HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #04 MVP Neighborhood Match Grant AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 7, 2006 Item # ~ Contact Name: Contact Number: Joy P. Wright 407 -905-3100 x1530 Reviewf}d By: Department Director: City Manager: NJIL- ---- Background Summary: The City of Ocoee funds MVP Grants once each year. Cambridge Villas' application received for this budget year is attached for consideration by the City Commission. Issue: Six applications were received, five from neighborhoods and one from a community service organization located in Ocoee. The Cambridge Villas Homeowners Association's application was received by the deadline, however it was not included with the six applications. Recommendations Staff respectfully recommends fundinq the Cambridge Villas' grant project upon completion of the work and submission of the proper paperwork. Attachments: Grant application from Cambridge Villas Homeowners Association. Financial Impact: There are adequate funds available in the MVP Grants line item. Type of Item: D Public Hearing D Ordinance First Reading D Ordinance First Reading D Resolution l8J Commission Approval D Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDf Use: l8J Consent Agenda D Public Hearing D Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) o N/A o N/A o N/A MqYQr. S. Scott Vandergrift ceuter of Good L . <\.~e If'i~ S~Q.nl.PQ.i~$.iQI1~r~ Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 City Manager Robert Frank STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mavor and City Commissioners FROM: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations Manager DATE: February 27,2006 RE: 2005-2006 MVP Neighborhood Matching Grant Applications ISSUE The City of Ocoee funds MVP Grants once each year. The attached application should be considered for this budget year. It was not included in the applications previously reviewed and approved by the City Commission. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION The City of Ocoee MVP Grants Program has been in operation for several years. The Program assists neighborhoods and Ocoee organizations with projects that will enhance property values, educate the public, provide cultural and recreational opportunities, or contribute to the safety and security of our residents. This year the application cycle opened November 15t with applications due November 30th. The attached application from the Cambridge Villas Homeowners Association was received by the deadline, however it was not forwarded for review and approval. MVP funding is not given up front, but is reimbursed at the completion of the project, applicants front the money and then get a portion back, up to a maximum of $2,500, through the MVP Program. If an applicant does not have a funding source, the City of Ocoee will purchase the materials and associated services for them. In this way, applicants can start their projects immediately upon approval by the City Commission at the January 1 ih meeting, giving them an additional two months to complete their project. Below is a summary of the Cambridge Villas Homeowners Association's application received for the 2005-2006 cycle. Staff has reviewed the application and has requested and received all necessary supplemental information to support these applications. City ofOcoee' 150 N Lakeshore Drive' Ocoee. Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 . fax: (407) 656-8504 . www.ci.ocoee.t1.us Cambridqe Villas: Add new paving around park and enhance landscaping. Estimated Amount Requested: $2,500 RECOMMENDATION Staff respectfully recommends funding the above grant project upon completion of the work and submission of the proper paperwork. There are adequate funds available in the MVP Grants line item. Cc: MVP Grant Application Project Leaders 2005/2006 Application Form and Instructions (Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 30, 2005) Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Tonya Elliott, Community Relations, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 Date Received: l0.91o~ { I 10.' 10 A-Irt By: Kef: City ofOcoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: C Am 8ILI /) l'J1:.. Project Leader: /)j;D f:11~t;/j # Ulti.i1c;J; II ,/) ,/9 Address for Proj ect Leader: '/1'1 /t)CCl~i4 AI;v VIUMy/;- Ct. Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) (Evening) J.(tJ7. 0/2-4 .331) Email Address: bStJs .6-:;'1 (2D y/9HOCJ. Co#-( , Describe the neighborhood or proj ect boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City ofOcoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: TH ;' L{)$$7 OA-i<J -- j },.,: tJ I J-p n4 e OJ ,c- 'icI/,,: (.<JR.r!1:;' ,l!../), frJ.$i: FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? t!/tS I UYes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? {l/l/!./L t( w~'L How many members are in the association? '20 Ntz/!;6>' Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? &".) b' -- 9',) g i-ICJPfJ; [)i.lJft.JEfl,~ What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.): ~t3 !! I DI$N7 . Vi C/i P tf!..t:S i ~~./7 , gee. r;!.t:.";l/ItjL.Y ( ,- j / f-lJ'Z/d.rCl 1'2 t:;-~. , 'ft...B i.J IE:." t.J / 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? I-I.o-,q ;Vlv 414--l 1J1~"r/~ () fJ ( U;"',I;.I', it(.. ($/ fOIL c,k!I AJ-S"'.- ~J" , ih'c;- M i~ u<;odr f-/I;.ll) 7,1F- 1l-1 THe WR-->( cit-8S' If No: -;1/1 }..6 Wg i) /ZI ~~-!JJ4 cr b..v p1 A./k./~ , ~/~amr'. Do you have an active neighborhood group? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? . What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) When was it organized? How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members or clients of your organization? Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City ofOcoee? _ If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years. .r- t?u t-J;: 7.s !fu:; , 141"" l' (.ItE ,,' e, /4JN i.l . f+~Af. .u /of./ i.i 2..06 iI) rf (.t 111 m ;; I'L Co#' ,..... <-i /f,>' .., 1-10 1/~H...(..) n"'~ ~J2-IY' f'm ;;;q..w; (>NI/1.<j .uJ"r ;) I'J-ft r r" t ^ f GJ#'I:1t' t/ ;~/-rv / m I!!'C.J.J I \( ~ , t;/,J?~. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? (?// /-I-;f.I bl1-lb ~'I lw c.s ,:',-:1~ m I On w n.J ((~ &L WIf1 r JtII'3 utii~ ~ f"6"t- S ~s.c; ~ {,; Ir.q;,v 7!; . , ItreP~ 6F 7'~, _ L .. N"l':?i'f $;<.JtJ,>>x1 ~oi, ,. What is the name of the proposed project? What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) l '1. . .5c(J. Briefly describe the proposed project: ;/I{. I'l...o;f;st"., (:cIIJSfS 15 ILJ./;tI!.. tJw.J~ ~AJ 2X I -; ,!t(~ 0 t) ./'v1'.IMA'J ~$i0 ~ /4.<< 4l ~~_~5 /?~ Cc~4 /~/ /r?'o fl'~ ,I List the project goals: 'f. (1) /.I,; /."V{;I(,;lt , ~ (2) &. Jl..~ /" Il · .~(3) to j51~j n/ J/-LS' ;t ~ L~ Y<A-" (/ &~ 4~.l'7 /L, ~~~ , LiJ..~7 €J~(-..€. 11 ~eJ1L.~ ~ -=- P'~ /1 , ~ jJ cvJ.- . et-re4. (~~ ,e....- i ~ ldc~/t.- ~ /!-- ~~;l~ t-_. - ~~.....!- / f/'o/( 6..(.A/ /!J~.Ae."U ~ ~~IJ"~;' <;..r~~. ~/ ~ / ,/ ~ / / c.~.u",:,-:c.1 L,..tA,~1.t1 (~ "..~. / j'''/ w 6 List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. Project Leader );;0 !l/~t. Historian (photo grapher) Monthly & Final Reports Coordinator Partner! Volunteer Coordinator 4,.L/,vlil!.. iJ 0 lu jV r lUll i/ 0 '-14 IV 1;-:1; t-. /fIT ;U{;1I1'Y1)4-)V1'f- l/ /(U.tJ9 q' Cr. J-(&7- 9' l t.j "'']211 rfJf1f!,.