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May 6, 2014, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Grogan. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Johnson, and Commissioner Keller.
Proclamations — National Water Safety Month
Mayor Vandergrift proclaimed May 2014 as National Water Safety Month.
Procla mation - r
ciation Week — May 5 th —
Mayor Vandergrift proclaimed the week of May 5 — 9 t ' as Teacher Appreciation Week.
Proclamation - Peace Officers Memorial Day — May 15 & National Police Week — May l l th —
Mayor Vandergrift proclaimed May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day, and the week of
May 11"' — 17"' as National Police Week.
Police Chief Charles Brown informed the cormmission of the Orange County Memorial for
fallen officers to be held on Thursday, at 7:30 P.M. at the Orange County Court House.
Presentation of Col lected Birthday Party Funds to Police Chief Brown to be Used for the
Police Ex plorers and the Police Department's Children Education Programs - Cheryl King
and Noah Hall -Kind
Noah Hall -King presented to the police department $1,650 that was collected from his birthday
party. Police Chief Brown stated the donated funds will be used for the police department's
summer education programs for children. To recognize Noah Hall -King for
efforts, Police Chief Brown presented to him the Chiefs Special Award and
Chief Ted Silberstein offered a goody bag.
his outstanding
Deputy Police
Fiscal Year 2013 Audit Results and CAFR Presentation - Elden McDirmit, CPA
Elden McDirmit, CPA with McDirmit Davis and Company, LLC, offered the commission the
CAFR presentation and the Fiscal Year 2013 audit results. He spoke briefly on the following:
• Transmittal letter describes major initiatives such as reducing impact fees and granting ad valorem tax
exemptions for economic development in 2013.
• The City received the Certificate of Achievement for 2012 report.
• The City is in compliance with laws & regulations and no deficiencies in internal control.
• The management letter says there are no current prior comments and the City is in compliance.
• Assets exceed liabilities by $177 million.
• 73% is net investment in capital assets. 7% is in restricted net assets and 20% is unrestricted net assets.
• Debt decreased by $2.2 million. Two revenue notes were refunded in 2013, resulting in over $1.6 million in
savings to the City.
• Fund balance in the General Fund is $7.9 million.
• General Fund revenues were $926,000 more than budget due to increase in building permits and sales tax
revenue; General Fund expenditures were $1.9 million less than budget due to debt service savings.
Regular City Commission
May 6, 2014
• Water /wastewater fund had $200,553 increase in net position in 2013 from capital contributions from
• With regard to the City's financial condition, some indicators were inconclusive as the City refunded some
debt in 2013 affecting total expenditures. The debt refundings will save thousands of dollars in interest.
• The indicator for intergovernmental revenue to total revenue was unfavorable as these revenues are based on
formulas that contain a population element. The City should have a contingency plan in the event those
revenues are reduced or discontinued.
• The General Employees' Pension is funded at 81.66 %. As it is below the benchmark, the rating is inconclusive.
• The indicator for ratio of governmental fund balance to revenue is favorable as the City budgeted to spend
down fund balance for construction of the Lakeshore Center, but sales tax and building permit revenues were
higher than budgeted. This offset most of the budgeted amount.
• The assessment did not indicate the City's overall financial condition is deteriorating.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired from Mr. McDirrnit if refunding of debt means to refinance the
debt. Mr. McDirmit answered in the affirmative.
Mayor Vandergrift said, without objection, the CAFR presentation and audit report
is accepted.
Commissioner Grogan thanked City Manager Frank and Finance Director Horton for their
efforts in keeping the City in good financial condition.
Vania Colina spoke on behalf of the Rotary Club of Ocoee and requested that Rotary meetings
be held at Lakeshore Center. She continued by saying the Rotary Club meets on Wednesday
mornings at 7;30 A.M. and meeting duration is approximately one hour. Commissioner Grogan
stated that rules should be in order, specifically, that paying customers should come first. The
commissioner opined that Staff could look into this and set rules. City Manager Frank
informed the commission that non -civic groups requested the use of the Lakeshore Center on a
regular basis, and are looking for a discount if they buy days to use in bulk. City Manager
Frank stated that these requests will require the City to address them. Commissioner Wilsen
stated the commission commented on this in a previous discussion, and at that time it was
decided that the use of the Lakeshore Center would not be offered for free. As an alternative, the
commissioner suggested the use of the Withers- Maguire House. She asked if the commission
would be agreeable to allowing the Rotary Club to use the Withers- Maguire House at no charge.
Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes stated he will get with members of the Rotary Club
to establish a schedule for the use of the Withers - Maguire House.
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to allow the
Rotary Club of Ocoee to use the Withers - Maguire House for regular meetings at
no charge, with Staff review in six months. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Keller commented that he is in favor of establishing rules for the use of the
Lakeshore Center. City Manager Frank stated that as there are pending requests from non- civic
groups to use the Lakeshore Center, and if the commission could discuss offering a discount to
these groups, and then Staff will bring forward policies regarding the use at a future commission
meeting. Discussion ensued regarding the many requests the City has received to use the
Lakeshore Center. Commissioner Wilsen commented that in a previous discussion, there was
Regular City Commission
May 6, 2014
commission consensus that no discounts were to be offered. City Manager Frank stated that the
Lakeshore Center does not have a high volume Monday through Thursday, and could offer a
reduced rate. The commission requested that City Manager Frank bring forward a plan of action
for discounts and rules regarding the use of the Lakeshore Center.
Martha Lopez - Anderson inquired from the commission the status of the Strategic Planning
Meeting that was held on April 12, 2014. City Manager Frank stated that a follow -up meeting
will be scheduled within the next two weeks, and will confirm the availability of the
commission. Martha Lopez- Anderson commented that too much time has gone by between
meetings, and the process should also include the citizens of Ocoee. She asked the commission
to consider this for future meetings. She also inquired when the City's website will be in working
order. City Manager Frank responded that Support Services Director Al Butler is not here to
comment on the website, but Assistant City Manager Shadrix can address that question.
Commissioner Johnson explained the first Strategic Planning Meeting was for staff and
commission, and generally follow -up meetings, citizens are invited. Discussion ensued regarding
public participation in the Strategic Planning Meeting. After lengthy discussion, Commissioners
Grogan, Johnson and Keller were in favor of holding the first Strategic Planning Meeting with
commission and staff. Mayor Vandergrift asked City Manager Frank to provide the
commission with the information from the Visioning Workshop held approximately five years
ago. City Manager Frank confirmed he would.
Assistant City Manager Craig Shadrix provided the commission with a brief update regarding
the City's website. The City has invested in infrastructure to manage the new platform; currently
each department is creating requirements and content to be uploaded to the new platform. This
should be complete within the next few months. Civic Plus will be used to manage the new
website. Mr. Shadrix also stated that the Strategic Planning Meeting consultant, Mr. La Rue,
will provide a report. Mayor Vandergrift requested a copy of the report when available.
Commissioner Grogan inquired if the City's IT Department is now fully staffed. Mr. Shadrix
stated a position has been filled. City Manager Frank stated the department has recently hired a
part -time employee; however, he will become full -time.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired if the City's newsletter could be published on a monthly basis
instead of quarterly. Discussion ensued regarding creating a position within the City to help
create the monthly newsletter.
Commissioner Wilsen commented that the newsletter could be on the front page of the website
in combination with current activities. Commissioner Keller suggested discussing this matter
around budget time as there will be a cost. Mayor Vandergrift suggested adding the newsletter
to the water bill or e- mailing it. Discussion ensued regarding Ocoee's publicity in the West
Orange Times. Commissioner Wilsen suggested the City submit articles, pictures, etc. to the
West Orange Times.
Mayor Vandergrift moved that the City publish an e- newsletter. The motion died
for lack of a second.
Regular City Commission
May 6, 2014
Stephen Polacheck with Standard Pacific Homes, developer and builder for Arden Park,
attended to inform the commission of the Arden Park 5K Run n' Bark Festival. Mr. Polacheck
invited the City to be included as a sponsor without any cost to the City. The event will be held
on the West Orange Trail and on their four acre Homestead Park.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to co- sponsor
the Arden Park 5K Run and Bark Festival at no charge to the City.
