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July 15, 2014, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Wilsen. Acting City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Johnson, and Commissioner Keller.
Presentation of Appreciation Award to Beth Otts with Chick -Fil -A by the Ocoee P
Police Chief Brown presented an award of appreciation on behalf of the City and the police
department to Beth Otts and the Chick -Fil -A team for their continued support with community
programs. Ms. Otts recognized the restaurant's general manager and franchise operator. She
expressed her pride for the City and stated that she will continue to support Ocoee.
Elevation Christian Church (McKey Crossing Plaza) Pastor Gabrielle Padilla announced the
community back -to- school event. The event will offer 200 back packs, free haircuts, bounce
houses, face painting, food and live music. He inquired if the City would like to partner with the
church to make a bigger impact. The pastor provided a flyer and letters, and informed the
commission that the necessary permits. have been pulled. Mayor Vandergrift asked the pleasure
of the Commission.
Commissioner Wilsen inquired where the funds would come from as there is nothing left in
contingency. City Manager Frank stated they will need to look into the different line items in
order to allocate the funds. Commissioner Wilsen stated she will cast an opposing vote as she
feels as though the pastor should apply for the already established grant program. Mayor
Vandergrift stated that if the City cannot find the funds, to take it out of his line item for
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to grant $2 50.00
to the Elevation Christian Church Back -to- School Event. Motion carried 4 -1 with
Commissioner Wilsen opposing.
City Manager Frank announced that on the dais in front of them is an Emergency Item for
approval of the purchase of a replacement mower for the Streets Division. One of the existing
mowers suffered a catastrophic engine failure.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the
purchase of a mower to replace the Hustler Super Z 60" through the St ate of
Florida Contract #760- 000 -10 -1 at the bid price of $10,437.96. Motion carried 5 -0.
Regular City Commission
July 15, 2014
Commissioner Grogan — announced 1) the Parks and Recreation Department's Before and
After School Program registration dates have been set for the 2014/2015 school year. Current
Summer Campers / City Employees/ City Residents can begin registering Monday, July 14th.
Open enrollment for City Residents and Non - Residents begins Monday July 21st. For more
information contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 407 - 905 - 3150. 2) the Parl:s and
Recreation Department will be hosting its monthly Food Truck Friday, Earmer's Market, and
Movie iM the Park event this Friday. Jtily 15th. from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. on Lakeshore Drive. in Bill
Breeze Park.
Mayor Vandergrift - Visitors to the Food Truck Friday event can also take a tour of the
Historic Withers - Maguire Mortise, Friends of Ocoee history Preservation will be conducting
tours of the house between 6:00 and 5:00 pm.
Commissioner Wilsen -- None
Commissioner Johnson - None
Commissioner Keller -- announced the Parks and Recreatiotl Department will be hosting its
monthly Food Truck Friday event this l'riday, .tiny 15th. From 6:00 to 9:00 pm. on Lakeshore
Drive, in Bill Breeze Park. Food trucks will he ollering gourmet food and delectable treats, and
the movie "The Lego Movie" will be shown during the event; the movie will start at 5:30 p.m.,
so come out and enjoy a dinner and a movie in the park.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan, moved to approve the
Consent Agenda Items #1 through #0. Motion carried 5 -0.
1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting Held July 1.5, 2014. (City
Clerk Eikenberry)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
2. Approval of Code Enforcement Board; Changes in Membership Status for two (2)
Members and Appointment of New Alternate Member. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
'The Code Ernl'orcement Board (CEB) was created by Ordinance No. 741 on .line 16, 1981, The purpose of this
board is to review infractions of the City technical Codes, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to
comply. The Code I-11601cenient Board is to have seven (7) regular members and two (2) alternate members, all
with three year terms.
At their regular meeting on .lime 24, 2014, the Chas unanimously moved to recommend that regular member
Carol Amoy be moved to the alternate member position, and that Michael Ilopper be moved to the regular
meniher position on the Board.
