INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR PROPOSAL. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL RFP INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUCCESSFUL RESPONDENT WILL BE REQUIRED TO ENTER INTO A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT WIITH THE CITY OF OCOEE. Climate Control Mechanical Service Inc. COMPANY NAME /� --, xm-(-� AUtHORIZED S NATURE (manual) Robert Boyer _ NAMF,/TTTLE (PLEASE PRINT) 2695 NW 4th Street STREET ADDRESS Ocala, FL 34475 CITY STATE ZIP FEDERAL ID # 59- 3740395 352 - 291 -0185 TELEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) 352 - 351 - 0219 FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) rdobrik @climatecontrolflorida.com E -MAIL ADDRESS IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: U Individual X Corporation Partnership _ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3 day of Personally Known Rob Boyer or Produced Identification Other (Specify) February , 20 14 . Notary Public - State of Florida (Type of Identification) jSi ty of Marlon ture o otary Public � �,UYVI�S °� Printed, Typed or Stamped ommissioned Name of Notary Public .o:" °%�. JENNIFER LYNN THOMPSON 1• j•r MY COMMISSION #FF005301 EXPIRES April 4, 2017 407) 388.0153 Florid eNdArYServlce.com RFP14 -003 City -Wide A/C & Heating W. ClimateControl tW MECHANICAL SERVICES STATE OF FLORIDA MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE AC# 6224112 STATE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF UCTION E XNDUNTRY ROPE IBSIN L SEQ#L12072491236 R 07 24/2012 CMCO56921 The MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Named below 19 CERTIFIED Under the provisions of Chapter 4$9 FS. Expiration dates AUG 31, 2014 WISE LOUIE FRANKLIN CLIUTB CONTROL MECHANICAL SERVICES INC PO BOX 3038 OCALA FL 34478 RICK SCOTT KEN LAWSON GOVERNOR SECRETARY [SPLAY AS REQUIRED BY 2695 NW 4th Street - Ocala, FL 34475 www.ClimateControlFlorida.com 888.711.4822 - 0:352.291.0185 • F:352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 • An InTec Company GibsonElectric POWER SERVICES STATE OF FLORIDA CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ELECTRICAL LICENSE AC # 6 3 716 7 2 STATE OF FLORI DHPARTDiHN�T9>l8N�6�8 l � t3D RS R LS CBABIGLBOHDULATI ON $LLIit .W E UcV'i'RAI T� SEQAL12091700372 LICENS 1 09/14 i 1000000000 1EC00 065 The ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Named below I8 CERTIFIED Under the provisions of Chaptp,F j 8 9fI Expiration dater AUG 31, 2014 THOMAS, p�Np ALL JA"S BASE 3 LTC DBA GIBSON ELECTRIC 707 SW 20TH ST PL 34451 OCA RICK SCOTT IcEN LAWSON GOVERNOR SECRETARY DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW 2695 NW 4th Street ' Ocala, FL 34475 . www.GEF]orida.com 888.752.2733 0: 352351.0145 • F: 352351.0219 - EC0000651 - An InTeC company ^-.1- ClimateControl MECHANICAL SERVICES TECHNICIANS Adam Hamm Andy Murphy Brandon Wood Brett Thomas Curtis Bradley David Clark John May John Ryan Josh Rowan Larry Howell, Jr. Larry Howell, Sr. Lonnie Hughs EMPLOYEE CERTIFICATIONS Rico Diaz Ross Ritchie Stephen Howell Wesley Hicks 0SHA10 -Hour Date OSHA 30 -Hour Date Fork4lft Date Welding 6-G Date Braze Date Dana Johnson 6J Price 10/11/07 Adam Darch 7/26/11 Brian Hostetler ;' 4/16/01 Curtis Bradley 9/12/11 . David_Br —10 12/3/14 - Charles Banks 4/1/11 - -- Bob Gibson - 7/26111 Christian Voltle JR _ :,'0_4/ Dennis Albrect r 9/12/11 _own Dennis Howard 12/3/10 _ Mike Perhealth 4/1/11 Curtis Bradley 7/26/11 Robert Fulgham 9/12/11 ' Floyd Lassiter ' B /18/11 Frank H oward ' 1 213110 Nick Moreno 4/1/11 F_ rank Howa 7/26/11 _ Fred Tidwell 9/ 12/11 _ Frank Howard 8/1 Larry Howell 12/3/10 Robert Boyer 4/1111 Jahn Bradley 7/26/11 Hank Rams nY � John May 1 8/18/11 Leonard McWilliams` 12 /3/10 Sean Thompson ` 4/1/11 John May 7/26/11 - Todd Allen Duncan 2/16/05 2/16/ 5 Josh Rowan P 9112111 Lu Ha rper 1213110 Keith Slinkard 9/19/12 Rowan 7/26/11 Ross Ritchie `9 /12/11 William Armstrong 12/3/10 Sam Simms _ 9/19/12 Leonard McWilliam 7/26/11 - Willi Hanse ' 12/3/10 Brian Hostetler ! 5/4/13 Octavian Zlatea 7/26/11 Thomas Tysinger 11/3/2011 Howard Forsythe 5/4/ Wendell Smith 10/17/121 Jayme Head 3/30/12 Tom Muller 5/4/13 Rick Taje 10 John Bradley 3/30/12 Tom Tysinger 5/4/13 Sam Simms 10/17112', John May 3/30/12 Wanda Ty�inger 5/4/13 Carl SwaRord _ 1011 _ - Curtis Bradley_ 3 /30/12 Richard Warren 5/4/13 D_ a Cormi - 10/17/12' Fred Lassiter 1118/12 Justin Jean 5/4113 Nick Moreno 10/17112 Matt Smith 11/8/12 Curtis Bradley 5/4/13 Roger Deweese 10117112' George Meadow_ 10/10/08 Randy Clark 3/14/13 Ira Blanton 6/6/OR Lee_Radeker 6/5/06 Bryan Covert 2/9/09 Sandra Breeden ,12/4/2013 Cecil Thompson 212111 ! Rick Freed 12/ Ian Hand unknown - Chris Parker 12/4/2013 Roger DeWeese ,12/4/2013 - Luke Harper 12/4/2013 _ Arc Flash Safety Lock out/Tag Aerial Work Centrifugal Training Date GHS Date Out Safety Date Platform Safety Date Compressor Date Training Overhaul Howard Forsythe ` 9/7/11 Nick Moreno 4/24/13 Howard Forsythe 917111 Adam Dorch 7/26/11 Larry Howell 6/24/11 Lucas Harper r 9/7/11 Roger DeWeese 4/241 Lucas Harper ` 9f7/11 Bob Gibson 7/26/11 Mathew Smith ' 9/7/11 Gordon May 4/24/13 i Mathew Smith ` 9/7/11 Curtis Bradley 7/26/11 Nicholas Moreno 9/7/11 Wade Hutcherson 4124/13 Nicholas Moreno ` 9/7111 Frank Howard 7/26/11 Randall Thomas ` 9/7/11 Richard Vogal 4/24113 Randall Thomas r 9/7/11 John Bradley 7126/11 Thomas Muller 9/7/11 David Brown 4124/13 Thomas Muller ` 9_17111 John May 7/26/11 BI Price 4/24/13 Josh Rowan 7/26/11 Charles Bank 5/7/13 Kelvin Bradley 117/0_9 Sandee Breeden 5/8/13 Leonard 712_6/11 Stephen Howell S/9/13 Octavian Zlatea 7116/11 Lonnie Hughes 5/9/13 Wendell Smith 7/26/11 Sam Simms 5/10/13 Cecil Thompson 212111 2695 NW 4th Street • Ocala, FL 34475 • www.ClimateControfFlorida.com 888.711.4822 - 0:352.291.0185 • F: 352.351.0219 - CMCO56921 - AnlnTec Company &FSA I Rough Terrain Operator I Field Duet Addressable Date and Industrial Date [Manually Date fire Date Measuring Date Panel Forklift Propelled Boom Charles Banks 11/16/11 Wendell Smith 10/17/12 Wendell Smith 10/17/121 Adam M Dorch r11 /11 /11' Adam M Dorch '11/11/11 _ Ric kTaje_ 10/17112 Rick Taje 10/17/12 Curtis Bradley Y11 /11 /11. Curtis Bradley Sam Simms 10/17/12 Sam Simms 10/17/12 D. James Johnson'll /11 /11 D.JamesJOhhson 11%11!11: Fredrick Tidwell 10/17/12 Fredrick Tidwell 10/17/12: Dennis Albrecht '11 /11 /11- Dennis Albrecht 11/11/11. Carl Swafford 10 /17/12' Carl Swafford 10/17/12. Dennis Howard '11/11/11 Dennis Howard '11/11/11' Jan Sharkey 10/17/12 S 10/17/12 Frank Howard '11/11 /11 Frank Howard '11/11 /11 1 Daniel Cormier _ 10/17/12 - _Ian Daniel Cormier 10117112! HectorJ Agudelo _ '11/11/11 NedorJ Agudelo 11/11/11 Nick M 10/17/12 Nick Moreno 10/17/12 John Bradley ' John Bradley '11/11111 Roger Deweese 10/17/12, Roger Deweese 10 /17/12 John May '11/11/11 John May `11%11 /11 Josh Rowan '11/11/11 J osh Rowan '11/11/1 Kelvin Bradley '11/11 /11 Kelvi B radley "11/11/11 Leonard McWilliams. , 1ln1/11 Leonard ;"11 /11/11', -- -...