Member Ball called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City
Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Member Ball led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,
the roll was called and a quorum was declared.
PRESENT: Member Ball, Member Yost (late arrival, 7:50 p.m.), Member Santana, Vice -Chair
Laney (late arrival, 7:04 p.m.), Member Alcuri, Member Clark, Member Mullan, and Member
Titus. Also present were Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander and Recording Clerk Decant.
ABSENT: Member Zielinski (excused), and Chairman McKey (excused).
Approval of Minutes from the January 23, 2014 Me etinp,
Member Santana made a motion to improve the minutes from January 23 2014 seconded by
Member Alcuri Motion passed unanimously.
Welcome New Board Members Amy Clark, Tammy Mullan and Terry Titus
Member Ball welcomed the new members and thanked them for their service.
Deputy Chief Silberstein, Meet and Greet
Deputy Chief Ted Silberstein introduces himself, welcomes the new members, and continues
by saying he has been with the City of Ocoee Police Department since 1985 where he has held
many positions. He adds Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander is a supervisor for the Training Department
and as such administered an ethics survey, prepared by Cpl. Davidson, to the officers asking
them to score different ethical scenarios. Deputy Chief Silberstein shares a sample of this
survey with the board members and reads the scenarios to them. These scenarios are some with
which officers may be confronted any day. Discussions ensued on this matter. Vice -Chair
Laney asks Deputy Chief Silberstein about the Citizens' Safety Academy now taking place and
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied this week is the second week and there are 15 people
enrolled. Discussions ensued. Deputy Chief Silberstein states the Police Department and the
Fire Department decided to join forces and create this Citizen's Safety Academy and Vice -Chair
Laney asked if the individual Citizens' Academy for the Police Department and the Fire
Department would still be held to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied yes; he adds Ofc.
Scott was the one who approached the Fire Department and initiated the joint effort. Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Nylander continues by saying the Safety Academy takes place during a 10 week
time frame and both, the Fire Department and the Police Department, each gets five weeks of
topics to discuss, including a visit to the 33` Street Jail. Deputy Chief Silberstein thanks the
board members for the invitation and their time and Member Santana asks if Deputy Chief
plans to become Chief of Police to which he replies he has had a good career and is planning to
retire in October of 2015. Vice -Chair Laney thanked Deputy Chief Silberstein for his time as
Election of Chairperson for 2014, Election of Vice - Chairperson for 20 14, and election of
Treasurer for 2014
CACOPD Meeting
April 24, 2014
Vice -Chair Laney asked the board members if they had any questions concerning the role of the
Chair Person.
Member Ball made a motion to nominate Rob McKey for Chairperson seconded by Member
Alcuri Motion passed unanimously.
Member Ball made a motion to nominate Victoria Laney for Vice- Chairperson seconded by
Member Alcuri Motion passed unanimously.
Vice -Chair Laney asks the board members if there are any questions regarding the role of the
Member Santana made a motion to nominate himself'for Treasurer, seconded by Member Alcuri.
Motion passed unanimously.
Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander tells the board members the Gun Safety Class is up and running
again and the next class will take place in about six weeks from now; it takes place on Saturdays
and the instructors rotate. The S.A.F.E class is ongoing but there is no set date for the next one
and the date will be posted as soon as it is decided. Vice -Chair Laney makes a suggestion to the
female board members to attend the S.A.F.E class and then recommend it to other people. She
continues by saying she tries to come to each class to talk about the CACOPD. Staff - Liaison
Sgt. Nylander states that a lot of communities are interested in the class and the last time a
sorority contacted the Police Department to schedule a class. Vice -Chair Laney encouraged
everyone on the board to spread the word about the S.A.F.E class to any group of women in their
communities as well as the Gun Safety Class; she continues by saying it is a good idea to attend
such class to be able to then recommend it to other people.
Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander tells the board the Neighborhood Restorative Justice is held twice a
month on Tuesdays at five o'clock; he continues by saying Rob McKey is a member as well, and
extends an invitation to anyone else who would like to volunteer. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander
explains this program deals with juvenile first time offenders, usually charged with
misdemeanors, and the juveniles have to complete a program that may include community
service hours, restitution, and other sanctions, to be completed within a timeframe. The juveniles
show up three times, including their initial visit, and two subsequent visits, to make sure they are
following the program; they then present the end result; this allows juveniles to keep their record
clean. Also, the point of contact for this program at the Police Department is Ofc. Scott, if
anyone is interested in volunteering. He continues by saying representatives for the State
Attorney's Office are part of the program as are other volunteers.
