HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #17 Appointment to CACOPD center of Good Li . ~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: June 6, 2006 Item # \:1 Contact Name: Contact Number: Melanie Sibbitt 1026 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (3-year terms) Background Summary: Members ofthe Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department serve three-year terms, The Resolution creating the Board allows no more than fifteen (15) members. The board currently has fourteen (14) members, Two (2) applications were recently submitted. Fred Wilsen (District 2) and David Ball (District 1). Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint Fred Wilsen or David Ball to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (CACOPD)? Recommendations Two applications were recently submitted for appointment of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (CACOPD); therefore staff recommends the City Commission consider appointing Fred Wilsen or David Ball to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department with a term ending January 1,2009, Attachments: Board Application (2) Board List Financial Impact: None Type of Item: (please marl< with an 'x'J Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerl<'s DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing ~ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) x N/A x N/A N/A ~5/11/2~~G 22:13 'I El752Hl09El FH,lJ PAGE 01 J, 2. CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION J'OR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (P..... ......t LellbIy) ~~~~~==;;!:~uan 8Ufi... AddresJ; , . . Brief S~ ()f~l!\8Dd~: F-rl7iJR"it5e'l ./,4/ r /1> '" ,I(.. fnv( ~ 1'7 ~ 3. 4. 5, 6. Ate you . U.S, citizen? Yea ---T- Are yOU a rcaiala1lcl voter? Yos =z: Resident of the City for 6 monthl or longer? Do you hold public office? Are you employed by Ihe City? Do)'ou now servo 00 . City B<<*d or CommiUee'1 PLEASE CHEC1t 1lIE BOARDS WHICH INTBREST YOU : 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, No No _ Distrid 1# 6) YCl~ No Yes _ No --.7: Vea NoZ:= YelL.. No IndiCate our ofil11.erat u first cboice. #1 ICCODd choice. ctl;. · GetNnI E.,Ioyeet. RdIr-..- TnIIt ...... ...... atTnu... I · 8Mrd of r ~ A&btIory C.... fwPIN c-.. ~coacU IDr .... a... "'I'd ....... .. .......... AdYIlJory ...... ~ · Cecil hr.......t ...... eo.-...., M.rtr A..1"dlI .... ....... "--IBMi'd c.-t....... Board.f I .... A. ..Edlle.... c.......... . .. FINANCIAL DISCLOSI1U.POItMS AU UQIIlUD JOILOWING APPOINTMENT What school does your child atteocl7 (Only for Ed~ Commi..ion) 06 NRV 12 8:30 fi 12. .C' 61C~ r ,.. t'1 13. _~~_~"_~1o............_.7 SIGNATUkE ~ l/1J~ DAlE:,5. II, ot Nate: (I) A""........ efTedivc" ONE YEAR 10m"'. mar' .~ . (2) l(yoa have IIaY qucMioIII. pic.. cd the City Clartt's offioe It (407) 905.3105. O:80AIlJ)LISTS/BdAppU~.CIOe 05/11/2006 22:13 <:l075210E:l9E:l FHW PAGE 02 FRED WILSEN, Esq. (407) 298-1574 1019 Shady Maple Circle~ Ocoee~ Florida 34761-3419 cell (321) 332-3192 Senior AttorneylProfessional Regulator with 27 years with Florida state government. Interested in enforcement and compliance with state laws to obtain desired results and outcomes. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2003 to Present Senior Attorney with DeF, District 7, CWLS-Child Dependency, Pine Hills Office, Supervisor David Heusted. Review shelter petitions, draft dependency and TPR petitions, render legal advice and conduct legal staffings for CPls and Kids Hope United staff, legal representative at permanency staffmgs, and court. casework, Completed 8-week Child Protection Investigator Training for certification as CPI. 1999~2003 Department of Financial Services, Hurston Building, Performed legal services involving the licensing and regulation of persons engaged in the securities industry and finance related businesses pursuant to Chapter 517, Worked with examiners and investigators. Reviewed reports for completeness and submitted legal recommendations as to the appropriate action to be taken. Prepared pleadings, filed charges and prosecuted cases to conclusion from hearings through appellate review. Advised administrators and staff as requested, 1994-1999 Private practice, Orlando, with emphasis on representing professional licensees in disciplinary matters, administrative law and appelJate work. 1974~1994 FL Dept, of Business and Prof. Reg" Div. of Real Estate, Hurston Building. Chief legal counsel/senior attorney supervisor of legal office. Supervised 17-person legal office including four attorneys, two paralegals and support staff; total accountability for statewide prosecution of real estate license Jaw violations Chapter 475 for the protection of consumers. Legal expert who advised executives and govermnent administrators. Reviewed consumer complaints; legal advisor to 40+ investigators and auditors located in 11 offices located throughout Florida. Reviewed and prepared cases for probable cause panel, handled and prosecuted cases to conclusion on behalf of the Florida Real Estate Commission and the Florida Board of Real Estate Appraisers. Recognized for accomplishments and received several promotions with additional responsibilities. Managed all aspects of complaint and legal prouss for division including handling district coun appeals, maintained records and publication of legal actions taken against licensees, Conducted legal prosecution for department in analyzing violations of state law and administrative rules for assigned professional boards regulated by department. Assisted in the revision of the FREe Handbook and Florida Administrative Rules. Directly managed all office procedW'Cs including correspondence and referrals from other agencies to ensure consumer protection and service. Recommended legal action for over 200 cases per month for Probable Cause Panel. Impacted state laws by advising Governor's Office and committees studying proposed changes to state statutes and agency rules. Proven success in public relations, creative problem solving, process management and strategic planning. Able to adapt to varied professional scenarios within law and business disciplines. Trainer for investigators and members of professional organizations, Elected Director and held other offices for the (National) Association of Real Estate License Law Officials, Authored monthly case studies and articles for the Florida Reallor and FREC News and Report. Court Appointed Receiver in 1994, Managed 800 claims from over 400 people handling over $1.5 million in disputed corporate trust funds; teamed with court appointed mediator and private attorneys to determine appropriate disbursements. EDUCATION JD, University oCMiami School of Law, Coral Gables, FL, 1973, Admitted to The Florida Bar in 1973, HA, History, University of Miami, FL, ]970. Stuyvesant High School, New York, NY, 1966. CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (Please Print Legibly) 1. 2, E~mail Address: d/1v:db,,1I3\.ob' e. YGo~C>o.(()/'II\ Home Phone: ( lid ')) 0 I - R l( (, 1{ Name: OO\{~ d Sa II Home Address: 190(" -:Ji.'Y\'sD'I ;':hll'/\'..I~ City, State, Zip: Oc 0 ee. F L ~ 4;6 r Business: Business Address: Brief Summary of Education and Experience: \3. S. LJuc<t{',cI) fo. Iu.ute 0 Serv 11' ~ , Are you a U.S, citizen? Are you a registered voter? Yes ~ Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Do you hold public office? Are you employed by the City? Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WIllCH INTEREST YOU: 3, 4, 5, Business Phone: 6, o{ cJ(H'~ I No_ No~ No~ NoL- 06 Nfl\' 12 4:2:3 P 7, 8, 9. 10. 11. I d' f' d h' #2 fi h' d #1 n lcate our egree 0 mterest as rst c Olce- ., secon c Olce- ~. etc, * General Employees' Retirement '" Board of Adjustment Trust Fund Board of Trustees Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Department Human Relations/Diversity Board I Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory for Police Department Board '" Code Enforcement Board Personnel Board Community Merit Awards Review Board '" Plannin2 & ZoninIE Commission '" Police Officers' and Firefighters' Construction Board of Retirement Trust Fund Board of Adjustment and Appeals Trustees **Education Commission * ** FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT What school does your child attend? (Only for Education Commission) 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board? \~all,"., C,dvp (J Cl. S aA m/k ~ \;/J rY, O{{; (0;1 r I {e e I i\.."i or Cc<o1 f' ,Iv Ij.