HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #09 God's Factory Christian Center Special Exception AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 7,2006 Item # <1 Contact Name: Contact Number: Terry James 407 -905-3100/1018 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: God's Factory Christian Center Special Exception Project #: 05-05-SE-006 Background Summary: God's Factory Christian Center applied for a Special Exception (church use) in Space #10 of the Ocoee Shopping Center. The entire shopping center is 8.15 acres, and is located on the northwest comer of Ocoee-Apopka Road and Silver Star Road within a Community Commercial (C-2) Zoning Classification. In order to approve this use, certain upgrades to the property are needed. Issue: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Special Exception to allow God's Factory Christian Center (church use) in Space #10 within the Ocoee Shopping Center (aka. Thrifty Acres Shopping Center)? Recommendations Based on the staff report, the DRC recommendation, and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommendation, Staff recommends the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the special exception for the God's Factory Christian Center in Space #10 of the Ocoee Shopping Center subject to the attached Development Agreement being executed by the owner, and the attached Staff review comments being incorporated into the Special Exception Site Plan. Attachments: Location Map Future Land Use Map Zoning Map Picture: Proposed God's Factory Location, Space #10 Draft Special Exception Conditions of Approval City Attorney Review Comments, dated January 23, 2006 Ordinance 2003-33 Letter in Support of the Special Exception, dated February 6, 2006 Draft Development Agreement Financial Impact: Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'? ~ Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: _____ Consent Agenda _____ Public Hearing _____ Regular Agenda _____ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _____ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 2 City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Gary Hood. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Nancy J. Parker. District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Terry L. James, Principal Planner DATE: February 23, 2006 RE: God's Factory Christian Center Special Exception Project #: 05-05-SE-006 ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve a Special Exception to allow God's Factory Christian Center (church use) in Space #10 within the Ocoee Shopping Center (aka. Thrifty Acres Shopping Center)? BACKGROUND: Parcel Identification Number: 18-22-28-0000-00-024 Property Size: Land area for the entire shopping center parcel is 8.15 acres. General Location: The site of this proposed project located in Space # 10 at the western end of the existing Ocoee Shopping Center. The shopping center under new ownership and is located on the northwest comer of Ocoee-Apopka Road and Silver Star Road. The new owner is Mike. Mansour. Current use, proposed use, unique features and consistency with the adopted Comprehensive Plan for the subiect property: Space # lOin the shopping center is a vacant storefront. The Applicant proposed a church use in this space. There are no unique features of the property; however, the site has experienced periodic flooding during rain events. The Future Land Use classification for this entire property is "Commercial"; current zoning classification is Community Commercial (C-2). 1 The current zoning classifications and actual uses of parcels surrounding the subiect property: Direction Zoning Classification Actual Use North C-2 Light industrial & warehousing uses East C-2 Auto Tint Shop, Temporary Labor Facility (southeast) South C-2 V,S, Post Office West C-2 Vacant & small retention pond DISCUSSION: According to "Table 5-1: Permitted Use Regulations" contained in the Ocoee LDC, church uses are a special exception in the following zoning classifications: R-I, R-IA, R-lAA, R-lAAA: Single Family Dwelling, R-2: One & Two Family Dwelling, R-3: Multiple Family Dwelling, RT-I: Mobile Home Subdivision, C-I: Neighborhood Commercial, C-2: Community Commercial, and C-3: General Commercial. Special Exceptions are defined in Subsection 2-4.C (282) of the City ofOcoee Land Development Code as: A special exception is a use that would not be avvrovriate without restrictions throughout the zoning division or district. However, if controlled as to number, area, location or relation to the neighborhood, would promote the vubUc health. safety. welfare, morals, order, comfort, convenience, appearance, prosperity or general welfare, such uses would be appropriate. (Emphasis added) The Torero Restaurant/Bar has an active liquor license and is located approximately 250 feet east of the proposed church use. The applicant is aware of this bar and its location. According to Ordinance 2003-33, the location of the church within this shopping center will preclude any other bar from locating in the shopping center. In addition, subsection 38.5.I(c) of the ordinance will require additional restrictions for the existing bar such as prohibiting outdoor speakers, allowing outdoor entertainment only by special permit and prohibiting such entertainment during the church services or when the entertainment will interfere with the normal operations of the church. The ordinance also prohibits signs advertising the sale of alcoholic beverages or identifying alcoholic beverage products: . On the exterior of the building; . Located interior of the building within six inches of a window; and . Visible from the outside of the building. With the proposed Conditions of Approval, the proposed church use will not adversely impact the area. Although the new owner is refurbishing the shopping center, additional improvements are also requested in the Conditions of Approval to promote the health, safety, and appearance of the shopping center (See Attachment). Finally, the minor review comments contained in the review comments contained in the 1 st Staff review from the City Attorney's Office (dated January 23,2006) must be addressed by the Applicant. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE: On February 6, 2006, the Development Review Committee (DRC) met to discuss the Special Exception for God's Factory Christian Center. Pastor Steve Rohr, the applicant, was present at the meeting. Mike Mansour, the new shopping center owner, did not attend the meeting. The DRC discussed the issues surrounding the improvements to the shopping center by the new owner and tied the proposed improvement to the approval of the special exception for the applicant. The DRC also discussed the restrictions that would be placed on the 2 existing bar located within 1,000 feet of the proposed church use, and the prohibition of any other bars locating within the shopping center. The DRC recommended the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval of the special exception application for God's Factory Christian Center in Space # 10 of the shopping center subject to the "Special Exception Conditions of Approval" and the review comments contained in the 1 st Staff Review dated January 23,2006. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: The Planning & Zoning Commission met on February 14,2006 to discuss the Special Exception for God's Factory Christian Center. Pastor Steve Rohr, the applicant and Mike Mansour, the shopping center owner were present at the public hearing. Mr. Wagner, the Community Development Director, clarified the special exception application indicating that the church, as a tenant, filed the special exception application for the property owner, and that special exception approvals are granted only to the property owners. Mr. Wagner also indicated that the Staffwas willing to work with the property owner for a phased approach to the requested upgrades to the shopping center. Mike Mansour stated that as the new owner of the shopping center, he was willing to work with the City to enter into an agreement to upgrade the existing shopping center. The Commission questioned the applicant concerning the church operations, and also questioned Staff concerning some aspects of the shopping center including the proposed upgrades contained in the "Conditions of Approval" . The Commission also questioned Staff concerning the Ordinance 2003-33 in relation to the existing bar within the shopping center. Mr. Wagner clarified the ordinance, stating that the ordinance would not require the closure ofthe existing bar, but would require some minor changes in the signage advertising the sale of alcoholic beverages. He also indicated that Ordinance 2003-33 would not be relevant in the consideration and recommendation for the special exception. At this point, the Commission asked for a clarification of the term "established church" in relation to the restrictions contained in Subsection 4.C.1. -3. of Ordinance 2003-33. The Planning & Zoning Commission then recommended approval of the special exception for the Living Waters Church in Space #14 of the Ocoee Shopping Center subject to the "Special Exception Conditions of Approval" and the review comments contained in the 3rd Staff Review. NOTE: The City Staff has met with Mike Mansour, the shopping center owner, since the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting to formulate a development agreement incorporating the required improvements contained in the Special Exception "Conditions of Approval". These conditions were slightly modified during the negotiations with Mr. Mansour, and are outlined in the attached draft development agreement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the staff report, the DRC recommendation, and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommendation, Staff recommends the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the special exception for the God's Factory Christian Center in Space #10 of the Ocoee Shopping Center subject to the attached Development Agreement being executed by the owner, and the attached Staff review being incorporated in the Special Exception Site Plan. Attachments: Location Map 3 Future Land Use Map Zoning Map Picture: Proposed God's Factory Location, Space #10 Draft Special Exception Conditions of Approval City Attorney Review Comments, dated January 23, 2006 Ordinance 2003-33 Letter in Support of the Special Exception, dated February 6, 2006 Draft Development Agreement 4 God's Factory Christian Center Special Exception Location Map 9 -0 o ~ ro ~ a. o a. I Q) Q) o o i I C- co :IE ~Q) o tn .....~ (.) CO"'C LL s::: tn CO - ..J "'CQ) o I.. 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Storey III, Assistant City Attorney DATE: January 23,2006 RE: God's Factory Special Exception; Project No. 1-05-SE-007 (First Review) In connection with the above-referenced project, we have reviewed the following documents: 1. Applicatipn for Special Exception stamped received by the City of Ocoee on December 19,2005 (the "Application"); and 2. ,Site Plan for Special Exception stamped received by the City of Ocoee on December 19,2005 (the "Site Plan"). Based on our review of the documents noted above and pursuant to the Land Development Code, we have the following comments: 1. City Staff should review the Application in light of the standards for Special Exceptions set forth in Section 4-8 of the Ocoee Land Development Code. 2. Please be advised that a Development Agreement addressing certain improvements to the Shopping Center will be required prior to approval of the Special- Exception. 3. City Staff should provide a list of the required improvements so that we can incorporate this list into the Development Agreement. Once this list is provided, a draft of such Development Agreement will be provided under separate .cover. 4. Please submit a Title Opinion or Title Certification (the "Title Report") showing the record title holder of the land. Please note that the Title Report must also show all mortgages not satisfied or released of record nor otherwise terminated by law. The Title Report must be certified or addressed to the City of Ocoee and the legal description in the Title Report must match the legal description on the Site Plan. ORLA_397879,1 : FOLEY 5. Please note that a Joinder and Consent to the Development Agreement will need to be executed by each mortgagee of the property., 6. Please revise the Site :plan to add the following Condition of Approval ("COA"): The owner of the Shopping Center will submit to the City of Ocoee a revised Site Plan which will provide for certain on-site improvements of the Shopping Center as required by the City Code. 7. Please revise COA #3 to add the following sentence: "Further, compliance with all other applicable provisions of the Ocoee Land Development Code shall be required." 8. Please revise the second line of COA #6 to read "God's Factory Christian Center as shown on this Site Plan for Special Exception". 9. Please add the following COA: This Special Exception is applicable only to Unit 10 of the Shopping Center as shown on this Site Plan for Special Exception. This Special Exception is not applicable to any other Units of the Shopping Center or any expansion of Unit 10. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. cc: Paul E. Rosenthal, City Attorney 2 ORLA_397879,1 God's Factory Christian Center Special Exception Conditions of Approval The Final Site Plan shall comply with the Special Exception Preliminary Site Plan as approved by the City Commission. This Special Exception shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of approval by the City Commission unless a building permit is optained prior to such date; such permit being for the construction of the propose,9~t aufu9.~ized by the ~~e~~a;~:~~~~~~.dit~~~~~~ ~~~e~~~~;~o~~~:~~r'llllr=~~~K~~~~t :~~~~~~n:se a~~~~st~~ t::~ :r~~~:~ :~~:e(i~~'f~~ti~:~li~I~lr"II~~~~ep~~R~ by the City Commission. ";;:.";,;",,,./":::" ",.,.'.'.,.....2"::::::'):("""" .., ..........................,., .....,......................... Approval of this Special Exception does not"Mi.t~9r~I:~qJnmencemerttq~::':~::~'~::~)" development. Prior to issuance of a buildinge~.~~~,,!,'i\~~~pe necessary to' obtain site plan approval pursuant to the provisions ofWftid~:1\:9~~lM\Ocoee Land Development Code. Further, complianc~.}yf:!hall other'~pij:~~ii~~~PFovisions of the Ocoee land Development Code s2~~III~III~~t~.:i,:,:::;;:,:::::~:r. ~;~~:~l~~~~t ~: t~~ :~:n~~:::;f.lf~~~~~llililll~~~9~b~~~i~ ~i:rtf~cate months of issuance of the buildin~l~it.)",>;;;:':::;::;: Should the use authorized p.M~his Sp~cial~%i~ption,qiii;~ertninated or substantially modified or expanded in ~:mmm~r incon~~~~~i~,w~tp.;,:I~ Conditions of Approval for the Special Excepti9P;':~ij~said Sped~~~~lp~9#may be revoked by the City Commission at.~~~:~~~~il~~cretion. """"""""""",'.. This Special ExceptioH~(qi:Q~Bt9P. use shall be applicable only to the proposed God:~E~~mfY"bl,1ristian'(f!g~!i;!~t~hown on the Special Exception Preliminary si.~#'~I~m,~i$,mg~::~99f the sllQRP1Pg;9@mer and is not transferable to any other ,3~11~9PpHdi{tQ:i~~~II~t2f a ceffl~~I~"bf Occupancy. 7)):~~":RIBf to the approvttt:p,~m~,Einal Site pian for the project, or any portion thereof, ,):;,:~;,~':'Ie Applicant/Owner<<(i.