HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #02 Appointment to Education Commission AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Contact Name: Contact Number: Holly Aycock x 1023 Meeting Date: April 4, 2006 Item # 2 Reviewed By: ~'. '---. Department Director: _ _ City Manager: Subject: Appointment to the Education Commission. Background Summary: Members of the Education Commission serve two-year terms. Currently the Education Commission has eleven (11) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (15) members. One application was received from Mr. Mike Godek with interest in serving on the board. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission appoint Mike Godek to the Education Commission with term ending August 2008? Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission appoint Mike Godek to the Education Commission with term ending August 2008. Attachments: Board Application (1) List of Current Members of the Education Commission Financial Impact: N/A Type of Item: D Public Hearing D Ordinance First Reading D Ordinance First Reading D Resolution l2J Commission Approval D Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDf Use: D Consent Agenda D Public Hearing D Regular Agenda D Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk D Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) D N/A D N/A D N/A 03-27-'06 16:10 FROM-GITY OF WINTER GARDE 4076541258 T-056 P001/001 F-144 CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (Please Print Legibly) I. N,me S\1e \ \~ ~: "^"~ E-mail Addre", ~ -;"'o.r~ ~.fct~ l\<;ou..-\l. . <1cl 2. Home Address: ::2__I~'lS +. Home Phone~ . 2 __~__ City, Stat~Zip: ~ ~ 3~~ ~ ( .~ 3. Business:Ll-\u ): ( r n Business Phone: tf!Ll-"5'~ 4l11::!:-'Z..8 (p 4. BusinessAddress:~'70 u,;.:\)\o.n-\.~'\ \0.6,. ~''ill 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: .l~t; ~~6 ~r ,..... ~w"39'C'!>-e ~ " \~J{~.~~~~:~ ~\~Ic~,t:~~ ~:~~~~~~~~ rC ~ d(t'le.lf)~~~ ~'Ot~1 ~~("- b'~S~-fC. ~ L..l).c., 1U~\J..\~h)n.5 6. Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes _ No _ J Are you a registered voter? Yes ~ No _ District # ~ 7. Resident oftbe City for 6 months or longer? Yes ~ No 8. Do you hold public office? Yes No . ~ 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No ....- 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No ~ II. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU: I d' d f' fi h' 1#1 d c1' 1#2 n lcatc 0111' c~rce 0 Illtcrest as Irst c Olce- ) secon IOlce - , etc. f< Gencral Employees' Retirement * Board of Adjustmcnt Trust Fund Board of Trustees Citizell Advisory Council for It'ire DeDlIrhnent Huma. Relation..~Diversitv Board Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory for Police Department Board 1 I< Code Enforcement Board Personnel Board Community Merit Awards 1 Review Board " PlanniR2 & ZoniR2 Commission f< Police Officers' and J'ireftghters' Construction Board of Retirement Trust Fund Board of Adiustment and Appeals Trustees ".:ducation Commission * nNANCJAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT What school does your child attend? (Only tOI' Education Commission) ** 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board? A. ,,~~~~Ss~~it$~~it~~~~ 13. ,.nfmm?'iOo 10 ass;" C<>mm;ss;on;n ,",Idng apPo;j:"'. . DATE: J /.:L 7 bC:, I / NOlc: O:DOA RDI.ISTS/BdA pplJ.me2004 .doc 03/17/2008 12:44 FAX ~ 002/007 CITY OF OCQEE APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (pleaJe Print Legibly) 1. i Name: ~t.. bO[)LK E-mail Address: Mft.6roaf.t<, ilL. Pc-c... (..~ 2. i Home Address: ],':1. ~q :i~I!l.~ n~ I Home Phone: ,..01 C'"'dl&'"i J i City, Statq, Zip: Oc.oEE., ~L. 1.'17&1 3. Business: PG.L GoVS'f'~V'"'tto~ Business Phone: "Of ~~3 oo.S~ 4. Business Address:", 75 Wf,.S."'