HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #04 Police Expenditure-Night Vision AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: May 16, 2006 Item # ~ Contact Name: Contact Number: S.Goclon X3021 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: ~ Background Summary: The Ocoee Police department was recently awarded a $50,000 grant from the State of Florida /Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to purchase night vision and thermal imaging equipment. This is a reimbursement grant requiring the police department to purchase the items and then be reimbursed by FDLE upon proof of purchase. The police department will use monies from the police forfeiture account to purchase the equipment. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the use of not more than $50,000.00 from the police forfeiture account to purchase night vision and thermal imaging equipment and for this account to be reimbursed by FDLE upon proof of purchase? Recommendations It is recommended that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the use of not more than $50,000.00 from the police forfeiture account to purchase night vision and thermal imaging equipment and for this account to be reimbursed by FDLE upon proof of purchase. Attachments: Copy of letter from FDLE reserving $50,000 for the Ocoee Police Department (hyperlinked - Law enforcement sensitive and confidential information has been redacted). Copy of City of Orlando's DemandStar bid notification and winning quote from Yukon Advanced Optics (hyperlinked). Specifications on ITT brand Model 6015 Night Enforcers and Bullard brand Tac Sight thermal imagers (hyperlinked). Financial Impact: Not more than $50,000 from the police forfeiture account. There is approximately $58,000 in that account. The account will be reimbursed upon proof of purchase. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) -dF.61J N/A N/A N/A Citv Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Garv Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rustv Johnson, District 3 Joel Keller, District 4 Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Steven J. Goclon, Chief of Police /~ FROM: DATE: May 8, 2006 RE: Expenditure of police forfeiture monies to purchase night vision and thermal imaging equipment ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the use of not more than $50,000.00 from the police forfeiture account to purchase night vision and thermal imaging equipment and for this account to be reimbursed by FDLE upon proof of purchase? BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION The Ocoee Police department was recently awarded a $50,000 grant from the State of Florida /Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to purchase night vision and thermal imaging equipment. As originally submitted, the grant was approved for seven (7) military type night vision monoculars (costing approximately $5000.00 each) to be used by officers in low light environments to help locate people where conventional lighting may not be practical. The grant also provided one (1) thermal imager (costing approximately $15,000.00) to locate people in smoke, fog, or dense vegetation. As the seven (7) night vision devices at $5,000.00 each exceeds $25,000.00, the police department would like to "piggyback" off of the City of Orlando's DemandStar bid solicitation FQ06-388 (ITT brand Model 6015 Night Enforcers for $3,509.00 each including required accessories). This would enable the department to buy more than seven (7) devices and more than one (1) thermal imager. The department wishes to do so if FDLE allows. The purchase amount for all items would not exceed $50,000.00. Bullard brand Tac Sight thermal imager(s) will be purchased through regular purchasing channels as they are less than $25,000.00 each and the purchase price for two (2) would still be less than $25,000.00. The purchase of the night vision monoculars and the purchase of the thermal imager(s) would be independent of each other. This is a reimbursement grant requiring the police department to purchase the items and then be reimbursed by FDLE upon proof of purchase. The police department will use monies from the police forfeiture account to purchase the equipment. There is approximately $58,000 in that account. 1 Florida Department of Law Enforeement Guy M.Tu.nnetl, Commi$$iQner " . _ r- _,(,~ ~., _ _ __ _ - ~ ~- ,-- - - ""...... - _n-.-";;' -.