~[:pi@d to apply for and obtain a Final Certificate of ,,"",:19np~rrency pursuant tq~~.~fle IX of the Ocoee Land Development Code. 1"~;~!ID;,J~e review ofth~iP.p~ication/project by the City nor the granting of any ".'.t5111'1';~~r'-lf~~~~t~e~~~:::a~i~:1 c~~~~~~~~oo~~:~:~ency with respt9~~m:;i~~"9FgmY'portion of the project or to create any exception from the provisions6~.~~~ii:~K of the Ocoee Land Development Code. Within six (6) rii6'iji-hs of the approval of this Special Exception by the City Commission, the Owner shall provide a boundary survey and an up-to-date small- scale site plan. The Owner will have two (2) years from the approval of the site plan to complete the site improvements. The phasing of the improvement will be determined at site plan approval. The Owner will be responsible for the following site improvements: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 8) File: H:\DEVELOPMENT REVIEWS\SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS\God's Factory Church_Special Exception\StaffReports\God's Factory Christian Center-Conditions of Approval_2-23-06,doc Page 1 of2 a. Landscaping and irrigation shall be upgraded as follows: i. Installation of landscape islands with irrigation along the entrances and at the ends of the parking bays; ii. Placement of large potted plants along the sidewalk entrances to the shopping center spaces; and iii. Upgrading the current "cobra head" light fixtures by retrofitting the fixtures with light shields to screen out horizonMglare ~~ to less lighting spillover onto adjacent parcels and the pa~~tin9:~III]:jl~.g poles black. b. :;}!~~;;~S~~:~~~~:If'~~Nr~::~;I:> c. Landscaping improvements at the soutM~~a~~fit.t~ at the Snv.~r:iw?' Extension including, but not limited to ingrl~(igl~~slelineationwltlj:f$sed curbing and a defined green area with verti,'~:~ffli:II~1~~~~~1 plantings. d. Drainage shall be upgraded to meet thes#teila contm:l!g~m::EilY of Ocoee Land Development Code under SU.p~~pU9n;9~.?: Surfacg\1\it~r:l'anagement and St. Johns River Water Man'l,~#:lig~,m~~~~91~~andardstnij~#aing but not limited to: ....'............................. .......,........... ................. .. .. i. The recalculation and subs~9H~n.t enl.~fu~b~~F'!p~'~tormwater pond located at the west end ,gf th~,~~6ppiBi~Renter,PF9:a~16n of a positive outfall for the pond; and ""."":.:':.:::':""""'" ':""""""""""""""" ,<.".:,:"",,:,., ii. The evaluation to 4it!prtlne if add~t,~~mm!it~:ln the parking lot to provide for proB8~,III~ge to the reR~ri:t,~BBpprtd. e. Miscellaneous sitgi.Uli~I~~~~ts as follows: i.",'m~ql~:~n~::}Y~st side'8l,~I~,I~~~~l1g parking lot, improvements to the chain- ::::~.[~nl::~m~Jpe curidi\:E~g~~yelopment Code prohibits chain link ':::::::':':::~o~~:~~~"I~I~_~~r~:~:~~I~~~~~~;;:~~n~~';~:;c~:~.o~~f~nCing , fencing will hav~:~mny irrigated landscape buffer on the east side of the ',,':.,.,...,..,.,.fence c~nsisti~g d'~llt viburnim hedging spaced at 30 inches on center "".,,:::::::':':':':<""""'ood 36 Inches III helgp,t"'. [~~i;[:~lr~@:ping Oft9~~_~ster enclosures at the rear of the property in :.9~9M9@wim:~M~urrent Land Development Code with the exterior to be cdH~_#,q,WiI]~;ii~corative masonry stucco painted with the building's exterl8E~I~I~I'ith black metal gates; and iii. Re-strippihg of the parking lot including directional arrows and crosswalks. File: H:\DEVELOPMENT REVIEWS\SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS\God's Factory Church_Special Exception\StaffReports\God's Factory Christian Center-Conditions of Approval_2-23-06,doc Page 2 of2 ORDINANCE NO. 2003-33 AJ.~ ORDINAJ.~CE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELATED TO ALCOHOLIC BEVER..\GES; AJ."\1ENDING SECTION 38-2 OF CHAPTER 38 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR SPECIAL EVENTS PERlvlITS FOR THE CONSUMPTION . AND POSSESSION OF ALCOHOLIC ,BEVERAGES IN PUBLIC PLACES Ai"ID IN ORDER TO ADDRESS THE CONSilltIPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OUTSIDE OF A BUILDING; Al\1ENDING SECTION 38-5 OF THE CHAPTER 38 OF THE CITY CODE TO PRomBIT P ACKA.GE LIQUOR STORES WITIDN 1,000 FEET FROM AJ., ESTABLISHED CHURCH OR SCHOOL; Al\1ENDING SECTION 38-5.1 TO EXENIPT CERTAIN BUSINESSES FROM THE LOCA TIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL BUSINESSES SELLING OR FURNISHING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES \VITHIN 1,000 FEET OF AN ESTA.BLISHED CHURCH OR SCHOOL; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COI\.llVIISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. A nthority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Section 38-2 of Chapter 38 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee is hereby amended' to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): ~ 38-2. Prohibited acts. A Px.~rt a.~rmvirl.f'rl iT'! C;:Pt"'tinT'! l~L? "R hplm;v. it shall be unla'Nful for any person to drink or have in his possession any unsealed alcoholic beverage in or on public places within the 006.303825.1 corporate limits of the city I except within authorized places of business licensed to sell and dispense such beverages. fl. Sulliect to cornoliance with all a:poIic~le state Iaw:i a oe!,ion rnav dri1JJl; or have in his nosses-'ion u ~e~ed ~c~ b~verage~ in or a~ pub!il< places ~ithl~ the ~;,~. at,- ~f~~; ': Cltv wheo a soectal events permIt has llee .s ued ~ ~e c: which .SJlecif\callv qermits such ~"?vit,;. i,v ~Ch :Li~i<:( Sh:,~ be ill?,ect 10 th,e terms an? caijdltinns of. :"c~ ~ec::; eve~~ oerom. Anv such soecla! eve~ts oermlt, ha e ou~ ~ acco<~<;e wi~ ~olicles an.d or~"" a<J.:ted ~ ~~~~~~: tlje Cltv cQrnmI,sjnn. Uool &uch e as e CI ~ :~"H~~'~~ adQots such a resolution. the issuance of ~uc~ 0 c'al ve t oennits shall be orohibited.... C;, Effective November 1, 2003. the c:su~o~ 0: alcohUlic bevera.es in an area qutside ;f a b~d;:,~ I;; W~;Ch _: Qusine,s licensed to sell and dlspellSe alcoh .Ic r,eve;a.~ ~ located Dr In a patio area adjacent to anv ~UCh ~Uild;:g ~. Ws~i~~ such oIace oLbusiness is located is ora ibited un;;-s ,I) ;;:c. consumotion occurs'within an area that is fenced r othe ise clearl esta l' s ed a a enclo ed area and ii such con u tio is otherwise oermitted bv state law. SECTION 3. Section 38-5 of Chapter 38 of the Code of Ordinances of the I, City of Ocoee is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): ~ 38-5. Locational requirements. 06,303826,1 _ 'J_ as part of the school facilities; lImvided. however. th~ the fore.cill.. orovi,iQl1'l shall not aoolv Ie; any free Sland0g st~re at Which alcQhcIic ~evera.~l or into:<ieati~ .~~vera;~ ~ sc;d f~~ ,Qff-s1te consUrnn!J.on WhlCh store 1S egta I1 hed a f e date adontion of this ordinance. SECTION 4. Section 38-5.1 of Chapter 38 of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): ~ 38-5.1. Exemptions to locational requirements. [Added 12-1- 1998 by Ord. No. 98-32] Lln order to facilitate and encourage the location of schools' and churches within planned unit developments and special overlay areas, the City COmmission may, following an advertised public hearing, exempt land located within a planned unit development zoning district and/or a special overlay area from the provisions of ~ 38-5 of the City Code upon a finding that the granting of such exemption will facilitate and encourage the location of schOols and churches within the planned unit development and/or special overlay area. In granting any such exemption, the City Commission may impose such conditions of approval as it deems necessary to protect school children and church members from unwarranted exposure to alcoholic and intoxicating beverages. B. The nrovisions of S 38-5 shall not a;gJJlv to: (n anv restaurant ecuiooed to se!