HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #15 Approval of 3 Year Collective Bargaining Agreement between City and IAFF
Meeting Date: 02/07/06
Item # 15
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
James Carnicella
ReWewedB~ ~
D~partment Director: .' ,. ;;r~ -:It .
City Manager:
Background Summary:
This Collective Bargaining Agreement governs the terms and conditions of employment for Fire Department
Employees covered under the IAFF Union.
The previous Collective Bargaining Agreement with the IAFF ended September 30,2005.
Staff recommends the Commission adopt the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Attachments include the entire document and a summary of the significant changes from the previous
Financial Impact:
$60,681.00 from Contingency that was already budgeted for Fire Department salary changes and $3,454.00
additional for a total cost of$64,135.00 (total amount should come from Contingency).
Type of Item:
o Public Hearing
o Ordinance First Reading
o Ordinance First Reading
o Resolution
~ Commission Approval
o Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's Deaf Use:
o Consent Agenda
o Public Hearing
~ Regular Agenda
o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by ( )
o N/A
o N/A
o N/A
Three year Agreement - 10/1/05 to 9/30/08
Significant changes to the Collective Bargaining Agreement 2005 - 2008
Article 7 Promotion
- Increased the promotional qualification requirements for Engineer and Lieutenant
- Established testing schedule
Article 9 Special Meetings
- Established meeting format between Human Resources, Fire Management and the
Union to discuss current events.
Article 13 Shift Swaps
- Increased the pay-back time from 28 days to 90 days
Article 14 Holidays
- Eliminated "Floating Holiday" and included the time into the PTO accruals.
- Changed "Observed Holidays" to actual holiday dates.
Article IS Paid Time Off (PTO)
- Eliminated "Mandatory Vacation Time" in lieu of "Buy Back of Hours"
Article 18 Light Duty
- Eliminated "Off Duty Injury" light duty.
Article 19 Wages
- Instituted step plan - 15 steps with approximately 3% increase between steps & 3%
COLA for each of the remaining two years.
- Step increase based on "Operational" review, rather than "Above Operational".
- Paramedic pay remains status quo with are-opener.
Article 20 Uniforms
- Replacement allowance increased from $200 to $300 for rank and file, from $250 to
$350 for inspectors.
Article 21 Probationary Period
- 6 month probationary period and no work to a higher classification
- Requirements for departmental transfers increased
- Departmental transfers will start at the entry level salary
Article 23 Continuous Employment
- Paid Time Off will be chosen by employees with the most time in position, rather
than overall time with the City.
- Light duty and permanent vacancies will not count against the 3 off per shift rule.
Article 24 Personal Property Replacement
- Wristwatch replacement increased from $30 to $50.
Article 2') Safety and Health
- City will select vendor for annual physicals, RDV being exclusive.
- Tobacco free workplace
Article 26 Working Out of Class
- Flat rate of payment over 12 hours of continuous work
Firefighter to Engineer $15 per shift
Engineer to Lieutenant $20 per shift
Lieutenant to Battalion Chief $25 per shift
The City and the Ocoee Fire Department maintained the ability to operate the
department without changing any S.O.P.s, pension benefits, disciplinary procedures
with no re~openers (except, if the City decides to do (ALS) Advanced Life Support
CONFIDENTIAL - Not subject to public
disclosure under Florida Statute 447.605(1)
and/or (3) relating to collective bargaining.
Effective Dates: October 1,2005 to September 30,2008
Section 1.1
Section 1.2
Section 1.3
Section 1.4
Section 1.5
Parties .. ....... .......... .......... ....................... ..... ......... .................... ..... 1
Recognition................................................................................... 1
Entire Agreement.... ................................ ..... ....... ............. ........ ...... 1
Effect of Laws and Ordinances...................................................... 1
Pu rpose . ... . . . ... . .. .... . . ............. .... . .. .. ... .. ..... . ..... ... .............. ... ............ 2
Section 2.1 Union Activities.............................................................................. 3
Section 2.2 Non-Discrimination........................................................................ 3
Section 3.1
Section 3.2
Section 3.3
Section 3.4
Section 3.5
Section 3.6
Section 3.7
Section 4.1
Section 4.2
Section 4.3
Section 4.4
Section 4.5
Section 4.6
Section 4.7
Section 5.1
Section 5.2
Section 5.3
Section 5.4
Section 5.5
Section 5.6
Section 5.7
Section 6.1
Section 6.2
Section 6.3
Section 6.4
Section 6.5
Dues.............................................................................................. 4
Amou nt .......................................................................................... 4
Remittance.................................................................................... 4
Recourse....................................................................................... 5
Minimum Pay..... ........ .................... ... ... .... ......... ......... .... ....... ... ......5
Withd rawal..................................................................................... 5
I nd em n ity ........... .. . ........ . ............... . .. . .. . . .. . ........ . ... .. . .. .. ........... . . . ... .. 5
Representation and Notice............................................................ 6
Activities........................................................................................ 6
Time .............. ................................................... ........ ............. ........ 6
Visitation........................................................................................ 7
Solicitation and Distribution........................................................... 7
Time-Off Without Loss of Pay....................... .... ...... ................. ......8
Bulletin Boards and E-mail............................................................ 8
Functions of Management .............................................................9
Operations and Direction of Work Force ....................................... 9
Examples of Management Rights.................................................. 9
Restrictions Under this Agreement................................................ 12
Waiver........................................................................................... 12
Emergencies................................................................................. 12
Job Duties..................................................................................... 13
Grievance...................................................................................... 14
Grievance Procedure.. ................... ............. ........ ................. .......... 14
Mediation and Arbitration............................... ...................... .......... 16
Selection and Cost of Arbitrator..................................................... 17
Authority of Arbitrator........ ............. ..... .... .... ...... ...... ............. .......... 17
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05
Section 6.6 Time Limits .................................................................................... 18
Section 6.7 Burden of Proof .............................................................................18
Section 6.8 Precedent...................................................................................... 18
Section 6.9 Arbitrators...................................................................................... 18
Section 6.10 Grievances by Non-Union Member ...............................................19
Section 6.11 General..........................................................................................19
Section 6.12 Time Off/Pay................................................................................. 20
Section 6.13 Limitations..................................................................................... 20
Section 7.1 Promotion Eligibility List and Promotion .........................................21
Section 7.2 Application of City PRR .................................................................23
VOTING......................................................................................... 24
SPECIAL MEETINGS................................................................... 25
NON-BARBAINING UNIT EMPLOYEES ....................... ............... 26
Section 11.1 Insurance....................................................................................... 27
Section 11.2 Pension ......................................................................................... 27
STRI KES ....................................................................................... 28
Section 13.1 Application..................................................................................... 29
Section 13.2 Payback......................................................................................... 29
Section 13.3 Authorization ...... .......... ................. ....... ....... ..... ... .......... ....... .... .....29
Section 13.4 Emergencies ............ ........ ................................ ....... .............. ........29
Section 13.5 Increments....... ............................................. ....... .......... ................29
Section 13.6 Qualifications................................................................................. 29
Section 14.1 Days Observed.............................................................................. 30
Section 14.2 Eligibility for Holiday Pay............................................................... 30
Section 15.1 Eligibility........................................................................................ 32
Section 15.2 Accrual of Leave............................................................................ 32
Section 15.3 Charging Leave............................................................................. 33
Section 15.4 PRR............................................................................................... 33
Section 15.5 ...................................................................................................... 33
USE OF PERSONAL VEHICLES ................................................. 34
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Section 17.1 Basic Work Schedule .................................................................... 35
Section 17.2 Overtime .... ...................... ....... ...... ... ..... ........ ..... ... .... ......... ..... .......35
Section 17.3 Assignment of Overtime................................................................ 36
Section 17.4 PRR............................................................................................... 37
