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Item #13 Casa Mirella - Amendment to the PUD/Land Use Plan
111amw f O r d AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: A 19 , 2014 Item # � 3 Reviewed By.' Contact Name: Michael Rumer Department Director: Contact Number: 407 - 905 - 3100/1018 City Manager: Subject: Casa Mirella at Belmere PUD Substantial Amendment to the PUD and PUD Land Use Plan - Project # RZ- 13 -12 -12 Commission District # 3 — Rusty Johnson Background /Summary The subject property is located on Lot 3 of Casa Mirella located on the west side of Maguire Road and south of Roberson Road. The parcel of land is approximately 2.7 acres. The subject property is zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) and is located within the Belmere PUD. The Belmere PUD, which encompasses +/- 455 acres, was originally approved by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners on May 21, 1985, as the Lake Whitney PD. The northern portion of the PUD was set aside as Tract G which consisted of 177 acres that was labeled as `Future Development'. In 1995, the PD Land Use Plan (LUP) was amended to permit 708 dwelling units in Tract G. A subsequent non - substantial amendment in 1999 carved out Tract H from Tract G. Tract H is the property that is now owned by the Unicorp entities. The 1999 LUP delineates Tract H as (1) Commercial totaling 42,960 s.f. and 5 acres maximum (2) Multi- family totaling 180 units and (3) Adult Care living Facility (ACLF) or Adult Living Facility (ALF) totaling 130 units. The LUP also explains how the multi- family and ACLF or ALF units can be converted to single - family units. The LUP states that one multi - family unit is to be counted as equal to one single - family unit and seven (7) ACLF or ALF units are to be counted equal to one single - family unit. The property has retained the Orange County Citrus Rural land use designation because of previous vesting. To date, Tract H has been developed as Casa Mirella with 42,960 sq. ft. of commercial and 216 multi - family units. Lot 3 has been set aside for 85 ALF units. The applicant is proposing to convert the 85 ALF units to 12 residential units and add 48 more units to the PUD in order to construct 60 multi - family units. The table below references the future land uses, jurisdiction, existing land uses and zoning classifications of the surrounding parcels: DIRECTION: CURRENT FUTURE LAND USE CURRENT ZONING North Orange County Citrus Rural PUD (Commercial) East Ocoee Commercial PUD (Commercial and Residential) South Orange County Citrus Rural PUD (Residential) West Orange County Citrus Rural PUD (Residential) The applicant /owner is requesting a substantial amendment to the Belmere PUD for an additional 60 multi- family dwelling units on 2.7 acres and an amendment to the Belmere PUD Land Use plan located in Phase V of the Belmere PUD. SITE ANALYSIS: Floodplain Impacts: The site does not lie within the 100 year floodplain. Wetland Impact: There are no jurisdictional wetlands. Utilities: The site is located within the Orange County utility service area for water and sewer. Reclaimed water is provided by the City. Transportation / Traffic: The proposed PUD accesses Maguire Road and Roberson Road. Both roads operate at an acceptable level of service. Schools: The applicant has applied for a Capacity Enhancement Agreement with Orange County Public Schools. An agreement is required before the amendment to the PUD increasing residential density can be heard at the 2n reading