HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #09 Resolution Approving Redevelopment Plan AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: May 16, 2006 Item # q Reviewed By: Contact Name: Jamie Croteau Department Director: ~"lnk_ __ Contact Number: 407-905-3117 City Manager: __~~ =--_ Subject: Public Hearing on the Resolution Approving A Community Redevelopment Plan and Directing Staff to Implement the Plan. Background Summary: On September 21, 2004 the City Council adopted a resolution finding a certain defined area of the City of Ocoee had conditions of "blight" as that term is defined in the Community Redevelopment Act. The Redevelopment Act states that in a county that has adopted a home rule charter all redevelopment powers are vested in the county. A municipality located within such a county may exercise redevelopment powers under the Act only if the governing body of the county has delegated those powers to the governing body of the city. 9163.400, Florida Statutes. Orange County had adopted a home rule charter. On March 21, 2006 the Orange County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved the CRA Resolution, and an lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Ocoee delegating authority for creating and managing a community redevelopment agency to the City. The City officially created the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) on April 18, 2006. The next step in the CRA process is to adopt a Redevelopment Plan and to direct staff to implement that Plan. On April 25, 2006 the CRA held their first official meeting. At that meeting the CRA reviewed the proposed Redevelopment Plan and directed staff to send the proposed Redevelopment Plan to the local planning agency to be reviewed for consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City's Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the Plan on May 9, 2006 and found it to be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The staff report is attached. The CRA Board is meeting at 6 p.m. on May 16, 2006 to finalize plan approval. The final step in the Plan approval is for the Orange County Board of County Commissioners to approve the plan. It is anticipated that they will take formal action on May 23, 2006. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt the Resolution approving a Community Redevelopment Plan and directing staff to implement the Plan? Recommendations $taff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners adopt the Resolution approving A Community Redevelopment Plan and direct staff to implement the Plan. Attachments: The City of Ocoee Community Redevelopment Plan. Staff Report from the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Financial Impact: Unknown Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution -L Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's OeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 2 Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published "f6. Orlando Sentinel --I- ~ SATURDAY, MAY 6,2006 Advertisement I ~ LegalN( I. CITY OF OCOEE PUBUC NOTICE ~ Pursuant to Section 163.346, Florida Statutes (2005), the ~t Citv Commission of the Citv of Ocoee, as the governing to bodv of the Citv of Ocoee, Florida, does herebv give pUblic xn . notice of its intention to adopt a resolution in accordance ~ . with Section 163.360, Florida Statutes (2005l, adopting a re- at development plan for thecommunitv redevelopment. area m in the Ci!vfound:bv areSl}lutiooadopte<l bvlheClty:Com- Ol mission on september 21, 2004. The title of the proposed res- fs oMioois: A RESOLUTlONOF THE CITY OF OCOEE, "" FLORIDA RELA TlNtt,TOCOMMUNllY REDEVELOp. or MENT; MAKINGFINDINGSi ADOPTING A COMMUNI- th TV REDEVELOPMEt-!TPLANFOR THE COMMUNITY CI REDEVELOPMENT AREA,.PROVIDIN(rA~. EF.FEC- w TlVE DATE. The areamoperatlonof the Agencvls10cated 10 in that pOrt .of tl1eCity containing approximatelv 1070 acres as more partlcularlv Ulustrated on the map below. Thegen- D eral. scope of the - propose<! community redevelapment plan ~ is: Infrastructure and slte'improvements,privafeand pub- ~, lic partnerships,and'Ian4acl\uisl!ions.The CilYCommis- sian will consider adQllffrtgtlieitesoliJIion at a public meet- CI ing to be held on Mav 16, 2006, after a public hearing pI beginning at 7:15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, at :\ Ocoee Citv Hall, 156 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FloridaGI 34761. To obtain a cOPV of the resolution and the proposed pi communitv redevelopment plan contact: City Clerk,Ocoee 01 Citv Hall, 156 N. Lakeshare Drive, Ocaee, FL 34761. Inter- 51 ested parties mav appear at the meeting and be heard with ~ respect to the proposed resolution and plan. d p II' 51 41 V , Beth Eikenberrv, CMC Citv Clerk COR6759284 MAY 6,2006 NonCE 0 ... .....