HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-24-2014 MinutesCODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MINUTES JUNE 24, 2014 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Robert Godek called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, Member Carrington gave the invocation, and Vice - Chairman Lowery led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Godek, Vice - Chairman Lowery, Members Blynder, Carrington, Kelley, Osborne, and Alt. Member Hopper. Also present were Asst. Support Services Director -- Code Enforcement Manager Doug Gaines, Code Enforcement Officers Carmen Delgado, Edward Loeffler and Robert Siegrist; Administrative Assistant Bridgett Coffey, Board Attorney Mary Sneed, and Recording Clerk Diana Turner. Newly appointed Alt. Member Fischer attended as an observer. ABSENT: Member Amey was absent /excused, GUESTS: None. Administrative Assistant Coffey administered the oath to the code enforcement officers and to anyone intending to speak regarding a case. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MA'1`FF,RS LISTED UNDFR 11HE. CONSEN "I" AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTING BY THE' CODE. ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON 13Y ONE MOTION. THI�:RE WILL BE NO SEPARATE. DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF 1111; BOARD. IN WHICH CASE "MIL CHAIRMAN WILL INSTRUCT TIIF. BOARD CLERK TO REMOVE THE ITEM PROM 1 CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BF: CONSIDFRE.D SEPARATELY. A. Minutes of the May 27, 2014, Code Enforcement Board Meeting Assistant Support Services Director - Code Enforcement Manager Doug Gaines presented the dismissals - compliances as well as the continuances. B. Dismissal or Compliance Case Nu mber Respondent Location of Viola tion 14 -025 1 FENCE SOLUTIONS JOHN I -IENRY ARNOLD DANIEL WAYNE A -1 FENCE SOLUTIONS 14 -026 STEVI B'S PIZZA Ddrm WEST OAKS TOWN CENTER LLC PRITESH 2 INC: 656 DARKWOOD AVENUE 9679 W COLONIAL DRIVE 14 -039 IAIMINI H PATEL 1659 CAMBRIDGE VILLAGE COURT 14 -041 AMERICAN RESIDENTIAL SERVICES CLAUDETTE PESUME 14 -045 .LAMES E GRAHAM CAROLE E GRAHAM 848 SATIN LEAF CIRCLE 101 MINOR. COURT C. Order of Continuance (July 22, 2014, Meeting) Case Number 14 -044 ResTn DAN WANG Location of Violation 216 S LAKESHORE DRIVE, Vice - Chairman Lowery, seconded bi Member Carrin ,-ton, moved Thai the supplemental consent ak"enda he accep(gd as vresenled. M otion car•r�ied umanimously. Vice - Chairman Lowery, seconded by Member Kelley, moved that Cases 412 -123, 13 -067, 12 -003, 14 -043 and 413 - 064 be moved to the beginning of fhe agenda-and . 1hen_reverl b to the original agenda. 11ol"M carried unanimously COMMENTS FROM CITIZE None. HEARINGS OF.STATEMENTS OF VIOLATIONS PURSUAN 1'10'1'11E 11EARING RULES ADOPT FD BY THIS 130ARD ON JUNE 27, 1995, VARIOUS DOCUMEN I'S AR USED BY TI IF CODE. EN I OFFICERS IN FACH CASE AND ARE REPORTED IN THE CAST: 'LSIIMONY GIVEN 13Y 1111: CODF ENFORCF.MFNT OFFICER. IN TIIF:SF MINUTES THE TITLES TO IHOSF. DOCUMENTS WILL BE ABBRF.VIATFD AS FOLLOWS: ACID - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCY: FOR DLMOIT I ION. AOC - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPI IANCE- AONC' - APPIDAVI'I' OF NON - COMPLIANCE. AIF- APPL,ICA'IION 70 FORECLOSF, CO - COMPLIANCL GIRDER, C'MPD — COMMISSION MFH "FING FOR DF: Il[RMINATION, CS CONTINUED STAY, C'IIZ - COPY 'TO RESPONDEN "T, ECO — EXTENDED COMPLIANCE ORDER, EX- EXHIBFI'S FS- FEES STAYED, LDC Land Developncut Code, NOCV - NOTICF. OF CODF. VIOLATION, NOH - NO'IICE OF HEARING, NS -No Service, OAF - ORDER AUTUORI /ING FORECLOSURE, 01F -L- ORDER IMPOSING FINF-FIFN, ONC - ORDER OF NON - COMPLIANCE, OOC - ORDER OF CONTINUANCE, , ORF ORDFR REDUCING DINE, PDFS - PER DAY FINE SUSPENDED, NOS - POS, RIR - RFQUEST I OR REI IEARING, RFRDUC- REQUEST l�OR REDUCTION DENIED UNTU COMPI IANCF. ROF RFDUCITON OF FINE:, SFII SU13P01[NA FOIL IiF:ARING, SOV - STA'11:ME:NT OF VIOI.A "LION (S) and WD WITHDREW. HEARINGS ON STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARINGS Alt. Member Hopper, seconded by Member Carrington, moved to re -hear Case 412 -123, for request o1 reduction o in e. Molion carried unanimously. Case No. 12 -123 Merary Ramos 1103 Caballero Road Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 115-3, 108 -23Q, 108 -19A Observation: Misc. trash / debris on property. Unfenced swiniming pool in front yard. Weeds/ grass over 10" backyard. People living in house without active City water account. Fence in disrepair. 07/22/12 NOTICE; OF CODE, VIOLATION 07/24/12 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 07/24/12 NOTICE OF HEARING 07/24/12 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY 08/28/12 COMPLIANCE ORDER RE- INSPECTION DATE: 07%16/12 MEETING DATE: 008 /28/12 REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL, FOUND IN VIOLATION AS OF 07/02/12 TO COMPLY BY 09/12/12 OF 115-3, 108 -23Q, 108 -19A OR FINE OF $100.00 PER DAY, PER VIOLATION. 