HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #09 Spring Lake Reserve PUD - Preliminary/Final Subdivision PlanI q WN � %. 0/0 0 r AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: July 1, 2014 Item # 9 Contact Name: Contact Number J. Antonio Fabre, AICP Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager 407-905-3100/1019 Subject: Spring Lake Reserve PUD Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan - Project # LS- 2014 -001 Commission District # 2 — Rosemary Wilsen Background /Summary The subject property is located on the south side of A.D. Mims Road directly across from the City's Beech Recreation Center. The subject site is approximately 43.21 acres in size of which 17.56 acres are uplands and 25.65 acres are wetlands /surface water. The subject site is currently undeveloped with a variety of trees, wetlands and 100 -year floodplain areas. The subject site is comprised by two (2) parcels identified as Parcel ID numbers 09- 22 -28- 0000 -00 -038 and 09- 22 -28- 0000 -00 -001. The table below references the future land uses, jurisdiction, existing land uses and zoning classifications of the surrounding parcels: DIRECTION: JPA FUTURE LAND USE /JURISDICTION EXISTING LAND USE / ZONING North Recreation & Open Space / City of Ocoee Jim Beech Recreation Center / "City Park" East High Density Residential / City of Ocoee SER(s) (Reflections Subdivision) / - R -3" South Con servation - Floodplains / City of Ocoee Spring Lake West Low Density Residential / Orange County Vacant, Undeveloped / - A -1" The Future Land Use designation for the subject site is "High Density Residential" which allows up to 16 dwelling units per acre. To the south there is a "Conservation /Floodplains" future land use designation that is associated with the Spring Lake basin. On February 18, 2014, the City Commission reviewed and approved the PUD Rezoning and Land Use Plan for Spring Lake Reserve. The Spring Lake Reserve Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan (PSP /FSP) is a residential subdivision that proposes a total of 79 single - family detached residential lots with a requested net density of 4.52 units per acre. It should be noted that the PUD was approved for 99 lots; therefore, the net density and overall development impact is less than what was anticipated in the PUD Land Use Plan. The PSP /FSP is proposed to have a neo- traditional neighborhood design concept similar to The Villages of Wesmere. These include on- street parallel parking, park muse, reduced setback requirements and residential lots with rear loading alleys. The subdivision is proposed to be gated with the residential streets and alleyways been owned and maintained by the homeowners association. The minimum residential lot standards are (24) 50 feet by 110 feet and (55) 40 feet by 78 feet. This residential development is proposed to be constructed in one (1) phase. As shown on the PSP /FSP, the subject subdivision will have one main access from AD Mims Road with a designated left -turn lane. This main entrance will be aligned with the existing Beech Recreation Center access across the street. There is a proposed internal street stub -out for the potential future cross - access of the property to the west. The Plan also shows a 6 -foot high privacy brick wall with landscaping that will be installed along AD Mims Road. Columns and decorative railings are proposed along the open space portions of the site. Along the eastern and western portion of the site there will be PVC privacy fences. Consistent with City policies, no residential home lots will be on the 100 -year flood plain. Approximately 6.01 acres of wetlands will not be developed and will be designated as conservation areas. It should be mentioned that there is a very small wetland area (.009 acre) that is programed to be disturbed. The Applicant has proposed an onsite mitigation program which includes providing additional enhanced "Protected Buffer Areas" (1.06 acre). School capacity for the subject development has been determined to be available by Orange County Public Schools. The City's Transportation Planners (Renaissance Planning Group) have agreed with the conclusion that the proposed development will not adversely impact the City of Ocoee's roadway network or intersections. Water & wastewater, reclaimed water, solid waste, police and fire protection will all be provided by City of Ocoee. During the PUD public hearings the Applicant/Developer was agreeable in extending the eastern PVC fence south along the adjacent subdivision recreational area and flashing pedestrian crossing signs on A.D. Mims Road both of which are now shown on the plans. The PUD Land Use Plan allowed for an internal roadway along the eastern border. This internal roadway has become significantly shorter. There were also three (3) home lots that encroached on the wetlands; these lots were removed from the plans. Finally, environmental and wildlife concerns were raised during the PUD public hearings. The Applicant /Developer was agreeable to order a re- inspection of the site. On May 6, 2014, an environmental re- inspection of the site was conducted by Bio -Tech and SJRWMD (St. Johns River Water Management District). During this inspection no endangered species were noted. As a result, the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan as proposed is consistent with the approved PUD. Issue Should the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners approve the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for Spring Lake Reserve PUD? Development Revi Committee Recommendation: The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on June 2, 2014 and reviewed the Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan for Spring Lake Reserve PUD. There were several minor technical issues to be addressed from the City's Planning Division and Engineering Department that were identified in written staff comments and /or presented verbally. There was some discussion on the size width of streets & alleyways, usage of no parking signage and placement of the flashing pedestrian crosswalk signage. All of these items were discussed and agreed upon. When the discussion was finished, the DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan, subject to the resolution of the remaining staff comments. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan for Spring Lake Reserve PUD on June 10, 2014. City Staff presented a brief summary and overview of the requested Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan. When the public hearing was opened, only one resident of the adjacent subdivision inquired about the construction of the PVC fencing. All of the inquiries were addressed and resolved adequately in the P &Z meeting. After the public hearing was closed, P &Z board (Member Keethler) commented that the developer has addressed many of the issues raised during the PUD public hearing; also notable was the environmental re- inspection of the site. After finishing its deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan, subject to resolving the all remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting. Staff Recommendation Based on the recommendation of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the City Commission approval of the Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan for Spring Lake Reserve PUD, subject to resolving the attached staff comments. Attachments Location Map; Surrounding Future Land Use Map; Surrounding Zoning Map; Aerial Map; Staff Comments letter dated June 23, 2014; Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for Spring Lake Reserve PUD stamped dated received by the City on June 5, 2014 Financial Impact None Type of Item : ( please mark with an z') X Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Dept Use Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda vrlglnal uocument/Gontract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. X N/A Reviewed by ( ) N/A o' U N C L � Z ID (n II I Q (D C G p �N ca L O Q L v ) L v♦ Z v N E o m o a a) o 0 °o 8 0 N 0 N a i N Sc c a> U ch o� Q rn�a�rn3 c. c -c =A4 06 m a f 6 a� a) a) 7@ >' 3� 0 ' 0- 0 c 7 D a a� °.v � •- o O - U E m e u,as w Q c 3 o c t c 0 m a> a at in ca u. L 2.0- o cU a)L i cm C m4= m v O m °6 a m ui r E ' E : O Li w :n .EaV c������:�.�� M �y�cE v C', cm ncncn050502 : E zo0 0 � 0 N a) 0 m w c as m Y a3 J Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift Citv Manager Robert Frank a I I wkm � �'/� June 23, 2014 Richard C. Wohlfarth. P.E. Spring Lake I, LLC 2300 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 101 Maitland, FL 32751 RE: SPRING LAKE RESERVE PRELIMINARY /FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN LS- 2014 -001 3 REVIEW Dear Mr. Wohlfarth: Thank you for your submittal for the above - mentioned project comments that are in response to your submittal. Co1111111ti51o11ers John Grogan, District 1 Rosemary \Vilsen, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Keller, District 1 We have attached staff At your convenience, please call me at (407) 905 -3100 extension 1021 to schedule a Technical Staff Review Committee Meeting (TSRC). During this meeting, the appropriate staff members will go over any of their comments to facilitate the re- submittal. In your written response, we ask that you indicate how each comment was addressed. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you! Sincerely, Sherry Seaver Sherry Seaver, Development Review Coordinator Planning Division Attachment Cc: Mike Rumer, City Planner Antonio Fabre, Principal Planner Engineering Department Project File ANTONIO FABRE, PRINCIPAL PLANNER (407) 905 -3100 Extension 1019 No comments at this time. DAVID WHEELER, CITY ENGINEER (407) 905 -3100 Extension 1504 The following are the results of your submittal for the above referenced project that was received on June 4, 2014. 1. Resolved 2. Resolved 3. Resolved 4. Resolved 5. Resolved 6. Resolved 7. On sheet C -02, COA #E.3 needs to reference that the street lights whether upgraded or not are to be owned, maintained, and paid for by the HOA. Now that the subdivision is proposed to be gated, an upgraded street light agreement is not needed as the developer /HOA will be responsible for the installation and maintenance of the street lights whether upgraded or not. Add "and any future replacement costs" after "operating costs ". 8. Resolved 9. Resolved 10. Resolved 11. Resolved 12. Resolved 13. Resolved 14. Resolved 15. Resolved 16. Resolved 17. Resolved 18. Resolved 19. Resolved 20. Resolved 21. Resolved 22. Resolved 23. Resolved 24. Resolved 25. Resolved 26. Resolved 27. Resolved 28. Resolved 29. Resolved 30. Resolved 31. Resolved 32. Resolved 33. Resolved 34. Resolved 35. Resolved 36. Resolved 37. Resolved 38. Resolved 39. Resolved 40. Resolved 41. On sheet C -16, the pond section views need to be to scale and per each pond with the different stage levels designated on each cross section. The pond cross sections need to be shown for each pond and the elevations shown in the cross section. The 10 -year event is not needed. This comment will also apply to the cross sections as shown on sheet C -10. The side slopes of the ponds need to be better defined as to where different slopes are allowed. On DRA -1, the inside side slopes should all be 5:1 with the back slope to Spring Lake being 3:1 — these ponds are fairly small, but shallow. On DRA -2, the inside side slope towards the north and east sides should be 5:1 and the inside side slope to the southwest and the back slope to Spring Lake being 3:1 — this pond is very large, but shallow. 42. Resolved 43. Resolved 44. Resolved 45. Resolved 46. Resolved 47. Resolved 48. Resolved 49. Resolved 50. Resolved 51. Resolved 52. There were no landscaping, irrigation, and street lighting plans included in this submittal. No lighting plan was provided, however it appears that the street lights show up on the drainage and utility plans. The lighting plan does not show the dispersement and /or coverage of the lumens from each light. 53. Resolved 54. Resolved 55. Resolved 56. The Water Management System report does mention nor utilize the City's requirement that design storm event is the 100 year event since the property is located within the landlocked drainage basin for Spring Lake. No revision was included in the 3rd submittal. 