Chairman McKey called the meeting to order at 7:25 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City
Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Vice -Chair Laney led the Invocation and Chairman
McKey led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the roll was called and a quorum was declared.
PRESENT: Chairman McKey, Vice -Chair Laney, and Member Alcuri. Also present were Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Nylander and Recording Clerk Garza.
ABSENT: Member Ball (unexcused), Member Yost (excused), Member Santana (unexcused),
and Member Zielinski (excused).
Approval of Minutes from the October 24, 2013 Meetinjz
Discussed after Activity Report.
Election of Chairperson for 2014, Election of Vice - Chairperson for 2014, and election of
Treasurer for 2014
Vice -Chair Laney made a motion to table the Off cer Elections to the next meeting seconded by
Member Alcuri. Motion passed unanimouslv.
Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated the Police Department held a S.A.F.E. class on January 15
for a group of women in the Wesmere Community and it was one of the largest classes hosted,
with up to almost 30 participants. These classes were being held every other month but are now
held upon request and are taking place more frequently thanks to Officer Patera Scott who has
the program up and running. The gun safety classes are not being held right now and the Police
Department is exploring what are the options for the future.
Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
Tabled to the next meeting.
Anti - Bullying Campailln
Tabled to the next meeting.
Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
Tabled to the next meeting.
Update on Founders' Day
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by saying this is the first year one of our Sergeants,
Sergeant Bacon, or better known as Sgt. Alexander, cooked and was serving chocolate covered
bacon, bacon - wrapped hotdogs and bacon - wrapped chicken kabobs. All the food was sold and
the profits are to benefit the Police Department's Toys for Kids in Need Program.
CACOPD Meeting
January 23, 2014
Update on Poker Run
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated Chairman McKey was present at the Poker Run event and in
spite of the bad weather, it was a successful event.
Update on Dodge ball
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated this was also a successful event; the West Orange Times had
a picture of the winning team and the best costume winners. All proceeds go to benefit the City
of Ocoee Police Department's toy drive. Also, Texas Roadhouse held a fund - raiser to benefit the
toy drive in which they donated 15 percent of all proceeds, from 5:00 PM until closing on one
day, which amounted up to $500 in donations, to the toy program. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander
continued by saying he just came from a Spring Fling meeting and this event will be taking place
earlier in the year, March 6 ". Vice -Chair Laney continued by saying this is the last meeting the
CACOPD will have before this event and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by saying he
does not know the exact times but most likely it will take place from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM or
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM; the Police Department will be present, along with other City
Departments, to fingerprint, pass out gun safety pamphlets and other freebies. Also, the Florida
Highway Patrol will demonstrate a roll -over crash. Volunteers are always needed. Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Nylander added that as far as other events taking place during the first quarter of
2014, discussions have begun regarding the Citizen's Police academy and he will be sending the
information to the board as soon as it is available if anyone needs to attend. Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander informed the board of the Police Department's new Deputy Chief, Deputy Chief Ted
Silberstein, who began in December of 2013; currently, there is an opening for a Lieutenant
position, for which applications closed yesterday. This will also allow openings for the positions
of Sergeant and Corporal as the promotions take place; Chairman McKey added he would like
to invite Deputy Chief Silberstein to the next meeting. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued
by saying officer training is ongoing and the current phase involves firearms training; the
training takes place in three to four week cycles until a subject is completed.
Volunteer Prolzram
Tabled to the next meeting.
Update on Promotional CACOPD Video
Tabled to the next meeting.
Member Alcuri stated he received an email from Madeleine concerning the budget for this
fiscal year and it is $6000. Chairman McKey added he saw the email and thought it was a typo
in the email because all the other boards get $1000. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by
saying he believes it is $1000, which is used to purchase the gift cards and Chair McKey added
he would like to use it to purchase an electronic fingerprinting machine that can be used at the
Spring Fling and other events and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander agreed to look into it. Also, he
informed the board that the robot needs to be repaired because some of the kids play rough with
it. Discussions ensued regarding the robot. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by adding
that the board may want to consider donating candy towards the Operation Santa event because
the money to buy the candy comes from the Fire Department but all proceeds go to the Police
Department's toy drive. Discussions ensued. Chairman McKey added that the call box outside
the Police Station is broken, asked if it should be fixed immediately, and requested Staff - Liaison
Sgt. Nylander ask Chief Charles Brown. Chairman McKey asked Member Alcuri if he was
aware of the possibility of the Ocoee Fire Department becoming Orange County Fire Rescue and
CACOPD Meeting
January 23, 2014
the problems it may bring to which Member Alcuri replied that Orange County dispatches for
Ocoee Fire Department and he knows this is a touchy subject. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander
stated he will verify the CACOPD's budget and will let the board members know. Vice -Chair
Laney asked about the Spring Fling event to which Chairman McKey replied that the Police
Department and the Explorers will have tents and tables set up and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander
asked for volunteers. Vice -Chair Laney and Chairman McKey requested Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander email the other board members to stop by and help for an hour.
Quarterly Award for Officer, Officer of the Year Award, Civilian of the Year Award, and
Volunteer of the Year Award
Vice -Chair Laney made a motion to elect the only nominee for Volunteer of the Year 2013
Award, seconded by Chairman McKey. Motion passed unanimously.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander revealed the name of the nominee for Volunteer of the Year 2013
Award as Sue Gailit, and he continued by saying she has been a volunteer for eight (8) years
with the Explorer Program.