Section 18.1 ...................................................................................................... 38
Section 18.2 ...................................................................................................... 38
Section 19.1 Step Plan....................................................................................... 39
Section 19.2 Step Plan Implementation.............................................................. 39
Section 19.3 Maximum of Step Plan.................................................................. 40
Section 19.4 Paramedic Incentive Pay............................................................... 40
Section 19.5 PRR.. ........................ ............................... .......... ........... ............ ..... 40
Section 20.1 Uniforms........................................................................................ 42
Section 20.2 Initial Issue ........ .............. ........ ............ ............. ........... ............ ...... 42
Section 20.3 Replacement................................................................................. 42
Section 20.4 Maintenance.................................................................................. 44
Section 20.5 Changes.... ..... ................................. ..... ............. ........... .................44
Section 21.1 Initial Probationary Period .............................................................45
Section 21.2 Promotional Probation...................................................................45
Section 21.3 Grievances ............. .................. ............... ..... ................ ........... ...... 45
Section 21.4 Transfers and Waiving Probation ..................................................45
Section 22.1 ...................................................................................................... 47
Section 22.2 Activity........................................................................................... 47
Section 22.3 Good Health Activities...................................................................4 7
Section 22.4 Emergencies................................................................................. 47
Section 22.5 Contact Sports.................... ..... ......... ..................... ............ .............48
Section 23.1 Definition ............. ................ ................ ......... ................... ....... .......49
Section 23.2 Benefits......................................................................................... 49
Section 23.3 Loss of Continuous Service........................................................... 49
Section 23.4 Paid Time Off ................................................................................50
Section 23.5 Floaters......................................................................................... 50
Section 23.6 Layoff and Recall........................................................................... 50
ARTICLE XXIV: PERSONAL PROPERTY REPLACEMENT.................................. 51
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Section 25.1 General.......................................................................................... 52
Section 25.2 Equipment..................................................................................... 52
Section 25.3 Medical Examinations.................................................................... 53
Section 25.4 Cooperation................................................................................... 54
ARTICLE XXVI: WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION .......................................55
ARTICLE XXVII: EDUCATION................................................................................. 56
ARTICLE XXVIII: DURATION ......... ................ ............. ................ ........... ...... ............57
APPENDIX: PAY PLAN .......... .......... ..................... .... .......... .................. ........... 59
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 iv
Section 1.1: Parties.
This Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement," "CBA" or "Contract") is entered into by
and between the City of Ocoee (hereinafter, "Employer") and the City of Ocoee
Professional Firefighters Union, I.A.F.F. Local #3623 (hereinafter, "the Union").
Section 1.2: Recoanition.
The City hereby recognizes the Union as the exclusive bargaining representative
for all regular full-time employees in the units certified by the Public Employees
Relations Commission certification in Case No. RC-96-008 and Case No. RC-2001-037.
Section 1.3: Entire Aareement.
This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement and understanding between
the parties and shall not be modified, altered, changed or amended in any respect
except on mutual agreement set forth in writing and signed by authorized
representatives of both parties, and supersedes any and all previous agreements and
understandings between the parties, either written or orally.
Section 1.4: Effect of Laws and Ordinances.
Nothing in this Agreement shall require either party to act in violation of any
federal or state law or city ordinances and regulations, which shall take precedence
when inconsistent with Agreement. In the event that any of the provisions of this
Agreement shall be held in violation of any federal or state law or city ordinances as
applied to this specific Agreement, such determinations shall not in any way affect the
remaining provisions of this Agreement, unless otherwise provided by law.
Section 1.5: Purpose.
It is contemplated that this Agreement will ensure that members of the bargaining
unit will at all times be responsible to and make every effort to carry forward the
legitimate activities and functions of the Department with alacrity and dispatch, and will
accept and promptly execute all lawful orders and instructions given to them, and by
defining the City obligations to the Union and members of the bargaining unit, thus
avoiding disputes due to misunderstandings; as well as providing a procedure for
resolution of any claims that this collective bargaining agreement has been violated.
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Section 2.1: Union Activities.
City employees shall have the right to be represented by an employee
organization of their own choosing or to refrain from doing so in accordance with Florida
Statutes Chapter 447.
Section 2.2: Non-Discrimination.
A. There shall be no illegal discrimination against any employee in
examination, training, promotion, retention, or any other personnel action because of
race, color, creed, sex, sexual status, religion, age, national origin, marital status, or
legally recognized disability.
B. Employees with a legally recognized disability, who are otherwise
qualified, will be provided reasonable accommodation as determined by the City to fulfill
the essential functions of their job so long as such accommodation does not constitute
an undue hardship to the City.
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Section 3.1: Dues.
The Employer will deduct bi-weekly Union dues from the paychecks of those Unit
employees who authorize such deduction in writing in the manner allowed by law.
Deductions will begin the second pay period after the Employer receives such written
authorization. No deduction shall be allowed for payment of initiation fees, assessment
or fines.
Section 3.2: Amount.
The Union will notify the City Director of Human Resources (hereinafter "HRD")
as to the amount of dues. This notice must state the biweekly amount in dollars and
cents for each individual member. Such notification will be certified to the HRD in
writing over the signature of an authorized officer of the Union at least thirty (30)
calendar days in advance of the effective date of such change. The City shall charge
the deduction as soon as practically consistent with its normal bookkeeping procedures,
but no less than thirty (30) days after the change is certified to the HRD, so long as the
certification is legally sufficient.
Section 3.3: Remittance.
With written instructions provided by the Union and a written authorization from
the employee acceptable to the City, the City will direct deposit Union members' dues to
the Union's account, provided the Union pays the same administrative cost for direct
deposits that each non-charitable organizations are charged for direct deposit by the
City. Direct deposits will cease upon written notice, next payroll following written notice
from the employee of same.
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Section 3.4: Recourse.
If there is an amount deducted in excess of what is authorized by the employee,
the City will reimburse the employee provided a timely grievance is filed if the excess
deduction was made as a result of a mistake by the City; otherwise, the employee shall
have recourse only against the Union.
Section 3.5: Minimum Pay.
No deduction shall be made from the pay of any payroll period in which the
employee's net earnings for that payroll period, after other authorized or legally required
deductions, are less than the amount of dues to be checked off.
Section 3.6: Withdrawal.
Any member can stop payroll deduction by giving written notice to the Public
Employer and the Union. The Employer shall stop the deductions thirty (30) days after
receipt of written notice from the employee.
Section 3.7: Indemnitv.
The Union will indemnify, defend, and hold the City harmless against any and all
claims, demands, or suits or other forms of liability that shall arise out of, or by reason of
action taken or not taken by the City on account of payroll deductions of Union dues.
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Section 4.1: Representation and Notice.
The Union shall be represented by its President. The Union shall notify the HRD
in writing of the names of its President, as well as any designated substitute for the
President to serve as the Union representative in the President's absence. The City is
not required to deal with anyone as a representative of the Union except its President
or, in her/her absence, hislher designee. The City will deal with only one (1)
representative of the Union with respect to each matter or grievance raised.
Section 4.2: Activities.
The Union President, or his designee, shall carry out their activities in behalf of
the Union, including investigating or settling grievances, after 5:00 p.m., except in cases
of emergencies the Union President, or his/her designee, with prior permission from the
Chief, or his designee, may engage in such activities prior to 5:00 p.m., so long as there
is no interference with the work activities of employees or the mission of the
Department. When the Union President, or his/her designee, is engaging in such
activities while on duty, there shall be no loss of pay. When the Union President, or
hislher designee, is engaging in such activities when they are off duty, they shall not be
entitled to pay.