Commissioner Keller inquired regarding the cost to co- sponsor the event. Mr. Polacheck
explained that it is at no cost to the City.
Motion carried 5 -0.
- --------- - - - - --
City Manager Frank briefly announced that there is one Emergency Item for emergency repairs
to the Maguire Road Bridge over Florida's Turnpike. The bridge was struck by an over height
vehicle traveling on the Turnpike, damaging several of the beams. There is a bid for $47,000; a
claim will be filed with the insurance company for reimbursement.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to approve the
emergency item for repairs to the Maguire Road Bridge over Florida's Turnpike in
the amount of $47,000. Motion carried 5 -0.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired why this is an emergency item if the City has known about this.
City Manager Frank explained the City just recently received the cost for the repairs. Mayor
Vandergrift inquired if there was an investigation. City Manager Frank stated one was
conducted, but resulted in no information.
City Manager Frank announced the Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting its
monthly Food Truck Friday event on Friday, May 16th, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. on Lakeshore
Drive, in Bill Breeze Park. Food trucks will be offering gourmet food and delectable treats, and
the movie "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2" will be shown during the event; the movie will
start at 8:30 p.m., so come out and enjoy a dinner and a movie in the park.
Commissioner Keller — The police department will be holding the Handgun Safety Class on
Saturday, May 24, 2014, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This is a free handgun safety class taught
by Ocoee Police Officers. 'Topics include terminology, safety, loading and unloading, shooting
basics, laws, use of force, concealed weapon permits and proficiency. The class is held at the
Ocoee Police Department. If interested please contact Officer Patera Scott at 407- 905 -3160 ext.
3024 or at Ratera.scott(aboc
Commissioner Wilsen — 1) The Rotary Club of Ocoee will be hosting a poker tournament on
Friday, May 9, 2014, at the Ison Senior Center. For more information, please contact
Commissioner Wilsen. 2) The Memorial Day Ceremony will be held on Friday, May 23, 2014,
from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Bill Breeze Park.
Regular City Commission
May 6, 2014
Commissioner Grogan — 1) The Ocoee Family Aquatic Facility opened for the 2014 season on
Saturday, May 3rd. 2) City residents may begin registering for the Parks and Recreation
Department's popular swimming lesson program on Saturday, May 10th from 10:00 am. to 5:00
pm. Non - resident registration will begin May 17th from 9:30am to 5:00pm. For more
information contact the Beech Recreation Center at 407 - 905 -3180 or visit the City's webpage at
www.ocoee.or .
Commissioner Johnson -- None
Commissioner Wilsen asked to pull Item #2 from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Keller made a motion to
approve Consent Agenda Items #1 -8, excluding Item #2 which was pulled for
discussion and separate vote. Motion Carried 4 -0, with Mayor Vandergrift away
from the dais.
1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting Held April 15, 2014. (City
Clerk Eikenberry)
Approved on Consent. Motion Carried 4 -0, Mayor Vandergrift away from the dais.
2. Human Relations Diversity Board Appointments; Consideration of Reappointment of
Four Current Members. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
The terms of Members Barbara Boudokhane, Ira Calloway, Nichole Dawkins and Morgan Curry will expire on May
2014. All four Members have indicated an interest in being considered for reappointment for another term ending May
2017. From 2012 -2013 Member Boudokhane attended 14 of 18 meetings, Member Calloway attended 15 of 17
meetings, Member Dawkins attended 13 of 19 meetings, and Member Curry attended 12 of 21. Staff is recommending
that the City Commission consider the reappointments of Members Barbara Boudokhane, Ira Calloway, Nichole
Dawkins and Morgan Curry to the Human Relations Diversity Board with term ending May 2017.
This Item was pulledJrom the Consent Agenda discussion by Commissioner Wilsen.
Commissioner Wilsen advised that the HRDB Chair, Jennifer Hopkins, had concerns with
regard to Member Curry. Ms. Hopkins stated that his attendance has been poor and his conduct
at the last meeting he attended is inappropriate and not in keeping to the board's expectations.