__ .....- - -.._. Mike Perh .. ..- — 'llnl/11 - - ---- Mike NH health '11/11/11 Rob Boyer '11/11/11 Sean Thompson ,11/11/11 Se an Thompson '11/11/11 Weimar Esco_ _' /11/11 Weimar Escobar :'11/11111 gdavia 2latea CenTraVac EPA Section 808 Technician Type 1, Scotsman ice AIrFIow7rotning Date Mechanical Date Universal Date 11 Date Systems Field Date Service Certification SOW. Ross Ritchie ' 1217111 Larry Howell, SR r lln1/11 Floyd Lassiter 3/6/13 Slayden Ira Blanton: 1/26/94 Stephen Howell 10/3/2013 Brandon Wood 4/9/12 Wesley Hicks 1/26/94 Hunter Townsend i 10/3/2013 William Ar 10/18/83 Brett Thomas i 4/11/01 John Ryan 10/3/2013 Lonnie Hughes 1/26/94 Bryan Covert 8/19/99 Aaron Burton 10/3/2013'. L arry Howell Jr. 1/26/94 BreRThomas 101312013' _Larry Howell Sr. 10/18/83' _ _ Larry Howell Sr. ',10/3/2013 ' Joshua D. Rowan unknown Richard Diaz 10/3120_13'i Kelvin Bradley _ unknown) - -- Lon Hughes 10/3/2013 - Christian Voitle — -- ' 11/16/09' - Slayden Blanton Bryan Covert 8/19/99 Wesley Hicks 1/26194 CustomerServica Crone Hand Date Date Trans Chiller Date '' Mitsubishi HVAC Date 1 HILTI Date Signaler Josh Tackett i12/20/12 Nick Moreno '10/24/12 Larry Howell Sr. I /11 Dennis Albrecht 6130/11 Les Smith ' 7/09/07 Jayme Head 12120/12 Simms 10/24/12' .. Frank Howard 6/30/11 Slayton Ira Blanton '3/12 /08 R oss Ritchie 12120112' Frank Howard 10/24/12 John May 6/30111 Shannon Gill 12120112' Carl Swafford 10/24/12 Brandon Wood I Daniel Cormier '10/24/12 _ Roger DeWeese 110/24/12 MITSUBISHI Date Ddver4afety Date OSHASupperted Date ICRA Date Sanuvox U.V. Date ELECTRIC ScaffoldingReq, . Trslntng Josh Rowan 5/1512013 Curtis Bradley '111 A dam Dorch 11/9/12 ''i John May 112 /12/12; John Ryan 12/19/12 John May 5/1512013 Mike Perh 1 1 Rick Taje 11/9/12 ! Curtis Bradley 12/12/12 David Clark 12/19/12'. Brandon Wood 5/15/2013 William Douglas 11/30/12 Wendell Smith 11/9/12 John Bradley 1 12/12/12i Stephen Howell 12/19/12 Andy Murphy 11/21/13 John May 11/30/12' B_ rian Ho_t 11/9/12 i Adam Darch 11/29/12 Brandon Wood 12/19/12 David Clark 11/21/13 Sam Simms 11/30/12 Mike Perhealth 11/9/12 Matt Smith 11/29/12 Joshua Rowan 12/19/12 Keith Slinkard 11130112 Sam Simms 11/9/12: M Perhealth 11/29112', Curtis Bradley 12/19/2 Thomas Tyslhger 11/30/12', Sean Thompson 11/9/12 Keith Slinkard 11/29/12' Jaym_ a Head 12%19/12. Dennis Albrecht 11/30/12' BJ Price 11/9/12 Jay Fuqua :11/29/12; _ BJ Price 11/30/121 Floyd Lassiter 11/29/12' Lonnie Hughes 1/15/13 Fred Combs 1/24/13 John Ryan 1/15/13 Sandee Breeden 1/24/13 Joshua Rowan 1115/13 Hector Aqudelo _2/14/13 Larry Howell Sr. 1/15/13 Weima E scobar 2/14/13 Larry Howell Jr. 1/15113 Josh Rowan 3/21/13 David Clark 1/15/13 James Beck 3/21/13 Thomas Muller 1/15/13 Lucas Harper 3/21/13 Nicholas Moreno 1/15/13 Mike Beck 3/21/13 Howard Forsythe 1/15113 Matthew Smith 1/15113 Luke Harper 1/15113 _ Jahn Bradley 1115/13 Stephen Howell 1/15/13 2695 NW 4th Street - Ocala, FL 34475 • www_ClimateContro[Florida.com 886.711.4822 • 0: 352.291.0185 - F: 352.351.0219 - CMCO56921 • An InTec Company 1 ClimateControl MECHANICAL SERVICES SECTION 2 COMPANY EXPERIENCE 1) Background 2) Services & Capabilities 3) Equipment & Facilities 4) Training 5) Safety 6) Project Reference 7) Service Vehicles & Tools 8) Litigation: CCMS has not been involved in any litigation. r 2695 NW 4th Street - Ocala, FL 34475 - www.ClimateControlFlorida.com 868.711.4822 • 0: 352.291.0185 - F: 352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 • An InTec Company BACKGROUND: Climate Control Mechanical Services (CCMS) is a full service Mechanical Contractor with 120 full time employees serving clients throughout Florida since 2001. We specialize in providing Quick Response Mechanical and Maintenance as well as mechanical construction services. In addition, our in -house electrical, HVAC controls, fire alarm, data, and general construction divisions will be utilized as necessary to reinforce our commitment to meeting the needs of the client. Our supervisors, superintendents, and technicians have the necessary experience, licenses, certifications and factory training to perform all major mechanical, electrical, low voltage, controls, and general construction repairs and installations campus wide. We service many other county contracts for administrative facilities, school systems, and boards of county commissioners currently in North central Florida. it is this experience we intend to use to efficiently care for your HVAC /R equipment. We are a full service Mechanical contractor servicing our customers from basic residential, commercial, industrial, medical, and government type facilities. We have our own sheet r metal fabrication operation allowing us to fabricate duct work, AC adaptor curbs and many other items to service our customers quicker and at a better price with no middleman mark up. Our technicians are well trained and have experience in residential and commercial AC, refrigeration, ice machines, walk -ins, and industrial AC on all brands and manufacturers. We offer 24 hour 7 day a week service with 3 technicians on call at all times. Our qualified staff is always available to assist our customers when they need our services. Owner /President: Louie Wise Ill Graduate of University of Florida, 1994 Certified Mechanical Contractor # CMCO56921 Iw3 @climatecontrolflorida.com Vice President: Rob Boyer Graduate of University of Florida, 1995 Certified Mechanical Contractor # CMCOS6944 RBoyer@climatecontrolflorida.com 2695 NW 4th Street • Ocala, FL 34475 • www.ClimateControll'lorida.com 888.711.4822 • 0: 352.291.0185 • F: 352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 • An InTec Company SERVICES & CAPABILITY As a full - service Mechanical Contractor, we self - perform almost all necessary functions, making our firm unique in its ability to quickly