Additionally, member Ty Fischer (District 4) resigned from the board leaving a vacant alternate member
position. "There is currently one (1) application on file Ior this board from Ocoee resident Robert Minarcin.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
Regular City Commission
July 15, 2014
3. Approval of Traffic Enforcement Agreement for Casa Mirella. (Police Chief Brown)
A traffic enforcement agreement is required by Florida State Statues 316.006(2) in order for the City of Ocoee
Police Department to have authority to enforce traffic laws upon the private roads within the limits of the
subdivision. Casa Mirella is requesting such do I'll - ement. - file term of this agreement shall be two(2)years
from the effective date and will automatically renew tin an additional two (2) year period unless terminated by
either party wilh 60 days wrilten notice.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
4. Approval of State Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation Agreement and
Resolution, Phase I. (Public Works Director Krug)
The FDOT has been working with local maintaining a-'encies to update the State's Traffic Signal Maintenance
and Compensation Agreement. "I he old agreement, last execi.ited by the City in 2002, failed to fully identify the
maintaining agency - s responsibilities as they pertain to current systems in operation throughout the State such
as mast arms, digital monitoring and pedestrian controls. Public Works has actively participated in the upclate
Process to ensure Ocoee is not burdened with increased maintenance costs. The ('ity's current contracted
proactive maintenance progran - i exceeds the minimum State proposed standards and ensures proper operation of
all signals throughout Ocoee. The updated agreeHueut is Phasc I of the process and will be in effect for the
2014/15 fiscal year. Public Works will continue to wort: with the FDO`f on the Phase II update to be brought
back for approval in 2015.
I his agreement provides for funding from FDO V to the City to help defray the costs of traffic signal operation
and maintenance on several State highways within Ocoee's corporate limits. The work order under this
Agreement will provide Ocoee with an annual Payment of $20,453.00 for the 2014 -2015 fiscal year. The
520,453.00 represents a 6(,',o increase over the current FDOT signalization supplement.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
The resolution. as adopted. carries the following title:
RESOLUTION NO, 2014 -006
5. Approval of In -Line Storm Drain Pipe Repairs with Layne Inliner. (Public Works
Director Krug)
"fhe Stormwater Division budget incorporates I - ands to upgrade the aging portions of the City's storm drain
Pipes. When pipe failures occur, the Stornrwater Team evaluates the best method to diligently restore the pipe.
Recently in District I, two (2) locations have experienced pipe failure, at 704 Spring Lake Circle and 1017
Caballero Court, where the existing corru«ated metal pipe (CMP) has cleveloped large leaks from long -term
Public Works contacted several specialty contractors who install various proprietary systems. Only two firms,
American In -Line and Layne lnliner, were able to respond due to other contractors not carrying a product that
would line the large diameter pipe sires we required. After field meetings with the two providers, Layne lnliner
was determined to provide the least invasive process for the lowest cost. Additionally, Layne ]nliner's resin
based process eliminated the hazardous byproduct disposal created by the other vendor's epoxy based process.
By combining the two locations into a single project, Layne lnliner reduced their mobilization costs to the City,
further improving the cost benefit to the City.
Public Works recommends forgoing fhe open bidding process to award and expedite this wort: at the proposed
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
Regular City Commission
July 15, 2014
6. Approval of Resolution to Dedicate a Portion of the A.D. Mims Wastewater Treatment
Facili Property to Public Right -of -Way to Provide Public Access to the Spring Lake
Elementary School. (City Engineer Wheeler)
Sixteen years aio, OCPS constructed a bus access drive into the school property Cron) the north oft'of Sarah Lee
Lane. The bus access was not used for long because of the size of the OCPS buses and their inability to make
the circle without climbin( the curb and potentially hitting the nearby portable classrooms. This access point
was never dedicated to the public heucfit as Public Right -of -Way.
