HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes :r~'" , Amended to include more detail under Item #12 MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION November 15,2005 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Anderson gave the Invocation and Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Parker. Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry. I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - none I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Frances Watts, Pioneer Key resident, spoke about how much she loved living in the City since 1970. She thanked the Commission and City Manager Frank for the senior benefits she received and continues to receive today. Ms. Watts distributed hand-made holiday bookmarks and decorations from the seniors. James Fleming, 511 Orange Avenue, thanked Parks and Recreation Director Vito Petrone and Debbie Gallo for their efforts with the American Legion Blood Drive. He said they helped to increase the number of units collected by 30%. I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Johnson - none Commissioner Anderson- said this year the Ocoee Lions Club Christmas Parade will be Saturday, December 3, 2005, with a rain date of December 4, at 2:00 p.m., and he would like to make sure it gets on the website and OGTV. Commissioner Hood- none Mayor Vandergrift - 1) said the volunteers for the Food for Families Drive would be gathering at West Orange High School on Wednesday evening, Nov. 23,2005. Food will be donated from Publix and boxed and distributed on Thanksgiving morning. All volunteers are welcome. 2) said he will be participating in an Ocoee High School Teach-in tomorrow morning, 3) read a letter from Orange County Commissioner Jacobs congratulating the City for being nominated for the City Spirit Award for the program allowing citizens to participate in Commission Meetings live by call-in or email. I E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of November 1, 2005. (City Clerk Eikenberry) City Commission Regular Meeting November 15, 1005 2. Approval for Purchase of Two (2) New Police Motorcycles. (Police Chief Goclon) The budget for Fiscal Year 05/06 includes the purchase of two (2) police motorcycles and equipment for traffic enforcement. Bid specifications from the State of Florida! Florida Sheriff's Association (FSA) and bid! quotes from authorized dealers were reviewed for factors such as price, dealer proximity, and available options. Harley Davidson Shop of Clermont is a local authorized Harley Davidson dealer and is able to match the price of the only FSA bid provider. The motorcycle is the same vehicle with comparable equipment. The Harley Davidson Shop of Clermont will be maintaining the police motorcycles after purchase. It is respectfully recommended that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission authorize the Police Department to purchase two (2) police motorcycles with emergency equipment from Harley Davidson Shop of Clermont. 3. Approval for Purchase of Five (5) New Police Vehicles. (Police Chief Goclon) The budget for Fiscal Year 05/06 includes $112,500.00 (from Police Impact Fees) for the purchase of five (5) marked police vehicles and equipment. Bid specifications from the State of Florida! Florida Sheriff's Association (FSA) and bids from authorized dealers and vendors were reviewed for factors such as best price, vendor proximity, and options available. The FSA bid for the Central area of Florida showed Classic Chevrolet to have the best pricing. The vehicles will be Chevrolet Impalas. Some of the equipment (with installation) shown on the FSA list can be obtained from local authorized vendors directly who match FSA pricing with much less wait time than going through Classic Chevrolet. It is respectfully recommended that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission authorize the Police Department to purchase five (5) marked police vehicles from Classic Chevrolet (SOF/ FSA bid list dealer) and purchase remaining equipment to complete the project from local authorized vendors matching FSA pricing. 4. Award of Bid #B05-15 General Mowing & Landscaping Term Contract. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) The total amount of the current contract for general mowing and landscaping of City properties is $138,026.00 annually, and expires on November 30, 2005. The new contract is for three (3) consecutive one-year terms and automatically renews annually unless terminated by the City. Staff recommends that the City Commission award Bid #B05-15 to Markham Woods Landscaping, Inc. in the amount of $123,840.00 annually. 5. Approval of Change Order #1, Contract B05-01, Citywide Right-of-way Mowing. (public Works Director Zaitooni) Change Order #1 to Contract B05-01, City-wide Right-of-way Mowing is intended for the addition of approximately 17.35 acres (23 new locations) to the existing contract. The new total acreage for the contract is estimated at 124.30 acres. The estimated cost of Change Order # 1 is $624.60 per cycle. All other terms of the contract will remain unchanged. Staff is requesting City Commission to approve Change Order #1 to contract B05-01, City-wide Right-of-way Mowing with Markham Woods Landscaping, Inc. 6. Approval ofFY 2005-06 Resurfacing Projects. (public Works Director Zaitooni) City's fiscal year 2005-06 budget contains a list of resurfacing projects for implementation. In addition, staff will be adding several miscellaneous projects to be scheduled for completion. For efficiency reasons, staff will be using (piggyback) the Seminole County Annual Bid NB-378-99/GMG with the Orlando Paving Company, Inc. Commissioner Hood asked if the Sorenson Complex could be paved while they are doing the work on Adair Street; it would just be adding 20-30 yards to the east of what is already planned. Public Works Director Zaitooni said they can add that if that is the Commission's wish. He will bring back final costs. Without obiection. the Commission approved the addition of this proiect. 