Section 4.3: Time.
It is expected that the investigation and processing of grievances, by the Union
President, or his/her designee, to the extent that the time of unit employees is required,
will occur during the off-duty time of those involved.
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Section 4.4: Visitation.
The Chief, or hislher designee, shall permit one authorized non-employee
Business Agent of the Union reasonable access to the Fire Stations to handle
grievances arising under this Agreement after 5:00 p.m., provided that such visits do not
disrupt routine operations as determined by the Chief, or hislher designee. The
Business Agent designed to have access to the Department shall first obtain the
permission from the Chief, or his designee, which will normally be the ranking officer on
duty at the station at the time, before coming into any working area, and may, at the
option of the Chief, or hislher designee, be accompanied by a managerial employee in
the event the Union agent needs to visit a particular area of a station. The Business
Agent will not in any way interfere with the work of employees or the operations of the
Department. If, during a visit, the Business Agent wishes to have a private conversation
with an employee, the Chief, or his/her designee, will allow the same consistent with
his/her determination of operational needs. If the Union Business Agent needs access
prior to 5:00 p.m., he shall obtain permission from the Chief, or his/her designee, which
permission will not be denied unreasonably. During any such visit, the Business Agent
shall not interfere with the work or the operations of the Department.
Section 4.5: Solicitation and Distribution.
Except as modified by this Agreement, the Union, its members, agents,
representatives and all persons acting on its behalf, including the Employer's
employees covered by this Agreement, are strictly prohibited by law and this Agreement
from soliciting any of the Employer's employees, for Union purposes, during the work
time of any employee involved, and from distributing Union literature in any work area at
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any time. It is understood and agreed that any employee who violates either of these
prohibitions is subject to discipline. ('Work time" is any time, exclusive of breaks or
mealtime during the hours of a shift.)
Section 4.6: Time-Off Without Loss of Pay.
With respect to disciplinary proceedings under the City Personnel Rules and
Regulations (hereinafter "PRR"), bargaining unit employees who participate in such
proceeding, including an employee representative of the employee, if any, shall be
treated the same as all other City employees with respect to time off and pay. With
respect to contract negotiations between the Union and the City Manager, the Union
President shall not lose any pay for the work hours spent participating in such contract
Section 4.7: Bulletin Boards and E-mail.
The Employer agrees to set aside space for a bulletin board (not to exceed 30"
by 24") to be provided by the Union for its use in informing its membership as to Union
business at each station. It is however, agreed and understood that materials to be
posted or transmitted to bargaining unit members via e-mail regarding Union business
will be submitted to the Chief for review beforehand, and that materials which are
derogatory, abrasive, abusive, or critical about any person, or City policy, practice,
employees or officials are intemperate in language andlor are not related to legitimate
Union business, or which are factually inaccurate, will not be approved and if posted
without advance approval of the Chief. The bulletin board may not be used for any
political purpose or to support or oppose any political candidate or issue; provided
however, it may be used for internal elections held by the Union among its membership.
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Section 5.1: Functions of ManaQement.
It is the function of management to determine and direct the policies, mode and
method of providing its services without any interference in the management and
conduct of the City's operations on the part of the Union or any of its representatives.
Section 5.2: Operations and Direction of Work Force.
The City shall continue to exercise the exclusive right to take any action it deems
necessary or appropriate in the management of its operations and the direction of its
work force. The City expressly reserves all rights, powers and authority customarily
exercised by management, and functions which the City has not expressly modified or
delegated by express provisions of this Agreement.
Section 5.3: Examples of ManaQement RiQhts.
The Union and the employees covered under this Agreement recognize and
agree that the City has the sole and exclusive right except as specifically provided for in
this Agreement, to manage and direct any and all of its operations. Accordingly, the
City specifically, but not by way of limitation, reserves the sole and exclusive right to:
1. Exercise complete and unhampered control to manage, direct and totally
supervise all employees of the City.
2. Take whatever action may be necessary to carry out the mission and
responsibility of the City in unusual and/or emergency situations.
3. Schedule and assign work, including overtime, to employees and
determine the size and composition of the work force.
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4. Determine the services to be provided to the public, and the maintenance
procedure, materials, facilities, and equipment to be used, and to
introduce new or improved services, maintenance procedures, materials,
facilities, and equipment.
5. Hire and/or otherwise determine the criteria and standards of selection for
6. Promote and/or otherwise establish the criteria and/or procedure for
promotions, and to determine the number, grade, and types of positions,
in any pay plan which is or may be developed by the City.
7. Fire, demote, suspend or otherwise discipline.
8. Set procedures and standards to evaluate City employee's job
performance and to evaluate them.
9. Layoff and/or relieve employees from duty due to budgetary constraints, or
other operational reason.
10. Rehire employees.
11. Maintain the efficiency of the operations of all departments of the City.
12. Determine the allocation and content of job classifications and determine
all training parameters for all City positions, including persons to be
trained and extent and frequency of training.
13. Formulate, amend, revise and implement policy, rules and regulations,
and require employees to observe and obey the City's policies, rules and
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14. Determine the number, location and operation of all departments and
divisions thereof.
15. Institute any bonus or work incentive plan.
16. Control the use of equipment and property of the City.
17 . To determine whether all of any part of the operations covered by this
Agreement shall commence, cease, continue, reduce or increase
18. To determine the starting and quitting time and the number of hours to be
19. To increase or decrease the number of jobs or employees.
20. To change materials, processes, products, service, equipment,
production, shifts and work schedules, and methods of operation.
21. To assign work and equipment.
22. To assign or reassign shifts, create or abolish shifts, and rotate shifts.
23. To determine and change standards of fitness of employees to perform
24. To contract and/or subcontract any existing or future work when good
business judgment makes such action advisable.
25. To transfer employees from job to job, either on a permanent or temporary
26. To determine job content.
27. To establish the standards of conduct and work of employees.
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28. To determine the qualifications of employees; and to have complete
authority to exercise those rights and powers incidental thereto, including
the right to alter or vary past practices as the City may determine to be
necessary for the orderly and efficient operations of the City; provided,
such changes do not alter the specific provisions of this Agreement.
Section 5.4: Restrictions Under this Aareement.
The City reserves and retains fully and completely any and all management
rights, prerogatives and privileges except to the extent that such rights, prerogatives
and privileges are specifically limited by some express provision of this Agreement.
Section 5.5: Waiver.
The City's failure to exercise any function or right hereby reserved to it, or its
exercising any function or right in a particular way, shall not be deemed a waiver of this
right to exercise such function or right, nor preclude the City from exercising the same in
some other way not in conflict with the express provisions of this Agreement.
Section 5.6: Emeraencies.
If, in the sole discretion of the City Manager, it is determined that a civil
emergency condition exists, including but not limited to riots, civil disorders, hurricane
conditions or other catastrophes, the provisions of this Agreement may be suspended
by the City Manager during the time of the declared emergency, except for monetary
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Section 5.7: Job Duties.
It is understood by the parties that every incidental duty connected with
operations enumerated in job descriptions is not always specifically described and
employees, at the discretion of management, may be required to perform other duties
not specifically contained in their job description.
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Section 6.1: Grievance.
A grievance is defined as a difference between the City and any employee or the
Union involving an alleged violation or misapplication of a specific provision of this
Agreement. The definition of a grievance shall be strictly construed and no other matter
shall be subject to resolution under this Article without the written agreement of the City
and the Union. When an Article or Section in this contract references or incorporates
the City Personnel Rules and Regulations (PRR) a claimed violation, misapplication or
misinterpretation of the PRR shall not be subject to this Article but may be grieved
under Section 16 of the PRR.
Section 6.2: Grievance Procedure.
