HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-06-2014CITY OF OCOEE MINUTES OF HUMAN RELATIONS /DIVERSITY BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 6, 2014 CALL TO ORDER Chair -Elect Calloway called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. in Room 109 of City Hall, 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Following a moment of personal reflection, the board pledged allegiance to the flag. The clerk called roll and determined there was a quorum present. PRESENT: Chairman Dawkins, Chair -Elect Calloway, Past - Chairman Hopkins, Members Boudokhane, Daily, Foster, Freeman, Prater and Maxwell ALSO PRESENT: Director of Support Services Al Butler, Staff - Liaison Joy Wright and Recording Clerk Turner ABSENT: Members Padilla (A /U), Ruiz (A /U), and Commissioner Keller was absent CUS F OR D ISCU SSI ON Member Boudokhave arrived to the meeting at 7:06 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 2, 2014 Minutes of the October 2, 2014, meeting were accepted as written. Member Daily arrived to the meeting at 7:07 p.m. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/ PUBLIC None WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBER Chairman Dawkins welcomed Member Zane Prater. She asked that he give a brief introduction of himself and his interest in serving on the board. Member Prater gave a brief history and stated his interest in joining the board was the ability to serve and community involvement. BUDGET UPDATE This item was heard out of Agenda order. Staff - Liaison Wright stated as of October, the HRDB account balance is $21,332.56. Member Maxwell asked that certain funds be earmarked for future purposes. Director Butler explained that the City's Finance Department is unable to demarcate the funds; however, an excel spreadsheet can be used to track the allocation of funds, or the board can set a certain amount of funds aside for different events. He continued by saying there is no preclusion to spend more than $12,000 for the International Cultural Exposition (ICE); however, other events cannot use any of the $12,000 allocated for this specific event. Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes November 6, 2014 Page 2 of 6 Past - Chairman Hopkins inquired how much of the Board's budget has been earmarked for the MILK event. Ms. Wright explained that the Board has not allocated a certain amount for the MLK event. The liaison continued by saying that Keynote Speaker Sisaundra Lewis did riot indicate that she would charge a fee for the engagement. Ms. Wright shared her concern that Ms. Lewis' publicist has not returned any of her calls to confirm attendance. Director Butler emphasized the importance of requiring an Appearance Contract, much like the one used for Founders' Day. He continued by saying that he will contact the City's attorney to tailor the contract to the Board's needs. Discussion ensued, and it was decided that Ms. Wright will allow the Keynote Speaker two more weeks to return her e- mails/ phone calls, and she will also e -mail the Appearance Contract to her. Ms. Wright requested the board allocate funds for the Keynote Speaker in the event that it may be required by Ms. Lewis. The Board discussed payment and the members shared their opinions. Board members suggested allocating anywhere from $500 - $2,000 for the payment of Keynote Speaker Sisaundra Lewis. Member Maxwell opined that she has international acclaim and offering $500 would be insulting. Member Foster and other members agreed the fee should be based on the value of the speaker, and Sisaundra Lewis is highly regarded. The members discussed having paid Lucas Boyce $2,000 for his appearance. Chair -Elect Calloway and other members agreed that no more than $500 should be allocated for the Keynote Speaker. Chair -Elect Calloway, seconded by Past - Chairman Hopkins, moved to allocate not more than $500 for the payment and /or honorarium to the keynote speaker. Director Butler agreed that Ms. Lewis has value, but cautioned the board against spending 25% of their budget for a Keynote Speaker. Member Boudokhane moved to amend the motion to allocate not more than $800 for the payment and /or honorarium to the keynote speaker. The motion died from lack of a second. Regarding the original motion: Motion carried by majority vote of 5 to 4, with Chairman Dawkins and Members Daily, Foster and Maxwell dissentincg. Director Butler suggested that if Ms. Lewis should request a fee higher than the Board's allocated amount, the chairman could call a special meeting to discuss and vote on the topic. The Board agreed. CEMETERY This item was heard out of Agenda order. Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes November 6, 2014 Page 3 of 6 Director Butler informed the Board that the City solicited memorial information from two vendors. The director described the memorial to be of granite material set atop a pedestal, costing approximately $5,000. As the options for the memorial are plenty, the director will narrow down the choices and present them at the next meeting [December 4, 2014]. Member Maxwell added that he appreciates the director's efforts in continuing the pursuit of this idea. This will be a nice tribute to the service that Mr. Lester Dabbs has provided to the Board and community. FIESTA DE COLORES FUTURE PLANNING Member Boudokhane inquired if the 2014 Fiesta de Colores event would also be the last, Director Butler explained that he and others have been told that the Board would not sponsor a 2015 Fiesta de Colores event as they will sanction the 2016 International Cultural Exposition. Past - Chairman Hopkins opined that sponsoring Fiesta de Colores in the fall and then ICE in the spring may spread the budget too thin. Director Butler addressed the event's staffing issue by saying that City personnel was at a minimum, because the City's fiscal year was at the end. Therefore, there was little to no funding for overtime. Member Maxwell agreed with the director, and shared his concerns with cancelling Fiesta de Colores. Fiesta de Colores is a nationally acclaimed holiday, and he wants to safeguard the City from any backlash from the community. In order to preempt the possibility of criticism, the City should offer an official proclamation. Member Boudokhane concurred and suggested the City explain that ICE will embrace many cultures. Member Maxwell suggested the Board decide on a message to propose to the City. Past - Chaiman Hopkins suggested the ICE committee prepare a message to present to the Board. Member Maxwell stated the verbiage should be ready by January. Past - Chairman Hopkins suggested releasing the statement in May 2015, which is generally when the Fiesta de Colores announcement is made. Staff - Liaison Wright stated that she was under the assumption that the City Commission was aware that any future Fiesta de Colores event would be incorporated with ICE, as that was relayed in the committee's presentation to the Commission. Mr. Butler affirmed the liaison's assumption and added that the message to the Commission was explicit. Ms. Wright stated that she could let the public know of the event cancellation via a news release. Chairman Dawkins directed the ICE committee to formulate the message and present it to the Board for approval. Ms. Wright stated the board could explore options on a smaller scale during Hispanic Heritage Month, such as the wall of fame in City Hall and hanging the banners. MLK Chairman Dawkins reminded the Board of the suggested themes: • One Voice One Goal Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes November 6, 2014 Page 4 of 6 • One Voice One Dream • Lift Every Voice • Let Every Voice Be Lifted • What's In A Voice • What Would We Be Without A Voice • Follow Your Voice To Fulfill Your Dream • Follow Your Dream, Let Us Hear Your Voice The Chairman asked for consensus to narrow down the options, and the Board chose the following themes: • Many Voices, One Dream • Follow your Voice, Fulfill your Dream • Follow your Voice, Live your Dream • One Voice, One Dream By majority vote, the 2015 MLK event theme is Many Voices, One Dream. Ms. Wright stated she could update the vendor form and post it to the City's website and the Board's webpage. Chair -Elect Calloway stated that Evans, Wekiva and West Orange High School Bands have a different engagement and cannot attend the MLK event. Ms. Wright will meet with a representative of the Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center regarding their participation in the MLK event. Chairman Dawkins requested she be invited to the meeting. The Board approved the meeting. Ms. Wright informed the Board that the City needs to employ the services of a new sound technician. Chairman Dawkins asked if Member Maxwell could confirm the Garden Community Choir. The member responded he would. Ms. Wright noted to reach out to the R.O.T.C. Past - Chairman Hopkins inquired regarding the MLK banners. Ms. Wright stated she would request the City's Public Works Department to check on them. Director Butler requested the Board authorize the allocation of funds for the purpose of usual and customary expenditures, such as portable toilettes, giveaways, the stage, flowers, etc. Chair -Elect Calloway, seconded by Past - Chairman Hopkins, moved to allocate up to $4,000 for the usual and customary expenditures for the MLK event. Motion carried unanimously. Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes November 6, 2014 Page 5 of 6 Board discussion ensued regarding the purchase of T- shirts as giveaways or for sale at the MLK event. The Board directed Ms. Wright to bring quotes to the next meeting [December 4, 2014]. ESSAY CONTEST Member Maxwell, seconded by Member Freemen, moved to adopt the MLK theme [Many Voices, One Dreaml for the Black History Month Essay Contest. Motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wright will send an e -mail to all principals with the adopted theme. The board discussed providing the schools with guidelines. Director Butler offered to draft the guidelines and present them at the next meeting [December 4, 2014]. Chairman Dawkins directed Ms. Wright to contact and invite the winner of the 2014 Black History Month Essay Contest to the 2015 MLK event. INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL EXPOSITION Chairman Dawkins explained that the Board may not have a booth for Founders' Day on Saturday. Ms. Wright explained that a vendor application was not submitted; therefore, a space was not allotted for the Board. However, she spoke with Mark Johnson [Parks & Rec Department] and he stated that they would make space, but for next year, an application will need to be submitted. Member Maxwell stated that the Board needs to elect a liaison for such items. Board discussion ensued regarding which Board members could attend to man the information table. The Board decided not to have an information booth for the 2014 Founders' Day as they were short on time and many members were unable to attend. Member Prater volunteered to act as the Board's liaison for future City events. Chairman Dawkins explained that as liaison, he will need to complete applications etc., on the Board's behalf. Director Butler reminded the members that the volunteer form will need to be completed and approved prior to working City events. Director Butler suggested the services of a paid consultant to assist with ICE. The consultant could assist with the website, acquiring sponsors, etc. Additionally, he received valuable information from the Founders' Day Marketing Representative, Michelle Bergstein. The director advised that he will bring a proposal to the December meeting. Member Maxwell expressed the importance of establishing an interactive website for the upcoming event. Director Butler explained the consultant could provide this type of service. Member Maxwell sought permission from the board to engage a publicist for the event; he is an active writer for the West Orange Times, and has many contacts with the media. The board had no objection to receiving professional help. The member requested permission to invite his contact to the December meeting. The Board agreed. Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes November 6, 2014 Page 6 of 6 Director Butler stated the event needs publicity. Additionally, the consultant has been asked to provide him with a cafeteria -style list of services. Member Maxwell indicated that he is looking at gratuitous offers. He continued by saying that he is a member of the Farmworkers Advisory Board and there is an amazing number of people that expressed excitement on making contributions to this event. He encouraged the Board to reach out to anyone that can offer guidance or services. Mr. Maxwell stated there is a pending ICE committee meeting scheduled for November 18, 2014. Chairman Dawkins stated at this stage of the planning, the focus should be on partnership. Mr. Maxwell opined that the Board cannot lose ownership of the event. He asked for the Board consensus. The Board conceded. NEXT AGENDA - December 4, 2014 Comments from Citizens /Public Budget Report Cemetery MLK Essay Contest International Cultural Exposition Other City Events Set Next Agenda QUESTIONS /COMMENTS ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. 'ana Turner, Recording Clerk Ni hole awkins, Chairman