7. Approval of Leasing of Holiday Lights and Decorations from Clark Display Sales. (Public Works Director Zaitooni) Clark Display Sales, Winter Garden, Florida has been providing the City's Holiday lights and decorations on existing utility poles where Progress Energy has provided electrical connection throughout the city. The terms of the lease include installation and removal by Clark Display Sales. At a previous Commission Meeting, purchasing our own lights was discussed and approved. However, at present this was delayed in order to await the construction of the new Public Works facility where there will be storage areas to house the new lights and decorations. Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the leasing of the holiday lights and decorations from Clark Display Sales in the amount of $35,000 and authorize staff to issue a purchase order to Clark Display Sales. Commissioner Anderson asked about extending the Christmas lights on Clarke Road, down to A.D. Mims Road as discussed last year. Public Works Director Zaitooni said that there are no outlets on many of the poles, but we can hang decorations that will be visible during the day. Page 2 of8 City Commission Regular Meeting November 15, 1005 Mayor Vandergrift said we would probably get more complaints if there were decorations with no power. Commissioner Hood said there are no lights in District 1, and asked if something can be put up this year on Adair Street or Wurst Road? Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to approve a J5.000.00 additional expenditure from continaency. if it is possible to add liahts and decorations on Wurst Road. or the Northwest Sector near the school. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Parker away from the dais. 8. Approval of Request for Road Closings for the Ocoee Lions Club Christmas Parade. (Building Official Jones) Ms. Cathy Sills of the Ocoee Lions Club has made application to the City for a Special Events Permit for a Christmas parade that would require the temporary closing of City owned streets. The Christmas Parade is to be held on December 3, 2005, at lOam with a rain date of December 4, 2005, at 2pm. Staff recommends that the road closings be approved with the conditions set forth as follows: 1) All residents and businesses that will be affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closings in advance; 3) An emergency lane must be maintained at all times; and, 4) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades. 9. Approval of Transfer of Funds in the Amount of $16,000 from Police Department Workers Compensation Fund (001-521-00-2400) to Human Resources Computer Equipment and Software Fund (001-513-30-6405). (Human Resources Director Carnicella) The Human Resources and Finance Departments at the direction of the City Manager plan to merge the Abra H.R. Software Program with the American Data Group (ADG) Finance Software Program. The cost to replace the Abra Software Program with the ADG Software Program is approximately $16,000, which includes the initial cost of training the H.R. and Finance Staff. This project will allow the City to transition to a more paperless system and to provide for the electronic transmission of payroll, hiring, promotional, and other salary related issues by all City departments. This system will increase efficiencies and create a more accurate and timely records system. The funds being transferred are from savings realized from the amount budgeted for the Workers Compensation Program and the actual premium cost for FY 2006. 10. Authorization of Funding for Windsor Landing Subdivision Reuse System. (City Engineer Wheeler) This project includes extending 2,000 feet of reuse main along Maguire Road to serve the Windsor Landings subdivision. This will supply reuse water to the Windsor Landings subdivision as well as provide stub outs for future connections at Thornebrooke Drive and the undeveloped tract southwest corner of Maguire Road and Roberson Road. South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Alternative Water Supply Funding Program has awarded the City $50,000 to help fund this project. City Engineer Wheeler explained the process for the Windsor Landing Subdivision Reuse System. Commissioner Johnson thanked him for the work he has done and said he knows the residents there appreciate it. Consent Agenda Vote: Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to approve the Consent Aaenda. Items 1-10. in its entirety. with amendments to Items #6 and #7. as inserted under the items. Motion carried 5-0. Non Ae:enda Item: Before moving on the Public Hearings, Mayor Vandergrift addressed a couple of items. He asked that the school flags be turned right side up. Mayor Vandergrift distributed t-shirts to the Commission from the Ocoee High School Basketball team. Page 3 of8 City Commission Regular Meeting November 15, 1005 I F. PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCE FIRST READING 11. Personnel Rules and Regulations Ordinance. (Human Resources Director Carnicella) (Second Reading and Public Hearing to be held December 6, 2005, at 7: 15 p.m. or as soon as thereafter.) The Personnel Rules and Regulations are the policies, procedures and entitlements that govern the terms and conditions of employment for those employees covered by the same. These Personnel Rules and Regulations are also known as the PRR's or Rules and Regulations. The Human Resources Department is responsible to administer the PRR's for the City Manager. The Ordinance providing for the PRR's has not been amended since 1999 and the City Manager has requested the Human Resources Director complete the draft revisions of the PRR's, which was started in 2004. This revision of the PRR's is a comprehensive edit and includes many new provisions. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. The Second Reading and Public Hearing will be held December 6, 2005, at 7:15 p.m. or as soon as thereafter. 12. Residential Curbside Service (Garbage, Recycling, and Yard & Bulky Yard Waste). (public Works Director Zaitooni) The resolution for residential rate increase was advertised in the Orlando Sentinelfor Public Hearing on November 6, 2005. Pursuant to Work Shop with the City Commission on October 19,2005, staff recommends approval of the transition of the residential curbside services (garbage, recycling, and yard & bulky waste) to an in-house operation from the current private contract hauler service. Public Works Director Zaitooni said that we are moving forward as directed to in-house residential curbside service, and we are asking Commission to adopt the resolution of rate increase from the current $16.00 to $19.00 monthly per customer, to approve the transition of service to in-house operation based on staff recommendations submitted with the agenda item, and for direction for staff to coordinate with Orange County authorities to place the annual residential curbside fees on the annual tax rolls for automatic assessments. Asst. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the resolution. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., asked why we can't keep the service that we have. Public Works Director Zaitooni said the residents spoke resoundingly in favor of going back to in-house services. Rosemary Wilsen advised she is happy to see the residential garbage service being brought back in-house. Frances Watts said she was not happy with the service from the contractor and she is glad the City is taking it back. James Fleming, 511 Orange Avenue, said he does not mind paying a little more money for better services, he is happy it is coming back in-house. Max Jacobs, 2247 Mountain Spruce, called and said he is against placing this on the tax roll, he prefers monthly payments. He added that this motion was defeated last time. Martha Lopez Anderson, emailed to ask if increased fees would be subsidized by Commercial or absorbed by residents. Mayor Vandergrift advised it would be absorbed by residents in the beginning, and then the Commercial would kick in. Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Anderson clarified that Onyx will still be doing the yard waste pick-ups until their contract expires on August 30, 2006. White good pick-ups will begin September 2006. Commissioner Anderson said he is not in favor of removing the penalty clause. Public Works Director Zaitooni responded by saying we have assessed over $200,000 in penalties and it did not change their poor performance. Weare trying to get through this transition period without Page 4 of8 City Commission Regular Meeting November 15, 1005 litigation or other difficulties. We have a bond worth $500,000, and we can use other haulers to take over if they do not continue their contract. Commissioner Hood said he was comfortable as long as we have that back-up plan. City Attorney Rosenthal said this is not the best situation, but we have worked out a negotiated compromise, and he believes they will work with us because they are motivated to resolve this issue without losing their bond or going through a contract default situation. Commissioner Parker said the hauler we hired failed dismally and we need to start over with new equipment and personnel. This is a difficult business to be in and we need to focus on making it successful so we don't end up with the same complaints. Mayor Vanderarift, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2005-014 to increase residential rates from the current $16.00 per customer per month to $19.00 per customer per month. The new rate equals to $228.00 annually per customer. Motion carried 4-1, Commissioner Parker opposed. The resolution as adopted carries the following title: RESOLUTION NO. 2005-014 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, INCREASING RATES FOR RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE (GARBAGE, RECYCLING AND YARD & BULKY WASTE) SERVICE; REPEALING RESOLUTIONS OR PORTIONS OF RESOLUTIONS INCONSISTENT THEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Vanderarift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to approve staff recommendations 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, as presented. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to amend the motion to vote on recommendation #7, for coordinatina with Oranae County to place aarbaae fees on the tax roll, as a separate issue. Motion carried 5-0. Vote was taken on the oriainal motion, as amended, which includes approval of the followina staff recommendations. Motion carried 3-2, with Commissioner Anderson and Commissioner Parker opposed. APPROVE PERFORMING RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE SERVICES (GARBAGE, RECYCLING, AND YARD & BULKY WASTE) IN-HOUSE AND TO TRANSITION FROM PRIVATE SERVICE TO IN-HOUSE OPERATIONS. 3 DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE THE REQUIRED ADJUSTMENTS TO THE BUDGET INCLUDING AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE INCREASES IN REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES AND TO ENSURE APPROPRIATE FUNDING LEVELS FOR THE TRANSITION AND CAPITAL PURCHASES. 4 DIRECT STAFF TO SEEK A MUTUAL TERMINATION AGREEMENT WITH WASTE SERVICES OF FLORIDA, INC., AND FOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD; AND BRING BACK THE FINAL AGREEMENT FOR CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL. A DRAFT AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED. 5 AUTHORIZE STAFF TO SELECT THE APPROPRIATE COLLECTION VEHICLES, ACQUIRE FINANCING, AND BRING BACK TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR FINAL APPROVAL. 