09/12/12 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE CODES 108 -23Q, 108 -19A 09/12/12 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE CODE 115-3 09/25/12 BOARD ORDER IMPOSE FINE ON CODE 115 -3 10/01/12 ORDER IMPOSING FINE /LIEN 10/01/12 PROOF OF SERVICE CERTIFIED MAIL Page 2 10/31/12 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE 11/06/12 OERDER IMPOSING FINE /LIEN 11/07/12 PROOF OF SERVICE 06/10/14 REQUEST FOR REDUCTION 06/24/14 BOARD RECOMMENDATION: TOTAL DUE $15,000.00 CERTIFIED MAIL MEETING DATE: 06/24/14 TO REDUCE FINE TO $2989.10, TO BE HEARD BY COMMISSION ON JULY 15, 2014 FOR FINAL DECISSION. Officer Siegrist presented the case and gave its history. Photos were presented as exhibits. The officer stated the respondent came into compliance of the last remaining open code violation [115 - 3], on October 3], 2012. The City's cost is $989.10. The respondent, William Hannon, addressed the board. He explained that at the time he purchased the, property, it was in compliance. He continued by saying that the home was a Fannie Mae foreclosure, and he was under the impression that the liens were taken care of. Vice - Chairman Lowery, seconded by Member Kelley, moved that in Case 412 -123, that the Code Enforcement Bo ard recommend to the City Conan ission t r edu ce the fine_to the City's cost of 5989.10 and a fineof 2,000 for a total ol�989.1.0._M carried unanimous Member Carrington, seconded by Member Kelley, moved to re -hear Case #13 -067, for request ol'reduction offine. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 13 -067 Lester Christy/ Jennifer Williams/ Merary Ramos 1103 Caballero Court Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 115 -3 Observation: Misc. trash /debris on property 06/17/13 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION RE- INSPECTION DATE: N/A 06/18/13 S'TATEMEN'T OF VIOLATIONS 06/18/13 NOTICE OF HEARING MEETING DATE: 06/25/13 06/18/13 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL. 07/23/13 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE 07/23/13 COMPLIANCE ORDER FOUND IN VIOLATION AS OF 06/17/13 OF 115-3. TO COMPLY IMMEDIATELY OR FINE OF $125.00 PER DAY FROM 06 /17/13 IJNTIL IN COMPLANCE, AND FOUND AS A REPEAT VIOLATOR, 07/31/13 ORDER IMPOSING FINE /LIEN 07/31/13 PROOF OF SERVICE 05/07/14 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE 05/19/14 ORDER IMPOSING FINE /LIEN 0.5/20/14 PROOF OF SERVICE 06/10/14 REQUEST FOR REDUCTION 06/24/14 BOARD RECOMMENDATION: CERTIFIED MAIL TOTAL DUE $40,625.00 CER "FIFIED MAIL MEETING DATE: 06/24%14 TO REDUCE FINE TO $3000.00 PLUS CITY COST OF $ 736.14 FOR A TOTAL OF $3736.14. TO BE HEARD BY COMMISSION BOARD ON JULY 15, 2014 FOR FINAL DECISSION. Page 3 Officer Siegrist presented the case and gave its history. Photos were presented as exhibits. The City's cost is $736.14. The property is in compliance as of today, June 24, 2014. The respondent, William Hannon, addressed the board. Chairman Godek inquired if he personally brought the property into compliance. Mr. Hannon explained the property was in compliance at the time of purchase. Member Kelley inquired if the two cases [12 -123 and 13 -067] are overlapping as the respondent has been cited twice for the same violation. Officer Siegrist explained that the respondent is a repeat violator. The respondent was cited for violation of code 115 -3 on July 16, 2012, found in compliance on October 31, 2012, and then in violation of 115-3 again in 2013. Member Kelley, seconded by Vice - Chairman Lowery, moved that in Case 413 -067, that the Code Enfinrcement Board recommend to the City Commissi to reduce the fine to the City cost o _S7361 a a fine of $3, 000 for a total of S3, 736.1 Member Carrington opined that the new homeowner had no control over the issues, and feels this is distinguishable froin other cases. He continued by saying that this recommendation seems to be a bit stringent as the new homeowner was already fined for almost $3,000 on the first case. lie asked the board to consider trimming back the fine. Alt. Member Hopper agreed with Member Carrington. Member Kelley explained that the total fine between the two cases is approximately $60,000. He continued by saying that his recommendation will reduce the fine to approximately 10% of the actual fine [$60,000]. Motion passed by majority roll -call vote of l to 3, with Members Carrington and Osborne, and Alt. Member Hopper dissenting. Chairman Godek explained that the Code Enforcement Board only recommends the reduction of fine to the City Commission, and they will make the final determination. Member Carrington, seconded by Member Kelley, moved to re -hear Case 912 -003, for request of reduction Of jne. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 12 -003 Jose Torres / Ana Gomez 2532 Grand Poplar Street Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 115 -5 A.B.C., 108 -35, 108 -23 I.J. Observation: Tall weeds / grass. Tree branches hanging low over sidewalk_ Unsecured rear exterior doors with observed across unauthorized person(s) creating an attractive public nuisance; broken rear windows. 12/12/11 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION 01/12/12 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 01/12/12 NOTICE OF HEARING 01/12/12 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY 01/24/12 COMPLIANCE ORDER RE- INSPECTION DATE: 01/15/12 MEETING DATE: 01/24/12 REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL IN COMPLIANCE OF CODE 108 -35 AS OF 01/24/12. FOUND IN VIOLATION OF 115- 5(ABC), AND 108 -23J AS CITED ON 01/05/12. TO COMPLY BY 02/17/12 OR FINE OF $250.00 PER DAY, PER VIOLATION. 02/20/12 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE, 02/29/12 ORDER IMPOSING FINE /LIEN 02/29/12 PROOF OF SERVICE REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL 04/17/12 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE Page 4 06/18/12 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE 10/29/12 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE 10/29/12 NOTICE OF CLAIM OF LIEN 10/30/12 PROOF OF SERVICE; 05/27/14 REQUEST FOR REDUCTION 06/24/14 BOARD RECOMMENDATION: TOTAL DUE $1 27,000.00 CERTIFIED MAIL MEETING DATE: 06/24/14 TO REDUCE FINE TO $2750.00 PLUS CITY COST OF $795.83 FOR A TOTAL OF $3545.83. TO BF; IIEARD BY COMMISSION BOARD ON JULY 15, 2014 FOR FINAL DECISSION. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history, Photos were presented as exhibits. The City's cost is $795,83, The property came into compliance in October 2012, and has been maintained since that time. Kevin McClanahan, Coldwel) Banker agent representing Bank of America, addressed the board. He explained that the property was foreclosed upon in March 2014, and was brought into compliance shortly thereafter. The bank is asking that the tine be reduced to $250 per day kor the eleven days that the property was not in compliance. Member Osborne inquired the value of the property. Mr. McClanahan explained the property is currently under contract for $l 79,000. Vice - Chairman Lowery, .seconded by Member Kelley, moved that in Case 912 -033, that the Code En or cement Bo ard recommend to the City to reduce the fine t o the City cost ol:S7 95.8 3_ and a fine of S2, 750 for a tolal_ot S3,545.83. Motion carried un animously. Member Osborne inquired the distinction between this case and the two prior cases. Alt. Member Hopper explained that the two prior cases had been in violation of City codes for a much longer period of time. Vice - Chairman Lowery also explained that this home is currently under contract, he would like to see the home occupied. Case No. 14 -043 Good Homes Orlando, LLC 8995 W Colonial Drive Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 8 -6(a), Q(1) Observation: Advertisements of Cricket Wireless, with flags, banner and roof top balloon at the Good Homes shopping center without required grand opening permit. 06/12/14 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION 06/12/14 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 06/12/14 NOTICE OF HEARING 06/12/14 ALI, DOCUMENTS SENT BY 06/24/14 VIOLATION ORDER RE- INSPECTION DATE: N/A REPEAT VIOLATION MEETING DATE: 06 /24/14 REG. &. CERTIFIED MAIL. FOUND IN REPEAT VIOLATION AS CITED ON 06/09/14 AND IN COMPLIANCE ON 06/23/2014. FINE OF $3500.00 Officer Delgado presented the case and gave its history. Photos were presented as exhibits. This is a repeat violation; therefore, they were given no time to comply. The officer explained that an inspection of the property on June 9, 2014, resulted in non - compliance. As of today, June 24, 2014, the property is in compliance; however, they were in non- compliancc for a total of 14 days. __ Page 5 Cindy Kilgallon, representing the landlord, and Mohammed Abulchdeir, proprietor, addressed the board. Ms. Kilgallon explained that she has been recently been made aware of the violations and will do everything she can to comply. Mr. Abulchdeir explained that he was unaware of the previous violations as there was a breakdown in communication in his office. fie continued by saying he will become more involved in the day -to -day operations. Board discussion ensued regarding the knowledge the landlord may have had regarding the violations. Member Kelley, seconded by Member Carrington, moved that in Case #14 -043, the respondent be found in violation as a repeat violator as cited as o J un e 9 2014, and in compliance as of.lune 23, 2014, and b e assessed acne of $3500. Motion carried u nanimo usly _ Vice- Chairman Lowery inquired from Member Kelley how he came up with the fine amount. Member Kelley explained that the property was in non- compliance for 14 days at a rate of $250 per day. Member Carrington opined that this is a repeat violation case. Alt. Member Hopper, seconded by Member Carrington, moved to re -hear Case 03 -064, for request of reduction of fine. Motion carried unanirnously. Case No. 13 -064 Daniel Martone/ Melissa Martone 6825 Cross Cut Court Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 115 -6. 