HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes
February 7, 2006 at 7:15 P.M.
Item 1
Agenda 02/21/06
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. Commissioner Anderson gave the Invocation and Resident, R. P. Monacky, led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call:
Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Hood, Commissioner
Johnson, and Commissioner Parker.
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry.
Proclamations - (Mayor Vandergrift)
. Black History Month
. Ocoee High School National FBLA- PBL Week - February 5th -11 th
. Tommie Carl Sanders Day - February 7, 2006.
Veteran Lester Dabbs and Master Chief Campos and Training Officer Hill of the U.S. Navy
spoke on behalf of Tommie Sanders and thanked him for his dedicated military service, and his
many years of service to Veterans in assisting them with benefits and rights through the
American Legion. Master Chief Campos read a letter of Appreciation for his service from 1944-
46, and Mayor Vandergrift read a Birthday Card from President and Laura Bush.
Mayor Vandergrift made his announcements early and then left the meeting at 7:45 p.m. to
present the proclamation to Mr. Sanders, who could not be present due to hospitalization for an
injury. Mayor Vandergrift turned the meeting over to Mayor Pro Tem Anderson.
State of the Lakes Report - David Hamstra - gave a Powerpoint presentation and handed out
a report which will be attached to the minutes.
James Price, 604 Owltree Way, asked if the City could reconsider locking the gates at Sorenson
Field at night because it blocks the access to their backyard that they have been using for many
years. Commissioner Hood said he would be in favor of giving those four residents keys to the
gate, since their parking in the back helps to keep the streets clear in front of the homes, and
helps keep an extra eye on the field for vandals and other trespassers. Human Resources
Director Carnicella said access is a different issue than the concern we originally addressed,
which was residents parking on the fields and leaving equipment there, which creates a liability
to the City. Commissioner Parker suggested we come up with an agreement for those few
residents who have historically used the property, and tie the agreement to the current
homeowners as opposed to the property, with the understanding it is for access only and anything
City Commission Regular Meeting
February 7, 2006
left on the field can be towed or removed. City Attorney Rosenthal said we could prepare a
License Agreement, after discussing insurance issues with staff, and bring it back on a future
agenda. Lee Hamby, 1612 Doreen Avenue, a resident who said he keeps his company vehicle
in his back yard because the streets in front of his home are very narrow and obstruct vision,
causing a safety issue. Mr. Price agreed to get the names and addresses of the four residents
who are using the rear access, and give them to the City Manager.
John Resnick, 407 Abbeyridge Court, asked if the City could reconsider allowing the AAU
Team (13 and under) to reserve the Junior Field at Sorenson Park on Sundays at no charge. He
has been advised that reserving the field would cost $15 per hour to reserve these.
Commissioner Hood said he understands the dilemma that Parks and Recreation Director
Petrone is facing, if he reserves that park for Little League during the week and AAU on the
weekend, it does not leave any opening for anyone else who may be interested in using the field.
In the past, if the team was at least 80% city residents, the field could be used at no charge.
Parks and Recreation Director Petrone said Little League is using the field six days a week
and Sunday is the only open day. We do have other residents who have expressed an interest in
using that field. He said he has offered to sit down with Little League and AAU and trying to
work something out. City Manager Frank advised we are working on a comprehensive
resolution for all Parks and Recreation policies and fees, and we are just trying to work these
issues out in the mean time.
Mayor Pro Tem Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to allow
the AAU 13 and under team, to use the field on Sundays for this season, at no
charae, until a policy is put into place. No vote was taken at this time, due to a
subsequent amendment.
Discussion followed regarding charging for non-residents, who will take care of the fields as far
as lighting and lining of the fields. Mr. Resnick advised that two of the 14 kids on his team are
Ocoee residents and that all kids pay a $40 fee for the umpire, and pay for their own uniforms.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Anderson, moved to
amend the motion to include a charae for any non-residents on the AAU team, of
$15 per season, and have the Parks and Recreation Department veritvina
residency and charaina fees to non-residents. Motion carried 4-0, with Mayor
Vanderarift away from the dais.
A vote was taken on the oriainal motion, as amended. Motion carried 4-0, with
Mayor Vanderarift away from the dais.