Whenever a grievance arises between the City and the employees or the Union,
the matter will be handled in accordance with the following procedure.
Step 1: Within seven (7) calendar days after the act or occurrence which
gives rise to the grievance, or the employee knew or should have known of such
act or occurrence, whichever first occurs, the employee shall meet to discuss the
grievance with the employee's immediate supervisor in an attempt to resolve
Step 2: If the grievance is not settled in Step 1 above, the grievance must
be reduced to writing and signed by the employee and presented to the Chief, or
his/her designee, within ten (10) calendar days of the act or occurrence which
gives rise to the grievance, or when the employee knew or should have known of
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 14
such act or occurrence, whichever first occurs, regardless of whether the meeting
in Step 1 was held. The written grievance must include:
a. A statement of grievance and a summary of the facts on which the
grievance is based.
b. The remedy requested.
c. The Article and Section of the agreement which grievant claims has been
d. A statement of the facts which are claimed to constitute a violation of the
Within ten (10) calendar days of presentation of the written, signed grievance, the
Chief, or his/her designee, and the Union President, and his/her designee, shall meet
and/or discuss the grievance. The Chief, or his/her designee, will respond in writing
within ten (10) calendar days of the meeting and/or discussion.
Step 3: If the grievance is not settled in Step 2 above, within ten (10)
calendar days of receipt of the Chief's response in Step 2, the Union shall notify
the City in writing of its appeal of the grievance to Step 3. Within ten (10)
calendar days of delivery of the written notice of appeal to Step 3, the City
Manager, or hislher designee, shall meet and/or discuss the grievance with the
Union Business Agent and/or the Union President. The City Manager shall
respond in writing within ten (10) calendar days after the meeting or discussion.
The City Manager can extend the time limits for the meeting and decision in this
Step but must do so in writing.
Failure of the parties to meet to discuss the grievance within the time provided in
Steps 1, 2, and 3 of the grievance procedure or failure of the City to respond at any step
shall be deemed a denial of the grievance and require the Union to proceed to the next
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step within the time limits just as if the City had denied the grievance in writing on the
last day an answer was due. Failure of the City to respond or to explain its response at
any step shall not in any way restrict the City's rights to raise any issue or present any
evidence it deems appropriate in support of its position in any subsequent arbitration or
other administrative or judicial proceeding. The employee grievant shall be entitled to
be present at any meeting held under Step 2 or Step 3.
Section 6.3: Mediation and Arbitration.
A. Mediation. Within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the decision of the
City Manager, or the last day for said decision, whichever first occurs, the Union may
invoke mandatory mediation of the dispute. If mediation is invoked, the parties shall
meet or confer by telephone to select a mediator. If the parties are unable to select a
mediator, the City shall obtain a list of five (5) mediators from the American Arbitration
Association and supply a copy of that list to the Union. If the parties are unable to
select a mediator from the list, the mediator shall be selected by the alternate striking of
mediators by the parties. The parties shall flip a coin to determine which party strikes
first. The mediator selected shall meet with the parties and may meet separately with
each party in an attempt to resolve the grievance. The cost of mediation shall be borne
equally by the parties. The mediation shall be held within thirty (30) days of the
selection of the mediator, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise.
B. Arbitration. Failure of the Union to invoke mediation shall constitute an
abandonment of the grievance and acceptance of the City's position. If the grievance is
not resolved through mediation under subsection A above, the grievance may be
submitted to binding arbitration by the Union. Arbitration proceedings must be initiated
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 16
by serving of a written request for arbitration by the Union within ten (10) calendar days
after the mediation meeting referred to in subsection A above. Submission to the
arbitrator shall be based exclusively on the written grievance as submitted in Steps 1, 2
and 3 of the grievance procedure and shall include a copy of this Agreement.
Section 6.4: Selection and Cost of Arbitrator.
As soon as the request for arbitration is served as is conveniently possible, the
parties shall meet or confer by telephone in order to select an arbitrator to hear and
decide the grievance. If the parties are unable to agree to an arbitrator, the matter will
be referred to the arbitrator as provided in Section 6.9. Subject to Section 6.5, the
arbitrator selected shall decide the dispute and such decision shall be final and binding
on the parties and the employees. The expenses of the arbitrator shall be borne equally
by the parties; and, each party shall be responsible for its own attorneys' fees, any court
reporting services it wishes to use, and the wages of employees, whether they be
witnesses, potential witnesses, representatives, or grievant, it utilizes in any arbitration
Section 6.5: Authority of Arbitrator.
The jurisdiction of the arbitrator is limited and confined to determining whether
there has been a violation of the express terms of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall
in no way alter, amend, or modify the terms of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall not
award any monetary relief to any employee who has not filed and processed a
grievance signed by the employee and filed and processed in a timely manner. In the
event the City should voluntarily agree to arbitrate an employee disciplinary grievance, it
shall notify the Union after the grievance has been placed in writing in accordance with
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 17
the City PRR, and upon such notice, the grievance shall be handled in accordance with
this Article, provided, the arbitrator shall have no power to substitute his judgment for
that of the City as to the penalty imposed so long as he finds under the City PRR that
the City had just cause for discipl1nary action.
Section 6.6: Time Limits.
The time limits set forth in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 are to be considered of the
essence of the grievance and arbitration procedure and failure of the employee or the
Union to meet any time limit set forth therein shall be irrebuttable and conclusively
deemed to constitute waiver of the grievance and acceptance of the City's position. The
time limits in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 may be extended in writing by mutual consent of the
Section 6.7: Burden of Proof.
The party referring the matter to arbitration shall have the burden of proving a
violation of the contract by a preponderance of the evidence.
Section 6.8: Precedent.
In order to encourage prompt resolution of grievances, agreements and
compromises of grievances made under Sections 6.2 and 6.3 shall not be cited by
either party as precedent in any subsequent arbitration proceeding without the consent
of the other party.
Section 6.9: Arbitrators.
A. Within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the notice of the intent to
invoke arbitration, if the parties are unable to agree to an arbitrator to decide the
dispute, the Union shall obtain a list of seven (7) arbitrators from the Federal Mediation
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 18
and Conciliation Service, all of whom must reside in the State of Florida. The Union
shall supply the City with a copy of the list of arbitrators. The Union and the City will
alternately eliminate one at a time from said list of names of persons until only one
remains, and that person will be the arbitrator. The City and the Union will alternate in
the right to first strike names in successive arbitrations.
B. As promptly as possible after the arbitrator has been selected, he should
conduct a hearing between the parties and consider the grievanc8f. The decision of the
arbitrator will be served upon the employee or employees aggrieved, the City and the
Union in writing. It shall be the obligation of the arbitrator to make his best effort to rule
within twenty-one (21) business days after the hearing.
Section 6.10: Grievances by Non-Union Member.
When the Union refuses to process a grievance for an employee because of the
employee's non-membership in the Union, the employee shall have the right to process
a grievance under this Agreement, but cannot require arbitration of the grievance unless
the law requires otherwise, in which event, the employee shall have all the rights and
assume all the burdens, limitations and obligations, including financial obligations, of the
Union under this Article and any other Article that may apply to his/her grievance.
Section 6.11: General.
A. There shall be no class grievances and each grievance shall be arbitrated
in a separate proceeding unless the parties mutually agree otherwise.
B. The filing of a grievance shall in no way interfere with the right of the City
to proceed to carry out its management responsibilities, subject to the final resolution of
the grievance. The employee and the Union shall abide by the management decision
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 19
involved in any grievance prior to and during the time the grievance has been filed and
being finally resolved.
Section 6.12: Time Off/Pay.