108 -24D Observation: Overgrown/ very tall weeds and grass. Unsanitary swimming pool wager. 05/06/13 NO'HCE OF CODE VIOLATION 06/13/13 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 06/13/13 NOTICE OF HEARING 06/13/13 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT' BY 06/25/13 COMPLIANCE ORDER RE- INSPECTION DATE: 06/11/13 MEETING DATE: 06/25/13 REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL FOUND IN VIOLATION AS OF 06 /10/13 TO COMPLY BY 07/08/13 OF 108 -24D, 115-6 OR FINE OF $100,00 PER DAY, PER VIOLATION UN "1'IL IN COMPLIANCE. IF NOT IN COMPLIANCE. BY DATE GIVEN CITY IS AUTHORIZED TO ABATE; PROPERTY AND ADD COSTS TO FINE.,. 07/23/13 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE 07/23/13 IMPOSE FINE 07/24/13 ORDER IMPOSING FINE /LIEN 07/24/13 PROOF OF SERVICE 09/17/13 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE 11/18/13 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE 01/21/14 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE 03/19/14 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE 03/19/14 ORDER IMPOSING FINE, /LIEN 03/20/14 PROOF OF SERVICE 04/16/14 REQUEST FOR REDUCTION 06/24/14 BOARD RECOMMENDATION AS OF 07/09/13 CERTIFIED MAI1, TOTAL DUE $50,600.00 CERTIFIED MAIL. MEETING DATE: 05/27/14 TO REDUCE FINE TO $3000.00 PLUS CITY COS `1' OF $ 685.00. TO BF' HEARD BY COMMISSION BOARD ON .JULY 15, 2014 FOR FINAL DE('ISSION. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. The property has been vacant for several years; the City routinely mowed the grass. The property was brought into compliance on March 19, 2014, and has been maintained and kept in compliance since that date. The City's cost is $685.00. __. Page 6 _ __ Paul Larsen, agent with Charles Rutenberg Realty, on behalf of Freddie Mac, addressed the board, Mr. Larsen presented photos of the property as exhibits. Ile explained the judicial sale of the property was November 21, 2013, and he was assigned to the property on November 23, 2013. Ile was unaware of the Code violations; however, began correcting the lawn issues on November 29, 2013. Upon learning of the Code violations, the property was swiftly brought into compliance, but he did not know to ask for an inspection by the code enforcement officer. The property is currently on the market. Board discussion ensued regarding the dates of compliance for both code violations. Mr. Larsen clarified that the lawn issues were corrected immediately [November 29, 2013]; however, the unsanitary swimming pool was not corrected at that time and he is unsure of the exact date it was brought into compliance. Officer Loeffler stated that he inspected the property on March 19, 2014, and it was in compliance. Vice - Chairman Lo►very, seconded by Member Kelley, moved that in Case 413 - 064, that the Code En orc emeM Boar recommend to the City Commission to reduc the fine to t he City s cost of X685.00 and a fine of S3, 000 for a total ol'S3 Motion carried unanimously. Member Osborne inquired if' consideration would be given to reducing the fine to $300 per day for each day the property was in non - compliance (equaling to $2,400 plus the City's cost). Member Kelley explained the date of compliance is unkown as Mr. Larsen did not call for an inspection of the pool. Case No. 14 -040 Glennie Mays 126 Burnt 'Tree Court Violation Cited: 115 -5 Observation: Grass /weed growth over 10 ". Officer Siegrist 05/07/14 NOTICE,. OF CODE VIOLATION 05/29%14 STATEMENT OF VIOI,ATIONS 05/29/14 NOTICE OF HEARING 05/29/14 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY 06/24/14 COMPLIANCE ORDER RE- INSPECTION DATE: 05/28/14 MEETING DATE: 06/24/14 REG. & CERLlF1ED MAIL, FOUND IN VIOLATION AS CITED AS OF 05/22/14, TO COMPLY BY 07/04/14, OR FINE OF $50.00 PER DAY, FOR EACH DAY IN VIOLATION. AUTHORIZE CITY TO ABATE PROPERTY AND COST "LO FINE. Officer Siegrist presented the case and gave its history. Photos were presented as exhibits. The officer re- inspected the property today, June 24, 2014, and observed the property to be in non - compliance. The City is recommending a 10 -day compliance window and $25 per day for non - compliance after the 10 days; and that the Board order the n abated, and the cost added to the fine. Member Kelley inquired the nature of the complaint. 