meet your needs, control the schedule, and provide the most cost - effective solution. Our services include: Budgeting / Estimating Services • Price and forecast future projects, repairs, replacement, and maintenance. Sheet -metal Fabrication • Ductwork/Specialty Fittings • Custom Equipment Housings (AHU Panels, Access Doors, Etc.) Primary Drain Pans, Auxiliary Drain Pans • Dryer Exhaust Systems • Long Seam Round Specialty Ductwork • Double Wall Rectangular • Specialty Metal – Curbs, Stainless Plenums & Diffusers, Louvers • Sheet -metal Installation • Rectangular & Round – single and double wall ductwork • Lab Exhaust Systems —Both Stainless and FRP Systems • Specialty metal installation as fabricated in our shop • All dampers, grilles, louvers, vents, and fans • Pipe Fabrication and Installations Certified Welders on staff Capability and Experience doing Chilled Water Systems, Hot Water Reheat Systems, Condenser Water Systems, Geothermal Systems, Steam Systems • Rigging experience setting chillers, cooling towers, pumps, AHUs, RTUs, and other large equipment in existing, occupied buildings. Experienced with system shutdowns and planning for outages as required through experience at OF and various hospitals. • Insulation – Experience includes the items below. Since we self - perform all our own insulation, projects which only include insulation can be done by our employees. • Ruba -tex / Arma -flex – piping, large valves, equipment, tanks, and pumps • Foam -glass – piping, large valves, equipment, and pumps • Fiberglass – piping, valves • Calcium Silicate – Steam systems, Generator Exhaust, Mufflers • Jacketing of the above insulations – ASJ, PVC, and aluminum • Residential / Refrigeration Systems, Change -outs, and Repairs • Factory trained on all major manufacturers' DX and Chilled Water equipment • Controls experience includes both DDC and pneumatic systems for simple and extensive control repairs and parts change out. 2695 NW 4th Street . Ocala, FL 34475 . www.ClimateControlFlorida.com 888.711.4822 . 0: 352.291.0185 . F: 352.351.0219 . CMCO56921 • An InTec Company EQUIPMENT & FACILITIES: Climate Control Mechanical Services (CCMS) recently moved into a HUB Zone and renovated an existing facility which was vacant in this area. This now provides us the equipment & facilities listed below: • New facility has 9,500 sf of offices, training rooms, and conference space Overhead projectors are provided in two training rooms • Areas have been provided for weld and brazing testing Spaces have been provided for collaborative bidding & planning of projects New facility has 10,500 sf of Fabrication, Pre - Assembly, and Manufacturing space: Tools in the facility include but are not limited to: 4 Roll Coil Line • 5'x 20' plasma table 175 ton AccuPress • RotoDie 8 Breaks 10 Gauge Shear • Miller Shop Welding machines for TIG /MIG /stick welding • BIM Modeling Software which can download directly to our coil line and plasma cutting equipment New Coil Line New Plasma Table 2695 NW 4th Street • Ocala, FL 34475 - www.ClimateControlFlorida.com 888.711.4822 - 0: 352.291.0185 - F: 352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 • An InTec Company TRAINING: Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. is dedicated to the improvement of our workforce from the ground up. Two years ago our company participated in over $160,000 in match grants from the state for training of employees throughout our organization. This included training for infection control procedures, OSHA 10 & 30 hour courses, Trane & York chiller teardown schools, VFD startup and maintenance, fire alarm, DDC controls, welding, VRF and VRV factory authorized installation and service, etc. This year we have obtained another $240,000 for CCMS and our sister companies to do supervisor training, planned preventive maintenance, communication, customer service, planning, and a number of other topics which will improve our de- livery of services to our customers. Please see end of this section for a list of certifications our employees hold and have been trained with the grants above. This is just a sample of the certifications that our employees have been trained on in the last 2 years. More can be provided if it will help provide more clarity of our training programs and their focus and scope. SAFETY: Taken from our Company Handbook given to each employee upon hiring: To provide a safe and healthful work environment for employees, customers and visitors, Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. has established a workplace safety program. This program is top priority for Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. Company management has responsibility for implementing, administering, monitoring and evaluating the safety program. Its success depends on the personal commitment of all. Some of the best safety improvement ideas come from employees. Those with ideas, concerns or suggestions for improved safety in the workplace are encouraged to bring them to the attention of company management. Any communication regarding safety may be done anonymously if the employee wishes. All reports can be made without the fear of reprisal. Each employee is expected to obey safety rules and to exercise caution in all work activities. Employees must immediately report any unsafe condition to the appropriate supervisor. Employees that violate safety standards, who cause hazardous or dangerous situations, who fail to report may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. In the case of on the job accidents that result in injury, regardless of how insignificant the injury may appear, employees should immediately notify the company management. 2695 NW 4th Street • Ocala, FL 34475 • www,ClimateControlFlorida.com 888311.4822 • 0: 352.291.0185 - F: 352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 • An IriTec Company 11)) K 0 Z n 3 D co ITI n �n O • o �' N o - O + — .+ - 0 7 d 0 00 = _ CD N -p � E O rD w O 0 O Ul cD fp - cD O O n N r.