Chairman McKey called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City
Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Vice -Chair Laney led the invocation and Chairman
McKey led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the roll was called and a quorum was declared.
PRESENT: Member Ball, Member Yost, Vice -Chair Laney, Member Zielinski, Chairman
McKey, and Member Titus. Also present were Staff- Liaison Sgt. Nylander and Recording Clerk
ABSENT: Member Santana (excused), Member Alcuri (excused), Member Clark (excused), and
Member Mullan (excused).
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander requests the board members to state their name before they speak
since there are now ten members and it is hard for the recording clerk to recognize the voices.
Approval of Minutes from the April 24, 2014 Meeting
Vice -Chair Laney made a motion to approve the minutes trom April 24, 2014, seconded by
Member Ball. Motion passed unanimously-
Staff-Liaison Sgt. Nylander states this will be his last meeting since he will be transferred as a
Sergeant for the Criminal Investigations Division. Chairman McKey expresses the board's
appreciation for his service as a liaison. Discussions ensued. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander
continues by saying Sgt. Mireya Iannuzzi will take over and Sgt. Mireya Iannuzzi states she is
currently a Patrol Sergeant; Chairman McKey and Vice -Chair Laney welcome Sgt. Iannuzzi
to the C.A.C.O.P.D. and ask her if she wants to provide the board with information on her
previous experience. Sgt. Iannuzzi continues by saying she has been with the Police Department
for ten years, has been a Patrol Sergeant for about five years, and before that, she was a detective
for a couple of years; she is excited to come on board with Support Services. Discussions
Update on Security Cameras
Lt. Michael Bryant informs the board the security cameras are up and running; he personally
climbed to the roof of Health Central and placed the dish, personnel from the company climbed
the 911 Tower to install another dish fifteen stories up, and the model cameras are already
installed in the gas pumps at Public Works. Lt. Bryant continues by saying he can now go to
local businesses and use this setup as a demonstration on the cameras, how it can be used from a
patrol car and what areas can actually be seen or not. A direct line of sight is not required but
Health Central or the 911 Tower must be seen; he also set up a dedicated wireless internet for the
cameras. If you have a business in Colonial Drive and from your roof you can see Health
Central, you can buy a camera from this company and it will connect back to the Police
Department; any officer can pull up the footage from the patrol car at any moment. This can
help in the event of burglaries and alarms because the footage can be viewed in real time. He
continues by saying these cameras can also be used by homeowners associations; cameras can be
CACOPD Meeting
July 24, 2014
installed at the entrance of the subdivisions to help solve burglaries as he continues to tell the
board members about a burglary in Rose Hill and how the cameras helped identify the truck
involved in the burglary. These cameras provide a quicker trail and a quicker response. If other
cameras are purchased from this company and are able to see Health Central or the 911 Tower,
they can be connected to the network. This doesn't mean there will be a person monitoring the
footage but if an alarm goes off, the information would be more readily available. Member
Yost asks Lt. Bryant what is the best way to convince a person in his homeowners association
that these cameras are beneficial and are not intruding into people's lives. Discussions ensued.
Lt. Bryant states his thoughts are if you are not doing anything wrong, it doesn't matter if a
picture of you is taken. Member Zielinski agrees. Lt. Bryant continues by saying this is one of
the reasons he encountered opposition from the City at first; at one point the Police Department
asked the West Oaks Mall to put up cameras but the Mall fought the idea because the Police
Department would use the cameras to solve crimes and the Mall representatives did not want to
show the public the Mall as unsafe. He continues by saying Disney World uses cameras too.
Discussions ensued. Lt. Bryant continues by saying in order for the homeowners associations to
be able to install cameras, a majority vote is needed. Member Yost asked Lt. Bryant if he could
come to his homeowners association meeting to explain how these cameras work and Lt. Bryant
agreed. Discussions ensued on how adding cameras in the Community Redevelopment Area will
show the public cameras are a useful tool; however, the City cannot force business owners to
purchase cameras. Commissioner Keller would like to have cameras in the parks and knows
there are a big number of homeowners associations that would like to have them as well.
Hackney Prairie Park would be a good place to start; Chairman McKey agrees cameras in the
parks are needed and Lt. Bryant continues by saying with positive feedback from the areas that
have working cameras, he expects to be able to convince people this is a good idea. Discussions
ensued. Member Zielinski asks what the cost is per camera and Lt. Bryant replies it is $2500.
Member Zielinski states the ones at Cross Creek were $10,000 plus the monitoring fee as
opposed to the Police Department doing it for free. Lt. Bryant continues by saying it is
important to remember that there will not be monitoring but rather recording that will be kept for
30 days according to the Sunshine Laws. This also creates opposition from the public because
everything recorded would be public record. Discussions ensued on this issue. Member
Zielinski asks how many cameras are necessary at a subdivision's entrance and Lt. Bryant
replies the company's website is www.wildfireconnections.com where a video with the different
cameras and uses can be viewed; there are cameras that can take still pictures and zoom in from a
great distance for face recognition, there is another one that takes pictures of license plates and
vehicles but only in one direction, and there is another one triggered by motion; the best source
of information is the website. Discussions ensued on uses of the cameras and how they can help.
Lt. Bryant makes sure the board members are aware that before purchasing any cameras a line
of sight to Health Central has to be available to be able to communicate with the Police
Department; Wildfire Connections can help with that and can also determine if any existing
cameras can be added to the network. Chairman McKey adds that in his subdivision only the
board members have access codes to the footage and only the Police Department views the
videos to help with the privacy issue. Discussions ensued on privacy. Member Yost asks Lt.
Bryant about the squatters and Lt. Bryant explains there is a City Ordinance in place by which
any house in foreclosure, or with late payments, or that is empty, or is in between renters, the
property has to be registered with the City of Ocoee. When the property is registered, the
owner's emergency contact information is required to be able to verify any occupant in the
property. This program has made $100,000 for the City and has dramatically reduced squatters.
Member Yost asks is there is a fine to which Lt. Bryant replies there is a fine for those who do
CACOPD Meeting
July 24, 2014
not register the vacant properties. Member Yost further asks what the ordinance number is and
Lt. Bryant replies the best way to look it up is to go to Municode and search under abandoned
property. Member Yost also asks is there is a fee to register and Lt. Bryant replies there is a
$200 fee to register and a fine if you do not register a vacant property. Discussions ensued on
the vacant property ordinance and how to register. Vice -Chair Laney asks Lt. Bryant if the big
cross located on Good Homes Road is going to be used for the cameras and Lt. Bryant replied it
cannot be used because it has radio antennas that interfere with the cameras and also, Health
Central took care of that need. Chairman McKey asks Lt. Bryant for his extension number for
any questions anyone may have regarding the cameras and Lt. Bryant replied it is 3038.
Discussions ensued. Vice -Chair Laney asks if the iShopOcoee.com people are aware of this
project so they can discuss it with business owners and he replies he is unaware. Member Yost
asks if the owners of the West Oaks Mall are willing to participate in this project and Lt. Bryant
replies they are but there are many details that need to be worked out due to video availability.
Lt. Bryant provides his contact information for anyone with questions regarding the cameras
and also provides the information for Wildfire Connections, www.wildfiresconnections.com, that
can answer all the questions related to the cameras. Lt. Bryant also asks the board members for
any homeowners' association contact information for the Police Department to be sent to Sgt.
Iannuzzi. Discussions ensued. Chairman McKey thanks Lt. Bryant for the information.
BudIlet Update
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander reminds the board members to speak into the microphone.
Chairman McKey states the C.A.C.O.P.D. had an initial balance of $1000; gift cards were
purchased in the amount of $225 in March, also gift cards in the amount of $150 were purchased
in March; the balance was $625. Then, four shirts in the amount of $159.12 were purchased,
which leaves a balance of $465.88. Chairman McKey asks if there are any pending expenses;
Vice -Chair Laney says the National Association of Chiefs of Police will be in town where in a
previous year she was able to get PC Cruiser. She is planning to go this year as well to see what
other products the C.A.C.O.P.D. can use. Chairman McKey asks if the money can be used to
purchase shirts for the new board members to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies those
have already been purchased; Chairman McKey states he would like the money used towards
the purchase of an electronic fingerprinting machine. Discussions ensued on the fingerprinting
of children at different events. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander states the Police Department does
fingerprinting all the time but is currently done manually with ink and paper and Chairman
McKey adds fingerprinting is done at Spring Fling, Founders Day, and Fiesta de Colores. He
continues by saying if any of the board members have any ideas on items that can be purchased
for use by the C.A.C.O.P.D., please email Madeleine with the information. Discussions ensued.
Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander tells the board members the S.A.F.E class will either be held on
August 25` from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. or on September 8 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and will
be held at the Police Department. Lt. Bryant interjects by saying the West Oaks Mall is
providing the Police Department and the Fire Department with a Community Room and the plan
is to hold CPR classes in the front part of the room where it's visible to the public to create good
publicity as well as to show presence at the Mall. Member Yost says the Oviedo Mall has
something like that and it is fantastic. Discussions ensued. Vice -Chair Laney tells the board
members she has arranged for the Sixth Annual Orlando Children's Expo to take place at the
West Oaks Mall on November I" and 2" d and requested Sgt. lannuzzi's support for this event.
Lt. Bryant replies Sgt. lannuzzi will make sure the Fire Department has puppet shows on both
CACOPD Meeting
July 24, 2014
days; he also continues by saying they will be bringing the S.A.F.E classes and Concealed
Weapons Classes to this room to change the perception the public has of the Mall. Vice -Chair
Laney agrees and adds she would like to have helmet fittings for kids; the Expo will provide the
helmets but needs certified people for the fittings. Lt. Bryant replies this will be a great
opportunity for the Police Department to be present at the Mall and Vice -Chair Laney asks if
the person organizing the Sixth Annual Orlando Children's Expo may contact the Police
Department to coordinate and Lt. Bryant replies the best person to contact is Sgt. Iannuzzi.
Discussions ensued. Sgt. Iannuzzi adds the Police Department can also check car seat
installation. Discussions ensued on the positive outcome of this Expo coming to the Mall and
the location of the Community Room at the Mall. Lt. Bryant adds the use of the room will
hopefully begin on September l"
Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
Chairman McKey tells the new board members this is a program ran by the Ninth Judicial
District Court to help kids who have made wrong choices make better choices; the program is
always in need of volunteers and meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month.
Anti- Bullyinlz Campail4n
Vice -Chair Laney tells the board that some vendors at the Children's Expo will have materials
concerning anti - bullying, such as the ones provided by the Holocaust Memorial Center; also,
Microsoft® also provided anti cyberbullying materials she has ready to distribute. Member
Yost asks for more information to in include in a newsletter and Vice -Chair Laney says she will
be sending an email to all the board members with the information. She continues by saying
there will be a lot of vendors and giveaways plus, a stamped ticket will provide the guest with a
free movie ticket and a free ride on the carrousel.
Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
Vice -Chair Laney explains the Neighborhood Safety Summit may take place at the Mall; it is
just a matter of getting the summit together. She already has contacted a lawyer who can explain
legislature, also, the camera vendor and any other vendors that would be useful to Ocoee
neighborhoods can be invited. A date needs to be picked to hold it.
Update on Community Picnic
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informs the board members the Community Picnic will take place
on October 0' at Vignetti Park from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Chairman McKey invited the
board members to volunteer for the event, even if for a short time and Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander adds this event is organized by the Police Department, including cooking the food,
setting up, and breaking down so any help is appreciated. Vice -Chair Laney asks if there are
going to be any door prizes and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies yes. He also adds The
Home Depot® will be at the event again because they were a big success last year and Ofc.
Patera Scott is already working on contacting all the vendors for the event.
Volunteer Prol4ram
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander explains there is nothing new but there are always volunteers and a
lot of people interested in volunteering; the volunteers are currently helping at the Police
Department. Chairman McKey asks if the Citizen's Police Academy graduates are
volunteering to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies some of them are; one volunteer
helps dismiss the buses at the middle school.
CACOPD Meeting
July 24, 2014
Founders' Day
Chairman McKey states the CACOPD always helps for Founders' Day and Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander adds the Police Department holds the Poker Run, usually the Saturday before
Founders' Day. This year Founders' Day will take place on November 7 and 8 so the Poker
Run will probably be on November 1 Member Yost states he has always been a vendor at
Founders' Day and he offers free food for any Fire Department, Police Department and Military
personnel in uniform. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander adds the Police Department had a fund-
raiser last year with one of the Sergeants who calls himself Sergeant Bacon and the plan is to
have him back. Discussions ensued. Chairman McKey asks Staff- Liaison Sgt. Nylander to
have C.A.C.O.P.D. literature and pamphlets ready to distribute to which Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander replies there are plenty; Chairman McKey asks if there are any C.A.C.O.P.D. pens
left to give out and Staff- Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies those would have to be purchased; he
will ask Ofe. Scott to request a quote to purchase them. Member Yost asked about the Ocoee
Police Department magnets because he gives them out all the time. Discussions ensued.
Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. Video
Vice -Chair Laney states that during the last meeting, one of the new lady board members said
she knew someone who could help with the video and asked Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander if he
had heard from them; Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied he had not and continued by saying
he recently viewed a video from Clermont Police Department which he forwarded to Sgt.
lannuzzi and Ofc. Scott to look into. Vice -Chair Laney says she can approach Full Sail
University students who were part of Week of the Family last year and will now participate in
the Children's Expo and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander asks her to have them contact the Police
Department. Discussions ensued.
Quarterly Award for Officer
Chairman McKey says there are three nominations.
Vice -Chair Laney made a inotion to select the Officer in Nomination 41 tbr Officer of the Second
Quarter 2014 Award, seconded by Member Zielinski.
Vice -Chair Laney says she likes the officer in Nomination 91 because he really went out of his
way, made several phone calls and did not give up. Chairman McKey says he likes the officer
in Nomination #3 because he went above and beyond; he also likes the officer in Nomination 42
because he left a very good impression on a four year -old child. Discussions on the nominations
A vote was called and the motion made by Vice -Chair Laney to select the Officer in Nomination
41 fbr Officer of' the Second Quarter 201= Award, seconded by Member Zielinski Passed
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander revealed the name of the officer in Nomination 41 as Officer Bruce
Riggins. The other two officers are Ofe. Matthew Serrao in Nomination 43 with the burglaries,
and Cpl. Jason Price, newly promoted to Corporal, in Nomination 42 with the 4 year -old boy.
He continues by saying that Cpl. Bryan Pace was also promoted to Sergeant.
CACOPD Meeting
July 24, 2014
Activity Report
Chairman McKey asks Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander for any update on the car burglaries at the
Hammocks but replies he does not know but says the Officers and doing a lot of police work and
have made a lot of arrests. Also, there has been a homicide in the City and it appears it was not
random; hopefully it will be resolved and it is still under investigation by the JHIT, the Joint
Homicide Investigation Team. Discussions ensued. Chairman McKey believes the City is
doing good overall and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander agrees.
Set Next Agenda
A. Budget Update
C. Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
D. Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
E. Anti - Bullying Campaign /Children's Expo
F. Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
G. Update on Community Picnic
H. Volunteer Program
I. Poker Run
J. Founders' Day
K. Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. video
L. Quarterly Award for Officer
M. Activity Report
N. Set Next Agenda
Chairman McKey asks Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander about the accreditation process to which
he replies it is a long process; Sgt. Conyers is in charge and is getting help from retired Deputy
Chief Goclon who volunteers as a Reserve Officer. Discussions ensued. Vice -Chair Laney
asks who is working the red -light cameras to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replies the
Traffic Division. Member Ball asks what the Standard Operating Procedure is on giving rides
to civilians and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander explains this is a courtesy ride, the officer has to
call it out on the radio, and the person is patted down for weapons. He continues by saying the
courtesy rides are just occasional and within the City of Ocoee. Member Titus encourages
board members to participate in the Joint Citizens Police and Fire Academy. Discussions
Chairman McKey made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Yost.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Madeleine arza, Recording Clerk
Rob - McKey,- Chairrn-an