'The officer explained that the case came forward by citizen complaints. Chairman Godek inquired if the house is vacant. The officer replied, "Yes ". Member Blvnder, seconded by Member Osborne, rnoi that in Case #14 -040, the respondent be found in i4olation as tiled as of'May 22, 2014, crud be Nen until July 4, 2014, t o c in compliance, or be fined S50 per day f day tl he violation reinain.s in non - compliance, and to authorize the Cit_y 10 abate the nuisance and assess the costs to the fine. Moti carried unanimously. Page 7 Case No. 14 -042 Jessica Brown 505 Apricot Drive Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 115-3, 165 -3A Observation: Misc. trash /debris (incl. old Yamaha motorcycle) on property. Weeds/grass over 10 ". One (1) Saturn 2dr. blu /.grn no tag /parked in front driveway. 05/16/14 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION 06/10/14 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 06/10/14 NOTICE OF HEARING 06/10/14 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY 06/24/14 COMPLIANCE ORDER RI- INSPECTION DATE: 06/03/14 MEETING DATE: 06/24/14 REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL, FOUND IN VIOLATION AS CITED ON 05/31/14. IN COMPLIANCE OF 165 -3A, BUT' 1N VIOLATION OF 1 15 -3. TO COMPLY BY 07/04/14 OR FINE OF $75.00 PER DAY UNTIL IN COMPLIANCE. Officer Siegrist presented the case and gave its history. Photos of the vacant property were presented as exhibits. He continued by saying the notice of violation was for codes 115 -3, 165 -3A and 115 -5. An inspection of the property on Tune 3, 2014. resulted in non - compliance of codes 115-3 and 165 -3A, but compliance of Code l l 5 -5. The property was re- inspected today, June 24, 2014, and was in compliance of Code 165 -3A, but not in compliance of 1 15 -3. The City is recommending a 10 -day compliance window and $75 per day for non- compliance after the 10 days. Member Carrington inquired the nature of the complaint. The officer explained that the case came forward by citizen complaints. Member Osborne, seconded by Member Blunder, moved that in Case 914 -042, the respondent be found in vio lation as cited as o 'M 31, 2 -01. 1, in compliance of] 65-3A as ofJune 24, 2014, and not in compl of 115 -3, and be gi ven unfit .ham 4 __2014, to com into compliance of' 115 -3, or be fined $75 duy f or - - - -- — — — - - - each day the violation remains in non -com vliance carried unanimous Vice - Chairman Lowery inquired ifs the City will abate the property. Officer Siegrist explained that the City does not traditionally remove trash and debris. Case No. 14 -046 Robert Joseph Byrne Jr 109 Minor Court Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 6 -411 Observation: Trailers with boat parked in prohibited manner. Protruding past the front building line and not screened from view with a W opaque fence and gate. 05/22/14 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION 06/12/14 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 06/12/14 NOTICE OF HEARING 06/12/14 ALL DOCUMEN "I'S SENT BY 06/24/14 COMPLIANCE ORDER RE- INSPECTION DATE: 06/11/14 MEETING DATE: 06/24/14 REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL FOUND IN VIOLATION AS CITED AS OF 06/09/14. 'TO COM PLY BY 07/04/14 OR FINE, OF $100.00 PER DAY UNTIL IN COMPLIANCE. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. Photos were presented as exhibits. The officer re- inspected the property today, .June 24, 2014, and observed the property to be in non - compliance. The City is recommending a 15-day compliance window and $2.5 per day for non - compliance after the 10 days. Page 8 Vice - Chairman Lowery inquired the nature of the complaint. The officer explained that the case came forward by citizen complaints. Member Kelley, seconded by Alt. Member Hopper, moved that in Case #14 -046 the respondent be found in violation as cited as o 'June 9, 2014, - and be liven until July 4, 2014, to come into c o r be fined S 100 per day fbr each dad the Wola tion remains in non_ Motion carried unanimously. Member Osborne inquired the reason Member Kelley chose to fine the respondent $100 per day for each day the violation remains in non - compliance. Member Kelley explained that the case was brought forward from citizen complaints. Additionally, this could have been an easy thing to fix as it does not require maintenance of the property. Case No. 14 -047 Thomas 11 Moore III/ Kerri V Moore 422 E Lakeshore Drive Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 64H Observation: Camping trailer parked stored in prohibited manner. Tall weeds and grass under and around trailer