of the ordinance. Public Safety The nearest Fire Department, Station Number 39 located on Maguire Road, is approximately .25 miles from the subject property. The estimated response time is less than 2 minutes. The Police Station is located 2.5 miles from the subject property. The estimated response time is 2 -4 minutes. Drainage: The subject site is located within the Apopka Drainage Basin and therefore must meet the requirements of Section 11.7 (a) SJRWMD Management and Storage of Surface Water Handbook. A master stormwater pond is existing. Recreation and Open Space: No impacts on recreation facilities levels of service are proposed with the permitted density. Issue Should the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners approve a substantial amendment to the Belmere PUD for an additional 60 multi - family dwelling units on 2.7 acres and an amendment to the Belmere PUD Land Use plan located in Phase V of the Belmere PUD? Development Review Committee Recommendation: The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on February 5, 2014, and reviewed the applicant's request. The DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the amendment to the PUD and PUD Land Use Plan subject to resolution of outstanding comments. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed substantial amendment to the Belmere PUD on February 11, 2014. City Staff presented a brief summary and overview of the requested actions. City Staff answered several questions regarding the site's access and who the applicant was and if it was someone different than the developer of the existing apartments. The P &Z Commission then voted unanimously to recommend approval of the substantial amendment to the Belmere PUD for an additional 60 multi - family dwelling units on 2.7 acres and an amendment to the Belmere PUD Land Use plan located in Phase V of the Belmere PUD. Staff Recommendation Based on the recommendation of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the City Commission approve a substantial amendment to the Belmere PUD for an additional 60 multi - family dwelling units on 2.7 acres and an amendment to the Belmere PUD Land Use plan located in Phase V of the Belmere PUD. Attachments Location Map Aerial Ordinance Land Use Plan Financial Impact None Type of Item : ( please mark with an "x') Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use. X Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A X N/A N/A Location Map Casa Mirella LAKE LILLY Belhaven Falls Patriots Point Slough LAKE PEARL 0 0 .�c < Nighbrooke �0 Covered Bridge CD Laurenburg a) Furlo Crofton Wesmere �• ; AKE BONN ' Bridge Creek O o. �'. o Winshire Largo Cay SOckhaven ,. Wescliff N CD o = m 0 CY a , m 3 - CD m o C7 O� ,- ; 0 cD Roberson Moore Q v Oakview Poi Via Lucefna apa�,© Jorda cQ -4 n R ose Vicolo Aar a do Thornebrooke Moore e Wh it' ck ey isles a� Braelo Glenheather Calliope Sagecrest c /f. LAKE WHITNEY Shandon Park N eGo< �0e LAKE RHEA ! _ ` ic Y c� � J LAKE M PZ, ORDINANCE NO. (Amendment to PUD Ordinance for Casa Mirella at Belmere PUD) TAX PARCEL ID #: 31- 22- 28- 1204 -03 -000 31- 22- 28- 1204 -01 -000 CASE NO. RZ- 13- 12 -12: CASA MIRELLA AT 13ELEMERE PUD AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVING A SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE PLAN FOR THE BELMERE PUD ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF MAGUIRE ROAD AND SOUTH OF ROEIZSON ROAD AS PETITIONED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER; AMENDING THE ARDEN PARK PUD