HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #08 Contract Funding Approval for Misc. Planning Services center of GOOd L . .. AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: June 6, 2006 Item # B Contact Name: Contact Number: Terry L. James 407 -905-3100/1018 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: ~~ Subject: Contract Funding Approval for Miscellaneous Planning Services Continuing Services Contract with Renaissance Planning Group Background Summary: The Community Development Department, in cooperation with the Utilities and Engineering Departments, is currently engaged in the following planning activities: · The update ofthe St. Johns River Water Management District Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) that will determine the amount of water that can be pumped from the Floridan Aquifer over the next 10 years; · The analysis of the Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZs) for Metroplan Orlando that will provide input to the area-wide transportation model that will determine future roadway needs (See attached Metroplan letter, dated May 11,2006); · The redistricting of the City's Commission Districts for future elections; and · The development of the Proportionate Share Ordinance for Transportation as required under new statewide growth management legislation; In order to effectively complete the above tasks, accurate base data is needed. This base data must be broken down by Traffic Analysis Zone in the following format: . Population; . Employment by type (commercial, service and industrial) . Student enrollment . Residential units by type (single family and multi-family); and . Automobile ownership. This base data will then be used as inputs for the CUP update, for the update to the Metroplan transportation model, and for the redistricting of the Commission Districts. In addition, the City will need refine and update the City's Concurrency Management System (CMS), and develop the state-mandated Proportionate Share Ordinance for transportation. Renaissance Planning Group (RPG), the City's transportation continuing service providers, has provided a cost estimate to assist in the completion ofthe above tasks: TASK DESCRIPTION COST ESTIMATE NUMBER (NOT TO EXCEED) 1 Socio-Economic Data Review & $13,978 Development 2 Review Ocoee Subarea Traffic Model & $5,652 TJndate 3 Refine the Concurrency Management $3,012 System 4 Develop a Proportionate Share $7,312 Ordinance for Transportation Total: $29,954 RPG's services will be paid by road impact fee funds and minor adjustments to the current Community Development budget. Issue: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve funding for the Renaissance Planning Group to provide miscellaneous growth management services? Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the contract for Renaissance Planning Group for miscellaneous planning services by authorizing the payment of funds from road impact fees and minor adjustments to the Community Development Department budget. Attachments: Metroplan Orlando T AZ Update letter dated May 11, 2006 Renaissance Planning Group letter dated May 12, 2006 Financial Impact: Type of Item: (please mark with an 'x') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission. Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deat Use: ~ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 2 City Manae:er Robert Frank Commissioners Gary Hood. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Joel Keller. District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandere:rift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Terry L. James, Principal Planner J 9 May 17,2006 FROM: DATE: RE: Contract Funding Approval for Miscellaneous Planning Services Continuing Services Contract with Renaissance Planning Group Issue: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve funding for the Renaissance Planning Group to provide miscellaneous growth management services? Backeround/Discussion: The Community Development Department, in cooperation with the Utilities and Engineering Departments, is currently engaged in the following planning activities: · The update of the St. Johns River Water Management District Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) that will determine the amount of water that can be pumped from the Floridan Aquifer over the next 10 years; · The analysis of the Transportation Analysis Zones (T AZs) for Metroplan Orlando that will provide input to the area-wide transportation model that will determine future roadway needs (See attached Metroplan letter, dated May 11, 2006); · The redistricting of the City's Commission Districts for future elections; and · The development of the Proportionate Share Ordinance for Transportation as required under new statewide growth management legislation; In order to effectively complete the above tasks, accurate base data is needed. This base data must be broken down by Traffic Analysis Zone in the following format: . Population; . Employment by type (commercial, service and industrial) . Student enrollment · Residential units by type (single family and multi-family); and . Automobile ownership. 