6 AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PREPARE ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING PLAN FOR THE SOLID WASTE DIVISION CONSISTENT WITH THE FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY REpORT AND BRING A FINAL PLAN FOR APPROVAL BY THE CITY COMMISSION. Page 5 of8 City Commission Regular Meeting November 15, 1005 Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Anderson moved to direct staff to coordinate with Oranae County authorities to place the annual residential curbside fees on the annual tax rolls for automatic assessments. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Parker opposed. City Attorney Rosenthal added that a specific resolution for adding the garbage service fees to the tax roll would have to be brought back at a future date. Public Works Director Zaitooni added that discussions and on Commercial Service will also be brought back at a later date. Public Works Director Zaitooni gave a presentation on the new sanitation trucks that they will be recommending, and explained how the side-arms will work and will save time and number of InJUrIes. I G. REGULAR AGENDA 13. Approval for Reduction of Fine for Case #01-045 and Case #02-052,826 Satin Leaf Circle, Denise A. Carr. (Building Official Jones) These cases were heard before the Code Enforcement Board on two different occasions for the same violation of junk vehicle(s) parked in the driveway. Subsequently, fmes were established and accrued to $25,100 on Case No. 01-045 and $2,700 on Case No. 02-052. At the October 25,2005, Code Enforcement Board Meeting, the Respondent appeared before the Board and asked for a reduction in the fIne with the property being in compliance. Staff recommends that the $25,100 fme be reduced to $2,510 as recommended by the Code Enforcement Board in Case No. 01-045. The Board also recommended that the $2,510 fme must be paid by December 1,2005, or the fIne will revert back to the original fIne. It is also recommended that the $2,700 fme in Case No. 02-052 be reduced to $0. This recommendation is based upon the actual Staff cost of $1,300 for both cases. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Mayor Vanderarift moved to approve the reduction of fines to $2.510.00 payable by December 1. 2005. per staff recommendations. Motion carried 5-0 . Non-ae:enda Item: Ocoee High School Basketball Ball Coach Scott Eggleston arrived and talked about the basketball team and the shirts that he gave to commissioners that had been distributed earlier. Commissioner Hood asked if he was still short on funding for an upcoming trip to Illinois. Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved contribute ~500.00 to the Ocoee Hiah School Basketball team to assist them in their travels to Illinois for a aame. Motion carried 5-0. 14. Appointments to Code Enforcement Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Member Donenfeld resigned effective November 1,2005, (term ending June 2008) and Member Henderson was removed by the Code Enforcement Board on October 25, 2005, for three (3) consecutive absences (term ending June 2006), leaving two (2) regular member openings on the board. Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners move Alternate Members Lenko and Morton to a regular member status or appoint Steven Ballard and Ronald Strosnider to a regular member status for terms ending June 2006 and June 2008. Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to appoint Jim Morton and Ron Strosnider as reaular members on the Code Enforcement Board. Motion carried 5-0 Page 6 of8 City Commission Regular Meeting November 15, 1005 Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson moved to appoint Stephen Ballard as an alternate member on the Code Enforcement Board. to fill the remainder of the term of Jim Morton. who was moved to a regular member. Motion carried 5-0 15. Resolution in Support for the University of Central Florida's Proposal for a Medical School. (Mayor Vandergrift) Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson moved to adopt Resolution No. 2005-015. in support the University of Central Florida's Proposal for a Medical School. Motion carried 5-0. The resolution as adopted carries the following title: RESOLUTION NO. 2005-015 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ENDORSING AND MAKING KNOWN ITS SUPPORT FOR THE UNIVERISTY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA'S PROPOSAL FOR A MEDICAL SCHOOL; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I H. STAFF REPORTS Community Relations Manager Elliott advised that the calendars are being processed and we needed to establish the holiday dates for next year. Without objection the Commission approved the holidavs of December 22 and December 25. 2006 for Christmas and January 1. 2007 for New Years. per staff recommendation. Police Chief Goclon said the first meeting of the Sexual Predator Task Force meets tomorrow night. Commissioner Johnson recommended two more names to be on the Task Force, Debra Booth and Debra Andrews. Without objection. the Commission approved of the two additional members. Nancv Parker asked for a consensus of the Commission to change the name of the committee to "Child Protection Recommendation Committee" and that the committee have a sunset date of 120 days. at which time they would make recommendations to the Commission. Without objection. the Commission consented on the name change and sunset date. I I. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker 1) announced a benefit for children in need at Christmas and for injured Deputy Adam Pierce on December 16, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. It will be a Mystery Dinner Play with Prime Rib Dinner, Carolers, Christmas Reading and Prizes. She asked that flyers are posted and placed on OGTV. Without objection, the Commission consented to place this on OGTV. Page 7 of8 City Commission Regular Meeting November 15, 1005 Commissioner Johnson said we need to do something about the streetlights that are out around the City. Mayor Vandergrift said the police department should be reporting these on a nightly basis. Police Chief Goclon said they have worked out a system for reporting street lights with Public Warks being the central location for notifying FPL for repairs. Commissioner Parker said we should do a sweep once a quarter where someone checks the entire City for non- functioning street lights. Commissioner Anderson - 1) asked about the wattage of the streetlights in some areas, and why they appear to be too dim. Public Works Director Zaitooni said Progress Energy does a photometric study for all new installations to conform to a specific foot-candle standard, 2) said this year the Ocoee Lions Club Christmas Parade will be Saturday, December 3, 2005, with a rain date of December 4, at 2:00 p.m., and he would like to make sure it gets on the website and OGTV. Commissioner Hood wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Mayor Vandergrift asked about the Christmas Dinner for the needy, with food donated by Cisco. Community Relations Manager Elliott said we did a Holiday Dinner for the needy at the middle school last year, but it was funded from the Community Relations budget, she has no knowledge of Sysco being involved. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 8 of8 MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION February 21, 2006 at 7:15 P.M. :r~ '* , ~...," 2,', 2.<<>" REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Anderson gave the Invocation and Resident Louis Fazio Jr. led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Parker. Also Present: City Manager Frank, Asst. City Attorney Storey, and City Clerk Eikenberry. Mayor Vandergrift welcomed Asst. City Attorney Storey, who was filling in for City Attorney Rosenthal tonight. I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation - Promotions of Fire Department Members. (Fire Chief Firstner) . Kenneth Strickland - Promotion to Lieutenant . Brian Shiver - Promotion to Engineer . Christopher Atalski - Promotion to Engineer ALS Update. (Fire Chief Firstner) Chief Firstner gave a power point presentation of which included comparative response times between Health Central and the Ocoee Fire Department and Cost Recovery and Collection issues. Presentation - 2005 Police Officer of the Year - Sgt. McCosker and 2005 Volunteer of the Year - Police Explorer Harrison Grogan. (Police Chief Goclon) Proclamation - Day of Remembrance - April 30, 2006. (Mayor Vandergrift) I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC R. P. Monacky- asked ifthere would be a Public Hearing for the ALS issue and the Mayor advised if it is adopted by Ordinance it would require a Public Hearing. He also asked who pays for the ambulance in a car accident and Chief Firstner advised it is the at-fault driver. Rosemary Wilsen, 1019 Shady Maple Circle, 1) reminded everyone that the Ocoee High School PTSA is hosting a Night for Nurses on February 25, 2006, at 8:00 p.m. to help pay for the School Nurse. Cost will be $10 per person, or $8 for PT A members. I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Hood- 1) said the Summer Camp Sign Up for recreation programs is February 27 - March 3, 2206, 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., at the Jim Beech Center, ages 6 through 14. Call Drixie at 407-905-3180, 2) said the Little League Baseball opening day will be this Saturday at ~ City Commission Regular February 21, 2006 ., Commissioner Johnson - said the Candidate Forum will be re-airing on OGTV periodically and all residents should watch it to get to know their candidates, and 2) lead "Happy Birthday" chorus to Mr. Jefferson, who is an 81 year old resident, and has lived in Ocoee his whole life, except when he was in the military. Mayor Vandergrift said it should be brought up to the Historic Commission, since they were going to assist with plans for the "Walk of Honor." Commissioner Parker - 1) reminded everyone of the Spring Fling for Safety at Starke Lake on March 25, 2006 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Activities, games, slide shows, and more will cover safety issues on Internet, Water, Driver, Bicycle, Fire, Skateboarding, stranger danger, and more. There will be fingerprinting and car seat checks as well, and 2) said this is her second-to-Iast Commission Meeting and she addressed the residents regarding how much she has enjoyed serving and how proud she is of the many accomplishments that have been made in the nine years that she has served. She leaves office with no regrets. She has also enjoyed being the liaison to many city boards, and hopes to continue on the Child Protection Recommendation Committee as a citizen volunteer. Mayor Vandergrift- said the HRDB Board is hosting another Black History Month Essay Contest, and the winners will be announced live on Thursday, February 23,2006. I E. CONSENT AGENDA 2. Appoil1tmelltto Tfllstees.(City r lkenber Trustees for the Pension Boards serve two-year terms. Two of the trustees are appointed by the City Commission, two are elected from the employee body, and the fIfth trustee is chosen by those four trustees and presented to the City Commission for certifIcation of the appointment as a ministerial act. Pension Attorney Lee Dehner has advised that Florida Statutes do not prohibit current City employees from serving as a City Commission appointed Trustee. Due to the resignation of Trustee Strosnider, who is moving out-of- state, there is currently one opening on the Police OffIcers' and FirefIghters' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees. Two applications were recently submitted for the Police OffIcers' and FirefIghters' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees; therefore staff recommends the City Commission consider appointing Charles Brown or Mark Scalzo as Trustee for the Police OffIcers' and FirefIghters' Retirement Trust Fund Board with a term ending September 1,2008. 3. Approv ange Ord or. the niOI' & Veteran Service {Senter. .