~ ~...vl). ~LAo.Jb6 ~L !.';)..'if~ \ 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: I'I..IA5oiL ::lot:. ~ A"'rT~ c.",U\ /U! $~'-'~_ 6. : Are you aiU.S. citizen? Yes ~ Nt) ! A re you a lregislered vOler? Yes ~ No : Resident df the City for 6 months or longer? i Do you hdld public office? : Are you employed by the City? ! Do you naw serve on a City Board or Committee? : PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHJCH INTeREST YOU: I I ~ I d' d f . first h . #I 1 d h' #2 I Yes Yes Yes Yes~ District ## :1 ~ No_ No~ No~ No 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. n Ica1e (llJr eJ:,ree 0 mterest a... , C OICC. ,ewn c: OJCC- .. etc. "l Be.nI of Adjustmeet " {'.enenl Emplo)'eeI' Retiremqt Tnut FURd Board of Trush:a1 iCitiRll Advieory Counell ror Fire Department Iluma. RelaticlftsIDiversitv Board Cltlun Advisory Council Pub ..d Recreation Advisory 'for Polite Deoartment Board · Code Enforcement Board Penonnel Bond ICommunlty Merit Awards IReview Board " PJaDDiIl~ ,& Zonin2 COIllmlssion · rolke Officen' and Firetighten' ICoRstrudioD Board of lletlrement Trust Fund Board of Adlu,tment and ADDeals Trultees 1... uEdac:ation Commiuiod * ** : FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOU,OWING APPOINTMENT I What school does your child attend? (Only for Education Commission) , CLAt.c.c>tv,., h.f....~""'AI' 12. I : Why do you think you are qualified to serve On this board? J 3. ! Please attach rcsum~ anellor other information to assist Commission in making appointments. SlGN1TURE ,rrflL ftIA DATE: 3~ 17-0," Nvk:: (I) AJlPlicllinn effective for ONE YEAR from date of ~plelion. (2) [fyou have any q~lions, please call the Cily Clerk's office It (407) 9OS-3105. O.OOAIWLlSTSIDdApplJune2004.<kk: ! 03/17/2008 12.44 FAX The ctity of Ocoee 150 ~. lakeside!Drive Ocoee. fl 3476. i Ms. ~renda Bratlher: I am irquiring a'*>ut serving on a city board for The City of Ocoee. I feel ~y experle",ce both in the Construction Management and General Contracting fields brings the desired qualifications to the table. I have extensive e~perience in the education market as well .s multi-u~ retail and industrial. I have included, for your reView, a list of construction projeci:ts that areA were under my direct supervision during my career with my resume. In ad~ition. in February of 2004. I passed the Construction Industry licensing Board e)(amin~tions for General Contractors in the Stale of Florida. I am i~volved in planning, budgeting. estimating, bidding, recommending awards. construction, and final occupancy upon completion. I am well versed in building codes. plumbing codes, and National Electric !Codes due to my involvement with various architectural firms, engineering firms, and clients during the design stages of the projects. I have a vast knowledge of AlA documents, General Conditions. Supplementary Conditions and front-end documfmts. as I am responsible for authoring the front-end contract documents through Division 1 - General Requirements, developing project scopes. administrating the bidding proceSs. contractor prequalification and solicitation, and awarding contracts. I am also responsible for project documentation such as: meeting minutes; change orders; field directiVes; document clarification; punch lists; schedule updates; requests for proposal; requests for information; and cost reporting. I am comfortable taking on responsibilities and acting independently to meet desired goals. I am also an effective communicator with a proven record of keeping projects on track and under budget If I can provide further information, please do not hesitate to E-Mail or