LAND USE PLAN TO PROVIDE FOR AN ADDITION IN OVERALL RESIDENTIAL DENSITY TO PARCEL H, PHASE V AND TO ELIMINATE THE 85 ALF UNITS WITHIN TRACT H OF THE BELMERE PUD; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the ov�ner or mv11ers (the "Applicant') of certain real property located within the corporate limits of the Cite of Ocoee. Florida. as described in the Exhibit "A" attached hereto has petitioned the CitN Commission of the Cite of Ocoee. Florida (the "Ocoee City Commission ") to approve an amendment (the "Amendment ") to the Belmere PUD Land Use Plan. as approved by the Ocoee Cite Commission on April 1. 2008 (the "Land Use Plan "): and WHEREAS. the Amendment proposes to increase the overall density of the PUD and eliminate ALF units from the PUD: and WHEREAS, the Amendment ygas scheduled for study and recommendation and was reviewed by the Development ReN iev,v Conunittce ( DR(_ on l�ebruary 5. 2014. and WHEREAS, the DRC' recommended approval of said Amendment: and WHEREAS, the Amendment vvas scheduled for studN and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee. I' lorida (the ' Plaiu1in and 7.onin�,) Commission "); and WHEREAS, on February 11. 2014, the Planning and Zoning Commission held an advertised public hearing on the Application and recommended approval of'the Amendment: and WHEREAS, on the Ocoee Cite Commission held a de novo advertised public hearing with respect to the proposed Amendment and this Ordinance and determined that the Amendment and this Ordinance are consistent vv ith the 1991 Cite of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan asset forth in Ordinance #91 -28. adopted September 18. 1991, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission considered this Ordinance in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 166.041 ( 3 )), Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authoritv "]Iie City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authorit to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Cn ostitu n tio ol' the State of Florida and Chapters 163 and 166. Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Amendment to the Land Use Plan The Amended Land Ilse Plan prepared by Donald W. McIntosh Associates Inc. date stamped received by the Cite on February 4. 2014, with such additional revisions thereto. if any. as may be reflected in the minutes ofthe City Commission of the City of Ococe meeting approving same is hereby approved. subject to the Conditions of Approval set forth in Section 3 below. I'lhe Amended Land Use Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference made a part hereof. Said Amended Land Use Plan supercedes and replaces the previouslti approved land Ilse Plans for the Arden Park PUD. All references to the Land Ifse Plan or the Amended Land I ise Plan for the Arden Park PUD shall hereafter refer to the attached Amended Land Use Plan. SECTION 3. Conditions of Approval The property described in Exhibit "A" hereto shall be developed in accordance with and subject to the Conditions of Approval set forth in the Amended Land Use Plan. ?plotvv ithstandino anything herein to the contrary. in the event of any contict beteeern the Arden Park Land Use Plan referenced in Section 2 above and the Conditions of Approval. the Conditions of Approval shall control. SECTION 4. Ocoee Comprehensive Plan 'Ille Ocoee City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance is consistent Nv ith the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 5. Conflietim, Ordinances