}'e full course meals at ~Iel and deriving at least 51 nercent of its gross revenue from t e sale of food and non-alcoholic beverages: (2) any bona fide ~te~ m~ej or motor court whicl! derives at least 51 ~reent 0, it, IrrUs: revenues from the rental of hotel or motel .ooms and W:ic~ ~ licensed as a Dublic lod.in~ establislu)je~t bV the ;tate Of ~,~ Djv!sion of Hotels and Restau,ants: 13~~;"li;:!~tab~s=eiit~ havIn. 12 or more lace, and all neeess eou ._Out t" ~u~~ate them: and (4) anv bona fide movie theater with 5 0 ore screens. 006.303826.1 -~- 1. Permanent outdoor sneakers shall be nrohibite<L . 2. ~tdO?r e~tertaUu:'enl. ShaH Q~~nn~ed o~v :~ =nc~ ~v ~;:tv ~i a ~~eclal ev~: ::;;;;~ &U~ ~e:ti ~l ~e ~$~ed :~ resnect t~ ;utdri~ ~'t:a~~'i~~ w~ic~ ~ ~ PI~~ ~ d~n. the reoul wee dav huu,~ ~ ~aerat: ~ :vsu~ ';~Ql . ~ durin~ th~ re:'~~ ~f~~ ~~e~ 9I~r~~e:~ :e~ch~ul~ at an~ 'qc~ churc. .~~,dfn;: ,UCn o~~:: ~~u:~ mterfere WIth normal oneratI S 0 v such c 0 ~. ~~ acjvet!i,ing Q, aromo~. ee ~a~ ~ ~o~s~:ati:~ of a170holic beve~~~e~ /~; ~:;;~n~. ~COhn~~ ~evera.e Q~dUC~ (I) $haIl ~e ar 'lb,ted 0, ~e exte~~ ~~v :c~ ~~.e ~f -b~inesl, (iP sh~l :~t ~e . ~QitC<t ~n th~ ~nte~or : ~~ :~~~ ~~ce of ~usllless With, Sl. 1 C es 0 ~ ':'1 dow ~ d al t be VI e 0 t e ut de t e UI dI 0' W IC such nlace of business i-s located.!,. City that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of SECTION S. . Codification. It is the imentioI;l of the City COmmission of the Ordinances of the City; and that sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-Iettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "chapter," "section," "article," or such other appropriate word, or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and regardless of whether such inclusion in the code is accomplished, sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered and the correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent maybe authorized by the City Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or re- codified copy of same with the City Clerk. phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid Or unconstitutional by any SECTION 6. Severabilltv. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, court of competent juriSdiction, such portion shaH be deemed a separate, distinct, and 006,303826.1 A independent provision and such holding shaJJ not affect the Validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption~ PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of ~Iooc., 2003. ATTEST: ' (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALIT~\,.J, I this K day OfW;-^-"^'W , 2003. FOLE"11 LARDNER By: if aJ City Attorney 006.303826.1 APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA /} <.~"' /f; /}, J ~ '), J" ShA- U' Q-'4I1;i( ~ 7d- s. Scott V~clefgrift, Mayor Dr ADVERTISED ~00v-: If ,2003 READ FIRST T A,;..& J.S+-S , 2003 READ SEC01\TJ) TThtE AND ADOPTED ~bnr \lo ,2003 ER AGENDA ITEM NO.~ MARY COSTANTINO, 768 MIDDLE RIVER DRIVE FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33304 Telephone 954563-5168 566-4704 Fax 954 563-5168 mscstantino@comcast.net ..... -. -- _.___u F "1 9 r,,, I' I' r- h - L' 'u!""I '-..I v U - .........-..-....._-....~-_._._--- i i 1 i ',---..,,--~--_.__-J Fe. 6,2006 City of Ocoee Planning and Zoning Commission 150 Lakeshore Drive Ocoee. Fl. 34761 Re: Public Hearing # 0 I -05-SE-007 Dear Commission, I have been a property owner in Ocoee for 23 years and I am very familiar with the location and history of the rental space to be considered for the Special Exception. It is well away from the major intersection, has ample parking and is ideally suited for "Church" use. I support granting the Special Exception The space has been empty for several years and there is no good reason why it should not be granted the requested Special Exception. Sincerely Yours, ~(j- ~ Mary Costantino THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: PREPARED BY: Edward A. Storey III, Esq. FOLEY & LARDNER LLP III North Orange Avenue, Suite 1800 Post Office Box 2193 Orlando, FL 32802-2193 (407) 423-7656 Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 (407) 656-2322 ...............................'.......' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .................... ...................................... ............".... .................. ,...,............ ................. RETURN TO: ....... ............. ....... ......,......... ...... ................ ..........' ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT!!:,.,::::::::,.,.,., (Ocoee ShoooUi'ffeenter) "():i:" ......................... .............................. ............................... ............................... .................."............ ................................ ...,............"......... . ...................... . .................. . ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. .................................. ................................. ................. ...... n. .............. ............................. as of th~HIS ~~;:fLOPMENT A~~~lltd ('~~tll~'III,t:~~~::do~:~e~~:~~ mailing address is 4442 Begonia Coug~Wifi9.1Hme:t;';'lE!'10rida :$.:4j8(f (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner") and the CITY OF QIgl;E," a FlqB~~W~ms~n~l corporation, whose mailing ~:~~~r ;;f~rr~0:as~~~~1Ir; Ocoee, 'i'1!IrIf61, Attention: City Manager .................... ..................... ................... ...............................'............. """"""""""""'$"""'" ......'...'...'. . .'. .'. ..... .-:-:-:-:-:.:. -:-:. :':'.' .;.:.;. . ".....,.WLl"" """N, E SSE T H. .-:~::~::~:~::~ - - - - - ................................................................ .................................................... ..:.................................................................... .................................................... WH:I}.I~!I~:!,II~f8~s f~@~~lp!~:BMr. to certain lands located in Orange County, Florida, ~f::::[i~~f.mrUie"HQ.ri~~:':~~pits ofHi~'R~tY of Ocoee, Florida, said lands being more particul~~M:':i@itribed in Exhnj~~r~:~~m::attachedHereto and by this reference made a part hereof (herei~!(referred to as the "Prop@IM':tor the "Shopping Center"); and ...'...'.',....'...'........,.......,.,., ....'......................'. ..,.....,."""""" .......,.""", ,..................", ................ ",.",.,.....,.",.", ...........,.,.,. .,................""" ................ .'..,',.,..'..,.,.,..................'...'.'.'.'.'.'. .,'.'",.,....................' ','..,'..,'..,'..,'.......'...................'...'... '...'..,'..,'..,'.'............ ',',',',',',','.'.'.'.'.'.......'.......'...'.'.'.',', ,'.'.'.'.',','.'.'............ \Y11:.4~, pursuant to t~~,'~p~mcation of the Owner, date stamped on May 10, 2005, ~:li~~~:.:.:'~I!.lli.~:,~~~91111~~~io:u~0:c~i~n~h~:~:~u~~:c~ (~~~vi~:r~::~~~), t~: prepared by PavdF:$,~_~~M:~,::I9dified by Living Waters Church and being date stamped as received by the City 6'ff:19M#:mR~P16, 2005, with such additional revisions thereto, if any, as may be reflected in the minlit~~:!:9.t said City Commission meeting (the "Living Waters Special Exception"); and "'" WHEREAS, pursuant to the application of the Owner date stamped on December 19, 2005, the Ocoee City Commission approved, subject to the execution of this Agreement, the Preliminary Site Plan for Special Exception for God's Factory Christian Center ("God's Factory"), as prepared by Pavol Stankay and modified by God's Factory Christian Center and ORLA_ 403350_1 being date stamped as received by the City on December 19, 2005, with such additional revisions thereto, if any, as may be reflected in the minutes of said City Commission meeting (the "God's Factory Special Exception", together with the Living Waters Special Exception, the "Special Exceptions"); and WHEREAS, the Owner anticipates the submission to the City of a boundary survey and updated small scale site plan for the Property (the "Shopping Center Final Site Plan") for the redevelopment of the Property, which will be based upon angpe con~~stent with the Special Exceptions; and -q)::" .':: ,.... ..........".................. ...... ............................. ....... ..........................., ........ ........................... WHEREAS, the Owner and the City desir~:::~9:::~ecut~,:::$I~"'igff.~ment in order to evidence their mutual agreement as to certain ma,nii::'relate,g~:::jl:i::.iy~!OPme9! of the Property and as a condition to the approval of the SP'*~!;t:i~~2~~~~by the:~~~j!:::!:,':::::,,:::::::,:,: ....... ............ ..... ......................,..... ............................ conside:~=~ :~~:~O:=~::n c~:si::~~~~~e~~t~~e~~~III~~9::~~~~~~~~~~,:::~~~~b~: hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: "::::;"):':!'!!:::::'::::; ....... , ................. .. Section 1. Recitals. The above reci!gl~;~iilBt:fll1d corr~gt:'l-li,~~20rporated herein by this reference. All capitalized terms not91~ovr$,~~[W:~9herein shim be as defined or described on the Special Exceptions unless ot~~lfrse inB1Bit~!i:':::::,:::>q Section 2. .................. ................. ................. q .................. ................. ...........................'.... .......... n. ......... ............ ....."..... .......... ............. ............ .......... A. The Owner hereb~d.~~s to red~M~~9PtR!::lfPperty in accordance with the Shopping Center Final Site Plan:~p.q:,!~l permits ah9:::ipi9yi~s issued by the City and other governmental entities with respe.8tt9:~n~::rroperty. As6'fHMrdiite hereof, the Special Exceptions have been approved by the CitY;'::~~~~j~~Ft~~1 Exceptions being hereby incorporated herein by reference as if fU~~tl~::t9~,perein. '::;"iiimiii;i:::::;,),> . .... .. ::;::i~:ilii::Q_~tl~ttl?Y agr~~~liji~i~i~Wroperty shall be redeveloped in accordance with and i~:m~I#.?subject ta:t&9!~'!fiwn Condlnqpsof Approval attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and bY.Wffl:~ifhence made a'p~~~iPf (the "Conditions of Approval"). The Owner further agree~:tQ::99m:ply with all of the teriq~:mI provisions of the Conditions of Approval. Section 3. Shoppine: Center Final Site Plan. The Owner agrees to submit the proposed Shopping Center Final Site Plan to the City within six (6) months from the Effective Date of this Agreement. Such Shopping Center Final Site Plan shall incorporate each of the ORLA_ 403350,1 -2- improvements listed in the Conditions of Approval attached hereto, and the Staff Comments that were subject to the Special Exception approvals. .",.....".............. Section 6. Covenant Runnine: with the Land. This'AIf,ilmt~hall run with the Property and inure to and be for the benefit of!4~:'.~~~',n~r~to and ihil'ri:%pective successors and assigns and any person, firm, corporation,,9f~~itttY~q'm1Recome thlPsuccessor in interest to the Property or any portion thereof. ',',',',',',',',',',',',',',' < > "'::::'...H .............. .........,. ........................ ............... ........... ....................... ............... .......,... .,... ............. "". Section 7. Recordation of,~e:r~~iht. ./:wf parti!~::h~eto agree that an executed original of this Agreement shall be ;!i1~!gedby th~E~i, at thl~~wner's expense, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. ii,~::eity will, Wqi~m~~:~iine upon request of the Owner, execute and deliver letters affirmm~~~~~tatus of this\'-i:~I~I~pE ......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... Section 8. Applica6le::~~~m~:~:&pis Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be construefb,99AtmU;9, and intemr~l.I!~~pording to the laws of the State of Florida. ....................... "...................... ......................... ....... ............ . ,...................,...................... ............................................ ......................................,...... ............... ............................. .......................... ...........................................'....... ......................... .......................... .......................... . ................... . .............. . .......... .................................................. .......................... Sec~i.~n9J:~~~:r)~Ti~~att:ihe Essentif.Wppe is hereby declared of the essence to the lawful P,J'11~ce of the.dui.~~!II:~~ligations~ntained in this Agreement. .'::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:: "::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;" )~~~~n 10. Ae:reemeIit~~~endment. This Agreement constitutes the entire :;~::~~IIE.~f-;f~~:cf~~i~~e :lt~le::~~~ ~~r~~;.v~e:~:~~~~o~~, ::e:~~~i:g:f :~ provisions Orllj~~:~~D;lJ1ent s~0"~~II!!,ade by the parties only in writing by formal amendment. Section l1~<'~~'::::Euftt1~~:l.Iotumentation. The parties agree that at any time following a request therefor by the'dt:h!rp~, each shall execute and deliver to the other party such further documents and instrumeiits~:::ln form and substance reasonably necessary to confirm and/or effectuate the obligations of either party hereunder. Section 12. Remedies: Specific Performance. Both the City and the Owner shall have the right to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement by an action for specific ORLA_ 403350,1 -3- performance. In addition, the City shall have such other remedies as are available existing at law or in equity. Section 13. Code Enforcement. Violation of this Agreement shall be deemed a violation of the City of Ocoee Code and shall be subject to proceedings before the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board. Section 14. Attornevs' Fees. In the event that ei~htr pari}:: finds it necessary to commence an action against the other party to enforce anypr9*i~~9j:::9f this Agreement or because of a breach by the other party of any terms hereo~Jpe pt,tYm~~pi]i~~ shall be entitled to recover from the other party its reasonable attorneys' ft:;~~;~~gal as~~~~ilf.~~~~y~ and costs incurred in connection therewith, at both trial and appellate/:~~y!~S, in9!u9ffig:::!_P~fY proE~edings, without regard to whether any legal proceedings are ~m~ijS~gpt::,:whetHet:2F.9~::~H9!:;mf:~on is prosecuted to judgment. .......'::::::::::'::::::,:..,' ":".::,:.,:,:,:::,:,:':::: ........ ............... ..................'...'.'.'.'.......... .....,.,.................. .........",...... .......................... ................ .......................,., ............... ........................... .............. ............................ ........... counte~~~,o:a~~. of ;~~:t:~:17~:. de~:~d ~~r~:m;~~I!~~llllll~i~w~~c:~~~~~~e:h~i constitute one and the same instrument. ,," "'!"'.:::.:::::.:,.::\:. .............................. "' ...... Section 16. Captions. Captions oJt.ii",$ijbl~l~q,SubsectidM~f this Agreement are for convenience and reference only, and;~~}Yb'rds qQntmi~~:M:w[ein shall in no way be held to explain, modify, amplify or aid in th~ip~rpr~mlph;Sgi~~IWJt)ll, or meaning of the provisions of this Agreement. ',..,"',..,..........,":::.. .. ,......... . ............ ......... ........... ............ ......... ............ ............ .......... ............. ............ .......... .............. ............. .......... ............. ............. .......... Section 17. Severabilitv.)!