HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #04 4-Year Lease Purchase for New City Vehicles & Equip. AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: 1/17/06 Item # 4 Contact Name: Contact Number: Joyce Tolbert 1516 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: =:iJ1J --- Subject: .. 4-YearLease-Purchase()fNewCity Vehicles & Equipment for FY 05/06 Background Summary: Authoriza~ion is needed to piggyback the FSA, City of Ft. Myers, and Lake County contracts for the items listed. The City Commission approved the sole source purchase of the garbage, recycle, and yard waste trucks on December 20, 2005. It is also the intent of Staff to consolidate the financing for the vehicles and equipment being purchased, in order to realize a savings on the interest rate, This lease-purchase agreement is for four (4) years, and is the second of two lease agreements needed to finance the remainder of the budgeted city vehicles and equipment. Issue: The budget for Fiscal Year 05/06 includes the lease-purchase of various new vehicles and equipment for City departments. The FSA and other bids were reviewed by the Public WorkslFleet Maintenance Department for the best pricing based on factors such as price and options available. Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission: 1) Approve piggybacking on the Florida Sheriffs Association, City ofFt. Myers, and Lake County contracts for the listed vehicles and equipment totaling $2,815,112.27; 2) Approve the deletion of the stump grinder and approve any necessary transfers from Public Works/Streets line item #001-541-10-6400 to cover any shortages of funds within the Public Works Divisions; 3) Approve any other necessary transfers within departments that are over their budgeted amount for lease payments. 4) Authorize staff to secure financing through Suntrust Bank for the vehicles and equipment listed, and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute the lease-purchase agreement between the City and Suntrust Bank in the amount of $2,781,926.27 and all related documents. Attachments: Consolidated List of Vehicles and Equipment to be lease/purchased. City of Ft. Mvers Bid Lake County Bid Financial Impact: The total cost for the vehicles and equipment requiring approval is $2,815,112.27. There are two (2) vehicles being purchased with Stormwater and Water Operating funds at a total of $33,186.00. The total for the new 4-year consolidated lease, which includes the remaining vehicles and equipment, is $2,781,926.27. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x") _ Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading For Clerk's Deaf Use: _____ Consent Agenda _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Public Hearing Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk ~ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 2 City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Gary Hood. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Nancy J. Parker. District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agen~ January 10, 2006 FROM: DATE: RE: 4-Year Lease-Purchase of New City Vehicles and Equipment 05/06 ISSUE The budget for Fiscal Year 05/06 includes the lease-purchase of various new vehicles and equipment for City departments. The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) & various other bids were reviewed for the best pricing based on factors such as price and options available, BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION Authorization is needed to piggyback the FSA, City of Ft. Myers, and Lake County contracts for the items listed. The City Commission approved the sole source purchase of the garbage, recycle, and yard waste trucks on December 20, 2005. The FSA and other bids were reviewed by the Public WorksIFleet Maintenance Department for the best pricing based on factors such as price and options available, The City of Ocoee participates each year in the FSA co-op bid, and the bid encompasses dealerships in the Western, Northern, Central, and Southern parts of the State of Florida, The bids for Ft. Myers and Lake County are attached. A copy of the FSA rollover bid is available at http://www.flsheriffs.org/content/44/File/04-12-0823%28RO%29-Bid-A ward.pdf and the 2005 bid is available at http://www.flsheriffs.org/content/44IFile/05-13-0822-Bid-A warde 1 ).pdf. The consolidated list of vehicles and equipment to be lease-purchased and purchased with Stormwater and Water Operating funds is also attached. It is also the intent of Staff to consolidate the financing for the vehicles and equipment being purchased in order to realize a savings on the interest rate. This lease-purchase agreement is for four (4) years, and is the second of two lease agreements needed to finance the remainder of the budgeted city vehicles and equipment. The stump grinder originally budgeted for the Public Works Department has been deleted in order to cover any shortages of budgeted funds for the lease payments for the Public Works Department's equipment and vehicles. Staff requests approval of any necessary transfers from the Public Works/Streets line item 001-541-10-6400 to cover any shortages of funds within the Public Works Divisions. If any other departments are over their budgeted amount for lease payments, Staff requests approval of necessary transfers within those departments. The Fire Department's budget transfer was approved by the City Commission on December 20,2005. 1 The total cost for the vehicles and equipment requiring approval is $2,815,112.27. There are two (2) vehicles being purchased with Stormwater and Water Operating funds at a total of$33,186.00. The total for the new 4- year consolidated lease, which includes the remaining vehicles and equipment, is $2,781,926.27. 2 g g n - C ." ::l 0 0' g; s:: ~ S - - s - (=)' (ii' (ii' (ii' C/l C/l S a C/l ::E -- -- -- ::E ::E ~. o' ::E 0 ::l ..... a. a a ;>;" ('1) ('1) 0 VJ ('1) C/l ~ ..... ('1) '< ..... -- ~ C/l VJ ::E nl' - 0 ~ 3 S C/l E. - C/l ('1) 0: ::;: ::;: s' a ~ ('1) - (JQ ('1) ..... ..... ~g _. 0\ "nl' .." >~ 0.0. 9:m ::::to c.n o (') ::l ~ ~"O _('1) o ~ "0 :>< ::to ~ o :r: ~'< "0 C" ('1) ::t ..... 