All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict or inconsistent herevyith are hereby repealed and rescinded. SECTION 6. Severabilitv If any section. subsection. sentence. clause. phrase. or portion of' this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction. such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not allcct the validity of' the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 7. Effective Date This Ordinance shall become effective ten (10) days after its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of .20 ATTEST: APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Beth Eikenberrv. Cite Clerk S. Scott Vandcr_urift. Mavor (SLAI-) ADVERTISED , 20 READ FIRST "TIME .20 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED .20 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of .20 SHUFFIELD LOWMAN & WILSON, P.A. By: C ItV Attornc% EXHIBIT "A" Leal Description -4- EXHIBIT "B" (Insert Amended land Use Plan SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT TO PARCEL H -PHASE V 0 ol :4 4 L 1:4 PARCEL ID # 31- 22- 28- 1204 -03 -00 CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA A LOT 3, CASA MIRELLA. -cording to the plat ih—f - recorded in Plot Book 72, Pages 124 through 126, of the Public Records o/ 01 County, Florida, also being described as. BEGIN Ot the Southeast c of said Lot 3; thence run the following c along the boundary o/ said Lot J. thence N00'15'51'W, 403.28 feet; thence S89'S0'10 "W, 213.28 feet; thence S00'09'S0 "E 21.21 feet; thence S89'50'10 "W, 105.51feet;thence SOG'09'S0 "E, 76.40 feet; thence 541'49'31 "E, 14.16 feet; thence 500'00'00 "E, 150.65 feet; thence 544'29'46 "F, 6401 feet; thence SO0'00'00 "K, 99.12 feet; thence N89 266.07 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 2.717 acres more or lees and being subject to any rights -of -way, restrictions and easements of record. OWNER /APPLICANT: DEVELOPMENT TEAM ENGINEER /SURVEYOR: LEGAL CONSULTANT MAGUIRE ROBERSON, LLC 7505 NEST SAND LAKE ROAD DONALD W. MCINTOSH ASSOCIATES, INC. 2200 PARK AVENUE NORTH- SHUTTiS & G-, U P 300 SOUTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 1000 ORLANDO, FL 32819 WINTER PARK, R 32789 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 PHONE' (407) 999 -9985 PHONE: (407) 644 -4068 PHONE (407) 835 -6795 FAX: (407) 999 -9961 CONTACT: CHUCK WHITTAUL & CONTACT: JOHN T. TOWNSEND, P.E. FAX (407) 237 -2278 CONTACT: JAMES JOHNSTON ART WELUNGTCN UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDERS WATER AND SEWER ELECTRIC CABLE TV ORANGE COUNTY U1IUTIES 9150 CURRY FORD ROAD DUNE ENERGY 3300 EXCHANGE PLACE B.RIGH THOLIEE NETWORKS. LLC 844 MAGUIRE ROAD ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32825 PHONE (407) 254-9017 LAKE MARY, FLORIDA 32746 FAX (407) 938 -6690 OCOEE. FLORIDA 34761 PHONE (407) 532 -8508 FAX (407) 254 -9999 CONTACT: UWAN FIDUEROA -MAR- FAX (407) 656 -1162 CONTACT: ANDRES SALCEDO, P.E. TELEPHONE CONTACT: P.J. KING RECLAIMED WATER SPRINT 33 N. MAIN STREET CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING /UTLITEB DEPARTMENT 150 NORTH LAHESHORE DRIVE HINTER GARDEN, FLORIDA 34757 PHONE (407) 814 -5344 OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761 PHONE (407) 905 -3100 FAX (407) 814 -5320 CONTACT: MIKE SHELL FAX (407) 856 -8265 CONTACT: DAND A WHEELER, PP FEBRUARY 4, 2014 LVA DONALD W. McINTOSH ASSOCIATES, INC. 11" ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS 2200 PARK AVENUE NORTH, WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 (407) 644 -4068 SHEET INDEX 1. COVER SHEET 2. BOUNDARY INFORMATION PLAN 3. OVERALL SITE PLAN & NOTES 4. PHASE V SITE PLAN In FEA - 4 2114 SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST .1 11, P.I. 1— All o 30' IA / I � � � uuss v. s wr �, any :aos enar �� �� Q SOO9Q'S0•E / '^ / ,. « nor.. ,or. ..