Step 1 of the grievance procedure shall be carried out during the employee's
work hours at a time and place designated by the Chief based on operational needs,
and the employee shall lose no pay. The City shall determine when Steps 2, 3 and 4
shall be processed, and if the Step or Steps are processed during their scheduled
working hours, neither the employee, Union President nor the grievant shall lose pay.
Employee witnesses, other than grievant, whom the City Manager may at his option
choose to interview under shall lose no pay if interviewed during their working hours,
and if interviewed after or before such hours, shall be paid for such time as if they were
performing other work for the City. Otherwise, the City shall not be responsible to pay
any employee representative, officer or agent of the Union for any time spent
processing grievance matters, but will allow one such person plus the grievant per
grievance reasonable time off without pay for said activities upon reasonable prior
notice if in management's opinion work requirements will allow such absence.
Section 6.13: Limitations.
Violations of Sections 2.2 shall not be subject to this Article VI unless mutually
agreed by the Parties.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 20
Section 7.1: Promotion Eliaibilitv List and Promotion.
A. 1. This Article is promulgated to establish procedures to be followed in the
selection of departmental personnel for promotion to the ranks of Lieutenant and
Engineer. All Lieutenant examinations will be given in the month of June on even
numbered years and all Engineer exams will be given in the month of June on
odd numbered years. The lists for each position will be established for the two-
year period. If the list is exhausted new examinations will be given earlier as
determined by the Chief in order to facilitate operational needs. Only employees
whose last two (2) annual job performance evaluations were "above operational"
or better and whom the Chief determines meet the minimum qualifications in the
job description for the position, will be eligible to take the test and they must have
combat experience as provided below:
Engineer - Three years with the Ocoee Fire Department, possession of a
Driver/Operator certificate of completion from an accredited institution,
completion of Company Officer (40 hours) and Tactics and Strategy I & II (80
Lieutenant - Five years with the Ocoee Fire Department, completion of Fire
Officer I and/or an AS. degree in Fire Science, and hold the rank of Engineer.
2. The Chief will publish the minimum qualifications as set forth in the job
description and of the study references on the City bulletin board at each station
not less than ninety (90) days in advance of the examinations.
3. Employees who wish to be placed on the promotion list must notify the
Chief in writing not less than thirty (30) days of the first test given for the year for
the position.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 21
B. The Chief shall recommend the contents of the test and the minimum
passing score for each position to the City Manager, who shall consider the Chief's
recommendation and determine same. The Chief shall set the minimum standard for
other practical testing.
C. The promotional eligibility list will be comprised of the candidates who
have the minimum passing test score. One-half point for each year of continuous
service as an Ocoee Fire Department employee (1/2 X years) will be added to the
candidate's passing score to establish the final rank order eligibility list.
D. 1. Employees with a written warning or more severe discipline within one
year prior to the last date for applying for the tests shall not be eligible to apply.
2. Employees who are on the eligibility list who received a written warning
or more severe discipline after they were placed on the eligibility list shall not be
considered for promotion until they have received no disciplinary action for three
hundred sixty-five (365) days.
E. If the vacancy is not filled as provided above, the Chief may fill the
vacancy as he deems fit provided he may not fill the position with a non-employee or
employee who does not take and pass the same test as given all eligible employees
who apply to take the test.
F. When a firefighter is promoted to driver/engineer the employee will be
placed in the new pay-grade and one step less than when they were a F.F.
G. When a driver/engineer is promoted to lieutenant the employee will be
placed in the new pay-grade and three steps less than when they were a D.lE.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 22
Section 7.2: Application of City PRR.
City Personnel Rules and Regulations shall not apply to Article VII.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 23
Employees, who are on duty on an election day, will be allowed to take time off
without loss of pay to vote on City Property or at other polling places within the City.
The time they take off to vote will be determined by the Chief. All other employees shall
vote on their own time - by absentee ballot or as otherwise permitted by law; provided,
if an employee who is not scheduled to work on an election day whose voting precinct is
not in the City of Ocoee is called into work so that he/she cannot vote on his/her own
time, the Chief shall make operational arrangements for the employee to vote without
loss of pay.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 24
The City (Fire Department management and the Human Resource Department
Director) and the Union shall me~t and confer on matters of mutual interest upon the
request of either but not more often than once a quarter, unless both parties agree to
meet more often. Such special meetings shall be held on a date and at a time and place
mutually agreeable to the parties. The Union shall have the right, at these special
meetings, to recommend to the Management, corrections of any inequities known to the
Union; however, the City shall not be obliged to take any action based on such
recommendations. Meetings held under this Section shall not be considered collective
bargaining under the Public Employees Relations Act.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 25
The City may use non-bargaining unit employees to perform non-emergency
work when the City determines it is operationally required so long as bargaining unit
employees are utilized for emergency work when outside fire department personnel are
requested for manpower emergencies.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 26
Section 11.1: Insurance.
During the life of this Agreement, the City shall provide the same health, medical,
and dental insurance under the same terms and conditions for bargaining unit
employees and their dependants that it provides for the City's non-bargaining unit, non-
exempt employees and their dependents. Should the City decide to increase the
amount of the employee's contribution or change the level of health, medical and dental
insurance, the City will advise the Union in writing.
Section 11.2: Pension.
All bargaining unit positions and employees in those positions, covered by this
Agreement, shall be covered by the FS Chapter 175 Plan as established the City of
Ocoee provided they meet the eligibility requirements of same.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 27
The Union and bargaining unit members shall not promote, sponsor, engage in,
or condone any work stoppage, boycott, slow-down, strike, disruption of City operations,
picketing or other withholding of limitation of services for any reasons and shall abide
with F.S. 9447.505.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 28
Section 13.1: Application.
Shift swaps shall be submitted forty-eight (48) hours prior to the shift swap
sought and must be approved in advance by the Chief, or his/her designee.
Section 13.2: Payback.
All pay back will be within ninety (90) days of the shift swap.
Section 13.3: Authorization.
The appropriate form must be completed and signed by each employee and their
respective supervisor before the shift swap can be made.
Section 13.4: Emeraencies.
The only exception to the Section 13.1: Application, will be in the case of an
Section 13.5: Increments.
Shift swaps will not be approved in increments of less than four (4) hours unless,
in his discretion, the Chief, or his designate, agrees otherwise.
Section 13.6: Qualifications.
Employees must shift swap with employees in the same classification or an
employee qualified to work in that classification.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 29
Section 14.1: Days Observed.
A The observed holidays are:
January 1
January - Third Monday
May - Last Monday
July 4
September - First Monday
November - Fourth Thursday
November - Fourth Friday
December - 24
December 25
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day After Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
B. The City Manager will determine which departments or operations will be
closed in observance of the holiday.
Section 14.2: EIiQibility for Holiday Pay.
A All holiday earned must be taken as time off or paid on the same day that
it is earned.
B. An employee must be on an approved leave for or work the normal
schedule of hours, on the regularly scheduled working day immediately prior to and
immediately following a holiday, in order to qualify for the holiday time or pay.
Absences not approved in advance, including sick call in" may not be approved
depending on whether the employee" excuse and verification of the reason for the
absence are acceptable to management, which, may at its option, require a doctor's
excuse as well as any other evidence it deems necessary.
C. Holidav Pay.
Full-time non-exempt employees, on a 24/48 schedule in the Fire
Department shall be twelve (12) hours at their straight time hourly rate.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 30
D. When a non-exempt employee on a 24/48 hour schedule within the Fire
Department works on a scheduled holiday, the employee shall receive holiday pay, if
he/she meets the eligibility requirements, plus time and one half (1 ~) his/her straight
time rate.
E. When an employee is scheduled to work on a holiday but fails to do so,
the employee will not receive holiday pay even if the employee is otherwise eligible for
holiday pay.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 31
Section 15.1: Eliaibility.