1 This base data will then be used as inputs for the CUP update, for the update to the Metroplan transportation model, and for the redistricting of the Commission Districts. In addition, the City will need refine and update the City's Concurrency Management System (CMS), and develop the state-mandated Proportionate Share Ordinance for transportation. Renaissance Planning Group (RPG), the City's transportation continuing service providers, has provided a cost estimate to assist in the completion of the above tasks: TASK DESCRIPTION COST ESTIMATE NUMBER (NOT TO EXCEED) 1 Socio-Economic Data Review & $13,978 Development 2 Review Ocoee Subarea Traffic Model & $5,652 Update 3 Refine the Concurrency Management $3,012 System 4 Develop a Proportionate Share $7,312 Ordinance for Transportation Total: $29,954 RPG's services will be paid by road impact fee funds and minor adjustments to the current Community Development budget. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the contract for Renaissance Planning Group for miscellaneous planning services by authorizing the payment of funds from road impact fees and minor adjustments to the Community Development Department budget. Attachments: Metroplan Orlando T AZ Update letter dated May 11, 2006 Renaissance Planning Group letter dated May 12,2006 2 (') ~% A Regional T ransparTation Partnership C': U ,..'(i ..~, f:., ; ! ! ;: I l i j ! j i (~~ -f"i t i~' .~ ..'~.' ~~ .~~ C: i L....L.h _' ,. ........~... _.... ..'... .._,' :.......:;"",;.~...."',,:':._,:.,:,,';,-..,...~,...~_ ,,.........._~ ; , tS (,;'. ~ L roo............,;". -- ." , , ,; ;.. ; :,~2. :, I MAY 1 2 2006 1 L__.. _....._,.. ,.n.'" ..... .... .J May 11,2006 TO: Transportation Technical Committee Members Land Use Subcommittee Members FROM: Dennis Hooker, Manager of Technical Services SUBJECT: T AZ Updates Over the next three weeks the METROPLAN ORLANDO'S GIS consultant DTS will be setting up appointments to review the Traffic Analysis Zone structure for each city and county represented on the Transportation Technical Committee (ITC) and the Land Use Committee (LUC). Please remember the prime reason for splitting zones is to get a better highway and transit assignment on the regional system. However, in rural areas where we have very large traffic zones we may split them for data management purposes. We will try and accommodate your requests; but please avoid wholesale splits of Traffic Zones for purposes other than a refined traffic assignment. Our network and zonal structures are very large now. After the Traffic Analysis Zones have been split DTS will reassign the 2004 parcel data to the new zonal structure. This new 2004 data will be used for validation of the new models and as the base for the FLUAM 2030 forecasted data development for the Year 2030 plan. I am asking that TTC and LUC members from the same city or county to coordinate their appointment with DTS. I am also inviting FDOT to attend these meetings to provide professional analysis of the splits. If your T AZ structure is adequate a.."'ld you require no further rdiIicmcnts please send us a note and let us know. Otherwise if we don't hear from you we will be calling you. Regards, 9:;: ,:; .t.. Please contact Steve Dearborn ISlProgramming Coordinator Data Transfer Solutions, LLC 13013 Founders Square Orlando, FL 32828 (407)382-5222 for an appointmenL<." Dennis Hooker One Landmark Center. 315 East Robinson Street. Suite 3'5~'"lJt'1: '"B' (407) 481-5672 Suncom 344-5672 D (407) 481-5680 Suncom (407) 3 _ RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP 100 East Pine Street, Ste 401 Orlando, Florida 32801 . phone: 407-487-0061 . fax: 407-487-0058 May 12, 2006 Russ Wagner, AICP Director of Community Development City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 Subject: Cost Estimate for Miscellaneous Growth Management Services Dear Mr. Wagner: Based on our discussions last Friday, attached is a proposed scope of services and cost estimate for Miscellaneous Growth Management Services. The scope identifies four tasks with each to be authorized as separate work orders. The first work order will address the City's most urgent need of updating its socio- economic data for 2025. This work will be completed by the end of June 2006. The remaining work orders are needed to assist the City in complying with state growth management requirements, and will be completed by December 1 st 2006. One of the tasks - Concurrency Management Update - entails an ongoing monthly reporting of available roadway capacity, per our discussion. This task will be billed monthly through our continuing services agreement. Thanks for the opportunity to be of service. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, vti~ Whit Blanton, AICP Vice President Renaissance Planning Group enclosures ~ 11 L! 'r~ \ i \ ,; ! .........., ': 1 f MAY 1 5 2006 .; l ; t 1 ~ _'...'.".' ,,,.. ._~ .. ..".._~J j ..J L. www.citiesthatwork.com Renaissance Planning Group 5/12/2006 Date: Project Mgr. Project No: City ofOcoee Miscellaneous Growth Management 0\/11/06 CWIl of Ocoee PersOD: WB NL/JP ICI' AH TItle: Prindpol Planner Sr Planner Clerical Rat. $ 151.00 72.00 *.00 \3.00 ToTal HoUl"l lAbor Cost Direct Cost Total Cost Task 1. Socio...EcODOmiC Data. Review and Development la. Data assembly and coordination Review current 2000 and 2025 socioeconomic data, and TAZ structure GIS process and anolysis (compiling layers II< generat. gild lay.r) Meeting wiTh staff ( 2000 . 2006 commited devclopmentJi) Build.out Al101ysis Prepare maps and tables of Build-out result! lb. Socio...Economic Data Review and Development ..\.noa.te Build-out data to Traffic Analyis Zones .4JIocatc: Build.out zonal data to 2025 forcast year Prepare: maps and tables of2025 results Technical Memorandum (Buildout Methodology & Results) Respond to comments and revise: Staff work. session 2 Review Subarea Traffic Model and Update Review MetroPlan transportation model Update: model to rdlect current roadway data TAZ modification & socio-economic ~location Review modc::l after edits to TAZs against counts Future year model forcasts (2025 & Build-out) 3. Refine tbe Concurrency Management System Meeting wiTh stafF (vesTed and pending projects) CMS database update CMS Maintenance 4. Develop proportionate Share Ordinace for Transportation Review state and county ordinances Devdop framework and methodology STafFmectings (2) Workshops (2) Commission meetings/public hearings (2) + 3\ + ~ 10 10 12 10 2+ 12 6 + 8 1+ 20 12 + 2+ + Ongoing - tilDe l.\.lDatu:ials charge each montl::J 8 16 8 + Direct Ezpmses Units .w Travel Auto Travel (3D miles @ AD/mile) p~ Diem Photocopies Mailing/Delivery Other o 9 Overhead: Subtotal: Fee: ToTal Labor: Total Direct Expenses: Subconsultants: Total Expenses: Subcon.ruItQDts N/A N/A Total: Total Cost: 2!1,9S4 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP CITY OF OCOEE MISCELLANEOUS GROWTH MANAGEMENT SCOPE OF SERVICES May 11, 2006 INTRODUCTION Statewide growth management legislation passed by the Florida Legislature in 2005 adds several new requirements for Florida communities. The City of Ocoee is required to develop a financially feasible capi~al improvements pr.ogram that accommodates anticipated and desired growth in the community with adequate public facilities and services. The City must also develop a proportionate share transportation funding ordinance that is linked with its concurrency management system and impact fee program to monitor growth impacts and identify funding needed to pay for necessary improvements. To meet these requirements and the need for good data to guide planning and capital decisions in the City, Ocoee requires assistance from its general planning consultant, Renaissance Planning Group (the consultant), to complete the following tasks. TASK 1 - SOCIOECONOMIC DATA REVIEW AND DEVELOPMENT For this task, the consultant will assist the City of Ocoee in reviewing, refining and updating the socioeconomic data projections for its traffic analysis zones (TAZs) within the joint planning area OPA) boundary for a 2025 horizon year. Renaissance last updated the City's TAZ population, households and employment data several years ago, and an update is needed for the City's water supply permitting, re- districting of City Commission boundaries and to project demand for other facilities and services. To accomplish this objective, the consultant will work in coordination with the City's Geographic Information System (GIS) staff to fulflll the following subtasks: 1 A - DATA ASSEMBLY AND COORDINATION The consultant will assemble the following data to review and refme socioeconomic data projections by TAZ: · 2000 Census and 2004 update · City of Ocoee and Orange County Utility service area boundary · Commission district boundaries · Parcels · Environmentally sensitive lands · Existing and Future Land Use . Zoning RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP · Committed residential and non-residential developments · MetroPlan Orlando 2025 socioeconomic data and TAZ boundaries The consultant will develop a geo-database that assembles these various data sources into one source that can be summarized by TAZ boundaries in the City, JPA or City of Ocoee and Orange County Utility service area boundary. Existing socio-economic data will be allocated to the geo-database to establish the baseline conditions. The consultant will add all approved residential and non-residential projects from 2000 to present day by the projected build-out date