�, «�i .� ., r n,<�.o...rw� 6M 4 6 2 o`'I' 4 v5 4 Lj �U 0 v) g v) < -V9'50'E V) 21.21' 0 0 �� �� I ff TOP OF BANK C) -j 19 z -Z 7� 0 TE 6 i q —DIARY CONSTRUCTION E-M'NT AND PERMANENT MAINTENANCE E�DE.ERT N 60 D �, \ - IR n M FETFNTION POND o > m: z of BANK < ea 0.. CL z 0 0 v X—X- x x o IL F- x H1�;-- - ) 49. B8 < 7 7 ��� W 'j Im 't L La 0 EP LLJ L, o o z AL4GUIRE ROAD Ed o� fn < < < F: 0 —LA-1111D. ;1-11DN. SIDE... z m j L-TNG, Sf—E, AND ENTRY < —RE IA-TENT CUR9 III IT m zm) V) SITE DATA /DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA TOTAL GROSS ACREAGE: 26.6 ACRES (LESS) WETLAND /CONSERVATION AREA: O.00 ACRES -_ (EQUALS) NET ACREAGE: 26.64 ACRES PHASING: ME PROJECT SHALL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE RM THE PHASING SCHEDULE BELOW EXISTING CITY OF OCOEE ZONING: ORANGE COUNTY PD - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OPEN TOTAL PARCEL OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: A MINIMUM 3 OPEN SPACE FOR TIE OVERALL PROJECT PARCEL W BE PROVIDED PER PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REGULATION . T WILL NS THESE AREAS AN COMPRISED OF BUFFERS, WET DRY RETENTION AREAS (5:1 N )THE SLOPE UNFENCED), RECREATION AREAS AND FACILITIES, LANpSCAPEp ISLANDS, PARK SPACES S AND WALKING NETWORKS AND D OTHER OPEN SPACE. - TOTAL PARCEL OPEN SPACE PROVIDED: 38.4% OR 10.22 ACRES (1022AC / 26.64AC) BUFFERS a WEST AND SOUTH PERIMETER PUD BUFFER: 25 FEET o NORTH AND EAST PERIMETER PUD BUFFER: 20 FEET COMMERCIAL / RETAIL / OFFICE 42 SF (CONSTRU CTED) + ((30,000 SF IN PHASE V) UP TO 72,960 IF LTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL 21 UN MUITS (CONSTRUCD) + (60 UNITS IN PHASE V) - UP TO 276 UNITS z a PHASE (CONSTRUCTED) 12,900 11 OF COMMERCIAL /RETAIL WITH 14,000 SF t OVS STORE (THIS PHASE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS PLAN) PHASE II (CONSTRUCTED) 16,000 IF t OF COMMERCIAL /RETAIL p PHASE III (CONSTRUCIEDJ NO LESS THAN 50% OF THE MULT-FAMILY WITH CLUBHOUSE AND AMENITY AREA, BOTH ENTRY AREAS PHASE IV (CONSTRUCTED) REMAINDER OF THE MULT- FAMILY IF SPLIT IN TWO (2) PHASES PHASE V 60 MULTIFAMILY UNITS THE APPLICANT SHALL BE PERMITTED TO CONSTRUCT PHASES CONCURRENTLY OR ALL AT ONCE DEVELOPER RESERVES ME RIGHT TO RE- SEQUENCE THE PHASING SO LONG AS EACH PHASE IS INOUPENDENT AND HAS THE ABIUTY TO STAND ALONE Z RETAIL OFFICE 'CONSTRIC11) TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 42,960 BE MAXIMUM APPROXIMATE TOTAL AREA 5.00 ACRES t MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE AREA 35R MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS AREA 1. BUILDING SETBACKS FRONT YARD 25 FEET SIDE YARD 2O FEET REAR YARD 20 FEET MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT UP TO 35 FEET ADDITIONAL BUILDING SETBACKS - FEET FROM THE CENTERLINE OF MAGUIRE ROAD PERIMETER PARCEL H BOUNDARY SETBACK 35 FEET ALL SIDES MINIMUM PARKING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 5 SPACES PER 1.000 SF - (I SPACE PER 200 SF) OR 214 SPACES REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED 228 SPACES, IN EXCESS OF CODE REQUIREMENT (SEE ADDEE NAL SUMMARY THIS SHEET) a PHASE II &'V - MULn -PAM LY (cONSTRUCTEDI �I TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS 216 UNITS