Vice -Chair Laney made a motion to select the two civilians in Nomination # 1 for Civilian of the
Year 2013 Award, seconded by Chairman McKey. Motion passed unanimously.
Member Alcuri voiced he likes Nomination # 1 and Nomination # 6 for Officer of the Quarter
2013 Award. Vice Chair Laney also states she likes Nomination # 1 because this person went
above and beyond, even using his own money and Member Alcuri continued by saying this
Officer also spent a lot of his personal time in this project gathering the information. Chairman
McKey also added that Nomination # 6 is a good one.
Member Alcurri made a motion to select the Officer in Nomination # 1 for Officer of the Fourth
Quarter 2013 Award, seconded by Vice -Chair Laney. Motion passed unanimously.
Chairman McKey reminded everyone the winner of Officer of the Quarter 2013 just now
selected is also a nominee for the Officer of the Year 2013 Award.
Member Alcuri states he likes the Officer in Nomination # 4 because he has taken on a lot of
responsibilities, additional roles and excelled at it. Vice Chair Laney voiced she likes the
Officer in Nomination # 2, who was the winner of Officer of the Second Quarter 2013,
pertaining to the bridge in Oakland. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander reminded the board members
this award includes the whole year. Chairman McKey asked Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander if
any of the nominees have had any disciplinary action to which he replied no. Discussions
ensued. Member Alcuri reiterated the fact that the Officer in Nomination # 4 excelled in
activities throughout the year; discussions ensued.
Member Alcuri made a motion to select the Officer in Nomination 44 for Officer of the Year
2013, seconded by Chairman McKey. Motion passed unanimously.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander revealed the names of the Nominees. The winner of Officer of the
Third Quarter 2013 is Officer Brian Harris, and the winner of the Officer of the Year 2013 is
Ofc. Patera Scott. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by saying Officer Scott has completed
several schools and is now a certified voice stress analyst and will be attending crime prevention
CACOPD Meeting
January 23, 2014
school very soon. He continued by revealing the names of the winners of the Civilian of the
Year 2013 Award as Kathryn Fusco and Elizabeth McKeever, both Records Technicians. The
other nominee for Civilian of the Year is Wendi Cady. He also revealed the names of the other
nominees for Officer of the Year 2013 Award as follows: Officer David Ogletree, winner of the
Officer of the Second Quarter 2013, was the Officer in Nomination # 2; Officer Eric Edwards,
winner of Officer of the Third Quarter 2013, was the Officer in Nomination #1; Officer Daniel
Schilling, winner of the Officer of the First Quarter 2013, was the Officer in Nomination #3;
Detectives Michelle Grogan and Detective Sean Walsh are the Officers in Nomination # 5,
Sergeant Mark Olson in the Officer in Nomination # 6, Detective Loretta Ganoe is the Officer in
Nomination # 7. Chairman McKey asked if the Civilians of the Year 2013 will be getting gift
cards as well to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied yes; all winners will and he
continued by saying the Awards will be presented probably during the second Commission
Meeting in February but he will advise of the date. Vice Chair Laney added it is on February
18, 2014. She also added that even though most of the items on today's agenda were tabled she
wanted to inform the board members that the Fat Boy Chronicles Movie had been a success and
wanted to thank everyone who showed up, and Monday was the best day as far as attendance.
She continued by saying she will send Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander and email with information
regarding child - safety cards that can be passed out during the Spring Fling event. Discussions
Activity Report
Discussed after Approval of the CACOPD Minutes for October 24, 2013.
Approval of CACOPD Minutes for October 24, 2013
Vice -Chair Laney made a motion to accept the minutes for October 24, 2013, seconded by
Member Alcuri. Motion passed unanimously.
Activity Report
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated he brought the activity report for October 1 to December 31
for the board members to look at and it provides and approximate number of occurrences for the
different crimes. He added there is nothing major happening at this time and Chairman McKey
stated the cameras in his neighborhood are operating at this time. Staff Liaison Sgt. Nylander
added there is one gambling violation in the report but is not sure what it is. Chairman McKey
states he knows the Ocoee Police Officers are very proactive in deterring crime to which Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Nylander added there were over 2180 area checks conducted during this time
frame. He continued by saying there are four new officers that just started on the road on
December 31, 2013 and that the Ocoee Police Department is almost full- staffed, except for one
full time opening. There is one Auxiliary Officer and three Reserve Officers and there will be
another Reserve Officer opening available as well.
Set Next Agenda
A. Deputy Chief Silberstein Meet and Greet
B. Election of Chairperson for 2014
C. Election of Vice - chairperson for 2014
D. Election of Treasurer for 2014
E. Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
F. Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
CACOPD Meeting
January 23, 2014
G. Anti - Bullying Campaign
H. Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
I. Update on Spring Fling
J. Volunteer Program
K. Update on Promotional CACOPD video
L. Quarterly Award for Officer
M. Activity Report
N. Set Next Agenda
Vice -Chair Laney stated she will be sending the email regarding the child- safety cards and will
contact the non -profit organization that provides these to come and participate at the Spring Fling
to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied they are welcome to attend but they need to fill
out an application with the City to do so.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Madeleine Garza, Recording Clerk
Rob McKey, Chairman