to account for each project's full development potential. The remaining vacant land and agricultural land in the joint planning area boundary will be built-out using the underlying future land use. The data to be developed will include population, number of residential units by type (single family & multi family), employment by type (commercial, service, industrial), school enrollment, automobile ownership and other factors used in the standard trip generation model. This infonnation will be developed by parsing the City into 0.15 acre grids and applying the data to each grid. The 2025 forecast year data will be in both table and map formats for review and refinement. Following assembly of all relevant data and development of an initial set ofTAZ projections, the consultant will facilitate a meeting with appropriate City staff to review redevelopment assumptions and other factors that will influence the forecast. 1 B - UPDATE TAZ SOCIOECONOMIC DATA Based on input provided by City staff on the draft data, the consultant will prepare an updated set of 2025 socioeconomic data by TAZ for fmal review and approval by the City. Following this last set of checks, the consultant will produce a final set of socioeconomic projections in both hard copy (table and maps) and in an electronic format by T AZ. The consultant will also provide GIS data layer suitable for future use/applications by other City staff to continue monitoring future developments and the socioeconomic impact. The consultant will prepare a technical memorandum documenting the update process (methodology) and results. In addition, the consultant will schedule a work session with the City's GIS and/ or IT staff to transfer data, explain its structure and methodo,logy, and answer questions so the City is comfortable using the information for various other activities. This task requires a quick turnaround for various other projects in the City, so work will be completed within six weeks of notice to proceed (prior to July 1). This task will be completed as Growth Management Work Order No.1 for a not to exceed amount of $13,978. TASK 2 - REVIEW OCOEE SUBAREA TRAFFIC MODEL AND UPDATE In this task, the consultant will review the existing Ocoee Subarea Model to update the network for roadway facility type, area type and number of lanes, reflecting changes that have occurred in the last several years and projects contained within an adopted Capital Improvement Program or the Florida Department of Transportation's Five Year Work Program. This task will also entail incorporating refinements in the T AZ socioeconomic data and possible modifications to the T AZ boundaries to enable them to work with the Subarea and MetroPlan regional 2 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP transportation model. This may entail recommendations to MetroPlan for possible adjustments in T AZ boundaries and network connections. This task will not entail a full model validation or detailed calibration; rather, the consultant will perform basic model checks and conduct a limited analysis to verify that edits are coded properly to produce reasonable results. The consultant will compare base year results from the refined Subarea model with traffic counts collected previously. From this update, the consultant will produce a traffic forecast of future growth and determine impacts on roadways in the Ocoee - Orange County joint planning area. The consultant will provide the City with plots or maps of model volumes and a table showing future level of service for Ocoee's defined roadway segments. All model inputs and data outputs will be packaged and transmitted to the City and MetroPlan Orl~do for their review and future application. This task will take place following the socioeconomic update, and will be completed by September 30. This task will be completed as Growth ManaBement Work Order No. 2]or a not to exceed amount if$5,652. TASK 3 - REFINE THE CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM In this task, the consultant will update the City's Concurrency Management System (CMS) spreadsheet to incorporate most recent traffic counts, trips from vested and approved development, and updated capacities (level of service thresholds) from any recent or pending Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, including those to be constructed within the next three years. The basis for updated capacities will be city, county or state adopted capital improvement programs, as well as changes in system characteristics like new traffic signal locations, tum lanes or similar operational improvements. The consultant will produce an updated concurrency management table in spreadsheet format that indicates available capacity by roadway segment. This is an on-going task. Following submittal of the initial updated concurrency management table, the consultant will produce a monthly summary