Anti - Bullying Campaign
Vice -Chair Laney tells the board about the Orange County Week of the Family event that takes
place every November and last November they sponsored a free movie called the Fat Boy
Chronicle; this movie promotes anti - bullying. Vice -Chair Laney also says she has a lot of
CACOPD Meeting
April 24, 2014
written materials, including some from Microsoft regarding cyber- bullying and materials form
the Holocaust Resource Center. She also reminds the board members that the CACOPD was
created to help the Police Department and the Community, and bullying is a big issue in today's
society. Vice -Chair Laney continues by saying she has a DVD of the movie for anyone wishing
to preview it before presenting it to an audience. She also states that the West Oaks Mall and the
AMC Theaters are very cooperative should the board want to present another film, maybe during
the summer, concerning any appropriate topic. Discussions ensued.
Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
Vice -Chair Laney explains that per Florida Statutes, all officers elected to serve in a
neighborhood association, have to become state certified within 90 days of becoming elected;
most of the home owners associations conduct their elections during spring. The idea is to hold a
Safety Summit in which not only the officers attend but also anyone interested; it will include
topics such as neighborhood watch, water conservation, and code enforcement, to help promote a
working relationship between the neighborhoods and the City. She continues by saying that the
delay was due to the opening of the new Lakeshore Center but now is only a matter of choosing
a date for the Safety Summit and knowing who can volunteer to put it together. Member Alcuri
states he will help Vice -Chair Laney with the Safety Summit. Discussions ensued on this topic.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander adds the Police Department can help with the advertising of the
event and Vice -Chair Laney adds the event will probably include vendors for security cameras
and other topic related products.
Update on Safety Spring Fling
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander explains this event already took place; the Traffic Unit and the
Community Affairs Unit were there. The Traffic Unit promoted traffic safety and the
Community Affairs Unit was giving out freebies such as magnets, safety materials, and
fingerprinting children. Also, the Florida Department of Transportation, the Florida Department
of Law Enforcement, and the Fire Department were present; it was a successful event. Vice -
Chair Laney tells the board members it was a very nice event and encouraged everyone to
attend next year's Safety Spring Fling and volunteer their time to be present at the CACOPD tent
because this is a very good opportunity to meet the community.
Volunteer Program
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander explains how the interns and volunteers at the Police Department
help with fingerprinting and other tasks. He continues by saying Officer Patera Scott is in charge
of the interns; one of the interns is doing a lot of work for the Evidence and Property Specialist
and also for the Safety Academy. One of the volunteers helped at the Law Enforcement Torch
Run that took place on Tuesday; the Law Enforcement Torch Run is a three mile run /walk to
help the Special Olympics, and on May 16 the Final Leg Torch Run will take place in
Celebration, FL to help the same cause. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander also informs the board
members of the new lieutenant recently promoted from sergeant, Lieutenant Bill Wagner. This
promotion will allow for a new sergeant opening that just got posted, and when the new sergeant
gets promoted there will be a corporal position open, and so on. There is currently one opening
for officer at the Police Department that has not yet been posted and there is one new officer
undergoing training. Also, the Police Department building is undergoing some renovations such
as a new coat of paint; the briefing room and the training room are being renovated with smart
technology, including a high - definition projector, and renovations will hopefully be done within
the next month. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander also states that before the CACOPD meets again
CACOPD Meeting
April 24, 2014
in July, the Teen Academy will take place at High Point Church, from July 14 to the 18.
Discussions ensued. Vice -Chair Laney asks Staff- Liaison Sgt. Nylander about ride -a -longs and
the simulator and if this is something the board members can use. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander
continues by saying he will schedule the simulator for them and the board members are welcome
to participate in the Ride -A -Long Program. Vice Chair Laney adds the new board members
have to participate in the Citizens Police Academy as a requirement to serve on the board.
Update on Promotional CACOPD Video
Vice -Chair Laney explains the idea of the video is to help encourage people to join the
CACOPD and to show what we do. (Member Yost arrived at 7:50 p.m.) She continues by
saying she can find another videographer to work with the board and asked Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander to work with her in the creation of the video. She also explains there is no budget for
this video and asks if anyone on the board knows someone who would be willing to do this as a
class project, to please let her know. Discussions ensued. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander adds
that a recruitment video to be used at recruitment fairs, job fairs, career fairs, and such is on the
wish list for the Police Department. Discussions ensued on how to find a videographer and what
to include in the videos.
