HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #07 Rejection of Bid#B06-02 - Intersection Improvements of Bluford Ave. & Orlando Ave. AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: 2/07/06 Item # 1 Contact Name: Contact Number: Joyce Tolbert 1516 Re0ewedBy: .#L~ Department Director: .. City Manager: _ = ==-- Subject: Rejection of Bid #B06-02, Interse~tion Improvements Bluford Avenue at Orlando Avenue Background Summary: The City intended to award a contract for the Intersection Improvements for Bluford A venue at Orlando Avenue. The budgeted amount is approximately $453,000.00. Issue: Reject the single bid for Intersection Improvements Bluford A venue at Orlando A venue. Recommendations The single bid was reviewed by the Public Works and Finance Departments. Per the attached memorandum from Bob Zaitooni, Public Works Director, staff recommends rejecting the bid from Gibbs & Register, Inc. as it is approximately 48% over the budgeted amount. Staff is re-evaluating the project details for potential cost savings, and plans to re-bid this project. Attachments: 1. Contractor Bid 2. Bid Tabulation 3. Recommendation Memorandum 4. ITB Financial Impact: N/A Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clem's DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ,J16rJ N/A N/A N/A City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Garv Hood. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Nancv J. Parker. District 4 Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT FROM: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Age~ January 30,2006 TO: DATE: RE: Rejection of Bid #B06-02 Intersection Improvements Bluford Avenue at Orlando Avenue ISSUE Reject all bids for Intersection Improvements Bluford Avenue at Orlando A venue. BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION The City intended to award a contract for the Intersection Improvements for Bluford A venue at Orlando A venue. The budgeted amount is approximately $453,000.00. The bid was advertised on October 30, 2005 and opened on December 6,2005. There was one response to this bid: 1. Gibbs & Register, Inc. $671,000.00 Attached is a copy of the bid along with the bid tabulation. The original bid and project specifications are available in the Finance Department for your review. The single bid was reviewed by the Public Works and Finance Departments. Per the attached memorandum from Bob Zaitooni, Public Works Director, staff recommends rejecting the bid from Gibbs & Register, Inc. as it is approximately 48% over the budgeted amount. Staff is re-evaluating the project details for potential cost savings, and plans to re-bid this project. 1 Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift center of Good L' . <\.'o-e If71~ Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 Citv Manager Robert Frank MEMORANDUM TO: Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agent FROM: Bob Zaitooni, Public Works Director DATE: January 30, 2006 RE: Recommendation to Reject Bids - Bid #B06-02 Intersection Improvements at Bluford Avenue at Orlando Avenue Staff has reviewed the single bid received for $671,000 from Gibbs & Register for the construction of the intersection improvements at Bluford Avenue and Orlando Avenue. Upon a careful evaluation of the only bid and the construction industry conditions, we have determined that the best course of action is to reject the bid due to (l) in-sufficient competitive bids, and (2) substantial overage beyond the budgeted amount affecting the CIP. We will re-evaluate the project details for potential cost savings and will notify you when ready to advertise again. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at extension 6002. RZ Cc: David Wheeler, P.E., City Engineer The City ofOcoee Public Works. 301 Maguire Road. Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3170 . fax: (407) 905-3176 . www.ci.ocoee.fl.us B'dd G'bb & R . t I er I s egis er, nc. B06-02 Intersection Improvements Bluford Avenue at Orlando Avenue IBASE BID I t:M NO, DESCRIPTION UNIT EST'D QTY. UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 101-1 Mobilization LS 1 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 102-1 Maintenance of Traffic LS 1 $78,000.00 $78,000.00 104-99 Erosion Control LS 1 $4,903.00 $4,903.00 110-1-1 Clearina and Grubbina (1AC) LS 1 $80,000.00 $80,000.00 120-1 Excavation, Reaular CY 500 $20.00 $10,000.00 120-6 Embankment CY 100 $20.00 $2,000.00 285-712-447 Ootional Base (Base Grouo 12) (7.5" ABC-3) SY 700 $98.00 $68,600.00 327-70-1 Millina Existina Aspha~ Pavement (1" A VG) SY 2650 $8.00 $21,200.00 331-72-14 Tvoe S Asoha~ic Concrete (1.5") (150 LB/SY) SY 2650 $17.00 $45,050.00 331-72-30 Tvpe S Aspha~ic Concrete (3") (300 LB/SY) SY 700 $40.00 $28,000.00 425-1-201 Inlets (Curb Tvoe9 <10') EA 3 $6,000.00 $18,000.00 425-2-71 Manholes (J-7( (<10') EA 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 425-10 Yard Drains EA 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 425-11 ModWv Existina Drainaae Structures EA 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 430-141-101 Elliptical Concrete Pipe CulvertlStorm Sewer) (HE III) (12"x18") LF 196 $100.00 $19,600.00 430-984-401 M~ered End Section (SOl (Concrete Elliotical Pi i I (12"x18") EA 1 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 420-1-10 Concrete Curb and Gutter (Tvpe F) LF 750 $24.00 $18,000.00 520-5-15 Concrete Traffic Seoarator (Tvoe I) ,2' Wide) LF 215 $24.00 $5,160.00 522-1 Concrete Sidewalk (4" Thick) SY 135 $36.00 $4,860.00 522-2 Concrete Sidewalk (6" Thick) SY 130 $48.00 $6,240.00 575-1 Soddina SY 1400 $3.00 $4,200.00 700-40-1 Sign (Single Post) (Less Than 12 SF) R4-7 (24"x30''), OM-I (18"x18") AS 1 $140.00 $140.00 700-46-21 Sian Existina (Relocate I Reinstall (Sinale Post) AS 6 $60.00 $360.00 705-10-21 Obiect Marker (Obiect Mounted) (Tvoe I) (Yellow) AS 1 $140.00 $140.00 705-71 Delineator, Tubular (Flexible) Yellow-Yellow EA 6 $55.00 $330.00 Yellow-Green EA 2 $55.00 $110.00 706-3 Retro-Reflective Payment Markers Bi-Directional Colorless - Red EA 12 $6.00 $72.00 Bi-Directlonal Amber - Red EA 16 $6.00 $96.00 Bi-Dirrectional Amber - Amber EA 40 $6.00 $240.00 711-4 Directional Arrows, Thermoplastic EA 6 $60.00 $360.00 711-35-61 Solid Traffic Strioe, Thermoplastic 6" Wh~e) LF HOD $0.50 $850.00 711-35-121 Solid Traffic Stripe, Thermoplastic 12" Wh~e) LF 600 $1.50 $900.00 711-35-241 Solid Traffic Strioe, Thermoplastic 24" Whrte) LF 100 $4.00 $400. DO 711-36-61 Solid Traffic Stripe, Thermoplastic 6" Yellow) LF 2000 $0.50 $1,000.00 711-36-181 Solid Traffic Stripe, Thermoplastic 18" Yellow) LF 150 $2.00 $300.00 630-1-12 Condu~ (Furnish & Install) (Underaround) LF 230 $10.00 $2,300.00 630-1-14 Condu~ (Furnish & Install) !Directional Bore) LF 300 $30.00 $9,000.00 632-7-1 Cable (Sianal) (Furnish & Install) PI 1 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 635-1-11 Pull & Junction Boxes (Furnish & Install) EA 8 $400.00 $3,200.00 653-181 Pedestrian Sianal (Furnish & Install) (LED) (1-Wav) AS 2 $750.00 $1,500.00 653-182 Pedestrian Sianal (Furnish & Install) (LEOl (2-Wav) AS 1 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 659-108 Sianal Head Auxiliaries (Steel Pedestal) (Black) EA 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 660-1-101 Inductive Looo Detector (Furnish & Install) (Type 2,1 CH, R, S) EA 1 $300.00 $300.00 660-2-102 Loop Assemblv (Furnish & Install) (Tvpe B) AS 2 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 660-2-106 Looo Assemblv (Furnish & Install) (Type F) (6"x40") AS 4 $1,100.00 $4,400. DO 665-11 Pedestrian Detector (Furniah & Install) EA 4 $350.00 $1,400.00 670-5-412 Actuator Solid State Controller Assemblv (Modify) AS 1 $2,900.00 $2,90000 580-301-1 Stakina and Guvina (Trees) EA 2 $250.00 $500.00 580-326-999 Mulchin LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 582-2-IVN Shrubs lIex Vom~oria "Naha") (3 GAll PL 34 $20.00 $680.00 582-2-LCR Shurbs Loropetalum Chinese "Rubv") (3 GAll PL 10 $20.00 $200.00 582-2-LMA Shrubs Liriooe Muscari "Aztec") (1 GAll PL 31 $10.00 $310.00 583-4-IXN Trees (lIex X CV. "Nellie R Stevens") (30 GAll PL 2 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 589-1 Landscaoe Establishment and Maintenance LS 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 590-70 Irrioation Svstem LS 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 U-1 Furnish and Install 12-inch PVC Water Main. LF 477 $95.00 $45,315.00 U-2 Furnish and Install6-inch D.1. Water Main. LF 185 $70.00 $12,950.00 U-3 Furnish and Install 12-inch Gate Valve and Box EA 3 $3,400.00 $10,200.00 U-4 Furnish and Install 6-inch Gate Valve and Box EA 2 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 U-5 Furnish and Install Fire HydrantlARV Assemblv EA 1 $4,400.00 $4,400.00 U-6 Furnish and Install Fire Hvdrant Assemblv EA 1 $3,800.00 $3,800.00 U-7 Furnish and Install Water Service Connection EA 4 $1,900.00 $7,600.00 U-8 Remove and Dispose of 12-inch PVC Water Main. LF 406 $32.00 $12,992.00 U-9 Remove and Disoose of 6-inch PVC Water Main. LF 88 $30.00 $2,640.00 U-10 Remove and Dispose of 6-inch AC Water Main. LF 483 $50.00 $24,150.00 U-11 Retire 2-inch Water Main. LF 242 $6.00 $1,452.00 TOTAL BASE BID $671,000,00 Bid Security Bid Bond Sioned Orioinal ves Addendum 1 es License Check es b~;",,;.1~~?,-~~vi}\~~'iI_~tT"'~,;';;';;'=-'i,,",,~","N'~'''='"'''' DATE SUBMITTED: NAME OF BIDDER: DECEMBER 6, 2005 ORIGINAL ........