Rosemary Wilsen, 1019 Shady Maple Circle, 1) announced that the Ocoee High School PTSA
is hosting a Night for Nurses on February 25, 2006, at 8:00 p.m. to help pay for the School
Nurse. Cost will be $10 per person, or $8 for PT A members. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson asked
to have this placed on the website. Commissioner Parker said the event last year was excellent,
and everyone had a great time, and 2) announced that Girl Scout cookies go on sale this week.
Martha Lopez Anderson, 2438 Alclobe Circle, said the Human Relations Diversity Board is
celebrating Black History Month and will have an essay contest, with six middle schools and
elementary schools, taking place on February 24, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., in the Commission
Chambers, 2) Ocoee Child Protection Recommendation Committee (CPRC) is having a stranger
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City Commission Regular Meeting
February 7, 2006
safety poster contest and winners will be announced for every grade level on Friday, March 3,
2006 in the Commission Chambers, 3) CPRC is having a video play on OGTV on Wednesdays
at 5:00 p.m. regarding Stranger Safety, and 4) the CPRC is hosting a Spring Fling for Safety at
Starke Lake on March 25, 2006, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Activities, games, slide shows, and
more will cover safety issues on Internet, Water, Driver, Bicycle, Fire Safety, Skateboarding, and
more. There will be fingerprinting and car seat checks as well.
Mayor Vandergl'ift - 1) read a plaque presented to the City from the 2005 Ocoee Bulldogs
Football Team, in appreciation of our support, 2) announced the Eatonville Policemen's Ball,
will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Altamonte Springs on February 18, 2006, 3) announced the
Candidate Forum, sponsored by the Woman's Club of Ocoee, which will be held February 16,
2006, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., and all candidates for Commissioners in Districts 1,2, and 4 have
been invited to attend, 3) read a letter from an Ocoee High School Student, asking for the City's
assistance placing items into a time capsule, and 4) said Brighthouse Cable Networks will be
switching our government cable from Channel 10 to Channel 21 in the near future.
COllllllissiollerParker- said the Spring Fling event is growing and the CPRC Committee is
asking if the City can donate some recreation items as prizes.
Commissioner Parker, seconded bv Mavor Pro Tern Anderson, moved to have the
City donate one (1) summer camp and one (1) round of swimmina lessons to be
aiven as prizes at the CPRC Sprina Flina event. Motion carried 4-0, with Mavor
Vanderarift away from the dais.
Commissioner Parker, seconded bv Commissioner Hood, asked that the sunset
date of the Child Protection Recommendation Committee be extended until June
30, 2006, to allow time to monitor what is happenina with the leaislation in
Tallahassee before makina final recommendations to the Commission in June.
Motion carried 4-0, with Mavor Vanderarift away from the dais.
Mayor Pro Tem Anderson suggested that we videotape the Spring Fling event to be replayed
on OGTV, to which City Manager Frank responded that we can arrange to get some video on
the event. Concensus of the Commission, without obiection, was to have the
Sprina Flina event videotaped for rebroadcast.
Martha Lopez Anderson said that frequently OGTV is completely blank or has outdated
information on it, and the CPRC has been discussing having a Safety Hour on OGTV, where we
play tapes from National Safety Council and other State Agencies. Consensus of the
Commission to direct staff to update OGTV and look into plavina safety videos.
Commissioner Johnsoll-responded to opinions and information on a Commission Candidate's
website regarding 1) term limits for Commissioners: he said he feels that Commissioners should
be able to remain in office until the residents decide not to elect them, and 2) Insurance for
Commissioners: said there was misinformation that Commissioners get free insurance, he said
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City Commission Regular Meeting
February 7, 2006
they are not eligible until they have served at least. two terms, and they pay the same as
employees upon retirement which is approximately $910.00 per month.
COtnmissioller Hoo<l- 1) said the Adair Street resurfacing will begin the third week of February
and flyers will be sent to residents, 2) said there will be a town meeting for resident input
regarding the resurfacing of Lady Avenue; the date will be announced and flyers will be sent, 3)
asked Parks and Recreation Director Petrone about the Park Ranger position, to which Mr.
Petrone advised we have a conditional offer right now and hope to start the new employee on
February 27,2006. There will be a full-time and part-time Park Ranger to cover all seven days
of the week, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., with both being on duty on Friday, because it is the busiest
evening. They will be securing parks, and assisting with crowd control for City events such as
teen dances, etc., and 4) verified with Mr. Petrone that there is a walk-thru gate at Vignetti Park
for resident access, and the main gate has been reopened.