She recommended that he not be reappointed at this time and allow him to reapply for the board
at a later time when he is able to demonstrate a higher level of commitment. Commissioner
Johnson asked if this had been discussed with the entire board. He felt that one person should
not be able to appeal to the commission and result in a volunteer leaving the board. 11 felt he
should be sent a letter and given an opportunity to correct his attendance and conduct. Ms.
Hopkins noted that the board does not vote on its membership; they have guidelines regarding
conduct, attendance, volunteering for board sponsored events, etc. She added that when he is
absent, he does not call and advise the Clerk's Office. There was discussion with regard to the
process by which Mr. Curry could reapply for the board.
Commissioner Wilsen made a motion to reappoint members HRDB Members
Boudokhane, Calloway, and Dawkins, and to specifically not reappoint Member
Curry unless he wishes to reapply and have the Commission consider his
appointment at a later date. Motion carried 4 -0, with Mayor Vandergrift away from
the dais.
Regular City Commission
May 6, 2014
3. Approval of Contract B14 -01 - Change Order No. 1 for Peach Lake Manor Phases 3, 4
& 5. (Public Works Director Krug)
The City Commission awarded the Peach Lake Manor Project Phases 3, 4 & 5 to Dewitt Excavating, Inc.
(Dewitt) on December 3, 2013. This project incorporates drainage improvements on Sal Street, Jemima
Avenue, Lady Avenue and portions of Mona and Maureen Avenues. As the project progressed, Dewitt and
Public Works discovered a discrepancy between contract bid quantities and the actual field quantities required
per the contract plans in certain pipe and concrete items. The appropriated budget for this phase of construction
was based on the contract plan quantities. This change order will conform contract quantities with the actual
field quantities required to complete the project as projected in the budget. The adjustment in quantities is made
at the contract unit prices. No additional contract time is required for the change order.
Public Works recommends approving Contract B 14 -01 Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $219,691.50, with
Dewitt Excavating, Inc. This change order will provide a new contract price of $1,487,153.56 which remains
below the budget /Engineer's estimate of $1,516.000.00. The change order is adequately funded in the
Stormwater budget.
Approved on Consent. Motion Carried 4 -0, with Mayor Vandergrift away from the dais.
4. Approval to Reject all Bids for 9B14 -02 Lift Station #10 Relocation & Replacement;
and Lift Station #9 Removal Project. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The City intended to award a contract for the Lift Station #10 Relocation & Replacement; and Lift Station #9
Removal Project. The bid was publicly advertised on January 12, 2014, and opened on February 11, 2014.
There was a total of three (3) bids received ranging from $519,884.89 to $712,535.00.
The Utilities and Finance Departments reviewed all bids received. Staff recommends rejecting all bids due to
the low bid exceeding the remaining available budget amount of $337,470.75 by $182,414.14; and due to value
engineering of the plans and the need to add 280 feet of gravity main to the work has resulted in significant
changes to the scope of work, per recommendation from Charles Smith, Utilities Director. Staff considers it to
be in the best interest of the City to re -bid this project with the revised scope of work and plans.
Approved on Consent Motion Carried 4 -0, with Mayor Vandergrift away from the dais.
5. Award of RFP #14 -003 -R Air Conditioning & Heating Maintenance Term Contract.
(Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
'The City's current air conditioning and heating maintenance term contract with Apple Air Conditioning and
Heating Inc. expired January 5, 2014. The cost of the previous contract for maintenance was $9,000 annually.
In compliance with the City of Ocoee Purchasing Code Chapter 21, proposals were solicited from qualified
and licensed contractors to provide the necessary services for scheduled and emergency repair, and installation
of air conditioning and heating systems throughout the City. The Contract requires the Contractor to provide
maintenance services for all Air Conditioning & Heating units, Ice Machines, and Water Coolers City -wide.
The City intends to award the term contract to a single qualified and licensed contractor. The term contract
will be for three (3) years with two (2) one (1) year automatic renewal options. The contract labor rates may be
escalated up to 3% upon renewal of the contract each year. All other provisions of the contract shall remain
constant for the I ife of the contract.