0. o.VJ g C (ii'"< ..... ReRe"" ..".."l' l'-VJ ..,,>g- _. en ""'I Cil [g Sj no C/l ::r....,...... (ii'n~ tiPOC/l naP g (D' '? C/l to 0..: 0 \Jl I - W I o 00 10 10 ~~g o' (t 0\ ~ ::;: 61 ] en a.. ..... ('1) .." o 3. ~ g ~ 0 (ii'"to~ ..... 0 ~ ~." 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" 0 ~ .g ...., 2 n :>I'" o -..I ':...J w o VI I - W I o 00 N N RoRo'Tj 'Tj'Tj1' l'l'~ 'Tj;>(D I:j' en ::!. (D en t;l (') ::l en ::ro;> _. ~ en ~Qfg (') 5 . g 0, '? ~ to s.: w VI ':...J .j::. 00 o .j::. I ..- N I o 00 N w ;;0 2- 0' < (D .... -< ~ := ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 S(o ~~~ oo,o~ ~~~ >=;~ ~::::o ~~~ >~o :::c~~ =~O Ul~~ .......>~ =00 ="~ ;:a ~ :::c ~ = > 00 ~ Ro 'Tj l' 'Tj I:j' (D (') ::r G' iir' (') o o '? to c.: Ten-8 Fire Equipment Inc. ** memo Date: November 19,2005 / To: City of Ocoee Fire Department From: Robert Boggus RE: Lake County Fire Apparatus Contract Attached is the complete Lake County Contract No. '99-150, which permits Lake County, FL to purchase various specified and unspecified apparatus per the pricing structure bid on June 24, 1999. See attached pages 1 of9 for conditions attached. This contract is renewable up to five (5) years. The formula is 4% over dealer cost on the buse vehicle and 10% on vehicle options and equipment. We arc vv'i1ling to extend the same terms and conditions per Lake County Bid 99-150 to the City of Ocoee and Ocoee Fire Department. _.:._= ~!!~..E..::~~..:~ L.y !l!,.; !!~~dJu uf iig,''sncies that have accessed this contract, the legality of this contract has been researched and approved by the legal departments of the agencies listed. All handling, transportation, and delivery costs would be included in the base vehicle cost from Pierce Manufacturing Inc. We can also provide prices paid on similar units by other municipalities as additional price justification. The following municipalities have accessed tIllS contract for various models of Pierce fIre apparatus. Lake County- (9) Contender Pwnpers City of Melboume- (2) Custom Contender Pwnpers City of Pompano Beach- (3) Custom Contender Pwnpers City of South Walton Beach -105' Dash 2000 All-Steer Aerial City of Seminole-1 05' Dash 2000 All-Steer 1 City of Destin-l 05' Dash 2000 All Steer N. W. Hernando-Custom Contender Pumper City ofWindermere-Commercial Tanker Seminole County-Seven (7) Quantwn Pumpers City of Key West- One (1) Dash 2000 Pumper City of Temple Terrace- Quantum Pumper City of Bartow-l 05' Dash 2000 Ladder City of Bradenton-61 'SkyBoom Quantwn City of Hialeah- (2) Quantwn Pumpers, (1) Lance Haz-Mat Vehicle City of Eustis - Dash 85' Platform V olusia County- (2) Custom Contender Pumpers V olusia County-Heavy Rescue City of Melbourne-Custom Contender Pumpers (?) Lealman Fire Rescue-Contender Pumper City of CliP\;; Cwiuvefal-rvfiiii Pumper City of St. Petersburg-Aerial Platform City of Cape Coral- (2) Kenworth Pumpers & Dash 2500 gallon Tanker City of Avon Park-l05' Dash 2000 Ladder City of Tarpon Springs-Quantum Pumper Marco Island-Enforcer Pumper City of Lakeland- (2) Quantum Pumper & 61' Quantum Sky-Boom City of Cocoa Beach-Pumper Safety Harbor-Dash Aerial Ladder City of Seminole-Enforcer Pumper City of Seminole-Dash 105' Aerial Ladder Holly Hill-Saber Responder Pumper 2 Casselberry-Enforcer Pumper Edgewater-Enforcer Rescue City of Winter Park-Quantum Pumper Monroe County- (3) Enforcer Pumpers City of Pin ell as Park- (2) Dash Pumpers City of Lake Worth-Saber Pumper City of Miramar- (2) Lance Pumpers City of Spring Hill-Quantum Pumper Bonita Springs-Quantum Pumper City of Miami Beach- (2) 55' Sky-Boom AeriaIlPumper City of Miami Beach- (2) 100' Aerial Platforms City of Miami- (3) 65' TeleSqurtlPumper & (1) Air and Light Vehicle City of Lake Alfred-Dash Pumper Mascotte-Custom Contender Pumper ,...... ~.......... ..-. 1,.....,. ,.." 1 Tll 'Luy U1 .I:\JVlt:r<:t ot::aCH~'L-u:swm 'L-UIm;nut:r rumpt:r City of North Lauderdale-55' Saher Sky-Boom City of Fort Mycrs~Enforcer Pumper City of Stuart-Dash Pumper North Naples Fire & Rescue District-Quantum Pumper Town of Longboat Key-75" Aerial Ladder v p." T aTl"oI'Tr",_ P"M'''nr~ D At=''''''l"l.t:a ---,1".''''0.' . ...--....- ---.......... Cape Canavera.I.I05' Aerial JJadder Titusville-Custom Contender Pumper Flagler County-Custom Contender Pumper City of Clearwater- (2) Enforcer Pumpers F'~..t-_ _J.:"1'''i1_~.~1___ t"_'- __. .'n_.....___ "<0.../....) 'V'.L ""....I.&.t'."VJ ...........,,"'.....a _.........,t'VJl .3 City of Bellair Bluffs-Enforcer Pumper City of Miami Beach -Dash Pumper City of Rockledge-Enfol'cer pmnper Hallandale Beach-Enforcer pumper Deland-Enforcer pumper Deltona-Enforcer pumper City of Cocoa-Enforcer pumper Fernandina Beach-Lance Pumper Fernandina Beach-Lance 75' Ladder Bay County-Custom Contender City of Onnond Beach -105' Ladder Dash Martin COlmty-Enforcer plU11pers (2) City of Coral Gabi~s-Quuni.um Pwupt::r City of Daytona Beach Quantum Pumper City uf Dt:iie:ili BluiHi"cillo1'Ct'f t'ill~lpef Hernando COUllt'/,Tacker City of La..~eland-Coiitender Rescues Monroe County-KW Contender Pumper Sprlllg I-Jill-Pierce Quailtum Pumper V olusia County-Encore Rescue r1~4 _P"17'...!.. r'i.._,",+_.. ri...,1_u.JH. "'1\..)' \.Ii V \;i.li!"'"....'-...Y-;::ti.\.Jlil v\.iUU."jlU."l Fort Myers Shores-KW Contender Alva Fire District-KW Contender ""', ,..,.,1, .,...n 1T"'\f'" n \..,uy U1 \.At:arWUlt:r-.,K.yw:m WIU CIllUf\;t:r rWI1pt:r Port Orange-Enforcer Pumper ~. - uu, .....uwn'- \"-) La/.lo.;~ j' UU!i^'l'), J..l.U'Jl'- ~. Miramar Fire Rescue-Saber Encore North Palm Beach-Enforcer Pumper Tice Fire & Rescue-Enforcer Pwnper Cape Coral-Quantum Pwnper & Contender Rescue Palm Beach Gardens-? 5' Ladder Sebring-lOS' Ladder Winter Park-IOO' Aerial Platform Flagler County-lOS' Ladder Ocoee-Enforcer Pwnper City of Miami- (3) Dash Pumper, (1) 100' Skyarm If you should have questions or require further information, please contact us. 'rl.. _...1.. " ....~_ I. ,ual.~ .~ vu, .---. J / .. / .,' ;/?!:!~'--.