HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #13 Final Subdivision Plan for Wesmere Property "enter of GOOd LJ 'c>e'-' l'h,_ ~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 7, 2006 Item # 13 Contact Name: Contact Number: Catherine Armstron 905-3100 X 1020 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: ---#lA ~ , --- - Subject: Final Subdivision Plan for Wesmere Property. Background Summary: The Wesmere Property site is located on the east side of Maguire Road, north of Cross Creek subdivision and south of the Florida Turnpike. The subject property comprises multiple tracts totaling 100.23 acres. The property is zoned Multiple-Family Dwelling (R-3) and General Commercial (C-3) and is designated as High Density Residential and Commercial on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM). Lot 3 of the Wesmere Property Final Subdivision Plan is proposed to be fee-simple townhomes and will be considered separately by the City Commission. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan for the Wesmere Property? Recommendations: Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan for the Wesmere Property, as date stamped received by the City on February 22, 2006, subject to the applicant revising the plan to address all outstanding comments from the Engineering Department prior to the start of construction. Attachments: Location Map, Zoning and FLU Map; Staff comments (1) Engineering Department, dated February 23, 2006; and, Final Subdivision Plan date stamped February 22, 2006. Financial Impact: Unknown Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution I:8J Commission Approval o Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deof Use: o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. D N/A [8J N/A Reviewed by D N/A Citv Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Dannv Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rustv Johnson, District 3 Nancv J. Parker. District 4 Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mavor and City Commissioners FROM: Catherine Armstrong, Planning Manage{)l\.fG THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Community Development Director DATE: February 21,2006 RE: Wesmere Property Final Subdivision Plan Project # LS-2004-020 ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan for the Wesmere Property? BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Wesmere Property site is located on the east side of Maguire Road, north of Cross Creek subdivision and south of the Florida Turnpike. The subject property comprises multiple tracts totaling 100.23 acres. The property is zoned Multiple-Family Dwelling (R-3) and General Commercial (C-3) and is designated as High Density Residential and Commercial on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM). Lot 3 of the Wesmere Property Final Subdivision Plan is proposed to be fee-simple town homes and will be considered by the City Commission separately. The site is undeveloped and covered with pine trees. To the north of the subject property is the Florida Turnpike with associated right-of-way. To the west is Maguire Road with associated right-of-way. On the west side of Maguire Road is the Brookstone residential subdivision, zoned R-1A and designated as Low Density Residential on the FLUM. Also to the west is the Wesmere at Ocoee residential subdivision, zoned R-1AAA and designated as Low Density Residential on the FLUM. South of the subject property is Cross Creek, a residential subdivision, zoned Low Density PUD and designated as Low Density Residential on the FLUM. To the east of the subject property is the Florida Turnpike with associated right-of-way and properties located within unincorporated Orange County. The Wesmere Property Final Subdivision Plan is proposed to be developed with three (3) lots and nine (9) tracts. Lot 1 is proposed to be commercial and contains 14.10 acres; Lot 2 is proposed as a future elementary school site and contains 13.50 acres; and Lot 3 is proposed as residential townhomes (Villages of Wesmere) and contains 49.41 acres. The nine tracts include a lift station, a master wet detention pond covering 16.99 acres, buffers and future right-of-way for the extension of Tomyn Boulevard east of Maguire Road. Access into the subject site will be provided from the east side of Maguire Road and the north and south side of the Tomyn Boulevard extension. Because this property, aside from Lot 1, is vested from concurrency, a traffic study was submitted by the applicant analyzing only operational improvements. Improvements identified were a northbound right turn lane on Maguire Road at Tomyn Boulevard and turn-lane improvements to the intersection of Maguire Road and Tomyn Boulevard including mast arm installation to add a traffic signal for west bound traffic on Tomyn Boulevard. Ten (10) feet will be conveyed to the City at the time of platting to accommodate the right turn/deceleration lane by the Wesmere Property master developer. In addition, the proposed extension of Tomyn Boulevard will be constructed prior to or concurrent with the townhome development (Lot 3) by the Wesmere Property master developer. At the time of site plan submittal for Lot 1, an additional traffic study will need to be submitted to identify any improvements necessary to offset the impacts of the commercial development, both from a concurrency standpoint as well as operational issues. The above ground wires, supplied by Progress Energy, located along the entire Wesmere property frontage (north and south sides of Tomyn Boulevard) are proposed to be placed underground during the development of the project. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on February 6, 2006 and reviewed the Final Subdivision Plan. Staff discussed with the applicant a few outstanding comments from the Planning Division, the Engineering Department and the City Attorney. The DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Final Subdivision Plan, subject to the developer making changes to the plans based on staff comments prior to the City Commission meeting. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On February 14, 2006, the Planning and Zoning Commission considered the proposed Final Subdivision Plan for the Wesmere Property. The City Staff and the Applicant of the project answered questions regarding why the sidewalk was reduced from eight feet to six feet along the southern side of Tomyn Boulevard. Staff and the applicant explained to the Commission that the reason for the reduced widths of the sidewalk on the southern side is to accommodate an over-flow lane for school traffic and that this decision was based on safety issues occurring at other schools from cars stacking up along the side of the road. It was further stated by staff that the smaller sidewalk would be safer for the children because they would not be as close to the road. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Wesmere Property Final Subdivision Plan, as date stamped received by the City on January 27, 2006, subject to the developer making changes to the plans based upon staff comments prior to the City Commission meeting. Post Plannino and Zonino Commission meetino update: The applicant has revised the plans based on the outstanding comments raised by staff at the Development Review Committee Meeting. However, there are a few outstanding comments remaining that have not been resolved by the applicant which will need to be addressed prior to construction. These outstanding comments are attached to the staff report. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendation of the DRC and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan for the Wesmere Property, as date stamped received by the City on February 22, 2006, subject to the applicant revising the plan to address all outstanding comments from the Engineering Department prior to the start of construction. Attachments: Location Map, Zoning Map and Future Land Use Map Staff comments: 1. Engineering Department, dated February 23, 2006 Final Subdivision Plan, date stamped February 22, 2006 ~ _ 'f:::I I = - ITT\---f- ~ ,1,,:1 ~IIK~~ '---==: ~~ e~~~ liQl IIII Iwr ~ I<8.RISIK....r IC lKJ.l. 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Scott Vandergrift center of Good L' . <\.~e If'l~ Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 City Manager Robert Frank Wesmere Property -Master Develop.ent - Final Subdivision Plan Large Scale Site Plan - 5th Staff Review Engineering Department Comments February 23, 2006 The following are the results of your fifth submittal for the above referenced project. If you have any questions pertaining to the requested information, please contact our office. 1. (Repeat Comment) In the March 2004 Preliminary Subsurface Soil and Groundwater Level Investigation prepared by Y ovaish Engineering Sciences(YES), Inc., the section referring to the Normal Seasonal High Groundwater Levels states the following: "In consideration of the significant amount of regarding anticipated together with the planned retention areas and the drainage wells to be abandoned, we recommend that the groundwater levels be further evaluated once development plans and preliminary site grading plans are available". Please provide documentation from YES, Inc. stating the groundwater levels have been further evaluated and what the normal seasonal high groundwater level is. The City of Ocoee reserves the right to make further comments on the stormwater system as well as site grading once this information is obtained. (Modified) This comment was first presented in the second FSP submittal comments dated October 2005. The design team has stated that this information would be provided. Staff only received additional information after contacting the designers in reviewing this submittal. The letter from Y ovaish Engineering Sciences, Inc. dated February 15th 2006, states "for preliminary planning purposes, we envision that borings and piezometers will be performed along all internal right-of-ways and at approximately 250 to 300 feet on center. Each boring location and elevation will be determined by the project surveyor. Thereafter, we will prepare groundwater level maps and refine the seasonal groundwater levels, as may be required." The letter also states "Due to the elimination of the groundwater wells we plan to perform additional evaluations for the seasonal high groundwater levels at the time of construction and when the site has been cleared and mass graded." The City takes exception with the time frame as stated in YES, Inc.' s additional letter and will require all investigation to be completed after the site is cleared and before any of the construction begins. It appears that the geotechnical engineer has conserns about the seasonal high groundwater table and if this were to change after the geotechnical investigation has been completed it could substantially change the project design. 2. (Repeat Comment) Change the note on sheet PP-2 to indicate manholes from MH#8 to lift station are to be wrapped with Wrapid Seal Encapsulation System or similar product not with filter fabric. (Modified) The note was changed in the profile, however, the note in the plan view still references wrapping with filter fabric. City of Ocoee . 150 N Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100. Fax: (407) 656-8504. www.ci.ocoee.fl.us Wesmere Property February 23, 2006 Page 2 of2 3. The plans indicate the proposed forcemain along Maguire Road connection on the south side of the drive. As previously discussed, the 8" force main should be tied into the existing forcemain where it crosses Maguire Road at the existing valve location. 4. (Repeat Comment) Add a note to the Irrigation Plans stating that all irrigation pipes, fittings, heads, etc will be purple in color. (Modified) As discussed in the DRC add the following: The first 12" of the riser from the ground up will be purple and the remainder of the riser will be black. Engineering Department Ryan P. Howard, E.!. Staff Engineer