City Manager Frank announced two new employees.
Jamie Croteau, Assistant City Manager, spoke to the Commission and gave a brief summary of
her past experience, said she is a former eight-year resident of Ocoee, and said she is very happy
to be here. Joy Wright, Community Relations Manager, will be at the next meeting.
1. Approval a
2006. (City
Members of the Human RelationslDiversity Board (HRDB) serve two-year terms. Currently the board has
fourteen (14) members. The Resolution provides that HRDB membership shall consist of no less than seven (7)
members and no more than fifteen (15) members. One application was recently submitted for the Human
RelationslDiversity Board; therefore, staff recommends the City Commission consider appointing Fay Alston to
the Human RelationslDiversity Board with a term ending May 1, 2008.
3 ..A:ppr()valofSchoorResollrce()fficef(Son tract. (Police(ShiefGoclol1)
The police department provides one (1) DARE officer to the four (4) elementary schools, one (1) School
Resource Officer to the one (1) middle school, and two (2) School Resource Officers to the one (1) high school,
all of which are located within the city limits of Ocoee. An annual agreement between the City and the School
Board is required in order for the police department to understand its officers' responsibilities and for the City
to be reimbursed by the School Board for a part of the officers' salaries. It is recommended that the Honorable
Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve a renewal of the agreement with the Orange County School
Board that reimburses the City for providing School Resource and DARE officers to the public schools in
4 .1\pprovalofE.I)()T Aggressive Enforcement VehiclePllrcbase.(}loliceChief Goclol1)
The Ocoee Police Department was awarded a grant from the Florida Department of Transportation part of
which specifies the purchase of a fully equipped, unconventional, traffic enforcement vehicle. The grant will
reimburse the City the cost ($26,800.00) of the vehicle after purchase. The vehicle is to be used for traffic
enforcement in high traffic areas including S.R. 50, Clarke Road, Maguire Road and Silver Star Road.
Enforcement will focus on speeding, red light running and aggressive driving. It is respectfully recommended
that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the Police Department to purchase one
fully equipped, unconventional, traffic enforcement vehicle from Classic Chevrolet in the amount of
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City Commission Regular Meeting
February 7, 2006
..tpprovalofCresfivoo<llleights-- Ocoee(Jommons PUI)})lat. )
l'llis item lv~removed fronfthe. Consent./lgendaalldheardse
Crestwood Heights residential development is located within Ocoee Commons PUD, at the northeast corner of
State Road 50 (Colonial Drive) and Blackwood Avenue. This plat is for 14.44 acres of a 97-unit multi-family
townhouse development and the associated amenities. The storm water management system was previously
constructed as part of Ocoee Commons PUD master development. All required documentation pertaining to the
platting of this development has been reviewed and approved by City staff.
6. Approval ofOcoee Crown Point PUDProfessiollalSefvices.>(CityEngilleer Wheeler)
The City authorized our consultants, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB), to prepare a Master Plan for the
Ocoee Crown Point PUD property, Phase I Infrastructure design and construction services, and the addition of
Phase IB design and construction services to meet the Lake Apopka Rule requirements. Specific Scope of
Services for each phase were outlined for each of these professional service contracts. The fees associated with
this work have been cost shared with the Public School as a in this venture.
7. Rejection
Avenue. {Purc
The City intended to award a contract for the Intersection Improvements for Bluford A venue at Orlando
Avenue. The budgeted amount is approximately $453,000.00. Staff recommends rejecting the bid from Gibbs
& Register, Inc., as it is approximately 48% over the budgeted amount. Staff is re-evaluating the project details
for potential cost savings, and plans to re-bid this project.