With the new Sprim" Lake F,lemcntary School set to open on AUgnSt 18111 of this year, OCPS has requested th0t
the new access into the school be on a public road. l hereforC staff has secured a legal description of the
portion of the A.D. Minis Wastewater "freatmcnt Facility property that Will become public benefit land as the
extension of Sarah Lce LauC. Public WOI "kS had the fence relocated to accommodate the new sidewalk 1
children that will be walking to the school from the north OOPS has provided for 120 vehicles to queue on the
school property for file aftcrnoon pick up of the students. This is actmally more spaces than they have counted
as an average over the past fcw vcars,
City Attorucy Cookson read the title of the Resolution.
Approved on Consent. Mo tion ca rried 5 - 0.
fhc resolution, as adopted, carries the followirno title:
7. Approval of Declaration of Surplus Property. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
Staff used Gideon Auctioneers for hrCVious surplus sales. Staff regiiesfs the approval of the City Commission to
contract George Gideon AnCtioneel's, Inc. for the public sale of the City's surplus property. This action will
Present the City will) the opportunity of a hanger coverage area and would alleviate the overtime costs incurred
in conducting the auction in- house. "I he City has had good results in the past will] Gideon, and found the dollar
amount received tur items sold by Gideon to be comparable to those sold by the City or FBay. Gideon performs
«overmncntal auctions the third Saturday of each month; thereRn the next available auction will he held on
August 16, 2014, at 9:00 a Ili. The auction will be advertised in the Orlando Sentinel, the West Orange Times,
and the City's Internet site.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
4. Approval of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Orange County for Community
Development Programs Under the Urban County Program. (Assistant City Manager
The Housing and Cominunity Development Act of 1974 makes provisions wllereby urban counties may enter
into cooperation agreements with certain units of local govCrnment to undertake or assist in undertaking
essential activities pursuant to Community Development Block Grants. 'this agreement covers three programs:
the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), and the.
Emergency Solutions Grant Program (FSG) for the benefit of residents of Orange Comity.
Approved on C onsent. Mo tion carried 5 -0.
Regular City Commission
July 15, 2014
9. Approval for Renaming and Renumbering Streets so Maguire Road is Continuous
North to Franklin Street. (Support Services Director Butler)
Orange County 9 -1 -1 advised the city in 2013 that the Maguire Road Extension name must be eliminated, as it
conflicts Nvith street naming rules that preclude the use of the same root name for multiple streets. The agency
is also concerned about the city's posted street name signs differing fi the actual property addresses being
used. City staff worked with the agency to develop a plan for officially transitioning the city's addressing
system to use of Maguire Road as the name for the entire length of this street, from the southern city limits near
Gotha and Windermere to the Franklin Street intersection, where the Ocoee - Apopka Road name begins. In
order for the address numbers to be logically continuous on the segment north of SR 50, re- addressing 19
properties will be required.
Support Services Director Butler gave a lengthy presentation regarding the approval of moving
forward with the correction of street names and addressing issues the City has in west Ocoee. In
2013, Orange County 9 -1 -1 advised the city that the Maguire Road extension name must be
eliminated, as it conflicts with street naming rules that preclude the use of the same root name for
multiple streets. Overall, there will be 16 building address changes with (7) seven S. Kissimmee
Ave. addresses to get a new street name, but keep existing number; (4) four Maguire Rd.
addresses will be renumbered; (2) two H.M. Bowness Rd. addresses to change number and street
name; and (3) three W. Silver Star Rd. extension addresses to get a new street name and keep
existing number.
Prior to any implementation that may be authorized by the City Commission; staff will provide
written notification to the affected property owners and conduct an informative public session in
the Commission's Chambers in August to receive input and comments. Staff will make
adjustments as the need arises based on the Q & A meeting with the public.
Commissioner Keller inquired if the Post Oftice would also have to approve the street change.
