Vice -Chair Laney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City
Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Vice -Chair Laney led the invocation and Member
Santana led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the roll was called, and a quorum was
PRESENT: Member Ball, Member Santana, Vice -Chair Laney, Member Zielinski (late arrival)
Member Alcuri, and Member Titus. Also present were Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi and
Recording Clerk Garza.
ABSENT: Member Clark (excused), Member Yost (unexcused), Chairman McKey (unexcused),
and Member Mullan (unexcused).
Approval of Minutes from the July 24, 2014 Meeting
Member Alcuri made a motion to approve the minutes trom.Julv 24, 2014 seconded by Member
Ball. Motion passed unanimously.
Budget Update
Member Santana states as of today the board has $1000.00 in the budget. Vice -Chair Laney
reminds the board members that there may be something useful to purchase at the upcoming
International Police Chiefs Association Conference to help the Police Department, and also asks
if there are any other ideas for this money. Discussions ensued.
Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members there are no classes scheduled for either the
S.A.F.E class or the Gun Safety Class for the remainder of the year; the last Gun Safety Class
was held October 18, 2014 and will resume again in January. Vice -Chair Laney asks Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi to inform the board of any upcoming classes and Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Iannuzzi tells the board members the Police Department utilizes social media, such as Facebook
and Tweeter, to inform the public of classes and events; this is a good source of information for
upcoming classes and events.
Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
Vice -Chair Laney asks if there is anything new to this program or any comments since
Chairman McKey is usually the person who brings the information, but there are no comments.
(Member Zielinski arrived at 7:06 p.m.)
Anti - Bullying Campaign
Vice -Chair Laney tells the board members she has a flyer for the Week of the Family for every
member and also extras for anyone who wishes to post the flyers at their church, community, or
place of employment; she continues by asking Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi explain the Police
Department's contribution to the Children's Expo. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi continues by
saying it will be held at the West Oaks Mall on November 1 2014 and explains that
CACOPD Meeting
October 23, 2014
unfortunately this event falls on the same day as the Poker Run which utilizes most of the
staffing. Member Santana states the flyers show the event taking place also on November 2 nd ,
2014 and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi explains she was told by the event's marketing director
she needed the Police Department on November 1", 2014. Vice -Chair Laney encouraged Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi to reach out to the marketing director to see what can be done on Sunday,
November 2, 2014. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi adds that Community Service Aide Linda
Michaelis will be at the Mall on November 1 2014 because she is certified to do the helmet
fittings. Discussions ensued. Vice -Chair Laney adds there will be 250 bicycle helmets to
distribute, a free movie on both days, Mr. Peabody and Sherman, and if anyone is interested she
can get the movie tickets.
Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
Vice -Chair Laney explains she would like to choose a date next year once the new legislative
session has ended to have an attorney come and explain anything new in the legislature, and also
help people in the City of Ocoee understand how Code Enforcement, and any other services in
the City work.
Update on Community Picnic
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members it was a successful event with an estimated
attendance of 300 people, and about 500 hamburgers and hotdogs were served. She continues by
saying there was a photographer who took several pictures that can be seen on the Police
Department's Facebook Account. Vice -Chair Laney adds she liked the fact that there is a lot of
shade and it was not too hot to be outdoors, plus the fact that the food was prepared by the Police
Department as opposed to hiring food trucks; she also adds the Fire Department had a Fire Truck
for kids to climb in and encourages everyone to volunteer for next year's Community Picnic.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi adds the Police Department is looking at other options for next year
such as holding it earlier in the year, somewhere between March and June; also, maybe use other
locations since the City has many parks such as Hackney Prairie, Palm Park and Vignetti. Vice -
Chair Laney adds it could be a good idea to combine it with the Neighborhood Safety Summit.
Volunteer Prolzram
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi explains there are many interns and volunteers that help at the
Police Department and the Police Department's events such as the Poker Run and the
Community Picnic.
Poker Run
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members the Poker Run will take place on Saturday,
November 1 at Clarke Grub & Pub and she has flyers to distribute; registration starts at 9:30
a.m. There are five different stops, including Mama Lillie's Pub & Sub in Zellwood, Al's
Landing in Tavares, Graffiti Junction in Clermont, Rustik in Ocoee, and ends at Clarke Grub &
Pub also in Ocoee. All monies collected go towards our Holiday Toy Program for Kids in Need
and so far the Police Department has collected about $3,000 from this event. Vice -Chair Laney
asks where are the toys stored, to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies at the Police
Department, and towards the end of the year the toys are moved to a big room and organized by
age and gender to make it easier to pack. The room looks like Santa's Workshop. Vice -Chair
Laney asks if there are enough volunteers for the Poker Run and Staff - liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi
replies yes, she believes there are but anyone interested is welcome since people are needed at
every stop. Member Santana asks if there are any refreshments or foods offered to which
CACOPD Meeting
October 23, 2014
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies there will be a light breakfast at the Clarke Grub & Pub and
other places have offered two -for -one specials and such; participants pay the business but the
rates are reduced. She continues by saying she will be sending an email with all the information.