(~7'l~(~-\~-r---- .I -. . v.... :OJ . Robert F. Boggus Authorized Sales Representative Ten-8 Fire Equipment, Inc., Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. (1; Lake County bid access justification -Provides acce,.qs to a bid that allows each department to specifY apparatus to meet their specific requirements. By accessing the Lake County Bid the agency eliminates the purchase costs of options or features that may not be necessary versus accessing a bid for a specific product as bid by another qualified State agency. -Lake County bid provides access to all products .Provides a specific price point of 4% over dealer cost on the base model and 10% over dealer cost on options and accessories. Total vehicle price averages 5-6% over dealer cost. This margin is the minimum profit level a dealer can operate on and provide an acceptable level of service on such specialized vehicles. Margin is at or be!C"vlltl the ind~~try n......rerage4 . P.nvr.::; ;:;ign~fiemlt cost!': that would be associated with the prepumtkm and solicitation of competitive bids on specialized vehicles of tins type. -Expedites the delivery of the product and allows the purchasing agency the ability to lllOIe quickly, iusi:all it wlii. .intu St;rvil;t;, 1:IIU.l st;rvt; we Citizens of ihe cummunity. (; MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA 1. Modification No.: 13 Effective Date: May 22, 2005 2. Contract No,: 99-150 Effective Date: July 19, 1999 3. Contracting Officer. Roseann Johnson, CPPB Telephone Number: (352) 343-9765 5. Contractor-Name and address: 4. Issued By: Lake County, Florida Procurement Services Lake County Administration Building 315 W. Main St., Suite 416 Tavares. Florida 32778-7800 6. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: If indicated, contractor is required to sign Block 8 showing acceptance of the below written modification and return this form to address shown In Block 4 within ten (10) davs after receiot. preferably by certified mail to ensure a system of positive receipts. Retain a photocopy of the signed copy of this modification and attach to oriainal of contract which was oreviouslv orovided. Pierce Mfg. Inc PO Box 2017 Appleton, WI 54913 Attn: Hobert Boggus 7. DESCRIPTION OF MODIFICATION: Extend contract through May 21, 2006, per special terms and conditions, item 4. II II II II I 8. Cont1ac r's Signature: REQUIRED Name u.J I'''"''"'-B ~ Title Director of Finance .9. Lake County, Florida By: ! Date" May 10, 2005 l~.. \) ..' \ /'L.-k~A....L--n'......-r(./ .~~i.-J~,pt.Y Contracting Officer (.l. ! 10. Distribution: Original- Bid No. 99-150 Copies - Contractor Public Safety Contracting Officer Ten-8 Fire Equipment Inc '---?/i.~.-I. (/ c2~tJ5 Date ;/ - I II ' IL- I 'i' - ., ,,~ MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA 1. Modification No.: 12 Effective Date: October 30, 20Q4 2. Contract No.: 99-150 Effective Date: July 19,1999 ..... Contracting Officer: Roseann Johnson, CPPB 5. Contractor-Name and address: Telephone Number: (352) 343-9765 Pierce Mfg. Inc PO Box 2017 Appleton, WI 54913 Attn: Robert Boggus 4. Issued By: Lake County, Florida Procurement Services Lake County Administration Building 315 W. Main St., Suite 416 Tavares Florida 32778-7800 6. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: If indicated, contractor is required to sign Block 8 showing acceptance of it he below written modification and return this form to address shown in Block 4 within ten (10) days after receipt, prefenably by certified mail to ensure a system of positive receipts. Retain a photocopy of the signed copy of this modiffcatlqn and attach to oriainal of contract which was previouslv orovided. 7. DESCRIPTION OF MODIFICATION: Contract price modification to reflect a 5.4 percent manufacturer price increase across all product lines including all option pricing. " II II 8. Contrar:tor'~ Ri(ln~ture' Name . oJ .... . Requ!red 9. Lal(e County, Florida By: II II " II II 10. Distribution: II Original - Bid No. 99-150 Copies - Contractor i....-- Public Safety Contracting Officer Ten-8 Fire Equipment Inc Title ,~ ~ , I ~. i i. I i ~~~ Contracting Officer // '-' Date ... <----rJ A-JI. -""'" t. ~ h, 1 .., /l /J L/ , ~- """"-,-""",-,F' ~-;....ro -, QA-V - / Date j I IL , I MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT LAKE COUNTY FLORIDA 1. Modification No.: 11 Effective Date: May 22, 2004" 2. Contract No.: 99-150 Effective Date: July 19, 1999 3. Contracting Officer: Roseann Johnson, CPPB 5. Contractor-Name and address: Telephone Number: (352) 343-9765 Pierce Mfg. Ine PO Box 2017 Appleton, WI 54913 Attn: Robert Boggus 4. Is'sued By: Lake County, Florida Procurement Services Lake County Administration Building 315 W. Main St., Suite 416 Tavares Florida 32778-7800 6. 7. DESCRIPTION OF MODIFICATION: Extend contract through May 21, 2005, per special terms and conditions, item 4. II II II I I . , i j. i I 8. Contractor's Signature: Name 9. Lake County, Florida By: . I Title ~ ~ Date t ... -'... n lU. UIStr:lt>Utlon: U Oriqinal- Bid No. 99-150 H eODies - Cnntmr.tnr ~ . ~~~~~:!~~~""'--- v"""nICil\,,r\UIW VIII..,el Ten-S- Fi~ Equij.lOiSrtt lrtc' ~~ 'f }';::i,~~~" eon_ng 0-. ;;,;':,,;:-f;,;i'P .. .........,. .. "'. .,." :\f~J.:j~:):t>:;(~(if~~t~.::<:,::..:. ."", " ..I'"r..UCln::;:.:' MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT ..... L~Ke::eo.u.N'D( .!Flo.RtP.A,. I" ~: '~.~~~:~:;~~'~~::;M."':":":' .,..........,.....,. I.,:. "'1;u.;nt~U. ...".~- Eff~dl\taJ:ut.te.: J.anua~ 1', .2604 I~..: ......:. ...::... '.' . ..'::' ::. . ....:,.,..::.:. '.' .. ...... ...................... ..... . Ii .~. Cl;mtf:{l~illt}.O't~r.~..RQlJ~~Qr. Jcl1,"f)fJJl, ~~p.E.l <. ......................,.......,...............................u....... :.' ..,::.::...... t.. Cbr.ilra~fN0i. '9&.1'50.; Eff.~tlV&:D.ati~. J~I~ t9~1g99: :~c.~tfl1l@Q.!..N~jT:\~:!!1t:1Q:~i:fhll$S1 T~I~pboj'n~Numo~r:..(~.S2} M3.S7.l$p 'Pi$.~' Mf9i 'Iflr; :eq.:$.?'*~91:7 "Ap'p~tq.tkW!: : ~~at$ !>.tin: :Riilhert;g!W~tt.,~ " i I ~,.t1ll~l..!~:~Y;. . . . ~ake.:.CDtlnt.y~ Blor~a .! : PrOOI1.re!'lWl'lt:s~vJc.es i, .....:'6.... ...');~,.:Admf.lli.ro.ti rdg. 'l!'Jf : ;~x.~ .. ~n,.:..., )1, .t .9. ...1;0. ns ,3:i~H^f;: fi!lallt.$ti'l' '.$~IP\l.4t6 r-avar-e~,. F.1Qa.a2Tl.a~1:801.J ~""'---"'- . .