HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-2014 CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held December 4, 2014
Chair -elect Calloway called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm in Room 109 of the Ocoee City Hall, 150
North Lakeshore Drive. Following the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag and a moment of personal
reflection, Support Services Director Butler as Acting Secretary called the roll and determined that a
quorum was not present. At the meeting at the time of roll call were Chair -elect Calloway, Members
Maxwell, Daily, Padilla, and Wright, and Director Butler. Past -chair Hopkins and Member Freeman were
excused absent.
Member Padilla was welcomed to his first meeting since being appointed by the City Commission.
No members of the public were present.
Due to the lack of a quorum, the assembled group informally went through the items on the established
agenda, with the addition of an item to address the need to create the office of Secretary and to appoint
or elect a person to this position.
Member Wright reported that the Board had a current fund balance of $20,200.41.
Chair Dawkins joined the meeting at approximately 7:10 pm.
Director Butler presented information on the proposed memorial to be placed on city street right of way
at the end of Basking Ridge Court using funds previously allocated by the City Commission. After a
review and discussion, the group recommended that the monument should generally conform to the
proposed design with the revision to use a sans serif font for the large "Hallowed Ground" on the left
side of the monument; to revise the legend for the right side to read, "In honor and memory of the
African Americans who called Ocoee their home "; and to place the dates 1885 -1920 in gold lettering on
the monument base. (Revised drawing is attached to these minutes.)
Member Ruiz joined the meeting at approximately 7:20 pm.
Member Wright confirmed that Sisaundra Lewis had formally agreed to be the keynote speaker for the
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration. The sponsor registration form was distributed to the members
of the Board.
Director Butler presented a proposal for describing the Black History Month Essay Contest to
participating schools. After some discussion, the group recommended that the program outline be
modified to increase the grand prize value by reducing the number of subordinate prizes awarded. (The
revised final rules are attached to these minutes.)
Member Boudokhane joined the meeting at approximately 7:55 pm. At this time, Director Butler, acting
as Secretary, declared that a quorum of members was present.
Minutes were accepted without amendment.
Motion made and passed unanimously to recommend that the city pursue the purchase and installation
of the African - American cemetery memorial, as previously described.
Motion made and passed to approve the use of up to $600 for cash or cash - equivalent prizes to be
awarded for the Black History Month Essay Contest along the general outline previously discussed; i.e.,
up to seven school prizes at $50 and one grand prize at $250.
Discussion of International Cultural Exposition Day was deferred except with regard to the need for a
meeting space that can reliably accommodate the Subcommittee working on this event. Member
Maxwell, Subcommittee Chair, was advised by general consent to seek accommodations at other city
venues by working with city staff or to make arrangements with any private facility that could
accommodate the group.
Creation of the office of Secretary and appointment of someone to serve in that position was deferred
to the next meeting. The enabling City Commission legislation directs the City Clerk to appoint a staff
person to fulfill the role of Board Secretary; however, it was acknowledged by the group that it could be
self- sufficient for the purpose of preparing minutes and agenda packages in the absence of someone
being appointed to serve as Secretary by the City Clerk. (The City Clerk had earlier noted that the HRDB
is the only advisory board for which it provides staff assistance.)
The agenda for the next meeting, which will be held on January 8, 2015 due to the New Year's holiday,
was established as:
A. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Personal Reflection
B. Roll CaII and Determination of Quorum
C. Review Agenda for Tonight's Meeting
D. Review of Minutes for December 4, 2014
A. Comments from Citizens /Public
B. Creation of the Office of Secretary
C. Budget Report
D. Cemetery
E. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
F. Black History Month Essay Contest
G. International Cultural Exposition Day
H. Set Next Agenda
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:15 pm.
These are the official minutes of the Ocoee Human Relations Diversity Board, as accepted by the Board
at a meeting held on the date shown below. Any amendments to the minutes as originally prepared by
the Secretary are indicates above.
Presidi : Officer Date