Founders' Day
Vice -Chair Laney states the CACOPD always sets up a tent to provide information and
handouts and asks Staff- Liaison Sgt. lannuzzi how many people she needs for that day; Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies since this is a City event she will find out what else is needed from
the Police Department aside from security and will get back with the board members regarding
the tent. Vice -Chair Laney suggests the tent be put up and people can volunteer or have the
Police Explorers at the tent; she asks for volunteers. Member Santana asks when the car show
takes place because he wishes to attend and would not volunteer for that time, and Member
Alcuri replies it is on November 7. Vice -Chair Laney adds it falls on Friday so it will not
interfere with Saturday's events, if he would like to volunteer.
Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. Video
Vice -Chair Laney suggests using university students to create a video such as the one created
by the same students for Week of the Family that runs on Bright House Networks. Staff - Liaison
Sgt. Iannuzzi interjects to inform the board members the car show will take place on Saturday,
November 8, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Vice -Chair Laney continues by saying she will
try to get the group of university students to come for Founders' Day and Member Santana asks
if there is a cost associated with producing the video to which Vice -Chair Laney replies no.
Discussions ensued.
Quarterly Award for Officer
Vice -Chair Laney asks if there are any nominations for the Officer of the Third Quarter 2014
and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi continues by saying she brought some statistics concerning the
nominated officers that can help the board members make a decision. Member Santana asks
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi for the information since it is hard to choose and Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Iannuzzi continues by saying one of the Nominees is a Detective and they do not perform traffic
stops; also, the Officer in Nomination # 3 is a School Resource Officer who does not make
traffic stops either. The Officer in Nomination #1 completed 21 offense reports, 19 arrests,
answered 595 calls for service, 55 citations and 180 traffic stops. The Officer in Nomination #2
completed six offense reports, one arrest, 231 calls for service, 39 citations and 94 traffic stops.
The Officer in Nomination 43 completed five offense reports, 5 arrests, 63 calls for service, 1
citation and 4 traffic stops; this Officer is a School Resource Officer. Both Officers in
Nominations 41 and #2 work the midnight shift on opposite squads.
Member Alcuri made a motion to select the Officer in Nomination 94 for Officer of the Third
Ouarter 2014, seconded by Member Ball
Member Santana likes the Officer in Nomination #3.
Member Zielinski made a motion to select the Officer in Nomination 41 for Officer of'the Third
Quarter 2014, seconded by Member Titus.
Discussions ensued on the nominations.
CACOPD Meeting
October 23, 2014
The motion made by Member Santana to select the Officer in Nomination 43 for Officer o f the
Third Quarter 2014 was seconded by Vice -Chair Laney.
Discussions ensued on the statistics for the nominees and the type of cases for which they were
nominated. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi continued by explaining there are four or five officers
in charge of documenting gang activity but the Police Department is trying to narrow it down to
only one point of contact and if that is so, the Officer in Nomination #3 would be the point of
contact. The School Resource Officer found out gang members had not been appropriately
entered in the system and was able to correct it.
A vote was called and the motion made by Member Zielinski to select the Officer in Nomination
41 for Officer of the Third Quarter, seconded by Member Titus passed 3 -1 -2 with Member
Santana voting for the Officer in Nomination 43 (1) and Member Alcuri, and Member Ball (2)
voting or the Officer in Nomination # 4.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi revealed the name of the Officer in Nomination 41 as Ofc. Brandon
Kerr, who is an officer with less than one year on the job. She continues by saying all the
nominees are excellent officers who consistently do great work. Member Santana asks Vice -
Chair Laney at what time does she present the award and she replies at 7:15 p.m. during the
Commission Meeting, most probably during the month of December. Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Iannuzzi will email the board members with the exact date of the award presentation.
Recording Clerk Garza states she is not certain the vote for the Officer selected for Officer of
the Third Quarter 2014 is a majority vote since there are six members present and thee voted for
the Officer in Nomination #l. A decision was made to vote again for the Officer of the Third
Quarter 2014 as follows:
A vote was called again and the motion made by Member Zielinski to select the Officer in
Nomination 41 for• Officer of the Third Quarter, seconded by Member Titus passed 5 - I with
Member Alcuri voting for the Officer in Nomination # 4.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi continues by saying the Officer in Nomination # 2 is Ofc. Scott
Jacoby, the Officer in Nomination # 3 is School Resource Officer Stephanie Roberts, and the
Officer in Nomination 44 is Detective Leo Gomez.
Activity Report
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi provides the board members with a packet containing UCR
(Uniform Crime Reporting) comparisons for the months of July, August and September or this
year versus the same months last year. She continues by explaining this report contains different
kinds of crimes such as homicides, rapes, burglaries and so on, and if the same have gone up or
down since last year. She also provides them with copies of the Calls for Service report which is
broken down by week. Member Santana asks how Ocoee looks as far as crime and Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies Ocoee actually looks good; she adds she will keep bringing these
types of comparisons to the meetings; she continues to explain the reports to the board members.