call me at 407.886.8641. am lOOking forward to your favorable response and further discussions leading to a possible position. Respectively sutimitted, mJ.;f/j MichJel R. Godek I ~ 003/007 03/17/2008 12:44 FAX ~ 004/007 Michael R. Godek I 3289 Jamber Dr. . Ocoee, Florida 34781 407.886.8641 · eel 321.299.5879 cmgodek@inforllmp.com I A dedicated and re*otirceful construction professional, with proven abilities to create and monitor policies a~d practiceS that promote a safe and successful construction environment A coat cJneclence.linnovative team leader with a successful record of motivating team members to maximizei productivity and control costs through the most effective uses of work force and available resource~. : Career kxperienc. I PCl Con.truction Services, Inc, Orlando, Florida April 2005 - Present · Project mari""er - Provide overall administrative direction for construction projects. Responsible fqr overaU project performance including costs, schedule, quality and project status, Oversees operations of accounting, project coordinator and project engineer, and maintain excellent relationship8/ with sub-trades and clients. )i Project ~anager for a new multi-use building in Metro West. The project consists of 142 : "hlgh-end- condo slyle living units with a total of approximately 279,000 square feel of living : space; two levels of indoor parking (474 spaces); and one level of mixed use retail/restaurant space totaling approximately 65,000 square feet. Wight & Co., Downe~s Grove, Illinois June 2000 - April 2005 · Project IIallBg&r - Managed day-to-day project services to the client Established and oversaw Pfoject financial budgets. Responsible for quality assurance programs, cost reporting and overall project supelvision. )10 Design-build Project Manager of a new multi-use building containing seven stories of retail and residential spaces (approx. 275,OOOsqft), underground parking (150 spaces) and an 11- screen cinema. Responsible for coordinating! leading Design Integration meetings, with Owner and in-house architects and engineers to insure that Owner's budget goals are achieved (value engineering) while maintaining constructabllity within the SO, DO phases of design, ~ Design-build Projecl Manager of a new 266,000sqft K - 8 Campus including competition ball fields and running track, which sits on an 80 acre site. Project includes the site and Infrastrua:ture development of 40 acres to be Bold by the owner for residential use. )0 Prepare preliminary and detailed estimates and submit to owners for approval. Ph>J.~t "'ari8g8r1 Gone'" Superintendfltlt - Oversaw all pre-construction services and the day- td-day const~uction operations for the Indiana Regional Office for program addition and re,novation pro;ects across 20 schools. }>! Coordin.Uellead Design Integration meetings, as an Owners Representative, with both in- ! house and outsourced architects and engineers to insure constructability within the SD, DO. I and CD phases of design. ~, Coordinatellead scope review (subcontractor qualification) meetings and made all award recommendations to Owner, including alternates. >1 Utilizing SureTrak, constructed a 4000+ item Master Schedule, which included all design, : preconstj'uction, and construction activities for all 20 projects. }>! Created and implemented a five-phase construction plan for an 110,OOOsqft interior renovation. including infrastructure, and a 19,OOOsqft addition to Jefferson Intermediate School, a historically protected building. All activities occurred while school was in session, . . chnstructlotr "anagor - Managed day-to-day field operations, scheduling, quality, and communicatibn. Enforced deSign documents and maintained client relationships.. )01 Coord incited the on-site construction, from pre-construction through final occupancy, of a multi- I phase, 75,OOOsqft addition and 27,OOOsqft renovation to school, while school was in session. }>i Coordinated the on-site construction, from pre-construction through final occupancy, of a I 9800sqftlloft build-out and a 6800sQft offICe build-out for Wight & Co. I Michael R G~del< ! 1 of 4 Resume' Project L.ist 03/17/2008 12:45 FAX ~ 005/007 Mich~el R. ~odek 3289 Jamber Dr. . OCOtHt, Florida 34781 407.886.8841. cell 321.299.5879 , cmgodek@infot8mp.eom ~ Conduc6!d mechanical and structural building evaluations on all buildings on the grounds of I The DuRage Airport and assisted in preparing a 20-year Master Maintenance and I Constru~tion Plan. ~ Assumed on-site responsibilities and completed 24.000sqft science lab and administration , offices aktditlon to high school. ~ AS8umett full construction management responsibilities in order to complete a new I 250.000sqft high school in South Bend, Indiana. Set-up, staffed, and ran an operational satellite bffice. My accomplishments here directly led to Wight & Co. being awarded a $51m contractJ Storage ~SA. Memphis. Tennessee August 1998-June 2000 · s'#te M.".gerl Construction - Oversaw all field operations. from permitting through turnover, for all new proj~ls for Storage USA's initial venture into the Chicago, Illinois market. Ryland Homes, Schaumburg, Illinois. 1998 · Homebuilding Supervisor I Chicago DivisIon - Responsible for completion of single-family hbmes from l-ough framing through closing on two (2) residential projects! communities. Godek Construction Co., Inc.. Niles, Illinois 1994 - 1998 · President - Coordinated multiple trade subcontractors. including self-perform employees, on coinciding r.idential projects (custom homes, fire rehabilitation. new additions, and kitchen and b~th remodeling) and various commercial projects up to S2.4m. I Planned I?lumbing, Arlington Heights, Illinois 1992 -1994 . Ptumbtw - Installed plumbing in new construction single-family homes and town homes (underground water and waste lines. rough-ins. trim work, punch liet repairs, and service calls). West-Tronics, Inc., Bensenville, IRinois 1984 -1992 · Shift Mlnag.r: SupefVised 39 employees in an electronics assembly, fabrication, and manufacturing company; scheduled daily production; trained new employees. · Quality Control Manager: Supervised all governmental and military produclion runs. . Shipping and Receiving Manager: Supervised four clerks. · Shipping and Receiving Clerk: Delivery van driver. Licenses and Certifications · Uhiversily oflWisconsin - Madison: Principals and Practices of Estimating for Construction and D~sign Professionals. · Primavera sOftware training program: Introduction to SureTrak Project Manager 3.0. · Primavera sOftware training program: Expedition Contract Control Software. · #SOO 10-HolAr I Construction Industry O.S.HA Certification. . HllIzard Comlnunication Certification. i Refere~ces , . Available upon requesl I Michael R GMek 20f4 RlIlUmel ProIec:t LIst 03/17/2006 12:45 FAX Michael R. Godek III 006/007 , prOject! List 3289 Jamber Dr.. Ocoee. Florida 34761 407.886.8641. cell 321.299.5879 cmgodekOinforamp.com ~eranda Patk Building Four slrO,OOOsqft Inew multi-use building Orlando, Fldrida $57,000.000 ~ - 8 Campus 265,OOOsqft ~ew school Ftomeoville, Ulinois 4~,OOO.000 aolingbrook IHigh School 860,Ooosqft new high school Bolingbrook; Illinois SM 00,000,000 Brown Interrhadiate Center 1 p1 ,QOOsqft renovation South Bend,'lndiana $6,400,000 . Marshalllnlermediate Center 84,OOOsqft total- addition and renovation South Bend, Indiana $3,600,000 Jefferson Intermediate Center 129.ooOsqft: total. addition and renovation SOUth Bend, Indiana $8,500,000 Qlay High ~hool Renovation IX> infrastructure and roofing Sbuth Bend,llndiana $~72,OOO I day Middle School RlePlace roo~ng Sbulh Bend, Ilndiana S281 ,000 , I El::lison Middle SChool R~p1ace roollng South Bend, Indiana Sf33,OOO I Navarre Middlle School R~place roofing sputh Bend,llndiana $250,000 , I , I , MIchael R ~ ! 