-,--.---.. .. GIBBS & REGISTER, INC. SECTION 00300 BID FORM SUBMITTED: DECEMBER 6, 2005 (Date) PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: BID #B06-02 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS BLUFORD AVENUE AT ORLANDO AVENUE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA NAME OF BIDDER: GIBBS & REGISTER, INC. BUSINESS ADDRESS: ,530 S. MAIN ST. , PHONE NO.: 407-654-6133 WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO.: CGCA06294 THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO City of Ocoee, Florida (hereinafter called Owner) 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Amendment to the Agreement with Owner in the form included in the Contract Documents, to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid Form and the Amendment to the Agreement, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. This Bid will remain open for ninety (90) calendar days after the day of Bid opening. BIDDER will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts ofthe Amendment to the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within ten (1 O) days aft~r the date of OWNER'S Notice of (Intent to) Award. 3. In submitting this Bid, Bidder makes all representations required by the Instructions to Bidders and the Agreement and further warrants and represents that: a. Bidder has examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda: No. 1 Dated: 11/17/05 No. Dated: No. Dated: No. Dated: No. Dated: No. Dated: No. Dated: No. Dated: (Receipt of all which is hereby acknowledged) and also copies of the Invitation for Bids and the Instructions to Bidders. b. Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing the Work. OE-389/2.0 (10/25/05) 00300-1 ~ -' 00 0-- (,.)N O~ 00 '01 (Jl~ ~ (,.) o I CD CO ~ .1.. o ...>. ~ UJ o I -' ~ ...... I ...... o ...... N ~ ~ UJ UJ UJ CD ~ ~ N N UJ UJ N Cf N N (Jl Cf T T ...... ...... (Jl (Jl I ...>. ...... ...... I -' ~ .~ ':" 'NN ...... N ...... 0 ...... ~ W ~ ? .1.. ...... ...>. 0 ~ ...... ~ ...... ...... ...>. -Jro,. -ll. ....Jrr,. 0 -Jrr. NNO~O o 0_ I I N I I ~ CD I ()) ...>. ~ CD ...>. :p.~Im ~ Ol ~ m-O' 8- CD=g~ ->.0. III m ~m-,,- X X-::l N (") -. ->. a. = 0 !a. 02 en ::<.. ~ S' -CD CO"" to n,.=~O -- Ol..., g "U~. ~Cf) -0' ~ OltO g (")Ol C en <...... Ol 2 ;+n, .--.. c ~ CD o C/l 3 en Ol :E Ol o o o ::l () ..., CD ...... 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S 0 c. ~ (; 0 l m I w ..4A- -5t (Xl c .- ~ co ): \'J V -- ...l ~ tJ () bJ '" :t. -..J 0 .t:.. 6' :8 ~ g j:. ~ ~ \}J - 8 - 0::;: ~O 01 ~ t lJ\ 00 V UJ -- V . g 8 0'" .8 . . 0 o~ 8 0 .0 '8 8 0 8 0 '0 r> 0 0 ........01 r, UJ~ () 0 SECTION 00020 Page 1 of2 SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID BID #B06-02 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS BLUFORD AVENUE AT ORLANDO AVENUE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ORANGE COUNTY Sealed bids, in duplicate, will be accepted at the office of the Purchasing Agent in the City of Ocoee, until 2:00 p.m., local time on December 6, 2005. Sealed bids must be dated and time stamped at the office of the Purchasing Agent at the Finance Department before 2:00 p.m. local time. Sealed bids shall be hand delivered to the room in which the bid opening is to occur. At approximately 2:01 p.m. bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City of Ocoee, City Hall Conference Room. Any bids received after the above noted time will not be accepted under any circumstances. Any uncertainty regarding the time a bid is received will be resolved against the Bidder. Bids submitted after this designated time will be returned unopened. Description of Work: All work for the Project shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications prepared by Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc., Orlando, Florida, and the proposed contract will be awarded and constructed, if