A Only full-time employees and full-time probationary employees will be
allowed to accrue paid time off (PTO).
B. Full-time probationary employees shall accrue paid time off during their
initial probationary period but shall not be permitted to take same during the initial six
(6) months of employment unless recommended by the Department Director and
authorized by the City Manager. Paid time off not taken by a full-time employee who
does not successfully complete the first six (6) months of the initial probationary period,
including resigning, shall not be paid any accrued hours upon termination of
Section 15.2: Accrual of Leave.
Effective the second pay period after ratification of the Collective Bargaining
Agreement by the bargaining unit and the City Council: Each employee shall receive an
additional 24 hours of paid time off added to their accruals after October 1 st each year
and only after the employee has worked for the City for one year.
A Full-time employees earn Paid Time Off (P.T.O.) as follows:
One through five years of service -
10.16 hours bi-weekly
(264.16 hours per year)
Six through fifteen years of service -
12.93 hours bi-weekly
(336.18 hours per year)
Sixteen years +
14.77 hours bi-weekly
(384.00 hours per year)
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 32
B. A full-time employee can only accrue up to 540 hours of paid time off.
Section 15.3: Charaina Leave.
Paid time off leave for employees will be charged at hour for hour of the time
taken off from the employee's shift.
Section 15.4: PRR.
The other rules and conditions with respect to paid time off are as set forth in the
PRR. There is no mandatory requirement to use leave and no buy-out provision for
bargaining unit members.
Section 15.5:
Up to three (3) ra!1k and file employees will be allowed to use paid time off leave
per shift. Light duty absences and permanent vacancies will not count toward the shift
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 33
When employees are required by management to use their own vehicles for City
business, transferring to a station other than the one to which the one they were
assigned to report, they shall be entitled to be paid mileage under the same terms and
conditions as other City employees, as provided in Section 10 of the PRR.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 34
Section 17.1: Basic Work Schedule.
A The basic work schedule shall be twenty-four (24) hour shifts on and forty-
eight (48) hours off with a starting time of 7:00 a.m. and the regular work period shall be
one hundred fifty nine (159) hours in a twenty-one (21) day period for employees on a
Section 7(k) schedule. The City agrees not to change the starting or ending time for the
regular work schedule, except, in the case of a temporary emergency, without notice to
the Union and upon a request from the Union made within ten (10) calendar days after
notice of the schedule change, the parties shall meet and negotiate the impact of same.
Absent mutual agreement, any dispute arising under this Section will be resolved under
the FI. St. 447, impasse resolution process.
B. Lunch Periods are scheduled at the discretion of the Chief, or the Chief
Section 17.2: Overtime.
A Non-exempt employees are to report all hours worked. Non-exempt
employees should not begin work before the beginning of their schedule or after the end
of their schedule without permission; however, if they do perform work before or beyond
their schedule, they are to report it as hours worked on their time sheet or record.
Overtime will be authorized or directed only when it is in the interest of the City and is
the most practicable and economical way of meeting workloads or deadlines.
B. All non-exempt hourly employees, except employees on a Section 7(k)
schedule in the Fire Department, shall be paid time and one-half their regular hourly
rate of pay for all hours in excess of forty (40) in a work week.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 35
C. Non-exempt employees in the Fire Department on a Section 7(k) schedule
will receive overtime pay in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act for all hours
worked in excess of one hundred fifty-nine (159) hours in a twenty-one (21) day work
cycle. Effective the first pay cycle of July 2002, hours of work between one hundred
fifty-nine (159) and one hundred sixty-eight (168) in a work cycle shall be paid at
additional half-time, while hours worked over one hundred sixty-eight (168) in a pay
cycle shall be paid at time and one-half on the same basis as in the past.
D. For the purposes of overtime computation, sick leave, jury duty, annual
military leave and other absences from duty, whether paid or not, shall not be
considered as time worked, provided, however, paid holidays and paid personal leave
used for a scheduled vacation shall be considered for employees on a Section 7(k)
schedule as up to twenty-four (24) hours worked.
E. Employees shall be required to work overtime when assigned unless
excused by supervision. An employee desiring to be excused from overtime work
assignments for good and sufficient reasons shall submit a request to the immediate
Section 17.3: Assianment of Overtime.
Overtime will be assigned in accordance with Departmental SOPs. In the event
the City wishes to change said SOPs, it will notify the Union in writing. Upon written
request by the Union to bargain over the proposed changes received by the Chief within
ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the notice of the proposed change, the parties
shall negotiate over the changes. If no agreement is reached within thirty (30) calendar
days after the first negotiating meeting, the City shall have the right to institute the
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 36
proposed changes; however, the Union shall have the right to submit the dispute with
regard to the proposed changes to the statutory impasse resolution procedure found in
Florida Statute Chapter 447.
Section 17.4: PRR.
Other policies and guidelines with respect to hours of work and overtime are as
set forth in the PRR.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 37
Section 18.1:
Light Duty shall be provided, only for work related injuries and if the City assigns
an employee light duty in a position not on a 24/48 schedule, the employee will be paid
one and four tenths (1.4) times the employee's regular hourly rate but only for hours
actually worked; provided, however, unless otherwise required by law, the total earned
or received from all sources, including STD, L TD, paid time off leave and worker's
compensation, will not be more than the employee's regular pay for the normal 56 hour
workweek, and to the extent necessary to effectuate said limitation, the benefits referred
to above shall be reduced. Light Duty, if assigned, will begin as and when determined
by the Chief.
Section 18.2:
Light duty shall be performed within the Ocoee Fire Department if the Chief
determines it is available. If the Chief determines it is not available, light duty shall be
performed wherever assigned by the City. Light duty shall neither be automatically
provided within the stations nor as a 24 hour shift and shall be at the sole discretion of
the Chief.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 38
Section 19.1: Step Plan.
The step pay plan ranges for the period beginning October 10, 2005 through
September 30, 2008 are set forth in Appendix "A" for rank and file employees, firefighter
through lieutenant. Pay grade 10= firefighter, pay grade 12= driver engineer, pay grade
14= lieutenant. Pay grades 11 (ff/p) , 13( de/p) and 15(1t/p) illustrate the 5% differential for
those employees paid paramedic incentive. The step pay plan consists of 15 steps and
begins at $34,100. Appendix "A" contains the increases agreed upon for FY06/07 and
FY07/08. This step pay plan shall cease September 30, 2008 unless the parties agree
on a successor agreement.
Section 19.2: Step Plan Implementation.
1. Each employee shall be placed on the step plan in Appendix "B" beginning
October 1 0, 2005 as agreed upon by the parties. All employees shall receive
retroactivity from their present FY04/05 rate until the first pay period where the
new rates are included for FY05/06. Each employee shall be moved one step in
their grade in Appendix "B" after October 1 and through September 30, 2006,
upon their evaluation date and only if the evaluation score was operational. Any
retroactive amount shall be paid from October 10, 2005.
2. On October 1, 2006 Appendix "B" shall be increased by 3% across the
step plan for all bargaining unit positions. Each employee shall be moved one
step in their grade in Appendix "B" from October 1, 2006 through September 30,
2007, upon their evaluation date and only if the evaluation score is operational.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 39
3. On October 1, 2007 Appendix "8" shall be increased by 3% across the
step plan for all bargaining unit positions. Each employee shall be moved one
step in their grade in Appendix "B" from October 1, 2007 through September 30,
2008, upon their evaluation date and only if the evaluation score is operational.
Section 19.3: Maximum of Step Plan.
Any employee who reaches the maximum step within their pay grade shall
remain at that step in grade during the period of this Agreement. An employee at the
maximum step shall only receive an increase in their rate of pay when the step changes
as the Appendix is amended as stated above.