Quarterly Award for Officer
Vice -Chair Laney states there are four nominations and she would like to read them out loud.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander welcomes the new board members and expresses his appreciation
to all of the board members; he has come to these meetings for three and a half years now and
has never seen so many board members serving. He continues by addressing the new board
members to explain how this process works and the criteria used for selecting the officer, which
not only includes going above and beyond, but also someone who does their job well done and
does not get any recognition for it; also, he mentions the fact that the names are whited out
because of an issue with a former board member who voted for a person the member knew and
did not consider anyone else. Also, the name of the person who made nomination is whited out
as well. Member Yost asked how many total seats are there to serve on the board and Vice -
Chair Laney replies fifteen; she also asks if the new board members have had a chance to read
the Charter and requested a copy be sent to all board members. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander
replies he will take care of that and all three new board members replied they received a copy
already. Vice -Chair Laney read into the record the four nominations for Officer of the First
Quarter 2014 Award. Member Yost and Member Santana ask about the initials at the bottom
of the nominations to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies those belong to the chain of
command personnel who reviewed the nominations; he explains all of the nominations are
approved. Member Santana further asks why some of the initials have dates and others don't
and expresses he would like to see dates on all of the initials. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander asks
which nomination and Member Yost replies Nomination # 2. Discussions ensued and Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies someone may have forgotten to write the date next to their initials
but there should be a total of three initials and as long as the Chief of Police is the last one
initialing, that is all that matters. Vice -Chair Laney asks the board members to discuss the
nominations and Member Yost agrees because it provides different perspectives and points of
view which can be helpful in selecting the Officers for the awards. Vice -Chair Laney states she
likes the detective in Nomination #1 and Member Yost agrees. Member Titus likes the
detective in Nomination # 2. Member Yost likes the officer in nomination # 3 because this
person put their life on the line to save another. Member Santana also likes the officer in
Nomination 43 because he shows the importance of the relationship between a handler and a K-
CACOPD Meeting
April 24, 2014
9. Member Clark likes the Officer in Nomination # 4 because he took on a lot of responsibility.
Discussions ensued on all the nominations. Member Yost expresses his wish to be able to select
two nominations instead of one but Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies this is not possible and
he knows it is hard to choose because all of the nominations are always very good and deserving.
Vice -Chair Laney asks Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander to tell the board members what is given to
the winner to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies the winner gets a framed certificate
with a ribbon for the Officer of The Quarter, another ribbon to wear on the uniform, and a $50
gift card for a restaurant.
Member Alcuri makes a motion to select the officer in Nomination # 3 for Officer or the First
Quarter 2014 Award seconded by Member Yost
Member Mullan asks if the officer in Nomination 93 was the first Ocoee officer on the scene
and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies he is not sure but he was one of three officers on the
scene. Discussions ensued on this matter. Member Mullan expresses her concern for the other
officers from Ocoee Police Department who also responded and were not nominated. Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Nylander explains that the other Ocoee officers who responded were tasked with
other responsibilities while on scene. Member Alcuri continues by saying he believes there
must have been something the supervisor of the nominated officer saw that prompted him or her
to nominate him above the rest. Vice -Chair Laney adds the nomination is not for a single
incident but for sustained performance during a given quarter; Staff- Liaison Sgt. Nylander
The motion set forth by Member Alcuri to select the officer in Nomination # 3 for Officer of the
First Quarter 2014 Award seconded by Member Yost passed unanimously.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander revealed the name of the nominee for Officer of the First Quarter
2014 as Officer Daniel Schilling and his K -9 Nitro. Vice -Chair Laney recognizes the great
work all of the other officers did and will make sure she expresses it at the Commission Meeting
for the Award Presentation. Member Ball wants to make sure he understands that nominations
can be done by any officer and not only supervisors to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander
replies yes.
Activity Report
Vice -Chair Laney explains this item on the agenda is for anyone who has participated in a
CACOPD related event to tell the board about it. Member Yost asks about the Fat Boy
Chronicles movie event and Vice -Chair Laney replies it was a success. Member Yost asks
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander about the new owners of the West Oaks Mall and if it is working
out. Staff Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies the West Oaks Mall has new security management that
has been very cooperative with the Police Department and Member Yost asks if the Police
Department has been able to install security cameras to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander
replies he does not have an update on that matter. Furthermore, Member Yost asked if the
Robot has been used recently and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies it was used this morning
for the "bring -your son /daughter -to work day" at Public Works. Discussions ensued. Member
Santana asks Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander about the new shooting range for the Police
Department and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies the officers are still using the one at the Jim
Beech Center but it is not open to the public. Member Yost continues by asking about the
women's S.A.F.E class and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies he will be sending an email
CACOPD Meeting
April 24, 2014
with information on the next class. Discussions ensued. Member Yost informs the Board he
may not be able to come to the next meeting in July.
Set Next Agenda
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander addresses the board to tell them that in regards to the Windermere
Officer incident, the entire squad is in the process of being recognized. Member Ball asks if the
call box outside the station is fixed and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies it is still broken;
Member Ball further asks if clarification was made regarding the amount budgeted for the board
to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies he knows it was addresses at that time but cannot
remember exactly but he knows it is not $6,000.00. Discussions ensued regarding the budget
and what it can be used for. Member Ball also asks about the accreditation process to which
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies it is a process and it is ongoing.
A. Update on Security Cameras
B. Budget Update
C. Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
D. Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
E. Anti - Bullying Campaign
F. Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
G. Update on Community Picnic
H. Volunteer Program
I. Founders' Day
J. Update on Promotional CACOPD video
K. Quarterly Award for Officer
L. Activity Report
M. Set Next Agenda
Meeting Adjourned at 8:38 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Madeleine Garza, Recording Clerk
- Lt.
Rob McKey, Chairman