+ N O Lon . m -0 -. — it o Q Q J �. �" o 3 x - n :3 0 fD LA — O _ O. O 0 0 h La � Lin V c N a� v _. � -% to w o o r L O -n r rD N O rn 0 (D C �-j N M) V) (D • O= = O C N < m to O 3 (D Q n < o <D _• n ° o Lq c a, �a n< o n�,`� � °° w a Ln a CL v, ry u' x- L, n O '^ La Lon o `D vo 3 c < rn w r v' C) a 7d Qo 1i cn `^ 0 v, ° -� rn d � c a '^ O � -, < o 3 W n: o. W. w g N O 3 0 c LA rD p A .e D- m j < vi� to l S l/1 F-► °_ n o o a 0 _ O "O n�i m N N — _ 3 00 m 'n O N W !D =3 °< 0 o 11)) K 0 Z n 3 D co ITI n �n O SERVICE VEHICLES & TOOLS: • 15 vans (provided to technicians with laptops and smart phones) each equipped with a recovery machine, vacuum pump, electrical scale, and torch kits Specialty trailers: ■ Chiller repair Industrial Duct Cleaning Trailer with all commercial attachments ■ Installation 20 HEPA filtration units for use when needed on renovation work in active spaces 4 electric welding machines for use in existing buildings • 4 trailer mounted welding machines for using exterior of buildings • 8 field supervisors with trucks, laptops, smart phones 3 delivery vehicles with drivers to provide materials on a just -in -time basis for projects in congested and difficult access areas CCMS VEHICLES ea Mak Model Ow n/ Lea 2005 Chev Van OWN 200 Chev Colorado Ext Cab OWN 200 Chev Van OWN 2005 Chev Van OWN 2005 Chev Van OWN 2007 Ford Van OWN 2001 Ford F -350 Dual Flat Bed OWN 2006 Ford E -350 Econoline OWN Silverado OWN Silverado OWN Silverado OWN V9n12 JChev Silverado OWN Silverado OWN Silverado OWN Express 2500 OWN 20121 Chev Express Caro OWN 012 Chev Express Caro OWN 2013 Chev Express 250Q OWN Express Caro OWN Chev Express Caro OWN r Chev 01 2013 Chev Silverado OWN 2 013 Chev Express OWN 013 Chev Silverado OWN 013 Chev Express OWN 013 Chev Express OWN 2013 Chev Express G2500 OWN 20131 Chev I Express G2500 OWN 2695 NW 4th Street • Ocala, FL 34475 • www.ClimateControlFlorida.com 888,711.4822 • 0:352.291.0165 • F:352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 • An InTec Company ClimateControl tP MECHANICAL SERVICES SECTION 3 SERVICE RATES 1) Price Proposal Form — Exhibit B a) Lump Sum Amount for Quarterly Maintenance b) Lump Sum Amount for Annual Maintenance c) Rate for Regular "Non- emergency" Service d) Rate for Regular "Emergency" Service e) Percentage Mark -up for Parts 2) Other Fees Travel Expenses: $0.00 Delivery Charge: $0.00 Surcharges: $0.00 Disposal Fees: EPA reclaim /recovery charge of $75 per incident Reclaim /Nitrogen/Torch Kit: $185 (EPA $75, Nitrogen $45, Torch $65) 2695 NW 4th Street • Ocala, FL 34475 • www.ClimateCcntrolFlorida.com 888.711.4822 • 0: 352.291.0185 • F: 352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 - An InTec Company EXHIBIT `B" PRICE PROPOSAL FORM RFP 14 -003 CITY -WIDE AC & HEATING MAINTENANCE TERM CONTRACT 1. Lump sum amount for quarterly maintenance for all items listed on EXHIBIT C: $ 8,075 eight thousand seventy -five dollars and zero cents 2. Lump sum amount for annual maintenance for all items listed on EXHIBIT C: (Bid Item number 1 amount multiplied by (4) quarters). $ 32, thirty two thous three hundred ten dollars and zero cents 3. Rate to be charged for service during business hours (Monday- Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM): $72 seventy -two dollars and zero cents 4. Rate to be charged for service during non - business hours & holidays: i $ 108 one hundred eight dollars and zero cents 5. Mark -up or discount offered for parts: 17 % Mark -up 0 %Discount 6. Distance in one -way miles from Contractor's Service office to City Hall: 68.5 Miles 7. Contractor offers 24 -hour live dispatch: X Yes No The City reserves the right to delete any portion of the bid items above in order to meet budget constraints. Climate Control Mechanical Servic Inc. Company Name CMCOS6921 Contractor's License Number Robert Boyer Author' d Off;c rint) r- Aut6rized Sigptffure 2/3/2014 Date RFP14 -003 City -Wide A/C & Heating 24 ClimateControl MECHANICAL SERVICES SECTION 4 OTHER REQUIRED CONTENT 1) Forms Section 20 -24 2) Bid Security 3) State of Florida Business Certification by Secretary of State 4) Drug Free Workplace Statement 5) Certificate of Insurance 2695 NW 4th Street • Ocala, FL 34475 • www.ClimateControlFlorida.com 888.711.4822 • 0: 352.291.0185 • r:352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 • An InTec Company 20. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), proposal disputes, or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the Respondent in the past five (5) years that is related to the services that the Respondent provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, please so state. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) CCMS has not been involved in any litigation. 21. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA: Respondent acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: No. Dated 12/31(2013 No. Dated 1/29/2014 No. Dated 22. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS: SUBCONTRACTOR and/or TEMPORARY WORKER AGENCY NAME /ADDRESS /FEDERAL (,D. NO./CONTACT PERSON /PHONE #: Base 3 LLC d.b.a. Gibson Electric, Inc. 2695 NW 4th Street FED, I.D. NO.: 5921, CONTACT: Chris Pa (Attach additional sheets if necessary) By submitting a proposal, the Respondent certifies that it has investigated any subcontractor /temporary worker agency listed and has received and has in the Respondent's files evidence that each subcontractor /temporary worker agency maintains a fully- equipped organization capable, technically and financially, of performing the pertinent work and that the subcontractor /temporary agency has done similar work In a satisfactory manner. It is further acknowledged by the contractor that any CHANGE or OMISSIONS in the subcontractors listed above shall require the City of Ocoee's approval before any work shall commence by the additional subcontractor on this project. RFP14 -003 City -Wide A/C & Heating 16 23. EQUIPMENT LISTING: Please list year, make & model of all equipment that will be used on City of Ocoee properties, including whether owned or leased. If leased please provide name of lessor. Please see attached. 24. REFERENCES /EXPERIENCE OF RESPONDENT WITH SIMILAR CONTRACTS: The Respondent shall provide at least three (3) separate references of previous contracts with similar scope of work within the past five (5) years, preferably with a governmental agency. Respondent must demonstrate ability to perform services of similar complexity, nature, and size. For each previous contract, the Respondent must provide a description of the scope, its location, and a contact person willing and able to discuss the Respondent's performance for that contract. Letters of References may also be provided. Only contracts for which the Respondent was the prime contractor will be considered to be relevant. DATE OF CONTRACT /AMOUNT OF PROJECT /CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE NUMBERIEMAIL ADDRESS /NAME OF CONTACT, ETC (attach additional sheets if necessary). Please see attached. Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes X No — Length of time in business 12 years 6 months. Bank or other financial references: Community Bank & Trust Jeffrey D Baker (352) 291 -5985 P.O. Box 1570, Ocala, FL 34478 RFP14 -003 City -Wide A/C & Heating 17 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS Bid Bond Number: 0 AIA Document A310 Bid Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that W Here insert rule name and address or legal title of Contractor) Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. 2695 NW 4th Street, Ocala, Florida 34475 -6038 as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Surety) Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland 1400 American Lane, Tower 1, 19th Floor, Schaumburg, IL 60196 -1056 a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of nID as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto (Here insert full name and address or legal title of ownerl City of Ocoee 150 N Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of ONE THOUSAND AND NO /100THS Dollars C $1,000 ) for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the PrinClDa) has submitted a bid for City -Wide Air Conditioning & Heating Maintenance RFP #14 -003 NOW, THEREFORE, If the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 31st day of January, 2014 Climate Control Mech 'cal Services, Inc. la's � (Seat) —� (Witness) elity and Deposit Company of Maryland C J (Surety) whness) _ Mark D. P ictlowski (Tide) Attorney- AIA DOCUMENT A310 r BID BOND • AIA ® - FEBRUARY 1970 ED • THE AMERICAN i INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 ® Printed on Recycled Pcrpe,. 9193 ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That. the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of New York, the COLONIAL. AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Maryland, and the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND a corporation of the State of Maryland (herein collectively called the "Companies "), by JAMES M. CARROLL, Vice President, in pursuance of authority granted by Article V, Section 8, of the By -Laws of said Companies, which are set forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof, do hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint J. Raymond BOUCHARD, Mark D. PICHOWSKI, Todd GEORGE and Nancy L. SHEINBERG, all of Clearwater, Florida, EACH its true and lawful agent and Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver, for, and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and deed: any and all hands and undertakings, and the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Companies, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at its office in New York, New York., the regularly elected officers of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at its office in Owings Mills, Maryland., and the regularly elected officers of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at its office in Owings Mills, Maryland., in their own proper persons. The said Vice President does hereby certify that the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article V, Section 8, of the By -Laws of said Companies, and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice - President has hereunto subscribed his/her names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, and FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, this 20th day of June, A.D. 2012. ATTEST: ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND G + ' iMS G,,... Vy EAL ar. tft! : °3��. 508E % f3 Assistant Secretary Eric D. Burnes Vice President .lames M. Carroll State of Maryland City of Baltimore On this 20th day of June, A.D. 2012, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly commissioned and qualified, JAMES M. CARROLL, Vice President, and ERIC D. BARNES, Assistant Secretary, of the Companies, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and acknowledged the execution of same, and being by me duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that he /she is the said officer of the Company aforesa d, and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies, and that the said Corporate Seals and the signature as such officer were duly affixed and subwlibed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHFREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. � \ \` Constance A. Dunn, Notary Public My Commission Expires: July 14, 2015 POA -F 031 -4128B State of Florida De of State I certify from the records of this office that CLIMATE CONTROL MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC, is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, filed on July 20, 2001. The document number of this corporation is P01000072666. I further certify that said corporation has paid all fees due this office through December 31, 2013, that its most recent annual report/uniform business report was filed on January 28, 2013, and its status is active. I further certify that said corporation has not filed Articles of Dissolution. Given under my (land and the Great Seal of fire State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the seventh day of October, 2013 VS% Secretary of State Authentication ID: CU775779d976 To authenticate this certiTtcate,visit the following site,enter this 113, and then follow the instructions displayed. https:// etile .sunbiz.org /cortauthyer.fitml ClimateControl MECHANICAL SERVICES DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE — ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. has a vital interest in maintaining safe, healthful and efficient working conditions for its employees. Therefore Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. is a Drug -Free Workplace. This policy is implemented pursuant to the drug -free workplace requirements under Florida Statute 440.102 and Administrative Rule 59A -24 of the State of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Being under the influence of a drug or alcohol on the job may pose serious safety and health risks not only to the user, but to all those who work with the user, as well as our customers. Maintaining a Drug -Free Workplace serves to reinforce the company's intolerance for illegal drug use and working under the influence. Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc.'s Drug -Free policy consists of three components: Post -Offer Drug Screen, Reasonable Cause Drug Screen and Post - Incident Drug Screen. This policy applies to all candidates for employment as well as all current employees. Confidentiality is maintained on all information, interviews, reports, statement memoranda, and drug test results, written or otherwise, received by Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. from a drug testing program. They are not used or received in evidence, obtained in discovery, or disclosed in any public or private proceedings, except in accordance with this rule or in determining compensability under Chapter 440, Florida Statues. The following are considered violations of the company's drug -free workplace policy and are subject to discipline, including termination or suspension from employment without pay and loss of Worker's Compensation benefits, even for the first offense: Refusing to take a company- required drug test POST -OFFER TESTING: Believing that accident prevention and a safe work environment begin with hiring, Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. is contracted with a licensed medical center to conduct applicable testing. Employment is conditional of pending results of the Drug Screen. 2695 NW 4th Street - Ocala, FL 34475 - www.ClimateControlFIDrida.com 888.711.4822 • 0:352.291.0185 • F:352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 • An InTec Company PROCEDURE: Any applicant Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. hires will be directed to the clinic, at the company's expense, to undergo a Post -Offer Drug Screen. The clinic will release the results to the Human Resources Department, who in turn will notify the candidate of the results. • Employees may confidentially report to the company's medical review officer (MRO) the use of prescription or nonprescription medications both before and after being tested. Additionally, employees and job applicants shall receive notice of the most common drugs or medication — by brand name or common name, as applicable, as well as by chemical name — which may alter or affect a drug test. CONSULTATION RIGHTS: Employees and applicants have the right to consult the company's Medical Review Officer (MRO) for technical information regarding prescription and nonprescription medications. CONSEOUENCE: In the event the results of the drug test are positive, the Medical Review Officer (MRO) will review the report and contact the applicant to determine if any extenuating circumstances, relevant at the time of the test, could have resulted in a false positive. The MRO will determine if the applicant will be re- tested. If any applicant tests positive for any non - prescribed illegal substance listed in Exhibit "A ", our company will withdraw the offer of employment. If any applicant refuses to submit to the test, our company will also withdraw the offer of employment. REASONABLE CAUSE TESTING: Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. reserves the right under all applicable laws to test any employee for alcohol and illegal drugs if the employee shows cause. PROCEDURE: If a supervisor, manager or lead person identifies a problem, she /he will ask another supervisor /manager /lead person to confirm the reasonable cause. Both persons will then decide jointly that reasonable suspicion exists and Human Resources will be contacted. The employee will be escorted to a private area where the supervisor /manager /lead person will speak to the person confidentially. The employee will be given a chance to explain. If after the explanation the supervisor /manager /lead person believes the employee is unfit to perform his /her duties, and reasonable 2695 NW 4th Street • Ocala, FL 34475 • www.ClimateControlFlorida.com 888.711.4822 • 0:352.291.0185 • F:352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 • An InTec Company suspicion for use of illegal drugs or alcohol still exists, the employee will be asked to go for a test. She /he will then be transported by Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. to the clinic. The clinic will perform a breath alcohol test along with a urine analysis for non - prescribed illegal drugs, We hold the right under the Drug Free Workplace Act to run a 5 panel, an 8 panel, and a 10 panel drug test. For a complete list please visit the US Department of Labor website. List provided below is set as an example of some of the drugs the company can test for. Exhibit A Amphetamines (Speed, pep pills) Benzodiazepines (Valium) Cocaine (including crack) Methaqualone (Qualudes) Opiates (Heroin) Phencyclidine (PCP) Barbiturates (Depressants) Cannabinoids (Marijuana) Methadone (Morphine) Porpoxyphen (Darvon) CONSEQUENCE: If the test comes back positive for illegal drugs the employee will be immediately terminated. If the test comes back positive for an alcohol level exceeding .02 it will be grounds for termination. If the test comes back negative, the employee will be compensated for time off and return to normal work activities. If an employee is using prescription or over -the- counter medication, it will be the Company's decision if the employee is to go back to normal work activities. If an employee refuses to submit to the test they will be considered insubordinate and it will be grounds for immediate termination. If an employee becomes hostile, law enforcement will be called in, and s /he will be considered insubordinate, which will be grounds for immediate termination. POST - INCIDENT TESTING: This policy applies to all Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. employees involved in a work - related or near miss incident. PROCEDURE: Any employees involved in a work - related or near miss incident must inform a supervisor immediately. If the incident involved property damage or requires 2695 NW 4th Street • Ocala, FL 34475 - www.C[imateContro(Florida.com 888.711.4822 - 0:352.291.0185 • F:352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 - An InTec Company medical attention, the employee will be directed to go to have the injury taken care of and to provide a urine sample as soon as possible following the accident. If possible, this testing will be in conjunction with medical treatment. The test results will be released to Human Resources. The urine analysis will test for the non - prescribed illegal drugs listed above. CONSEQUENCES: Any employee who tests positive for illegal substances will be terminated immediately. In addition, an employee who refuses to submit to the testing procedure will be considered insubordinate and will be grounds for immediate termination. Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. also recognizes that its own health and future depend on the physical and psychological health of its employees. Accordingly, Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. has established the following guidelines with regard to use, possession or sale of alcohol or drugs: • The manufacture, possession, use, distribution, sale, purchase, transfer of or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited while on Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. premises or while conducting business related activities of Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. • Employees will not be permitted to work while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Individuals that appear to be unfit for duty may be subject to a medical evaluation which may include drug or alcohol screening. Refusal to comply with a fitness for duty evaluation will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. • Off-the-job illegal drug use which could adversely affect an employee's job performance or could jeopardize the safety of other employees, the public or company facilities, or where such usage adversely affects customers or the public's trust in the ability of the company to carry out its responsibilities, will not be tolerated. Employees that are involved in or suspected to be involved in off-the-job drug activity will be considered in violation of this policy. 2695 NW 4th Street • Ocala, FL 34475 • www.ClimateControfFlorida.com 888.711.4822 • 0: 352291.0185 • F: 352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 • An IriTec Company • The legal use of prescribed drugs is permitted on the job only if it does not impair an employee's ability to perform the essential functions of the job effectively and in a safe manner that does not endanger other individuals in the workplace. Employees undergoing prescribed medical treatment with a controlled substance that may affect the safe performance of their duties are required to report this to Human Resources through their personal physician. A written notice must be given to the Human Resources Department of any prescription drug use containing a warning of any kind. Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. recognizes that alcoholism /drug abuse is a form of illness that is treatable in nature. The company will not discriminate against employees based on the nature of their illness. No employee shall have their job security threatened by their seeking of assistance for a substance abuse problem. The same consideration for referral and treatment that is afforded to other employees having non- drug /alcohol related illnesses shall be extended to them. If the employee in the course of employment enters an employee assistance program for drug related problems or a drug rehabilitation program, Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. will require the employee to submit to a drug test as a follow - up to such program, unless the employee voluntarily entered the program. In those cases, Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. has the option to not require follow -up testing. If follow -up testing is required, it must be conducted at least once a year for a two year period after completion of the program. Advance notice of a follow -up testing date must not be given to the employee tested. Upon successful completion of a program, the employee will be required to be drug tested every month for twelve months, at an approved testing facility and at the employee's expense. If the employee refuses or tests positive for any substance during this period, employment will terminate immediately and not be reinstated. If an employee re- offends the drug policy, it will be at the complete discretion of Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. as to the course of action to be taken. Under the Drug -Free Workplace Act, an employee who performs work for a government contract or grant must notify Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. of a criminal conviction for drug- related activity occurring in the workplace. The report must be made within five days of the conviction to the Human Resource Department, Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. require an employee to submit to a drug test if the test is conducted as part of a routinely scheduled fitness - for -duty 2695 NW 4th Street • Ocala, FL 34475 • www.ClimateControIFlorida.com 888.711.4822 • 0: 352.291.0185 • F: 352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 - An InTec Company medical examination that is part of the company's established policy or that is scheduled routinely for all employees. EMPLOYEE RIGHT TO CHALLENGE TEST RESULTS: An employee or job applicant who receives a positive confirmed test result may contest or explain the result to the medical review officer within 5 working days after receiving written notification of the test result; that if an employee's or job applicant's explanation or challenge is unsatisfactory to the medical review officer, the medical review officer shall report a positive test result back to the employer; and that a person may contest the drug test result pursuant to law or to rules adopted by the Agency for Health Care Administration. EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITY: When an employee undertakes a challenge to the result of a test, it shall be the employee's responsibility to notify the laboratory, and the sample shall be retained by the laboratory until the case is settled. Nothing in this policy is construed to prohibit the company from its responsibility to maintain a safe and secure work environment for its employees or from invoking such disciplinary actions as may be deemed appropriate for actions of misconduct arising out of the use or abuse of alcohol, drugs or both. Employees with questions on this policy or issues related to drug or alcohol use in the workplace should raise their concerns with Human Resources or Management without fear of reprisal. 