Section 19.4: Paramedic Incentive Pay.
Employees presently paid paramedic incentive pay shall be placed on the step
Plan as agreed by the parties. Those employees shall move within their respective pay
grades as described above.
In the event the City determines the Ocoee Fire Department will operate as an
advanced life support department (ALS), then this Agreement provides in this section
(19.3) to re-open negotiations regarding the pay plan as it relates to the paramedic
incentive(s). Should the parties fail to agree on rates of pay/incentives for paramedics,
then the City may implement its last and best offer, the Union shall retain the right to
proceed under FI. St. 447.
Section 19.5: PRR.
Article XIX (19) constitutes the entire wage article for the period of this
Agreement. No other wage entitlements or other considerations provided non-
bargaining unit positions nor any other entitlements, etc. under the PRR's shall apply to
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 40
members of this bargaining unit. Longevity payments shall end after the 2005 payment
is made subsequent to the ratification of this Agreement.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 41
Section 20.1: Uniforms.
Employees shall wear uniforms as determined by the Chief. When a uniform is
required, no other clothing except underwear shall be worn without permission of the
Section 20.2: Initial Issue.
New employees will be issued the following clothing to be selected by the Chief.
1 Blue Dress shirt, short sleeve
1 Blue Dress shirt, long sleeve
1 Tie
2 Pant - plain blue, Class A
4 Pants - Black BDU
2 Pant - Black BDU shorts
6 T-Shirts
4 Grey Polo shirts
2 Gym shorts
2 Sweat pants
2 Sweat shirts
1 Pair Uniform shoes/boots
1 Badge
2 Sets collar brass
2 Name tags
2 Time of Service tags
1 Raincoat
1 Winter coat
1 Belt
1 Complete set of approved Bunker Gear
Section 20.3: Replacement.
A. Subject to paragraph C below, employees shall be responsible to maintain
in good serviceable condition the initial issue provided in Section 20.2 above or to
replace same.
B. The Chief shall notify employees of acceptable vendors from whom
employees may obtain replacements.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 42
1. The City will not replace the items listed in Section 20.2 except those
items identified in subparagraph 2 below, however emp,loyees may replace said
items from the applicable allowance in paragraph C below.
2. The City will replace coats, pants and caps of the dress uniform, winter
coat, collar brass, bunker gear, badge, raincoat, name tag, tie, time in service tag
and other items required to be worn by the City but not listed in Section 20.2 at
no cost to the employee when based on normal wear and tear. However, the
employee shall be responsible to replace same when lost or damaged due to the
employee's negligence. The employee shall present the item to be replaced for
determination by the Chief as to whether it is no longer serviceable unless, the
Chief determines that the item was lost or destroyed through no fault of the
C. All employees who have at least one (1) year of continuous service as of
October 1 of the 2005, 2006 and 2007 shall be credited with a vendor/vendors selected
by the City a one time clothing/shoe allowance by October 31st of each year in the
following amounts:
Fire Inspector -- $350.00
All other Bargaining unit employees -- $300.00
The employee may draw on the allowance at the approved vendor. Amounts
credited that are not used by September 30th of the year or upon the cessation of
employment shall revert to the City. All uniform items required upon promotion will be
issued at no cost to the employee.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 43
Section 20.4: Maintenance.
Employees shall be responsible for repair and maintenance of the uniform and all
items issued to them for their use by the City, and shall come to work in clean, neat and
undamaged clothes, including undamaged uniforms and other clothes.
Section 20.5: Chanaes.
The City shall establish and may from time to time unilaterally change the
procedures and arrangements for furnishing shoes at its discretion. The Chief may also
eliminate or substitute other similar items for those set forth in Section 20.2 above (for
example, embroidered instead of a metal badge). The Union and the employees agree
to abide by such procedures and arrangements established by the City.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 44
Section 21.1: Initial Probationary Period.
The initial probationary period for new employees, accumulation of benefits,
continuous service credit, participation in benefits, disciplinary actions and continued
employment for bargaining unit employees shall be the same as for all other non-
exempt City employees, unless otherwise specifically provided in this Article.
Section 21.2: Promotional Probation.
Employees promoted to a higher rank shall serve a six (6) month probationary
period. During this six (6) month period the employee will not be required to work a
higher classification.
Section 21.3: Grievances.
Unless specifically provided in this Agreement, employees who have not
successfully completed their initial probationary period under Section 21.1 shall not
have access to Article VI.
Section 21.4: Transfers and Waiving Probation.
To be considered for a transfer into or the employment in the position of
Firefighter from within or from outside the OFD the following shall be required:
A. An application must be filed during the period of the annual advertisement.
B. The applicant must be determined by the Chief to meet all of the minimum
qualifications established by the Department and City.
C. If determined to meet all the minimum qualifications, the applicant must
pass all written, practical and other tests established by the Department with the
passing grade established by the Chief.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 45
D. If an employee, the applicant's last job performance evaluation must have
been "above operational" or better and none of the applicant's last three (3) job
performance evaluations were below "operational."
E. If an employee, not have had a written warning or more severe discipline
in the last twelve (12) months prior to applying.
F. Persons hired or employees transferred into the Fire Department shall be
required to successfully complete the Departmental probationary period during which
time they shall serve at the will and pleasure of the Chief as employees of the City as
well as in their position in the Fire Department.
. Any City employee transferring to a position covered by this bargaining unit
within the Ocoee Fire Department from any other division/department shall start at the
entry rate of pay, according to the prevailing pay plan.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 46
Section 22.1:
Subject to operational needs, there shall be a period of reduced activity on each
shift which should normally run from 1700 to 0600.
Section 22.2: Activity.
During the reduced activity period, on-duty employees shall be in Class A, B or C
uniform and be ready to respond immediately to calls in the uniform determined by SOP
or the shift commander. After 1700, the on-duty crew shall complete the station duties
for the day not yet completed before the reduced activity period, as well as other duties
which the Chief, or his/her designee, determines are necessary to be completed before
the end of the shift.
Section 22.3: Good Health Activities.
Unless assigned to other duties during the reduced activity period, each
employee shall engage in a minimum of one (1) hour each shift in walking, running,
jogging or other approved activities. Such activities shall be conducted at the station or
at a location designated by the Chief, or his/her designee, so the employee will be
immediately available for duty during such activity. Concentration should be placed on
warm-up exercises, to include stretching and flexing to prevent injuries. Exercise
should also include aerobic strength training programs. Competitive and contact sports
are not an approved form of exercise and are not permitted in the Department.
Section 22.4: Emeraencies.
Hurricanes, riots, floods or emergencies that demand extended tours of duty or
recall duty will permit use of beds at the discretion of the shift commander.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 47
Section 22.5: Contact Sports.
There shall be no contact sports while on duty at anytime, including but not
limited to basketball, football or soccer unless specifically approved by the Chief, or
his/her designee.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 48
Section 23.1: Definition.
Continuous employment shall be both on a City-wide (CCE) and as a member of
the Ocoee Fire Department (FDCE) and shall commence from the employee's initial
date of hire with the City and as a member of the Ocoee Fire Department, respectively.
It shall continue until broken as provided in Section 23.3 below. When two or more
employees start work in the Ocoee Fire Department on the same day, their FDCE shall
be based on their position on the new hire eligibility list.
Section 23.2: Benefits.
The earning or accrual of benefits shall be based on the CCE as provided in the
City PRR unless a particular benefit, benefit plan or this grievance specifically provides
Section 23.3: Loss of Continuous Service.