8. A rPllrcha.se of Ron TllrleyAssOciates, . Inc. Fleet Ma.intellance Software.
(.u.....J DirectorZait()olli)
In Fiscal Year 2006 the Fleet Division of Public Works assumed maintenance responsibilities for the cities
entire fleet of vehicles and equipment. Programmed within the years budget is funding for a Fleet Management
Software program to assist with (I) Vehicle Inventory (vehicle repair history, warranty tracking, and preventive
maintenance tracking), (2) Work Orders (scheduling, tracking, productivity), (3) Parts Inventory (purchase
orders, inventory tracking, barcoding), (4) Fueling (inventory, accounting, consumption), (5) Tires (inventory,
costing, performance). It is imperative to purchase a system that is user friendly and provides good technical
support and software updates. In researching software programs staff poled several Central Florida
municipalities to compare customer satisfaction results and visited several to demo the programs. Ron Turley
Associates, Inc. came highly recommended by the City of Lake Mary and the City of Maitland as they ranked
them highly in customer service response, software effectiveness, user-friendly format, and ease of system use.
$10,000 was budgeted in the Fleet Division for the purchases of the software. However, the total cost of the
software is $14,515. Evaluation of this product was done by the Information Systems Director prior to this
recommendation for purchase.
The design phase of the Maguire Road Phase V, which includes roadway widening from Mercantile Court to
Geneva Street, is now substantially complete by Professional Engineering Consultants (PEe). In order to assist
legal staff with the acquisition of the necessary right-of-way, PEC has submitted a proposal for $37,207.61 to
provide analysis and expert assistance for parcels 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, and 109. The scope of
work will include the necessary analysis and investigation to support the legal staff in the eminent domain
Consent Aaenda Vote:
Commissioner Hood. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to approve
Consent Aaenda items 1. throuah 9. as presented.
Discussion began regarding Item #5 and it was determined that it should be pulled from the
Consent Agenda and discussed separately.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
February 7, 2006
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to amend the
oriainal motion. to remove Item #5 from the Consent Aaenda. Motion carried 4-0.
with Mayor Vanderarift away from the dais.
Commissioner Anderson asked if the Fleet Maintenance software included training on how to
use it. Assistant Public Works Director Elliott advised that the training is included, and if
more training is necessary it will be placed in the next fiscal budget.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve the
oriainal motion. as amended. approvina Consent Aaenda items 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8.
and 9. as presented. Motion carried 4-0. with Mayor Vanderarift away from the
5. Approval of Crestwood Heights - Ocoee Commons PUD Plat. (City Engineer Wheeler)
This item was removedfrom the Consellt Agenda and heard separately.
Crestwood Heights residential development is located within Ocoee Commons PUD, at the northeast comer of
State Road 50 (Colonial Drive) and Blackwood Avenue. This plat is for 14.44 acres of a 97-unit multi-family
townhouse development and the associated amenities. The storm water management system was previously
constructed as part of Ocoee Commons PUD master development. All required documentation pertaining to the
platting of this development has been reviewed and approved by City staff.
Commissioner Anderson said the Commission approved single-story units on the side of this
development. Community Development Director Wagner said he has not seen anything
except the models, but he believes there will be single story units. Commissioner Johnson said
that Mr. Fazio, a handicapped resident, was told they were not making any changes to make units
handicapped accessible, even if the potential buyer agreed to pay for the upgrades.
Nichol Bolander, Project Manager, Morrison Homes said she will speak to the developers
and see to it that arrangements are made for handicapped persons and seniors.
City Attorney Rosenthal recommended that they have a motion to continue until the developer
can speak to the Commission.
Mayor Pro Tem Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to table this
item until a time certain. February 21. 2006. when the developer can be present to
discuss chanaes to some of the units to accommodate handicapped and elderly.
Motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Parker and Mayor Vanderarift away from
the dais.
10. Approval of Chan of Ocoee Municipal General Employ
Trust Fund. (Hu es irector Carnicella)
The Pension Board for the City of Ocoee Municipal General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund is governed by
ordinance. The General Employees' Pension Board has made recommendations to change the ordinance to
allow participation from the City Manager and Assistant City Manager. In addition, it removes reference to
Directors by specific title thereby allowing for participation of new director positions as authorized in the yearly
budget process.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
February 7, 2006
Mayor Pro Tem Anderson opened the Public Hearing.
R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd, asked what the changes were to this ordinance.
Human Resources Director Carnicella, who has now taken over the administration of the
Pension Plan, said that the change allows the City Manager and Assistant City Manager to
participate in the pension plan if they chose to take that option.