30f& OWC Marriott 300,000sQft new convention center and new parking garage Orlando. Florida $49,500,000 Tinley Part< Place 390,OOOsqft new multi-use building Tinley Park, Illinois $51,000,000 Elmhurst College Library addition, quad renovation Elmhurst, Illinois 53,600,000 LaSalle Academy 93.000sqft renovation South Bend, Indiana $3,750,000 Greene Intermediate Center 75,OOOsqft total- addition and renovation South Bend, Indiana $4,200,000 Kennedy K-4 Primary Academy 76,OOOsqft total. addition and renovation South Bend, Indiana $2,100,000 Washington High School Renovation to infrastructure and roofing South Bend, Indiana $1,400,000 Dickinson Middle School Replace roofing South Bend, Indiana $283,000 Jackson Middle School Renovation to infrastructure and roofing South Bend, Indiana $2,100,000 Coquillard Elementary Replace roofing South Bend, Indiana 5334,000 ReBumel Projtlct Ust 03/17/2008 12:45 FAX i Mich"el R. Cpodek ~007/007 I i I rJtcKinleY Elementary Replace roofing South Bend,1 Indiana ~175,OOO ' I Studebaker Elementafy Replace roofing ~outh Bend.llndiana ~83,OOO Hay Elemen,ary Renovation to infrastructure South Bendj Indiana $,1,140,000 James Hart Middle School 102,OOOsqft lotal- addition and renovation Homewood,llIIinois $13,000,000 Wight Satellite Office 6900 square foot office build-out Qowners Grove, Illinois $500.000 . Morton West High School 24,OOOsqft addition Cicero, Illinois $4,340,000 ~orage USA 120,000sqft ground-up storage facility Vernon Hills. Illinois $6,000,000 . i storage USA 65,OOOsqft ground-up storage facility Joliet. lIIinoi!l S~,OOO,OOO , ~rand Appliince ~,OOOsqft gtound-up showroom ard warehouse Zion, Illinois ~ $~,890,000 ' 1 I K1lnternatiorial 60,OOOsqft ground-up manufacturing facility ~urnee, IlIlnGis $2,400,000 i Michael R 90dek 4of4 3289 Jamber Dr. . Ocoee, Florida 34761 407.886.8641 . cell 321.299.5879 cmgodek@inforamp.com Perley Elementary Renovation to infrastructure and roofing South Bend, Indiana $1,260,000 Hamilton Elementary Renovation to infrastructure and roofing South Bend, Indiana $1,530,000 Warren Elementary Renovation to infrastructure South Bend, Indiana $602,000 Wight Chicago Office 9800 square foot loft build-out Chicago. Illinois $1,200,000 Dupage Airport Mechanical and structural building evaluations West Chicago, illinois $50,000 RileV High School Emergency Construction Management South Bend, Indiana $55,000,000 Storage USA 74,OOOsqft ground-up storage facititv Riverwoods, Illinois $3,500,000 Elmhurst College Addition and Quad renovation Elmhurst, Illinois $1,800,000 Losch Beverage 58,OOOsqft ground-up beverage distribution warehouse lake Villa, Illinois $2.100,000 Resume! Project List 03/17/2008 12:44 FAX I ~ 001/007 . CONSfRUCTION lBADERS FAX DATE: ! mAtt,",'. , ..., J..oo," TO: ~ns;Ub... ~t4,tL FAX: "fO? 656" 572S COMPA.NY : ,bt.~Vr-r ~'''''f C.Utl.K - c..,., 't o~ OLL:'Jf L REGARDING: .A~w.c."l'!" O^-> ~O'L So U.VUJ.. 6,J C-\."'t"t' ~o.t.Q.o'i. OUR FILE #: 6101046 NO. O~ PAGES:; 9 I"'L.L... CO....l.I. I FROM ~ .~ I\<:L bO~EK PHON~: ~-i292-6712.. c:.f Ll..- 3,^' ;;l..~ S'8'7Q FAX: 407-292-6809 I CPMMENTS: ,: 'PrT. rnN<''rOn("''1~I'\""T ('1'":'n'OT","-.,. ........~ Page 1 of 1 Aycock,Holly From: Swatts, Kaye [SwattsK@ocps.k12.f1.us] Sent: Monday, March 06, 20062:09 PM To: Aycock, Holly Cc: Jenkins, Harold E. Subject: RE: List of agmt. with Ocoee. Holly, Thank you for your email and list of agreements between OCPS and the City of Ocoee. We have the Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning in our files. Could you provide us a hard copy of the other three? You can mail them to my attention at this address: Kaye Swatts 6501 Magic Way Orlando, Florida 32809 Thanks! Kaye From: Aycock,Holly [mailto:haycock@ci.ocoeeJl.us] Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 11:42 AM To: Jenkins, Harold E. Cc: Swatts, Kaye Subject: List of agmt. with Ocoee. Mr. Jenkins, I received your request for the list of joint use agreements between Ocoee and the O.C. School board. We are in the process of scanning all records in the clerk's office for easy accessibility for everyone. As of now I have come across the documents listed below, and as I come across others I will forward the titles to you as well for your records. Interlocal Agreement regarding South Park Site and Lake Whitney Reliever School - entered into Aug. 3, 1999 Amendment NO.1 to this agreement - entered into March 6, 2001 Interlocal Agmt. regarding School Overcrowding & Land Use Approvals - entered into July 12, 2002 Interlocal Agmt. establishing procedures for the collection of School Impact Fees - entered into Dec. 15, 1992 Interlocal Agmt. for Public School Facility Planning ( Cities of Apopka, Eatonville, Maitland, Oakland, Ocoee, Orlando, Windermere, Winter Garden, and Winter Park) - entered into Nov. 21, 2003 Sincerely, Holly Aycock 3/6/2006 EDUCATION COMMISSION Established by Resolution No. 98-07 on May 19, 1998 No less than 7, no more than 15 members. (2 year terms) Member District Phone Number Term Ends 1. Damita Andreaus 424 E. Lakeshore Dr. 2 407 -654-8068 Damita@cfl.rr.com August 2007 2. Brandon Banks 1089 Turtle Lake Ct. 4 321-946-8141 (H) August 2007 407-843-7860 (W) brandon. banks@akerman.com 3. Sherri Blank 1 407-376-8383 (H) August 2007 3442 Starbird Dr. 407 -682-0808 (W) sblank@cfl.rr.com 4. Debra Booth 2 407-654-4443 (H) August 2007 917 Bloomington Court 407-492-0168 (C) debrambooth@yahoo.com 5. Jim Conklin (Chairman) 2 321-206-6345 (H) August 2006 1340 Olympia Circle 407-788-7557 x 117 (W) iconklin@cfl.rr.com 6. Louis A. Fazio Jr. 0 407-258-8560 (H) Sept. 2006 11681 Vicolo Loop 407-656-6200 x7744 (W) Windermere, FL 34786 Lou.Fazio@cox.com 7. Sheila Grammer 1 407-656-4420 (H) August 2006 503 Spring Lake Circle momstayhome@earthlink.net 8. E. Ivor Leitch 4 407-654-4205 (H) August 2007 1815 Honeydew Ct. 321-438-5543 (W) ILeitch@yahoo.com 9. Maria Mixon 4 407-295-6975 (H) August 2007 512 Withers Ct. 407-509-5721 (W) PRMix@aol.com 10. Gregory Murphy 1 915-383-0336 (C) August 2007 2008 Lady Avenue Gregorv.murphy 1 @us.army.mil 11. Pablo Quinones 2 407-656-3925 (H) August 2007 720 Lakeview Dr. 407-857-4061 (W) Pablo@lawtelevision.org 1 Member Ex-Officio Member Mayor Scott Vandergrift Jennifer Reeves Area Superintendent West Learning Community 1399 Windermere Road Winter Garden, FL 34787 407-905-3200 Staff Liaison Tonya Elliott Resignations Michael Lucas Phyllis Girley Deborah Lyn Hiers Sherrall Applegate Dennis A. Chen Nancy Cox Rosemary Davis Donna Sheridan David Morris Donna Huebsch Frann Kelly-Rodriguez Heidi Koch Michael Kliewer John Grogan Erin Woodman Rosalie Wells Elizabeth Finnemore Ryan Colbert District Phone Number Term Expires (Appointed 2/5/02) eclined Reappointment for 8/02 ian Hooper ge M. Loeffler Susan Miller erwyn L. Oltman osemary Wilsen emovals andall Freeman rances Giessuebe effrey Roach ori Mortenson dward Johnson June 2002 June 2002 June 2002 Apri 2004 July 2005 Education_Members/ms/January 9,2006 2