HomeMy WebLinkAboutA - Mid Year Budget Public HearingC enter of Good I. i*.. Public Hearings: April 18, 2006 at 7:15 pm and May 2, 2006 at 7:15 pm TABLE OF CONTENTS MidyearSummary ...................................................................................................1 All Funds Revenue Summary .................................................................................2 All Funds Expenditure Summary ............................................................................ 3 Personnel Changes - Summary .............................................................................. 5 Capital Improvement Changes - Summary ............................................................. 6 _ , n ('--- , Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift City Manager Robert Frank Date: April 6, 2006 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Robert Frank, City Manager Subject: Mid -Year Budget Message for Fiscal Year 2005/2006 Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Keller, District 4 This mid -year budget reflects the changes made in the Stormwater and Solid Waste Funds and a few minor changes being made to the other funds. Both the Stormwater and Solid Waste Funds have rate increases that have been adopted but not included in the original budget revenue numbers. The budget changes being proposed are 6.2 percent ($2,398,000) of the original adopted budget. Mid -year budget personnel allocations include a) Deputy Police Chief, b) Sanitation Manger, c) 16 Sanitation Drivers, and d) Admin. Assistant III/Billing Clerk. Most of the additional positions are due to the city resuming the Sanitation operations in house this fiscal year for residential service and preparation for providing commercial service next fiscal year. The General Fund capital items include equipment for the new positions and the first principal payment for the Crown Point Property loan. The additional revenue in Stormwater provides funding for work on the Center Street Collection System to be done before year end. An office addition at the Wastewater Plant is funded in the Water/ Wastewater Fund. Solid Waste Fund reflects equipment being purchased for the residential and commercial in-house sanitation operations. There are a few additional capital items which will be purchased out of impact fees or the Renewal and Replacement (R & R) funds. The Police Impact fee fund will be used for a new vehicle for the Deputy Police Chief. The Wastewater Impact fee fund will be the source for an on -site percolation pond re -rating study at the WWTP. Water and Wastewater R & R will fund a) conversion of onsite chlorine generation at both the South Water Plant and the Forest Oaks Water Plant to bulk supply, b) lift station # 12 rehabilitation, c) valve replacement between treatment ditches (wwtp), and d) 30" equalizing plug between the oxidation ditches. Respectfully Submitted, Z044-:__ Robert Frank City Manager City of Ocoee - 150 N Lakeshore Drive - Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 - fax: (407) 656-8504 - www.ci.ocoee.fl.us CITY OF OCOEE FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 MID -YEAR BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY C..-,4- All G ,-,4- General Fund (001) Stormwater Utility Fund (103) Water/Wastewater Utility Fund (401) Solid Waste Utility Fund (402) TOTAL REVENUES All Funds 28,213,095 948,600 29,161,695 1,730,500 260,000 1,990,500 6,941,830 80,600 7,022,430 1,857,800 1,108,800 2,966,600 38,743,225 2,398,000 41,141,225 2 CITY OF OCOEE FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 MID -YEAR BUDGET EXPENDITURES SUMMARY ALL FUNDS 511-00 City Commission 179,450 0 179,450 512-00 City Manager 407,345 0 407,345 512-01 Community Relations 268,950 0 268,950 512-10 City Clerk 324,050 0 324,050 513-00 Finance 811,410 19,430 830,840 513-20 Information Systems 341,715 0 341,715 513-30 Human Resources 486,815 0 486,815 514-00 Legal 304,500 0 304,500 515-00 Planning 657,015 0 657,015 516-00 General Government Services 3,170,280 838,635 4,008,915 517-00 Public Works Administration 393,240 2,250 395,490 519-00 Facilities Maintenance 994,185 0 994,185 521-00 Police 6,731,784 59,285 6,791,069 522-00 Fire 4,634,616 0 4,634,616 524-00 Building 1,408,755 0 1,408,755 529-00 Communications 721,520 0 721,520 539-00 Cemetery 25,700 0 25,700 541-10 Streets / Traffic 2,625,615 15,000 2,640,615 541-20 Right of Way Maintenance 479,275 14,000 493,275 541-40 Fleet Maintenance 350,700 0 350,700 546-00 Engineering 687,680 0 687,680 572-00 Recreation 1,163,550 0 1,163,550 572-10 Park Maintenance 1,044,945 0 1,044,945 Total General Fund Expenditures 28,213,095 948,600 29,161,695 Cl CITY OF OCOEE FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 MID -YEAR BUDGET EXPENDITURES SUMMARY 538-20 Stormwater Utility Operating Total Stormwater Fund Expenditures 533-00 Water Operating 535-00 Wastewater Operating Total Water/Wastewater Fund Expenditures 534-10 Solid Waste - Sanitation Total Solid Waste Fund Expenditures TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,730,500 260,000 1,730,500 260,000 3,472,480 3,469,350 6,941,830 1,857,800 1,857,800 38,743,225 ALL FUNDS 1,990,500 1,990,500 31,800 48,800 3,504,280 3,518,150 80,600 7,022,430 1,108, 800 1,108,800 2,398,000 2,966,600 2,966,600 41,141,225 4 CITY OF OCOEE CAPITAL OUTLAY MID -YEAR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 General Fund 513-00 Finance 6405-Computer Equipment Desktop Computer (new) Department Totals 516-00 General Government 7100-Principal $835,000 Crown Point Property (Principal) Department Totals 521-00 Police 6400-Equipment 6405-Computer Equipment General Fund Total Stormwater Fund 538-20 Utility Operating 6302-Capital Improvements Portable Radio (new) Laptop Computer (new) Department Totals Center Street Collection System Stormwater Fund Total 2,200 835,000 4,000 5.300 200,000 $2,200 $835,000 $9,300 $846,500 $200,000 11 CITY OF OCOEE CAPITAL OUTLAY MID -YEAR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 Water/Wastewater Fund 533-00 Water Operating 6302-Capital Improvements 1/2 of Office Addition Department Totals 535-00 Wastewater Operating 6302-Capital Improvements 1/2 of Office Addition Department Totals Water/Wastewater Fund Total Solid Waste Fund 534-10 Water Operating 6400-Equipment 6401-Vehicle Commercial Bins / Rolloff Containers Recycle Trucks (2) (new) (4 yr lease) Garbage Trucks (7) (new) (4 yr lease) Yard Waste Trucks (2) (new) (4 yr lease) Commercial Trucks (5) (new) (4 yr lease) Department Totals Solid Waste Fund Total 62,885 245,525 60,095 88,750 457,255 $60,000 $60,000 $120,000 $657,255 $657,255 7 Police Impact Fees Water/Wastewater Water Operating CITY OF OCOEE CAPITAL OUTLAY MID -YEAR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 Admin. Vehicle (new) Department Totals Convert onsite chlorine generation at South R and R Water Plant to Bulk Supply Convert onsite chlorine generation at R and R Forest Oaks Water Plant to Bulk Supply Wastewater Operating On -Site Percolation Pond at WWTP re - Impact Fees rating study R and R Lift Station 12 Rehabilitation - construction 30" equalizing plug valve between oxidation R and R ditches Valve Replacement between treatment R and R ditches (wwtp) Department Totals 22,500 26,011 25,606 51,617 40,000 47,250 50,000 57,000 194,250 22,500. 245,867 :3 CITY OF OCOEE PERSONNEL ADDITIONS MID -YEAR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 GENERALFUND Finance: Add Admin. Assistant III / Billing Clerk (grade 24) Police: Add Deputy Police Chief (grade 37) SOLID WASTE FUND Sanitation: Add Sanitation Manager (grade 34) Add Sanitation Driver (grade 22) (15 positions) " * (16 - requested an additional position on 4/10/06) 5