2695 NW 4th Street , Ocala, FL 34475 • www.ClimateControlFlorida.com 888.711.4822 - 0: 352.291.0195 • F: 352.351.0219 • CMCO56921 - An InTec Company 7 I DATE (MMIDDNYYY) A� 2/3/2014 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pollcy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTACT Jessica Tries PRODUCER NAME: Lassiter -Ware Insurance of Ocala PH . (800) 845 -8437 F INC AX No: (sea) 8.03-8600 2011 SW 20th Place ADDRESS: je S S iCat @ laSSiterware. com Spite 101 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC a O cala FL 34474 f _ INSURERA-.Amerisure Insurance Com an 19488 - _ _ _- INSURED INSURER B Am erisure Mutual Insurance Ce . 339 Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. INSURERC: P.O. BOX 3038 INSURER D: INSURER E: Ocala FL 34478 INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATENUMBER:13 /14 Climate REVISION NUMBER. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN OR CONDITION OF ANY Issutu I CONTRACT Inc avaurtcu OR OTHER imnm nuv I w" ,, . • •---- DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. R LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF JMWoD1YYYYJ POLICY XP IMMIOD LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY FACH OCCURRENCE S 1, 00 000 O AGE TO RENTED PREMISES Ea ccurrence S 300, 000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 9/1/2013 9/1/2014 MEDEXP (Any one person) $ 10,000 A CLAIMS .00CUR X CPP2083926 PERSONAL& AOV INJURY $ 1+000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMPlOP AGG $ 2 ,000, 000 GENT AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: $ POLICY X PRO- LOC COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Ea accident 1,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BODIt Y INJURY (Per person) $ A X ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED X 083927 9/1/2013 9/1/2014 BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE ( Per acc -. $ AUTOS AUTOS X X NON -OWNED HIRED AUTOS AUTOS Personal In ProlecBOn $ 1(), 000 X UMBRELLA LIAB X I OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 7,000,000 AGGREGATE $ 7,000,000 B EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE U2083928 9/1/2013 9/1/2014 $ X7RFTENTION$ DIED WC STATU- OTH- WORKERS COMPENSATION L E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE NIA E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYE $ OFFICER/MEMBEREXCLUDED7 (Mandatory In NH) II es, desaibe under DESCR IPTION OF OPERATION below _ E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $ _ • Leased /Rented Equipment CPP2083926 9/1/2013 911/2014 Llmlt:/Oeductlble: 200 ,000/1,000 • Installation PP2083926 9/1/2013 /1/2014 LImILIDoduoOble: 300,000/1,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS !VEHICLES { Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, If more space Is required) insured for operations under the terms and conditions of The certificate holder is an additional premises the general liability & auto policies with respects to work being performed by the named insured as required by written contract. This insurance shall be primary and non - contributory. The Workers Compensation policy contains a Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the certificate holder. Cancellation: Thirty (30) day's notice except for Ten (10) day's notice for non - payment of premium. FICA City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 -2258 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE on R. Dennis /JESSTA ��°�• p n ��� °� ACORD 25 (2010105) INS025 (mirimi m ©1988.2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. Th. ArlrlpA l - -4— of ACApr% _ CLIMATE OP ID: N9 ACU DATE(MMIDDIYYYY) `M� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 02103/14 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. Inla CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CO TACT PRODUCER 352 - 732 -5010 NAM - - - -- Fax Brown & Brown Insurance 352 - 732 -5344 PHONE Arc No) 1720 SE 16th Avenue, Suite 301 Arc N E' E -MAIL Ocala, FL 34471 -4620 ADDRESS: - Doug Weaver, AAl INSURER AFFORDING COVERAGE NA1C# INS URER A: FFVA Mutual Insurance Com 10365 INSURED Climate Control Mechanical INSU Services Inc. IN SURER C : -- 2695 NW 4th St INSURER q Ocala, FL 34475 INSURER E INSURER F: nnVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: c THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTEU BELUw rtrivm "MIN OF ANY IDOvG CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT -- -- - WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES- LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. EXCLUSIONS -- - - - -- — _ - -- -- ADDL SUB POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS INSR LTR, TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER MMIDD MMIDD EACH OCCURRENCE $ ''.. GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TO RE TED PREMISES Ea occur enoe)__ CO_ MMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY MED EXP (Any one person) 5 7 CLAIMS - MADE D OCCUR PE B ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMPlOP AGG E GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: $ POLICY PRO LOC COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Ea accident BODILY INJURY (Per person) 5 ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTOS _ N ON -OWNED Per accldent — $ HIRED AUTOS AUTOS EACH OCCURRENCE UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE — AGGREGATE S _ $ — — DED RETENTION X WC STATUS WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY X C84000243922013A 05/22/13 05/22114 O TH- E,L E ACH ACCIDENT $ 1 ,000,000 A ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVE �- OFFICERJMEMBER EXCLUDED? [IV N/A E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE S 1,000,00( F.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,00 - (Mandatory In NH) II yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS 1 VEHICLES (Attach ACORO 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, If more apace Is required) Waiver of subrogation is applicable in favor of the City of Ocoee for the Workers Compensation policy as required by written contract /agreement. I City of Ocoee ( 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 ACORD 25 (2010/05) OCOEECI SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988 -2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD