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CITY OF OCOEE MINUTES OF HUMAN RELATIONS /DIVERSITY BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELD June 5, 2014 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. in Room 109 of City Hall, 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Following a moment of personal reflection, the board pledged allegiance to the flag. The clerk called roll and determined there was a quorum present. PRESENT: Chairman Hopkins, Vice - Chairman Dawkins, Past Chairman Maxwell, Members Boudokhane, Calloway, Daily, and Singh ALSO PRESENT: Staff - Liaison Wright and Recording Clerk Westberry ABSENT: Members Foster (A /E), Freeman (A /E), and McKenzie (AN), BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 6, 2014 April 3, 2014 May 1, 2014 Minutes of the March 6, 2014, April 3, 2014, and May 1, 2014, meetings were accepted as written. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/ PUBLIC None BUDGET UPDATE Staff - Liaison Wright informed the board that the current balance as of June 2014 is $3,732.71; however, this amount does not include expenditure for the new HRDB shirts at $26 each for 10 members. CEMETERY OPTIONS Chairman Hopkins noted that Support Services Director Butler was not able to attend the meeting. VOLUNTEER APPLICATION SUBMISSION Past Chairman Maxwell stated he does not object to filling out the Volunteer Application; however, he has concerns /questions with giving his social security number. Several members voiced concerns about the security of their information. Discussion ensued concerning the impact the form will have in acquiring volunteers for events. Vice - Chairman Dawkins asked if it was possible to have H.R. Director Williford attend the next HRDB meeting. Chairman Hopkins stated that she thought that would be a good idea, and felt it was important that the form be available through the City's website. Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes June 5, 2014 Page 2of4 FIESTA DE COLORES Staff - Liaison Wright informed the board that so far 13 vendors have signed up. She provided an e -mail to board members where she requested the cost of "Salsa Heat" Hispanic dance group, as well as, a list of the 13 vendors. (Exhibit A) Salsa Heat's fee is $600 or $50 for their amateur group. The board felt $600 was steep since $300 to $400 is what has been expended in the past. Staff - Liaison Wright added she is still searching for a radio sponsor and D.J. Discussion ensued to further search for other dance groups but expend $50 for the amateur group. Vice - Chairman Dawkins, seconded by Member Calloway, moved to allocate $50 for the "Salsa Heat" amateur group to perform at Fiesta de Colores Motion passed unanimously. Member Calloway, seconded by Member Boudokhane moved to allocate an additional $300 for other entertainment groups for Fiesta de Colores Vice Chairman Dawkins amended the motion seconded by Member Boudokhane to authorize up to $400 for City and Staff discretion to book entertainment for Fiesta de Colores. Motion passed unanimously. Discussion ensued concerning the need to reach out to the Hispanic community to acquire more vendors. Staff - Liaison Wright stated that the bounce house is reserved; as well as, an email was sent to Public Works to inventory the Hispanic Heritage month Clark Road banners. Discussion ensued concerning misting tents. Staff - Liaison Wright stated the board needs to allocate funds for tents. Member Boudokhane, seconded by Member Calloway, moved to allocate up to $500 for the rental of a large tent and pop -up tent comparable to last year's tents Motion Passed unanimously. Chairman Hopkins stated the board needs to allocate funds for the pinatas and candy. Member Boudokhane, seconded by Member Daily, moved to allocate up to S150 for the purchase of pinatas and candy for the event Motion passed unanimously. Discussion ensued concerning the need for more food vendors. Staff - Liaison Wright provided a 5th Annual Fiesta de Colores task list. (Exhibit B) INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL DAY Past Chairman Maxwell reported that the subcommittee has had four meetings. He further reminded that attendance to these meetings is important for those who expressed an interest in being on the committee. Past Chairman Maxwell added that speaking from a preliminary view, September 26th or 27th of 2016 has been mentioned as proposed dates, with the opening ceremony beginning at 4:00 pm on a Friday, and noting that nothing is set in stone. He further added that the opening ceremony should be a three to four hour session of laying the ground work, such as a theme and reason Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes June 5, 2014 Page 3 of 4 for the ceremony. He stated that by the end of June, the subcommittee should have a mission statement and will provide a written executive summary to present to the board. Member Singh stated he will provide Caribbean artists, food and entertainment. Vice - Chairman Dawkins asked will the City collaborate with the Tri -City group concerning the event. Past Chairman Maxwell replied that the City of Ocoee would sponsor the event and invite other cities from the Tri -City group. Discussion ensued concerning a parade route, parking, inviting high school bands and use of the Lakeshore Community Center. Discussion of alternate dates for the event was also discussed. Chairman Hopkins noted that MLK was not included on the agenda, but a speaker for the event needed to be discussed. Staff - Liaison Wright gave each member a compiled list of potential keynote speakers with their bios, as well as, a name of a speaker that member Calloway suggested. (Exhibit C) She further added that the MLK Parade is seven to eight months away and recommends that the board decide on a speaker from the list, since it takes a month to confirm a speaker. Discussion ensued concerning the list of speakers. Past Chairman Maxwell seconded by Vice Chairman Dawkins, moved to accept the current list of 5 names and authorize City staff to consider the list of speakers but not limiting any additional names that might be presented in the interim before the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Hopkins suggested rescheduling the July 3,d HRDB meeting to July l Ot" due to the Fourth of July weekend. Vice Chairman Dawkins seconded by Member Calloway, moved to reschedule the July 3 , d meeting to July 10th. Motion passed unanimously. NEXT AGENDA - JULY 10, 2014 Comments from Citizens /Public Budget Report Cemetery Volunteer Application Submission Fiesta de Colores International Cultural Day MLK Election of Chair -Elect Set Next Agenda QUESTIONS /COMMENTS Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes June 5, 2014 Page 4 of 4 Staff - Liaison Wright advised the board to set a tentative "deadline" date for the essay contest. Discussion ensued and the tentative "deadline" for the essay contest was set as February 6th. J ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m. Carla Westberry, Recording Cle $ L nnif Hopl 'ns, C airman Exhibit A Staff - Liaison Wright e-mail correspondence to Salsa Heat Hispanic Dance Group 2014 Fiesta de Colores Application List of 13 Vendors Exhibit B 5th Annual Fiesta de Colores Task List Exhibit C 2015 MLK Parade & Celebration Potential Keynote Speakers Wright, J 5 �rc�eo�o From: Michael Barbieri <mike @salsaorlando.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 5:19 PM To: Wright, Joy Subject: Re: Salsa Heat performance at Ocoee's Fiesta de Colores on Sept. 27, 2014 - -- follow up Hi Joy, The professional dancer charge $600 for two performances. (there is usually three couples in the pro team) Our amateur group would only charge $50. its just to cover their gas to get out there. Thanks for'the booth. I'll have to see if one of our dancers can stay out there for the whole event. thank you 0 Michael Barbieri Salsa Heat Production, Inc. 10685 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32817 Studio: 407 - 275 -0943 Cell: 407 - 721 -0204 mikea,salsaorlando corn SalsaOrlando.coin On May 20, 2014, at 4:05 PM, "Wright, Joy" < JWright cr ocoee:org wrote: Hi, Mike.. Just following up on the email below.. Can you please send the costs for your amateur and professional dancers.. We would like to book them for Sept. 27.... From: Wright, Joy Sent: Friday, May 02, 2014 12:38 PM To: ' mike@salsaorlando com Cc: ' hopkinsjj(amsn com ' tajena5Ca)aol.com '; ' wemaxcom(abaol com Beth Freeman ( bethf(@cortezinc.net ); Westberry, Carla; Butler, Al; Gaines, Douglas Subject: Salsa Heat performance at Ocoee's Fiesta de Colores on Sept. 27, 2014 Hi, Mike.. It was great talking to you! 1 N Il N LIB N U) (.0 00 I- 61 O- OLL o cu =3 u- a O u- u- a '� � w I:t � Z O m LLO m Ln o z m lD LD m D m Q w m m m E U Ou E w C CA Ln r� o E rn E N N°o O rn v p O L? E Z m^ Z on O m opo - o Ou O N M O W N� Q) .1 lD O U uu n O O L In E v1 O LU cr ; `~ r4 p O C O n_ o0 _O Ol 00 N O O `�- 00 N N L - O C ' 00 _u { d O O N E O U N N if1 ^= r, ^O C O O V O w C) O `'"� t O n U m Q O M lD to V V 7 V U �, m U �_ N O N v t O v N N OD E _— 41 m c r� c +' M a c O :D Q C a3 c O CD t: 01 :1 "'� a N fLII N C� a. E � � Z c Q U H L N O N 0 N C O � C O m s- C C (D 1' d L u 7 0J L N U-1 G w �^ M •� . > - C O a m C y c ..O O s Z 7 Q Y N E (0 �_ 01 C t` U C L O _ m >. E Z > O > O J J _ O O 1D 2 ro v LL 4= r U O O _ U C / > CL E cu �-• E L N N �l Y v H L VI N U U Y Y N ? v U C L Y 0 Y Y U c i Q f0 f0 U U "O O (O U 7 (0 (p C 7 O N v ;; a 0 3 o o v v o o 3 m o J J V m U U LL v a. 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Scott Vandergrift City Manager Robert D. Frank O c o e e florida 2015 MLK Parade & Celebration Potential Keynote Speakers June 5, 2014 Commissioners John Grogan, District 1 Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel Keller, District 4 1. Judge Judith Hawkins (Member Foster) Member Foster has not heard her speak, but she came well recommended from the Department of Nursing chair at Adventist University where Member Foster is a member of the faculty. See attached bio. Simon T. Bailey (Joy Wright) Lives in Windermere, motivational speaker, agreed to be the keynote speaker last year. He wasn't going to charge a fee, in lieu of a $500 - $1,000 donation to his favorite charity. See attached bio. 3. Lucille O'Neal (Joy Wright) Shaquille O'Neal's mom, author, speaker. See attached bio. 4. Val Demings (Joy Wright) Political candidate, former police chief, city of Orlando. See attached bio. Judith W. Hawkins - Judgepedia Page 1 of 4 Judith W. Hawkins From Judgepedia j Judith W. Hawkins Contents ■ 1 Education ■ 2 Career ■ 3 Awards and associations ■ 3.1 Awards ■ 3.2 Associations Do you have a photo that could go ■ 4 In the news here? Submit it for this profile by ■ 4.1 Judge faces misconduct hearing for running personal business out of courtroom (2013) emailing us! ■ 4.2 Hawkins found guilty of misconduct after hearing (mailto:submitphoto c@i judgepedia.org) ■ 5 Elections ■ 5.12012 Current Court Information: ■ 6 See also Leon County Court, Florida ■ 7 External links Title: Judge ■ 8 References Service: Active: 1996 -2019 - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - ... - - - -- - - - - -� Past position: Public defender, Judith W. Hawkins is a county judge on the Leon County Court in Florida. She has served in this position conflict attorney Past term: 1994 -1996 since 1996. Her current term expires on January 8, 2019.f Past position 2: Attorney in private practice Pa term 2: 1987 -1996 Education Pas Personal History Bom: 1951 Hawkins received her B.A. in home economics and journalism from Andrews University in 1973. She was Home state: North Carolina awarded a M.S. in family relations and human development from Ohio State University in 1977 and earned Undergraduate: Andrews [�l University, 1973 her J.D. from Florida State University, College of Law in 1984. Law School: Florida State University College Career of Law, 1984 Grad. School: Ohio State ■ 1996 -2019: Judge, Leon County Court, Florida University, 1977 Candidate 2012: ■ 1994 -1996: Public defender conflict attorney, Juvenile delinquency Candidate for: Leon County Court ■ Adjunct professor, Florida A &M University State: Florida ■ 1987 -1996: Attorney in private practicel Election information 2012: Incumbent: Yes Election date: November 6, 2012 Awards and associations Election vote: Awards ■ 2006: Tallahassee Democrat 28th Anniversary, Volunteer of the Year Award for education ■ 2004: Delegate to Panama, Florida Law Related Education Program ■ 2003: Harvey Ford Award, Conference of County Judges ■ 2001: FAWL 50th Anniversary Golden Star Award Recipient ■ 1999: Achievement award, 100 Black Men of America, Inc. ■ 1998: Women of Distinction Award, Girl Scouts Council of the Apalachee Bend ■ 1990: Volunteer Recognition Award, Parents Anonymous ■ 1989 -1990: Outstanding Attorney Award, Guardian Ad Litem ■ 1985 -1996: Pro bono Service Distinction, Legal Services of North Florida Associations • Florida Bar Board Certified in Marital and Family Law • Florida Supreme Court Certified in Family Mediation • 2004 - Present: Florida Bar Small Claims Committee • 2003: Judicial Law Delegate to South Africa, People to People Ambassador Program • 2002 - Present: Education Committee, Conference of County Court Judges http: / /iudgepedia.org /Judith W. Hawkins 6/5/2014 Judith W. Hawkins - Judgepedia ■ 1997- Present: Chair, Tallahassee Women Lawyers Sunshine ■ 1996 -1998: Family Courts Steering Committee, Florida Supreme Court ■ 1993 -1995: Grievance Committee, Florida Bar, Second Judicial Circuit ■ 1993 -1994: Advisory Committee, Trial Court Work Performance Standards ■ 1993 -1994: Trial Court Work Performance Standards Advisory Committee ■ 1993: Member, Tallahassee Bar Association Board ■ 1992 -1993: President, Legal Services of North Florida ■ 1992 - Present: American Inns of Court: Tallahassee Section ■ 1991 -1994 and 1999 -2001: Legal Aid Foundation Board ■ 1990 -1994: Legal Services of North Florida: 1990 to 1994 ■ 1987 - Present: Tallahassee Bar Association ■ 1987 and 1994 -1996: Tallahassee Barristers Treasurer ■ 1987- Present: Tallahassee Barristers ■ Member, Southern Union Society of Adventist Attorneys [21 In the news Judge faces misconduct hearing for running personal business out of courtroom (2013) Page 2 of 4 A five -day trial on misconduct charges against Hawkins began on October 7, 2013. The Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission filed formal charges against Hawkins in December 2012. The commission charged Hawkins with using her judicial office to promote a private interest, among other charges. [3) Hawkins owns Gaza Road Ministries, a business she founded in 2010. Her business website displays photos of Hawkins wearing her judicial robes. In one photo, she is seated on the bench at the Leon County courthouse. Her biography on the website also notes her position as a county judge. The website includes information about Hawkins' speaking engagements and offers a variety of products for sale, including religious workbooks. The commission charges Hawkins has 66 sold or attempted to sell (her) books, study guides, and other publications in the Leon County courthouse, in the parking garage of the 99 courthouse, and even in the Courtroom in which (she) preside(s) 131141 Since Hawkins holds a position of authority at the court, the commission believes attorneys who appear before her, and employees of the court, may feel obligated or pressured to purchase items from her. According to the charges, Hawkins also used her court e-mail account to communicate with others regarding her business and products. Hawkins created the products she sells from her offices at the Leon County Court and used courthouse equipment and supplies for her business. Her judicial assistant helped her create and sell products, during the work day, at the court. Tax documents filed by Hawkins indicate she earned $13,518.00 from her business in 2011. Hawkins claims her duties as a judge left her with a lot of free time to spend working on her business. However, according to special counsel Greg Miller, who is representing the commission in the hearing, Hawkins would cancel court proceedings without providing advance notice to the parties involved, in order to attend events or speak about her business. The commission alleges Hawkins failed to administer prompt and efficient justice because she was more interested in pursuing activities to further her business. [51 Gerald Kogan, a former Florida Supreme Court justice who represents Hawkins, acknowledges: 66 "' she may have gotten wrapped up in a personal goal of helping people.t51t41 99 He notes Hawkins has received many awards from the legal community and has served as a volunteer speaker at schools in Leon County for 20 years t51 In her response, Hawkins notes one of the photos on her website which shows her wearing her judicial robe, was taken at Oakridge Elementary School. After being nominated by the school, Hawkins received the Tallahassee Democrat, Volunteer of the Year for Education Award in 2006. In addition, Hawkins was charged by the commission with failing to act in a manner that promotes public confidence. While on the bench during a trial, Hawkins recommended three attorneys to a defendant saying, "...tell them Judge Hawkins sent you." (Florida judges are not allowed to recommend attorneys or offer legal advice to the public.) Parties also observed her reading magazines while presiding over court proceedings [71 During the hearing, the commission plans to offer evidence that Hawkins intentionally deleted financial records showing she conducted business for Gaza Road Ministries during work hours at the court. She also refused to provide information requested by the commission relating to sales, customer lists and payments she made to her judicial assistant. The commission alleges court records and computer data show Hawkins and her judicial assistant performed work related to the judge's business during the workday at the court.t Hawkins found guilty of misconduct after hearing http://judgepedia.org/Judith—W.—Hawkins 6/5/2014 Judith W. Hawkins - Judgepedia Page 3 of 4 The Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission found Hawkins guilty of running her religious business out of her chambers at the Leon County Courthouse. In addition, she was also found guilty of misconduct on the bench and of interfering with the commission's misconduct investigation. A 36 -page report was released on January 28, 2014. According to the report, Judge Hawkins believes in extending second chances to others. The Hearing Panel concludes that her conduct in response to the FJCQ 44 investigation 34 was an aberration, that she is devoted to the community, is still capable of able service and that she, likewise, is entitled to 91 a second chance.. ,[10][41 The Florida Supreme Court will make a decision regarding the sanctions recommended by the commission. They include: a possible $17,000 fine, three -month, unpaid suspension and a public reprimand. E Elections 2012 Hawkins was unopposed and automatically re- elected as a county judge for the Leon County Court in the Nov. 6, 2012 general election. 11 11[121 See also: Florida judicial elections, 2012 See also ■ Leon County, Florida ■ Florida County Court ■ Judicial selection in Florida External links ■ Florida Second Judicial Circuit: Leon County Court ( http: / /www.leoncountyfl.gov /2ndeircuit/ mdex .php?Page= CountyCriininal.php) References I T 1.0 1.1 1.2 Lcnv Diary, "Biographies of State and County Court Judges in Florida, page 60," accessed October 8, 2013 ( http:// www. lawdiary.com/docs/subscribers/FL Judicial_Biograpbies.pdf) 2. T Florida Second Judicial Circuit, "County Judges, Judge Judith W. Hawkins," accessed October 8, 2013 ( http:// 2ndcircuit .leoncountyfl.gov/hawkins.php) 3. T 3.13. ' Before the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission, "Inquiry concerning A Judge, Judith W. Hawkins, No. 11 -550, Notice of Formal Charges," December 5, 2012 ( http:/ /www.floridasupremer-ourt.org/pub_ info /Summaries/briefs /12/12- 2495/Filed_12 -05 -2012 Formal_Charges.pdf) 4 T 4.0 4.14.2 Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributed to the original source. 5 T 5.0 5.15.2 53 Tallahassee.com, "UPDATE: Judge Hawkins peddled religious workbook to courthouse friends, according to testimony," October 7, 2013 ( http : / /www.tallahassee.com/article/ 20131007 /NEWSOI /I 31007003/Hearing- Judge- Judith - Hawkins- misconduct - allegations- begins - moming? nclick check- 6. T Before the Flordia Judicial Qualifications Commission, "Inquiry Concerning a Judge, Judith W. Hawkins, No. 11 -550, Answer to Notice of Formal Charges, December 20, 2012 ( http:// www. floridasupremecourt.orgtpub_info/summaries/briefs/12/12-2495/Filed 2012 Answer to Formal_Charges.pdf) 7. T Before the Investigative Panel of the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission, Inquiry Concerning a Judge, Judith Hawkins, Case No. 11 -550, "Judicial Qualifications Commission's Trial Memorandum," October 3, 2013 ( http : / /www.floridasupremecourt.orgtpub info/summaries/briefs/12/12- 2495/ Filed_ 10 -03 -2013_ JQC_Trial_Memorandum.pdf) 8. T Before the Investigative Panel of the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission, Inquiry Concerning a Judge, Judith Hawkins, Case No. 11 -550, "Judicial Qualifications Commission's Trial Memorandum," October 3, 2013 ( http:// www. floridasupremecourt. org/ pub_info /summaries/briefs/12 /12- 2495/Filed_10 -03 -2013 JQC Trial Meinorandum.pdf) 9 T 9.0 9.1 WCTV. "Judge Hawkins faces fine and suspension," January 28, 2014 (hfp://www.wctv.tv/home/headlines/ Judge - Responds -to- Amended - Ethics- Charges- 218163861.html?ref�-861) 10. T Before the Judicial Qualifications Commission, State of Florida, "Inquiry Concerning Judge Judith Hawkins, No. 11 -550, SC12 -2495, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Hearing Panel," January 27, 2014 ( http:// www. floridasupremecourt. org/ pub_info /summaries/briefs/12/12- 2495/ Filed_ 01- 27- 2014_Hearing_Panel_Findings Recommendations.pdf) IL T Florida judicial elections, 2012 - County Court 12. T Leon County Supervisor of Elections: 2012 Filed Candidate List ( http:// www. leonvotes. org lincludes/Candidates %20and °/" 20Reports /PDF/2012/2012Filed.pdf) http: / /judgepedia.org /Judith W. Hawkins 6/5/2014 Judith W. Hawkins - Judgepedia Page 4 of 4 ' FLORIDA ON JUDGEPEDIA FEDERAL COURTS STATIS COURTS . US District Court for the Middle District • STATE RRSDURcns . Florida Supreme Court . . US District Court for the Northern District . . Florida Counties • Florida News . • District Courts ofAppeal • . US District Co triurt for the Southern District . •Florida Judicial Elections . • Cucuit Court . County Court . . 11th Circuit Court of Appeals . . Judicial Selection in Florida. Retrieved from " http: / /judgepedia.org/index.php ?title= Judith_W._Hawkins &oldid= 862635' Categories: Female I Florida county court judges, Leon County I Term expiring 2019, Florida j Florida candidate, Leon County Court Successful Florida judicial candidates, 2012 1 Unopposed candidate, FL County 2012 Misconduct, December 2012 ■ This page was last modified on 2 June 2014, at 12:17. http://judgepedia.org/Judith 6/5/2014 Simon T. Bailey I Motivational Keynote Speaker, Consultant & Author I Inspiring Brillian... Page 1 of 3 Office: 407 - 905 -5063 Email: helloaa simontbailgy.com Simon T. Bailey I Motivational Keynote Speaker, Consultant & Author C SIMON T BAIZE Inspiring Brilliant Action Simon T. Baile O , • About • Hire Shift Your Brilliance and Own the Moment o Releasing Your Leadership Brilliance Service Brilliance Thought Leader Articles Simon Says Speak: How to Win and Influence Audiences • Praise • Blog • Shop • Contact Select a page: U Email: I Yes! I Simon's new book, Shift Your Brilliance, is available for Pre -Order now! I BARNES&NOBLE ajmazon.com BOOKSELLERS �/ Sooceoread ,BKAM! Leadership expert and catalyst for emerging leaders, Simon T. Bailey helps individuals, organizations, and businesses shift their thinking using a proactive approach, resulting in improved performance and accelerated results. There are three ways Simon can help you: http: / /simontbailey.com/ 6/5/2014 Get Free Tips on How -to Release Your Brilliance Simon T. Bailey I Motivational Keynote Speaker, Consultant & Author I Inspiring Brillian... Page 2 of 3 0 4 -70 � s Mobile Business Academy To learn more from Simon T. Bailey, download his course, Shift to Brilliance, from the Mobile Business Academy online store Shift to Brilliance is broken into 12 Learning Bursts, providing busy professionals with tips, tools, and techniques on how to identify problems, think through solutions, and produce brilliant work. His topics range from managing sales forces, to making the most of rejection, to customer service and establishing your brand. My LifeBook Free Assessment Find your meaning for living and the purpose for the rest of your life through the MyLifeBook Assessment. Click here to take the Free Assessment fynda.c ©m Explore Virtual Learning that is Quick & Easy. Simon's knowledge and expertise is also available through Lynda.com, where access to hundreds of courses from industry- respected thought leaders can keep your skills sharp, current, and in high demand. Lynda provides online learning convenience, so you can learn at your own pace. Click here to learn more. http: / /simontbailey.com/ 6/5/2014 Meet Simon - Simon T. Bailey Office: 407 - 905 -5063 Email: hello&simontbailey com Simon T. Bailey I Motivational Keynote Speaker, Consultant & Author I Inspiring Brilliant Action I Simon T. Bailey SIMON T BAILEY • About • Hire • Praica • MOE! • Shop . • Contact Select a page: Meet Simon T. Bailey Page 1 of 4 Simon T. Bailey's purpose is to inspire 10% of the world's population to brilliant action by providing actionable takeaways that produce sustainable results. Get Free Tips on How -to Release Your Brilliance Email: httn :Hsimontbailev.com/meet- simon/ 6/5/2014 Meet Simon - Simon T. Bailey Page 2 of 4 Yes! Directed by Mr. Bailey's thought leadership honed by a decade of work with 1,000 organizations, the Brilliance Institute designs and delivers fresh insights on leadership, employee performance and customer experience. We look forward to serving you. Who Is Simon T. Bailey? First of all, I am Renee's husband, Daniel and Madison's Dad. My life began in the humble surroundings. I was born in Buffalo, New York and began working at a young age for my family who instilled in me an unparalleled work ethic. I discovered I had a gift for speaking in high school and put my platinum tongue to work for me in the hospitality industry while attending college. I climbed from a position at a Days Inns Hotel in Downtown Atlanta to eventually becoming a sales director for the world renowned Disney Institute. One day while sitting at my desk at Disney, I received a phone call from a journalist who ask me where I did see myself in 10 -15 years. I said that I see myself as the president and CEO of the Walt Disney World Resort and eventually the Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company. Well, he put this in print. Click here to see the story . When not inspiring organizations and individuals to brilliant action, I relax in our small town of Windermere, FL working on my tan. Okay, that was a really bad joke. Formal Bio Simon T. Bailey is a leadership catalyst, whose expertise equips emerging leaders with tips, tools and techniques on how to release potential in the world's most important asset — people. He is the former leader of the world - renowned Disney Institute and founder of Brilliance Institute, Inc. Meetings and Conventions magazine's cited him as "One of the best keynote speakers ever heard or used," putting him in the same category as Bill Gates, General Colin Powell and Tony Robbins. Speaker Magazine cited him as one of the top twenty five "hot speakers" shaping the profession. Harrison College (Indianapolis, IN) has partnered with him to launch the Simon T. Bailey Emerging Leaders Certificate for individuals, corporations and organizations. An author of 7 books, such as Release Your Brilliance, published by HarperCollins, was ranked number 17 of the Top 100 books being read by Corporate America, according to 800CEORead.com. His newest book — Shift Your Brilliance — Harness the Power of You, Inc., is receiving rave reviews. Simon holds a Master's Degree from Faith Christian University and was inducted as an honorary member of the University of Central Florida Golden Key International Honor Society. He is a http : / /simontbailey.com /meet- simon/ 6/5/2014 Meet Simon - Simon T. Bailey Page 3 of 4 graduate of Rollins College Executive Management Certificate Program, one of the top 25 best private graduate business schools in the USA. He is learning addicted who is