Support Services Director Butler answered, "No," the changes are approved with 9 -1 -1. The
Mayor shared that lie would like to see the extension of Silver Star be H.M. Bowness Road, and
keeping Kissimmee Avenue with its name. Support Services Director Butler fitrther explained
the reason for the changes. It was shared with the Mayor that the houses on Kissimmee Avenue
would remain the same and no changes would be made to those addresses. Further discussion
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved for approval
of renaming and renumbering streets so Maguire Road is continuous north to
Franklin Street as recommended per staff. Motion carried 5 -0.
Regular City Commission
July 15, 2014
10. Code Enforcement Reduction of Fine /Lien for Bank of America & Federal Home Loan
Mortgage Corp. re: 2532 Grand Poplar Street. (Support Services Director Butler)
This property was cited on December 12, 2011, by Officer Edward Loeffler as a public nuisance and an
attractive nuisance entailing an unsecured open structure with evidence of unauthorized and juvenile
ingress /egress. Broken window glass, tall weeds and grass and tree limbs blocking the sidewalk were also
observed. On January 24, 201? the Code Enforcement Board issued an order to comply by February 17, 2012,
or be fined $250.00 per day per violation. On February 29, 2012, the Code Enforcement Board imposed line
and lien for non- compliance. The property was found in compliance oil October 29, 2012, and the property is
currently being maintained.
A representative for Bank of America and federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, the owners following
foreclosure proceedings, appeared before the Code Enforcement Board on June 24, 2014, and requested the
fine /lien amount of $127,000.00 be reduced to the city's cost of $795.83.
The Code Enforcement Board is recommending the tine /lien be reduced to $3,545.83. This was based on the
city's cost of $795.83, plus an additional $2,750.00 for the negative impact on the neighborhood and the city.
The discussion by the board to reduce the amount was based on testimony and answers from the owner's
representative and city staff.
Support Services Director Butler gave the history on the case. The Code I'rnforcemcut Board is
recommending the tine /lien be reduced to $3,545.83. This was based on the city's cost of
$795.83, plus an additional $2,750.00 for the negative impact on the neighborhood and the city.
Kevin McClanahan, Representative with Caldwell Bank, explained that the property was
foreclosed on March 20, 2014. There is a 10 -day objection period that they have to wait before
they take possession of the property. On March 31, 2014, they went onto the property and
brought it into compliance. Commissioner Johnson inquired if the owners were still living in
the home when they took it over. Mr. McClanahan said he is not aware since he is only
involved with the foreclosure process. Support Services Director Butler shared that, based on
the violations, it would look like the property was abandoned. further discussion ensued.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to reduce the
fine /lien for Bank of America & Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. re: 2532
Grand Poplar Street to $3,545.83, as recommended by the code board, and to be
paid within 30 days or the fine will revert back to original fine amount. Motion
carried 5 -0.
11. Code Enforcement Reduction of Two Fines/Liens for Merary Ramos, Jennifer
Williams, and Lester Christy re: 1103 Caballero Rd. (Support Services Director
The property located at 1103 Caballero Rd. has two separate fines /liens fi separate code enforcement
actions; they are being presented as a single agencla item so the property owner can be provided a single
Case 12 -123
The property was cited on June 19, 2012, by Officer Robert Sicgrist for miscellaneous junk and debris, fence in
poor condition, and people living in the house without water. On August 28, 2012, the Code Enforcement
Board issued an order to comply by September 12, 2012, or be fined S 100.00 per clay per violation. On October
1, 2012, the Code Enforcement Board imposed the accruing fine and lien for non- compliance of 115 -3. On
October 31, 2012, the property was found to be in full compliance. 'file new property owners, William and Lisa
6 1 P _t u
Regular City Commission
July 15, 2014
Hannon, purchased the property in early June of 2014, and they stated that when they bought the property, it
was already in compliance. The property is currently being maintained.