and not screened from view with a 6' opaque fence and gate. 05/19/14 NOTICE? OF CODt? VIOI,ATION 06/12/14 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 06/12/14 NOTICE OF HEARING 06/12/14 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY 06/24/14 COMPLIANCE ORDER RE- INSPECTION DATE: 06/11/14 MEETING DATE: 06/24/14 REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL., FOUND IN VIOLATION AS CITED AS OF 06/06/14. IN COMPLIANCE OF 108 -24D BL 1T IN VIOLATION OF 64H. TO COMPLY BY 07/14/14 OR FINE OF $100.00 PER DAY UNTIL IN COMPLIANCE, Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. Photos were presented as exhibits. The property was originally found in violation of 6 -411 and 108 -24D. The officer re- inspected the property today, June 24, 2014, and observed the property to be in non - compliance of 6 - 41; however, in compliance of 108 - 24D. The City is recommending a 15 -day compliance window and $25 per day for non - compliance after the 10 days. The case was brought forward by citizen complaints. Vice-Chairman Lowery, seconded by Member Kelly, moved that in Case 914 -047, the respondents be found in violation - o _6 -41 and 108 - 24D - as of'June 06, 2014, in complianc o= 108 -2 as ofJune 24, 201 and not in compliance ot - 411, and be !� ,, iven unlil 14, 2014, to come int compliance or 6-4H , or bef inea' — -- - - 31 day � or each day the violation rema in non -co tp ante. Motion ca rried unanimously. Case No. 14 -048 John Alex Alexander 1300 Center Street Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 115 -3, 108 -24D Observation: Tall weeds and grass. Fallen rotten tree limbs on fence and in yard. Conditions constituting a nuisance. 06/04/14 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION 06/12/14 STATEMENT 01- VIOLATIONS 06/12/14 NOTICE OF }TEARING 06/12/14 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY 06/24/14 COMPLIANCE ORDER RE- INSPECTION DATE: 06/11/14 MFFTING DATE: 06/24/14 REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL FOUND IN VIOLATION AS CITED AS OF 06/11/14. TO COMPLY BY 07/04/14 OR Page 9 FINE OF $ 100.00 PER DAY, PER VIOLATION UNTIL IN COMPLIANC. AUTHORIZE CITY TO ABATE PROPERTY AND ADD COSTS TO FINE. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. Photos were presented as exhibits. The officer re- inspected the property today, June 24, 2014, and observed the property to be in non - compliance. The City is recommending a 10 -day compliance window and $25 per day for non - compliance after the 10 days; and that the Board order the nuisance abated, and the cost added to the fine. The case was brought forward by citizen complaints. Member Osborne, seconded by Vice - Chairman Lowery, nzoved that in Case 1114 -048, the respondent be . fi nind in vi olation as cit as of .hine 11, 2014, and he riven u Ju l . 4,20 . 14, t _c ome in to complia or be fined SIOO dam, per-violation, fin- e ach day the violation remains in non - compliance, and to authorize the City to abate the nuisance and assess the c osts to the fine. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 14 -049 Paul 1, Grubbs Jr/ Paul L Grubbs Jr Estate 1408 Prairie Lake Blvd Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 108 -35, 115-3 Observation: Unsecured structure with evidence of juvenile egress. Overgrown tall weeds and grass. Conditions constituting a public nuisance. 05/06/14 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION 06/12/14 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 06/12/14 NOTICE OF HEARING 06/12/14 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY 06/24/14 COMPLIANCE ORDER RE- INSPECTION DATF: 06/11/14 MEETING DATE: 06/24/14 REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL FOUND IN VIOLATION AS CITED AS OF 06/05/14. TO COMPLY BY 07/04/14 OR FINE OF $100.00 PER DAY, PER VIOLATION UNTIL IN COMPLIANCE. AUTHORIZE CITY TO ABATE PROPERTY AND ADD COSTS TO FINE. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. Photos were presented as exhibits. The officer explained that this is the home of a deceased law enforcement officer. The officer contacted the estate attorney to alert the family of the potential fines and liens; however, the family seemed uninterested in the matter. The officer re- inspected the property today, June 24, 2014, and observed the property to be in non- compliance. The City is recommending a 10 -day compliance window and $100 per day for non - compliance after the 10 days; and that the Board order the nuisance abated, and the cost added to the fine. Member Kelley, seconded by Member Osborne, moved that in Case 91-1 -049, the respondents be found in vi olati on . as cite as o : 5 2014 and be given until July 4, 2014, to come into com pliance, or be n 5100 per day, per v n - each day t he _ viola li o n