HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06-15 AgendaREVISED OCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida January 6, 2015 6:00 P.M. EXECUTIVE SESSION — MAZO v. THE CITY OF OCOEE 6:45 P.M. Presentations: ➢ Christmas Parade Trophies Presentation — Ocoee Lions Club ➢ 2014 Holiday Lighting Contest Winners — Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 7:15 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call and Determination of Quorum B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Retirement Presentation to Ricky Waldrop for 32 Years of Service — Utilities Director Smith C. FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS F. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION, IN WHICH CASE THE MAYOR WILL INSTRUCT THE CITY CLERK TO REMOVE THAT ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. I. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting Held December 2, 2014. (City Clerk Eikenberry) 2. Reappointments to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire Department (CACOFD). (City Clerk Eikenberry) The Citizen Advisory Council for the Ocoee Fire Department (CACOFD) was created to promote and maintain communication, cooperation and a positive relationship between the City of Ocoee's citizens, City Commission and Fire Department. The board shall consist of no less than 7 members, no more than 15 members, who will serve three (3) year terms. The board currently has seven (7) members. The three -year terms of Members Warren Channel and Charles Lawrie ended November 1, 2014. Both members have indicated they are willing to serve another three -year term, if reappointed. There are no applications currently on file. Regular Commission Meeting January 6, 2015 3. Approval of the 2014/2015 Sanitation Division Capital Outlay Revision. (Public Works Director Krug) The City implemented the revised recycling collection program in August 2014, changing from manually collecting recycled materials in bins to automated collection using 96 gallon carts with the side arm loading (SAL) trucks as employed in the City's residential collection. Based on neighboring Municipalities' experience, Public Works conservatively projected increased recycling volumes which would be handled by three (3) SAL trucks. Participation in the revised recycle program has exceeded projections, more than doubling the anticipated volume and requiring five (5) SAL trucks to collect the increased recyclables. Utilizing the five (5) SAL trucks for recycling has changed the operational needs of Sanitation. Public Works has analyzed the effects of the overwhelming recycling participation and determined both of the SAL trucks slated for surplus this year will need to be replaced in order to maintain a serviceable truck fleet in Sanitation. The current Sanitation budget includes a single SAL replacement, surplus of two nine (9) year old SAL trucks, along with adding a chipper truck operation to revise our process of collecting tree debris. The revision to the tree debris collection will need to be curtailed as the Team Members to be assigned to the operation are being utilized to meet the recycling demands. Public Works is requesting the Commission approve Public Works' request to revise the Sanitation Division's Capital Outlay to delete the proposed chipper truck and chipper in order to include an additional SAL truck. This requested revision is adequately funded within the existing Sanitation Capital Outlay budget. 4. Approval of Purchase of New Air Packs for the Fire Department. (Interim Fire Chief Hoover) The Ocoee Fire Department has been using Scott Air Packs for the last 11 years without any complaints or problems. These current Air Packs are reaching the end of their life cycle and new editions ofNFPA 1981/1982 standards have made these packs obsolete. The Ocoee Fire Department is seeking the approval from the commission to move forward in the acquisition of new Scott X3 Air Packs to replace our current Scott Air Packs in an effort to upgrade to the current edition of NFPA standards and provide additional firefighter safety. Our neighboring fire departments, Winter Garden and Orange County, are also moving toward replacing their current Air Packs with the same Scott Air Pack, so by also making the change to these Air Packs will provide all three departments with uniformity in Air Pack operations and aid in training and /or emergency operations. 5. Approval of Contracting with IBI Group (Florida) Inc. for the Installation of an 8 inch Reuse Main in Conjunction with the Spring Lake Reserve Subdivision. (City Engineer Wheeler) The Spring Lake Reserve subdivision was approved by the City Commission on July 1, 2014, and began construction shortly afterward. The IBI Group (Florida) Inc. project consisted of installing the infrastructure representative of a residential subdivision for 97 single family homes. The development has connected to the City's potable system on A.D. Mims Road and an extension off of Sparkling Water Circle in the Reflections subdivision and the sanitary sewer lift station located in the Reflections subdivision on Sparkling Water Drive. Connection to the City's reuse system was made to the pipeline on A.D. Mims Road. The Ocoee Utilities Department has been experiencing some low pressures along Sparkling Water Circle and has determined that connecting the Spring Lake Reserve reuse piping to the reuse system on Sparkling Water Circle will alleviate these low pressures and allow for proper operation and coverage of the residents irrigation systems. The Reflections subdivision is supplied reuse water through connections from Clarke Road. Based upon hydraulic modeling, this third connection into the "backside" of Reflections will alleviate the low pressure issue. IBI Group was approached about installing this connection between the subdivisions. Their contractor agreed to perform the work based upon prices established for his constructing the Spring Lake Reserve infrastructure. IBI Group has offered to not add any mark up on their contractor's proposal. Therefore the cost to install this 8 inch reuse pipeline will be $19,183.79. 2 1Pagc Regular Commission Meeting January 6, 2015 6. Approval of Resolution for the Installation of Street Lighting on SR 50 as part of FDOT's Widening Project from Good Homes Road to the Entrance to the West Oaks Mall. (City Engineer Wheeler) The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is nearing completion of the widening of the portion of SR 50 from Good Homes Road to the entrance to the West Oaks Mall. FDOT and the City have been working together to have street lights installed along this portion of the road widening project. FDOT originally designed high pressure sodium (HPS) lights for this section of the road widening and secured a bid from Lane Construction Company for the installation as part of the overall project. This is FDOT's standard design — HPS lights on 40 foot poles. The City wanted to look at using LED lights as opposed to the HPS lights. City staff looked to move towards newer technology lighting; and FDOT has allowed LED lights on a few highway projects as test cases. Two main options were explored: the City designing, permitting, and constructing the lights or the City contracting with Duke Energy Florida, Inc. to design, permit and install the lights. Duke Energy provided the City with a cost proposal to design, permit, and install the LED street light system for this section of the SR 50 widening. Duke Energy will perform routine maintenance, repairs and replacements as needed, and maintain an inventory of pieces, parts, fixtures, poles, etc. Duke Energy already has the trained personnel and equipment needed to install and maintain the lighting system. Duke Energy's proposal to install the LED light system on the section of SR 50 from Good Homes Road to the entrance to the West Oaks Mall is for $119,464.84. FDOT is offering funding to the City for the installation of the LED street lights. The funding is not required to be reimbursed, provided the City meets the terms and conditions of the Joint Participation Agreement. The amount of funding being offered by FDOT is up to $120,000 to cover the cost of the installation of the street lights. Lacking this agreement, the City would have to pay for the entire lighting project out of its own funds. 7. Approval of the Amended 2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Application 2015 -JAGC -2441. (Police Chief Brown) This year, $10,645.00 has been made available for the City of Ocoee Police Department through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). The Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Formula Program Committee wishes to submit the attached 51% Letter to the Office of Criminal Justice Grants in Tallahassee. This letter lists the various programs for which the participating law enforcement agencies in Orange County plan to spend the $342,874.00 allocated to them. The letter and accompanying grant application must be signed by the Mayor. If approved, the City of Ocoee will receive $10,645.00 to purchase mobile rapid ID fingerprint technology. Oftentimes, people who do not wish to reveal their true identities to law enforcement officers will give false names and claim not to have identification on their persons. Gains in technology have allowed law enforcement officers to identify people who have fingerprints on file by means of electronic mobile rapid ID fingerprint scanners. By scanning a fingerprint and wirelessly transmitting that print to be checked against electronic databases, officers can learn the identity of people in seconds, as opposed to the hours or days of older models. The City of Ocoee Police Department has purchased, tested, and evaluated Mobile Wireless Fingerprint Scanners. These mobile rapid ID fingerprint scanners enable officers on the street to quickly identify individuals by cross matching their fingerprints against the FDLE database. The agency would like to purchase five (5) mobile rapid ID scanners, related software, warranty, and maintenance contracts with the money from the grant. 8. Approval of Purchase of Police Full Service K9 (and all associated medical and training costs). (Police Chief Brown) The City of Ocoee Police Department's K9 program currently has two officers assigned to the unit. One officer has a full service K9 (Nitro) while the other officer has a narcotics only K9. The narcotics only K9 (Ajsa) is in declining health, and it is the recommendation of her veterinarian that she be retired as continued service will only accelerate her decline. In order to continue this valuable program and enhance its capabilities, the agency wishes to utilize State forfeiture funds to purchase and train a full service K9 to replace Ajsa. Full service police dogs can provide narcotics detection, conduct searches for missing and endangered persons, and evidence, as well as provide criminal tracking and apprehension. The estimated cost to purchase and train a new K9, and to have it medically examined prior to purchase is $12,000. 311'age Regular Commission Meeting January 6, 2015 9. Approval of Transfer of Ownership of Retiring Police K9 AJSA. (Police Chief Brown) The City of Ocoee Police Department's K9 program currently has two officers assigned to the unit. One of the police K9s, Ajsa, is in declining health, and it is the recommendation of her veterinarian that she be retired as continued service will only accelerate her decline. Ocoee Police Department must find a home for Ajsa. The Ocoee Police Department has found a suitable party, Mr. Jordan Rehn, who is ready to provide a home to Ajsa in her retirement years. Mr. Rehn is associated with Greenbriar Pet Cemetery and has a unique background and familiarization with police K9s, being the son of a neighboring police department's K9 trainer. 10. Award of RFQ #1401 Engineering Services for Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Project. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) In compliance with the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA), Florida Statutes Section 287.055 and Chapter 21 of the City's Code of Ordinances, the City solicited statements of qualifications from qualified professional engineering, engineering /surveying firms /teams that are interested in providing design, coordination, permitting and bidding services for the City's Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Project. The project consists of 21,400 feet of 12" to 20" diameter sanitary sewer forcemain and a regional master lift station. The selected Consultant will assist the City by supplying sanitary sewer transmission design, coordination, permitting, and bidding services needed to support the project. The six (6) responses were evaluated by the RFQ Evaluation; the public RFQ Evaluation Committee meeting was held on September 30, 2014, with the Evaluation Committee evaluating and short - listing the firms on specific evaluation criteria. The evaluation committee recommends contracting with the top ranked firm, BFA Environmental, per the award recommendation from the Utilities Director. The Engineer's Planning Level Opinion of Probable Cost (2014) for the Western Transmission Main project is $7,228,108.00 with $625,000.00 pre - staged with the Bluford Storm Water and the Dollar General Projects. Also included with this work is the initial phase of the Downtown Sewer Project with a planned $500,000 expenditure. Based on the remaining work for the transmission project and downtown work. The project's complexity has been reduced to the hydraulic design work and liftstation design work being completed by others. Engineering fees should range around $450,000. 11. Award of Bid #B14 -02 -R Lift Station #10 Rehabilitation; and Lift Station #9 Removal Project (Rebid). (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) In conformance with the policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee (City), bids were solicited from qualified contractors to construct the Lift Station #10 Rehabilitation; and Lift Station #9 Removal (Project). The work consists of the decommissioning of lift station 99 (conversion of station to an inline manhole), and the rehabilitation of station 410. In addition, the work will include the replacement of 1,000 feet of gravity mains due to failures and grade changes in the mains. This project was originally bid on February 11, 2014, and rejected by the City Commission on May 6, 2014 with the intent to revise the bidding documents and re -bid the project. Staff recommended the rejection of the bids due to the need to add the emergency repair of a gravity main and centralized "Alarm Monitoring Control Center" to the project. The bid was publicly advertised on August 31, 2014, and opened on September 30, 2014. A pre -bid conference was held on September 17, 2014. There was only one (1) bid received, from L7 Construction, Inc. for $725,879.80 (adjusted due to mathematical error in the bid form). Staff recommends that the City Commission award Bid 4B14 -02 -R Lift Station #10 Rehabilitation and Lift Station 49 Removal Project (Re -Bid) to L7 Construction, Inc., in the amount of $725,879.80. Staff also recommends that project funding be supplemented with $400,000.00 from Wastewater Repair & Replacement. 12. Award of Bid #B15 -01 Forest Oaks Water Treatment Plant (WTP) & South WTP Ground Storage Tanks Rehabilitation Project. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) In conformance with the policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee (City), bids were solicited from qualified contractors to perform the Forest Oaks WTP & South WTP Ground Storage Tanks Rehabilitation Project (Project). The work consists of rehabilitation of 4 concrete ground storage tanks at the City's two water treatment plants. This work involves draining, cleaning, repair of spalling, cracking and damaged concrete, exposed and deteriorating structural steel, removal of portions of 41 11 e. Regular Commission Meeting January 6, 2015 interior piping, re- applying interior coatings and corroded hardware and refilling and disinfecting of the tanks. The bid was publicly advertised on September 21, 2014, and opened on October 21, 2014. A pre -bid conference /site visit was held on October 2, 2014. The City received 4 bids for this project. The low bidder is Atlas Steel Coatings, Incorporated located in Brooksville Florida. Atlas Steel Coatings, Incorporated could not provide viable references related to concrete tank repair or similar work experiences relating to this project, thus staff recommends Atlas Steel Coatings bid be deemed non - responsible and their bid not be accepted. The second lowest bidder is Precon Corporation located in Newberry, Florida. Their bid price is $186,863.00. All Precon Incorporated references provided positive responses to inquiry for similar work as described in the bid. Additionally, Precon Incorporated is one of the largest and most experienced contractors of pre - stressed wire wound concrete storage tanks in Florida. Staff recommends that the City Commission award Bid #B15 -01 Forest Oaks WTP & South WTP Ground Storage Tanks Rehabilitation Project to Precon Corporation in the amount of $186,863.00. G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES — PUBLIC HEARINGS 13. Code of Ordinance Amendment — Reduction of Impact Fees and the Deferral of the Road Impact Fees Payments Extension until April 30, 2015. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, December 25, 2014). (City Planner Rumer) The City's Transportation Impact Fee update is being reviewed for final comment and adjustment however will not be ready to adopt before the sunshine date of December 31, 2014. Staff is requesting an additional extension to adopt the updated Transportation Impact Fees in 2015. Also, per Florida Statute Section 163.31801: "Impact Fee adjustments are required to be noticed no less than 90 days before the effective date of an ordinance or resolution imposing a new or increased impact fee. A county or municipality is not required to wait 90 days to decrease, suspend, or eliminate an impact fee." The additional time will give the City time to properly notice the amendment if new fees or higher fees are proposed. H. PUBLIC HEARINGS 14. Kids Community College — Preliminary/Final Site Plan. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, December 25, 2014. This item is being continued to the January 20, 2015, Commission Meeting.) (City Planner Rumer) I. REGULAR AGENDA 15. Reappointment of Commissioner Keller to MetroPlan Orlando's Municipal Advisory Committee (MAC). (Mayor Vandergrift) The MetroPlan Orlando, a regional transportation partnership, sent a letter to Mayor Vandergrift requesting that the City of Ocoee reaffirm their desire to continue participating on the Committee for 2015 and, if so, to appoint or reappoint the member who will serve as the City's representative. This position has been historically appointed in March with the other commission liaisons; however MetroPlan would like the appointments to be made on a calendar year basis. Staff recommends the Mayor and Commission reaffirm their desire to continue participating on MAC and reappoint Commissioner Keller to remain the city's representative for the year 2015. J. STAFF ACTION ITEMS K. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS ADJOURNMENT 51Page Regular Commission Meeting January 6, 2015 PLEASE NOTE: IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES 286.0105: ANY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ALSO, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.26: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE, OCOEE, FL 34761, (407) 905 -3105 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 6111age