Mayor Pro Tem Anderson closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to adopt on
second readina Ordinance No. 2006-004. amendina the General Employees'
Retirement Trust Fund. Motion carried 4-0. with Mayor Vanderarift away from the
The resolution as adopted carries the following title:
Mayor Vandergrift returned to the meeting at 8:55 p.m.
1..1......La.kew()()U..Estates. .(Planllillg..Manager AnnstrOllg)
a. Annexation Ordinance. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for February 21,2006)
Lakewood Estates is a proposed 15.8-acre affordable housing subdivision located west of the intersection of
Wurst Road and Lakewood A venue. This proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits, urban
services can be provided, and the annexation meets state and local regulations; therefore, meeting all criteria for
annexation as stated in Policy 2.5 of the Future Land Use Element of the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan.
b. Rezoning Ordinance. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduledfor February 21,2006)
Lakewood Estates, a Homes in Partnership, Inc. development is an affordable housing community developed in
cooperation with Orange County. It is proposed to be developed with fifty-four (54) residential single-family
lots with varying sizes, the typical being sixty (60) feet in width and 120 feet in length. Because the zoning
being requested is PUD, specific standards have been requested for the development of the lots that are unique
to the property. The lot sizes are similar in size to R-l (minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet), however the
widths vary and in some cases are less than the required minimum lot width 000 feet in the R-l zoning district.
An Ordinance to rezone the property to PUD based upon the approved Land Use Plan is to be considered by the
City Commission simultaneously with the Annexation, Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Development
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of both ordinances.
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Commissioner Hood said he watched the Planning and Zoning Meeting on television and it
raised some issues, he asked if we are giving them a $200,000 road impact fee credit. City
Attorney Rosenthal said there is generally no discussion on first reading, so the developer is not
present, but if they wish to give the staff direction to change the ordinance, they should do that
now before the second reading. Commissioner Parker said that Homes in Partnership has been
great quality homes at affordable prices all over Central Florida with great success. Discussion
followed regarding the traffic situation, quality affordable housing, multi-government agency
cooperation on this project, access to Ocoee Apopka Road, criteria for applicants for the homes
and giving road impact fee money away when it can be used for other things.
City Attorney Rosenthal suggested that this discussion occurs during the second reading when
the developer is present.
Mayor Pro Tem Anderson announced the Public Hearing and second reading would be on
February 21, 2006, at 7: 15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
of CRAlnterlocalAgreemellt with(lrallgeCollllty->i\ttorney. . David
(CommunityIJeveloPltlelltI>irector Wagner)
On September 21, 2004, the City Council adopted a resolution finding a certain defined area of the City of
Ocoee had conditions of "blight" as that term is defined in the Community Redevelopment Act. The next steps
in the process of redeveloping that area in accordance with the Act are: (i) create a Community Redevelopment
Agency; (ii) adopt a redevelopment plan; and (iii) create a redevelopment trust fund and provide for the deposit
therein of increment revenues attributed to the redevelopment area. The Redevelopment Act states that in a
county that has adopted a home rule charter all redevelopment powers are vested in the county. A municipality
located within such a county may exercise redevelopment powers under the Act only if the governing body of
the county has delegated those powers to the governing body of the city. ~ 163.400, Florida Statutes, Orange
County had adopted a home rule charter so the City of Ocoee cannot proceed with the next steps in the
redevelopment process until the County Commission has delegated redevelopment powers to the City.
David Cardell, Special Counsel for the CRA, explained the process for the creation of the
CRA, and the Interlocal Agreement with Orange County that will move the process forward.
Mayor Vanderarift seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to approve the
Interlocal Aareement with Oranae County per staff recommendations. Motion
carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais.
13.i\pprovaFofStormwater <Utility Fee I e Optio (Publi
As outlined in a presentation to the City Commission in a work session on November 18, 2005, in order to
implement a long-range stormwater management program, it is necessary to increase the storm water utility fees.
Staff outlined a flat fee model, which entails an initial increase of $1.50 and subsequent $0.50 per year for 4
years. During the work session, staff was directed to investigate a sliding-scale model, which considers a scaled
fee distribution for the residential category based on the gross square footage. Both models are projected to
produce an equal sum of revenues. Staff will present the details of both models and other relevant information
to the City Commission on the meeting date. The recent amendment to Chapter 150 of the City Code modified
and expanded the properties subject to a stormwater fee to include Category A- residential with four (4) distinct
classes based upon the gross square footage, Category B- residential condominiums, Category C- developed
non-residential properties, and Category D- vacant land. Depending on the choice of the fee structure (flat-rate
or sliding-scale), staff will place a resolution to adopt the stormwater utility fees on February 21, 2006 for
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Public Works Director Zaitooni said they are not approving any stormwater fees tonight, they
will need to give staff direction on what option to go with and a fee resolution will be brought
back at the February 21,2006, meeting. He gave a Powerpoint presentation.
Consensus of the Commission, 3-2 was in favor of the sliding scale fee schedule,
with Commission Johnson and Commissioner Anderson opposed.
14. Approval. of Resi<icl1tialClltbsidcServic:eStaJfing. . (Public Worksl)irectoI'Zaito()l1i)
Pursuant to a City Commission Work Shop on October 19, 2005, and a City Commission meeting on November
15,2005, the residential curbside service (garbage, recycling, and yard & bulky waste) will be transitioned to an
in-house operation as soon as the collection vehicles are delivered to the City. City Commission has previously
approved the purchase of the vehicles and they have been placed on order. There are currently two (2) budgeted
positions in the solid waste funds, which include a sanitation coordinator and an administrative assistant. As
previously described in detail to the City Commission, the in-house residential curbside service will require one
(1) sanitation manager and twelve (12) sanitation drivers hired over time, at least 30 days in advance of the
truck delivery dates. The twelve (12) residential sanitation drivers include six (6) drivers for residential
garbage, two (2) drivers for residential recycling, two (2) drivers for residential yard & bulky waste, one (1)
claw truck operator, and one (1) floating driver. An official budget amendment by the Finance Department will
take place at mid-year; however staffing must be approved prior to that date in order to begin the transition
process in March 2006 with a sanitation manager and three (3) drivers. Therefore, staff is requesting the City
Commission to approve addition of one (1) sanitation manager and twelve (12) sanitation driver positions for
the residential curbside service. The tentative plan subject to changes to the truck delivery schedule entails
hiring the sanitation manager and three (3) drivers in March, four (4) drivers in April, two (2) drivers in May,
and three (3) drivers in June to effectively and smoothly transition the residential curbside service to an in-
house operation.
Public Works Director Zaitooni advised that Onyx has requested that we terminate their
contract early, and once they have that in writing it will be brought back before the Commission.
As soon as Public Works is able to get the staff and the equipment, they will begin residential
curbside service and bulk pick up.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve the
addition of personnel for one (1) sanitation manager and twelve (12) sanitation
drivers, per staff recommendations. Motion carried 5-0.
15. Approval ofthe3-YearCollec ..
(lI11m3IlReso llrcesDitectot
This Collective Bargaining Agreement governs the terms and conditions of employment for Fire Department
Employees covered under the IAFF Union. The previous Collective Bargaining Agreement with the IAFF
ended September 30,2005.
Mayor Vanderarift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve the
collective Bargaining Aareement between the City and IAFF, as presented by
staff. Motion carried 5-0.
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Commissioner Hood - none
Commissioner Johnson - 1) said that regarding Lakewood Estates, under Item #11, if we don't
place houses there, it will be done by the County, and then we will have the impact of all of those
residents without the benefit of the tax dollars, and 2) asked the City to sponsor the Elks Lodge
again this year.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to donate
$100 to the Elk's Lodae Charity Ball. from the Commission Continaencv fund.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Vandergrift- 1) reminded everyone of the Candidate Forum, sponsored by the Woman's
Club of Ocoee, which will be held February 16, 2006, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., and all candidates
for Commissioners in Districts 1, 2, and 4 have been invited to attend, 2) asked Public Works
Director Zaitooni to assist with the time capsule for Ocoee High School 3) said Brighthouse
Cable Networks will be switching our government cable from Channel 10 to Channel 21,
effective March 15, 2006, and 4) invited everyone to attend the weddings at the Gazebo on
Valentine's Day.
Commissioner Parker- 1) invited everyone to the CPRC Spring Fling for Safety at Starke Lake
on March 25,2006, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and 2) said the Rotary Club of Ocoee is hosting it's
annual Wine Tasting Event at Windermere Town Hall on February 18, 2006, the cost will be $35
per person, or $65 per couple.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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