hooked on www.coursera.org and just completed classes from Wharton School of Business on Gamification and Growing Great Companies from Darden School of Business. Quick Simon Facts Favorite Football Team Buffalo Bills (his hometown) Favorite Dessert Hot Apple pie a la mode Favorite Restaurant George's On the Cove — Lajolla, California Favorite Book Flash Foresight by Dan Burrus The Woman next to the Man Renee Bailey Esteemed Clients Simon has had the opportunity of working with, speaking to, and helping to refocus and energize some of the most brilliant minds around the world. Raytheon Vzmry Prudential er ,94 . S E T A R ChevronTexaco T¢' htti):Hsimontbailev.com/mect- simon/ 6/5/2014 Meet Simon - Simon T. Bailey Who is Simon T. Bailey? Page 4 of 4 A bestselling author of 7 books, Simon T. Bailey's breakout masterpiece, Release Your Brilliance, published by HarperCollins, was ranked number 17 of the Top 100 books being read by Corporate America, according to 800CEORead.com. His highly anticipated new book, Shift Your Brilliance — Harness the Power of You, Inc., invites readers to shift their thinking, creating a disruption from the norm that ignites creativity, drives productivity and increases accountability. Meet Simon Copyright © 2014 Simon T. Bailey Scroll to To • Home • Hire • Contact Simon • Son http : / /simontbailey.com /meet- simon/ 6/5/2014 Happy Clients - Simon T. Bailey Office: 407 - 905 -5063 Email: hello@simontbailey.com Simon T. Bailey I Motivational Keynote Speaker, Consultant & Author I Inspiring Brilliant Action I Simon T. Bailey SI MON T BAIZE • About • Hire • Praise • Bloa • Shop • Contact Select a page: [�] Happy Clients Get Free Tips on How -to Release Your Brilliance Email: Yes! Page 1 of 5 Below you will find a snapshot of testimonials from various clients and speaking engagements in recent years. Happy Clients - Simon T. Bailey Rich Goings The First time I met Simon, I knew I had met .someone destined for an amazing journey. Even then, many years ergo, there i as an obvious 'brilliance' that exuded from Simon. Page 2 of 5 Rick Goings, Chairman & CE0 Tupperware Brands Corporation Anne Blottin I want to thank you so march for an excellent closing session at Great Ideas. You were phenomenal and you can tell by the Twitter Stream, that your comments totally resonated with the audience. I really appreciate you custorniiing your presentation to the association audience because the information you shared was so pertinent. And by the way, I love your laugh! Anne Slouin, Chief Learning Officer American Society of Association Executives http: / /simontbailey.com/happy- clients/ 6/5/2014 Happy Clients - Simon T. Bailey Harms Rosen Simon Will encourage you to pull yourself zip bye the bootstraps and march ever so clearly into a bright Page 3 of 5 Harris Rosen, CEO Rosen Hotels and Resorts David -Bagwell Simon is a se f- motivated leader it -ho clearly has a zest for life which makes his perspective regarding the ever - evolving workplace so rewarding.. David Bagwell, President Tishman Hotel Corporation Rita Davenport Simon said more in ten ininirtes during our "Learn and Burn" session than some .sqy in ten years. Our 1, 000, 000+ members ir411 forever° be impacted by his brilliant insight. Rita Davenport — Former President Arbonne International 12 Esteemed Clients Simon has had the opportunity of working with, speaking to, and helping to refocus and energize some of the most brilliant minds around the world. http: / /simontbailey.com/happy- clients/ 6/5/2014 Happy Clients - Simon T. Bailey Page 4 of 5 Raytheon km Prudential SETAR ChevronTexaco C1O limum 0 r, r, j Q I - A y Who is Simon T. Bailey? A bestselling author of 7 books, Simon T. Bailey's breakout masterpiece, Release Your Brilliance, published by HarperCollins, was ranked number 17 of the Top 100 books being read by Corporate America, according to 800CEORead.com. His highly anticipated new book, Shift Your Brilliance — Harness the Power of You, Inc., invites readers to shift their thinking, creating a disruption from the norm that ignites creativity, drives productivity and increases accountability. Meet Simon Copyright © 2014 Simon T. Bailey Scroll to To • Home • Hire http: / /simontbailey.com/happy- clients/ 6/5/2014 Lucille O'Neal I Speaker Profile and Speaking Topics Page 1 of 2 Search for a speaker, content. SEARCH •a \ yyp ABOUT US CONTACT � h Basta, • New YcA • Los Angeles • B°g°xa • Rio American Program Bureau as ' Madrid : ' ° �: • Rankf n Stcckhotm • AM1os:on bxanbu! M._., Nan D Kuala Lu pu • Hogg Speaking to the world for over 50 years Kong • S-1 • T.k • ca T .— • sydnay HOME FIND A SPEAKER for BUSINESS for CAMPUS for COMMUNITY for HEALTHCARE for INTERNATIONAL RESOURCES CHECK FEES & AVAILABILITY FOR LUCILLE O'NEAL "uG TO MY SPEAKER LIST „ PRINT THIS PAGE >> TOPICS VIDEOS TESTIMONIALS Walk Like You Have Somewhere to Go: Reclaiming Courage & Direction in Life Access to Success Can -Do Attitude BIOGRAPHY She may be the mother of one of the greatest athletes of all time, but Lucille O'Neal is much more than "Shaquille O'Neal's mom." Acquainted early in life with turmoil, O'Neal's circumstances shaped her perspective, strengthening her resolve to overcome the challenges she would later encounter. She has endured poverty, rejection, abuse, addiction, and the illness of a child, yet today her faith and compassion for others is stronger than ever. At the age of 12, O'Neal told God that she wanted to be a motivational speaker. A tall, skinny child, she always felt different - a feeling that caused her to have low self esteem throughout her youth. She eventually learned to drown those feelings with alcohol. After becoming a mother at the young age of 17 - and eventually a wife and mother of three more children - O'Neal was married for 28 