57. Resolved 58. Resolved 59. Resolved 60. Resolved ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 61. Resolved 62. Resolved 63. Resolved 64. On C -34, the controller schedule shows 15 zones, are any to be doubled up. Need to check for properly sized meter. No revised irrigation plans were included in the submittal. Combine zones 3 and 4 and then the size will be a 1 inch meter. MIRANDA JUSTICE, UTILITIES (407) 905 -3100 Extension 4015 After reviewing the irrigation plans for Spring Lake Reserve, I have the following comments: 1. 1 will look for the text "This project, including both horizontal and vertical construction, shall incorporate WaterSenseTM plumbing fixtures and Energy Star® appliances as required by Chapter 175 of the City of Ocoee's Code of Ordinances" in future plan sets; as it has been noted that this text has been added. 5. 1 have spoken with Ms. Becky Williams of IBI Group; she will provide us with the Letter of Certification of the Design for an Irrigation System in the near future. 18. 1 will look for the text "Developer /Contractor shall coordinate with Utilities Department for water conservation inspection of pluming and irrigation system by calling 407 - 905 - 3159" in future plan sets; as it has been noted that this text has been added. TYRONE K. SMITH, ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS (407) 317 -3200 Extension 2898 The determination was sent on May 28, 2014, for signature. OCPS approval will be required prior to the City Commission meeting. MARK TROILO SINGHOFEN & ASSOCIATES INC. (407) 679 -3001 These comments relate to stormwater related issues we've identified in the submittal for the subject project. Specifically, they relate to the calculations (Dated: June 5, 2014) and /or construction plans submitted for permit review (Received: June 18, 2014): 1. The following generally relate to the construction plans and /or secondary storm sewer tabulations. a. The plans still show 3:1 (h:v) side slopes on inside portions of the ponds. Per the direction of the City, the inside side slopes in DRA -1 must be 5:1 in accordance with the City's LDC. The back slopes outside of the pond may remain at 3:1. Interior side slopes of 3:1 are allowed in DRA -2 on the southwest side only. The north and east side slopes must be 5:1. b. Structure information (i.e. pipe invert, rim elevation, etc.) appears to be missing for structures DB1 -2 and D62 -17. Please review and ensure structure and pipe information is shown for all drainage structures and pipe runs. c. Please provide delineation of sub - basins for each inlet. d. There appears to be several discrepancies between the information shown on the plans and the information shown in the storm sewer tabulations provided. For example, the invert at structures D132 -13 is shown as 124.00 on the construction plans, and at 122.00 in the inlet table. Please review all invert information specified in the tabulations and on the plans and resolve any discrepancies. e. The velocities shown in the storm sewer tabulations seem exceedingly low, and several are noted as 0.00 ft /s. This does not seem to correlate with the flows at each inlet, which vary between 0.5 cfs and 4.5 cfs. The City's LDC specifies that, when flowing full, the minimum allowable pipe velocity is 2.5 ft /s (Section 6- 7 (B)( 3 )(h)). f. Only one HGL is given for each pipe run. Please verify whether this is the HGL at the upstream or downstream end of the pipe. g. Please provide inlet capacity /lane spread calculations in accordance with the City's LDC. C OO 7M O GIC�e FgSee �1 cgI vI o�an un Ile oa�� ���u ®� Date puMshed and MecrM N(urne THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2 014 E3 Orlando Sentinel CITY OF OCOEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SPRING LAKE RESERVE PUD PRELIMINARY/ FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN LS-2014 -001 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 4- 4,G(1)(02, Ocoee Land Development Code, that on TUESDAY, JULY 1, 2014, at 7:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practical, the OCOEE CITY COMMISSION will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at the Ocoee City Commission Chambers, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida, to consider the Spring Lake Reserve PUD Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan located on the south side of A.D. Mims Road at 1811 A.D. Mims Road. The parcel numbers for this project are 09- 22 -28- 0000 -00 -038 and 09-22-28- 0000 -00- 001.This project Is proposing 79 single family dwellings on approximately 43.21 acres. Interested parties may appear at the public hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed actions. The complete case file, including a complete legal description by metes and bounds, may be inspected at the Ocoee Development Services Department /Planning Division, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays. The City Commission may continue the public hearings to other dotes and times, as it deems necessary. Any interested party shall be advised that the dates, times, and places of any continuation of these or continued public hearings shall be announced during the hearings and that no further notices regarding these matters will be published. You are advised that any Person Who desires to appeal any decisio m ade during the public hearings will need a record of the proceedings and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of the proceedings should contact the City the meeting at (407) dvance 905- 3105p of Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk OS2461609 6fl V2014 i S b, 8 G E F $ M / T g G PRE LIMINARY /FINAL SUBDIVISION PLANS for SPRING LAKE RESERVE PUD APRIL 9, 2014 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEGIN AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 9; THENCE RUN N89 °56'35 "E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 9, A DISTANCE OF 482.31 FEET; THENCE RUN N40'45'48 "E, 1322.09 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 9; THENCE RUN NOI *15'30 "W ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 880.33 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE A.D. MIMS ROAD, SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE BEING DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1204, PAGE 172 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN S75 °28'32 "W ALONG SAID RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 1389.78 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 9; THENCE RUN SOO °42'58 "E ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 1536 -90 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CABLE TV BRIGHT HWSE NETN FKS, LI.0 COMACi. P.J xlx0 376 ALL N R wm ALL A FL =10 BLVD ORL _ Z3. IsDI 31810 40]bJ2&509 WATER/SEWER/REUSE CI OF OCOEFUTIUTI OF ES DEPT PM�mx 1. e6LER 150 N L4KESHORE OR. EFL 34181 40140J3100 EKk 1504 ELECTRIC PROGRESS ENE-- DUKE ENE L M* WINTE CA FL U— . WINTER MRDEN, FL 34111 elr4a -G6]B GAS W (E APOPIN NAT V RAL G45 DI6TRIL 13 4 WI m 13211 WINTER GARDEN- VINEIAND RD B HT MR 1 G DEN, FL —' TELEPHONE M•�.3.r�, )FLOOR ATLA A. GA 3T., ATI T 7 GA 30308 11 APPROVED WAIVERS for for the SPRING LAKE RESERVE PUD PROPOSED JUSTIFlCATON CODE SECTION I CODE REQUIREMENT STANDARD _ - IBI GROUP (FLORIDA) INC. I 230 BI ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 0 U -1111 1 Canter Parkway, BNB. 101 2200 Park C..t.I BIA- N., S"% 100, NRNl..d. Florida 32]51 Pompon('54)0914- -2200 33084 GROUP ( 660- O PO BEACH PROJECT ADDRESS: 1811 AD '1IIAiS ROAD CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OJEC d ,M �- - � - .;• s _ ,,. � -jam �;�• � —Wdw LOCATION I�ti' N.T.S. APPLICANT: CN ENGINEER: DI GRWp IFLORI 'C l, C. OWNER: REGENT BANRPROJECEFINANCE.ING SPRING IAKE I, LLC pE CONTACT. RK:HARDO WDNIFARTH, P.E. CONTACT:DAWNCALDER CONTACT:RICHARDC.WOHLFARTH, 2300 MAITLAND CENTER PARKWAY S3 s TLAND CENTER PARKWAY 35J2 PRIM BEACN LAKES BLVD BEACH, FL —L SVOT 101 MAITLAND. FLORIDA 32)51 W FST PALM PHONE:(561)242 -3900 MAITIAND, FLORIDA 32]51 OFFICE 40)680-2120 OFFICE FA%: 1561)242 -1640 44012120 0)- 35GG50 CELL 4W- 3504090 CELL CELL: {561)309 gWC4AF RTHW BIGRO VP.COM ----� RWOHLFAR EM0.1l: OFALO£RInRFGFNTeANKCOM PLANNER: SURVEYOR: 6 COMPANY, ML. RI GROUP 1FLDPo I, INC CONTACT: RICHARD C. VrOt4FARTM, P.E. ALLEN CONTACT: JAMES RICKMAN, PSM 2300 MAITLAND CENTER PARKWAY PLANT ST EET 18 ryJpR CgRDEN. FLORK)P 34]B1 6URE 101 ,AITLAND, FLORIDA 32761 407480-2120 OFFICE 10)-064-6395 JIM @ALLENCOMPANYLOM 40]- 350 -H190 CELL gTHBt R GRO COM - I zou -De - ti WATER - GENERAL USE I 201{ -OB -12 WASTEWATER �� I 2 01{ -06 -GB TAX I.D. PARCEL NUMBERS: 09- 22 -28- 0000 -0 -038 09- 22 -28- 0000 - -001 CURRENT ZONING: PUD , 5—t I ist Table 48 HWFIS BEFORE DID ® O 611 DE 1-600-482 - 4770 BUBfE BrAIE IXE CALL CH1193 DESCRIPTION iw OCOEE IBI PROJECT NUMBER 36669 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL for SPRING LANE RESERVE BUD AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSIONON FEBRUARY 182014 UNDER AGENDA SECTION 0 ITEM Section A. General 1. the Gliy of Ocoee, Foritla (the 'airy') is subject to the terms. vrovisions antl resihtlons of Floritla statutes Chapter 163, concerning moratoria on the issuance .l bulltling permits under certain circumstances. The City 11, no IawNl authority to exempt ally private amity or itself from the application DI such slate leSelatio^ Bnd nol'ting herein shall be —,,—d as such- exemption. 2. This project shall be developed in ONE (1) phases. 3- Each phase If thl, bild will -.d on iR own wit re t o public servlc s (se a , ter, stormwater m rages ant, access antl other related serve es). Fxcept as specllicallyno ed on this plan, development If the propeM shall be conslslent 111h the requirements of the Clly.l Ocoee Obb. of Ordinances (me - Cbdb ). which Cntle incfutles Chapter 100, the City of Ocoee Land Development Cade (the "Land Development Code'). 5. Nolning herein shall be construed to wa iva any proves, on of the La ^l Development Code except to the extent expressly sal IoM on a waiver table nr ex Iblly set out on be plan. ii Any damage caused to any public streets as a result 1i the --l— acllviI- related to the project shall be promptly repaired by the Owner to be eppl lb, o ern mental standards al the Owner's sole cost end expense. 7- There shall be no access from the property to any pubic streets except at be approved locations shown on the approved Final Subdvision F-Fnal Slte Plan. B. NI existing slmcNres (Including buildngs, p or toes, —fing reel and utility feclhlies7 will be removed antl,., terminated prior io of tlurin9 co ^st—tbr, of the development replacing these uses. 9. Development of this propeM is subject I. Nat certain Rezoning Ordinance far Sorina Lake Reserve Development Agreement baled C- 6!2014 as recorded in Offinal Rec.rtls Nc620140102000, Book 19]00, Page 0762, Public Records of Orange Count, Fl.bd, 10. All legal instruments incfuding, but not limited io (I) declarations If covenants, easements end restrictions far iM1e propeM; (i0 adiGes of incorporation and bylaws of be property owners' association (Le'Associali —1 and (iii) le—ty deeds, easements antl bill It sale domes to Tne Ass.ciali.n, the City, the County andlor the SL Johns River Water Management District ('SJRWMD') shall be prowled to the Ciry for review and approval prior to p!atting all Dr a pc,licn olthe p: oGIM. 11. P k' g tar end' d I hall be prov detl 11 Ith Ne I Development Code. i - rehytl a a Intel 05 ye w - ru lue reflective ra kersea be a ll—I to!Iasi eat. theue a ,11eotco-1. —11 y rL 13. The Owner will install reusepipelines and provide service to all lots in accordance with the City Code. 14. Pursuaet to me Land Deve .proem Code a 1 -11 IN -91 b L the ego y ass gn d i M1 6 y bseV�aol change to the da me of the subd'vs on must be approved by the C'ryC brb—b— If Cry, 15. To ibe extent the Land Use Pan and Ihese Conde sof Approval —ItwN me Laid Deveopmenl Cod ,he provesI,.1Ne)antlUsePlanandilIseC.,d .f 1-- sFa —t'.1 16. At the lime of development the Planned unit Oevel.pmenl, or any phase proposed for development, shall comply wilh all City regulations and oitlinances in effect at Le h- of Final Subd,v!