The RFP evaluation committee meeting was held on April 10, 2014, with the Evaluation Committee evaluating
and short - listing the firms on specific evaluation criteria. The Evaluation Committee short- listed the following
firms in ranked order, and recommends contracting with the top ranked firm, Apple Air Conditioning and
Heating Inc. Staff recommends that the City Commission award the term contract for RFP #14 -003 -R City -
Wide Air Conditioning and Heating Maintenance Term Contract to Apple Air Conditioning and Heating Inc.
in the amount $9,000 for annual maintenance and hourly rates proposed for repairs and installations.
Approved on Consent. Motion Carried 4 -0, with Mayor Vandergrift away from the dais.
611)o c
Regular City Commission
May 6, 2014
6. Award of Bid #B14 -03 North Side Reclaimed Water Main Extension Phase 2.
(Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
In conformance with the policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee (City), bids were solicited from qualified
contractors to construct the North Side Reclaimed Water Main Extension Phase 2 (Project). All work for the
project shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared by CPH
Engineers, Inc. Bids shall be deemed to include all items necessary for the furnishing, delivering, and installing
Of all materials, equipment, incidentals, and services, including all labor, for the work.
The bid was publicly advertised on March 9, 2014, and opened on April 8, 2014. There was a total of ten (10)
bids received ranging from $328,965.00 to $563,109.50. All bids are available in the Finance Department for
review. The Utilities and Engineering Departments, CPH Engineers, and Finance Department reviewed all bids
received and all were considered responsive. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Tri -Sure Corporation as the
most responsive and responsible bidder. Staff recommends that the City Commission award Bid #B 14 -03 North
Side Reclaimed Water Main Extension Phase 2 project to Tri -Sure Corporation, in the amount of $328,965.00
and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute the required contract documents once the required
bonds and insurance are received. Staff also recommends that the City Manager be authorized to approve
change orders to this contract up to the limit of his purchasing authority for each change order, and up to the
budgeted amount for this project for all change orders.
Approved on Consent. Motion Carried 4 -0, with Mayor Vandergrift away from the dais.
7. Approval of Lift Stations #14, #21, #27 Wet Well Re -Pipe and Appurtenance
Replacement. (Utilities Director Smith)
The City of Ocoee's sewage collection system utilizes lift stations to collect and pump raw sewage from various
areas of the City to the wastewater treatment plant. These lift stations contain pumps, piping and valving of
various size. The majority of lift stations installed in Ocoee before 2012 utilized ductile iron pipe and fittings
inside and directly downstream of the lift station. Over a period of years, depending on the corrosiveness of the
wastewater being pumped and atmospheric conditions inside the wet well, the ductile iron pipes and fittings
deteriorate and fail. Failure of these pipes, fitting cause sewer service outages, and raw wastewater discharges.
In response to this problem, the City's Wastewater Engineering Standards have recently been revised to replace
ductile iron piping associated with lift stations wet wells to high- density polyethylene piping (HDPE). This
piping is nearly immune to the corrosive nature of lift station and sewage environments. The Utilities
Department's Lift Station ten (10) Year Maintenance Plan identifies and prioritizes sanitary manhole and lift
station rehabilitation. This work encompasses preventative and corrective maintenance issues for all 61 of the
City's lift stations. Prioritization is based on; condition of piping /valving, previous failures history, daily
volume of sewage pumped and critical nature of station.
There are three (3) lift stations identified and approved in the City's Fiscal Year 2013 -2014 Lift Station
Maintenance Program for wet well re- piping and appurtenance replacement. Staff is recommending the annual
maintenance and repairs to Lift Stations 414, #21, #27 using Darius Utilities utilizing (piggybacking) Danus'
continuing maintenance contract with Clermont (RFB #11 -015 Sanitary Sewer Manhole and Lift Station
Rehabilitation) in the amount of $64,000.00.
Approved on Consent. Motion Carried 4 -0 with Mayor Vandergrift away from the dais.