~ Jeb Bush, Governor Chailk Cri$.t. A.tt6:rney General Tom Gallagher; Chi'€{ FitutncialOjJicer CharlesH. Bronso1J, Comn~issioner ofA:grlculture Lieutenant James A. Como Ocoee Police Oepartrrient 175 North Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida 34761 RE: Notice of Funding Lt1~ eV\.boYCf-Mev1+ 5e;1f,'tI1ve a/llJ CoM"-b\'J~ flla t /M ~ rWl ll.t,)DVI ha.s bee h re J (.).. (, feci ~ January 25, 2006 . Dear Lieutenant Como: The State of Florida was awarded funding through Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP)~ A portion of the funding awarded from ODP to the State of Florida wifl be via the Buffer Zone Protection Program (BZPP) grant the purpose of which is to support the iml=4ementation of Florida's Homeland Security Strategy The Florida Department of law Enforc~ment (FDlE) is proud to announce that it has reserved $50,000.00 from the Bufff~r Zone Protection Program grant for use by your agency which is located in Region Number 5. Please refer to the encto$6d chart entitled "Vulnerability Reduction Purchasing Plan" for your approved items. If you have questions conc:erning program issues, please contact _ 8.t "----- -_~ m. - - in the FDtE, Statewida--lntetligence.. if you have questions-- concamil:~~~t-Q~rclli~"1rr,-plt.a;::n;;"cft1 . - - - - .alld - yuu. wnr De. un ectad to me -----granrmarragerassrgnec.t fe,your Region. Recipients must apply on-line using FOLE's grant management system, - - . t. In addition to the on-line submission, .recipients must submit two hard copies (with original signatures}. of the subgrant application to the Office of Criminal Justice Grants no later than 30 days after the receipt of this letter. - - can be accessed at,. _. .-- prior to completion. of an application: The following steps should be taken 4. The Project Direc10r is typically responsible for the administration of the subgrant. activities and;. themfore, should create a user account for the Chief Official and Chief Financial Officer. 1:or your subgrantee and your implementing agency, as. well as themselves for submission of the application. Users will then receive an email . containing the username and password. These are computer generated and only the person whose email address appears in the request win receive the usemame and password. The user may now proceed to the next step. . 5. Enter the Subgrantee Organization and Implementing Agency (if different from the Committed .to ~rvice.'l.ht~ity.'Respect. Qt.<<z!ity Office of Criminal Justice Grants .. ,Tallahassee. Florida 3230~~1489 · I wwwJdle.state.fI.us. .. . .:. . .. subgrantee) into _ '.,.. _ . User will receive an email approving ~he Organization(s) and may now proceed to the next step. . , 6. The Project Director should then modify or request permission to fill out an application. Email notification will be sent approving the applicants' request and granting clearance to proceed with the. application itself . Due to the time involved in processing and approving user accounts and organization{s) requests. it is imperative that these steps be taken as soon as possible. . Application completion will require an "Announcement Code" which is a security feature allowing access to the application. The Announcement Code is . Application completion will not be possible without !hi:s Code. A user manual is available on the website. Also, instructions for how to complete a . application entitled "Instructions for Completing Application for Funding Assistance" is available at - _ - _ The project start date is the fimt day of the month you submit your application for local agencies. If YOU require an earlier stal1 date please contact your grant manager. In addition, two hard copies of the application must be submitted (both with original signatures) to: Office of Criminal Justice Grants Florida Department of Law Enforcement Tallahassee; Florida 32308 . A detailed. user manual, ccmplete with screen shot examples, can be found on the website~ . Please read this manual b1i!fore beginning the application process in . Please refer to the manual before caJUng for assistance. For technical assistance with . not provided in the user manual you may contact I at r --. --- - ..otherwisc- ~eisi-re~1~~:tn~9Ilit-~-lf ~l'l.-:.uc~~-at-' .....:...:-~- r-- .. Sincerely, . progrim Administrator Enclosures: Vulnerability Heduction Purchasing. Plan cc: Bid Details - Onvia DemandStar Page 1 of2 Login Register Help ONVIA- EXPERT Home My DemandStar Buyers Suppliers Account Info Bid Details Bid Information Agency City of Orlando - Office of Purchasing Bid Type Fax Quote Bid Number FQ-06-388-0-2006rrV Fiscal Year 2006 Bid Writer Tonja Voyles Bid Name ITT Night Enforcer Night Vision Equipment Bid Status Under Evaluation Bid Status Text None Award To Due Daterrime 3/17/20064:00 PM Eastern Broadcast Date 3/10/2006 Bid Bond Project Estimated Budget Plan (blueprint) Distribution Options None Distribution Method Download and Mail Distributed By Onvia DemandStar Distribution Notes None Scope of Work None E-Bidding No Leaal Ad Please select either the View or Edit button to manage legal ad. Pre-Bid Conference Publications hH",.