HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #08 City of Ocoee v. Oak Forest Partners & Westlake Partners : FOLEY AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: )1tly It. 200ft I Item # <X Contact Name: Contact Number: Mary Doty Solik 407.244.3259 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: /?/IV --- Background Summary: The City acquired Parcels 110A, 110B, 708A, and 708B through condemnation for the Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project. The City is responsible for the reasonable experts fees and attorneys' fees in the prosecution of this lawsuit. Issue: The City has already paid two of the experts a reasonable fee. The remaining three experts and the opposing parties' attorney have submitted their reasonable fees to the City for payment. Recommendations The City should approve the following settlements reached: Morris Engineering, Inc. (engineer) -- $11,000.00; Samnik & Associates, LLC (arborist) -- $3,700.00; The Spivey Group (appraiser) -- $15,000.00; Shutts & Bowen LLP (Attorney for Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners) -- $1,607.00 Attachments: (1) Memorandum regarding the proposed settlement of experts' fees and costs and attorneys' fees; (2) Exhibit "A" - invoice from Morris Engineering, Inc.; (3) Exhibit "B" - invoice from Samnik & Associates, LLC; (4) Exhibit "C" - invoice from The Spivey Group; (5) Exhibit "0" - invoice from Shutts & Bowen LLP Financial Impact: Total amount City would pay to experts and attorney would be $31,307.00 and is available from the Old Winter Garden Road Construction Account. Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution o Commission Approval o Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deaf Use: o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda o Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) _411011.1 ~~ D N/A D N/A D N/A :FOLEY FOLEY & LARDNER LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW MEMORANDUM CLlENT.MATTER NUMBER 020377.0547 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners of the City ofOcoee FROM: Mary Doty Solik, Assistant City Attorney THROUGH: Paul E. Rosenthal, City Attorney DATE: May 4,2006 RE: City ofOcoee VS. Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners: Proposed Settlement of Remaining Experts' Fees and Costs for Parcels 110A, 110B, 708A, and 708B ISSUE Should the City settle the remaining expert fees and costs claimed by Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners in the referenced eminent domain litigation? BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION As part of the Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project, the City acquired Parcels 110A, 110B, 708A, and 708B through condemnation. Parcels 110A and 708A were owned by Westlake Partners. Parcels 110B and 708B were owned by Oak Forest Partners. Parcels 110A and 110B were right-of-way takings. Parcels 708A and 708B were temporary construction easements. The property falls within Part A of the Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project which means that the City of Ocoee pays 54% of the project costs pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement with Orange County. The case was mediated on October 22, 2004. David Wheeler and Mary Doty Solik attended on behalf of the City. The mediation resulted in an impasse. After service of offers of judgments by the City and further negotiations with Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners, the parties proffered and the court entered a Stipulated Final Judgment as to Parcels 1l0A, 1l0B, 708A, and 708B on January 13, 2005, reserving jurisdiction as to a determination of experts' fees and costs. Pursuant to Florida Statutes, the City is responsible for the reasonable expert fees and costs incurred on behalf of Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners in the prosecution of this lawsuit. Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners both utilized the services of the same five experts: Buchheit Associates, Inc. (surveyor), WD Richardi, Inc. (contractor), Morris Engineering, Inc. (engineer), Samnik & Associates, LLC (arborist), and The Spivey Group (appraiser). All totaled, Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners has submitted experts' fees and costs in the amount of $46,756.76. To date, fees regarding both Buchheit Associates, Inc. and WD Richiardi, Inc. have been resolved, so no fees are due to either one of ~_411011.1 these experts. The remaining experts that have fees requiring resolution include Morris Engineering, Inc., Samnik & Associates, LLC, and The Spivey Group. Originally, Morris Engineering, Inc. presented a total fee of $14,463.75. In this instance, Mr. Morris has now agreed to a fee of $11,000.00. A copy of this invoice is attached as Exhibit "A." Samnik & Associates LLC presented an initial fee of $6,475.00, which has been negotiated down to $3,700.00. A copy of this invoice is attached as Exhibit "B." The Spivey Group provided an initial fee request at $18,900.00, but it has been reduced to a more reasonable $15,000.00. A copy of this invoice is attached as Exhibit "C." Finally, the law firm of Shutts & Bowen LLP has provided an invoice outlining the attorneys' fees incurred with respect to their involvement in this lawsuit. After a review of the invoice, Shutts & Bowen LLP's fee of $1,607.00 appears reasonable under the circumstances. A copy of the invoice oflegal fees is attached as Exhibit "D." RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve settlement of certain expert fees and costs for Parcels 110A, 11OB, 708A, and 708B by payment of $11,000.00 for Morris Engineering, Inc.'s services, $3,700.00 for Samnik & Associates LLC's services, $15,000.00 for The Spivey Group's services, and $1,607.00 in legal fees for Shutts & Bowen LLP's services, and authorizing the City Attorney or Assistant City Attorney to execute a final judgment for these amounts. cc: Robert Frank, City Manager 6,_411011.1 MaY, 25. 2005 1 0 : 39AM e . No.5087 p. 2 1 (irfl- ~.~ f please make checJcs payable to: Morris Engineering, Inc. 930 Woodcock Road, Suite 234 Or1ando, fL 32803 407-89~94 fax 407-893-6851 bill to: David A Shontz, Esquire Shutts & Bowen, LLP 300 South Orange Avenue Suite 1000 Orlando, Aorida 32802 Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Invoice Amount Due:~ 2/1612005 37000H-Final $14,463.75 , JOB: Old Winter Garclen Road Parcel 110, Oak Forrest, Orange County Engineering Analysis DescriDtion Hours Rate Fee Total Principal (DLM) 45.0 $175.00 $7,875.00 $7,875.00 Principal (GSM) 6.5 $165.00 $1,072.50 $1,072.50 Senior Designer 43.5 $105.00 $4,567.50 $4,567.50 Technician 4.0 $65.00 $260.00 $260.00 Subtotal $13 n5.00 Expenses $688.75 Total Fee Due $14.463.75 See attachment for detaD. Payment is due upon setuement of compensation for subject parceL EXHIBIT A <<..;.'.<.>>\lJ&Lf ~ti.. .~~..: ~~ IMI_ _:.... ,..I-<,)W:J___ Work Descriptions for Daniel L. Morris, P.~ .' May.25. 2005 10:39AM e dr.... - ". ~. . " 37000h e No.5087 p. 3 ~r~:. ~4~'IM"-" ...~ :J ...~:._~~ l&~..' ~ Job Ntune OWGR, Parce/1IO, OalcForest Date Houn Task Work Description. 613012OO3 2.0 review right c1way maps and construcIIon pia.., meelillt-1IIIDrney 811912003 6.0 review c:onstruction plans, right of way maps and appll/lll1IIIOIt Analysis of ImpacIa review I analyll8 d report exhtiIs II 812012OO3 3.0 812412003 3.5 812512003 2.0 812612003 2.0 8127/2lJ03 2.0 812812003 7.0 9fl/2003 3.0 4/1612004 0.5 412012004 1.0 412112004 1.0 812412004 3.5 8/31/2004 1.5 10/2012004 2.0 111312004 5.0 --ToiiilHoUrs: . u45JJ. WednDdo.y, February 16,2005 Prepare fur and make field obIefvlllion, anaIysi8 of ~ .. PrIiminary Engineering RepOlt Prfmlnary Engineering Report PdmInary Englrieertng RepoIt Pr1inInary.Englneering Report Develop PadlalCuRl concept review UV8Y ieview survey and construction plana prepare copy of appropriate conslnlction plan IIheeW fur surveyor pickup analysis of 100" constNction plans"tor changes in impacIB to property analysis of 100 " construclIon.p1an8 for changes In inpacllto property review quantity / costs of Il8ms In the take ll... prepare for and attend on-alie meeting with Richardl and S8mn1k.. Analysis of IIIlfns In the take and cure costs. ......,..-.-..-..... Pllft I of I May.25. 2005 10:40AM .. e e No.5087 p. 4 ~:{s. .!':~iU..ll'/iIIlIII.----4_IIIlllI". ,..........11" ~. ",",.. vG'.. ,dr.'. .--- ~. Work Descriptions for Glena s. Mo"is, P.E. _. . '----- "~f;"~' .:~r...,._..-' ..- v- 37000H Job Name Oak Forest, Par llOA. 11 OB, 708A &B. Date Hours Task Work Description .~.:. 91212003 5.0 Analysis, ccst estm. 91312003 1.5 R6Yisions Total Hours: 6.5 . _...".~.n.:"" . ,..l~___. .. . .' _!:.QtaIo. .........-...-..... - ., Monday, OckJber 11, 2004 Page loJ1 MaY.25. 2005 IO:40AM e .e No.5087P.5 Work Descriptions for John R. Russell '"' I 037000 i I ! ; Job Name Oak Forest I , I Dare Hours. Task Work Description I I I I 81312003 4.0 Create Base FIle from dgn FlIes , I 811312003 4.0 Overall Parent Tract ExhIbIt 8/1412003 4.0 Create Base PIai1 of ApartrrleOt SIte Plan 8/15flOO3 4.0 After Conditions P 110A B/1612003 4.0 After Conditions P 1108 . 811712003 6.0 Before Conditions P110A & P110B 8/1812003 4.0 Area of Take P 1100 811812003 4.0 Area of Take P 11M 811912003 3.0 Fmalize All Exhibils & Plot FuU Size Plots 813012003 3.5 Partial Cure Plan Parcel110A & 1108 Total HOllrs: 40.5 Monday, September DB, 2003 Pille 1 of 1 _ .. _ . _~ __ _..____'LO'___..__..... _."_..~~70 II "..811"'\.. nllDll"rlnN '-"I'n...RR\.n?..1. , MaY" 2 5. 2005 1 0 : 40AM e e Work Descriptions for John R. RusseU 037000 Job Name Oak Forest Date Hours Task Work Description 8/2412004 3.0 Review Roadway Cross SecllaIw Tot/llHours: 3.0 " ThUTStlll}, Septelllber 09, 2004 No,5087 p. 6 ",-~~:'~ " ;~]i~;i~~::.:::_;I:~:iL~ .i;'f~:<". .. (;;;:,{?:',.;:f' 0', ,..... e, ,,~;ii_;S,:,::",' ':.". /,:,," >:':-:":':';'<;?':'::'- -~~E:::1;#it:;';'" Pag,60f9 MaY.25. 2005 10:41AM e . .\ '~':~*:-'r~":' ,..~.,!-~\ ~.' ::d..... . ..6.~....:"t~........l!t,..' ........ lJIIldIJIfJqP'ti"...... .. ,)0' Work Descriptions for Amher Melendy .:..,~JJ~..' ."."'~ W""I .'.~""'-:" 37000H Job Nmne OldWntrGrdnRd, PIlO. OakForest Date Hours Task Work Desct'i '" 7122J2003 2.0 review and delver ROW maps end pIenI 8J22I2OO3 1.0 deliver exhIbIlI 91312003 1.0 deliver plana Total Hours: 4.0 I, r r -... .... ,', .....----_.. Friday, J(lIUlary 09, 2004 e p. 1 Pagt 1 0/1 _ _'L_'_"'- _L_ __.. .....__~.v...~..."I!!'I"'IIII..J1 . n"'I~.7"J7.. ~C!:ln' .. nlJDATION lrnrn-ss\:02.11 .. e5/~6/2005 02:89 727789_ SAMNIK e PAGE 02 SAMNIK & ASSOCIAT~S, LLC Expert T.... Consultants 1016 Michigan "Aven.ue Palm Harbor, Florida 34883 Phone: (727) 786-8128 Fax: (727) 789-1697 E-mail: joe.samn"ik@verizon.net Federall.D. #35-2236160 Invoice Number: ED .1354 Date: February 2, 2005 To: Ed Pantaleo" Shutts & Bowen PO Box 4956 Orlando, Florida 32802-4956 Reference: Oak Forest DATE DESCRIPTION HOURS HOURLY TOTAL RATE On-site inspection. Determine areas of take and TeE. Inventory each tree and landscape plant by name, amount, and 3-8eo-03 deoreciation. 6 $125.00 $ 750.00 On-site inspection. Determine areas of take and TeE. Inventory each tree and landscape plant by name. amount, and . 5-5eo-03 deoreciation. 4 $125.00 $ 500.00 8-Seo-03 Data validation and entry 4 $25.00 $ 100.00 Comparable pricing and research of fair market value of wholesale plants In 10-5eo-03 . aeoaraphicallocation of assianment 3.5 $125.00 $ 437.50 Comparable pricing and research of fair market value of wholesale plants in 11-5eo-03 loeographlcallocation of assianment 5 $125.00 $ 625.00 Determine appraised value of plants by calcualting fair market value of installation costs of wholesale plants, delivery costs, industry guarantees, establishment costs. 16-5eo-03 and caiculate depreciation values. 4 $125.00 $ 500.00 15-Mav-04 Calculate cost of cure 7 $125.00 $ 875.00 19-Mav-04 Data validation and report preparation 2.5 $125,00 $ 312.50 27 -Aug-04 Data validation and reoort oreoaration . 1.5 $125.00 $ 187.50 _ . __ AOAO ....... .. '1M>,^^^l "'./I'M I PIli ~""~,,_ P\""II"""'I...,,, U.l\m.~ A Y~CI:l\ll:1:l/4 ') t nNIC!.,),)70t I'C:!ln'7~77R01 GO? t nllDlTlnN Iml .. 05/?~!2005 '02:09 72778~7 SAM-lIK e PAGE 03 SAMNIK & ASSOCIATES. LLC Expert Tree Consllltants 1015 Michigan Avenu. Palm Harbor, Florida 34883 phone: (727) 786-8128 Fax: (727) 789-1697 E-mail: Joe..amnlk(h'erlzon.net Federall.D. #35-2236160 Invoice Number: ED -1354 Date: February 2, 2005 To; Ed Pantaleon Shutts & Bowen PO Box 4958 Orlando, Florida 32802-4956 Reference: Oak Forest DATE DESCRIPTION HOURS HOURLY TOTAL RATE Update on-site inspection. Determine areas of take and TeE. Inventory each tree and landscape plant by name, amount,and S 3.Nov-04 depreciation. 6' $125.00 750.00, Determine appraised value of plants by calcualting fair market valu~ of Installation costs of wholesale plants, delivery costs, industry guarantees, establishment costs, and calculate depreciation values. Determine appraised value of plants by calcualting fair market value of installation . costs of wholesale plants, delivery costs, industry guarantees, establishment costs, and calculate depreciation values. 4-Nov-04 Calculate cost of cure 8.5 $125.00 $ 1,062.50 5-Nov-04 Data validation and report preparation 3' $125.00 $ 375.00 TOTAL DUE: $ 6,475.00 PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW COMPANY NAME PAGE 3131 RCVD AT 512612005 3:07:54 PM ~astern Da~ight Timel t SVR:FAXSERVER/12 a DNIS:2279 t CSID:72778916971 DURATION (mrn-ss):01.54 e e THE SPIVEY GROUP, INC. REAL ESTATE ApPRAISERS · CONSlJLTANTS · REALTORS GLEN L. SPIVEY, MAl PRESIDENT ST. CERT. GEN. REA 4IOClO1_ February 7, 2005 Ed Pantaleon, Esquire Shutts & Bowen LLP 300 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1000 P. O. Box 4956 Orlando, Florida 32802-4956 Appraiser (Ted Hastings) 2.5 hours @ $175 per hour, or Appraiser (Robert Simmons) 105 hours @ $150 per hour, or TOTAL DUE THE SPIVEY GROUP, INC. Signed -~~ Glen Spivey, MAl, President State Certified General Appraiser #0001388 TED HASTINGS III, MAl, SRA VICE PMaIOENT ST. cain". GP. 1t...._1 $ 2,712.50 $ 437.50 ~15.750.00 118.900.QQ S:\Condemnation\292 (City of Ocoee Professional Parkway Oak Forest Apartments)\Administration\lnvoice-D2-D2-DS.doc EXHIBIT C 1700 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 100, ORLANDO, FL 32804 . (407) 423-1430 · FAX (407) 422-2237 WWW.SPIVEY-GROUP.COM e e APPRAtSER: . JOB NO.: GLEN SPIVEY 292 (O~FORESTAPTS.) . DATE WORK PERFORMED .. TIME 1/25/03 Inspection of subject. " ," 1.0 . ..... 3/31/03 Review of Ocoee appraisal and review of Jetter .~t;.i 2.0 Pantaleon. ",.,... . ";Wi... 1/06/04 Analysis of severance damage and setbacks. 2.0 , .' 3/09/04 Review and analysis of appraisals. Inspected subject;~nd 7.5 sales. ";J~):':,("\' 11/12/04 Preparation and attend meeting with Ed Pantaleort;:~nd 3.0 owner to discuss valuation issues and decisiclt'of settlement. Conference call with Bob Simmons and' Ed Pantaleon to discuss valuation and settlement issues.' . TOTAL 15.5 TOTAL TIME:: '15.5 HOURLY RATE: $175.00 TOTAL CHARGE: $2,712.50 e - _'_;.jc"' APPRAiSER: JOB NO.: TIME 2.0 3.0 DATE WORK PERFORMED 3/27/03 Reviewed condemning authority report. 3/28/03 Pulled tax maps - Prepared notes on condemning a sales, reviewed proximity study. 3/31/03 - Prepared correspondence letter. Analysis of s property. 1.0 4/15/03 Reviewed correspondence letter for apartment campi .5 filed. 1/05/04 Conducted a sales search. Meeting with Glen. 1.5 survey. 1/08/04 Inspected DeRango's severance samples. 3.0 1/12/04 Inspected severance study samples/measured. 3.5 1/15/04 Severance study research, verifications, meetings with . 2.0 property managers, and conclusions. 1/19/04 Researched apartments on heavily traveled roads. 1.5 1/20/04 Review of severance study samples and additional samples. 5.0 Re-inspected subject property and neighborhood for area and neighborhood data and other similar properties. Began review appraisal. 1/21/04 Prepared severance study grid with samples and 4.0 conclusions. Inspected samples on Howell Branch, Conway Rd. and Dixie Bell. 1/22/04 Inspected and verified apartments with on-site managers. 2.0 1/23/04 Re-inspected subject with Richardi to count items in the 5.5 taking and temporary easement. E-mailed to Ed Panteleon. Preparation of draft review appraisal (letter). 1/24/04 Review and analysis of Richardi RCN bids and cost to cure 3.5 bids. Review and analysis of first draft of review appraisal. 1/26/04 Modification of Richardi bids to include items that are not in 5.5 the take. Final notes/grids for severance study conclusions. - e APPRAISER: JOB NO.: ROBERT SIMMONS 292 (OAK FOREST APTS.) Reviewed severance study with Glen. Re-verified 6.0 1/27/04 DeRango's samples with leasing managers. Also reviewed new samples. Calls to David Shontz. 1/28/04 Preparation and analysis of review letter. Analysis of 5.5 severance study. 1/29/04 Preparation of exhibits. 2.0 1/30/04 Proofed review letter. Made minor revisions. Re-submitted 2.0 to typing. 2/02/04 Final proofing to submit for review. 2.5 2/27/04 Preparation of exhibits and review. 2.0 3/31/04 Conference call with David Shontz, Joe Samnick, and 1.5 engineer. 4/09/04 Review and analysis of additional sales. Researched tax 5.0 maps, deeds, plats, and inspected new sales. 4/12/04 Sales research and preparation of exhibits. 1.5 4/13/04 Sales research and analysis. 3.5 4/19/04 Preparation of new sale exhibits. 2.0 4/22/04 Inspection of subject to verify survey improvements. 1.5 4/27/04 Oak Forest review/preparation of sales. 2.0 5/13/04 Oak Forest conference call with Ed Pantaleon and David 1.5 Shontz. 5/14/04 Preparation of new exhibits and sales. Spoke with Richardi 3.5 and Samnick concerning bids. 5/18/04 Conference call with Ed Pantaleon and surveyor. 2.0 5/19/04 Preparation of sale exhibits 1.0 e e APPRAISER: JOB NO.: ROBERT 292 (OAK FO 5/24/04 Prepared letter appraisal with new sales. 2.0 5/26/04 Preparation of final letter appraisal. 1.5 5/27/04 Preparation of final appraisal letter. 3.0 6/02/04 Proofing of appraisal report 2.5 6/03104 Final review of letter appraisal with Ted. (3-tier revie ~ 2.5 6/04/04 Final review of appraisal and exhibits. Delivered cop 2.0 letter 'appraisal to Shutts and Bowen. 11/12/04 Meeting at the property owner's office to discu 3.0 appraisal with Mr. Ed Pantaleon. Reviewed multifamily e-mailed from Mr. John Flynn of LeCesse Develo.. Corp. Researched tax records on these sales to anal- comparability in comparison to the sales util~d. Conference call with Glen Spivey to Mr. Ed pantalecijjto discuss our review of these sales. '4,. TOTAL 105.0 TOTAL TIME: 105.0 HOURLY RATE: $150.00 TOTAL CHARGE: $15,750 e . APPRAISER: JOB NO.: TED HASTIN 292 (OAK F 2.5 2.5 6/03/04 Review of letter appraisal. TOTAL HOURL Y II , , , , ! ! (i"en- -Ql(l) (I) 3 X -g.::J"i 0~;:1 ::J. .... (11 G) CD o _CD o (I)!!. ::J::J... ;'cnm. ., "0 CD . (I) -'''0 ::J<:::r o CD.O (I) '< ::J ~CiCD s:.~ 8 "::J S:::9:;- . ::J ., -<fOCD en~~ 0"0 (I) ~!~ ., .... CD;,:::r fO(1IO Ql 01 a::J::J _.(11 ::J fO s::: <0 a 0 t/l ii'~ ....- 30' !!' (1I::Jc.... .' 0 CD m >< J: - CD =i c I\) ..... 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