8. Approval of Trading in Old Holmatro Power Unit on Holmatro High- Pressure Lifting
Bags. (Interim Fire Chief Hoover)
The single hose Holmatro power unit is used for extrication and is the old back up unit that was replaced with a
new small back up unit this year. It was under advisement by Fleet Operations Manager, Bill Simmons, to
replace that unit almost three years ago due to maintenance issue. A new replacement pump was budgeted and
approved by the commission and purchased. This year's budget also included the replacement of aging air bags
which $8000.00 was budgeted for. The quote for the air bags came back $500.00 over what had been budgeted.
After soliciting different vendors, South Florida Emergency Vehicles, was the only one who was willing to give
a trade in value for the pump because the market is flooded with them and there is no demand for that particular
model. Staff is recommending trading in old Holmatro power unit on Holmatro high pressure lifting bags and
requesting the Commission to declare the item surplus so that it can be traded toward the purchase of the new
Aooroved on Consent. Motion Carried 4 - 0, with Mayor Vandergrift away from the dais.
Regular City Commission
May 6, 2014
9. Second Reading of Ordinance on Limited Income Seniors Additional Homestead
Exemption. (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel on Monday, April 21, 2014). (City
Manager Frank)
Florida Statute 196.075 allows for additional homestead exemptions for persons 65 and older. In accordance
with this statue, municipalities can adopt an ordinance allowing for additional homestead exemptions up to
$50,000 for any person who has the legal or equitable title to real estate and maintains thereon the permanent
residence of the owner, who has attained age 65, and whose household income does not exceed $27,994 (2014).
The City currently has set the additional homestead exemption threshold at $25,000.
City Manager Frank said he was directed to bring this to the Commission for consideration.
Staff calculated the net reduction in ad valorem revenues to be approximately $30,000. This
would be an additional $25,000 property tax homestead exemption, applicable to all line items
on the tax bill except the school board fees, and only for low income seniors age 65 and over,
with an income less than $27,994.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance.
Ted Williams, 2155 Hedgerow Circle, requested support for this ordinance. He noted that Ocoee
is the only city in Orange County that does not currently have this additional exemption. He
explained that he and his wife had planned for a comfortable retirement, but with his wife's
illness and subsequent death, he has nothing left but his social security check. He would
appreciate this ordinance being passed.
R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., said that he believes he qualifies for this exemption and
wanted to know how to make sure he gets it. City Manager Frank and Mayor Pro Tern
Johnson explained that we will notify that Tax Collector's Office and the Property Appraiser's
Office that this ordinance has been adopted and residents will need to reapply for their
homestead exemption to include this additional exemption.
Commissioner Wilsen noted that this will apply to the City of Ocoee line on your tax bill only.
Many people think that we can change things on their entire tax bill, but there are several taxing
authorities their decisions only affect the one line.
Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Keller made a motion to
adopt Ordinance No. 2014 -007, approving the Limited Income Seniors Additional
Homestead Exemption. Motion Carried 4 -0, with Mayor Vandergrift away from the
The ordinance as adopted on second reading carries the following title:
ORDINANCE NO. 2014 -007
Regular City Commission
May 6, 2014
10. Presentation and Direction for Septic Tank Maintenance Program. (Utilities Director
One of the Utilities Department's frequent inquiries is based on a customer's septic tank failing and the City's
plans for central sewer adjacent to their property. Further discussion predominately centers on forgotten or
overlooked maintenance of a tank that lead to a failed drain field.
To address this issue and provide a better service to City customers, Utilities staff is recommending the
establishment of a Septic Tank Maintenance Program. The voluntary program would cause the routinely
pumping of a septic tank on a three (3) year cycle for participating customers. Participants will also be able to
obtain emergency service(s) at a reduced rate. A customer electing to enter the program will be subject to a
monthly fee and a deposit with an initial enrollment in the program limited to City utility customers.