Case 13 -067
The property was cited as a repeat violation on June 17, 2013, by Officer Robert Siegrist for miscellaneous trash
and debris. On June 23, 2013, the Code Enforcement Board issued an order to comply immediately or be tined
$125.00 per clay. On July 31, 2013, the Code Enforcement Board imposed the accruing fine and lien for non-
compliance of 115-3. 'file property was found to be in compliance of 115-3 on May 7, 2014. The new property
owners, William and Lisa Hannon, stated that when they bought the property it was already in compliance.
William Hannon, the new properly owner, appeared before the Code Enforcement Board on June 24, 2014, and
requested a reduction of the fine /lien amount of $15,000.00 for Case No. 12 -123 and $40,625.00 for Case No.
13 -067. Both liens were foreclosed, but the City's cost remains, as these are special assessment liens.
The Code Enforcement Board recommends the fine /lien be reduced to $2,989.10 for Case 12 -123 and to
$3,736.14 for Case 13 -067, which is the cost plus penalty to the City for the enforcement actions. The decision
by the Board to reduce the amount was based on testimony and answers from Jack Coughlin and City staff.
The property located at 1103 Caballero Rd. has two separate fines /liens from separate code
enforcement actions; they are being presented as a single agenda item so the property owner can
be provided a single sohition. Support Services Director Butler gave the history on the case.
The Code Enforcement Board recommends the line /lien be reduced to $2,989.10 for Case 12-
123 and to $3,736.14 for Case 13 -067, which totals $6,725.24. The new property owners,
William and Lisa Hannon, stated that when they bought the property, it was already in
Lisa Hannon, 92 Concord Road, Billerica, Massachusetts, said they purchased the home and
will be living in it once they move down from Massachusetts. She explained the process they
went through with purchasing the home and advised that they were aware of the liens; however,
they were told that they would not have a problem getting it reduced so they took a chance. Ms.
Hannon shared all the repairs she is currently malting to the home which she hopes the
Commission would take into consideration to further reduce the $6725.24 fine that the board
recommended. Further discussion ensued.
Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to red
the two fines /liens for Merary Ramos, Jennifer Williams, and Lester Chris re:
1103 Caballero Rd to $4725.24 to be paid within 30 days or the fine will revert
back to original fine amount. Motion carried 5 -0.
12. Code Enforcement Reduction of Fine /Lien for Saxon Mortgage Services Inc. re: 6825
Cross Cut Ct. (Support Services Director Butler)
This property was cited on May 6, 2013, by Officer Edward Loeffler as a public nuisance with tall weeds and
grass and unsanitary swimming pool water. On June 25, 2013, the Code Enforcement Board issued an order to
comply by July 8, 2013, or be fined $100.00 per day per violation. On July 23, 2013, the Code Enforcement
Board imposed fine and lien for non- compliance. The property was routinely checked and remained in
violation. ' he property was found in compliance on March 19, 2014, and the property is currently being
A representative for the owners, following foreclosure proceedings, appeared before the Code Enforcement
Board on June 24, 2014, and requested the fine /lien amount of $50,600.00 be reduced to the city's cost of
The Code Enforcement Board is recommending the fine /lien be reduced to $3,685.00. This was based on the
city's cost of $685.00, plus an additional $3,000.00 for the negative impact on the neighborhood and the city.
Tlie discussion by the board to reduce the amount was based on testimony and answers from the owner's
representative and city staff.
71Pa ) e
Regular City Commission
July 1.5, 2014
Item 4121v(is inoved up oil the agenda and heardl)rior to Ite»t 911.
Support Services Director Butler gave the history on the case. The Code Enforcement Board is
recommending the line /lien be reduced to $3,685.00. This was based on the city's cost of
$685.00, plus an additional $3,000.00 for the negative impact on the neighborhood and the city.