(iU I rirksDirector oni) On April 19, 2005, the City Commission awarded a design-build contract to Southern Building Services to renovate the former Glad Tidings Church on Adair Street to the Thomas Ison Senior & Veteran Service Center for $549,539.00. Funding has been obtained from the u.s. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HOD) for years 2003 through 2006. In 2003 City received $201,184.00, in 2004, $198,820.00, and in 2005, $148,800.00 for a total of $548,804.00. The City has tentatively received word that they will receive an additional $250,000.00 in 2006. In addition to some cost adjustments on existing contract items, staff has requested additional improvements including a concrete handicap ramp and hand rails, a dumpster enclosure, acoustical tiles, a sidewalk system connected to the street, landscape design, landscaping and irrigation, back flow prevention devices and testing, and additional parking lot lighting for a total of $83,830.00. Staff is requesting that City Commission approve Change Order No.1 for $83,830.00 for the additional items and cost adjustments from the Parks and Recreation Impact Fees and to extend the substantial completion time to April 21,2006. Page 2 of8 City Commission Regular February 21, 2006 requesting that City Commission approve Change Order No.1 for $83,830.00 for the additional items and cost adjustments from the Parks and Recreation Impact Fees and to extend the substantial completion time to April 21,2006. ConsentAaendaVote.: Commissioner Hood, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Consent Aaenda items 1 throuah 7. as presented. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Johnson asked to correct a request that for the donation to the Elk's Lodge Charity Ball. The sponsorship has always been for $1000, and he made a motion for $100 at the previous meeting by mistake. Commissioner Johnson seconded bv Commissioner Anderson moved to increase the donation to $1000 to the Elk's Lodae Charity Ball, from the Commission Continaencv fund. Motion carried 5-0. I F. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Annexation Ordinance. I Lakewood Estates is a proposed 15.8-acre affordable housing subdivision located west of the intersection of Wurst Road and Lakewood Avenue. This proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits, urban services can be provided, and the annexation meets state and local regulations; therefore, meeting all criteria for annexation as stated in Policy 2.5 of the Future Land Use Element of the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. Asst. City Attorney Storey read the title of the ordinance. Principal Planner James gave a presentation on the annexation ordinance. He said that this annexation does not require a Comprehensive Plan Amendment or a Joint Planning Area (JP A) amendment because the zoning remains the same. Staff has determined through an annexation analysis that urban services could be adequately supplied to the subject property. The annexation is a logical extension of the City, urban services can be provided, and it meets all state and location regulations. DRC and the Planning and Zoning Commission have previously approved the annexation. Pro Tem Anderson opened the Public Hearing. spoke on behalf of Chevron, saying they have no comments on the annexation issue. She advised they brought some concerns regarding drainage issues before the Planning and Zoning Commission, and those issues were addressed in the recommendations made by that board. She said they support the annexation, rezoning, and the Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP) for this property, as recommended by staff, and she is here tonight to answer any questions the Commission may have. Danny Howell, 895 Marlene St., called in to ask how we can annex a property that is not contiguous land. Principal Planner James displayed the map showing where the property touched the Chevron property on the Northwest comer, making it contiguous, and also advised that it is part of the JP A and designated by the County as an area that would eventually become part of the City of Ocoee. Mayor Pro Tern Anderson closed the Public Hearing. Page 3 of8 City Commission Regular February 21, 2006 Commissioner Parker seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved adopt on second readinQ, Ordinance No. 2006-005, annexinQ lakewood Estates into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee. Motion carried 4-0, with Mayor VanderQrift away from the dais. b. Rezoning Ordinance/PUD Land Use Plan. I Lakewood Estates, a Homes in Partnership, Inc. development is an affordable housing community developed in cooperation with Orange County. It is proposed to be developed with fIfty-four (54) residential single-family lots with varying sizes, the typical being sixty (60) feet in width and 120 feet in length. Because the zoning being requested is POD, specifIc standards have been requested for the development of the lots that are unique to the property. The lot sizes are similar in size to R-l (minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet), however the widths vary and in some cases are less than the required minimum lot width of 70 feet in the R-l zoning district. An Ordinance to rezone the property to POD based upon the approved Land Use Plan is to be considered by the City Commission simultaneously with the Annexation, Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Development Agreement. Asst. City Attorney Storey read the title of the ordinance. Planning Manager Armstrong gave a presentation on the PUD Land Use Plan and the Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Development Agreement. As part of the Development Agreement, the City has agreed to give the applicant $214,000 in Road Impact Fee credits for the Wurst Road extension improvements and the eastbound left turn lane onto Wurst Road. The DRC met