—n plan opp—.1 ' eve - nal Dlopment Orders or Per nub may be is—,! only upon ending b the City Orll the iirhaslrutura add essad untler Ilre Continency IAatrvg 11bt System sirnll be available cone, «ant with the impacts bill development. ch Ld stations shall be lanced wit black v rt Tome extent any lift stations ate required on IM1e propeM they will be conveyed to Ne City al the lime If plating All s . u y 'n link ten with pas and re pa led bloc or m e era m_ i et ned by Ciry C off and shell be set back no less than 25' /tom any street. Such 11b slations shall also be screened with hedge -NPe shrubbery, such a llblill— I, 11guslrum, Section 8. Trees 1. sting bees eight feet (6) or larger (.tier Nan 1, frees .,'trash' bees) loc -along proposed I- bit If buffer walls Dr road right -of -way lines will be preserved rl ai all possible; the buffer —1, and roads will pe designed eb nd those trees to incorporate them into required landscape buffers and as sheet bees. 2. The ez sting grades on'ndv dual tats coda n mg protected trees will be ma nla ned as ma - p 'bl pt g p o o I F lots or t acts coma lien,, cted trees there W be no gradng or other conztrucl on on N= same except as spected'n the approved Final Subdv s Dn P an'F ^al Site Pan uni I b,, Iding permits are issued for those lots /bats. 3. Removal of existing protected bees volt be limited to teeing road light - of -svby and retenhen areas as tlebailel In be Final —1 ivislon F.111lnal Oile Plan. qll existin protected trees on indivitluzl lots and tracts will be evatua d at the lime of s e plan review for I_ lot or hacl to determine whether or not each tree neetlI t. be removed. 4 lb -1111 ensure that as many g ssbew bepeserved 111 1,11 1111,11 way andreiendo^areas vi II be Mugged for I— by IM1e Cry prior be any tree removal. No c ea t ng permis ,It be - ,—d for s re work or bri lb,, Consb. _ 'hi l the bees to be preserved have been clearly marketl wan Tree protection borders. s. No person shall untladake lend cleering or be removal of any pr. -Ill trees without first .blaming a permit from Ina bantling Daparlment. The removal 0f protected s rveoll be minimized to Ne maximum extent possible antl ^o authorization IhIt be glanled io remove a Iree if Ne Owner has tailetl to take reasonable measures to fi. Te anal grading plan wet preserve exis5ng grades on individual lots and Tracts containing protected trees as much as possible. 7. All landscape areas 1111 be brig,, red and have an aufomal!c rain stn sot. Section C. Easements /UYlitiea I. All cross access, utility and drainage easements snail be provided prior bo ar al the lime If platting. 2. All utilities to be pleced wilb, ine ten f.. lH 01 easement a long the front of — h lot will be pl a round existing protected bees to be preserved. ]. All u!ilities including eletricII. cable. N. and telephone and inclutling on -site existing overhead wires shall be placed underground . a five toot (5) ,tiny and drainage casement will be platted .1­ 111 side lot lines end tan fool (t 0) utility, -m­ and citlew.lk easement adjacent lo street light f -ways. Sidewalks will only be placed i^ Nis casement it necessary to run them erou ^d existing protected trees to be preserved. 5. All drainage, utility and maintenance easements shall be for the benefit of the public and mainizinetl by iM1e properly owner. 6. Crainage easements between lols and bads are shown for location only Final easement dimensions volt be shown on the Final Subdivision R-Final Site Plan and will be sized to meet Cit requirements. 7. A pepelual, nIh —Ibbb, access easement over all internal r.,d..yl and other paved areas i t hereby granled in favor of tie Oly and other applicaLie auNOrilies for aw enforcement, fire and otheremergency services. The City may require thal the b-1, execute an easement in re c d,ble form wit respect to IM1e foregoing. B. An emegency a ant to the re enlion pIbbs antl aver all tlrainage e s shown hereon is hereby grant,d to the City for emergency maintenance s. The emergency a sass easement will not impose any ob1S,bo^, I,- ..... po.. bhly of liability upon the City to enter upon the property it does not own or bake any action to repair or maintain the drainage system on the properly. Section D. Association 1. The Association shall own and maintain all common areas. 2. All declaration of covenants and restdctionc .Heeling the property shall include the following provisions: Provision allowing the Ciry to levy, collect, antl enforce a sec —,b, for main(anance of common areas rl the Association falls to do so or 1.11 to —,lem assessments et a level allowing for atlequale maintenance. s . Provision granting the Cily the riglrl b , ul not Ilse obliga5on m , n a common areas shoultl bill Association fail to do so after notice from the City. To the I P extent ine[ the City undertakes such a n, the City shall be en lied col ll reimbursement from iM1e Association and shall be emdled b, require iM1e Association to levy assessments far ine purposes of paying such reimbursement. i. Provisions granting [he Clry be righl, but not the obligation, to r pair the slormwater m nag,hb- system for the property (the 'SWMS') and cblaln ant from the Association, ar A— the Owner if (a) turn m over n If e wnhol of the members bas not occurred: or (b) if the Owner !z still responsible for ma nlenance of tie C—S. iv. Provision providing Nat me SWMS will be hansferred to a responsible operaiionrmaintei,,— -bby acceptable to Ne City in the event of J—I.— and (hat 11 solution occurs without such avprovel then Ilse City may cumin ue to I— antl called assessments and impose liens with respect thereto nolw- Phling the dissolution of )lie Assov.fi . v. Provision Nal Ne Association snail at all times be In good sIhhd1,g w4N the Florida Secretary It Stale. vi. Prevision mat al iM1e lime of (vmover of wnb01 of tie Assoda0on to ine members, Ne dedarant.ball dIll —to tie new boom of dheclors me maintenance plan Inl iM1e SWMS accompanied by an engineer's cedificagon Thal Tne SWM1iS is functioning in ac<orde— with all approved plans and permits. io IM1e extent Nat any such engineer's report Intlicates any co« active action Is required, tool declarant snail be lequlretl io dllip,lby undertake such co« ectivI 1—. al me bbbe ant's expense and to post a cash bond with the Association for the -I—bd .- of I— c.... t ve action. vii Provision that no propeM owned by the City or any other governmental entity shall be subjet to assessments levied by foe Association. vrri.Prowsion IM1at any amendment to any provision aheciing the City or 5— requires IM1e consent of the City in an instrument r--d with tie amendment. 3. All bats that ere to be owned antl maintained by the Association shall be I ... yed 10 the Association by wananry deed at the time of platting. A p cal warrant deed Is PI-1—N, it accompanied by a title Insurance policy to the Association. Section E. Streets - E T Final street naming will be coordnafed mrouph Ne Cl V BUiltling pepmament al iM1e lime of renal plat submittal d 2. Tne tlevelopmen[ is proposetl as a gated community. 1h 11111, all streets are private aid owned and maintained by thI HOA. 3. Street IigM1is, I'rghis lighting, so far Land Development Code requirements sM1 i mon nstalled 5 securely end vrimin rights way, common areas meeting sumo, b r co by be Owner prior to Cee a of Completion It the OwnerI, 's expense- 5 t IN .eclriry Ir and lighting, within l y antl m areas wa ense. c 0 el u ca 's The 0—, 0—, C ed ring rent Land Dev,elopment Cotle requirements shall be installed b prior to te of Completion al t !be iF.e O—, Owner exp cur i F k 4 be relating to such lighting. an iM1e Association will be resDOnsible for all operating costs and any !,lure replauit— ment costs . 4. In the event 91115 are Installed on Ina private roads the gates and b-1111111 shall comply with Anlbe VIII, Chapter 34 of the Orange County Code for gated Final S.bdrvision P K tl y well az any amendments io Thal I de Nat may be enacted prior to approval of IT,- ti t the r 0f Final Su bd'v n u Plan , p val shell 1-bol. County Snd. o o hav re9ulan s for gated c then the gula4 atlas ne ¢ b All ref.ren es in said County Code Chapter to the'OOUnty all be deep, d to refer to ibA "Cily' for purposes of thls requi!emenL v � 9 5. TM1e Owner snag construct approprlaie curbs cuts to enable construction of romps el 511 .19615 -ofway inlerseotions (antl o!M1h p areas as reasonably req,a,d) in modate access to sidewalks -I sheets for persons who ar n vfieelChalrs antl .tier persons who are pM1ysically challenged. Sitlelalks ced at the of I ... login ofd a te e,— abutting e h plat l locations. be sidewalks will be exlended bemrrb and the a, crap: ia1, ramps wi11 — be eon si VA ructed. Sidewalks adjacent to common areas shall be Ion,o-.c..d It the I— f permanent o ... —ti.b of adlIc m wmmon a..aa. - - Section F. St —titer Management System _ 1. See sheets, C -10 and C 21 for tormwaler pond debt, 2. The developme b If this project wll incorporate the slb—h e, needs of all public roads within the p:.jet. 3. Ali building -lba cks tom a 11 retention areas shall b e fide- Net (1 T) Let from the top of th a bank. .1hewse specifically lb —,ded lbr the SLNIS '—Wing all pipes 'mats manholes, strucures and recent on pontls will be owned, operated antl maintained by Ne Association. 5. h - O d g the conveyance of the reten i- pond A D y p - t Ih y a ted'b Ines. Cond tons of Approval the Owner �' w Z u h . asp —bl, for the mantenance of be$ s' I d g ell - pbri -1 0 h' -y? It Lb S. S for the —ed III Cer1lb.I, C ed by bulk lh eCty a ntl he SJ 1. Di project sconsI and lip,­ ale of omple' a enu ..ponds mended N be co v dto III nn have need been co y d cmton. m ¢ ¢ ref. be Assoclahon is deeg e- as Ine entity Dn the re cortls of ine SJR=D and all bansfe, fecoms requiretl by be SJRINMD nave hlen N executed and accepted by SJRNRAD, rv. the City h.. been provided wit a copy of Ne Owner's pmpocltl mainlenance plan with respect to Ne SMS; and t has been Provided with a written statement from the Association ackno etlging receipt of the 0-- proposed maintenance plan with respect io me SVRAS antl ihai Ne Association is responsible for the maintenance I the S—S. ,yy a W�Q Q 6. All common area improv —1 b, inclutling entry feature walls, landscaping and sidewalks along ail roads, as well as landscaping around the retention gaol °N Irac. sand any tflslatlon beet snail be completedp rtorssuance of the Certu<ate of Completion 1, b.— cot espandrng phases. r yy� V _V Section G. We0ands1100 year Flood Plain W 1 el .,ball be the g of IM1e 11.1, H- FEMA t niched door elevaduns will exceed Ne 100ryear Ao of iwa Ieei (2'). The f 00 tl lev S I--I 8 elevation of 117 3 for Spring Lake or the cabs it,led 100 year Oootl determined by Ne SWMS calwla0o o to 2. The Ow shall comply —all of requirements the City and eb— gvernmental eh wi1M1 juristliction to prct th e wetlands being preserved antl ner IFuM ote any dial wetland tin cal wetland li -11 be fib (and fences Ina n b e.sea ties minedaley blbb nt to the wet ands a n.,de, lo h zo daNlbances well ands sting eal nmental Protection . Genera l 3. WeOOnd a n Ong s et this t is for Cr Aq,,I fed by 5 RisV .he Ft.,- Dap m of Envon individual permits are r,q.,,Id from the.e —its Ili,I c^mmencemenl of cgiN I—a Af the a of subm lm of IM1e "' Pre nary Subtlivi Plan or Site Plan re — far a "."y the Own will map the jwis tlici nal wetltn . on the LAA an! aslabl'cfi a twenty five fool (25) up antl huller from Ial na. Depend'ng on the.... tc Ne ry may a so.... re a Corsery D g Easement > O any wetlands or adjdri ng conservation area. P or t^ or al the ime of tlevelopmen) of any porton of i1e propeM.'( a Conservation and Dra nzge Easement is requiretl, the Ovine, snail convey I, the City the CII INlllPn and Drainage Easement, me form of which shall be approved by Ina CiN prior N, the y,) a. co ance.Thiseasementshall be dedicated to 6JRVJMDand Ne City of Ocoee. vey LAI a Section H. I ^lentio^allydeleted. a Q Section 1. Single - Family Resitlenlial Projects ILL. be d pla ced on the front yard. The trees 1. Each ,. nl,,l lot shall have me minimum of three (3) bees per lot of wfi ich one (1) will be designated as a street b an Q shall be I mi.lmum sae of ten feet (10') in height Intl two inches (2') in dameter at bread neght (DEH). One (1) of iM1e Iln ee (3) trees required far the 33.7' lots may be planletl in I —M., argil. N 2. All underground 11111be sna0 comply with Section 6 -I C) of ine Lend Development Code, —Ih requires pedestal- mounleb ,bitty boxes to be placed back of O n five feel l5') forward of the front bulling s )back all residential lots which are less Nan seventy feel (70') feet rn wdIh whore a right -ofway the lot abuts IM1e stre lie. `L' F Section J. Intentiowily tlnleletl. & Section M. —1- Study Area d z 1- For development or redevelopment of propeM located .,bide Ne Ocoee Community Redevelopment Area (ORA) but within the Wekive Study Area ('WSA') O boundary, and with the exception of asingle- family home on en exisl:ng lot, those portions of propeh!es 1- comiein e least one (1) of the three (3) following Sand bill, t, or (ti) se s rural haaleb, mIlding Long Leaf Plne, bill, Y.eria Oak 5—th, or Sand ge a, tli) kart lecures s: (1) I'll v M1ar reas V Pena — vegei- e are be subject to a blbl— lhirty- Mvepercent (351) Wekiva Open Space requ munties, 2. Open Space requiretl to be preserved within Ne WSA boundary is defined as: any pone., of a parcel or area of lbbd l- remains untleveloped, or minimally boertlwtlks relenti.rl areas that follow Besl tAenagemenl elo d, such as balls antl es part of a natural resource preserve or renealion tree, smrmwater Practices (13hi upland butler retention .wales (pee pok 7-7 3), naturally vegetated areas, and bads fof pled -hian connocbb— Such tleslgnaled open space eycludes waterbodies, loll, street rights of way, perking 1016, impervious surfaces and active b—tion areas Including golf courses- All Wekiva Open _ Space lveas shall be reslrlcled to proM1ibil use deli antl 3 applications, but bey permit mechanical methods for ..,line maintenance- Rule lib Ch 9J-5 003(64), F A.C. IlNekiva Parkway antl Profecfron Acl (WPPA)'. Ch. 369 321(3), F.S.j ( 3. N,,b-lly ­,bled .wales are required to be placed within the upland buffers ......