APPROXIMATE TOTAL AREA 18.84 ACRES t NULn- FAMILY GROSS DENSITY 8.1 DU /AC = (216 DU / 26.64 GROSS AC) MULT -FAMILY NET DENSITY 11.5 DU /AC = (216 DO / 15.64 NET AC) MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT UP TO 45 FEET MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE AREA 30% MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS AREA 709. MINIMUM NET LIVING AREA 150 ff MINIMUM ENCLOSE] GARAGE SPACES 70 STALL SPACES ARE PROVIDED IN 10 UNIT BUILDINGS AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. BUILDING SETBACKS FRONT BUILDING SETBACK FROM PARKING AREA 25 FEET PHASES III & I BUILDING TYPE 1 TOTAL BUILDINGS 3 UNITS PER BUILDING 24 BUI E 11 TOTAL BUILDINGS 4 UNITS PER BUILDING 36 V MULTI — FAMILY: (CONSTRUCTED) UNIT TYPES UNIT A - 1 BEDROOM - 45 UNITS UNIT B - 2 BEDROOM - 120 UNITS UNIT C - 3 BEDROOM - 46 UNITS 216 UNITS TOTAL UNIT (SITE) = 216 " ZONED: PD I SIDE YARD TYPICAL }0 FEET MINIMUM I SIDE TARO 3 STORY BLDG TO BOG 30 FEET MINIMUM I POND B REAR YARD - TYPICAL 30 FEET MINIMUM REAR YARD AGAINST ASKS ATER POND 15 MET MINIMUM ADDITIONAL BUILD SETBACKS 106 FEET FROM CENTERLINE OF MAGUIRE ROAD— RESIDENTIAL DG PERIMETER BOUNDA SETBACK 35 FEET ALL SIDES MINIMUM GARAGE BUILDING PERIMETER PERIMETER BOUNDARY CUTBACK 25 MET ALL SIDES MINIMUM PARKING PROVIDED, INCLUDING CLUBHOUSE 214 SPACES PER DWEWNG UNIT TOTP1 = 461 SPACES v POND A i�Illll' {I-�r- 1 RET WE 111 /' r ' AIL ' XISTING) G_ PART OF I l lafl u I I I I /II I\ RETAIL A d: C I CVS SIG _ - � T70N E %I ■ OT F 0 o o ��SAM�fA ^_ ^� ULn-FAMIL NEEDED MRE Mow rNFF1 PER NFPA -I 2003 ED. TABLE H.5 (( 55 NSTRUCTOR )) ,2)8 SF, THEREFORE H GPM C R�EO111RE0 £ TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS 6 _ SPRINKLED, THEREFORE 35% CREDIT NIT = 4,250 X 0.65 = 2,7625 GPM (USE Z75D GPM) - '- - - - PER NFPA -1 2001 Ep. TAetE H. .1 / CS 6 N O STRUCTION TYPE PER ARCHITECT: II(ODO) 00 BE. THEREFORE 2,750 C-PM REQUIRED _ SPRINKLED, THEREFORE 35% CREDIT = 2,750 X 0.65 = 1,787.5 GPM (USE 2,000 GPM) / THE / TRACT AA 1 ONED: PD ROBERSON RIGHT P / ROAD -OF -WAY T 0 CASH MIRELLA I P�72, fPGS 124 -126 v POND A i�Illll' {I-�r- 1 RET WE 111 /' r ' AIL ' XISTING) G_ PART OF I l lafl u I I I I /II I\ RETAIL A d: C I CVS SIG _ - � T70N E %I ■ OT F 0 o o ��SAM�fA ^_ ^� ANENITY AREAS TO BE WTHIN THE OPEN SPACE AREAS MAY C IN P GL ( HO ), PEDESTRIAN THAN 6' FROM BACK OF CURB 1RAIL5, BOARDWALKS, TOT -LOTS, AND PICNIC AREAS. 4 TOTAL AMENITY AREAS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED. /gY PHASES I & If RETAIL /COMMERCIAL PARKING SUMMARY: CQ NSHIGNS IF APPEOVAL H s v m�' 221 SPACES PROVIDED FOR RETAIL A, RETAIL B &CVS } BENCHES, BIKE flacKS. AND TRASH RECEPTACLES SHALL BE PROVIDES AND LOCATED AT THE ENTRANCE To EACH auILDINC. / /o RETAIL A & CVS REQUIRE 135 SPACES RIGHT-OF-WAY AND RDaos INTERNAL TO THE PROJECT SHALL BE PRIVATE. �� RETAIL A & CVS PROVIDE 159 SPACES (24 SPACES ARE AVAILABLE FOR RETAIL B USE) RETAIL B REQUIRE BO SPACES WATER & WASTEWATER SFRVICE BY ORANGE COUNTY UTILITIES RETAIL B PROVIDE 62 SPACES i RECLWATER AIM WA SERVICE BY CITY OF OCOEE FOR N LY CROSS ACCESS /PARKING AGREEMENT WILL BE REQUIRED WAIVER TABLE I ' BETWEEN RETAIL A /CVS AND RETAIL B (PREVIOUSLY APPROVE) PER ANNEXATON AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR BELMERE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (ORB 9741/PG 6367) 5 I I 1 (APPLICANT SHALL EXECUTE AND RECORD A DECLARATION OF CROSS PARKING r ITEM �� TI 0 5 �QRUE,nAL DARD PROPOSED - IFICATON AND PUBUC BENERT EASEMENT FOR MAGUIRE 10PPES II LOTS 2 3 AND CASH MIRELL4 LOT 2 35 I ( 111TH A JOINDER BY CVS * A LESSEE SSEE OF MAGUIRE LO RE SHOPPEB II T 2 AND ANY IGUE ULTIFAMILY FEEL MAX. 45 FEET NAX PROPOSED RIGHT -OF -WAY DEDICATION \ ` \ OTHER NECESSARY ENTITIES.) - NO NEW WAIVERS ARE REQUESTED �\ TRIP GENERATION (PHASE V) -PER ITE 6TH EDITION (ACT ON A WEEKDAY) -60 UNIT MULTIFAMILY K 6.65 TRIPS PER UNIT = 399 ADT , s z a <� 8 W I .I W4'N ION = z a a r Y'� a Oai Z 'I F III III /2 5 k II I�Ifi °`�a M' J D' Q w a 2 n Z _ JI CD° B I I 0 I z ° k �wr �1 I' � \ Y > a 2 W �' O ED d Z BE CL 0 o. LL F Z LLJ - ~ � w wa O UJ Lu W o INN m ¢_j U Q < F� Z O Q 3a o I h oN )� r - - _ - - - _ _ _ _ £ TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS 6 _ _ __ _ ._ _ _ T— _ _ _ —` �'- _ - '- - - - - - - - - - - rc APPROXIMATE TOTAL AREA 20 ACRES t _ _ _ - _ MAXIMUM BDI LNG GO ERA SE AR 40R M 1 MAGUIRE ROAD ..'MD. IMPERNW SET AREA 70D 1 R- Z ZONED: PD ZONED: PD CDMM s PARKING PROVIDED 135 SPACES e I��I ' I KENTSHIRE BLVD / � �\ ONE COMMUNITY CLUBHOUSE BE PROVIDED FOR PHASES IT 1 M. THIS BUILDING WILL ALSO SERVE AS C ' M N LDE SWIMMING O ASSHOWN / / TREES SHALL BE NO CLOSER C IN P GL ( HO ), PEDESTRIAN THAN 6' FROM BACK OF CURB 1RAIL5, BOARDWALKS, TOT -LOTS, AND PICNIC AREAS. 4 TOTAL AMENITY AREAS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED. /gY PHASES I & If RETAIL /COMMERCIAL PARKING SUMMARY: CQ NSHIGNS IF APPEOVAL H s v m�' 221 SPACES PROVIDED FOR RETAIL A, RETAIL B &CVS } BENCHES, BIKE flacKS. AND TRASH RECEPTACLES SHALL BE PROVIDES AND LOCATED AT THE ENTRANCE To EACH auILDINC. / /o RETAIL A & CVS REQUIRE 135 SPACES RIGHT-OF-WAY AND RDaos INTERNAL TO THE PROJECT SHALL BE PRIVATE. �� RETAIL A & CVS PROVIDE 159 SPACES (24 SPACES ARE AVAILABLE FOR RETAIL B USE) RETAIL B REQUIRE BO SPACES WATER & WASTEWATER SFRVICE BY ORANGE COUNTY UTILITIES RETAIL B PROVIDE 62 SPACES i RECLWATER AIM WA SERVICE BY CITY OF OCOEE FOR N LY CROSS ACCESS /PARKING AGREEMENT WILL BE REQUIRED WAIVER TABLE I ' BETWEEN RETAIL A /CVS AND RETAIL B (PREVIOUSLY APPROVE) PER ANNEXATON AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR BELMERE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (ORB 9741/PG 6367) 5 I I 1 (APPLICANT SHALL EXECUTE AND RECORD A DECLARATION OF CROSS PARKING r ITEM �� TI 0 5 �QRUE,nAL DARD PROPOSED - IFICATON AND PUBUC BENERT EASEMENT FOR MAGUIRE 10PPES II LOTS 2 3 AND CASH MIRELL4 LOT 2 35 I ( 111TH A JOINDER BY CVS * A LESSEE SSEE OF MAGUIRE LO RE SHOPPEB II T 2 AND ANY IGUE ULTIFAMILY FEEL MAX. 45 FEET NAX PROPOSED RIGHT -OF -WAY DEDICATION \ ` \ OTHER NECESSARY ENTITIES.) - NO NEW WAIVERS ARE REQUESTED �\ TRIP GENERATION (PHASE V) -PER ITE 6TH EDITION (ACT ON A WEEKDAY) -60 UNIT MULTIFAMILY K 6.65 TRIPS PER UNIT = 399 ADT , s z a <� 8 W I .I W4'N ION = z a a r Y'� a Oai Z 'I F III III /2 5 k II I�Ifi °`�a M' J D' Q w a 2 n Z _ JI CD° B I I 0 I z ° k �wr �1 I' � \ Y > a 2 W �' O ED d Z BE CL 0 o. LL F Z LLJ - ~ � w wa O UJ Lu W o INN m ¢_j U Q < F� Z O Q 3a o I h oN )� a 2 W �' O ED d Z BE CL 0 o. LL F Z LLJ - ~ � w wa O UJ Lu W o INN m ¢_j U Q < F� Z O Q 3a o I h oN )� 1 9NU€ kl J < 3 - - - ILL C5 5 Zoa WNp .. Q m O u SITE DATA TOTAL UNIT,: 60 UNITS V) - Q �U PARKING REQUIRED: 2.25 SPACES UNIT (60 UNITS • 2.25 SPACES/UNIT) = iJ5 SPACES 2 N Z u a k PARKING PROVICED: 5 HC SPACES O < 130 5TAN0ARD SPACES 135 TOTAL SPACES {� J SET RACKS: MONT. 90 O Do Q W < Zza 0 CT 2 a 2 Q z ° a O O F- r Ld Z N w W W M O Z > J W o M Ln m X00 J a Q z Q m m ad o NOTE: THE SCALE OF THESE PLANS MAY o d. HAVE CHANGED DUE TO REPRODUCTION.