Utilities Director Smith gave a PowerPoint presentation for the Septic Tank Maintenance
Program. He stated this program is being proposed for residences only; it could be extended later
if we wish to do that. He said for approximately $7 per month, residents can voluntarily be in
this program which would create a routine 3 -year pumping cycle of their septic tank. If the
program is very successful and 2000 -3000 people sign up, the cost should go down a few dollars
per month. He explained that the customers would have to pay an initial deposit and they would
have to have industry- standard septic tanks to be a part of this program. Mr. Smith said that this
is not an insurance or repair program; it doesn't guarantee that the septic tanks will continue nor
does it provide any warranty. He said the City will not do any repair services, consulting
services, or replacements. There will be a list of preferred vendors for those issues with whom
we hope to negotiate a better price for our residents. The residents will have the freedom to use
one of them or get someone from outside. He noted the timeline for the program. He said they
could have enrollment starting January of next year and begin pumping in February. He further
discussed plans for public education for septic tank customers, fee establishment, selection of
contractors and service providers, and development of a customer's contract. He said the
procurement process should occur in September, where it would go through the bid process.
Staff has completed two surveys; we have the information in the agenda packet. Vendor costs for
pumping ranged from $150 - $300 per pump. He does not believe there would be any changes in
staff until they get above 750 people on board. At that time they may need a part time staff
person to track this. He discussed some improvements that may need to be done to the digester if
there were more than 500 customers in the program and that much addition spoil was being
dumped. Commissioner Johnson said he thinks this is a good idea and told Mr. Smith he
appreciated him bringing this program forward. He added that most people just forget to
maintain their septic tank which causes costly repairs or failures. Utilities Director Smith noted
that he does not believe there are any other cities in the area doing this. At this time he would
like to keep it limited to residential Ocoee customers, but if the program is successful it could be
broadened to include areas such as Rose Hill, etc.
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, made a motion to
direct staff to move forward with the Septic Tank Maintenance Program. Motion
carried 5 -0.
Mayor Vandergrift asked about a timeline to section off the city start adding sewer systems
similar to what we are doing with reuse. Mr. Smith explained that a component of the western
transmission line will include sewer in the downtown area. Other residential areas are not
financially practical at this time due to huge costs to the city and homeowners.
Regular City Commission
May 6, 2014
Commissioner Grogan - Reminded residents that the Ocoee Family Aquatic Facility opened for
the 2014 season on Saturday, May 3` City residents may begin registering for the Parks and
Recreation Department's popular swimming lesson program on Saturday, May 10th from 10:00
am. to 5:00 pm. Non - resident registration will begin May 17th from 9:30am to 5:00pm. For more
information contact the Beech Recreation Center at 407 - 905 -3180 or visit the City's webpage at
www.ocoee.or .
Commissioner Wilsen — 1) a meeting with the vice - president of the company that owns the
West Oaks Mall was recently attended by approximately 60 people, mostly from district 2. She
would like have another meeting, and would like the City Manager's Office to coordinate the
second meeting. The vice - president of the company suggested holding another meeting at
Borders Bookstore. Mayor Vandergrift suggested the vice - president hold the meeting in the
Chambers of City Hall so that his presentation can be televised. 2) asked that HOA
representatives contact the City to update their information.
Commissioner Johnson — A few months ago, the commission set up a contract for the
Lakeshore Center marketing promotion with BeatCreative in the amount of $14,000; however,
the four month time -frame has expired and would like to extend the contact as the City's IT
Department is not currently able to do it. There is no cost involved as they are still under the
$14,000. BeCreative now has an office in Ocoee.
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to extend the
contract with Beat Creative for an additional four months. Motion carries
Commissioner Wilsen inquired from Commissioner Johnson if he will be in attendance of the
Festival & Events Conference. Commissioner Johnson answered in the affirmative.
Commissioner Johnson also reminded the commission that the City will bid farewell to the old
Ocoee Elementary School on Thursday, May 15"'
Commissioner Keller — Reminded the residents that the police department will be holding the
Handgun Safety Class on Saturday, May 24, 2014, from 8:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. This is a free
handgun safety class taught by Ocoee Police Officers. Topics include terminology, safety,
loading and unloading, shooting basics, laws, use of force, concealed weapon permits and
proficiency. The class is held at the Ocoee Police Department. If interested please contact Officer
Patera Scott at 407 - 905 -3160 ext. 3024 or at patera.scott(Daocoee.ort . 2) he thanked Noah Hall -
King for the collected birthday party funds.
Regular City Commission
May 6, 2014
Meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m.
Be Eikenberry, City Clerk
City of Ocoee
S. Scott Vandergrif Mayor
11 111 age