^ ding lakes or wetlands. The purpose of t`rese .wales is Io improve the X. wales q.d Ny of the stomtwater runoff and ensure that ine .vale hits and exfilbafes into the soil so that There is ne ­0 flow rill. ibe lake or wetland. This m Clhod of water quality improvement shall mimic the absorption and pollutant removal abifilies of a natural low spot in the loDOgrapny and must fallow accepted1 � m x r o BestNi Practices (.tips)- Slor —N, runoff from developed lands ai1j,' nIt wetlands, lakes andlor Moodplain areas shall be dverled towards ;,J t-y swats, hold he runoff, and lhe^ellow It to efo—lyr II —into ine soil column- (Weklva Parkway and Protection A SATPA): Ch. 369321(3), F S i o •A I o � w tp y n U GROUP TAILATE v °ANYR °Orr °uR° °.v' , "'°:. A =ES r E DRDOn=<rv_;T E.ALS; o`o NE;FIE "oo Er, G=A o; ,E T HE III,v°RKING DAYS Lw so1NER) OF DrsCOV ERV.IN THE EvFNr of t AmNFU TiHE R UIREMENTSOF ' 11 1OFOCOENHa1� OFS DAI S ADV,. nIA 14 CTIC E IN.1 I "ttD°I HIT nIII DAFII III OR To REA B ARE 1 1 1 16 11AI 1111 EIER CCSFUCTION_ BE PDt LINYL11— OE!'VC), wHf RE REIIE 111E IS MADE io AN ASTM,A IT, OR PASHTO DESIGN >TIO '1 SH >LL E PE11INCH -15 i'T H L ASTM 13134, sOA 35- uN�FORN, S INIM UM "PIPE sTI EF:VE55" IT FIVE )s) PE GUM All. DIF I, FELL' .N OVERAL COLOR -n+ FAAENNM STA-AID_El— OF PIPE SHAD eE THIRTE ,131 LEETV:P SHAH BEAR THIS NSF Ow SEAL nnO BE CREN IF 4 - ,.URION SHALL sE AC[OM. IISHEO ar THE usE OF n LnSER INSTRUM[NT uM1lE55 ANOTHER METHOD Is 5 LEVAnOna MlnlMUM .G BEL wrHE PIFE BEING UIO w�N�N THE AAfA OF THE TRENCH.OUNO SUR IDENnriD KEEP THE GPOVrvOwAIER IT SET 111 B DAREAS AND 9a,L Iry PAVED AREas)OFTHE OPTI�HU.M NSITr OFMHar MATfR:AL 3A5ED ON TMf n40DHIE0 PROCTOR LEFT .1 THE MAINFAI, IT EACH III " UNIT A I N_NDAT RED, 11. FAIR REA oN 1 AID Ill BEND EASYv BLE.POM J. RIBBER F.Tr 355.A LIEUSED L.L ES. 1131 1TONTARFPRMILD 11 BE I III THE IDDLIGAUTAl ANN III I NOroREONTFA oR ANDDOFLIMUETED"I,AlvovmECRECO LINCOFALLU ESpDL 11. 11 SAN D TO FOR ANC THE CITY I CST OF THE CLOSED ArvJ CVO SHALL BE PAID THE D f AN ° C D�E Ono�nOOT AEOVF 7 111 IPf THEN AT ONE FOOT V "c4nUIlIJ EOVnfs`urvnl 111ALI 1­11 All Lll� �II ILG CIS IF REACHED? FSTFNGSNALL SE LFTED AND TEST DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED TOTNE CIT( AND OW NcR Ai A MINIMUM ALL, A SITE IIIIICTUR - urv f f CONVEYING REC I WHTF AT LEAST ?HP EE FE PR 1111ABL TEN F ET. o ROA4 ANY STING OR VAaTEP IF I FORCE SUFFIELL, .11 IRSTILIFF TIES IINIT111 IFIR 1. IT DAIT 111 EST, AND B. 0 B _ rTPITEO IN ACCORDANCE 11TH SPECIFICA.ION 11M5FN5 CHaJ.ND INFII. 23 FOR III — ALLE A Ducn L AwwAC6D/ 0151; THTHEF0ue1INGAA•1A5Icc,FICnnOrvs- B. BID LWITH 111ONAL SFN NAnONFOUNNATION SERI) (t)Awv✓A csm /asTM .)A INCUS TO a INILL"I WITH FIT E MINlrnurn; I1) AwvuA cses )141rvcnfs To 3N I.vcnES); I3) ASrM 1T[5 OR Cl C Ws (LESS THnN A INCHES) EEHEDLILES Al, I AND 111 On ASTM ]i41(ITA 11 FINUILM); A PoIYETHYIENE LIFE - AV,1AC- 11,v.TNVALLES AND PNTINGS IASYLAR ); AND D. PO11111LENEVIPE AAFAACIO A_D P IRICAT .A50UnREl /A,EA'1TICES MOST 11 ISSUED 11 '.1111 PLANNED DI R! HE FTTINNF`Fl RUPTONS, NMICHAR ?pEEMEO AN MINE 111FIC HEALTH THREAT BY THE DEP cFrvrRAL DISTRICT OR wuL AFEECT T BACERIOIOCI✓,L auaunorniE DR NKmG wATF Hns BEfruHE PLIEL C III SYSTEM CAN MDNSTRATE BY SOU L E SYSTEM ED 11 F IN LVATER DUAL E LV D CTED TO IN ITIOIS OCCN AND HOT DE AN.NNNT PUBL BILT IF ADD ., IURY CH115 S N AIRNACUUM NFL 1i T ...SEA.5 ECAN TO BE " BELDIS VAULT B01TOMfASi I]Irv_H_s,.eoLE,.,f SURROUr.D�NG GRADE UN_E.S 13, TLLIII IF — 11 — AFITEI MAINI 1111 111STINI IA OITIS I'LL BE LINE 11 A111 AHTLT IIIA IIEURIDAT 11 THE CI TI I OVAHEa. CALL 111ITNE ONE CALL AT IUNI3- 4»1710(])WORKING 1111 BFFOHE E%CAVAT 113 IN THE SHA COSiR,R10N BE THE EDOELOPER /CDNTRAET0R10—LAS HAT III REOU RED PEIIDG ARE 11HArvDeECRE Il I IT AcCESSAIRANDEMENIG I, REQUIREMENTS OR TIE CITY OF OCOEE, RAIDITTO, PLOT All ALL OPOR AGENCIES THAI FAIDT EIDIT THEIRSICTICE. A 11 RAISING INTIFIGIOUND l711 TIES THAI All AIIIE IRALL IFIRRI. IN IIA11 INTIL III IEW I-LIDIBI AIR O11IA-IlNA1 BLIARISSESANORESIOEMSAMINMUMOEiiTgooso' �IIIAICE OCOI DINATE mHCTOR ENSURE THAT THE I1 OSAIUO AND TH.C17 OCOEE PRC SIANAGER ARE PPOPER'Y NO " ED OF FRI FEET 11RARl nIllUP71IN 01 SE11111 AT LEAST 1 —1 11 IT ; IFF I CT—ER 15 GREITE, IF ODRJL.AT,DwDHTHE AND /IF E-1BE- FIREDATTIE 11TRARgasFIPEtisEtiA'- NNEIAID 1A'AtioMAGE 0 PER, 11 BAN ES AN ` TIE AU CE I' OF THE'ARDUE ULTOTY'T", 55HA, BEI NCI DENTAL T° THE CONTRACT AND NO ET'TAa COSTS WILL BE CHAR DTO THE CONTRACTOP HAS THE OITIDNTD MOVFJRELOCATE THE ALIGNMENT )HORIZONTAL oR 11111AL) TO AVOID CONFLICT WITH SIDING OFF UILL C LL REIIATE AND PUBLIC PROPERTY AFFECTED BY THIS 10RK S. AIL BE RESTORED TO A CONDITION EOUALTO OR BETTER THAN THE COVDITION DB5 71NG BEFORE COMMENCING DOIHRUCNON w0PK z IATEILA L' "III BE IENISID FROM III - 111ATED MATE-1 AID FAIR FILLED —11 1 AIR `IEII1T1 III 14. INLETS AND CATCH BASINS SHALL BE PROTEREO FROM IEUIMENT UNTIL - HE COMP'.ETION OF ALL COn'STRUCTION UIERA101 . 15 DPIATE ING SYSTEM LL BE UTIEI ER 11 CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD STANDARD PRA CICES AND MUST BE AT LEFFIT =I SEC EM, OR _ODIES OF IRTER* E ANY DISCHARGE NT SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE R BY TH 1A51ELVATER I AISICN. REgUIRErnENTS OF THE TRENCH IA —ACT. Ill C111 OF EKCE55 EARTHwCAK MATERIALS SIBIE FoR THE 5TADLITY OF N BANKMEVTS AND SHALL REPLACE ANY 1.11 ON 111 CH IF BECTE, D, , I, DO TO CAREHEISNISI IT N1GL-1EllE 01 71E AA17 OF TIE IFTURFRAC 19..1L PIPING SHALL BE CLEAN AND FREE OF ALL DIRT, DEBRIS, AND BIOLOGY. BEFORE PRESSURE IESnNG- FIC (MDT) PLAN TITHE cFry of 1OCRE FOR ENGINEERING. 11 OX ED A'0'R`1'.ATE'1yRPS ED oU C ROAD SAND PAVED DRIVE CROSSING FIT S SHALL BE BACK -FED 117H GRANULAR MATERIAL AND TOPPED W LIM 111TH - THICK OF E LL sE COMR PAED 70 991 MODIFIED PROCTOR OF THE MINIMUM INIM DRY DENSITY PER AHBHTo T BO1,oRASTFA0155HAIINGS a NO MESSAGES SHILL RIED AND REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR, UNLESS OTHERWISE LATEST D"" DITAIIIIISTUREL'I'DIM A" 34]. FOPMSSHA.L REMAIN STRARULT LEVEL, PURIB AID 71UE TO SHAPE TO AFT11 N 1 /A REI IO M AN IN PUCE PfR aCl3ol Ano +AU BE 11CID TO PR°DUCE A III INCH CHAMFER AT ALL HORIZONTAL AND R o D. L = ` O oah C4 - 5 o V - o Ca W s Eli N 7 la] H w z z 0 Q V V °L z VI a O 3 C x �\ F m M O GROUP ' \ _ N US DA RICS SOILS ORANGE couNrY FLCR DA SAUISYMPSL NINE 1IN1 11N1 ,DEPRESS CNAL I C AUDLER _ s' S9F .,,=LOPES 5 o � '20 u 1 ST L N E SAFE Es 4i 3 ,i_:i _ F - / _ gv.L6 LL 0 F'Ei1 .t SA 4D5 0' /a , 5 �6L .CPE6 ea -10 -so -so -aA -3a -2D -,0 0 10 20 30 j o \ 1'. _ c SECTION AT CONSERVATION LINE - i s v"ATER j m 3 p \ - GRAPHIC SCALE - ao -�o -so -so ao -- o ' 0 20 Fo m \ —AND INFGRMAT W E E ET) �- -_ _ - - 11 212.97451(6.266 Al) B \ L Sm =RR .L AETwND RMISCRI 1 5 31 j p A 6A ZONED: ft -1 \ \ 38 �_.�® � S5y S NI 5 /4 , E, M i5 1 a _ NN`N`I11N' 651 8 - - _ 3 7B4 AC DO SL °,15 D _ \ a JEZZA 1111 E m �TUrms s n o A, 1R ­FPS SI THRU S3 ' / \ J e \ A \ TOTAL'1 5 '94 ACR.4 Fly L` n 1 - /- `!- , . \ 1 I I \ v,E wiD P. - B. ED sIQ — - J (/� \ \ \ �. o.co \ P<OTECED AREA BUFFER P.31. D24AC PAB2.092AC 115AC BUFFER 25 l lr ( 3111 euF ES 15 111 •.s AvFNAGe S4 �� ��� 20NED:R -9 CTY sIRVUS.ID ATTIAND,APAST E—A. DD6IAS 1 1 \� AS WEI BUFFERMPA6T EE „A0 CDIPAC S1 J �� `- ' - .', 1 �, - _ - DIFFER MPACT,e PIA JTCD D71-C 0438 AS M73, -` _ 1 0 _ 1, 1 _ uA.� •+ _ z TOTAL A -1111A J`\ - \ I oN „RSA 7�D . S7 N z u - DRA -2 \ \ oR` «Aa°cE9 w o a S5 � / sM[Mw G1A111 :E P _ SIR IS ZONED' - 1 1 _ - .a _ \.. B ..D ci 6s. N'FF i�a A 0 COUNTY A -, l �. - - - - '� \� 47 \ Eo ¢ Q Z FLOOD 47 r E_ �� u j L' '.;ECOVL`AlY s uNE U \ EM - Ir.�.017 � � F � � � - � � F \ wcro� Ln11 TS ctv 1E Oa EsuF ouzo ncnreln ov eE..NT Z Z � WETLAND oo'J A!' fr7 Dry c - no„ °, z W �� / N N F \_ i J oR z N� APPR N AND wnV nRE� 2. FROTECTmOL RAREA - � PucE' �� -3 Vic? ��,, \ W 1 -A DRA 1 i . u Locnno PER AT B Dn A ,; s DETA�c1. \ I Awes W r `. SUR TECH �ns1<^ 25' ALLEN FLOOD \\ TU`s[ II 1 FcR 1C MOST PAnT SURVEYED COMPANY BY ZONE BUFFER \ + - wr .,REaiciAl OFlo1 n �- & - UST K 5PRN6 AKESrB I u PLO J '.'. FLAW - µ' t00 YR USE AS i 17.3 C ON iO„R \ _ - E E _ -- - /\ IITEIT AT I A E<c E A s EA- 11RONDSU 0Facv F A U I s . CI- wll aE tFFTry B I�ACT 311 CY - SHOWN ON FEMA 100 Y4 FLOO D EL E A oD Dtno ER FIRM MAP 12095CO21CF 7 _ OF - vE1LAnC 47 > FLODJ FL I! S sEE OErAIV s c21 6N Ar so oc AlonSENi R[IFrvcrR OF w[r.nn0. \ E A` .- I N T ION \ \� BDFFE3 \ 2: x En�E” '1i - -. � CC P fin � - -� - -S8 APPROX. V TER'SJ i `t�. \ / i 12 4` B E ADPE 120 m \ APPROX. AERAND - EDGE I' -�_ ; F- C l U E LOCAn ON PER A 910 , — — RING LAKE _ llA WETLAND Y S O L SURVEYED RY NHVN112.6 EE"Y 6 BUFFER _ ~ V`7 � E iIOJ B w N '- m `V LLEN s 4L - / �.. I. tt w O SU - / �� A n �j r� ` � COMPENSATING 115 II PER 7 - 1'1588 `D L %\ p _ a M w U BUFFER -/ / \ ,.` �� _ >� e � SECTOR \N1 \ sAFN „ COMP STORAGE SECT 2 0. 0+00 ION B I C I ION B - / LIMITS OF \ `r - CONSERIT]ON GROUP CONS - / EASEMENT \ uMITS OF 111A ` /� I / \ ERVAn ON \ / 12 inoE 51. P[ "6 120 �� \ /// �.N Exc xEERlxc EASEMENT '�. Dus xESS xD xsss / \ i 11 PRDv / 99 / \A•� 71 112 / - O +oO 1 +00 , +61 / \ COMP STORAGE SECTIOVA v clis:ia SITE DATA N A IE AD I-R. c s NL,INT SHA xoT I 3o FEEI (z STORIES) ancus SURFACE .n . I.. IF INE PROPOSED LOT AREAS. xo,ES. ^�'LC >I IE ( uv r o m ¢ cct „TSr - s Ex SPACE H. n NUN OF AREA a z s E Es 1�' E 1.6 a9Y. .or na +.L s 1 1 1,- _/ C t E ( nC, ") YK.R M1A.n..H kECHM1RCE ARE! L.. 0 JEO _vs CF AGEME SYSIE / nLxGIPa Wi5 IL PES CEI:3Y_ ,GOD A AS[ . — v R,C9�tt AL ALr(5). ANO a uvrEnnOC rx a vnv R . S v. ROK iueiELY ,TSS ACR 5 OF LANDS 5.9 C OF ac nu, E unuuJ u21 COVER FOa. ap FT OiS so AT n Os (e IF 11 o eE M�vv - +,iE BY i„E OP n E ( R/) flE EO c s . GRAPHIC SCALE - j C OO SE _ _ E x six xON.e.e PUG -1— 1.1 (A-.> R-1 (sEEa cEU+E• nov r�:r� AcNI'- BJ tD.. NUN ,O FAT Pao'OSCO us.. (z } _o . „G cNpE EeMILr L'Ars s ...• - E,55 (pI FEET) o re. �7I _ c (E ) R J E,,n c zox,:c lvcsT) cwxtt rss7 aG . -e IN- FAN LY woss cc,�n un w rcu PPCP�rYr zo /u.v = ,.es �' � � ALL ONE - Tx0 STORY UN TS SHALL PR+JNflE Aux NUM INS FuO. NET ACREACE ,r.T AC II . BUILDING SA' SEi9ACK FRO. ALL SC —ARES OF _ T - z ! _- - _ - e - _" - ";i " -'' '" OPEN I 1 . SETBACK SETBACK FOR ao L= SHa 9E AS FOLL NET OExs m (oA =EO ON BUILD- AREA) Ts /rz s -NT GENERALLr. ns o) T S FEET (E-T AS AOTEO PuanoN. To . an = z,s w ucwo[s AREA A901 xvti ixAT xns No NPERNOJS AREAS. EAR 11 5 F i 1 N s SEE SHEET C -21 sioc(coxnEi+) oFEET FOR ENTRANCE SMACKS FOR 1HE so Lors 1- BE As 1—: 1 I 1 CETAIL o i I v _ 48 5 52 49 150 m ,o GE+wAUr ANO s FoR 1L'� '' f - _ - , r Po &ClES zO W FOR IARACES SIG S F Q s � -' ` ir 39 47 i C -.a. CORNER (s,R) ,o a �; P — --- , � III .o u Ns RDA C: zo FEET !_ -!- v / •, _ r._ 1 5`__ O o 4 38 t ! -' _ a t J/ �1 4 46 } 29 + 37 OPEN ry $1 45 t 53 54 55 I o ") 30 OPEN 36\ q �_ _ !- J N, 5 19 44 (' ���° o _ 20 32 334. 43 �I w, 26 1 ,�- - OPEN 1 � fl " , w II 10 OPEN 6 1 wi x s , 58 57 56 uj 25 s' 1 _ i N I' I 59 }r i W i " /� �� -��` ) _— 5 6 IS Z 1 III � E 17 T ,.- - BJF R, DRAINAGE �� _1 12 _ 1 o R. eooK 12 4. I _ - _ dos _ vc EMENT RER �I Sl y z<� - 64 F-- \, ns�T.�.�- 13 Ipso .w nG ° 67 3' 65 66 .__- V) 1_ , \ �' 2 rt8� ,�, S �T 68 1 4 w a Hwsx 'A`� X0 x �, - �C� — — I _ - _ ET 74 E5 6 75 lo I �,s� 69 DRA 2 i _ II I 1 1 - 70 - 'll x , , 71 a 73 _ \ 77 1 1 7 8 Rik 1 - I ( 1� I I I I I w I IBI GROUP FLGR OA Exc ` l 1 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGOWO a) CALL �p 1 BU or 1-8432- 477�0� RE N 5 «- S GRAPHIC SCALE EXISTNG POLE TO REMAIN EXISTING LIGHT : UTILITY POLE r x po PROPOSED LIGHT POLE L W p DUKE ERGY: I PRODUCT EN STYLE: CLERMONi EXISTING POLE '/� ` -� II ✓' 't 4 COLONILL BLACK i6' POLE TO REMAIN_ � PROPOSED LIGHT POLE DUKE ENERGY: PRODUCT STYLE CLERMONT POLE COLONIAL BLACK 16' HT APPROX. 