HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Award of Bid #06-03 - Wheeled Refuse Containers AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: 2/27/06 Item # .1. Contact Name: Contact Number: Joyce Tolbert 1516 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Award of Bid #B06-03 Term Contract for Wheeled Refuse Containers Background Summary: The City has been using Otto Environmental since their bid was awarded in 1995. The bid expired when the cost of tqe/frbage containers escalated due to higher energy, material, production costs, etc. The new term contract will be for a total offive (5) years, renewed annually; with provisions for an automatic annual 3% cost escalation and other cost adjustments. In compliance with the City of Ocoee's Purchasing Code, a formal bid was developed to provide the containers. The bid was publicly advertised on December 18,2005 and opened on January 19,2006. There were a total offive (5) responses to this bid, with one considered as non-responsive for failure to provide a bid security. Issue: A ward the term contract for wheeled refuse containers to Otto Environmental Systems (NC), LLC. Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission award Bid #B06-03 to Otto Environmental Systems (NC), LLC in the amount of unit prices bid for the 96,65, and 35 gallon containers including shipping, and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute all necessary contract documents and issue purchase orders between the City and Otto Environmental Systems, (NC) LLC. Attachments: 1. Bid Tabulation 2. Otto Environmental Bid 3. Toter Incorporated Bid 4. Schaefer Systems International 5. Rehriq Pacific Bid 6. Recommendation Memorandum 7. ITB #B06-03 Financial Impact: Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading For Clerk's Deot Use: _____ Consent Agenda _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Public Hearing Regular Agenda _ Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk ~ Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ,. N/A N/A N/A 2 City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Gary Hood. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Nancy J. Parker. District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agen~ February 27, 2006 FROM: DATE: RE: Award of Bid #B06-03 Term Contract for Wheeled Refuse Containers ISSUE A ward the term contract for wheeled refuse containers to Otto Environmental Systems (NC), LLC. BACKGROUNDffiISCUSSION The City has been using Otto Environmental since their bid was awarded in 1995. The bid expired when the cost of the garbage containers escalated due to higher energy, material, production costs, etc. The new term contract will be for a total of five (5) years, renewed annually; with provisions for an automatic annual 3% cost escalation and other cost adjustments. In compliance with the City of Ocoee' s Purchasing Code, a formal bid was developed to provide the containers. The bid was publicly advertised on December 18, 2005 and opened on January 19, 2006. There were a total of five (5) responses to this bid, with one considered as non-responsive for failure to provide a bid security. Please see the attached bid tabulation and user department's recommendation memo for a breakdown of unit price plus shipping costs: 1. Otto Environmental Systems (NC), LLC 2. Toter Incorporated 3. Schaefer Systems International, Inc. 4. Rehrig Pacific Company 5. Rotonics Manufacturing - non-responsive Attached is a copy of the bids from each bidder, along with the bid tabulation. All bids are available in the Finance Department for review. The Public Works Department and Finance Department have reviewed all bids. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Otto Environmental Systems (NC), LLC as the most responsive and responsible bidder per the attached recommendation memorandum from Tonya Elliott, Assistant Director of Public Works. 1 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift center of Good L . '\.~e l~il) , (S> Co:rnmissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 City Manager Robert Frank MEMORANDUM TO: Joyce Tolbert, Finance Department FROM: Tonya Elliott, Assistant Director of Public Works DATE: February 24, 2006 RE: Recommendation for Award - Bid #B06-03, Term Contract - Refuse Containers Public Works has reviewed bids from the following bidders: 96 Gallon Carts Company Otto Environmental Systems Shipping Full Load Total per cart w/ shipping Toter Incorporated Shipping Full Load Total per cart w/ shipping Schaefer Systems International, Inc. Shipping Full Load Total per cart w/ shipping Rehrig Pacific Company Shipping Full Load Total per cart w/ shipping 65 Gallon Carts Company Otto Environmental Systems Shipping Full Load Total per cart w/ shipping Schaefer Systems International, Inc. Bid Amount $ 47.75 $1,045.00 (357 carts) $50.68 $ 45.94 $2,000.00 (357 Carts) $51.54 $49.96 $1,000.00 (357 Carts) $52.76 $51.73 $1,365.00 (357 Carts) $55.55 Bid Amount $ 40.50 $1,045.00 (357 carts) $43.43 $43.13 The City ofOcoee Public Works. 301 Maguire Road. Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3170 . fax: (407) 905-3176. www.ci.ocoee.tl.us Shipping Full Load Total per cart wi shipping Toter Incorporated Shipping Full Load Total per cart wi shipping Rehrig Pacific Company Shipping Full Load Total per cart wi shipping 35 Gallon Carts Company Otto Environmental Systems Shipping Full Load Total per cart wi shipping Schaefer Systems International, Inc. Shipping Full Load Total per cart wi shipping Toter Incorporated Shipping Full Load Total per cart wi shipping Rehrig Pacific Company Shipping Full Load Total per cart wI shipping $1,000.00 (357 Carts) $45.93 $ 43.40 $2,000.00 (357 Carts) $49.00 $49.17 $1,365.00 (35 Carts) $52.99 Bid Amount $28.25 $1,045.00 (35 carts) $31.18 $34.75 $1,000.00 (35 Carts) $37.55 $39.59 $2,000.00 (35 Carts) $45.19 $42.89 $1,365.00 (35 Carts) $46.71 We recommend award of the bid to Otto Environmental Sy terns for the prices submitted on their 96,65,35 gallon containers and their shipping charge. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at extension 6003. TE - ~ III Z 0 ....en ....en -I w -I en -1<0 ~ ..... - a: 0 l: l: ~ l: ~ 0 c.n 0 c.n o en 0 3 -6' 3 -6' [ I [ I S-cb 0 0 )> (I) G> G> en en III "0"0 "0"0 !.. !.. -!.. 0 ., (I) C. r+ m ~: i5 ('l c. o. 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N W W l/l l/l l/l N .<0 ..... ~ 3 ::0 (") '0 ".!>. "TI ::T W -...j -...j m 0 (I) (11 0 <0 W 0 ~ (11 ~ (") 0 0 (11 <0 0 W (11 (11 "TI ::0 7'" 0 0 0 0, 0 ~ 0 <0 C 0 0 0 <0 0 0 0 ~ C/) 0 -Efl -Efl -Efl -Efl -Efl m CD 0 0 "0 0 CT - CD c: (") ::l Z '< '< 0 a. :J :J -t (I) CT iil CD (Jl ..... ..... N W l/l 0 (Jl or -...j ..... -...j )> :J :i" 0 0 w 0, ".!>. c. ::l 0 (I) -...j w (J) ~ -...j ~ z ..., (Jl !=' (11 ~ (11 ~ 0 <0 N. 0 O-...j 0 ..... 0 <0 m CD 0 0(11 0 w 0 ()) ::0 C/) ::l o BID FORM B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS Bid Item Estimated Unit Price Total Annual Quantity 96-GaUon Container 750 $ $ 47.75 35,812.50 65-GaUon Container 500 $ $ 40.50 20.250.00 35-GaUon container 500 $ 28.25 $ 14,125.00 Shipping charges 1 Lump Sum $ $ per single full truck load of 1,045.00 1,045.00 containers Shipping charges 1 Lump Sum $ $ per single partial truck load of *737.67 *737.67 containers *Based on less than 101 95-aallon con Total $ *Depends on qual *Based on full truckload quantities and combinatior tity ordered. See above unit prices. Acknowledl!ement: By signing below, vendor submitting the bid acknowledges and understands that: 1. The quantities shown are for estimating purposes only and do not reflect the actual order quantity. 2. City intends to place orders for no less than a full truck load when possible. 3. There will be a 3% automatic annual adjustment in costs upon renewal of contract each year. otto Environmental Systems (NC), LLC Company Name Brandon W. Beaver, Treasurer Authorized Officer (print) t3i1n1c1&) /~ Authorized Signature January 18, 2006 Date B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 24 Bid #B06-03 COMPANY INFORMATION/SIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE BID INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR BID. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL BID INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT THE PRICES REFLECTED ON THE "SCOPE OF WORKIBID FORM" ARE ACCURATE AND WITHOUT COLLUSION. otto Environmental Systems (NC), LLC COMPANY NAME 800/227-5885 TELEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) 704/588-5250 FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) sabernathy@otto-usa.com E-MAIL ADDRESS ~&2J/~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (manual) IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: Brandon W. Beaver, Treasurer NAME/TITLE(PLEASEPRINT) 12700 General Drive STREET ADDRESS r.h~rlorrp, Nr. ?R?73 CITY STATE ZIP FEDERAL ID # 76-0721498 _Individual _Corporation _Partnership ---1L-Other (Specify) Limited Liabili tv Company Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18 day of January ,200~. Personally Known X or Produced Identification (Type ofIdentification) Notary Public - State of North County of itfuWi!l.n ' Sabrina B. Abernathy Printed, typed or stamped Commissioned name of Notary Public IUY C.OMMI~~'O~J FY'!N~>~ 1n~t&~2r;!'lO In ,~u~t-.;.a'.ur~4'C' i'll ~,-.,-.t ~."'"~~ \i I .f ...."':Jg B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 25 BID FORM B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS Bid Item Estimated Annual Quantity 96-Gallon Container (357 carts per 6S-Gallon Container (476 carts per 3S-Gallon container (630 carts per Shipping charges per single full truck load of containers ** (see next pa truckload uantities Shipping charges per single partial truck load of containers **** see next 7S0 ) SOO ) SOO ) 1 Lump Sum e) .sted above 1 Lump Sum Acknowledeement: U nit Price Total $ $ 45.94* 34,455.00 $ $ 43.40* 21,700.00 $ $ 39.59* 19,795.00 $ $ 2,000.00 8,000.00*** see next a e) $ $ 1,350.00 included Total $ 83,950.00 By signing below, vendor submitting the bid acknowledges and understands that: 1. The quantities shown are for estimating purposes only and do not reflect the actual order quantity. 2. City intends to place orders for no less than a full truck load when possible. 3. There will be a 3% automatic annual adjustment in costs upon renewal of contract each year. * For Models 79296 and 79264, pricing is based on orders placed in lots of truckload quantities of 2/3 assembled carts with lids, stop bar and axle factory installed (357 Model 79296 carts and 476 Model 79264 carts). For Model 76532, pricing is based on orders placed in lot of truckload quantities of carts shipped with lids factory installed (630 carts) Sizes of carts may be combined to make up a complete truckload. Orders placed for other than lots of truckload quantities may be subject to additional freight. * OPTIONS: -The City may deduct $0.50 for Sunburst Wheel with pal nut attachment. -The City must add $1.50 per cart for semi-pneumatic wheels with pal nut attachment. -The City must add $1.25 per cart for Special Granite Color Body (Greenstone, Graystone, Sandstone, Brownstone, Bluestone or Navey Granite) with Standard Solid Color Lid. NOTES ARE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE. B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS Toter Incorporated Company Name President and CEO Januarv 17, 2006 Date 24 ~ ~ ..., SPECIAL NOTES FROM PAGE 24 CONTINUED: .., ** Single full truckload of Models 79296 and 79264 shipped 1/3 assembled with stop bar and axle factory installed are 588 Model 79296 carts and 840 Model 79264 carts. Model 76532, shipped unassemhled, with no components factory installed, has atruckload quantity of 1,140 carts. Sizes of carts may be combined to make up a complete truckload. ..., ., *** Total shipping charges per single full truckload of containers is based on all carts (1,750 carts) shipped together to one location, 2/3 assembled. a: **** Partial truckloads vary by cart size. To be "partial", the shipment must be less than 20% of a full truckload. ., a: -.: .. .. ... lIS ... ... ... .. --: :1 "'" l I ... -, I I .... I i I ... l I .. , .. I I ... I i I - I I I I - :rc ~ I I - -, I I - -1 I ... --1 i ",. 1 I .. I I ... -l I I - I I - """ Bid #B06-03 COMPANY INFORMATION/SIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE BID INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR BID. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL BID INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT THE PRICES REFLECTED ON THE "SCOPE OF WORKIBID FORM" ARE ACCURA TE AND WITHOUT COLLUSION. Toter Incorporated COMPANY NAME 800-424-0422 or 704-872-8171 TELEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) 704-878-0734 FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) kclark@toter.com E-MAIL ADDRESS t11r IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: John G. Scott, Pres. & CEO NAME/TITLE (pLEASE PRINT) Department 6001 Carol Stream, IL 60122-6001 841 l-leacham Road STREET ADDRESS Statesville, NC 28677 CITY STATE ZIP FEDERAL ID # 56-1362422 _Individual ~Corporation _Partnership _Other (Specify) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17 t14ay of J anuarv ,200~. . Personally Known X or Produced Identification N/A (Type ofIdentification) CAROLINA Laura Parker Gates Printed, typed or stamped Commissioned name of Notary Public My Commission Expires: June 30, 2007. B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 25 BID FORM B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS Bid Item Estimated Unit Price Total Annual Quantity 96-Gallon Container 750 $ 49.96 $ 37,470.00 65-Gallon Container 500 $ 43.13 $ 21,565.00 35-Gallon container 500 $ $ 17,375.00 34.75 Shipping charges 1 Lump Sum $ $ per single full truck load of 1,000.00 1,000.00 containers Shipping charges 1 Lump Sum $ $ per single partial truck load of -l~Please see containers note below. Total $ 77,410.00 Acknowled2ement: By signing below, vendor submitting the bid acknowledges and understands that: 1. The quantities shown are for estimating purposes only and do not reflect the actual order quantity. 2. City intends to place orders for no less than a full truck load when possible. 3. There will be a 3% automatic annual adjustment in costs upon renewal of contract each year. -lH~ Depends on size of container(s), quantity and weight. Schaefer Systems International, Inc. Company Name VP-Managing Director January 6, 2006 Date B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 24 Bid #B06-03 COMPANY INFORMATION/SIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE BID INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR BID. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL BID INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT THE PRICES REFLECTED ON THE "SCOPE OF WORK/BID FORM" ARE ACCURATE AND WITHOUT COLLUSION. Schaefer Systems Internationanl, Inc. COMPANY NAME (704) 944-4500 TELEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) (704) 944-4569 FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) mike.knaub@ssimail.net E-MAIL ADDRESS IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: Michael L. Knaub, Sr. VP NAME/TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) 10021 Westlake Drive STREET ADDRESS Charlotte, NC 28273 CITY ST ATE ZIP FEDERAL ID # 22-1851861 _Individual ~Corporation _Partnership _Other (Specify) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of January, 2ooL. Personally Known x or Produced Identification (Type ofIdentification) Notary Public - State of North Carolina County~f MeCklenbUm~ [Jadi(4)~'~ Signature of Notary Pubiic Frankie M. Batts Printed, typed or stamped Commissioned name of Notary Public BOG-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 25 BID FORM B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS Bid Item Estimated Unit Price Total Annual Quantity 96-Gallon Container 750 $ $ 51.73 ea. del. 38,797.50 65-Gallon Container 500 $ $ 49.17 ea. del. 24,585.00 35-Gallon container 500 $ $ 42.89 ea. del. 21,445.00 Shipping charges 1 Lump Sum $ $ per single full truck load of 1,365.00 1,365.00 containers Shipping charges 1 Lump Sum $ $ per single partial truck load of 1,365.00 1,365.00 containers Total $ 87,557.50 Acknowledeement: By signing below, vendor submitting the bid acknowledges and understands that: 1. The quantities shown are for estimating purposes only and do not reflect the actual order quantity. 2. City intends to place orders for no less than a full truck load when possible. 3. There will be a 3% automatic annual adjustment in costs upon renewal of contract each year. Rehrig Pacific Company Company Name 1/16/2006 Date B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 24 Bid #B06-03 COMPANY INFORMATION/SIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE BID INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR BID. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL BID INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT THE PRICES REFLECTED ON THE "SCOPE OF WORK/BID FORM" ARE ACCURATE AND WITHOUT COLLUSION. Rehrig Pacific Company COMPANY NAME (800) 241-9691 ext ]]8 TELEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) (770) 119-4840 FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) klesiacsek@rehrigpacific.com E-MAIL ADDRESS IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: Kirk Lesiacsek I Sales Representative NAME/TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) 1000 Raco Court STREET ADDRESS Lawrenceville, GA 30045 CITY ST ATE ZIP FEDERAL ID # 95-4608797 _Individual ~Corporation _Partnership _Other (Specify) ~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this J (0 day of Yl\A.lUA ~ ,200-.0 Personally Known or Produced Identificatio~MG (J,~~ (~('1 f~ (Type of Identification) Notary Public _ State of ~ w- v:g J' c21 coun~o~~~1-r) . Ign Pu hc j) 'iO~ (I\) [ ffHc~ ~' Y.J. Patel Printe~, ~ed or stamped Not.ary Public CommISSIOned name ofN~~~untYI Georgia My Cornm.Exp. Sept. 23, 2007 B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 25 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift center of Good L. . <\.~e It.>l~ Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 City Manager Robert Frank CITY OF OCOEE INVITATION TO BID #B06-03 TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS City ofOcoee . 150 N Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100. fax: (407) 656-8504 . www.cLocoee.fl.us BID DOCUMENTS 3 4 thru 6 7 thru 13 14 Legal Advertisement Invitation to Bid #B06-03 General Terms & Conditions Addenda Acknowledgment SCOPE OF WORK/BID FORM 15 thru 23 24 25 Specifications Bid Form Company Information/Signature Sheet END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 2 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Ocoee City Commission Sealed bids will be accepted for Bid #B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS, no later than 2:00 P.M., local time, on January 19,2006. Bids received after that time will not be accepted or considered. No exceptions will be made. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive infonnalities. The City of Ocoee, Florida, in conformance with the policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee (City) is soliciting bids from qualified and licensed vendors to provide wheeled refuse containers and delivery to the City at 301 Maguire Road, Ocoee, FL 34761, in accordance to the bid documents. This is a term contract, renewal annually, for a maximum of five (5) years. The City intends to award a contract to a single vendor based on total lump sum bid prices and satisfaction of the required specifications and warranties. No Pre-Bid Conference will be held. All questions, comments and concerns shall be presented in writing (fax or e-mail is acceptable) to the Purchasing Agent by 5:00 PM January 10,2006. No further questions will be accepted following the time and date stated. All bidders will be held liable for contents as presented in writing to the City. Bid Security: A certified check or bid bond shall accompany each bid, no cash accepted. The certified check or bid bond shall be for $1,000.00 and shall be made payable to the City ofOcoee as a guarantee that the Bidder will not withdraw for a period of (90) days after bid closing time and will sign a Contract with the City for the Bid Price. Each Bidder shall submit one (1) original and three (3) copies of the required bid documents, in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside with the appropriate bid number and opening date and time. Bids will be received at the City of Ocoee, Attn: Purchasing Agent, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Hall Conference Room on the above-appointed date at 2:01 PM, local time, or as soon thereafter as possible. Interested Contractors may secure a copy of the bid documents through Demandstar by accessing the City's website at www.cLocoee.fl.us under Finance/Purchasing, or copies are available from the Purchasing Agent for a non-refundable reproduction and/or administrative fee of $20.00. Checks should be made payable to the City of Ocoee. Copies via e-mail are not available and partial sets of bid documents will not be issued. A ward of Contract: The City of Ocoee reserves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities, reject any or all bids, and/or accept that bid that is in the best interest of the City, price, qualifications and other factors taken into consideration. The City reserves the right to award the Contract to the Bidder, which, in the sole discretion of the City, is the most responsive and responsible Bidder, price, qualifications and other factors considered. No fax or electronic submissions will be accepted. City Clerk December 18, 2005 B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 3 CITY OF OCOEE INVITATION TO BID #B06-03 TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS INTENT: Sealed bids for Bid #B06-03 will be received by the City of Ocoee, hereinafter called "the City", by any person, firm, corporation or agency submitting a bid for the work proposed, hereinafter called "Bidder". This TERM CONTRACT shall be for the period of one (1) year upon the execution of the contract renewable annually to a maximum five (5) years. The proposed Contract will be to furnish wheeled refuse containers of sizes specified and meeting the specification listed herein; and shipping and delivery to City Public Works Department at 301 Maguire Road, Ocoee, FL 34761. BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS: A. Each bidder shall furnish the information required on the bid form supplied and each accompanying sheet thereof on which an entry is made. Bids submitted on any other format shall be disqualified. Please check your prices before submission of bid. Bids must be typewritten or handwritten using ink. Do not use pencil. No erasures permitted. Corrections on the bid documents shall be initialed and dated by person signing the bid. Bid documents must be signed by a legally responsible representative, officer, or employee and should be properly witnessed and attested. All bids shall also include the name and business address of any person, firm or corporation interested in the bid either as a principal, member of a firm or general partner. If the bidder is a corporation, the bid should include the name and business address of each officer, director, and holder of 10% or more of the stock of such corporation. B. Any questions or concerns regarding this bid should be addressed in writing to the Finance Department, City of Ocoee, FL, Attention: Purchasing Agent (407) 905-3100, extension 1516 and fax (407) 656-3501 or emailjtolbert@ci.ocoee.fl.us, and shall be received not later than 5:00 PM January 10,2006. Any clarificationslchanges will be made by way of written addenda only, issued by the Finance Department. Bidders should not contact other City staff or other City consultants for information before the bid award date. Any contact with any other member of the City Staff, City Commission, or its Agents during this time period may be grounds for disqualification. C. This bid must be received as one (1) original and three (3) copies of the required bid documents only, by the Finance Department not later than 2:00 P.M., local time, on January 19,2006. Bids received by the Finance Department after the time and date specified will not be considered, but will be returned unopened. "Postage Due" items will not be accepted. Bids transmitted by fax or e-mail will not be accepted. Bids shall be delivered in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the bid number, title, and opening date and time to: City of Ocoee Finance Department Attention: Purchasing Agent 150 N Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761-2258 B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 4 D. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Ocoee City Hall Conference Room, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 at 2:01 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible on the above-appointed date. Bidders or their authorized agents are invited to be present. Please be aware that all City Commission meetings are duly noticed public meetings and all documents submitted to the City as a part of a bid constitute public records under Florida law. E. All bidders shall thoroughly examine and become familiar with the bid package and carefully note the items which must be submitted with the bid, such as: a) Bid Security in the form of a Cashier's or Certified check or Bid Bond; b) Bid Form; c) List of References/Experience; d) Addenda Acknowledgment e) Any other information specifically called for in these Bid Documents. F. Submission of a bid shall constitute an acknowledgment that the bidder has complied with Paragraph E. The failure or neglect of a bidder to receive or examine a bid document shall in no way relieve it from any obligations under its bid or the contract. If "NO BID", so state on face of envelope or your company may be removed from the City's vendor list. No claim for additional compensation will be allowed which is based upon a lack of knowledge or understanding of any of the Contract Documents or the scope of work. All items quoted shall be in compliance with the bid documentslscope of work. G. No Pre-Bid Conference will be held. All questions, comments and concerns shall be presented in writing (fax or e-mail is acceptable) to the Purchasing Agent by 5:00 PM January 10,2006. No further questions will be accepted following the time and date stated. All bidders will be held liable for contents as presented in writing to the City. H. Any response by the City to a request by a bidder for clarification or correction will be made in the form of a written addendum which will be mailed, e-mailed or faxed by Demandstar, or the City if applicable, to all parties to whom the bid packages have been issued. The City reserves the right to issue Addenda, concerning date and time of bid opening, clarifications, or corrections, at any time up to the date and time set for bid opening. In this case, bids that have been received by the City prior to such an addendum being issued, will be returned to the bidder, if requested, unopened. In case any respondent fails to acknowledge receipt of any such Addendum in the space provided in the bid documents, its' bid will nevertheless be construed as though the Addendum had been received and acknowledged. Submission of a bid will constitute acknowledgment of the receipt of the Bid Documents and all Addenda. Only interpretations or corrections provided by written Addenda shall be binding on the City. Bidders are cautioned that any other source by which a bidder receives information concerning, explaining, or interpreting the Bid Documents shall not bind the City. I. Any of the following causes may be considered as sufficient for the disqualification of a bidder and the rejection of its bid: a) Submission of more than one (1) bid for the same work by an individual, firm, partnership or corporation under the same or different name. For purposes of this subparagraph, firms, partnerships or corporations under common control may be considered to be the same entity; b) Evidence of collusion between or among bidders; c) Being in arrears on any existing contracts with the City, or litigation with the City or having defaulted on a previous contract with the City;e B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 5 d) Poor, defective or otherwise unsatisfactory performance of work for the City or any other party on prior projects which, in the City's judgment and sole discretion, raises doubts as to Bidder's ability to properly perform the work; or e) Any other cause which, in the City's judgment and sole discretion, is sufficient to justify disqualification of Bidder or the rejection of its bid. No bid may be withdrawn and all bid prices shall remain firm for a period of ninety (90) days after the time and date scheduled for the bid openine. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive informalities or irregularities, to request clarification of information submitted in any bid, or to readvertise for new bids. The City may accept any item or group of items of any bid, unless the respondent qualifies his/her bid by specific limitations. The City will make an 'Award, in its absolute and sole discretion to the most responsible and responsive bidder whose bid, in the City's opinion, will be most advantageous to the City, price and other factors considered. The City reserves the right, to aid it in determining which bid is responsible, to require a bidder to submit such evidence of bidder's qualifications as the City may deem necessary, and may consider any evidence available to the City of the financial, technical, and other qualifications and abilities of a bidder, including past performance (experience) with the City and others. The City Commission shall be the final authority in the award of any and all bids. B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 6 GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. BID SECURITY: a) Each bid must be accompanied by a cashier'slcertified check upon an incorporated bank or trust company or a bid bond in an amount of $1,000.00. A combination of any of the former is not acceptable. Cash or Company/Personal Checks will not be accepted as bid security. The cashier's check or bid bond is submitted as a guarantee that the bidder, if awarded the Contract, will after written notice of such award, enter into a written contract with the City, and as a guarantee that the bidder will not withdraw its bid for a period of ninety (90) days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids, in accordance with the accepted bid and bid documents. b) In the event of withdrawal of said bid within ninety (90) days following the opening of bids, or bidder's failure to enter into said contract with the City or failure to provide the City with other requirements of the contract documents or the bid invitation after issuance of Notice of intent or recommendation to award by the City, then such bidder shall be liable to the City in the full amount of the check or bid bond and the City shall be entitled to retain the full amount of the check or to demand from the Surety the penal sum of the bid bond as liquidated damages and not a penalty. c) Surety companies executing bonds shall be duly insured by an insurer or corporate surety acceptable to the City and authorized to do business in the State of Florida and signed by a Florida licensed resident agent who holds a current Power of Attorney from the surety company issuing the bond. d) The cost of the required bond and required insurance coverage is to be included in the bidder's overhead and is not eligible for reimbursement as a separate cost by the City. e) The checks of the three (3) most favorable bidders will be returned not later than three (3) days after the City and the successful bidder have executed the contract for work. The remaining checks will be returned within thirty (30) days after the opening of bids. Bid Bonds will be returned upon request following the same criteria as a check. 2. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS No performance and payment bonds are required for this bid. 3. PRICING: Pricing should be provided as indicated on the Specifications & Bid Form attached and shall include any alternate bids. Please note that alternate bids will not be accepted unless specifically called for on the Specification & Bid Form. City intends to purchase the containers in bulk quantities with a minimum of 100 units as needed throughout the life of the contract. The minimum and maximum quantity of annual purchases are unknown. The numbers shown on the Bid Form are approximate for estimating purposes only and are not guarantee of quantities purchased by the City. B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 7 Bidder shall enter the total for each bid item as shown on the Bid Form. In case of a discrepancy between the unit price and extended price, the unit price will be presumed to be correct. Cost of preparation of a response to this bid is solely that of the bidder and the City assumes no responsibility for such costs incurred by the bidder. By submission of this bid, the bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, that in connection with this procurement: a) The bidder represents that the article(s) to be furnished under this Invitation to Bid is (are) new and unused (unless specifically so stated) and that the quality has not deteriorated so as to impair its usefulness. b) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restriction competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor; c) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other bidder or to any competitor; d) No attempt has been made or will be made by the Bidder to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. Every contract, combination or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce in this State is unlawful (Florida SS 542.18 and all applicable federal regulations); e) Bidder warrants the prices set forth herein do not exceed the prices charged by the bidder under a contract with the State of Florida Purchasing Division; and f) Bidder agrees that supplies/services furnished under this quotation, if awarded, shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranties the bidder gives to any customer for such supplies/services and that rights and remedies provided herein are in addition to and do not limit any rights offered to the City by any other provision of the bid award. 4. COST ESCALATION An automatic annual 3% cost escalation shall be applied for all bid prices shown on the Bid Form upon each renewal. 5. OTHER COST ADJUSTMENTS For the year 3 through year 5 of the contract, the vendor may request a cost adjustment as dictated by certain unanticipated market conditions caused by material costs or other unanticipated factors. Vendor may submit a detailed market analysis acceptable by the City for consideration. Any requested cost adjustments shall be subject to approval by the City Commission. B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 8 6. DISCOUNTS: a) Trade and time payment discounts will be considered in arriving at new prices and in making awards, except that discounts for payments within less than 30 days will not be considered in evaluation of bids. However, offered discounts will be taken for less than 30 days if payment is made within discount period. b) In connections with any discount offered, time will be computed from date of Delivery and acceptance at destination, or from the date correct invoice is received in the office of Finance, whichever is later. Payment is deemed to be made, for the purpose of earning the discount, on the date of City Check. 7. SAMPLES: City may request a sample item for testing and observation. When required, the sample must be furnished and delivered to the City at location specified free of expense to the City. 8. AWARD CRITERIA: The contract will be recommended to be awarded to the overall lowest most responsive and responsible bidder according to the following criteria: · Compliance with specifications, terms, and conditions . Bid price(s) . Warranty offered The City of Ocoee may waive technicalities or irregularities, reject any or all bids, and/or accept that bid(s) that is in the best interest of the City, with price, qualifications and other factors taken into consideration. The City reserves the right to award the Contract to the Bidder(s) which, in the sole discretion of the City, is the most responsive and responsible Bidder(s), price, qualifications and other factors considered. However, the City specifically reserves the right to accept other than the lowest responsible and responsive bid when the City considers that to be, in its sole and absolute discretion, in the best interests of the City. 8. LITERATURE: If required by the Scope of Work, or the specifications, descriptive literature/brochures shall be included with this bid in order to properly evaluate makelmodel offered. Bids submitted without same may be considered non-responsive and disqualified. B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 9 9. BID PROTESTS: The City's Finance/Purchasing Department will consider Bid Protests seeking contract award, damages, and/or any other relief. Any Bidder seeking to file a Bid Protest SHALL use the following procedures: 1. A bidder SHALL file a written Bid Protest under this Article, or be barred any relief. 2. A Bid Protest: (a) must be in writing (oral protests will NOT be acknowledged); (b) the content of the Bid Protest shall fully state the factual and legal grounds for the protest and the legal basis for the relief requested; and (c) The Bid Protest shall be filed with the Purchasing Agent not later than three (3) calendar days after the posting of the notice of intent to award or recommendation of award by staff. 3. After a Bid Protest has been properly filed with the City, the City, by and through its Finance/Purchasing Department shall make a determination on the merits of the protest not later than five (5) business days after receipt of the protest. If the City denies the protest, the City may proceed with the award of the Contract unless enjoined by order of a Court of competent jurisdiction. 4. A Bid Protest SHALL be limited to the following grounds: (a) issues arising from the procurement provisions of the Project Manual and/or the Bid Package or Contract Documents; and/or (b) applicable federal, state or local law. No Bid Protest may be based upon questions concerning the design documents. The Bidder shall clarify all such questions concerning the design of the project prior to submitting its bid. 10. PAYMENT TERMS: City shall issue an official City Purchase Order for products based on the terms of the contract. Upon delivery and acceptance by the City, vendor shall submit an official invoice for payment. Payment for work completed will be made within (30) days of approved invoice. No payment will be made for products ordered without proper purchase order authorization. Payment cannot be made until materials, goods or services, have been received and accepted by the City in the quality and quantity ordered. Any contract resulting from this solicitation is deemed effective only to the extent of appropriations available. The City of Ocoee, Florida has the following tax exemption certificates assigned: · Florida Sales & Use Tax Exemption Certificate No. 58-00-094593-54C; and · The City is exempt from federal excise, state, and local sales taxes. B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 10 11. CONTRACT: The successful Bidder, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor" will be required to enter into a contract with the City. The City may in its sole discretion award any additional work, whether in the existing areas, or in any additional area, or any additional area, to any third party, or such work may be performed by the City's employees. Contractor will be expected to cooperate with any or all other Contractors who may be performing work for the City. 11. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: The Bidder guarantees that the services to be performed and the goods to be provided herein, shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, orders and decrees, including without limitation such of the following acts as may be applicable: Federal Consumer Product Safety Act, Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, Federal Hazardous Substances Labeling Act, Federal Flammable Fabrics Act, and any applicable environmental regulations. a) All contractors are required to comply with the Congressional Federal Register (CFR) of the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Construction Industry, Part 1926, and CFR 1910, General Industry Standards that are applicable in construction work. b) The prime contractor is not only responsible for the safety aspects of his operation and employees, but also that of all subcontractors on the job site. c) Assure that a certified first aid person is designated, phone numbers of physicians, hospital and ambulance services are posted (copy to Personnel Director, City of Ocoee) and that a first aid kit is available. d) All individuals are required to wear hard hats on all construction sites. e) Provide personal protective equipment that may be required for jobs in progress (e.g.: hard hats, safety glasses, respirators, ear protection, long pants and shirts, etc.). f) Observe the speed limit on City property. g) Construction areas cleaned daily; excavations must be barricaded or flagged until backfilled. In some cases, bracing, shoring and sloping may be required. h) Scaffolds shall have guard rails on all open sides and secured to prevent displacement. i) Powder actuated stud guns or low velocity and/or similar powder actuated tools require eye and ear protection as well as to ensure that all unauthorized personnel are well clear. j) Welding and cutting - a fire watch and appropriate fire extinguisher shall be provided and combustible materials cleaned up. k) All heavy equipment must have, where applicable, (a) back-up alarms, (b) boom angle indicator, ( c ) load chart, (d) reeving, (3) fire extinguisher, (f) condition of hook and other items in accordance with OSHA 1926.550 and ANSI B30.5. 1) Construction material shall not be stored so as to block exits. m) Ground fault circuit interrupters are required on all electrical circuits not part of the permanent wiring of the building. n) Personal fall protection must be provided at elevations exceeding ten (10) feet. 0) Per City Ordinance, any Contractor using construction dumpsters within the City of Ocoee must obtain these services through Superior Waste Services of Florida, Inc. B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 11 12. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE: If applicable, provide a statement concerning the Bidder's status as a Drug-Free Work Place or evidence of an implemented drug-free workplace program. 13. CERTIFICATION OF NON-SEGREGATED FACILITIES The Bidder certifies that it does not and will not maintain or provide for the bidder's employees any segregated facilities at any of the bidder's establishments and that the bidder does not permit the bidder's employees to perform their services at any location, under the bidder's control, where segregated facilities are maintained. The bidder agrees that a breach of this certification will be a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause in any contract resulting from acceptance of this Bid. As used in this certification, the term "segregated facilities" means any waiting room, work areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage and dressing areas, parking lots, drinking facilities provided for employees which are segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, habit, local custom, or otherwise. The bidder agrees that (except where the bidder has obtained identical certification from proposed contractors for specific time periods) the bidder will obtain identical certifications from proposed subcontractors prior to the award of such contracts exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause, and that the bidder will retain such certifications in the bidder's files. The non-discriminatory guidelines as promulgated in Section 202, Executive Order 11246, and as amended by Executive Order 11375 and as amended, relative to Equal Opportunity for all persons and implementations of rules and regulations prescribed by the U.S. Secretary of labor, are incorporated herein. 14. STATEMENT OF AFFIRMATION AND INTENT: The bidder declares that the only persons, or parties interested in their bid are those named herein, that this bid is, in all respects, fair and without fraud and that it is made without collusion with any other vendor or official of the City of Ocoee. Neither the Affiant nor the above named entity has directly or indirectly entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive pricing in connection with the entity's submittal for the above project. This statement restricts the discussion of pricing data until the completion of negotiations and execution of the Agreement for this project. The bidder certifies that no City Commissioner, other City Official or City employee directly or indirectly owns assets or capital stock of the bidding entity, nor will directly or indirectly benefit by the profits or emoluments of this proposal. (For purposes of this paragraph, indirect ownership or benefit does not include ownership or benefit by a spouse or minor child.) B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 12 The bidder certifies that no member of the entity's ownership or management is presently applying for an employee position or actively seeking an elected position with the City. In the event that a conflict of interest is identified in the provision of services, the bidder agrees to immediately notify the City in writing. The bidder further declares that a careful examination of the scope of services, instructions, and terms and conditions of this bid has occurred, and that the bid is made according to the provisions of the bid documents, and will meet or exceed the scope of services, requirements, and standards contained in the Bid documents. Bidder agrees to abide by all conditions of the negotiation process. In conducting negotiations with the City, bidder offers and agrees that if this negotiation is accepted, the bidder will convey, sell, assign, or transfer to the City all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may now or hereafter acquire under the Anti-trust laws of the United States and the State of Florida for price fixing relating to the particular commodities or services purchased or acquired by the City. At the City's discretion, such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the City tenders final payment to the bidder. The bid constitutes a firm and binding offer by the bidder to perform the services as stated. 15. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME STATEMENT: All invitations to bid as defined by Section 287.012(11), Florida Statutes, requests for proposals as defined by Section 287.012(16), Florida Statutes, and any contract document described by Section 287.058, Florida Statutes, shall contain a statement informing persons of the provisions of paragraph (2)(a) of Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, which reads as follows: "A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list." All bidders that submit a Bid or Request for Proposal to the City of Ocoee are guaranteeing that they have read the previous statement and by signing the bid documents are qualified to submit a bid under Section 287.133, (2)(a), Florida Statutes. B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 13 16. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA: Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: No. No. No. Dated Dated Dated B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 14 SPECIFICATIONS B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS All bids submitted shall meet the specifications outlined in this document for wheeled 96-gallon, 65-gallon, and 35-gallon refuse containers which can be dumped by both semi-automated and fully-automated disposal trucks. All bids must be submitted on the appropriate Bid Form attached. GENERAL CITY OF OCOEE INFORMATION Current residential solid waste customers = 10,000 Annual increase in customer base = 400 Current refuse containers = wheeled 96-gallons Current collection method = semi-automated (tipper on side-load trucks) Proposed collection method = fully automated arm BID INFORMATION The bid must also include the specifications, as written by the City, with a check mark in either the "Yes" or "No" space following each section. By checking the "Yes" space, the bidder states that the product being bid conforms exactly to that specification as written. By checking any of the "No" spaces, the bidder states that the product being bid does not conform exactly to that specification as written, and that the bidder is offering an alternative to that specification. When any of the "No" spaces are checked, it must be accompanied by a detailed explaination of the exception. This must be typewritten on a separate sheet in a numbered, orderly, fashion (with reference to the corresponding numbered specifications) so that it can be easily interpreted by the City. The City at it's sole decression shall accept or reject Bidder's explaination or alternative offered by the Bidder. The City reserves the right to request, at no charge to the City, a sample of each class of the containers from the bidder at no additional charge to the City. This sample will be kept by the City and will be used in tests conducted by the City or its designated testing agent. Failure to comply with any of the instructions will be cause for the City to reject that bid. B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 15 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. The wheeled refuse container shall be designed to contain solid waste materials including garbage, refuse, rubbish, and yard clippings. Yes No 2. The container shall be provided with adequate wheels and handle so that it can be pushed or pulled with little effort. Yes No 3. The containers shall be designed to be dumped by both semi-automated and fully-automated disposal truck systems. Yes No 4. It will be the responsibility of the bidder to acquaint themselves with the dumping systems used or proposed by the City. Yes No MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 5. The body and lid of the container shall be molded using only first quality, fully recyclable high density polyethylene from a nationally recognized brand supplier and shall meet all ANSI (American National Compliance) Standards. Yes No 6. Cart martial shall be one hundred percent (100%) virgin material and cannot contain any recycled, regenerated, off-specification or wide-specification materials. Non-recyclable material such as cross-linked polyethylene will not be acceptable. Yes No CONTAINER (BODY ONLY) SPECIFICATIONS 7. The container shall be one piece injection-molded construction. Yes No B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 16 8. The actual capacity of the containers must be 96-gallon, 65-gallon, and 35-gallons (+/- 3%) as measured according to ANSI Z245.30-1999. The load rating shall be published in the bidder's current product brochure. Yes No Load rating offered are as follows: 96-gallons 65-gallons 35-gallons pounds pounds pounds 9. Minimum wall thickness of the body shall be no less than 0.155 inches and must meet ANSI standards. The thickness of the container's bottom section shall be no less than 0.180 inches and must also meet ANSI standards. Yes No 10. The body walls shall have a slight taper to facilitate emptying. The front two comers of the cart body shall be "shouldered" on the same plane as the rear "hip", thus forming an overhang around the body of the cart that will greatly augment lifting in fully-automated application. Yes No 11. To prevent abrasion wear-through, there shall be a ridge molded around the perimiter of the container's bottom surface. This "wear-ridge" shall consist of a molded-on deposit of solid resin material which adds thickness to the container's bottom surface to prevent wear. Yes No 12. An integrally molded upper lifting "bib" extending approximately 1 Y2" from the frontal plane of the cart body at it's lower opening shall be the only acceptable method of upper attachment to the refuse vehicle's cart dumper system. Yes No 13. The integrally molded upper lifting "bib" shall have molded gussets that provide reinforced attachment to the front plane of the cart body to assure adequate support for extended year's of usage. Yes No 14. To protect against lifter-interface damage, the gussetts that attach the upper lifting "bib" must provide adequete support for the bib in order to prevent wear and tear on the bib. Yes No B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 17 15. The cart will be fitted with a freely rotating steel lower "stop" bar. This steel bar must be corrosion resistant, minimum 1.0" O.D. and must be 16 gauge wall thickness standards. To avoid potential damage by cart lifting devices, any fastners required to secure the lower "stop" bar in place must be positioned inside the actual body of the cart. Yes No 16. The container shall be designed to be fit with axles which do not require holes or bolts through the body, to eliminate potential leakage of liquids, escaping odors or entry of insects. Yes No 17. The container body shall be free of pockets and recessses which could trap debris or harbor odor causing build-up. Yes No 18. The container body must be able to withstand water infiltration with a molded rim to add structural strength and stability to the container and to provide a flat surface for lid closure. The underside of the rim shall be reinforced with integrally molded-in suport spaced around the entire circumference of the container. This ridge, shall serve as a barrier to escaping odors, intrusion of pests, and to prevent moisture from entering the cart from under the edge of the lid. The rim of the cart must in no way be radiused inward so as to obstruct freeflow emptying of the container. Yes No B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 18 COLOR 19. All plastic parts are specifically engineered by the manufacturer to ensure complete even distribution of colorants and shall be stablized against ultraviolet light attack. The color of the containers shall be dark green. Vendor shall supply a sample for approval within 5 working days after the execution of the contract. Yes No WHEELS AND AXLES 20. Complete wheel assembly shall be approximately 10" to 12" in diameter. They shall consist of snap on solid rubber tires pressed onto molded hubs having self-lubricating bearing surfaces. Yes No 21. For ease of assembly, wheels will be designed as a "snap-on" attachment with a locking mechanism. Wheel assembly using speed nuts ("palnuts") will not be considered Yes No 22. Wheel spacers shall be an integrelly molded-on part of each hub. Yes No 23. The axle must be at least 3/4" diameter, solid steel, plated to protect against corrosion. Yes No 24. The axle shall be affixed to the body by passing through or being supported by molded-on, cross-gussetted details. Yes No B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 19 25. There shall be a molded slot where the foot may be placed directly on the axle to aid in tipping. Yes No LID 26. The lid must be of one piece construction domed, injection molded of materials meeting ANSI standards to facilitate water run-off. Yes No 27. No metal hinges will be accepted. Yes No 28. No lid latches will be accepted. Lid will be held closed by its weight only. Yes No 29. The lid shall rotate 270 degrees when in the full open position, and hang freely from the cart body. Yes No 30. The lid must incorporate a handle so that it may be opened easily and comfortably by the end user. It must have handles on the back to facilitate rolling the cart for garbage placement by customer. Yes No HANDLE 31. Push-pull handles shall be provided as an part of the container body. Yes No B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 20 MARKING 32. "CITY OF OCOEE "will be hot stamped on the right and left sides of the body of the container. Sequential serial numbers shall be hot stamped on the cart body using a numbering system of the City's choosing. All hot-stamping will be done in 1" white block letters, easily visable from a distance. Yes No STABILITY 33. The containers when empty, must not overturn when the lid is thrown fully open. Yes No 34. The containers must be designed to prevent being turned over by winds up to 35 mph for each carts gallon capacity. Yes No ASSEMBL Y & DELIVERY 35. Bidders are to provide the total count of individual parts that combine to make up the cart being offered in this proposal (including every individual molded part, wheel, spacer, bolt washer, etc.)? Total number of individual parts in each cart Bidders are to attach a list identifying each of the parts used in the cart. Show total quantities of each of the individual parts, and provide a list confirming replacement parts pricing for each part. Replacement parts prices are to be firm for the duration of this contract. 36. To minimize cost of assembly and distribution, the carts are to be supplied from the factory with handles, front (lower) "catch" bar and lids completely assembled. To minimize cost of assembly and distribution, only the axles and wheels will require attachment by the City with the option to the city to install lower catch bar. Yes No 37. Bidder must provide delivery to F.O.R Destination: 301 Maguire Road Extension Ocoee, Florida 34761. Shippingldelivery costs must be provided on the Bid Form. Yes No B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 21 WARRANTY 38. The container lid, wheels, axle, and all necessary hardware must be covered at a minimum of a ten (10) year warranty. Any component parts which fail in materials or workmanship to perform as originally designed, shall be repaired or replaced at no charge to the City. During the first ten (10) years after delivery, any component of the container, including lid, hardware and all related parts, that are found to be defective in materials and/or workmanship, shall be repaired or replaced at no cost to the City. Yes No Warranty includes but is not limited to one or more factors listed below. A. Failure of the lid to prevent rain water from entering the container when closed on the container body. B. Failure of the lid hinge to remain fully functional and continually hold the lid in the originally designed and intended positions when either opened or closed. C. Failure of any metal components to remain free of excessive red rust and corrosion, to be determined by the City. D. Failure of any plastic component to be resistant to damage in the event of contact with any common household or residential productlchemicals other than those listed by the Contractor. E. Failure of any portion of the bottom of the container body to remain impervious to wear- through despite repeated contact with rough and abrasive surfaces. If at any time during the ten-year warranty period any container bottom becomes worn through or fractures due to normal wear and tear, or develops holes so that it leaks when filled with water, such container body shall be replaced in its entirety and without charge under the warranty. F. Failure of the container body, lid, hardware, or any component parts to maintain their original shape. G. Failure of the wheels to provide continuous, easy mobility, as originally designed or intended. H. Failure of any container, container body, lid, wheels, or other component part to conform to the minimum standards specified herein (i.e. failure to use only first quality, high density, virgin resin). Yes No If bidder responds "No", the bidder must detail any warranty items excepted on a separate sheet. B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 22 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Bidder shall supply, with the bid, complete technical data on the particular container being bid by their company. The information shall include construction specifications. Bidder must provide a detailed user's list which the City may use for references regarding the quality of products and service records of the manufacturer. Yes No B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 23 BID FORM B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS Bid Item Estimated U nit Price Total Annual Quantity 96-Gallon Container 750 $ $ 65-Gallon Container 500 $ $ 35-Gallon container 500 $ $ Shipping charges 1 Lump Sum $ $ per single full truck load of containers Shipping charges 1 Lump Sum $ $ per single partial truck load of containers Total $ Acknowled2ement: By signing below, vendor submitting the bid acknowledges and understands that: 1. The quantities shown are for estimating purposes only and do not reflect the actual order quantity. 2. City intends to place orders for no less than a full truck load when possible. 3. There will be a 3% automatic annual adjustment in costs upon renewal of contract each year. Company Name Authorized Officer (print) Authorized Signature Date B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 24 Bid #B06-03 COMPANY INFORMATION/SIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE BID INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR BID. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL BID INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT THE PRICES REFLECTED ON THE "SCOPE OF WORK/BID FORM" ARE ACCURATE AND WITHOUT COLLUSION. COMPANY NAME TELEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) E-MAIL ADDRESS IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (manual) NAME/TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP FEDERAL ID # _ Individual _Corporation _Partnership _Other (Specify) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of ,200_ Personally Known or Produced Identification (Type of Identification) Notary Public - State of County of Signature of Notary Public Printed, typed or stamped Commissioned name of Notary Public B06-03, TERM CONTRACT FOR WHEELED REFUSE CONTAINERS 25