award is made, under these Contract Documents. Bids shall be submitted for furnishing, delivering, and installing all materials, equipment, incidentals and services, including labor, for the Work, which generally includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: This Bluford Avenue and Orlando Avenue intersection improvement project includes pavement widening and construction, milling and resurfacing, curbing, concrete sidewalk, drainage improvements, water main utility improvements, landscaping improvements, and signal modifications. Pre-Bid Conference: Will be held on November 17, 2005, at 10:00 a.m. local time at the City of Ocoee, City Hall Conference Room. Questions and clarifications shall be submitted in accordance with the Bidding Documents. Prospective bidders may secure a copy of the complete bid package (Project Manual and Drawings), from Joyce Tolbert at Ocoee City Hall Finance Department, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee FL 34761, (407) 905-3100, Ext. 1516, jtolbert@cLocoee.f1.us for a non-refundable fee of $150.00. Checks should be made payable to the City of Ocoee. Partial sets of bid documents will not be issued. Information about this bid is available from DemandStar by accessing the City's website at www.cLocoee.fl.us under Finance/Purchasing/Bids. Bids shall be prepared from complete full size contract documents. Responses to questions may be issued through Addenda issued not later than twenty-four (24) hours before bid opening. The City shall provide all Addenda to each prospective bidder by regular mail or telefacsimile at the address or fax number that each prospective bidder has provided to the City when it receives the Bidding Documents. Addenda may also be posted on DemandStar. It shall be the responsibility of each prospective bidder to obtain a cop of all issued Addenda. Bid Bond: A certified check or bid bond shall accompany each bid. The certified check or bid bond shall be for an amount not less than five percent (5 percent) of the bid price and shall be made payable to the City of Ocoee as a guarantee that the Bidder will not withdraw for a period of (90) days after bid closing time. Bid Submittal: Each bidder shall submit only one (1) bid for the Work. Each bidder shall submit an original and one (1) copy of its bid. The award will be made in accordance with the requirements of applicable state and federal laws and regulations and pursuant to the provisions of the Bid Documents and/or any applicable City of Ocoee purchasing rules and procedures. Each Bidder shall submit the Bid Form provided in the Project Manual file://C :\Documents and Settings\jtolbert\My Documents\SR _ B0602 _ Reject_Bluford_arIa... 1/30/2006 SECTION 00020 Page 20f2 in a sealed envelope with the words "BID FOR BID #B06-02, INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS, BLUFORD AVENUE AT ORLANDO AVENUE, CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA" and the Bidder's name, address and Florida Contractor's License Number clearly shown on the outside thereof. Each Bidder must acknowledge receipt of all addenda in the prescribed Bid Form. An authorized representative of the Bidder must sign the Bid Form. Failure to comply with these conditions or the conditions contained in the Instructions To Bidders may be cause for bid disqualification. Mailed bids shall be sent to the attention of the Purchasing Agent, City of Ocoee Finance Department, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 and shall be received before the deadline for the bid opening. - Award of Contract(s): The City of Ocoee may waive technicalities or irregularities, reject any or all bids, and/or accept that bid(s) that is in the best interest of the City, with price, qualifications and other factors taken into consideration. The City reserves the right to award the Contract to the Bidder(s), which, in the sole discretion of the City, is the most responsive and responsible Bidder(s), price, qualifications and other factors, considered. However, the City specifically reserves the right to accept other than the lowest responsible and responsive bid when the City considers that to be, in its sole and absolute discretion, in the best interests of the City. CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA 1 0/30/2005 END OF SECTION file ://C :\Documents and Settings\jtolbert\My Documents\SR _ B0602 _ Reject_Bluford _ Orla... 1/30/2006