table, for review by City staff, indicating changes in available capacity based on approved development with a concurrency certificate. Trips from development that is pending and still under review will be noted in a column for "pending trips," with detail in a separate worksheet of the concurrency spreadsheet. The updated CMS spreadsheet will include sufficient information on pending trips to support a determination of proportionate share impact on a given roadway segment. In addition, the CMS will identify CIE projects and planned projects for which funding has not been identified. This is an essential component of the Growth Management Act requirements that must be adopted by December 1, 2006. This task will be a continuing work process on a time and materials basis; however, the updated CMS spreadsheet for the initial assessment of available capacity will be completed by September 30. The monthly maintenance and reporting will not exceed six hours ($432). This task will be completed as Growth ManaBement Work Order No. 3Jor a not to exceed amount if$3,012. 3 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP TASK 4 - DEVELOP A PROPORTIONATE SHARE ORDINANCE FOR TRANSPORTATION Effective December 1, 2006, Ocoee must amend the Capital Improvements Element ofits Comprehensive Plan to reflect financially feasible improvements to achieve a desired level of service standard, based on firm revenue projections. A required tool to support the financially feasible Capital Improvements Element is the development of a proportionate share transportation funding ordinance by December 1S\ which provides the basis for private development contributions to improve roads that their developments impact. The proportionate share ordinance provides a mechanism for funding to allow development to go forward as long as its impacts on failing city, county and/ or state road segments are addressed. Developers have a right to participate in funding projects within the CIE or long term concurrency management system, and may negotiate with the City for a project that could be added to the CIE. To help the City address these new requirements, the consultant will develop a proportionate share methodology and framework for development into an ordinance to be adopted by the City Commission. The work will be linked to the update of the City's concurrency management system and CIE, reflecting available revenues and needed capital improvement projects to maintain roadway LOS standards. The consultant will review the model proportionate share ordinance developed by the state, as well as Orange County's ordinance, and any other relevant materials from the Department of Community Affairs or Department of Transportation. The consultant will develop a proportionate share framework that identifies the process, conditions, credits, and options a developer and the City will have concerning the application of funds to proj ects in order to achieve concurrency. In developing the proportionate share program, the consultant will meet twice with Ocoee staff and the city attorney. The city attorney will be responsible for ordinance drafting, using the technical and policy framework developed by the consultant as a basis. The consultant will participate in up to two workshops with the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Commission, and up to two meetings/public hearings with the P&Z Commission and/ or City Commission for adoption. This task will take place following the CMS update, and will be completed by September 30, so that necessary workshops and public hearings can take place in October and November, .for adoption prior to December 1, 2006. This task will be completed as Growth Manaaement Work Order No.4 Jor a not to exceed amount rif $ 7,312. SCHEUDLE The following tasks will be completed within eight months, with a target completion of meeting the new state requirements by the end of 2006. A general outline of the proposed schedule with target completion dates is shown below. Task 1 - Socioeconomic Data Update June 30 Task 2 - Refine and Update Ocoee Subarea Traffic Model September 30 4 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP Task 3 - Refine the Concurrency Management System September 30 Task 4 - Develop and Adopt a Proportionate Share Ordinance December 1 BUDGET The attached spreadsheet (Attachment A) identifies the person-hours by task and proposed cost for this assignment, inclusive of labor and direct expenses. It is assumed that these tasks will be broken into four separate work orders. The consultant will prepare a monthly progress report accompanied by a time and materials invoice for each work order showing hours and expenses charged. It should be noted that Task 3 includes an on-going monthly maintenance and reporting of the Citi s Concurrency Management System database, which will be billed hourly based on approved rates. 5