HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #11 November 2005 Community Merits Award Grant Cycle
Meeting Date: January 17, 2006
Item # II
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
Tonya Elliott
407 -905-3100 ext. 1061
Reviewed By:
Department Director: ~t:'
City Manager: _ --=--
Background Summary:
The Community Merit Awards (CMA) Board met on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 to discuss the ten
applications received during the November 2005 grant application cycle. There is $10,000 budgeted for the
CMA's in FY 2006. The amount requested by the organizations is $5,000, which leaves a remaining $5,000
for the 2nd cycle in April of 2006. The Community Merit Review Board is recommending funding all ten
organizations at the maximum grant amount of $500.
Should the Mayor and Commissioners approve the funding recommendations made by the Community Merit
Award Review Board?
Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the Community Merit Award Board's
recommendation to fund the ten organizations mentioned above for a total of $5,000. There is a total of
$10,000 in the account set aside for Community Merit Awards each fiscal year. This leaves a remainder of
$5000 for the second grant cycle in April 2006.
Copies of the Grant Application
Financial Impact:
Funds budgeted at $10,000, which equates to $5000 for each grant cycle.
Type of Item:
D Public Hearing
D Ordinance First Reading
D Ordinance First Reading
D Resolution
[8J Commission Approval
D Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's Deaf Use:
[8J Consent Agenda
D Public Hearing
D Regular Agenda
D Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
D Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by ( )
o N/A
S-,-SQQtLY and~g:!:ift
D~lli1Y. HO'Y.~lLQjstrict 1
Scott Anderson. District 2
Rustv Johnson. District 3
Nancv J. Parker. District 4
City Manager
Robert Frank
The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
Tonya Elliott, Multimedia/Community Events Manager
January 9, 2006
November 2006 Community Merit Awards Grant Cycle
Should the Mayor and Commissioners approve the funding recommendations made by the Community Merit
Award Review Board?
The Community Merit Awards (CMA) Board met on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 to discuss the ten
applications received during the November 2005 grant application cycle. There is $10,000 budgeted for the
CMA's in FY 2006. The amount requested by the organizations is $5,000, which leaves a remaining $5,000 for
the 2nd cycle in April of 2006. The Community Merit Review Board is recommending funding all ten
organizations at the maximum grant amount of$500.
The CMA Board approved recommending the following funding allotments to the City Commission for
Ocoee H.S. Baseball Team
American Le ion,Post 63
Alzheimer Resource Center Inc
Bo Scout Troo 198
Ocoee H.S. Winter Guard
Ocoee Human Relations Diversit Board
Parent, T eacher,Student Assn
STA.R.S. of West Oran e
Ocoee H.S. Girls Softball Team
11/23/2005 Dian Hoo er
11/28/2005 Eric Entrekin
11/30/2005James Flemin Sr
11/30/2005 Nanc S uillacioti
11/30/2005 Ed Roberts
11/30/2005 Carrie Cox
11/30/2005 Mar Ellen Murra
11/30/2005 Delores Lomberk
11/29/2005 Chesta M Hembrooke
12/9/2005 Sue North
407 -656-3838
407 -489-2979
407 -905-3000
407 -292-3559
407 -905-4127
Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the Community Merit Award Board's
recommendation to fund the ten organizations mentioned above for a total of $5,000. There is a total of $1 0,000
in the account set aside for Community Merit Awards each fiscal year. This leaves a remainder of $5000 for
the second grant cycle in April 2006.
Q.~ \S-o,
Funding Cycle: November 2005
For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or
e-mail telliott@cLocoee.f1.us.
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please
remember to comDlete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
Citv of Ocoee Communitv Merit Awards Prol!ram Application
Nameoforganlzation:!-/v1A t t!f.l'(i~;Z'llp{J51 {;--g tJ;n~/z."'ClAtoJ /...~i i'6~V
Address of Organization: cl71 [d, f'/ (),J f .5f.) W \' rJ 1<';t. C,,4 J?-j~jJJ J Ft..
Contact person for this application: j LA v'\" to? 5 PI ~ vYl ." iu"'cl 5 UZ-J
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime ph.one numb.:r E-mail address: 1J~1'r\ i ~3lfJJfled pl-:/,c. ~a fY\.-
If tJ7-b.5"(P,~ gt.."'> >J 6~L.2 orj-2"!I "It II~ tJ.e11
What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for?
S~Jt,&>o I (YI.e d /4/l. f?P 7 ,t. /J-,... A rJ J B by 5 s/Jlj1e. /t&;"'~ m '
What d?!)ar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.)
'If> !J tJ u
Is your organi~ation getting fu.n ding f~om any other, so.urce far this specific project?
f3/J~ R, ,.J.f*"-6/ P.::..::.d 5V)/~s dVIIl.I'IV"l f/1J;.j.f. s-/. C!.I o€f,'~. D/)vJ 1A..t/eH'\JS
A.~~ OU~S, .
'" V){ha~is your arfJanization's pri'!'ary funding source?
8-1 d &1. f e: jJftft/....s ..J D v L5 . .
How In}'r;h JJ:5mey dae.s your organizpti~n receive from this source each year?
Dvo4?!:, ,./.J a/. (/'0 I gldi/ (2~ ML~\~'1f(JO t DD ) !VJ I\H,,-'ht. ,.,>~/o bv,O~
What pther sources of revenue does your organization have? .
.food .s-l.lIe~ )jJ~'ll Yp(L~,f iJ At.
What is your annual budget fbr this year? il; t't.;> 0 Last year7' 12/ b 0 ()
Li~t the fundraisers your organization holds? Plit-A. 5 (,lJ f2,S 'l"hlh-':; y c;?#~,
gJ~ 12v~v').-L~, YI:1IlJ. s'VJ./es) Gfl;,.~,,(t"5~.r:-s (!:sf (>"'P S./-l/;vf<:.,
How many members does your organization have? How many live in Ocoee?
. 11~
How many clients daes your organization serve?
W es~f b~tA,u le c..~?>...; ,v--ft V e/~(lAj1I5
How many live in Ocoee?
1f ~"?D (oao p.ep(liZ
l/~ /k{J...rJ-yv C"j. v p,;.J r
l>..t' I t!.1tl1Tl1 ~'v e
Page 2 - Community Merit Awards Application - November 200~'Cycle
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before?
If so, when and what did you apply for? . . $.
IIi/ply 5'1N'hc1~ fe(!,e-~ .fP/I...'1'Odnjj/IJi,/€sfeJ 'It/:J./?(} IIV O(!;'.;\ea-t.1-it..
Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive?
Does your organization volunteer In the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activities do you participate in? Y e ~ . Oc 6 ~,6L f' 0 i ,,~<2. .12- I:J j(~ I K (). l..U Y1-y {' ~IIK Or? u~
~/) ~Jet-" '.;; fI),)y: 111 GJ'" &<J.))K.trnVbL '/4-
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contrjpute to the community
and how are those hours trac or documented? g t .#=~ ?, ~"
~ b.,~~- " W ' (:7
Please Iiitrthfl;specific .accomp sh!TI~ntsy..ol.Jf organization ha~ achie.y1/,.in the past, j
24 months: .~:r#- ~ ~ .../-"Z ..&/~,?ttJ ~ 1.1J4~ tJ-W'CJ7 /IJ~" iJ,"!d..,<' ,
t; ;'/4,.,h, ..f {h ,odd Is! 5c./woC{ 5Tvde.A-9 "$c.~tJ{ ~~ 4- C' .t!-~-/-';'..r:-c..tPl-G s
lease include any other pertineht in1ormation about your orgamzatlon or this specific
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision:
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your
organization supports this application.
&w'~ /1 ~ #1~ ~Do{f 4- ;7f?.-L.;.,b~ ~~D5 fi!!J
j)~ rf it1 D Ai ~ l,,~ &~me"j,lfV
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3. Se-hoc.L ('ned/3.-}~~.t2ec.lri~vt '-:,~-/- .11.11- ;200:.'-( -2<:;Jt)G'~'chbQl
Y</) (L~
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received
Was Application Received Complete?
1fnot, D~te Application Returned
DECEMBER 9, 2004
[2 Spaces allocated and paid for in advance]
Daniel Payne'" 709 Sunburst Cove Lane, Winter Garden, F~ 34787 '" Tel.407-877-6088
Peter Chase Eveleth '" 2560 Tall Maple Loop, Oeoee, F~ 34761-7620>1< Tel 407-877-
[I space paid for, but not allocate to Post 63 until Jan. 16,2005]
Jesse James Dillon >I< 1000 Portmar Way, Winter Garden, F1 34787 '" Tel. 407-656-9125
(No spaces allocated or paid for; Individuals can apply WiUl Post 19,286. 53 or others for au opeu space.
Individual will become Post 63 delegate if primary delegate can not participate]
Travis James Bermett >/< 9019 Lake Mabel Drive, Orlando, F132836-8804 '" Tel 407-876-
Steven Andrew Crudele tic 1232 Castlep01t Road, Winter Garden, Fl34787 tic Tel 407-
656-0101. [Post 109 Delegate to Boys State 2005][Brother, Age 11, Ryan Tyler]
All five boys will attend Boys State @ FSU in June 2005.
. ~J~~~
TELEPHONE # 407-656-6361
School Medals Presentations for 2005
1. FRIDA Y~ APRIL 22, 2005 @ 1900 Hours: West Orange High School AFJROTC [2]
medals; Recipients are Cadet Daniel Payne for American Legion Scholastic
Excellence and Cadet Michael Megnley for Military Excellence. Presenter was Post
63 Commander E. George Engelhardt IV. Photogra.phs by Adjutant James Fleming
2. MONDAY, MAY, 16~ 2005 @ 1900 Hours in Sanctuary: Foundation Academy's 81h
Grade Class Presentation: M/W - Jacob Romoser;.F/W - April Fleming; M!.Hl.\.1-
Corey Graham; F/HM: - Liz Bwrow. CONTACT: Judy Rosenbaum @ 407-656-
3677. Medals & Certificates Presented by Adjutant James Fleming.
3. WENDESDA Y, MAY 18, 2005 @ 1000 Hours in Sanctuary: Foundation Academy
5th Grade Class Presentation: M/W - John Hani~on; F/W - Amber Saunders; M!.Hl.\.1-
Ryan Bradley; F/Hl\.1- Samantha Hanison. CONTACT: Angel Whitehead @ 407-
656-3677. Medals & Certificates Presented by Adjutant Jim Fleming.
4. FRIDA Y, MAY 20, 2005 @ 0830 Hours in Zellwood Elementary Media Center; 5th .
Grade Class recipients are: M/W - Marc Shollenberger; FIW - Karen Guzman;
M/HM- Anthony Carter: FIHM: - Aspen Cater. CONTACT: Ms. Michele Edenfield
@ 407-884-2258 x2268. Medals & Certificates by Adjutant Jim Fleming.
5. TUESDAY, MAY 24,205 @ 1800 Hours in Auditorium: Lakeview Middle School
[1200 East Bay Street W.G.] Bib Grade Class. Recipients are MIW - Kristopher
Alvarez; F/W - Alexa Gordon; M/HM - Bobby Gammill; F/Htv1- Samantha Luke.
CONTACT: Jim Weis or Robert Ryner @407-877-5010. Medals & Certificates
Presented by Adjutant Jim Fleming.
6. THURDA Y, MAY 26, 2005 @ 0830 Hours in Old Auditorium: Dillard Street
Elementary 5th Grade Class recipients are: M/W - Cole Songer; F/W - Kelly Morgan;
MIHM - Spenser Nampon; F/HM: - Madelyn Bedolla. CONTACT: Kelly Price @
407-884-2258 x2268. Medals & Certificates Presented by Adjutant Jim Fleming.
7. TIIURDA Y, MAY 26, 2005 @ 0900 Hours in Cafeteria: Lake Whitney Elementary
5th Grade Class recipients are: M/W - Christian Ireland; FIW - Elizabeth Shirley;
M/HN - Daniel Greene; F/HM - NatalIa Schneider. CONTACT: Michells Kantor @
407-877~8888 x 445. Medals & Cel1ificates Presented by Historian LaVor Jolm
8. FRIDAY,MAY 27,2005 @ 0930 Hours in Cafeteria@ Tildenville Elementary 5111
Grade Class recipients are:.MIW - Alberto Cruz; F/W - Meghan Phillips;.N.VI-IM-
Garrett Rochell; FIHM ft Michelle Trevino. CONTACT: Becky Milk @ 407-877-
5054 x 450. Medals & Certificates presented by Commander George Engelhardt.
9. FRIDA Y. MAY 27, 2005 @ 0900 HOURS in Cafeteria: Maxey Elementary School
5th Grade recipients are: M/W - Christopher Latclunan; F/W - Markisha Tillman;
MfHIvI- Gan'ett Peterson; FIHM - Tymeu:is Chatman. CONTACT: Ms. Belinda
Davis @ 407-877-5020; Medals & Cel1ificates Presented by Henry Dudley and
Adjutant Jim. Fleming.
10. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2005 @ 1800 hours in Room 101, Windermere Preparatory
School 5th Grade Recipients are:.MIW - Jake Heninger; F/W - Caitlin Han1{ins;
M/HIv( - Alex Hall; FIHlVI - Courtney Sisko. CONTACT: Debra Santostefano @
407-905-7737. Medals & Certificates Presented by Adjutant Jim Fleming.
11. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2005 @ 1930 hours in Room 101, Windelmere PreparatOlY
School 8th Grade Recipients are: M/W - Peter Larson; F/W - Deena Magdy;
MIHM - Kevin Zeck~er; FIHM - Gabrieile Muelle. CONTACT: Debra Santotefano
@ 407-905-7737. Medals & Certificates Presented by Adjutant Jim Fleming.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
ONE FOR W. O. Tl1\1ES.
TO: Ms. Pa1ricia Masciantoni, OCPS ;~~
FROM: James Fleming SR, American Legion Post 6~"'I
The total students in each zip code who received an award from the post 63 for year
2003-2004 & 2004-2005. TIlan!C You.
2. SAIvlP :MEDALS & CERTIFICATES: Seven Elementary [5th Grade] and
Four Middle {8th Grade}classes are participating in year 2006. The cost is
approximately $250.00.
3. YEAR 2005 POST 63's FUTURE EVENTS:[a 1 Post 63 Halloween Haunted
House on October 28,29,30,31,2005, Friday to Monday. [b] Veteran's Day
Ceremony and possible downtown parade to Veteran's Mem01ia1 Park.
Everyone who can carry and American Flag properly can enter and
participate. [c] Veteran of the Month Ceremony, Saturday on September 10,
FINANCE OFFICER: Thursday, September 8,2005
1. Veteran's Money Market Account has a balance of $2567.10
2. Veteran's Emergency Relief Account has a balance of $1,600.46
3. General Fund has a balance of $1,666.92
4. Bingo Account has a balance of $1969.14.
5. Canteen Account If< Cindy is Manager I~ has a balance of$13.79
Post member Ray Johnson $300.00 check was void.and retiuned to Cdr. Check was
written on General account and not on Veteran's relief account. Motion by John
Miles, 2nd by Rachel Newborg, not' to assist Ray Johnson at this time due to
excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks.
1. Status reports on Historic Building Plaque.
James Fleming to contact Steve Loomis is concerning plaque donation.
1. Julian Revels, Room 412 of Health Central Park. Call him at 407-296-1600.
2. Hemy Taynor, Room 513 of Health Central Park, call him at 407-296-1600.
3. Claude Blakeney, Suite 110, Heritage by Lake, Hwy 46, Sanford, fl.
4. Ralph Ray Johnson has cancer is undergoing treatment and need fmancial
assistance, no inslU"ance and V A is slow.
5. Comrade Laud, age 80, had heart surgeon doing well. 60 Years in AL.
POST SERVICE OFFICER REPORT: Given by 1 st Vice Commander.
SGT. - AT - ARMS: Vacant Position
1. Requested a Retreat & Repair letter fl.-om Tenninix prior to paying next year's
Drywood Termite Service Agreement cif $250.00. Did Not receive letter, do
2. Winter Garden's Halloween Party will be on Monday, October 31,2005 in
Historic Downtown Winter Garden. Post 63 Haunted House will be open from
October 28 through October 31, 2005. Post can not be rented from October
24 through November 4, 2005.
~ ~~C(.)
Fl,Inding Cycle: November 2005
For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or
e-mail te/liott@cLocoee.fI.us. .
When completing this application, use only. the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please
remember to complete a Citv of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue ~
check: . .
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Prol!ram Application
Name of Organization:
Alzheimer Resource Center, Inc.
Address of Organization:
1400 N. Semoran Blvd., Suite A, Orlando, FL
Contact person for this application: Nancy Squillac~oti, Executive Director
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime phone number: 407-843-1910 E-mail address: Nancy@alzheimerresourcl
What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the monfW be used for?
ARC would use funding to help conduct a free Support Group once a
month at Summerville Assisted LivIng In Ocoee.'These groups enable
careg1vers/fam~lY members Of those sutterlng rrorn &Lzheimer's d~sease
~o sna:-e expe~lenc7s, ideas and . coping stL clt~g 1~::l. F';llld::l wuu.lJ 'cover .
cl pULtlull uf fd~ll~tdtuL l~~::l, LLdv~l[uL ::l~rv1~e dcllverJahd program
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $ 500 s upp lie e
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project?
What is your organization's primary funding source? Foundations and Cha,ri ties
. . ( 1m.:. tilll t~d WdY)
How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? 53% of
What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Individuals, Civic/
Service Organizations, Program Fees, Fund-raislng events, ~rain Bank
<<esearcn ~ontract, ~roauct ~aLes.
What is your annual budget for this year? $ 494, 102 Last year? $ 470 , 573
'Listthefundraisersyourorganization'holds? "Breakfast of Champions" (fund
raising breakfast), Annual Parrothead Party
Page 2 - Community Merit Awards Application - November 2004 Cycle
* Not Applicable. ARC is not a
* membership organ~zation.
How many five In
How many members does your organization have?
Dcoee? * ,
How many clients does your organization serve?
Dcoee? 58.
'1 , 100
How many live in
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before?
If so, when and what did you apply for?
Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? N/A
Does your organization volunteer in the Dcoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activities do you participate in? SUDDort Groul;>s, Health Fairs, Information/
Referral, Educational Counselinq (throuqh Alzheimer Resource Center)
One of the members of our staff yolunteers throuah the Healina the
Children program.
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community
andhowarethosehourstrackedordocumented? 415 Volunteer hours per year;
ARC tracks them through a volunteer log and data base
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24
months: 98% of care ivers reported that because of ARC's services
they have increased their understandIng of the d sease; 84 reported
that they are more comfortable in theIr care~glving role; and Y6%
Indicated Increased awareness Of communIty resources to aSSIst their
~amllY. . .
Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision:
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your
organization supports this application.
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received
Was Application Received Complete?
If not, Date Application Returned
Form W-g
Request for Taxpayer
Identification Number 'and Certification
Give form to the
requester. Do not
send to the IRS.
(Rev. January 2005)
Department of the Treasury
In1ernal Revenue ServIce
CIi Name (as shown on your Income tax return)
& Alzheimer Resource
a. Business name, If different from above
Gl !
'C .5
~ Orlando FL 32807
~ List account number(s) here (optlonaQ
D Indlvlduall
Check appropriate box: Sole proprietor
Address (number, street, and apt. or suite no.)
1400 N. Semoran Blvd.,
City, state, and ZIP code
tiC] Corporation
Suite A
D Partnership D Other ~
D Exempt from backup
Requester's name and address (optional)
Enter your TIN In the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on Line 1 to avoid
backup withholding. For individuals, this Is your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident
alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Part I instructions on page 3. For other entities, it is
your employer identlflcatlonrlUmber (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a nN on page 3.
Note. If the account Is In more than one name, see the chait on page 4 for guIdelines ori whose number
to enter.
I Social security number
I I + I + I
Under penalties of pe~ury, I certify that:
1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer Identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and
2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all Interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has
notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and
3. I am a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien).
Certiflcetion Instructions. You must cross out Item 2 above If you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup
withholding because you have failed to report all Interest and dividends on your tax return. For real eSlata transactions, Item 2 does not apply.
For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an Individual retirement
arrangement (IRA), and generally, ayments other than Interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the Certification. but you must
provide your correct TIN. (See t tructlo 0 page 4.)
Purpose of Form
A person who is required to f' ea in ormation return with the
IRS, must obtain your correc t ayer identification number
(TIN) to report, for example, income paid to you, real estate
transactions. mortgage Interest you paid, acquisition or
abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, or
contributions you made to an IRA.
U.S. person. Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person
(including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN to the
person requesting It (the requester) and. when applicable, to:
1. Certify that the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are
waiting for a number to be issued),
2. Certify that you are not subject to backup withholding,
3. Claim exemption from backup withholding if you are a
U.S. exempt payee;
Note. If a requester gives you a form other than Form W-9 to
request your TIN, you must use the requester's form if it is
substantially similar to this Form W-9,
For federal tax purposes you are considered a person if you
. An individual who is a citizen or resident of the United
. A partnership, corporation, company. or association
created or organized in the United States or under the laws
of the United States, or
Date ~
. Any estate (other than a foreign estate) or trust. See
Regulations sections 301.7701-6(a) and 7(a) for additional
Foreign person. If you are a'foreign person, do not use
Form W-9. . Instead, use the appropriate Form W-B (see
Publication 515, Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens
and Foreign Entities).
Nonresident alien who becomes a resident alien.
Generally, only a nonresident alien individual may use the
terms of a tax treaty to reduce or eliminate U.S. tax on
certain types of income. However, most tax treaties contain a
provision known as a "saving clause." Exceptions specified
In the saving clause may permit an exemption from tax to
continue for certain types of income even after the recipient
has otherwise become a U.S. resident alien for tax purposes.
If you are a U.S. resident alien who is relying on an
exception contained in the saving clause of a tax treaty to
claim an exemption from U.S. tax on certain types of income,
you must attach a statement to Form W-9 that specifies the
following five items:
1. The treaty country. Generally, this must be the same
treaty under which you claimed exemption from tax as a
nonresident alien.
2. The treaty article addressing the income.
3. The article number (or location) In the tax treaty that
contains the saving clause and its exceptions.
Cat. No. 10231X Form W-9 (Rev. 1-2005)
S. Scott Vandergrift
center of Good L .
<).~e !~~~
Gary Hood, District 1
Scott Anderson, District 2
Rusty Johnson, District 3
Nancy J. Parker, District 4
City Manager
Robert Frank
The City of Ocoee requires the following infonnation for our vendorlbid list. Please complete the following
vendor application in its entirety, along with the attached W-9 form. Return to the Finance Department to
ensure placement on our vendorlbid list or to the requesting department to ensure placement of a pending
order. Note: It Is the vendor's responsibility to keep your account current with the City, please notify the
City of ony subsequent changes to the information furnished below. Your company is subject to removal
from the City's active vendorlbid list if the City does not utilize your company's services within three (3)
Center, Inc.
Name of Business Alzheimer Resource Phone# 407-843-1910
Address 1400 N. Semoran Blvd., Fax# 4U/-jtll-4155
Sui te i\ E-Mail Nancy@alzheimerresourcenter.org
Orlando, FL 32807
Remit to Address
(ifdiflerent) Same As Above
Contact Nancy Squi!1::1Eacioti, Executive Director
City of Ocoee Occupation License #
(Required only for Vendors located within Ocoee City Limits)
'City ofOcoee Registration #
(Required only for Construction Vendors that will be applying for a permit)
Do you accept Purchase Orders? ~r No
Do you accept VISAa!> cards? Yes or @---If yes, what is your Merchant Category Code (MCC
Code)? (This code is assigned by your Visa@ Processing Company)
Are you a member of Demands tar by Onvia@? Yes or No
What City Department will be utilizing your Commodities/Services (if known) Not Known
C d'ti' dJ S . P 'dd Counseling, Support Groups, Education
ommo 1 es an or ervICes rOVl e .
and other caregiver-focused services for families/caregivers of
those with Alzheimer's disease
Note: The City of Ocoee utilizes Demandstar by Onvla@ for automatic bid and quote notifications.
Membership Is not required to register as.o vendor with the City ofOcoee. Nor Is it a requirement to bid on
commodities and services for the City. However, membership is a requirement to receive bid and/or quote
solicitations from the City. We encourage you to learn more about the Demandstar service by calling toll-free
1-800-331-5537, or visiting www.demandstar.com/suDDller. There is a fee for this service. Please visit the
City's BidNendor page at www.ci.ocoee.n.us for more information. Thank you for your interest in doing
business with the City of Ocoee.
Updated' November 2004
City of Ocoee. 150 N Lakeshore Drive' Ocoee, Florida 34761
phone: (407) 905-3100' fax: (407) 656-8504' www.ci.ocoee.fl.us
{ f
Center, Inc.
1400 N. SemoranBlvd.
Suite A
Orlando, FL 32807
(407) 843-1910
(800) 330-1910
Fax: (407) 381-4155
www.AlzhelmerResourceCentcr.orll .
Board of Directors
Leslio ElIls, Ph.D.
Jim Salvago
VI., Prllltllnt
Doniso Cullon
Luis G. Allen, MD
Joy Block
Tanya Burns, LUTCF
Pat Galloway
Botsy McKeeby, RN
John VonLangen
Nancy Squillacloti
&oculi.. Dlnc/or
Susan Bush, MA Gerontology. CVT
FIl71lIIy S.M.II ComuIlanI
Jerry Hamilton
Family 8'",/.11 Sup,_
Leslie Koonce
OffICI Man.,,,.
Jennifer Purdy
CommuI1lcatlonJ/ D1td /t>oclDl 8..01.
Martha Purdy, LCSW,ACSW
Brolo BankSp,c/aJ/a1
Ron St. John
llIfol'mollDll D1td Rrftrrol Sp"loUaI
November 15, 2005
Mr. Robert Frank, City Manager
150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
Dear Mr. Frank:
We appreciate the opportunity to submit this request for support from
the City of Ocoee.
The mission of Alzheimer Resource Center is to strive to lighten the
burden and improve the quality of life for families devastated by
Alzheimer's disease through counseling, support services, research and
hope. We would value a partnership with the City of Ocoee in helping
us meet the needs of the often forgotten victim of Alzheimer's disease -
the caregiver.
Our request is for a $500 grant to be used to help fund a monthly
Support Group for caregivers which is held at Summerville Assisted
Living in Ocoee. Alzheimer's is an insidious disease that ravages not
only the patient, but also the entire family and communities of friends.
We know that families can more successfully navigate their journey with
the help of our Support Groups and other programs.
We thank the. City of Ocoee for considering our funding request. With
your help we can continue to provide II a lifeline for the family today, and
hope for the families of tomorrow" for those with loved ones suffering
from this devastating disease. Please feel free to contact meat 407=8437
1910 shaul you need any further information.
11-1 6-05P01 : 37 RCVD
A member ogenoy of
A life line for the family today. Hopejor thefamiZll of tomorrow.
Q~ '000
Funding Cycle: November 2005
For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or
e-mail telliott@cLocoee.f1.us.
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please
remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
Citv of Ocoee Communitv Merit Awards Prol!ram Application
Name OfOrganlzation:~'I DC''')u.:t 1roo p jq'(
Address of Organization: f.o . 601- '1'') i.J CJ (' 0 eR.. f t., 3 LJ ') v I
Contact person for this ap~lication: ~OOD J-e t1dQ...... f c9 ~ob.QrI-.s-
(The contact member must pe a member of th'B organization.)
Daytime phone number E-mail address: . .
40')'/o'SlP' &8 ~ LID') .Ljyq ':d-:9 ")Cj '.(A~-(( 0 13[: i.. 7$ @) YAHoo .(om
What are you seelfrng grant money for? What specifically will the money' be used for?
-(0 .5ej!)~ boys to SlAi'Y\('rqlr CCAIV\P +~a..k C~" {)(..~. o..flfo'rJ... ro ~tJ,
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award Is $500.)
We c)., (e.. l^ e q, v'--'~.:> 1- {~ 4t> 600 o~
Is your organlzatii:Jn gettinrr funding from any other source for this specific project?
How many clients does your organization serve?
j ~ bot-')
What is your organization's primary fundinfJ source?
~'^^,\ (',....\~.. ^5 ~_c,...r Wf:\~h, y6. oJ S",' tll Pop e'or t'\ 5....1.e.'!); Co.",Jy b",,... s*'\1..R.~. (Y\i!to:' I
How much moneY/does your organization receive from this source each year? Ra Ll-lo,I t ^()
-C)- .
What other .s~urces of revenue does your organization have?
~ V\ ('\ J Ro.. \ ~ ~ .. !'\~_
What is your annual budget fOM-his year? J SID 0 0 ~ Last year? / 3 J 000 0 ~
Li~t t~~~ug!j[aisers y~UJo~f8.alnizatlon ~olld~~OOo~ t. .~'1.1Do on
C,...rWq,shQ~, Yc..("(J'-~o.......D.Sl, rY\.e'l"\ t\T{Cva.. IJ'\() '....
How many members does your organization have? How many live in Ocoee?
11.0 Do '15., 0 \\iv.lh' J ~bv1S 10 P)V\/-b~
How many live In Ocoee? j_
14. /!) AJ 1-\/ rs
Page 2 - Community Merit Awards Application - November 2004 Cycle
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before?
If so, when and what did you apply for?
Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? -e....
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activities ~o you part!cip.ate In? Ye,S I "'-:: "0115 c..llA.b .( IAr~Y.5h.O"~j 1I"l/o"'tJ~<..V\~/o..\...~rk
~o LA. .t 11\c. [0 r fo (."i'(Y go cvl fZo..c. /L.;S C\.+ .sf",,-....k ,,, k.D. I c.l.f' c\" \ f\ ~ tAp a.~,.... 10.. ~J V.Qott!J::i
How many y~rly voluntee/hours does your organization contribute to the community H(.(f"iCli'll.
and how are those hours tracked or documented?
!loo", 0 v... r-s. -r~o~ c:\h 1 Ar't}t..r Ot j a.. 0 iZI\+.o(\S .fi...J vH. htd p_ o.....J (J,.f'< 0...... r") rQ CC1'e~.
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved In the past
24 months: rIA 1'\ J f.a...,\',>~ $<1, DCc Of!. 1-0 Se r\ J bO'l5 '/'0 .$ ~(Wo.Mf r C'eI ""f'. "
.!) boy 5" v.:>1v,'Q. ?/A II p~ ieJ po!" C\+~~ heys p~ 1 J.. ~OD~f"C'" o~l 0+ ill I OO<lr' f" 1}4 /'0 \If
Please include any other pertinent Information about your organization or this specific Cd
grant request that you feel would help the City in making Its decision:
1~ocp It:ff I'::>.fht 6(J.e~+ boy.sc.tJ,,,,l-r~cp 1'" OCOQli!.. \..0 ;+^ ~J f:3ie Sc.o,^~s$O FaR,
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verity that your
organization supports this application.
-t" r r",^" <& t-. S. oS Boy s, o.J lro,)p 1'1 \( b.> (~d [v. (l ~ C6Mm I hu.
/Y) Q VII\. ~I" ~o f\o OJ" by d " J'"e. SC-lf/)o,t ~'.rh. _ IJ . J_
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~l'd~ ci. hL,~KJ~~ (~
Lf (X') . 8') 7 "0.)79 pf
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received
Was Application Received Complete?
If not, Date Application Returned
1//8~ I~~~
, !
3;L(s//h g m~,
Community Service Hours
Sat. Oct. 8
Turkey shoot @West Orange Girls club
8 boys 2 leaders 8.30 am. -4 pm.
Fri-Sat. Oct 21..22 Fri. 6 Pm. Working Halloween pa-rty @ park
All boys 5pm. -9.30 pm.
Sat. Working Turkey shoot @ West Orange Girls club
8 boys 2 leaders 8.30 am. -4 pm. I
Sat. Nov. 5th. Turkey shoot West Orange Girls Club
8 boys 2 leaders 8.30 am. -4 pm.
.5 COlA~';' d ~or (.~CJc9 ~ fc ~ - uf. :;2-I.Qc.. (,~f'$ - ~ ~y5' 73~ ~ J\}OoN .
Nov. 12th Turkey shoot @ West Orange Girls club
8 boys 2 leaders 8.30 am. -4 pm.
Dec. 10th Turkey shoot @ West Orange Girls club
8 boys 2 leaders 8.30 am. -4 pm. .
Doc",..!- r ~ t'~)) .
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City Managgr
Robert Frank
Gary Hood, District 1
Scott Andel'son, District 2
Rusty Johnson, District 3
Nancy J. Parker, District 4
S. Scott Vandergrift
The City of Ocoee requires the following information for our vendorlbid llst. Please complete the following
vendor application in its entirety, along with the attached W-9 form. Return to the Finance Department to
ensure placement on our vendor/bid list or to the requesting department to ensure placement of a pending
order. Note: It is the vendor's responsibility to keep your account current with the City, please notify the
City of any subsequent changes to the information furnished below. Your company is subject to removal
from the City's active vendor/bid list if the City does not utilize your company's services within three (3)
Name of Business &').} 5c (;> ,./I"J ~- 0'000 I Crx
Address V --V . B 0) '? 11.) .
0(0 eJL H .3> (('] u I cO .,.,.
Remit to Address
(if different) I
Contact f q
City of Ocoee Occupation License #
(Required only for Vendors located within Ocoee City Limits)
~. l,0 " ~ l ~ ~G?\,( t ^J-
I r"\ Lu. '1 . 0-:> \' t~
Y\ It 0 r M...c>\.t t' (),,\ 0."\
j' t
~-:M2 J
f{ 0 b.e tr.ts
City of Ocoee Registration #
(Required only for Construction Vendors that will be applying for a permit)
Do you accept Purchase Orders? Yes or No
Do you accept VISA@ cards? Yes or No ---If yes, what is your Merchant Category Code (MCC
Code)? (This code is assigned by your Visa@Processing Company)
Are you a member of Demands tar by Onvia@? Yes or No
What City Department will be utilizing your Commodities/Services (ifknown)
Commodities and/or Services Provided
Note: The City of Ocoee utilizes Demandstar by Onvia@ for automatic bid and quote notifications.
Membership is not required to register as a vendor with the City of Ocoee. Nor is it a requirement to bid on
commodities and services for the City. However, membership is a requirement to receive bid and/or quote
solicitations from the City. We encourage you to learn more about the Demandstar service by calling toll-free
1-800-331-5537, or visiting WW\Y.QW.l!!!illstllr.com/supJ!li~.r. There is a fee for this service. Please visit the
City's BidNendor page at lVW:l:V.C.i.o~Q~~~n!!!.s. for more information. Thank you for your interest in doing
business with the City of Ocoee. .
City of Oeoee . 150 N Lakeshore Drive. Oeoee, Florida 34761
phone: (407) 905-3100. fax: (407) 656-8504. www.eLocoee.f1.us
Form W-9 (Rev. 1-2005)
Page 2
4. The type and amount of Income that qualifies for the
exemption from tax.
5. Sufficient facts to justify the exemption from tax under
the terms of the treaty article.
Example. Article 20 of the U.S.-China Income tax treaty
allows an exemption from tax for scholarship Income
received by a Chinese student temporarily present In the
United States. Under U.S. law, this student will become a
resident alien for tax purposes If his or her stay In the United
States exceeds 5 calendar years. However, paragraph 2 of
the first Protocol to the U.S.-China treaty (dated April 3D,
1984) allows the provisions of Article 20 to continue to apply
even after the Chinese student becomes a resident alien of
the United States. A Chinese student who qualifies for this
exception (under paragraph 2 of the first protoco~ and Is
relying on this exception to claim an exemption from tax on
his or her scholarship or fellowship Income would attach to
Form W-9 a statement that Includes the Information
described above to support that exemption.
If you are a nonresident alien or a foreign entity not subject
to backup withholding, give the requester the appropriate
completed Form W-8.
What Is backup withholding? Persons making certain
payments to you must under certain conditions withhold and
pay to the IRS 28% of such payments (after December 31,
2002). This Is called "backup withholding." Payments that
may be subject to backup withholding Include Interest,
dividends, broker and barter exchange transactions, rents,
royalties, nonemployee pay, and certain payments from
fishing boat operators. Real estate transactions are not
subject to backup withholding.
You will not be subject to backup withholding on payments
you receive If you give the requester your correct TIN, make
the proper certifications, and report all your taxable Interest
and dividends on your tax return.
Payments you receive will be subject to backup
withholding if:
1. You do not furnish your TIN to the requester, or
2. You do not certify your TIN when required (see the Part
II Instructions on page 4 for details), or
3. The IRS tells the requester that you furnished an
Incorrect TIN, or
4. The IRS tells you that you are subject to backup
withholding because you did not report all your interest and
dividends on your tax return (for reportable interest and
dividends only), or
5. You do not certify to the requester that you are not
subject to backup withholding under 4 above (for reportable
Interest and dividend accounts opened after 1983 only).
Certain payees and payments are exempt from backup
withholding. See the Instructions below and the separate
Instructions for the Requester of Form W-9.
Failure to furnish TIN. If you fall to furnish your correct TIN
to a requester, you are subject to a penalty of $50 for each
such failure unless your failure Is due to reasonable cause
and not to willful neglect.
Civil penalty for false Information with respect to
withholding. If you make a false statement with no
reasonable basis that results In no backup withholding, you
are subject to a $500 penalty.
Criminal penalty for falsifying Information. Willfully
falsifying certifications or affirmations may subject you to
criminal penalties Including fines and/or Imprisonment.
Misuse of TINs. If the requester discloses or uses TINs In
violation of federal law, the requester may be subject to civil
and criminal penalties.
Specific Instructions
If you are an Individual, you must generally enter the name
shown on your social security card. However, if you have
changed your last name, for Instance, due to marriage
without Informing the Social Security Administration of the
name change, enter your first name, the last name shown on
your social security card, and your new last name.
If the account Is In Joint names, list first, and then circle,
the name of the person or entity whose number you entered
In Part I of the form.
Sole proprietor. Enter your individual name as shown on
your social security card on the "Name" line. You may enter
your business, trade, or "doing business as (DBA)" name on
the "Business name" line.
Limited liability company (LLC). If you are a single-member
LLC (Including a foreign LLC with a domestic owner) that is
disregarded as an entity separate from Its owner under
Treasury regulations section 301.7701-3, enter the owner's
name on the "Name" line. Enter the LLC's name on the
"Business name" line. Check the appropriate box for your
filing status (sole proprietor, corporation, etc.), then check
the box for "Other" and enter "LLC" In the space provided.
Other entities. Enter your business name as shown on
required Federal tax documents on the "Name" line. This
name should match the name shown on the charter or other
legal document creating the entity. You may enter any
business, trade, or DBA name on the "Business name" line.
Note. You are requested to check the appropriate box for
your status (Individual/sole proprietor, corporation, etc.).
Exempt From Backup Withholding
If you are exempt, enter your name as described above and
check the appropriate box for your status, then check the
"~xempt from backup withholding" box In the line following
the business name, sign and date the form.
Generally, Individuals (Including sole proprietors) are not
exempt from backup withholding. Corporations are exempt
from backup withholding for certain payments, such as
Interest and dividends.
Note. If you are exempt from backup withholding, you
should stili complete this form to avoid possible erroneous
backup withholding.
Exempt payees. Backup withholding Is not required on any
payments made to the following payees:
1. An organization exempt from tax under section 501 (a),
any IRA, or a custodial account under section 403(b)(7) if the
account satisfies the requirements of section 401(n(2),
2. The United States or any of Its agencies or
3. A state, the District of Columbia, a possession of the
United States, or any of their political subdivisions or
4. A foreign govemment or any of Its political subdivisions,
agencies, or Instrumentalities, or
5. An International organization or any of Its agencies or
Other payees that may be exempt from backup
withholding include:
6. A corporation,
Form W-9 (Rev. 1-2005)
7. A foreign central bank of Issue,
8. A dealer In securities or commodities required to register
In the United States, the District of Columbia, or a
possession of the United States,
9. A futures commission merchant registered with the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission,
10. A real estate Investment trust,
11. An entity registered at all times during the tax year
under the Investment Company Act of 1940,
12. A common trust fund operated by a bank under
section 584(a),
13. A financial Institution,
14. A middleman known in the investment community as a
nominee or custodian, or \
15. A trust exempt from tax under section 664 or
described In section 4947.
The chart below shows types of payments that may be
exempt from backup withholding. The chart applies to the
exempt recipients listed above, 1 through 15.
IF the payment 18 for, . .
THEN the payment is exempt
for.. .
Interest and dividend payments
All exempt recipients except
for 9
Broker transactions
Exempt recipients 1 through 13.
Also, a person registered under
the Investment Advisers Act of
1940 who regularly acts as a
Barter exchange transactions
and patronage dividends
Exempt recipients 1 through 5
Payments over $600 required
to be reported and direct
sales over $5,000 1
Generally, exempt recipients
1 through 7'
'See Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income, and ~s Instructions.
'However, the following payments made to a corporation (Including gross
proceeds paid to an ettomey under section 6045(1), even If the attorney Is a
corporation) and reportable on Form 109B-MISe are not exempt from
backup w~hholdlng: medical and health care payments, attorneys' fees; and
payments for services paid by a Federal executive agency.
Page 3
Part I. Taxpayer Identification
Number (TIN)
Enter your TIN In the approprIate box. If you are a resident
alien and you do not have ana are not eligible to get an SSN,
your TIN is your IRS Individual taxpayer Identification number
(ITIN). Enter It In the social security number box. If you do
not have an ITIN, see How to get a TIN below.
If you are a sole proprietor and you have an EIN, you may
enter either your SSN or EIN. However, the IRS prefers that
you use your SSN.
If you are a single-owner LLC that Is disregarded as an
entity separate from Its owner (see Limited liability company
(LLC) on page 2), enter your SSN (or EIN, If you have one). If
the LLC Is a corporation, partnership, etc., enter the entity's
Note. See the chart on page 4 for further clarification of
name and TIN combinations.
How to get a TIN. If you do not have a TIN, apply for one
Immediately. To apply for an SSN, get Form SS-5,
Application for a Social Security Card, from your local Social
Security Administration office or get this form online at
www.socla/security.govlonline/ss-5.pdf. You may also get this
form by calling 1-800-772-1213. Use Form W-7, Application
for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, to apply
for an ITIN, or Form 8S-4, Application for Employer
Identification Number, to apply for an EIN. You can apply for
an EIN online by accessing the IRS webslte at
www./rs.govlbus/nesses/ and clicking on Employer ID
Numbers under Related Topics. You can get Forms W-7 and
S8-4 from the IRS by visiting www.lrs.gov or by calling
1-800- TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676).
If you are asked to complete Form W-9 but do not have a
TIN, write "Applied For" In the space for the TIN, sign and
date the form, and give It to the requester. For Interest and
dividend payments, and certain payments made with respect
to readily tradable Instruments, generally you will have 60
days to get a TIN and give It to the requester before you are
subject to backup Withholding on payments. The 60-day rule
does not apply to other types of payments. You will be
subject to backup withholding on all such payments until you
provide your TIN to the requester.
Note. Writing "Applied For" means that you have already
applied for a TIN or that you Intend to apply for one soon.
CautIon: A disregarded domestic entity that has a foreign
owner must use the appropriate Form W-8.
Form W-9 (Rev, 1-2005)
Pege 4
Part II. Certification
To establish to the withholding agent that you are a U.S.
person, or resident alien, sign Form W-9. You may be
requested to sign by the withholding agent even If Items 1, 4,
and 5 below Indicate otherwise.
For a joint account, only the person whose TIN Is shown In
Part I should sign (when required). Exempt recipients, see
Exempt From Backup Withholding on page 2.
Signature requirements. Complete the certification as
indicated In 1 through 5 below.
1. Interest, dividend, and barter exchange accounts
opened before 1984 and broker accounts considered
active during 1983. You must give your correct TIN, but you
do not have to sign the certification.
2. Interest, dividend, broker, and barter exchange
accounts opened after 1983 and broker accounts
considered Inactive during 1983. You must sign the
certification or backup withholding will apply. If you are
subject to backup withholding and you are merely providing
your correct TIN to the requester, you must cross out Item 2
In the certification before signing the form.
3. Real estate transactions. You must sign the
certification. You may cross out Item 2 of the certification.
4. Other payments. You must give your correct TIN, but
you do not have to sign the certification unless you have
been notified that you have previously given an Incorrect TIN.
"Other payments" Include payments made in the course of
the requester's trade or business for rents, royalties, goods
(other than bills for merchandise), medical and health care
services (Including payments to corporations), payments to a
nonemployee for services, payments to certain fishing boat
crew members and fishermen, and gross proceeds paid to
attorneys (Including. payments to corporations).
5. Mortgage Interest paid by you, scquisltlon or
abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt,
qualified tuition program payments (under section 529),
IRA, Coverdell ESA, Archer MSA or HSA contributions or
distributions, and pension distributions. You must give
your correct TIN, but you do not have to sign the
What Nam~ and Number To Give the
For this tyoe of "ccount:
1. Individual
2. Two or more Individuals Oolnt
3. Custodian account of a minor
(Uniform Gift to Minors Act)
4. a. The usual revocable
savings trust (grantor Is
also trustee)
b. So-called trust account
that Is not a legal or valid
trust under state law
5. Sole proprietorship or
single-owner LLC
For this type of "ccount:
6. Sole proprietorship or
single-owner LLC
7. A valid trust, estate. or
pension trust
8. Corporate or LLC electing
corporate status on Form
9. Association, club, religious,
charitable, educational, or
other tax-exempt organization
10. Partnership or multi-member
11. A broker or registered
12. Account with the Department
of Agriculture In the name of
a public ,entity (such as a
state or local government.
school district. or prison) that
receives agricultural program
Glv" name "nd SSN of:
The individual
The actual owner of the account
or, If combined funds, the first
Individual on the account 1
The minor ·
The grantor-trustee 1
The actual owner 1
The owner 3
Give n"me and EIN of:
The owner 3
Legal entity 4
The corporation
The organization
The partnership
The broker or nominee
The public entity
1 List first and circle the name of the parson whoee number you furnish. If
only one person on a Joint account has an SSN, that person's number must
ba furnished.
Circle the minor's name and furnish the minor's SSN.
'You must show your Individual neme and you may also enter your business
or "DBA" name on the second name line. You may use either your SSN or
EIN (If you have one). If you "re a sole proprietor, IRS encourages you to
use your SSN.
. List first and circle the name cf the I"gal trust, estate, or pension trust. (Do
not furnish the TIN of the personal repreaentatlve or trustee unless the legal
entfty nsalf Is not deslgneted In the e.ccoun1 title.)
Note. If no name Is circled when more than one name Is
listed, the number will be considered to be that of the first
name listed.
Privacy Act Notice
Section 6109 of the Intemal Revenue Code requires you to provide your correct TIN to persons who must file Information returns
with the IRS to report Interest, dividends, and certain other Income paid to you, mortgage Interest you paid, the acqulsitlon or
abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, or contributions you made to an IRA, or Archer MSA or HSA. The IRS
uses the numbers for Identification purposes and to help verify the accuracy of your tax return. The IRS may also provide this
information to the Department of Justice for civil and criminal litigation, and to cities, states, and the District of Columbia to carry
out their tax laws. We may also disclose this Information to other countries under a tax treaty, to federal and state agencies to
enforce federal nontax crlrnlnallaws, or to federal law enforcement and Intelligence agencies to combat terrorism.
. You must provide your TIN whether or not you are required to file a tax return. Payers must generally withhold 28% of taxable
Interest. dividend, and certain other payments to a payee who does not give a TIN to a payer. Certain penalties may also apply.
ctppr ~ 'Sav
'j) .
/~ 11/.;l3/oj-
/0, 'sCJ4/J!
Funding Cycle: November 2005 .
For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407)
905-3109 or a-mail telliott@cLocoee.f1.us.
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only
, attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or
letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will
not be able to Issue a check.
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Application
Name of Organization: Ocoee Elementarv Literacv Committee
Address of Organization: 400 South Lakewood Avenue
Ocoee. Florida 34761
Contact person for this application: (The contact member must be a member
of the organization.)
Dian HooDer CRT .
Daytime phone number: (407) 877-5027 ext: 224 E-mail address:
What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be
used for? .
Materials for our students to integrate technology and literacy by publishing hard
cover books. This district has purchased the site license for the software and
training. Our media and technology specialists will instruct students to write
stories, poetry, autobiographies, journals, field trip memory books, legacy books,
photo journals, etc. through our existing word processing and power point
programs. We need money to cover the initial purchase of the covers, binding
papers and strips.
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is
$500.) $500.00
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this spec/flc
The district is Drovidino funds for the site license, software and staff trainina.
What is your organization's primary funding source?
How much money does your organization receive from this source each
year? None for this project, however we have received various grants for other
projects, such as summer school. '
What other sources of revenue does your organization have? None
What Is your annual budget for this year?$O.OO Last year? $0.00
List the fundra/sers your organization holds? Scholastic Book Fair- to
purchase Librarv books. This will turn into a fundraiser for the Durchase of future
bookswill be Daid for throuah the sale of the books the children make.
Page 2 - Community Merit Awards Application - November 2004 Cycle
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received
Was Application Received Complete?
Ifnot, Date Application Returned
How many members doss your organization have? 11.How many live in
Ocoee? Z
How many clients does your organization serve? 675 How many live In
Ocoee? 675
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Y~s
If so, when and what did you apply for?
November 2003 -books for Literacy Breakfast. November 2004- Citizenship
DVD's for the Media Center. April 2005- summer literacy proaram.
Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive?
Yes. $500.00
Does your organization volunteer In the Ocoee community? Yes If yes,
what volunteer activities do you participate In? Founder's Day. Boy Scouts.
Book Clubs. before and after school tutorina. clean-up club. Junior Achievement.
. Read to Succeed. Teach-In. monthly Info-breakfasts
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the
community 150,000 and how are those hours tracked or documented?
computer sign in
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in
the past 24 months: We were awarded an "A" for the 4th consecutive year and
made Annual Yearly Progress in each of our subgroups. Our students test
scores continue to improve in all areas.
Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or
this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its
decision: This Year. in addition to readina and math. we werereauired to submit
a writina plan (attached) to our district administrator. As part of that plan. we
have aaoal for students to publish work. . These materials will enable us to meet
this writina a6al.
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your
organization supports this application.
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Literacy Meeting Notes
Isabel Chipungu-Media Specialist
Dian Hooper-CRT
Sandra Conner-Kindergarten teacher
Bonnie Stanley-I st grade teacher
Kathy Hennesman-3rd grade teacher
Madonna Scime-4th grade teacher
Richard Godsell-Sth grade teacher
Christine Payne- Reading Specialist
Tammy Lundman- Technology Specialist
I. We discussed PCA T writing rubric literacy breakfast.
Each grade level is in the process of developing a student rubric to assist students with
writing goals. The purpose of the January breakfast will be to explain rubrics to parents.
· Each grade level will give a short presentation of grade level specific rubrics
· We will present in grade level order to demonstrate the scaffolding of skills from
one grade level to another.
. Grades 3-4 will have the same rubric, so teachers will further demonstrate how
the rubric score is used to develop learning goals for future writing.
2. Tammy Lundman requested funds to provide the multi-media with publishing
materials for Create-a-book. Mrs. Hooper reported that no funds were available to
purchase those materials and suggested we write a grant request to the City of Ocoee to
provide the Literacy Committee with $500.00 to make those purchases.
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Funding Cycle: November 2005
~. <& 00
For more .information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or
e-mail telliott@ci.ocoee.f1.us. '
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or I~tter). Please
remember to comolete a Citv of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
Citv of Ocoee Communitv Merit Awards Pro!!ram Application
Name of Organization: 0 eoee 1-h3 h . 'SchDO )J2D se b:Lu.. 'T e.a....rY'\
Address of Organization: J q ~ 5 ()r DO 0 CA.o.t u....'l Po lOrd" Rx..K kttJ~ee.
Contact person for this application: EYre fp.-in:.... ~- J-.tt? () ~ Cnoch
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime phone number: L.j01- J 5 ~ .~~ '75 Y_ E-mail address:~e.ILe4).Ocf<;.ne..t
What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for?
~$1?Ocl~ -SO/, ~~~ ~':~r::1;:;r~
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $ Sac. co
Is your organization getting funding from any other sourc~ for this specific project?
fU) I ~ {Li"\,.L Vt...Q:t::.
What is your organization's primary funding source? +" clh~
How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? ti a...
. lUW 5eJLO
What other sources of revenue does your organization have?
(Lo.,1A a ;bnvL os ti. \ro.lLL-~LW Jt..6.Y
What is your annual budget for this year? no ~tj:lh N.IA.J Last year?
List the fundraisers your organization holds? ~ .-/o..t...u\..,(1lLvY10 AX-.
......Lk~t ~VVl(.. ~ ('I1A'''-- IAJfl...l:l-h. D I
r. leu
~ /)i;:S-
fiIPJ cf' /..5- /Jit(
Page 2 - Community Merit Awards Application - November 2001 Cycle
35 pic.Ll;jtALI
How many members does your organization have? 7 (./)Qcfu.>!1->- How many live in
Ocoee? a...Ll '6A.+tlLvn toO<'lO
How many clients does your organization serve? tJw k.. How many live in
Ocoee? tOc)t5Jo C.orYlmI.UL~"J
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? M
If so, when and what did you apply for?
Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? (l J Cl..J
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activities do you participate in? V ~.h uJ"().JV2., fA .sclLO.-CLf1
orhvlruA.ol- ~lAJu-~ ~..l'I.LLi'UL
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community
and how are those hours tracked or. do~umented? ~ h..ouA..fi. a 7::1) ~ cu
/.u...uLk.. )( '1 c'OQ.cJu..o..-. E{ a.. fY\...UUfV\.Lu-n ~ '10 ~ .
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24
months: ~d ~ ~ M lL. ~ s~ IJJ.I. _ (to IULt'J An I .l.L
if;;;f~. :~k::O:~'~~~~1 T?~'
r,t1::) % OUJfLl --U'L (} ^ {i~'p cXf' _~. rvlP t .
Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: . ,0.0 '-/0
. .
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received
Was Application Received Complete? ..
Ifnot, Date Application Returned
Form W-9
(Rev. January 2003)
Departmont 01 tho TIIlIl"''Y
Inletne! Revenuo Service
...; NlIma
[ Buslnass nama. II different Irom above
J City. slele. and ZIP cOda
31 List IICCllunt number(s) hera (opIIDlla~
Request for Taxpayer
Identification Number and Certification
OCOEE, FL 34761
O IndlvlduaV
Cheek approprtate boxl Solll proprIetor
Addrass (number. street, end IIPL or Bulle no,)
o Corporation
Give form to the
requester. Do not
sBnd to the IRS.
o Pertnershlp ~Olher ~ -~~~.~l.....
O Exempl from backup
Requester's nama and address (Optional)
Enter your TIN In the appropriate box. For Individuals, this Is your soclel security number (SSN),
Howovor, for a resident allen, sole proprietor, or dlsregerded emity, see tho Part I instructions on
page 3. For other enlllles, It Is your employer Identlficetlon nLllTlbar (EIN). If you do not have a number.
see How to get a TIN on page 3.
Noto: If the account Is In more than one name, see eM cllart on pagEl 4 ror gUIClel/nEls on whose numlJer
to enter,
Under penalties of perjury, I certIfy that:
1. The number shown on this form Is my correct taxpayer Identincatlon number (or lam waiting for a number to be Issued to me), and
2. I am not subject 10 backup withholding because: (a) I am exompt rrom backup wlthholdlng, or (b) I have not been notlned by the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup wfthholdlng 8S a result of a failure to report all Interest or divIdends. or (e) the IRS has
notified me that I am no longer suQlectto backup withholding. and
3. lam a U.S. person Oncludlng a U.S. resIdent alien).
Certification Instrucllons. You must cross out Item 2 above If you have bean notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup
withholdIng because you have failed to raport alllnterost and diVidendS on your tax return. For reel estate transeCtlons, Item 2 does not apply.
Formortgage Interest paid. acquisition or abandonment of secured property. cancellation of debt, contributiOns to an Individual retirement
arrangement (IRA), and generally. payments other than Interest and divIdends, you are not requIred to sign the Certification. but you must
provide your correct TIN, (See the Instructions on page 4,)
Here Datil ~ I) - I ~ - 0 oS
Purpose of Form
A person who Is required to me an Information return wIth
the IRS, must obtain your correct taxpayer Identification
number (TIN) to report, for example, Income paid to you. real
estate .transactlons. mortgage Interest you paid, acquisItion
or abandonment of secured property. cancellation of debt, or
contributIons you made to an IRA.
U.S. person. Use Form W-9 only If you are a U.S. person
Qncludfng a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN to the
person requesting It (the requester) and. when applicable, to:
1. Certify that the TIN you ere giving Is correct (or you arB
waIting for a number to be Issued),
2. Certify that you are not subject to backup Withholding.
3. Claim exemption from backup withholding If you are a
U.S. exempt peyee.
Note: If B requester gives you 8 form other than Form W.9
to request your TfN, you must use tho requester's (orm " It Is
substantially similar to this Form W.9.
Foreign person. If you are a foreign person, use the
approprIate Form W.O (see Pub. 515, Withholding of Tax on
Nonresident Aliens and ForeIgn Entitles).
Cat. No. 10231X
Nonresident alien who becomes a resIdent alien.
Generally, only a nonresident alien Individual may use the
terms of a taX treaty to reduce or eliminate U.S. tax on
certain types of Income. However, most taX treaties contaIn a
provision known as II .sevlng clause." ExceptIons specified
In the saving clause may permit an exemption from tax to
continue for certain types of Income even efter the recipient
has otherwise become a U,S. resident alien for talC purposes.
If you are a U.S. resident alien who Is relying an an
exception contained In the savIng clause of a tax treaty to
claim an exemptIon from U.S. tax on certain types of income,
you must attach a statement that specltles the follOWing five
1. The treaty country. Generally, this must be the same
treaty under which you claimed exemption from tax as a
nonresident alien.
2. The treaty artlcle addressing the Income.
3. The arUcle number (or location) In the tax treaty that
contains the saving clause and Its exceptions.
4. The type and amount or Income that qualifIes for me
exemption from tax.
5. Sufficient facts to Justify the exemption from tax under
the terms of the treaty article.
Form W.& (Rev. 1-2003)
Ocoee High School
Athletic Booster Meeting
October 11, 2005
1. Disney Golf Tournament discussed. We still need 5 volunteers to work on Friday
October 21 st and Saturday October 22nd. Please call Donnie 407-948-0804 if you are
able to help out with these days.
Baseball parents/coaches have been the only sport to step up and help out with this golf
tournament. Only a few coaches have signed up to work but only on Saturday and
Sunday. Some coaches would like to work other days if they can get out of school on
Thursday or Friday.
Bill Chambers will check with Mike Armbruster on how to split up the money between
each sport and the general athletic fund.
2. Thursday, October 13,2005 Channel 13 will feature Ocoee High School Football as
the game ofthe week.
3. Tonight the cheerleaders are at Sun State Ford for a special fundraiser with K92. The
school with the most supporters there will get $750.00.
4. The baseball team has been working on field preparation. Last week the team put
down 8 or 9 pallets of sod. Thank you to all of those who helped.
5. Officers for the Athletic Boosters are as follows:
President-Pat Buckles
Vice President-David Simpson
Treasurer-Barbara Simpson
Secretary-Kim Hendrixson
Karen Flannigan will be in charge of the Diamond girls (yes, we need a new name).
During the nominations Scott Tidmus nominated David Simpson as Pr;sident and 2nd by
Joe Stinnett. David said he would rather not accept this position. Scott amended his
nomination of David and nominated Pat Buckles (which he graciously accepted) and
nominated David Simpson as Vice President the rest is history.
6. We need to think of some ways to run the concession stand at the basketball games.
Mr. McFarland spoke on how the band does it. But at the basketball games there is "NO
FOOD IN THE GYM". Winter concession will be for basketball and soccer, for both
junior varsity and varsity.
Mr. McFarland said to call Papa Johns,' tell them you are from Ocoee High School and
they will sell you a pizza for $ 6.00 and then sell it for $1.50 a slice.
7. Need someone with a CDL license to drive the activity bus. It pays $20.00 an hour.
8. We need copies of the bylaws at the next meeting.
9. Suggestion to sell t-shirts at the home games. We have 2 different types $15.00 and
$20.00. We also have hats for $12.00 and license plates for $6.00. Laura Keller has
them and Bill Chambers wanted to have some in his office to sell.
10. Meeting Tuesday October 18th, 2005 at 700 pm to discuss the last minute details of
the golf tournament.
11. Discussed doing the Community Merit Award Grant for the baseball team. Everyone
was in agreement to do.it. Kim Hendrixson will take care of getting this done and
turning it in before the deadline.
Funding Cycle: November 2005
For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or
e-mail telliott@ci.ocoee.f1.us.
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please
remember to comolete a Citv of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
Citv of Ocoee Communitv Merit Awards Prol!ram Aoolication
Name of Organization: .OCO€e t-k'Sh ScAm I w u11er ~(d.
, +- ~ ~ &~ fL :,l()l.,(
Address of Organization: I Cfz) (}C.o<e Cr()LU "" Po, ~ .i-u.r \";"''1'
Contact person for this application: Co-rrl:e . &;)(
(The contact member must be B member of the organization.)
tJ 7 ~ /1_ /1" rl,..., c 1'<1"'1. +(.u,S
Daytime phone numberlD 'iVS 3tcO . E-mail address: L-V"'v~ I[;v<-f':>'
What. are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money b~ used for?
W\lI\t:e.r 6=-~~ i<;.. ,ct. ColV\ p~+t-\'loh bqs~J iV1c:l~(H' ..plG\.i +eG..U"r t-~+ CoI1r-J1r2+(lJ.
lt~o.""S.t o{-h:.r SC~(':> Ii'\. +~..r ~hIC+ 'f11-cMy IS. <<u,J .{Or ~e~s. &:,r. e.ow..p~'{..li-U'"'I
"pl"'OpS tos.{.u.....e, ..ft,:t.1\.~po.'~tt~i '"
What dbllar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award Is $500.) Vf S'oo. C).Q.
Is your organization getting fu'!ding fr~m flny other source for. thl..S specifir; project?
'Pa.re,,+s 0& '€eu..t-.. W\tl.{€.,... ~/J ~{vd4""-t c:ltY'e rej~l1/1Slh/-e ,ft,r fll&e f!-t>e.
What is your organizatIon's primary funding source? S-+v...d.e Y\ + ~ \ 1"'\ WI VI ~ r G-u..CI. yJ
How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? l}a.r ,-'S
What other sources of revenue does your organization have? s.j..u.J-e/ft-lsj Pa Y~I/l'1s
What is your annual budget for this year? 3svCj2 'fer Last year? pi
List the fundraisers your organization holds?
How many members does your organization have? is How many live in Ocoee? /0
How many clients does your organization serve? fZ1 . How many live in Ocoee? ~
Page 2 - Community Merit Awards Application - November 2004 Cycle
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? /t/O
If so, when and what did you apply for? tV I A
Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive?
.D oes your orga. nizatlon. vOlunteer~in the Ocoee community? If yes, weat voll.(nteer
~tivities dO;.sU participate in? :ID .s:,..., e s+u..J",~'\.-ti f\..O..- f 0 u;- Q.T
<k:UM~r.> { ~n:t~ t Wf.t (~f'-+ c(.e.v.. T' .
How many year, y volunteer hours does your organizatlol} contripyte to the community
and ho_w are those hours tracked or documented? ijo../r l-es ( _ ;:: lfs ~r J.to So.. t
C\. -\- ~~~ poll'\. t (f 4 scA:,~ I A.a.) 0,;111 he e" Ofl e" oS; lite I(, 4<-lG' OG:.,
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past
24 months: See ct..kv'e. .
Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision:
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your
organization supports this applic~fion. ..,'b' NP (1- I
~ 'Proj yd."'" u..l-\-kevj t--. \'+5 lI" oIv\.>>-kf} I I T ~t.( Js se~ &Y1'~ \<1 ence I
d ed(~~ ct~c:l +€a.Uo\ wcrk.(!'acA. m(J(,+1~t' . IS res/O/1.j( ~/e ..fu. ;"'6:'-4.&I.,=:
WI,.., u'\'-\.o..\ '" 4- l..,JU \- a.. pA . a JltJ a.. i-~"'- 6 ,~\ \ P f"a.e. +-tc: ~ w ~ k I he I u de
I ' "-"" (~ _ t"'l'" . -+ \ ,_ I C;+
2nJk.ts t.ll.u-ee~ a.Io\.d ew-V'a $C'I...J.lM"_.._? -::J/VlCe ( 50 +~
year cPvr bG~e If.s. ~V\Js (Aye.- l.J,)k~ +k~ S~dRWIs
Q.avt J?uil\ ~ VCus< v r pD..reot~ pO-i-
~ f~^\.\ r /1
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received I t/ ~~s;-
Was Application Received Complete?
lfnot, Date Application Returned
- <"-~ ..
'1~ '/ () I}t.... "1Y1. (J.L,~
Form W-g
Request for Taxpayer
Identification Number and Certification
Give form to the
requester. Do not
send to the IRS.
(Rev. January 2005)
Department of the Treasury
Inlemal Revenue SBIVlce
Gl In
'c .E
NAme (as shown on your Income tax return)
U~ , (i S::,+o()l...-
Business name, If different from above
Prs. A
O Indlvldual/
Check epproprlate box: Sole proprietor
o Corporation D Partnership
Exempt from backup
Other ~ u_____h_________ withholding
Requester's name and address (optional)
Iq~S-(nuD0;;~' ae;r;Jo~~e ~O IN rr
City, state, and code
OC~a: '-' ~ i' '7 (, )
List account number(s) here (optlonaQ
Taxpayer Identification Number IN
Enter your TIN In the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on Line 1 to avoid
backup withholding. For Individuals, thIs Is your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident
allen, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Part I Instructions on page 3. For other entities, It Is
your employer Identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a TIN on page 3.
Note. If the account /s.ln more than one name, see the chart on page 4 for gu/dellnes on whose number
to enter.
Under penalties of perjury, I certify that:
1. The number shown on this form Is my correct taxpayer Identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be Issued to me), and
2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all Interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has
notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholdIng, and
3. I am a U.S. person (IncludIng a U.S. resident alien).
CertIfication Instructions. You must cross out Item 2 above If you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup
withholding because you have failed to report all Interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactIons, Item 2 does not apply.
For mortgage Interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an Individual retirement
arrange"lent (IRA), and generally, payments other than Interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the Certification, but you must
provide your correct TIN. (See the Instructions on page 4.)
Purpose of Form
A person who is required to file an Information return with the
IRS, must obtain your correct taxpayer identification number
(TIN) to report, for example, income paid to ypu, real estate
transactions, mortg~ge interest you paid, acquisition or
abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, or
contributions you made to an IRA.
U.S. person. Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person
(including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN to the
person requesting it (the requester) and, when applicable, to:
1. Certify that the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are
waiting for a number to be issued),
2. Certify that you are not subject to backup withholding,
3. Claim exemption from backup withholding if you are a
U.S. exempt payee.
Note. If a requester gives you a form other than Form W-9 to
request your TIN, you must use the requester's form if it is
substantially similar to this Form W-9.
For federal tax purposes you are considered a person if you
· An individual who is a citizen or resident of the United
· A partnership, corporation, company, or association
created or organized in the United States or under the laws
of the United. States, or
truly number
I + I
Data ~ tl ~(}/()r
· Any estate (other than a foreign estate) or trust. See
RegUlations sections 301.7701-6(a) and 7(a) for additional
. information. .
Foreign person. If you are a foreign person, do not !:Jse
Form W-9. InstEiad, use'the appropriate Form W-8 (see
Publication 515; Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens
and Foreign Entitles).
Nonresident alien who becomes a resident alien.
Generally, only a nonresident alien individual may use the
terms of a tax treaty to reduce or eliminate U.S. tax on
certain types of income. However, most tax treaties contain a
provision known'as a "saving clause." Exceptions specified
in the saving clause may permit an exemption from tax to
continue for certain types of income even after the recipient
has otherwise become a U.S. resident alien for tax purposes.
If you are a U.S. resident alien who is relying on an
exception contained in the saVing clause of a tax treaty to
claim an exemption from U.S. tax on certain types of Income,
you must attach a statement to Form W-9 that specifies the
following five items: .
1. The treaty country. Generally, this must be the same
trElaty under which you claimed exemption from tax as a
nonresident alien.
2. The treaty article addressing the income.
3. The article number (or location) in the tax treaty that
contains the saving clause and its exceptions.
Cat. No. 10231X Fonn W-9 (Rev. 1-2005)
Funding Cycle: November 2005
For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or
e-mail telliott@cLocoee.f1.us.
When completing this application,'use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please
remember to comolete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
Citv of Ocoee Communitv Merit Awards Protfram Application
Name of Organization: Qf1Jo 0 '~ ~ l:LA OJ\ ~"brbaJ..L ~
Address of Organization: Jqa5 ()r1Jl)Ji f!Aru LH'I ~ ~tXUJ, OCnLL
Contact person for this application: ~ '-1\()IG(:i\. -J.,.Je a ci {.-O~ (' 11
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime phone number: ~Ol qOS" Lj I~{
E-mail address: f'i)f-H" S ~ (0 OC{D. {)Lt
~CA.Q:k... .
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $ 500 .00
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project?
~.o . ~~ (1.Jt~ Mrt:.,
. . .
What is your organization's primary funding source? ~, l nd.J\~ '
How much money does your organization receive from this sourc~h !lJ~
What other sources of revenue does your organization have?
~.LcuLs 4 1/~..u..M. n D.Jl-<LJ
What is your annual budget for this year? ~ Last year? ~
List the fundraisf!rs your o,rganization holds?
Page 2 - Community Merit Awards Application - November 2004 Cycle
How many me~bers does your organization have? ~~ How many live in
Ocoee? qqolo ()CO.t/L.-Iolo ~ +-VOILU
How many clients does your orgamzation serve? wlwlL How many live in
Ocoee? CJ:1"7o O:ooD-ld7o ~ ~
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? NO
If so, when and what did you apply for?
Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? () IOJ
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activitie.~ po ~ou participate in? V ~ W~ r.. 'V'1w.o1.-
Q L:b lJ' hi.D €f {I.DnL.YYll..uu:hj ~ YLU-i' u . .
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community
and how are those hours tracked or documented?oJ. ~ ~~Q., ~
"4 wa. c:J'\.J.A- C4- (\.... (YLU\..L#'YU.UY) ~ fa o.+- tL .
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24
mon~s: '
Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific;
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: --10 ~
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received
Was Application Received Complete?
Ifnot, Date Application Returned
NOlI-18~:.:"dS 11;12I5M FROM:l"Y.OEEHrr-l SCHOOL
TO: 9.'076546 720
Form W-9
(RDY. January lClO:lI
0.,.._, 01 "'. T'..."')
Inlll,* ....._ SlIrril:.
N N""o
f CIty. '111111, Mllll/' c..a;-
~ List lICCOUIll numbelfa, he,,;. ..'ptlOncle
Request for Taxpayer
Ider,tlflcatlon Number and Certlflcatfon
JGIVa form to the
roqUil5fer, DO' not
Stot'lCl to the fRS.
- tU5 Q(Ofifi CROWN PGlHrPfCv.
IJusInasfi 111m". W dlr'81~,'1 rroll,tooYii OCOEE, FL. 3475t
r IndMdullI
C"eck IIpprOf)f1llv 1lO~. '-.: Sole P'oprI~,CI
Address (IIUmbllr, 51reel. :~~t.lItO ne- I
o Pannomlllp ~ Orn.... .~';-~."'I..:IE :'~I~ Ilar:ktJp
Requ..I....s """In and IdClt_ (4pIIo/lot"
o Ct>rp(ln,1otI
Ta. iietlde!\!/Ilc:aUOfl Number (TIN)
" ~..
Enter yo~r TIN In tile appropriate bOll. F'Jr IndividualS, this Is YOI.lr SOcIal 5eCunty number rsSN).
HowDvor, for II re.l.n, alien. 1I01e prgprlelor, or dl.reSDnllIG IfI1IIY, ...the P.rt 11".\nlcllons on
j)tge 3. For olher entities. It Is YOlD l?mployer Icl.rtlllcltion number (EIN). Ir you do not haye a number,
see How '0 get . nN CIIl PI9& 3.
Nota, "chit IIccounr '$ (n more IMIl OM /'I/lIM. ~df) Ihe 00."1 on pag. . fOf fJUlr:JeI",es on whose fIlImQIN
to ftfl/IH.
Ibn..I. c.njn~8tlon
Under penalllss of plfjury. I certIfy \/lIJt:
1. The nuntbllf Show" on tl1l!l form I. my clWTlld taxpllyer I(lOnlfllcalJon I\Llmber (or I em walling for II llUlnbet \0 be Issued to lOci, Ind
2. I am not SUQ/ecllo ber.kup withholding twlCause: (e) I am tllarnpl from backup wlthholdlng. 01 (bf 111...., 1I~1 been 00.11I00 tIy 1118 Inlemlll
Revenue Servtc", (IRSllhBt , am subject to blCl!up w1t/'tholdlng as . result of II rallur& 10 report all Intare.sl or dlvlc.lllncls. or (a) the IRS has
flOllftlld 1011 that' em no longltl' subJecl to bllCk~p Wllhholding. .nd
3. lam a U.S. pel1Ol1/1nctudlng . U.S. reskflnllllil"'.
Cettlfla.t1011lnIVuctllll'ls. You must cross out Item 2 above If ytiV ha\<e be... nOlined by the IRS that YOu 8/'8 currently sucJeCI to baCkup
wIlHloldlng tlel:ause )'OU lIavll falletf to !'epon all Interest anCl eMellnCls on your 181l rOlum. For re.' &Slllte tl'llnsae:Uons. item Z C10es 001 apply
For morttJag8 Inler., paid. K:tISIIJOn or abandonment of secured PI'OPllfty. csncollallOl'l of debt. COntributions to an Indlvitluel rellrel'lll!nt
IIlTangemerlt (IRA). IlIlCl genar . plIyrTl1nts othBt' than Interest end dlvldlllldll. ~cu are not reqtAred 10 slgn lhe ClIrtIIIceUllIl. 001 you muSl
proVIde your COrTeet TIN. (See 'nslructlcfl$ en pegl ..) .
- ---
Purpose of Form
A person who Is requIred to me 1In Irtormatlon return wIth
the IRS. must obtain your correct [aApaytli Identification
numbar (TIN) to report, ror example, Income paid to you. re81
eSltlte transactions, mortgage Intares! you PlJld. acquisItion
or absndonment of 5ccumd property. canceMetkm of debt, Or
contributions you made to an IRA.
u.s. person. Ulle Form W.8 only II YOlIars 8 U.S. person
(IncludIng Q rGsldent aile,,), to provIde your correct 1'1"J to the
person requesting It (fhe requester) and, when applicable. 10'
1. CertIfy that the TIN you areglvtng Is correct (or you arB
welting for e number to bll Issued),
a. CorUfy !hilI you 31a not sUl:!ject to bilckup withholdIng.
3. Clelm exemption from backup withholding If you are 8
U.S. exempt payee.
Note: If 8 requsstwr gives you II form olller than Form W-9
to feqlJestyour TIN, YOll must use th9 request"'s form If;t;$
,Ub$/Mtl.,1y slmll.r fa tN. Form W-g.
Fo....lgn P6f'SCln. If you are a foreign person, use tM
approprlat. Form w-e (see Pub. 515, WIthhOldIng of Tox on
Nonresident Aliens and Fer41gn Entities).
U:'_tl~ nUmb.., W
'-L1J f I
~O,... IcIlIIlllrlulJan RIllnbo'-~
5 '1+'101010 171!..lLL
(.~J.Q.r_:) 0.18. /). / ~. ~ ~oS
NonresIdent alien who become. a resIdent ellen.
Generally. only a nonresident 81len Individual rTlIiy use the
terms of /lISX treaty to reduce or aUmlnatll U.S. tllX on
certain types of Income. Howaver. most tall Ifeatls!. cont.'n II
provIsion known 8S II "36vln9 clause." Exceptions spilclrled
In the saving clause may permit an allemptlon f"Dm tflX to
continI>> for cartslrl types of Income ltlltineflllr the raclplant
has othttrwlslt t:Jecome l\ U. S. reSld."t .1I"nfor tall purposes.
If you are a U.S. resident .811&n who Is relying on an
exception contained In the saving clause 01 e ~ax trellty to
claim an Ollilmption from U.S. tall on cenaln typllS of In"Olllo.
you mUll Quach a statemllflt that :lpecllles the fOllawlng flllo
1. The treaty country. Ganerafly, thIs; mllllt be Ihe same
treely under whtch YOu claimed exemptIOn from tax as 8
nonresident alien.
2. The Ir..ty article addressing tha Income.
3. Tne 8Jtlcltt number (or locatlonlln the tell treaty that
contsrns the saYing clause and Its exceptions.
4. The type Dnd amount of Income that qualmes lor tilE-
exemption from tllll.
5. Sumelenl facts to Justify the 8lttlmpllon from tex under
ttle terms of tha ueety artiCle.
c.,. 1'10. HU)ll1
Fllfm w.e (Rov. 1-20031
Ocoee High School
Athletic Booster Meeting
October 11, 2005
1. Disney Golf Toumament discussed. We still need 5 volunteers to work on Friday
October 21st and Saturday October 22nd. Please call Donnie 407-948-0804 if you are
able to help out with these days. .
Baseball parents/coaches have been the only sport to step up and help out with this golf
tournament. Only a few coaches have signed up to work but only on Saturday and
Sunday. Some coaches would like to work other days if they can get out of school on
Thursday or Friday.
Bill Chambers will check with Mike Armbruster on how to split up the money between
each sport and the general athletic fund.
2. Thursday, October 13,2005 Channel 13 will feature Ocoee High School Football as
the game of the week.
3. Tonight the cheerleaders are at Sun State Ford for a special fundraiser with K92. The
school with the most supporters there will get $750.00.
4. The baseball team has been working on field preparation. Last week the team put
down 8 or 9 pallets of sod. Thank you to all of those who helped.
5. Officers for the Athletic Boosters are as follows:
President-Pat Buckles
Vice President-David Simpson
Treasurer-Barbara Simpson
Secretary-Kim Hendrixson
Karen Flannigan will be in charge of the Diamond girls (yes, we need a new name).
During the nominations Scott Tidmus nominated David Simpson as President and 2nd by
Joe Stinnett. David said he would rather not accept this position. Scott amended his .
nomination of David and nominated Pat Buckles (which he graciously accepted) and
nominated David Simpson as Vice President the rest is history.
6. We need to think of some ways to run the concession stand at the basketball games.
Mr. McFarland spoke on how the band does it. But at the basketball games there is "NO
FOOD IN THE GYM". Winter concession will be for basketball and soccer, for both
junior varsity and varsity.
Mr. McFarland said to call Papa Johns, tell them you are from Ocoee High School and
they will sell you a pizza for $ 6.00 and then sell it for $1.50 a slice.
7. Need someone with a CDL license to drive the activity bus. It pays $20.00 an hour.
8. We need copies of the bylaws at the next meeting.
9. Suggestion to sell t-shirts at the home games. We have 2 different types $15.00 and
$20.00. We also have hats for $12.00 and license plates for $6.00. Laura Keller has
them and Bill Chambers wanted to have some in his office to sell.
10. Meeting Tuesday October 18th, 2005 at 700 pm to discuss the last minute details of
the golf tournament.
11. Discussed doing the Community Merit Award Grant for the baseball team and the
girls softball team. Everyone was in agreement to do it. Kim Hendrixson will take care
of getting this done and turning it in before the deadline.
'\ S 00
Funding Cycle: November 2005
For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or
e-mail telliott@cLocoee.fl.us.
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please
remember to como/ete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
City of Oooee Community Merit Awards Prof!ram Application
Name of Organization: Occ>ee Human Relations Diversity Board
Address of Organization: 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761
Contact person for this application: Mary Ellen Murray
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime phone number: 407':"905-0116
E-mail address:maryellenmurray2@aol.com
What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for?
.J2.lAtreach programs and communi ty events. to prolllOt~. ,di versi ty . Printed
promotjonal materials, guest speakers, board education, provide scholarships
(savinGS bonds) to participants in educational competitions and refreshments
at events.
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $ 500.00
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project?
What is your organization's primary funding source? Donations
How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? N/A
What other sources of revenue does your organization have? N/A
What is your annual budget for this year? Goal $5,000.00 Last year? N/A
List the fundraisers your organization holds? New board: in planning stage of
R~ 100;,
r~,.. "..
Page 2 - Community Merit Awards Application - November 2004 Cycle
How many members. does your organization have? 15
Dcoee? 15
How many clients does your organization serve? 30,000
Dcoee? 30,000
How many live in
How many live in
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? No
If so, when and what did you apply for? Nt A
Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? N/A
Does your organization volunteer in the Dcoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activities do you particIpate in? Black History Month Essay Contest, OrisiRisi Folklore
presentation, Foundation of L1ght Moaque; National Night Out, Red Ribbon Week Walk,
Founders Day Festival, Historic Negro Cemetery Memor,ial, ongoing' "News To You" column
titled The Changing Faces;.of Ocoee.
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community
and how are those hours tracked or c!ocumented? 999. hours tracked by actual
member participation at meetingsl,.and events: .
Please list the specific accomplishments your, organization has achieved in the past 24
mon'ths: Iriip.:J,emenl:.ea:::out:.,stracegicPlan,. logo and brochure.Hlia excellent participation
in Black History Month Essay Contest and ptesentation~ Have regular column in Ocoee's
"News To You". Partnering with other City Advisory Boards and City Departments.
Raising awareness on our city's growing diverse population. Instrumental in
extending Founders Day Festival activities to Sunday-and coordinating the
entertainment. .
Please include any other pertinent informijtion about your organization or this specific
gr(Jnt reque.st that you feel would help the CiW in making its decision: Please see
attached'BROB' brochure~.itemized list. Of. Volunteer hours, photoqraphs,
newspaper articles and "i 'I'he, Ch!illging Faces' of Ceoee" column in Oeoee's
News To You.
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your
organization supports this application.
For Staff Use Oniy
Date Application Received
Was Application Received Complete?
Ifnot, Date Application Returned
2005 Actual Volunteer Hours
through November 28, 2005
HRDB Meetings
Black History Month Essay Contest
Orisi-Risi Folklore
National Conference on Leadership Diversity
Foundation of Lights Mosque Visit
National Night Out
OCPS Migrant Education "My Community" Event
Founders Day Committee Meetings
Founders Day Festival
Red Ribbon Week Walk Away from Drugs
Historic Negro Cemetery Memorial Service
Ocoee Rotary Club
Total Volunteer Hours
Nov 28 05 04:50p
Cit~ Clerk Dept
Chairperson Lopez-Anderson calleci the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Commission Chambers
Conference Room of City Hall, 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Member Dabbs led in prayer and led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The clerk called the roll and declared a quorum present.
PRESENT: Chairperson Lopez~Anderson, Vice-Chair Phillip Lee Fatt, Members Arzola, Dabbs,
Dillard, Karen Lee Fatt, Fleming, Garland, Murray, John Phillips, Kitsy Phillips, Rodriguez and Vereen.
Also present were Ex-Officio Mayor Vandergrift, and Administrative Assistant ill Aycock.
ABSENT: Members Booth (unexcused) and Davidson (excused). Staff Liaison Grimms was also
GUESTS: :--:rone
Approva.l ofMinute!l of July 7, 2005
Member Garl.flIJd. seconded bv Member Dillard. moved to ar:mTOve the Minutes of Julv 7, 2005, Mmion
carried J2~O.
Discussion re: Founder's Day Report & Citizen Survey
Chairperson Lopez-Anderson said tbat she and Vice-Chainnan Phillip Lee Fatt were present at the last
Founder's Day Committee meeting on July 21st, and met the new Parks & .Recreation Director Vito
Petrone. She said that it was confmned in writing that the HRDB's activities on Founder's Day would
take place on Sunday from 1 :00-5:00 p.m. and a stage would be available.
Chairperson Lopez-Anderson stated the need for the board to work on the three church groups that
would be participating with Klassique that day and asked Member Dillard to give an update regarding
STAR94, Member Dillard said that STAR94 would participate at Founder's Day on Sunday, which
means tbe station's gospel host would attend. She said the only issue is that the station normally pays
the'ir talent to petfonn on the weekend and the cmit for two '(2) hours is $200. Before the next meeting,
she plans to get with the new director to go over the issue and ask him to participate free of charge,
Chairperson Lopez-Anderson envisioned the Reverend begtnning the events on Sunday and turning it
over to Member Pbillip Lee F'att, keeping things continuous. Member Dillard said that if they could
convince the Reverend to be there on Sunday, then their service would be free. Member Vareen said that
he attends church with Rev. Bobby Lions and win talk to him on behalf of the board. Chairperson
Lopez-Anderson reminded the board that their fund balance was only $750.
Vice-Chairman Lee Fatt said it was good that we had three (3) main acts planned due to the allotted time
frame. He said the event begimling at 1:00 p,m. would allow each group 1.5 2 hours 30 minutes each and
then Klassique in the order as follows:
. Living Waters Church - Urban style
. St. PauPs Presbyterian Church - Contemporary style
. His Clml'ah New Frontiers Ministries - Caribbean
Nov 28 05 04:50p
Cit.~ Clerk Dept.
Minutes for Human Relations/Diversity Board
August 4, 2005
. Klassique
He added that the event will be mostly musical to excite the audience; however, will intertWine \\lith
Psalm 24: 1.
Member Dabbs stated he spoke to Chairperson Lope,,~Al1derson regarding having local choirs join in the
event in order to broaden their horizons even more. Discussion ensued regarding the time crunch at
Founder's Day; however, members agreed that tbe idea was well w01th researching for future events.
Member Murray arrived at 7.'20 p.m.
Member Fleming announced he had made arrangements to have tbe Blood Bank present on Founder's
Day, but he was not sure ifit would.be better to have them on Saturday or Sunday. The board decided
that whenever they could attend would be great.
Chairperson Lopez-Anderson said that Gary Lewis and the Playboys were scheduled to perfonn Friday
night, Sawyer Brown is scheduled for Saturday night with Craig Morgan and Jason Alvin, and Klassique
will perform on Sunday.
Member Dillard added that she had the pictures of Klassique necessary to print posters along with a bio.
Chairperson Lopez-Anderson said they would not be putting together a big poster; however, they would
do one for Sunday's activities that they would discuss later.
Chairperson Lopez-Anderson reviewed the citizen survey that was previously brought before the board.
She said the survey had been approved by the Founder's Day Committee and it would cost about $750 to
provide the 11,000 copies needed, yet another option would be to post the survey on the City's website.
The following options regarding the citizell swvey were discussed:
. Passing out and collecting the survey during Founder's Day
. Posting the survey on the website before Founder's Day
. Posting the survey on tbe website after Founder's Day
. Handing out the survey in front of local businesses and in the mall
Member Lester. seconded by .Member Garland. moved to post lhe'sunJev on the CiN's website for two
weeks after Founder's Dav. Motion carried J 3~O.
Recap on Strategic Plan - Vision
Chairperson Lopez-Anderson read an email received from Dr. Valerie King that she had sent after
reviewing tbe board's draft: strategic plan. She said that Dr. Valerie King suggested adding assessment
and evaluation to the plan in measurement. Discussion ensued and many measurements and goa)6 were
.set such as: quarterly newsletters, one annual meeting in each HOA district, deadlines to seek grants, etc.
A final draft of the strategic plan will be passed out at the next HRDB meeting.
Vice-Chair Lee Fatt, seconded bv 1~[emher Dabbs, mOiled to adopt the 2005 Stratef-tc Plan with zhe
chanrzes discussed. Motton carried 13-0.
Page 2 of 4
Mev 28 05 04:51p
Citl:l Cl@rk De,,'t
Minures for Human Relations/Diversity Board
August 4. 2005
ChaIrperson Lopez-Anderson said that she received three (3) drafts of the board's ,,\sion and they were
read aloud. The board discussed the three drafts and, from tbem, created a fourth and final draft as
Our vision for Ocoee is to create a commlmity where;
. all citizens are treated with respect and personal dignity,
., personal and professional opportunities abound,
. there is a unified effon: among citizens, churches, civic organizations, government leaders, and
businesses to achieve all of the above.
Chairperson Lopez-Anderson agreed to type up the new vision and email it to all members of: the board.
Member Dorcas. seconded l?v Member Karen Lee Fait. moved to acceCJt dratl fbur (4) as the vision of the
.f!uman Relations/Diversity Board. Motion carried 13-0.
Review Brochure
Member Kelley-Rodriguez offered to give professional di versity photos that she has to the board to use
in their brochure. Chairperson Lopez-Anderson passed out sample logos that were generously created
for free by Alarie Design Associates. The board reviewed the samples and decided whicnlogo would be
put on the front of their brochure. Further discussion ensued on the subject of rearranging sections oithe
sample brochure in order to create the final draft.
It was decided that the chosen HRDB logo would appear at the top ofthe front and 1.he City of Ocoee logo
belowthat. The headings inside the brochure would be highlighted in blue, rather than green. The left
c.olumn inside would stay the same as the draft. The middle column would list the vision, the mission
statement, and the meeting times. The third column. would list the responsibilities. The back of the
brochure would have the same left column as the draft and the middle colunm would include the section
of questions, comments, a.nd suggestions.
Member Gar/and. secc)Jldf:d by "'[ember FlemlnIl. moved to acc!tTJ& the brochure with the changes
disl'ussed. Motion carried /3-0.
Community Grant
ChairperwD Lopez-Anderson said the City's grant cycle begins on November 1$1 and there are two (2)
grants: Community Merit Award and the Neighborhood Matching Grant Program. She suggested the
board establish a subcommittee to focus on the grani.s and communicate with the City Connnission about
budgeting money for the various City boards.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the board members thOllght it would be fair to ask the City to match dollar
for dollar as opposed to volunteer man-hoUlS. All agreed that would be great.
Chairperson Lope7...Anderllon said that as soon as the changes to tbe brochure are made Rhe will send it
to the members. The board's liaison would then place it on the City Commission meeting agenda at the
end of September for the Commission's blessing. Each Commissioner would receive a copy of the
brochure, strategic plan, and the flyer of Sunday activities.
Page 3 of 4
Nov 28 05 04z52p
Citl:j Clerk Dept
Minutes for Human Relations/Diversity Board
August 4,2005
Cbairperson Lopez-Anderson said the Community Grant application must be completed, submitted, and
complied with and she would like a subcommittee to do ail of this. The following members volunteered
to fonn a grant subcommittee: Chairperson Lopez-Anderson, Members Dabbs, Fleming, Garland, Kelley-
Rodriguez, and Murray. Chairperson Lopez-Anderson sa.id there were grants for both $500 and $2500
and reminded the subcommittee members that they had to keep minutes at their meetings as well.
Set Items for September Agenda
Chairperson Lopez-Anderson said she would not be present at the meeting in Sept~mber and Vice-
Chainnan Lee Fatt wOl!ld cha.ir the meeting.
A. Acceptance and Approval of Human Relations/Diversity Board Minutes of August 4, 2005.
B. Founder's Day Report
C. Review Final Draft Brochure
D. Review Final Draft of Strategic Plan
E. Community Grants Update
Chairperson Lopez-Anderson announced that next month was Hispanic Heritage Month. She spoke
with a lady named Lilly Carrasquillo, who is an artist originally from Puerto Rico and offered to do a
demonstration of her art. Ms. Carrasquillo could do a "make and take" with the kids where the children
can make a project and take it with them. The website for LiHy Carrasquillo is Y'WJ1..folkvine.org and she
asked that members visit the site by clicking on her name and then each individual sun ray. Chairperson
Lopez-Anderson said that Ms. Carrasquillo could come out on a holiday or a weekend and would only
request travel costs. Chairperson Lopez-Anderson suggested having Ms. Carrasquillo come out to the
Community Center In September sometime on a Saturday, possibly the 17th or the 24th. She agreed to
contact LilJy Carrasquillo and win infonn the board of her availability.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Page 4 of 4
Nov 2805 04:53p
Cit~ Cl@rk Dept
Vice Chair Phillip Lee Fatt called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Commission Chambers
Conference Room of City Hall, 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Member Vereen led in prayer and led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The clerk caned the roll and declared a quorum present
PRESENT: Vice Chair Phillip Lee Fatt, Members Arzola, Davidson, Dillard, Karen Lee Fatt, Fleming,
Garland, Mun'ay, Rodriguez and Vereen. Also present was Records Specialist Sibbitt.
ABSENT: Chairperson Lopez-Anderson (excused), Members Booth (excused), Dabbs (excused), and
John and Kitsy Phillip (unexcused). Staff Liaison Grimms was also absent.
The newest member to the board, Sandra Davidsot:l briefly introduced herself. She has 10 years of Human
Resources background and currently works with the Orange County Government. .
Approval of M.inutes of August 4, 2005
Member Garland. second,ed by Member Dillard, moved to G1iprove the Minutes of August 4. 200.5, with
(:orrections on the bottom first vage which read: "... wmtldal/ow each flroutJ 1.5-2 hours eaqh ... " but
should read <t... would allow each group 30 minutes each and then Kiassique....". Corrections were also
addressed 011 the tOD of page two which read: "His church-Caribbean" but should have regtJ "New
Frontiers MinisTries-Caribbean" and the additlon orEhe gram) Klassique which was omitted from the lls/.
Motion carried unanimouslv.
Discussion re: Founder's Day Report
Vice Chair Phillip Lee Fatt read the flyer that was provided bye-mail to all board members ahead of
time for review and comment. :Member Fleming stated he received information and spoke with someone
regarding having the blood mobile pr~ent. Vice Chair Phillip Lee Fatt stated he would like to see if
they could get permission to put out a table for the churches to. sell their CD's if they have any. Member
Dillard stated they would have to look into that since all the vendors have to pay for their space and that
may pose as an issue.
Vice Chair Phillip Lee Fatt stated he has noticed in the Dcoee News to You on the first page middle
paragraph that the times are wrong because they show the Sunday event starting at 11 a.m. He further
stated Martha, Dorcas, and himselfwent before the Founder's Day Board and spoke with them about the
times for their Sunday event. Member Dillard stated she had sent the corrected Sunday event to the
Parks and Recreation Department. Members inquired when the next News to You would come out.
Member Murr.y stated they are printed quarterly. She further stated regarding the flyer as a resident
from district three sbe would not know where Starke Lake is located. It was the consensus of the board to
include the wording "Behind City Hall" OIl the flyer so that it reads:
Nov 28 05 04:54p
Cit~ Cle....k Dept
Minutes for Human Rel11tionslDi\.crsity Board
'september l, 2005
Sunday, October I 6,2005
1:00p.m. - 5:00p.m.
on tbe shores of Starke Lake
Behind City Hall
Downtown Ocoee
~'I1en,ber Dillard. secollded bv Member Murrav. moved to include th~ wordinf "Behind City Hall" to the
O>-,'e1' so that it would read: on' the shores of Starke Lake. Behind City Hall. Downtown Ocoee. Motion
s;arTied 9-1 with Member Flem;ne olJDosln!!.
Regarding the misprint in the News ~o You, Records Specialist Slbbitt stated the board could ask the
Ci~' to advertise the correct infonnation for the Sunday event on OGTV and the web page. Member
Vereen inquired if they could put something with the water bills. Records Specialist Sibbitt stated they
would have to pay to put it in with the water bill because it was asked before when they wanted to do the
survey and they were told it would cost.
Member Dillard stated the websit.e for Founder's Day b.as several mistakes and she was told by the
Founder's Day board that they would have to pay to make corrections to the web page. The board had
never been told there was a charge to make changes. She further stated Martha Lopez-Anderson did
volunteer to make corrections to the web page for the Founder's Day board and has not heard back from
the Parks and Recreation Department yet. Member Dillard further discussed her frustration with the
Founder's Day process.
Vice Chair PhilIip Lee Fattstated he would get with Tonya Elliott to :fino out what her procedures are to
making changes to the News to You. He further stated there would be no 11:00 a.m. non-denominational
churc.h service as stated in the News to You. Member Murray inquired as to what time they would have
to be at Starke Lake to set up for Sunday's Founder's Day event. Vice Chair Phillip Lee Fart stated they
could meet about 12:30 p.m. to set-up. A brief discussion ensued regarding the misprint of the times on
the News to Yau and Founder's Day Entertainment.
Review Final Draft of Brochure
Member Rodriguez stated on the brochure where it says '.About Us" there is a paragraph that states
"... who represent the diversity of the community including race, sex., age, religion, disability, se>':llaJ
orientation a11d ethnic group." She further stated she feels there should be a period after oommunity and
the rest of that sentence should be deleted since the board did not agree on that wording. Member
Morray stated she thought that wording was taken from our by-laws. Records Specialist Sibbftt stated
Member Murray was correct the wording was taken from the by-laws. Member Rodriquez inquired if
the wording". . .including sex~ age, religion. _." bad to stay in the brochure. Records Specialist SibbJtt
stated the wording". " including sex, age, religion..." did not have to stay in the brochure but she did want
the board to know that Chairperson Lopez-Anderson got her infonnation on the board from tbe by-laws.
Member Dillard stated on the brochure under "Vision" she felt there should be a semicolon after dignity,
a semicolon and the word "and" after abound, and a period after the word above. Records Specialist
Page 2 of4
Nov 28 05 04:55p
Citi:! Clel"k Dept
Minutes for Human RelationsfDiversity Board
September I, 2005
Sib bitt stated on the back of the brochure under "HRDB Members") staff liaison member Tom GrimmlJ
needs to be removed because he has put in his resignation since he is reJocating to California.
Member Dillard, seconded bv J!1ember Garland moved to accerJt the Human Relations/Diversity Board
brochure with the chanfles stated and discussed. Motion carried unanimouslv.
Revjew Final Draft of Strategic Plan
Vice Chair Phillip Lee Fatt read each objective on the strategic plan and asked for input from the board.
Members made several grammati.cal changes to the strategip plan. Members also replaced the word
population on item two under strategy with the words ethnic group to read: "Research and identify what
~ ethnic groups are not represented and identify leaders from these groups." Under strategy for
Educated and Responsive Government they alllO made changes as follows: 1) Act as a liaison between the
. Gity-City ofOcoee and the community on diverse issues, 2) Sarveyeu-treaea Outreach surveys to find. oot
evaluate the needs of the community. Lastly under goalsfobjectives for Diverse Participation they made
the following changes: Expand representation and participation of diverse populations on City boards and
in community life.
Member Katen Lee Fait, seconded by Member Rodrifluez moved to acce"(Jt the chanfles to the Strategic
flail as stated and discussed. Motion carrted unanimouslv.
Community Grants Update
Vice Chair Phillip Lee }'att read an eumaU from the Chair stating that she has had several conversations
about grants and it was advised that some if nct all grants require the organization to have a 501 C 3 status.
Members inquired if the board would be considered under the City's tax-exempt status. Member
Fleming srated there should be a way to get grandfathered in if the City has one. He further explained
how the American Legion has a SOl C 19 status.
Members reviewed the application for the City of Oc.oee's,MVP Awards for $2500.00. It was decided
that the Grant Committee Members would look into the grant applications and follow-up with the board.
Member Rodriquez stated she proposes that the board wait unti] next year to work on the Hispanic
Heritage Month because they really need to focus on Founder's Day to make a good impression this year.
Member Fleming had a list of gmnts and briefly went over the Bellsouth Foundation and the Edith Bush
Charity Foundation. He further stated he got his list off of'the Internet.
kfemher Rodr;quet. seconded bv Member Davidsoll. moved to have the Hisoanic Hert/aue Month event
in 2006. ].1otion carried unanimouWi...
Set Items for October Agenda
A. Acceptance and Approval of Human RelationslDivdI'sity Board Minutes of October 6,2005.
B. Pounder's Day
C. Grant(s) Followooup
Page 3 \.If 4
Nov 28 05 04:57p
Cit.~ CierI<. Dept.
Minutes for Human RelationslDiversity Board
September 1, 2005
Member Murray inquired if there was anyone interested in taking the next News to You article because
she took a job which will keep ht,"I' busy until December.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p,m.
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:Melanie Sihbitt, ~Rf:lcords Specialist
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Phillip Lee Fatt, Vice Chair
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Page 4 of 4
A Special Presentation
Hosted by the City of Ocoee
& the Ocoee Human Relations/Diversity Board
To Celebrate Black History Month
For more information,
please contact the City of Ocoee's
Community Relations Department
at" (407) 905-3109
I filf'~'~"
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Order reprint8 horel
.. ~ . iIW..!J.J' fJ
........ . . t -~.. ..'. .
.-;:J.....~.. ...
Community: Ocoee
African folklore performance in Ocoee
Members of the city ofOcoee's Human Relations/Diversity Board congratulate
Don and Tutu Harrell of the OrisiRisi African Folklore performing arts group after
their presentation of African life, culture and music last week at Deeper Life Assembly
on A.D. Mims Road. This performance was part of the city's celebration of Black
History Month. Shown (l-r) are Martha Lopez-Anderson (board chairman), Don
Harrell, Dorcas Dillard, Phillip Lee Fatt, Frann Kelley Rodriguez, Karen Lee Fatt,
Carmen Azola, Tutu Harrell and MaryEllen Murray.
'. ,J
720 S. Dillard St. - Winter Garden, Florida 34787
httn.1 /mnt1mp.~ .C'.om/Artlcle~/2005/03/08/communitv/ocoee/orisi. txt
Page 10f1
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HRDB Partners with the Ocoee Police Department for National Night Out.
~UG 2 2005
I rw 86F
_ forec4ISt".
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Ocoee to celebrate National Night Out Aug. 2
. o"~.,. .." .'1/
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The Ocoee Police Department will host a National Night Out celebration with
lots of activities for fiunilies at Palm Drive Park from 6-8 p.m. this Tuesday, Aug. 2.
The Rotary Club of Ocoee has pledged to give out 100 free bicycle helmets for
safety and books to help promote literacy, and the Ocoee Police Explorer Post 2909
will have a dmg-prevention display and conduct child fingeIprinting for the parents'
records. The Ocoee Fire Department will put on a puppet show and have trucks on
display for children to explore.
Wal-Mart is donating a portion of the food and providing volunteers, and the
McDonald's located on West Colonial Drive in the Town Square Shopping Plaza
will donate Happy Meal toys for the play-till-you-win games. Pepsi is partnering
with the police department to supply soft drinks.
There will be free rides in a real police car for children 5 and older, and OPD
will also be supplying food ito be prepared by Local Fire Union 3623.
The Ocoee Human Diversity Board will give out free National Night Out
balloons, and Ocoee residents have donated the use of their large bounce houses.
Several churches have also agreed to come and assist the Ocoee Volunteers in Police
Services in staffing the event
The police are encouraging neighborhoods to have their own National Night
Out celebration, joining forces with thousands of communities nationwide for this
22nd Annual National Night Out, a crime- and drog-prevention event sponsored by
the National Association of Town Watch.
Hyou would like the Ocoee Police to visit your neighborhood's National Night
Out event or assist in coordinating a flashlight walk, call Sgt. Stephen McCosker at
407-905-3160, Ext. 3055.
Print fhis story
Email t/1is story
720 S. Dillard St. -Winter Garden, Florida 34787
httn.llurmur urnnmP'Q ~nm/Rrtic1eR/2005/07 /2R/news/ton stories/news06. txt
Page 1 of 1
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A big crowd turned out for the Oct. 22 Red Ribbon Week walk sponsored by the Ocoee Police Department.
Red Ribbon walk draws 150 participants
Traditionally, the last weckof Oc-
tober is designated as Red Ribbon
Week tllroughDut the United States.
~n keeping with tbis program, the
SChools in Ocoee participate ina week
of events designed to promote drug-
free living.
This year, in addition to a poster
(:ontest sponsored by the RDtary Club
of Ocoee, the OCDee Police Depart-
ment recently sponsored its fu'st Red
Ribbon Week half-mile walk, entitled
"The Walk Away from Drugs."
The walk drew approximately 150
participants, including more then 70
studentS.from various schools, as well
as their parehts and siblings.
Each student signed the "1 Pledge TD
BeDrug-Free" banner that will be dis-
played iit Ocoee Middle SchoDI, be-
Cl\use t!jat schoD] bad the llIDst par-
The first fifth-grade student from
each OCDee elementary BchDOl tD ar-
rive at the event earned the honor of
can:ying Dl!rin, The b.A.R.E. lion,
during the wll1k.
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R~Y' . ,l7P~e,~q!1~~~~,::., <gep~~J:l,9/i9,E! qfficerThgmas M\i;Ol'jey anctDorcas Dillard,.a member'
,1!<?" ..H Jy :B,o@. . . ,.1) lIlII ., . Orl~i~C?i':lee'. t1umanRelatlons Olverslty Board. were both Involved In
'Bo ...e ollseandlil",al... y ~~8~~S ana lh'E) af'ltltdrug walk. .
"';iter dCloated by the Dcoee Middle
fuadcjition, the Ocoee Police De-
partment condu~ted Ii chance draw-
ing for items embosSed with the drug-
free pledge, and Mayor Scott Van-
dergrift, who presented a proc1ama-
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Hall dc;ciliring Oct. 23-30 as Red Rib-
bon W~ek at the last City Commis-
sion meeting, spoke about the impor-
fance Df choosing to be drug.free.
Also on hand to speak to the stu-
dents abDut healthy lifestyles were.!)r.
Jennifer Bourst of the Unity Family
Chiropractic Center and Sensei Ker-
mit Gonzalez of AJJ-Anleri.can Karate.
Based Dn the success of this event,
the OCDee Police De.paltment is ,al-
ready committed to host the walk fDr
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Funding Cycle: November 2005
For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or
e-mail telliott@cLocoee.f1.us.
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please
remember to comD/ete a Citv of Ocase vendor form or we will not be able to issue a
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
Citv of Ocoee Communill' Merit Awards Prol!ram ADDlication
Name of Organization: Pa.rt.Y'\-t I T~'r-e.'(" t Sh~.c\e.frt h~oc.;Oo--\:\O'f\ (~I\)
Address of Organization: Oc.oe.e... \.\'~h ~~oo \
Contact person for this application: '"DJ~ Lovv-be.r \\
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime phone number: 401 "la) -;;)..\ 80
d. \o~r'k @ (,Jot u.~-\-. cd+. nit
E-mail address:
What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for?
~~';..~~1 ~~ ~;~~~ ;-hPt'-",~~~.~~~~:; <:- .
V'\a\- ~"t... 0... i\\A.~l.. .
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $5~O.) $ 500
Is your organization 'getting funding from any other source. for this specific project?
What is your organization's primary funding source? ~a.ro..\.Si~
How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? t 4CTU'O' 50 for
What other sources of revenue does your organization have? -Ala ~L .
What is your annual budget for this year? tt~ 161m
Last year? tJtA
List the fundraisers your organization holds? SoJ~ cJ;.; ~oo, \~o Me..rchmcli~
o.~ 0... ~o..de.+y I dinf'e:r ~'now. .
Page 2 - Community Merit Awards Application - November 2004 Cycle
How many members does your organization have? :2. ~L..\ How many live in
Ocoee? ~-,.f.
How many clients does your organization serve?'5000 ghule.nts How many live in
Ocoee? ~L-
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? No
If so, when and what did you apply for? ~/A
Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? -11JA
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activities do you participate in? ' \ n tt.. ~
~ c.:. ~ comm\.\.t\i 0 t.t"I t. f'i i d f,: ;t
~tt:t ~ ~~ ni :t~ e:tiC. e..'IIt.n+S i e..tc:
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community
. and how are those hours tracked or documented? Wt. ho..vr.. nc7\- +mr-Ked +he.. r.ou. rS.
1diJre. e.1Je.ry ~l ~e.nti Q.. co..lI \~ ~e.. ~r 'IollIJ\\cerS. MtMbe.~ cJ....,o...'P 'Show wp o\v WOr~.
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24
months: We.. o..re.. 0.... \?ro..~ r\~W ?TSA. OI.lY'" (rAin 3'aJ is +0 f1INl &
~oo \ f)lJ..~c.,.
Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific
grant reuest that you feel would help the City'in making its decision: Stnce.. h
~~oo\ 0.; ro t 1 nv.rS . h ~I u: roJ
rrone..~ ~ ho.."~ 0.. m....~t.. or of"\: not +0. nD.'Jt.. 0.. nu..\~. Wl~ 0Itt.r" ?loco
~ti'\"\!;..M'\J. ~f1>.c.""\ry~ we... ~\ ~t it i~ c.ri\.\~\ ;'0 'h0l.vt. lk nu.rst.. OV\ ClA.n"IplIS..
-to -\e'Nl to o.cL\Ae.ilt~1 \~ (J.Y'\d. tll AtS?~Y'\"E.e. me.!;co...t~oiL'
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your
organization supports this application.
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received / 1/:5 {J / {).S
f ./
Was Application Received Complete?
If not, Date Application Returned
~ ~-J//] ~
c:2 .:/;? 1/1.1 <:'~ 1> /(;,~1,"<""
Ocoee High School PTSA
Ocoee High School Media Center
September 12, 2005
The Dcoee High School PTSA held its regular monthly meeting on Monday, September
12, 2005, at the Dcoee High School Media Center, in Ocoee, FL. Billy Flanigan, President,
called the meeting to order.
Introductions were made of those present, with a total of 30 people attending.
The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer's Report was reviewed and accepted as presented. The PTSA currently
has a balance of $3,711.32.
Delores Lomberk gave an update on tlie Membership Committee. There are currently
261 members in the Ocoee PTSA.
The Principal's Report was given by Mike Armbruster. The following items were mentioned:
1. Ocoee High School has 3,019 students enrolled, with 9 of those students being enrolled
as a result of Hurricane Katrina.
2. A new Assistant Principal has been named for Harvard, Teena Moore-Jenkins.
3. As the result of a. "significant event" which took place on campus, 22 students were
suspended. One student was removed permanently and 14 students were removed for
at least 45 days. To help alleviate the potential for future problems, the number of
students at the lunch period was downsized.
4. Homecoming week is September 19-23, 2005, with special activities planned for each
day. Crowning of the new King and Queen will be prior to Friday night's football game,
and the Homecoming Dance will be Saturday, September 23, 2005 at the Hard Rock
5. Progress reports went home on September 8, 2005.
Ocoee High School PTSA
September 12, 2005
Page Two
6. The grading policywas explained, where every student will earn at least a 50% on
homework and tests, which still constitutes a failing grade. Tnis policy was met with
some opposition.
7. To check your student's grades, please log in to K12 Planet. Parents may pick up their
password at the attendance office.
8. Open House is scheduled for September 20, from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
9. At present, the gasoline supply Is sufficient to enable buses to continue operating for
evening activities.
Committee / Club Reports were given as follows:
1. The Disney Golf Tournament is scheduled for October 20 - 23, 2005. Volunteers are
needed to work with the Sports Boosters Club" as this has the potential to be a large
fundraising activity.
2. The Drama Club will give an encore performance of "With Their Eyes". This
presentation will be held September 17 at 7:00 p.m.
3. The Renaissance Club remains active, with one of their objectives being to recognize'
student achievement.
Old Business:
The First Knight for Nurses fundra/ser is scheduled for October 1. This will be an
evening of dinner and show, with proceeds going toward the School Nurse Program. After
some discussion, it was agreed that tickets should sell for $20.00 each. Dan Daly will be
coordinating food and decorations for the evening, while Billy Flanigan is in charge of
Ocoee High School PTSA
September 12, 2005
Page Three
New Business:
The PTSA National Convention is scheduled for November 10. Any officers who could
attend this convention would certainly benefit.
The monthly newsletter is now being prepared, and will be emailed soon. Email
addresses still need to be collected and added to the email group to ensure as large an
audience as possible. If anyone would like to assist with the preparation of this newsletter,
please contact Dona Dickerson.
The next PTSA meeting will be held on Monday, October 3,2005, at 6:00 p.m. in the
School Media Center.
There being no further business, Laura Keller made a motion to adjourn, and Delores
Lomberk seconded the motion.
Respectfully submitted, this 27th day of September, 2005.
Dona M. Dickerson
Reporting Secretary
11/28/2005 07:13
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o Pllrtnsrahlp ~ OlhGr ~ .mmm........ ~ ~,h~I~~m backup
Requester's name and sddress I ptlonsl)
Enter your TIN In the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on Line 1 to avoid
backup wltt1holdlng. For IndividualS, this Is your soolal seourIty number (SSN). However, for a realdel"lt
alien. sole proprietor, or disregarded entity. see the Part Ilnstruct,lons on page 3, For other entities, It Is
your employer Identification number (E;IN). If yol,l OQ nQt have a number, see How to get a TIN on page 3.
Note. If the Ilooount itl in mort!! /h/1l1 ont!! namt!!, tlt!!e the chart on page 4 for gulda/ines on whcse nl,lmoer
to (Jl1ter,
Undt!!r penalties of perjury, I certify that:
1. The nUmber t!!hown on this form is my correct ta>\payer Identlfloatlon number (or I am waiting for a number to be Issued te; ne), and
2, I am not subJeot to backup withholding becausa: (a) I am ext!!h1pt from baokup withholding, or (b) I have not baen notified y the Intema!
Revenue Serviee (IRS) that r am $ubjl;lQt to baokup withholding as a result of a failura to report rail Interest or dividends, or )) tha IRS has
notified me that I am no longer subject to baokup withhololng, and
3. I am a U.S. per!lon (Including a U.S, resident alien).
Certification Instruotlons. You must cross out Item 2 above If you have been notified by tha IRS that you are currently subJeot
withholding beoause you have failed to report aI/Interest and dlvldand, on your tax return. For'real estate transaotlons, Item:1
For rnQrtgl!ge Interest paid, acquisItIon or abandonment of seoured property, oanoel/atlon of debt, contributions to en rndivfou
arrangement (1M). t!!M generally. payments other than Interest and dlvJdenos, you are not requIred to aign the Certification, bl
provide your oorrect TIN. (Se9 the instructlonl;! 01'1 page 4.)
Purpose of Form
A person who Is requIred to fife an Information return wIth the
IRS, must obtain your oorrect taxpayer identlfloation number
{TIN) to report, for example. Income paid to you. real estate
transactions, mortgage Interest you paid, aoquisition or
abandonment of s0cured property, oanoellatlan of debt. Or
contributions you made to an IRA.
U.S. pE!rson. USe Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person
(Including a resident alien), to provIde your oorrect TIN to the
person requesting it (111(;) requester) and. when applloable, to:
1. Certify that the TIN you artil giving Is oorrect (or you are
waiting for a number to be Issued),
2. Certify that you are not subJeot to backup withholding.
w .
3. Claim exemption frombacklip withholding if you are a
U.S. exempt payee.
Note. If a requester gives you a form other than Form W-9 to
request your TIN, you must IJse the requester's form if it Is
substantially similar to thIs Form W-9. '
For federal tax purposes you are considered a person if you
· An Individual who Is a oitizen or resident of the United
· A partnership, corporation. company, or associatIon
oreated or organized In the United States or under the laws
of the United States, or
l baokup
loes not apply.
you multi:
Date ~ /I Z?/ os"
· Any estate (other than a foreign estate) Or ust. See
Regulations sections 301.7701 -6(a) and 7(8) lr additional
. Foreign person. If you arB a foreign person, io not use
Form W-9. Instlilad. I,Ise the appropriate Forn W-8 (sse
Publication 615, Withholding of Tax On Nonn Mdent Aliens
and Foreign Entities).
Nonresident alien who becomes a reslden slien.
Generally, only a nonresident alien individual nay use the
terms of a tax treaty to reduce or eliminate L S. tax on
certain types of income. However; most tax' eatles contain a
provision known S$ a "saving olause." Exoep ons specified
In the saving olause may permit an exemptlc from tax to
continue for certain tYpes of inoome even aft r the recipient
has otherwise become a U.S. resIdent aliEln f r tax purposes.
If you are a U.S. resIdent alren who Is rely! ;J on an
e~oeptlon contained in the saving clause of I tax treaty to
cla.lm an exemption from U,S. tax On certain Ipes of Inoome,
you must attach a statement to Form W-g th t specIfies the
following fIVe Items:
1, The treaty oountry. Generally, thIs must e the same
treaty under which you olalmed exemption ftl " tax as a
nonresident alien.
2. The treaty article addressing ths Inoome
3. The artlole number (or looatlon) In the ta treaty that
contains the saving clause and Its exception!
Cat. No. 10231X Form 1 '.9 (Rev. 102005)
Funding Cycle: November 2005
For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or
e-mail telliott@ci.ocoee.f1.us.
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please
remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
+ + + + + + + + + + -+ + + + + + + + + + + +
City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Application
Name of Organization: ST.A.R.8. of West Orange, a ministry of 81. Pauls Presbyterian Church
Address of Organization: 9600 West Colonial Drive. Ocoee FL 34761-6900
Contact person for this application: Chesta M. Hembrooke
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime phone number: 407-292-3559 E-mail address:8TAR8-of-West-Orange@cfl.rr.com
What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for?
Grant money will be used to help provide basic school supplies and backpacks for children of
economically challenged families attending public schools in West Orange County. With the
addition of middle and high school students this past year. we need additional items specific to
the upper grade students. (ie: calculators. graph paper. 3-ring binders. etc.)
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $ 500
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project?
There are no specific organizations that provide funding for S.T.A.R.S.
What is your organization's primary funding source? donations
.How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? $12,000--$26.500
What other sources of revenue does your organization have? We receive financial & in-kind
donations from businesses. churches. civic organizations. corporations and individuals._
What is your annual budget for this year? $125.000 Last year? _$57.000
List the fundraisers your organization holds? We participate in Festival of Giving at West
Oaks Mall each year and sell tickets for a drawing with a hand qUilted quilt as the prize.
Page 2 . Community Merit Awards Application. November 2005 Cycle
How many members does your organization have? St. Pauls--596: S.T.A.R.S.--52 How
many live in Ocoee? St. Pauls--116: S.T.A.R.S.--15
How many clients does your organization serve? 8046 children How many live in
Ocoee? '1700 (estimated)
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? yes
If so, when and what did you apply for? Community Merit Awards in 2003. 2004. 2005_
Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? $500 in 2003. $500 in 2004,
, $250 in April. 2005.
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activities do you participate in? Yes. both S.T.A.R.S. & St. Pauls Presbyterian Church
volunteer in the community. An example of what St. Pauls does is food drives. fundraisers &
serving food for the West Orange Christian Service Center. Food For Families program & more.
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community
and how are those hours tracked or documented? In 2003. over 568 hours. 2004-over 732,
and 2005-over 800 hours on just the backpack project. Volunteers are registered on sigo-in sheets
& tallied. S.T.A.R.S. aiso involves residents from the. greater West Orange County area.
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24
months: . In July/August. 2005 the S.T.A.R.S. program offered 8046 sets of supplies (including 50
for the West Orange Christian Service Center and 104 for Hurricane Katrina evacuee children)
along with 7736 backpacks. This was accomplished through community involvement. including a
partnership with Disney VoluntEARS. We increased our distribution focus from 13 elementary
schools in 2004 to include 26 elementary. 3 middle and 2high schools in 2005. This grant will help
us continue and enhance this support of our local children.
Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: Middle and High
School students are often forgotten when individuals and . organizations think about helping
"children" in need. The peer pressure. alone. intensifies as children enter middle and high school.
This grant will help us provide for not only the younger students, but allow us to continue assisting
the high school students and increase our assistance to our middle school students that was
initiated as a pilot program in 2005.
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization
supports this application.
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received / ! 1/1 Y05-
Was Application Received Complete? '
If not, Date Application Returned
,.----;) -v"Vl. .
d/.11 /t~/
West Highway 50 at the Eastlf!lest Expressway
(407) 293-3696 '
Bryan C. Stamper, Ph.D.
November 29, 2005
City of Ocoee
, ,
Community Merit Award Program
CommLinity Relations
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee FL 34761
Dear Merit Awards Re.view Board,
This letter is to verify that st. Paul~,Pre~byterian Church supports S. r.AR.S. of
.. . ", .
, West Orange, a cooperative partnership to secure funding to provide back-to-school
: - ,-' .\, .'
supplies fO~ichlldren atten~irg twenty-thre.eelel1J'entElI"y, thre,e mJddle and two high
schools in WestOrange'CountY. . '
. . ,
Should you have need offurthefinformstioh, pleasefeel freeto:contact me or
ProjecfC6ordinatoi, Chesta Hembrooke.
Thank you for your consideratiorlof ourap'plication.
11-r t j~
'Bryan 9. Stamper, Ph.~.
Pastor, St. Pauls Presbyterian Church
9600 West Colonial Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761