(fJ fJu;ti$ 7 Z '2- N f llMl4iV~"; vIII flr..t . c., q 07-~2J. ~tf6'1() " .....,.., .., '=4f?f-+I,,','V I.), I~';ij Cr J((:J7~ a ~'l-' J-ta tj3 "I "1"\.. ' ' , ~ ,; '-' ,... - , JJGI.':l1!. ,;A;w;~ ';'1 '~TAlVU;j' fY1c /t.t.t.S 6i 3 i\ I \ tl ~7- 523 -6'1L1 /!.crJJv1 /)/.Il:';fJ;i. 5g-1.f' II '. J-fC'}.-1oft-i{l'Y) -(oj Jill;1 f;-';: 57:! "'};;; "1~"" to} !"v ' ' ~5 ,~ t4i2 6P ~61q"r 6:55.:- 'I 1'\. r f.{C(;;rrJ€.4VV1 eM 1) / { I Cf 'i./IJ lJJ/ (?f9! .~h.Q4 \it "-JJe'0'1\ 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. (,.4)iLA. ,If ~ I A-i Llb(vt!:.i) WI/ iW e ~ L:? T /",",- t.- j.. f1;:ti; /'JZi ~c:.. ~ C I:; /1-#11'1/ ~{)f"-k:. i+/!.h:J4 Awd t)oj,~ / rH~' t~/fPUyt,. What is the l(~pation of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a desc~n of whom it will serve in what general area. . } ~L _.e<.{ . if fJ, '1JltrLJq-j M&4 ~ If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site 10cation(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawinl!. (please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of- Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: X l!.;-.Jr tl..1J./lJ"G- r fI"'1 t;tJ-cup.;~ ~A- (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right- of-way or the owner ofthe private property or common area.) f.) t(J H/'( NS-tl;17J4.J1'jv Vi!tH-"ri:. c.1' , 8 Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) of Intent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify that our membership voted and approved this 2005/2006 MVP Awards application on NlJeJi;n115 U. J-o . 2--oe s- (date), and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. ) , L f;/wt Print name of person preparing application I>hC "( 1- ;J.dJ rI. tlA;1..I~ P~"L' Print Nam~ of Neighborhood/Organization President J)~ (~j ~ 1" 1ft>> r/ Signature of Neighborhood/Organization President Signature of person preparing application Date: 1/.1 UJ !IJS- Date: II / 21 / A'(J[" . If your neighborhood does not have a formal association, please attach a petition with names, addresses, and signatures of at least two-thirds of the people who live in or own property in your neighborhood stating they are in favor of the project. The petition should be accompanied by a list of all addresses within your neighborhood. Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 30,2005. Deliver in person or mail to: Tonya Elliott, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Tonya Elliott at (407) 905-3109 if you have any questions. CITY STAPF USE ONLY Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Has the association listed the Project Team names, their full addresses and phone numbers? (7 minimum) Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? Have all the association's cash and in-kind donations been documented? YES NO Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? If the project is a physical improvement, has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement, is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? 9 e ~ Q.l E-i ~ .:= ..... Io-l o ... ~ .c 5 ~ 5 ~ CIl ~ ~ > ... ~ CIl o .....-. ~r-: ~ ~ ... Oll Oll~ ~ Q., o CIl = -; 0 ="e o~ ~ .~ - . ~ ~ CIl .... 0 ;:::.:= - ..... :E.:= .~ ~ = ~ o 5 Q.,. ~~ ... = ~,g ~ CIl ~ ~ ..... 5 ~ ~ ....... = o ~ ... CIl ~ ~ ~.:= .:=~ .....- >'-0 .c ~ ~ ..... :s~ ~S- .s 8 ~ .~ ... ..... 0llC.l ~ .~ = 0 o ... >.Q., "' ~ ~; ~- .:= .... CIl..... CIl = .... = ; 5 Oll~ .S ~ =..... .~ ~ CIl ....... >.0 ~ a - ~ Q.l .~ - ~ - ~ ~ Q.l - = - ~ = ~ ... en 'i:l Q.l - ... = 0" ~ ~ 5 ~ z = Oll .... rJ':J $ ~ rJ ..~ ...., ~ '..I ...J cs:.. ~~ ...~ ~.. I < ~. ~ ~ ':\ ....... h \~ 5 V\ ~ ~ Z -<l ~ -- ..... \J !J = ~ .... ~l\ ~ ... A ~~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ 0 - ... ~ .c 5 ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ..... C.l ~ '0' ... ~ -. = ~ ... .... ... 0 0 ..... ..... ~ CIl = .... s .... "e ... ... 0 ~ ... 0 ( .:= 0 U Q., ..... ~~ ~ ~ ... ... ... = ~ ~ Oll .... -S ~ "e "t- "e 0 ... ... ~ ..... 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ .:= 0 ~ ~ ...:l ~ U ... f~ .... :3 ~ ~ -.:? C.l ~ '_...J ~ ... ..... \- '--- '0' 0 = ~ ~...... Q., = ~ ... ~ - ~:: ~ ~ > ;, e r:J:l co= ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ \0 ~ 6 ~~ .. ~- "- """ < ; Qj '-. e! ~ i --= ~~=5 ~ .Q Q '=lle -- = .... r:J:l:a~ \ ~~'C ~co== :; , =~co= '" 1 ~ ~'C; ~o- o- N - ~ ZO~ -=- ~ (1"- ~ _ u ~ 0 Qj - f < .Q '0 .q it -Q,- .:r .:t- ~ .... ~ ~ Qj \0 ~Zo ~~o " N <Qj- ...... ;:J~~ ...... ~UO ON f >~ '- E-;.c 3 ~... J r:J:l .... ~ ou ('iij ~] ~ "! ~ L;' ~ ~ (~ ~ S ~ ~ 0 .- ta S ~ N ~ .S ~ ~i .... cd .... OJ:) ~ 'b 0 C> ! ':l ::0 ':> Il) 0 ~ t !~ ~ 0 -E <r z 0 ~ ...... ~ ~~ ~ 0... t) SJI Il) ;:~ ~ .= .- -cr. cf. :SQ. 8 Il) Z ~ I ~ . . J ~ 4 ';" 1. ~ ~.:) l.7a ~~ l*l 4~1 ..j ~ 5 ~ ~3 ~<l. Q..... , I' , I I " 5 rJ1 ~ ~~ <~ ~~..... ~ = ~ p;e~ ~~rJ1 ~b!l~ --.S "0 rJ1-=~ ~~~ 63 ~ rI.l rJ1~; ~"Oo ~o= Z]l.. ~ l.. t ~,g= <-== ~ .~o ~~> -0 ~Z\O N'\rI.lo -"' 0 .:.J. :$ tN SlJ :s~~ ~ ~~~ ~.o rJJ .... ou ~~ ~ 'IJ 1;1 \ 1\ .:)' ,~ ~ ( '~ ~ \J -l- IT. :r \", .J -:J ~ ~. '-' i::: o ..g N .~ ~ o :0 o o .s o g i -'='"' "l"""4 8 Cl) ~ Z Cl) ~ Z , ~ ~ ,II- ... ... " ~ ~ J '. .~ t~ ~ ~ ~ u -i--1I .- ..G- ~ N N (r d ~ Q Q ..." ~ <:1 ~ r<)' ,~ ~ il' ~ .~ ~ t:.. 'J G, '4 ~ .> ~, ,.;J .::J -:$l .J - ,J :::: -.....! 5Z V) Q.1 -< ~ ::J -3 ~ > ~ ~ c-j V:l M ~ f'\ ~ lS' ~ .0 ~ r.t.l ~ o ::r: P:: ~ ~ Eo-; g o > ~ o Eo-; f M ...... ..;;;:~ '-.. '0' ~ " ~ ~ f' \II -:-s ,-0 ~ rr \.1--= (\ ...-......-.~- € ~ <r v .:.)" '('" .-...) V) (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) t/ho h (jl,JjJn AIZUtuvf) f'PI'..k- . rJ l3 w f ftf!.1<. ?J!.IL C- C2. J 7 R.iLl>. .".,- ~... J ./2.. e r:.. /" , I r-?- ./ 1n...EnlIVJI"!"l't,~'1" 4J~Dl ~ /t:..t./L/ll/<'_1 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2005/2006 Proposed MVP Awards Proiect Bud!!et Neighborhood/Organization: LA ml3l2.;b9B. Project Name: f!:.JlfArX-t.'MS)r,)'/ OJE-~ PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): Vi~E H'e>-A' f7.4J2J<.- ~/U;.4 TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: -~ Ni:!W ~'{.'g ""["" , 't.... -. "-1./--.,- g It., rut 18.s );1 ~.,tL t t- . TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: $ 2.., S CI(:? . $ If. !.Jl ')0 $ $ $~,ttJ~~_ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~~5o/...' !3L.S: l.Wi: 2(JO' 2ih 3VC" -r ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** Estimated Value ,v, n r 1L.{J1.i s) j) ,., ,. OJ..? ,.. t;)':.-i1.lvtr ..;.... Df> if.1rt 1 t j;;" I Volunteer Labor '2.0 Hours x $101hr 15 EXISTING GRASS PRESSURE WASH WOOD TREATMENT TO EXISTING MONKEE BARS, SUDER AND SWING EW PAVED AREA EXISTING GRASS EXISTING SIDEWALK GRAPHIC SCALE - 1 5 10 20 I 30 NEUMANN VILLAGES PARK ENHANCEMENT DESIGN BY: DRAW BY: SCALE: DATE: PAGE: MARIA I PEREZ "UP. GRAPHIC 11-20-2005 1/1 form W.g Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Give form to the reqwster. Do not send to the fRS. IRw. Janutty 20031 QIlp;M1mJm1 d thIr 11anut)' IntetnItl RllV<ltlUll SeMca N NlIfle t g tt 1 ~ CAMerzi 06e" VI UA6e 15~1M!l5 "emll. If dI/'fI!f'ClI1(1l'om above O IndlYlduaV CMdI ~ 00Il.; Sole ~ ~ (nutfltHIt. lIfteet. and apt. or tUlte no.) Pud" . o{tfC€' lbox <Jno,. -illlM, 1Iftll l-lf'''' OCU€i. +:c.. ~4=l ~ l.lM IICCOunt nutnbl!r(!l) here (aptJOnllf) 00 Corpor6tion 5.31- r identification Number ~.O.A o f''4l1nerahij> 0 0tI1<<. . . . . . __ . . .. . .. . . '. 0 ::::~t b8ckup Requeter's nartll! and adclress (optiOl1llQ Enter your TIN in the appropliatll bex. For indlvidUll1a. thiS Is your SOCial socurlty number (SSN). However, for a rHIcIeftt alien, .. proprietor, Of dlstegarded enUty, 1M 1M Part IlnIeNctlons on page J. For other antltle!I. It IS yt14Jf employer ldentlIleatlon number (tIN). If )'OIJ do not have a number. see How ro ,. . TIN on f.I8Or. 3. Nota: If the account is In fTlCXe than one name. see rile chart on page 4 for guidellftflS on wtIose number to enter. ~ 9 ~ ~ 0 :; 8 or ~ ldentlfIc<<lolI runb<< Centftcatlon Under penalties of perjury. I certlfy that: 1. The number Shewn on this form 15 my correct taxpayer IdentiflC8tlOn number lor I am waiting for a number to be lSSood to me). and 2. I am not StJbject to bacJwp wlthtloIdJng beca/,jSW, c.) I am exempt from backup wlttIhoIdlng. or Cb) I have not been notified bylt1e Internal Revenue ServIce (IRS) that I am SUbject to backup withholding as a rO!IU1t of a fallUl1l to report aU Interest or dIVIdends. or (c)1tle IRS hall notIIled me that I am no longer subject to backup WlthhoIding. end J. I am s U.S. person (lnclucllng II US. reslclent Illlen). Certlfk:ation InstructloM. You mu!!!t cr055 out item 2 above if you have been notJrled by the IRS that you are etlrrently sul:!iect to backup withholding becau5e you haw fallect to report aN lntere5t and dividends on your tax rewm. For reel estate transactions. Item Z does not apply. For mortgage Intere!t paid. acqui!ltlon or abandonment of secured property. cancellation of debt. contributlons to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA). and generally, peyment5 other then Interest and diVidends, you are not requir9Cl to 9Ign the Certification. but you must provide your correct TIN. (See the In!tructlons on page 4.) Sign I s~ H.... u.s. . Purpose of Form A perSOfl who 15 required to file an Informatlon return with the IRS, must obtain your correct taxpayer identification number (T1N) to report, for example. Income paid to you, real estate transactlons, mortgage Interest you paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured ~, canceUatlon of debt, or contributions you made to an IRA. U.S. purson. Use FormW.g only if you are a U.S. person Oncludlng a resident allen). to provide your correct TIN to the person requesting It (the requester) and, when applicable, to: 1. Certify that the TIN you are gIvlng is correct (or you are waiting for a number to be ISsueCl), 2. Cartify that you are not subject to backup withholding, or 3. Claim exemption from backup Withholding if you are a U.S. exempt payee. Note: If a requester glv8s you IJ form other than Form W-9 to request your TIN, you must use the requester's form If it Is substantially similar to this Form W~9. Foreign person. If you are a foreign person, use the appropriate Form W.8 (see Pub. 515, Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities). 0Inlt . Nonresldent alien who becomes a resident IUtn. Generally, only a nonresident alien individual may use the terms of 8 tax treaty to reduce or eliminate U.S. tax on certain types of Income. However. most tax treaties contain a proviSion known 8S 8 "saving d8U~, H Exceptions specified In the saving clause may permit an exemption from tax to continue for certain types of income even after the recipient has othenMse become a U.S. resident alien for tax purposes. If you are a U.S. resident alien who is relying on an exception contained In the savlngclause of a tax treaty ta claim an exemption from U.S. tax on certain types af income. ~ou must attach a statement that specifies the follOWing live items: 1. The treaty country. Generally. this must be the same treaty under which you claimed exemption from tax as a nonresident alien. 2. The treaty article addressing the income. 3. The article number (or location) in the tax treaty that contains the saving clause and Its exceptions. 4. The type and amount of income that qualifies for the exemption from tax. 5. Sufficient facts to justify the exemption from tax under the terms of the treaty article. eM. No. I0231X F~m W.9 (RI!V 1.20CH) N~~~:':H.OA CAMBRIDGE VIlLAGESHOA SPECIAL MEETING November, 14 2005 AGENDA A. Management Company World of Homes (resignation letter) Back up plan B. MVP Grand Project Project definition Team selection C. House keeping Secretary resignation Lawn Contract Christmas Decoration 2. ADJOURNMENT A. Next meeting -----------------------------------------------December 5, 2005 N~~~~:a:H.aA CAMBRIDGE VILLAGE flOl\f~OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Minutes of the Special Meeting of Board of Directors November 14, 2005 CAlL TO ORDER/ESTABLISH QUORUM The President, Maria I Perez at 7:10 p.m. at 722 Neumann Villages Court, called the regular meeting of the Board of Director of Cambridge Village Homeowners Association, Inc. to order. Directors Present: Maria Perez, Stanley Moms, Neville Dewdney and Ronny Olliveira. A quorum of the Board was established. Angela Dotson was absent in this meeting. Deo Sing and Athia were present as community members. AGENDA Approval of the minutes Management Company MVP Grant Project Miscellaneous Approval of the minutes - Motion made by Maria I Perez and seconded by Ronny Olliveira. Motion accepted the minutes as writing and submitted by the World of Homes. Man(1~ement Company - World of Homes had been send to the president and copy to all board member of the cancellation of the cO:Q.tract. Th~ board members feel that is going to be an overwhelming situation especially at this time of the year, but it ffels a sense of relief. The Board of Directors was unhappy as well as the corpmunity in. general with the way that the CAM was handling every aspect of its job. Since the enforcement qf the bylaws until the finance report. The Board has a back up plan, which is ran the Association by themselves, at least for the next year while the finance will be better. Hire an attorney to get legal advice as needed. A PO Box had been already, acquired at the Post office, the Bank account is already open in Crown Bank at Clark Rd, and at the end of next week a bill w / the collections is going to be mail out to every owner. (MVP) Grant- Ms. Perez express that the idea will be apply for Grand money to enhance our Park. Deo Sign is going to take the lead to helping the Board with fill up the application with the help of Stanley Morris and Maria Perez. All the board members are in favor of the idea. The application will be drop in the City .not lather than November 30,2005. Miscellaneous- Angela Dotson pass on Maria Peres the news that she is going to resign to her Secretary position in the Board due to special family situation. Stanley Morris is going to look if there is anybody in the community that wants to fill up the secretary position. The lawn contractor is not filling the expectation of the board in performing his job, even after several conversations for call his attention. Maria Perez is going to get at least three quotes and see if we can get somebody that make a better job for the same money. Christmas' Decoration. Maria Perez with the help of Stanley Morris is going to plant some poinsettias in the sign and put some decoration and Christmas' lights, too. Maria is going to find out at the City if there will be a Christmas ~ontest this year. ADJOURNMpNT The me~ting adjourned at 8:30 p.tp. R~spel:tfully s-q.bmitteQ, From /:l1e Boatq. of pirectors, A1~rifl ~s~pel Perez. 'freskleflt. ;;:-'-;~"'i<1:."- ;" ~"Ji' H.o.r\ eOhMu~iny PArTY iO/ ~ ... )1\1 P 200$ 6fl4JJr p~ J6t..r