Discussions ensue on the report. Member Santana asks about the clearance rate to which Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies these are cases that have been closed or solved; a high clearance
rate is good. Member Zielinski states overall we are up 9% in total offenses per month to which
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies that the most important part of the report is that the violent
crimes have decreased and Member Zielinski agrees by saying the shoplifting, larcenies and
CACOPD Meeting
October 23, 2014
other similar crimes are thriving. Vice -Chair Laney is looking forward to these types of reports
in future meetings because they are very informative, and she takes the opportunity to thank
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi for the information. Member Santana asks about the stolen and
recovered firearms section of the report which shows 7,700 stolen firearms and Staff - Liaison
Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members she will find out what the number reflect. Discussions
ensued on how property is hard to track especially if the owner does not have a serial number as
opposed to vehicles, which are easier to track due to VIN numbers. Vice -Chair Laney adds it
may be a good idea to include a reminder in the water bill to keep serial numbers for your
property. Member Alcuri said you can email the serial numbers to yourself to have them saved.
Member Zielinski agrees this is a good idea. Discussions ensued. Member Santana asks
when is the next Kicks -for -Guns program taking place and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies
not yet because there was one in August; initially the person would trade a gun for a pair of
shoes or a gift card for a shoe store but now the person gets a $50 gift card to Walmart; this event
is held once a year in August and it takes place county -wide. Discussions ensued on the Kicks -
for -Guns program and what happens to the collected firearms. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi
hands out maps with the zones in the city and the different types of crimes and where they are
happening which is useful information for officers. Member Zielinski asks which zone covers
Maguire Rd. and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies it is in zone three; she continues to explain
the different zones outlined in the map and adds there are one or two officers per zones at any
one given time in the day. Vice -Chair Laney thanks Staff- Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi for the valuable
information and Staff - Liaison Sgt. lannuzzi replies the Police Department also brings this
information to HOA meetings to help educate the citizens on how to report crimes to make this a
smoother process and save time; she explains in most instances it is better to call from home
instead of the station because an officer is already present in each of the zones and can get to the
caller faster that way. Discussions ensued. Member Ball asks if a person owns a home security
system, how long is the response time during an emergency and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi
replies there are many variables, but approximately ten to fifteen minutes. Member Alcuri adds
he has instructed his alarm company to call the Police Department directly and not him to
shorten the response time. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi also tells the board members about the
House Check Request and how to obtain one.
Set Next Aizenda
A. Election of Chairperson for 2015
B. Election of Vice - Chairperson for 2015
C. Election of Treasurer for 2015
D. Budget Update
E. Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
F. Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
G. Update on Anti - Bullying Campaign /Children's Expo
H. Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
L Update on Community Picnic
J. Volunteer Program
K. Update on Poker Run
L. Update on Founders' Day
M. Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. video
N. Officer of the Quarter Award, Officer of the Year Award,
Civilian of the Year Award
Volunteer of the Year Award,
CACOPD Meeting
October 23, 2014
O. Activity Report
P. Set Next Agenda
Vice -Chair Laney states for the record there are no questions or comments from the public.
Member Titus asks if it is possible to have an officer come to each meeting so everyone can
meet the officers working in the City; he continues by saying he does not know most of the
Police Officers. Member Zielinski agrees and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she will ask
if this is possible. Vice -Chair Laney interjected by saying that during the award presentations,
there are many officers and pointed out this is also a very good opportunity to meet them.
Member Zielinski asks how many officers are there in the Police Department and Staff - Liaison
Sgt. Iannuzzi replies close to 80; Vice -Chair Laney asks how many females and Staff - Liaison
Sgt. Iannuzzi replies 13. Member Ball asks about the officer in the news who was not
answering his calls and Channel 9 did not portray the Police Department in a good way because
they wanted to interview Chief Brown, he was out of town and no one came to talk to the news;
Member Ball wanted to know what the situation actually was. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi
explains it was an Internal Affairs investigation that has since been closed and the public has
access to the information; she continues by saying it is a very unfortunate incident with Ofe.
Ortiz. Member Zielinski asks if he is still working for Ocoee and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi
replies he was terminated; she continues by saying currently there is not a designated Public
Information Officer but the Police Department is working on that. She would like to be the
Public Information Officer and has had training in that area. Discussions ensued on this topic
and the upcoming International Association of Police Chiefs. Member Santana asks what
measures, if any, is the Ocoee Police Department taking in view of the terrorist attacks in Canada
and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies at this very moment an explosives and bombs block
training is taking place at the Police Department; also there is an active shooter training.
Discussions ensued.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:49 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Madele' arza,- Recording Clerk
r c .
Rob McKey, Chairman