~ly sentenc~~,p.M(~pm:Jgraph, provision, or portion of this Agreement is for any reasonp~minvalid or uq99Bmi#~Bnal by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall::p~::q~~If.d a separate::'di~HH6t, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect theVi4~q~m:9f:Qle remaining portion hereof. .. ..................... ......................... ......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ..........."............. .......................... ......................... ......................... 1ti~:eI~g!~ve Date of this Agreement shall be the day ORLA_ 403350_1 -4- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner and the City have caused this instrument to be executed by their duly authorized officers as of the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of OWNER: ................. ................. ................... ................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..........,........... ...................... ........................ ........................ ......,.................. ......................... ........"............... ......................... ..,.,.................,.. ......................... ......................... ......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... .......................... ...................... ................... Print Name Print Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF .................. .................. ................... ................... .................... ................. I HEREBY CERTIFY that on thi~,,~~M; bef9r~i:~:M:,I,2m9!f duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take ac1dl9iledgrp~Rts, pet~9A@~Y appeared MAGDY A. MANSOUR, who LJ is.~pnany ItiMfu tq:::::::me or LJ produced (::i:,~~entificati9i~::~4.:JM~::? acknowledged executing the saIl1~>:i:t.he presence,q~:~Wg":~~bscribing witnesses, freely and voluntarily, for the uses and pum9iji~,~fi~rein expressed~ ,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',' ....................... ...................... ...................... .................................................... and ;;,~county and Stale last aforesaid this _ Signature of Notary Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped) Commission Number (if not legible on seal): My Commission Expires (if not legible on seal): ORLA_ 403350,1 -5- Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Print Name: Print Name: FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. Approved as to form and legality this day of , 2006. FOLEY & LARDNER LLP By: C. A""""""""""""'" lty ttomey """"",..,.., .................. ................. .... .........., .... .......... ..... ......... ...... ..."..... ....... ......... ........ ...".", ......... ......... .....'...................'...'...'...' .....'...'...................'....... STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............. ........................... .......................... ....................... .................... ................ . ..................... .................... .. ......................".. .......................... .......................... ......................... .................. .......................... .......................... .,.,................ .................... ,........................ ......................... ,....................... .................... CITY: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: S. ~98g Val}%t~grift, Mayor Attest: "'<"" ... . ....... ....",,,..,,,,.,,,,.......... .........".................. ...,.,................... . ................... ............ .......................... ..........., ...................""... ,,:::rrrBeth glgi~6tCity Clerk ....,.,........................... ................... ................... .'...'.'.'.'...'...................... ,.................. .. ................ ...... ....... ........... ....... ...... .......... .'.'...'.'....... ......... ..................' .."""'(""S"""'E" AL'" ) . '""""""" ..... ... ...... ....... . ...... ...... .... ..... ......... ..." ....... ... ... .......... . ". ............ .. ......... " ........ ...... . ........ ..... . .................. "'"'''''''''''' .................. ................................. ................................ ............................. ......................... ..................... .................................. .................................. ........................................... .......................................... ..................................................... ........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... ........................,. .......................... APPRO.D:,~BY THE dCORif', CITY ................................. ......................,,,,,....... COMM1~~fq.I:II"':~EETING HELD ON UNDER AGENQ~:U~M,NO. .. ................... .......................... .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... ......................... ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... ........................ . . .......................... ...................... ......................................... .......................... .......................................... .......................... .......'.'.....'...'...................................................'.'.'.'......... .................................................... I H~.ltI'::~III~II~~~!lt ontlH~,:~,~~M~::~~fore me, an officer duly authorized in the State anq~::~E9WitY afo:a~'S34g:':::~9::~:::~~e ackiio'W:l~gments, personally appeared S. SCOTT VANDEMlpFT and BETH:IIiIIBERRY;<personally known to me to be the Mayor and ~~~81\rli~~::~~~i~~' t~: :::~~111~~e O:es?~?~~,t~L~~~~in;~~:~tss~:~y fr::~;r~~ voluntail1~:m9~f~~HJ~ority duly V~~~!9UP them by said municipality. ...............,........... ........................... ......................'...'.'.'.....'................. .. ... ...... ............'...'.......'............................. .........................'...'.'.' ....................'.......'......................... ................................' day of WITNE$I:~~~::~I~~~I;~'tlal seal in the County and State last aforesaid this _ ORLA_ 403350.1 Signature of Notary Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped) Commission Number (if not legible on seal): My Commission Expires (if not legible on seal): -6- JOINDER AND CONSENT ORLA_ 403350.1 -7- Exhibit "A" LE G AL./:~t)~:~j:'GHI'~::TI:;Gt~Ji~' .' " : , -- -:-~:c~,":~:i',';~~;~-t~i~l)~;~( :':, - , ,~[C " SEcTIO,N,:,...t8- -,TO)flJ~~,8fif,UIt?~;!.,::~:,@ ,', SOU TH RAN',\jl;;.': 28 ' . ,'- ':"," , .".., , .."" ."':;'," :"',, '::." ."'; ."'.""-" ..':....,:" ',-, ), ' . ,..,' .. , , CITY -at-: 'Oe:()E[",i:'!:::;:i~@:~;:~f;~r@:E COUNTY FL.@RJDA ,; ::: <::;:'.".,' ~: " -,,'-':_:' ";'::/(,~:;;:;:>"::::\."<:'.'_ J ,: " , ,:..' ,..,..... .' . ..\.~.:,:. '. ~ EAST Commence>:ot.: the'$cu ~w,~$t::d~:tfn~t:,p:f.:::~h~ Southeast 1/4 of the North west 1/4 .of SectionJ81 T6w.n-?~i~;,,:2~':_:$'~:ci:;thF\Rq~~.g~:rg8 East, Orange Got,tntYI Florida: t~ence run :N;88.4t)'o.phf.';91~r;~:-::<t9:~~,;A?;9'th_},if1.e ?f the said Nod~e9~t :\ /4 a dIstance of.~:599;O~, 'f~~t'\9/ttW:iJ??,~:~:t':(~f:";a.T:lJ,,mnlr\g; thence !,:,O~O~, 00 W. 100.00 feet.thenceS.~A5.:00;;W;,4,OQ~OOJeet; thence N.Ou 06.00 W. 388.97 ' I, ' ' ' ",',.. _" . ','.,.. .,,"' _' " ,; ...,'..,', ", , feet; thence 'N~8~~58!b.t~L:;tOQ~Q'07d?t+"';tt)'e.nce N.OO.06'OO"W. 249.14 feet; thence N.39~24~()O",E.)3ti?_~,,:,f~e't:Jp;:::the)~p~therly Right-of-Way line of Palm Drive;.-then:9~S;5\l~4,9'q:q:'{,~.<q1.2n;~L,'$:ii~d line 849.95 f~et to the East iiliE: uf saidsou~heast' 1\~Cgf:'::,ttfl~':f:1NQ'.~:,thW~~t 1/4 of Sectioj'1 18; thence S.tX.04' 30"w, along said:Eci~t 'Iine"232(6'~r'fe:e:f,J9\!Jn.'~';:Sbuth line ofsq;d-Nqrthw~st 1/4; thence S.a8~45'db"w.. a~n~:::s:pfd':S'6u'fhllhe 191.37 feet;:th:~'rideN;(jb.04'.30"E. . . "', .' ". :"',' ...,., "", .t..-.. . .-.....:........, -'J',.,' . .... -", 228.00 fee,t;'theri<l::e -S;8~r45\Q:P.'W,'.183;OOfeet; thence S~COm4;'3_0:'W; 228.00 feet: to s:6id.S~!.fh':;'lid~;' ,:thence S.88.45"OO"W, along said south line 321. 76 fe~t to the Roink-:'6f:'~~ginning..' ,(Less road Right....:of-Wa" 'yon East.) Contoining::8;15.0tf:'ecf.efjri.i6r~:,~r Jess. Subject to 0 perpe.tual~asement for Ingress.:i)f;,~gressoy.er<qh~;;0.p~.:m.th~]t '-portion of the Sout.b 40 feet of the NW 1-14df:'.S.~qticin Af3.;:,:tt~w:nsh ip 22 ,South, Range 28 ~a$'t, lying 'u.pon the above d~,ic[l~~q ;;R~qp~~,rii::gh;~,~J~'~in9.:_c,9hJ!g~ous with the W~~tFH~~~qf ,the above-de's~dl:?'e'd{"p~Ap'.'erlxA~4H:9AM'e::W~st;:Rjght-of-Way of S~b~W:R~p:d No. 437. Sub jec f to .: q',':;2Q.;q~'~,f,~\~)q'~A':fi~gf~ssari q~::~ gr~ss an d utility.: 'e~;f~~:m,enl:, oVer th e following 'de~-~:rit.:i:~A;.:"IOhd;::T%B:mrrt~i1p~ciJ.,t~e S. W. corner'~>f.'~~~~(m:t SE'1/1 ,of the 'NW 1 / 4~f':~~9V9It__'.t~; f\b~~f:j~~t;,~~~8;~48';9:q'!L ,499. 00 fe~~,;'.fE'~'~-~~::~:f'J.~ OO~06' 00 DW. 488.97 feet;=thenc,e::N.88m8:'07 ~E '100~OO'feet; thenceN;OO:J,06,{}0- W. 249.14 feet; . ,":. :.. ......).;; . ',.;' h'.,:........::.. . ; _., :, . ":" . . ..; : ..... . . '. ..' thence N;3~t2'4.rqo."g.':i6(~,~,\r<f(l~f:'.t~(lfi'~:S9u therly R/W or:J~pl_i:ti_;Pri-yecij;d -the Point ..'..:.... ,.'. .' ,....-.-:'..... t." '~'I"'~-' ..... .,., ..-..... '~'-'J "JJ'" . ... of Begif!nfng;.'>th~h-~e':'S.,3.9;~24.,:OO, W~': :f3'fk::23 feet; th ence 'S.O:0.;9.Jh,OO:,E~ 249; 14"f~et; . . . ~'. 1"~' n .... ......., ...... ", '.. ,..' " " a " _' .,._, .. _" .' . thence S.~8~!5~:~P?\!:W~ ,1 OQlQ;O:;Jei3f;: :tb~,hde,S. 00.06 00 f:. '20/0():';:Je~:t;.' thel'lce 8. I'..E"'::'.."..'O'.,...'.,'" "::'t":"';:' ': ",', ,'. ".' ,"ii","" "., 3" ,'.;:.....'.,' ",'", ' " " . .' " N.8 5307' ~ ''12 -J-OO: fee,,;,!::~~hence,',N~0,().06 00 W. 261.6 ',f~et;.-.;thenl:e N.39, 2400 E. 57.06 feet':(q/;;t6,e:r$o~lh'e:~tY',;R/WI.ine"of' Palm Drive; thehce 'NSSO'36'OQ"W. along said R/Wlirfe\2m:~.~:J:fe~V,~~~r~;:~he, pointdf Beginning. . .'. ORLA_ 403350_1 EXHIBIT "B" CONDITIONS OF ApPROVAL FOR LIVING WATERS CHURCH The final site plan for the tenant space ("Tenant Space Final Site Plan") shall comply with the Special Exception Preliminary Site Plan as approved;~sthe C~.~ Commission. This Special Exception shall expire twelve (12) months;IQmth~:g@#~ of approval by the City Commission unless a building permit is 021!~l1edm~PF;~9;:~p6h date; such permit being for the construction of the proposed V':::ivthori~I:::pyl~:\~pecial Exception. Further, upon issuance of the building permiti::i~:~ppli9i:@!~<~)j{~t,~;!~~1;;~hall ,~lJ!igently ~:~~::d 01t;:O;p:~:~~n~0( ~ro~::~~n~~~~t;~~I~I~.~i~~~es~~~I~I~.li:e~~ revocation of the Special Exception by the City ~811~~~~1~1>.':':::;;:;::: Approval of this Special Exception does not auth&~li~:'EI=S~p1ent of development. Prior to issuance of a building permit, it 'Ympe necessi&Y:::~99imP. approval for the Tenant Space Final Site Plan pursuant tOJn"lgi!~~9.ns of Artiq~!:;~M'gf the Ocoee Land ::::::::~~:~:e::~~s:~;;C:::~::~~e~: Occupancy for the use authori,~!~ byi,this ~iiij:lh1 Exd,jp#6l:f within six (6) months of issuance of the building perI1J~~~:II!!!!I:I!:;;;,);;;;;;,; ~:~~~~e;h:r ~~;a:~:~o~~lll.:i~n~~~~::t~'i!If.!:;;~~n~::::t~: ::p:~~::70~~~~ Special Exception, thensa~I:':~I~~~LException may be revoked by the City Commission at its sole diS:9.f~tiQn. ',',',',',':,:,,;,':;:::;:::,:::,,',',',',',',..' 6) This~B~~~III*III~gf9r ch~8H:IIIII~i~u. be applicable only to the proposed Living W,,,~itilhUrchas::~ig.9~lthe Specl~~::ixception Preliminary Site Plan in Space 14 of ,,<~;lII!!!ie~~ ~:~~~_~Sferiib1e to any other operator prior to issuance of a 7)<;;;:;;i.I~;~ro;~1 ~~~II:~ ~~;::i~:~~~ ~:: ~e;:c:~t ~:~~; pursuMit.;:t9,.~91e IX o{ti~::acoee Land Development Code. Neither the review of the applicati8ri.!:lt~j~B~:9XH!:~~m~"nor the granting of any approvals in connection with such review shan"6ij:R9P:~.!~ttp grant the Applicant/Owner any entitlement to obtain a Final Certificate of CoH%Bipy with respect to all or any portion of the project or to create any exception from theptQV1sions of Article IX of the Ocoee Land Development Code. 8) Within six (6) months of the approval of this Special Exception by the City Commission, the Owner shall provide a boundary survey and an up-to-date small-scale site plan for the Shopping Center (the "Shopping Center Final Site Plan"). The Owner will have two (2) years from the date of approval of the Shopping Center Final Site Plan to complete the site improvements provided herein. The phasing of the improvement will be determined 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) -9- upon approval of the Shopping Center Final Site Plan. The Owner will be responsible for the following site improvements: a. Landscaping and irrigation shall be upgraded as follows: i. Installation of landscape islands with irrigation along the entrances and at the ends of the parking bays; ii. Placement of large potted plants along the side}Valk entrances to the shopping center spaces; and ..............,- ............. ................ .............. ................, ............... ................. ................ ...............,,, ............... ili~~~F~:~e :;:t;::~~~~~ it~.~:,:~~p~~=:~ ~~ b. Landscape improvements at the east side:!A~f!i9.~::I::~he Shoppmg:Riw~i~:~i~::Palm ~:;;~~~~~~~:n'::lt;:u;;:~t~ to raised::.'l~ define~ with .......... ................... c. Landscaping improvements at the south sid~::8it;~$~,,:,lm~:~~$ilver Star Extension including, but not limited to ingress/e&F\:w~4elineatioH~:I~tl:I,~td curbing and a d. :~~::::~:: :~::: ~';~n~:WC:~: of Ocoee Land ~:-;:;~::~~c:.:e:~:~ ~~~:F~~F.i~~~;~~:and St. Johns i. The recalculation and ~~R~f9uei1t enldiiwent 9t'~ge stormwater pond located at the west end of the Sho~II~€enter;:::::~~~::i,i::ii::::::,:> ii. Provision of a po~~~m]I~I~[all for the poii~~I~::' iii. The evaluation tMij!~~rm~!;)f additional inlets in the parking lot to provide for e. alilt;~~..: )~~:':I:t6hg the '~6~t:~~i~:i:~i:the exi~ti~~fI)arking lot, improvements to the chain-link i::::jehce. Black aluihinW:n~mMi.rought iron" fencing not to exceed six feet in height is an ,,::::.~:,..Ii.:ill.lil.iiilliilllllliillliil~:~~~~a~~:t~~e o::~llilb~h~~::~~~~; :~l~~::~ ~~~%ii:i~:~:i::~~~~~~ ba~f;e~ "':\:.,ii:II~lill~,,~~..center and.~I::~I,~es in height; ii.S.ql~~!1,2f the.q.m~th enclosures at the rear of the property in accordance with ~::~~'I~I'II'~:~~~~:7~t~Oeit:~~e t:~il~~~:~~o::~r~: ~~~~:~i~~d b~~~ metal gates;~g:~:::/ iii. Re-stripping of the parking lot including directional arrows and crosswalks. ORLA_ 403350,1 -10- ORLA_ 403350.1 CONDITIONS OF ApPROVAL FOR GOD'S FACTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER 1) The final site plan for the tenant space ("Tenant Space Final Site Plan") shall comply with the Special Exception Preliminary Site Plan as approved by the City Commission. This Special Exception shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of approval by the City Commission unless a building permit is obtained prior to such date; such permit being for the construction of the proposed use autho~m,q bY:Jp.e Special Exception. Further, upon issuance of the building permit, the AppliBI~,,~~m:~~:~ent) shall diligently proceed in good faith to complete constructionm. ac8qr.F~::i!th the terms hereof. Failure of the Applicant (or its agent) to progll::'s afoI:~$ffiq~:~~~~U::pr.ovide a basis for revocation of the Special Exception by the cit'll~i~~~~~~i'::::::~::"::~:?:'\"'n ""::,'",,, ~~~;Ot~alis~:~~~se s:fe~i~u7t~~~~t~;~~~sitn~~.~~_ll[~Cm~n~:~~~::fll,'IJ~:~~~ Tenant Space Final Site Plan pursuant to the prQY~~~9#'~~9K.~le IV of the'Ocoee Land Development Code. Further, compliance withalFoihij::':i1W~~q~ple provisions of the Ocoee land Development Code shall be re~~j:::~~::,<<,~:):}:(::> The Applicant (or its agent) shall maJs~,~!9g~'::i@tR"effort to~ugth a Certificate of ~~~:::: t~: ~~~d~~: ;:~~~~zed b~!I~~iSp~8~ml'~~~~~;:ithin six (6) months of ............... .......... ............. ,............. ........... ."..................... Should the use authorized by Jhis:::~!'ial}l!peptio~",~~::,!~hninated or substantially modified or expanded in a md!F inc6nsist,~i~)vith tl},,:::gonditions of Approval for the ~r~~i:~l;~~:~:~~~n~hen sa~~:;I~tal Excepd~~:~~i~:~!~iyOked by the City Commission 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) ................... ............... ...................................... ......................................'...... ......................................... .-..................................... ........................................... ................................. This Special Exception':f.9~"mIIR9 use shall be~pplicable only to the proposed God's Factory C~E.i~.!~.~1l Centef'~~~,:,:lg~~pn the Special Exception Preliminary Site Plan in ~~~;~i!~111111111~~~,3:~~.'!ii~~I'it~, transferable to any other operator prior to .""..................,..,..............,......,........... .~................... ......................- ................................. ................... ..................... ............................... ........,......... .................... .............................. .................. .......'.....................'.'.'.'.'_. ........'.'.'.'.'.'...............................'.'.'.'.' '.'.'.'.......................... P.E~Rr~q:Nhe appro~M,:9Rm~!:&~nant Sp~ Final Site Plan, or any portion thereof, the :il!rltt:~~~::~~l;:~ ~~'I~II~~YL:~ ~:v~~~:e~t ~~~~.C~~~~::eth~f r~:i~~~;~~~ :ipi1~~I~;'9p1project by the C~;ltiBr the granting of any approvals in connection with such ~:~I~I~~ti~~:~~:~~IB~:s::c~~p~:~:~;;:~:: oeF:~~e;~:~~oo~~~a~~e:t:~~ exception'li~lill~I~1~~~~f-~"'of Article IX of the Ocoee Land Development Code. Within six (6)m~i~lj'9~ihe approval of this Special Exception by the City Commission, the Owner shall pro'ij~qea boundary survey and an up-to-date small-scale site plan for the Shopping Center (thel'Shopping Center Final Site Plan"). The Owner will have two (2) years from the date of approval of the Shopping Center Final Site Plan to complete the site improvements provided herein. The phasing of the improvement will be determined upon approval of the Shopping Center Final Site Plan. The Owner will be responsible for the following site improvements: 7) 8) -11- a. Landscaping and irrigation shall be upgraded as follows: i. Installation of landscape islands with irrigation along the entrances and at the ends of the parking bays; ii. Placement of large potted plants along the sidewalk entrances to the shopping center spaces; and iii. Upgrading the current "cobra head" light fixture~ by retrofitting the fixtures with light shields to screen out horizontal glare and t9?!~,~sel}::Mghting spillover onto adjacent parcels and the painting of the exist~g~ P9~~~::I~lt~I!III":i b. Landscape improvements at the east side .t:A~_ce td~fi~:::1h-9Pp~ng Center at Palm Drive including, but not limited to rais!i~::~rbing~i:::~::i:~fml:~reen wea with vertical and horizontal plantings.::~:::,::::)'" "',,',,',i'::':':::\::::::::::: .................................. ................................... c. Landscaping improvements at the south sia~l.f at the Sifvet!If,-~llHension including, but not limited to ingress/egressq~~ip@itiQg:,}vith raised6urb'ihg and a d. :~:::::~: ::,::c: :::0:':=!1~ of Gcoee Land Development Code under Subsectiol}Rt$~,:~.**.Water M8#.I~'ent and St. Johns River Water Management District:ll'as:'~~III~:~,~t not liMited to: i. The recalculation and subseqqi~~:f1larg~i!rlt::RE~9~::~18pnwater pond located at the west end of the Shoppin~ C~I~~f~::,~://'::" ::;. P;::i:~~:ti::Ot~tid:= :':t;.i;;!~the parking lot to provide for proper drainage to~~~~~~~I~~on pond.';:;;;;;;;:;;::;, e. Miscellaneous site iIrlpr~~~II~~~~s follows: i. A.!9P'i:~I#:~:!W~~t...~ide oft~~':fl~9Pg parking lot, improvements to the chain-link ,.b~p~iS"I~!~~:mmA1~Hdm "wioug~tmi.iMLfencing not to exceed six feet in height is an ~~~~ptahie'f6~::9-If,IBPg. ThiS~191hg will have a fully irrigated landscape buffer :9ri>the east side:::QP~p~::l~nce consigting of sweet viburnim hedging spaced at 30 ",..q....::::::lllches on center and~~:,~~~~es in height; ,::m::~::'i"':::'::'~~;::::~Heening of the d~p~~~t'enclosures at the rear of the property in accordance with 'Cjlil'~l~:t.;t~thwi:e ~~il~~;~Sore:~:O: ~~~::ru~~ b~~ 111. Re-strlpp'~g9~'~I~:parking lot including directional arrows and crosswalks. ORLA_ 403350.1 -12- Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published Orlando Sentlnel t SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 2006' D3 . Advertisement CITY Of OCOEE NOlICE OF PUBUC HEARING 10 CONSIDfR THE APPUl:AnON FOR SPECIAl. EXCEPTION GOD'S FACTORY CHRIS1IAN CENTER CASE NUMBER: 01-05-SE-G07 NOlICE IS HEREBY GNEN, pursuant to Subsection 4-9, 8, of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code, that on TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2006 AT 7:15 P.M, or as soon thereafter as practical, the CITY COMMISSION will hold a PUBUC HEARING at the City of 'Ocoee COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 150 NORtH LAKESHORE DRIVE. OCOH. R.ORIOA. to consider a petition for a Special Exception for certain property in Space # 10 of the Ocoee Shopping C~nter located at 425 West Silver Star Road, The petition would allow for 'Church" use within a 'Com- munity Commercial' (C.2) Zoning District, , God's Factory Christian Cem.r Special exception 1 ~onMap ~rt."-r..~..-L--'-r i " '.L ,.~__....._J I -'!. ':1" ! -../r~ 1-1 . : 1"0_ "f//,<<"'(~ I F f r!!"N'- ~k 'I, /8.' , "I i~~) :,:~ _ ,~- _' ,\/ -T't:-1'f1:'1 ~,^ . , ro 'l ff' ".J .'-7 it ' '~/'A ' i.::c ' I .1 i\L"-~,' '~61 I rt-, --..','...,'j ... -,7" : 0 -' ',"" ' 0.. -j...' ..;~ '-! ~T-i I~-ilfi- ' ~ 18 i I , i' I !.....R....,.. i , ,..I.., L...., l 0 ! --j !I nUll, '. i -....._--'--L--'J I' '---T -J I ,i1verstifli I 1_, : : ' ,~---l~ 1___.. 11,,_ ~- I I:' fLil IF~..LJ I I "---J" --~ ~----,LLfl-,~ I _J Interested parties may appear at the public hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed actions, The complete case file, including a complete legal descrip- tion by metes and bounds, may be Inspected at the Ocoee Community Development Department/Planning Division lo- cated at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida be- tween the hours of 8:00 a,m, and 5:00 p,m" Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, The City Commission may continue the public hearing to other dates and times, as it deems necessary, Any interest. ed party shall be advised of the dates, times, and places of any continuation of this public hearing, Any continuation will be announced during the actual hearing and no further notices regarding the above case will be published, You are advi~ed that any person who desires to appeal any decision made at the public hearing will need ci record of the proceeding and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made which in. c1udes the testimony and evidence upan which the appeal is based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Clerk's Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting at 407.905.3105, Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk COR6651595 L~~~~,.;H~ \ L;