940 LF EXISTING _ OPEN I d c OVERHEAD UPUTES TO BE BURIED UNDERGROUND EXISTING POLE TO BE REMOVED � ' : , " { i p - t �i' -f' 7 l 48 {, `� 49 I I 50 51 52 I I I gg a / J i AD rV .-'�= - i ~�-_ Y / �•. ` 39 BE 47 EXISTING PIXE /- ` - _ 8 ���` ( 1 - ` 1 � - tl 1 �• p TO REMOVED l �_ T ' 1� 7 3B , LZRIED LF EXISTING _!- _ - _ 'i" - - r -~ - — L- 37 DTES TO BE -` GROUNi ; i _ " 1 ; 1 29 11 'OPEN -� EXISTING Pole i _ � _- 28 - TO REMAIN / -/ ~. .. �Y--r ISi .OPEN 3g \• �+ 14 31 35 20 OPEN ' L 25 is I I ' 27 25 ` ~ i `, - l + w \�^ G- I - - I ,1 1 33 �' �- ��,_ .-' 56 10 57 I Lu i _ 1 1 \ 22 ,1,t r '° " F av ^'.`i _ 1 58 I I - > Z �\ 1 7 1 1 8 , \ 17 1 �'1 . 24 a r 60 59 iii I t i n Lu pp 23 `g 62 Z La 12 l 18 I 63 1L 1 11 i i �4 F- = 64 1 1 II Q 13 - i 66 l7 -1 1 1 , ` 67 I Z UJI 68 'i H 73 �- -�_ - - - -_� 79 78 " I APPROX. WETLAND SRC )( ZONE FLOOD 9O LOCATION PER \ b N O .ZONE BUFFER BIO —TECH SURVEYED BY Jill -r- \ j / ALLEN & COMPANY 1 � % \ 25' FLOOD DRA ` IBI ZONE BUFFER \ �� �I 117.3 CONTOUR 100 YR FLOOD EL 1 11 GROUP w c ulna 7.3 CONTOUR �\ oa 100 YR FLOOD El eustss I ss4e / F APPROX. WATER'S EDGE 48 H011F1B BEFORE DOOM L BALL, 1- 800-432 -4770 a xamrwm rE I � 1 / /� \ °KaeE IYArealaE C.ua_cenlal rDE e¢ulzoo+4 GR .����'� ~" OPEN ENTRY FEATURE 4Q 50 52 C ND VINYL FENCE E,5 v f 39 47 OPEN 53 54 55 30 OPEN OPEN OPEN 21 33 56 7 1 24 59 6 17 23 61 64 uj 4 68 EACH SIDE OF WALL 69 F- 78 x APPROX. 145 LF L. ovtf� RETAINING WALL ZONE BUFFER Ll— —11— 25 FLOOD 25' FLOOD APPROX. WETLAND NE BUFFER 117.3 CONTOUR IBI GROUP 4! SPLIT UNE,SEE I 1. INSIDE C R C V INSIDE CCNSE��Allll APPROX. WATER'S UNIE SEE SHEET C-04 EDGED IINYL 1010E 10 BE HOURS BEFORE DMM P_ — WNTE `NBR^ 125 LF SWSL -T/- INSTALL .1-2 SON PROPOSED CHEVRO STRIPNG 0' D.C. EDGE LINE RE-m- LEFT TURN M W/ W-R R AT 2 W/ PLACARD, 7346 I-ENEW ­T IN.. 200 T AFTER DWERIAY, PER MOT PE MOT STANDARDS x71 -2 PEOESiNIAN U .11 S. 21 - — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- - — - — - — - — - - — - — - — - — - — - — - A - — - — - --- - - - --- - - — --- - - - --- - — - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- — - - - - - - - - INSTALL WliA­2 I r - - - - -_ — — - - - - - - - - W/ ANE:AO_ 5 SYSL -T/V EWERLA, AD MIMS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS EDGE UNE TYP P ES`E as MITE Sw r - 4P PC T,umo. PROPOSED NEW PAVEMENT.' . REMOVE AND I. -E 1-1 A- RE- STRIPE SPECA_ EMPHASIS NEATLY SAWC 10 =WALK TCH EXISTING PA�W. TYP PER SPEED u no LI IT [AS]KO RG 1 .0 PARKING SIGN IN ALLEY WALK PER AHEAD ' 22 -1 o 46. ng 18 x30 mT 1173 PE OPEN 0 -12 MITE STRI RG I R so FLASHING 2e WNTE STOP BAR AND R-I, 30' STOP 9ON 2e MITE STOP BAR ME 6 2 SPECIAL DAPHASIS R-1. 301 STOP SIGN xOTE CROSSWALK. I 1 1 - 7 MDT P7346 48 5( 51 1 52 C) R I I. YNE, 4 8Y Y" 30 ME% RAW T 4. NO PARKNT - RM, ALL .-ENT MARI-S SHALL ENE­EPLA� w/ .-T. 0 _AU, 1. .-N AE T,,I_ ONE WAY" SIGN DO NOT 3. ALL ROADWAY / RE A.-.. EASTING MIT .7 20P I'll 7 STOP - D) NOT ENTER* ;3N 24' ENTEN A 40 46 MNFNT AN. :? AN. 0 'NO PARKING' SIM IN ALLEY 'DO NOT ENTER SON 30"x30 37 41 45 34 :55 SPEED UMIT 15 SIGN 24" MITE STOP BAR BAR z SIGN 30 AND R-1, 3f STOP SIGN P_ OPEN 36 ow 42 S IN ALLEY P G* 19 27 44 SMaw ALUEY 35 SPEED UNIT 15 SIGN 14 20 43 LLA z Cm PER 734" P KIN SPUD UNET 25 SIGN F/ ipOT 2' MITE STRIPE is OPEN No _ K.B* 21 25 SPEED LIMIT 56 J j I ."WALLEY 10 OPEN 33 57 16 'No UYT TU z z "DO NOT ENTER SIGN SPEED UNIT 1- 24 60 6 'ONE WAY' SIGN 17 61 'NO , PARKING' SON N ALLEY l o ' O NOT ENTER" SIGN II j 18 63 6' WHITE THERMOPLASTTC STRIPING, PARALLEL 66 SPACES.TYP II 24" WHITE STOP 13 BAR ` 67 30• STOP SIGN 6' VADE CROSSWALK. `3 PER MOT fl-BL 12 WHITE STRIPE TYPICAL TRAF FIC - 4 \ TYPICAL ( FLOW ONLY. NO STRIPING) SPEED W IT 15 SPEED LJWT 25 SlGN UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED CROSSWALK mO # 173 71 70 69 12" MITE E RA 2 d o 72 'NO LEFT T1RN' SIGN 17 U 75 76 IBI END OF ROADWAY SGNS 7 (5) X-0144-2 GROUP Dq ( S GRAPHIC SCALE (ER—) 2­4 - - `\\\ -.4 / LES ENQ NOTE: PER BOUNDARY. RAPHIC AND TREE LOCATION SURVEY BY zTOau u.wxac � +'- rcow .snow GEORGE F. YOUNG INC LAST ., LAST GATED: 1- 07 -14: o PRMD ° S P- Irv_�T 5 - -�= P -ix,ne nisnx °ccx,wa5 - -� / ____ -- -____— _ HIV IS ROAD - �] - 33� nD EXISTING GRATE INLET AD MI MS ROAD .. _ - - - - _— - DRAINAGE -- _ —_ -. ._ SEA AN THIS 91EST 7� z h {{ 50 _QOa {{ �3: a - n Oo� 136 65 rI.I m m J r ,7 I :' „� 733 � I � 13 `. I 36 .55 1 l l � -... `•I W 0 M1 3 ° 1 , 00 - PG9 PLAN SHEET LOC 4TIGN' l31.] 131 .5 1 3! 37 .25 1 _ - - j ^f - -. -_ __ -- -� r 2 — - :� =� o 5 cY 3i g 1 I _ �, 35.25 ° o o "r to rf. of af=- irrr>Ein�'. s - 1 .90 ,' 134.45 ! 5 \ 7 ? o raz z c o - � _ R. OOK I 20 :2 _ _ ~ $ � � � 5 P n '. 3 , �a,o 2 as A � f — 3p — 2 g r � � �° 13z ) 29`X5 I - / Q / J �, g, - 85 0 DaZ , �° �.J � ■g r _; O p 2 5 r r uj Ind z AD MIMS ROAD ; % ._ �_ - - - @` M�1"6 b E < 9 i���, _� Q DRAINAGE u Y 1i i M 9 u LA p _ t f a } ` . F A 1 '21 SEE SECTION A• � 0 I3 I �I 729 13 1 31 5 5 ■� � \� 77 � I 12X.75 !79.15 129.15 y, Ea. 12955 9 115.75+ 1 301 5 130 ZS 730.25 .95 -� LE I _ I Mx I 1 ” r u 111— 75 x � I _ ,t a Da, i, : -J \ - 7.. A■S■... �.P.tu� ■Z - i�_�. -- •_�_._ 5:1 ' -n- w -'_1 ■ \I ■ ■Y.. \�L ■llt \!■ -- n - — - 12P s IRA I I �H - ( 20.p5 � I ORA1 '1� :Y �- 06VR ,21 ;6 % uv ' / 1O YR ,20A I � � T7] I - _ — 1 � a _ 25YR 120.95 / Rnown - [o+ox ns.s° —. __ — RO l = I - - n N APPRO %. 185 LF �° _ E !- / / Tm G U r -° RETAILING WALL / �ItT S Its °'. \ n Nv w� I,a° 2 E C ,Ei c,l c LF IZ RT w 's uvN_„s.5 Louc SHEET C -10 �� �. xvw -I+ ?so _ asxESS n° .. 1 � M1PPRO% WETLAND LINE 25' FLOOD LOCATION PER 117.3 CONTOUR ZO 22 ,B CP HE BUFFER - �� / ♦T ♦ssx BIO-TECH SURVE nT z RCP LaiE2O�]5 °1] }-H C A L L -/ BY ALLEN COMPANY ,a o1,z HDPE o,z2x HOURS BEF E CNLX'+NO I EnCN LE S °E LONG O131 to ]3 "w �. 1 GRADE TO V / 1/ xvN_nsse GRAPHIC S CALE �.� EXISTING 3:1, TYP EE SECTION �'__�_— -� —� Of 10- 492 -4T/0 P 1�1 2041 1 1 EXISTING STORM MHEET C -10 E>ca sID[ Tom' �x�`�� ^'Eb1E Nl. cellHi / r AD MIMS ROAD GRADE TO FEET DRAINAGE EXIs D W E ) — 1 � � TYP. 1 Inch _ 30 tl — - -� ❑. I I a'a _z 1. ...E O DRA u 11 OVERFLOW STRUCTURE A & B (TYPE 'C" INLET) I - :CALl erg W: APE o- EL= '.EE. DRA 2 OVERFLOW STRUCTURE (TYPE 'H' INLET) ss P JTE O FABRI —FORM AT MES FROM OVERFLOW STRUCTURE DETAIL T. Sr sd a�D o d � t.sD I 130 - j - y zD uD 1- w 20 o;:a „5 115 _ 115 115 - 115 DRA-1 POND X- SECTI01. .- _ oRA -, TYPICAL GVERF a G UA� q STRUCTURE PLACEMENT STRUCTURE P 1 130 c,u d.t�4 IIsN 1 j i 170 130 Ii5 120 _ - -x.70 PER BOUNDARY. TOPOGRAPHIC AND 'TREE IOCAPGN SURVEY BY GEORGE GEORGE F- YOUNG INC_. LAST DATED: 1-37 -10.: no,E awn soo r.0 Peno sae 11P .ro o.LCa asnew scn�E. �a REAR LOT 69 =T -01- -A � P -xurs � ws es o c —T s iJ9 Utl 11 uwr.u w,cA u,o sE�noa $ t say aoAN�s PGD PLAN SHEET LOCATIONS I� E S GRAPHIC SCALE J u�sJ, E Sa 1 Jc �o X Q 3eza ° z ANC - S C7 0 P�� o C1 w s ta] 7 W L V u.t a z u a V a z a a N M � _ 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGINO ® �A LL 811 or 1- 800-432 -4770 E axa+�sfnre oJr<cu>_ranet - ano.,a •. NOTE' qFF SH T -11A N FOR EROSION CONTROL NO c AND D TAI c. GRAPHIC SCALE ` � I TEMPORARY SILT FENCE < CONSTRUCTION / _/� 1 rn J 0. 1 1 0.� CONC � � �� �. �a A W� 1 II � '/ 1 ,/ 11 SILT FN p � 1 �1 1 t � � J � 1�_ }� -{A -13 �.- - � W -�( LJ I _' `•� 11 1 ,. i �.- `i'��� �PZ -1 !k V7 I _ DRA2 v -P2-3 CONSTRUCTS 3 1 - SILT FENCE ' •\ �' IL-'= . SILT NCE N. i r o �..i \ y _ - _t - ICI GROUP SILT FENCE � . , I ,. ' - /% - HOl1R9 BEFOfiE DIOGINO 1/ - WFLOw FLC I — A A R, L PLAN DI VEPSION RIDGE I T 1 uTRANCE SHALL THE O MAINTPINEO IN A ONTO OI PUBLIC UN THAT w1.L vENT TRACKING OR ROVANG OF S N. ET ONTO P PRr GHTS- O TH'S M REPAIR AND /CR F -VIAT AT ftEOUIRE TC CLEAN OUT OF F NT :EPSURES USED i0 TRAP SEOINENT. 2. E ECES Y EEL5 LL BE LE 'ED 0 ENTRANCE CR TO ,, sH G RED RED T SH LL DOPE O 111 IN "AD LZBE ", C ..EO ­1 TH T LB11,1 INTO AN rPT .O•:FD SEO A E_ T TRAP OR _.v ENT B S J. BE PER LE SECTONS OF FOOT STAN E DARD SPEC CATOY f,'l0a� 5 USE SANDBA iS REa IEHER APPROVED IA11CDS TO CHANNEL ZE u 5. COURSE AGGREGATE k FILTER FABRIC TO BE PER S -CTONS OF FOOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION #90! k #305 RESPECT!\ELY. O TE"PORARY GRAVEL COr\^�TRUO'TION ENTRANCE DETAIL IN T 5 S/ I C r CN.O PJ ER 1 B L FAG C 1 O�eE -RSID RIOGE REOJIRED "HERE GR<OE ET'CEEDS 21 ExISn NG PAVED. ROAO,.AY !:I2 CF cA - R y - �A F `� — C FILTER FAai.IC SED':NENT BARRIERS SECTION A — A \\ UPPLY WATER TO WASH FY,HEELS IF NECESSART SPILLWAY L II 1 + I ISLE OR DOUBLE LAVER 1 / THAT NO GAPS All ENDENT ITH OF BAGS. I I RJx A - WFLOw FLC I — A A R, L PLAN DI VEPSION RIDGE I T 1 uTRANCE SHALL THE O MAINTPINEO IN A ONTO OI PUBLIC UN THAT w1.L vENT TRACKING OR ROVANG OF S N. ET ONTO P PRr GHTS- O TH'S M REPAIR AND /CR F -VIAT AT ftEOUIRE TC CLEAN OUT OF F NT :EPSURES USED i0 TRAP SEOINENT. 2. E ECES Y EEL5 LL BE LE 'ED 0 ENTRANCE CR TO ,, sH G RED RED T SH LL DOPE O 111 IN "AD LZBE ", C ..EO ­1 TH T LB11,1 INTO AN rPT .O•:FD SEO A E_ T TRAP OR _.v ENT B S J. BE PER LE SECTONS OF FOOT STAN E DARD SPEC CATOY f,'l0a� 5 USE SANDBA iS REa IEHER APPROVED IA11CDS TO CHANNEL ZE u 5. COURSE AGGREGATE k FILTER FABRIC TO BE PER S -CTONS OF FOOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION #90! k #305 RESPECT!\ELY. O TE"PORARY GRAVEL COr\^�TRUO'TION ENTRANCE DETAIL IN T 5 S/ I C r CN.O PJ ER 1 B L FAG C 1 EN f -," DE D 5 INCHES HCH (F A ^RUBLE LACER OF G4AVEL / C—EL F BAGS CAN BE A / FILTER BAGS ARE USED. THE TOP BAGS MUST BE FLACED SUCH L II S ISLE OR DOUBLE LAVER 1 / THAT NO GAPS All ENDENT ITH OF BAGS. ' ARE EVIoEr✓r'uc THAT 1 / THE LOVER LAYERS v I SJCH 1 TH T A EVIDENT SIDE 'Ell OPn POST PLAN vlEw PCs TTON nolJS POST N _za - (cANT (CAIT B D zo' i0Y 1ARD /ARp F FLOW) �F 6 A % of R.L"' FAOe C C E ( T / TH FDIC 985 FOOT SPEC) 1 E FENCE T r ­ —FILTER FABRIC OUT 1CR 0 C L +ED 31 5 EL AL, n caPC DAw +v B LS. 1 . LPSTAE + FACE CF ELEVATION .., SECTION NOTE: BALES TO BE STAKED HE DIRECTON OF TEE ENGINEER, THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE FOR STAKED SILT FENCE (EC. NOTE: SILT FENCE TO BE PAID O TYPE FOR UNDER III SILT FENCE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE �s.IOwN Cry CL11 NPC�S NEO1R uENTS TO L - AT EROSION CONTROL PROVISIONG HAVE 6E51J CORRECTLY INSEALLEO. o GI ONaPERTY TER :u FDF. -C 8 FLY TO TLL ED I, O N AH RE\!OV AL OF CLEARCD MATERIAL n 1 J H 1'. f l J ,M1c h t 11, h,PH LA I.f J IIM i( . 1- f h f" J " c 1 h' . n • :M1e ate .r. ..D 1 1'I u f,. ti � rr meN IN h .,! J ,. I,J „ I . I"' AO - IIII i AE IR -0. 1 - ."r,,.,,.d - 1 I 1 II vv _ U, O;l„_. ,.. OA O Ix P X65 t IN s r' 1 I I 1 '.._ H 4 o Y.d �kx 8 n o DO H Iry VI .-1 r Q a W V1 N] a 0 W z J 0 a z Z 0 a v N z 0 0 uj I i�si 48 HOURS BEFORE EDG INS CAL Bit or 1-800-432-4770 P E 9. 9f€6!ATE CBJI9f Ic S PEC UO Tws SHEET I FGFN(p 20 FORCEUAN -- STNG 6 GI GI _ UTILITY SHEET LOCATION CONNECT TO E %SnNG W/ A 16'.8 "WET TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE. CONTRACTOR SHALL I \ 1 OFV-N t tit / ��, .� _ — , } � .1 � ,} Tess / � � � '� �'j � ✓� , 134.15 R ,s I I I � OPEN OPEN T Z 1' 1 13 ... I O S ' — 8",6" TEE F 1 ,,. AN BCEFER. c - 1 �� -5 (RAE." 8 C,� 1 1 Lo.rs DRAINAGE ssN MR EASEMENT PER G.R. BOOK 1204. � - - 1 - (. ! �.�nEaW.ER `— RCwuEa -. 130.;5 PG. 173 129.65 ?� m^ -� (2)5" Cv cruse Iaui EEVEq I i 6 GV I I I I I I 1�6.G5 I I I I� II i 127.,5 726.55 129.45 119.1 S 3 s� _ — m - f ' }�� • s 48 HOURS BEFORE DIG KING ` GRAPHIC SCALE ® CALL 811 or 1- 800 -432 -4770 6�TAn :4 3so g�3_� ° a a�� a CG � so�M1 3 47 W O Q tal "' J F u =' z R cn 1n v II a M N U LEGENR N Q° `9 F. GRAPHIC SCALE < CONNECT TO EXISTING 16" RECLAIMED WATER MAIN - W/ A 16%6" WET TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY / .- 'LOCATION OF 16" EXISTING MAIN. SEE 'HT C -14 - UTILITY SHEET LOCATION \-EX / _ _ , - tfi' REUSE /i C ` - ` f�" EXISTING - I I I 1 � PROPOSED -T� / 16' WATERMAIN - 1 I 6" RECLAIMED OPEN, EXISTING 16' O -LL� � Ex s,ING EoR x m II /- - �, unuTY EASEMENT Q S z D" A ry jcr �H' I PROPOSED t5' / LITY EASE.�Et�T , UT � x i O Exlsn G — - IS R 1 s G" TEE 1771 _ I 137.7: 73761 o '! 6' TEE 6' GV 6" TEE _ I r i A lEE _ r t i I OPEN 0 6 w ♦ - - _ _ - 1 137. 