~~".......................................... . !.i 7, :~$C~"PTfo...fOf'MODIFICA nON~ 'C-an1racf'p!ic.e.inodifica tion to. ~ffeliit'~;'$;,e p.~t.9$l'lt m~m~f.?I1~v.~f:'.p'r~ :i;wr-~a&~:al;:rQ$~ :~.ll :proq~t.:ljtl~l!i' i!'lQl\-j(\{lli~t.~U ~!ltI~!'lprJ~/:'Ii;l, '.. .. '. " . l: II II Ii II Ii ~ I' ~ 6. I I 1I .~ r~~:~=:.~..,~;~~~;~~~~;~..~~~ ., P.'. }J .l.;lU~Jt il:\t ~ l.jo,iW ,'''~i. ~w'" (~to~~ Ij Copies " S?nwa.';;'ttir. . II;gji~rl,*rArmw.lj@W': II ,~lsfi~~~~i~ri;i#.;!~t,.. ... .. ~ I >01I~<<l. F"1l:e.'~4VI~1 J-ll:WiI Ill';': _.p ..~""~ . Cor:jW,;1~1pt.~.Slsnature: Not n!'G~!~"'" .......'..,'l..... ........ .... . ...:............... . : $)..I~K~.:CQlmfy; Flort~a: e.y.:: ;..; .1""1"... .:' .",. , D_ '..# "~' ~'f' '~'.~. ''';''4 . ; i. ~\..:;o..p;-.;.....,..~=ir:M:.;,~-.;:.~l~....,t .~. ~". '''. '\i.\. .f . .'. .; .. l .::~~~.~.. ':".;~,.%; ~~~-.I;: ...~~' J I ( I I ::1 '1 IltoseSMJohfiso<il. ~,'GOMh\itihg em~r ;... .--. ~l) j' ~...l.' S.-..X'7 .~...+:..: ' "'~"'" .-..1.......... f i f f ! , I 1 I I I ! I l I I t i i i '1 .1 :1 I I I I I . . .. I"'~:. Mpa.i~~t\Qn N~.,:.g Effective D~te: May 19, 2003 MODIFICATION. OF CONTRACT LMe..o.lZ~u.t\I;ry< :f:';kt:JRlOA : ?,q~t\tt~!?~rN~.:,99"1W {tSff.Y$~:Q~1~~'4qly.;:'~i!1:~~~: ,. .. . .......:.;................,......... .. ~: ~"QntfaeUi~(}O'ffi~f~ Roseann Johnson, CPPB T~t~ptlOl'leNum~(: (352) 343-97S5 ..........~;'=.. .~\ .qqf~tw~!nr.iN,~!J.1~ 'i:r:rq;::~~l~~~; Pierce Mfg. Inc PO SOX 2:017 4, lssu.ed ~y: :lake:Co.ur.tt.~fioiicia Appleton, WI 54913 I': Proower-f\~t~l:VtQ.e,$.,.. . . '.:: i~~~~.<;~M~~~~&!~J.;Ji~\.lIr.4In\l. Attn: Robert Bog9us ; ra\i3r~)& FI~r:iaa.327:1:8.;1Sal'f tu......"..o.......-.-.......'o(e..>'-'jo.' '.,,;.~ :... . " .... -. .. ~ .. ~ is, SPE,G!AL.INSmUCTIONS; lllRUleateU; ooitttacttlf j~;f~~Wjf.etl toslg~:B1Qql<. e $.IllWi.iflS:S!:dte.pt~IlCE!.~ftbiiwlowwiiln~n ! m~ilr~a.lipn'~nrf~~~fm: lb.:m'I~r.~,!:O aclg~~~i~gW.JJ.Jn;f}I~: 4.:\t~t~i~ .~~~~f;1nli~~y~;afltr;:.~~i~\(,Pta~era*ly.by:~~jff~d' : mall.to :et\S:IJr:&:.a::1Wstem'Qf:=:t.;;t)$ltlv~ retelpl$. 'R.st~n:a.:pho~OPy.'-of=-tft~.;,$\gt1'llI(i'~~p'y::ot:tni$:'m!;M~l';;~ij(mi'~l'lP~<:ltt~~:'tO .....:...<?r.iSi~mr:;9;t~BU~chvble~::.~~:~~":iQ~~lt~~rov.!~&.d;." ." . .'. .... . '.' . .... .... . 'I, o.e$~IPnON:::o.F."iODtF.iOATJbN: ~~~9Qunti.~~!~1 ~(C.9,~ljti::.q~~if1.i~~Qn~f~m~f~ypancels Special T erm.$':~~4:CorVJill~tl~i. i!?~g1' ~r'1h~ : laqulfet\'J.eflll:i for :I?erfOffl'\l!4'l~~ <aon~! '10(l:%,':o.f:'9ofltrapt amount. A~n.c:"~.s, W.tii~hJ1'lay r~~l;Jir.'e~tmaocebGad~, '~wiall work with Pierce diredlta:orieedel.t j; II ~ . .,,~,...-.........,..._..--.- ... ~-"" I I I I I I i ! I I ~J 8. Contractor's Signat\:rJ:.!::Rl#q1ili(~ii' 9.: k~~l'l:~nw. 'Florida II 11 ~Jome ~I II Title II II Date " II 1110. Distribution: Originai - Bid No. 98-1t50 Copies - Contractor Fire Rescue Contracting Officer "....... Rii$k ManaQ~n~tit Ten-8 Fire€quipment Inc .By; I :,: :1: l ~: '1: I: r " 'j. J ~--.' f C--:,'~t4<~'i;::eti~~~~~!~:;-~<,(lJ {/ - ...'5".:. ,Pi' -<3' Date City of Ocoee Fire Department 563 South Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida 34761 PROPOSAL FOR FURNISHING FIRE APPARATUS November 19th 2005 , ,.,~_..~ The undersigned is prepared to manufacture for you, upon an order being placed by you, for final acceptance by Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., at its home office in Appleton, Wisconsin, the apparatus and equipment herein named and for the following prices: One Pierce Enforcer Custom Pumper per the enclosed proposal. $ 330,766.00 This unit is being offered by accessing our existing contract with Lake County #99-150 for Goods and Services - Fire Apparatus, which is enclosed for your review. Per the contract, a Pricing Computation Summary is included on the following page for your review. Discounts are available for progress payments made prior to fmal delivery. Total $ 330,766.00 Said apparatus and equipment are to be built and shipped in accordance with the specifications hereto attached, delays due to strikes, war, or intentional conflict, failures to obtain chassis, materials, or other causes beyond our control not preventing, within about 165 working days after receipt of this order and the acceptance thereof at our office at Appleton, Wisconsin, and to be delivered to you at the City ofOcoee Fire Department 563 South Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida The specifications herein contained shall fonn a part of the final contract, and are subject to changes desired by the purchaser, provided such alterations are interlined prior to the acceptance by the company of the order to purchase, and provided such alterations do not materially affect the cost of the construction of the apparatus. The proposal for fire apparatus conforms with all Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) rules and regulations in effect at the time of bid, and with all National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Guidelines for Automotive Fire Apparatus as published at the time of bid, except as modified by customer specifications. Any increased costs incurred by first party because of future changes in or additions to said DOT or NFP A standards will be passed along to the customers as an addition to the price set forth above. Unless accepted within 30 days from date, the right is reserved to withdraw this proposition. URING, INC. By: s C~> <P~--> CITY OF OCOEE FIRE RESCUE PIERCE ENFORCER CUSTOM PUMPER PRICING COMPUTATION SUMMARY PER LAKE COUNTY CONTRACT NO. 99-150 FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 Standard Options at Cost * 10% Mark-up on Options $233,355.00 $9,334.00 $65,374.00 $6,537.00 $32,878.00 $3,288.00 Apparatus Base Cost 4% Mark-up over Base Cost Loose Equipment per Quote #Q 1 08648 10% Mark-up on Loose Equipment Factory Concession ($20,000.00) Final Apparatus Price, FOB Ocoee, FL $330,766.00 * (Cost of Options is obtained by subtracting Apparatus Base Cost from Apparatus Cost with Options )(See enclosed Component Lists). ,;r-- ""0 OJ )>)> 0) I'-) I'-) 1'-)0) '-I (J1 * v.> 0> '-I OJ lXlCO ::ocn ...,..., Ol Ol ~ 0 0) Ol ~ t -" ~~ ~ lXlO I'-) co I'-) ...,0) I'-) -" -" 00 CJ1 0)-" -1m 1'-)0 CJ1 ~ ~ (,..) -" f. ~ ~~ 1'-)-" ~ .....(,..) ~I'-) N-" Oll'-) ...,00 -"..., ZS:: ~N 01 CJ1 ..... (,..) -" N 00 t~ 010 O~ (,..) 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N 0) Ol ..... ~ ..... 01 5J1 CD 0) c.> CD -~ ..... ~ (,) w ~ -.,.. w -..... . .0 c.> ~ c.> co ..... ..... ~ ..... ~ 0) N ~ ()I) ...... ()I) ..... ~ ..... --J ~ :.:.. 0 ~ 01 CD c.> ()I) ..... ...... ()I) ()I) 01 01 ()I) ~ 01 (,) 01..... ~ --J ~ ()I) --J 0) CD 0 CD ..... 0 N 0 0 01 0 (,)0 TEN 8 FIRE EQUIPMENT - INC. IN SERVICE TO SERVE YOU SALES QUOTE 2904 59TH AVENUE DRIVE EAST BRADENTON, FL 34203 IN FLA: 1-800-228-8368 PHONE: 941-756-7779 FAX: 941-756-2598 141 MARITIME DRIVE SANFORD, FL 32771 PHONE: 407.328.5081 FAX: 407-328-5083 Sales Quote Number: Q108648 Sales Quote Date: 11/15/05 or visit us at: www.ten8fire.com Page: 1 Sell CITY OF OCOEE To: 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FL 34761-2258 Ship OCOEE FIRE DEPARTMENT To: 563 S. BLUFORD AVENUE OCOEE, FL 34761 Ship Via: STANDARD DELIVERY Ten-8 Contact BSCOTT Payment terms: NET 20 DAYS Customer ID: OCOEE Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Price TRUCK DIVISION PRICING ,A I\IG-HV4X 1 00 HI-VOL 4"X100' EACH 8 390.77 3.126.16 ANG-1007830X50 YEL HOSE ULTIMA 50' YEL EACH 16 139.70 2,235.20 AKR-4820 NOZZLE 1.5 NST ASSAULT PIG EACH 4 341.08 1,364.32 AKR-4826 NOZZLE ASSUL T 2.5" EACH 2 419.23 838.46 AKR-2390 PLA YPIPE AXIAL EACH 387.02 387.02 AKR-1420 TIP 1.5" TRIPLE STK EACH 1 171.05 171.05 PEL-3750DWF BIG ED RECHARGEABLE 12V FAST EACH 6 140.21 841.26 FRH-EKS-12 KEYS ELEVATOR SET EACH 1 146.30 146.30 FRH-RTK R TOOL KIT EACH 1 142.45 142.45 Transferred to page 2.................................. 9,252.22 TEN 8 FIRE EQUIPMENT ' - INC. IN SERVICE TO SERVE YOU SALES QUOTE 2904 59TH AVENUE DRIVE EAST BRADENTON, FL 34203 IN FLA: 1-800-228-8368 PHONE: 941-756.7779 FAX: 941-756-2598 141 MARITIME DRIVE SANFORD. FL 32771 PHONE: 407-328-5081 FAX: 407-328-5083 Sales Quote Number: Q108648 Sales Quote Date: 11/15/05 or visit us at: www.ten8fire.com Page: 2 Sell CITY OF OCOEE To: 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FL 34761-2258 Ship OCOEE FIRE DEPARTMENT To; 563 S. BLUFORD AVENUE OCOEE, FL 34761 Ship Via: STANDARD DELIVERY Ten-8 Contact BSCOTT Payment terms: NET 20 DAYS Customer 10: OCOEE Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Price Transferred from page 1.................."."...".. 9,252.22 FRH-PB-30 PRO-BAR 30" EACH 1 176.00 176.00 903869 T AC STICK EACH 1 260.15 260.15 GRG-3UB92 PORTER 9740 TIGER CLAW SAW KIT EACH 287.59 287.59 Z-MAG PATIENT PROTECTION EACH 1 82.50 82.50 SYSTEM NA T .PF51 GFCI-5MI JUNC BOX 4-L520, 1-5/20 /20A TUrN EACH 1 343.70 343.70 NAT-150G-5MI 500W L T WI20AMP TL INLET EACH 2 215.85 431.70 AKR-ECR-10 ELEC CORD REEL ICAP. 100' OF 12/3 EACH 2 97.68 195.36 AKR-123Y300 12/3 YELLOW SEOPRENE CABLE FOOT 200 1.06 212.00 AKR-588 HOSE CLAMP EACH 1 299.37 299.37 Transferred to page 3......"..............."......". 11,540.59 TEN 8 FIRE EQUIPMENT ' - INC. IN SERVICE TO SERVE YOU SALES QUOTE 2904 59TH AVENUE DRIVE EAST BRADENTON, FL 34203 IN FLA: 1-800-228-8368 PHONE: 941-756-7779 FAX: 941-756-2598 141 MARITIME DRIVE SANFORD, FL 32771 PHONE: 407-328-5081 FAX: 407-328-5083 Sales Quote Number: Q108648 Sales Quote Date: 11/15/05 or visit us at: www.ten8fire.com Page: 3 Sell CITY OF OCOEE To: 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FL 34761-2258 Ship OCOEE FIRE DEPARTMENT To: 563 S. BLUFORD AVENUE OCOEE, FL 34761 Ship Via: STANDARD DELIVERY T en-8 Contact BSCOTT Payment terms: NET 20 DAYS Customer ID: OCOEE Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Price Transferred from page 2...........................". 11,540.59 AKR-2581 WYE GATED 2.5X(2)1.5 EACH 180.05 180.05 -HSTS50-40R STORZ 5"X 4" RIGID EACH 2 128.00 256.00 RED-148-3 WRENCH HOlDSETTRPl EACH 2 67.75 135.50 HAR-H200-40-25NH VALVE 2 WAY BALL EACH 1 310.90 310.90 GFE-PHY -6 PICK HEAD 6LB FIG HANDLE EACH 32.20 32.20 GFE-FHY-6 FLAT HEAD 6lB FIG HANDLE EACH 28.50 28.50 SPK-ZAH5101C AXE SHIELD CHROME EACH 2 17.00 34.00 SPK-ZSMA5201 C MOUNT AXE HANDLE EACH 2 17.65 35.30 DUO-FG6 PIKE POLE 6' FBRGLS EACH 40.75 40.75 Transferred to page 4.................................. 12,593.79 TEN 8 FIRE EQUIPMENT ' - INC. IN SERVICE TO SERVE YOU SALES QUOTE 2904 59TH AVENUE DRIVE EAST BRADENTON, FL 34203 IN FLA: 1.800-228-8368 PHONE: 941-756-7779 FAX: 941-756-2598 141 MARITIME DRIVE SANFORD, FL 32771 PHONE: 407-328-5081 FAX: 407-328-5083 Sales Quote Number: Q108648 Sales Quote Date: 11/15/05 or visit us at www.ten8fire.com Page: 4 Sell CITY OF OCOEE To: 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FL 34761-2258 Ship OCOEE FIRE DEPARTMENT To: 563 S. BLUFORD AVENUE OCOEE, FL 34761 Ship Via: STANDARD DELIVERY Ten-8 Contact BSCOTT Payment terms: NET 20 DAYS Customer 10: OCOEE Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Price Transferred from page 3.............................. 12,593.79 DUO-FG8 PIKE POLE 8' FBRGLS EACH 1 45.05 45.05 I-FG10 PIKE POLE 10' FBRGLS EACH 1 53.65 53.65 AMX-423 EXTINGUISH 20# ABC EACH 1 74.30 74.30 AMX-240 EXTINGUISH 2.5G H2O EACH 1 52.90 52.90 AMX-810 BRACKET TRUCK MNT, 7"-7.5" EACH 2 25.60 51.20 HAR-H500S-40.60NH PISTON INTAKE RV SS EACH 1 747.15 747.15 HUM-STYLE 100 OPT STYLE 100 W/OPTIONS 4.5"F X (3) 4" EACH 1 2,178.00 2,178.00 STORZ RED-352525 ADAPT 2.5 DBL F EACH 26.05 26.05 RED-362525 ADAPT 2.5 DBL M EACH 18.95 18.95 Transferred to page 5.................................. 15,841.04 TEN 8 FIRE EQUIPMENT - INC. IN SERVICE TO SERVE YOU SALES QUOTE 2904 59TH AVENUE DRIVE EAST BRADENTON, Fl 34203 IN FLA: 1-800-228-8368 PHONE: 941-756-7779 FAX: 941-756-2598 141 MARITIME DRIVE SANFORD, Fl 32771 PHONE: 407.328-5081 FAX: 407-328-5083 Sales Quote Number: Q108648 Sales Quote Date: 11/15/05 or visit us at: www.len8fire.com Page: 5 Sell CITY OF OCOEE To: 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FL 34761-2258 Ship OCOEE FIRE DEPARTMENT To: 563 S. BLUFORD AVENUE OCOEE. FL 34761 Ship Via: STANDARD DELIVERY Ten.8 Contact BSCOTT Payment terms: NET 20 DAYS Customer ID: OCOEE Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Price Transferred from page 4............................., 15,841.04 FRH-CM2 CONNECTION MALLET EACH 1 12.65 12.65 .121418 SALVAGE COVER 12X14 180z EACH 2 94.25 188.50 PER-7000-70 PAC TRAC 70" LENGTH EACH 4 83.75 335.00 PER-7001-6 Z MOUNT FOR 6 SECTION EACH 4 42.05 168.20 PER-1003 TOOLOK EACH 10 15.63 156.30 PER-1004-2 TOOL HANDLE LOCK EACH 10 23.70 237.00 DCL-U3800 MASTER BOX EACH 465.85 465.85 OCL-U3805 RADIO CORD JUNCTION MODULE EACH 221.00 221.00 DCL-U3811 DRIVER BOX EACH 288.75 288.75 Transferred to page 6..............................".. 17,914.29 TEN 8 FIRE EQUIPMENT - INC. IN SERVICE TO SERVE YOU SALES QUOTE 2904 59TH AVENUE DRIVE EAST BRADENTON. FL 34203 IN FLA: 1-800-228-8368 PHONE: 941-756-7779 FAX: 941-756-2598 141 MARITIME DRIVE SANFORD, FL 32771 PHONE: 407-328-5081 FAX: 407.328.5083 Sales Quote Number: Q108648 Sales Quote Date: 11/15/05 or visff us at: www.ten8fire.com Page: 6 Sell CITY OF OCOEE To: 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FL 34761-2258 Ship OCOEE FIRE DEPARTMENT To: 563 S. BLUFORD AVENUE OCOEE, FL 34761 Ship Via: STANDARD DELIVERY T en-8 Contact BSCOTT Payment terms: NET 20 DAYS Customer 10: OCOEE Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total PrIce Transferred from page 5.......................".".. 17,914.29 DCL-U3815 RADIO INTERFACE MOD. EACH 1 339.90 339.90 -C3820 POWER CABLE EACH 1 67.95 67.95 DCL-C3821 21' RADIO INTERFACE CORD EACH 1 86.90 86.90 DCL-H3442 HEADSET EACH 3 270.85 812.55 DCL-H3441 HEADSET EACH 247,25 247.25 DCL-09227P81 CONNECTER EACH 3 15.95 47.85 DCL-C38-12 JUMPER CABLE EACH 1 92.65 92.65 DCL-40107G-01 RADIO INTFCE ADPTR EACH 1 196.05 196.05 TEL-EM3800SXA GENERATOR 3800w EACH 1,670.90 1,670.90 Transferred to page 7.........................."...... 21,476.29 TEN 8 FIRE EQUIPMENT . - INC. IN SERVICE TO SERVE YOU SALES QUOTE 2904 59TH AVENUE DRIVE EAST BRAOENTON, FL 34203 IN FLA: 1-800-228-8368 PHONE: 941-756-7779 FAX: 941-756-2598 141 MARITIME DRIVE SANFORD, FL 32771 PHONE: 407-328-5081 FAX: 407-328-5083 Sales Quote Number: Q108648 Sales Quote Date: 11/15/05 or visit us at: www.len8fire.com Page: 7 Sell CITY OF OCOEE To: 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FL 34761-2258 Ship OCOEE FIRE DEPARTMENT To: 563 S. BLUFORD AVENUE OCOEE. FL 34761 Ship Via: STANDARD DELIVERY Ten-8 Contact BSCOTT Payment terms: NET 20 DAYS Customer ID: OCOEE Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Price Transferred from page 6.............................. 21,476.29 OZA-EF400PPV RAMFAN 1.5HP ELEC BLOWER EACH 1 1,611.50 1,611.50 SAF-191303827 EAGLE THERMAL EACH 1 8,800.00 8,800.00 IMAGE CAMERA SAF-191304501 DC ADAPTER EACH 495.00 495,00 SAF-191304502 AC ADAPTER EACH 1 495.00 495.00 Amount Subject to Sales Tax 0.00 Amount Exempt from Sales Tax 32,877.79 Subtotal: Invoice Discount: Sales Tax: 32,877.79 0.00 0.00 Total: 32,877.79 Quote submitted by: aSCOTT This Quote is valid until 12/15/05 * Container Systems ~i' & Equip,ment Co.,./nc. . . '. #'~~ ~e~' City of ()xJee Public Works Dept. lZi12i05 ~ I 1 new 2006 Schwarze A-7000 street Sweeper mOwlted 'on a 2006 Sterling cab-over S~8000 ohassis. I Pi8gy-~king the city off!. Myers P.O. # 0904-00P132 issued 08/03n005. --! , Options: AU as Jisted in bid' packet. Options requested by City of Ocoee Stainless Steel Hopper I ',U5.00 Stainless Steel Drop-down Screens i 2.17~OO F.O.B. Ocoee . Total ; 5143,673.00 . .! / thank you for the oPPOrtunity to quote you. If I caJ be of turther 'help contact me at 386--679-2030. . P.O. ~ce: 113,2.373.00 ~J3q rflD ~i, ,0 .~ . 506 Bellevue: Avenue · Daytona B~ach, Florida 32114.5279 · (90~) 253~5SS5 . FAX (904) 253-8537 CD ; ; . , ~~ &~/~~~~ LL;~( ';)Ol;l-.t;;J,;)-O;.l';)I '-'\"I,., 1M""......" .... f oJ, L.I"'..., i i Bid Package i for The City of Fort ~yers Bid # 54-04-05 Street Sweeper I !. I I . I Prepared by:" Rothert 'Barton I 'I CO$tainer Systems. & Eq~jpment Co. 3B'-~53"55SS JUB. 21, 2005 I , . , ...- l~/!q/~~~O l~:q( j~b-~Oj-~Ojf ~UNI~lN~~ ~Y~I~~ I . ! This package contains the following ipfonnation: Addendums # 1 & #2 81 City ofF:~rt Myers bid shee~ ! · Technical Specifications , , I II Outline of proposed chassis j& body specs · Container Systems & Equip~ent Company description · Container Systems user lists! I .. Warranty statements " Schwarze brochure "- rH~Ir:. tJ..l " !LIL~fLO~O LL;qr .::ItlO-tO.::l-UO.::l1 \..aWl"'" H.U~I:.rt. ,:) J;) I r;1"'1~ , Proposal For. . Bid #S4-04.0~,.Purcbase of One New S~eet Sweeper . Dale S uomitted: (p./ ;.." r:, S"" To: City of Fon Mym ' f' H\H... -'"" After carefully reviewing the above specifications and condit~ons. I h~eby propose to furnish the fOllowing: ~ooS"' S4"WAt~~G A-,01:1'O LtJI ~It\:.vj Sc 8'000 One New Sl.'teet Sweeper: OPTION: Extra water capacity: " 132,37'. s "DO ~,.".~.s 11II4" ,'".,d"JJ , . f -.J "",ce... s frtj ~ The awarded prices shall be inclusive of any ftelght, handling, del~very. smcharges', or my other incidental charges that may be required for the completion of the contract. I : C Ollr-M-;III_tt. S.,j,Jf.vn4 ".,. ~~:~-X a, <'" "J ;;r. ~ "I ..,..,.Jc.. Name afCompany )0 b 6e\\.." fV<t" f.),,~. Address Vj1\~A- ~e,.J.., FL. 3 ~"t./ City State Zip E.Mail Address: p"i(~fj"J. ,....,~.,.t (!J> ..-ft. ,.",,1"' >,- / ~~ Authanzetl Signature . I<~~ ar.,ao,y Typed Natne and Title '3S'-~3.. ~.rs-.r" 3f(,"~$"3" 15'7 -4,e Telephone and F~ Number \I:~ 16 .' : " SUBMrr SIC ro~ Cily of Fort Myers , PurchS$ino Division City of Fort Myers, Flofida 1820 ""endry Street (physIcal address - no mail delivery) P.O. Ball 2443 ' INVITATION TO BID Fort Myers. Fl. 33902-2443 TeLEPHON~ NUMBER: (239) 332-6301 : Bidder Acknowledgment ; "age: 1.20 BIOS WILL BE OPENED: May 24. 2005 @ 2:00 P,M. : BID NO. 54.04.()S ~nd may not be withdrawn within 90 days after such date and time MAILING DATE: I BID TITI.E: Purchase of One New Slreet Sweeper 5-2-05 : PRE.ElIO: DATE: TIME: , L.OCA nON: J FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OR $.5. DELIVERY OATI$ will BE k DAYS" NUMBER S'-lbS"'1llJ.1. aner recelpl of Purchase Order VENDOR NAME REASON FOR Np BID " CO""1.;"'U .'i.. .t./~"",J."rl" E::.oJ :.J,.,.,....A- f'PQ..,44,.JoJ I VENDOR iAJLIN& ADDRESS , 1/ ;-o&:, t.11~vcu.. AvG. CITY" STATE. ZIP 'D~...,+o~ Ee4~ Pi. 37-11'1 : AR!:ACODE TEL.EPHONE # :253 -S 5 5" S" : 3~' FAX NUMBER :J S 3" 15.5 7 /7 : I cel'Ofy 1t1at ~. :lId II mla. 'If,mOul pnar "tldel$l.nQI'lg. I9rwmenl, ..r COl'ln~~Dn VfIV' any f~~~ QOIVonohon. 11111. or P.~'" tvomllUng . ~Id lor tho "m, mele"a1'. ,uoplles or "''''PIMnl. "'" I, ,n - .n _e~' '.,r 'nd "Inoul co>>uslon or freud. I .or.. 10 .00d. .y'llI c..,llIlont 01 1/1I. biG Ino ceIIlI)I 1/1111 'm '_"Zed 10 1i0" InlS bid lor t/19 Oiddlr .nd ""1 \he Qioo" 1$ '" ~1lI!llIf1"" w,ln .n AUTH IZeD SIGNATURE (MANUAL) "OWomlll\l' of 1/1. I'M"~OIl to III.. 'n<:lUIlI"lI Dill nOI I;mhl. 10. "",'!'toon 18Q1J"",...I.. In 'i? o~ 'BA,cT"C>N V. R - '.D"'"ling I _'0. In. 0,00" oil.., .nd ellron 1/111 ~ IIIe "'. 10 '~"DIICl. ~. 0100.,\011. convey. Uti. AUTHollllZED SIGNATURE (TYF'e) TITl.e .Ulgn 0' "",.rll' 10 .ho CIty II' nll"lI. UIII and int.,,,,,'n IN! 10 III C4u'~ 01 .c,,,,, 1\ ".y n_ or n.,.."., ecOUfno .""" 1/10 1\I1~'IIU" ''''''' oJ lJI. IJIII.S. llI.te. Ind the $\,'e ot Flona. lor pnc. V: ?l (, I?o IDS'" ro..no rel.*'t \0 1/1. el"'."'" .ommlllll~" er .e,..;... "uren..ed or 'Cd\ll'~ IIle Ciry of I"Ott - Myel!!. ". thl Clly', oloaldan. .uen 3lIP10nmenlsnoll b. /NI', .M bOCd"'" "" ...1111I.0...11I. TITLE tsATE . ou/CIlulnO I08/lfly I6n."" ~""' p'\Iffi9nllO III. otdOer. . '. !!!is ORIGINAL form MUST be com~leted and returned with your bid. Bids received after above date and time WIL~ NOT be Accepted .' ' GENERAL CONDITIONS . SEALED GIOS: Submit bid on tile forms provided In a SEALED OPA~UE COMPLETION;: Proposals will denote. if Bny, U'le I'!\Imber '" calendar ENVELOPE. complete Ihe Inlonnallon fisted oMlte enclosed label an<! afftlC days required fqr completion upon rec.elpl Df award. This I!Cne may be to the outside of U'le envelope. and rel",rn the envelope 10 me address a determining ffjelor In thellward. speciftea In the bidding documenlS on or l:Ielore the due tlate.' Each bid or ev.AL.UATION:: For bie der mU$1 allemate bid shall!)e In a separate tnvelope oleat1y idem/fled as such on PUIllOSe8 of. evaluation. tt1$ ~Q Ou.tsiue Df me envelope. All biOS Sre subject 10 me candldon& spllCilied IDE!NTlfY any variances "0m our llpecl1icaUon andlor condlliol'l5 NO horeln. MATTI;:R HOWiSLIGHT. If variaUOtlI are nolllaled In' lhe.proposa'll eXECU1l01ol OF BID: el12 musl comSin 1I manual signature Of an wiU be assume~ that Ihe product Of awell fully complies with our spectficallon, . aulhQri:p;ed reprasemetlve In the space provided above. Bid mUSl be lypea MISTAXES: I3ll;1ders are expected 10 elCllminll !he sper;tllcaUons. or prtntl!ld ink. Use of erasable Ink Is nOI pl!!nnltted. All correcllons mada by bidder 10 hislher bid prlClJ mUSl be initialed. delivery schedl./le. prices. and all inlllruCtJons pertalnlr,19 tco suppne, NO SIC; II not submllting a bid. respond by reluminS thiS page wllh Ihe and servlcfi. PaUure I~ do so will be slthe bidder's tillk.' . informalion feQueflled above. ITlarklng the snl/elOpe 01'1 the outside wtlh PAYMENT: Co~pleted project in all respvds. : "NO 810". Repaalec3 failure to bid wllholtl $vtrldenl justltiClltion stlall be ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS: The CIty's perfOl'lllance and oblil!,,'!OrI cause tor "moval of the bidder's name from the bidders mailing fisl. BID OPENINO: Bid opening sl'lall be public, on \lie date antl time speCified 10 pay under lhl~ contratl IS contlnglltlt uppn In annu.al appropnabon of fi.lnds. I In the bid <locum.ms. 111$ the blddot's IllSpOnliilbllily to assure Ihallhe bid MANUFACTURIe'S NAME & APPROVED EQUIVALENT$: . j$ delivered at tho proper time and plate. Offers by lelephone. fax. or telegram art ,.,OT acceptable. Any manUlaClllto's nama. Ir.ade names. brand names, iJ~tormillion and/or catalog numbers IISled In a specification are for It.llOf!1lllll/on. PRICES. TERMS. AND PAYMENT: Prices quoled mutt be prices lor new nol to limit oonjpeUllon. The bidder may offer any brand for wl'llch merchandise unless otherwfse specified, Any bids containing modifying 01 htllshe is an Il~lhorlzed representallve, which meals or "r:ceed$ d1e '.,calaIOr" clauslIs will nol be considered unllllSS specifically rClqUEtsllld In 5pec:lflcatl0I1 for:an~ Ilem(s" It bids ara based on equlvalen\ prodUCts. the bid $pe<:ilicatlons. Delivery andlor InSlallatlon wlllbo F.O.B. indicale on the ~id form the manufaCltJrer's name. model number. and De$UnaltlOrl, Fort Myer5, florida. Indlcale any de .laUon Irom !he 9peciflcaUcn. 'W~" H4'~I" .:;J I ~ II:..IWI.;:J rM',;;n::. tI:.JI ',. .I.LI .1,"'" ,4UU;.J .L&.." ( w';lt~-40."".:J"'Oi.J~( Y~/b~I~VW~ f~. IV rA^ ,~~~~~vgUJ ""U1~ 11-1.1.1'1[;.1': ;::n;) 11:.1'1;;;1 ~!Il tl N't"~ ~UR~n^~.I.N~ ,1-11,;'1;. UO IfJ 110 l.rOO~. CrrY or roaT MYERS omCL\L BID FORM TWS SERVIS' AS THE ACKNf)WLEPG.lMINT 0' ujCEIPT OF ADDENDUMS BID NUMBER: ~04-OS BID TITL~: ONE NEW STREIT SWEEflltR , NlJMBER OF PAGES: (hadudmsllbfa cover PIlBC) TWO (2) . .' PATE ~DENDUM NUMBER S'12Dlo~ ..Ji:..tL - . I. . ~ADD~B~~~~~=:::gQVIIIIIUl! .$ /~() loS" "- DATE 3S'-";J~ 3... S"$~S' PHONE NUMBER COfJm;."J~A. fj:.}''''~ .,.. t?tlv.'1Q\~.,It' Y;;; NAMB .. B~vp . AVfIIORlZED SICN:A TtTRE (; "'I.. ",:,;';,!.l =;(,.:;-7.;'. .S'-;;;" 4"tI'"'~""''''~V45'''''tsJd 1.1"'''''' vU"I,",U,I'r;.r-. ~1.:I1t:.1.1~ ~tlY ~I MVtH~ rUH~HN~LN~ ' City 0' Fort M)'en AddeDdwa #1 Bid #54-~5, Purcbue of Ooe New StJ-ett SWMpeI' Mil)' 20, :!OOS CiiAJ.,GU~G BiO OFii'f"IIiG uti lEI nOM: May 14, 2005 @ 2,:00 P.M. TO: Jae 16, 10&5 @ 2:00 r.M. PU.SID; A PR.&-DID CONFERENCE WILL BE BEL>> AT THE CITY. OF FORT MYERS PURCHASING DMSION ON' JUN2 It :leo, @ 2:00 P oM. Al'TENUANCE AT iBIS CONnalNCE IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED AS A PREREQUISITE fOR BIDDING. END OF ADDENDUM: fl1 :' <J ~~.. r"":IJ:. 1:11 I4l 002/002 " " oeiiiiJ/z'ooi-14 : 2.3~ 'FA'x Z39a33~5B3 'NoJ' ,-,un 'HJ.I"~" .;:) T;J I C,J'IO CITY FT MVERS PUftC~ASIHB r"/-ll:lt:. ~l:l GD 0'02/004 Ci~ of Fort Myers Addendum if/, IUd #54.04-0S, Pun:h~se of one new Str~ef Sweeper ,June R. ZOOS Cl:lA.~GE BID OPENJSG DATE~ FROM: .Jt"NE 16. :ZOOS (Ii) 2:00 P.M. , - TO: JlJNE 23~ 2005 @ ):f)0 P.M. I PleDS' submit wjtta YOQr bid any ,;GSqy B,u~k" policy YOlllr compan"imllY bavr to offell'. , , . , .Page 4 item 18: SpeeificllUons Street S~vteper; It i~ the illtcllT of the City of Fort ~hcrs to purchase a new rcgcoQfll.tive air str<<t ~wccpcr (cab over cie:.;isn model). All extr.mor lights to be r _F.D 'f'hc:re applicable. A regcncrativt::' !l.ir street :;weepcr With byur-.n1.8lie drives, The City prefers mn 8.4 cubic yard h~pper pleau note it d1ttfercQt, &~ ~,~. 90" wide pickup ht:it41. Tho head mu..,1 he capable of ~wocping in revcr~ with the held d.oWTl without causing damaHe to rhe pickup heu,lllr it's components~ Blo~er lO h~ bcl.t dliven. The "l1it lIUu.st be equipped with vertical diggCl' type guller brooms, pressuri~ed dust Control spray syslem and lU1 independent engine t<.' powc:r the: sweeping functilmS. 11\e chassis tor this swcepet ill LO be sufficiently rated to lr8l.1$pon a full loud of llweeping l\ebrls at !lpr:tt~:i ~lp to 55 MPH. I-'ilr ~i1fe:ty and c"tm1i.>rt of tll(: llpermtor and for qui(~k. local ,ervicc ulimA with IOC<11 availllhility of repair pans. the chauis will Nq)T be a pUljJOSC built cha.,~is built by th~ sweeper mLlnut~1t:tUl"Cr. The chlCisis shnU DC equil'l'ed with sprln~ Su~pcl1sion on !loth axles, ,dual steeril~g, dUlll Opel1UnT COlltrols. and an automatic tran~m:s:;i{m. All tires shl1l1 he tHe same sizl.: and hl1ve dual tire~ on each sid" ofrhc tl:UT axle (sill-wheel configurution). Minimum 32.000 CV,!,K.. Page 5 itcm llD.S: Sweeper Ituxiliary engine sbalt share Ii minimum !)t; SO-l:;i\l1on fuel tank lAnd batteri~ with I;hussis engine. '. ;_ I Page l) item I !U.6; ~~han hcwe Sweql!t-in Revel'3e \, ~i,," ~\llt;~~v, it tn H....'4,)'<lp jfJ ~ f~,.,\t\1'd 'nEt &"~~esd dtn'<ll ,..ilhoul ct\'lfElifis-dOMIl~lte tfle head ~r ~ther-eempe841Rt!h I .' .' , , . . ,. .k'~~(4V~~ ~~.~I ~oc-~o~-co~r 08/08/2005 14:22 FAX 2383320693 ~~'~~N~K ~r~lc~~ CITY FT MVERS PURCHII1SlNG I"'A\ll:. t;J';I l/lIVV IIVVq CITY OF FORT MYERS ' Oi'IIC1Al. am FORM , . THIS SERVES AS THE A(:kNQWl,F.DGEMINT OF R,F.C!IPT 014" ADDENDUMS 81D NUMBt:R: 54.04-05 DID yI!rT.E: Pl1R<:UASE OF ONE NI:W . STREET S'WEi:FER NlJM8tR Olt. '^CES: (inchJ\dAn~ this cover pa~e) I , 10UM (4) : DATE ADDENDUM NVM8ER , 1,/,,0$' . 4J. Z. ~{"Jos- DATE .3f4".aS"!... r~:rf' PIBON"~ NtlMBER tlf),J+A;.N~ ~f~ms .".. ~;'~,A- . COMI'A NAME : ~~-'7 . ~ tJTHORfZED SIGNI\ TURE G ',- ~~/.'r~v~w .~.~I -..JlJlw/ 4-oJw"" ~'.,J~' ....Ul~ I folJ.I~t:.r; ::lY::lIl:.IVJ::;' /"'A\:II:. ;C::l Summary of Proposed Street Swee~,r Specifications 1005 SdiWllIrze A 7000 Regeoerati\'e Air Street SW~per iodudiug: 1 Sterlio2 Model SC8000 CAt,) & cbassls witll Cummios ZOO UP SQd AJliSOD 2500 RDS , Dual steering, air coodftioofDg, AMJFM radio i 12,000/11 Medtor froDt ule, ' 2'1,0000 Meritor rear axle with two speeds , Air brakes with Wabco ABS, Beodbi AD-9 air ~ryer Michelin XZE J lR x %2.!5 tires (14 ply) Clflb and vvheels standard wbite paint A 7000 sweeper witllJ 11 S lIP John Deere elllgiM 8.-4 cubic yard hopper 3,240 sqbmre inch pick lip head dual glitter brooms witb power tilt gQtter broollQ extelAsiOD override dlllst suppression system with froot spray bar 600 glllllo.. wlUer capacity 1 ~ volt back up bydrauJic power WbisperWbeel fsn system 14" i!llt1llke aDd exbaulIt sweep bead hoses '~l'~:W :::~;;'. f' :;:1:' .;;\1. ';1 .f I , i i .' .1- t 1740 :' .47.0 ',(!t!. ';'j:':' I I I I , J I , ~ j ---- ..... 800--'-" . ~. I Hopper vibrator 10, 8'~ soring boom hand hose 1 800 II. S"power boom hand hose I 1660 i 12. Conical spray hopper delu~e ; 540 13. Load weight indicator I 200 14. Stain1.ess steel hOPDer I 7300 . 15. Stainless steel drop down screens ; 1740 16. Additional 350 gallon water tank 1900 ... I 17. Water tank sight 2RUgC (side of tank) I . 120 I ) 8. Water level~e in cab ! 280 19. Front spray bar ! 3'0 . 20. Hopper spray bar with 4 additional nozzles I 360' I' 21. Hi~h pressure washdown wand I 1960 .; 22. Mo.!tnet bar ! 1040 ''':1 Self dumpiuR rnlklmet bar I .. 5560 .:! _..-. 24. Vo~el.auto lube system I 4320 '.: I 1 25. LED tail lights 1 400 :. . . : 26, Bendix AD-9 air dryer I 440 , .. . ! 27. Strobe mOWlted on cab as well as sweeoer body I 380 I 28.. Cab barlight 440 29. Dual rear slrobes with ~ards I 400 . 30. Arrow board I 480 .. I 31. Sterlina air ride seat (each) I 620 1 ! , "'... "',.. .!if~:.'iIil'I""*~" ':0'':"," .,IIf'rl'!;,~/ltI1'...,*,. lIttj11. ".Hm-. 11101: .jAI:. . l.t~;.;:/AIIIl . Hill!: ;.' ..' re, ~lJlJI:l ..j.~ :.iill!. "IIllII' I~I . ..: dJlllI' i.. ..<!Iii! .,.,,, ...,""..... ...Jw WoJ<J r vur-, J "".1.1'91:.1' .:J' ~ I C.I"IO r-A.:n:. "'0 City of Fort Myers Bid # .54-04-05 Street Sweeper : BID SCHEDULE A TI ACIlMl1NT Although not speciti<;ally requested in the City's speciticati()ns. we include the following I ;51 of popular options and prices for your consideration. ; .. . denote~ this item is inclu~~ in bid price. : ! I II> DESCRIPTION PRICE 1. Mecha.nical-Pncumatic Broom Assist sweeDin~ bead , $ 3900. '. 2. , Dual gutter brooms 4280 .. 3. Dual DOwer tilt for guner brooms 880 .. 4. Dual GEO (gutter broom extension override 1520 _ * J 5. Left or ri,ght sinele broom 2580 6. In cab sweeper engine air filter restriction RaUlite , 180 7. OroD down hooDe~ screens , 1740 8. Six inch honDer drain 420 19. I Hoooer vibrator 800 10. I 8'~ soring boom hand hose 800 11. ! 8" power boom hand hose 1660 12. Conical spray hODDer delu2e .540 13. Load weight indicator 200 14. Stainless steel hOODer 7300 15, . Stainless steel drop down screens , 1740 : 16. Additional 350 eaUon water tank '! 1900 '" 17. Water tauk siRbt ~aUfle (side of tank) I 120 '}8. Water level gauge in cab ! 280 19 Front spray bar 350 .. 20. HOPper spray bar with 4 additionml nozzles 360 11. Hil2h Dressure w8shdown wand 1960 22. Magnet bar 1040 .,... Self dwnpinll maRnet bar ,5560 ~~. 24. Vogel.auto lube system , 43.20. , 25. LED tail IiJthts : 400 ... 26. Bendix AD-9 air drver 440 .. .. 27. Strobe mounted on cab as well as sweeoor body 380 28. Cab barliR'ht 440 29. Dual rear strobes with lZUards : 400 30, Arrow board 480 , , 31. Ster!il1f;t air ride seat (each) , 620 , '-'1.JI"'t I MJ.I"U:",", .:J,.o I c.ry,;) n. 33. 34. 35. 36. 31. 38. 39. 40. 41. "- 160 1500 2800 560 640 600 200 1000 11220 24620 rF-\~Ic. .t.1 . I