rema in non - compliance, and to authorize the Ci to abate the nz- risance and assess the costs to the fine. Motion carried unanimously. Member Carrington inquired the reason to allow a l 0 -day compliance window before abating the property as this is a public nuisance. Board Attorney Sneed explained that the Board may set a reasonable timeframe, and the 10 days is staff's recommendation. She continued by explaining that the Board should allow the City time to fully process a compliance order. Page 10 _ _ Case No. 14 -050 Sonia ,Johnson/ Norrey Greene 2576 Twisting Sweetgum Way Violation Cited: 115 -5 Observation: 'Tall weeds and grass 05/23/14 NOTICE OF CODE V IOLATION 06/12/14 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 06/12/14 NOTICE OF HEARING 06/12/14 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY 06/24/14 COMPLIANCE ORDER Officer Loeffler RE- INSPECTION DATE: 06/11/14 MEETING DATE: 06/24/14 RI?G. & CERTIFIED MAIL FOUND IN VIOLATION AS CITED AS OF 06/10/14. 'TO COMPLY BY 07/04/14 OR FINE OF .$50.00 PER DAY UNTIL, IN COMPLIANCE. AUTHORIZE CITY TO ABATE PROPERTY AND ADD COSTS TO FINE. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. Photos were presented as exhibits of the unoccupied dwelling. The officer re- inspected the property today, June 24, 2014, and observed the property to be in non - compliance. The City is recommending a 10 -day compliance window and $25 per day for non- compliance after the 10 days, and that the Board order the nuisance abated, and the cost added to the fine. Vice - Chairman Lowery, seconded by Alt. Member Hopper, moved that in C ase #14 - 050, the respondents be finind i violation as cited cis o .h 10, 201 an d be given i[ntil Jz� 4,2014 to co into compliance, — - - - -- - -- — or b fin ed _ S50 ver day, per violation, for each days the violatio rem ains in_non- co mipliance, and to author _the — C. 'ily to abate t he nuisance and assess th costs to the fine. Motio carried unanimously, Member Blynder inquired the difference between the several codes related to tall weeds and grass. The officer explained the difference between the codes. OTHER BUSINESS Case No. 14 -021 Silva Brenda N Ochoa 619 N. Lakewood Avenue Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 10.5.4 Observation: Expired City Permit #4402 -2013 issued 06 -26 -13 for a fence. 04/03/14 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION RE- INSPECTION DATE: 04/15/14 04/18/14 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 04/18%14 NOTICE OF HEARING MEETING DATE: 05/27/14 04/18/14 ALL DOCUMENT'S SENT 13Y REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL 05/16/14 NOTICE OF POSTING 05/27/14 COMPLIANCE ORDER FOUND IN VIOLATION AS OF 04/13/14 TO COMPLY BY 06/17/14 OR FINE OF $25.00 PER DAY. 06/24/14 BOARD ORDER IMPOSE FINE AS OF 06/08/2014 BC Officer Siegrist reported that there is an affidavit of non - compliance on file for the property. Vice- Chairman Lowery, seconded by Member Kellep, moved to impose fine as of June 8, 2014. Motion carried unanimou Page 11 -- . Case No. 14 -028 Hector Perez/ Cathy Perez 1821 Sparkling Water Circle Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 108 -23Q Observation: Six (6) foot wooden fence in disrepair, with sections fallen down,/ missing. 04/14/14 NOTICF, OF CODE VIOLATION 05/02/14 S'T'ATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 05/02/14 NOTICE OF HEARING 05/02/14 ALL DOCUMENTS SF,NT BY 05/16/14 NOTICE OF POSTING 05/27/14 COMPLIANCE ORDER 06/24/14 BOARD ORDER RE,- INSPECTION DATE: 04/29/14 MEETING DATE: 05/27/14 REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL FOUND IN VIOLATION AS OF 04/24/14 TO COMPLY 13Y 06/06/14 OR FINE Of $25.00 PER DAY. IMPOSE FINE AS OF 06 /07/2014 Officer Siegrist reported that there is an affidavit of non - compliance on file for the property. Member Kelley, seconded by Vice - Chairman Lowery, moved to impose fine cis of .nine 7, 2014. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 14 -029 Kenneth M Raley /Yvonne Raley 322 Little Aspen Court Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 115-5 Observation: Grass /weed growth over 10 ". 04/11/14 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION RE- INSPECTION DATE: 05 /02/14 05/06/14 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 05/06/14 NOTICE OF HEARING MEETING DATE: 05/27/14 05/06/14 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT 13Y REG. &. CERTIFIED MAIL 05/16/14 NOTICE, BY POSTING 05/27/14 COMPLIANCE ORDER FOUND IN VIOLATION AS OF 04/26/14 TO COMPLY BY 05/30%14 OR FINE OF $50.00 PER DAY. AUTHORIZE CITY TO ABATE PROPERTY (WEED /GRASS) AND ADD COSTS 'FO FINE. 06/24/14 VIOLATION ORDER IN COMPLIANCE/ NO FINE. Officer Siegrist informed the Board that the respondents are in full compliance with the Code Enforcement Board's orders. No further action was re by the b oar d. Case No. 14 -033 Charles T Porter / Gloria Porter 3218 Fawnwood Drive Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 115-5 Observation: Grass/ weed growth over 10 ". 