1 5'x6" REDUCER TEE rn Xta F[oJ \ 1 B'.6' 1 ` a �LJ I I O z d r 0 9 x ')6. GV — — ()8 GV ',. �..' • C _ \ 0 HOPI _ 1 I I _ _ - - - 8 6 REDUCER a I -I I U Ld B "TEE 1 i 1 ♦ \ 1 1 _ t l I l l' s ��� I r Ct i 135.751 °r GV 8"6' ♦ B xG' REDUCER B ".6' TEE fi' CV 1 115 J. I B' TE 1 N � _ so. ' e E -i a TEE 1 m p� GV `I REDU ER '- 13s.7s I l i 11 EDUCER _. ♦�li rl s _ 73; p o 132.90 1 \ \x6. TEE m o1 e 1 i� �A - _�� Za sneuHa rn.TS I II r { e " rl - t• • 6" GV 1 \ \� \ 132.63 —�N�\ 1 OSS 1 \� Un DTY EASEMENT "[ ♦ ' a.i Na } }� Ezlsnruc 15' C ..Nam I GROUP PROPOSED 15' UTILITY EASEMENT — P2 - x II I a a'TEE - u- 751 13 1 a••NNaa •a a ® RS BEFOLLRe DUN DRA 2 I i I, )e' GV N• �� V 61}µg aNaaaa• apaa as aa.• ��1 C- 611 or 1-800 - 432 -4770 w1H ♦11 SERNCE . at aaaaN a pL — l aoNU I f � I P r. 5 � E SP •rATE���� —II ' 129.)5 \ \ \ tP Ilz2s \ •� 131.b5 `\ txls SNEET C 0 3:.Is DRA 2 II 4I `- 15' \�l UTILITY EASEMENT `— PROPOSED 15' UTILITY EASEMENT I � I � w I I 1 1 1 [ CONKCT TG EXI6TIN8 -A RMAIN Y+ET TAPPING 9 -EVE ANA VAL \'E. \ C"', ,GTGR SHALL VERIFY LGCPII^.V GF E45TING 9 Y,A TE4 I I i EXISTING PUMP STA. SLAB 121s IIJV. 112.62 ' I I ' a vvC o t.c9x N \ TAI \ GRAPHIC SCALE \ N FEET ) 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING ® CAUL s,t or,- aoo- aaz -ano j d ~ 0 -0-p ¢ O ° C7 - "fie o w $ ry Y.1 7 w V a r V � Z a � NIA � n U I ♦ \ \ \ \ \ \ INV N a NvE -1 1 I lso � / 1 I \ N N e `- 15' \�l UTILITY EASEMENT `— PROPOSED 15' UTILITY EASEMENT I � I � w I I 1 1 1 [ CONKCT TG EXI6TIN8 -A RMAIN Y+ET TAPPING 9 -EVE ANA VAL \'E. \ C"', ,GTGR SHALL VERIFY LGCPII^.V GF E45TING 9 Y,A TE4 I I i EXISTING PUMP STA. SLAB 121s IIJV. 112.62 ' I I ' a vvC o t.c9x N \ TAI \ GRAPHIC SCALE \ N FEET ) 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING ® CAUL s,t or,- aoo- aaz -ano j d ~ 0 -0-p ¢ O ° C7 - "fie o w $ ry Y.1 7 w V a r V � Z a � NIA � n U STRE B . SEE SHEET C -16 STREET A t ,T — N N I I 1 i i', LU F' GRAPHIC SCALE STREET B SEE THIS SHEET 4B HOURS BEFORE DIOOINO ® CAUL oa s oaz_a oat ]< 7g >2 �� '0 Ds 69 rl ■ STREET B, STA 0 +00 to 6 +00 STREET A _ STREET B _ GRAPHIC SCALE i STR EET A & BSUU—! LN EtFV 12e. aloe reLEV- izaeso tv-v- iaoo m9 - -_ 50 E_ -- SiR - 2a ,rze D.R Btl a t - B0 43 L4aO au g.� , T.TE C-17 SEE SHEET' C -18 I SEE SHEET C -18 cTRECT A << ,iEE7 SEE T 1 SEE SHEET �'1 4 III 31 - - GRADE nw- _ � f � � I -- t I t TJ 2, at a' PvC of z _ :. n I o 22Dx n B \ of ,s R x_ I W va _ —y o s np .... 5z oo- - � a'� 24' 111 a -ozez u, 6 +00 0 +00 1 +00 2 +00 3 +00 4 +00 5+00 - '� ° 2,3 PROPOSED M - rn 2 e2B s L 0 14 n - --1fDR _ -_.. __ _.- .- 41ADE... -_ -._ 0 13E 13" z '- -- - T sr. e e a oa s oaz_a oat ]< 7g >2 �� '0 Ds 69 rl ■ STREET B, STA 0 +00 to 6 +00 STREET A _ STREET B _ GRAPHIC SCALE i STR EET A & BSUU—! LN EtFV 12e. aloe reLEV- izaeso tv-v- iaoo m9 - -_ 50 E_ -- SiR - 2a ,rze D.R nv ne r i F' I ' r - - GRADE nw- E - ' u of 8 Pvc o D.3 xa' r -- TJ 2, at a' PvC of z _ :. n I o 22Dx n B \ of ,s R x_ I W va _ —y o s np .... 5z oo- - � a'� 24' 111 a -ozez u, 6 +00 0 +00 1 +00 2 +00 3 +00 4 +00 5+00 ° PROPOSED M - rn 2 e2B s L 0 14 n - --1fDR _ -_.. __ _.- .- 41ADE... -_ -._ 0 13E 13" z '- -- - T sr. e e a 35 6t w M 13 c - 130 0 z z Il 25 120 " 0 _� -115 11 0 +00 7 +00 2 +00 3 +003 +77 Station m I +DD 2 +DO 3 +DD 14 i' 12 1. ! 1. 1 1 t 1 E W pax or uv..n. s U N W zsr, NVS t, sTn 50 E_ -- SiR - 2a ,rze D.R nv ne r i F' I __ —. - __ z V. sr xas]D S:e` -a - - GRADE nw- E - ' u of 8 Pvc o D.3 xa' -- TJ 2, at a' PvC of z _ :. n I o 22Dx n B \ of ,s R x_ I W va _ —y o s np .... 5z oo- - � a'� 24' 111 a -ozez u, 6 +00 0 +00 1 +00 2 +00 3 +00 4 +00 5+00 r. m � W s I-. O < O w I o w 04 a `" o w Ljo W < ca Z 04 Zw v < a J F Q 1n 3 O T � SEE SHEET C-2 N /4. U 0 - o no PF CY �2 � ca STREE—T B — LOCATION O O Lj wo oWe LAI 0 W —1 00 Z p6 F_ z V) V) n. O 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING L HOURS C A LL e __2�4ZO l-S 811 or ' ' 1 PV ­00 7lN 1 2 z�—j 1� A7 er 40 .:2 4 35 PRQES Exl­G CL GRADE Jt 30 125 �211' o r 18' RCP 0 0.}0% 5B f 11' 11P 0 0 25 S or 1 P11 1 B' PVC WATER I,- f 18' or P. a a.Ia.. 57' f 18' PCP 0 0 . 1]S 1. 1A 11 117­ 15 io O O Lj wo oWe LAI 0 W —1 00 Z p6 F_ z V) V) n. O 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING L HOURS C A LL e __2�4ZO l-S 811 or ' ' 1 PV ­00 7lN I o 0 .ALLEY 1 u N s GRAPHIC SCALE ALLEY 4 i - 7 a GRAPHIC SCALE U a IN YI � LEGEND N IT W 4 W W to I w J d W � N RE z Z u. a Cam. a ,6 In Io Pa0P0 %GRACE 3 m Z� r Y i V as140 a ,a > taoo m m o _ -- _ � a z 35 o h 13 a is 130 ®ts m 73 C — 12 o _ o w w It o ip s — w 124 o t.sa ,tt of to kca o 2,— tt� of a Pv z _ 12 _.. __.. . _._. —.__ . 120 12 15 71 1 +00 2 +00 2 +62 o +oo smuo� ltoo z +oo SEE SHEET C -15 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING CAUL 8I1 a 1 -80 432 -477 p E ana►g erAre " Pe Station t +oo 2 +00 3 +00 ALLEY 1 4 ALLEY 4 LOCATION YI � N 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING CAUL 8I1 a 1 -80 432 -477 p E ana►g erAre " Pe Station t +oo 2 +00 3 +00 ALLEY 1 4 ALLEY 4 LOCATION �5 - — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- — -- - -- - -- R, 1 121,10 , J — 11 II 2.. LI�9 411— 40 14 D—I 8 —T 10 15 T 20 16 21 35 ,3 IR #14 J 1 2 22 SCALE 0 GRAPHIC 2,3 (i d - I "ja N W > V) oC W Lo Z F4 z CL� V) < I CL. 48 HOURS BEFORE DGGNG CA UL (�o e11 or 1-800- 2-4770 ALLEY 2 LOCATION 2 R, 1 121,10 , J — 11 2.. 40 14 D—I —T 35 ,3 13 3 o 13 WA TER 12,z .f U, C WATER p a6' REDUCER . 0 25 12 12 120 12 _ z al 8 11C 12 11 15 Io 1 31oo 4+00 (i d - I "ja N W > V) oC W Lo Z F4 z CL� V) < I CL. 48 HOURS BEFORE DGGNG CA UL (�o e11 or 1-800- 2-4770 ALLEY 2 LOCATION I-- 14 40 11844 1� 40 p-G$ED E-INI 'A 14 35 13 _ _. - _ _ __ -o 5- 13 13 W p 1126% > � 6' - PVC WAIER 25 8" PVC WATER 13 12 12 20 12 T 2 Rlu 12 - 9+64 7+ I (n L2 W -1 0 Q z z V) a. 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGaNG (�p �A�L �o 81 � Wl-.4�1 4a- "" p ­'F�A' I 2 4" L'I ? Al I E 1 & ALLEY 4 LCCATION IV GRAPHIC SCALE F 4. 11 I FGFNQ I-- 14 40 11844 1� 40 p-G$ED E-INI 'A 14 35 13 _ _. - _ _ __ -o 5- 13 13 W p 1126% > � 6' - PVC WAIER 25 8" PVC WATER 13 12 12 20 12 T 2 Rlu 12 - 9+64 7+ I (n L2 W -1 0 Q z z V) a. 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGaNG (�p �A�L �o 81 � Wl-.4�1 4a- "" p ­'F�A' I 2 4" ALLEY 5 I±i 0 ALLEY 5 LOCATION N S GRAPHIC SCALE (MFEET) LEGEND P rr m ws A 3e�a r-I Ln w r a LAJ w a N Q uj a W 0 41 G: 0. z z a z n w 3 O M � U I BI 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING ® CAUL 8n or 1-800 - 4324770 , E axas+aE Srnre scan °� I +oo 2 +00 ' I I �NATJRAL GRACE s ¢ D m r� Edqe a Pw � Eea 0I Pwl. P� Ptav Y a: Too lr Nr - 3 � . . 1 T� Toe OI LLrD �, I' 1 eenerLT— T— FLARED END STRAIGHT END CUR8 AND GUTTER TYPES E & F 6 CURB ENDINGS PER FOOT ENTRANCE OETAU RA D - -- — unL , f s _ _ UTL EASE I _ 6' —_ —IL 0.. RBBG� — I` 11RR E,Gx � i 2` cerv � Poxm s = »Ex - TEIECON 4 AL LEY CROSS SECTION RE- AIMED�� R.T. TER 50' RO � 5• �UTL EASE O EASE D ].36 __ - - III u- _ SIDE 5 DE µAll( � w D� I T1PE • u • B TYPE F CU LIER , G T1£R 2 SLOPE \ L E C lV D N SANITARY DRAIN wAAI'ER - TCEECCM / 50' ROW SECTION RECI -A-DJ 6 typ FOR STREET A a- STREET B 1n1ER WHERE NO PARALLEL PARKING /ill 1 J 1 TYE 'A' 1 ^�' I -; 7 MOUNTABLE CURB \ �" 3000 PSI CJNCRETE STABLED OR CC-ACTED 5'JBGRAOE _I "yt9" RIBBON CURB END mP= cuss h cuiTEr: - -zn' ' 24 o� ' k ALL 30% R3]' ENTRY- GATES - ' - - -- 5' CONC. BIDEVlALK U R25' 6CAt 20 A x o Mme G e arD Arse ^ O ; ° Cutler Censrr:x "on `,,,, / _e p• R Or As Sn On Pans i �A �bn 6 ram> 8 �p'Lx JDmr O THICKENED EDGE SIDEWALK DETAIL w' �A I vdl � �v Lurb And Gutte � o� � � PLAN Nxw s• xoNC wAU< w/ �i < a e g �I zw TOOTED EDGES -�� � g ^ SECTION AA rR�f � �� � � I — ��11� II IIf =111 II��III —I > E P 50 5EC T SHALL L LOCATED AT ALL AND AT a L�'� BIX.CTE %M T0N5. AT ALL OOOft OPENNGS AND AT ^5D % W N I SECTION BE E S G 01sT (1/1' USE MO.DED ASPHALT STRIP) N i.••) HALL BE SET /8' BELOW TOP CF WALK, SCORE MARK W (1' DEPTH) sHAU BE s (MA.) oc Z" R I� pr j —� S SHALL BE THCN ALL RI AV CROSSIN CROSSINGS ANO 4 TH 1O ' N ALL 1 - PEDEST AN La AREAS ONLY W i+ Q LL CONCRETE WALK F SECTION CC 'I Z VALLEY WTTER sAwcuT a E'_0' REMOVE AND REPLACE (n O 7 VALLEY GUTTER PER IST G ASPHALT FOOT INDEX #300 1 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXIST. 1 _6' T p p REXIS­S ARTNG ASPHALT AS CONCRETE T n y — BASE LEASE j T7A . SIC. EXISTING SUBBASE SLBBASE SAWCUT DETAIL Ion ^_n A Cn ni9n sidC Of rmdwaYS...5[ GTdei SICPd of fte X mer sron ,.z'rcn me m s s lc,2e r me ado&enr nwemem x w N ine le %ck s or me I %v sM11 a 6. mless rnenwse sM ✓n II � � an vlcns TYPE F - D REE a rn U / ( ) s X 8 TYPE F CURB 8 GUTTER PER IBI T O FOOT INDEX #'00 16" Some Slole As Ad ;deem P e en, _ GROUP m R� A /5 I 1 A ExG y 1 � P , t �R �� � Is1P I L E uceuvn�:TCO 1 s C c. Pwr, l i (r.su I L e f P d 1111 Frller �A T ) AD ( pert. s�e3uz For dC,c�ls CeO I r.2 a ad/ TP a]ram c P vE to lsex ble Daemenr, zee O� r TYPE A ' 2 TYPICAL PAVEMENT STRUCTURE �1 TYPE F CURB & GUTTER PER N s ¢ UTL EASE S J I I r l SDA, EAS_N.ENT 4UE �E E4' `PARKING µ 2' Ll MEG PG- I MIPMI CURB, TvP 5' E EDG I1 /E i 1 R 1TtR OR 21. I OPE 7 Mls L S P�4 T' I L� W. LHIf p A S SbI R BRAIN RAIN _WATER t'CncH SEVER .,IN - TELECGM ' 50' ROW SECTION w/ REC �MED - -% R S PARALLEL PARKING O 50' RO � 5• �UTL EASE O EASE D ].36 __ - - III u- _ SIDE 5 DE µAll( � w D� I T1PE • u • B TYPE F CU LIER , G T1£R 2 SLOPE \ L E C lV D N SANITARY DRAIN wAAI'ER - TCEECCM / 50' ROW SECTION RECI -A-DJ 6 typ FOR STREET A a- STREET B 1n1ER WHERE NO PARALLEL PARKING /ill 1 J 1 TYE 'A' 1 ^�' I -; 7 MOUNTABLE CURB \ �" 3000 PSI CJNCRETE STABLED OR CC-ACTED 5'JBGRAOE _I "yt9" RIBBON CURB END mP= cuss h cuiTEr: - -zn' ' 24 o� ' k ALL 30% R3]' ENTRY- GATES - ' - - -- 5' CONC. BIDEVlALK U R25' 6CAt 20 A x o Mme G e arD Arse ^ O ; ° Cutler Censrr:x "on `,,,, / _e p• R Or As Sn On Pans i �A �bn 6 ram> 8 �p'Lx JDmr O THICKENED EDGE SIDEWALK DETAIL w' �A I vdl � �v Lurb And Gutte � o� � � PLAN Nxw s• xoNC wAU< w/ �i < a e g �I zw TOOTED EDGES -�� � g ^ SECTION AA rR�f � �� � � I — ��11� II IIf =111 II��III —I > E P 50 5EC T SHALL L LOCATED AT ALL AND AT a L�'� BIX.CTE %M T0N5. AT ALL OOOft OPENNGS AND AT ^5D % W N I SECTION BE E S G 01sT (1/1' USE MO.DED ASPHALT STRIP) N i.••) HALL BE SET /8' BELOW TOP CF WALK, SCORE MARK W (1' DEPTH) sHAU BE s (MA.) oc Z" R I� pr j —� S SHALL BE THCN ALL RI AV CROSSIN CROSSINGS ANO 4 TH 1O ' N ALL 1 - PEDEST AN La AREAS ONLY W i+ Q LL CONCRETE WALK F SECTION CC 'I Z VALLEY WTTER sAwcuT a E'_0' REMOVE AND REPLACE (n O 7 VALLEY GUTTER PER IST G ASPHALT FOOT INDEX #300 1 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXIST. 1 _6' T p p REXIS­S ARTNG ASPHALT AS CONCRETE T n y — BASE LEASE j T7A . SIC. EXISTING SUBBASE SLBBASE SAWCUT DETAIL Ion ^_n A Cn ni9n sidC Of rmdwaYS...5[ GTdei SICPd of fte X mer sron ,.z'rcn me m s s lc,2e r me ado&enr nwemem x w N ine le %ck s or me I %v sM11 a 6. mless rnenwse sM ✓n II � � an vlcns TYPE F - D REE a rn U / ( ) s X 8 TYPE F CURB 8 GUTTER PER IBI T O FOOT INDEX #'00 16" Some Slole As Ad ;deem P e en, _ GROUP m R� A /5 I 1 A ExG y 1 � P , t �R �� � Is1P I L E uceuvn�:TCO 1 s C c. Pwr, l i (r.su I L e f P d 1111 Frller �A T ) AD ( pert. s�e3uz For dC,c�ls CeO I r.2 a ad/ TP a]ram c P vE to lsex ble Daemenr, zee O� r TYPE A ' 2 TYPICAL PAVEMENT STRUCTURE �1 TYPE F CURB & GUTTER PER N TOP IEW ,I- I SECTION BB L 7, 'Ell I A (At � Inlet) INLET TYPE 5 (C,rb 1,,W Type 6 Symmetfical Vth Left Halle CURB INLET TOPS TYPES 5 & 6 5 EJULE lTnBLE IJ �3r a dd €N Z a u O o an o N] 7 a h V1 a W 4 a Ca V V z o, a a x N X a n U , I f Yu411ONTl VhL R INTOR f ,iJafZO�lTAL N.L Cf Q �1NG NO.I TAO .LL EINfO cIM1O SLriLCUt' S (l! LE 3) saiEa f - , sChEDU s (rl9 E zl I I �✓ I y I I- I TYPE C TYPE E TYPE O DITCH 110-1 INLET TYPES C, D, E & N 48 HOURS BEFORE 111—"0 ® CAUL Btl or i -BW -432 - 47 70 � p grace ern>E «g cai �� P. I Pe 70P SLAB FE i'. FEEL Jfl.G7A.l TOP SL:9 F (AL ERNA 7E A) E DIAGR (AA L TERN DO 7�cc7ian' c -c SPER, TAL TOP SLAB' I II i i �I r r I LJ I r I a �. r rov sse t rtu� n- y' (ALTERNATE B) - (AL TERNATEA) "PIC.. 5t/3 To 1 al" tlry��� rC.���SV..tM q 9 f l of -H, STRUCT(JRES BOTTOMS TI'PEJANDP 10 no IIIy i r R W K /'frvG G ass C£rNL/•r SPECIAL MARKING AREAS PROPERTY LIVE —� -- VARIES - —25— 121AIN. EXAMPLE (VARIES) RIND CRIVEWA -J— —CURB I y m $a (VARIES) MIN. N SA n VARIES �� — 4' MIN, p s $o aMIN �- CURB & GUTTER 1 .y 5'. FAA E 20. �?ii r�'C JECTED nPEC C'JLAR TO S EET C/L CIiY OF CCOEE JTIJ11E5 0`_a ARTN�E N NT 1 S O A TANGEN � TY?ICAL LOCATIC OR IIS E ra +o SEEV,A_Y SI "JGt FA.PIII -Y nlaauan ea1.� �v.LL QE s ce RESIDEN IAL CRIVES Ort E CN'G rIG. iG o01 9t res _ > VI - - J ., rsr a ,,�.., ...m LLJ r .. a V 1 � C Ck Z a V ) a - r rPe 1 1 _e a a a - n I i ICI GROUP - - y -'u rC'y�CI.CV FL.* OP OA EUNO 2966 A S,'IrN.2. fLV .f�cO tf. "£FSCC'fON Bus x[ss C. .CC..'O.II rY ioioiWlOa+: +SUr.IeM� N Oo 12 of� raveuser ua:en:c ror vusuc SPECIAL MARKNG AREAS (PARKING) u 17346 SrC_tvu.K CC!r9 FA�ru` !