years, never letting go of her dream. In addition to being an active parent and grandparent, O'Neal is involved in numerous youth- oriented and community projects. Her commitment and devotion to volunteer projects is reflected in her past and current involvement with various organizations such as the Orlando Chapter of the United Negro College Fund, the Reading is Fundamental Program, and Scholastic America, among many others. QUESTIONS ABOUT BOOKING? CONTACT APB NOW 617.614.1600 RESOURCES Testimonials Full Speaker Bio Book: Walk Like You Have Somewhere to Go Lucille O'Neal shares her life story candidly - and often humorously - in her book Wa Like You Have Somewhere to Go as well as in her keynotes. Touching on her years of spiritual unrest and mental welfare, she shares her struggles and disappointments against the backdrop of her sweetest memories and proudest accomplishments. After 56 years, O'Neal has gained the wisdom to recognize her wrongs and guide other women down a different path. Her story is proof that it's never too late for a new beginning. RELATED CATEGORIES Read full bio. TOPICS Walk Like You Have Somewhere to Go: Reclaiming Courage & Direction in Life Access to Success Can -Do Attitude African American -Christianity Education Motivation Homelessness & Poverty Motivation & Inspiration - Philanthropy Issues Spirituality & Religion Sports•Women http:// www. apbspeakers.com/speaker /lucille -oneal 6/5/2014 Lucille O'Neal Author & Motivator Lucille O'Neal I Speaker Profile and Speaking Topics NEED HELP FINDING A SPEAKER? The Program Consultants at Americana Program Bureau Are Here to Help! REQUEST SPEAKER RECOMMENDATIONS Tell us about your event and we will offer custom speaker recommendations specifically tailored for your event's theme, audience, budget or any other criteria your provide. Whether you are looking for a keynote speaker to set the tone for your entire event, an industry expert for an executive briefing or workshop, a motivational speaker to supercharge a sales force, or a celebrity speaker to kick -off your convention, we can help you find the rightspeaker for your next event. Check Availability of a Speaker INQUIRE NOW » CONNECT ................ .... . Page 2 of 2 Watch Speaker Videos Enjoy Giveaways, Discounts & More Speakers Speakers Bureau Home Business Speakers Celebrity Speakers College Speakers Corporate Speakers Speakers for Associations Speakers on Education Speakers on Healthcare Keynote Speaker Recommendations Information WATCH NOW » SIGN UP NOW » Speaker News Speaker Catalogs A -Z Directory Speakers Bureau FACls Speaker Event Types VIP Login Log In to Your VIP Account About APB About Us History Careers Become a Speaker In the News Offices Contact Us American Program Bureau Like 14,061 people like American PkVgram Bureau. '17L &I 0 : Social Media: Callus: 800.225.4575 1 617.614.1600 Unlike other speakers bureaus, we have content specialists that have a unique understanding of each market they serve. Our experienced, attentive, and knowledgeable agents are the best at creatively pairing the right speakers with the right programs to ultimately create a remarkable event. © 2013 All Rights Reserved, American Program Bureau 313 Washington Street, Suite 225 1 Newton, Massachusetts 02458 http:// www. apbspeakers .com/speaker /lucille -oneal 6/5/2014 Page 1 of 1 IIIIIIIIlIH�a. http: / /www.nshmba.org/ resource /resmgr/ powerofhispanics /val_demings —Photo.jpg 6/5/2014 Val Demings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Page 1 of 3 Val Demings From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Val Demings (born Valdez Venita Butler in 1957) is a police officer and politician from Florida. She served as Chief of the Orlando Police Department, the first woman to hold the position. She was the Democratic nominee in 2012 to represent Florida's 10th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives. Val Demings Democratic nominee for U.S. House of Representatives from Florida's 10th district Election date November 6, 2012 Opponent(s) Daniel Webster Contents Personal details Born Valdez Venita Butler 1957 (age 56 -57) Early life Political party Democratic Alma mater Florida State University Demings was one of seven children born to a poor Occupation police officer family; her father worked in orange groves, while her -- -- — - --- mother was a housekeeper. They lived in Mandarin, a neighborhood in Jacksonville, Florida. She attended segregated schools in the 1960s, graduating from Wolfson High School in the 1970s. Her desire for a career in law enforcement came when Demings served in the "school patrol" at Dupont Junior High School. She graduated from Samuel W. Wolfson High School, and then attended Florida State University, graduating with a degree in criminology in 1979. Career After graduating from college, Demings worked as a social worker in Jacksonville for 18 months. [1][2] In 1983, she applied for a job with the Orlando Police Department (OPD), and she began with the department on patrol in Orlando's west side.P Demings was appointed as Chief of the OPD in December 2007, becoming the first woman to lead the department. [31 As Chief, she was credited with reducing violent crime in Orlando. She retired from the position effective June 1, 2011, after serving with the OPD for 27 years. [41 Political career Demings was the Democratic nominee for the United States House of Representatives in Florida's 10th congressional district in 2012. Her attempt to unseat the incumbent, Republican Daniel Webster, was unsuccessful. 