HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #21 Approval of Ocoee Crown Point PUD Sale of Residential Tracts'`
Meeting Date: November 4, 2014
Item #
Reviewed By:
Contact Name: Craig Shadri� Gw,�. Department Director:
Contact Number: City Manager:
Subject: Ocoee Crown Point PUD Sale of Residential Tracts
Commission District #1 — John Groaan
Background Summary:
The acquisition of the Crown Point PUD property from the Coca -Cola Company, was completed with the
expectation that the sale of various parcels to private developers would be the easiest method to realize
recoupment of the costs and minimize financial impacts to the City. These future development parcels included
residential land near Lake Apopka, an Urban Village Center across the street from the High School, two
additional commercial parcels at the intersection of Ocoee - Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road as well as a
waterfront village area including a small marina on Lake Apopka. In furtherance of this goal, the City has sought
potential buyers through several different methods. Previously, the City used conventional request for proposal
(RFP) and request for qualification (RFQ) processes, which resulted in too much time being spent on process
resulting in slow response times to market shifts which ultimately resulted in the City losing potential deals.
Most recently, the City could not come to terms with Taylor Morrison Homes and ultimately rejected their
proposal for purchase. Unfortunately, the market had already slowed and the product that could be developed
based on their original offer did not meet the expectations of the City Commission.
Staff was directed by the City Commission to reassess and propose a method of selection that could be more
responsive and expeditious. The City utilized the services of Trammell Webb to create a more informal process
that followed State Law and the City's Charter. Trammell Webb contacted builders and identified the design
criteria as similar to those in the Horizon's West development in Orange County (minimum 50% with offset
garage, front porch, etc.) and asked for offer letters that could then be taken to the City Commission. Staff
recommended the top two offers, provided by Mattamy Homes and Pulte Homes for consideration of the City
Commission. Through Trammell Webb, both companies have been asked to be prepared to present their best
and final offers to the City Commission for consideration and selection.
Should the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners select Pulte Homes or Mattamy Homes as the
preferred builder for the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Property and direct City Staff to negotiate a contract
with such builder for subsequent approval by the City Commission?
Staff has recommended both companies to the City Commission for decision.
Submittals received to date by Pulte Homes and Mattamy Homes
Financial Impact:
Type of Item: (please mark with an `k')
Public Hearing
Ordinance First Reading
Ordinance Second Reading
X Commission Approval
X Discussion & Direction
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by ()
For Clerk's Dept Use:
Consent Agenda
Public Hearing
Regular Agenda
S. Scott Vandergrift
City Manager
Robert Frank
John Grogan, District 1
Rosemary Wilsen, District 2
Rusty Johnson, District 3
Joel F. Keller, District 4
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
City of Ocoee • 150 North Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761
phone: (407) 905 -3100 • fax: (407) 905 -3167 • www.ocoee.org
\tr. Roh hank
(��tv A1.ula��el
( )e))ce (Its I lall
I;II\ _ Lake,huir
16: ( )c))(. ( t'Uvili I 1 t) Ills l(' k'allllly l)e vcit , t ) IIIcnl
Dt:m A'tr. Frank:
\1att.I111v II))rnc, It3(n_cr) v„111,1 like t)+ prc.cnl )nIr 1101 -Mill ))ttrr ,'n Ilse ;)arcel
�vvnu(i h, the (•itv ))t Oc,)ec i`;cllcrf III Ococc. I loll&t. I tin)f tiu will
Leiter of IIIIcII vv IIcII .cry u. a, ) III r Con IIal ))fifer II ,i;,IIcd aII(I a iced t„_ I)(iII h;lv c
i)um cl (tract a e,)IItraet Ik)r v III lr rev ieu vv itlnn the ncri Icvv )lave flies arc the fei nt, t) �
Ier tIpIII
• I) evCIopI11cni::AI)I)rovillillcly W) acr., of the t )c))cc t nnvn Point 1 1) 11l Ov,��i
I lori(la located immc(liatcly vve,t OfOcuee lii,th `;rh()(d I c:Ir I ullrrI ( Ft"' RII
,Inca OCUCe- .ApopLI Rd t he I)arccl I, more forn1,111v idcrnhlic(I by the t),lOnv ill
T ract rctcrencc. ))n the ( c) t r,)vcn Point :A111cn)1c,i 1 1) Land t tic P1,111
I'relimurlry Suh(liv i>iun I l:u): _. __:A. -
"I)n)I)crt\ I lhe.e 'Iract, inclu(le file rc(I(Inc)I ul)IIII)d h11ffer,. hull e\cltIdC
ti rtl :uul�. \\ lueh arc ,\Meet IO :I c))n,cr\ atu)n caticnlcnt.
• O1)tiytt_ I'urecl V�tattann vv))111(1 1)rn } tt, })ureha,e th(: I)arcc) �ur;cntl�
)1c,IL"ImIc(I for the cicntentary ,drool t l raet 4 11er the (koce ( mvvn 1 1 I)
\1a;ter flan 1 at a ,)rice per u,cahlr acre WO) the 1 "I
I)r))I)O.c(i hcl( 1111. ImTcCl vWLIl(1 he I(Icntllie(I a. 1 III It)' (1))1,111.1 I)url)))Ic•
,111)1 vvoLII(I he ineltIdOl u) the rC(IMS tc 1 I) :Inlen(1nl��nt .uulcihate)I ti)i the
I el01)nlcn1
• scllcr ( I1v ot)c),c(
• l l)t, Intcll(tc(I f ,c. (tc,l llatc(1 a, _.I1( I) ill t)t,)('l'. I ltn1)ta \A Itll
�unut�(le,iLnatu)n I)1 1.t <Ih Rc,iticnlial allownL i,)r a clan ,)f;ll) t,)
(Iv% unit.' I)eI aCre. 13uvcr veil! rcytllrc a minllnunl �icnaty ) ;tI(i unit, t�) i)e
aeliie\ eti )ut the 'Itc.
• 1lureh Prlcc. Ourcha,r I'ner ,half he I)al(l In ca,h at the C Icd
check made I)avahlc to file ('I( „iliv :Agent
1')rn) ,UII)AI1( 11 ')�wrIilvII ,uu :u r!rta_ t 1 ;'tiff!
Fief') , , "', 1 1.4! 1 11111 ik -c! )))an zr , , 1111
e amyf+omEs
( )prl„n I %1ntullm I ltnnc „hall pav it ( lu,int .i purcha,c p! Ice 'd `,e`<
MIII it, n Fite IIunc{rctl IIlou"ancl i)t,llaI, l”, ?- �tff1_Oflli +illi for the p:IIccl
I nticr t111, t,ptItm. Mal ImII\ c,uuld <lC%Ch11) a a1etl eunununit, tcalurul
front loaded product in 1ni\turc of �h t,tl' and ,li. lo1,. i)e� stilmimti�.
, ,could he anllcapated 10 111clultr the 10110vc 11W,
• I runt I'ulcll:
• 1 aril hlunc „ttcretl �� III iurlullr an cicc athtnl ;% Ilh ,I In n;
porch elcl'llnn lot Ihr 1oll"11lllcl to ,cicct
• At Ica,t -3U of 110111c, l�ealure ,f linnl pooch at
-III p(wchc, nfua hr a nnnlnlunl t,t h Iee1 llerl
■ I roill I Ic%atw1l,
• \1 mole 111:111 of flit in,lll til4atic ,hall hC 1,I1�eF, Ualt
of > ar il!c t ool"
• I uu,hed 1�11)u]�i atl„n.
• �Su,t he I aht„c file,iklcv,:ilk of tvvt u}� mnunfulll
• (Iarat!c'� tihall he I,)CatcU ;f 111111111111111 hChIlld lilt
plllllill hUllilill ciltt "v UI11C�� .t i� a ,i<te t:ntf'� 1 1',riif'f \;Ircl
��arat:r ,� ith ��, uuln�t � focal:: titrcet.
• Thu (runt porch .hall not rlulnt in file nlc,l,ulcnlrnl „I 111r
I he ( if% 1111\ alltl�� r\ecplicln, too fir �_;1 r;lLC t,laceniclll a -
lun�� aN the porch I, >11ccl nt,hr,�hrl;stcl anti i, inctuticti in .,
.vahic toot.
( )pilltll - %Iltthllll% Iiolile� shall paA :I ptll "riM!1C prlCC
Milh„n ti, Ncn l luncirctl and I'll h I llouwantl Dollar t` ;_ ;tt_ttlltl Un> Ii,1
life parcel I litter thi, option. Vattalm \,t lleleiup ;t collnnlnlih
cic,l nets unticr the Luix ut I ratlitit,nal \ciLllhol - huuti Ik n t CLO1 nn,1
ne„rt,,,r;ttint tic,li-n ,taodnr(k tich
(Ze,ltluncu� tctth narn,c, Ilurll •ctlmcks. li,nit pl,rcltes. anti llciarllel?
rear ��ar.11',c t allc�- it parkin
\ri�w,rk ot ,,rcct, anal path, ,ullahlc li,r prcicarfan�, hlr�rG <- an,i
• A;IrlmNc" Oh .11111 i11Ih'I ir'Wit.
ral1111171' II1Ca,llre
• In -kale ttev cltlpnlent that tits file iot:,ll �unirtt
• BLIlIkliilu I,rlentetl t., the strccl "llh hchlnll
I' nal,unulnl (��,tri IiI:1L.�uui gnu (OxI " 11 '
11111 Ik Ilk rnrnr,+ hr1Inr-, 1 0111
• 1)cveiohnlcnt = AIIICIIII) 11aU'n1c %vould propo >c to v%ork coll:lhoralncic vc1th the
(`itv to devcioh,t �harcd cotnnnnuty unlentty 011 the lakefront i)al owned h" the
anti current)v dcsl�illatcd a, I Tact I In the ('1)v111 Pout! P1 1) \la,tct flan
Mattaim uouid c lilt l 1 tvo Ilundre(I hl'!e i hou,and ihll{at, iti'�(1. +ittn_(1t
It) the imicilit\ to IIC t)cV "neii 111d oper'te(I h\� tilt• ( It\ t)I (lift (' I[) h((llctit tilt.
of (itv Scllcr +could WI alcrtc thal all ilecrtation Imhait
hi• l�,u(i in con(unctlon v%tilt the i)ec C I. hntc11l %kOttlti F,e (IIICoed 10 file
con,Uuc11on hlld'el ti)I tilr �lrucd antcnit\
• I)CpwIt- \1,111;1111v liuulc, ,hall dchvtr a11 iiltital cICpo,I1 to I ,crov% A cnt ul the
amount On or hCIoIC �, dav, flon1 the cllcc•tnc date (11 111c• \Prccnlcnt
\n additional ,�tut,tu)U dcl,o,it 11,111 he dcho \t, till lilt• I �crovc :A::cnt nt) later
than �,, da%, al let the cvhuatnnl of the in,hecUon 1)(r;Od \11 1)clu),it, tall N
crc(htc( I to the I'LlICII c PrICC at the II111C of f final )11-.
• 1wpection I'crlotl Withal Ill (tell) day. iron) the I llcctltc i)atc. ticllcr .11.111
dchvcr to Mattalm )fiord%,, whit. of ,111 titic report. anti poli(I% ,urvc�,,.
CM nunnlcntai report c11r111ccrtn rcporl anti p1m) . ,pcclticatton,
report,_ ,ttuite, anti other )tent, related to the Property ul tither', of
c;tnfrUl. Ili the C \CI11 that lt)r all\ iea,tln. 111 tt, ,,oIC dl,CI Clloll. IitlACl t10tJ111111i'�
that the Property a not :unable fur it, 111tet1dCd I ,C, Buyer 111.1.\. by vv FIUcn 1u)ut (
io 1111 'Seller ccttlutl ,i\tv (()t)) dav alter the I ttcctivc Date i111e In,lltctlon
Period), tcrnull ite thi, u�Urcc11Ient anti he cllildcd to a tull rchlild of 111c 111111,11
• �cllc'I� to,t� (L Kc,jl1)n >ih
a. I ot \\ arranty Wed and ( Io"Im, lwdltilltcnt
h. ihuumcntary titami„ on \V,Irr,uliv Ihrd
wileC, lclt.11 tcc•
(I. Impact ilec•s f 1f;Im I hcid or tided it �cllrr
c. Blokcrauc tee, a► _� io (iu„clin ('ununcrcr.11
• )111 \11', ('opt, & kc,
record \ \arranh lhcti
h. C O,t of ( W net tide hOhcv
13uvCr lCu'll ices
11. IiuvCI 0)11,ult.utt tcc'
• (lu,n1 : \iattalm Home, of lu shall the par"cl, 111 U pll,r -etl
takcdovv i con,t�lln±! Of tvct) hha.e,. cavil cvtip ,uilicicnt dcvelollahIc 'crca c to
accottutto(atc the construction oI a11)1'o \inlatcly I home,. `;Clio •hall .cil ant)
con" cv thc• Prohcrtv with the initial takcdowi occurring: vcithtn I &IA, ,Mier tilt fin')
c c,itttt� of rctlui�ttc dcv elolmlcnt aIpprov air Ill ( hocc, Hori(la cv nh all concurrtncv
.: Sununu I It1ti11.. "tlItC 1111:00".
t�.i t :,)•; ,,,� 1. ! t �` +tl `)`)`), I ,ttr) 1 1clI Cnn.)tt zr
conditumN in h►a-C hri(Ir to twon eVanco I he Comd and hmd tahetll= Thal; �1��lli
nut le'n than I ti month tolltm till the n1iUa► closlil
\t�tl)111 Contained to dun letter Col)mitull:4 :III aeCC►lLMCC M at_WO110" h\ ALWalllA
I Ionic, it, lnlreha,e fhC ('rohCrty Ahttanly I lolllC� mu.t conduct addihnnal ln� cm)l
and anal\ >)> :n d a l l of the derail._ +ern1, .ini Condition. t 1 1 the hurck— mum W a s ceti
Upon anti all 01 IhC doC111nCt118t1011 InUm he l'UInhICICd to the 'allslaCtlon of hodl Pil"'C'
hclore an \1,reerllent Gan hC altered into.
\bout it
\h1lainV I looks is ( Gnat &N lHgc t ne" home builder, 1% oh or ac"-N ( anad;J
.Intl the ('ailed State. Alamnnv has built nulre than 00,()0() hon)C ill hundred. of
Ct1111I11111)Itle> aCr0Nn A1H "tl) AI11CI "lea. In ( :Illada. I1111se % lntlnitiC. ;K10s> Oft.'
( heater Toronto ;Area. a well an in Ottawa. ('algary and I-dill mton. vvtide in the ( 1,11c(I
titale., the conl►)anv In rellicsClued in .iv mCnuhollian areas. Minneapolis, ('11 ;ir1"tic-
I .Iacksonr dle. ( )r►alldtl and I anlpa. Visit
Own Lind that file lowilu)ntt 4111IN are .Llilieient to ,CrvC as a ti for lumber
di.I:U>mon leading to K. preparation tit a purchase contract. please C'ontacl ale at
j"7 _x10 loll Am the pulp "es ot'nu"Ing Award uilll the lmvparatlon 10 1 lunchase
tiinccre l v.
.Inn I ,licInIoll
lyc "kill
\latrunv ( )rLlnciu
\t ( 1 1 l) \ \1) \Gltl l l) I( )
Pi lilt \an)e "+clicl
�1nu �unun,; I,<<iri lljv,t.- sutlL I)dwdo. I I
It 1 4"-) Awl , . ,y I ian') q"w uW1S 1 11111 1, llcnnalI(I nlaiCU1v li, 0 ICI
August 25, 2014
City of Ocoee, Florida
Ocoee City Hall
150 N Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
Re: Letter of Intent to purchase 98 acres ( + -) of vacant land for 324 ( + -) unit single family
detached lots in the Ocoee Crown Point PUD, west of Ocoee Crown Point Parkway, City of
Ocoee, Orange County, Florida (part of OCPA # 01- 22 -27- 0000- 00 -012)
Ladies and Gentlemen
This letter is being written as an outline of the general terms under which Pulte Home Corporation
proposes to purchase the referenced property in Ocoee. Orange County, Florida We look
forward to hearing from you soon and working out any remaining details allowing all parties to
arrive at a mutually acceptable contract Pulte is genuinely excited about this unique opportunity
to work with the City to develop a high quality project on the property
1 Property 98 acres in the Ocoee Crown Point PUD as referenced above
2 Intended Use Single family detached community
3 Deposit(s) Cash deposits as follows.
l A $10.000 Cash, nonrefundable / applicable "Selection Deposit' will be made within 3
days of notification of Pulte's selection by the City
(II) An additional $90.000 Cash, Initial Deposit will be placed in escrow upon execution of
the Purchase and Sale Agreement
(III) At the end of the Inspection Period, the deposit will increased to equal 10%, of the
purchase price and become non - refundable. subject only to approval of the PUD Land
Use Plan amendment
4 Investigation Period 60 days from the Effective Date of the Purchase and Sale Agreement
5 Investigation Period Contingencies
Satisfactory results of soils examinations, environmental examinations. title and
survey, and other factors not directly in control of the Buyer or Seller (including
but not limited to, entitlements, moratoriums, laws, ordinances, or zoning policy
changes. etc ), which could materially affect the Intended Development Plan
and /or subsequently the financial feasibility of the contemplated transaction
Upon the execution of the Purchase and Sale Agreement. Seller shall provide
Buyer with copies of any and all due diligence and property information, site
plans, studies, analysis, surveys etc in Seller's possession or within Seller's
immediate access
Approval from Buyer's Asset Management Committee
5 Purchase Price $ 8,000,000. Paid in Full at closing.
7 Closing The closing shall occur on or before 15 days after approval of an amendment to
PUD Land Use Plan to convert the park site to residential use, a final subdivision plan and a
plat for the property (the Phase It Plat)
8 Sellers Responsibilities Within 10 days from the Effective Date of the Purchase and Sale
Agreement. the Seller will deliver to a current Title Commitment and title exception
documents Seller further agrees, at the request of the Buyer. to timely execute any and all
forms required for land use and other entitlement related applications and or approvals
including, but not limited to, the items referenced above in Section 7.
9 Seller's Closing Costs Cost of document preparation and its attorney's costs, owner's title
insurance policy premium
10 Buyers Responsibilities. The Buyer shall use all reasonably available commercial efforts to
apply for and obtain approval of an amendment to the PUD Land Use Plan to convert the
park site to residential use, a final subdivision plan and a plat for the property (the Phase II
Plat) The Phase 11 Plat will include the Property, the elementary school tract and the looped
road connecting to Ocoee Crown Point Parkway The processing of these approvals will
follow all normal development review and permitting procedures All application fees. review
cost, building permit fees and impact fees Buyer will provide a survey Buyer further agrees
to keep Seller informed with respect to its diligent efforts on regularly scheduled basis
throughout the land use and entitlement process Buyer agrees to comply with the
parameters and terms stated In the City of Ocoee / Ocoee Crown Point PUD t Request
for Letters of Intent Packet.
11 Amenity Package. Consistent with Buyer's vision for the project. Buyer will construct
amenities equal to or greater than the applicable City requirements If City and Buyer
mutually agree, a component of the amenity package could be placed on the Waterfront
Village tract
12. Buyers Closing Costs. All recording fees in connection with the Deed, documentary stamps
on the Deed, its cost of document preparation and attorney's costs.
13 Brokerage Fee Seller will compensate their Broker [if any) Buyer will compensate their
Broker [if any). per separate agreement upon the closing of the transaction
14 Limitations of Letter of Intent This Letter of Intent is in response to the City of Ocoee
Ocoee Crown Point PUD / Request for Letters of Intent Packet and is intended solely as a
basis for further discussion and is not intended to be and does not constitute a legally
binding obligation of the parties to enter into the Purchase and Sale Agreement No legally
binding obligation on the parties has been, is or will be created, implied or inferred until and
unless the parties execute and deliver the final Purchase and Sale Agreement regarding the
subject matter of this Letter of Intent and containing all other essential terms of an agreed-
upon transaction Seller and Buyer intend that until execution and delivery of the Purchase
and Sale Agreement, no binding agreement of the parties will exist, and both parties
acknowledge that there no rights or obligations between them based upon parole evidence,
extended negotiations, "hand - shakes oral understandings or courses of conduct (including
reliance and change of position) The parties' efforts to negotiate or prepare the Purchase
and Sale Agreement will not be considered evidence of their intent to be bound by this Letter
of Intent or otherwise. Likewise, the performance by either party prior to the execution of the
Purchase and Sale Agreement of any obligations that might be included in the Purchase and
Sale Agreement between the parties when negotiations are complete will not be considered
evidence of intent by either party to be bound by this Letter of Intent or otherwise
It is expressly understood that neither Seller nor Buyer has any obligation to continue
negotiations to reach a definitive agreement nor to execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement
and either party, at its sole and absolute discretion. may terminate and cease negotiations
regarding the subject property at any time for any reason or for no reason
If the terms are acceptable. please sign all of the copies and return one to me We will then
complete the Purchase Agreement If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact me Thank you for your consideration and.. again. Pulte very much looks forward to
the opportunity to work with the City to develop the project into a high quality community
mcerely. ' •�a�1
Clint Ball
Vice President/ Land, North Florida Division
Pulte Home Corporation
Agreed to and acknowledged by