`/ FC:T �'£AS eO `\ J i tD L _ S L� TY'E B BEDDING AND TRENC -iII.G DETAIL i tD L _ 7 { =R ---RTr j r:E — may 12 M'N- I E %AI. PLF (4AR s) lvAk FR RI-s VA ?0� 1' r' i nl. - � 1` CURS & GU *iFR F E e E' 0 N.N iR.VA�'G \`,IRE /� E FLY A4 N TAPE 1 T 1 a Z J L 1 iG y i E FEZ ,� PcD..FED ID CLII.CV ID LOJ�l I`IG co[E un un__ LOCATING WIRE GETFIL ME OF V! TE G SDO V Cll DK1_ IN' u WMPROVED CONDITION I'll FU T+ FINS D GR D. 9 5 ?"ALT SURFACE si MPRO� LO F) T_10 F L♦ i f 7 T rF tR [.. _ SD .F 'll !'LVE COLLAR DETAIL P l ,n f u PIKE ',ENTIFIIATON (PCTAN _E WATER) Tr T R C AlIA WATER u1N \' Y DEN ON (RECIANCD hATC2) z a A � a ka` o "� 1 S H ry w o a V z a Cl. N ¢ r m D r r m O U O O t." V x x E, N u E, I a n � U X 48 HWR9 BEWRE DIc�nJa CAUL P Nr Zl' T L R IC L . PROPOSEC P n c (c NcES� 'IT FY .R] E.r_ NJFIZ c z aZ " 2 I Z IC?E AL En - ^ � 5 1 A IA- C/ iT D ANJ SEC70N o _w•9 rS U. -1- fi I.a FRLC 7 t E A14 PI •�' � I NrHOII CV PI 2 r z wii L ,c a, AID PLAN cN t � 2 7/8" -LEJAi ION w OPTIONAL "A. N' - .0.E F RANE rIND COVED P) _ - E J �7 f � IF a - 'A - D rP D .c " 1 DE AIL FOR 24 DIAc'ER PIPE nND LARGER 5 � c55 5?cEL r M jIP P r SiPNI£55 SIE L \P. E CL4N.P 0 [C1GR T. PI' O�EECT;.1 I.I. E -1 AID ti 5 E C :E I DILIF I s'u•Ir _ v0 E/901E Tl N .HOLE NIR�� r - Il \t\', CTION CETAILS ' 1J5 a4 E 0.Si JAL /I LEN 1 // O I... En I. I '.L J I 1 r, 5ca e� o _w•9 rS U. -1- fi I.a FRLC 7 t E A14 PI •�' � I NrHOII CV PI 2 r z wii L ,c a, AID PLAN cN t � 2 7/8" -LEJAi ION w OPTIONAL "A. N' - .0.E F RANE rIND COVED P) _ - E J �7 f � IF a - 'A - D rP D .c " 1 DE AIL FOR 24 DIAc'ER PIPE nND LARGER 5 � c55 5?cEL r M jIP P r SiPNI£55 SIE L \P. E CL4N.P 0 [C1GR T. PI' O�EECT;.1 I.I. E -1 AID ti 5 E C :E I DILIF I s'u•Ir _ v0 E/901E Tl N .HOLE NIR�� r - Il \t\', CTION CETAILS ti e ES -.. 1 fia ED c t i (3 A 4 (1"P -) SIND D B E - - iA'EkAL J•:ERhL — PROP L Al ] ILL 81]W NFP.ING UN. -- - -- 5 RVICE LATERAL P DLTAIL �� ^ R H V1 Q F ul 7 7 W. LLI VV) F La a La 7 Q LA 0 z o � W V) r F V ZI 48 HOURS BEFORE pIOORJO ® CALL en a t eoo-as2 - ano aea +� etne ore cur - care+ p E ' 1J5 a4 E 0.Si JAL /I LEN 1 // O I... En I. 1 'I ti e ES -.. 1 fia ED c t i (3 A 4 (1"P -) SIND D B E - - iA'EkAL J•:ERhL — PROP L Al ] ILL 81]W NFP.ING UN. -- - -- 5 RVICE LATERAL P DLTAIL �� ^ R H V1 Q F ul 7 7 W. LLI VV) F La a La 7 Q LA 0 z o � W V) r F V ZI 48 HOURS BEFORE pIOORJO ® CALL en a t eoo-as2 - ano aea +� etne ore cur - care+ p E LHTRANT OPERATING NUT \I S, INDIES I I ENCI �) 10 G ES C ETCH S DF 7 G(S) ! 5 RE.I G W �, RAE E 1 VALVE SID -1R pp q� AL e Im 7 6 DO 1 ea � ao FAIL — EE C!T �5 I 1 1 � I I C• 90 _'C" E I" L''e•l " o 5'. NG R.CH DC ( I a WEED CAP FI u0TE5 1. A'L 2 PIE 110 FUT11GS SHALL DO SCHEOIE 10 GC VAI �_D 51EcL OR BR, SS WI A THRCADED (OPT) JOIV S. LEE SLON'CFF �AL`Jc r,HETliIL O� LEE LHTRANT OPERATING NUT HOE NOZZLE / - I ENCI �) 10 G ES C ETCH S DF 7 G(S) ! 5 RE.I II I Z RAE E - T VALVE SID -1R pp q� AL e Im 7 6 DO 1 ea � ao EE C!T 0 C I 1 C• ____ r _ a iJ FI RID 13 OR d ^MNCI IC I O� LEE J L - J) Lo IS LN E S E ISE • - TES .,,.t ST ANDARD 1 =— Q'.._ OTES 1 E OE LLPER I l Z F4 Jc SHALL BE 6 M. AUM. uT 1T FIRE LLYENANT ASSE11BLY DETAIL J TRl' Ncp la "ssJa 5 LL� ✓ �5 - 'LC E D C "Cr p .. f 'T � _ I N' -- RILE 1`. l 1 S AND 11 TEE ttPE t II I EE II TO 5 J_ I ONCUT W CLR3 HOR LOG G 4,LE �.1 SL F 6 DIRE - H� •- � — OND -- -- ]. TRILL E it TRILL f J3 ';C. LS 5_R1 ..FS ,, cn ... __ c. , c � DEL eLE svcLE - - -�� LE-s Uo ­ �EHUCE I- -110E ( 1P_) i PRE L TIP 1 LINE ('rP_) = I I.. N i6a N.)J 6, FI UNA \I \ lei TINED AS SSP11 EIDELIR7D (r"F) (SLE HCTE IY RIGHT OF 'NAY LNE — _WURd rEF RIG Ii OF WAY LINE Y -L IS WATER SERVICE LACATION DEThII- j � o SIN DOUB eaE �R ecx FEU c.srl pa ._ 'H7 . I �T I b} 3y GIP : I E 3 OR I GLF SE •O,E 1. REtt. ABED BEGGING ROCK 11 TER - '.J'N -\ A" TI 6EN9 \ Ir.7 I a I �Jl yy ITrrb- -I �``ii Jam' - � RHD NO %HA t ... I ,.. (� -- IF E VTT H L I-p— Tar -.IE� --VIII 1 I c> 4 RECLA'r.A'- D LUSH ICI n N ¢ f-' W W 7 O � r N F a W � ¢ W z p vi O r T X � X � w N II � 0) Hal aA 48 1,10UR9 BEFORE DIGGING 811 or 1-800-432-4770 P e arassE yrnre canal Ic I I ENCI �) 10 G ES C ETCH S DF 7 G(S) II I RAE E Ei e Im 7 6 DO 1 ea � ao e nc I I 1 C• ____ r _ 11 -1/ BF.rA RID 13 OR d ^MNCI IC I O� LEE NC'ES: 1 IT' I'S L - J) Lo IS LN E S E ISE 0 L IEt TH DJfy J '.. I I F _ _ PS_ y RE tN4 - -_ 5 • TO BE CCI.IR': TED Ef iH "ICIr.EER. rt STRv. I'JED �'PE T"'LF SIN DOUB eaE �R ecx FEU c.srl pa ._ 'H7 . I �T I b} 3y GIP : I E 3 OR I GLF SE •O,E 1. REtt. ABED BEGGING ROCK 11 TER - '.J'N -\ A" TI 6EN9 \ Ir.7 I a I �Jl yy ITrrb- -I �``ii Jam' - � RHD NO %HA t ... I ,.. (� -- IF E VTT H L I-p— Tar -.IE� --VIII 1 I c> 4 RECLA'r.A'- D LUSH ICI n N ¢ f-' W W 7 O � r N F a W � ¢ W z p vi O r T X � X � w N II � 0) Hal aA 48 1,10UR9 BEFORE DIGGING 811 or 1-800-432-4770 P e arassE yrnre canal Ic I S D LUSH ICI n N ¢ f-' W W 7 O � r N F a W � ¢ W z p vi O r T X � X � w N II � 0) Hal aA 48 1,10UR9 BEFORE DIGGING 811 or 1-800-432-4770 P e arassE yrnre canal Ic I OAK TREES IN INCHES) TO BE REMO N oal:.I UV .1 {� •.(125 - n� ry ` a..+nocwa Y / .y—.e E TREES EXCLUDED FROM EXERCISE WITHIN IMPACTED AREA S f .• y W CAMPHOR GRAPHIC SCALE J {. .. NN �— ' EAR p f0 s �Z•. r " R r V . GOLDEN RAIN PINCHERRY PALM PINE II �rav�.mzmv.�na ' NOTE. PALM AND PINE TREES TO BE SAVED. HAVE BEEN SE—N. wn we cvt�.e - S K .•s sr,�r. • � TYPICAL 7FEE PfdaTEGTICN BMiW ETA�I BA DLI TREE PROTECTION BARRIER � I ' 49 50 i � 52 � i - �- _ 39 47 - — - 38 40 / r t t rnICAL SPECI E� 29 _37 1 -- reeESi -' 53 54 55 �` 3csL =EC ecN / 41 aF - 45 28 J 19 1, 27 31 35 43 9 �` _ 1 _ _ 34 j .11 T. PI•.. L SPECIVEN 21 5 m -S 25 l . ' \ 3 Y i 7 56 / 3 _ -` 10 16 58 22 �� 59 17 61 60 23 62 12 18 63 - �L 64 R ] 65 _ O _� _ _ - e 66 d' l 1 = 13 1 9 l,{ _ 1 V 2 3 4 —_3 / 68 67 z I' E E 4 " - R J CADS i F 'ECIMEN ul - -� _ - 69 Y i 71 i 72 w� 11 1111111 I' f 1 78 a O � 3oah o V o 4 W � � a a ,,, W N W W w �i a. J Q 7 z O rn 04 W W a r h w N II E n U GROUP 48 HCNh1.9 BEFORE DIGGING LL Btl or 1 a00- 432 -4770 fiJ11 / t �.�ErArE�ouL�e+ TREE SIZE R/W AILEY PONDTRACT LOTS TOTAL >3" aid <24" 81 35 17 120 2 53 =24" 14 4 3 32 Su GENERAL NOTES: 50' LOTS 3 TREES PER LOT 40' LOTS 2 TREES PER LOT /PLUS 1 TREE IN COMMON AREA TREE PROVDED: 50' LOTS 24 x 3 = 72 \5 "" 40' LOTS 55 x 2 = 110 55 x I = 55 1 PERIMETER fi MN AL ENGINEERING INCLUDING STRUCNRAL DESIGN TO BE PROVIDED BY TOTAL 3O1 / CONTRACTOR. WALL IS TO BE PERMITTED'NU THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NO GRAPHIC SCALE w F ET OPEN �i's� r ✓Y - 5 48 �) 49 50 5 52 A q c 7 a HO j� - « / \ 39 , `a a 47 ) a) a a 8 N s 3g a - ru �A•.r -�`,. _,[- 40 ,� 46 o i, ;J \ )�', J� OPEN e a 29 54 5 37 r 41 � . � y � 45 wcKCO'�was'A`�''�a / r � -' -�° , 28 ,` 30 ',OPEN ,) r '\ ,\ v 31 �. v, � .� f \ `') I — — °I TO AUG N NG OUDARY 19 35 '' ,. a d 1S - : / - I AFTER CIfARI TO MAINTAIN 43 J? _ - P MAxI4U1A SPACE OF 30` z _ 1t, ) BET,'.£EN TREES. a' x f , a, f a! ) ` _ 20 \ \ 26 ` 32 rry , 34 1 -� ? f ¢A * II r Ti, 9 )`1:,. ` 1` L� ` -•1� '. ,5 w S v a 56 n w 21 2 5 57 OPEN �i ��' r� OPEN . P 33 %! j 58 _ 04 U _'�° 16 22 �\ �:, X -:' p4� 60 59� 0 TA W O g � ) ` �', 24° SG Z �> ' _ �� 11 ) i e i O 63 6 �� l 17 ) 23 �T3 , J 62 _ ~ C7 'l ., 5 d !� t I O Z 1 LW 67 4 o- 13 :- 2 T 'f °• w' i l 4 3 a' , 2 ` DRA P - 73 R 75 3 `; 7 B o Do D c _ I v RA � GROUP q HpURB BEFORE DICK31N0 CALL / / \ / l rBoo -432 -4770 SPRING t I ° ,- Y ------ ------ ------ —_____—__—__— __— __— __— __— __— __— __— __— __ —___ -- — AD MIS Rte. MlIVIS . - RO% J'� - - = - -i f -- -- - -- - -- J -- - - - — -- — _BRICK �AL d05 u ENTRY SIGNAGE�� L /JG, soo - ALUMINUM FENCE � I�t a _' .�c -- ALUMINUM -BRICK WALL -- oLC - - --^ K F A - j — r! . i , 7.. , t ..:._ OPK - -�B P�✓, i / S d I I j - -- - i OLU MN (TYP) \ 0 PA FFF n7 4 aP i 2 PVC VINYL FENCE (TYP.) CPA d I �, �� �� b�- p ,C n 7 o AD MIMS ROAD GT. - _ ��l B RICK - -- -- �� S _ [� -ENTRY SiGNAGE% >. � — — - - - —� - - - - -a - nV C�7 ^ g - i— -- - - —/ - -- - - - IMS soD / - -- - -- P,4 "t`$ K WALL -- AND WALL AD M — _ r ♦ � p W S R � ¢ S� N N La ° _- ----- ,y 2g Q aK 3g 39 o ' 2 g N V) " 1 No s AD MIMS ROAD ENGINEERING INCLUDING 5TRUC111L 1E51G4 TO BE PRCVIDEO BY IML CONTRACTOR. WALL IS TO BE PERMITTED 1HRU THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. -BRICK COLUMNS — AND WALL 1 �— NUM AD M ROAD ALUMI - -- --------- - 2 4 - -- -r MIMS OA —_ _ FENCE -- — -- � ark � � � �\ _ „- - BENCHES - PICNIC P� I P U J / OPK p 6 pPK � 1 O x _ =10- -4 a6— — - — — -0 I I BI l $BQ K pP 0 �,� F, I& ROUND e OPK 06�, 4 I f . :, '4 0 I A �' ° a "r ��� � � GROUP oPK _ 00 SF chic PaAyi -IJN 00� OPK PVC VINYL FENCE / � �� TABLE 4 - 4• OPY. (TYP. l S � L 39 9 \ ° �� GRAPHIC SCALE �r�� ' 13Q sa,< �i n n.n:� }qT� 1 pe 2 0 AD MIMS ROAD PASSIVE PARK _ LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES 11 A ctrvw.� n. K+• w1 Nn h m, n ..r.. n n• w rc a, dr .� ¢w w r.u»� Aa 5 ! ��a me em 1, n,.:f.e K a .,. LL je ypical Small _rroe or palm Treo with {toot Warrior ro rlE:r �Lf�N1 "ING & SLAKING I��TAIL a� W� FILANTING & (3 ACING E1 AIL SNpUI� & G�OUNbCOV�p f'LAN1'ING CictAIL mpt- m FN-M Wt�E pL- AN��NG & 51'AKING C�1' I I, x Mx i`�a`f in¢ rtna 1. v lZrt` u� SMALL TI2�� PL ANTING & 51A ��TAIL 501) INSTALLATION ��TAIL 1 - WICAL r LANT 5'A v a ��IHI I I li lll II II IIII I apical Canopy Tree or parole Palm fro with 1200t farrier z N V z2�n C) q W s rn W w o. > UJI °6 N w -= w F. w z U oe N V) o z m � w M n U SYMBOL BOTANICALNAME 48 HOl1RB BEFdPE DIC,'CJNO SHAD E TREES /FLOWERING TREES /SMALL SPECIMEN TREES 14' m n. M1t, 4 "cal.. 6' c1 CALL ® Live Oak OV 229 Querwsvlr 9iniana Magnol'.a � 8110 r 1 800 - 4322471 MG fi Magnolia grantliilora LI 12 Lagerstroemia In�ica'NatcM1ei Crape Mynle un4. 10'tA rff ernre TD as Ta.omam aiauon�m eam c :a SHRURS, HEDGES 8 GRO UNDCOVERS ^• o m 3 1a1. 30 "x26'.30" o c. SNpUI� & G�OUNbCOV�p f'LAN1'ING CictAIL mpt- m FN-M Wt�E pL- AN��NG & 51'AKING C�1' I I, x Mx i`�a`f in¢ rtna 1. v lZrt` u� SMALL TI2�� PL ANTING & 51A ��TAIL 501) INSTALLATION ��TAIL 1 - WICAL r LANT 5'A v a ��IHI I I li lll II II IIII I apical Canopy Tree or parole Palm fro with 1200t farrier z N V z2�n C) q W s rn W w o. > UJI °6 N w -= w F. w z U oe N V) o z m � w M n U �8 J 3°lbz 281 � s a •mod .,i ML RRiLR _ I 4- 1--BR- BRICK COLUMN AND WALL DETAIL R. • xR xiY uie. RR�a pplfA AS RE09- (SSWR RnTO MR) ' ='i n a L am+;. nvo Rs TRH.•, ncT FI NCTE ENGINEERING INCLUDING STRUCTURAL DESIGN TO BE PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR. WALL IS TO eE PERMRTED TNRU THE BUILDING DEPMTMENT. x a w � G a W z a u' J w V Z ..� � 3 x w w M s I x � ENTRY SIGNAGE i 2 BRICK COLUMN AND ALUMINUM FENCING DETAIL O KEYSTONE RETAINING WALL S ENTRY SIGNAGE DETAIL 4 TYPICAL U WALL SECTION R.TS, Sit a Round and Enjoy uM pkma laic nirt. a 4e,u rr �Q nN c•cJar law iw rrN cea:s. a�4 ws - pMed s el�� �nanca $d U satda ' - lops o:s dw eailnde the 4S dmm�nr :v%e No pouJry�pwih o Y Ywsl U� alnMwU n:es s-A vanoUa a<a+ ii arum rtYl ♦= <.a.li+le:N s mlae<on NaY'aisy Wsolw g:Uly': WnN ra rpcndis�newl4 ssA sum ..re�aa papmcoa<.n Irocda avd+cmea PlawlhPalMr%ybn .In W4 X it' aoud i.ys l f✓yN seA• 1 ^rnn[M -7 ee 1a4, !1 J u Wva!sde is Se Il'`PT" PICNIC TABLE DETAIL (OR APPRO ED A ) ' t ^h fn k .errv.e I ." I , 11II 1 4R4RR __'.. °.""***+++ ft s[ 6,C}rsna'f`Il. .Mnh i +Nw• s jOf � Endless Hours of Fun � MaTYe GWlnme Mefe1 rl+a wekalM to crocodw Cosa xnm ­­9­ " crocodraa rmm. pbmly d ImrLan ladticw aW I{mbels volt key r mpndinns s doll M. M T «n qne. n,r:e.Nr 1n^ os Fo•n - play slmclure Pvsanls sowro'. ago .,P —.'. cnan<ngos e,n nan to unla4e play owns final - alimv cn:IdrM to tlC+NPP Inem skills al tna:r o,na DlmonM.nf Deco. Sruo Io P—d' —1— noun of fun a 'hy Actual Unll Sim 125. 23' rot chlkkon age% 3-12 Years aid pSTM Use ton% S I4a.3S Feature% ASTM Surface Area 1 1034 S% FL Tell.0 Point 114'5 • 4511eas e Dual Ch,e 14,1e Rail SW. I Child Capnclty 128 _ 0 2 We -SliWS Ag, Rang! 15-12 • Sliding Pole PLAYGROUND DETAIL _ 4 l R APPR ED EQUAL ar Commercial Grade outdoor Benches Foaluring a Lghiy ecmble. cmmslon resistant �: n<rtnopl aua .J+g cn the seeU ands erd payAertoatad lags. PclWmtod ; Tess n+calh are for su:laa cols rat . sea r meicldl Uencnes Pn 0 %cNlenl coats ka IwUn9llx pedecl 4aleow setling Th. sealir:g sl' lies via d'eserl In n dw.- at i gourd aN s usaza vmaunl motels anU � a�`ahad< in 6 and e' lenglns. Optional ymut coats aro awlaeb I< enhanco Iho loox of sudaco Ml 1PGWa4 a inymin,. mehm e�henctles. Cl,rose eitm a glossy PlastisW IgJntly textured afle PdYeIM1YIe!le cI Aing. twin aailffiI¢ in Ins c0'as Slxciflcadona y�sbpbw. • 24W 0 . Legs. • 16' Seat Height . 