~ a \I~\lAt ~l ~ Ser..J~ (P '1'-' -{ ~. \ >>(l"r,~ ) 13, Please attach resume and/or other information to assist Commission in making appointments, SIGNATURE lJ (jl;j J 5r.Ji DATE: 0<:; I JO loG, I I Note: (1) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion (2) If you have any questions, please call the City Clerk's office at (407) 905-3105, O:BOARDLlSTSlBdApplJune2004,doc CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT Created by Res, #88-06 on 2/16/88/Amended by Res,#91-09, 92-07, 96-20, 2003-19 & 2006-006) (IS-member board) Member District Phone Number Term Expires 1. Norman Beier 2 407/656-2954 (H) July 1, 2007 1275 Sandy Cove 2. John (Jack) Cooper 4 407/297-7737 (H) January 1,2008 1360 Vickers Lake Drive 407/762-0560 (W) Jack. Cooper@Suntrust.com 3, DeW ayne Cook 4 321/388-8911 (C) September 1, 2006 220 Floral Street 407/827-1288 (W) 4. John W, Grogan 1 407/641-4595 (H) July 1, 2007 1002 Sabrina Drive 407/560-5101 (W) i grogan2@cfl,rr.com 5, Amber Hart 2 407/654-9136 (H) January 1,2009 127 Lafayette Street 407/762-1987 (W) AmberEHart@Earthlink,net 6. Richard 1. Hart 2 407/654-9136 (H) November 1,2006 127 Lafayette Street 407/560-5101 (W) RickJHart@Earthlink,net 7, Thomas A. Hendrix Sr. 2 407/654-5837 (H) January 1,2009 608 Jay Street 407/758-4056 (Cell) (Mailing: P,O. Box 74) hendrix 12036@earthlink.net 8. Victoria Laney 2 407/294-1651 (H) February 1, 2007 830 Hammocks Drive victoria,lanev@gmail,com 9. Robert M. McKey (Vice Chairman) 2 407/292-2586 (H) January 1,2009 1110 Wineberry Court 407/292-2586 (W) RobMcKey@lvcos,com 10, Bradley Phillips 2 407/654-0521 (H) January 1, 2009 1603 A.D, Mims Road 407/656-3097 (W) blphillips22@aol,com 2 Citizen Advisory COllllCil for Ocoee Police Department 11. Cecil W. Sammons 1264 Russell Drive 12, Mark A, Scalzo 6938 Crosscut Court 13. Louis R. Torres 2047 Majestic Elm Blvd. 14, Beth Wozniak 6733 Sawmill Blvd, 15. Ex-Officio Members Joel Keller, Commissioner Steve Goclon, Police Chief Steve McCosker, Sergeant Clerk Melanie Sibbitt, Deputy City Clerk UpdatedlMarch 16, 2006/ms Removed for Non-Attendance Karen Vanek (2/04/03) Tony Kissoon Resigned Mark Linn (06/23/05 verbally resigned) Angela Brown (6/29/05 e-mailed resignation) Art & Marge Johnstone (July verbally resigned) Jim Sills (Chairman) Michael Bames (Did not want to be reappointed) Gene Snow (10/20/05 e-mailed resignation) Lindsey Asay (Did not want to be reappointed) Sherrall Applegate (Did not want to be reappointed) 1 407/656-0422 (H) 407/299-6161 (W) cadics2002@yahoo,com July 1, 2007 4 407/298-1473 (H) January 1,2009 407/422-4561 (W) 407/468-5373 (C) mscalzo@mearstransportation,com 4 321/695-9575 January 1,2007 4 407-421-6873 January 1,2009 407-245-5583 bwozniak@cfl,rr,com 407/578-5191 (H) 407/841-4755 x2337 (W) ikeller@cfl,rr,com 407/905-3100 X 3027 407/905-3100 X 3316 smccosker@ci.ocoee,fl.us 407/905-3105 #2 msibbitt@ci,ocoee,fl,us Rick Osborne (Commission chose not to reappoint) Ryan Colbert (Moved out of the City Limits) Joel F, Keller (Chairman) (Elected Commissioner of District 4 on 3/14/06) 'w/'oJ o r~ eN ~ I) L '" eN r~ N ~ , OC;:J ~Cii8 ~.g ~ 2?0 o G)O ~;::i~ ~ ~ 5- Q CD 0 en 3 CD a (J] o '" a N CJ1 N 0) ~ ('i~;~~;; e ~~~ 300 ~g~ en ~'~Q o'9.~ ffio ~ 3 J> 0- co. 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(0'" .... :Jw -w p., O:J :J (0'" r p;i :J (0 (0 ~ co o' <...c::: :J 0 CD N O~ ~ ~ 0(0 ~ 300 c.o N c.n 3- cO 2.03 C/':J -:J I~ '<co I~ Ii' I' OJ 0(0 (1)Cfl r-+ 2(0 ~ (1):J .... 0" ~ U; Agenda 6/6/2006 Item 21 CITY COMMISSION BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES Citv Boards Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Department - Ex-Officio Member Commissioner Johnson (appointed 11/18/2003) Citizen Advisory Council for Police Department - BI( Offieis MemBer CsmmissielIer Parker (atJflsiBtea 4 17 200L'reaffirmea 4 1 2003) Education Commission - Ex-Officio Member Mayor Vandergrift (appointed 2-05-2002/reaffirmed 4-1-2003) Parks & Recreation Advisory Board - Ex Officio Member Commissioner Anderson (appointed 12-5-95/reaffirmed 4-17-2001 & 4-1-2003) Personnel Board - Member Csmmissieaer Hewell (atlfloiBtea 4 15 9; alIa 3 18 99[reaftirmea 4 172QOl} (r@apj30ilIt@a 2 05 2002 fer term @lIaiag 3 Hi 2005) City Committees Educational Incentive Committee (aka Education Committee) - Memeer CemmissiolI@r Parker (atlfloiBtea 4 15 97.'reaffirmea 4 17 2001 &. 4 1 2003) Innovative Idea Committee - Member Commissioner Johnson (appointed 3-16-99/reaffirmed 4-17-2001 & 4-1-2003) Other Tri-County League of Cities (Orange/Seminole/Osceola) - Representative To be shared responsibility, with those who can attend alternating (4-1-2003) West Orange Chamber of Commerce - Director Commissioner Johnson (appointed 4-17-200 l/reappointed 11-20-2001 for term to end 12-31-2002 and 10-15-2002 for term to end 12-31-2003) Mayor Vandergrift (appointed 9-16-2003 for term 1-01-2004 - 12-31-2004) West Orange Health Alliance- Representative Commissioner Anderson (appointed 5-2-2000/reaffirmed 4-17-2001 & 4-1- 2003) West Orange Airport Authority (flea Tri-City Airport Authority) - Representative Mayor Vandergrift (appointed 10-20-98 and 7-6-99) (Harold Maguire appointed to replace Mayor 1O-5-99/reaffirmed 4-17-2001 & 4-1-2003) ctycmsbdrsplbb/March 10, 2004