//nrnrnr r1"""",<lnrld<ll'" {'~rn!hl1"Pl'"/"h;rl"mirl T)pbil ~"n? PT T=O/n ?PhllVf"rOIn ?Phiri"OIn?POf"f:lll "/R!?OOh '11'___"'. .. ."" .. fa;. ''i/7-~:S3Aj/7/)/ ~"'(,o . CITY OF QIUANOO ["- L: ..... ~ o~.J IN'lOlCE MUST BE FROM 9AIIE VBIDOR AS INDICATEO.1Hi-OW VENI)OR YlltOIl A......atCt.. <>!llica1DcuipuJlcd 201 R~ l'lwy Maualil'lll TX 1606] SHP TO Cllyo{o.buh>.~.licc ~ AIm: SoIppI, ItoSootllllvflllcy AvCllbC Otllllld<J FI..l2ll01 -.--J .--- PAY1IEN1" IS CON11NGENfOfll A pROPERUIVOICE MA~ I'I'EBS. 0UNml1ES. /JMDPRlaHG Ott rnIS PUftCHA,5E ORDER INVO'CE IIUST INCLUDE pO IIUIIBER AND BE IIAIl..EO TO ACCOUNTS PAYABle, PO 80X 4990. ORLANDO. A. ~-4990 P.O. DATE VENDOR SH1PVIA F.OS. - DEUVeR BY 411712006 3,MUZ fon.~ SMI~n(16 ORDER PlACED wn1I fREtGHT TERIIS BUYER HAIlE & PHONE NOMeER T 0IIjA" VO)Ics (-l01 )1~-)814 I) ~ 30 n.,. 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'AU UU.I 1\11 J f'UUI\\In J IVIUU,\If'\ Jf'\ I 1\ 1J.l en ~ Hl n':lM QO-Q? -}f,JH Goclon, Steve Subject: ITT product information from website 6015 Night Enforcer The versatile 6015 is designed for use in starlight and moonlight for reading, general observation, hands-free nighttime usage, weapon sight use, or nighttime still or video photography. It's a Generation 3 image intensification system that can be handheld, adapted for camera use, mounted to a small arms weapons mounting rail, or attached to a headlhelmet mount. This is one of ITT's most flexible multi-purpose units. Requires u.s. State Department License for export Key Features . Compact: 4 1/2"(L) X 2 1/2"(H) X 2"(W) . Lightweight: (13.5 oz.) . F/1.2 objective lens . IR illuminator . IR -on indicator . Camera-adaptable . Headmount included . Weaponsight mountable . Automatic brightness control for high light protection . Eyepiece diopter adjustment . Low battery indicator . Flexible carrying case . Uses two AA batteries . 3 year system warranty . 5 year tube warranty . 1 year warranty for international customers 1 TM THE New Critical Tool in Your Arsenal The TacSight SE35 thermal imager enables law enforcement personnel to see heat signatures of objects, people, and other sources. It detects extremely small differences in temperature, so that officers can distinguish people from their immediate surroundings. Needing no light to operate, the TacSight SE35 generates high-quality images on the darkest nights, even through smoke and fog. While darkness and camouflage can defeat night vision, suspects cannot hide from thermal imaging. Their own body heat gives them away. The TacSight SE35 is a powerful tool for tactical, swveillance and scene assessment applications. Extreme Performance Under The Hood The TacSight SE35 utilizes the latest thermal imaging technology. Its advanced infrared engine incorporates an ultra high resolution focal plane array that enables maximum clarity for distinguishing objects and features at long distances. BullBrd~ It's your life and you're worth it™ Advanced Features for Advanced Detail 4X Digital Zoom Bullard introduces 4X Digital Zoom on the TacSight SE35 providing maximum human form detection at distance. Versatile as a tactical tool, the SE35 becomes a long-range nighttime swveillance tool in zoom mode. Switchable Polarity The TacSight SE35 incorporates the ability to switch from a "white hot" to a "black hot" image. This feature illuminates details that mightutherwise be misinterpreted or missed altogether. Display Dimming In situations where stealth is required. the display can be dimmed or turned off to prevent detection. TacSight SE35 Advantages: . Small and compact · Tough and completely waterproof · High performance imagery . Latest features designed for law enforcement · Interoperable with thousands of Bullard thennal imagers and accessories · Only Law Enforcement Thennal Imager with versatile accessories Ca1l877-BULLARD or visit www.bullard.com/tacsight to find out how to O'\NN THE NDHT. Bullard~ It's your life and you're worth it" TA Overall TI Unit Weight Dimensions Water Resistance Impact Casing Shell Material Sealing Strap Material Display Cover Lens Cover Core/Detector Type Resolution Sensing Material Spectral Response Thennal Stabilization Update Rate Temperature Sensitivity Video output NErD Dynamic Range Pixel Pitch Thermal Time Constant Lens (Standard) Material Lens Size Field of View Focus Speed TM With battery 3.5 lbs Without battery 2.9 Ibs Height: 6" Length: 4'"'' Width: 7'"'' IP67; 3 feet at 30 minutes No permanent functional damage. 1. 5 meter drop UI tem@ Thermoplastic Silicone and Neoprene Kevlar'" Polycarbonate Olardcoated) Germanium (2 mm thick) Technical Specifications Uncooled Microbolometer with Digital Processing 320 x 240 array AmOIphous Silicon (aSi) 8 - 14 Microns 100 - 500C 30 Hz 0.050 C NTSC <70 <800C 45 um <21 MSEL Germanium 35mm 170 x 230 3 feet (I meter) to infinity f /1.0 Available Accessories Alkaline Battery Pack MobileLink™ Bullard 1 898 Safety Way Cynthiana. KY 41031-9303 Toll free: 877 -BUllARD (285-5273) Tel: 859-234-6616 Fax: 859-234-8987 www.bullard.com Electrical System Power Source Output Capacity' Operating Time Start Up Time Charger Single Battery Switch Cycle Test Battery Life Battery Weight Recharge Time Display Type Size Dot Pitch Dot Format Pixels Pixel Configuration Display Method Input Signal Level Back Light Brightness Viewing Angle Transmitter Mounting Signal Type Antenna Type Transmitting Frequency Power output Power Supply Power Consumption Frequency Selection FCC License NiMH Rechargeable Battery or A1kaIine Batteries (8 cells) JOV Nominal 1600 riiA.hr .' 1.5 Hours Nominal 30 Seconds Nominal 120 VAC or 12VDC 1 .000.000 cycles 1.000 charge cycles 0.6 pounds (9.5 oz) 2 hours nominal Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 3.5" Diagonal (52.4 x 71.76 rom) TFf Active Matrix 188 nun (V) x .160 nun (H) 384 X 234 Dots 89.856 R-B-G Delta Configuration NTSC 1.0V pop (Positive) 75 ohm Fluorescent Lamp 400 cd/m2 Left!Right=60o. Up=350. Down=60o External Analog Dipole 2.4 GHz 300 mW Internal 3.5 W 2 or 4 Channel Switch Part 90 Transmitter Handle www.bullard.com/tacsight TACSCOPE™ TACPORpM Mobile Command Center ~2006 Bullard. All rights fl'served. "Jt', your life and you're worth it", TACSIGHT, TAPORT, TACSCOPE, and MobileLink are trademarks of Bullard. Kevlar and Neoprene are registered trademarks of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Company. Ultem is a registered trademark of General Electric. ISoCj()}1 cenit~d 8172 (0106) Tacsight 81 Camera t19m~ I I~(:;~[gbt I p[QQ!J(:;t~ I Tacsight Sl Camera Tacsight S1 Camera Page 1 of2 /.~ Click to Print .\'.i?";;-,' ... Movie Library ~irtual Tacsight TQur High Bandwith recommended See in complete darkness, fog, and smoke! TACSIGHT enables law enforcement personnel to see heat signatures of objects, people, and other sources. TACSIGHT detects extremely small differences in temperature, so that officers can distinguish people from their immediate surroundings. Needing no light to operate, the TACSIGHT generates high-quality images on the darkest nights, even through smoke and fog. Compare that to conventional night vision equipment, which requires light or special illuminators and is incapacitated by smoke, fog, and often other particulates. While darkness and camouflage can defeat night vision, suspects cannot hide from TACSIGHT. Their own body heat gives them away. The TACSIGHT thermal imager is a powerful tool for tactical, surveillance and scene assessment applications. Its small size and convenient side straps make the TACSIGHT right- or left-handed, freeing an officer's dominant hand for a service weapon or baton. Lets Talk Interoperability! Tacsight offers a unique advantage of interoperability with other Bullard thermal imagers within your community! If your fire department has purchased any of the T3 Series Thermal Imagers then you have an interoperability advantage that no other thermal imager can offer! Here's how... We will employ every advantage we can get and the BulJard Tacs.ight ranks high on the list of effective too.ls in ourJob . Batteries the batteries for Tacsight and the 13 range are compatible and interoperable. . Battery Charging system both the "desktop" charger and vehicle mount system for Tacsight and the T3 range are compatible and interoperable, meaning that batteries from both systems can be recharged in either system, adding to capacity and capability, especially during joint operations. . Transmit I receive system Both Tacsight and the T3 range broadcast and receive on the same 2.4 GHz 4-channel frequency range, using interoperable equipment. This means that you can expand or coordinate operations through use of this compatible system. In fact, the receiving and transmitting capability of Tacsight is compatible through the entire range of Bullard thermal imagers, including the TIx, MX, and TIComander. Can others Constable Tim HoIifieid