HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #11 Approval of Partnership for Success Grant with the Orange County Drug Free Officelk4R
Meeting Date: September 16, 2014
Item # I
Reviewed By:
Contact Name: Lieutenant Brad Dreashep Department Director: Chief
Contact Number: 407 - 905 -3160 ext. 3028 City Manager: Robert Fra
Subject: Partnership for Success Grant with the Orange County Drug Free dffice
Background Summary:
The Orange County Drug Free Office has awarded the City of Ocoee Police Department a grant in the amount
of $17,220.00 (fixed price agreement) to be used for underage drinking compliance checks with the local
businesses in our jurisdiction and to conduct DUI enforcement saturation patrols. This is a great partnership
grant opportunity for the City of Ocoee Police Department to continue our efforts on education and enforcement
of not only Underage Drinking but Drinking and Driving as well.
Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve the Partnership for Success Grant with
the Orange County Drug Free Office?
It is recommended that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve the Partnership for
Success Grant with the Orange County Drug Free Office.
. The grant will be handled over a Purchase Order process.
Financial Impact:
None. This grant is handled over a Purchase Order process and is paid after each detail is completed.
Type of Item: (please mark with an `k')
Public Hearing
Ordinance First Reading
Ordinance Second Reading
X Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's Dept Use:
Consent Agenda
Public Hearing
Regular Agenda
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney N/A
Reviewed by Finance Dept. _ N/A
Reviewed by () N/A
Partnership for Success
Statement of Work
Deliverables /Tasks:
Deliverable 1:
Work with local law enforcement agencies to conduct underage drinking stings - focus on and
off premise locations as well as party patrols in high call volume areas and /or DUI Saturation
Patrols or DUI Checkpoints - work with purchasing dept. on PO's.
Due Date: August 2014
Amount: $1,590
Required Supporting Documentation: Statement of work from law enforcement agency
outlining plans for underage drinking details and targeted areas of operation
Deliverable 2:
Provide support and coordination with LEO'S - Underage Drinking Detail and /or Party Patrol
Due Date: 09/30/2014
Amount: $2,240
Required Supporting Documentation: Law Enforcement agency(s) operational plans and /or
after action reports on underage drinking details
Deliverable 3:
Implement DUI Saturation Patrols and /or DUI Checkpoints in high risk areas with local law
Due Date: 10/31/2014
Amount: $2,240
Required Supporting Documentation: Law Enforcement agency(s) operational plans and /or
after action reports at completion of details
Deliverable 4:
Provide support and coordination with LEO's - Underage Drinking Detail and /or Party Patrol
Due Date: 11/30/2014
Amount: $2,240
Required Supporting Documentation: Law Enforcement agency(s) operational plans and /or
after action reports on underage drinking details
Deliverable 5:
Implement DUI Saturation Patrols and /or DUI Checkpoints in high risk areas with local law
Due Date: 12/31/2014
Amount: $2,240.00
Required Supporting Documentation: Law Enforcement agency(s) operational plans and /or
after action reports at completion of details
Deliverable 6:
Provide support and coordination with LEO's - Underage Drinking Detail and /or Party Patrol
Due Date: 01/31/2015
Amount: $2,240.00
Required Supporting Documentation: Law Enforcement agency(s) operational plans and /or
after action reports on underage drinking details
Deliverable 7:
Implement DUI Saturation Patrols and /or DUI Checkpoints in high risk areas with local law
Due Date: 02/28/2015
Amount: $2,240.00
Required Supporting Documentation: Law Enforcement agency(s) operational plans and /or
after action reports at completion of details
Deliverable 8:
Implement DUI Saturation Patrols and /or DUI Checkpoints in high risk areas with local law
Due Date: 03/31/2015
Amount: $2,240.00
Required Supporting Documentation: Law Enforcement agency(s) operational plans and /or
after action reports at completion of details
Total: $17,270
Ocoee Police Department
Alcohol Enforcement
Special Detail Planning
The Ocoee Police Department is committed to reducing the number of crashes, fatalities, and the
severity of injuries on the highways, streets, and roadways in the City of Ocoee and the Orange County
region. The removal/ prevention of impaired drivers on our roadways is of the utmost importance to the
Ocoee Police Department. The Ocoee Police Department is also committed to preventing the sale and
service of alcohol to persons under the age of 21 and the consumption of alcoholic beverages by
persons under the age of 21.
Alcohol Enforcement:
• Ocoee PD in partnership with the Orlando Division of Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco will
conduct three underage drinking compliance check details at off and on premise locations
within the city limits to include but not limited to restaurants, bars, convenience stores, package
stores, etc.
• Coordinating supervisor for details will review previous compliance checks and establishments
that sold to underage youth so businesses can be re- checked.
• Ocoee PD will conduct four DUI Saturation Patrols /Low staffing Checkpoints du ring the course
of the grant. Details may include partnership with Orange County Sheriff s Office.
• Officer in charge or designee shall coordinate all checkpoint activities, including briefing,
debriefing, staffing, operations, and overall supervision and safety of the operation
• DUI Saturation Patrols will be scheduled in identified areas of concern for DUI offenders and
high traffic areas of concern. All details will occur with the city limits of Ocoee.
• Operational Plans and After Action Reports will be provided for each detail to the Orange
County Drug Free Office. After Action Reports will include compliance check locations, number
of arrests, arrest locations and lessons learned. DUI Saturation Patrol reports will include
number of arrests, citations issued and lessons learned.
Planning, coordination and implementation of alcohol enforcement details will begin in August 2014 and
end April 30, 2015.
Lt. Brad Dreasher Lt. Stephen McCosker
Traffic Operations Community Affairs