161 httD : / /en.wikiDedia.orsi/wiki/Val Deminas 6/5/2014 Val Demings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Page 2 of 3 Democrats have attempted to recruit Demings to run against Webster again in 2014. After considering her options, she decided to run for Mayor of Orange County, Florida, against Teresa Jacobs. [81 Personal Her husband, Jerry Demings, is the Orange County Sheriff. Previously, he served as the Chief of the OPD, the first African American to do so, from 1999 through 2002. 21 The two met while on patrol in the OPD; they married in 1988 and have three children, References 1 n a b c d e f "Val Demings takes over as Orlando's police chief Monday — Orlando Sentinel" ( http : / /articles.orlandosentinel.com /2007- 12- 16 /newsNa116_1 val-demings- orlando- police - chief- jerry- demings). Articles.orlandosentinel.com. December 16, 2007. Retrieved October 4, 2012. 2. ^ a b "Married cops to head next -door agencies — US news - Life I NBC News" (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28841683/#.UGzhbE3A—s4). MSNBC. January 25, 2009. Retrieved October 4, 2012. 3. ^ "Val Demings' retirement opinion: Orlando Police Chief Val Demings is retiring — Orlando Sentinel" (http:// articles .orlandosentinel.com /2011- 05 -05/ news /os ed - val - demings retirement 050511- 20110504 1 mercury- capsule -val- demings -50th- anniversary). Articles.orlandosentinel.com. May 5, 2011. Retrieved October 4, 2012. 4. ^ a b Schlueb, Mark (May 3, 2011). "Orlando Police Chief Val Demings retiring: Orlando Police Chief Val Demings is retiring — Orlando Sentinel" ( http : / /articles.orlandosentinel.com /2011 - -03 /news /os orlando police- chief - retires - 20110503_1 _police- chief -val- demings jerry- demings- new- orlando- police). Articles.orlandosentinel.com. Retrieved October 4, 2012. 5. ^ Green, Merissa (October 1, 2012). "Rep. Daniel Webster Challenged By Val Demings, Ex -Chief of Police" ( http:// www. theledger .com/article /20121001/POLITICS /121009944). The Ledger. Retrieved October 3, 2012. 6. ^ Schlueb, Mark (November 6, 2012). "Dan Webster beats Val Demings, wins second term" ( http : / / articles.orlandosentinel.com/ 2012- 11 -06/ news /os- dan- webster -val- demings- 20 1 2 1 1 06 - 1 dan- webster- alan - grayson- campaign- trail). Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved November 7, 2012. 7. ^ David Damron 4:00 p.m. EDT, October 7, 2013 (October 7, 2013). "Demings still undecided on next political move" ( http:// www .orlandosentinel.com/news/blogs/ political - pulse /os demings - still - un decided -on- next- political- move- 20131007,0,488744.post). Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved January 7, 2014. 8. ^ Powers, Scott (January 7, 2014). "Val Demings takes on Teresa Jacobs for Orange County Mayor" ( http: / /www.orlandosentinel.com /news/blogs/ political - pulse /os- val- demings- takes- on- teresa jacobs- for- orange - county- mayor- 20140107,0,342973.post). Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved January 7, 2014. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Val—Demings 6/5/2014 Val Demings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia External links Page 3 of 3 • Val Demings for Congress (http: / /www.valdemings.com/) official campaign website • Profile (http: / /www.votesmart.org /candidate /137637) at Project Vote Smart • Financial information (federal office) (http://www.fec.gov/fecviewer/CandidateCommitteeDetail.do? & tabindex= l& candidateCommitteeld= H2FL080 at the Federal Election Commission ■ Election 2012: U.S. Representative District 10 candidates full video (http: / /www.orlandosentinel .com/videogallery /72794511 /News /Election- 2012 -U -S- Representative - District -l0- candidates - full- video), Orlando Sentinel, October 8, 2012 ■ Profile (http: / /projects.wsj.com/campaign20l2 /mobile/ candidates /view /val- demings- -FL -H) at The Wall Street Journal ■ Val Demings ( http : / /www.makers.com /val- demings) Video produced by Makers: Women Who Make America Retrieved from " http : / /en.wikipedia.org /w /index.php ?title= Val_Demings &oldid= 600893958 Categories: Living people 11957 births 1 People from Jacksonville, Florida Florida State University alumni American municipal police chiefs Florida Democrats African - American police officers ; Women in Florida politics • This page was last modified on 23 March 2014 at 16:27. • Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non - profit organization. 6/5/2014 Dwaine Stevens Publix Super Markets, Inc. Media and Community Relations Manager Jacksonville Division Publix Spokesperson Dwaine Stevens is a native of Florida, and a neighbor to Orlando as he grew up in Lakeland, Florida, a future booming metropolis, a small city that continues to enjoy the spoils of Tampa and Orlando! He was educated at Polk Community College in Winter Haven, Florida and continued course work at the University of South Florida in Tampa. He is the proud father of two beautiful children; his son, Drake (20), and his daughter, Darian (19); along with his gorgeous wife, Bre' of twenty-five years. Dwaine has been an associate of Publix Super Markets for thirty-five years, spending nineteen years at the company's headquarters and sixteen years in the Jacksonville Division office. Dwaine has a passion for people and has enjoyed working in the community affairs office for about twenty years. His responsibilities include managing the philanthropic investments for the division. The geographic area includes: S. Carolina, Georgia, Southern Alabama, and the majority of Florida. He also has the responsibility of managing media communications and serves as company spokesperson. His past board appointments include: Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce Board Member, Board of Governors, Policy Board Member United Way of Northeast Florida, Hispanic Regional Chamber of Commerce Orlando Board of Trustees, America Heart Association Board Member Orlando, and Leadership Jacksonville Board of Director, just to name a few.