CCE and FDCE shall be losses upon the happening of one or more of the
following events:
A. Resignation
B. Termination in accordance with the City PRR.
C. Retirement.
D. Receiving an authorized leave of absence.
E. Lay-off for more than six (6) continuous months.
In addition, FDCE will also be lost if an employee is promoted or is transferred to
a position outside the Ocoee Fire Department, but if into another position within the
Ocoee Fire Department, the FDCE shall continue to accrue.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 49
Section 23.4: Paid Time Off.
When one (1) or more bargaining unit employees seeks to use paid time off
leave for vacation under the City PRR, the employee with the most time in each position
will be given preference unless the Chief, or his designee, determines such a
preference in a particular instance will interfere with Departmental operations.
Vacations shall be picked according to rank and file.
1 st pick
2nd pick
3rd pick
Section 23.5: Floaters.
The Battalion Chief on duty will make the determination to float the necessary
personnel to the station that requires the manpower, in order to meet operational needs.
Section 23.6: Layoff and Recall.
Layoff and recall shall be in accordance with the City PRR.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 50
The City agrees to reimburse employees the cost of replacing or repairing
prescription eyeglasses but not contact lenses and wristwatches destroyed or damaged
in the line of duty unless caused by the negligence of the employee subject to the
following conditions:
. 1. The maximum reimbursement for prescription eyeglasses shall be
$150.00, and for wristwatches shall be $50.00.
2. The employee must make the claim during the shift on which the
destruction or damage occurred, and turn in the destroyed or damaged item.
At its option, the City may elect to replace the item rather than reimburse the
employee for same.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 51
Section 25.1: General.
As part of its commitment to the safety, health and physical fitness of its
employees, to provide a safe place for its employees to work, and to promote physical
fitness for its employees, the City and the Union will cooperate in the continuing
objective of eliminating accidents and health hazards. The City and the Union will
cooperate in the enforcement of safety rules and regulations and shall promote sound
safety practices for the protection of employees. The City further agrees to promote
physical fitness by providing time, equipment and educational material, as it deems
All new employees must be tobacco free for at least one year before initial
employment. All new employees hired after October 1, 2005 must remain continually
tobacco free in order to maintain continued employment with the City of Ocoee Fire
Section 25.2: Eauipment.
All protective devices, bunker gear and other equipment required to be worn or
used by the City, shall be provided by the City. Such protective devices, bunker gear
and equipment when provided, must be used. The Union agrees that neglect or failure
by an employee to obey safety regulations or to use or maintain the safety equipment
furnished by the City shall be basis for disciplinary action up to and including
The fire station, all equipment and apparatus' shall be maintained by employees
in a manner that will promote the elimination of accidents and make the workplace safer
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 52
and less likely to cause injuries. All employees are to report any and all unsafe
conditions to the Fire Chief whenever found, immediately.
The Union may consult with the City's safety representative and make
recommendations in safety matters.
Section 25.3: Medical Examinations.
A. Medical examinations will be required for all employees no less than
annually and will be conducted by physicians selected by the City. The time necessary
for the physical shall be scheduled on-duty and will be considered as time worked.
Other medical and psychological exams may also be required by the City to be
conducted by a physician of the City's choosing. All medical examinations will include a
test to determine the presence of illegal controlled substances. The City shall pay for all
medical and psychological exams it requires to the extent not covered by the City group
medical insurance plan. All physicals will be conducted at RDV Sportsplex on shift by
crews or stations, when possible.
B. Annual physicals will include:
Vital signs including height, weight, blood pressure, temperature, pulse, PPD (TB
test) and chest x-ray if indicated by the PPD;
Lab tests including Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Lipid Panel, Uric Acid,
Phosphorous-Serum HIV and AL T-SGPT;
Vision Screening;
Urine dip;
Respirator exam;
Resting (baseline) 12 lead EKG;
Stress EKG (upon advice of the City-appointed Doctor).
Refusal or failure to take a medical or psychological examination required by the
City will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 53
C. The City retains the right to select, approve and disapprove physicians
and medical facilities under Sub Section A above, except:
Should the City decide to withdraw approval of RDV, for cost containment, quality
or other reasons, except in case of an emergency, it shall notify the Union in writing not
less than forty-five (45) calendar days before withdrawal of approval and upon written
request negotiate with the Union over the impact of said withdrawal. Any dispute shall
be resolved in accordance with F.S. Chapter 447 and not under Article VI of this
Section 25.4: Cooperation.
When an employee has a health-related problem that affects or may affect his or her
ability to perform the essential functions of his or her job, the employee shall so advise
the Chief for evaluation. An employee who has had medical treatment prescribed in
order to resolve an actual or potential medical problem that affects or may affect the
employee's ability to perform his/her job who fails or refuses to follow the medical
treatment prescribed shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 54
Bargaining unit employees who work out of classification, in a higher
classification, shall be paid a flat rate for the 24 hour shift after 12 hours of continuous
work in the higher classification. Compensation for working out of classification will be
as follows;
Firefighter working as an Engineer:
Engineer working as a Lieutenant:
Lieutenant working as a Battalion Chief:
$15.00 per shift
$20.00 per shift
$25.00 per shift
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 55
The Education Incentive Program shall be a reimbursement plan and any
courses and programs will be approved solely by the Chief and in accordance with the
PRR's where applicable.
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05 56
This contract shall remain in full force and effect through midnight September 30,
2008, and shall automatically renew itself for periods of one (1) year unless either party
delivers to the other written notice of its intent to terminate or modify this contract not
less than ninety (90) calendar days before September 30, 2008.
International Association of Fire
Fighters, Local 3623
Robert Frank, City Manager
Name: City of Ocoee, Mayor
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05
This collective bargaining agreement was ratified by the parties on the dates set
forth below:
Date Ratified:
Date Approved:
International Association of Fire
Fighters, Local 3623
City Clerk, City of Ocoee
Fire CBA as amended last 11-07-05 Clean (3) (2).7.20.05
Fiscal Year 2005-2006
Job Title FLSA Pay Grade Minimum Market Maximum
Firefighter N 10 34,100.00 42,600.00 53,127.00
Firefighter/Paramedic N 11 35,800.00 44,800.00 55,775.00
Driver Engineer N 12 37,600.00 47,000.00 58,576.00
Fire Inspector N 12 37,600.00 47,000.00 58,576.00
Driver Engineer/Paramedic N 13 38,600.00 48,200.00 60,142.00
Fire Lieutenant N 14 44,600.00 55,800.00 69,484.00
Fire L T /Paramedic N 15 46,900.00 58,600.00 73,068.00
Fiscal Year 2006-2007
Job Title FLSA Pay Grade Minimum Market Maximum
Firefighter N 10 35,123.00 43,878.00 54,720.80
Firefighter/Paramedic N 11 36,874.00 46,144.00 57,448.30
Driver Engineer N 12 38,728.00 48,410.00 60,333.30
Fire Inspector N 12 38,728.00 48,410.00 60,333.30
Driver Engineer/Paramedic N 13 39,758.00 49,646.00 61,946.30
Fire Lieutenant N 14 45,938.00 57,474.00 71,568.50
Fire L T /Paramedic N 15 48,307.00 60,358.00 75,260.00
Fiscal Year 2007-2008
Job Title FLSA Pay Grade Minimum Market Maximum
Firefighter N 10 36,176.69 45,194.34 56,362.42
Firefighter/Paramedic N 11 37,980.22 47,528.32 59,171.75
Driver Engineer N 12 39,889.84 49,862.30 62,143.30
Fire Inspector N 12 39,889.84 49,862.30 62,143.30
Driver Engineer/Paramedic N 13 40,950.74 51,135.38 63,804.69
Fire Lieutenant N 14 47,316.14 59,198.22 73,715.56
Fire L T /Paramedic N 15 49,756.21 62,168.74 77,517.80
Appendix "A"
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