04/24/14 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION RF;- INSPECTION DATE: 05/12/14 05/14/14 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 05/14/14 NOTICE OF HEARING MEETING DATE: 05/27/14 05/14/14 A L 1, DOCUMENTS SENT 13Y REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL 05/16/14 NOTICE OF POSTING Page 12 05/27/14 COMPLIANCE ORDER FOUND IN VIOLATION AS OF 05/09/14 AND TO COMPLY BY 06/07/14 OR FINE OF $25.00 PER DAY. 06/24/14 BOARD ORDER IN COMPLIANCE/ NO FINE Officer Siegrist informed the Board that the respondents are in full compliance with the Code Enforcement Board's orders. No further action was required by the board. Case No. 14 -034 Brian A Petersen / Sara Beth Petersen/ Heichel Plumbing Inc. 1365 Olympia Park Circle Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: Observation: Abandoned, expired permit with uncorrected building code issues and no tinal inspection: permit 93282 -2012 water heater. 04/21/14 NOTICE OF CODE V1OL,ATION 05/15/14 STATEMENT OF VIOLA FIONS 05/15/14 NOTICE OF HEARING 05/15/14 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY 05/27/14 COMPLIANCF_.ORDER 06/24/14 BOARD ORDER RE- INSPECTION DATE: 05/13/14 MEETING DA'Z'E: 05/27/14 REG. & CERTIFIED MAII: FOUND IN VIOLATION AS OF 05/06/14 AS CITED. TO COMPLY BY 06/06/14 OR FINE OF $50.00 PER DAY UNTIL IN COMPLIANCE. IN COMPLIANCE/ NO FINE. Officer Loeffler informed the Board that the respondents are in full compliance with the Code Enforcement Board "s orders. No further action was reo uired by the board. Case No. 14 -037 Brian A Petersen / Sara Beth Petersen / St. Sebastian Fence Company 1365 Olympia Park Circle Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: Observation: Abandoned, expired permit with no final inspection: Permit #2332 -2013 fence. 04/21/14 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION 05/15/14 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 0.5/15/14 NOTICE OF HEARING 05/15/14 ALI_, DOCUMENTS SENT BY 05/27/14 COMPLIANCE ORDER 06/24/14 BOARD ORDER RE- INSPECTION DATE: 05/13/14 MEETING DA FE: 05/27/14 REG. & CERTIFIED MAII, FOUND IN VIOLATION AS OF 05/06/14 AS CITED. TO COMPLY BY 06/06/14 OR FINE OF $50.00 PER DAY UNTIL, IN COMPLIANCE. IN COMPLIANCE/ NO FINE Officer Loeffler informed the Board that the respondents are in lull compliance with the Code Enforcement Board's orders. No further acti was required_ by the b oard.. Page 1.3 -_ COMMENTS Chairman Godek informed the Board that he received a request from Member Amey to be granted a leave of absence until November 2014. He suggested recommending to the City that Ms. Amey be moved to the position of alternate member and Mike Hopper be moved to the position of regular member. Member Carrington, seconded by Member Blynder, moved that the Code Enforcement Board recommend to the City Commission that Carol.4rney be ma an alternate member and Mike Hopper be made a regular member. Motion carried unanimously. The Chairman welcomed newly appointed Alt. Member Fischer. Member Blynder — thanked the officers for explaining the differences between tall weeds. Member Kelley — thanked the officers for their diligence and efforts. Vice - Chairman Lowery — this month's meeting was excellent! Ile commended the officers for a great job, and the residents for corning into compliance. Member Carrington — thanked the officers for a job well done, and welcomed Alt. Member Fischer to the Board. Alt. Member Hopper — thanked the board for their vote of confidence and welcomed Alt. Member Fischer to the Board. He requested that all the codes be double checked on the dockets. Member Osborne - asked that the source of the complaints be added to the dockets. Administrative Assistant Coffey explained that such information does not belong on the docket. Board discussion ensued and it was suggested to add this information to the Agenda, or have the officers include this information in their testimony. Alt. Member Fischer -- new found appreciation for what the Board does. Chairman Godek — wished everyone a safe 4 tb of July! ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED:j -- —V0.r a Turner, CEB Recording Clerk Ro e13 r G dek, Chairman Notice: nnN person who desires to appeal any decision at this meeting Nedl need a record ol'the proceedings and for this purpose may aced to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes testimony and cvidencc upon which the appeal is based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerks Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting Page 14