3M F 11 Gau9< _ po—ted StNe Seal asack_ —_ ' Model PBW6 -P Model PSN84 M.lching Product% w< lw fho e Fear 2 O APPROV DEC A6 Simple. Attractive b Effective Bike Parking Tw_ YI<avy4Tf.Y O,alelp<r ivaw ilk. Mtki are sWr to Iha GFagerSer PNS bile 2cks, e.cTh. kv IM r,arrea<r spacing bclu'ocn kwps. camparA Ife;ign alimvs Ihn e3ecli use d Nga uril U 1s•kn to nc•uw Ihu hvm. nl Ikr b'.ha 1• Ih<ae,eaw dke rapke The robU t Fame d lx Heavy -OuIY Qxkesger is tll s ad k 2 e I . I brai.a - a he' the reeks am Nm o5..d ina 4slwni4ad, ae d. —lod. aM xloinlass t1eM knsh. The Hea i UhN" "x wasa lax. rxks cane Model H76 -P SF I at&& ou Imglns p to are h ito ma -e Ydf' dxe wages mnur:t m _� - .yid - gm:F:d antl :� Face g ussd Allcl taW.. or, sea, mMd Dr-P a , wlaate ft/ aancrote nstapaays. \1 rl 1 1� sawae Man -' MylPUlld Meunl Gmvice- Wo _ - � `•• p Place) 4gutY Wllzrer pptSOnal Grout Covers WTe 9lke Rak ad.. 6leftack n. 2 W� Gmul �� a, the ideal aeae+elio sdr4wn to COMAW sur4 mwm Ilarg. or in- 0! °'^tl n•rwrN Inc.dm point Gdwrtizad snish racks ale pares wi'h SPU^ AlLmllmm ca,<IS. aalvanlzee Flnleh Ptnsder4:aaled irlith lacks are Paired vilh color The hai d:p, 9a'1arvr.�Axn' se n:ssiL^ ^^ malcnad Posda-CaaLM Casl AIUmA =rwm caors. nfl!eirw - .utn.n .v nrd- S4 5 BIKE RACK DETAIL aTe BIKE APPROVED EQUAL) 6 PAVILION DETAILS N s. (OR AP PR V D EQ A ) y a R ns o d 1 4' 4 La W owe r Z he 2 Q a J v d Z W Ix tie a. 4 a N x 3 1 a M rn U O NORTHERN' Heavy -Duty Park -Style Grill— Modal# H -16 BSX2 3 4 . satat'in.. ,o nAxk pnpm Maw. k I. w Product Summary am.P..s nsel.lae sofma d<wznu an. as <a an........ s -sMe4a tsnnee d ursrMO'Ty an savx try raca.W:'a'raI:W3JIepoal4dw awiacb nema 325l sotlx➢4rvaMl .aoaN USA Ymel's NSWa•a pq wsa yarem .zpn mole unwieo Pp• }t }Po- k�s1Ya 9^• nlLOOeM P.ew aaseeaT lily....zon lemaa lwmasJ 1 Features � gellefds } ed rmetn:q'srQi'u_ hlbk<a mei P t,i tiYkla .ylre:lrl - 4 lre<.W r 4 d 4 N nLn r N:ras t;anhn anH VaWw I.l mWn. WJ. ma lm•E.n.+ SwwY sse'b +vY mnsn9 mn...Fon wry la,N.m Tvnpam. z 3!&n. N nioar.L uses pas sue yea Nm Na gram. DOOR UTD 3 OR APPROVEID EQUAL "ls - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - -- _- =- f - - -- i - -- _----- AD MIMS ROAD -- 1,2 265 1 45 1 L�1' 11231 IIR' 30' 1, Q 1,14' D I St 1,R• _ ___ HLIN p _.. - TEC . - 2 L I C 2.21F E — — 6 RE t '. E Cl 0 „ NI F ..A C. C .cLi.O. a.w I 21 LF� — _ 52 / IN REFER LT NT111 1 J..S u. V: THE E _. ___ - \ — - 2'WRE SL =EVE - T � I _ O P EN a In A Q �RO`a amp= a --------------------- a l — -- - g -- -- f - -- — -- o Q M IMS ROAD , Tr IN IN. ED E H. W 2,a 1 11:1 - _ EREC WATER DEVELOP Nt -. C E ' 23LF Ne Z wa J - I 2 IIR NLINE 2Y] r J A-- MAM.R E TO U rttt PU 8 - , 2 FI DSG ER �V U U' - rwR ATO , nNEwln.cT „N ri .F_aPS.,. c.: - - - / P01 HCAEVALVE ROIRE _ NFP. 10 11J TAIATE0.AL -CG ROW IR CO N .NTRCIL .. WALL 120 A L,OLNTEO On V "'- < I -1 _. -. • I - _ w J 1/ IN .EOI V vE EO% r'NIRE S.PE. A ELECTR POIER I_ / _____— __— __ —__� -_ . , i AL sa '*'�� � I 211 l.� � LJ Z 4a_ 2 3g 3g So.0 4g r g - -! — - -- —�� a ' a IRRIGATION LEGEND L 1NI$ PRO]ECT, +LLL I`:G 60IN F_Rl ! TAL ANO %SRT6Al CON$TRUL➢OV. SH +LL INCORPOR4T — „S -nit cLUL'9N+G RAN PRO 1806 SERES SPRINKLERS N,IN F PRO PALL .C5 J C y 1- L (l AS IE01 CO' ! I_ SPRAY NOZZLES LNLESS NOTED ST - '£ C = 7E, i CF if E CITY OF COEE s COOS OF C L- 'YANCES. ' n 15 0 }0' TRAJECTORY j CC E.. E R E / CT R SL VII CO^,JL.:ATE .11 ?I I ,5 -T ]0' TRAJECTORY - -- LiIITIES CEP / C E'T '. TEN CL. - -- - -- � -- � - - -- _ o Is -N ]0' TRAJECTORY FI-D.0NS -.D , .OATIDN EYS _., BY LAw'.: ,m -105 -1151. AD MUMS ROAD P 5 -TO ”: TRAJE TORY ' o s -F ]o 2 -0 TRaJECiORr - _ N u ]0 1R :ECiORY 1 - -� 2 -T I0 Y , E' TORY t' _ '• t2 -H ]0 1RA:ECiORY T - p !2 -TO CO' TRAJECTORY _._.�.. O 12 -F JO' TRA.'.CiORY p IC- 0 ,5' TRAJECTORY .�_. r__��_�� -____ 10 T 5' 5' TRAJECTORY 10 -H 1 RAJECTOR't ,C -F 15' Z 293 LF :0' TRAJECTORY — n M n U m B -0 TRAJECTORY -7 I I I _ — — s 8 -T 10' TRAJECTORY N FU- — — — — -- , m 8 -H `.P TRAJECTORr IB I 1 e S � , I e 5 f ���111 t - I I I BAS ♦ B :RO 432 SERIES PC B PPLER 0.50 GP f f+ OP EN I OA iELHJI' SUPPLY PONT CF CC.:ECT '4 HUNTER O P�I\ I GRONVRl` R ICV SERES ELECTR C( 11 —1, ALL " Z(':ES �� - 4 /1 - l \V! TO BE EOUIPPEO INIH A HUNTER ACLU - -- ' MODULE © HUNTER PRO -L B£fllES CONTROLLER, MCOEL PC -1200 S � _ ® HUNTER .111 -C1IN RAIN SENSOR SCALE FQ NECO FILER, SEE PLAN FOR FILTER SIZE Gf2AYg10 TAFN PI 2 - - -• -- CL 200 PvC PURPLE MAINLINE, SOLVENT 1tfI0 CL 200 PVC PURPIE LATERAL EIYE, SOLVENT 11 NETAFIIA LECHIJNE, .OL9 -12,0 (W FEEL ) Sc L"' 40 PVC SLEEIE 1 IDcp = 20 ft SEE PLAN FOR SLEEVE 5I2ES AND LOCATONS �^ I 'l l FARDiFD601HEPUM1 xS 0 9E TrSieU£D MPR U N.') (A PER �RaN exD eoe nrcea �SCNN TO ITREET ELB W ER /]' Fl£% PPE I .11 TEE RAIN BIRD 1606 SPRINKLER n'Ts Bx0 IRUIINI, E R VEL .a } E' f G ....E 6etfv. ft A I Y 1 E f IE9 +.11 ro SE o ­ NTED v Av e 11-IS-N A1q 0..APIER w SPADE LAT TEE /z E1EZ PIPE PAL U-1 RAIN BIRD 1400 SERIES B F1rus9 CABLE ""A" %NC CovER DENTIFl.nn� 2— IL vC SCHE..11E IN ECITEFL u SC El E S, PVC NFlrt£ OR DRIP Tue N., GRA =u..� / EA Sur Lr un_ 5. ALL DRIP ZONE ­­ TO BE EQUIPPED SlTH HUNTER ACLU - SING PRESSURE REGaLAnNG 11-BILE ICV SERIES CONTROL VALVE ITI FRONT RIGHT -SIDE SECTION /ELEVATION SEC TON /ELEVATION HUNTER PRO - C SERIES CONTROLLER ITS TE IUFI RR c Dy/ YJ G AAVO DR YS M I sCHEC LL LEE I "I GF slmc Eno IF ELEert � SEE PLAN EDR SLLvE _ s:zl CE z BI l OCTANCE SLEEVE DETAIL NTS N N ITS E PLANT E, t iFCY.L`EE iDBING TO BE Ra'JTED IN TH , P AT MANIMUM LATERAL SPACING DF INCHES_ L11E TOEING TO Bf 111TALUED IN A GRID TE G BI Sv INSTALLED IN A LCN INAIC REN, A TD A' EDGE 1I I.E. E OF MA%IMVM LG ___ %GEED o NNE ELUEHCIG -- — — — — -- ALL L FEE C R SH PVC BALL VALVE 30D I.NEAR T ALL NOT E ' -- AREA PERIMETER BE TECHUIEE ] BFTLONE BuRiEO i 14' MA% SPpEIN ALL N CHLnE "NE AND anluE PLAN 4U CH. TTE ., "NE SHALL �ADPCRD w, E C SAID NETAFlM IECHUNE B HOS NAIL T.DL9 -1Z I � � I I x I I I AREA PER:uETER NOT TD EXCEED 5 GPM NETAFIM v 2­1 L.us[Rr, 3 /a' PVC TEE 0? (300 LF TECHLINEj MODEL TLZwDTSMA, } /a' e.Pr FOR EACH SUPPLY POINT NETAFIM TECHLINE CONN ECTION POINT 'A' 11 LAY ,I O oR sE ON AN ,BIT,,. sa TREN CHING DETAIL ITS ,LEN TECHUNE REQUIRES MILncuLE SUPPLY PCINTS THE "CH", FROM -RUNE TEE EACH POINT SHALL BE CONNECTED UP unUnNG- CHINE FITTecs.- AFEA PERIMEIES --- . --- � Au iEauNS S P I - Nrnn t1NE Fl_J`MNG vA RI, STE P TIE L aE ANO CLAN "" A I Pv� eAU L•�E CRIMP E D OR L e <N HOSE u I I NETAFlM TECH�.INE 1 Mwe_ nDls -Lz I i I I I I 1 I J ____________AREA RE NETER FROM CON— VALVE CONTROLLER S CHEDULE ZDNE NO G VALVE III TH T 211 /Z' O UTIINTEE LRP'- izoDSERI s ul A.,, NTE 1 EN GD I A 2 "/' ELIELR D0.1P a IY I a 11R ICE SECURELY TD WALL S ;1/ L R a ,G ,' oH�PAI 9 ]I.9 1 I /]' SAxAY O � D I ARE iz sreUD Es E 0 "LL oNE NwARw ..ill iiRSPE 1i ASIE O FlNUEB sI.REAC. vA", SIZE __0L SALINE PER 'NUE FRONT RIGHT -SIDE SECTION /ELEVATION SEC TON /ELEVATION HUNTER PRO - C SERIES CONTROLLER ITS TE IUFI RR c Dy/ YJ G AAVO DR YS M I sCHEC LL LEE I "I GF slmc Eno IF ELEert � SEE PLAN EDR SLLvE _ s:zl CE z BI l OCTANCE SLEEVE DETAIL NTS N N ITS E PLANT E, t iFCY.L`EE iDBING TO BE Ra'JTED IN TH , P AT MANIMUM LATERAL SPACING DF INCHES_ L11E TOEING TO Bf 111TALUED IN A GRID TE G BI Sv INSTALLED IN A LCN INAIC REN, A TD A' EDGE 1I I.E. E OF MA%IMVM LG ___ %GEED o NNE ELUEHCIG -- — — — — -- ALL L FEE C R SH PVC BALL VALVE 30D I.NEAR T ALL NOT E ' -- AREA PERIMETER BE TECHUIEE ] BFTLONE BuRiEO i 14' MA% SPpEIN ALL N CHLnE "NE AND anluE PLAN 4U CH. TTE ., "NE SHALL �ADPCRD w, E C SAID NETAFlM IECHUNE B HOS NAIL T.DL9 -1Z I � � I I x I I I AREA PER:uETER NOT TD EXCEED 5 GPM NETAFIM v 2­1 L.us[Rr, 3 /a' PVC TEE 0? (300 LF TECHLINEj MODEL TLZwDTSMA, } /a' e.Pr FOR EACH SUPPLY POINT NETAFIM TECHLINE CONN ECTION POINT 'A' 11 LAY ,I O oR sE ON AN ,BIT,,. sa TREN CHING DETAIL ITS ,LEN TECHUNE REQUIRES MILncuLE SUPPLY PCINTS THE "CH", FROM -RUNE TEE EACH POINT SHALL BE CONNECTED UP unUnNG- CHINE FITTecs.- AFEA PERIMEIES --- . --- � Au iEauNS S P I - Nrnn t1NE Fl_J`MNG vA RI, STE P TIE L aE ANO CLAN "" A I Pv� eAU L•�E CRIMP E D OR L e <N HOSE u I I NETAFlM TECH�.INE 1 Mwe_ nDls -Lz I i I I I I 1 I J ____________AREA RE NETER FROM CON— VALVE i0 NEXT DRIP SUPPLY PCLVi CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO IRRICATIDN PLAN FOR No>E. BEEI APPL1 ABLE LOCAU IN CF CONTROL VAL \'ES MAT UTILIZE o RE un FER TO IRRDABGV P TOrvT9. N MULIIPULE TECHUNE SUPPLY CCNNECIIONS. uAT AL BED - BIG T AT MAXIN'u LATERAL SPAC of UA O TECM.NE Cl­ CD I2 ...HES. T NLNE TUBING TO BE INSTALLED IN A Q.NID X, PATTERN. TECHU" NBING SHALL NOT DE INSTALED IN MULTTPULE TECHLINE CONNECTION A LONG QDNTNDCNE RUN. COVERAGE ANY CHANGES MADE IN THE HEAD LAYOUT CUE SUPPLIES FROM SINGLE CONTROL VALVE NTs IRRIGATION NOTES 1) THE HEAD LAYOUT HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO PROVIDE 100% COVERAGE ANY CHANGES MADE IN THE HEAD LAYOUT CUE TO FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE k STANDARDS. 2) SET SPRAY HEADS 3" AND ROTORS 6' IN FROM BACK OF CURB V OR 12" IF PAVEMENT HAS NO CURB, 3) VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL UPIDERGROUND UTILITIES FR12R TO 'Z '� INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM. MAINLINE SHALL NOT R a ;$ u BE LOCATED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT^ ago m MANAGER AND THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ALL UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES MAY NOT BE SHOWN ON THESE PLANS - CONTRACTOR p U o <�o- a SHALL VERIFY THEIR LOCATION. = ,'�. „ ` o B i i o 4) ALL PRESSURE MAINUN'ES UNDER ASPHALT PAVEMENT SHALL Oo ED a BE PLACED WITHIN SLEEVES AS NOTED. WHERE ELECTRIC VALVE G=1 £ N'�" €� CONTROL LINES PASS THROUGH A SLEEVE WITH OTHER MAIN OR LINES THEY SHALL BE CONTAINED WITHIN A SEPERATE a LATERAL SMALLER CONDUIT. w O - o �o3Y o 5) MAINLINE AND VALVES ARE SHOWN IN SCHEV,ATIC FORM. (x < oB�" S LOCATE AS NOTED ON PLANS. (', o $ 0 s o ED 5) LOCATE ALL VALVES A MINIMUM OF 12" FROM BACK OF F�1 p w 5 3 33 CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 7) ALL SLEEVES UTILIZED BY THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR WHETHER INSTALLED BY HIM OR NOT SHALL BE LOCATED ON N THE 'AS BUILT DRAWINGS THE DEPTH BELOW FINISH GRADE, .J TO THE NEAREST FOOT OF EACH END OF EACH SLEEVE SHALL BE NOTED AT EACH SLEEVE LOCATION ON THE AS BUILT DRAWINGS. ALL SLEEVES ON PLAN FOR WALL PENETRATIONS AND UNDER SIDEWALKS SHALL BE SIZED TWO PIPE SIZES Q GREATER THAN PIPE IT CARRIES. 04 A 8) ALL UNSIZED PIPE SHALL BE 3/4" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. a 9) ALL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A CARSON PLASTIC N VALVE BOX WITH PURPLE LOCKING LID. ¢ W 10) IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE ANY AND ALL ,, a NECESSARY PERMITS FOR THE WORK PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF l7 HIS OPERATIONS ON -SITE. COPIES OF THE PERMITS SHALL BE z O SENT TO THE OWINER /GENERAL CONTRACTOR. WORK IN THE R.G.W. SHALL CONFORM TO PHIS STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS F OF LOCAL AND /OR STATE HIGHWAY JURISDICTION. to fUUEf:n� 17) VERIFY CONTROLLER AND MAINLINE CONNECTION LOCATIONS AT � PROJECT SITE WITH OWNER. .. 12) ELECTRIC SERVICE TO THE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER SHALL BE PROVDED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 13) ALL 24 VAC WIRING SHALL BE OF DIRECT BURIAL COPPER WIRE AS FOLLOWS: CONTROL WIRES - #'14 -1 RED COMMON WIRE - #14 -1 WHITE 14) I NSTAL LA TION OF S C WITH CONTRACTORS IN MANER AS TO ALLOW FOR A SPEEDY AND ORDERLY COMPLETION OF ALL WORK ON THE SITE. w J U, ° Z w IS) THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING BOTH HORIZONTAL AND 'VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION, SHALLINCORPORATE WaterSense PLUMBING FIXTURES AND Energy Stag APPLIANCES AS REQUIRED BY CHAPTER 175 OF THE CITY OF OODLES CODE OF ORDINANCES. ��� 15) DEVELOPER / CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE GROUP GROV UTILITIES DEPARTMENT FOR WATER CONSERVATION INSPECTION OF PLUMBING AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM BY CALLING: 407 - 905 -3159. .* , CO ■ ■;, •� ii •.il PMU F B I MJC "sc�iE WR�Q d 4ATp"AIXG eUUM PoRw aam c o.xnr P+ 'i i 9E4NUCA'2 "Alit � Sl'liC imrn DY114 xRCx[J �� ,t J rtOO RO4u Wi1�fAA1G RC44 fOYEP - J•t.Y L P�P�� 9FiM P[PAIW N.I.i. rl r .AVIIG uEDRW'J 9 w.� F6AnI i.P w w w 1% w a u a a h 0 O O 0 4 A z O 7 w J w w O Al l to � w M * 41k, , (III: NEWBUR _ BRISTOL -A -.4 # . . f. . . . .......... . L -1 w G m 'T Mlp 44 k -11 -.,* lk Ali 1 lag I roan , ;rixcRnc poll MINN wniR N z 4 all 0 ce Ln 0 2 0 vi z 0 L9 WA 0 x gym ���