on December 19, 2005, and several outstanding issues were discussed. The DRC voted unanimously to approve the PUD Land Use Plan, subject to Commission approval of the Development Agreement. Additionally, the DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the PSP, subject to the waiver from the Land Development Code for the side lot set back on Lots 13, 12,49, and lots with frontage on Lakewood Avenue, be reduced from 25 feet to 15 feet, and with the additional conditions discussed at DRC. The Planning and Zoning Board met on January 10,2006, and discussed several issues including the Eagle's Nest located on the Chevron property that is protected, a wall or noise buffer be placed along the north boundary of the property, drainage issues to the property owner to the south, additional front yard setbacks for off street parking for lots fronting on Wurst Avenue, and additional landscaping along the lots impacted by Road A. The Planning and Zoning Board approved this unanimously. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning of the Lakewood Estates property from Orange County "Citrus Rural" to PUD, including approval of the Land Use Plan, subject to the City Commission approval of the Development Agreement and further subject to the waiver and the additional conditions specified by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Asst. City Attorney Storey read the title of the ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson opened the Public Hearing. R.P Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd, asked what type of wall would be placed there. Ms. Armstrong advised it could be a wall, fence, or additional landscaping, whatever the Commission approves. The P&Z Board recommended landscaping. Richard Harrison, 127 11 Avenue, said he is concerned about a having a good noise barrier, such as a wall, between his business and the residents that will be living there in the future. Commissioner Anderson advised that there will be landscaping, a fence, or a wall depending on staff recommendations. Page 4 of8 City Commission Regular February 21, 2006 Nora Mask, 1120 North Lakewood, said that she would like the Commission to reconsider leaving the yards in this development the standard size of the surrounding neighbors; and said she is concerned about the protected area around the Eagle's nest, and she feels this development is infringing on the protected area. She urged the City to contact the Fish & Wildlife Commission to ensure the protection of the Eagle. John Kirby, of Kirby Engineering advised they have been aware of this issue and they will not move forward without a permit from the Fish & Game Commission. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Anderson said he has seen the homes in Winter Park and they are tastefully done and valued much higher than what residents are paying because the price of the home and the land is greatly reduced. He asked if they will have reclaimed water, to which Utilities Director Wheeler said the reuse lines will be there and irrigation lines will be plumbed in when the system is activated in the neighborhood. Mayor Vandergrift said he is in favor of more affordable housing in Ocoee, both ownership and rental properties and possibly having a housing authority. Commissioner Hood asked if there would be CDBG funding to signalize that intersection. City Manager Frank said the County committed to applying for a CDBG grant during the next grant cycle, and if they don't do it, we will. Commissioner Parker said she served on the Board for Homes In Partnership as Ocoee's representative and has seen people who were helped by them return to do work for others in need. She is proud that we have found a way to partner with such a great organization. Commissioner Parker seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved adopt on second readina. Ordinance No. 2006-006, rezonina certain real property from Oranae County "Citrus Rural" to Planned Unit Development "PUD" for Lakewood Estates, includina approval of the Land Use Plan. and subiect to additional conditions as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0. c. Preliminary Subdivision Plan Planning Manager Armstrong advised that staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Lakewood Estates, as date stamped received by the City on December 20, 2005, subject to the City Commission approval of the waivers and the same conditions identified for the PUD/Land Use Plan. Mayor Vanderarift seconded by Commissioner Hood moved to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Lakewood Estates as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0. Page 5 of8 City Commission Regular February 21, 2006 d. Development Agreement Steve Chitwood of Homes in Partnership gave a PowerPoint presentation on "Art in Architecture" and explained that affordable housing can look good and enhance a neighborhood. Mayor Vanderarift seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to approve the Development Aareement for lakewood Estates between Homes In Partnership and the City of Ocoee, to include Road Impact Fee Credits in the amount of J214,304.40 and waivers from the land Development Code as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0. &9,2 Pursuant to Section 197.3632 of the Florida Statutes a municipality has the right to pursue placing certain city services on the County Tax Roll as a non advalorem uniform method of collection for fees and charges. City Commission has directed staff to place the Stormwater Utility Fees and Solid Waste Fees on the Orange County Tax Roll. Staff has advertised a "Notice of Intent" for four consecutive weeks as required prior to the approval. This Resolution will be forwarded to the Orange County Appraiser's offIce as required to complete the process. Asst. City Attorney Storey read the titles of both resolutions. Public Works Director Zaitooni said this item is for the purpose of adopting a uniform method of collection of stormwater and solid waste fees. Commissioner Parker added that placing these rates on the annual property taxes will save the City money and the taxpayers some money on their income tax. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. Richard Harrison, 127 11 Avenue, spoke regarding additional comments he had on the previous issue (see comments above). Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing. Mayor Vanderarift seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to adopt the two resolutions 2006-002 placina residential solid waste fees and 2006-003 placina stormwater utility fees on the County Tax Roll as a non-advalorem uniform method of collection. Motion carried 5-0. I REGULAR AGENDA 6. A (Ta br auld be Present Crestwood Heights residential development is located within Ocoee Commons POD, at the northeast corner of State Road 50 (Colonial Drive) and Blackwood Avenue. This plat is for 14.44 acres of a 97-unit multi-family townhouse development and the associated amenities. The storm water management system was previously constructed as part of Ocoee Commons PUD master development. All required documentation pertaining to the platting of this development has been reviewed and approved by City staff. Page 6 of8 City Commission Regular February 21, 2006 City Engineer Wheeler advised that, per Commission request at the previous meeting, he contacted developers from Morrison Homes to be present at this meeting for questions regarding the development of units suitable for handicapped. Louis Fazio Jr., thanked the Commission for their due diligence ensuring that handicapped people have the same access to homes and facilities just like all Americans. He also thanked Morrison homes for their willingness to rethink their position. Blake Seeberger, Morrison Homes, thanked Louis Fazio for the education that they have been given on the issues of handicapped and the elderly, and said they are more than willing to make modifications to accommodate people who are disabled or elderly. The Mayor and Commission thanked Morrison Homes for stepping up to the plate and making these modifications, and thanked Louis Fazio Jr. for assisting in this effort. Commissioner Anderson seconded bv Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the Ocoee Commons PUD plat as recommended bv staff. Motion carried 5-0. I STAFF REPORTS 7. Discussion Re: Line Item Budgets for Advisory Boards. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Commissioner Johnson seconded bv Commissioner Parker moved to approve the policv recommended bv staff for line item budaets to advisory boards, beainnina in FY2005 and includina a $2000 line item for CACOFD. CACOPD. and Parks and Recreation; and a $1000 line item for Code Enforcement Board. Education Commission. Plannina and Zonina Commission. General Emplovees' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees. Police Officers' and Firefiahters' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees. Fundina will be placed in the current year budaet and throuah continaencv line items. Motion carried 5-0. City Manager Frank introduced Joy Wright, the new Community Relations Manager, and she gave a brief summary of herself and background. I COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker: said last year we sponsored the Ocoee Women's Club for their annual birthday luncheon, in the amount of$250 and asked if we could do the same this year. Commissioner Parker seconded bv Commissioner Johnson moved to approve a J250 donation from Commission Continaencv to the Ocoee Women's Club for their annual birthday luncheon and fashion show. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Johnson, 1) said that the HIP homes at Crestwood Heights is a great project with affordable housing which will hopefully allow more people to afford a quality home, 2) said he will see everyone Saturday morning at the Little League Parade, and 3) asked that people be more considerate during the Commission campaign, and do not tamper with other candidates signs. There was discussion regarding political signage and advising candidates to contact public works if their signs were removed. City Clerk Eikenberry added that Building Official Ralph Jones recently sent a letter to the candidates reminding them of the Codes regarding political SIgnS. Page 7 of8 City Commission Regular February 21, 2006 Commissioner Anderson said that as a result of the Candidate Forum, the West Oaks Mall started to work with the police department to resolve the problems with the youth hanging out in the mall on weekend nights. Mayor Vandergrift said the mall management placed 45 cameras around the mall that are being monitored from a security room, so they are concerned about the safety issues also. Commissioner Hood 1) asked if keys had been passed on to those residents near Sorenson Field who needed backyard access. City Manager Frank said he would look into that, 2) asked if we can move or extend the fence at Vignetti Park to allow access to more parking and eliminate to overflow onto Adair Street, 3) said the senior field at the Sorenson complex is being used by several teams and they are forced to park in the dark, and he would like to open up the parking area during the week, 4) said the Adair project resurfacing is starting at the end of this month, 5) the tentative date for the neighborhood meeting on the Lady Avenue project is scheduled for March 9,2006. Mayor Vandergrift 1) said that the gates Vignetti Park were locked at on Sunday, and said there should be signs if it is locked for any particular reason, and 2) asked about the timeline for resurfacing Clarke Road. Public Works Director Zaitooni advised it should be coming to the Commission at the next meeting and the project should start in late May for the area between White Road and CR50. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 8 of8