Paul Larson, Realtor, shared his timeline with bringing the property into compliance. IIe further
claimed they were not aware of the violations but did notice the property needed repairs. IIe had
the property under contract, but during the title search, that is when they came across the lien in
which they ended up losing that buyer. They currently have a new buyer and are hoping that they
can mitigate this so they can move forward. Commissioner Keller shared lie is very familiar
with this property since it is in his neighborhood. IIe also advised that he noticed there are still
repairs, such as the torn screen enclosure, that have not been taken care of. Mr. Larson
explained that it is a recent incident and lie is currently working on having that repaired. Further
discussion ensued.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to reduce the
fine /lien for Saxon Mortgage Services Inc. re: 61325 Cross Cut Ct to $3,685,00 as
recommended by the code board, and also have property in complianc and fine
paid within 30 days or the fine will revert back to original fine amou Motion
carried 5 -0.
13. Set the Proposed Tentative Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Budget. (Finance
Director Horton)
The TRIM act requires local governing bodies to set a proposed tentative millage rate annually during the
month of .luny. The property appraiser is then notified of the rate and uses it to advise taxpayers of their
proposed tax levies for the next year. The rate can be lowered during the budget hearings in September and has
historically been clone so by the City.
The proposed budget is currently balanced at 5.7855 mils which is the same as the current year rate. This rate is
higher than the rolled back rate for FY 14/15.
Finance Director Horton advised the TRIM act requires Municipalities to set a proposed
tentative millage rate annually during the month of July. The overall assessed value of property
for the City increased about 8.68% iiom the current year. The maximum millage rate that the
Commission can set with the majority vote is 7.7496, which is an increase over the current rate
of 5.7855. The rolled back rate for 2014/2015 is 5.5337. This rate is lower than the current year
rate. "The Commission can set the proposed millage for FY14 /15 up to 8.5246 with a super
majority vote by the Commission. Staff recommends the commission set the proposed tentative
millage at 5.7855 (current year millage rate).
Discussion ensued regarding what proposed millage rate would best allow the Commission to
have leeway so that they would not be in a situation that would leave them stuck. Consensus was
that it would be best to have a proposed higher millage rate that they could lower as they have
historically done in the past. Discussion ensued.
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the
proposed tentative millage at a level of 6.5. Motion carried 5 -0.
Regular City Commission
July 15, 2014
14. Set Workshop and Hearing Dates for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Budget Process. (Finance'
Director Horton)
Workshops are held during August to discuss the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Public hearings
are required by the TRIM act and serve as a mechanism to notify the citizens of the proposed budget and allow
the opportunity for their continents. Workshops and hearings will begin at 6:00 p.m.
• Staff recommends the commission select two of the following dates for the August workshops:
August 11, 13, 21
• Staff recommends the commission select one of the following combinations for the public hearings:
September 8th and 17th September 10th and 29th September 15` and 29`
Finance Director Horton gave the dates they have available to set the workshops and public
Consensus of the Commission was to set the Budget Workshops for August 11
and 21 and Budget Hearings for September 8 and 17 all beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioner Grogan — requested that the city manager hold an executive session so that the
commission knows what direction to take with the budget. City Manager Frank stated he will
accommodate the request.
Commissioner Wilsen — stated she received an e -mail from Susan Kurdak with the West Orange
Times bidding the commission farewell. The commissioner publically thanked Ms. Kurdak for
the time she spent covering City events.
Mayor Vandergrift — welcomed Tony Judnich, new staff writer for the West Orange Times.
Mr. Judnich introduced himself to the commission and offered a brief personal history. Mr.
Mohnacky inquired regarding the City's budget process. The commission welcomed Mr.
Mohnacky to attend the upcoming budget meetings.
Commissioner Johnson — requested the city manager research purchasing the property on
Bluford Avenue.
Co mmissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, d irected the City
Ma nager to explore the possibility of purchasing property and bring back any
contracts to the City Commission for approval. Motion ca rried 5 -0.
City Manager Frank stated the result of the research would be to bring back a contract with
contingencies and requesting city commission approval.
91Pa x
Regular City Commission
July 15, 2014
Commissioner Keller — announced the Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting its
monthly Food Truck Friday and Movie in the Park event this Friday.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.
Be Eikenberry, City Clerk
City of Ocoee
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor