HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #13 Potential Sites for New Police Dept. Building center of GOOd Lill' ~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: January 17, 2006 Item # 13 Contact Name: Contact Number: Bob Zaitooni 6002 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: 7R/~ Subject: Potential Sites for a New City Police Department Building Background Summary: As the need to provide sufficient space for the Police Department operations becomes more critical. staff has researched four (4) potential sites for the future City Police Department building. The criteria for selection among other considerations included (1) land size of 3.0 to 3.5 acres. (2) multiple good access roadways. (3) least potential for hazardous spills. and (4) compatibility with the surrounding neighborhoods. The 4 potential sites are: . Location 1 - Certi-Fine & Crittenden properties on Kissimmee Avenue . Location 2 - Ivy Property at the northeast corner of Orlando Avenue and Bluford Avenue intersection . Location 3 - Public Works yard at 301 Maguire Road . Location 4 - Roper property at the southeast comer of Gencva A venue and Maguire Road intersection Based on analysis of each site, staff recommends location 1 - Certi-Fine & Crittenden properties as the most suitable location for the future City Police Department. Issue: City Commission to consider the potential sites for the future City Police Department building Recommendations Staff recommends City Commission to approve location 1 as the ftrst choice for a future Police Department building site and authorize staff to begin formal negotiations with the property owners. Attachments: Site infonnation for locations 1,2,3, and 4. Financial Impact: The funding for the purchase will be 50% from the Police Impact Fees and 50% from the General Funds. Purchase terms will include an initial payment not-to-exceed 50% of the purchase price and remainder over several years. The current City's General Fund budget does not include any provisions for the purchase of the property. Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution o Commission Approval o Discussion & Direction o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attomey I-I Q - c) , Reviewed by Finance Oept. I - I Q - 0 f4 Reviewed by ( ) For Clerk's Dept Use: o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing 181 Regular Agenda D N/A D N/A D N/A . center .of GllOd l.it.- ~ Commissioners Garv Hood. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rustv ,Johnson. District a Nancv.1. Parker. District 4 Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift City .Manager Robert Frank STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert Zaitooni, Director of Public Works DATE: January 6, 2006 RE: Potential Sites for a New City Police Department Building ISSUE Should the City Commission consider the potential sites for the new City Police Department and authorize staff to begin negotiations with the property owners for the recommended site? BACKGROUND As the need to provide sufficient space for the Police Department operations becomes more critical, staff has researched four (4) potential sites for the future City Police Department building. The criteria for selection among other considerations included (1) land size of3.0 to 3.5 acres, (2) multiple good access roadways, (3) least potential for hazardous spills, and (4) compatibility with the surrounding neighborhoods. The 4 potential sites are discussed in detail in section below. Additional site information is attached and will also be presented to the City Commission on the meeting day. Location 1 This site is under 2 separate ownerships and is located on east side of Kissimmee Avenue, between McKey Street and Floral Street. The Certi-Fine property includes approximately 2 acres on north side of Floral Street and approximately 0.56 acres on the south side of Floral Street. The old fruit packing buildings were recently demolished and only one auxiliary office building remains on the property, The Crittenden property is approximately 1.1 acres with 2 existing buildings totaling over 4000 S.F., paved parking, and a barn. Floral Street has a 60' right-of-way totaling approximately 0.36 acres and if vacated would yield approximately 0.26 acres towards the project. The approximate total number of acres is approximately 3.98 acres which includes the Certi-Fine, the Cridentten, and the Vacated Floral right-of-way. A recent appraisal performed for the City valued the Certi- Fine property at $825,000 and the Cridentten property at $610,000. This location is IQcated at the end of McKey Street and will uniquely complement the Ocoee downtown area. When build, the extension of public sewer facility will enhance and promote commercial growth in the downtown area. Staff has conducted preliminary discussion with both owners and has formulated potential strategies for the purchase of the properties. Location 2 This property is located on the northeast quadrant ofthe intersection of Orlando Avenue and Bluford Avenue. Approximately 2.15 acres are located south of Washington Street right-of-way between Bluford.Avenue and Lakewood Avenue. Another approximately 0.98 acres is located along Lakewood Avenue north of Washington Street right-of-way. Washington Street right-of-way is 60' wide and if vacated would yield approximately 0.49 acres. Therefore, the total acres available at this site are 3.62 acres. Staffhas not formally appraised this property, but the owner of the property has initially indicated the desire to sell the property for $1,000,000. This site has the following characteristics: . Provides multiple and adequate access points very close to the City's Fire Station #1. . Does not complement the downtown area and the potential commercial growth as in Location 1. . May present compatibility issues with the surrounding residential settings. Location 3 _ This option would co-locate the future Police Department at the existing Public Works property located at 301 Maguire Road. No formal appraisals were conducted, but the value of the land is estimated $150,000 to $200,000 per acre. This site is not as attractive as Locations 1 & 2 with less desirable access and the proximity to industrial sites with potential chemical processing issues. As in Location 2, this site would not provide for potential commercial growth in downtown area, Location 4 This site is approximately 10 acres and is located on the south side of Geneva Street, between Maguire Road and Bluford Avenue. The location provides excellent multiple access but does not promote growth in commercial growth in downtown area. However, the land is located within the CRA area. The initial contact with the owner indicated that they may be interested in a long term lease only rather than purchase. ANALYSIS & DISCUSSION Based on analysis of the potential sites based on the established criteria stated earlier, Location 1 presents the most feasible option for the City. The strategy is to (1) purchase the land, (2) secure the necessary financing for the design and construction of the building, (3) prepare the site and building drawings, and (4) construct the building. Staff anticipates if the land is purchased now, construction can get underway within 12 to 18 months. Upon approval by the City Commission, staff will begin negations with the property owners and bring back a formal purchase contract on a future City Commission meeting for approval. The funding for the purchase will be 5()o,Io from the Police Impact Fees and 5()o,Io from the General Funds. Purchase terms will include an initial payment not-to-exceed 50% of the purchase price and remainder over several years, The current City's General Fund budget does not include provisions for the purchase of the property. RECOMMENDATION Staff respectfully request that the City Commission to consider the potential sites presented by staff and: 1) Approve Location 1, Certi-Fine and Crittenden properties, and 2) Authorize and direct staff to begin negotiations with the property owners for Location 1, and 3) Direct staff to bring back a purchase contract for approval by the City Commission on a future meeting. POLICE DEPARTlV"tENT POTENTIAL SITES r I, \ \\/^~ POND--'" '- =r::1 ' ! 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T 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I 05-1130 APPRAISAL OF: THE CERTI-FINE & CRITTENDEN PARCELS KISSIMMEE AVENUE AT FLORAL STREET OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTE: SOME IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN IN THE PHOTOGRAPH HAVE SINCE BEEN DEMOLISHED. PREPARED FOR: MR. ROBERT B. ZAITOONI, P.E. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 301 MAGUIRE ROAD OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761 PREPARED BY: DERANGO. BEST & ASSOCIAITS REAL EsrA1E ApPRAISERS, ADVISORS 0. CONSULTANTS I 60 I EAsT AMELIA STREET" ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803 (407) 895-6650 DANIEL R. DERANGO, MAl ST.CERT.GEN.REA RZ 1054 - I I DERANGO, BEST & ASSOCIATES REAL EsTATE ApPRAISERS, ADVISORS & CONSULTANTS f 601 EAsT AMELIA STREET, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803 I I I I November 11, 2005 Mi. Robert B. Zaitooni, P.E. City of Ocoee Department of Public Works 301 Maguire Road Ocoee, Florida 34761 RE: Appraisal of the Certi-Fine and Crittenden Parcels located at Kissimmee Avenue and Floral Street, Ocoee, Orange County, Florida. . Dear Mr. Zaitooni: As requested, we have conducted a complete appraisal of the above referenced properties. The purpose of our appraisal was to estimate the market value of the fee simple interest under current market conditions. The intended use of our appraisal is for use in decision-making concerning possible negotiations to purchase the properties. The properties are described and discussed in the attached summary appraisal report. Our appraisal report has been prepared in conformance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), those of the Appraisal Institute and FIRREA regulations as they pertain to summary appraisal reports. As a result of our investigation and analysis, it is our opinion that the market value of the fee simple interest in the properties, as of October 25, is as follows: Owner Land Area Improvements Value Estimate (Acres) Crittenden 1.11 Older Office Buildings $610,000 and Sheds Certi-Fine 2.00 Modular Office/Shed $655,000 Supplemental Parcel (South of Main Parcels) Certi-Fine 0.56 None $170,000 Please refer the reader to the attached appraisal report, plus exhibits, for documentation of the above value estimate. We also direct your attention to the attached appraisal Special/General Assumptions and Limiting Conditions upon which the above cited value conclusion is contingent. Respectfully submitted, DERANGO, BEST & ASSOCIATES ~~ St.Cert.Gen.REA RZ 1054 05-1130 ~ (407) 895-6650 FAX (407) 898-8467 MAIL@OERANGOBEST.COM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I . ApPRAISAL OF THE CERTI-FINE & CRITTENDEN PARCELS KISSIMMEE AVENUE AT FLORAL STREET OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ,........,., I r ". .....J LLLLJ '.~.' '-.I'::; oI';.='(:;T I Crittenden :n ~U ~ I .~ I I I II~ ,., j;. ." ~ , , .- ;:1 L, Certi-Fine I - I III ~ -,t:] Ie Certi- ::: Fine I >J I --..J .- , '-' ...... p ~ ;" _,::r;::.,\'_ .3;T I -l PROPERTY LOCATION: As shown above, the combined property comprises one city block bounded by Kissimmee Avenue on the east, Floral Street on the south, Bay Street on the west, and McKey Street on the north. A non-contiguous parcel at the southwest corner of Kissimmee and Floral Street is also included in this report. The property is located within the Downtown Redevelopment Area of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION: The property consists of multiple parcels as shown below: Owner Land Area Improvements (Acres) Crittenden 1.11 Older Office Buildings and Sheds Certi-Fine 2.00 Modular Office/Shed Sub-Total: 3.11 Supplemental Parcel (South of Main Parcels) Certi-Fine 0.56 None Total: 3.67 " .: 05-1130 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ApPRAISAL OF THE CERTI-FINE & CRITTENDEN PARCELS KISSIMMEE AVENUE AT FLORAL STREET OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE 2 REPORT TYPE: EFFECTIVE DATE OF APPRAISAL: PURPOSE & INTENDED USE: INTEREST APPRAISED: HIGHEST AND BEST USE: ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES: SPECIAL ASSUMPTION: 05-1130 Complete Appraisal; Summary Report Format October 25, 2005 Estimate the market value of the fee simple interest for the property. The intended use is for use in decision making. Fee Simple Estate. As Vacant: Development with Commercial and/or Public use consistent with emerging downtown area. As Improved: The existing offices on the Crittenden parcel could have some interim use to some prospective owners or could be incorporated into a development of the parcel. Owner Land Area Improvements Value Estimate (Acres) Crittenden 1.11 Older Office Buildings $610,000 and Sheds Certi-Fine 2.00 Modular Office/Shed $655,000 Supplemental Parcel (South of Main Parcels) Certi-Fine 0.56 None $170,000 The property has historically been used for industrial purposes. We have assumed for appraisal purposes that there is no soil contamination or other environmental issues associated with the property. We know of no such conditions, but the detection of such problems is beyond the scope of our expertise. 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C ::T CD ~ ro CD o ::J en a. _ "UTlO ro - 0 "",0"", o ""' ::J CD ro CD --""' ......eno - - 9OCD^ N m. Cir - en ro -. 0.3 Dj' 3 o CD CD CD 3- ;Pen < 0 CD C _::J_ ::TC::T CD CD ~ en ro CD -::Jen ma.- !R.Tl8 =t'Q3 o ro CD 3 -""' "US'28. roro^ o m. -en en . CD - _. Z;ro3 Q 3 o CD III CD r "tJ ::0 o ~ =< o ~ ::0 S I'll ~ Qi Q) - ~ 0') ...... 1+ )::. o Cti (I) ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I I ,-- I I I I l l l l ApPRAISAL OF THE CERTI-FINE & CRITTENDEN PARCELS KISSIMMEE AVENUE AT FLORAL STREET OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS Certi-Fine Improvements: PAGE 24 -.......'" ..... -,~ "" All improvements on the Certi-Fine property (Main and Southern Parcels) have been , demolished with the exception of one modular metal office structure (shown above) at the northeast corner of Floral and Bay Streets. The prefabricated building contains 1,200 SF and was constructed in 1972. The building is nearing the end of its useful life and offers only a nominal value contribution to the property at the date of appraisal. Crittenden Improvements: 05-1130 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ApPRAISAL OF THE CERTI-FINE & CRITTENDEN PARCELS KISSIMMEE AVENUE AT FLORAL STREET OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE 25 Improvements on the Crittenden parcels consist of four structures: . Office Building: Single-story, 2,895 SF, concrete block, built in 1958, with attached, covered, storage area. (Vacant) . Office Building: Single-story, 1,250 SF, concrete block, built in 1962. (Leased) . Storage Shed: Metal, 2,280 SF, built in 1968. . Open Storage Shed: Lean-to, open storage shed, metal. The sheds are in fair condition and are at or approaching the end of their economic lines. These structures offer nominal value to the property. According to the owner, the office buildings were remodeled approximately eight years ago. The roofs were replaced two to three years ago. The larger of the two buildings is currently vacant. The smaller building is leased at $1 O.OO/SF to a long-term tenant. The current lease expires in April of 2006. Below is a summary of the salient construction features: Foundation: Concrete monolithic slab Exterior Walls: Concrete Block Flooring: Interior Walls: Commercial tile and carpet Painted drywall Suspended acoustical tile with recessed fluorescent lighting Metal doors and windows encased in aluminum Ceilings: Doors! Windows: Mechanical: Central HV AC Ceiling Height: Parking: Site Improvements: Eight feet in office area Ample open parking at front and rear of buildings Minimal landscaping along Kissimmee Avenue 05-1130 I I I I I I I I I I I II I J I I I I I ApPRAISAL OF THE CERTI-FINE & CRITTENDEN PARCELS KISSIMMEE AVENUE AT FLORAL STREET OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE 26 COMMENTS The office improvements appear to be of average quality construction and are generally functional for their intended use. The existing offices on the Crittenden parcel are older and have limited appeal relative to contemporary design. However, the buildings are physically suitable for continued use, but would have only interim value to most prospective users. Alternatively, the site could be sold and marketed as an office without the western portion of the property. 05-1130